#and years later i remember it and its still a bop
potter-inthe-tardis · 5 months
A hear me out, unironic bop!
I'm rewatching the series of unfortunate events show, and I remembered this song from my childhood, so I had to go look it up, and yes it's still a bop!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
Hey! I still want some Sakura! Reader, but its fine if you dont want to write one. Basically, after their marriage with their lovers, they have 2 children together, the eldest is a boy and the youngest is a girl, maybe 4-5 years age gap?
So, their son train under their father while their daughter decided to become healer like reader. Right after their training, the son and RoR character decided to check on reader and their daughter, maybe for a meal together only to see reader and daughter duking it out, destroying their entire surrounding when their punches/fists met.
RoR character is just looked on, used to reader's strength while their son, who was unaware of reader's strength begin sweating. Then the son remember how the RoR characters had said that he had asked reader to punch him once to asses her strength and their son immediately shouted in shock and disbelief.
Son: How are you still alive?!
-(Love) adored you, he has for years now, but now he has more to adore with the children he created with you, a son and daughter.
-You were an amazing mother, handling not only the pregnancy and the births with ease, but also raising the children while also dealing with him and your duties, it was honestly amazing how well rounded you were!
-Your daughter had been begging to start training with you, to be like her big brother, who was 8 while she was only 5, as she sees him training with her papa all the time and she wants to do it too, seeing it as playing.
-(Love) and you had discussed it, and after one hell of a puppy eye look from your daughter, you agreed, and you started her off with strength and endurance training first, running and exercising, but she didn’t mind, as she felt like it was like playing and she was like her big brother!
-There had been some hesitation about you training her, due to your unnatural strength, the result of hard work and grueling training when you were younger, but your daughter wasn’t one to give up easily, she was stubborn, just like her father.
-It was a quiet day, after several months of training, when your son and (Love) were returning home from their own training and they felt the earth shaking around them, thinking it was an earthquake and they ran for the house.
-Moments later they were both gawking, watching you showing off your strength, chasing after your daughter, punching the ground where she was, creating craters while your daughter was giggling, easily dodging. She learned how to train by thinking everything was a game.
-You were laughing too, having fun with your daughter while the men were staring; (Love) looked impressed, seeing you showcasing your skills again and impressed with the dodging skills of your daughter.
-It was your son who was gaping, as he knew that the two of you met in Ragnarok, where you were fighting each other, and seeing how easily you were destroying the yard, moving so fast to keep up with his sister, and laughing at the same time.
-His eye lid was twitching lightly, “How the hell did you survive fighting against mama?” the two of you stopped, noticing them and you came over, bopping your son lightly on the head with the back of your hand, not hurting him in the slightest, “Language young man. How was training?”
-Your son gushed about the new techniques he was learning as (Love) kneeled as your daughter ran over, hugging her tightly as she gushed to him about the game the two of you had been playing.
-(Love) and you wouldn’t change your world for anything, this was peace for the both of you, living together with your little family.
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strawberryspence · 2 years
happy birthday @henderdads! this one's for you my beautiful friend! i am extremely glad you were born! 🍰🥂🥳
Truthfully, Steve didn't think he'd live past nineteen. He remembers not wanting to get past twenty.
After everything. After having fought and surviving five silent wars, after studying and graduating, after teaching for years, after being a father, a son, a brother and a friend.
After everything. After Steve lived his life the best he could, he settles down.
He settles down in a field, just outside the outskirts of his childhood hometown. It's a small cottage, a few miles away from Hopper's old cabin. It's usually empty now, but it's there when the gremlins want a vacation. When they just want to unplug and find peace.
Somewhere, a few miles down from Steve's, is a tiny hidden house. Its hidden by shades of trees and vines of flowers. Behind it, is Robin and Nancy's cottage. At first, Nancy wasn't really sure about the idea of living in the middle of the forest. But no one— not even her wife— could stop Robin from following Steve to the ends of this world. Now, they live there most of the year, and half they spend in the city.
There's a soft breeze on his face as Steve slowly braids a flower into a crown with shaky hands. It's from the old age, he thinks. But if Robin was here, she would say it's from all the fights. It's muscle memory, as he weaves through the crown. He must've made hundreds of them when Aurora and Arwen was growing up.
Steve's two little princesses. Not that they're little anymore. His little girls are now women. Running about around the country, doing their own things, leaving their marks in this world.
When he finally locks the last end of the stem from the other part, he sighs with relief. The weather is nice. The sun directly hitting him on his face, the wind cascading and making the trees shake. The sound of it so relaxing, his eyes flutter shut. Steve lays his back on the picnic blanket, he knows he'll regret it later, but what the hell?
He thinks about the life he has lived and the life he is still living. Seventeen year old Steve Harrington didn't even think he would reach this age, didn't think he'd ever be this happy. But here he is. Comfortable in his wrinkly skin, happy.
There's leaves crunching as he hears the soft footsteps of someone walking to him.
Steve peeps an eye open, and at first he doesn't see anything but the bright beam of the sun. But the figure moves, blocking the sun and everything in Steve's whole axis stops.
The figure smiles down at him. There's a few more wrinkles on his face when he smiles. The scar on his left cheek is barely even there anymore. His hair tucked into a small bun and when the wind blows, there's tiny wisps of hair that moves along. He's beautiful. He's always been beautiful. It's been more than forty years, and Eddie Munson still leaves him breathless.
There's rustling as Eddie kneels and sits beside him on the picnic blanket, "Sweetheart, I told you not to lay on the ground. Your back is going to hurt tonight. I swear to God if you say a damn word about it."
Steve snickers, holding out a hand so he can get some help to sit up. Eddie glares at him but takes it, helping him to sit up and sag against the trunk of the tree shading them.
"It's my birthday, Eds. I deserve the birthday massage."
Eddie raises an eyebrow at him, "The birthday massage I gave you this morning wasn't enough?"
Steve feels himself blush, nudging his elbow on Eddie, "Shut up."
Eddie laughs. Open, loud and free. Steve will never get tired of hearing it. He moves closer to kiss Steve's cheek, "I can't believe you still blush over the shit I say. We basically have nine nuggets together, that's more than you wanted."
Steve groans, "Will you ever let the Winnebago thing go?"
Eddie smirks at him, bopping his nose with his finger, "Never."
Steve rolls his eyes, but moves closer to deposit the flower crown he made on Eddie's head. The colorful flowers brighten up his whole face, making him look like an actual prince.
"My prince." Steve whispers as he kisses Eddie. It's a chaste kiss. Soft, wonderful, familiar; his husband's lips.
Steve has lived a life with his husband. It's not really Steve who wanted to settle down and retire in the cottage in the first place. It was Eddie.
When he finally got tired of the glitz and glam of Hollywood. Eddie wanted to run away, to somewhere quiet, to some place they could call their home. Steve found this little cottage for the two of them, because he wants to give Eddie everything. But most of all he wants to give him peace. He still writes a few songs. Because he's the most passionate about that. He usually sells it to some newer, younger singer.
"You want to blow your cake?" Eddie asks, pulling him out of his thoughts. Steve didn't even notice that Eddie was holding a small box.
"You know Dustin will be mad if he finds out, right?" Steve asks, as Eddie pulls out the cake from the box. He helps him though, as Eddie sticks a few candles on the homemade cake.
"Eh. What he doesn't know won't hurt him." Eddie winks at him from behind his glasses. He flickers the lighter open and lights the candles.
The wind gives them mercy for a tiny while. The candle fire sway with the wind but doesn't die.
"Come on, big boy. Make a wish."
Steve watches as Eddie holds up the cake in front of him. There's a message on it, written in messy cursive writing. It says, "Happy 60th Birthday, Steve!"
Steve has spent so many birthdays, waking up to this exact image. Eddie holding up a birthday cake and asking him to make a wish. And though, Eddie's older now, with a few more wrinkles and some white hairs, his eyes will always still be that same shade of brown, the same one Steve stared at and fell in love with as Eddie held a broken bottle against his neck. Steve swears he will never get tired of it.
Steve smiles and blows on his candles.
"What did you wish for, Stevie?" Eddie smiles at him, tender and fond and filled with love.
"If I say it, it won't come true." Steve answers, making Eddie roll his eyes.
From inside the cottage, they hear a familiar voice shouting, "Dad! Papa! I am here! I picked up Auntie Rob on the way over. Cause you know, she's always late."
Even from far away, they can hear the gasp of surprise Robin lets out. "Aurora Eunice Munson-Harrington! You really are your fathers daughter!"
There is a cacophony of laughter and giggling. It sounds just like home.
Eddie turns at him, standing up slowly as he offers his hand to Steve.
"Let's go?"
Steve takes it happily, "Let's go."
As he walks towards his home, he sighs in content.
Steve didn't wish for anything else, not when he has everything he has ever wanted. Instead, he whispers a soft gratitude to whatever Deity decided that he deserves this life.
Steve's just glad he decided to live past nineteen to see— to have— this life made just for him.
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thegongoozlerreacts · 10 months
Dead Plate (Part 1)
hello!! its been a while since ive posted but here i am!!! so this game is Dead Plate created by STUDIO INVESTIGRAVE
i had played one of their games before, Elevator Hitch, and i really really enjoyed it! so im very excited for this new game that theyve released
though, this game is probably really different from Elevator Hitch, because that game was a visual novel type of game while this one has restaurant tycoon gameplay
still, im very excited
i hope i can get all the endings today (but probably not) as always, spoilers under the cut!
