#and yes i know if dean drank human blood then no cure
*thinking about how the show didn't give us Sam drinking demon!Dean's blood* Cowards!
*thinking about how it also didn't give us vampire!Dean drinking Sam's blood* FUCKING COWARDS!
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sofreddie · 4 years
Sam's Revenge (Part 6)
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Characters: Dean, Crowley, Castiel, Sam, Reader (mentioned)
Warnings: Angst, Character Death, Violence, Gore, Blood
Word Count: 1,251
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Crowley sputtered awake as water was splashed on his face. He quickly notices he was chained down to a chair, unable to move his arms or legs. As his vision cleared, he groaned, seeing Dean Winchester stood before him.
Dean held up a flask - his usual for holy water - looking curiously between it and Crowley at the lack of smoke and sizzle.
"Your brother," Crowley started with a groan, trying fruitlessly to shift in his seat, "He siphoned my powers and then cured me."
"Cured you?"
"He made me bloody human!" Crowley growled out, "Then beat me to a pulp and tossed me here."
"Well, Hell, I'm kind of proud of my baby bro," Dean smirked, setting the flask aside and stepping closer to Crowley, hunching over to look him in the eye, "I guess that means it'll be a lot easier to have a conversation then, huh?"
"You have no idea what you're up against!"
"Please, do explain," Dean gestured with open arms as if to give him the floor. Crowley described in great detail what Sam had done to himself, Ruby, and Rowena.
"He blamed us for everything that went wrong," Crowley huffed out, "But now he got what he wanted from us. Now he blames you and The Way for betraying him."
"You're lying," Dean growled. He couldn't believe that Sam would do such things. Go to such lengths. He always assumed Sam was hunting on his own or maybe tried to start a normal life somewhere. There's no way he would've intentionally gone down the dark path.
Crowley just laughed, wincing at the pain in his now human body. Dean growled and hurried off outside to get fresh air. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Hopefully Cas would be back soon and Dean could find out the truth.
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Cas stood outside of the large and elaborate mansion. He could sense Sam inside. He wasn't sure who was holding Sam here. He confidently worked his way through the sprawling building, finding nothing but demons as he searched for Sam.
He was not expecting to find him in a large, barely furnished room. His back was to Cas, but he was holding a twitching body in his arms before he let it drop to the ground to join the several others littered at his feet.
Sam's head dropped back, eyes closed as he licked his lips and savored the taste. He slowly turned towards Cas, his mouth smeared with blood, his eyes black.
Cas gasped, taking a half-step back in surprise at the sight of Sam. This close, Cas could sense the absolute power emanating from him. It was stronger even then when he was possessed by Lucifer. Cas could feel the siphoning spell at work as well, sucking up any trace of magical energy within its proximity, feeding Sam with a constant stream of power from the world around him.
"How?" Cas couldn't help vocalizing his thoughts.
"A simple spell turns my lack of a soul into a black hole for magical energy," Sam explained with a shrug, "Why are you here?"
"Dean sent me to look for you after Crowley showed up."
Sam grinned and nodded briefly, "Good. Dean will most likely kill him. He'll be doing me a favor really." Sam slowly paced the floor, nudging at the bodies with his foot as his did so.
"You did this for revenge?"
"Well, that was the original plan, yes," Sam agreed, "But now…now I have other plans."
"Which are?"
Sam grinned, lifting his hand, an invisible force dragging the angel forward and into Sam's hold.
"I'm reclaiming The Way," Sam explained, "With control of Hell my demons will make it better than John or anyone ever could. They'll bring me all the monsters I want and I'll control them too."
Cas tried to fight against Sam but found himself unable to do anything at all. Sam calmly lifted his other hand, now holding his trusty and well-used switchblade, creating a shallow cut on the angel's neck. He pulled Cas close to him and, just like with the demons, drank up Cas' grace.
Sam's black eyes flashed with a pinpoint of bright light in the pupil before receding back to his normal, sparkling hazel. He grinned menacingly at the now human Cas.
"Tell Dean I'll see him soon," Sam said, before pressing his palm flat against Cas's chest. A bright light emitted from the location and Cas screamed at the fiery pain searing through him and stealing his breath.
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Dean was back in the cellar of the Winchester homestead, trying to get more information from Crowley. A bright light interrupted them. Turning towards the light, they watched as it dissipated, leaving a gasping and disheveled Cas standing in its place.
"Cas?" Dean yelled, rushing to the angel's side, catching him as he collapsed, "What happened?"
"Sam," Cas huffed, "I found him, drinking demon blood. He stole my grace."
Dean could only stare at the man as the information settled into his brain.
"He's soulless again, and absorbing a significant amount of power," he said, wincing as he pulled his shirt open. Letters were branded into his chest, a message:
I challenge the Leader
Dean swallowed hard, his eyes flittering from the lettering to his friend's eyes. He patted his shoulder reassuringly, looking to one of his men who wordlessly assisted Cas up and out of the room to get looked after.
Dean sighed, rising to his feet and turning back to Crowley, still restrained in his chair.
"So maybe you weren't lying," Dean grumbled, "But you are responsible for this," he growled, "For Sam, for my father, my mother," his voice increased in volume and anger with every word.
"I will fix my brother and this mess you've made, mark my words," Dean promised, his voice low, before he grabbed Crowley by the hair and tilted his head to the side as he leaned over him.
Without hesitation, Dean sank his teeth into the side of Crowley's neck, yanking his head sharply to the side and removing a sizeable chunk of flesh. The wound gushed blood and Dean's eyes were fixated on the wound. He leaned on the arms of the chair, spitting out the chunk of flesh into Crowley's sputtering face and watching as the light went out in his eyes. His heart ached knowing his mother died the same way. But he felt a bit of satisfaction at making Crowley suffer like she did.
Dean grabbed a cloth and wiped down his face with a sigh. If what Crowley and Cas said were true, then a shit storm was headed their way. Sam was bad enough without a soul. And remembered that time period where Ruby had him hopped up on that shit.
Now, Sam was a monster. Quite possibly the worst that any of them had ever faced. He wasn't sure how to deal with that, or if he even could. But he knew one thing for certain. He had to protect Y/N and DJ.
The main part of the Bunker had just finished being restored, with intent to still use the facility for training and teaching. However, it now seemed like the safest place to gather his family and the other Hunters. To protect them.
Dean knew Y/N wouldn't be thrilled about returning, and neither would a lot of other Hunters. But if the Leader called you to the Bunker, you came. He just hoped he wouldn't fail them.
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Sam's Revenge:
@allethalove @squirrelnotsam
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Pairing: Dean x reader
Warning: Demon blood addiction, angst, fluffy end, first fic ever written for on Tumblr,
Summary: Dean’s a demon, and the reader just wants to be the best hunter there is. Demon Dean knows the fix for that.
Word Count: 2,018
a/n: Told entirely in the first person. Edited it a bit, added some more content.
Mobile Masterlist
Time was getting tough between me and the Winchester’s. Feels were raging, or was it hormones. I couldn’t take Dean’s asshole attitude, being a dick ninety percent of the time. When they slept I left a note for each of them explaining myself. Didn’t hear from them, I took it that they really didn’t want me, confirming not only Dean’s attitude, but Sam’s. That was months ago.
My phone vibrated and vibrated, indicating to me either my alarm was going off or I was getting a call. Sam was calling me. A pit in my gut says something’s wrong. He never calls me. Even when we were hunting together, when Sam called, something happened to Dean.
“Y/N?” Sam sounded lost, broken on the other end.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? How’s Dean?” I asked rapid fire.
“I’m fine, Dean died a few days ago and now…” he paused. What? Dean died?
“He,” I began. My eyes stung, tears surfacing.
“He’s alive, don’t know why but he’s a demon.” He stated.
“A demon but, the tattoo you guys have.” I said, almost asking a question in that.
“I know, not sure if it’s intact. It could be the mark.” He said. The mark?
“You might have to get me up to speed on what you guys have been doing, what mark?” I asked.
“The Mark of Cain.” He said.
The next half hour was him saying he got the mark from Cain himself, on a mission to kill Abaddon. Now they were on a mission to kill Metatron, but Metatron killed Dean in the process. Now he’s a demon, doing god knows what.
“I’ll be on the lookout Sam.” I said.
“So, you’re not coming back, I know he can be a dick but, it’s Dean. It just takes him a while to warm up.” he tried to beg me back. It might have worked.
“I’ll have to think about it Sam,” I told him. Hesitant maybe at the thought of getting back with them. “I might, this hunting solo thing, it’s tough.” I said.
“I know, Dean did it for a while before he found me. Not sure how he got by, but I know we can save him. It was something I learned from the trials.” He said.
“The demon cure? Sam, what are the chances it would work and it not working?” I asked. There was that chance it could work.
“Never know until we try, we have to find him first.” He said.
“Like I said, I’ll keep an eye out.” I said.
After assuring him I’m fine right now, and I’d call him if I found him. Knowing Dean, not only making the search for him my top priority, I searched every bar with in a 50 mile radius.
I came across one, just by accident. I was done for the day, got a room down the road just needed a drink to unwind and relax.
“Hello Ferret.” A familiar brit or scot whatever.
“Crowley,” I say, meeting his gaze.
“And why do you give me that nickname, I’m not a ferret.” I whine.
“Would you rather I call you a rabbit?” he asked.
“Yes, rabbits are cuter, and they’re not mean.” I said.
“What brings you here?” he asked.
“Finishing up a long hunt, needed a drink. Now leave.” I asked, as the bartender brought me my drink, whisky on rocks.
And then I sensed someone sitting next to me, a little too close.
“Not interested.” I said coldly.
“Not even for an old friend.” It was Dean.
