#and so i ended up listening and reading along to the audio books to these books starting from 1 or 2 till id say book 7 or 8
Grace / the nannies / pogo somehow managing to get Reginald to rent out a children's museum for the evening just once when the kids are like 5-6 (maybe for their birthday). They needed something to get all their energy out.
Five and Viktor in a big plastic fake tree reading books and then going to the fake supermarket, where Luther and Allison are playing house and forced Ben to be their kid. Ben wants to go to the theater where Klaus has put on a one kid retelling of the ugly duckling with no audience.
Baby Diego is either clinging to grace for dear life and not knowing what to do........or has made it his mission to sneak around and throw something at each sibling without getting caught. Five and Viktor are the hardest targets bc they have cooped themselves up in the tree.
Diego also sneaking off because he wants to play in the water zone but the adults told him not to. He comes back sopping wet but very happy. An adult has to get him changed.
Klaus comes out of the theater costume zone dressed to the nines and proclaims himself mayor of hargreeves-ville. No one listens. Five will be the only one to call him mayor for the rest of the evening. But not respect said title.
Luther ends up playing in the"boring" science kid zone for a while well Allison and Ben join Klaus in the theater.
Diego ends up in the tree but he very dangerously climbed up on it. He's stuck. No one notices till Klaus screams, causing everyone to try and get him down.
Five and Viktor end up in the theater. Viktor plays with the instruments well five becomes a butthole director to everyone. Klaus isn't having fun anymore and runs to the supermarket.
Most of them end up in the fake supermarket and have a big group play, assigning jobs and trying to actually get along. It goes as well as u would think. Klaus can't stop beep scanning things and annoying everyone with it. Five ends up enjoying fake arguing like a Karen too much and it genuinely starts to get on Allison's nerves along with the beeping. "I heard a rumor everyone was quiet!!" Then dead silence. Allison feels bad but let's it stay for a few seconds longer before "I heard a rumor that you guys could talk again~" she gives five a weak smile, hoping he doesn't explode. five gives her the biggest scowl and maybe even some tears. I think five HATES being rumored. Ends up running away from the whole thing.
Viktor has a bit too much fun going "should I get this one....ooor this one" it's two of the same toy steaks. He asks five witch one then ben. Both say the left. He gets the right.
Ben is the "manager" and is hating his existence. He ends up enjoying stocking the shelves and ignoring everything around him. Probably took a audio book cassette player from the reading tree and has been blocking everything out. Also him using his tentacles to sort things.
Luther was still in the science zone and bumps into a very upset five. ever the number 1 caring bro , Luther tries his best to comfort him. They end up away from everyone to play in a big fake rocket ship. Viktor eventually joins, holding a shopping bag with his lone toy steak in it.
Diego and Klaus end up doing arts and crafts and get covered in glitter.
They all end the day covered in glitter, wet, probably covered in stickers and marker. They need to be sneaked into the house so hargreeves doesn't see and quick to the baths (the security got it and the nannies and pogo got a ear full later) they were clean as a whistle by the time dinner rolls around.
They never have an outing like that again and barely remember it.
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otomehonyaku · 16 hours
DIABOLIK LOVERS Eternal Blood Animate Tokuten CD ☽ Vol. 1 & 2 ・A Certain Day at the Mukami Household
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Original title: ある日の無神家 Voiced by Sakurai Takahiro (Ruki), Suzuki Tatsuhisa (Yuma) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (as always, BIG thank you to @karleksmumskladdkaka!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This CD was very generous with the fan service, to say the least... I can safely say it's one of my new absolute favourites! The cooing, the teasing, the brotherly banter, Ruki's tired dad energy near the end, and both Ruki and Yuma fawning over you? _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): I hope you have as much fun listening and reading along as I had translating it!
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
00:00 [The scene starts with Ruki quietly reading in his room.]
Ruki: What a lovely day it is today. A pleasant breeze is coming in from the window, and time is passing ever so slowly... There couldn’t be a more perfect time to read.
[Ruki turns a page.]
Ruki: I see. There’s much more to this book than I thought. I only bought it on a whim to pass the time, but… it’s actually not bad at all.
[Ruki turns another page and continues reading. The sound of rushed footsteps comes from the hallway.]
Ruki: Oh. Those footsteps… Is that Yuma?
[Ruki snaps his book shut with a sigh.]
Ruki: If he’s heading this way, he probably wants something from me. I’d hoped to spend a quiet day alone, but it seems like I’ll have to let that go…
[Yuma bursts into the room.]
Yuma: Hey! This’s bad, Ruki!
Ruki: Do not run in the hallway. Knock. Wait before I answer until I open the door. How many times do I have to tell you all of this?
Yuma: There’s somethin’ much more important that I need you to take a look at. You got time, right?
Ruki: What happened? You came all this way to disturb my reading, so at least tell me why.
Yuma: You’ll know the reason when you just come to the garden ‘n look at it.
Ruki: At what? 
[The scene shifts to the Mukami mansion's vegetable garden.]
Ruki: Ah… What on Earth is this? Hey, you. You were here together with Yuma, right? Explain the situation.
[You try to explain, but you’re so worked up that you keep stumbling over your words.]
Ruki: I shouldn’t have asked you. I can’t have a conversation with you when you can't even string together a sentence.
Yuma: Well… you know how most of the veggies in the garden are pretty much ripe for the pickin’ right now? She was pickin’ them for me, and then she suddenly called out that she saw somethin’ underneath the dirt. So, I got curious and dug it up, and it was… this.
[Yuma pats the box next to him.]
Ruki: This box? It looks like a coffin. You could lock up a full-sized human in there.
02:04 Yuma: Haha. You ain’t wrong. Like you said, it might be a coffin. Might be a vampire inside that was buried while he was sleepin’ or somethin'.
[You definitely don’t like the idea of that.]
Yuma: What, you scared something’s gonna jump out at you? You’d better fight like hell. Heh.
[You ask him what he would do if something were to jump out at you.]
Yuma: Huh? I’m just gonna stand by ‘n watch, of course. I ain’t comin’ to your rescue for free.
[Yuma comes closer.]
Yuma: If you want me to save ya, you got somethin’ to give me in return, right? That sweet stuff that’s flowin’ in your veins… Make me an offer and I might give it some thought.
Ruki: Yuma. That’s enough.
Yuma: Yeah, yeah, got it.
[Ruki steps closer to the box.]
Ruki: Hmm… The lid of the box seems to have a lock on it, but it’s in really bad condition. It looks like it would open easily.
Yuma: So? Let’s take a look inside.
Ruki: Hold on, Yuma. Don’t do anything reckless. Haven’t you read any literature on these kinds of things?
Yuma: Literature?
Ruki: These kinds of boxes are often traps. I’ve read about them in books. For example, there was one case in which a box washed up on a seashore. A man opened the box and smoke poured out, which gathered into the shape of an old man. It’s likely some kind of curse.
Yuma: Those kinds of curses exist?
Ruki: And then there are also these boxes of various sizes, collectively called tsuzura. You’re pressured to choose a single box, and if you choose the biggest one, there’s a trap inside: a monster jumps out of it. There are innumerable examples.
04:01 Yuma: Really? That’s some scary shit.
[You tell them those are probably made-up stories.]
Ruki: Oh? Do you really think they’re mere myths, Livestock? I’ll let you open the box, then.
[You immediately backpedal and try to run away, but Ruki catches you.]
Ruki: Oh, no. Don’t think you can run away now.
[You tell him you don’t want to do it.]
Ruki: You’re the one who said they’re myths. This is an order from your master. Hurry up and open it. If a monster really were to jump out, you’d have nowhere to run. It could easily tear you to pieces. I wonder what happens when it sinks its teeth into this pale skin of yours…
[Ruki’s hands palm your bare skin. You get flustered and try to move away.]
Ruki: What’s wrong? Did you already imagine it just by me touching you? Ah… So you actually prefer pain over pleasure.
[Ruki pulls you closer.]
Ruki: Don’t lie to me. You’re eagerly awaiting it, aren’t you? Your body seems to be trembling in delight, actually. Show me that expression of yours properly.
[Ruki grabs your chin and forces you to look at him.]
Ruki: Oh. I see the colour has completely drained from your face. Fear is not such a bad look on you. Well, then—do as your master tells you and open that lid.
[You tell him you’re scared and repeat that you really don’t want to.]
Ruki: That’s precisely why I’m making you do it, of course.
[You’re on the verge of tears.]
Ruki: Heh. You look miserable when you’re about to burst into tears. It’s quite enjoyable. However, you seem to be misunderstanding something. I’m not doing this to punish you. It’s your reward for helping Yuma. 
[Ruki pulls you even closer while you struggle.]
06:03 Ruki: To have your will completely ignored, your body pinned down until you have no choice but to obey… you actually get off on such wretched situations, don’t you? I’ll make you humiliate yourself. Now, how about you wag your little tail in delight and do as I say?
[You violently shake your head.]
Ruki: Good grief… You really don’t know when to give up, do you? You still have no intention of obeying?
Yuma: You’ve really gotten more stubborn since you started livin’ with us. Or, well, you were prolly already stubborn from the get-go.
Ruki: Livestock who don’t follow orders don’t do themselves any favours in terms of charm. Ah. Let’s do this on different terms, then. If you open the lid, I’ll make you your favourite for dinner.
[That piques your interest. You immediately say you’ll do it.]
Yuma: That makes you agree straight away?!
Ruki: Ah… I’ve clearly been using the wrong methods to discipline you. It’s like I’ve got one more Kou or Yuma in my household…
Yuma: What do Kou ‘n I gotta do with that? Well, fine by me, though. Besides, this lid’s pretty heavy. You sure you can lift it with those tiny arms?
[You try to lift the lid but fail miserably.]