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i know its literally just the title screen BUT it looks very classy
also the music? its a bop like yo BellKalengar is the composer and sound designer and like yo!! amazing job its literally just the title screen and im amazed already LMFAO
alright then lets begin
lolol i like the way they named the buttons for doing the tutorial, skipping the tutorial or just leaving the game on auto progress time to show up at 5 am then
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the art is really cute these characters are really cute too esp the protag
i know its just the tutorial but i am very nervous LOL doing service jobs make me nervous (even tho this is only a fictional one)
bro protag why did u skim the interview thing 😭 is that why u've had 28 jobs in 7 years 💀
ooh interesting the cooks have an order in which they cook meals i need to remember that
wow so theres a lot to do huh theres seating the customers, taking their orders, bringing those orders to the kitchen, serving the food, going to the cash register to take their payments, cleaning up the tables AND throwing out the trash its a lot more than i was expecting,,,, lol good luck to me i guess
so like fun fact im actually not that good at playing games LOL esp this kind of game where theres like people and they have like a happy meter kind of thing going on i wonder if any of the endings will be tied to how well we do during the work day ?? probably
also can i just say that the music is really good i like the kinda jazzy (is that the right word??) vibes going on
it makes me less nervous about serving customers since its very chill LOL
there is a right answer and i have no idea what it is im gonna lose my mind please. ok well lets pick an answer
im gonna go 'no' since the restaurant has a strict menu that changes daily right? so maybe they wouldnt do to-go boxes or ordering ahead and stuff (RIGHT???)
oh phew ok i picked the right one
LOL the banter between the protag and the tutorial guy (i dont know his name)
??? what the hell this customer just left right as i got the food bro 😭😭 have some patience damn this aint a fast food place
now i have to throw away this perfectly good meal (sorry cooks)
oh no now the real game is starting uhh aight alright then lets go
ok so that was like only three customers, i did pretty well but the day's not over yet shdajhsdsakhj i feel like a disaster n it was only three customers LMAO
oh it was only 3 customers for day 1 nice (i got jumpscared by the sound effect for the day ending LFMAO)
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ooh green onion rolls,,, it looks good damn now i want to eat LOL
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the music for this area is pretty chill tho
the window has a horrible view its just another building
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oho? she? who???
bro dont leave the dishes for later thats sooo gross
i am appalled at the protag's lifestyle i cant even
so he has not finished writing lyrics and love letters for this girl he mentioned earlier the game is not revealing her name and im wondering why hmm its very sus
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sorry im laughing so hard??? its mostly empty except for some cans and the fucking green onion rolls im cackling?? they look so out of place in this fridge LMFAO
bro how are you so bad at cooking that you burnt food in the microwave??? what are you doing???
wait. is his bed the couch???? bro i feel so bad for this guy
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he biked through the rain,,,,, and he thought doing it fast would dry him,,, in the rain,,,,, im starting to understand why he somehow managed to burn cereal
he doesnt own an umbrella
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aww this is cute thanks boss
he LIVES here??? wow damn his apartment is upstairs thats very cool
LOL protag keep ur mouth shut
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day 2 here we go
SHIT HELP I TOOK TOO LONG ONE OF THE CUSTOMERS LEFT NOOO im restarting jkdsljlds its a good thing i saved
ahh i did way better this time but the day ended right as i was about to take out the trash LOL
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oooh those look tasty too
oops ok so like i started day 3 right
well i was like 'i'll take out the trash before serving any customers' so that i can just easily clean up the tables right
uhh but then suddenly this happened ??? so like protag dropped the bag and cut their finger and the boss is having an odd reaction to the sight of blood methinks
bro he just slapped him then was like 'oh dw someone else will clean it up' hello???? you just slapped ???? me ???
ok then moving on to the rest of the day i guess??
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kinda weird looking but it still looks appetizing (the magic of art LOL)
oh shit theres a magazine ?? oops im gonna go back and read through previous ones oh nevermind its just the same one lmao
ohhh so this is where i buy items ok aight
and this catalogue is how our protag knew about the job for a waiter it also has an interview with our boss (Chef Vincent Charbonneau, i finally know his name) about the low number of employees i was wondering why we were the only waiter in the restaurant and i guess thats why
ok i bought the rollerskates cuz i need to be faster for the customers
oh and u can interact w the telephone to call 'her' but she doesnt pick up oof
sorry what is happening right now
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what is that weird squelching sound?!?!?
BRO?? WTF WAS THAT ??? so like his body felt itchy, pressed Z to scratch and then suddenly lines were all over his body and then knives came out and i am so very confused
i think that was just a dream but what a weird nightmare
i guess onto day 4 then ?? at least i have my sick new rollerskates now
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ooh that looks tasty
man i think im too slow cuz the timer always runs out while one more customer is still around lmfao, oh well
oh shit another nightmare
ohh so i can only equip one item at a time hmmm well since i bought the watch anyways i guess i'll use it
PFFT A CUSTOMER LEFT SORRY LADY,, she was waiting to be seated but i was preoccupied with serving food oopsies
restarting the day then
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the nightmare hmm is the protag's name Rody since thats what it says on the label
ok im just gonna use the rollerskates this time
restarting again,,,,
should i just let it go? probably but im not going to
ok well youve not seen it but i have restarted day 5 soo many times and i am hungry so,,, here's where i'll leave it for today
even though i am struggling and getting frustrated, im really enjoying the game so far! i wish i wasnt so terrible at playing it so i could see more of the story LOL
like what is up with the boss? who is this girl that the protag likes so much? what is up with his weird nightmares??? and will i ever be able to finish day 5 ?????
tune in next time LOL byebyeee
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Extinct Disney Parks and Attractions tournament round 2: Group C
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Reminder, you don't have had to experience any of the attractions/experiences to vote! Just read in the info and/or watch the vid,then vote for which you wish you would have experienced more/which sounds cooler!
Videos and propaganda/info dumping under cut
Main Street Electrical Parade: Disneyland/DCA (1972-1974, 1977-1982, 1985-1996, 2001-2009(DCA), 2009-2010(DCA), 2017-2017, 2019-2019, 2022-2022), Disney World/Magic Kingdom (1977-1991, 1999-2001, 2010-2016), Tokyo Disneyland (1985-1995, Updated version 2001 'dream lights' still running), Disneyland Paris (1992-2003)
While its no Spectromagic, its still one of, if not the most iconic Disney parade of all time! And the song is a BOP
Legend of the Lion King: Magic Kingdom (1994-2002)
"Guys, I was like 8 years old or so when they announced this was closing, and years later, im 26, I still remember exactly where I was and how I reacted when my dad told me. Thats how upset I was. This show was so magical and just had SO much heart and the puppetry is just incredible!!! I remember thinking my dad was talking about Festival of the Lion King in Animal Kingdom at first, so originally I was like "oh, okay" and he was like "???? uhhh that is one of your favorites" and then I realized it was the Magic Kingdom one, lets just say I like cried my eyes out on the bathroom floor xD"
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the-sprog · 5 months
I'm watching Sonic prime because you can't give me multiverse and unlikely allies and think I won't watch it.
But this is the first piece of Sonic media I've ever consumed (sonic underground doesn't count cause I remember nothing of it, and neither do the films) so. Live blog lmao.
-"Shadow is... Complicated. More on that later" can't wait bro
-Ok rouge the bat is a good guy? I thought she was vaguely anti hero ish.
-what the fuck is a paradox emerald. I stopped at chaos emeralds. What's the difference? How are they created? This one was just... In a cave???
-"sonic boom of a headache" ah ah I see what you did there.
-whats with the knuckles slander!!!
-so they're not allowed to talk to other people I guess?
-why are they making it seem like it's his shoes that make him fast????
-are rings currency? I was under the impression they were currency. Why is he looking for cash rn
-he knows what smog is. How does he know what smog is. He lives in a forest.
Does he live in a forest? It's like... All green.
-What is the prism shatter??? Do they mean the paradox emerald? So sure they called it the paradox emerald and not the paradox prism.
-Yes I know he insulted sonic as well but I think sonic deserved it in that moment.
-ok shadow was just. There. Dudes not even helping. You live here you asshole! Do your part!
-"Tails never gets upset" that's unhealthy!
-is 1992 the year the first sonic game came out? Something tells me that's the year Sonic's first game came out.
-...what's the difference between a trap and a trick?
-why Rouge! The only thing I know is that you're a cat!
-the fact the place IS called "the loop-de-loop" and it's not just what Sonic calls it is. Priceless.
-ngl I thought sonic was gonna be more... Sassy? Clever? WITTY! but no. He's a lot more like how I imagined Knuckles to be. Knuckles is my favorite btw. I know nothing of him other than he's vaguely mean and dumb. But not like Shadow's angsty edgy mean. More like a jock kinda mean.
-also no one explained why it's called the paradox prism. Or why Rouge knows what it is/that that's what Eggman was looking for.
-oh there you go end of flashback. Also where the FUCK is shadow. How later sonic? How much later?
-Rusty Rose?? That's Amy isn't it? Like Evil alternate universe Amy.
-i don't know who Babbles is.
