#and yes i did it all for the ability to train my gags without having to make groups each time
st4rstudent · 9 months
they call me the mx. toon because the way I'm multitooning
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sketchyelvenasss · 1 month
A Destined Soul
Original Surana background read on ao3 or undercut v v v
“For what good is it to gain the world but forfeit your soul?”
“For the good of the world. Clearly.”
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It was a warm humid summer day in Denerim. The elves of the alienage were in a festive mood. There was to be a double wedding that evening and they had spent what little coin and time could be spared for themselves to decorate the massive oak and the main square surrounding it. Nearly everyone was in attendance, eager to hear the couples’ vows when a noble and his men stormed through to collect female guests for their own party.
This massive interruption was no coincidence, it was a cover. In the chaos of guests fleeing the guards, slavers ransacked the orphanage. It wasn’t until much later when I learned who was responsible. At the time I was just a 17 year old boy with icy blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair down to my nape. Treated worse than a dog. Cuffed, shackled, and gagged along with all the other kids and young adults smart enough to submit.
When the Tevinter rogues came after us I did consider resisting. Unlike everyone else there I could wield magic, but I realized that my stunted abilities would be no match against trained professionals. It was best to continue to hide my magic for the moment, it had already been a secret for five years. Only Tahlen, my best friend who I considered a brother, knew I was a mage and he died fighting the slavers.
Once all resistance was squashed they herded us through underground tunnels and abandoned apartments into a damp dungeon. They stripped us and dumped freezing water on us, before splitting us up into cells with other captives. There were many more elves, and even some humans, crammed into the cells- you couldn’t move without bumping elbows, shoulders, or legs with someone else. In that pitch black darkness was maddening. So many bodies silenced by hopelessness. The only time we saw the deteriorating state of each other was when the guards came, by the light of a torch, to give each cell a jug of water and a single loaf of bread.
I was appalled how such a massive trafficking operation was being conducted right under the nose of everyone. At first I was infuriated about what was happening, and who wouldn’t be. But I realized in that darkness that more than revenge I wanted freedom. Not just from the slavers, but the freedom to make my life completely my own. I wanted the ability to always control my path . I wanted it more than anything.
“Would you give your spirit for it?” A light male voice spoke beside me. There was no way to see who had asked, and for a moment I wasn’t sure I actually heard it. Then a pair of hands took my own and I could see a pair of amber eyes glowing through the darkness. There was very little magical information to be found in the alienage, but I knew enough on a base level that this was a demon offering me exactly what I wanted. I should have been terrified, but all I felt was joy.
“Would you offer me your soul, and in return I can grant you what you desire most.” It repeated low, its eyes glowing brighter with promise.
For a moment I hesitated. I knew nothing of demons except that they craved possession… but this one, that was before me, already had a physical form. Maybe it heard my thoughts or sensed my hesitation but as if to prove my point, it gave a firm squeeze to my hands. That tiny gesture reassured me and I knew that accepting the demon’s offer was the only way I would ever live the way I wanted to.
“Yes. Take what you require and grant me my freedom.”
As soon as the words passed my lips every brazier in the dungeon lit with a pale blue light and I could see my demon. An elf of average height, but still slightly taller than me, with dark skin and long, rich brown hair. The smile they wore was wide and wicked, before they took my head in their hands and kissed me. I can’t say that the feeling of their hand combing through my hair was unpleasant as I submitted to their prying tongue.
Then the door on the other side of the dungeon opened and I heard the guard shout. There was a loud clanging metal sound as everyone’s shackles fell to the floor broken and the cell doors swung open on their own volition. Realization hit the freed captives and they stampeded, easily trampling the shocked man. At the same time the demon pulled away, took my wrist, and we vanished into the air.
We reappeared somewhere completely unfamiliar to me. A seemingly abandoned house at the edge of a marsh. Ivy grew up the sides of the cracked walls and the vines look as if they were slowly pulling the building into the mud. I did not know what to make of it at all. So I looked to the demon that was still holding my wrist.
“What is this?”
“This is your beginning. Don’t be shy, it is much nicer on the inside.” They said. It was true to its word, inside was clean and furnished. A large bed in the corner, several shelves lined with books on the walls, and a table and chairs in front of a lit fireplace. “There is a tunic and trousers on the bed for you. Put them on and have a seat. We will eat and then I can give you the power to obtain what you desire.”
Their name was Mikhel. An ancient and powerful demon from what I could gather at the time. After dinner they had explained to me exactly what they expected of me in exchange for their power.
“Of what need is sex, to a demon?” I found myself shouting, more out of surprise and intrigue than mortification. As a young man living in squalor, I was not naïve to the act of procreation. However, I had not participated myself beyond lighthearted touching.
“To one like myself it is a binding. That aside it is what sustains me and my power. The purest souls offer the biggest feasts.” Mikhel replied without hiding the fact that they were glancing me over.
“I see. So my soul is pure? Because I am a virgin?”
“That is not incorrect.” The demon laughed. “But more than that, some are just brighter than others. Destined for great deeds, with our help that is. I would be remiss to let one as bright as yours go. Not to mention the meal I’d miss when your time finally comes.”
The conversation should have been more disturbing. They were, after all, talking about eating my spirit, but there was so much information to listen to all at once.
“Oh, don’t mind me. I do ramble, and you’ll understand much soon enough. Now I think it is time we get to business.”
Despite the myriad of reasons I had to be put off, I actually found the experience pleasurable. Mikhel’s chosen form being very attractive both in face and body. The only flaw to be found was a vertical scar from the top of their brow down to the cheekbone on the right side of their face. Hair, skin, muscle, and heat. It was easy to forget that they were an ancient creature from the fade.
Mikhel guided me slow in the beginning, with hands and hips and praise. Then I found my own rhythm, chasing after that euphoric feeling of release. And when I was nearly there he denied me, adding a sharp edge of pain as the demon took the lead. I melted under his masterful touch, becoming as pliable as he demanded. His magic surged through me, blooming at the site of every touch. It felt like my blood was boiling, like my bones were on fire, and I screamed, but not from the pain.
I startled awake, sitting up in the plush bed and winced from the soreness in my muscles. I had no memory of going to sleep, or maybe I passed out, I wondered as exhaustion weighed down my shoulders. The devastating heat was gone, but I could feel the strength of my magic as I inspected my hands. It was like a pitcher about to overflow, but I could easily keep it contained without thinking. A smile crossed my face at the realization that this was the corollary of our deal.
The door to the cottage opened and Mikhel walked in carrying logs for the fire. I almost didn’t recognize them with their heavy coat, forest green scarf, and hair tied into a tight bun. But when they saw me they gave a wide grin in surprise.
“I was not expecting you to be up just yet! That is truly amazing how strong your will is. I would, however, stay in bed and rest.” They chuckled, placing the wood beside the hearth.
I might have had a mind to get up to spite the suggestion, but the throbbing in my muscles persuaded me to lie back down. It was quiet for a while, the only sound being Mikhel shedding his coat and taking a seat at the table. It left me to wonder, “What happens now?”
“That is entirely up to you. You are no abomination. You are in complete control, your soul is mine only after it passes into the Fade.”
“Do you know when that is?” I asked with little thought, not expecting a real answer. But when I sat up and saw their face I knew they had at the very least an idea.
“I am no oracle, Sarros. I only know you are destined to accomplish a great many things before then. So I offer you this; whether you stay here or travel to the corners of Thedas, if you have a need for me I will find you.”
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
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Warning(s): Semi-Noncon, breeding, claiming. Both characters are of legal age in this. This does not represent Kim Jongin nor anyone affiliated in any way and is purely a work of fiction. Browse at your own risk, you've been warned.
Request: Your mate Alpha Jongin claims you on a full moon against your will.
Y/n rolled her eyes at the eldest son of the Kims, Jongin, before she sipped on her drink and walked to the other side of the hall where the party was being held. She was only here because her mom forced her to do so, saying the whole family was invited and it'd be rude. The annoyed girl was standing in one of the many big balls of his mansion. And Jongin was so damn cocky, arrogant, proud and fucking smug.
The Kims were an elite wolf hybrid family and Jongin's father was the current mayor of the city. Humans and wolf hybrids coexisted throughout the whole world with almost all the hybrids being elite, the specie almost a class of its own. Currently, Jongin was showing off some project he was working on for the city whilst literally eye fucking Y/n who was the daughter of his father's human bestfriend.
She wondered what girl would fall for him. He was way too fucking over confident in himself and his abilities. The man carried himself like he was above everyone else around him and probably thought that too. How could anyone like him? Ugh. He was too much to bear with.
"You seemed bored during my speech." Y/n broke out of her trance, jumping a bit when she heard the familiar deep voice behind her. Rolling her eyes she stood up straight now as she was leaning against the railing of one of the many balconies of the mansion, staring at the full moon. "Tsk… isn't this kind of weather cold for you humans? What if you get sick, you foolish little girl…" Before his warm coat was draped over her naked shoulders.
Clenching her fist, the girl turned around to glare up at him. "I am 20! I am not litt-" she stopped abruptly when she came in face to chest contact with the taller, gulping at how he was staring down at her. "J- Jongin…" She whispered, throat dry.
"Hm…?" He casually sounded like he didn't have her trapped against the railing like that. Looking down at her soft curly locks, he softly pushed them out of her pretty face, tucking the strands behind her ear. "Better now that I can see that beautiful face fully."
Y/n felt her legs trembling. She had never been this close to another man let alone Kim fucking Jongin! "Y- Your eyes… t- they're… r- red…" The girl had always found the fact that they could shift into literal wolves terrifying, that was also one of the many reasons she avoided interacting with hybrids as much as she could.
"They are?" Putting his hands on the railing on the Y/n's either sides, the man leaned down and levelled their gazes, staring down at her calmly. He liked how her cheeks were red and pupils shook with fear. Good. "It's a full moon after all. They get like this on such nights. But don't worry, doll. I won't hurt you. I've trained plenty to keep Kai under control. He doesn't bite" before he grinned, his own words contradicting his body because his teeth looked sharper and longer.
"O- Oh alright… I- I'll go then~" shrugging his coat off, the girl tried to escape but oh no.
"Did you think about what I said, little one?" His bigger hand grasped her smaller one before he pulled her right back into him. "My confession… the other day." Jongin raised an eyebrow and spoke before she would try to play dumb. "You're my mate, baby. I need you on these nights… But you're always so busy running away from your Alpha… your mate… your guardian…" His voice was sickeningly low and sweet, plump lips grazing against her cheek. "Your protector and owner."
Angered from his last words, the girl furrowed her eyebrows and glared up at him. "I- I can protect myself just f- fine! Thank you! N- Now let me g- go! I already told you I like someone else! Y- You're a hybrid! I am human! Do you really think I am t- that stupid?! NO. We can't be mates! We are different species!"
The male sighed and shook his head. "Not when you stutter like that. Tsk. You just have to make it so much harder and complicated than it actually is, right? Little brats like you just won't learn until they're taught. And luckily your Alpha is here to teach you all that you need to learn."
Usually, he'd be able to keep his wolf under control much more as well as his anger. But the moon shining so bright right in his face was not helping. And then this little girl right here, huffing so adorably in her top cut low dress was looking so damn beautiful. Her constant denial wasn't helping.
"Thinking your Alpha is a liar…" Throwing her over his shoulder, he smacked her ass. "Tsk. You deserve to be punished harshly for that, my little human" before another smack landed on her ass as the man entered his bedroom, locking the door before he threw her struggling form on the bed.
"L- LET ME GO! Y- YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Before she tried to take her heels off to hit him with that, making him throw his head back and laugh loudly.
"What a pathetic little mate I have!" Smacking her hands out of the way, the man ripped her shoes off before ripping her dress from the bottom all the way up to the top, causing her to squeak and try to hide herself. "Fuck! You're so beautiful, my little mate!" Catching her kick mid-air, the man crawled on top of her and smacked her lips softly before kissing her. "Trying to hurt your Alpha? Bad baby."
Y/n was constantly running her mouth while crying but the Alpha turned a deaf ear to it. "Just give into the way of the moons, my pretty one, you'll be so much better." Trapping her hands that she was continuously hitting him with above her head, the male started kissing her face all over, tasting her tears and getting hard on them. "So good…" Before Jongin pulled her underwear down and gagged her mouth with it, the girl's screams were muffled now.
"You're so pretty with your mouth stuffed by your underwear, baby." Holding her hands tightly in a bruising grip, the hybrid unzipped his pants, holding her thighs open with his knees before his fingers started to rub against her pussy lips, pushing them open and now playing with her folds, making her sensitive body jump up in his chest from the sudden stimulation, her slit leaking.
Jongin chuckled. "You tell me no but your body can't deny me, huh? Seems like it is much more obedient than this dumb little girl here, tsk." Y/n whined and tried kicking her legs when he pinched her pussy lips painfully. "Look at this wet cunt, tsk!" Before he smacked her folds, causing the girl to scream in pain, his cock standing up painfully hard. "You want another man?!" His fingers turned into half claws, voice getting animalistic. "Well too bad the only man that's going to be fucking you and having you is me!"
Y/n's head was pounding. She hated how good and wet she felt. Her entrance was clenching needily, wanting just any object to push in her right now. Even if it was a marker like she had back home. Of course she was naughty. The girl was 20 after all!
"Fuck baby I need you now~" before the Alpha pushed in her unprepared pussy. No marker or even toy would have prepared for this. Jongin's knot was fucking huge! The human's eyes widened and mouth fell open, her body jerking when he instantly hit her g-spot, not being able to hold back especially because of the full moon and going berserk, thrusting his whole thick knot in and out of her, snapping his fists rapidly.
"You like this baby?! You're inviting me further and further in like you love it!" Pinching her nipples, the man started to suck and bite at her tits, sucking wherever his lips touched and covering her in hickies. "Fuck baby! You're so fucking warm and tight!" He loved the smell of her purity coating his cock, balls upping in without any effort.
"You deny me like that but your body says yes. You're mine after all! And I'll rightfully fucking claim you as such!" Y/n felt her body submit more and more, eyes falling shut as she tried to breathe through her nose because her whole underwear was stuffed in her mouth.
"Tsk… you're blushing in pleasure… look at this naughty fucking girl!" Before he kissed her lips harshly, biting at them before he guided his hand back to her pussy, rubbing at her clit with his thumb while going faster and faster, licking at her dripping sweat. "You like it, Princess?! You like being forced to lay under your Alpha?! Tsk. I should have known! Little girls like you end up being the most desperate whores!"
Letting go of her hands, the man grabbed her jaw and moved her face, licking at the marking point, the junction between her shoulder and neck before he bit down hard, drawing blood out while she screamed and started to squirt, feeling her pussy spasm as her hands gripped his shoulders, shaking.
"I am going to fill your adorable little tummy with my pups. You'd like that, won't you, baby?" Jongin licked at the fresh claim mark on her skin, starting to fill her with his cum before hitting it up her g-spot repeatedly, Y/n's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she gripped his shoulders, trembling under him.
"Tell me how you feel, my pretty human…" The hybrid male husked before he pulled the underwear out of her mouth and kissed her passionately. His hands groped her perfect skin as he stopped thrusting, still letting his cock rest in her, balls deep.
"A- Alpha… Alpha please f- fill my tummy…" She finally submitted, sobbing. "I- I am sorry…" He was right. She could feel it now after being touched and claimed like this. "Y- You were r- right… I- I can feel it… I only w- want you… P- Please fill my tummy with your puppies…" Jongin smiled and kissed her tears.
"Good girl."
This is a pretty old request I found laying around along some others. I don't even have the actual request anymore so I made up a summary of the events that unfold.
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Hey, can you do a Dazai x Port Mafia Executive Male Reader. Where reader is Dazai former partner before he gets replace by Chuuya and instead of Chuuya coming for Q and fighting Lovecraft its reader instead. Readers ability is like Shigaraki from bnha.
Dazai Osamu x sadistic!male reader
Ngl I was a little confused cause the last time I watched bsd was months ago.
Also made the reader sadistic because yes. i forgot the reason
Part 2
Requested: Yes
Word Count: 3859
Warnings: Mentions of suicide (Dazai stuff ofc), angsty boi
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“You want me to pair up with this rookie?” You gesture in the vague direction of Dazai. You know he’s there, but you don’t act like it.
Dazai huffs, offended by your words. He crosses his arms. You weren’t giving him the best impression and if you were going to be partners, he at least had to tolerate you enough to keep his head on his shoulders.
“Now, now,” Mori chides with a sweet tone. You don’t trust the guy, he may act kind, but you’re sure he hides something with that kindness. “He’s already a port mafia executive.” You roll your eyes, he was only one of them because he witnessed the old boss handing down his title ‘willingly’. You seriously doubted he did do it willingly, seeing as it was a mere few minutes before his death. That sort of coincidence belongs to a movie.
“Like I don’t know that.” You shake your head. “Fine, fine, I’ll be his partner. I only want to know what he can do. He has an ability, doesn’t he?”
You finally acknowledge his presence, turning to him and sizing him up. Dazai is flustered by the gesture, but he pretends to act calm and collected, something that works with that young poker face of his.
“Yes--” Mori is interrupted by the executive himself, who is eager to show off.
“Yes, I do.” Dazai replies, uncrossing his arms. “But what’s yours?”
You furrow your eyebrows. Abilities are wide and unique, ranging from psychological to physical to straight magic. Knowing your ability could be a part of his ability. You were to work together so he’d know either way, but at the moment, you wanted to know his weaknesses.
“That’s valuable information.” You crack your knuckles and stretch, pretending to prepare for a fight.
“No fighting in my office.” Mori reminds you. “Or the building, for that matter. One of your abilities is particularly destructive, and we don’t know what you could do. Go to the training area if you’re going to fight.”
You give both of them a smirk, “Who says I was going to fight? I was merely enjoying the look in Dazai’s eye.”
Dazai frowned, quickly fixing his composure. It’s true, he was a little intimidated and he did not mean to let it show.
“You’re quite sadistic, aren’t you?” Mori chuckles, shaking his head.
“That’s one thing right about me, boss.” You smile brightly. Dazai furrows his eyebrows and examines you. That smile of yours is sickeningly sweet, almost mocking. You look like a monster, but maybe that was part of your act. He’d know your ability in no time.
“Well, as partners you do have to know each other’s abilities. I picked Dazai specifically for you.” That gave each of them a hint to each other’s abilities, more to Dazai than anything.
You nod letting out a sigh, “Do you have anything you don’t want, Mori?”
Dazai quirks an eyebrow, interested in the peculiar question. Mori nods, nudging forward a tongue depressor, those big wooden popsicle sticks, one he could very well spare.
You pick up with all but one finger, your middle finger, holding it up for both of them to see. “Do you have anything for the debris?” Mori slides a metal tray towards the edge of the table.
“Pay close attention, Dazai.” You give him a glance before looking back at the stick, putting your final finger on it. It disintegrates in a matter of seconds, turning into pieces so small that they look like ash. “What’s yours?” You turn to him.
Dazai seems to shrink under your gaze, but he keeps a stoic look. “Put your hand on my arm.” You raise an eyebrow. Does he wish to experiment with your ability or is it part of his?
You put your hand on his arm, once again with all but one finger. You don’t trust him, that much is clear.
“Trust me.” The look he gives you is genuine, albeit the smile is devilish, though you oblige all the same.
Your eyebrows furrow when your ability has no effect. The skin doesn’t disintegrate, nor does it fall apart as usual. “That is my ability, No Longer Human.”
“And that is why I paired you two up.”
You huff a little angrily once you realize. His ability stops other abilities, what triggered it you didn’t know, but that wasn’t the most important thing for you. He paired you two up to have him be your control. You don’t need anyone to control you and you don’t want anyone to control you. You want to do you and you do not want this boy to hold you back.
You open your mouth to protest but Mori interrupts you. “This is my decision and mine alone, you cannot say otherwise.” As much as you want to mess up his pretty face, you couldn’t disobey the boss.
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As time grew on, Dazai had become a friend, though sometimes he felt like more than a friend. Despite your early refusal to the idea, you’d really warmed up to each other.
Dazai, the young bastard, was also quite the prick at times. Though you couldn’t really complain about his age since it turns out you’re within the same age range. While he was a prick, he was also caring, as you’d come to learn.
Sometimes he’d hold your forearm when you were touching something, even though over the years you’d built up the habit to not use your middle finger. Every time he did so you would laugh and it would somewhat fluster you, you’d tell him you didn’t need it and without fail he would say “Just in case.” It was nice to know he cared, and the other little gestures he would perform were even nicer.
You were known for being a little sadistic, taking joy from inflicting pain for no reason. When he’d hold you back from attacking some random lackey at the time it would make you angry, but a few minutes later you’d be grateful for it. After all, that lackey wouldn’t be very useful with an injury.
Though sometimes even he couldn’t hold you back. When you’d start a fight with another executive just for your enjoyment, he was quick to be there and keep you in touch. Perhaps you did need control after all.
The other executives were rather thankful for Dazai, as you chose someone to pick on every week. Something you hated about Dazai was that he was immune to your mockery. He got used to it from your partnership and he couldn’t be hurt by your ability. But you supposed it was for the better, the other executives were starting to get really annoyed by you.
Except everything changed when Nakahara came along.
Although your partnership was relatively new, you found comfort in each other’s companies. You protected each other’s weaknesses and complemented each other’s strengths; so when the news came along that Chūya would replace you as Dazai’s partner, both of you were a little ticked off, per say.
Dazai’s first impression on the newer rookie didn’t help their relationship. Chūya annoyed him to the very ends of the Earth and he did not want him to replace you. It wasn’t just Chūya either, he’d grown very fond of you. Sometimes he couldn’t even fight without you; He was used to you being there to back him up, though this detail he would not tell you.
In time, you didn’t look like the monster he’d thought you were in his first impression of you. You actually looked sweet.
Your smile, which for everybody else would be sadistic, turned out to look more endearing to him. Everybody caught onto the fact that the smiles you’d directed at him weren’t the smiles he’d show others. Somehow you hadn’t realized it, but he had.
You’d grown to like him, dare say crush on him, which was something you denied. His triumphant smile after the end of a mission and the jokes he’d make as you fought were always the highlight of your day.
None of you wanted to give up the other.
“This is his decision and his alone, we cannot say otherwise.” You mocked, making Dazai snicker. The fact he used the same words was quite ironic, really. 
Tomorrow marked Chūya and his first mission together, so you’d dedicated this day to each other. Dazai did not look forward to tomorrow, and as much as he wanted to vent to you about Chūya’s very abundant annoying qualities, you’d both promised not to talk about it.
The news of your separation had made both of you realize your growing crushes for each other. You were no longer in denial, though you loathed the idea… but when you really thought about it, you didn’t loathe the idea. Musing to yourself about hugging him, playing with his hair… thinking about the fact that you did in fact like it made you gag.
As the night neared to an end, your guts told you to tell him. You wouldn’t see each other all that often anyway and if you were never to interact much, at least you would be getting this off your chest.
“Dazai.” You both stared out the window of the HQ, prior to you speaking up you were in an awkward silence. None of you wanted to say goodbye.
He turned to you and you to him. As much as you wanted to avoid eye contact, you thought it might help. “I like you… don’t joke with me.”
Dazai was going to make a joke. It was amazing how much you got to know him in so little time. He smiled, and your hopes raised when you took notice of how it wasn’t pitiful. “I like you too.”
You immediately let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Where’s the big sadistic lion?” Dazai questions, playfully mocking how meek you are right now. His smile seems more joyful than usual, as it should with what just happened.
You snicker, giving him the sadistic smile he’s used to. “I’m right here.”
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Dazai was your anchor in the Port Mafia, even when he plead for double suicide with you. Before you were partnered up, you absolutely despised the place. The other executives and the occasional lackeys were fun to provoke but it was almost as if that was your coping mechanism. You often complained about how awful the Mafia was handled with the previous boss, but he would never change anything. He was an idiot up until his very death.
You thought Mori’s recent ‘crowning’ would change your opinion, but it didn’t change it at all. You still hated the place. It was almost as if their only objective was to keep their hands on Yokohama. You wanted more than that, you wanted the whole of Japan to be your turf.
Mori didn’t want that and while he would take the opportunity once presented, he wouldn’t do a thing otherwise. He was perfectly happy with that and you weren’t.
Dazai was the only reason you stayed, but now the reason had been diminishing. You barely spoke and barely hung out. This wasn’t what ‘dating’ was and both of you knew it.
He wanted to try harder and so did you, but with your current situation, you couldn’t. When he wasn’t with Chūya, you were out on a mission. No, you weren’t jealous. This wasn’t Chūya’s fault nor was it something either of you could control. There were various times you debated on breaking up.
Dazai was the only thing holding you back from leaving, so if you broke up you didn’t have to worry about him. But you liked him and both of you would be heartbroken. You never liked thinking about it, but someday, it had to be addressed. That day never came.