Yuma: It ain’t movin’ at all. Are you even tryin’? Put some more effort into it or Ruki’s just gonna yell at you.
[The lid still doesn’t budge despite your best efforts.]
Yuma: I thought you said you’d do it yourself. How pathetic.
[You give up.]
Yuma: You’re so hopeless it ain’t even funny. Hey, Ruki. It’ll take all day if we leave this to her.
Ruki: It certainly seems that way. It can’t be helped, I suppose. Lend her a hand.
Yuma: Gotcha. Let’s see… I’ll give you a hand, so at least put some effort into it, alright? If you can’t open that lid, I’ll sink my fangs into you so deep you’re gonna beg for mercy. Makes it a bit more thrilling, right? Really, though. You keep yapping about the lid being heavy, but how heavy’s it really?
[Yuma gives a little push and the lid gives right away.]
08:24 Yuma: Huh? The fuck? It ain’t even that heavy. You really are useless. You shoulda been able to lift it lickety-split, Sow. I’ve given you a head start, so you do the rest. I’ll let go, so don’t drop the lid, alright?
[Yuma lets go and you immediately almost drop the lid.]
Yuma: C’mon, hold it up a little higher, Sow! Are you really puttin’ all your strength into it? You look like an idiot. Makes me wanna laugh. If you don’t put in the effort like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do, we’ll start from scratch again. Jeez… I’ll teach you how it’s done.
[Yuma puts a hand on your lower back, which startles you.]
Yuma: Here, right here. Focus your strength in your lower back when you brace yourself. What, you ticklish? 
[You shake your head.]
Yuma: Ah, I see, I see. So you’re just weak? Besides, you can’t really fight back when you got your hands full. Even if I were to do this…
[Yuma puts his hands on you again.]
Yuma: Hehe. That’s a great reaction. Doesn’t matter how tough a position you’re in, you still love it, dontcha? You’re workin’ so hard so hold up that lid, but I wonder what’ll happen if I do it again…
[You unconsciously brace yourself.]
Yuma: You’re shiverin’ like a little rabbit. Ah, come to think of it, there’s a lil’ somethin’ on your clothes…
[Yuma puts his hands on your waist and squeezes. You almost drop the lid.]
Yuma: Haha! Don’t let go so easily. Are your sides really that weak? Besides, I think you know already, but if you let go, you lose. Hm… You don’t wanna get punished, do ya? Better fix that attitude ‘n please your owner. Brace yourself ‘n take it. C’mon, c’mon!
[Yuma tickles and gropes you until you finally break and drop the lid.]
10:24 Yuma: Ah, for shame. Now the lid’s closed again. Time’s come for this useless little piggy’s punishment.
[Yuma grabs you from behind and pulls you against him. Your arms are trapped behind you.]
Yuma: Well, you can’t run away when I’ve got you from behind like this. Your chest’s completely unprotected. Should we punish you right here, right now? C’mon, Ruki. Join in on the fun.
Ruki: Good grief. What are you playing around for? However… You didn’t follow your master’s orders. This indeed calls for punishment.
[Ruki walks over to you. You turn your head to the side in embarrassment.]
Ruki: Are you trying to seduce me, exposing your neck to me like that? You really lack discipline.
[Ruki trails his fingers along your neck, causing you to shiver.]
Ruki: Heh. You’re already losing control of your body just from a little touch of my fingers. Did you fail on purpose because you actually want to be punished? Normally, I would’ve sunk my fangs into you right away, but I think I’ll keep you in suspense today.
[Ruki trails his fingers along your skin again—your cheek and your ear this time.]
Ruki: Your cheek, your ear… Where would you like me to bite you?
[You tremble.]
Ruki: What’s wrong? You’re already trembling from my fingers tracing your skin… Does it excite you that much?
[You deny it.]
Yuma: You can deny it all you want, but you don’t sound very convincing. You’re just covered in weak spots, right? I bet you’ll cry out nicely when I touch your back. Let’s see…
[Yuma caresses your back and your voice slips.]
12:00 Yuma: Haha. What was that shameless sound just now? That’s all it takes to turn you on? What a lewd lil' thing you are.
[You struggle.]
Yuma: For fuck's sake... What’re you actin’ all innocent for when you’re clearly beggin’ to be touched?
Ruki: Are you writhing like that because you want it so badly it hurts, then? You’re out of luck, though—I’ll drag it out. You won’t learn discipline if you always get what you want right away, after all. I'll caress you slowly, deliberately, until you’re absolutely flushed with heat...
[You quietly protest, but like Yuma said, you don’t sound convincing at all.]
Yuma: Nah, you’re actually way into this, ain’t you? If you want our fangs, beg for it.
Ruki: Where would you like me to bite you? Tell me. I can't promise that I’ll honour your wishes, though.
[You struggle against them with all your might, kicking and screaming.]
Yuma: Hey, calm down—
[You accidentally kick the coffin in your efforts to get away.]
Yuma & Ruki: Huh?
Yuma: Oh, dammit. Now part of the lid’s broken because you were kickin’ so hard.
Ruki: The coffin itself has deteriorated quite a bit, too. That said, your kicking did most of the damage. Yuma. Let her go. Her punishment is on hold for now. We can’t have her destroy that coffin before we confirm what’s inside.
Yuma: Well, whatever.
[Yuma lets you go and your knees immediately give out.]
Yuma: Haha. What’re you sittin’ down for? Didya really feel that good? Well, we’ll take our sweet time with you when we continue later. I mean, you wanna see what’s inside the coffin too, right?
[You get up again.]
Ruki: Yuma, can you open it up?
Yuma: Yeah, hold on—
[Yuma opens the lid of the coffin all the way.]
Yuma & Ruki: Oh? 
Yuma: The hell’s this?
Ruki: They look like kimono (1) and combs from a long time ago… 
Yuma: There’s a whole bunch of stuff that I don’t really recognise, too…
Ruki: I see. It seems we’ve unearthed a time capsule.
14:08 Yuma: A time… capsule? What’s that?
Ruki: People put various things from their time in a box and bury it. Usually, they’re unearthed after a long time, when someone wants to reminisce.
Yuma: Why’s it buried here in the garden?
Ruki: I don’t know what happened on this land before the Mukami mansion was built. However, whoever buried this box clearly put a lot of thought into it.
Yuma: Huh. So what’re we gonna do with it?
[You suggest burying it again to preserve its contents.]
Ruki: Easy for you to say, considering you were kicking it earlier. However, I have no objections to that idea. Let’s put it back in the ground.
Yuma: Even though we went through all that trouble to dig it up?
Ruki: We have no need for it. 
Yuma: Well, that’s true. Let’s bury it somewhere where it won’t interfere with my garden. I don’t really get it, though. What’s fun about preservin’ the past?
Ruki: I wonder. It’s a human endeavour first and foremost, though. It has little to do with us.
[You shift on your feet.]
Yuma: Huh? What’s up?
[You tell him you understand.]
Yuma: Understand what?
[You explain.]
Yuma: The feelin’ of wantin’ to cherish your memories?
Ruki: Heh. Memories are worthless. It’s truly something for shallow humans to want to convey memories from their own time period to later generations. Do not think there’s any worth in doing that.
[You disagree. You’ve made nice memories with the Mukami family, after all.]
Ruki: What?
Yuma: Haha. Well said. So, even though you haven’t had it easy since you started livin’ with us, you still made some good memories?
[You nod.]
Yuma: Heh. Isn’t that ‘cause we’ve trained (2) you to think that? Well, I do kinda get what you’re sayin’. Everyone’s got at least some precious memories, after all. Right, Ruki? 
16:08 Ruki: Heh. Still, I don’t understand the need to bury them where they’ll never see the light of day.
Yuma: Yeah, I’m with you on that.
[You try to convince them, but…]
Yuma: Nah, it’s alright. Besides, you gotta help me bury this thing again. And after that, we’ve still got harvestin’ to do!
[You’re surprised.]
Ruki: Heh. You unearthed it, so it’s only logical that you have to help burying it again. You’d better work up a sweat while you’re at it.
Yuma: Hey, Ruki. You’re already here anyway, so lend us a hand too, will ya? With the harvestin’ and all.
Ruki: What? You’re seriously asking me that?
Yuma: You’re makin’ her her favourite for dinner, right? We won’t make it in time for dinner if you don’t harvest the necessary veggies yourself.
Ruki: Tch. That’s not something I should need to dirty my hands for. Hey. Harvest whatever you’d like to eat yourself.
Yuma: C’mon, Ruki. Put in the work for once. You’ll be covered in mould eventually if you keep readin’ so much.
Ruki: You might want to consider that we’re vampires. Do you seriously think there are other vampires who think it’s healthy to work outside on days when the sun’s this bright?
Yuma: I like it, so that’s all that matters! You think so too, right?
Ruki: For fuck’s sake... I won’t do it. I refuse!
Yuma: It’s alright, it’s alright! Hurry ‘n c’mere!
Ruki: You two do it!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Besides the obvious traditional Japanese clothing, the word kimono literally means ‘things to wear’ and can also be understood as ‘clothes’ more generally. I think the latter may also apply here.
調教(ちょうきょう)refers to the training of animals.