-Ok no it isn't.
- I don't understand what the shoes malfunctioning means. Is his speed artificial??? Are they like Spider-man's web-shooters?
-Also Rose said there were other rebels. Wonder if it's the same squad- oh they answered my question. Rouge is not Rebel. And I guess Knuckles is also a rebel. Don't know if Tails is gonna be good or not. Cause I remember seeing something about a Tails with robot... Tails.
-ok I was right. His name is... Nine? Also these episodes are really long.
-oh he still has the regular tails. It's more of a doc oc situation. I thought they were prosthetics.
-GEEZ "I was trained by the misery of life and this dark and heartless city" GEEZ
-gonna assume he's gonna be like "why'd you save me??? Why would you do this for me??"
-oh lord game footage that's cool as shit.
-sonic is not gonna pierce this together is he? And Nine is not gonna be like "yeah alright this guy is insane"
-MR.DR.EGGMAN. that's... Too much.
-Aww they're doing a little Tails bragging moment. Talking about how they're friends that's sweet.
-CHAOS COUNCIL? We're back to the chaos nomenclature??? what happened to the paradox shit? the hardest part of this is not that I don't have any sonic knowledge, it's that I have SOME sonic lore knowledge gained through osmosis and it's clashing with the lore that they're trying to establish in this cartoon.
-Nine is going for the full spider aesthetic huh?
-yeah. the tails are cool. I've always liked tails too, he's just too smart for me and i feel awkward when i don't understand him.
-COOL SHOES UPGRADE. Ok so the shoes are like... making it so that he doesn't explode due to the natural energy in his body, which i assume is what makes him fast. and that he'd be faster if he didn't have them, but also... more explode-y.
-Oh the baby is back. I don't know how to feel about the baby.
-Ok that's an pixar's incredibles looking trap.
-OH SHIT SHE'S A ROBOT? oh not a robot. Rose is a cyborg and the way she talks about it amkes me sad.
-Nine??? is good or?? confused about his alliances.
-What. who. what. there's a whole family??? is... eggman their dad or?? who's the mom?
-of course he has hair in this "perfect" universe.
-are they like the chaos emeralds that can fuse to become the master emerald? and part of a whole??
-what's with casual dehumanization
-gosh he's such a dumbass but like an annoying one but also like indearingly so?
-I'm never gonna remember which eggaman is which. except babbles cause. yknow. toddler.
-omg the lasers effect is so ucking cool!! thay's a real nice scene ahhhh-
-they're like video games levels. alright. for now I'm really enying the visuals and the storytelling methods. on the story itself i'll see when it really gets going.
-oh no.
-ok I like the baby.
-OH THE PLOT THICKENS! the same energy as what powers the city? is the city powered by the emeralds? or by like- SHADOW??? IS THAT YOU-
-oh flashback 2. I don't know why but somethign about Tails' design looked... off. he felt naked. does he usually have like a scarf? goggles?
-Knuckled is just... hanging on the plane oh lord i'm dying.
-WHAT DO THE RINGS DO??? "in case eggeman gers in a lucky shot: rings" what??
-DOES SHADOW HAVE ROLLERBLADES?? ok he's raising on my list of favourite characters.
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jacobwren · 6 months
“Everything was going along fine, until one day I went into the office and Ernie was doing a union contract for an album by a new artist named Prince. There was nothing strange about doing a contract for a band that we did not actually play with. We did a lot of work documenting and legalizing projects for bands that did their own producing, arranging, and recording and paid themselves however they saw fit. But even self-contained bands had to file union contracts to properly document the project and make it legal. The odd thing about this particular contract was that all the instruments were played by the same person: Prince. We kind of chuckled at the time, not knowing that this particular contract marked the beginning of the end of the recording business as we knew it. Every instrument that was not a synthesizer was also played by Prince. Synthesized horns, synthesized strings, and percussion. The real bad thing about the album was that it was very funky and sounded very good. I went from making a comfortable living doing horn and string arrangements and other odd assignments to scuffling, trying to make it on just the odd assignments. Horns and strings became obsolete in less than one year. Everyone who ever thought that they could do music was piecing together decent albums by using synthesized sounds for almost all the instruments. Not only strings and horns, but drums, bass, and a plethora of keyboard sounds. Guitar players were the only real musicians who still got calls to do sessions. And there was a marked decrease in guitar calls, because many of the producers were themselves guitar players and jumped at the chance to do their own drums, bass, keyboards, horns and strings. Like Prince, most of the new producers were also singers. Music that would formerly have required a large studio, a competent engineer, a small army of great musicians, and lots of money was now being produced in people’s bedrooms by would-be musicians who worked at the post office during the day. That was the real hurting part of the whole situation: most of these new producers didn’t really have a musical background. What they had was a love for music and the ability to read and understand the manual. As the price of synthesizers and sequencers went down, more and more people with less and less real musical knowledge or talent became geniuses in the music business. The situation left us real musicians floundering around, trying to convince record-company executives and ourselves that this was just a passing fad and that the public would demand real music again soon. Deep down in our old-school hearts, we knew that this was it. I personally remember when my father used to tell me that bebop was just a passing fad, that big band was the perennial jazz music, and that swing would last forever. I remember when my peers and I thought that rock and roll was just a little crazy thing that would fade out with Little Richard’s make-up. I had no idea that forty years later I would still be hearing “wop bop a loo bop ba lop bam boom.” History has dictated that trends move forward, never backward, although present-day music, with its sampled and rare grooves and ‘70s and ‘80s nostalgia, would somewhat dispute that theory.” – Fred Wesley Jr., Hit Me, Fred: Recollections of a Sideman  
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ask-carmenpondiego · 6 months
Chapter 13: How Wonderful Life Is Now You’re In The World
Later that day, Wally and Carmen were walking through the gardens at VILE. She was catching him up on everything that happened. “So, within a week you went from just you and M, to all these agents? And its been this way for years?! I gotta say thats pretty impressive but didja have to go back to stealing? You know I have money enough in the banks..” he said, holding her hand. She shook her head, “We couldn’t touch it. They took it all and froze it. I was hunted.” She paused and pulled away, turning from him and wraps her arms around herself. “Wally, I… don’t know what to do. How to feel.. I thought you were dead. I had to move on. I had nothing else.” He placed a gentle hooked finger under her chin and turned her head towards him, he gave his warmest smile, “But I’m right here. We can pick up where we left off. Sure the kids are being watched, so it may be back like we were dating. Remember our first meeting? You were having a bad day and I came along and tried to help you..” Carmen chuckled, “We were at the library. I was trying to figure out some details on architecture of ancient greek temples so I could see how to safely transport them. And you were looking for vintage comics.”
He laughed, “I just remember looking your way and I could not stop staring. I had to get your number.” She nodded, “I kept rejecting you because I thought I had no time for romance. I still kinda think that I shouldn’t jump back in right away. I still need to get the kids back and its still not safe for them to be here. It just wouldn’t work.” She pulled away again, only to hear him start singing, “All you need is love~….”
“Not this again.”
“All you need is love~…”
“You cant lure me this time.”
“All you need is loooove~”
“Your love is just not for me.”
“I was made for loving you, baby, you were made for loving me~”
He reached out for her hand as he sang the same serenade as their first day in the library. “The only way of loving me, baby, is if you promise not to leave.” She sang back, smirking. “Just one night. Just one night.” He begs her, down on one knee. “Theres no way, I wont sway.” He gets up and picks a rose, belting out as he hands it to her, “In the naaame of love. Just one night in the name of looove~” she sighs and takes the rose, bopping him gently on the head with it, laughing. “You crazy fool, what will I do with you?” She didn’t want to admit it but his silly romantics was worming its way into her heart again, he smiled and hugged her tightly, “Dont… leave me this way. I won’t survive without your sweet love.. please don’t leave me this way..” he barely sang that verse, his voice trembling and cracking, tightening the embrace.
Carmen blinked and hesitated before hugging him back, not singing back but assuring him. “Alright.. I suppose we could be lovers once again..” she blinked back tears, nuzzling into him. She could feel him smile before he lifted his head to look into her eyes then kissed her deeply. Blushing, she kissed as deeply back, wrapping her arms around his neck. He took her by the hand and they hurried to the mansion and into Carmen’s room, giggling and laughing like high school sweethearts.
Lekir, Asta and Drake were sitting on the couch, playing a console game together, Lekir’s ear twitches as she looked over her shoulder, furrowing her brow. “Should I ask her how this is going to work? I don’t want to be put on the sidelines now that the hubby’s back.” She frets. Drake looked over to where the two love-horses scurried off and looked at Lekir. “Honestly I wouldn’t worry about it. She’s been with you for fifteen years already. I doubt she’ll forget about you that quickly. This is what? His first night back in her life since then? Give them like a week or so to catch up.”
Lekir sighs and settles back into the game, seeing that Drake’s character had killed her character, crying out in protest. “Oh COME ON!! I was distracted!!” Drake roared in laughter.