“An old dick ass of a friend.” I said harshly.
“I deserved that.” He said, stating the obvious.
Taking a sip of my drink. “What do you want Dean?” I asked coldly.
“Did Sam send you?” he asked.
“No, I was working a salt and burn nearby. Happened upon some witches at the same time, putting an undead asshole to rest, I’m exhausted. And I just want to unwind, and be left alone.” I said, lying at the same time. There was no witch.
“Tired of feeling exhausted all the time?” he asked. “Feel like you’ve lost that drive.” He adds.
“Doesn’t everyone?” I asked. “And you’re sounding like a, Viagra commercial or something.” I added.
He just smiles, clearly up to something. And gets up to leave. But I follow behind, leaving my payment for my drink on the table. In an alleyway, Crowley was there and did some spell that forced my feet to remain glued. I couldn’t move. Dean turns around, holding a small vial. It had dark liquid. I could only assume it’s his blood, his demon blood.
He starts walking up to me. “You’ll be a hunting machine; you’ll never be tired again. kill all the bad and not need a break.” He pitched.
“Sounds tempting, but pass. Sam nearly died when we tried to detox him off of demon blood. I’m not going down that stupid path.” I said.
“Oh, but my blood’s different than Ruby’s sweetheart.” He says. And he is close, he pulls the lid off.
“And you’re going to try it, one way or another.” He says.
Closing the distance, grabs my hair jerking my head back. The sudden sting of pain I gasped; he forced the red metallic tasting liquid through my lips. Once the vial was empty, he forced my jaw shut, forcing me to swallow. But I hold the liquid. I heard him groan in frustration, firm fingers stroking almost harshly on neck, forcing the muscles to relax and swallow.
The taste, was awful but the effects. Hearing became so keen. All the senses became keen. I smelled EVERYTHING. Heard everything to the fine pitter patter of his heartbeat. My head began to spin at the new senses.
“The high will last a bit, keep you busy for a while.” He said.
My gaze zeroed in on an individual. I saw fangs drawn; it was an alleyway across the main road from me. A vampire drinking from his next victim.
I sprint, faster than how I normally would run. Almost inhuman. And I grab him by the throat, throwing him away from the girl who dropped nearly lifeless, her heartbeat beating faintly. I took out my machete I keep on me, under my shirt on my back. And I behead him right then and there. Burning his body in an empty dumpster, I take the girl to the ER. And I call Sam, telling him I found Dean only for the phone to answer to some dude named Cole. He’s looking for Dean, for revenge.
“You don’t wanna do that, he’s not exactly,” I began only for him to cut me off.
“I don’t care, he killed my father, I vowed revenge.” He yelled.
“Fine, but it’s your funeral.” I said, hanging up. Now I have to warn Dean.
I think I’m still on my high, because I can smell him. I remember his smell, his scent. But he knew right away I was there at the bar.
“Can’t get enough sweetheart.” He says coyly. A smirk followed.
“Someone is after you, not Sam, a dude named Cole.” I said.
“Let him come, it’ll be his funeral.” He says.
“Already did, just don’t kill him.” I say.
“He your boyfriend or something.” He says.
“No, humility, I have a heart and soul. He’s just a hurting human, out for revenge for his father.” I explained bluntly.
He takes a drink from his beer. “You want more?” he asked.
“My head is starting to split in two, I feel sick. If this is the withdraw, yes. I want more.” I said.
He chuckles. “You give in too easily, meet me at your motel room.” He said.
 He was true to his motive. I had gotten out of the shower, and tried to sleep but the pain, vertigo and the sick feeling would not subside. I sat on the edge of the bed, massaging my temples.
I felt the bed dip beside me.
“Ready for another hit sweetheart?” he asked, holding up his wrist, and in his hand a regular pocketknife. “Gotta be quick before I heal.” He says, bringing the blade across his flesh. And I see the blood ooze freely from the cut.
I tried to resist it. Turning my head away, but he just eggs it on. Holding his wrist closer to my lips. I felt the warm liquid touch my lips. Tasting the metallic flavor on my tongue. I was hooked.
My lips latched on; I began to suck on his wound. Feeling the liquid pouring into my mouth. I held his wrist close. At the same moment, tears began to sneak through my closed eyes.
I could feel him petting my hair, soothing me.
“That’s it my little junkie. Drink up.” he says.
What turned into two, turned into four, six then too many to keep track of. But once Sam found Dean, cured him I still tried to hide the fact that I’m going through withdraw.
It was the same night he was cured; I hadn’t had a hit of demon blood since Dean was cured, even days before then. I wanted to get off of it before I was in too deep. I tried to convince myself I could do this on my own. I didn’t need help. I even tried hiding it from the guys.
I think the dead giveaway was I was sweating, shaky, irritable.
I sat in my room on my bed, dead center of it with my knees hugged at my chest. My door opens with a loud thud. Sam walks in, angry yet concerned Dean right behind.
“You drank demon blood!” he shouted.
“I was going to tell you; thought I could do this myself.” I said. Bringing my head to my knees.
“We could have helped you.” Sam continued to shout. Dean placed a hand on his shoulder, calming him or attempting to.
“We’ve been through this before. We can help.” Dean says.
“It’s so bad, my ears are ringing, it’s so bad I can barely hear you. My head wants to split in two, the smells burn my nose and the light hurts my eyes. I can’t take it anymore.” I cried, placing hands on my ears, cradling my head.
“Y/N,” Sam says softly. “It’s withdraw, it’s going to be bad for a few days, maybe a week, depending on how much Dean gave you.” Sam explains, kneeling next to the bed.
“In the meantime, we’re going to have you in the dungeon while you go through the worst of it.” Sam adds.
“Am I dangerous?” I asked looking up at Sam, tears in my eyes at the fear of what is happening to me.
“No, well maybe. We don’t know how you’ll be during this. I know when I was going through it I had to be strapped to the bed.” Sam says.
“I just want to get better.” I cried. Bringing my head back down to my knees. I felt the bed dip. A familiar smell. Dean.
“You will, with our help you’ll get better.” Dean says, placing a strong arm around me hugging me from the side. I hug back, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“This is going to be a hard road, it’ll seem long, but we’ll be there for you to lean on. Give you a little push, but you will get better. Just got to keep on fighting sweetheart.” Dean says. I nod in his chest.
“I just wanted to be a better hunter. I wanted to find you all the same. I was tired of how weak I was, how easily tired I got, how easy it was to catch me, to hurt me.” I continued.
“Sweetheart, you’re better than any of us. And you’re going to get through this, because you’re a badass. You’re strong. But once you come out of the other side of this, you’ll be even stronger. Trust me.” Dean continues, rubbing my arm and shoulder in the hug.
“Come on, let’s do this.” Dean says, getting up. Leading me to the dungeon where I was going to fight for a better me.
Let me know what you think reblog/ask, feedback is fuel for success and better fics for all creators. ps, sorry for the long delay. had a rough week. :)
Dean tags:
@pandazombie69, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker, @mlovesstories, @winchesters-favorite-girl
[A/N: Any fic made by me is mine, please do not copy and paste my stories. All characters belong to Supernatural and that belongs to CW and creator Eric Krepke, this is purely fiction. Don’t steal/copy and paste. Plus Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 10/3/2020]
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The Empty’s Curse
👉 Read it on Ao3
Characters – Dean, Castiel (Destiel eventually), Sam, Jack, Rowena, Billie/Death mainly. A few others.
Warnings – Angst, fluff (eventually). Dean having a hard time with his feelings (duh). Destiel fluff.
Summary – Dean is dying and there is no getting out of it this time. After a round of goodbyes from friends, Castiel takes Dean on one last ride.
Words – 5390
A/N – Theme clearly heavily influenced by this week’s episode (14x07) (it was the one where Jack is sick and coughing up blood and they couldn’t find a cure)(And yes I wrote this right after 14x07 - Cas’ deal is in 14x08. So. !!!) A/N2 - Special thanks to @licieoic​ for the wonderful painting! Our soft boys were in good hands! <3
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The entity from The Empty had had it. A number of people had risen from its depths over time, and the entity seriously had had enough. It knew it was all linked to Dean somehow and had decided to end this charade – it needed its sleep. And so, in a tongue-in-cheek fit of rage, it had cursed Dean to get a little more sleepy each day, losing his vital energy until there is no more.
It took a few weeks before anyone noticed something off. But at some point Dean fell asleep at the wheel, scaring Sam and Jack. The following days had been spent trying to figure out what’s wrong – and not letting Dean drive, which made him extra grumpy although he agreed.
They’d found nothing. They’d read every book in the bunker – again – and every book in the other capitum, and turned out nothing. Some Egyptian spells, some mesopotamian legends, but nothing really fit perfectly.
They’d taken him to the hospital. They’d found nothing.
They’d called Ketch, who, in spite of his vast knowledge, had no idea what could be wrong exactly. He’d contacted a few trusted old friends (much to everyone’s surprise) to try and search the Men of Letters library. After a few days, they hit jackpot – if a curse by The Empty’s entity can be called jackpot. Someone back in Egyptian times had had too much power and the entity had decided it was enough. The story said no god could change the entity’s mind, and the Egyptian man had withered away slowly.
So Dean was dying. Slowly. He was not in any particular pain, he was just tired, a little more each day. He would sleep a lot and, the little time he was awake, he would keep to his bed. He would not eat. He hardly drank a little water.
Sam was by his side almost every waking moment. Jack too. Castiel had gone to try and find some Shaman or anyone the Shaman would recommend. He called to check in every now and then.