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neil-jortson · 6 days
I cannot begin to describe my level of confusion rn
#I’m reading Nona the ninth right but then I decided to reread the other two books before finishing Nona cause I was listening to#the audio book and I have trouble following along closely so anyways I reread it and everything started to make sense right but then#I finished the epilogue of Harrow and never realized there’s whole ass chapters after it??? cause I was listening and heard like appendix#and didn’t want to listen to all the definitions so I paused it and never looked back thinking that was the end#so my ass has spent the last half of Nona the ninth not even knowing if gideons body survived I mean I hoped but I didn’t know#I thought that Nona could only be harrow no confusion on the question whatsoever the only question being what soul will inhabit it#I had hoped that it was harrows body and that gideons was somewhere with blood of Eden that we just didn’t know yet#now I’m so confused as to what physical body Nona has and I’m going to have to reread and not listen to the first half so I can know what#what in the world is going on#please no spoilers#but here are my ideas for how this will end:#nona is harrows body brought to Camilla curtesy prrya#Gideon and Harrow will inevitably surface or they’ll find a way to draw them out#everyone will be very sad when Nona leaves#also the fact that narrow the ninth ends with it saying Gideon will return in nona but not harrow????#but I could’ve sworn it was harrows body she was in#I could be wrong though cause I read nona without knowing anything about the Judith files which is just insane#but also I feel like that’s the way it’s intended to be read y’all get new readers to read up until#guys get new readers to stop reading after hot sauce and Nona talk about both having people in the park that night#I’m only mildly joking#harrow the ninth
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potter-inthe-tardis · 5 months
A hear me out, unironic bop!
I'm rewatching the series of unfortunate events show, and I remembered this song from my childhood, so I had to go look it up, and yes it's still a bop!
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peachsukii · 6 months
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₊✩‧₊◜ thinking about reader and bakugo’s intense “I’m home!” sex after he gets back from a month long mission. (follow up to this!!)
『 ♡ - k.bakugo x fem!reader 』 ꒰ tags & content ꒱ 18+ MDNI! masturbation, mentions of phone sex, toy usage (vibrator), praise, light dom/sub dynamic, pet names (baby, peach, sweets, good girl, princess - one mention of slut and whore but affectionately!), fingering, minor roleplay (bakugo in his hero gear & reader wears his mask), oral (blowjob), facial, cum eating, lots of dirty talk, nipple play, marking - biting/scratching, a sprinkle of choking, hair pulling, rough sex, overstimulation, creampie, aaand fluff! aged up characters to 22. ⋆ ˚ʚɞ — i didn’t expect this to be as long as it is, buuuut i had a lot of ideas of what they did when he came home...so there's a lot. what can i say? y'all missed each other! the smut immediately starts under the cut and does not stop until the end! 😵‍💫 。‧˚ʚ cross-posted to ao3 | word count; ~3.7k ɞ˚‧。 -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist
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It's been a long month without Katuski being home. You've done everything you can think of to keep yourself busy while he's been away - played games, read books, hung out with friends and worked overtime to make the days fly by. You called each other day and night, talking for as long as his assignments for the day allowed. Thankfully, they gave him his own room as an accommodation and didn't have to worry about sharing with anyone else.
Boy, did that come in handy.
You two are not shy and foreign to phone sex of all kinds, it was something you actually talked him into doing when you're apart longer than a week for work. FaceTime, voice notes, sexting; the full gambit. You had a private collection on your phone with all his voice notes that he'd sent to you over the years. You used it as "material" for when you're alone.
One folder was all for praise - "that’s my good girl," "go slow sweets, I wanna watch ya take every inch of me," "you’re so cute when you’re begging on your knees, baby," "love watching your soft lips wrap around my cock," "your moans are so fuckin’ pretty, peach," “god, y’have no fuckin’ idea how goddamn wild you drive me,” and more snippets of him coaxing you along to get you off.
The second folder? That was your sacred treasure trove. There were only three files, but they were some of the hottest things Katuski's ever graced you with. They were 10 minute audio clips of him jerking off to the thought of you, vocalizing every detail. Thank god for advanced technology because it allowed you to hear every mumbled ‘fuck’ under his breath, hushed grunts and audible shudders.
You didn’t have any other plans for the day - listening to your boyfriend’s sexy voice while you test out a new vibrator sounded like the perfect solution!
Stripping out of your clothes, you grab a t-shirt from his dresser and throw it over your naked body. It loosely drapes over the top of your thighs, barely hiding the fact you’re not wearing any panties. You grab the vibrator from your nightstand and lay in bed, phone nestled into the pillow next to your head. You decide to choose one of the three files at random. Before you even hit play, your face is flushed and heart is threatening to burst through your ribcage. It doesn’t take long for you to succumb to the gratification, getting lost in his husky moans and the hum of the vibrator.
You’re too busy to notice that the apartment’s front door has opened, along with the commotion of Katsuki dropping his bags in the doorway. He doesn’t say anything as he’s taking off his boots, assuming you could be taking a nap or had headphones on if you didn’t come skipping down the hallway. He didn't tell you he was coming home two days early and wanted to surprise you!
What a surprise it was for him to hear subtle mewls coming from your joint bedroom, immediately catching his attention. He was still in his hero gear, minus his gloves and gauntlets, with his mask settled into his hairline like a headband. As quiet as possible, he tip toes down the hall and peeks around the doorframe. He could hear faint audio playing and a buzzing noise, but couldn’t make out what it was until he got to the doorway.
When he peeked through the crack in the door, his dick throbbed violently as it tented his cargo pants. The sight of you sprawled out on the bed, viciously fucking your new vibrator in nothing but his t-shirt was hot as hell. And you were listening to...his voice notes? He was entranced by your delicious moans and how your legs twitched when the vibrator hit your swollen clit. Part of him jokingly thought you didn’t even need him right now, since you technically did have a version of him, but his selfishness took over instead.
Willpower be damned, he needed you. Now. It took everything in him not to pounce on you right then and there.
Katsuki retreats to the living room and sits on the couch, desperately fighting the urge to start playing with himself to the sound of you doing the same. Instead, he pulls out his phone and clicks on your name to call you. He could hear your phone’s audio shift from his own voice to your ringtone, a startled yelp escaping you.
“H-hey babe,” You answer, panting quietly. “What’s up?”
He almost bursts out into laughter, but keeps it together enough for his little charade.
“Everythin' alright? Ya sound outta breath,” Katsuki teases, but decides to get to the point. “Eh, fuck it. Come into the living room.”
He hangs up and hears your feet padding against the wooden floor instantaneously. Within seconds, you slide into view, overjoyed that he’s home.
“Kats!” You squeal, scrambling over to the couch and jumping into his lap. You’re peppering his lips, neck, cheeks and forehead with rapid fire kisses, giggling as he tries to still your movements to pull you into a warm hug. He nuzzles his face into your neck lovingly, returning your kisses tenfold.
Your excitement briefly makes you forget that you were just in the middle of pleasuring yourself before rushing to greet him. The realization catches up to you when you fully sit on his lap, his erection teasing your exposed slit. A heat pools in your gut at the thought of him catching you in the act - he heard you.
“Sorry for interrupting,” Katsuki says, hands gliding up your bare thighs and grabbing a handful of your ass, grinding your center against his own. The secondary contact causes a gasp to fall from your lips. You don’t respond verbally but lift yourself away from his lap, creating enough space between you two.
“What're ya-,” he’s cut off by you taking his right hand off of your ass and tucking his fingers against your soaked entrance. You take two digits and lower yourself onto them, coating his fingers in all your built up slick.
“I missed you,” you whine as he flexes inside you instinctually, petting your walls with his coarse finger pads. You start to move on your own, gripping his shoulders and riding his fingers to finish the job you started in the bedroom.
Katsuki is speechless, not even a witty remark coming to mind to tease you. His face burns hot when the sounds of your juices sloshing around his fingers fill the room, a heat creeping up the back of his neck. Since you previously wound yourself up, it doesn’t take long until you’re ready to explode. Your eyes are threatening to roll back into your head as you swirl your hips on his fingers. His entire being is pulsing with need as he begins to drills his fingers into you, knuckle deep, and drinks in all your breathy moans. The string in your belly is pulled taut - tighter than its been in the last month, snapping with an intensity that leaves your thighs quivering within seconds.
You come all over his fingers, down his hand and stain the crotch of his cargo pants.
“Hah, good thing they’re getting washed,” you joke breathlessly as you go to kiss Katsuki but stops you - he shocks you with something he’s never done before.
He retracts his fingers from your drenched cunt and swiftly smears it all over your lips before capturing them with his own, sharing your tangy release in ecstasy. He licks your bottom lip before sitting back, breaking the kiss and settling the two fingers back to your mouth. Your lips part ever so slightly at the pressure.
“Don’t ya think you taste divine?” He smirks as he watches you open your mouth invitingly, lazily sucking his fingers covered with your spend. You don't break eye contact with him the entire time, heavily panting like a dog in heat as your tongue leisurely trails the length of each finger. A thin string of saliva sticks to the corner of your mouth as you pull away from his fingers with a soft pop of your lips.
You reach for his mask in his hairline, pushing it back to fall into your grasp. Untying the small knot, you bring it to your own face and secure it around your eyes - just like he wears on patrol. Katsuki's giving you a curious look as you slide off his lap and kneel to the floor.
Oh fuck-
Putting your hands to his hips, you drag your fingers to the hem of his pants - he's scrambling to undo his belt while you yank everything to his ankles. His cock springs forward, bouncing off his clothed abs as it’s freed from the confines of his boxers. You can tell he’s aching for you to touch him, tip leaking pre-spend and blazing hot to the touch. With no hesitation, you edge his entire length into your mouth, tongue sliding delicately along the underside of his shaft and consuming every drop of him.
“F-fuck peach, should'a let you wear my mask ages ago,” Katsuki stutters, thighs trembling at the sight your lips enclosed around him. “’m not gonna…last long watchin’ ya like this.”
You start to slither your tongue around his length, subtly hollowing your cheeks and barely moving an inch. His tip hits the back of your throat as he grabs your hair, shoving you all the way to the base and meeting his soft blonde wisps with your nose. He's unable to control himself - your mouth just feels too good around his cock right now. Katsuki’s only known his own fist for the last month, you’re making him feel like a blushing virgin all over again with how fast he’s accelerating toward his orgasm. You’ve hardly touched - well, blown - him and he's ready to combust.