The final day you were with the Port Mafia was the day that you had a brush with death.
You’d called for backup, you’d received none. The henchmen you were commanding left like cowards. To think these were the people you’d trained.
One of your big weaknesses was fighting groups of people alone. These henchmen knew that and they’d run. Where were their morals? Where was their faith, their loyalty? Where was their honor, their pride? It was then that you’d learned the Port Mafia wasn’t your place. These people weren’t your people, this turf wasn’t your turf. They were cowards and you were no coward.
Alone and fighting recklessly, you were down. You refused to flee, and that stubbornness was what caused you to nearly die. Luckily, you never crossed death’s doorstep. The people you were fighting presumed you dead the moment you dropped to the ground.
They were fools but a fool you were too to let your emotions get the best of you.
That day somebody had found you on the brisk of death. They claimed to be a spy and they offered to get you help.
Of course, you accept without asking for conditions. You were dying, what else could you have said? The conditions turned out to be joining his organization and feeding them with information or something equally as important.
No longer would you be associated with the Port Mafia. You were glad to leave them. But your only consequence being leaving behind Dazai, the love of your life and the highlight of the day. It was a hard decision to make that was for sure, but it was either this or death.
You felt selfish.
Months after joining them, the so-called ‘Guild’, your heart ached. Leaving Dazai was your biggest mistake but joining the Guild was the best thing that had happened to you since him. For the longest time, you’d wanted to tell him. You never had the guts to. And then you left Japan to join the bigger part of the guild in North America.
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In time you’d stopped thinking about Dazai.
The crew was polite, a contrast from the cold lackeys and executives from the Port Mafia. It’s a nice change, one you wish won’t ever change. But maybe the hope of a different life blinds you from how bad these people really are, their underlying motives and morals, their similarities to the Port Mafia executives.
The guild is ambitious, their leader most of all. They have a turf and the turf is way bigger than the Port Mafia’s, something you’re proud about. You certainly feel better about this place than the Port Mafia.
Your sadistic personality never changes either, and while the others are certainly annoyed by it, they handle it in a different way. They make sure you know that you can’t hurt them severely, or there’ll be repercussions. Maybe not repercussions from the Guild’s rules, but them hurting you back. It’s a nice change, one that gets your adrenaline pumping every time you pick a fight.
The only time you did think of him was in your nightmares, the middle of the night. Those nightmares consisted of him calling you a traitor, betrayer, but that wasn’t what hurt you. They played out scenarios of you telling Dazai.
He’d kiss you, hold you tight, ask you where you’d been, question the new stitches and scars… and then you’d tell him.
His face would be ridden with denial. “No. No you couldn’t have! You’re joking, you’re lying!” He laughs, tries to believe it’s a joke, but he can’t get it out of his head that it isn’t.
“It’s not.”
It’s then that he lets out a sob. He trembles, pushes you away from him, looks you in the eye with a look full of betrayal. It’s then that he calls you names, which stated before aren’t what hurts you. It’s how he looks and what he says next that hurts the most, “I thought you loved me.”
That’s when the nightmare ends. You wake up with tears of your own, they’re hot and sting on your cheeks. You furiously wipe them away, but more keep coming.
You sob loudly, which wakes up John and Lucy. They’re the only ones you’ve trusted with your secret, Dazai. They comfort you the best they can but the most they can do is tell you it’s going to be okay or something along those lines. As much as you try to believe them, you can’t.
Dazai becomes a mere figure of your past. You think of him as unreachable, unattainable, as something you should scold yourself for thinking about.
If you could’ve taken him with you, you would’ve.
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Learning that you will go back to Japan because of the leader’s obsession with a ‘tiger’ almost breaks you like your ability would.
You hadn’t thought about Dazai nightmares in the past year, but now you remember him again. You begin to regret leaving him, your heart aches again and your nightmares act up again. Everything gets worse when you arrive in Japan.
War breaks out between 3 organizations but the only thing you can think of is the Port Mafia. It’d been 6 years. Could he still remember you?
You don’t care who wins, you just want this whole thing to be over with. It upsets your ‘teammates’, but you don’t care. Once again, you think about leaving the organization, maybe live a normal life. That sort of life feels far-fetched right now and you know it’s something you’ll never have the chance to achieve. But still, you hope for it.
But then you see him again.
The second your eyes land on him you want to run. His eyes land on you and they must look the same as yours.
It hurts, but you have to persevere. “Hey, Lovecraft?” You glance at the man with the strange ability and appearance. “You want to go sleep, right?” You let out a mocking yawn of your own, giving the two in front of you your signature sickly smile.
“Yes.” Lovecraft replies, voice monotone and deep as always.
“Go get John and leave, get to sleep faster.” You nod in the direction you’d seen Chūya knock John towards. Your eyes stayed on the two in front of you. They both act as if they’d never seen you before, which you’re glad for. You don’t know if you could’ve handled seeing the same look Dazai would give you in your nightmares.
“But Francis and... you.” You’d like to think you’d gotten close to Lovecraft, but really he treated everybody the same because of his ‘contract’ with Francis.
“I’ll be fine. I know these guys’ weaknesses, anyway.” He doesn’t question how you do nor does he protest further and leaves immediately. “Quite the reunion, huh?”
“(y/n)..” Chūya growls. He glares at you, something you’d never seen 6 years ago as his senior executive. He never dared to interact with you. He knew he’d be replacing you as Dazai’s partner and knew about your relationship together. If anything, it was out of pity, and that you hated.
“Chūya.” You reply. “How’s the family, the mafia, the kids?” You mock. Chūya all but seethes, he looks like he’s ready to strike.
“(y/n),” Once Lovecraft is gone, Dazai gives you the look you dreaded to see. “H-How--” He doesn’t know what to say and neither do you. Your smile fades, turns into a frown. You don’t want to fight him but you also don’t want him to take on Lovecraft. As much as you liked the guy, he was a nightmare incarnate.
“Dazai.” Is all that you say. The vague response hurts you both.
“Chūya you might want to do that here.”
Chūya looks back at Dazai, shocked and taken aback. “You want me to do that? Dazai, I don’t think that’s needed and you know how shit that makes me feel.” It’s clear he doesn’t want to give into his corruption.
“You shouldn’t underestimate him.” Dazai speaks with experience, and it hurts you to know that he knows that.
“Don’t hurt him too much, we’re dating.”
“You’re still dating?!”
“Technically we never broke up!”
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You laugh, staring at the limp body next to you. Chūya is deep asleep, or knocked out, you don’t know. You never really saw the aftermath of his corruption.
“That was a nice fight.” You remark, loud enough for Dazai to hear despite how weak you feel. Chūya had basically broken both your legs and injured you, but at least he hadn’t killed you or put you into a coma. The pain was unbearable for most people, but it was a simple background thought for you.
“It’s been…” Dazai starts.
“6 years.” You finish for him.
“I missed you.” You’re glad to hear that instead of the words from your nightmares, but you’re sure those words will eventually come.
“I did too.”
“You did?”
You sigh, nodding. “There were plenty of errands I had to run around and do for Francis. That rich old guy didn’t do anything himself. I didn’t think much of you, but I never forgot you. I had my own fair share of nightmares about you, they’re all the same.”
Dazai moves you to lean against the bark of a tree. You look into each other’s eyes, and you can tell that his are pleading. “Please stay.”
You ignore his remark, weakly reaching over to feel his coat. “New coat?”
“Yes.” Dazai grumbles, sitting down next to you cross legged. “Answer me.” He pleads again.
“You don’t want to know why I left, first?” Dazai shakes his head, taking your hand in his and squeezing it, prompting a pained groan from you. He quickly apologizes for it.
“I don’t know if I can.” You sigh, rubbing the back of his hand. You were quite touch starved, seeing as you couldn't really hold or touch anything properly. “If Francis wins I’d have to stay with him. If either of you win, I’ll most likely end up in prison.”
“Join me.”
You think back to the Guild. They were inviting and you thought them to be good, but just then did you think about how bad they really were. You’d known all along but you always refused to believe it. You wanted to be there just to escape the Mafia, you never wanted to be there because it was the guild.
“What was it… the Armed Detective Agency?” He nods. “How would that stop me from going to prison?”
“I don’t know.” Dazai admits with a huff. “Just.. please stay.”
“Okay.” You smile at him. Dazai remembers that smile, it’s burned into his memory and he takes note of how it hasn’t changed a bit. He’s missed it ever since you left. “Would they accept me, though?”
“They will, they will.” He says it as if he were determined, but he knows there’s a high chance they’ll refuse.
Dazai pulls you into a much deserved kiss. Long, gentle, sweet, and full of fireworks, it’s almost like your first. The only thing is it’s a little weak on your end, but he can’t blame you.
“Not going to mention sucide?”
“I haven’t seen you in 6 years, at least let me cherish this for another 2 months.”
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meltwonu · 4 years
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4. “Don’t give me that look.”
18. “You’re in trouble now.”
19. “Take off your clothes.”
notes; dom!mingyu, dom!wonwoo, hybrid!reader, threesome, daddy!kink, sir!kink, degradation/name calling/dumbification, blowjobs, sprinkled in subspace, and a small side of hair pulling and size!kink ☠️🥴, also just as an fyi i’m not answering all of these in succession even tho i allowed anon to submit 3 asks with the same ceo!meanie au!! I’m just a wh0re for meanie so it is what it is dfhskd these are very self indulgent bc i would let them do their worst to me if they wanted kfjdhkd ☠️☠️☠️ HAPPY MONDAY! THIS IS PURE FILTH!!💕 Thank you for requesting! Enjoy!! 💕
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“You’re in trouble now~”
Mingyu grins down at you from behind, watching as your fluffy ears twitch atop your head.
“But--but Jun s-said--”
“Ah, is that a disobedient little cumslut I hear talking?” Wonwoo drawls. “I could’ve sworn I said I didn’t want to hear a word from you ‘til I gave you permission to speak.”
You bite your bottom lip as you stand in between Mingyu and Wonwoo; both of them watching as your body already trembles just from standing in between their dominating forms. Mingyu’s fingers ghost across the small of your back, pushing you forward into Wonwoo who smirks at the way your pupils are already blown wide when your chest meets his.
“Now, if I’m not mistaken, Jun told you specifically that you were allowed into my office, correct?” Wonwoo uses his fingertips to tilt your head up even more; licking his lips when Mingyu cages you in from behind to keep you pinned in between them. “Speak.”
This time it’s Mingyu, fingertips threading through your hair before slightly tugging on it until you whimper.  
“So, pray tell us, why exactly you were touching yourself in Wonwoo’s office when we never gave you permission for that, hmm?”
Your bottom lip quivers, brows furrowed when you stare right back into Wonwoo’s lust filled eyes.
“I--It smelled like you, d-daddy… ‘m so--sorry...”
Mingyu and Wonwoo share a look before their hands are sliding away from your body; confusion on your features when Wonwoo starts tinkering with the cuff links of his suit jacket.
“I want you to take off your clothes. And I want you on my bed, waiting for me and Mingyu in 5 minutes. Go.”
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Neither of them ask, but considering how upset they both were with your actions, you take it upon yourself to get in position before they get into the room; knees digging into the bed with your arms crossed behind your back and your ass in the air.
Your face is planted into the sheets, thighs trembling as you inhale Wonwoo’s scent that floods your system.
They’d both been too busy to properly take care of you lately and you’d spent more time sitting in an empty office while they were at work than at home. They’d even put you on heat suppressants because of how little time they had and you were finding out just how much you really missed their touch.
“My, my, my what an obedient little cockwhore.” 
Mingyu’s voice has you jolting; soft whines spilling from your lips when you feel his warmth behind you on the bed. “Your dumb ‘lil pussy is already soaking, baby. I bet I can slide my cock right into your tight hole right now, huh?”
“S-sir, p-please… I--I need you and d-daddy so b-bad…” Your voice is muffled against the sheets; drool soaking into the fabric as you whine and moan.
“I know we haven’t had the time lately, sweetheart, but you know better than to touch yourself without our permission. And in my office, no less.” Wonwoo joins you and Mingyu on the bed, kneeling in front of you as you try your best to lift your head up.
Wonwoo threads a hand through your hair; fingertips massaging the base of your ears before you feel him tugging on your hair until you wince and plant your hands onto the sheets.
“Don’t give me that look. You probably knew what you were getting into, huh? Little cumslut. You knew we were finishing up our meeting and you knew I’d walk in on you with your fingers in that tight ‘lil cunt of yours. Crying out my name like a pathetic cock hungry slut. What if someone else walked in, hmm?”
You bite your lip, knowing that Wonwoo was 100% right.
“I’m s-sorry, d-daddy…”
Mingyu’s hand wraps around your tail, caressing it softly before he tugs on it harshly.
“Oh, baby, you’re gonna be.”
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Your body rocks back and forth between Mingyu and Wonwoo; eyelashes wet with tears.
“This position suits you so well, baby. On your hands and knees for us like the obedient ‘lil slut you are.” Mingyu groans, watching as his cock only gets wetter and wetter with each snap of his hips.
“She’s not satisfied unless she’s stuffed full of cock. She needs both of us fucking her pussy and her mouth to get off.” Wonwoo smirks; fingertips massaging your scalp and ears as you choke and sputter around his cock. He shallowly thrusts his hips, watching as a tear slips down your cheek when you start to deepthroat him.
“Fuck, your mouth is so fuckin’ small but look at you taking all of my cock, sweetheart. Just how your little cunt is taking all of Mingyu too.”
The two males share a laugh; alternating their thrusts as you moan around Wonwoo’s cock and clench around Mingyu’s.
Your body fills with warmth as they both fuck you and despite knowing it would be a long night ahead, you were glad they had time for you today. Even if it was for misbehaving.
Mingyu angles his thrusts to graze against your g-spot and you quickly find yourself whining and shaking your hips as he growls and doubles his pace.
“Such a cock hungry slut. Your pussy is so tight around my fuckin’ cock.” He pauses, licking his lips. “Gonna fill you up with my cum so you can smell it on yourself for days ‘n know who fuckin’ owns your dumb pussy.” With each of his powerful thrusts, you feel yourself being nudged forward, taking more and more of Wonwoo’s cock down your throat until you’re gagging around him.
“Once Mingyu cums inside your pretty pussy, I’m gonna cum inside you too. Fill you to the brim with my cum and you best not let any of it spill. You wouldn’t want daddy to get mad again, would you?”
Wonwoo’s voice is soft yet dominating and has you whimpering around his cock as you feel your mind start to get hazy from the lack of oxygen and the harshness of Mingyu’s thrusts.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna c-cum…” Groaning, Mingyu wraps a hand around your fluffy tail again, this time using it as leverage as his thrusts start to lose their rhythm. Moaning around Wonwoo’s cock, your teary, hazy eyes look up at him to the best of your ability.
The said male tugs you by the hair, pulling you off of his cock as you sputter and catch your breath. He grins down at you, seeing your unfocused eyes blinking back the tears. “Is our cute ‘lil pup tired? You haven’t even cum yet. Not that you deserve it.”
Mingyu chuckles under his breath, “Will she even be able to cum tonight, hyung?”
“We’ll see. Depends on if she can behave or not.”
You let out a small whine when you feel Mingyu’s cock throbbing inside of your pussy and you’re quick to start fucking yourself on his cock as you meet his movements. “P--please cum inside, ah, of m-me, sir… I wa--want it, ngh, all…”
Wonwoo lets go of your hair and your head immediately rolls forward the second he pulls away. Your arms give out underneath you as well; face planting into the bed sheets as Mingyu chases his orgasm.
“F--fuck, take a-all of it!”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head when Mingyu cums and you can feel the warmth pooling in your lower abdomen as he grinds against you, riding out his high. His grip on your tail tightens as you mewl and clench around his cock.
“Fuckin’ made to take cock, baby. You take me so well…” Mingyu groans, thrusting into you a few more times before you start to feel him pulling out of you.
“I can feel how tight your ‘lil cunt was around my cock, baby. I know you wanna cum so bad. You know we’ll let you if you just asked~” There’s a teasing lilt to Mingyu’s voice that has you whimpering in return, already too far gone and full of cum to even form proper sentences anymore.
He lets go of your tail and pushes you over until you’re on your back, head lolling to the side as he pries your legs apart. “I can already see my cum about to drip out of your pussy. But you heard Wonwoo, didn’t you?”
You nod, panting when you feel him being replaced between your legs with Wonwoo who wastes no time and positions the head of his cock at your entrance.
He bottoms out in a single thrust, using Mingyu’s cum and your wetness as lubrication as he starts a quick pace from the start.
“Dumb ‘lil pup can’t stand it when your holes aren’t filled with cock, huh? Can’t even leave you alone for a couple hours without you needing to have something inside of your pussy.” Wonwoo scoffs, eyes trained on your lips that part in soft breaths and moans and your eyes that can barely stay open as he fucks Mingyu’s cum deeper into your pussy.
“Did it feel good? Hmm? But I bet it wasn’t enough for you, huh? Your small fingers probably weren’t even enough to satisfy you, right? Only our fingers and cocks are enough to satisfy your fuckin’ holes.”
Mingyu laughs under his breath from the side, licking his lips when he notices the way your body tenses and the way you let out garbled noises.
“Fuck, hyung, I think you fucked her stupid. She can’t even talk properly ‘cause she’s so drunk off of your cock.”
Wonwoo grins, doubling his pace as he feels himself close to cumming. “I’m gonna cum, sweetheart. Gonna get you nice ‘n full of my cum just how you like it.”
Your pussy clenches around his cock and despite wanting to cum too, you do your best to try and stave it off for now. “Ah… p-please…” Wonwoo’s thrusts become erratic and you can feel his cock throbbing inside of you as he, too, unloads all of his cum inside of your tight, warm walls.
The two of you share a moan; thighs trembling around his waist.
“Hmm~ She really loves it when we cum inside her tight ‘lil cunt. Bet she’s been desperate for us to fill her up since we’ve been so busy.” Mingyu pouts down at you, fingertips already massaging your ears.
“N-no, sir, d--don’t! I’m sen--sensitive!” You cry, tears spilling down the side of your face as the combination of Mingyu’s soft touches mix in with Wonwoo still cumming inside of you. 
You let out a loud cry as your orgasm hits you hard; choked breaths and stuttered cries all you can manage as your walls flutter around Wonwoo’s cock and your back bows off of the bed. Your body buzzes with electricity and the lightheadedness makes you feel weightless as Wonwoo fucks you through your orgasm and you can’t stop the tears that freely fall when you realize just how much trouble you were in now.
“I don’t think we gave you permission to cum, sweetheart.”
Wonwoo’s voice is firm yet soft; threatening in a way you know he’s nowhere near finished with you.
Through the haze, you hear the ‘tsk’ that falls from Mingyu’s lips and it takes you a minute to even realize he wasn’t even on the bed anymore. “H--huh?”
The two share a look as Wonwoo stays between your legs; cock still inside of you as his blunt nails dig into the skin of your thighs.
“I just texted Jun and told him to cancel our 10AM tomorrow, hyung.” Mingyu rejoins you and Wonwoo on the bed, except this time his face is only centimetres from your own when he leans down.
“We have a disobedient ‘lil cumslut who just doubled her own punishment for tonight, right, Wonwoo-hyung?”
Wonwoo smirks, noting the way your body is still twitching and trembling underneath them when the remnants of your orgasm start to ebb away. He draws his hips back, eyes flitting down to watch his cock slide out from your spent pussy before thrusting all the way back in as you cry out loudly.
“He’s right, sweetheart. We haven’t even started your punishment and you already made it worse. Mingyu, can you please get the restraints and the blindfold from the closet, please.”
“Already on it, hyung~”
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writer-panda · 3 years
Hit on the groom and what became of it - chapter 1/I will keep missing you (if you don’t stop running)
Disclaimer: I don’t own DC or Miraculous. I’m just playing with some crazy concept. 
Chapter 1 (here)  -|-  Next
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Ladybug landed on top of the Eiffel tower with practiced grace. An agitated worry roiling in her chest about the message Chat Noir left her. The urgency was one thing, but he sounded… pained. Like the weight of the world dragged him down type pain. 
Marinette knew Chat’s home life wasn’t perfect. Skilled at hiding it, maybe, but details leaked through the cracks. An offhand comment here, a muttered accusation there, a sour face yet again here. He lived in pain and tried so hard to work through it. 
She tried to help him whenever she could, both as Ladybug and Marinette. She may not return his feelings, but she always listened. For months during their third year as heroes, she left food on the rooftop when Chat’s suit revealed too many ribs. She wasn’t sure the reason and didn’t dare to ask, lest she learned too much, but she did try to help. There were times she thought she imagined the pained looks, and thin frame, and thinly veiled comments; maybe overexaggerating the situation in her mind, as she often did. After all, he always acted so cheerfully.
Then, Lila happened. 
The first strike landed swift, almost deadly, but she survived. It was what followed that made her reconsider. A prolonged fight, where Marinette chose to retain a cheerful mask to hide the pain. Along the line, she considered confiding in her parents. But what could they do?  Maybe take her from school, but that would mean Lila already won; the Liar would rule unopposed.
Which left Adrien, her last bastion of friendship. 
She still harbored a bit of a crush on him, but it was justified! Like a knight in shining armor, he stood, always ready to defend her. He always ensured her inclusion in class activities and saved her from several catastrophes. 
She still stumbled over her words with him, but when it’s minor stuttering or not talking to anyone, she forced herself to adapt. It was nowhere near as bad as it used to be. 
With the ability to spend more time with Adrien without acting like a spaz, Kagami also appeared more often, and proved to be a good friend. Marinette found a home with the two awkward rich kids ridiculously clueless and unaware of how the real world functioned. In the end, she even grew to accept Adrien might not be destined to be hers but chose to support him nonetheless. 
“My lady?” She was broken out of her musing by a familiar voice.
“Hello, Kitty-cat. I got your message… what’s wrong?” She turned to see Cat Noir slumped over the railing, with his ears tweaking nervously. She didn’t even know he could do it. 
“I… I’m sorry my Lady, but I can’t… I can’t continue to be your partner,” he declared.
“What?!” she squeaked. “What happened? What’s the matter?” 
“I’m… I’m getting married,” he announced, his ears drooping and tail tucked between his legs.  
Oh, that’s… not what she expected to hear. “Married? Congrat…” she drifted off, noticing his sour face. “Chat? What are you not telling me?”
“It’s… I… My…” He struggled to figure out how to say it, but ultimately remained silent for a moment. “There is nothing to be happy about. It’s a… business marriage,” he spat, his eyes narrowing.  
“But… those are illegal!” Ladybug protested.
“Not when you make it look like a love match. Especially if you insinuate at a scandal.” He sneered, jumping off the railing and pacing along the empty rooftop. “My father holds all the cards and I… I’m in no position to oppose him.”
“I’m sure we can…”
He sighed, walking over to her. “Please… M’lady. Don’t try to give me hope. I accepted what I must do.” With that, he reached for the ring, but she stopped him.
“Chat. We can try… You’re my friend. You can’t… We will figure it out. Together.” In all they’d endured, suffered, and triumphed - Marinette had never seen him this despondent… this broken. 
He sighed, his eyes flat and dull. “There is nothing to figure out,” he said, forcing the ring off his finger. 
The transformation fell, leaving Adrien Agreste materialized in place of her long-time partner. Plagg’s sharp cry cut off, as he’s sucked into the ring the second he popped out of it. She stood there, too stunned to notice the blond boy pushed the ring into her palm and closed it. 
Marinette wasn’t sure what thoughts decided to rampantly rage through her head, but the train of thoughts probably broke the collective speed limit everywhere in the world at the same time. 
“M’lady?” Adrien’s soft voice brought her to earth when she was one step from panic.
“A-Adrien?” She choked on the word.
“You heard about me?” He looked dumbfounded. Ladybug, too shocked to say a word, gestured over to the building line. Even from so high and far away, his most recent billboard advertisement stood visible. “Ah… right.”
“Who… who’s the lucky girl?” Inside her mind, she wondered if Kagami right now faced a  similar problem. It was the most logical…
“Lila Rossi,” Adrien admitted, his shoulders hunching. 
Marinette.exe stopped working. 
A moment passed.
“Um… M’Lady?” The boy tried to prod his ex-partner to respond by waving his hand in front of her face.
“That… that lying…” Ladybug saw red. This could not be happening.
Adrien nodded, the despondent look on his face growing worse every second.“My father deemed her a suitable heiress to the Gabriel brand… I tried to warn him she was a liar, but he… I think he actually admires her skill…” Tears built in his eyes, and Adrien covertly tried to wipe them away. 
“Maybe… maybe you could… I don’t know!” she screamed in frustration. Marinette had several ideas about what Adrien could do, but none of them would help. 