Rowena had managed to get Death to come – without killing reapers – so they could talk to her and try to convince her to talk to The Empty’s entity. The tall, dark, timeless woman stood in the doorway. “Hello Dean.” “Hey Billie.” Billie – Death – stood there, unmoving. Dean added, “So, when you said, ‘see you soon’, did you think it would be this soon?” “Actually, no.” “Hah.” “But it is one of your possible deaths.” “Oh yeah, the books with all my deaths, I remember. Really?” “Yes.” There was a moment of silence in which Death walked to the side of the bed and looked down at Dean. “I’m sorry, Dean.” “Me too.” Sam, who was sitting by the bed, asked Death, “Can’t you do something about this?” “No. This death is one of the possible ones. Things will keep in balance if this death happens. It is sooner than I thought, but, then again, I’ve come to expect the Winchesters to live much longer, or many more times than the usual Joe.” Dean didn’t like the answer. “So you’re not going to help us. But you said to me, I remember, you said I was important. That I had work to do. And there is still work to do.” Death turned to Dean. “You have a point. I’ll try to talk to The Empty. But I can’t promise anything; I have no power over it.” Her gaze became unfocused a moment. She blinked. “It said no. And it said it’s claiming you. I’m sorry, Dean, I am.” So Death couldn’t help. The Empty wouldn’t let Dean live. That meant Castiel’s search wouldn’t do anything to help. But even with this news Castiel just kept pressing on, hopelessly trying to find a loophole, something they could try that they hadn’t thought of. He literally scoured the Earth for any specialist in supernatural matters. Yet his hope was his only; everyone else had understood Dean was dying for real, for good, forever.
The first few days after they all realized the inevitable, Sam had cried in silence by Dean’s bed. A lot. He had tried to keep it in when Dean was awake but sometimes Dean was only half asleep and a tear would roll down his cheek as he heard his brother’s muffled sobs. Days passed, and Sam simply felt numb. A kind of routine settled in, a familiarity with seeing Dean bedridden. Dean had told Sam to get out, go on hunts, get some air. Sam had tried, but had botched the jobs, unable to focus. He even got a few bad injuries. So Sam stayed at the bunker. Dean didn’t have enough energy in him to tease him about being a sloppy hunter.
One afternoon, Dean waited until Jack had left to run some errands to talk to Sam. “I’m sorry, Sammy.” “For what?” “I promised I’d look after you, and here I am, dying on you.” “Dean, don’t say that.” “Still…” “Dean… It’s not your fault.” “But it’s not what I wanted.” He looked at nothing in particular, and said, mostly to himself, “Plus, I’m a hunter, a warrior. I shouldn’t go out like this. This is unfitting.” Sam couldn’t come up with anything to say to that, really. So he just sat there. Dean laid in silence. Sam had his head down, his hands white with clasping them together too hard, his mouth a thin line. “Sammy.” Sam looked up, his hands regained a little colour. He waited. “Sammy, I wish we’d spent more time together.” Sam cocked his head. “But… we’re almost always together.” “That’s not what I mean. I mean, we should have done things together, have a little fun. Not just work. When’s the last time we played pool just for fun, not to hustle anyone?” Sam looked down at his hands. “I honestly can’t remember.” He looked up in Dean’s direction, his eyes unfocused. “But… you know… between everything that’s happened… When’s the last time we actually had time to even think about doing… anything, really?” Dean looked away. “I know.”
Days passed, and turned into weeks. Sam still couldn’t hunt. He felt the more time passed, the closer they must be to the end, and he couldn’t bear thinking of being away when it would happen. Castiel checked in more often, but kept searching still.
Ketch had come by and had told Dean he had pulled every string and every favour to try to find someone who could help, without any success. Dean had thanked him for his efforts. Still, Ketch insisted he was profoundly sorry. He added, with more emotion than both thought possible, that he had hoped he could have made it up to him and he had hoped they could have been partners, even friends. Dean had just said, “alright, alright” but had shook his hand nonetheless, adding, “sorry man, we’re out of time.”
Other people had come – Jody, Donna, Claire… Most didn’t know what to say, cried, held Dean, he cried, held them, they tried to find something to say, couldn’t find much, sat around a while, told stories, memories they’d keep with them of time spent together on hunts and whatnots. Made promises of being badass and keep helping people.
Who took Dean’s going away the hardest? It was not a contest anyway, but Claire sure stood out. She kept apologizing for her behavior, Dean kept telling her it’s fine, she’s turned out a strong, capable, resourceful woman, whispering he’s proud of her into her hair as she held on to him, trying to calm down between sobs.
With people coming and going, Sam and Jack had taken turns watching over Dean, who slept even more. After people had stopped coming, they’d kept to this habit, with Rowena popping in from time to time with some spell she’d found to give him more energy or keep him more awake – the effects of which would be very short-lived, at best.
Castiel finally came back. He looked exhausted, but the kind of exhaustion that goes beyond the body. Sam and Jack welcomed him back, hugs were exchanged, news of Dean’s state given. Sam warned Castiel, “Don’t get too startled, he’s lost quite a bit of weight. I kept his beard a little longer so he wouldn’t look too scary with his sunken cheeks. Of course, I didn’t tell him that. I don’t want him to worry about it.” Castiel had assured him he could not be scared by Dean and proceeded to go see him. Sam and Jack let him go alone. Watching Castiel walk away, Sam coughed down a lump in his throat.
Castiel came into Dean’s room. Dean was sleeping. Castiel usually stood around, forgetting altogether the use of chairs, but this time, he pulled a chair, wanting to be close to Dean, knowing he’ll be there a while. Dean was lying on his back, seemingly sleeping peacefully. There were a few comforters on top of him; he was probably cold, what with his lack of energy. Castiel touched his shoulder. Indeed, Dean was colder than a human should be. He tried to warm him up with his grace, but it didn’t work. Dean didn’t even wake up. Castiel looked at him, his hair grown out, his beard short, but effectively covering some of the sunken in cheeks. Dean wasn’t scary, Castiel thought. He was heart-wrenching. He took Dean’s hand in his, looking at his face.
He felt a squeeze of his hand as he saw Dean’s eyes open slowly. “Cas…” Dean squeezed Castiel’s hand harder. “Cas…” “Hello, Dean.” They looked at each other with horror and sorrow, realizing those two words were probably spoken for the last time. They both knew Castiel wouldn’t leave Dean’s side a single instant now.
Castiel was surprised that, in spite of his state, Dean’s eyes were still a most vibrant green. Castiel didn’t understand why, but he had the sudden urge to get a few strands of hair out of Dean’s face. It was unnecessary – Dean’s hair wasn’t that long – but he wanted to touch him, to feel he was still here. He was already holding Dean’s hand, but it didn’t seem enough. He bent over a bit and smoothed out the hair out of Dean’s face, gently. Dean closed his eyes and turned his face ever so slightly into Castiel’s touch.
Castiel let his hand rest by Dean’s head and, with his thumb, stroke his hair by his ear. He shifted his weight, knowing he’d stay like this for a while. Dean leaned in a little. Castiel looked at his beautiful face, still beautiful in spite of the weight loss. “How did we get to this?” Dean opened his eyes, but didn’t look at Castiel. “You know. It seems I managed to piss off a cosmic entity.” He looked up at Castiel, and, with a sad smile, said, “seems we have something in common.” “Yes, but I pissed him off to come back to you.” Dean closed his eyes, his brow furrowed, his face a grimace of sadness, as he leaned more into Castiel’s hand. “I’m sorry.” “That’s not what I meant – Dean…” Castiel took Dean’s face in both hands. “Dean, don’t… I’m not saying…” He let go of Dean's face. Dean grabbed Castiel’s shoulder and pulled at his trenchcoat. “Cas…” Castiel, without even thinking, bent down and took Dean in his arms. Dean wrapped his arms around Castiel, sobbing. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” “It’s not your fault.” “Yes, it is.” “It doesn’t matter.” “Don’t go.” “I’m not going anywhere.” They stayed like this for a while, Dean going from calming down to panicking again because he knows this is the end and there’s nothing he can do. The powerlessness was unbearable. Abandoning everyone in his care was unbearable. Focusing back on Castiel’s arms around him made him forget his guilt for a moment. But then it came back in waves and he panicked again. Castiel would hold him closer then and Dean could feel Castiel’s eyelashes brush close to his own.
Sam, having heard nothing for a while, thought Dean had fallen asleep again. He went by to talk to Castiel but, as he came to the door, he saw his brother holding on to his angel for dear life. The joy of seeing Dean finally letting his walls down about Castiel filled him with tremendous joy. And knowing the timing was the worst filled him with immense sadness. He didn’t know if he was smiling or crying, but his heart was the heaviest it had been in a while. He closed the door silently.
Inside, Castiel felt Dean’s arms fall to his sides. Exhausted, Dean had fallen asleep. Castiel straightened up, stroke Dean’s cheek softly and tucked him in. He took Dean’s hand in his and watched over him.
Dean’s eyes opened. How much time had he slept? He couldn’t tell. The light in the room was the same, Castiel was the same, sitting by the bed, holding his hand. Cas. The only true constant in his life. Cas. Castiel, looking at Dean waking up, didn’t go for his usual 'Hello, Dean.' He couldn’t anymore. Every 'Hello, Dean' would feel like it was the very last one, as if it could provoke Dean’s end. Instead, Castiel smiled at Dean. Dean smiled back and gave Castiel’s hand a little squeeze. Looking into his angel’s blue eyes, he felt his heart grow in size, his breath hitch. “Hello, Cas.” Castiel smiled even more. “Hi. Did you sleep well?” “I dreamed you were holding my hand everywhere we went.” “We’re not going anywhere, but it is not a dream, I am holding your hand. I’m not letting you go.” “It felt nice in my dreams.” Castiel stroke Dean’s hand with his thumb. “It feels nice right here.” “We should go somewhere.” “What?” “We should go somewhere. I’d like to be with Baby again, ride in her.” “You can’t drive.” “You can.” “You never let me drive her.” “Soon I won’t be around to keep anyone from driving her. Hell, I even taught Jack to drive with her. So, you know, of course you can drive her.”