His grunts have morphed into higher pitched moans as he’s bucking his hips off the couch into your mouth in tandem with your own movements, ferociously chasing the building heat in his gut.
“S-shit, fuck fuck fuck!” he yells while ripping your lips off of him by your hair, endless hot ropes of cum painting your pretty face. His mask, your cheeks, lips, and chin are dripping with white, each droplet slowly making it's way to your jawline. The sight is enough to almost make him come a second time, needing to throw his head back on the couch to avoid eye contact momentarily and pull himself together.
You hum with satisfaction and rise from your knees, straddling him on the couch once more. In the heat of the moment, you grab him by the jaw and plant a messy kiss on his lips, smearing his paintjob in the process. In the lusty haze, he doesn't give a shit that you mimicked his actions. Honestly? He kinda liked his own flavor - it complimented your own, dancing together on his tongue.
“Don’t you think you taste divine?” you purr, repeating his sentiment and licking some of the smeared cum off his cheek. You untie the mask and let it drop from your face, realizing that you may have just ruined his professional hero gear. “This…is washable, right?”
Katsuki laughs. “Yeah, don’t worry ‘bout it. 's gotta be with how dirty hero work gets.”
The two of you get up from the couch and walk to the bathroom to clean up. Once he’s done soaking a wash cloth with warm water, you’re taking his place and bending over the counter to rinse the remnants of his facial from your skin.
Lucky for him, you’re still not wearing any panties. And bent over like that? Your ass and pussy are on full display, still glistening from your previous orgasm.
Katsuki crouches to the ground, kneeling behind you and bites your bare ass with a huff. The sensation makes you jump, water splashing all over the counter and collar of your shirt.
“Katsuki!” You yelp, shutting off the water and blindly reaching for a towel nearby. “You’re insatiable.”
“Like you’re complaining.”
His tongue then traces from the inside of your thigh and stops just shy of your center, a shudder of anticipation wracking your body.
“You’re playing with fire, Kat,” you warn, spinning around and lifting your leg, placing a foot on his shoulder to teasingly show off your messy core. His eyes dart up to meet yours, a salacious grin settling on across his lips.
“Then fuckin’ light me up, princess.”
Something in you snaps - an unexplainable strong hunger captivating your mind. You wanted him to absolutely obliterate you in any and every way possible.
Everything happens in a flash - remaining clothes are strewn across the floor, bodies pressed against the plush of the sheets when you fall against the bed, tangled and relishing in the bare skin contact. The sensation kindles the fire in your veins, begging for more of him - all of him.
"K-Katsuki," you whimper onto his lips, breathless between frenzied kisses. "I want - no, need - you to fuck me like you hate my guts."
Your lascivious request has Katsuki's head swimming in a lewd sea of thoughts, gritting his teeth to hold back the ravenous desire. He can’t help but fist himself in response before leering over you.
“Oh, is that how you wanna play this game, baby?” He growls into the shell of your ear, squishing you further into the mattress. "Want me to use you like a fuckin' toy, eh? Poundin' away at your tight-ass cunt 'til ya can't take it?"
You're too enraptured by the promise swirling in your head to form any logical thoughts as his hands travel to your breast between your bodies, palms blistering hot to the touch as he tweaks your nipple. "When ya can't walk tomorrow, jus' remember y'asked me for this."
The incoherent whine that escapes you is involuntary, a raw reaction to his words. You hear a pleased hum rise from Katsuki's throat as he towers over you once more. He places a few tender kisses to your neck before he fiendishly groans, "I'm gonna fuckin' wreck you."
Not a second passes before his canines are puncturing your delicate skin, threatening to draw blood with how deep he's sinking into the bite on your jugular. Katsuki releases only to keep biting anywhere he could latch on to as he roamed your body - your neck, breasts, collarbone, shoulder, nipples, hips, thighs - eager to mark every inch of you, claim you as his. It makes you squirm and your pussy ache with need, lightning bolts of pleasure coursing through you with each snap of his teeth. Usually when he bit you, he’d soothe the area with a few kisses - but now? He was a rabid fucking animal, carnality overwhelming his ability to think straight.
You're able to get a quick look at his ruddy cock when Katsuki leans back, repositioning himself while gripping your hips. You’re salivating at the sight - thick, swollen and pulsing, spend dripping down his length and coating the skin with a sheen of arousal. He’s heavily tracing circles into your hip bones, his firm clutch on your waist keeping you in place. He’s tugging your center toward his own, teasingly slipping the head of his cock between your creamy folds. You’re about to plunge down onto him when he pulls back, a wicked grimace crossing his lips. A dissatisfied squeak spills from your lips, pouting up at him with metaphorical hearts in your eyes.
“Y’want this?” Katsuki snarls, bouncing his dick against your mound, the contact causing you to inhale sharply. “Beg like the needy slut you are.”
Words are failing you as you attempt to fulfill his demand, the only sounds falling from your puffed lips a succession of jumbled moans.
“Cat got your tongue, princess?” He snorts at his own pun under his breath as he trails his palm up your body, resting under your jaw and fixating on the seductive gleam in you pupils.
“I know how to find those pretty words ‘a yours.”
Katsuki applies firm pressure to your throat under his finger tips, tilting your head upward to face him. Your hips buck up in response, begging for him to spread you open.
He clicks his tongue at your shameless plea. "C'mon baby, tell me what ya want."
His fingers flex over your throat, playfully interchanging how much pressure he's using over the pulse in your jugular. His gaze travels down your newly bitten and bruised body, pleased with how they adorn your features.
With every ounce of concentration, you blurt out everything lingering in your heat-riddled mind. "Break the fucking bed, rip my soul from my body, leave me choking on every word, ravage me until there's nothing left...please, Katsuki!"
You barely finished screaming his name before Katsuki releases the hold on your throat, roughly returning his grips to your hips and ramming his cock straight into your sweltering sex, the burning sensation rolling your eyes back into your head.
"Good fuckin' girl, baby."
He's hypnotized by the way your tits bounce as he fucks in and out of you at a feral pace, sweat glistening over both your bodies. The room's temperature heightens, the humidity only adding to the wild desire you're sharing.
Suddenly, he pulls out of you, leaving you confused and yearning. You don't have time to ask questions as he's rolling - shoving - you onto your stomach, arching your hips into place before resuming his unmerciful thrusts, growling and grunting from behind you. The new position has you crying out, intoxicated by the way his cock is hitting every hotspot along your walls and g-spot repetitively. You're unable to contain the sounds spilling from your parted lips as they harmonize with Katsuki's moans. He bends down to snatch your hair by the roots, forcing your head off the pillow as his other hand reaches around your waist, finger pressing harshly against your puffy clit. The wail that bubbles from your throat is sinful, overwhelmed as the coil in your core is wound tighter, tighter, and tighter.
"I fuckin' love when you moan like a whore, baby," Katsuki barks out between baited breath. "Ya keep screamin' like that, 'm gonna end up stuffin' your pretty pussy full 'a cum."
You flutter around his dick in response, stroking his length with every snap of his hips. "Hah, seems like that's what your beggin' for, isn't it?"
He screws his eyes shut, jaw clenched as he's inching closer to the edge. Your clenched walls coax his release to come rocketing out of nowhere, a guttural moan spilling out of him as he pumps you full of spend. The warmth is inviting - comforting, leaving you floating on cloud nine. Katsuki lets your locks drop from his grasp and removes his hand from your clit, folding over your back with exhaustion.
Imagine his shock when you push back against him, causing him to slide out of you with a schlep and fall back against the bed. You reverse your position to face him, taking hold of his shoulders to pull him into a sitting position and shove his back against the wall.
You straddle his lap, springing his still-hard cock back inside of you and begin riding him mercilessly.
"One more," you whisper, voice low and demanding. "I know you can do it, my good fucking boy can give me one more."
Your nails are digging into his chest, red scratches left in their wake as you grind your soaked center against his shaft. Katsuki's stuttering, unable to find words as the overstimulation mixed with praise short circuits his brain.
"Ba-mmph-baby, wa-ahh-wait, fuck!"
Numerous beads of sweat roll from his hairline and drip down his cheeks, slack jawed from delirium. A second wave of release is rapidly rising in his abdomen, high pitched whimpers falling from his open mouth.
"Ah-almost!" you shout, fingers tracing his hardened nipples and pinching them roughly. He jolts, a final whine escaping him as the aforementioned wave crashes down, a second round of seed spurting out inside of you. Your own slick rushes to meet his spend, mixing together as it leaks from between your legs and into his lap.
"Holy fuck," Katsuki wheezes, barely able to speak. "Wh-where the fuck did you learn that?!"
Your legs are trembling uncontrollably as you lift yourself off of his dick, falling sideways onto the bed.
"I...just thought to try it," you sigh, "Never thought I'd get you to whine like that. Fuck, Kat. That was ungodly hot."
His face is burning red and heat traveling down his neck, somewhat embarrassed at his reaction of losing himself in the moment.
"Oh no, you don't get to be embarrassed! With half the shit you do to me?!" you tease, kicking his thigh jokingly with your foot. He grumbles, scrunching his brows together and crossing his arms.
"Alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you."
"Good, ya better. Now move your ass over and make room for me."
Katsuki flops next to you, too exhausted to get up from the bed. He wraps an arm around your waist and one under your head, cradling you close as your cheek meets his chest. You can hear his heartbeat thumping away as you close your eyes to the rhythm. He kisses your forehead before laying his head back against the mountain of pillows.
"Guess I should go away on missions more often if that's what I get 'ta come home to, shit. Feels like I just ran a fuckin' marathon."
You can't help but giggle, fighting off the itch to drift into slumber a little longer.
"I'm sneaking into your hotel room next time. No way am I waiting that long again!"