Running away would be a problem. Leaking the story to the press would lead to his home life growing even worse. After dealing with Gabriel Agreste’s parenting, she held no illusion Adrien could win a court battle. The rich too often got away with whatever they desired. She could try to sicc Uncle Jagged on the case… or maybe Clara Nightingale… Nadia Chamack would probably love the news-breaking story, but it would all put Adrien in danger. Who knows what would happen before they could obtain results or protection against Gabriel’s extensive reach. 
Adrien sighed as if knowing exactly where her thoughts took her. Chat was no dummy, he probably scoured over his options more times than he could count. His resignation, the last resort in a long line of failed plans.  “I appreciate you trying, but I already told you I accepted it. Just… take me down, please. I… I didn’t really plan the location well…” He let out a weak chuckle. 
“Fine… I’m sorry kitty...” She grabbed hold of him and swung to the ground. Despondently she watched her best friend, her partner, walk away into the night; resigned to a life of suffering and isolation. 
There must be something she could do, she thought. She closed a gloved fist around the ring. She was Ladybug, and if she put her mind to it, there was nothing she couldn't do.  
A week later the press learned about the upcoming wedding. Adrien and Lila both left school for home-school. The press and the general public ate up the news story about star-crossed lovers that met in school and became inseparable. It didn’t help that the class kept commenting about how good they were for each other. 
Marinette resisted an urge to gag whenever she caught the sound of the vicious lies and propaganda.  She was asked for comment only once but chose to refuse. It didn’t earn her any popularity in class. Luckily, she convinced Nadia to stop a nasty side-story about her jealousy from being published. 
No closer to a plan, she despondently continued to push through her life without her friend. She, unsurprisingly, hadn’t received a single text or call. Marinette didn’t blame Adrien; his position couldn’t be easy. A month after Adrien departed from her class, Marinette convinced her parents to also home-school her. Without a single friend, the school became a burden. Of course, her reasoning to her parents leaned into her focus on her fashion business. Which wasn’t untrue. It was starting to pick up. 
The only upside to this whole debacle was near-lack of akuma attacks. It seemed Hawkmoth found a hobby. Maybe he wrote poems? 
Nah. Not his style...
Two months after the announcement  Marinette woke to surprise guests: Adrien, his father, and Lila knocked on the bakery’s doors. The bride-to-be in an especially sour mood, as much as she tried to hide it. Gabriel appeared to be devoid of any emotions, as usual.
She seated them on the couch and asked if they would like a drink. She didn’t bother to offer food, not wanting to waste good cake on the likes of Lila and Gabriel. Although, Adrien’s thin cheeks and haunted eyes made her regret the decision. 
All of them declined the drink.
“Madame Marinette, I assume you have heard of the Wedding?” The capitalization clearly discernible in his voice. 
“Yes… Yes sir!” she corrected herself. Trying desperately to mask her disgust behind a layer of nervousness. She couldn’t risk a glance at Adrien, even if this was the first time she’d seen him since that night on the roof. Making it through the meeting would be hard enough without watching him suffer.  
“While initially, I planned to prepare the dress and suit myself, my son convinced me to give a chance to someone else to shine.” Clearly, whatever it was Adrien said, it didn’t include a polite request. “I have seen the dress you made for Rock Star Jagged Stone’s wedding, as well as the suit worn by Nadia Chamack.”
“They are designs I’m particularly proud of, sir.” 
Play the part. Play the part. Don’t send him to the hospital. Papa and Maman would be disappointed. Well, Maman would probably join me… 
Her homicidal train of thought ended as she forced a smile to appear on her face. Contrary to Lila’s stretched thin lips;  Marinette’s smile shines bright and could’ve been mistaken for genuine.
“Indeed… I’ve come to commission you to design and make the gown and the suit for the sweet couple.” He announced like it was the highest honor, but there was an amount of bile in his words Marinette used to think was reserved only for Nino.
“I… I’m… I’m honored, sir!” She beamed. The excitement only half-forced. Her moral compass told her even entertaining the proposal was wrong, but at the same time, her brain furiously flitted crafting possibilities. 
Gabriel nodded imperiously as if her acceptance merely added to a foregone conclusion. “Good. My assistant, Nathalie, will sort out the details. Lex Luthor agreed to pay for the pieces as his wedding gift, so do not be afraid to ask for full price.” He informed her t as if he believed she would give him a discount. 
For a moment, a singular reckless moment, Marinette entertained the temptation to voice her thoughts about Gabriel being cheap. 
She sighed, no, there would be another day for career suicide. The group rose to leave, and Marinette finally glanced at Adrien; his model-trained smile paper-thin. He caught her eyes, and if he radiated sadness two months ago, it didn’t hold a candle to the devastation swimming in his eyes. The exchange broke when Lila gripped a hand tight around his arm and dragged him to the door. 
Gabriel handed her a card, and the group departed. Marinette collapsed onto the couch, the makings of a headache building in her skull. 
This would be awful.  
A week later Marinette held a separate meeting, consisting of Nathalie, Lila, Lila’s mother, and Adrien’s aunt. And her, obviously. 
She first asked what kind of dress Lila wanted.
Lila’s eyes lit up in an unholy glee; and she started talking. 
And talking. 
And talking. 
And talking. 
After the long and painstakingly thorough description, Marinette felt faint. Several reasons contributed to that, although the most prominent were the materials, the design, and the way she spoke. Obviously Lila had feelings, the kind likely to trigger an oncoming Auma attack if Hawkmoth hadn’t pranced off to who knows where, about Marinette designing her dress. 
Marinette was happy Adrien’s aunt pointed out the request’s complete madness, but Lila’s mother waved it off, quick to declare only minor adjustments to the request would be needed. 
In the end, Marinette presented several dozen designs, both hers and foreign to have a basis on which she could work. Lila, of course, chose the one that would be hardest to make.
“I’m sorry none of your designs were good, Marinette…” The liar cooed with faked sorrow. She hid a smirk the designer could clearly see. 
The notion was born because it was a picture and not a sketch. 
Marinette smirked, and rose from the couch, ignoring Lila’s irritated scowl at her non-reaction.  
She liked it even less when the girl brought in the ready-made dress. 
“I made it as the first design for Penny Rolling’s wedding, based on Uncle Jagged’s suggestions. I should’ve known Penny didn’t approve of his idea, but…” she waved it off.
Lila, now actively glaring at her, sat back on the couch. All of which was mistaken for amazement by the adults.
Marinette ignored the girl’s dramatics, it was the only way she’d survive this meeting intact. “Of course, there still needs to be several adjustments and personalizations. I will also need to order the amber you requested. And the platinum thread. And the white gold. And probably an industrial-grade 3-D printer… Is that covered by the expenses?” She looked at Nathalie, who nodded. “Great! I will need just a moment.” 
The women watched as Marinette practically leaped at her notebook and added in adjustments to the sketch. Fifteen minutes later, when she presented a new design, impressing them all (sans Lila, obviously) with the flowing lines and intricate details. They praised her talent (even Natalie), and Marinette played the bashful young designer role to a tee. The liar kept glaring though. She couldn’t back away easily, since she already made a scene about wanting that specific dress. Marinette informed them beforehand she would need to know about her specific wishes before she made any adjustments. 
The final design looked pretty much exactly what Lila wanted though, but she didn’t want to give her nemesis the satisfaction. Her entourage did enough of this. 
Under the cover of being too emotional, they ended the meeting. Nathalie remained to finish the deal and sign the contract. 
After all of them left, Marinette collapsed onto her chair. An hour later a notification from her bank came. She received the first half of the payment. When finished, the dress would officially be the most expensive wedding dress to date. Blessed be Lex Luthor and his deep pocket. She chuckled, remembering how much the billionaire got kidnapped because of his money.
Then, an idea shined in her head.
She took off her earrings and dismissed Tikki, promising she needed a quick chat with Plagg about a new potential holder. When Marinette put on the ring, the Kwami of destruction popped back into existence. 
“So… figured out how to help my chosen?” he asked. 
What Tikki didn’t know was when Marinette said she intended to discuss potential holders for Plagg, they really worked on a way to save Adrien. It was their secret since Tikki would most likely disapprove. They didn’t want to risk her disappointment in them. Not until they crafted a fleshed out full-proof plan. 
She nodded. “I have an idea. Let’s hire someone to kidnap him!” 
Plagg rolled his eyes. “Did they hit you on the head, pigtails?”
“No. But look, the problem is whatever we come up with, Adrien ends up blamed or we land ourselves in jail, right?” The Kwami nodded. “So… if we make sure it’s a very public kidnapping and he disappears, we can stash him away until the heat dies down. After we dye his hair and apply fast-tan, he will look different enough no one will connect the two. I’m pretty sure I could get my hands on fake documents if I tried hard enough…” she trailed off thinking of all the minutiae to coordinate to pull this off. 
It would be hard. 
But it would be worth it. 
Plagg slowly nods. “Okay… Somehow, that both makes no sense and seems perfectly legitimate. It’s also your most chaotic plan to date, Pigtails. Let’s do it!” The Kwami cheered, happy to be soon reunited with his chosen kitten. “But what about the costs!”
Marinette already had an answer in mind for that question. “Even after I subtract the costs of materials and other supplies, the payment for the dress, together with my savings, will be more than enough. Now… let’s go wake Tikki up.”
That… ended with the Kwami of Creation vomiting a pile of handcuffs and other police gear at Marinette. 
“Um… Why?”
The little red Kwammi placed her paws on her hips. “Because you should familiarize yourself with those if you plan on going to prison for that plan. It’s no longer just a phone theft, Marinette! You’re talking about breaking more laws than I can count!” She dropped to the pillow below, bemoaning about where she went wrong. 
Marinette scooped up her wayward friend and tried to reassure her. “I just need to be careful. I’m pretty sure I can do it without detection. Maman taught me how to not be seen on the internet. Or in general. Come on. I need to order a secure laptop.”
“I will help!” Plagg offered. “I can cataclysm the internet after you do your thing.”
“What?! No! Think of the cute cat pictures!” Marinette protested. “And video games.” 
“Relax! It’ll just remove any trace of you doing anything online in the several hours or so…” He calmed her.
Tikki trailed after them, a bundle of nerves and worry. “Plagg! It’s irresponsible! You can’t possibly…”
“Pigtails and I have it all under control. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Turns out, a lot. 
Before Marinette put out the hit (kidnapping, she made sure that it was plain as day), she needed to set a price. That one was harder. It wasn’t like you could Google how much you needed to charge to kidnap a celebrity. At least, not without attracting a lot of unwanted attention. 
She asked her mother, under the guise of pure curiosity. It was a normal question any teenage girl asked her mother. How much does it cost to have someone killed, how much cheaper/more expensive a kidnapping is, how to acquire fake documents, that kind of stuff. Not suspicious at all. 
So absorbed in her rant, she missed a merry glint in Sabine’s eyes. She also didn’t question how her Maman knew those prices. 
Finally, she needed to fill the form. 
Assignment: Acquisition and Delivery
Asset(s): Adrien Athanase Agreste
Here, Marinette paused. 
Her mom gave her a lengthy lecture about pricing and all. According to her, a professional would take up to fifty thousand dollars for kidnapping and bringing the target to her. Marinette decided, since Adrien was a celebrity, she should double the price. More risks involved, more reward, right? 
But, she also wanted to ensure she hired the best of the best. Compare her work to Gabriel Agreste’s, she came to the conclusion ten times the price was reasonable to ensure only the best in the field would take the job. 
Then, there was the matter of safety and so on and so on. By the end, she settled on two million dollars, as her asking price for one Adrien Agreste. Plagg sagely nodded, agreeing with her assessment. Tikki didn’t comment, as she wasn’t speaking to the two, but also seemed more accepting after spying on Adrien and Lila’s home life. Not that she revealed that tidbit to either of them, lest they drop the plan and directly go at Gabe and the Liar. 
After a few more details and boxes in the form Marinette filled until she came to the end. Only one more detail remained: 
Marinette stared at the word for a moment. After a quick race of thoughts, she typed slowly. 
Sponsor: The Seamstress
Perfect. Nothing about this could go wrong.
Of course, how could she predict just how big of a mess she would make? 
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kakyoingdom · 3 years
The Lucky Ficlet, 06
hi hi! thank you for asking! since you didn't leave your request on my askbox, i'm tagging you and i hope it's okay! i really enjoyed (re)writing and it turned out to 1,6k words! the miracles kakashi can do :0
your surprise ficlet match is: kakashi + orgasm control and BDSM + number 5: his clothes | 1,6k words
warnings: established relationship, unprotected sex, oral(m receiving), dom/sub relationship, bondage, orgasm control, one slap on the face, "sir", "doll", "love" used.
You sure knew how good Kakashi’s hands were. Fast moves, trained fingers and a special ability to make you drown in pleasure in seconds. But that, oh, was a real surprise. Although everything you knew about him, you didn’t know he was so good at shibari knots. So, when you found kneeled, your wrists all tied up with that pretty pink rope, knots around it, Kakashi smiling at you with innocent eyes, you understand it was a secret very well kept away from you. You didn’t care — surprises are way better than having him doing stuff after you asking.
And, of course, you were down for being held by a rope as he fucked you dumb.
“You remember the rules, right?”, Kakashi held your chin, caressing your cheeks gently. You looked up to his pretentious smile again with big doe eyes, eager for whatever he wanted to do with you, and nodded. His thumb touched your lips, “Tell me all of them, doll”.
You put your face side on his muscular thigh as he mumbled a content praise. You started to say the three rules previously established to all of your BDSM-related sessions. “Hm, first, I must always call you ‘Sir’, second, I must always tell if I’m uncomfortable with anything, third, if I can’t speak, I can hit your left leg twice and you will stop immediately”.
“Yes, good girl”, he praised with another chin squeeze. “I will take my pants and shirt off now. Look down and don’t mind me”, he told you like it was a really easy task. But how could you ignore the fact the man of your dreams were stripping off right there? Kakashi turned away and you tried to focus on the floor, the pretty blue rug not really interesting. It was so unfair!, you thought and pouted, listening to his pants falling and watching his classic shirt finding its place right next to your knees.
Kakashi appreciated your efforts, noticing that you didn’t even try to look up for a second. He loved you so much — his obedient girl, good girl. He approached again and you kept your eyes on the floor. “You can look now”, he just said and you leaned your face forward, hitting your nose between his thighs, his underwear still there. You stared at his bulge, hard rock because of your pretty body dressed up with his blue t-shirt and those lovely manners.
You wished you could have him on your hands, he knew it, and he touched himself, stroking his painfully hard cock while watched your needy expression. “Pretty girl”, his other hands slapped your face softly, and you opened your mouth like an ‘o’. He took it as what he needed to finally take his boxers off, hitting his cock tip on your reddish cheeks. “You look so good all tied up and ready for gagging with my dick”, he praised you once more, taking his length to you parted lips. You licked his tip, the pre cum making it easier to slide your tongue and mouth forward. Kakashi exhaled, closing his eyes with the pleasure that was to have you sucking him so well. His fist went to your nape, caressing your hair strands softly, contrasting with your fast and greedy pace, never stopping even to breathe.
“Hey, slow down”, Kakashi pulled your hair, warning. “Sorry, Sir”, you answered, your chin all wet of your saliva. You smirked anyway, rubbing your thighs together. Your panties were soaked, almost uncomfortable, the agony of not being able to touch yourself growing endlessly.
“Fuck my whole mouth, please, sir”, you moaned, pleading eyes meeting his lustful orbs. “Shit, love”, he put your mouth against his cock tip once more, not giving you any chance of getting ready before thrusting into you with no mercy. You almost choked, but moaned loud, your voice against his hardness making it vibrate softly. You could finally hear his deep voice, praising you as he fucked your throat roughly. It made your legs tremble, your wetness growing further, reaching your inner thighs, and, not having how to use your arms to avoid falling, Kakashi stopped and waited for you to establish again on your shaking knees.
“Are you okay?”, he asked you and you nodded, curling your tongue on his flesh as a last move. He kneeled too, reaching your wet and red lips with his own, kissing you deep. His hands touched your waist and ass, squeezing hard his body against yours. You felt his cock harder against your belly and you had your patience gone in a second. You held Kakashi’s shoulders almost desperately, putting your mouth close to his ear.
“I want you, sir, please”, you begged. He whispered back, “How do you want to have me, doll?”.
“I don’t know, sir, whatever you want to do to me I’m glad”, you whined, sitting on your legs, too tired to continue kneeled. Kakashi held your body and stood up, soon falling with you on the bed, you on top.
“Can you manage to ride me without falling, baby?”, he suggested with a kind and lustful smile. You said an enthusiastic “yes”, putting your legs around his body, going down forgetting about the panties that you couldn’t take off by yourself. You felt the fabric between your needy core and his dick, and moaned loud.
“But sir… Can you push this for me?”, you asked, although you were finding it enough to rub your clit against his cock, with his hands helping you to move. “Why? Are you feeling good now, aren’t you?”, Kakashi teased, but pushed your panties to the side, having your wetness finally on his cock. Yet not the way he needed — he wanted so much more.
“Bounce for me, fuck”, he helped you to put your entrance aligned to his cock, having you centimeter after centimeter. He moaned low as you were panting with his length and girth stretching all your walls so good. You moved your hips up and down with effort, your legs shaking so much it was hard to keep what you were doing.
“I can’t, Kak— Sir, I can’t”, you whined when he rubbed your clit hard enough to make you destabilize, his cock going deep on your core. “I’m so close…”, you said, and he made you stop, his hand now placed on your face.
“Don’t move. If you cum without my permission I will not forgive you so easily”. Two of his fingers entered your mouth and you sucked them, making it harder to don’t move. He moved his own hips up, causing you to unbalance as you moaned and bit accidentally his finger. The sudden thrust of his cock into you made you feel your climax really close, and you barely fought against the feeling, sweating and breathing loud as Kakashi just smiled at you. His eyes were a challenge — move an inch and you don’t get to cum.
Kakashi kept his fingers in your mouth, your tongue and lips sounding so lewd, the other hand going to your clit, pressing it gently. You moaned and your body almost moved forward, but you were the most obedient girl for Kakashi — you’d deserve to cum, to have him hard and get his praises.
“Mm… Now you can move, but don’t tease”, he commanded, his fingers circulating on your sensitive spot. You lifted your body up, feeling his member against your walls which made you leave a soft whine, eyes squeezed and focused on the feeling of your core being filled out just to be filled in fastly. You bounced as sucked his fingers, moaning so loud that the arousing sex noises couldn’t be heard — you liked it a lot, your voice mixed to Kakashi’s and the noise of his dick against your wetness. Your mind were getting numb, you couldn’t think of nothing but continue to go up and down on his cock.
“Turn around now, love, I wanna see that ass riding me so well”, Kakashi noticed your too pleasured expression and decided to make you stop for a little. You did as you were told, but, before having his cock again, you pouted looking back.
“Can I cum this time, sir?”
“Sure, but if you touch yourself I’ll take it back”, he laughed a little, slapping your ass and squeezing your covered tits. You bit your lip and felt him entering your wet cunt once more as he started to unknot the rope that was tying your arms, skillfully. You exhaled in relief when you finally had your arms free, preparing to take his t-shirt off.
“The t-shirt stays on”, you heard him, his voice even more raspy and low, a deep groan sounding as he touched your clit before your own hand get there. How did he know it? You were feeling dizzy, so you didn’t care about it. He continued to stimulate you as you bounced on his cock with such a passion, as if you life depended on that.
Your core squeezed his flesh over and over and he let your orgasm reach you this time. Your body felt against his chest and abs, and Kakashi turned you around on the bed, letting you laying down as his hips repeatedly hit your ass, in and out of you. His moans were more frequent and you knew he was close too.
“Come for me, sir”, you teased, lifting your ass up. His hands found your tits once more, pressing them together as his cum filled you, his groan making you endlessly happy. “I love you, doll”, he whispered before falling to the side with you around his arms.
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mirohlixie · 3 years
"On your knees and suck." (Prof. Lee Know)
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Teacher! Lee Know x Student! Reader (gender-neutral) Genre: Smut, College AU Words: 1,5k Summary: Before they knew they'd be professor and student in the same class one day, Y/N and Lee Minho had a one-night-stand. No Y/N is failing his class and needs to find a way to fix their grade. Luckily, they have an idea in mind...
Content Warnings: Degradation, Humiliation, Oral Sex (Male Receiving), Face Fucking, Unprotected Sex, Spanking, Dom! Lee Know x Sub! Reader
----------------------------------- o --------------------------------------"L/N, one moment please," Mister Lee said as he stopped Y/N from leaving the room. "We need to talk about your grades." Y/N stopped dead in their tracks, turning around with an indifferent look in their eyes, sucking on the sucker they'd just opened seconds before. God, what could it be about this time? The skirt that was too short? The knee socks that were too high? It wasn't their fault men couldn't keep their eyes off them. "Yes, Minho?" They taunted, looking at their professor with a challenging look in their eyes. They knew they weren't supposed to use their professor's first name, but after that one night stand they'd had before Y/N found out they were their teacher a couple of days later, they couldn't help it.
After they found out Minho had clearly told Y/N that it would be that time only and that nobody could ever know they’d had sex. If it came out, he’d probably be fired, if not arrested. Y/N found it a shame, considering they’d had a lot of fun that night.
“It’s Mister Lee to you and you know that,” he snapped, seemingly uninterested. Y/N rolled their eyes and sighed.
“Fine, Mister Lee. What did you need me for?” They sat on the desk, waiting for what their professor had to say. Minho also rolled his eyes and pulled some paper out of his bag.
“You’re failing this course,” he said matter-of-factly, his eyes trained on the paper. “So far you’ve had bad grades for all your assignments and I also never hear you in class. Therefore, your participation grade is also insufficient as we speak,” Y/N hated the way he spoke about them. So business man-like. As if the two of them hadn’t shared the bed only weeks ago. He hadn’t cared about them at all, which strangely kinda hurt. However, Y/N decided to push that thought away for now.
“So?” They asked instead.
“So? You’re not going to be able to graduate at this rate,” Minho said, clearly frustrated.
“Why do you care?” Y/N asked. “Not like you showed any kind of worry the past few weeks.”
“You know-” Minho stopped himself, lowering his volume. “You know I cannot give you any special treatment because we slept together once, Y/N. Don’t play dumb now. We’ve been over this,” he sat on his desk too, looking at them expectingly.
“Well…” you paused. “How am I going to fix it, then? You gonna tutor me?” Y/N played with the sucker in their mouth, swirling their tongue around it absent-mindedly.
“It’s too late for that. The final exam is in a week,” they looked at their professor, sighing. How the hell were they going to get that grade up then? Tutoring was the only thing that crossed their mind in this instance. “Besides, I don’t think it’s a good idea to put you and me in the same room after school, all alone,” Minho muttered, straightening the collar of his dress shirt.
“Why not, Mister Lee?” Y/N asked, making their voice sound seductive. “Afraid you won’t be able to keep your hands off of me?” They leaned into him slightly, whispering the last part in his ear.
“Don’t say shit like that around here,” he grunted. “If we get caught it’s over.”
“Oh but professor,” a devilish smile played around their lips. “How will I ever get my grade up? Maybe I could do something for you… A little… something,” Y/N licked their lips and looked their professor in the eyes.
“A little something?” He questioned, visibly shifting in his place. “Like what?” Y/N strutted to the door and closed it, turning the key in the lock before closing the shutters. Minho bit his lip, looking at the student in a mixture of surprise and arousal.
“Oh well I don’t know, I mean…” Y/N started palming their professor through his dress pants. “I know some options that are definitely not authentic, but you tell me, Mister Lee,” they bit their lip, watching Minho’s reaction in anticipation. They needed to get their grade up and this wouldn’t be too bad. Even better, they were very willing to do a little something for the hot professor.
“Fuck,” Minho cursed. “Fine, have it your way,” he grabbed the student’s neck and pulled them closer to him before smashing his lips on theirs. Y/N was a little taken back by that, but feverishly kissed him back after a short moment of realization. Minho’s lip swiped over their bottom lip and they opened their mouth as the professor’s tongue forced its way into their mouth, fighting for dominance.
Y/N moaned quietly, feeling their knees go weak at their professor’s dominant demeanor. They hadn’t seen it since that one-night-stand weeks ago. Y/N fumbled with their teacher’s buttons, but he withdrew. His eyes had turned ten shades darker as he watched them.
“On your knees and suck,” his voice boomed. When Y/N didn’t immediately give in, due to the shock, he pushed them down to their knees. “Do I need to repeat myself? Princess knows daddy doesn’t like to repeat himself,” Y/N quickly shook their head and unbuckled his belt, pulling the man’s pants down as fast as they possibly could.
His large member was already erect and slapped against his stomach, making Y/N gasp. They remembered him being big, but not this big. They hesitantly took the cock in their hand and started pumping it quickly, regaining confidence as they did so.