On the front seat was Dean wrapped in blankets, buckled up tight so he didn’t have to spend too much energy sitting up. Castiel was at the wheel. Sam was leaning on his arms into the window, asking where they were going and how long. Castiel didn’t know. Dean didn’t know. “For a drive.” was the only answer. Sam made sure Castiel had his phone and wished them a good afternoon.
Castiel kept his eyes on the road. Now and then, he’d glance to see if Dean was still awake. Invariably, he’d see him leaning against the door, not unlike a human burrito in all his blankets, his eyes half closed against the sun, a soft smile on his face. Sometimes Dean would close his eyes and breathe deeply as he listened to Baby’s engine as if it were the only music he’d ever cared for, and then he’d open his eyes again, looking at the scenery through his eyelashes.
Castiel wondered how far they’d go like this. Not that he minded going to the ends of the Earth with Dean. And he liked driving Baby, he realized. He turned to look at Dean again and saw a flash of green staring at him contently. He looked like he had been staring for a while. “Cas, do you think you can drive with one hand?” Castiel didn’t know what to make of that question. “Um…” “Cas…” Castiel saw Dean undo his blankets, lean a bit closer and offer his hand. “I’m tired, Cas.” Castiel took Dean’s hand in his. Dean looked down at their hands, his eyes drooping. He unbuckled himself and scooted closer, and he laid his head on Castiel’s shoulder. He interlaced their fingers. The touch of Cas. The smell of Cas. The low rumble of Baby. He fell asleep with a smile.
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Dean woke up in a hotel room at the crack of dawn. The weight on his chest… Cas’ arm. His left side being warmer than his right side… Cas is… Oh. Cas is lying against him, holding him. “Dean…” “Hello, Cas.” Dean closed his eyes as he moved to hold Castiel closer. He almost fell back to sleep. “Did you sleep well?” Dean opened his eyes again. “Better than in a long time.” Dean turned his head to rest his cheek against Castiel’s forehead. “If I’d known I’d sleep so good with you by my side, I think I’d have done it sooner.” Dean closed his eyes, and turned his head a little more to brush his lips against Castiel’s forehead. He absentmindedly gave him a little kiss.
Castiel shifted a little and looked up at Dean. They stayed like this, lost in the green, lost in the blue. In that very moment, Dean had no concept of the bad luck that had befallen him. There was no curse from the entity from The Empty. There was no having lost so many people over the years, there were no epic battles against demons and angels. In that very moment, all of Dean’s universe was Castiel’s eyes and Castiel’s touch. Dean, without even thinking about it, cupped Castiel’s cheek. With his thumb, he stoked his eyebrow and trailed down his cheek to his jaw. He slid his hand to the back of Castiel’s head and played in his hair.
Dean suddenly stopped, his eyes wide. “Wait. How did we get here? Last thing I remember, I was falling asleep in the car.” Castiel smiled. “I kept driving, seeing you slept so soundly. As the sun started to go down, I spotted a lake nearby. I carried you by the lake and sat us on the shore, holding you close so you wouldn’t fall. I thought, if you’d wake up and see the sunset, you’d like it. Then night fell and there were so many stars it was beautiful. I thought, maybe you’ll wake up and see the stars. At some point, I couldn’t keep you warm enough, so I found this little hotel and got us a room. I did my best to keep you warm. You don’t seem so bad.” Dean thought for a moment. “You mean… You took me on a date and I slept through it?” Castiel was confused. “Is that what a date is?” Dean laughed softly. He started playing in Castiel’s hair again. “And a good one, too. I’m sorry I slept through it.” “It’s alright, Dean. You can’t help it. And, I saw you smile a few times in your sleep. You never smiled in your sleep.”
Even if Dean knew Castiel had watched him sleep often, so often, it dawned on him that Castiel didn’t do that with anyone else. Since the very beginning, Castiel had watched over him, making sure Dean is alright. Maybe Castiel didn’t know human emotions at first, but his care for him was already present, very present. He always came when he called. He even came when he didn’t really call, but just… thought of calling. Dean had been demanding sometimes, and Castiel had been very busy with angel wars, but Castiel had come and helped Dean. Dean realized that even if Castiel had been grumpy or even angry at him sometimes, he never felt Castiel would stop being his friend, ever. And then he realized how stupid it is to use the word 'friend' when you’re holding each other, in a bed, looking into each other’s eyes, playing in his hair. Dean thought about the things he’d done without thinking about them – holding on to Castiel, holding his hand, that little kiss he just gave him, being calm whenever he felt Castiel close to him. And Castiel never shying away, always welcoming every one of Dean’s touches, sometimes giving him what he needs before he even knows he needs it.
“Cas…” “Yes, Dean.” “Do you…” He couldn’t say it. Love. He just can’t say it. If Castiel said no, he’d die, for real, right here, right now. Castiel squinted a little. What was it that Dean wanted to know? “Do I what, Dean?” Dean was stuck. It all seemed ridiculous. Here they were, in each other’s arms. But, then again, Castiel always did exactly what Dean wanted or needed, nothing more. He responded to Dean, but did anything come from Castiel himself? Did Castiel want any of this? Dean’s head started spinning with questions, doubts, fear. He let go of Castiel and shifted on his back, looking at the ceiling, sighing.“
“Dean, what’s wrong?” Castiel propped himself on his elbow, looking down at Dean. “Dean. What’s wrong?” Dean passed his hand in his own hair, looked up at Castiel. His question came soft, almost a whisper. “Why do you do all this anyway?” Castiel cocked his head. “All this what?” Dean gestured vaguely, looking about the room. “This. All of this. Everything you do, everything you did. Like, watching me sleep. Or, I don’t know, running complicated errands to get stuff for us. Or… You know, all the things you did. Every time you came when I called. You know. Everything.” “You ask me why do I do all of it?” Dean looked intensely at the wallpaper. “Yes…”
Castiel took a moment, looking into Dean’s eyes until Dean looked back into his. “I love you, Dean. Always have.” Dean seemed surprised. “Since we first met? But I stabbed you.” Castiel smiled. “Before that. Since I rescued you from Hell.” Dean’s eyes were wide. “Whoa… Really?” “The angels were right when they said I was lost as soon as I laid a hand on you. I had never felt emotions like this. I was, indeed, as an angel, lost.” Dean was speechless. Tears brimmed his eyes, he didn’t know why. Castiel continued, “Everything I did, I did for you. I still do. You’re the most important thing in my eternal life.”
Dean’s vision blurred. He felt the tears rolling down. He blinked, trying to keep Castiel in focus, trying to not lose a single instant of his blue eyes looking at him. Castiel didn’t understand the tears. “Dean, are you OK?” “Yeah, I…” He grabbed Castiel by the shoulders. He didn’t pull him in, he just held on. “Dean… What’s wrong?” “Nothing, I…” Dean lifted himself up on his elbows and reached up to Castiel’s lips, but stopping right before he got to them. What was he doing? He looked at Castiel, who hadn’t moved, seemingly waiting, looking into his eyes. Castiel passed an arm around Dean’s back to help him stay up. Dean’s mind went blank. He closed the distance and pressed his lips against Castiel’s. He saw Castiel close his eyes, felt him press his lips against his, but nothing more.
Dean fell back down to the mattress. He didn’t know if he did something he should regret or not. Castiel’s voice came low. “Well, that’s new.” Dean looked up at Castiel. “New? You’ve kissed before. You even…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it. Castiel laid back down by Dean’s side, took Dean’s hand in his. “It’s new because I thought my heart would explode. It’s a strange effect.” “But did you like it?” “Yes, it’s strangely pleasant.” “Do you want to try it again?” “Yes.”
The first kisses were soft. Dean’s head was spinning so much, he felt he’d never kissed anyone before Castiel. Sometimes they’d stop mid-kiss, their mouths still open, catching their breath. ”Dean?” “Yes, Cas?” “Is my heart really going to explode for real? It’s beating really too fast.” Dean chuckled. “Don’t worry. Mine exploded a couple times already.” Castiel opened his eyes in horror. “How…?” Dean laughed. “It’s a manner of speech. Hahaha… God I love you, you’re the best.”
Dean froze. He said it. He told the words to Cas. He started to panic, but Castiel had already his lips on his, kissing him harder. He felt Castiel’s hands in his back, gripping at him. Soon all that mattered was Castiel’s mouth, his tongue against his, hearing their breaths hitch, a low moan escape from… who, he couldn’t tell. Dean’s lips got numb from kissing, but his longing for Castiel just made him kiss him harder, slower, longer.
Dean woke up in his bed in the bunker. Opening his eyes, he saw Sam sitting by the bed. Only Sam. As a reflex, he tried to sit up, panicking. “Where’s Cas?” Sam put his hands up. “Hey, it’s fine, he just left two minutes cause Rowena wanted to talk to him.” Castiel appeared, having visibly ran to the bedroom. “Dean!” He went around the bed, ignoring Sam. He sat by Dean, taking his hand. “I’m sorry. Rowena wanted to tell me something, and…” Dean put his other hand on Castiel’s. “It’s OK.” “But I promised you…” “It’s OK. I’m sorry I panicked.” Castiel bent down, kissed Dean’s forehead. Dean closed his eyes. Castiel kissed Dean’s lips, softly. Dean kissed him back. “So I guess it wasn’t a dream, then.” Castiel cocked his head. “What wasn’t a dream?” “The car ride, the hotel room…” They heard Sam clearing his throat. It didn’t seem to register with them. Castiel answered, “No, it wasn’t a dream. You just fell asleep in the middle of…” They heard Sam really, really clear his throat behind them. “Um, guys, I’ll just…” Sam stood up. Castiel turned to Sam and stood up. “No, you stay, Rowena’s not done with me.” He turned to Dean. “I’ll be right back.” Dean smiled. “Hey, I’m not going anywhere.” Castiel pursed his lips, not laughing at Dean’s joke. Dean looked fondly at Castiel. “Hey, love you.” Castiel’s expression softened. “Love you too.” And he left.