The two of you snuggle close, despite the ungodly amount of sweat coating your bodies and mugginess in the air, too enamored with one another to care.
"I love you so much, sweets. Don't forget that." Katsuki's voice is quiet, the words tightening in his throat as he speaks them aloud.
"I love you too, Katsuki. Forever and always."
He's satisfied with your answer as he closes his eyes, letting the wave of fatigue settle in his bones and lull him to sleep.
tagging @pastelbakugou as a thank you for the idea of a follow up 👀✨ no pressure tags!: @maddietries @slayfics @bkgrl @bub-ss hoping this was explosive enough! 🧡💥
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burstanddecay · 2 years
hi, lovely x
how about our baby Matt Murdock + "X pulls Y in for a kiss by their necktie"?
I hope your brain is nicer to you soon xx
Hi darling! I had an absolute field day with this one, thank you!
I'm working on the brain thing, but it's a slow journey. We'll get there eventually though! 🤎
lavender haze
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader Summary: Matt comes home late, soaking wet from the rain outside, just as you're taking a bath. It leaves you with a question you're a little hesitant about, but he encourages you to ask it anyway. Wordcount: 1.5k Contains: Past jealously, mentions of fingering. Mainly just soft fluff 🧡
The rain seems unrelentless today, pouring down from the moment you opened your eyes this morning, continuing all throughout the day with no end in sight. It pounds against the windows, pelting razor sharp drops as if it was an act of vengeance, trying to prove a point to an uncaring world.
You’re standing in front of the one reason you fought tooth and nail for this apartment: the massive bathtub, currently filled with water so hot the steam caused the mirror to fog up as it filled. The bath bomb you lowered in turned the water a lovely soft lavender, filling the air with a citrusy scent you can’t quite place.
The wick of the candle you’re lighting crackles in protest before a small flame settles on the neatly trimmed wick. You carefully place it back on the vanity, a fair distance away from your towel and other things, the thought of an accidental fire always an anxious thought in the back of your mind. Almost ready to finally get in, you flick the light off as you move to hang your robe off the hook on the door, leaving the bathroom to be lit by the candle alone.
The water is scalding and you bite back a satisfied hiss as you lower the first leg into the water, sitting down on the edge of the tub as you acclimate, barely needing a minute before you fully sink into the tub.
A wave of ease washes over you as you close your eyes, letting the warm water melt the tight muscles in your back, there thanks to the stress that came along with a day full of meetings. The sound of the rain is a welcome accompaniment to your winddown, something you seek out as your ambience of choice for a variety of things. It’s something Matt lovingly likes to poke at, the teasing endless when you once jokingly said it feels like I’m a little mouse reading under a mushroom. It's called escapism, Matthew. The inevitable reply had poked fun at the subway rats that he could hear scuttling about, telling you with a completely straight face that they strictly listened to either smooth jazz or Eminem, no in between.
The delivery had been so stone-faced that you paused for a second before picking your book up and continuing reading where you left off.
A few minutes pass before you open your eyes again, moving to reach for the tablet you placed on the stool next to the tub, hesitant between the choice of listening to the audio book you’re slowly making your way through, or rewatching an episode of New Girl you’ve already seen more times than you’d like to admit.
The decision is made for you as you hear the front door unlock. There’s only one person with a key that would let themselves in, that person being Matt. He’d called earlier in the day and mentioned he’d be late, no guaranteed timeline as to when that would be. When those words are uttered, it usually means pulling an all-nighter, the case they’re working on so complex it eats into his Daredevil hours. In a rare exception, it wasn’t as late as you thought it would be: it was around eight when you started setting everything up, something that usually took no more than thirty minutes before you could actually take your bath.
You pause when you don’t hear the door close immediately behind him, straining to hear what’s going on, Matt’s voice inaudible compared the shrill voice of your neighbour that always seemed to be mysteriously running into him in the hallway.
You had been snarky about it once, when hormones had been wrecking your body mid-period and you ran out of the patience that Matt seemed to have in spades sometimes. He calmly explained that she had a crush on him, her heartbeat and breathing telling on her, and that she definitely did not run into him by accident, but rather lingered near the door and just conveniently went to get her mail just to talk to him.
He proceeded to give you an orgasm that was so mind blowing that it still lingers in your mind, all as was he sat behind you on the couch with an unwavering steadiness to him, letting you know he wasn’t going anywhere.  
That doesn’t deter her from trying to get her way, so you close your eyes again, slipping down in the water until your shoulders are submerged, revelling in the warmth as you leave them to their conversation.
“In here.” you reply, eyes still closed. “Bathroom.”
You hear his footsteps approach before he softly knocks on the door. “Can I come in?”
You hum in reply, opening your eyes as the door creaks open and Matt slips in.
“Hi,” you smile in amusement as he comes into view. Though barely visible in the dim light, you can see his hair is slicked back, plastered to his head by the downpour outside. “’s bit wet outside, huh?”
He snorts, leaning against the vanity with his arms crossed. “Only a little. Took a cab, so managed to stay mostly dry.”
Part of you stills feel like it’s intrusive to ask how Matt experiences the world, though he had been honest about it when things started to get serious between you two. You still struggled to understand what was too much, what he could tune out. That line was something you still toed, something he apparently picks up on.
“You’re worried,” he says. “Anxious. Did anything happen at work today?”
“Nooo,” you breathe, sliding down a little further, the water silently sloshing. You hesitate again, not sure about what you want to ask.
“Just because I can hear your heartbeat, doesn’t mean I’m a mind reader, sweetheart,” he says, taking his glasses off before placing them on top of your towel. “It sounds like a panicked rabbit.”
“Have you ever seen a rabbit before?”
“Stop deferring the question,” he says, no malice behind the words.
“I wasn’t aware we're in court, mister Murdock,” you smile at the seriousness on his face. You can see the faint outline of a bruise on his cheekbone with his glasses off, his scruff a little heavier than usual. “Nothing happened at work. A question popped into my head and I’m not sure it’s rude or not. That’s all.”
He hums quietly and pushes himself off the vanity, taking off his suit jacket before sitting down on the edge of the tub. A hand comes up and softly brushes your cheek as he smiles at you.
“The fact that you even consider the fact that whatever comes into your mind might offend me, says a lot. But it won’t.”
You pause and look at your boyfriend, whose unfocussed gaze rests just off your face, his thumb brushing across you chin, body language relaxed and open.
Sometimes you still struggle to believe you got this lucky.
“I…” you start, searching for the right words. “The rain. Does it like… mess with your ability to do your thing?”
His face breaks into a bright smile at the question. “That was your question?”
He chuckles. “A little. Depends on how tired I am,” he says honestly. “It’s harder to hear my surroundings, it gets muddled. Takes more energy to listen and pick up what I need, leave what I don’t.”
You smile and sit up, pulling your knees to your chest as you do. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
You shrug. “Answering my question.”
His hand wanders to one of your exposed knees, tracing circles with his index finger. “Don’t think that’s something that warrants a thanks, sweetheart.”
“You can ask me whatever, baby. Any time, any day.”
Your heart swells in your chest as you look at Matt, who smiles at you in reply, his brown eyes crinkling at the corners.
You don’t say anything, but instead reach for his tie and pull him closer until his breath ghosts over your face. It halts, stuttering in his throat as he waits for what’s going to happen. You grin, twisting the tie around your hand, the other coming up to his cheek as you place a gentle kiss on his lips.
“In that case, wanna get in?” you ask, toying with the silk fabric in your hand, the other scraping alongside his jaw. He looks fully content, a step away from purring, his eyes hazy as he leans into your touch.
“I think there’s something else I’d rather do,” he murmurs, the hand that was leaning on your knee sliding down into the water, disappearing between your thights.
“Wh—Oh,” you gasp, jerking at unexpected sensation, soaking his pantleg in the process. “Shit, yeah, okay. Or we do that. Jesus.”
He grins, giving you a quick kiss before getting up, moving your towel onto the stool next to the tub and taking his exit.
“See you in a bit, sweetheart.”
You groan, sinking back down into the water, rubbing your face as you do, knowing there’s a long night ahead of you, curtesy of Matt Murdock.
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kangamommynow · 3 months
One of my colleagues gave me a nice little notebook as a congratulations on my new job. I decided to use it as a habit tracker / to do list. Now, I have about 1 million to do lists. I keep lists of everything. But this time I'm trying something different.
I am not a journaler. I don't keep a diary, except Tumblr of course. I don't want to keep notes of what I did during the day, etc, and I don't have fantastic handwriting.
What I know about myself is - I can be overwhelmed by how much there is to do that I get paralyzed. I also know that I often don't have as much energy as I would like. What winds up happening is that I spend the day doing a million small somethings and don't feel accomplished and nothing actually gets done. It depresses me, particularly in the summer when my energy level goes to critically low levels (heat and I don't get along). I also don't have a good sense of how long it should take to complete a task so I'm perpetually upset with myself or the world that I can't get everything done.
So this time, I'm doing something different. I made a list of the critical chores for the morning and afternoon with check boxes for the week. On the other side I have a project tracker - planning for two periods of 2 hours each, plus one cleaning project per day. For instance, today I added some to the stained glass window and I worked on my Totoro painting while listening to an audio book. Then I ran errands and picked up paint and supplies to start painting the house. I read a little. I took a nap. Then I did my small cleaning project and afternoon chores. Now I can look at it and see what actually got accomplished. It's not nothing. But it was also all I could do. Nothing to feel guilty about. When I noticed something that I really need to get to, I assigned it to a day later this week.
We'll see how well this system holds up, especially when there are appointments or other disruptions. I just don't want to get to the end of the summer and feel like I've wasted all my time.