The sun rose the next morning, shining in the window of Carmen’s room. She was nestled in pillows and her comforter and blinked at the window, just waking up. She turned over, groaning slightly as she snuggled in and curled up deeper into the covers…and came nose to nose with Waldo. “Good morning, my sunshine.” Carmen yelped out in surprise and leaped back, effectively falling off the side of the bed. Groaning she rubs her hip where she fell, Waldo peeking over the side, “Are you ok? That wasn’t the reaction I was expecting..” Carmen looked up and the sun’s light beaming onto his face made it look even more like a dream. “Is this.. real? Or am I still dreaming?” She questioned as she reached up to his face, caressing it. She sniffed and frowned in confusion, “Do I smell burnt toast? Ooh no. I’m finally having a stroke, aren’t I? This is how I die. Fallen out of bed, naked, on the floor… not in an impressive shootout on a heist.. “ Waldo laughed and held out his hand, “You’re not dead yet! Here, I’ll help you up. I made you breakfast!” She gripped his hand and stood up, her legs still wobbly from the night before.
She leans on the bed and stares at him, smiling. “So you really did come back. I was afraid it was all a dream. It feels so surreal..” He walks around the bed to her, setting on her nightstand a tray of slightly burnt toast and an attempt of eggs over easy. “Sorry, I was never as good in the kitchen as you were. I just wanted to see you happy.” He rubs the back of his neck as she took the plate and ate a few bites. She made a grimaced face with a smile, chuckling “These eggs are really terrible.. but they will do. Thank you, my love.”
He kissed her temple and sat beside her, watching her nibble on the toast, which admittedly was much more edible than the eggs. “You even put my favorite apple jelly on it.” She mused. “Does no one give you breakfast in bed? Or cook for you?” He tilted his head. Carmen chuckled, “Oh we all have turns cooking but you are the only one who over-romanticizes the relationship. Which reminds me, we need to have a chat with Lekir at some point. She’s been a loving wife to me these past fourteen years, we couldnt make it official with no body to prove my widow-ship. I want to keep her as my wife but also keep you as my husband.. I know laws only allow one, but I dont want to lose what I have.” She fidgets and wrings her fingers nervously as she spoke. “I had to move on since I had no evidence of your survival nor death for so long… It puts me in this weird and hard situation. Do.. you think you could accept a possible poly situation with me?” Waldo sat and put his hand over her fretting hands. “I will accept anything that makes you happy. I will try not to be jealous, but I will not back off from my amount of affections. I will still shower you with love every time we’re near.” She smiles and nods, standing to get dressed for the day, “I’m glad to hear that. Now we will just need to hear what she says about it.”
“Absolutely not! One: I don’t know the guy, Two: he isn’t my type. He’s too.. soft. Three: I already deal with Asta’s husband, I dont need to be in an actual relationship with another himbo, No offense.” Lekir listed off her reasons, she clarified that she wasn’t in a relationship with Ninoga, she just didnt want to be in a relationship with a himbo in general. Waldo tilted his head, blinking his blue eyes a bit absently. “No offense to what?” Lekir pinched between her eyes, turning to Carmen “Nevermind. What I’m saying is that I’m with you, not him.” Carmen nodded, “Thats fine with me. I’m not asking you to fully commit to him as you do to me. I don’t want to force you to do anything you are not comfortable with.” Lekir thought about it. “So like a V and not a triangle. Got it. Yeah I think that should work.” Carmen and Wally smiled, Carmen sighing in relief. Lekir put up a finger, “But I still will require that ass if we double team you in bed.” Carmen blushed heavily, chewing her inner cheek, she never thought of the idea of both of them in one bed with her. “That… may be a lot of fun.” Lekir licks her muzzle and leans in, nipping Carmen’s ear “If you want, I’m up for it now.” The mare bit her lip and stifled a moan since her ears were a sensitive turn on. “I think I’m good for now. I’m still wobbly from last night.. maybe later though. I actually wanted to go through this new heist I have in mind. I think the loot may help with Wally’s condition.” Wally perked up at the news, “Really? Thats wonderful! Wow.. I have a new lease on life!” Carmen raised her hands, “Hold on, hold on! I said it MIGHT. Its just a theory. The myth tells of a deathless slave who was demonized for his beliefs and is said to have the ability to revive the dead, but if he can do that, I’m sure he may remove any infliction that causes death. We need to be careful with this since the loot is this slave’s death. If we bargain with it, there is still a big chance he will deny us outright. He’s not exactly a saint in the myth. He’s described as malevolent.” Lekir stood from her seat and started to head towards the research halls, “Well, what are we sitting around for? Let’s find out more about this deathless slave.”
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doorplays · 8 months
My Top Ten Games That I Played in 2023
Hello! 2023 has come and gone. I’ve played a decent amount of games across the year. Now that it’s 2024, I want to look back at the games I played and how they affected me. A retrospective! Now that some time has passed between my playing of a game and now, how has that time aged my opinion? I want to know! And I have decided to do it in the form of a top ten list!
This top ten list is NOT the best games released in the year 2023, but rather, the games that I’ve enjoyed the most when I played them during the year of 2023. Most of these games were released during earlier years. What matters more to me really is discovering how these games have left their mark on me.
So thus! Let’s find out!
10: The Forgotten City (2021)
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Read my review here!
I liked its premise. The many shall suffer for the sins of the one. You explore this forgotten city, find out more about its inhabitants, and discover that you’ll have to crack open mysteries upon mysteries. There’s a fair amount of philosophical discussion here, and the characters are well-written. My main qualm about the game back then was its horror elements, as I was and still am averse to jump scares. Surprisingly though, I realized while writing this review that I completely forgot about that aspect of the game! Funny, that. This is considering the fact that I had to get a friend to go on voice chat with me so that I have company playing this game…
While I liked the game, I found it difficult to remember specifics about it other than the feeling of philosophy and mystery. So I guess those were my lasting impressions of this game specifically!
9: PRODUCER 2021 (2022)
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Read my review here!
The gameplay of this game is some standard Visual Novel stuff, but what left an impression on me is its commentary on the artistic process. It is a rather cynical game with a lot to say. I related at points even if I don’t really consider myself an artist. I like its discussions about compost, of all things. What I liked most about this game, I think, was its soundtrack. A lot of bops! The soundtrack is the one that left the most lasting impression on me, though it’s somewhat easy to do that with soundtracks as I can just save them on my Spotify playlists if they’re on there. A nice two hours of gaming, in my opinion!
8: Mask of the Rose (2023)
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Read my review here!
It is rare that I get ensnared by romance stories. I backed this game on Kickstarter cos I am fond of Failbetter’s games. I played it because I enjoy their stories. I didn’t expect to fall in love with so many characters! Rachel, with her sense of self and her writing. Archie, with his good nature. Harjit, with his watchful eyes. Griz, with her determination. There are just so many people to romance and know more of.
I still think of Rachel from time to time. She’s hot and is a person who knows what she wants. I like that sense of certitude in a person.
It’s nice as well to revisit the Fallen London universe. A relatively modern world with an eldritch vibe… it feels unique to me even years later. Re-experiencing it with a dating sim is not how I expected to do it but it is nonetheless very welcome.
7: Forklift Load (2020)
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Read my review here!
Do NOT play this game on mouse and keyboard. Play this with controller!!!
This game really made me feel like I am an utter newbie forced to pilot a forklift. It is a zany concept, but I actually had fun with it. It feels somewhat like a puzzle game, trying to figure out how to go from point A to point B while lifting whatever with your forklift.
What I didn’t expect was for the story to be as cerebral as it was. It goes into some philosophical stuff, and the vibes of the game was unexpectedly calming, even if the gameplay itself was frustrating. I… am uncomfortable with regards to this game’s ending, but overall this game was an interesting experience. The concept was fun enough, and seeing it applied in practice was fun enough for me.
6: Betrayal at Club Low (2022)
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Read my review here!
This was SUCH a fun game. The bombastic music, the fun visuals, the wacky humor, it combines into a world that’s fun to explore. And the gameplay is very fun! Rolling the dice against various challenges makes for interesting decision making, as you also have to manipulate your own stats to stack the odds in your favor. And the pizza dice are a fun mechanic, while also being a funny concept in and of itself. This is just a very creative game from top to bottom, and it makes me wanna experience more games from the dev in the same vein. It just feels so nonstandard yet so fun, which is why it left such an impression on me.
5: Elsinore (2019)
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Read my review here!
Turning Hamlet into a timeloop game was a very inspired choice in my opinion. And it works! Though I guess it worked more for me because this is my first time actually experiencing Hamlet. I enjoyed the characters, their stories, the varied endings, and the unique take on the age-old story.
This game added a lot of stories that didn’t exist in the original, and I think I appreciated that decision a lot. It’s like updating a story for modern audiences. Though I’d argue that this is a wildly different story once you play enough of it. Nonetheless, when I think Hamlet, I will think of this game, and that is pretty much as lasting of an impression as you can get.
4: Hypnospace Outlaw (2019)
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Read my review here!
The 1990’s were 30 years ago!!! I still can’t believe it! And yet here I am, feeling nostalgic for the computer era of the late 90’s. The forums, the pop-ups, the wacky wallpapers, the music. This is such a good game with well-crafted vibes.
And the story!! It feels so real. I think nowadays we rarely think about the simple fact that there is an actual person behind an online persona, but this game can make you confront that reality really well. It’s nice seeing the little quirks people have with designing their own sites, making their own posts, and dealing with their version of the internet. It makes the story hit harder. I’ll think of this game fondly as the perfect time capsule of the past and as a reminder that even the little things matter.