Sam sat back on the chair, looking at his brother who was smiling stupid to himself. Sam couldn’t help but smile, too. “So, you two, uh?” “Yup. Who’d have thought!” Sam chuckled. Dean turned to him. “What?” “Well, Dean, come on. You guys have been into each other for… well, forever it seems.” “You’re kidding me.” Sam only laughed softly. “I’m happy for you two.” “Thanks. I’m happy too.” Dean’s smile faded. “It’s just… the timing…” Sam’s smile faded, too. “I know. But, you know, at least…” “Yeah.”
“So when did Cas bring me back here?” “Um, three days ago.” “THREE DAYS?” “Yeah. It’s the longest you’ve slept so far.” Both brothers got lost in their thoughts. They knew that meant the curse was progressing. Dean broke the silence. “And I’m awake less time each time.” “How long were you awake last time?” Dean rearranged his blankets, thinking. “Well, the ride in Baby, I was awake maybe three hours. Then I slept for about 14 hours. Then I was awake for maybe one hour, and then – he gestured to the room – slept for three days.” “Fuck.” “Yeah." Dean scoffed. "Actually, no.” “What?” “I’m too tired, I can’t.” It took a moment for Sam to make the connection. “Really, Dean? You’re really telling me that? Seriously?” Dean chuckled. He added, more to himself, “Cas probably doesn’t even know how with a guy anyway.” Sam leaned in a little. “And you, do you?” Dean looked at him sideways, a smirk lifting his lips. Sam threw his arms in the air. “Shouldn’t have asked!” Dean chuckled.
Rowena came in with Castiel. Castiel sat by Dean on the bed, their hands finding each other. Castiel looked into Dean’s eyes. “Dean, Rowena has an important message.” Sam got up and offered his chair to Rowena, and stood by the bed. Rowena looked at each man in turn before speaking. “I’ve been keeping in touch with Death and a couple more people, to try and see if the entity from The Empty changed its mind. As it turns out, it seems the entity is waiting for Dean and so it’s been awake the whole time. And it hates being awake.” Castiel added, “Oh yes. It really does.” Rowena nodded. “Yes. And so it’s gone out of patience and it seems it’s going to claim you sooner than later.” Dean’s brow furrowed. “How soon?” “Yeah, well, that’s the thing. Really, really soon.” “Rowena.” “Tonight.”
The news dropped like a bomb. Castiel felt his hand squeezed so hard he winced but didn’t move. He turned to Dean, whose face was already wet with tears, his eyes wide in despair. Sam walked to the door. “I’ll get Jack.”
When Sam got back with Jack, Dean was sitting up, holding Castiel, his face buried in his shoulder. Rowena was still sitting on the chair, her head down, hands folded in her lap. She looked up at Jack. “Jack…” “Yeah, I know, Sam told me.” Dean, hearing Jack’s voice, let go of Castiel. He looked up and extended his hand. “Come here, kid.” Castiel got up and went to the foot of the bed. Dean took Jack in a hug. “You take care of them, alright?” “Yes…” “And of yourself. OK?” “Yes.” Dean patted Jack on the back, broke the hug. He looked at him, patted his shoulder. “Alright.”
“Hello, Dean.” Billie – Death – stood in the doorway. Dean looked at her, eyes wide. “What? Rowena said ‘tonight’, aren’t you early?” Billie walked in as she answered, “We are officially at night, now.” “But…” “Dean, I’ll let you say your goodbyes, but I have my orders. Sorry.” Dean turned to Sam, whose face was red, tears rolling down his cheeks. Dean opened his arms. Sam sat on the bed and took his brother in almost violently. They held each other for a moment, immobile. It seemed they almost had stopped breathing. “Come on, Sammy…” “No.” “You’ll be alright. Come on.” Dean broke the hug, took his brother’s face in his hands. “I’m proud of you, Sam. You’ve become a great man. I’ve always been proud of you.” “Me too.” Dean pulled him in again shortly. They finally let go, and Sam stood up and walked out of the way.
“Rowena.” Rowena went to Dean, gave him a hug. She was so small in Dean’s arms, in spite of him being but a shadow of his former self. “Well look at me, I’m crying too. For a Winchester!”, she laughed, sobbing, trying to brush off the horror of the overwhelming emotions that come with loving people again, and losing them. “I did everything I could, Dean, I swear.” “I know, I know.” Rowena broke the hug, looked at Dean and stood up to go back by the chair.
Dean turned to Castiel, still standing at the foot of the bed. “Cas, help me stand.” “But you’re too weak.” “Cas, come on. Help me. If I’m going, I’m going standing. Not like a bedridden wuss.” He shook his hand in Castiel’s direction. Castiel helped Dean out of bed and held him up. “Alright, Billie. But before you take me, tell me, what will happen with me?” “Part of your self will be scattered throughout the universe of every dimension. Part of your self will be in The Empty.” “Wow, no chance of coming back at all, then.” “No. Not this time.” “Alright.” “Are you ready?” “No, but do I have a choice?” “Not this time, no.” “Let’s go then.”
Dean turned to Castiel, and, losing himself in his blue eyes one last time, kissed him, leaning his body into Castiel, Castiel holding him tight. It was a long, silent, soft kiss. Dean stood there a moment more, his forehead on Castiel’s. In barely a whisper, he said, “Cas, never forget I love you.” “Never,” came the answer, more calm than both thought possible. “And I love you too.” Dean closed his eyes against fresh tears, kissed Castiel one last time, trying to imprint the taste of his lips in his mind for eternity.
Dean finally let go of Castiel and started walking towards Death. But Castiel still held his hand. Dean turned around. “Cas, you gotta let me go.” Billie and Castiel exchanged a look. Dean caught it. He asked Billie, “What’s going on?” Billie nodded towards Castiel, saying, “We have an agreement.” Dean turned to Castiel. Castiel stepped in closer to Dean. “I’ll go with you.”
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The Ripper: Chapter 9
I was carried home, too weak to walk on my own. Kaitlyn’s blood had prevented me from desiccating any further, but I was still hungry. When we arrived, Elijah made a beeline for the fridge, throwing me a bag. I bit into it eagerly, downing the blood.
‘’Have they removed the hex?’’ Elijah asked. I nodded, still unable to speak. 
This couldn’t be real, could it?
‘’If it’s ok with you, I’d like to sleep in a bed.’’ He nodded and I made my way upstairs.
It was weird being home. After sleeping on the cold rock floor then lying, unmoving, on the gurney for so long, my bed was almost too comfy. Then it hit me; this was real. I was home. The visions had stopped. I laughed, then burst into tears. In some sick way, I had looked forward to the visions of what I wanted. Somehow, they had made me happy, seeing us together. I knew that would never happen, I had hurt him too much. But it never hurt to hope.
By the time morning had come around, I gained control of myself. I’ve suffered worse. I can get past this.
Everyone was up by the time I went downstairs, even Hayley. She grinned and embraced me.
‘’It’s so good to see you.’’ She laughed.
‘’It’s good to be back.’’ I sighed. ‘’I do have to say, my mattress is so much more comfortable than the floor.’’
‘’I hope you feel better,’’ she gave me a small smile.
‘’I’ll be fine.’’ I smiled. ‘’I’ve suffered worse.’’
Elijah walked in and took a seat at the counter. ‘’Would you excuse us, Hayley? Alessandra and I need to have a chat.’’ She nodded and left us. I busied myself over the stove with my tea refusing to look at Elijah even though I could feel his eyes on my back.
‘’What happened with the witches?’’ He asked finally.
I knew he wouldn’t let it go until I told him. ‘’At first, they only broke bones, which healed quickly enough. Then a spell they used gave me hallucinations until I figured out what my ‘crime’ was. They used the coven I had killed. I felt every one of their deaths. Then I was strapped to a bed. They cut me and shoved vervain under my skin.’’ I took in a breath to steady myself. ‘’They left me there so I couldn’t pull it out. I couldn’t move. Then was the last one, which was still in effect when you got me. They gave me hope, then ripped it away. Over and over again. That was the worst.’’
‘’Are there any lasting effects? Any spells that are still affecting you?’’
‘’No, they removed the hex. So I wouldn’t kill them, I guess. I was lucky though, I don’t think they knew that I was an Original. Otherwise they probably would’ve don’t a lot worse with the torture. But overall, I’ve suffered more. I’ll be fine.’’ Convinced, Elijah got up to leave the kitchen. ‘’Alessandra?’’
‘’What did they show you, to give you hope?’’
I gave him a sad smile. ‘’My perfect, human life.’’
When I didn’t elaborate he nodded, and left.
I drank two more blood bags before I left the kitchen. Though I had showered twice yesterday, I had another one. I couldn’t seem to wipe the grime of the past few weeks off me. To others, it may appear that I was unaffected by my time spent with the witches. Truth was, I had buried my feelings. There was no room to worry about me; Hayley and Klaus were dealing with the loss of a child and Hayley’s transition. Elijah was worrying about his family.
I sighed, before noticing someone on my bed.
‘’Elijah,’’ I put on a smile. ‘’I told you I’m fine.’’