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naomiknight-17 · 5 months
Just listened to yesterday's and today's @re-dracula while reading along with my physical copy of the original novel. It's interesting to see already where there are tiny deviations in how the book is written and how it's performed (artistic license or do I have a slightly different edition? Hmm)
But in any case it was so fun because the first bit is so cozy and warm and just... our friend Jonathan Harker is on such an exciting trip through a fascinating country! And by the end of May 4th he's juuuuust starting to get the sense that something is not right, and the mix of pleasantness and dread is just - *chef's kiss*
Reading along with the audio drama is fun so far, I hope I can keep it up all season!
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February roundup - Russian
Years ago, I started learning Russian. I bought novels in Russian and a textbook. But this textbook wasn't really beginner-friendly. In every new lesson, the dialogue contained many new words but only few words from the previous lessons. The author probably wanted the learner to study the whole vocabulary list before going on but I didn't like this approach. After only a few lessons I felt too overwhelmed and decided to focus on Japanese instead.
On February 13th, I tried it again and now I'm much more optimistic. I gained more experience as a language learner through Japanese and can use that now with Russian. Plus, I discovered the Refold Russian server on discord which is a very helpful place for finding resources and guidance.
I want to reach a point at where I can understand the novels in Russian that are waiting on my shelf.
In this post I want to share what I did so far, which resources I used and my thoughts. I think I'll post one update every month.
(YouTube) Comprehensible Russian: Zero Beginner (watched: 38 of 75 videos)
Easy to understand even for absolute beginners. The first 10 or 15 videos are very easy with lots of repetition. After around 15 videos the complexity slowly increases. 
Assimil (Lesson 1 - 10)
Compared to the textbook I used years ago, Assimil introduces the language in a much more beginner-friendly manner. I like it so far.
(Anki) Russian starter deck (this one)
This deck was recommended in the Refold Russian server on discord. It starts with simple sentences and contains lots of explanations. I did 10 new cards per day.
Short Stories in Russian for Beginners by Olly Richards (Story 1 - Story 3)
I looked up many words, but the stories are not too complicated. They introduce many common words and repeat them regularly in their stories, which helps to get used to them. I tried to listen to the audio book while reading but it’s too fast at my current level, so I focused on reading for now.
This book is aimed at beginners but I think it's difficult for complete beginners like me. Ideally, you are already familiar with basic vocabulary before reading this book. Otherwise, you have to look up almost every word (like me). However, after reading two stories, I noticed that recognizing and understanding words became a bit easier (in the beginning, all new words looked somewhat the same). It's hard if you start almost from zero like me, but it's possible and you'll make progress.
(YouTube) Different Let's Plays
I watched a few videos of Russian native speakers who are playing games I'm interested in. Like Animal Crossing or Метро: Исход. They are too difficult for now, but they are also motivating and make me want to keep going. 
(YouTube) Easy Russian
Too difficult for now, but I really like their videos. They have subtitles in Russian and English, their topics are interesting and the people from Easy Russian do a great job.
(YouTube) Russian with Max
It’s too difficult at the moment but I like his vlog videos so far. He visits many different places and explains a lot and there are subtitles which is great. I started to look up words from one video. 
(YouTube) Video about pronunciation from RussianPod 101 (this one)
I liked this video. It's well-structured and not too fast so that you can comfortably follow along.
These are the things I did in Russian in February! I feel like I already learned much more than during my previous attempt, but I'm still at the very beginning of course. I'll post another update at the end of the month.
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sgiandubh · 10 months
So about TCND. NO I'M KIDDING. Don't throw me away. What else are you watching or reading or interested in lately? There isn't actually anything to talk about regarding OL (the show or actors therein) and TCND is off the table until someone has actually seen it. Anything interesting going on?
Dear What Else Anon,
Oh, I am definitely not going to throw out such a wonderful question! I do think there are more things of interest regarding OL and actors therein (more on this, tomorrow and mood/current drama allowing). But your ask reminded me (and should remind anyone) there are other things happening under the sun than this.
I am still fighting with The Fiery Cross. Sometimes, I get tired of its unjustified slow burn and briefly seek solace somewhere else. While I quit the horrible habit of reading two books simultaneously years ago, I find soothing to sometimes take a break with a good poem.
This one, for example: Brecht's Questions From a Worker Who Reads (translated into English by M. Hamburger - probably the most satisfying version I could find on the Internet, right now - the original is um, more complex)
Who built Thebes of the seven gates? In the books you will find the name of kings. Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock? And Babylon, many times demolished. Who raised it up so many times? In what houses Of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live? Where, the evening that the Wall of China was finished Did the masons go? Great Rome Is full of triumphal arches. Who erected them? Over whom Did the Caesars triumph? Had Byzantium, much praised in song, Only palaces for its inhabitants? Even in fabled Atlantis The night the ocean engulfed it The drowning still bawled for their slaves.
The young Alexander conquered India. Was he alone? Caesar beat the Gauls. Did he not have even a cook with him? Philip of Spain wept when his armada Went down. Was he the only one to weep? Frederick the Second won the Seven Years' War. Who Else won it?
Every page a victory. Who cooked the feast for the victors? Every ten years a great man. Who paid the bill?
So many reports. So many questions.
Speaking of Byzantium, this reminded me of Bissera Pentcheva and Jonathan Abel's absolutely remarkable experiment into reconstructing (by computer) the acoustics of Constantinople's Agia Sophia and use it as an audio filter for sacred music recordings. In order to do that, she simply had to pop a balloon inside the cathedral (with special permit and adequate measuring and recording equipment) - it took her five days to get the perfect pitch. As a result, we now can hear those hymns the same way someone would around 1400, AD. This is probably the closest we could get to time travel:
Oh, and I am also watching The Crown's sixth and last season, as many in this fandom, I suppose. More on this, when we are completely done with it. OL was the only exception to my read/listen/watch it all before discussing it rule.
You are obviously Anon but I have to thank you for this! Brought up wonderful memories of week-ends in Constantinople, staying at the Hagia Sofia Mansions and nearly touching its roof from the window of my room in the Yeșil Ev villa. Today, it's over: the Hilton guys took the whole complex and revamped it, Mafia style.
But this memory will never go away:
... a room
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....with a view:
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Would it be a good idea to make a new, weekly series out of your ask, perhaps something along the lines of Life Beyond OL? I am seriously toying with it, if that's what it takes to try and keep a modicum of sanity during promo: you decide on this one, here is a poll.
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reverie-starlight · 2 years
congrats on 200 followers! for your event, may I request atsumu + talk too much by coin? 🫶
Thank you sm anon, ofc you can!! and I’m SOOOO sorry for the long wait, I got so busy whenever I thought I had a chance to write. so here it is now!! I hope you enjoy!!
YOUR MIND. I LOVE THIS SONG (I’ve actually always personally associated it with kuroo so it was fun to use it with atsumu!! it definitely fits him.)
gn!reader, fluff, pretty suggestive?? lots of kissing. 
you know i talk too much so honey come put your lips on mine and shut me up // stay cool it’s just a kiss // oh why you gotta be so talkative // we talk too much
you talked a lot. that was something atsumu had come to know about you over the years of being your friend. and he didn’t find it annoying, but rather endearing. he loved to hear you ramble about whatever was on your mind.
you did it a lot when you were nervous, he noticed. you had done it when he asked you out for the first time, you did it just before being formally introduced to his family as his partner, you did it when he asked you to move in with him...
you also liked to ramble when you were happy, or excited, or reminded of something from your childhood. 
atsumu knew when to put the rambles to an end if he saw you were getting a little too worked up, of course. but so long as you weren’t spiraling, he let you go on and listened with a smile on his face. 
but sometimes he was in the mood for some physical affection and you just weren’t getting the hint. 
thankfully he knew how to put them to an end as well.
the two of you were on the couch, tangled together. you had an excited look on your face as you spoke in an extremely animated fashion. poor atsumu had been trying to get your attention for the past ten minutes and he was starting to get impatient. you were ranting to him about an online audio series you were into and one of your theories on your favourite storyline. 
normally he would have let you kept going for as long as you needed, but he was a man on a mission. 
so far he had tried playing with the hem of your shirt, kissing your cheek, squeezing your hip, but nothing seemed to be working. 
finally, he decided to use a bit more force. he sat the both of you up on the sofa and wrapped his arms around your waist. you were used to him moving around and carrying you by now, so you continued what you were saying.
“and i even thought that maybe it was, like, a time loop situation and he just hadn’t figured it out, but as it so happens, he was actually aware the whole time, and they were unaware that they’ve been there before. isn’t that crazy?”
he kissed your cheek. “mhmm,” 
“the whole thing actually makes me want to start reading this one book it reminds me of...” 
as you continued, he started kissing along your neck. your breath hitched a little and he smiled against your jaw. he continued going down until he got to your shoulder. he ran a hand under your shirt and you finally took notice of what he was doing. 
you took his head in your hands and brought him up to look at you. “atsumu, how many times have i told you to stop me if i’m getting ann-” he cut you off with a proper kiss before you could finish that sentence. 
you gasped and wrapped your arms around his neck. just as you were getting into it, he pulled away and you whined. his forehead was pressed against yours and his eyes were narrowed. 
“you’re never annoying, i’m just feeling incredibly needy right now, sweetheart.” his thumb ran along the skin of your side and you shivered. “besides, i did stop you, didn’t i? just like you asked. isn’t this method a lot more fun than talking over you?”
you shifted a bit on top of him and he held your hips. “i think we’re talking too much, right now, ‘tsumu.” 