3: The Case of the Golden Idol (2022)
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Read my review here!
I’ve been looking for a game that scratched the same itch as Return of the Obra Dinn (2018) and this game fit the bill perfectly. I really enjoyed the way I had to discover all the evidence, and then having to piece them together to find out what actually happened. And the fact that solving the mystery was ALSO the way the story was told was something I enjoyed a lot. Storytelling AND gameplay neatly folded in together! I’m sure the formula could be improved upon further, but I’m very much excited for more games like this from the devs. I still have a couple of DLC’s from this game to play too!
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Read my review here!
This is such a gripping game. I played this with a bunch of other friends, and watching the movies, experiencing the twists and turns… The simple act of making us interface with the game via the match cut mechanic gives the game a certain mystery, as clicking objects to do the match cut with lead you to random clips. Simple gameplay, but leads to a great experience.
The story is very thrilling, and piecing it together was very fun. It’s like a puzzle game where you have to find each puzzle piece, only that you didn’t know what the overall puzzle picture was and discovering each puzzle piece led you to an existential crisis.
This game made me think about the creative process more deeply than the other games I mentioned here. It made me think of the ways each of us want to leave a mark on this world, to live beyond our own mortality. It made me think of the costs of such ways… This game will be on my mind for a while.
1: Chicory: A Colorful Tale (2021)
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Read my review here!
When I started writing for this game in this article, I just… stopped. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I feel like the effect of this game on me feels… bigger than I thought. This is a game about art, about the artistic process, and also about… depression, burnout, and trauma. I did not expect that getting into the game the first time, but it was good timing for me in a way, as I was dealing with these things in varying measure. It was a therapeutic experience, playing this coloring book of the game while dealing with these topics.
What’s more, it was actually nice getting to color stuff and draw stuff with my brush! Just coloring the various areas in was soothing. And in game, there are actual art classes where you are shown various artpieces that you have to recreate. I enjoyed making my own spin of some art shown in the classes.
Playing this game was an unexpectedly deep experience for me. I feel like it helped me with my own journey to getting better. I initially chalked this up as my #2 game of 2023, but I had to make it my #1 after I realized how big of a mark it left on me. I am glad I played this game.
One thing I noticed with my games last year is a fair amount of them are detective games. I love mysteries, and would love this genre to be explored further like in Return of the Obra Dinn and The Case of the Golden Idol. Another thing I noticed is that a surprising amount of games involve the artistic process. I like seeing games as art, and would love to see this space explored further. All in all, I love a lot of the games that I managed to play last year, and am excited for what this year holds for me! Thank you for reading, and I hope you continue to read my little review blog :)
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purplekoop · 10 months
also after I saw the turtles movie I saw that youtube had the original Jimmy Neutron movie (and some other Nick movies) for free with ads so I watched that afterwards.
So uh. Gonna make this one a little shorter.
Koop Talks About... (#3) Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius I don't know if this deserved an Oscar nomination but it's funny that it did so it's fine
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Very fun, and also very reasonable to deem better than the subsequent show even though I love that jank bundle of insanity that is a children's cartoon. It's a solid story about a solid concept of a character that takes itself a little more seriously than the show itself, while still keeping that cartoonishness with even a bit more "whimsy" to its tone.
I remember thinking the amusement rides turned into spaceships were THE coolest thing as a kid, and even then I think the creativity behind some of them has that really fun sense of childlike wonder that I don't think the show itself quite captures.
Plus also it's just funny, I forgot how many of the show's most iconic lines and bits came from this movie specifically. Personal favorite bit of the whole franchise is the part where Carl shows Jimmy a drawing of a frog and he responds with full sincerity "that looks great, Carl". Comedy doesn't get better than that.
Also I forgot how many pop songs were in this movie, I remember classics like "Hey Jimmy Jimmy", the Bowling for Soup version of the main theme (yes really), and "Kids of America" (y'know like the digimon movie song. not All Star, the other one.), but I forgot how there were like, 5 more. This was more than likely the first place I heard Blitzkrieg Bop and I didn't even remember it. They're not distracting for me personally, honestly they work for this silly movie and make it feel more "grand" than the show itself.
Frankly, the most interesting part about the movie is more just its weird role in the series as a whole. The movie came before the show, expressly because they could use the theatrical budget to make higher-quality character models to use in the show itself, rather than make TV budget models for the show and then make better models for a movie later. The weird part is that... for some reason the assets they reuse in the show are worse than the stuff specific to the movie? Like, the best-looking stuff is all the alien stuff. The Yolkians themselves are especially well-animated and detailed, which is weird because aside from one TV special they weren't in the show itself. The basic human character models look... not BAD, but not exactly impressive compared to who was also nominated for that first ever best animated feature Oscar. It overall looks notably better than in the show itself, likely just due to having more time and budget for quality assurance, extra details, and rendering. If you want more info on the interesting history of Jimmy Neutron's development, going well before this movie's 2001 release, I highly recommend this video by Slow Start. 21 minute watch, won't regret it if you're even just mildly fond of the show. They also have more videos on an array of early 2000's nostalgic topics, which hey that rubs my fancy, so if you're like me then check them out!
Especially compared to the last post I feel I should reiterate that this isn't like, a super fantastic movie I recommend to everyone, but if you have nostalgia for it or otherwise just have 80 minutes to kill on a decent 2000's early CGI kid's movie, then I definitely say to go for it. Or if you have control over what a kid watches and you want to give a cultured viewing experience, here's a suggestion that's not hard to get access to right now.
I maaaayyyy talk more about the show itself, but to be honest there's not much to say compared to other shows I'd want to give time to rewatching and talking about. I saw the whole show a few years back when it was on Hulu, and it was a good time, but I just don't know how much is worth mentioning. There's some highlights, and while it's still probably in my top 3 Nick shows, it's not super deep. Even then, I still think it's aged better than the other early 2000s nostalgic Nick show starring a kid with an "-immy" name who has control over forces no mortal should hold power over. yikes that show is rough even before the part where it's generally considered outright bad.
Anyways uhhhhh
Goodnight Retroville.
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
Totally Hits 2001 2001 R&B / Hip Hop / Pop / Pop-Rock
Fuuuuuuck, man. Can we please just go back to the year 2001? Y'know, before *the big main event* happened? Top 40 and hip hop/R&B radio were sooo good back then!! 😭
And here's an excellent collection of radio bops to prove it, put out by Totally Hits, the main, always-runner-up to the ever-dominant Now That's What I Call Music! series. I feel like a lot of people aren't aware of this, but, while the US run of the Now series was originally made up of a partnership between Universal and EMI and all their many subsidiaries, Totally Hits was its answer, provided by BMG and Warner Bros. and all of their subsidiaries. (And BMG also includes Sony, mind you.) So, while Now always outsold Totally Hits and released their albums more frequently, and also had a bigger pool of pop songs to pick from, Totally Hits definitely wasn't a slouch either, especially with this 2001 installment; they had plenty of goods to offer that Now couldn't.
But I don't even know where to start with this thing. Like, nearly all of this CD holds a special place in my heart. Those classic strings from Blu Cantrell's "Hit 'Em Up (Oops!)" ignite and my inner child just immediately activates 🥺.
So I guess I'll just pepper this post with some observations and fun facts about a bunch of these songs then...
Diddy and co.'s "Bad Boy for Life" still bangs hard to this very day. Its beat sounds just as nuts now as it did the day when it first came out 21+ years ago. I mean, I’ve still yet to hear anything else quite like it. And it was made by this dude Megahertz, who also produced Nas' "Got Ur Self a Gun" in the same year. And while the song only peaked at #33 on Billboard’s Hot 100, its “there goes the neighborhood”-themed music video was in *super* heavy rotation on MTV and featured an extended cameo from Ben Stiller, along with other cameos from Xzibit, Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, Shaq, Mike Tyson, Baron Davis, Travis Barker, Dave Navarro, Access Hollywood’s Pat O’Brien, Fonzworth Bentley, fucking Crazy Town, and weirdly enough, the character actor Richard Dunn, who’d wind up playing a bunch of different roles on Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! some years later.
Does anyone else remember that early 2000s rap and R&B fad that was obsessed with making South Asian-sounding beats? Did Timbaland start that whole trend with Missy Elliott's bhangra-infused "Get Ur Freak On"? I could be wrong, but it feels like he did? 🤔
Here's what I think is the most slept-on song out of this entire slate: the remix of Dream's "This Is Me." I actually totally forgot that this song even existed, but this CD helped jog my memory. Do you even remember Dream? No, not The-Dream, but Dream; the ultimately fleeting female R&B and pop quartet that were most famous for that song "He Loves U Not." Anyway, they were on Bad Boy and Mario Winans took the original version of "This Is Me" and remixed it to include a sample of the bells from Bob James' "Take Me to the Mardi Gras," which is one of those samples I go nuts for every time I hear it. I first heard it in Snap!'s "The Power" and I've loved it dearly ever since. It also appears towards the end of Missy Elliott’s “Work It.”
Those who call Eve 6 a one-hit wonder are just flat-out wrong. "Here's to the Night," a soft, Police-inspired follow-up to the catharsis of “Inside Out” (the “heart in a blender” song), only placed two spots below it on the Hot 100.