‘’While I don’t believe that you are fine, I do respect your ability to deal with these things on your own, even if someone attempts to help. Klaus returned to the caves last night and recovered your bag.’’
He offered up my gym bag and I unzipped it. The smell of my rotten banana permeated the room and I gagged.
‘’Well.’’ I sighed, delicately picking through the contents. ‘’I guess that’s going to the bin.’’
I pulled out out my gym clothes, now covered in decomposing banana juice. I chucked them towards the bathroom to be washed. Then out came my phone. Luckily, the pocket it had been it protected the screen from juice and impact damage. I thanked the Apple gods as the small white symbol appeared on the black background. I lay it on the bed next to Elijah to start while I threw the bag into the bath. At least there it wouldn’t stink up my entire room.
On the bed, my phone gave a series of vibrations. I sped over and picked it up; missed calls from Sam. There were at least 50.
‘’I’m sorry, Elijah. I’ve got to make a call.’’ I looked at him apologetically. he stood up, doing the button of his blazer up.
‘’Let me know if there’s anything you need.’’ I nodded and he walked from the room.
Bracing myself for the storm that was to come.
‘’Hey, Sammy.’’ I said.
‘’Tallie! You haven’t been answering your phone for weeks! I was worried.’’ He said, panic in his voice.
‘’I’m sorry.’’ I rubbed a hand across my forehead. ‘’I was… occupied.’’
‘’What do you mean occupied?’’ he growled. ‘’Someone was hurting you, weren’t they?’’
‘’Sam. I’m fine!’’ I reassured. ‘’I promise. I’m home and surrounded by people who can protect me if anything goes wrong. Plus, the witches are dead.’’
‘’Uhh, yeah.’’
‘’God, Tallie. We leave you alone and already witches are involved.’’ He sighed.
‘’That’s not the half of it.’’ I whispered.
‘’What do you mean? Tallie, exactly how much trouble are you in? we heard about the gang violence, is that… was that- ‘’
‘’Us? No, but we’ve got it handled’’ I said.
‘’Are you sure?’’
‘’I’m positive. How’s it going with Dean?’’
‘’It’s… going. I think I’ve nearly found a cure.’’
I heard someone quietly shuffle outside my room. ‘’I can come down, if you want. I can help.’’
‘’No, it’s fine. Just stay there and deal with your problems. If it gets any worse here I’ll call you. Ok?’’
‘’If you’re sure, Sammy.’’
‘’I am.’’ He affirmed.
‘’Ok. Well, I have to go. I’ve got people to deal with.’’ I sighed. ‘’I love you.’’
‘’Love you too. Bye, Tallie.’’ We hung up.
‘’It’s not nice to eavesdrop, Marcellus.’’ I turned around just as Marcel walked around the corner.
‘’Who was that?’’ he grinned.
‘’Just some friends. Is there a reason your spying on my phone calls?’’ I gave him a small smile.
‘’Elijah wants to make sure that you’re going to be in control, should we have any unexpected visitors.’’ He grinned. ‘’We’re going hunting.’’
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hekate1308 · 7 years
Don’t worry, this series is still very much destiel - established relationship, we’re just worried about Crowley for a bit ;). 
Dean should have known.
Things were actually going well, and he was feeling good about… basically everything. Except for the Brits. But that couldn’t be helped.
And now this.
There’s something wrong with Crowley.
He didn’t tell them – of course.
He hasn’t asked for help – of course.
And he’s doing his best to give the impression that absolutely everything is alright – of course.
But Dean knows this demon inside out, and there’s something very very not right.
“Cas” he says that evening when they are alone, “It’s about Crowley... Has he seems off to you lately?”
His boyfriend frowns.
“In what regard?”
Dean huffs.
“I know you like to hear the opinion of others before you speak, but I know that look. You think the same.”
Cas sighs and sits down next to him on their bed.
“I was hoping I was mistaken.”
“It’s not even – it’s just an impression. There’s absolutely no reason to – “
“I know” Cas interrupts him. “If I was – if I could – “
He looks away.
“Hey, sunshine” Dean says, grabbing his hand. “You know I like it better when you can’t flatter of to God knows where. We’ll deal with this how we always do. Together.”
Cas smiles and pulls him in for a kiss.
Whatever’s going on, it can wait until tomorrow.
Over the next few days, the feeling gets stronger.
Crowley is... subdued, for lack of a better word. Doesn’t make as many quips.
Still – it’s no proof.
Sam and Mick don’t think anything’s wrong, but then Sam doesn’t know him as well as Dean and Cas, and Mick is new.
In the meanwhile, they are busy consolidating their forces, so to speak. Lizzie Hexam has proven to be invaluable.
Really, you throw a guy piece of raw meat and suddenly his wife is ready to risk her job for you.
There are more and more Men of Letters entering the States. Not exactly good news. There are still far fewer of them than there are hunters, naturally; but if they keep up the flow...
He’s mulling over the numbers when Crowley enters the room.
Yes. There’s definitely something weird going on. He’s never walked so... hesitantly before. And that expression in his eyes...
“Hey, want a drink?” he asks as casually as he can. It’s a long shot, but if something’s the matter and Crowley for whatever reason can’t tell him...
The demon grabs the cheapest whiskey they have, even though there’s a full bottle of Craig right there.  
“You alright?”
The words leave his mouth before he can process what he’s about to say.
Damn it.
Crowley’s reply surprises him.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be? I’m fine! Everyone who’s ever used that phrase in connection with you has been undoubtedly one hundred percent fine!”
That just... sounds wrong. Not Crowley at all.
And Crowley would know he’d get that.
He plays it straight, but that evening, he grabs Cas, Sam and Mick and drags them to the playing room when Crowley’s not around.
He takes a cue and begins a game.
“I was right about Crowley” he begins quietly. In case the demon hears something, he’ll think they’re just playing.
Maybe he’ll stay away on purprose. Whatever’s the matter with him, he’s aware of it and he doesn’t like it one bit, that is obvious.
“He drank cheap whiskey today”.
“That’s all?” Sam asks while Cas and Mick have realized what Dean wants and are having a rather loud conversation about the vampire cure.
“Cheap whiskey. He’d take another Apocalypse over that stuff, especially since his favourite drink was available. He was trying to tell me something”.
“Alright” Sam acquiesces. “Any idea what’s going on?”
“None” he admits, “but I – “ He stops for a moment because he doesn’t really want to say it.
“I think we shouldn’t let Crowley in on what’s really going on” he finishes.
Cas, still talking about some inane topic with Mick, moves over to him and lays his hand on the small of his back. Dean relaxes.
“Because if there’s something... I’m pretty sure the Men of Letters have something to do with it.”
Crowley has far less enemies these days than he ever did. Maybe because he’s joined them when they go to hunter gatherings; or because he helps them all the time now; maybe because he got them a safe house –
Yeah, actually, for a lot of reasons. Most hunters and monsters even like the bastard a little.
Plus, he killed Lucifer what feels like forever ago.
So the Men of Letters are the only ones who would have a reason to target him.
Especially if it’s done to get to them.
“We should call Mel” Mick says suddenly. “She could keep an eye on Crowley when he’s not with us.”
True; as long as there’s a drop of water around, Mel can check up on their friend.
That he immediately thought of the water wraith confirms Dean’s suspicions that they have been talking quite a bit, though. And there’s a certain gleam in Mick’s eyes...
Dean’s certainly got no right to tell anyone who’s developing feelings for a supernatural being what to do. The unbelievably hot man who sleeps in his bed every night is proof of that.
But Mel’s not an angel who can choose to become human. She’s a nature spirit, lovely yes, but also volatile and dangerous, just like water can be.
He stores this in his “worry about later” box for now. There are more important things at stake.
“I’ll call her.”
He’s never asked through what weird water-magic she even realizes her phone’s ringing, but Mel always picks up.
“Mel. There is news. It’s bad.”
She waits for him to elaborate.
“It’s Crowley. Something’s... we think he might be under a curse or a spell, but he’s not talking.”
“So you need a spy?”
“We could really use your help.”
“Anything for you. I’ll let you know.”
Things have gotten much easier since they’ve started talking to creatures instead of ganking them outb of principle.
They try to be quick with calling their other friends, only to learn just how many they have.
He was pretty sure there was a time Sam told him all his friends were dead.
The twins immediately offer to look into the lore for any spells that catch their eyes.
Al promises not to let Crowley know more and more monsters are getting ready to help them. Personally, Dean doesn’t hold much hope he can put up the charade for long, but they should be okay for a little while.
Lizzie is the most reluctant, funny enough. They’ve visited her a view times with Crowley in tow and she’s taken quite a liking to him; plus she “hates lying”. How she justifies lying to her employers on a regular basis for their sake Dean will never know, but still – she swears not to reveal that she’s doing her best to catch every single man of Letters who travels here.
Finally they are safe on all fronts and can retire for the night.
Dean lets himself sink down on the bed with a sigh.
“I’m worried” he confesses. “Crowley hates being controlled. He must be feeling awful, especially if they force him to betray us.”
“He knows we won’t put it on him” Cas says, sitting down next to him and taking his hand.
Dean snorts.
“Because not a single member of our little group has ever hated himself so much he’ll believe he’s not worth even asking for forgiveness.”
When Cas is silent, he adds, “No “It’s Crowley, the King of Hell”, bla bla bla?”
“I don’t think he has been spending a lot of time in Hell” Cas says lightly. “And... how would you express it? At this point he’s family.”
“Yeah. He is”.
Dean snuggles closer to his boyfriend.
After that night, the signs keep piling up. Even Sam’s spooked when Crowley nags him about their car, or when he calls Cas “Castiel” all the time.
Mel reports back to them a week later.