“Don’t be shy darling,” Minho grinned. “Nothing you’ve never done before is it?” His attitude had gone through a total switch and Y/N was not complaining at all. They nodded quickly and licked the tip teasingly before sucking on it slowly. They loved looking up and watching the professor’s reaction to their mouth. His eyes squinted for a moment and his face relaxed when the tension in his member was finally being relieved. By the looks of it, he had wanted it as bad as they had.
Y/N wrapped their mouth around the cock and started bobbing their head slowly, making sure to swirl their tongue around it in their movements. The quiet moans they elicited with this simple gesture were already enough of a reward to keep going. Minho tangled his fingers into the baby’s hair and softly tugged on the roots while Y/N sped up, hollowing their cheeks to make sure they were applying a lot of pressure.
“Fuck-” the professor exclaimed, biting his lip to stay quiet. Y/N giggled a little around him before speeding up even more, swirling their tongue around him faster as they lightly grazed their teeth over the shaft. “Like that kitten,” Minho’s grip on Y/N’s head became more firm before he slightly started to buck his hips into their mouth. The poor brat gagged as the tip hit the back of their throat harshly, the suddenness of it making them moan. Minho saw this as a sign to keep going and started thrusting, fucking his subby student’s mouth roughly.
All they could do was hollow their cheeks and swirl their tongue around occasionally, completely overwhelmed by the large object that was shoved into their mouth over and over again. Not much later, Y/N felt that familiar twitch; he wasn’t going to last much longer.
“Shit-” Minho groaned between gritted teeth. “I’m close, doll. Are you gonna be a good one and swallow it all?” They couldn’t answer, but nodded their head to their best ability and hummed around Minho, indicating that they could.
A couple of rough thrusts later, hot spurts of cum shot down their throat and Y/N choked as they tried to swallow every single bit of it. When Minho pulled out, they gasped for air shortly and licked their lips.
“You taste amazing, sir,” they smirked a little, satisfied that they’d managed to convince their professor to do this. After all, this was a treat to both of them. “So… that will be a B?” Minho chuckled and shook his head in disbelief.
“Fine, I’ll turn that F for your most recent assignment into a B,” he stated, pulling up his pants and looking at the flushed baby in front of him. “But only that one,” Y/N frowned a little, knowing that wouldn’t be enough to pass the exam and the overall course in the end.
“And maybe I’ll have to consider tutoring you the coming week, to prepare you for the exam, after all,” a small smirk formed around his lips. “How about my house at seven each night, starting today?”
Y/N’s eyes lit up. Did that mean he was finally admitting that he wanted to see them again? They nodded briefly before getting up and fixing their outfit.
“I’ll be at your place at seven tonight,” they confirmed before grabbing their bag and unlocking the door, leaving the classroom without looking over their shoulder. This was going to be interesting.
----------------------------------- o --------------------------------------
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eirikaanemo · 3 years
Summoning the Wind: The Finale
Part One: The Meeting, Part Two: Together
Venti x GN!Reader
1.8k Words
Warnings: Kissing at the end, tournament fighting, Demon Summoning™
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Despite the surprising, sudden revelation and reveal, Venti and you continue working towards your goal. Demon tournaments are not things to be taken lightly. They are difficult and it takes a lot of preparation to be ready. And while there is no permanent harm done to the demon, if you’re not careful it can hurt you.
Strengthening your bond, sparring endlessly against whatever demons your teachers and classmates summon, and running through strategy after strategy are just a few of the things the two of you do to prepare. You practice dual battles, and strike up some contracts with some other demons as well. Soon all of you are working together as a team, efficient and effective. If you’re doing this, you’re going all in.
Your first fight is terrifying, especially with you being unable to use Venti as a failsafe. He was strictly around for emotional support, hidden under your hat. The two of you had agreed that he would only be fighting in the higher tournaments. It just wouldn’t be fair for you to use him to blast your way through the competition. Everyone deserves a fair fight. And you weren’t holding back, per say, just only using the amount of force that was needed.
Appraising opponents becomes second nature and you develop the ability to calculate the right amount of force to use fairly easily. But you always err on the side of extra force. You are in this to win it, after all. So despite your fear and nervousness, your first tournament goes very well and you are the undisputed winner.
You continue your rise to the top, taking things one tournament at a time. School wide, area wide, national, and area international tournaments all come and go with you winning all of them. The fights became easy, instinctive almost, but you continued training. Resting on your laurels leads to losing after all, and that’s not what you’re here to do.
Suddenly the time comes. It’s time for the ultimate demon tournament to take place. This is what you’ve been working towards all this time. And your contracted demons are just as excited as you are, Venti most of all.
Venti hasn’t gotten many opportunities to fight himself, though he has helped in one or two in his human form recently. So far, you and those at your school are the only ones that know of his true identity. Your school administration had effectively put a gag order on the information to protect your privacy, and you are very grateful for it. But the time is coming for you to reveal yourselves to the world, here at the World Ultimate Demon Cup tournament.
The fights are hard, even the beginning ones. From the very beginning you are given a run for your money. If you hadn’t spent so long training and preparing for this day you would not have survived past the first match. You were forced to use so much mana that it would have knocked you out if you hadn’t steadily increased your reserves as time went on.
But in the end, you won the match. Then the next one. Then the next. And suddenly you are at the semi-finals. It’s just you, two tier two demons, and Venti left to finish it. Thankfully, your tier two demons and Venti’s human form were enough to get you to the final match. This is it. This is your moment.
Your opponent laughs as you step your way onto the field. “Haha, really,” they crow. “You made it this far with your two-bit tier two demons? I’m surprised! You must certainly be something. But do not doubt, I will crush you under the heel of my foot!” You roll your eyes at their arrogance.
“We’ll see about that,” you reply. He snorts and both of you summon your demon partners onto the field. His is obviously a tier one demon. It is a geo-type sphinx, three times your height and probably weighing more than you could possibly imagine. In comparison, Venti in his little sprite form is completely dwarfed.
“Is that a wind sprite?” Your opponent asks, anger creeping into their voice and onto their face. “Are you kidding me? You think you can take out my summoning partner with a wind sprite! Rude! Brikelda, get rid of it and force them to summon a real opponent.” You smirk as Venti agily dodges the sphinx’s every attempt.
It takes a while, but the sphinx, Brikelda, eventually lands a hit. A hit that almost hit Venti out of bounds. But just before he crosses the line he changes into his Archon form in a flash. Using his wings he easily changes his trajectory to keep himself within bounds. The audience gasps as the announcers proclaim their awe. “And here, folks, you have the honor of seeing an Archon in action!” “It’s sure something, isn’t it, Dave?” “It sure is, Jose! It looks like this will be a lot more interesting than it first seemed!”
Your opponent lets loose with a wild cackle. “This will be more interesting than I thought! But don’t underestimate us! We’ve worked too hard to lose here!” Even with Venti’s archon form, Brikelda the sphinx gave you a hard battle. She fought until the bitter end. But, in the end, Venti is an Archon for a reason. And his strong partnership with you has made him even stronger. He’s in top form and it shows.
The battle is long, but with one last Wind’s Grande Ode, Venti successfully launches her out of bounds. Bouncing off the magical shield guarding the audience, she crumples to the ground and unsummons herself. After a moment of silence, the crowd bursts into cheers and applause. You startle at first at the loud noise, but smile and wave in victory.
Venti soars down from the sky to high five you. Hearing footsteps, you turn around to see your opponent. They are sombre and calmer than you’ve ever seen them. Extending their hand, they hold it toward you. “Good fight,” they say. “You are an opponent worth losing to. I’m glad that it was you. I wish you luck for the future.” You reach out, take their hand, and shake it.
“Thank you for such a great fight,” you thank them in return. “You really made me earn my win. You and Brikelda are a great team.” With a final smile the three of you leave the stage, them one way and Venti and you the other. Thankfully your prep room isn’t too far away, you don’t think you can keep holding your peace for long.
As soon as the door to your prep room is closed you let out something between a cheer and a shriek of victory. “We did it!” You proclaim at Venti. “I can’t believe we did it!” You run over to him and pull him into a tight hug. “Thank you, Venti,” you whisper. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
You feel him smile with amusement, excitement, fondness, and… something else you can’t quite place, as he pulls you closer. He’s been feeling that emotion more and more recently, but you’re not sure what it is. The few times he’s let it bleed over the bond it’s been a warm, soft feeling in your heart. If you had to put a name to it, objectively, you would call it love.
But that couldn’t be it. He’s a demon, an Archon even, and you’re just a human. It isn’t possible that he could love you like that. Yet the thought never really left your mind. And your own feelings that you’ve been careful to keep to yourself all this time, refused to let it go. Because oh how much you love his laugh. You love his songs. You love his eyes. You love him, despite all his flaws.
So you can’t help but relish in the moment. He’s larger in this form, tall enough that your head rests over his heart and his arms wrap around you comfortingly, strong and firm in their grip. His heart is beating quickly, and picks up even more after he presses a quick kiss to the top of your head. Your own heartbeat picks up, and seems to beat in time with his.
You can feel your face and ears go warm as you let out a noise somewhere between a gasp and a squeak. He loosens his arms to let you pull away some to look at him. His soft gaze rests on you as he takes in the sight of you in his arms. The earlier fights had drained your mana enough that it showed in your disheveled appearance, but you still looked just as wonderful to him as ever.
“I have something I need to tell you,” he admits. “I’ve tried to keep it to myself, but it’s slipped through our bond a couple of times so you probably know what I’m talking about. I’m going to say it anyway, just to get it out in the open. Over all this time we’ve come to know each other, I’ve become very fond of you. And not just as a friend.
“It started out as just a close friendship but my feelings for you never stayed there. They grew every time I saw you working to improve yourself, to 'become more worthy of having him as a summoning partner' as you would say when you thought I couldn’t hear. They grew every time you didn’t treat me and the others as any less than you or other humans. And now they’ve grown too much for me to stay silent about them.
“I love you, romantically, not platonically. You’ve come to mean the world to me. I’ve never felt so close to anyone before and have never felt more understood than when I’ve been around you. And I-” He pauses for a moment to swallow. “Can I kiss you?”
The question is quiet, vulnerable almost. His hand comes to cup your face, thumb tracing your lower lip as he looks into your eyes pleadingly. Your heart melts, and you smile. “Yes, please,” You practically beg as you reach up to cup his cheeks too, guiding them down towards yours.
Your first kiss is soft and slow as the two of you get comfortable kissing each other. The next is a little firmer, and the next even more so. You find yourself pinned against the wall with him having pulled away for a moment to let you catch your breath. He’s about to lean in for another kiss when you’re interrupted by a knock on the door.
“We need you at the podium in two minutes,” the person on the other side tells you before hurrying off to other places. The two of you stare at each other for a moment before bursting into action. He helps you freshen up and the two of you race to the award ceremony. As the two of you run he winks and adds one more comment to make you blush. “I guess we’ll just have to finish later~”
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goddessofmischief · 4 years
And I Didn’t Like the Ending, Part 2 (Din Djarin x Reader) Angst
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You’ve never tell them anything.
...Not that they had asked you.
Instead, a squad of troopers would storm in every once-in-awhile, holding syringes, and a large, medical looking machine. They’d hook you up to it, and slowly, you could feel your power being drained.
But you didn’t care about that. They could kill you, if they wanted. All you had to know was that the Child was safe.
That Din was safe.
Part of you thought he was. You knew he was with Fennec and the others, you could feel him. But you also knew he was in danger. That he was putting himself in danger.
For you. But not only for you, of course. No, you were only the Child’s caretaker, their Jedi master. The one who Ahsoka had said could not train him, because he loved you too damn much, looked on you and Din as parents.
Well. You kinda knew where he’d gotten that idea.
“Jedi Master,” said Gideon, storming into your cell, cape swishing ominously behind him. “I’m honored.” “You know I’m not a Master, Gideon. I just have the midichlorians. No training.”
“But powerful, all the same.” At this point, you want to say something. You want to say something dumb, like ‘You’ll never get away with this!’ or ‘the Mandalorian’s coming back for us.’ But you couldn’t make yourself say any of these things. For one, they were terribly trite, and for another, you weren’t sure they were true.
He might get away with it. The Mandalorian might not come back for you. That was a reality you were going to have to learn to accept.
“You’ve gotten what you wanted,” you said, leaning against the wall of your cell, exhausted. “You’ve got my blood, for whatever reason. Kid’s too, probably. Why don’t you just let us go?”
“Oh, you know I can’t do that.” “Why?” He shrugs.
“The Jedi have been in this galaxy for far too long,” Gideon states. “We’re going to be the ones to wipe them out.” “So you’re going to kill me, then?” “Eventually. When we’re finished.” You hadn’t lost hope before. You did now.
He was here.
He was here, and he was not only alive, no - he was well. He was healthy, and at this moment, so much stronger than you. You could barely breathe, much less think of using your powers.
You felt others, too - Cara. Fennec. Boba, for a moment, but then he had left. And... Bo-Katan? Yes. Her too.
Gideon burst through the door again, holding a gag.
“Really?” “The Mandalorian is coming, as you may have guessed. It will be most inconvenient for me if he does find you. At least... before he finds the dark troopers.”
You struggled to breathe through the gag, and Gideon swept away, leaving you in the darkness.
Din, you whispered, through the Force. Din, I’m here-
You could feel him, which made it worse. He was in pain.
He was suffering.
He had to know you were alive. He had to.
Din, it’s me-
Din, come on, keep fighting-
Finally. A voice not your own. A voice painfully and beautifully familiar, that aches with a familiar ache.
I’m here.
He’s got the kid, you realize, and suddenly you see a shadow cross the door of your cell. It opens.
It’s him.
But not only him, no - he’s got Gideon as well, dragging him against the floor, and the Child carefully cradled in the other arm. And he holds the darksaber, just as you had known that he would.
“Din!” you try to shout, aloud. He kneels in front of you, carefully undying the gag.
“Din,” you whisper, and his glove brushes up against your cheek.
“I’m here, cya’rika.” “I knew you would be,” you lied, and he helped you up as you attempted to keep your knees steady.
“What did they do?”
“Took blood. That’s all.”
He seems relieved, but you don’t miss the withering glance he gives Gideon.
Oh, he’s in for it.
“Yes,” says Din, and you realize you forgot to stop projecting your thoughts to him. “Yes, he is.”
You give a half-hearted chuckle, and he helps you down the corridor and to the bridge, Gideon dragged behind you.
“Y/N!” Cara shouts, sounding relieved. “You’re - oh.”
She sees the darksaber. Everyone does.
“What happened?” asks Bo.
“He brought him in alive, that’s what happened,” states Cara, proudly. “And now the New Republic’s gonna have to double the payment.”
“That’s not what she’s talking about.” Everyone turns to Gideon.
“Why don’t you kill him now and take it?” He’s talking to Bo.
“It’s yours now.” “What is?” Din asks, sounding, frankly, a unique combination of terrified and exhausted.
“The Darksaber. It belongs to you.”
Din attempts to hand it to Bo. “Now, it belongs to her.” “She can’t take it. It must be won in battle. In order for her to wield the Darksaber again...she would need to defeat you in combat.’
“I yield. It’s yours.” “Oh, no,” chuckles Gideon. “It doesn’t work that way. The Darksaber doesn’t have power. The story does. Without that blade, she's a pretender to the throne.”
“He’s right.” “Come on, just take it,” insists Din, and you wish she would. Luckily, an alarm goes off... to the relief of almost all of you.
“The ray shields have been breached,” says Fennec. “We’re being boarded.”
“How many life forms?” “None.” “You’re about to face off with the dark troopers,” Gideon teases. “You had your hands full with one. Let’s see how you do against a platoon.” You start to push away from Din, but he holds tightly on to you.
“Cya’rika, what are you-” “I have to fight,” you insist, making a feeble attempt at escape. “’M the only one who can use the Force, it’s got to be me.” “No. You’re too weak right now.” “Seal the blast doors!” Bo shouts.
“I can do it, Din, let me-”
“They’re here,” states Koska, and you hear the door being beaten in.
Gideon smirks.
“You have an impressive fire team protecting you,” Gideon begins, “But I think we all know, after a valiant stand... everyone in this room will be dead-” Din clutches on to you a little tighter.
“But me. And them. And the Child.” “Never,” you seethe, and your knees threaten to buckle again.
But suddenly, the pounding ceases. And you don’t know why. You can only feel something... a familiar presence, like a warm blanket. Like Ahsoka, but also... not.
“Why did they stop?” asks Koska. No one seems to know. But you see a hooded man on the monitor, and you do. It’s one of yours. It’s a Jedi.
It’s Luke Skywalker.
Grogu watches, enraptured, and you let out a exhausted chuckle.
“That's right, buddy,” you say. “That’s Luke. He’s... he’s one of us. He’s a friend.”
And the most powerful Jedi you’ve ever met. Well, except for Ahsoka... the only Jedi you’ve ever met. The one who convinced you in the first place that you had powers, which you’d never realized before. It had been a chance meeting, brief... but it had left its own indelible mark on you, all the same.
“Open the doors,” states the Mandalorian. “I said, open the doors.” “Are you crazy?” Din looks at you, and wordlessly, opens them himself, just as Luke pulls down his hood. “Are you a Jedi?” asks Din. “I am,” answers Luke. He smiles at you, then turns his attention to Grogu. “Come, little one.”
“He doesn’t want to go with you,” Din insists. “He wants your permission. He is strong with the Force - but talent without training is nothing.”
Luke looks at you as he says this, and you can’t help but feel slightly offended.
“I will give my life to protect the Child. But he will not be safe until he masters his abilities.”
Din picks the Child up again, and begins to speak to him, quietly.
“Hey, go on. That’s who you belong with. He’s one of your kind. I’ll... see you again. I promise.” “No,” you speak out, mustering all your strength. “No. I will train him.” Luke looks at you with a measure of pity.
“You can't,” he said. “You are untrained yourself. And... he is attached to you.”
He says it like it’s a bad thing.
“Then train me,” you insist. “Train me. Let me come with him.” Din looks at you, and you can hear his thoughts, loudly.
They go why?
They wouldn’t really, would they?
And on. And on.
“No,” Din whispers, hoarsely, and the Child seems to tell that he’s hurting. He reaches up for his mask, and Din does something that you never would have guessed -
He takes the helmet off.
You can see the ache in his eyes. His big, brown eyes.
He’s crying. He cries for you, for the child.
He cries for his family.
“Don’t be afraid,” he whispers, not only to Grogu, but to you. After he sets the child down, he turns to you - and you recognize it as your turn.
Your turn to say goodbye.
“He really needs you,” Din said, his voice small and vulnerable. “...Right? You wouldn’t leave m- go, if there was any other way.” You nod, feeling a lump in your throat.
“I have to.”
“You have to.” You try to walk towards Luke, but your feet keep you planted there, and, unable to stop, you fling yourself into Din’s arms, and he holds you tightly as you sob into his shoulder.
“Sh, cya’rika-” and he begins to hum an old Alderaanian lullaby you taught him-
Mirrorbright, shines the moon,
Its glow as soft as an ember
When the moon is mirrorbright, take this time to remember
Those you have loved, but are gone
Those who kept you so safe and warm
Those you loved are with you still
The moon will help you remember He sets you down, then, much like the Child, and you kiss him. You put your whole self into it... and it’s painful, so painful, not like your kisses before.
“I’ll see you again,” you promise. “I swear.”
Luke nods at you, picking up the Child, and you lean on his other arm for support. You don’t miss Din’s heartbroken, slightly jealous expression.
“May the Force be with you,” Luke utters, and before you shut the link off to Din’s mind, you hear one, last thought -
What the hell do I need the Force for if I don’t have them?
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Kinktober Day 6: NonCon (+Bondage +Overstimulation)
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: Fairy!Lucy x Fem!Reader, Fairy!Lucy x Fairy!Rami, Fairy!Rami x Fem!Reader (with small cameos from Fairy!Ben and Fairy!Gwil)
Words: 3,232
Warnings: NonCon, bondage, overstimulation, anal, anal training, oral (f receiving and m receiving + toys), throat training, sex toys (dildos/strapons/anal plugs), use of magic, begging, crying, creampie, cum swallowing, PIV,  degradation, humiliation, orgasm denial, forced orgasms, loss of consciousness, mention of double penetration, mention of pimping reader out, mention of flogging.
A/N: As soon as I saw non/dubcon was one of the optional prompts for day 6 I knew it would fit with another chapter of the Fairy AU! But, I also really liked bondage and overstimulation, so I decided to just incorproate all three into this one chapter lmao. 
As with the rest of the Fairy AU, this can probably be read as DubCon but in this one Reader does use words like ‘no’ and ‘stop’ so I’ve categorised it as NonCon. Please don’t read if that isn’t your thing.
Lucy had taken Gwilym’s suggestions for training you seriously. By the end of the week he’d supplied her with three dildos, each one larger than the last, which had been stuck to the wall of your room. Every day you had scheduled training time in which you’d kneel on the floor and fellate the toys, learning how to handle them better, supervised closely by one of Lucy’s staff or by the Queen herself. She would reward you when she felt you’d made sufficient progress and punish you when you didn’t. Once, while she was watching, you’d gagged and choked too much as you’d attempted to deepthroat the smallest of the dildos, and so she had flogged you before forcing you to try again, plainly unmoved by your tears.  
In addition to the dildos, Gwilym had also supplied an anal plug (with the promise he could get a larger one when you were ready for it), and since then you’d been perpetually full. The end of it was marked by a jewel – similar in colour to the shimmery beads which hung from your collar – and was clearly visible through the sheer dresses Lucy clothed you in. You weren’t permitted to touch it. Lucy gave permission to remove it so you could use the bathroom and wash or so you could be fucked, but otherwise you had to endure the constant fullness of being plugged. Rami, for his part, thoroughly enjoyed your new training regime. When Lucy had passed on the suggestion that he should use your throat and arse more frequently, he’d been quick to agree, and you couldn’t remember a day since that he hadn’t made good on his word. Though neither he nor Lucy had entirely stopped using your cunt. They’d discovered the joys of penetrating you at the same time, treating it as a something for them to do as a couple. They felt that by fucking you simultaneously it could bring them closer together and, so far, it seemed to be working. The chamber maids and staff in the castle whispered about it as they worked, gossiping about how loved up the royal couple seemed, speculating if that meant a child would soon be on the way. Of course you knew that a pregnancy was unlikely considering Rami usually filled you with his seed. Even when he fucked Lucy he’d more often than not finish inside you. Lately he'd favoured your throat, his cock tasting of Lucy as he held your nose and forced you to swallow. Another part of your training. 
Even in your off hours, when both of your masters were otherwise occupied, you couldn’t escape the constant feeling of being full, the plug inside your arse stimulating you as you walked through the corridors. Once, while going about your business, you’d run into Gwilym and Ben. Gwilym had asked about your training and Ben had stepped behind you to see the plug. They’d drawn you into an empty room nearby and made you lift your dress and bend over so they could get a better look. You’d not wanted to, worried what Lucy would say, but the didn’t give you much choice and so you’d obeyed, trying not to let it affect you when they discussed how wet you were and what they’d like to do with your body. Ben seemed a touch jealous that Gwilym had used you already but at the same time he sounded pleased that when it was his turn to have you, you’d be better able to take whatever he decided to dole out. They’d eventually let you go but not before Gwilym interrogated you further about your progress since beginning training.  
If Ben or Gwilym had ever mentioned their private meeting with you, Lucy had never alluded to it, and you’d never found the courage to mention it yourself. It was hard to know how she’d react. Instead you focused on being a dutiful pet. Quiet, except when you were being fucked, and obedient at all hours. If Lucy said it was time to practice your cock sucking skills, you’d kneel at the wall and suck until she told you to stop. If Rami entered your room after dark and rolled you onto your stomach, you’d press your arse into the air to make it easier for him. And if either of them ever asked if you were enjoying yourself, you told them you loved how it felt to be taught to serve properly. For the most part they were happy with your behaviour and your attitude to the new training regime. Lucy would coo about what a good pet you were as you ate breakfast in the courtyard and reward you with whatever trinkets your heart desired. Until you displeased her.  