It’s really funny and interesting how Uncle Kracker (what a stupid name) came out of the Kid Rock milieu as the turntablist in his backing band (lmao), and then, despite being a rapper, rose to immense adult contemporary fame with “Follow Me” and then a cover of Dobie Gray’s “Drift Away” (🎶Give me the beat boys and free my soul🎶). It also seems like Kid Rock kinda followed in his footsteps too, dropping his brash, working class, trailer park asshole gimmick for a quick sec to make “Picture” with Sheryl Crow the following year 🤔.
Remember “I Do!!” by Toya? It was her only hit, but that catchy, midtempo R&B groove was 🔥. Produced by this guy Antoine “Bam” Macon, who then went on to co-produce Nelly and Kelly Rowland’s “Dilemma.” Toya would release one more single after this one, which didn’t fare too well, and then she’d appear on Cam’Ron’s 2002 classic, “Hey Ma,” before falling all the way off.
We gotta talk about Willa Ford too. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that the people who produced “I Wanna Be Bad” also produced a bunch of songs for Britney Spears as well. Willa says she wasn’t trying to copy Britney, but damn, does this sound like a Britney song! Also, what on earth is Eminem friend-and-foe-and-friend-again Royce da 5′9″ doing on this?!?!?
           Oh yeah, and we can’t ignore this from Willa either:
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That article was then followed up with this:
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Which then allows for the perfect use of this meme:
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Is there a stronger trio of singles to come from a rap album than the one that came from OutKast’s Stankonia? I mean, how can you beat “B.O.B.,” “Ms. Jackson,” and “So Fresh, So Clean”? I really don’t think you can. The production group of Organized Noize had a large hand in OutKast’s first four albums, and one of their members, Sleepy Brown, also provides the falsetto parts on the chorus for “So Fresh, So Clean.”
Why wasn’t Craig David a bigger thing in the US? He could’ve been our British R&B king, but he only wound up with two successful singles here with “Fill Me In” and “7 Days.” “7 Days” actually performed better on the Hot 100, but I feel like “Fill Me In” is far more remembered in the States. Anyway, despite his brief showing here, he managed to stay relevant all the way into the 2010s back home. Awesome voice and great beats.
Lastly, Dido’s “Thank You.” This song took such a long path to reach #3 on the Hot 100. It actually first came out in 1998, appearing on the soundtrack to an indie flick called Sliding Doors that starred Gwyneth Paltrow. Then, in ‘99, it was included on Dido’s debut album, No Angel. Following that, Eminem released The Marshall Mathers LP in 2000, which included “Stan,” a song that made the chorus from “Thank You” its own. Naturally, that helped to increased the popularity of “Thank You” itself and Dido then released it as a single in September of 2000. Then a couple months later, Eminem released “Stan” as a single too. Finally, in January of 2001, “Thank You” entered the Hot 100 at the #80 spot, and by April it had climbed all the way up to #3. It then stayed on the chart until September and became one of the biggest hits of 2001.
What a fucking nostalgia rush this whole thing was. Radio was at its absolute peak in these days. Just so many good and fun songs. Take me back! 
More of these installments from Totally Hits and Now in the near offing, so if you enjoyed this post, stay tuned!
Blu Cantrell - "Hit 'Em Up Style (Oops!)" 112 - "Peaches & Cream" Missy Elliott - "Get Ur Freak On" P. Diddy, Black Rob and Mark Curry - "Bad Boy for Life" Dream feat. Kain - "This Is Me (Remix)" Usher - "U Remind Me" O-Town - "All or Nothing" Eve 6 - "Here's to the Night" Uncle Kracker - "Follow Me" LFO - "Every Other Time" Sugar Ray - "When It's Over" Willa Ford - "I Wanna Be Bad" Toya - "I Do!!" OutKast - "So Fresh, So Clean" Ludacris feat. Shawna - "What's Your Fantasy" Craig David - "Fill Me In" Dido - "Thank You"
P.S.: I wrote a long Twitter thread about almost all of the songs on this album. I only covered a little more than half of them here in this post, so if you want more observations and fun trivia, check it out!
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cowboylikedean · 2 years
my preliminary track by track
Lavender Haze: Not what I thought it would be, but somehow better??? she mentioned the engagement rumors!!! also like..... the chorus is so bouncy and I love it so much. It gives off nyd vibes to me in that I think this song is like a promise of commitment
Maroon: my first thought on my first listen was "is this a haylor song???? and then when she said "that's a fucking legacy" i was like "AHHHH” now though, I think it’s about Karlie. Whoever it’s about, I think it’s beautiful. When we got the title, my first thought was “Red but darker” and I still think that… it’s like… dirty red. and I need to flesh that out more, but I’m spending time with other songs and I’ll get back to Maroon.
Anti-Hero: I CRIED LIKE A BABYthe chorus, introducing herself as the problem!!! then oh my god calling her depression by its name!!!, daughter in law was interesting to me too.... the implication she would have a kid also its a fucking bop that made me want to die. It still does. Its so relatable and honest and genuine and I would die for her. 
Snow on the Beach: the sweetest thing i’ve ever heard, that second verse transcends language. 
You’re on Your Own Kid: To me, this song is about celebrating choices. it’s knowing you made your own choices, and no one made them for you. It’s knowing you’ll make your own choices again. And it’s learning to trust yourself and your choices. The uplifting way the end happens and everything swells… I just think it’s like…….. about growing into trusting yourself and I have a lot I want to dive into about it being track 5 specifically that I haven’t had the time to. but my first thoughts are that it’s track 5 because the thesis of this album is about choices
Midnight Rain: This is my favorite song after anti-hero. I love the alterations on her voice but also “I wanted that pain” is a lyric that will haunt me forever. But more than anything, this song really fleshed out the ttds/dorthea story and that contextualizes a lot of evermore for me. i think there’s so much to be said about her relationship with fame and her choices around that, which ties into yoyok. I just think this song provides rich context to her life and also normalizes her fame while discussing its abnormality. I have so much I could say
Question…?: Obvious haylor song that makes me endlessly happy to hear it. It’s remarkable to me that the haylor song Taylor writes looking back years later still doesn’t have any closure. and then she opens up the idea that everyone is second best in comparison to her for him and i just have so many feelings and most of it is just like KJAKLDJFLK THIS WOMAN WILL NOT LET THIS MAN JUST LIVE like she really was like “hey…. i’m the love of your life and you can’t have me…. KK BYE” like lol and she knows what she’s doing which is why she’s like “it’s just a question” like yeah it’s just a question that’s unnecessary!!! anyway, i’m glad she made the decision to poke that particular bear because i love hearing them write about each other. i hope he responds.
Vigilante Shit: She came for Scooter’s jugular. Anyway, I love this song. It’s so different from anything else she’s done and yet is 100% the same as mad woman and no body no crime. I haven’t spent the time with it I would need to spend to have more thoughts
Bejeweled: My first thought was that this is about Calvin or Jake. But the more I listen to it, the more it feels almost like she’s personified her depression and is singing to it. I LOVE the “i can still make the whole place SHIMMER” “I can still say I don’t REMEMBER” like it just sounds SO good!! I think this is going to be a song I use to personify my depression, whether that’s what she was doing or not. 
Labyrinth: I need the lyrics in front of me and more time to feel this song the way I need to feel it…. But this THIS  this…………. it’s the process of the healing she has been singing about the whole time… Daylight/the whole rep album/evermore. I can’t wait to listen to this in the middle of a breakdown and feel completely understood and have a direction. and that production on her vocals from midnight rain!! i love it!! also its soakljalkjlk the way it swells at the end and gets progressively lighter and happier…. IT’S ABOUT THE HEALING JOURNEY 
Karma: I know that reddit hates the playful lyrics but i lOVE THEM!! “Karma is a cat purring on my lap cause it loves me” I NEED HER TO KNOW THAT THIS IS THE MOST INCREDIBLE THING I’VE HEARD!! It gives me the playful freedom/I’m moving on vibes that ibytam gives. And coming right after labyrinth… the two of these songs work in tandem to me. It’s about healing. I love this song
Sweet Nothings: I am so glad that it really is a love song about them they wrote together. “You say what a mind/this happens all the time” I love that! I’m going need a lot more time with it before I have more complex thoughts especially about “to you I can admit that I’m just too soft for all of it” 
Mastermind: KLSJADFLKJASDKLF COWBOY LIKE ME HAS ITS MOMENT IN THE SUN I, again need to spend more time with it before I have more complex words… but it really feels, again like it’s about choices. She made the choices that led her here with Joe and she planned to love him forever. She saw him that first night she came home and wrote the barebones of Gorgeous (and the fucking reference!!!!JKljdlaskfjlkI CAN’T) and every choice after that made this all possible. And he made choices too and it made all of it happen. “No one wanted to play with me as a little kid” I WANT TO DIE and this song is just kjsadlfkjkl I don’t have the words. I just get overwhelmed with this song. I need more time before I can get it together lol
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narispillstoomuch · 1 year
A Memoir on Music
The Beginnings
Rehab by Amy Winehouse. It’s surely one of the first songs I remember listening to. It would play every time we would get in the car. My mom had this compact disk my dad burned for her. You know, back when we used those. It was always the same songs playing repeatedly, and this one always found its way back to my ears. I found out much later who sung this absolute bop, and how much of a queen she had been in her short-lived career in Soul R&B.