Apparently Crowley hangs out in empty rooms in their mansion a lot.
Mel can’t be sure where he disappears to practically every day, but the fact that he hasn’t mentioned it is suspicious in itself.
Also she thinks there’s “a dark mark” on his demon soul but can’t really explain it.
Must be a water wraith thing.
Their network is growing, at least. Instead of running into a trap, they are building one themselves.
They’ll get rid of the Men of Letters, send a clear signal that this is how things work in their country and they’re not letting anyone dictate them how to deal with their own problems.
They don’t tell the demon, of course. They set up regular meetings to lie to him and by the end of the second one Dean is ready to claw his eyes out.
But for weeks, their research concerning Crowley hits wall after wall.
It’s the twins who finally make the break through, thank God.
And as soon as Dean hears what they have to say, his blood boils.
Binding a demon? Making him do whatever you want?
There was a time when he would have loved to get his hands on this spell, especially concerning Crowley. He dismisses it from his memory.
“So how powerful would a witch have to be to make a demon... obey her?”
“Very. I doubt we know anyone – “
“Trust me, we do.”
Rowena. She did that to her own son.
Dean’s going to tear that bitch apart with his own hands.
But, first...
They’ll have to secure Crowley.
They can’t allow him to run around if he’s being controlled by the Men of Letters.
First a spell, now a devil’s trap.
He’s going to love this.
But what must be done...
Summoning Crowley brings back memories.
It’s almost weird to remember they had to do this to speak with him at one point.
He knows they did the right thing when Crowley registers he’s in a devil’s trap.
He’s looking relieved.
“Alright” Dean begins, on the off-chance that instead of a spell they sent them an imposter, “I’m getting really tired of this charade we’ve been pulling off. The real Crowley – or one acting like himself, at least – would have noticed weeks ago. You are not getting out of this until you convince me you’re truly yourself, so get comfy.”
The fact that Crowley – Crowley actually sits down to demonstrate he has every intention to do that is proof enough he knows what’s wrong.
He clears his throat. They’ve decided to let him ask the questions, because he knows Crowley the best. Cas comes at close second because he worked with him for over a year once, but they certainly didn’t chat and spend time together then.
“If this is what we think it is, they must have told you not to let us know something’s wrong” he muses.
“But... okay... Did they order you to actively deny it if I just... tell you what I think happened to you?”
“No” Crowley says, getting up and shaking his head.
There’s still pure relief in his eyes.
“Good. Well, then, you have been under the Spell of St. John for some time, and the Men of Letters have been ordering you to spy on us.”
“Rowena helped them”.
The fury in his voice is too genuine to have been created by a spell.
“Okay” he rubs his hands nervously. “We can’t let you run around...”
“No you can’t, Squirrel, so just leave me here. I’ll be fine.”
The relief that he’s actually talking to Crowley for the first time in weeks is almost overwhelming.
He turns around and nods. Sam, Cas and Mick leave the room.
“We’re going to turn your room into a huge trap. It’s not the best solution, but at least you’ll be comfortable there”.
“I’d do the same” Crowley assures him. “Actually, no. I’d just throw me in the dungeon.”
“Yeah well, not exactly our style when it comes to family if we can avoid it.”
Crowley’s eyes widen in surprise as the door opens and Dean’s boyfriend comes in.
“It’s safe” Cas.
Dean holds up the demon handcuffs.
“I’m sorry, but we need to take precautions while...”
“I understand” Crowley answers and actually holds up his hands so Dean can cuff him.
This must be the weirdest situation they’ve ever been in, and that’s saying a lot.
Crowley, just like Dean, absolutely hates being imprisoned.
“We’ll work this out. I promise” he tells him. He means it.
Crowley looks at him and nods.
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taste-of-dean · 8 years
Hellfire - Part 2
Summary: Dean and Y/N meet in hell, befriending each other, trying to hold onto their humanity. What happens when Dean gets saved and Y/N doesn’t?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1663
Warnings: Angst, torture, violence, ya know, things that happen in Hell
A/N: This series would not have happened if it weren’t for @impala-dreamer. She beta’d this whole thing, listened to me whine about it, and made this kick ass aesthetic for it!
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Much to your annoyance, you became Alastair’s little pet. He became obsessed with teaching you all the different ways of torture. That was the only thing keeping you going, the thrill of using a person’s body against them. There wasn’t one human or demon that you couldn’t get information out of. Alastair was always pleased with your work, so much so that he let you leave hell. You left and returned as you pleased. As long as you tortured whoever was put in front of you, Alastair let you do whatever you wanted.
You decided to find Dean Winchester. It was his fault you were like this. Alastair told you he was alive and had an angel working with him. You watched the Winchesters from afar, never letting them know of your presence. You saw the poor, pathetic angel who saved Dean from hell. You watched as Sam drank demon blood and went mad.
You saw Sam kill your mentor, Alastair. He was the only demon you answered to so you were free then, free to do whatever you wanted. You watched as Sam killed Lilith, breaking the final seal, freeing Lucifer from his cage. You watched as the war between the Angels and the Demons continued. You saw Crowley hand over The Colt and its bullets in hopes that it would kill Lucifer. You followed them to the town where Ellen and Jo had died and where they failed to kill Lucifer. You sat and watch as Dean got beat so bad that he was almost unrecognizable. You watched as Sam jumped into the pit. Dean’s world was crumbling around him and that brought you great joy. Then Dean chickened out; he quit the hunting life.
You left after that, not caring about what happened to Dean. You hopped from town to town wreaking havoc on its residents. You did whatever you wanted and if anyone tried to get in the way of that, you would kill them.
After a few years you heard through the grapevine that Mary Winchester was alive. You hadn’t thought about Dean in years but you decided his mother was the perfect way to get revenge for what he did to you. You tracked them down to The Men of Letters bunker, the bunker your grandparents used to tell stories about. You knew that place backwards and forwards, you knew where each of the sigils were to keep you out. You destroyed every last one of them. You entered the bunker while everyone was asleep, everyone except Mary.
There she was, in the kitchen making coffee with her back turned to you, “So, you’re Mary Winchester.”
Mary jumped at the sound of your voice, “Do I know you?”
You walked towards her, your eyes flashing black, “No, but you will.”
Sam walked into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee before going on a run. When he turned the corner he saw his mother bound and gagged in the chair. Sam rushed over to her, kneeling in front of her, “Mom!” He removed the gag from her mouth, “Mom, what happened?”
Her eyes darted around the room to see if you were still there, “It’s a demon and she’s after Dean.”
Sam worked to untie her hands as quickly as he could, “Ok, untie your feet and get out of here. I’ll go find Dean.” Sam stood up and turned to leave.
Mary untied her feet and stood up to follow Sam, “No! I’m staying Sam.”
Sam sighed, he didn’t have time to fight, “Ok, just stay close.”
Sam and Mary came bursting into Dean’s room, waking him from a deep sleep. He rolled over and rubbed his eyes, “What the hell guys?”
“There’s a demon in here, she’s after you. She had Mom tied up in the kitchen.”
Upon hearing that, Dean jumped out of bed and rushed over to check on Mary. He placed his hand on either side of her face and asked, “Are you ok? Did she hurt you?”
Mary shook her head out of Dean’s grip, “I’m fine Dean, let’s just find her.”
The only way to deal with this demon was to capture it and kill it. She already knew how to get in the bunker so their home wasn’t safe anymore. They split up, Sam went to cut the power to the bunker, locking everyone in, and Dean and Mary went to the war room, gathering everything they could. They got holy water, iron rods, and salt and laid it all out on the table when Sam came rushing back into the room with the demon knife.
You had enough of them freaking out, it was getting boring. Your heavy boots echoed through the hall as you rounded the corner entering the war room. Sam stepped in front of Mary and Dean froze. He never expected to see you again especially with onyx eyes. He started to pray for Castiel to come help them.
You took one step into the room and let out a malevolent chuckle, “So Dean, we meet again.”
Dean swallowed thickly, “Y/N.”
“Oh so you do remember me! Good, I won’t have to tell the story then! Oh but wait, they don’t know who I am, do they?”
No one made a move to answer you, they just stood in place.
“Well it’s a thrilling story so pull up a chair and make some popcorn!” You walked over to the chair to take a seat. propping your feet up on the table, “It all started in a little place called Hell. Deano here was thrown in the same cell as I was. Tortured every single day, just as I was. After a few weeks of silence between us, I was thrown back in one day without being healed. It sucked and it hurt.”
Sam made a move for the holy water and you threw him against the wall with a flick of your wrist. Mary rushed over to him,  “Ah ah ah Sam, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Now where was I? Oh yes, I was squirming on the floor in pain and Dean told me his life story. After that there was no silence between us. I learned everything about him and he learned everything about me.”
You got up and walked in a circle around Dean who was still rooted to the spot, “Care to tell them the rest?”
Dean didn’t answer, didn’t move, so you pushed him towards Sam and Mary, “Go on Dean, tell them,” you spat.
He cleared his throat and began to speak, his voice wavering with every word, “We were in the same cell for two years until one day, I broke. I gave in to Alastair and he taught me the most effective ways of torture.”
Dean looked over at you with tear filled eyes and you reassured him, “Go on, you’re doing such a great job.”
He looked back over to Sam and his mother, a tear escaping from his eye, “After Alastair taught me everything he said he had a special first victim for me. I walked into the room to find out that my first victim was Y/N.”
“Yeah, who would have thought about that?! Am I right!? What a turn of events. Dean used everything he learned against me and tortured me everyday for 10 years. The day he was ‘saved’ from hell, I turned into this,” your eyes flashed back and you sent Dean flying into the same wall as Sam.