About a month or so into the training, Lucy decided you weren’t enjoying yourself as much as she’d like.  “I was lenient when we started,” she said, pacing from one side of your room to the other as you knelt on the floor and wiped drool from your lips, “I knew this wouldn’t be easy for you, that everything would feel new and difficult. But we’ve been at it now for long enough that you should have grown to enjoy it more.”  “I do like it,” you said weakly, but Lucy just scoffed and strode past you again.   “Liar. You endure it. Which is fine. If enduring it is all you’re capable of then you’ll just have to endure it until I'm sick of playing with you. When I bind you in the gardens for the first night of the bacchanal you will endure every single one of my people who comes to use your holes. When I reward Benjamin for his loyalty by presenting him with your pliant body on a silver fucking platter, you’ll endure it. When Gwilym comes to assess your progress, you’ll fucking endure that too. But I’d like so much more to have an enthusiastic whore.” She paused in her pacing to regard you, “It’s no skin off my nose if you don’t enjoy what happens to you. But it would be in your interests to learn, not just to endure it, but to actively crave it.”  “Yes Mistress,” you dropped your head as you spoke, trying to breathe naturally when all you felt was panic.   “Come now, don’t cry pet. I think I can help you. We just need to give you better motivation. So, starting today, you are not permitted to cum unless you’re having your arse or throat fucked.”  “My Queen?”  “Don’t worry, pet, we’ll still take pleasure from your cunt. But you won’t. You’re going to learn to associate orgasms with anal and oral. We’ll start with just Rami and I but if I feel you need extra motivation then I can inform your minders to make you cum while you practice with the dildo wall. And if that doesn’t work then I’ll declare you a lost cause and let you suffer while we enjoy your services. Sound fair?”  “Yes, Mistress, very fair.”  “Good. Now let’s try it out shall we? Up on the bed, legs spread for me. And remember, no cumming.” 
Lucy was true to her word. It was hard to adjust to, being edged while they played with your pussy, but they always made sure you had at least one orgasm while they used either of your other holes. In fact, Lucy was quite generous and would often magically remove your ability to orgasm so you didn’t have to worry about accidentally falling over the edge. And then she’d let you moan into her cunt while Rami filled your arse, taking away the spell so that Rami’s touching your clit made you cum with all the force of the orgasms you’d been denied before. You thought perhaps her plan might work. It was easier to feign excitement about both anal and fellatio when you knew that it was your only chance to cum and the more you pretended to like it the more you actually did start to like it. It was slow going though and you could tell Lucy still believed you could be more enthusiastic. Perhaps that was why sometimes she was less nice. On days when she wanted to test you or when she came to you needing to vent some frustration after dealing with a troublesome queenly duty, she’d forget the spell. She’d take great joy from ploughing your pussy with her dildo or rubbing herself against you or even eating you out, mocking you when you whined about being close and ordering you to hold it or suffer the consequences. You weren’t sure what the consequences were but you weren’t all that keen to find out and so you’d struggle through, trying desperately to keep the orgasm at bay. Which is what happened one night when she came to you, clearly pissed off about something that had happened in the meeting she’d just returned from. 
Lucy didn’t elaborate on what or who had pissed her off but you instantly knew she was going to make you suffer. Her fingers had tugged at your hair hard enough that it felt as if she were ripping it out, as she pulled you down to lick her pussy. Even after she’d had her orgasm she was still angry and so decided to use you to alleviate her frustrations.  Meekly you removed your dress and lay back, following every order she gave you quickly and without question.   She considered you for a moment before approaching the wall and pulling the largest dildo from it.  You gulped as she used her powers to attach it to herself and then, in the blink of an eye, was on you, the tip of the fake cock at your entrance. You had no hope. The moment you saw the glint in her eye you knew she would be making you cum one way or another and certainly without permission. Lucy was looking to punish someone and you were the perfect candidate. But you tried. You did everything you could think of to keep from cumming as Lucy rode you, toying with your clit until she grew fed up with waiting and sent a bolt of magic through you that had you clenching on her cock in an instant.   She tutted at you as she pulled out, “Oh pet. That was a mistake. I’m going to have to punish you now.”  “Please don’t, My Queen. No, please no. I tried Mistress.”  “And you failed. So now...”  There was a flash of light and the next thing you knew was being bound to the bed, arms and legs immobile. No matter how much you tried to pull at them they held, as you’d known they would. Lucy watched you, amused, until you stopped struggling so much. The only movement she made was to take off the dildo she wore, absentmindedly tracing her fingers over its length, already slick from being inside you.   “There now, have you got it out of your system?” she asked when you gave up trying to free yourself, “You know I hate doing this but it’s the only way you’ll learn.” She grinned as she spoke, clearly enjoying every second of your dismay.   All you could do was try to brace yourself as your queen shoved the fake cock back inside you, her magic making it thrust and vibrate.  
The toy had a mind of its own and all you could do was writhe against your restraints and moan as you were unwillingly pulled into an orgasm.  “Don’t you look so pretty like this.” her laugh was tinkling and musically sweet and you knew there would be no hope of being released until she’d had her fun. Your stomach tightened as another orgasm began to build and, though you knew it was futile, you couldn’t help but beg again and again for it to stop, knowing it would only get more painful as it continued.  “Such a noisy whore aren’t you. That’s good. I’m sure the whole castle will hear what pleasure I bring you.”  “Mis-Mistress, p-p-p-lease,” you cried out, somewhere between sobbing and moaning, “Ple-ase st-stop.”  “Oh no, I’m not going to do that. You wanted this. You wanted to cum and so you did, disregarding my order entirely.”  “No,” you shook your head but Lucy just talked over you.  “Yes, whore. You asked for this.”  You let out a high pitched whine, barely hearing the door open and Rami walk in.  “Sweetie!” Lucy said excitedly, beckoning him towards the bed.  “What’s going on here?”  “You remember what I told you about Gwilym’s assessment of our pet right?”  “Which part?”  “How he asked if she’d ever passed out while we played with her.”  “Of course. You were wondering how much it would take to make it happen. Is that what we’re testing out here?”  “It is!” She clapped her hands together excitedly, “Our silly pet decided it would be okay to steal an orgasm, even though she knew that I didn’t want her to have any. So now I’m giving her all the orgasms she wants and we’ll only stop when she loses consciousness.”   The tears that you’d spilled already had been brought on by pain but now you cried out of fear, terrified about how much you’d have to endure before you reached the end of your torment. Every orgasm you were forced to have was a little more painful than the last and came faster too, giving you less time to recover. And, though you tried to plead with Lucy, tried to apologise and promise to be good, it was getting harder and harder to speak. Your words were interrupted by whimpers, whines, sobs, and every so often a moan as your pleasure peaked enough to overtake the pain for a moment or two. Lucy remained indifferent to it all, watching you with excitement and greed.  
“Actually, Darling, watching our naughty little slave has made me very wet.”  “Say no more, my love.” Rami said softly, leaning in to tenderly kiss Lucy’s cheek as undressed. And before you could properly register what was happening above you, Lucy was moaning as he eased into her cunt from behind.  Lucy kept her eyes on you except for when they fluttered shut as he began to thrust, “Good whore. Keep crying. You’re going to help me get off.”  You couldn’t have stopped crying even if you’d tried. The pleasure peaks had grown less and less frequent as the pain became more acute, hurting you from the inside out. And knowing that your suffering was making your mistress horny, that she was enjoying your torment, only made it worse. It was humiliating, not least because part of you felt glad to have pleased her.   “That’s it, like that,” Lucy panted but you couldn’t tell if she was still talking to you or if the words were aimed at Rami.   You screamed as you came again, your arms and legs pulling against the restraints, sobbing in the aftermath as you already felt the next impossible climax start to build.   Lucy arched her back, drool dripping from her lips onto you as she moaned out the word yes over and over, being fucked just the way she liked, pushed closer and closer to her own release. And when she came she moaned, her mouth falling open in an O shape that made you jealous of her good it must feel compared to the orgasms ripped out of you.   “Pull out Rami.” she panted as she came down, groaning at the loss of his cock, “Got somewhere special for you to put it.”  You had no idea what she meant, barely understanding what she’d said, until she moved aside so Rami could kneel between your legs.   You cried through a blissful five seconds as Lucy removed the vibrating dildo from your throbbing pussy and then it was replaced by Rami who roughly thrust into you until he had his orgasm too. You could feel him twitching inside you as he pumped his cum into you and then pulled out. For a moment you hoped that would be the end but then your overworked cunt was filled once more with the toy and you screamed as it continued to overstimulate you.   “How about one for each of her holes?” Lucy said softly, already stroking Rami’s cock, “Like a proper cumdump deserves.”  You felt limp and exhausted, unable to even attempt to thrash against the bonds that held you in place. And so, when Rami knelt by your head and forced his cock between your lips, you did nothing but cry. Even before he was finished painting your tongue you began to feel dizzy, struggling to keep your eyes open.   Rami pulled out and laughed, “I think this is it my love. See how she struggles now?”  “Oh you’re right,” Lucy moved closer, examining your face as you felt another shockwave roll through your body.   The last thing you heard was Lucy ask, “Are you going to pass out now pet?” And then there was darkness.  
You were no longer bound when you woke, no longer stuffed full with the dildo. The familiar taste of Rami was on your tongue and the moon was where it had been before so you knew you hadn’t been out for more than a few minutes.  “You’re awake!” Lucy exclaimed, “Rami she’s awake!”  You blinked away the grogginess and winced as you moved.   “Well?” Lucy asked as both she and Rami peered down at you, “Do you remember what happened?”  You nodded, memories rushing back, “You punished me for disobedience.” you said softly, needing to clear your throat before the words could be heard.  “Yes. So what do you say?”  “Thank you for teaching me a lesson My Queen.” The full weight of what you’d been through caught up with you and another sob wracked your chest, “I’m sorry for disobeying.”  “Does that mean it won’t happen again?”  “It won’t, Mistress. I’ll be good from now on.”  “And you’ll put more effort into enjoying having all of your holes used?”  “Yes, Mistress. I’ll love it I promise. I’ll love it so much I’ll beg for you to use them.”  “I like the sound of that. Why don’t we start now. I promised Rami he could fill your arse but you blacked out before he had the chance and we didn’t think it would be right for you to miss it by not being conscious. So why don’t you beg him to use you now.”  You nodded, fresh tears leaking from your eyes, “Please Rami, Sir, please use my arse. I need it so bad.”  “Not so hard now was it.”  You shook your head as rolled onto your stomach, pushing your hips up for Rami even as your legs and pussy ached.  "Before my future husband takes you, you should know something. We’ve decided that, for the moment, it would be safer if you were to stop gaining pleasure from your pussy. We’ll only be using it while you’re asleep. Any other time your other holes will take priority. Does that make sense?”  “Yes, Mistress. Whatever you think is best.”  “Good girl.” Lucy gave a nod and Rami unceremoniously removed your plug. He groaned as he sank his magically lubed cock into you and began to thrust. 
Taglist: @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @ilovequeenmorethanyou @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies @cherries-n-rocknroll @rogersslave @scorpiogemini
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songficsbyrissi · 4 years
Make A Baby (T’Challa  x Reader)
“I'll be your Cinderella-ella (Aye) Then maybe you and maybe me Can maybe meet and m-m-make a baby Then maybe you and me Can meet and make a baby, let's make a baby” - Nicki Minaj
A/N: here’s an idea I thought about writing for MONTHS now but I thought it would be too stupid to write. However, with the tragedy we are currently facing, it wouldn’t hurt to write. If I tagged you in this and you’re not in the mood, please don’t feel obligated to but I wrote it to lift the mood. It’s all fluff and humor so I hope this puts a smile on your face through all the grieving 💞🙏🏾
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************** You wanted a baby. You NEEDED a baby.
No ifs, ands, and buts about it.
You were ready to bring a life into this world and nurture it. All with your handsome husband King T’Challa. Simple enough, right?
Wrong. Here’s where the problem comes in.
You and T’Challa have only been married for 6 months. When you were engaged, you expressed to your future husband that you wanted to spend at least one year married before trying for a baby. Ultimately, he agreed with you. You know you wanted your husband all to yourself for a year or two before sharing him with a child, but shit changes. Your baby fever was at an all-time high and you wanted a baby now. You wanted to tell him but he seemed happy not having children right now. He got to live his life, do a whole bunch of dangerous shit, come and go as he pleases without worrying his children. He grew to love your agreement while you grew to hate it.
“Fuck it. I want a baby.” You declared quietly as you laid in bed next to T’Challa. The man stirred a bit and mumbled tiredly.
“What did you say, my love?”
Fuck. He was supposed to be 100% asleep. Well, there’s no backing out. Your mother raised a strong woman who says what’s on her mind. Here goes nothing.
“I said I’m feeling achy.”
Wow. You are a pussy. Your mother raised a pussy.
Your loving husband turned to you with a concerned but tired face. “Did you want me to call the medical staff? Because I-“
You bit back a groan and turned your back to him. “No, I’m fine. I just slept wrong. Go back to sleep.”
“Whatever you want, my love.” He planted a kiss on your shoulder and turned back around to sleep.
“I want you to nut in me.” You muttered under your breath.
“ I want you to butt and knee! Do some butt and knee workouts! Damn! Good night!”
The next morning, you smacked yourself on the forehead when you walked past the training grounds and saw your husband doing intense squats in his panther suit. He turned to see you and gave you a smile.
“Ahh, my Queen has come to see me do the butt and knee workouts! I am doing them right, Yes?”
You struggled to put on a fake smile and give him a wave as he demonstrated a squat for you. “Yes, you are, my love! Keep going! I’m proud of you!” You turned away and dropped your smile. You got your husband doing bad bitch workouts because you were too much of a pussy to tell him you want his baby. You gotta do better in life. You ran into Erik who was failing to hold back a laugh.
“Yo why the fuck is T on the training grounds trying to get thick?” Erik laughed harder, looking back at his cousin. “Nigga thinks he’s Megan the Panther or some shit!”
You glared at the laughing royal, crossing your arms. “Erik, it’s not funny. He’s only doing that because I’m an idiot.”
Erik stopped laughing and put on a face of puzzlement. “Wait what?”
You shook your head walking away. “Never mind. It’s a long story that you can’t help me with.”
He caught up to you and stood in your way. “And how do you know that?”
“Because you’re Erik. It’s ingrained in you to always have a bad idea.”
He put a hand on his chest in feigned hurt. “Ow, Ms. Queen! That hurt! You might as well slap a nigga in the face while you’re at it!”
“Oh, that was next. Now move out of my way, N’dickhead!”
“Hey! The nickname shit is my thing!” He shouted after you. “Damn, I miss being the only American here.”
You figured it out. You were going to try the subtle approach. Slightly let him know you were open to having a baby now and it was going to happen on your trip to the market.
The king held your hand tightly as you two walked through the market. You stopped at the carrots and saw an opportunity.
“BABY, look at those cute BABY carrots! Aren’t those BABY carrots so cute?!” You put emphasis on the word “baby.”
He gave you a weird look. “Uhh yes? They are adorable.”
You began to gush even more. “Don’t you wanna just have a BABY carrot?”
T’Challa smirked at you, shaking his head in amusement. “I see what you are trying to say.
You felt relieved as he grabbed you by your waist, lovingly. “You do?”
He planted a kiss on your forehead. “Yes I do and we shall prepare baby carrots when we get home.”
Yes! You were getting your baby! You couldn’t wait but you had to eat dinner first. Gotta get your energy up before you get your legs up. You sat on the opposite side of your husband at the royal table. You made eye contact with him and he winked at you, causing a non-visible blush to appear. The servants brought out the food and you were too stuck in your daydream until Erik’s voice broke you out of it.
“What the fuck is this?”
You looked down on your plate and your smile fell along with it. On the plate was Wakandan cuisine with a shitload of....baby carrots. What the fuck?! You glanced back at your husband who had a face splitting grin.
“What the fuck is this shit?!” Erik questioned and Queen mother slapped his head. “Ow Auntie!”
“Watch your language at the dinner table!” She scolded and turned back to her plate.
“Damn she picking up on the swears......”
“My queen pointed out to me multiple times that she wanted baby carrots today at the market so it is only right I had the chefs prepare some. I told you I could pick up hints, my love!” T’Challa declares happily, digging into his meal.
“Yeah...thank you, sweetheart.” You gritted out, popping a baby carrot in your mouth and you wanted to gag.
Not the gagging you were hoping to do today.
Once dinner was over, T’Challa had to attend a meeting with the tribes and you had Erik come beside you as you walked to the royal garden and you finally explained the weird shit that was happening.
“So what you’re telling me is that I had to sit at that table and eat those nasty ass carrots because you’re too pussy to tell your HUSBAND to give you his dumbass seed?!” Erik glared at you in disbelief. “I swear to God, y’all niggas make it hard for me to stay redeemed.”
You scoffed in annoyance. “Erik, this isn’t about you!”
“Like hell! It became about me when you made me eat those nasty ass carrots!”
You sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Alright! I'm sorry! If it makes you feel any better, I fucking hate carrots and I had to eat them.”
“Just tell that nigga, man. He don’t do hints or all that special shit. You just gotta be blunt and tell it like it is like I do.”
You thought about it and thought about it and finally shook your head. “Nahhhhh. Imma sneak it into a conversation.”
“You should not be this damn nervous to say you want to get nutted in.”
So the next approach was sneaking it into a conversation. How’d that work out? Well...
“Awww look at this! Russell and Ciara had their baby!” You showed him Ciara’s Instagram on your phone. You two were in his office, discussing a trade for him to sign off on.
“Who is Ciara again?”
You rolled your eyes. “A singer. She sang Goodies! My goodies! My goodies! Not my goodies!” You began to sing but he barely paid attention.
“Speaking of Ciara, there was a song meant for her that Nicki Minaj recorded-“
He finally looked at you. “Nicki Minaj! That’s the woman made a Friday the color of pink!”
Ok, so he half listens to you. “Uhhh sure, anyways, she recorded it but never released it. It’s called Make a baby. It’s goes, “maybe you and maybe me can meet and make a baby.” You stared into his eyes singing it slowly.
“Oh, I see why it was not released. No offense but The song sounds terrible.”
You groaned loudly slamming your head on the desk. Why did you marry such a gorgeous yet moronic man?! You should’ve have to spell this out for him.
“My love, do you always slam your head on surfaces? That might be the cause of your aches.”
Okay, so approach #1 and #2 did not work. How about approach #3?
You burst through the doors of his office on a mission.
“I want a fucking baby!”
Your eyes widened, seeing a group of superheroes in his office and not one glimpse of your husband anywhere. This group of superheroes were the fucking Avengers. You were embarrassed was an understatement. T’Challa came up beside you.
“Ahh, I see you’ve all met my beautiful queen, Y/N. Y/N, these are the Avengers.”
You waved sheepishly. “Hey...Avengers...”.
They awkwardly waved back at you in response.
“I heard you say something, my love. What is it?”
Shit. You definitely weren’t going to repeat the words now that you have an audience.
“I said Iran is a maybe! You don’t remember but remember when I said I was making a list of countries to visit next month and I said we were definitely going to Iran? Well, now it’s a maybe. A lot is going on over there. So it’s in the “maybe” column. Yeah.”
You must say, your ability to bullshit and bullshit quickly was impressive. If your future baby inherits that, you’re in trouble.
“Oh okay, we can discuss that later, my love.” He kissed your cheek and you awkwardly turned on your heel to leave the office. Just like that, approach 3 was a complete fail as well. You were such an idiot.
When T’Challa finally retired to your shared bedroom for the day, you were still wide awake. All these approaches were not working. Honestly, fuck approaches. Approaches were not getting you pregnant.
“Yes, my love?”
“I want to have a baby.”
He shifted beside you. “I’m sorry?”
You sighed sitting up in bed and staring at him With all the sincerity you could muster. “I want to have a baby. I know I wanted to wait a year or two but I changed my mind. I’m ready to be a mother now.” You expected him to have a serious face, ready for a discussion but instead, he was....amused. Had his cheekbones poking out along with his signature smirk.
“I was wondering how long it would take for you to tell me that.”
“Oh my God! You knew?!?!!”
He sat up, chuckling at your expense. “Yes, I knew.”
You hit your husband in the chest. “You ass! How long did you know?!”
“When you said it in bed that one night,” T’Challa replied, causing you to hit him again.
“Wait so you had me making an ass out of myself to tell you I wanted to have your child?!”
He held his hands up in defense. “Hey, that was your choice, my love. You should have just told me, instead of creating all these complicated ways to say it. I am your husband. You should not have to beat around the bush with me.”
Damn, he was right. Damn, Erik was right. For once in his life. Damn him.
“So.....what do you say?” You asked sheepishly, avoiding eye contact. You made eye contact when he grabbed your chin and kissed your lips sweetly.
“My love, I’ve wanted children with you ever since I fell in love with you. I was always ready to be the father of your children but I wanted you to be ready to be the mother of my children.”
You smiled widely, kissing him again. “And I am. I am ready to give you children.”
T’Challa began to climb on top of you. “Then what is the holdup? I must...nut in you? Is that the proper language?”
“Yes! Yes, it is! Now do that!”
And unlike your approaches, it only took you and T’Challa one time to get what you wanted.
Tags:  @iamrheaspeaks @chaneajoyyy​ @dramaqueeenamby​ @marvelmaree​ @guccixcucci​i @brattywriters-anonymous @cancerianprincess​ @creole-mami​ @maddiestundentwritergaines​ @blowmymbackout @ljstraightnochaser @blackpinup22 @airis-paris14 @vibranium-chakra @sociallyawkward18 @chefjessypooh @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @slimmiyagi @imasmille @ashanti-notthesinger @thehomierobbstark @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls @quietstorm-73 @90sinspiredgirl​ @lewatigress @kaykay0829 @queennanayaa @mysticbrownie @holy-minseok @queenof-wakanda @destinio1 @raysunshine78 @amelatonin​ @lewatigress​ @ambthegamer​ @fandom-fangirl22​ @catzspaceships​ @darkskin-buttercup​ @blackrockshooter780​ 
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
can’t help falling in love (one)
pairing - george weasley x reader
summary - you ask george to be your date to your sisters wedding
warnings - mentions of family/home issues
word count - 2.6k
series masterlist
george always valued family and friendship more than anything.
he grew up with multitudes of siblings and being a twin himself, those bonds were something taught to him at a very young age. even harry, when introduced to the family, slowly turned from just ‘ron’s friend’ to another little brother.
you, on the other hand, you were something different to george.
you had met the weasley’s when you were only ten.
it was the summer before you were set to start at hogwarts. your grandmother had taken you to diagon alley to get your materials for the school year; robes, books, and your wand being some of the most notable items.
you owed your grandmother the credit for your magical abilities. you were muggle-born, having two muggle parents and you inheriting your abilities from your grandmother.
while shopping, your grandmother had bumped into an old friend, none other than molly weasley. while the two had talked on and on, you shyly drifted away from your grandmother.
you found herself lingering around eeylops owl emporium, looking at the different birds and the other products they carried.
“one day we’re going to own a shop here! and you’re the first one to hear it.”
the two ginger boys who were previously hiding behind their mum had drifted just like you. “really? what kind of shop?” you asked.
“one for pranks!” one of them spoke. “yeah and gag products too!” the other one added.
you wanted to continue the conversation, but at the same time you still didn’t know who you were really talking to other than the fact they were molly’s kids.
“i’m fred,” the first one waved after realizing he should probably introduce himself. “and i’m george,” the other one greeted.
you nodded with a small smile. “y/n.”
from that day on, an instant friendship was formed.
just in that day alone, you got both your robes and wands together and even lunch. when the day was over, the twins had left with wide grins, waves, and the promise for you to all sit on the train together.
it took a bit for you to distinguish the twins apart but after being pointed out their subtle differences, a day didn’t go by where you mixed them up.
you did everything together without even realizing the future you had ahead of you. ten year old you didn’t even think about the boys you would be getting your first wands with would turn into your best friends.
the sorting ceremony was what really sealed it.
you were absolutely terrified walking into the great hall. between the stares of the students at their house tables and the teachers, you were a bundle of nerves.
fred and george were sent up before you, fred going first up to the sorting hat followed by george. it was no doubt where they would end up.
when your name was called, you nearly froze. however, fred and george at the gryffindor table had given you a reassuring thumbs-up with a smile. sure it was simple but it had given you a boost of confidence.
“y/n y/l/n?” professor mcgonagall had called.
you headed up to the front, taking a seat on the stool as the sorting hat was placed on your head.
it took a few minutes, with some random chatter from the sorting hat, before your house was given to you.
“gryffindor!” the sorting hat announced.
fred and george met you at the table with a strong hug, the three of you more than overjoyed you were sorted together.
molly and your grandmother were equally as excited. the first opportunity you had, you sent a letter home telling her all about your arrival and finally your house. fred and george did the same, though their sorting wasn’t exactly a surprise.
you went home with the weasley’s during your first christmas break. your grandmother was going to be traveling and your parents and sister, well your parents and your sister were a different story.
the weasley’s welcomed you with opened arms. you, fred, and george were already close. percy was at hogwarts with you as well. you met ron, ginny, bill, and charlie.
your friendship only grew as you went up in the years. just like they had mentioned when you first met, fred and george started working on different prank products the second they had the access to the right materials. you assisted, of course, but honestly, you were the least rebellious of your group.
but like most friend groups, there were always two that were closer than the others. that fell to you and george. you were still close with fred, of course, but there was something about the bond you and george had that went beyond anything.
the twins still knew almost everything about you. but you always tried to block one thing from them; your family issues.
they never questioned when you changed the subject of it when it was brought up and never once complained when you stayed at their home over going to yours.
but with the recent events and arrival of your invitation, it was something both boys couldn’t ignore.
george couldn’t find you until later that afternoon.
since you had rushed out of class after getting a letter, no one had seen you, harry, or hermione.
ron was on the lookout as well. his friends had failed to show in in the great hall for lunch or even just in the hallways.