But one singer I can’t stand anymore is Sting. He had come from The Police: incredible band, I must recognize. The influence from reggae just lights up the mood. But his solo career… it all sounds the same. I must say, I’m a bit more biased because I have heard those songs one too many times, mainly Fragile. And what an unlucky hardship it was that these songs were on my mom’s CD…
One artist I have grown to love is Phil Collins. My dad had this movie of one of his shows. There were also most of his popular music video. My favourite must have been Take Me Home. I would recognize landmarks being shown through the video. And I would also say my dad had the same haircut as Phil Collins.
My dad grew up with Genesis, it was his musical influence. I can’t blame him, their songs are rarely misses, if you’re just talking about the Phil Collins era. As for the Peter Gabriel era, let’s say it’s different, more directed towards a specific public. Gabriel’s and Collins’ voices both give me chills. They had power and emotion in their voice.  
And there’s La Compagnie créole, a French Creole group, the apogee of French culture from around the world. The rhythmic melodies make us sing and dance against our will. It is a joy booster, yet I would sleep on such songs. This was my sedative whenever we’d leave my grandparents’ house. As the poor emotional child I was and still am, I couldn’t stand leaving the rest of my family living two hours away. I would cry, blubber my sorrows away, much to my mother’s dismay.  And then, she found the trick: blasting Ça fait rire les oiseaux, C’est bon pour le moral and La machine à danser during the whole two hours she was driving so I could shut up. To my dearest mother, my sincerest apology to your sanity.
The Teenage Years
As a teenager, I developed multiple problems related to my mental health. Music partially saved me. Not even exaggerating, I have found so much pleasure in listening to albums and songs by my favourite artists. They made me feel alive, even if I wanted to disappear. If it wasn’t for school, I probably would’ve grown mushrooms in my ears from how much I wore my headphones. Now, I use it to escape, but also concentrate. I use it to be calm, mostly in overwhelming moments, but I use it also to waste accumulated energy. It’s omnipresent. I must listen to six to eight hours of music a day, whatever genre it may be.
I discovered artists like Japanese Breakfast, Lemon Demon, Rex Orange County, Ghost, MGMT, Frank Ocean, Car Seat Headrest, Queen, Prince, Teako Onuki, Childish Gambino, Mitski, Magdalena Bay, David Bowie, Elton John, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Joji, The Cure, Kendrick Lamar, Siouxsie & the Banshees… and there’s Tyler, The Creator.
Now that I’ve mentioned a bunch of names that probably mean nothing, let’s go over some that resonated the most.
Rex Orange County and Joji are some of those artists I could not get out of my ears. They had such a chokehold on my silly sabotaging brain. With their sentimental voices, their relaxed beats and their unique lyrics, I felt in a way connected to their songs. And the biggest step up happened with Frank Ocean. He may have put out only 2 albums, but they are masterpieces. Oh, and let’s not forget Childish Gambino with “Awaken, My Love!”. This album made me live so many emotions at the same time when I heard it.
- Slow Dancing in the Dark, Joji
- New House, Rex Orange County
- Self Control, Frank Ocean
- Bad Religion, Frank Ocean
- Me and Your Mama, Childish Gambino
- Redbone, Childish Gambino
MGMT and Magdalena Bay are two rare cases of “Electronic music that doesn’t make me have a panic attack”. They have their own style, and each of their albums are unique for the way it sounds. I love them very much for their authenticity, and the creativity behind those songs. And to listen to their albums entirely is a treat!
Me and Micheal, MGMT 
Time to Pretend, MGMT
You Lose!, Magdalena Bay
Mercurial World, Magdalena Bay
And these are some of my top tier artists. 
Mitski is an artist I discovered more on TikTok, and I just love her discography. Her themes are  unique and, whilst the beats are similar, they are comforting.  
Me and My Husband
First Love/Late Spring
I Want You
Japanese Breakfast is an artist I discovered because of the mysterious name. And hidden behind that name there is a indie rock band. From the sentimental slows to the upbeat tracks, there is everything for everyone. I love that band, and I love the singer’s voice.
Soft Sounds from Another Planet
Savage Good Boy
And the pinnacle of music to me is Tyler, The Creator. Listen to me when I say that this man alone made me live so many emotions all at the same time. He can change styles from one song to the other in ways I have rarely seen. I think he’s a musical genius.
See You Again
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mylittleshoebox · 1 year
Queen of the Night
We were swimming in the pool and we were all called up to see the Queen of the Night bloom, they told us it only blooms for one night in a year. Everyone from each house crowded around the tiny backyard, our heads bopping forwards in hopes to catch a glimpse of the flower and be a part of this magical moment. The flower was so bright and mysterious at the same time, I remember the moon shining on the petals and it was almost gleaming, reflecting the moonshine back onto our little faces.
No one ever called us to go see it bloom again in the following years, and we moved out a little later. I wonder if it still blooms every night in that same backyard and if the soil still awaits for its one night of glory the way we used to.
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How Aizawa reacts when you say you can't remember the last time you 🐱💦❤
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You were standing in the kitchen cleaning up while your husband sat with his laptop on the couch, your 5 year old watching TV sat beside him cuddled in blankets.
At some point they must've swiped the remote because suddenly you didn't hear the song about eating vegetables anymore and instead heard a couple of people arguing inappropriately.
"Shota" you shook him out of his work trance.
He looked over his shoulder to you,
You pointed to the tv with a chuckle.
"Oh crap" he grabbed the remote and switched it back, "How did you even get the remote, it was way over there..." he mumbled switching the channel back to the bopping carrot.
All was well once more.
"Hey Daddy"
"What's an orgasm?"
You both looked up in shock.
"......That's uh....I um don't know" he awkwardly rubbed his neck.
You tried to hold in your laughs as you watched him struggle.
"Mommy do you know??"
"Hmm" you pressed a finger to your chin as if deep in thought.
"You know honey, it's been so long that I don't really remember" you smirked already knowing your husband's reaction.
Almost immediately he turned to look over his shoulder with a blank look.
"You forgot mommy?" Your child asks leaning off the back of the couch.
"Yeah you forgot mommy?" Shota repeats unamused.
It was too much fun teasing this man...
You feigned ignorance and continued to put away the dishes.
"Daddy look! Mr. Cawwot is in trouble!" Your child forcefully smushed his face away from you and onto the screen before he could say anything else.
Later that night while Shota was putting the child to bed you decided to take a quick soak in the tub. You leaned your head back enjoying the smell of lavender and honey.
You closed your eyes contently and leaned back.
You didn't hear the door slide open but saw a shadow dim the bath lights.
You leisurely opened one lid and smirked knowingly. "Hey honey".
"What was that about?" Well he wasted no time.
"What was about out?" You smiled fully now.
You heard him grumble. "You know you shouldn't lie, Mr. Carrot would be disappointed".
"Lie? I don't recall telling any" You splashed a little water at him playfully.
"Oh really?" You nodded closing your eyes back with a mmhmm.
"Hmm so you're telling me, all those times you were making those pretty little noises and begging me not to stop, you were faking?" You chose not to answer, enjoying his irritation.
It was silent for a moment and just as you were about to say something you felt soft fabric begin to crawl along your body.
"Huh?-Hey!!" You struggled but it was no use, soon your body was trapped encased in Shoutas wrappings.
He stood beside the tub hands up holding the scarf tightly to keep you in place.
"Dare ya to say that again"
You gulped, now a little nervous but still stubborn, "S-say what?" You averted his dangerous eyes.
"Hmm alright" he turned around dragging your body through the air out the bathroom.
"Shota! What are you doing, put me down!" You struggled but it was futile.
"You started this honey" he mocked, "you wanna play games so" he smirked looking back. "Let's play" he threw you down on the bed and you gulped at the glint in his eye.
Ok maybe this backfired..."Y-you know I'm actually pretty tired..."
"Tired?" His eyebrows rose
"You weren't tired a second ago when you were running your mouth" he leaned back and used his scarf to tie you to the bed.
"Now then, let's see how many times mommy is gonna "fake it" he dragged a finger under his tie and it loosened falling to the floor. God he was one fine looking man...one fine looking dangerous man...
"S-shouta I was just kidding! You know me always messing around, I've never-ah mmmph!"
"Quiet, you've talked enough"
"Its my turn now, mommy says she can't remember, I'll make sure she never forgets again"
Just something I threw together😅 lemme know what you thought!
Buy a poor old gal a cup of soup? Kofi 😂😂
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Hey >< can I request pre-relationship, middle school Oikawa x tsundere reader (where she is iwa-san's little sister (2nd year) . You know hits him like iwa-san and all). But the reader's favourite kouhai is Tobio and always hugs him and kisses his chubby cheeks everytime (since he is cute af :)) (she and tobio doesn't have feelings for each other just are like that and Tobio always flushes cutely) Oikawa is so jealous, he is about to rip everything. But. Finally he asks her out. Hope you make this!! If not it's okay, don't worry!! Remember to sleep and eat properly!! ❤️
Hello!! Its been a hot second, but ask and you shall receive!
oikawa x fem! tsundere! reader
warnings: very jealous oikawa, swearing, a hint of angst, but ends up being very fluffy
“Ughhh Iwa are we almost there?” You groaned, leaning into your brother's shoulder as the Sejoh bus continued towards the opposing team’s school. “Mm, I dunno. I’m sleeping. Leave me alone.” Your brother groaned as you rolled your eyes. “Idiot I know you’re not asleep. Besides, I’m bored.” You huffed, as your brother showed no interest in what you had to say. “Well how about you go sit with Oikawa then. Let him entertain you.” Iwa muttered before shaking you off his shoulder. You sighed before finally giving in, turning towards the seat behind you.