“you’re right, baby, we should fix that.”
and then he went back to kissing you, finally achieving what he set out to do.
look away, avert your eyes, don’t look at me, just enjoy the fic, and appreciate that i tried something new at the end, okay? i love him a completely normal amount. sorry if it feels rushed, it’s not fully edited yet, pls lmk if there are major mistakes!! <3
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mj-thrush-gxn · 7 months
i read ahead and finished it a week before my class, we have free reading time rn- they are all reading chapter 11 and i’m sitting in the back of the room smiling at my phone-
I couldn’t really get myself to enjoy it that much until chapter 4ish, the way I tricked myself into liking it was by thinking of samneric as basically l&s- BUT THATS BESIDES THE POINT-
once i got to chapter 4 i locked in and i just really enjoyed it oml. THE SYMBOLISM IS SO GOOD AHHHH- my teacher has discussions over it every time we read a chapter and I talk to most I think, im sitting in the back giggling and gasping at everything she says because i just love it so much.
not to mention the gender envy- Like Lotf made me wish i was a little boy stranded on an island. I was kinda like this with outsiders too- BUT LOTF IS SO MUCH MORE EXTREME. Sometimes i feel like i wish i was a guy but this book made it so obvious to me- anywayyyyy
THE ENDING OH MY GOD. i’m not very good at reading so i listened to an audio book and followed along with my book- I HAD CHILLS! I COULD IMAGINE EVERYTHING SO CLEARLY IT WILL BE STUCK IN MY HEAD FOREVER (not like the end end but the last chapter in general)
this is the first book that i’ve actually drawn fanart for- i drew a little project for the outsiders cause it was mandatory, but lotf has me up till 3 am drawing. i just
i love it so much
i’m pretty sure you have my discord but just in case:
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tapwrites · 1 year
How to Become a Better Writer
It can be easy to stagnate in your writing. To feel like you're spinning your wheels and not progressing.
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"But I'm listening to all the writing podcasts all the time!" Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that. Writing podcasts are great (I highly recommend Writing Excuses)... but are best for passively absorbing ideas around the art of writing.
You cannot passively become a better writer.
So what should you do?...
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There are 3 main things to really get going in your writing: reading, writing, and getting feedback. (And there's a bonus hidden power up at the end!)
Read the language and medium you want to write in--regularly. ("Medium" being prose vs poetry vs academic papers, etc.) Why is that?
You need to learn and get a feel for how the grammar of the language works. You can do that with textbooks or a tutor. But if you've got a gut feel for what prose "looks" like on the page, because you've done a load of reading, you'll have a gut feel when your prose doesn't "look" right.
For example, if you've read a lot of dialogue, your brain naturally picks up on the rule that if the dialogue would end in a full-stop (period) but is followed by a dialogue tag... a comma is used instead of that period. And you won't have needed to memorise that edge case rule.
Reading lets you immerse yourself in the form of it, and absorb how it functions along the way. Including all the subtleties of how prose works that is different to everyday speech or communication. And it gives you a great baseline to learn these intricacies more directly, because it can click into place with what you've already picked up through reading.
Consuming stories through any art form--film, comic books, audio podcasts, etc.--helps you figure out your own tastes, your likes/dislikes when it comes to what you enjoy in a story. Which will form your style of writing, as you gain experience.
So reading isn't really required. For some, reading is a lot more difficult than watching a TV show, or writing their own stories. So you can learn these things in other ways as I mentioned.
The reason reading is the go-to recommendation is it is simply the most direct route. You can develop taste, understand story, and pick up on grammar and how the language works... all at the same time!
Whatever route you take, this is particularly helpful in the early days of writing. Seeing books by established authors with the eyes of a writer is a different experience to that of a regular reader. Instead of thinking, "Okay, I understood that part." You think, "Wow, you can do that in a novel?!"
You pick up tricks you can use in your own writing, as you read. And pick up on things you don't like in the way they write. This is "active reading"...
Don't just read: think about how what you are reading actually works on your brain.
You might think about how you would have written that sentence, or how you would've had it played out slightly differently to better hit that dramatic sweet spot.
That's what developing your own style is like, also known as a writer's "voice." Developing taste is when you start to gravitate towards some movies over others, and enjoy reading about certain characters and plots over others. You naturally do this when you've watched a lot of shows and movies. And you'll naturally do the same as you read books, as a writer.
Simply noticing what you like and dislike about what you read leaves you with a better sense of what you want your stories to be like. Both in terms of taste (genre, plot type, kinds of character) and style/voice (how you use the language to tell a story).
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Writing regularly gets you the practise you need. Get used to sitting down and writing words--paper, digital, doesn't matter. And it doesn't matter if it's good. You don't need to show anyone else everything you write. What matters is that you practise the art of writing.
In the past I've used this exercise to get into the habit of writing, without worrying about it being good, editing/polishing it up, showing other people, etc. which actually lets the words come a lot easier. You can get into the flow of writing a lot better if you're not second guessing yourself, and this exercise gives you no time for such an indulgence! [Freewriting Exercise]
This is great for setting up a "mode" within yourself in which you are only creative, and you never second-guess or edit or revise. This is a great thing to work towards as you write, as it'll make the act of creating in the first place much more manageable. Think about it like this: when writing, your job is to slap down messy clay you can build with later.
Just writing something--anything--is productive in itself. And you'll probably start writing better stuff as you go just from the practise, and even find a story you want to develop from it!
But it's also good to finish things--both for the dopamine hit, and to be able to practise editing your work, understanding the structure of your story, and...
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Getting feedback. Once you've got something you like but want to make better, get scientific! Ask people for feedback! (Preferably ask people that aren't your friends and family.)
Your goal in getting feedback is to understand how your writing is conveying your story to readers. What effect your use of language has on someone other than yourself.
Some will read it and like it, some will dislike like it, some may even hate it! Thing is, those are all subjective takes on what they read. When someone says a film "is good" or "is bad," they're really expressing that "it has things I like experiencing" or "it has things I don't like experiencing."
A hardcore fantasy fan might say a sci-fi film "is bad" because it doesn't have fantasy in it. Or visa-versa. All it speaks to is their personal tastes, not necessarily about the quality of the film as a whole.
Which means there's no need to worry. It's all just data.
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Look at feedback like a scientist would the results of an experiment.
You're looking at your work in a scientific way. You're studying its effect on those readers. And through that analysis, learning how language affects their experience. Use that new understanding to bend language to your will so that it has the effect you wanted for your story.
This means it's not about doing what the readers want you to. Even if they're writers, and you respect their work... they are one reader among many. When it's published, it could be one reader among millions!
Others may have the opposite suggestion on the same piece. You could get 20 differing points of view. Don't give any one comment more weight than any other comment you might receive.
Learn about language and story, through reactions to your writing.
Use their reactions and suggestions to learn about language and story. Don't learn "how to make your story better," even if that's what they're trying to force on you.
Always, always, do what you want to do with your story. If you learn from the feedback and critique, and you end up wanting to tell your story differently, then do what you want and change your story. If you don't end up wanting to tell your story differently, do what you want and don't change your story.
In other words, any feedback can be taken or discarded at your own discretion. You're not trying to find out if your story "is good" or "is bad."
You're on a data-gathering expedition!
This process is vital to growing past writing readable prose and gaining mastery over the language--bending the words to your will and crafting experiences for readers to have.
By looking at things more scientifically, you'll begin to grow faster and faster. There's still a lot of subjectivity to it, of course. But that's the art: shaping another person's subjective experience by words on a page!
And as you do this more and more, you'll be able to write to a better standard even before you've gotten feedback.
"But it feels scary to share my work!"
It does, at first. "What if they don't like it? What if I get criticism?" The context of this process is that you are conducting experiments to gather data, sure. But it can be hard for your brain to get on board with that, and to skip the gut reaction of "oh no they don't like me!"
So here's one extra specific experiment you can conduct if you're worried about people seeing your work--even sharing complete stories we're proud of.
Write something you know isn't the best. Or is actually bad. First-drafts tend to be bad without editing--that's all just part of the process. So just write a little something. This is safe enough; if you lack confidence in the first place, then thinking your writing isn't good is par for the course, even if it's good. So doing this on purpose shouldn't be a big deal.
Now, knowing it's bad, post it somewhere actually requesting feedback on it. Asking people to tell you what's bad about it. You already know there's stuff wrong with it, things you might want to fix already. All that's happening is others are talking about the same things, and perhaps finding other aspects you can improve you didn't spot. That's the whole point of getting feedback: finding things that you'd want to fix that you didn't notice on your own!
But this way, you're initiating all of it, from writing "badly" to people telling you what you wrote "badly." That's what you wanted to happen.
And, even when you're more confident in your writing ability... that's what you'll be using feedback for too. This is like a practise run to get used to the feeling of putting something out there and people talking about what's good and bad about it.
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Now, the uber-writers know this one last secret to growing as a writer: Giving Feedback (shh, don't tell anyone).
This is the juiciest of them all! You're active-reading... plus plus! Because you also have to put into words what is happening, which is even harder than just sensing you're not into how that writer did that one thing. You also get scientific with it--but from the other side!
That sentence didn't feel right to you. Why? How might it be changed to make it feel less weird? And how do you convey that to the writer so it's useful feedback?
That scene wasn't as impactful as you thought it was going to be. What about the structure of the story let that down? How might you shuffle things around to bring out the drama in that moment?
This is great practise for keeping your editor-brain separate to your writing-brain. You're practising not creatively writing at all, while being in the very analytical mode of finding any problems. You're figuring out how to shape the messy clay into something more purposeful, easier to read, more effective. While being detached entirely from the text, because it's not even something you wrote! This mindset is very useful when you want to get into editor mode and work on your own stories.
This kind of deeper thinking is what you get by giving feedback to people asking for it. And those that are looking for feedback are from all sorts of backgrounds, and all sorts of skill levels when it comes to writing.
You can see a lot of new ideas, new ways of writing, new traps to fall into, and analyse them all to figure out what makes them tick. And they tend to not be entire novels, so you can get a lot of that in a shorter time, too!
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Just keep in mind those different skill levels when writing your feedback, however. Back when you were just starting out, if someone who seems to know what they were talking about said to you "it's good," like a family member might do... how would that have made you feel? On top of the world! And if they told you "it's bad," you would've quit writing on the spot!