“fred! george!” ron called to his brothers. “have you seen harry and hermione?”
george shrugged. “i know they’re with y/n but that’s about it. haven’t seen her since she rushed out of transfiguration.”
“you think they’re back in the common room?” fred questioned.
“it’s worth a try.”
the three brothers arrived at the gryffindor corridor after a few moments. judging by the scarce amount of students and few first years scurrying out of the portrait entrance, there was no doubt you were inside.
ron took the initiate to repeat the passcode. even from the outside they would hear what sounded like arguing.
“y/n you have to do what makes you comfortable.”
“yeah but then-” you stopped your response to hermione’s words the second you noticed the others enter the room. “oh hey guys.”
“what’s going on? we haven’t seen you for hours,” george immediately rushed out.
the twins and ron finally took a minute to examine the room, eyes darting around to see where everyone was situated.
harry was leaning against the wall under the window, arms crossed with a concerned look on his face. hermione was more calm, taking a seat on one of the chairs though her expression did mirror harry’s.
you, on the other hand, took a seat from your previous pacing just as the other group entered.
“it’s nothing guys,” you mumbled.
“y/n,” fred started as he sat criss-crossed in front of you. george did the same, though he tapped your knee twice. it was a simple gesture, though it did gain your attention. “you can talk to us, you know that,” george finished.
“i got my sisters wedding invitation today. it’s this saturday,” you spoke. “and i don’t like talking about it but uh, i don’t really get along well with her.”
it took a lot for you to even get that out. you were more than thankful no one pushed the subject further.
“do you not want to go?”
you shook you head. “i mean not really. but i feel like i have to. if not i don’t really know how i would feel as a person.”
“well whatever you decide, just know we’re all here for you, okay?”
you nodded. “thank you guys, it really means a lot.”
the group in the common room slowly started to disperse after that. you declined any invitations to go get food or explore the school but instead took a seat back down in front of fire.
one thing you failed to mention; you needed a date.
you asked george wednesday night.
“george,” you interrupted, already shooting an apologetic look to the others at the table. “can i talk to you for a second?”
you ignored the chorus of ‘oooh’s’ from the others at the table as george stood up. “georgie’s in trouble,” fred spoke in a sing-song tone.
“i’ll see you all later,” george spoke to the table.
he followed you out of the great hall. as you were heading down one of the hallways, george leaned down to interlock your hands, swinging them back and forth in front of you.
you had to admit, it did incite a laugh out of you. george always knew how to cheer you up, even if it meant just little gesture as silly as that.
you finally pulled george down one of the corridors, situating yourself in one of the corners behind the walls. you could actually talk to him without having to worry about prying eyes.
“so you know how i have to go home for my sisters wedding this weekend?” you asked.
george nodded as he crossed his arms. “yes?”
“i need a date to go with me. it says so on the invitation,” you fiddled with the sleeve of your robe, unable to meet george’s eyes. “could you maybe come with me? you totally don’t have to if you don’t want and i know i’m a muggle-born so a lot of my family doesn’t really know magic and that’s a lot different the your-”
george cut off your rambling with a grab of your hands. “hey hey hey, you really think i wouldn’t go because your a muggle-born?” george asked, his tone being one of almost hurt.
you shrugged, hiding your face once more. “you see how some people treat us. besides, it’s a muggle wedding. no offense but i know you don’t know how a lot of things in the muggle world work. i wasn’t sure if you would want to go for that reason.”
“y/n i would love to go,” george smiled.
you let out a sigh of relief. “but if you don’t mind me asking, why me?” george questioned.
“well you’re my best friend. fred is cool and all but i just feel a lot more comfortable going with you.”
george’s confidence grew ten times from your words. was he proud you chose him over fred? absolutely. but honestly, he was really really happy to be invited.
“i know you mentioned it before but i wanted to reassure something to you. i know your family relationship is rocky but i promise, i’ll support you with whatever it is. if you want to go home at any point during the trip, just say the word and we’ll go. okay?”
you bit your lip to hold back the tears already welling in your eyes. “is george weasley going soft on me?”
his cheeks flushed a shade of red at your comment. “maybe,” he mumbled. you reached up to place your hand on his cheek. “i don’t mind, it’s sweet.”
george smiled back down at you, squeezing your hand as you brought it back down.
“mcgonagall wanted to see me and whoever i decided to take tomorrow night to go over some things. thank you can meet me after dinner?” you asked.
“of course, though you may have to remind me,” george grinned.
you matched his expression. “i’ll see you then.”
suprisingly, george did in fact remember your appointment.
he met you outside of the great hall. “ready to go see mcgonagall?” george questioned. you nodded, “yeah let’s go.”
mcgonagall’s office didn’t take long to reach, just down a few hallways and then though a password protected doors. you were guests and given a temporary code to use.
“professor mcgonagall?” you called.
“come in!”
you stepped in first, motioning for george to wait a moment before he followed. “ah hello y/n, i assume you’re here for your trip this weekend.”
“and you’re bringing mr. weasley?” her tone changed to one of more questioning at the end once george made an appearance.
“if that’s okay of course.”
mcgonagall hummed to herself. “we just have to go over a few things and then i’ll let you go. it’s all just standard procedures.”
“of course.”
“first off how are you looking on assignments?”
“i’m finished,” you spoke. mcgonagall turned to george. “and you mr. weasley?”
“i made him get ahead,” you piped in. “we’ve been working a lot to get everything done over the past few days.”
mcgonagall quirked an eyebrow at that, more george being done over you.
“now for travel, you two will take the floo to your home tomorrow afternoon and then be back in time for classes monday,” mcgonagall explained. “and remember, no magic outside of hogwarts!”
you nodded, “of course not.”
“oh dear it’s not you on worried about, it’s him,” she singled george out with a narrow of her eyes before turning to you. “you had to chose him of all people? our most notorious troublemaker?”
you shook your head with a grin. “what can i say, i guess i have good taste.”
george gaped slightly at your words, a bright blush crossing over his cheeks before he could even think to hide his face.
“well if you’re sure, then that’s all. here is your designated amount of floo powder. just one pinch in the gryffindor fireplace with a shout of your address and you should be good to go. that’s all i have, you two are dismissed.”
“thank you professor mcgonagall,” you smiled.
george followed you out of the room, allowing for you to exit first. you had a bit of a way to go to get back to the dorms, a much longer walk from the office to the dorms.
“well tomorrow’s the day,” george spoke in an attempt to start a conversation.
you hummed, wrapping your arms a little tighter around yourself as you walked. “yeah it is.”
“i haven’t taken the floo in forever. i hope i don’t blow up or something.”
you attempted to hide your giggle at his poor attempt of a joke behind your sleeve but it still broke though, bouncing off the empty corridor. george smiled too, clearly glad he was able to make you laugh.
the two of you reaching the gryffindor common room just moments later. it was entirely empty, most people either in their rooms already or still out studying.
george stopped at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the girls dormitories. he couldn’t go up, for obvious reasons, and besides, he was pretty tired too.
“well goodnight y/n.”
you smiled up at him, reaching out to squeeze his hand gently as a silent ‘thank you.’
“goodnight george.”
classes ended early on friday allowing for you and george to actually floo home at a good time.
after lunch, you headed back to the gryffindor common room. your bags were already packed, you just had to grab them from your dorms.
the room was pretty much empty when you and george headed back down the stairs. since everyone had the afternoon off, most students were either going to hogsmeade or occupying somewhere else on the school grounds.
however, harry, ron, hermione, and fred remained behind to see you go and make sure nothing went wrong.
“alright we’re heading out. we’ll be back sunday afternoon around four,” you announced.
“stay safe,” hermione piped up. “and try and have some fun.”
you smiled at her. she was someone you found yourself going to,despite your small age gap, to talk about your issues with.
george hauled up your suitcase onto his shoulder before making his way over to the fireplace. you stepped in right after him.
you took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the short trip you were about to be taking. “ready?” george asked as he nudged you with his elbow. “ready,” you confirmed.
the floo powder felt heavy in your hand. george took some too, shifting it back and forth between his fingers before turning to you. “let’s go.”
you spoke out your home address in your loudest and most clear voice before tossing the powder down.
and in one large crackle of the fire, you and george were gone.
tagging: @goldenxreid @wilburxpancakes @blakeprentiss @criminaly-supernatural @blakes-dictionxry @mrs-dr-reid @weasleytwinsfav
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My name is JK (Alien!Jungkook! x Human!Reader)
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PART TWO (SEQUEL TO ‘MY NAME IS 01001010 01001011′)
Warning: Tooth-rotting fluff, Jungkook being a cutie, ok the real warning tags are Daddy kink, birthday sex, innocent reader being trained (???), lots of hicks and marking, cunt slapping, oral sex, uhh and jk being a competitive baby.
Genre: Fluff, Smut, if you squint and look closely, a little bit of humour.
Word Count: 5.6k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
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It had been a week since Jungkook had, ahem, dicked you down. And it has been the best week of your life so far – he showed you things you had never seen before, the most beautiful scenes that your eyes feasted upon. You both had gone to the Neon Valley, it was a vast blue-purple lake that lit up at night due to the minerals on the sand bed below, and the lilies residing there would dance every night.
They fluttered, swung and swayed – and simultaneously, Jungkook and you too, had danced – he took you in his arms and as you both slow danced to the humming of the diva-crackers, you couldn’t help but look at his gorgeous face, adorned with a smile that you’d never replace for anything in this universe. You could feel yourself falling for him, he twirled you with ease, and as you stumbled back into his arms, he lost his balance trying to save you from falling and splash! 
You both had ended up in the hot water, and despite the current situation, you both had burst into boisterous laughter which echoed across the plain field around. In the shining moonlight, Jungkook’s face was more lit up than the neon water they were in, his long hair sprawled across his forehead, as he pushed it back with his left hand, while holding your waist with his right arm.
Jungkook looked at you with such intensity, you didn’t really know how to react. both of you knew you wanted more than just cuddles on your couch that was too small for Jungkook, more than grocery shop romances, and trekking on the artificial mountain, and more than watching movies together,, more than cuddling under the tree at the main park, more than making fun of each other, you wanted each other so much more badly.
“Kiss me,” Jungkook whispered, his face getting dangerously close.
“I’m scared,” Of course you were, but you didn’t move away from me.
“Of what?” Jungkook’s eyebrows bunched up like they always do when he’s confused.
“Of falling. Of drowning,” you answered as you looked into his eyes, how could someone not fall for him?
“Well, I’m already drowning, so don’t be scared, silly,” Jungkook’s eyes formed from his usual doe eyes to half-moon crescents and, you were no longer afraid to fall.
Because he was there, he will always be there, right beside you.
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Fuck. You couldn’t help but curse as you saw the red spot on your lavender sheets, they were my favorite sheets. You had really bad mood swings when you were on your period, and you were basically uncontrollable. You saw Jungkook’s figure on the left side of the bed, sleeping peacefully, his chest heaving up and down as he breathes consistently.
“Baby,” you whined, as you almost pushed him off the bed. There was no way that you were going to the pharmacy to get the goods, so he was your only choice possible.
He stumbled as he got up, sleep still swimming in his eyes, as his hands went up to rub them, trying to get rid of the slumber that had taken over him.
“Yes, princess?” he asked in his hoarse voice – which turned you on (especially a lot now, since your uterus was sad, lonely and angry). His eyes travelled to the blood on the sheets, and it would be an understatement to say that he had a heart attack.
He immediately engulfed you in his arms, “Are you hurt anywhere?” he said, unable to breathe, because fuck, if anything ever happened to you, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
The worry in his eyes was making you feel guilty; did he even know what was happening?
“Jungkook, chill,” you laughed a little before directing him to the side of the bed, telling him to sit.
“Humans – well, only females – have to go through a period of time where they bleed. From down there,” you explain, and watch him go into a slight state of shock.
The poor baby just woke up 2 minutes ago, so this was probably hard to digest.
“You… you’re bleeding… and you don’t go to the hospital?”
“Does it hurt?” he asks in the timidest voice ever, careful not to offend you. He remembers once he asked you about body hair and since it was your biggest insecurity (cue Middle School flashbacks when you were the only girl with a slight unibrow and mustache), you couldn’t help but lash out on him.
“Yeah, it hurts a lot in my tummy,” you said on your way to the bathroom, “I need my supplies though, could you get them for me?”
Half an hour later, Jungkook returned with five bags of chocolates, chips and snacks – enough to feed a small village. The entire week, he kept studying you (you swear you saw him looking at you and writing notes in his small notebook, like a detective. Sigh) and your mood swings and tendency to eat the weirdest food combinations – he couldn’t help but gag when he saw you dip a whole cucumber in peanut butter.
“Kookie, cuddle with me,” during the day you would make grabby hands at him, and get him to massage your back, but at night you’d be the complete opposite – wanting to sleep as far away from him as possible. He also noted that you were more sensitive to jokes during the week, so he kept them at a minimum, and his praises at a maximum.
“Baby, you know, you look so cute in my arms,” he cooed, as he kissed your cheek while cuddling. He didn’t miss the blush that crept on your cheeks either.
Also, despite all the bleeding, you were ready to jump his bones anytime. He hasn’t had this much sex with anyone in one week. Not that he minded it.
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You were more than ecstatic when you saw your favourite-est food in the world stocked in the human section of the grocery store. Spicy Hot Korean Ramen! You still remember when eating this used to be a challenge, back on Earth.
As you stacked the basket with half the stock, Jungkook couldn’t help but look at the ingredients – what was it that made you love them so much?
He was well, more than shocked to see all the different kinds of spices that humans could barely tolerate, chili flakes, red pepper oil, habanero flavored seasoning… he couldn’t let you eat this!
“Baby, this is too spicy for you, maybe we should buy this,” he pointed to the boring chicken and cheese flavored ramen. No! You were going to buy the spicy one and that’s finalized. Of course, Jungkook looked at you, and couldn’t argue. He doesn’t think he could argue with you even if he tried to.
Back at the apartment, Jungkook bit his tongue, trying not to say “I told you so,” as you fought your tears while eating the horrendous noodles. You were positive you could never feel your numb tongue as you chugged down the glass of strawberry milk that Jungkook handed you.
As expected, Jungkook was prepared for the stomach ache you experienced throughout the night, and gave you medicine to recover.
Before sleeping, you heard him sigh before saying, “I told you so,”
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Jungkook had noticed you a lot, ever since you moved in with him. You didn’t have much belongings anyways, because you were only allowed to carry 100 pounds of baggage on the space craft, so you only carried the essentials. (Yes, you brought an oven. Yes, it was 77 pounds heavy. No regrets.)
While getting accustomed to his cozy, but huge apartment, you couldn’t help but trip over furniture. At first, it was his coffee table in the kitchen, next to the refrigerator. Every time you would get something to eat, your pinky would hit the leg of the table, causing you to splutter nonsense and then cry about it.
His bed was also higher than you expected it to be, so every day, for an entire month, after waking up you would underestimate the height – and always, always fall down from it.
He was extremely shocked by your ability to ignore pain, and to continue suffering every day because of the same cause at the same place. It’s okay, because now he’d hold you as you stepped out of the bed, and moved the coffee table to the other side of the kitchen.
He also noticed that humans don’t always have a thought out sleep schedule, they did as they pleased. Last night, you were pretty much half asleep at 4 AM, as you tried to finish the last episode of the new Netflix series.
“You were so sleepy, yet you continued to watch it without even understanding what’s happening?” he asked as soon as you woke up, to which you shrugged.
Again, next week, you forced yourself to get up at 5AM in the morning, so you could go for a jog. After all, you were thinking of getting more fit, all you did was lay on the couch. But as you headed in the bathroom for a shower after the run, he couldn’t help but think that humans are weird.
The first time Jungkook heard you crunch your bones, he was so scared, you almost though he would faint. He threw his game controller on the floor, as he ran towards you – thinking you had dislocated a limb, or something.
“Kookie, I was j-just stretching,” you could barely make out the words, trying to hold in your laughter as he tried to make sure you were okay.
With a sigh, he ran his hand through his fluffy – much longer – hair now, as he headed back to continue his game, “Baby, you’re so weird,”
“But you still love me?” you asked as you joined him on the couch, laying your head on his lap.
“I will always love you. Even if your bones crack,”
Bonus: When you got up at night for a midnight snack, you were surprised to see that Kookie wasn’t in bed with you. You later found him in his office, studying about how a human’s joint makes loud popping or cracking sounds because of the gas gathered there. He was finally content to ensure that you were safe.
Of course, you smothered him in hugs and kisses, because he always looked out for you. Always.
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After a few weeks of being in Corellia, you had started to well… miss Earth. It was natural to do so; you’d lived your entire life there.
“I miss the sunsets, they were so pretty,” you spoke as you showed him a polaroid of you and your sister with the sunset behind you both. You pointed towards the one sun you had, and the purple, pink and orange hues of the clouds.
In an attempt to make you happy, Jungkook gave you a chocolate, they always made you happier, and he’d read somewhere something about chemicals in it making humans happier. But he was surprised to see you dancing (terribly) to a pop song, that seemed a little annoying, but he could deal with it.
The song had seemed to lighten your mood a lot, as you danced along with him happily, and as you looked at him, you felt happier. His long, wavy hair bounced as he danced with you. His eyes were smiling, and it was so pure that you laughed along. You were happy finally.
Until two weeks later, when you came across a photo of you and your high school class, trekking up a mountain on your senior trip to the north. Jungkook saw you sad again, missing Earth and your loved ones. Some were dead, some didn’t make it here, and some lived on the hotter side of the planet.
He put up the same pop song again, and cuddled with you on the couch. For the first time ever, you really felt grateful to God for something. You felt grateful that you were alive, and that you had Jungkook along with you. He looked how he looked every day, wearing a casual white t-shirt and grey baggy sweatpants. You adjusted yourself on his lap, and looked at him, and looked into his brown eyes. As you traced his face with your finger, he laughed, “Princess, do you feel better?”
You smile at the word of endearment, kissing his cheek, “You make me realize the difference between a house and a home. A house is a place, made with bricks and concrete, and materialistic items. But a home, is so much different. A home is where you feel belonged, a home is a place where you get that feeling of love. You make me finally realize how Earth was more of a house for me, but here, in your arms, I finally feel like I’m at home,”
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You never thought Jungkook would be an overprotective boyfriend. Or a way too over protective boyfriend. During sex, he would go crazy on your body – sometimes treat you like a china doll, fragile and easily breakable, and sometimes it would be rough and harsh, not that you minded it.
His apartment was well, more suited for Jubal people because the ceilings, the bed, and of course, the kitchen cabinets were all bigger in height and size in comparison to your apartments back on Earth. Often, without thinking Jungkook would put food on the top most cabinets, and you often either felt too embarrassed, or too stubborn to ask for his help.
Which resulted in you – dangerously – climbing on the shelf to grab your precious food. This was a routine now, so you didn’t exactly pay attention to your limbs – just letting your muscle memory do the work for you. Right foot on the counter, and then you push your left knee as well, until you’ve made yourself stable on the counter top. Then, you stand up, holding the cabinet handle. Today was the same, but Jungkook had recently scrubbed clean the shelves, so they were more slippery than usual, and there was a fleeting moment when you thought you were about to fall (which would, by the way, give you the nastiest head injury), and before you realized it, Jungkook had looped his arm around your waist.
You were still shocked – chips in hand – when he settled you on his lap, almost like a child.
“Princess, what were you thinking?” he says as he lets you turn around, so you straddling his lap.
“I just wanted some chips, Kook,” you say with an amused grin. He was obviously distressed, as he sighed while running his hands through his hair, like he would when he was frustrated.
“Baby, you have to tell me if you need something from there, okay? What if you had hurt yourself?” his voice seemed to get louder with every words, and just like that, your amused grin was replaced with a pout, as you lowered your head.
 You didn’t mean to make him angry like that.
Looking at you, he knew he couldn’t ever stay mad at you. It was physically impossible for him. He hugged you, and your head rested on his cheat, feeling his fast heartbeat morphed into a more, stable and steady beat, “I’m just always worried for you. Even if everything is wrong, it’s alright, you’re the only good thing in my life,”
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It had been ages since you had gone to a festival, and there was going to be a carnival-like festival in Corellia soon. You didn’t think Jungkook would be that interested, so you were quite surprised to see him… so excited about it.
“It comes twice in a year, you have to come! I’ve heard they’ve made it more human themed this year, so you feel welcomed, but we’ll have our traditional rides too!” he spoke with a gleam in his eyes, as you both got ready.
Jungkook of course, made sure you were wearing at least five layers of clothes, two pairs of gloved, and three pairs of socks. It was night time, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of you looking like a walking marshmallow.
“Baby, you look so cute!” he exclaimed, holding your hand. The dead town looked really alive tonight, as the red, yellow, purple and other multicolored lights lit the place up, to make it feel even more alive. You were really shocked at the amount of people present, but that’s what made it even more fun.
The first thing had to be food, you got two plates of fries, because, well, is it even possible or human to share food? And that too, fries? No way. 
Jungkook had recently discovered ketchup, and now he would dip everything in it before eating. Ramen, dipped in ketchup. Chips, dipped in ketchup. Bread, dipped in ketchup. And now, you saw him cover every single chip in ketchup before eating it. While you thought this was disgusting, you were still amused by his new found love for it.
You both scared a giant cup of strawberry milkshake, that looked like it was out of a romcom, cotton candy pink color, with whipped cream on top. And naturally, the cherry. Your noses touched, as you both drank at the same time, and you couldn’t help but want to live in the moment forever.
You both had spent the night, either enjoying rides that were too scary, and hazardous to experience but at the same time too fun to miss out on, or competition with each other to the next level. You knew Jungkook had always been a competitive little shit, whether it was about who would cook better and faster, or about who loved the other one more, he was always in a competition. This was no exception either, as you both we immersed in a car racing game, where you were well, obviously losing.
You had never really been the best at arcade games, and this car games was extremely frustrating, because the goddamn seat was too big and your legs could barely reach the pedals on the bottom while holding onto the steering wheel simultaneously. He laughed as you struggled to multitask, and at one point you didn’t realise you were going the wrong way until you heard Jungkook laughing so hard, he was struggling to breath. Three tries later, Jungkook had had his fair share of victories as he put you in his lap, and told you to focus on the steering only. He’d handle the pedals part. Together, you guys had broken the fastest record of the day and of course, he had to congratulate you. And the congratulations came in a form of a heated kiss – which wasn’t liked by the Jubals waiting in line to play the game.
Later, you both had way too much fun beating others in basketball as you paired up, and beat a Jubal power couple. Then came the bumper cars. The same Jubal power couple had hit your and Jungkook’s car so hard that you almost flew across the set-up, if it wasn’t for the seatbelt, and Jungkook’s arm around the waist. It was safe to say that Kook took his revenge by hitting their car repeatedly, as he shoved them into a corner. You kissed your over protective boyfriend on the cheek, he was just so fricking cute.
You both ate more food than you could handle, and as you were walking, Jungkook bought a donut and tried to feed you.
“No! No, Kook, I swear!” you tried to get away from him, but he held your waist as he pushed the donut in your mouth, smearing it over your cheek in the process.
“Kook!” you exclaimed, as he kissed you, and licked away any leftover icing.
You couldn’t help but blush when he smirked, “Sweet.”
At the end of it all, you pushed Kook into a small photo booth that sat on the other end of the carnival.
“Please? Come on!” you tried to show him your puppy eyes, and turned your lips into a pout.
“But baby, I don’t look good in photos!” he whined as you inserted the money to take a four portrait photo.
“Please? Just this once? For me?” you pouted again, and pushed him in with you, and you tried to drag his arms.
“You can’t give me the puppy dog face! You know I can’t say no to that!” he whined, adjusting you in his lap.
“Just pose, Kookie,” you said as you closed the red curtain on the side. In the first one, your arms were around his neck as you laughed and looked in the camera, and he looked at you, pouting. The second one, you both looked at each other and smiled, his hands in your hair. The third had been him grabbing your face, squishing you cheeks and bringing you closer (but because of the movement – it was also blurred, at which you were disappointed, but Kook assured you it looked good), and lastly, in the fourth one, you were kissing passionately, while Jungkook smiled in the kiss.
You both climb the small hill, where people are buying and lighting their lanterns in an orderly manner. You both buy one, and you end up writing “JK X Y/N” on it with red paint, and before Jungkook lights it, he adds a red heart, and “4EVER,” underneath which looks so cheesy, that it makes you laugh.
He looks at you, and kisses your forehead. Around 10:30, everyone lets go of their lanterns, and you both also let go of yours, letting it fly in the sky, as Jungkook cups your cheeks and pushes your hair back, before kissing you, sweet and slow.