You looked over to see the brown haired boy half asleep against the window. He had earbuds in and was still slightly bopping his head to the music. He looked absolutely adorable and you felt yourself begin to smile before mentally slapping yourself in the face. Idiot y/n. You can’t think these things about your brother's best friend.. You thought, until your brother broke the silence.
“Oi. Stop gazing at him like that. You look like a dumbass.” You snapped your head towards him in shock. “What??? NO! I wasn’t gazing idiot, I was just…” “Enjoying the view?” Iwaizumi stifled a laugh. “Yea-NO! NO I wasn’t idiot.” You buried your head in your arms. A gente laugh sounded from the seat behind you. “I don’t mind if you stare, y/n. I find it rather flattering if anything!” You looked back to meet a set of gentle brown eyes staring at you. “Shut up, Tooru.” You said, reaching over to ruffle his hair. He quickly swatted your hands away to fix his hair before looking back up and smiling at you again. “Yeah, okay. Can you at least come back here so maybe I can gaze at you as well?” The pretty boy asked as you felt your face heating up. “I really hate you sometimes.” You grumbled, before stepping back into his seat. He shifted over to make room for you before playfully putting an arm over your shoulder. “Yeah yeah, I love you too.” He said as he pulled you so your bodies were pressed together in the small bus seat. Ignoring the blush on your face, you quickly jabbed him in the side as he let out a noise that was either a yell or a laugh before reaching to tickle your waist. You started laughing uncontrollably as the brown hair boy had the biggest grin on his face. “TOORU- STOP DUMBASS…IM GON…HAHHAHAH..IM G-GONNA KILL YOU” You said through laughter before your brother whipped around the seat and looked at the two of you. “You idiots better shut the hell up or I’ll beat both your asses later.” He said before turning back forward. Oikawa rolled his eyes slightly at him before turning back to you. “Yeah whatever. I think I’m gonna listen to music again, do you wanna share?” He asked, handing you one of his earbuds. You nodded and gave him a slight smile. “Just this once.” He smiled back. “Mhm, sure. We have a bit longer of a ride so I’m gonna try to get some sleep, ‘Kay?” You nodded once again, before deciding to rest as well. 
Once the team’s bus finally arrived at the school, everyone began to get off the bus. Oikawa rubbed his eyes, finally awakening from his sleep, and just as he was about to get up he felt a weight on his shoulder. He looked down to see you in a deep slumber with your face nuzzled into his neck and your arms loosely wrapped around his arm. The boy smiled softly, filled with warmth at the sight of you being so content in his presence. He brushed your hair out of your face gently as he took in all your features. This girl is going to be the death of me… He thought, before deciding to wake you up. “Y/nnnnnnn. Wakey wakey sleeping beauty.” You groaned before finally opening your eyes to see him. “Sleeping beauty? Really?” You sighed. “Yup. Your prince is here to wake you up. I need you to cheer me on for my match today anyways.” He smiled as you finally got up. “Alright alright, I’m up. But I’m gonna beat your ass later for calling me sleeping beauty…” He laughed, leading you out of the bus with a hand on your lower back. “Yeah whatever. But you’re still gonna cheer for me, right?” He asked, causing you to roll your eyes at how annoyingly cute he is. “Yeah, yeah. We’ll see.” 
The two of you walked into the Karasuno gym to be greeted by the team. “Woah! It’s the great king!!” The short middle blocker gasped, as Oikawa just laughed at the nickname. You began to look for a seat before you spotted the raven haired setter you were hoping to see. “Kageyama!” You yelled, before running to him to engulf him in a hug. The boy nearly malfunctioned, before pulling back a bit to see your face. “Y-Y/N..” He stuttered, as you just laughed at his cuteness. “You’re so cute, Kags.” You held his face, giving him a small kiss on his nose. His eyes went all big as you continued to coo about how cute he is. You always found him to be so adorable, and loved to tease him a bit to see him get all pouty and blushy. You had no type of romantic feeling for him, but you always made sure to get him all flustered when you saw him. 
As you continued giving him hugs and squishing his cheeks, Oikawa was fuming. He has always wanted you to show him affection like that, and seeing you give it to his rival made him wanna rip someone's head off. Once you finally unlatched yourself from Kageyama, Oikawa made sure to catch your eye. He quickly plastered on a smile before trying to “win you over.” “How about a good luck kiss for me, Y/N?” He winked, as you rolled your eyes, before looking back at him with a teasing smile. “You wish.” Normally, that comment would be enough for him, but seeing how eager you were to pepper Kageyama’s face with kisses earlier made him feel a sharp pang in his heart.
The game finally started, and Oikawa just couldn’t think straight. His sets were sloppy, blocks were timed wrong, and he just couldn’t seem to do anything right. His blood began to boil as the image of you kissing and hugging Kageyama flashed through his thoughts.
That should be me.
Once Oikawa was up to serve, he still couldn’t think straight.
She should be kissing me.
He hit the ball against the ground, the power of each hit increasing as he felt his anger grow.
What does he have that I don’t?
He looked up to the bleachers and found you. You made eye contact with him and gave him a small smile. Instead of flashing his usual smile back he looked away and glared at Kageyama.
She’s mine.
The whistle blew, and without thinking he tossed the ball in the air and served it.
But the ball didn’t hit the ground. Instead it hit Kageyama square in the face.
“Shit!” Kageyama yelled, as the whistle blew, calling a timeout. His nose was dripping blood and his whole team surrounded him to help him.
Oikawa felt his jealousy being replaced with regret as he realized what he had done. He looked to the bleachers to find you, and finally spotted you running down to Kageyama. 
“Oh my god! Kags, are you okay??” You held his face gently, pulling out a tissue to wipe the blood off. As if that just flipped a switch inside of him, Oikawa felt the jealousy growing back. He began to stomp over to you, ignoring the yells of his teammates.
“Y/N.” He said, almost growled, your name, causing you to turn to him, eyes filled with anger. “Tooru, what the hell?? What is wrong with you?” You snapped before Oikawa grabbed your hand and began to drag you outside of the gym. You tried to resist, but the boy had a firm grip on you.
He finally dragged you outside and you wasted no time before yelling at him. “What the hell is wrong with you Tooru? Why are you being such an asshole?” You growled at him, before he put his arms on either side of you, pining you to the wall. You continued to question him angrily, before he had enough. The chocolate haired boy eagerly slammed his lips onto yours, engulfing you into a deep kiss. Your eyes widened, but you barely wasted a second before closing your eyes and kissing him back. Oikawa wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing your bodies impossibly closer. His kisses became more needy as you tangled your hands into his hair. “Love me, Y/N..” He mumbled between kisses. “Love me.” You felt a burning passion growing inside of you as the setter continued to kiss you. “I can treat you better than him.” He mumbled. “Please, let me have the chance to show you that.” You trailed your hands to his cheeks, surprised to find a tear trailing down his cheek. You pulled away gasping for air, as the setter stared at you. “Tooru… are you crying?” you asked. The setter released the grip he had on your waist as he looked into your eyes. “What does he have that I don’t?” He whispered. You stared at him, urging him to continue. “I just… what does he have that I don’t?” He repeated, starting to feel more tears running from his eyes. “Tooru..” You started, but he kept talking. “Everything in my life has been lost to someone new, someone better, but I just…” he looked into your eyes. “I can’t lose you.” You feel your face heating up before holding his face again. “You’re not gonna lose me, Tooru. You’re like my best friend.” You said, but he shook his head. “No. I want more. I need more than that, Y/N.” He took in a deep breath, before leaning in closer to you. 
“I love you, Y/N. I have since we first met.” You gasped at his words. You never in a million years expected him to say that to you. Sure, he has always flirted with you, but isn’t that just how he is? 
Oikawa began to back away from you sadly, but you grabbed his hand to stop him. “I love you, Tooru.” You said, causing the boy’s eyes to widen. “I’ve always loved you.” The boy stepped back closer to you. “Then what about..” “I don't like Kageyama. I just find him cute, but in a different way.” You explained, causing him to grin. “Really?” He asked. “Really.” You placed a small kiss onto his lips, causing him to smile more. “But that doesn’t mean you get to act like an asshole.” You said, making him nod. “I know, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” You smiled at his apology and pulled him into a hug. “Good. And next time you want affection from me, just say it. I know I can be a jerk sometimes, but I really do love you.” You mumbled the last part, feeling your face burn up, causing the boy to laugh. “Okay, thank you Y/N.” He pulled back to look at you, and you both smiled. “Of course. But don’t think I’m letting you off the hook that easily. You still have to apologize to Kags.” Oikawa playfully rolled his eyes before leaving the hug to hold your hand. “Fine. I guess I can do that for you. But after that, I’m gonna kick Karasuno’s ass.” You laughed at his comment, before placing a final kiss on his cheek. 
“I know you will, dumbass.”
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