So many writers have quit writing from bad feedback at an early stage for years!
This isn't to say you should coddle them and pat them on the head and send them on their way. Even if you sense that they're not at the "scientific" stage yet, they are seeking to grow as a writer. And hey, look at that--you're a writer, and you can help them grow!
So, start with a positive thing about their piece. Even if that's "you've got a clear vision of your world!" when you as the reader aren't exactly sure you have a handle on what that world is even if it's vividly described.
Be truthful, but find something that they've got a glimmer of that will help them in their writing journey. In the early days, finishing anything is tough. Having an idea and writing it down is tough. Getting tense correct is tough. Because it's all new to you.
Having a clear vision of their world isn't something everyone has. Sometimes it's so far in the background that you feel like you and the characters are standing in a blank white room. So even if the only good thing is that they have the confidence to have a world and present it to the reader... hype them up on that!
And whatever little slice of being a writer they've got is a good place to grow from. Nurture it, even in a brief comment pointing it out. Make them feel good about it.
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Then, based on what their skill level might be, give them something to reach for in what they write next.
I like to make that clear to such writers... in the early days, you shouldn't be editing and revising and redrafting the same 3 opening paragraphs over and over, you should be writing new stuff all the time! So...
Give them something to work on for next time.
...Or next chapter, or whatever. Like, "For your next story, think about how you might show the world from your character's perspective more. What do they notice? What do they think about the statue in the distance? And how would they describe it? This helps the reader get to know the character better, just by how you narrate things. 👍"
Something simple, and understandable, with a hint of teaching them why that might be good for a story. Don't inundate them with your many pearls of wisdom and a full line-edit. Just gently help them take one more step in the right direction.
All of this is scaled according to the apparent skill level of the writer you're giving critique to, of course. A better-written story might warrant a real review of the story as a whole, and a longer list of aspects they could look into improving. Things like that.
Just be careful not to make people run away from writing. It's all too easy to cause.
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The Evolution of Team RWBY
How each member of team RWBY would react when *NSYNC  or Backstreet Boys plays over the radio. Buckle up, Buttercups. This is a long one.
Volumes 1 & 2: Think RWBY Chibi roadtrip
Yang: (totally singing and dancing while driving. Not quite full sending yet, but still dancing with at least one hand on the wheel)
Blake: (reading and trying to ignore Yang’s shenanigans, but is lip syncing the words behind her book)
Weiss: (mortified) “Ugh! Seriously? Ruby, do something about your sister!”
Ruby: “Aw, c’mon, Weiss. It isn’t that ba- OH MY GOD!!! THIS IS THE BEST PART!!!” (copies Yang singing and dancing to the chorus)
Volume 3: pt. 1
Yang: same as 1&2 but purposely serenading Blake as much as possible
Blake: smiling and doing little shoulder bobs with her book in her lap
Ruby: Full send! Dancing like a maniac. Seatbelt is unbuckled and she’s shaking the car at stoplights
Weiss: rolling her eyes but smiling
Volume 3 pt. 2 & 4:
Radio silence
Volume 5: post Weiss and Yang finding each other. 
Weiss: (on Bumblebee - notices the song first and smiles before pretending to be mortified) “Oh, no! Not this song! Whatever will I do?”
Yang: (finally listens and beams) “You can join in some of the fun!” (drives bumblebee in a way that makes it look like the motorcycle is dancing)
Blake: (hears song over Sun’s scroll as he plays it for Kali, and smiles)
Volume 6: While the party is being pulled on a trailer behind bumblebee
Yang: (plugs scroll into bumblebee audio slot) “Alright! Time to shake off that apathy!” (sings and bobs while driving)
Ruby: “Yes!” (stands up in the trailer and dances like a goon)
Maria: “Would you sit down before you throw us all overboard?”
Blake & Weiss: (roll eyes before laughing and doing a synchronized shoulder shake left and right)
Oscar: (clinging to the trailer for dear life as it bounces) “Are they always like this?”
Volume 7: Fun Atlas Montage 
Ruby: Full Send! Jumping up on bunks and dancing like an idiot and singing horribly off-key.
Weiss: Actually dancing along to the music.
Blake: Trying to dance but is only solidifying that she has no rhythm.
Yang: Full dance machine and singing along with the choreography.
Volume 8: 
Radio Silence
Volume 9:
Blake: (plays song on scroll to lighten the mood and pulls Yang to her feet) “Still have a dance for me?
Yang: (gay disaster extraordinaire) “Always!”
Weiss: (rolls eyes fondly) “Brothers, you two definitely went from one end of the spectrum to the other, didn’t you? (joins in the dance party after grabbing Rusted Knight Jaune)
Ruby: (sulking in the corner)
Volume 10: Please Greenlight
After The War: Everyone is back in the car. Yang is driving. Blake is shotgun. Weiss and Ruby are in the back.
Yang: Completely losing her mind as she sings and dances in the driver’s seat. Hands aren’t even on the wheel consistently. Serenading Blake at every chance while holding imaginary microphones to Weiss and Ruby in the back.
Blake: Seatbelt? What seatbelt? Girl actually found some rhythm and is doing full body rolls in her seat while singing and winking back at Yang
Weiss: Singing a perfect harmony to the song while dancing. Her window is rolled down and her arm is waving out in the air like she absolutely does not care.
Ruby: Standing on the backseat so she can stand in the open sunroof and hit that choreographic combo 100%. She still can’t carry a tune in a bucket, but she’s doing her best. 
Team ORNJ parked next to them at the red light doing the exact thing with Nora in the sunroof, Jaune driving, Ren sitting shotgun calmly, and Oscar flopping around like a chicken having a stroke in an attempt to dance.
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echovale052 · 10 months
Who would I have hot cocoa with?
Ranking various audio rp characters, there is no rhyme or reason. Fandomcember challenge by @frenchiefitzhere
Lori from the Corollary: 10/10
Played by the wonderful @thatlesbeanjew
That’d be the funniest thing ever please she’s literally so cool. Topics of conversation would include; how to keep an aloe plant alive (bc I keep killing mine), what she has an MBA in (I’m guessing something plants or business) and the doggos!
Aspen from the Corollary 10/10
I wish everyday that technotheology was an actual class I’d listen to every lecture with absolute zero boredom. Topics of conversation: Dinah, her favorite students, how she and Goldie met, silly stories, etc.
Margot from the Corollary 100/10
I’m sorry I love Aspen and Lori but I’d be laughing so hard I’d be snorting hot chocolate out of my nose. Topics of conversation: All the drama, all the stories anything and everything Margot makes me giggle and kick my feet. :D
Carol from the Corollary 6/10
Scary, I do not think she’d like me, nope I’d run, as many times as I’ve made fun of her? Not a civil conversation happening. Topics of conversation: ???, i feel like it’d all be thinly veiled threats??, idk the weather?, what’s her favorite kinda cat?.
Rose from Castleaudios 8/10 @castleaudios
Omg I have such a crush on this nerd (/pos). I love Greek mythology and all types of mythology and the Iliad is been on my to be read list for ages. Topics of conversation: Mythologies, Exscalibur!!, books and other nerdy stuff.
Abby from Castleaudios 8/10
I could go on! Also love this nerd /pos. Topics of conversation: Vampires, werewolves, theories and more there’s no constant topic there is only constant topic change.
Miss Liza from Castleaudios 6/10
I would love to talk to her but I’d just accidentally go southern and I don’t even notice it im so sorry, she’s so tired. I’d work at her diner. Topics of conversation: I feel like we’d end up talking about baking a lot, and I gush about my doggo a lot and she’s seems like a dog person.
Romeo from @penncilkid ‘s channel 9/10
I have absolutely no clue what we’d talk about but I think he’s cool and I think we’d get along :) Topics of conversation: No clue, what’s his favorite color? (That’s usually my go to icebreaker I’m awkward as hell)
Nova from PenncilKid’s channel 10/10
I love this bean!! I’m not completely caught up with the story but they’re so cute hello? Topics of conversation: Again there is no consistent topic only jumping from topic to topic to topic.
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katherineelainesmith · 9 months
My name is Katherine, or Kat, and I'm going to be 27 this year, and I'm an aspiring author. I'm new to Tumblr, so I'm not really sure how this works, but I'm going to do my best.
A little about me:
I have a learning disability, dyslexia and ADHD. But this has not diminished my love for reading or writing. I've been serious about becoming an author since middle school.
The first book series to really get me into reading was the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer. My mother owned the books and I had taken the first book (Twilight) with me to my grandparents. I was struggling really hard to understand (keep in mind this was the summer before 6th grade, so I was 11 and in my small town I was just kind of passed through without really being taught how to properly understand the words I was reading. I know what the words meant, just didn't understand what kind of story they were telling, if that makes sense?) and my grandmother noticed and decided to take me to the public library and we rented the first book on CD. It was about 12 hours long, give or take. I stayed up all night listening and following along in my mothers copy of the book. For the first time I was understanding what I was reading. I just needed a little help putting it all together. Ove the next few days my grandmother and I would go to the library check out the next audio book and the physical book and by the end of the next week I had finished the series.
The next book series I got into was The Secret Circle by L. J. Smith. I read those on my own without listening to them on audio.
Admittedly after that I didn't read too much, only the few things that were assigned in school. Until I found John Green's Paper Towns my junior year. I read like a few books I checked out from the library at school but apart from that it hasn't been until last year that I've really picked books back up. I've recently read ACOTAR by SJM. I'm on the last book, and they are on audible.
What I envision for this blog
I'm looking to share my WIP because I am starting from scratch, I'm going to post some scribbles and things I've written based off of prompts.
I'm also looking to connect with people who also like to write and have similar interests.
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