The night had come to an end as all the Jubals were leaving too. You didn’t know exactly what time it was, but it was definitely i-can’t-walk-o’ clock, as Jungkook gave you a piggy back ride without any questions when he saw you stumbled into others. In one hand you held the teddy bear he had won from the water gun thingy, and in the other you held a cotton candy like sweet – but it wasn’t exactly cotton candy. It was blue and purple, and shined because of the crystallized sugar on it.
The last thing you remember was resting your face where his shoulder and neck met and mumbling, “This was the best day of my life,”
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If someone had told you that you’d have a cook off with an alien in two months’ time, you would’ve laughed in their face. But. Here you were. Trying to cook the best alfredo pasta he would ever taste in his life.
You tried to glance on his cooking station multiple times, only to be pushed back, “Baby! It’s supposed to be a surprise!”
Jungkook really seemed to be absorbed in the cooking process, and you were starting to feel deprived of his love and adoration that he would usually shower at you when he was not working in his office.
30 minutes later, he brought you his favourite dish, the one that his mother used to cook for him when he was younger. It was orange red-ish coloured deep fried small cutlets, that smelled… amazing. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint what it tasted like, it was salty, but in a different way. And so, so, yummy. You were a little insecure when Jungkook took a bite of your pasta, and showed no emotion.
Oh no, you had tasted it and it felt pretty normal, juts how you’d make it on Earth. Was he allergic to something in it?
“Baby, what did you put in this?” he asked, but he didn’t seem to stop eating it. He didn’t speak anything until, well, he finished the dish.
“Can you make that for me every day?”
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It had been over six months, since you and Jungkook had been seeing each other. Naturally, as a couple you both did fight – mostly over stupid stuff, like which restaurant to go to, or disagreements on what to buy etc. But you both would always sort it out, no matter what it was, he was always by your side.
It was his birthday, and Jubals never really celebrated their birthday – “Why would you celebrate this? I’m just one more year near death,” he said as you told him about ‘Earth Traditions’.
Albeit to whatever he said, you made yourself busy when he went out to meet the gang. You’d met them a couple of times before, being much closer to Taehyung because he never really questioned whatever you did, and just went along with it. You had enjoyed Jimin and Jin’s company as well (mostly because they cooked for you, not gonna lie).
As you hung up the balloons that said, “Happy Birthday!” individually, you had started to well, decorate yourself as well.
You knew how Jungkook always looked at you as if you were the most pure creature in this universe, his innocent little baby, so you decided to dress the part. Dressed in white panties, with a small bow on them, you adjusted your pink tinted, bra that came along with it. It left little to the imagination, as it was see-through, but there were small bows on each nipple, making you look like a present. You’d never really been the one to dress up in stockings as well, but here you were, tweaking your garter, as the pink shaded white see-through material latched on your legs as a second skin. Now, you waited patiently.
He finally came, around half past seven, and looked better than ever. You’d worn your silk robe that you would usually wear around, so he wouldn’t suspect anything. He looked so happy, his eyes crunched up into its usual crescent shape as he laughed while blowing the candles and eating your home-made cake. He had always loved your baking, so when you made his favourite Oreo cake, he was really, really happy. You’d made him a teddy bear – you were bad at sewing, but hey! A for effort.
“Kook, there’s a present in your bedroom too,” you said as you took his left hand and guided him in the bedroom. You had given him several gifts already, so why were you giving him another one?
“Baby, you didn’t have t-“ he stopped as soon as you dropped your robe in front of him, letting him take in the sight of you, clad in your lingerie that he had only imagined in his wildest fantasies.
The light hearted aura around him seemed to vanish, as a darker shade took over his eyes. Without speaking anything, he carried you bridal style, to the bed and laid you down softly on it.
“Gonna let me taint you, angel?” he asked, and at the sight of him, you couldn’t help but moan and nod.
“Use your words, baby,” he said as he let his fingers roam on your figure, and lit a fire in your core, making you overwhelmed.
“Yes, Daddy, please make love to me,” you whine, but he tsks on your choice of words.
“Angel, my princess,” he says as he leaves a trail of wet kisses from your neck to you collarbone, sucking on it, “I’m not going to love to you today, I’m going to fuck you, baby”
You gasp as he circles around the bow on your nipple, before ripping the thin material completely, letting the cool air hit your vulnerable skin.
As Jungkook just keeps looking at you, his long hair shadowing in front of his eyes, you can’t help but feel needy, “Daddy, please, touch me,” you whine, trying to get ahold of his hand.
He gently brings his mouth down, sucking on the little tip of your nipple, as his tongue works magic around it, and you’re already starting to get wet.
“It’s u-unfair that you’re all d-dressed up,” you moan, as you try to take off his white t-shirt. He chuckles as he takes off his shirt, letting you look at his god-like body. You were speechless when you first saw him, and you still are every time you both have sex.
His lean body, is just perfect in every way, and the way the moonlight hits his face, giving his face the shadows that come along with the highlights, you were dumbstruck at how breathtaking he was.
While Jungkook loved to mark you, mark your body, make you his, today was harsher, much more aggressive as he bit your chest, making you cry out in pleasure. He painted your body in hues of purple and bright pink, using his tongue to make each bruise feel better. As soon as he reached the hem of your underwear, he stopped, and that resulting in a whine from you.
“It’s my birthday, and you said I deserve anything on this day. So, princess,” he said, unbuckling his belt, and you swallow hard before he lets his cock free, ”let me fuck those beautiful tits,”
He pushes himself into your mouth without any warning, letting you groan and whimper as you produce enough saliva to make him sopping wet, “Good baby,” he whispers as he lets his dick between your tits.
You smiled, as you held your breasts together, and he slides his hardening member between them, “fuck baby, you’re so soft, so pretty for Daddy,” he murmurs obscene praises as you whimper in pleasure from the friction between your breasts.
He places his cock between them, and first experiments with his movements, and as time passes, he becomes faster, and messier. You both didn’t mind the mess, as his pre-cum lands on your chest, collarbone and nipples, and you can only whine in pleasure while letting him use your body.
His movements go from steady and fast to uncoordinated and stuttering, as he pulls out and pants, letting him catch his breath.
“Fuck, baby, they felt like heaven, but there’s something else, way better,” he grins as pulls himself down on your body, and looks as you underwear, directly. It makes you whimper, when you feel his hot breath through the thin material. He laps his tongue on it, and it feels so good, but not good enough, and you wish he would just take it off.
“Daddy, please, take it off,” you whine and he pulls your legs further apart and digs his face between them.
He smirks and looks at you, already fucked out as a blush stays on your cheeks. Angelic.
“Keep the stockings on, okay, sweetheart?” he says as his finger traced down your leg, as you shiver under his touch.
He comes up to you and cups your face, pressing a kiss against your cheek – and it felt so chaste in comparison to what you both had just done.
And before you could realize, he slips his fingers under the hem of your panties, and shreds them into pieces.
“What do you want from Daddy?” he stops in front of your clit, spreading your lips, waiting for your answer. He knew you were shy, too shy to speak vulgar words, but you were just so needy right now.
“Daddy, I need your tongue,” you speak, and let his tongue sit flat on your bud, it gave enough stimulation, but at the same time not enough, and you just needed more. You couldn’t help but buckle your hips into his face, and that resulted in his getting up and looking at you, making eye contact.
“You’re being ungrateful now, huh?” he says as he smacks the bud hard, where seconds ago he let his tongue rest. It’s painful, but at the same time, it just feels so, so good. He smacks it two more times before letting his teeth sink in your inner thigh, as you let lewd noises escape your mouth, as he further marks your thighs, and you knew, for sure that they would last a long time.
After a lifetime of teasing, he lets his tongue slurp the cum that escaped your pussy, as he went to town on it, eating you out as if he’s been starving for years. You let your moans escape as he slips his tongue inside you, and lets his nose rub against your clit. You were so close, just about to fall off the edge as he pulls himself away, and you whimper, grabbing the sheets as if your life depended on them.
“Your cunt is always, always so pretty and tasty for Daddy,” he smacks between your thighs again, making you gasp, “always ready for Daddy,”
His ruffled, brown hair shines in the dark of the room, the moonlight being the only source of light, illuminating his face.
He lets his dick enter you, gently, until you reach your limit and instead of waiting like he always does, he rams back into you again, letting you adjust with his steady movements, as you grab his hand and hold it. He always holds your hand when he’s being rough, to let you know that he can stop anytime. (but u is a hoe)
He slides out until only his tip is inside you, and lets himself into you all at once, fast and reckless. Wild. It isn’t long before your walls clench around him, “Daddy, I-I’m so close,” you say as your rub you clit, slowly with a continual movement.
You orgasm starts first, hot and sticky liquid, dripping down you thigh, staining your perfect stockings, and soon Jungkook follows, as his head buries in your neck, and he groans before letting himself loose.
“Happy Birthday, Kookie,” you whisper before letting him take you to the tub, where you both well, fuck again.
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A/N: It’s always so fun to write alien!jk, and I hoped you guys liked it. Also, a huge thank you to @bisoo-ausucre for supporting me so much!
Could you please help me decide what to write first? Frat boy!jk OR titanic!au with Jimin as Jack? 
As always, requests are open, and so is my inbox. See you next time!
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Maribat Secret Santa 2020
Happy Holidays everyone🎁
In my defense there was a minimum of 2000 words and there was no max so this ended up being 6112 words sorry, I think. There is some Adrien, class and Lila salt, Adrien gets some sugar later.
Without further ado @eve-v0lution I am your Secret Santa, enjoy.
Marinette has never been a normal girl. When she was born the goddess Tikki appeared claiming her as her chosen and the next Ladybug. She was born the granddaughter of Ra's Al Ghul, the head of the League of Assassins, the sister organization to the Order of the Miraculous. Her older brother, and twin, Damian was called to be the next Demon.
When they were five, she was taken to the Temple of the Order of Miraculous. she and her brother kept in contact, but it wasn't much more, than 'yes I am still alive, are you?' which was fine with them. As they were often trained together by both the League and the Order.
A week before they turned 10, she was named the Great Guardian and given the Miracle box. On their 10th birthdays he returned to the League to support her brother as he was officially named the heir of the Demon. However, things never went that smoothly. Slade Wilson led an attack on the League killing their grandfather. Damian rushed on to fight the Mercenary. She followed at his side the only thing she said before entering the fray was "Duusu fans" and combat fans dropped into her hands.
Between the two of them, they pushed Deathstroke back. However, he didn't retreat before throwing a sword at Damian. She called upon Wayzz's "Shell-ter" catching the sword in the shield’s dome. She took the hilt of the blade before dropping the dome. The two of them shared a look before running to find their Mother. Together they used Kaakli's portal to go to the Order.
However, they were met with an equally gruesome sight. Many of the monks laid dead, those that weren't were not in much better of a condition.
A single elder survived, speaking of the simultaneous attack on the Order and League. He told them that he will rebuild the order, but that Mari needed to keep the Miracle box safe. In the end Mother told them that she will be leaving them with their Father.
To say it was a surprise that their Father was Batman would be a stretch. Mother and Grandfather only allowed perfection, so not as surprising as one would think. Batman being Bruce Wayne, sure that wouldn't be her first guess but so what. What actually surprised her were her new brothers.
Damian hated them but she loved their antics. Where Damian became the next Robin, Mari stayed in the cave manning the comms as well as their numerous and often injuries.
However, when she did join everyone on the roof tops, Scarlet joins them. A red cropped hoodie that ended a little below her ribs. A long sleeve Kevlar shirt with a high neck. Black gloves and arm guards were holding the sleeves of the hoodie down. Her pants were the same Kevlar as the shirt and was just as formfitting, there were guards on her thighs that wouldn’t impede on her movement as well as knee pads connected to the shin guard. Short combat boots, a red sash tied to her waist hiding the utility belt and yo-yo, and a mechanical mask that conceals the bottom half of her face. And to top it off Tikki turns her eyes violet and her hair to white.
"Scarlet" Nightwing called to her. They were partnered and patrolling the west side of Gotham.
"Let’s race"
"What do I get when I win?"
He held his hand to his chest in mock hurt "Just so you know one week, anything the winner says is law for one week for the loser"
"Make it one favor redeemable whenever and you've got it" she challenged. He was torn but he agreed.
"Count me in" they heard Red Hood.
"Same" Red Robin also entered "Robin?"
"Tt. No"
"Fine. First back to the cave wins" Nightwing answered. "Go!"
She swung through Gotham and dropped into a pitch-black alley 'voyage' Mari whispered too low for the comms to pick up. Dropping through the portal and into the cave. Her transformation dropped and Tikki went to sit on her shoulder. Alfred was there waiting, Duusu perched on his shoulder as well, with a tray of cookies. She gave him a nod in silent thanks, as she still had a comm in her ear.
Ten minutes later Red Hood pulls in and was about to celebrate when both Red Robin and Nightwing crash into him. Creating a mess of limbs over the motor bike.
"Ha I win now you guys owe" Jason was about to rub in his victory from the bottom of the pile when Mari giggled, pulling the attention of her three brothers.
"Sorry Jay but you lost" she, Alfred, and the kwami were clearly in the middle of tea and cookies.
"She is correct Master Jason. Miss Marinette has been here for the past 10 minutes"
"Tt. Honestly don't race against some one who teleports." Damian grumbled as he walked away from the Bat-mobile.
"Don't worry. I'll wait until you forget you owe me to cash in" she smiled wickedly. "Good night."
And that was when they remembered 'Right Mari has the ability to use the powers of several pocket-sized gods' that was a lesson they wouldn't forget soon. Well Tim and Jason didn't forget; Dick would still bet against her though.
Jason found out she is the perfect prank partner. And no one in or out of the manor was safe. How they managed to swap all of Green Arrow's arrows, each being a different gag, was a mystery even Batman couldn't or wouldn't attempt to solve. The fact that the Justice League saw and heard Batman fall to the floor laughing, scared most of them from finding out. Those who didn't learned what happens when you don't leave well enough alone.
School was well boring; between the curriculum of the League and the Order she had already gotten 2 PHDs and 5 masters. School was nothing more than a pleasantry at this point. Father wouldn't let them out of school, something about needing to be normal kids. That only seemed to draw the twins into the spotlight more, because they were the only two blood children of Bruce Wayne. Damian became known quite fast as Gotham's Ice Prince, but Mari became known as Gotham's Sunshine just as fast.
But don’t let the name fool you, within the first year their classmates learned that yes Damian Wayne is scared of something, and that something was actually a someone who just happened to be his twin sister. Damian apparently was feeling petty about something, and for the life of her she can’t remember what, but he decided to write in big red letters ‘NO!!!’ across every page of her sketchbook. She found that out during lunch, and that was when the entire school learned that the little sunshine child was the only thing that can put the fear of God in the Ice Prince.
Freshman year Mari finally got her Dad to agree to letting her into the exchange program for the next four years.
So, she decided on Paris.
Why, why did this exchange have to be four years long. I’m not gonna survive this.
Admittedly it started off okay, okay not really but then things went downhill, fast, faster than you could imagine.
It started when she met her host family. They met her at the airport and that was an experience, I guess.
"Mlle Wayne? Correct" a tall slender woman in glasses asked her.
"Yes Madame" she replied with a polite smile.
"Natalie Sancoeur" the woman replied "And this is" she started but was cut off by a boy around her age, he had blonde hair and green eyes. But what stood out to her was his attributes reminded her of an overexcited and hyper puppy.
"Adrien Agreste" he smiled at her, so she did what was expected of her in polite society.
"Marinette Wayne" and she extended her hand to shake his. However, instead he pulled her into a hug. Once she realized what was happening, she pushed away from him and took a step back. She looked at him and her thought of him being a puppy was only reinforced with the look on his face. So, she looked at Sancoeur, while the woman looked at Agreste with indifference she looked at Mari as if she was in the wrong.
This is going to be great. Was the only thought as she endured the drive to the Agreste household.
Agreste would not shut up the entire way and seemed to be hurt that she didn't answer him. Agreste was also the one who was to give her the tour of the mansion. It wasn’t so bad it gave her the chance to gauge the defense systems, which was lacking, and the layout was simple compared to the Wayne Manor, the League's compound, and the Order's temple.
Unfortunately for her, Agreste ended the tour with her room and then proceeded to sit on the bed and continue to ramble about whatever was on his mind. She did try to get him to leave but that was a complete waste of time and effort. Kwami it was like he couldn't hear me or more likely didn’t even care about my opinion. So, she put in her headphones, hid them behind her hair, pressed play to of music and went to unpack.
As she was finishing setting up the bathroom she noticed, like every other door in this house, there was no lock.
Ugh I need to speak with Monsieur Agreste.
She went back out and saw him. Agreste was at the desk where she had set her laptop and was trying to open it.
"Excuse me but what are you doing?" she asked pointedly, having taken out her headphones and set them in the case.
"I was trying to see what you had on your laptop" he shrugged "can you tell me the password to get in?"
"No" she deadpanned; he had the gall to look shocked. That was when Mme Sancoeur entered the room, without even knocking.
"Lunch is" was all she said before Agreste cut her off.
"Natalie make her open her computer for me" Agreste whined.
She was about to speak but Marinette beat her to it. "Um No. What I have on my personal computer is none of your concern" his face fell while Mme. Sancoeur pursed her lips. "Furthermore, I am assuming since you are at the desk, the bed is askew, and the drawers are open and my clothes are in shambles you were going through my things" she was now glaring at the blonde invading her space. Now he had the decency of looking ashamed. "Am I to assume lunch will be held in the dinning room?" Mme. Sancoeur only nodded, and she left the room.
Lunch, if you can call it that, was also a disaster. Apparently, Americans eat chicken noodle soup, a hamburger, and a load of fries. Because that was what was set in front of her.
Ugh this is going to be a long four years.
"Mlle. Wayne, I hope everything has been to your liking" M. Agreste, Gabriel, as he introduced himself earlier spoke. “You have hardly eaten.”
"Would you prefer my honesty or would you rather me lie to you" Marinette responded swirling the water in her glass.
"Your honesty" he answered slightly unsure.
At this she scoffed "I am going to assume that you and no one else had bothered to read the file of my information that was sent to you" he as well as Mme. Sancoeur remained quiet "Because if you had you would know I am a vegetarian."
Mme. Sancoeur searched some thing on her tablet and there was a soft "oh" from her.
"Your son is also suffocating, to the point that when I asked him to leave the room so I could settle in peacefully, he remained as if I hadn’t asked him to leave" M. Agreste was going to say something but she continued "He also has no sense of privacy as he went through all of my belongings and was attempting to go through my laptop as well." Again, he was going to say something, but Mari continued. "On the topic of privacy neither the bedroom door nor the bathroom have a lock."
“Paris is completely safe, as the house is protected, it should not matter if there is a lock on the door” he replied in a monotone.
“I’m sorry doesn’t matter, in what universe is it alright for two teenagers of the opposite sex be in a house where one of said teenagers doesn’t respect the other enough to leave them alone” she almost started yelling, but kept her head and voice level.
M. Agreste didn’t respond right away, but he gave a small hum before stating that “I will take your request into consideration.”
“Alright, just know that I will guard myself and will not hesitate to use force if necessary” she knew they wouldn’t take her seriously but hey I am warning them, they only gave a nod that they heard. “Also M. Agreste I tend to have a strict morning regimen is it possible for me to continue it using the home gym while here?”
“Of course,” he waved dismissively.
“What does this regimen include?” Mme. Sancoeur asked politely.
Marinette had a wicked smirk as this was going to be the lightest of her routines, she could give but would still most likely shock them. “Oh it is nothing much just a 5 kilometer run as a warm up, then half an hour of boxing, a half an hour of sword forms and training, half an hour of holographic combat training, followed by half an hour of ballet, and half an hour of meditation.” She was smiling watching their reactions and it was priceless. “I usually start around 4 in the morning.”
All of them were shocked, and who would blame them, here I am in my 5’2” high glory with a sunshine disposition stating I can most likely drop kick them into next week. “Actually, if you don’t mind, I was unable to do it this morning on account of being on an airplane, this will be a good way to see the city” so she smiled leaving them gobsmacked.
Finally, she was able to breathe as she ran the streets of Paris listening to her music softly. Back at the mansion she had figured out she had an audience less than ten minutes into boxing, but she continued. As she was about to start the holographic training, that Tim, Barbara, and she had created, but by now the entire Agreste household was watching her. “If you’re only going to watch me leave or else have the decency to spar” she shot at them.
“I’ll do it” little Agreste spoke up “But if I beat you, you’re giving me your computer password.”
“Fine, but when I win, I get locks on both my bedroom door and the bathroom inside” she challenged.
Agreste senior nodded his head and replied bored “Only if you win.”
“First to be knocked down three times loses” she grinned. She went to grab her two training twin swords and handed one to little Agreste.
“These are real swords” he exclaims clearly off balance by the weight of the weapon.
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic, neither have an edge” they got into positions and it was easy to see who would be victorious. I got locks and some privacy oh the small victories are truly sweet.
Sunday was uneventful, but so long as she was in the mansion for meals unless she had checked in with Mme. Sancoeur, she was free to her own devices.
Monday she would come to regret that it had to end later, but not for a while at least.
Mari rode to school with little Agreste and that was her first mistake. Everyone in the entire school watched her exit the car added to the fact that she's starting in the middle of the semester and that kicks.
She was wearing a charcoal shirt splattered with metallic red paint, a faux caramel brown leather jacket with a hood, black jeans with burgundy all stars. Her hair was down, and a black messenger bag was over her shoulder.
She got out and simply walked in and towards the main office ignoring everyone, she got her schedule and a map of the school. The principal himself walked her to her homeroom and to her horror little Agreste was in the class.
"Mlle. Bustier" he spoke. "Meet your new student."
"Please introduce yourself" she spoke with a sweet smile.
"Bonjour my name is Marinette, and I will be a part of your class for the next four years."
Marinette moved to take the open seat in the back but of course Little Agreste had to speak. "Mari there is an open seat behind me."
It took all of herself control to not facepalm. "I prefer the back"
"I'll spar you for it"
Now she couldn't hide the smile in her eyes or the one playing on her lips "Okay Agreste, but what makes you think you'll win this time?
"Fencing uses lighter swords" he answered mumbling the end.
"Wait why are you challenging the new girl?" a boy in a red hoodie and two-toned hair asks.
"Probably to redeem his honor from our last bout" she was now smiling. Maybe this won't be all bad.
"Then I get the next challenge" the same boy answered confidently.
"Alright" she agreed "Name your sport, um..."
"Sorry Le Chien Kim" he supplied. "Swimming freestyle"
"You're on" a devilish smirk on her lips. Afterwards everyone introduced themselves and she sat down in the back.
They spoke with M D'Argencourt about it during lunch and he told them to wait until after school for the fencing club to set up. So, they did. Honestly, the class isn't so bad, just a little pushy, apparently a student isn't here today but should be back soon. When they all went back after school, that was when Marinette saw her.
"Gami" Marinette ran to the girl in a red fencing outfit and gave her a brief hug.
"Mari-hime what are you doing in Paris?" she asked.
"Exchange program" Mari waved it off.
"Your brother?"
"Not interested" Mari responded.
"So why at the fencing club?"
"Agreste challenged me."
She looked towards the blonde and gave him a pitying glance. "Then you should both change"
"Right" Mari called as she went to the locker rooms. Her uniform was a red bodice with black sleeves and pants, but the gloves, shoes, and socks were a shade of green so dark it appeared black, the stitches on the entire thing were in golden thread. Both her saber and helmet were a combination of black and gold.
They both got into positions when Marinette heard her.
"This is going to be a slaughter" and Gami was right.
Faster than anyone could blink Mari had scored a touch before little Agreste even moved.
"Huh and here I was hoping for a challenge. Agreste" she turned away from him and faced Kagami "Match?" was all she asked, and the girl stood and faced Mari.
Facing Kagami was like fencing Damian. Both are powerhouses and decisive, but Mari's strength was in speed and agility. They met each other strike for strike, she is probably one of the few civilians that may be a match for her and her brother. By the end of practice, she was offered a spot on the team which she accepted.
To little Agreste's dismay Kagami offered to show her around Paris, to which she had agreed.
One-month Mari had to settle into her new class. She made fast friends with Le Chien, after their swimming match where she also met a girl named Ondine, Alix Kubdel was next she is competitive with a need for speed, side note never let her meet Jason. Max Kante and Nathaniel Kertzberg were also added to our little group. She met Luka Couffaine while wandering Paris for inspiration, they became fast friends, and she designed the costumes for Kitty section as well as their Demo Album cover. The final and most shocking, apparently, addition to their group was Chloe Bourgeois. Along with Kagami her small group of friends were unshakeable and for the next four years will be thankful for them.
After that one month, a weasel entered the class. Her name was Lila Rossi and everything that came out of her mouth was a lie. Honestly, Mari wouldn't give her a second thought but then the strikes against her grew.
Lila's first mistake was lying about her best friend, Jon, or in reality about Superboy. Oh, she was in a relationship with him. Sorry but Jon is super bi, but leans towards men more, like a walking romantic mess that was a golden moment when he figured it out. The same can be said when it finally dawned on Damian when he figured out for himself. As the amazing sister that she is of course she would tease those two. But the teasing and cooing only escalated when the two started dating. So ya not buying that he took you out, much less as Superboy.
Lila's second mistake was threatening Mari in the bathroom. Please if your going to threaten someone make sure you aren't being recorded. And second don't threaten a Wayne, especially an Al Ghul turned Wayne. So, Marinette recorded every lie, every threat, and every reaction. If she were going down not even the Devil himself would think to help her.
Unfortunately, it had a rather annoying side effect. Little Agreste kept pulling her aside to try and make peace with the liar.
"Please Marinette, can you stop calling out Lila" he repeated for the up-tenth time . They were on their way to dinner about two months after Lila rejoined the class. "Just take the high road"
They were in the hallway outside of the dining room.
"No" Mari stated as calmly as she could. As they both walked in, Mme. Sancoeur and M. Agreste were already inside.
"Why? Her lies aren't hurting anyone"
"Not hurting anyone" she spoke finally turning towards the blonde "What unicorns and rainbows paradise do you live in?"
"Wait, what?"
"Nino almost didn't enter his script for a contest because Lila said she would get someone in Hollywood to help produce it" she answered "It took Max, Nathanial, and I almost an hour for him to submit it on the thought it couldn't hurt"
"Okay that's one"
"Alya's reputation as a reporter is plummeting. She doesn't fact check and believes Lila solely on the idea that 'Lila wouldn't lie to her'. Where Lila uses her blog to spread her lies."
"Yes but no one believes everything they hear or read.”
"Really" Mari arched her brow, Alfred would be proud "then explain how most of Paris believes you and Lila to be an item"
"Mlle. Wayne came to explain" M. Agreste finally spoke.
"Oh, most of Paris believes that your son is in a romantic relationship with Lila Rossi" Mari spoke calmly as she opened her phone and pulled up the post from Alya's blog to show the screen.
"What?" the confusion was clear on little Agreste's face as he also pulled up the blog. The meal for her was quite quick but M. Agreste held back little Agreste.
Mari was sketching in the quiet of her room latter that evening when she heard a soft knock at the door. She opened the door and there stood little Agreste fidgeting.
"I'm sorry I never liked how Lila hung off of me but that was harassment, then I realized that's what I've been doing to you I am so sorry. You probably hate me for how I acted, and I understand if you can't trust me or forgive me and I'm sorry." He spoke so fast and barely breathed as he turned about to leave, but he stopped when Mari spoke.
"Okay. Redo"
"What?" he asked tilting his head.
"Let’s start over" she smiled.
"So, you forgive me!"
"No, I am not forgiving you" he looked saddened "I will hold you accountable, but I am, willing to start a new chapter."
"Okay” he looked a bit relieved.
"Hello. I am Marinette Wayne." she extended her hand to shake his.
"Adrien Agreste" he smiled shaking hands. "I'Il get out of your hair then." he sent a small wave that she returned and left.
Okay so maybe I exaggerated a bit, but Lila did make these past three and a half years a living pain. Mlle. Bustier fought to keep their class for all four years. The only addition was Kagami in the second year of Mari’s exchange.
But here she was sitting in the back with her friends waiting for the last class of the day to start. Then it happened Principle Damocles and Mlle. Bustier walked in.
"Mlle. Wayne" Damocles called.
"Thank the gods" Mari stated packing up her things and she walked down. "I would say it was a pleasure but that would be a lie" Mari just finished speaking when Alya decided to open her mouth.
"Where are you going class hasn't even started." Alya smiled trying to get Mari in trouble, but neither adult did anything.
"If you really want to know because it seems you've forgotten. I am a foreign exchange student from America, where I will be finishing the final term." Her words must have made some sense to their one community brain cell because they nodded, and she left.
Marinette flew back to Gotham and oh was this going to be great.
Of course, when she landed Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman were making mischief in the airport. She recorded a video of the Bats stopping them, of course they were monitoring it because of her flight but I digress, and Nightwing lecturing them while Batman looked so done. Along with Jay-Jay or really Red Hood taking Mari's phone and taking a selfie with her, her hair was in braid tucked into a black beanie with a pair of red sunglasses. A halter top that had a golden rod yellow X on it. The top quadrant was red, and the rest was back. A black sweater lined and faded to red at the bottom. Comfortable black and red leggings with black flats. She posted the videos and picture captioned 'Back in Gotham. Home Sweet Home! Hood give me back my phone.' on her public account, before even exiting the terminal.
Her class will be here in about two weeks and stay as long, but right now she need a good stretch.
She found Alfred and loaded up her bags into the car and jumped in, told Alfred, transformed, and portaled out. As soon as the portal closed, she was in the middle of a huge hug from all her brothers. Patrol wasn't too bad, there was a run in with the Riddler and a separate incident with Killer Croc but that is a light day in Gotham.
After patrol was mostly filled with junk food, video games, and movies with her brothers.
Going back to Gotham Academy was like she never left. In a way she didn't, as every break she made sure to spend some time with her friends, dragging Damian with her. She would constantly text or video chat with them. To the extent that they knew about Lila and her class, almost as well as her family.
Two blissful weeks of quiet and patrols filled with teasing and bets was amazing. Yes, she will miss patrolling with Nightrunner. Yes, he is part of the extended Bat clan, but it is different with her brothers.
Three days granted that was longer than Marinette gave the class to avoid a villain attack. Of course, it had to happen when they were visiting, WE. Dick had volunteered to lead the tour, mainly to get more evidence, but Mari wasn't there. Since she was on break, she decided to take lunch for her brothers. The cafeteria food was good but still, and Tim would probably be holed up in his office.
She was in a blue collared button up tucked into a black skater skirt. A black and indigo letterman Jacket, black glasses frames and blue heels finished the outfit.
"Nettie?" Dick asked when she entered the cafeteria.
"Brought you lunch." Dick's face lit up.
"You are a god send"
She giggled as he took the food. "Not exactly but close."
"You going to force Timmy to eat"
"Yeah. Is he still in his office?"
"Should be"
"See ya at home Dicky Bird" she turned and found herself facing her class. Most of them registered she was there and glared at her seemingly guarding Lila from her sight, her friends noticed her so she sent a wave to Kagami, Chloe, Kim, Alix, Nathanial, and Max.
Getting Tim to eat usually proves a challenge. Mostly because he has one hand glued to a coffee mug and the other on his work. Yet when you make an entire meal into finger foods that are perfectly bite sized it is a breeze. She was going to leave when both Tim's and her phone shot an alarm. It was from Dick 'WE 2 Face' In a flash Mari transformed and waited for Tim, opened a portal, and fell into the lobby.
The two of them took out the goons and restrained them before turning towards Two Face.
"The word on the street is that you and the bird are dating, and you know the Bat." Two Face spoke out to everyone, "Let's hear what other secrets these lips will spill." A gun was held up, presumably to the teen's mouth, but neither Red Robin nor Scarlet could see.
He was clearly holding a teen hostage, and that was when they saw the two hanging sausages, Lila. For the first time since Mari had known her, she was quiet, or at least silently whimpering.
"So, who is she dating?" Scarlet asked yoyo in hand pointing at Lila.
"Robin" she gasps.
"What!?" Both of them yelled before Red Robin started again. "Crap when did I get a girlfriend. Scarlet please tell me this is just a hallucination! I swear if this is, I won’t drink a single drop of coffee for a month!”
Scarlet however was barely standing doubled over with laughter. "She’s a little young for you don't cha think."
"Not helping" Red Robin was in full out panic pacing back and forth trying to comprehend what was being said.
That was when Lila seemed to find her voice again "I'm dating Robin not you."
"Wait, What?" Both vigilantes snapped out of their laughter and panic respectfully. They shared a look and fell to the ground laughing. Two minutes later Batman and Robin showed up. Scarlet and Red Robin were now on their feet but still laughing. No one not even Two Face moved because as everyone knows, Robin is taken and no one will be getting between those two, much less a girl.
"Robin" Batman nodded and to the two laughing teens, Robin nodding in acknowledgement.
"No need B" Red Robin finally stopped laughing.
"Hey Birdie when did you get a girlfriend?" Scarlet asked fully knowing the answer already.
"Tt. Don't be idiotic Scarlet."
"Then why is she saying she is?" Two Face now had the bat fam's attention.
"Who are you?" Robin asked the girl pinned between Two Face’s arm and gun.
"Apparently the girlfriend you never knew existed before three seconds ago." Red Robin supplied, now fully enjoying the shock on his brother’s face.
"Is that why you two were laughing like idiots?"
"Well yes" Scarlet spoke up then whispered 'Voyage, Venom' and Two Face became frozen in place.
Lila was now glaring at Scarlet as she began to yell "What the hell. Why didn't you do that sooner!"
Scarlet snapped her fingers and pointed at Lila "Oh now I remember you" she semi shouted getting the attention of everyone in the lobby. "You’re the girl from Paris who said she was dating Superboy." Lila now seemed to significantly pale.
"Are you saying this girl has claimed to have dated both Superboy and I" At this point both Scarlet and Red Robin had moved and were physically holding back Robin.
"Scarlet" Batman called.
"On it" 'Voyage' "Hey Supes your boyfriend needs you" Superboy then took Robin in a hug from behind resting his chin on top of Robin's head. Her brother now willingly refraining from moving to stay in his boyfriend's arms, while Red Robin left to talk with Commissioner Gordon.
"Miss you are lucky no one was injured, and we were here to take action, your fantasies are just that. Let's go" Batman had lectured the girl who could have been switched with a statue at this point.
All the vigilantes left, and Mari sure as hell made certain Tim finished his food. In fact, he hadn't even changed out of his Red Robin uniform, so Mari guarded the door. She only left when he finished eating, knowing he could now fully react.
Mari was walking out of the elevator and into the lobby and you could practically see the change that occurred. Most of the class were huddled together, her friends were to the side along with Adrien, and Lila was practically glued to the teacher.
She spotted Alfred with Dick not far from her friends, so she decided to go over and speak with her friends.
Unfortunately, that just caused hell's gates to open as she approached, she heard. "You knew she was a liar didn't you" Alya yelled at her friends and Agreste, but Alya was specifically yelling at Agreste. That made her blood boil, so she stepped in.
"Yes, but you didn't believe me when I told you, you didn't believe them either" Mari was now standing between her friends and the blogger. "Agreste didn't want to rock the boat and how you were all treating me it is no wonder."
"Ya but she is a liar, and you are a bully" Alya retorted.
"Was I a bully. Or was that what you were told by the liar" Alya now went quiet. Of the almost four years she was in Paris there was never any proof she bullied Lila. No bruises, no destroyed items, just she said claims. "Yes, I called her out on her lies but that was all. You all were the ones who acted on her words that I bullied her with no proof and bullied me to ‘teach me a lesson'. I have more than enough evidence however, on most of this class and the liar, for cases of assault, slander, defamation of character, and destruction of property."
By now everyone in the lobby was watching this unfold. The class seemed to pale and attempted to shrink in on themselves. Lila and Mlle. Bustier seemed to try to become one with the floor. Her friends were to the side struggling to not laugh along with Dick and Chloe you traitor put down that phone.
"Miss Wayne" an employee came up to Mari seemingly afraid to get her undivided attention.
"Yes" She smiled, becoming Gotham's sunshine that everyone knew, allowing the employee and the other Gothamites to relax.
"The CEO has locked himself in his office and the Board meeting starts in three minutes" the employee fidgeted with the tablet in his hands. That snapped her into professional mode.
"Dick is the tour done?" she held out her hand to take the tablet, opened it and started going trough the documents.
"Go dig Tim from his office. I'll deal with the board."
"On it"
She quickly looked up to her friends "Sorry guys we should catch up later." She walked away the employee on her heels giving her more information.
A whistle was heard next to the group. "Damn I feel bad for the Board members, Mars is on a warpath and not her usual professional warpath" Dick said to Alfred.
"Reminiscent of Master Bruce even" was Alfred's response.
"She really is a Wayne"
"Master Richard"
"Yes Alfred"
"I believe it is in your best interest to retrieve Master Timothy as Miss Marinette is on a 'Warpath' as you say" Alfred barely finished as Dick began to sprint to the elevator. Alfred only sighed as he followed the eldest Wayne child, leaving very bewildered and mortified Parisians in their wake.
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lokiwritess · 4 years
Now or Never - Commander Wolffe
Me: Wants to write about so many characters
Also me: Just writes about Wolffe again
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“Com- ca- ear... nder”
A sharp feeling of pain thrust you back into consciousness. When you opened your eyes you expected to see light and hear the buzzing of a ship, but all-encompassing darkness surrounded you.
The ache in your body only worsened as your mind cleared, freeing itself from the grasps of unconsciousness. A groan escaped your lips at the pain, but you couldn’t hear it over the persistent ringing in your ears.
Your eyes burned horribly from the dust, watering, trying to clear out small pieces of debris. It took you a moment to regain awareness of your surroundings and yourself. But when you came to, you became aware of the position you were in.
Face-down on your stomach, arms to either side of you, between chunks of stones. 
It was so cold, you found yourself shivering, fighting off the urge to gag at the smell of smoke in the air. There was nothing around you other than dust and pain. And you were completely alone, no other presence around you.
Your head was dizzy and hurting, and you knew enough about the medical basics to realize you probably had a severe concussion. But from what?Memories flooded your mind. You remembered getting up in the morning, meditating, and getting briefed for your next mission. After that, you had no recollection of the chain of events that led you there.
You winced and cried out in pain as your body entered a violent coughing fit, coughing out dust and debris. Your body felt wrong, unbalanced.You lacked the energy to react properly. With no memory of what had happened, you didn't think about doing anything next. 
The force around you pulsated with darkness, warning you of the danger you were in, yet you couldn’t will yourself to stand up in your current state.
"-co-in. I rep-"
The static crackle of the comm-unit around your wrist filled the deafening silence. It buzzed, and only partly delivered a message, cutting off the words, probably damaged.
It pained you but slowly, carefully you reached out with your other hand and pressed a combination of buttons, silently hoping that your only method of contact with the troops hadn’t been broken beyond repair.
A few desperate presses of another button. First, nothing. Then, "I repeat, Y/n come in. Does anyone have eyes on her?"
A wheezing breath of relief made you cough again, but it was worth it as you finally pressed the transmission-button, holding it down.
“Sinker? Are you there?”, you pressed out.
"I'm here, Commander. Are you okay? Are you injured?"
With another pained groan, you managed to slowly pull your forearm under your torso, pushing yourself up into a half-sitting position on the floor.
"I don't know. I think so.", you muttered quietly, gasping when your hip grazed a chunk of stone. “Scratch that. I’m definitely injured.”
"Your signal is weak, we’re currently trying to locate you. Do you have any idea where you are?”
Your neck cracked as you slowly turned it. But there was nothing. In the dim light of your comlink, you could only see the stone around you and the corridor you’d probably been in before. Not even your lightsaber was with you.
"I dun'no. Somewhere stony, a corridor. I think the wall in front of me blew up and part of the ceiling came down. What-" you were interrupted by a coughing fit, burning deep in your chest. "What happened?"
“We don’t know. The connection to your comm broke off, and then Boost called in about the explosion. A part of the lower levels collapsed entirely, we suspect it might have been a diversion, but so far Dooku hasn’t made his escape yet.”
“Is- Is my master okay?”, you questioned, exhaustion taking over. Your elbows almost gave out, but you managed to catch yourself before your face collided with the ground.
“Master Plo is alright, he was in the upper levels. He’s out there searching for you right now.”
“What about the pack?” A sudden urge of panic let the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Goosebumps erupted on your skin, covering your arms and legs. “Is Wolffe-” 
You couldn’t finish that sentence.Silence. Until you heard the shuffle of armor and then suddenly: another voice. 
“I’m here.” Relief flooded through your veins, soothing your pain, even if only just for a short while. “Most of the pack is okay. Our priority right now is to find you. Just hang in there, alright? And try to move as little as possible before the medics get to you.”
You couldn’t ignore the evident sound of worry in his voice. Your hand clutched the comlink so hard, your knuckles turned white. Something had you on edge. The force around you vibrated intensely, no longer pulsing slowly. It felt a lot more threatening.
“Wolffe? Something’s wrong.”
“Talk to me. What’s going on?”
Your legs shook, reacting to something you didn’t know about yet. The feeling drained you, every time. The Jedi considered it ‘a gift’. Prior to the start of the war, you’d temporarily been trained by Master Yoda to help you gain control of it. A goal that you hadn't been able to reach before the war intervened. 
In situations like the one you were in, your gift was more of a curse.
Talking about it to people who didn’t understand was never easy. That’s why you were so relieved that Wolffe was on the other end of the line.
“I- I feel something coming. I won’t be able to answer, just- please don’t cut the transmission.”
“Are you going to have another premonition?”
“Alright, I’ll stay right here. You'll be fine.” 
Was he assuring himself or you? The first premonition you’d had around the pack, had happened on Aleen. Without your master, who knew what to expect and what to do. 
Sinker had been the one to notice your change in behavior so he pointed out the trembling of your arms to the Commander. It’d already been too late by then, and all Wolffe could do was catch you as you tumbled to the ground, eyes wide open and your pupils rapidly moving as if you were watching an intense fight.
After that, Wolffe had been terrified of it ever happening again, but you’d managed to calm him and explain your abilities. Now, he knew how to help, but he was far away from you.
The force made a sound like water rushing in a river, surrounding you. An ever-swelling sound that would drown you if you fought it. So you let it. The sound rose to deafening noise before it completely disappeared.
It was silent again. An unnatural, misleading silence. Deep down you knew you’d entered your premonition. Your body was probably already on the floor, eyes moving, wide open. But for you, nothing had changed. You sat on the ground, in the dark, listening.
An even sound bounced off the walls, becoming louder. Light shined around a corner as the sound was joined by that of a similar pattern, just deeper, heavier.
Footsteps. Someone was moving towards you. At least two people and one of them might be a droid.
Your eyes focused on the corner as the footsteps approached. And then: the shadow of a tall man appeared, next to him a super battle droid. The shadow-man took graceful steps around the corner, advancing toward you. The shadow of the droid loomed over you, blasters aimed at you. You were cornered.
And just like that, you re-entered reality, sitting up with a loud gasp.
Panic. The only thing in your system was pure and undiluted panic. Your heart beat so fast, it threatened to just jump out of your chest.
“Y/n? Can you hear me? Are you alright?”
The force around you changed again. The darkness that had clouded you hadn’t entirely been your own.
“Wolffe, you need to alert my master right now. The troops need to know that Count Dooku is still inside the base. He will escape. You need to stop him at all costs! If you can't then you have to alert the other Generals. It could put all of them in danger-”
“Y/n, slow down, what are you talking about?”, he cut in, voice interrupting your hurried orders.
“I can’t slow down, I don’t have much time left. The explosion… it was never meant to be a diversion. It was meant to cut off my path. The mission was a trap, Wolffe. They had a target from the very beginning.”
“Y/n, what is happening? What did you see?”
“I’m not alone down here. The target was me, I'm going to be taken.”
Footsteps echoed in the corridor, quiet now but soon they would be louder. He was there.
“Wolffe. Please. You have to listen to me. Stop him, no matter what."
The information you held about battle strategies, about the other generals, would be extremely dangerous in the hands of the Sith Lord. And he would find a way to get it out of you.
Dooku wanted the benefits of your ability, to help him against the Republic army. That's why he'd targeted you.
The footsteps grew louder now. They were almost there. Tears had collected in your eyes. All you could do was hope that Wolffe had listened, and that he’d follow your orders. Slowly, you raised the Comlink to your mouth and exhaled, letting go. 
If this was the last time you would ever hear his voice, he needed to know. It was now or never.
“I love you, Wolffe. I’m sorry I didn’t say it before.”, you admitted quietly.
But there was no reply. Just the crackle of a cut connection. You were left alone in the darkness, with no weapon, with no other choice than to face your captor.
When Boost spotted your familiar form in one of the cells, stasis-cuffs held you against the wall. His stomach dropped at the sight. How could anyone do something as horrible to a kind person like you?
You'd been missing for a month. One moment everyone was fighting side by side against Count Dooku and the next there was no sign of you. Wolffe and Sinker had been the only ones to hear from you after a major explosion. 
Both of them could only tell your master the same thing. You’d been injured. And then you’d foreseen your own abduction. After that, your signal had vanished, and you’d disappeared, the only trace of you Dooku’s ship. 
The ship that escaped without a single shot being fired at it, Commander's orders.
Master Plo-Koon was a calm man, but in the absence of his padawan, his patience was limited. No live sign from you for almost four weeks had the entire pack on edge, waiting for anything. 
It was sheer luck that the 212th could locate Dooku in an abandoned old military base, on an outer-rim planet few had ever even heard of.
Master Plo struggled to keep his emotions from clouding his judgment. And he struggled even more to control his men, especially Wolffe. The fact that you and the Commander got along well with each other, and trusted each other with your lives, was common knowledge. 
But Sergeant Sinker was the only witness of something else. Something more. Both Clones had never mentioned the actual last words that they’d heard that day before the connection was lost.
Your disappearance changed Wolffe in a way he would never be able to repair. Losing his eye had been traumatic, but losing you had ripped his heart clean out of his chest.
Almost the entire Great Army of the Republic had been tasked with finding you. Your abilities in the wrong hands were just too dangerous. 
The Jedi, the pack, they had all worked together, day and night. Until that moment, when Sinker shared one look with Boost and commed the Commander.
"Commander, we found her. You need to get here, now.", he urged.
Both of them moved forward, trying to figure out how to release you. You were unconscious, that much they could tell. And with much difficulty, they managed to turn off the stasis cuffs. As Boost released you from your restraints, Sinker was there, ready to catch you before you crashed to the floor.
Deep shadows rimmed your eyes, a similar color to the bruises along the skin of your arms. The Sergeant couldn’t - and didn’t want to - imagine the extent of your injuries. Some of the cuts and bruises looked old, almost healed. Other’s were fresh, one along your shoulder was still trickling blood.
You looked grey in his arms, pale and sickly. And you were most definitely malnourished.
Both clones hated being there with you. They weren’t used to seeing their second Commander so… fragile. It was terrifying.
It seemed like an eternity in the quiet before the door jumped open once again and Wolffe and Comet entered the old cell. 
"Warthog, keep the transport ready we need to get her out of here."
Without another word the Commander moved forward, taking his helmet off. Sinker and Boost instinctively moved out of his way, giving him space.
The Commander was known to be a battle-hardened, stoic person, but around you, his brothers could see him melt. Especially then, when he gently moved you from the ground into his arms, one hand coming up to softly grab your chin.
"Y/N, cyar'ika, can you hear me?", he pressed out, worried you wouldn't respond. For a moment, everyone in the room stopped breathing, just waiting. And then, your eyes fluttered open.
Your vision was blurry, and you blinked a few slow times to clear it. When you finally looked up at the familiar face, Wolffe could feel your tensed body relax. One shaky hand came up to cup his face, thumb brushing across his scar.
"Wolffe?", you managed to slur.
He nodded quickly. "We're gonna get you out of here. Just hang on.", he assured you.
He was prepared for a lot of things, but not necessarily for you to wrap your arms around his neck and weakly pull him closer. Needless to say, he happily obliged, pulling you further into his body, until you could rest your head in the crook of his neck. 
Your warm breath fanned across the skin of his neck. A soothing feeling, a gentle reminder that you were alive. That he could continue breathing.
"I thought I'd never get to see you again.", you managed to whisper, in such a heartbreaking tone that he couldn't imagine ever getting his hands to let you go again.
He couldn't find words. So he simply pulled you closer and hooked his arm under your knees. With no idea what to do, he looked up at Sinker. Sinker nodded at the Commander, before turning to the other two troopers in the room.
“We’re going first. We’ll clear a path.”, he decided, nodding his head to the door. The troopers acted on their orders immediately.Sinker cast Wolffe an assuring glance, before leaving you both completely alone.
“You didn’t listen to me.”, you tried to sound accusing, but you were too exhausted.
“I know. Never tell me to shoot down a ship that you’re in, ever again, understood? I'd rather desert than follow orders that put you at risk.
“Why did I know you were going to say something like that?”, you chuckled weakly.
“Because you know I love you too.”, he stated, much calmer than before. 
You smiled, although he couldn’t see your face. “Yeah, I do.”
In one motion he put on his helmet again and stood up with you in his arms.
“I’ll get you out of here, okay? Just rest. You’re safe now.”
And truly, you’d never felt safer than in your Commander’s arms.
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