“Now, what do you think is appropriate punishment for that? Should I kill you? Or should I make you watch as I kill Sam and your mother and leave you to live with that guilt for the rest of your life?”
Dean got up and started to walk towards you, “I am so sorry Y/N. I never wanted to-”
You cut him off by throwing him into the wall again. You snapped at him, “It’s too late for apologies.”
You were so blinded by rage you didn’t hear the angel appear from behind you. He encircled his arms around you and Sam jumped up to stab you with the demon knife. Dean shoved him out of the way just before he could reach you and slapped the demon handcuffs on you, rendering your powers useless. “No Sam! We’ll cure her, just like you did for me!”
You were taken to a room you had never seen before, put in the middle of a devil's trap, and tied to a chair. “Sam, you and Mom go get the purified blood. I’ll stay here with her.”
Sam nodded and he and Mary exited the room. You watched as Dean paced the room for an absurd amount of time, unsure of what to do.
“So you think you can just cure me? Im dead, my body is rotting in the ground. What makes you so sure you won’t be killing me?”
Dean didn’t answer, he just kept pacing the room.
A smirk grew on your face, “You don’t know do you? You have no idea what this will do to me. Well I hope I die so you have more guilt to live with!”
“You think I wanted to do all of that shit to you Y/N!? I made a mistake, one I couldn’t take back. When Alastair offered me the deal I added a condition. I said the he and his other demon minions weren’t allowed to torture you anymore. But he used my wording against me. I wasn’t a demon.”
You clenched your jaw, “You’re lying.”
“I’m not Y/N.” You both heard the large metal door of the bunker open and shut, signaling that Sam and Mary were back.
For the first time since hell, you were scared again. You had no idea what kind of trip you were in for, “Well that was fast.”
Dean sighed taking a seat on the table, “We know a guy.”
Forever Tags: @impala-dreamer @babypieandwhiskey @idreamofhazel @megansescape@pearlparty @atc74 @frenchybell @lucy-xoxoo @sing-me-hey-jude @kikiamr @frickin-bats@teepartyy @rosep16 @darkperfectionuniverse @wiinchesters-blog @youre-alive-and-thats-your-job @toxicobscenity @itsallintheeyeofthebeholder @tom-is-in-my-tardis @gemini75eeyore@youtubehelpsmesurvive @clemsonstatemom @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @assbutt-fan @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @buckysmetallicstump @a_mexican_waffle @padackles2010 @jensen-gal @highonpastries
Dean: @torn-and-frayed @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @groovinontheinside @borin-oakenshit@channy4eva @bowties-scarves-and-impala @eve05glee @xxtaylorsingerxx
Pond/Other Tags: @littlegreenplasticsoldier @deandoesthingstome @bringmesomepie56 @sis-tafics @d-s-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @supernatural-jackles @chaos-and-the-calm67@jpadjackles @jensen-jarpad @67chevy-imagine @deanssweatheart @blacktithe7 @iwantthedean
Hellfire: @roseangel013bf @dean-baby-winchester @be-amaziing @sam-w @badsongwinchester @ackleholic96 @darkestgrungeuniverse @hawkeyethenerd @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @straightasdeanwinchester @geminalupus @docharleythegeekqueen @cantchoosejustonefandom @scxrchy @katundeadd @storyofawinchester @xpanicatthespnx @raylin19
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demondeanismybaby · 8 years
Pairing:Sam x reader, Dean x reader
Word count: 2269
Warnings: Canon level violence mentioned, fake interest, kissing, none really...
A/N: A little one shot about the reader meeting Dean and Sam and casually warming up to them, or not. I dunno I just needed a break from the super depressing stuff I have been writing, so this is pretty light.
Racing around your tiny apartment, you tried to gather a few key items. There was the last picture you had of your baby sister, your journal, the faded t-shirt with the hole at the bottom you kept from your first concert. All the things you thought would give you some comfort when your life on the run started. A tiny jingling cut through your frantic digging in your closet, you were trying to choose some clothes, you froze staring at your front door as the knob rattled.
Moving in slow motion you made your way to the squat window, it was perched over your kitchen counter, there might be enough room to squeeze through. The big problem was that you would have a least a four story drop and you figured a broken neck wasn’t any better than what was waiting outside your front door.
Trying to debate your next step, you heard a click of your lock being opened, of course these psychos would know how to pick them. Stepping into your closet, you did your best to squeeze in between coats and sweaters, hangers kept slapping you in the face.
Light filtered in through the opening between the two sliding doors, it was just enough so you could tell when someone stepped into your room, as darkness briefly engulfed you. The intruders made no sound and you strained trying to get a sense of if they were going to find you.
Suddenly the door slid open, a hand yanking you roughly out of your hiding place, “Found her.” The voice was calm considering you were flailing and hitting every bit of him you could.
As he let you go, you lost your balance and fell into a heap on the floor, “Sam,” you looked at him, “Dean,” you glanced at his brother, “leave me alone.”
Dean was kicked up on your bed, dirt was failing off his boots leaving bits of it all over your new sheets, his expression showed complete disinterest.
“Sorry kid, can’t do that.”
Sam reached out a hand to help you up, which you ignored, “look I know this is hard but we can’t be sure the vamps are gone and you need someone to help you.”
You pushed up to your feet, even though the brown haired guy towered over you he took a small step back when you came over to him hands on your hips and leveling him with a look that could kill, “I don’t want your help, you two,” you gestured behind you towards Dean, “are the only thing I have to be worried about.”
At this point you heard his brother getting off your bed, and you spun around to face him, “alright enough, this isn’t a conversation we are having, you are coming with us.”
Just like that he picked you up, you kicked at his chest and weakly pummeled his shoulders but it was awkward from this angle, he walked out of your place and carried you down the hallway to the elevator. You caught a brief glance of Sam walking out behind you and shutting your door before being righted, and this time you kept yourself steady, inside of the shiny metal doors.
“We need you to walk calmly out to the car, ok, then you can resume freaking out.” Dean clearly didn’t seem to be bothered much by taking you against your will and it made your skin shudder.
All sorts of horrible things kept popping into your head, mainly though you kept remembering Sam grabbing your best friends arms behind her back while Dean chopped her head off, they had told you how they hunted monsters but you thought they were just self-righteous murderers. Not wanting to get your head lopped off you figured right now maybe you should try playing along. You tried to focus on looking straight ahead as the ding indicated you were in the lobby of your building, doing your best not to freak out about getting into a car with these weirdos. A hand wound around your left arm, indicating it was Sam, and he steered you towards the black impala.
Dean went to the rear door and held it open for you as you ducked under his arm to climb in. The ride was filled with one brother trying to constantly reassure you that your friend was actually a vampire and the other driving in silence taking breaks in looking at the road to give you moody glares, which you were starting to believe would actually lead to all of your deaths in a fiery explosion.
After the fifth time it was finally enough, “ Dean seriously look at where your going so we don’t crash.”
He snapped his head forward so fast you thought you could actually hear the bones popping in his neck.
“So listen, it turns out that most of the people you know here are vampires, we need to figure out why you.” Sam was clearly watching for your reaction, but you kept looking out the window trying to figure out where you were going. By the time you were two towns over, the car pulled into some sleazy hotel.
Sensing that maybe you would bolt or start panicking again Dean turned around and gave you a hard look, “were going to take you to the room, nice and easy alright?”
You just nodded and climbed out.
Their room looked like some serious serial killer shit, there were weird pictures from newspapers and strange old pictures of monsters tapped up to the walls, not to mention random bits of garbage strewn everywhere. So they were slobs too. They both started to do different things when the door closed, Dean headed for the bathroom and quickly after slamming the door you could hear the shower, and Sam started to straighten up the bed closest to the window grabbing old fast food wrappers before turning to you.
“You should sit down and relax.”
“I’m fine.” You stood in the same place, with your back almost brushing against the door.
“I’m sorry about your friend.”
It didn’t seem like he was saying it for your benefit either, he looked sincere. You went and sat down next to him on the rumpled bedding, “couldn’t you have cured her or something if she was really a monster?” You were partly humoring him but also there was a small part of you that thought back to a few nights ago and could have swore just for a minute that you did notice something strange about her.
He was clearly torn, he opened his mouth and then shut it before finally saying, “we could have if she had never drank any human blood, but we knew for a fact that she already did.”
“How did you find all this out?”
“It’s all part of the gig, we know where to look and how to put it all together.”
You watched him, there was something sweet about him, you could see exactly how hard he was trying to be sensitive about your friend. His hair was so long that when he tilted his head down it would hide his face for a moment and then he would casually run his fingers through it when he looked back up. He also looked a little sad, not about you necessarily, it was a general sense of being out of sync with everything. In fact as you studied his profile, he was more than sweet, he was handsome.
In an instant you were deciding to try something totally different, you planted your lips against his, at first he was completely still. After a second though he loosened up moving his lips against yours, and soon he was dominating the movement, you opened your mouth and he started to deepen the kiss.
“What the hell man?”
You pulled away at the interruption, trying to straighten your hair from where Sam had been running his hands through it, and turned to see Dean giving his brother a stern look.
He was on you in a flash, tugging you away from the other man, and setting you on the other much dirtier bed.
His face was flushed and splotchy with red, you figured he was pretty pissed about your sudden change in attitude since earlier this morning. He was running a hand over his head causing his damp hair to stand up at weird angles and making him look super intimidating.
“You just sit here, by yourself, while me and Sam actually focus on saving your life, how does that sound?”
“Yes sir.” You said it sarcastically, but couldn’t help but notice the weird hesitation he had before storming over to the laptop and throwing himself into the chair.
Sam threw you an apologetic glance as he went and grabbed a newspaper and started flipping through the pages, he was completely absorbed in about five minutes and you were left staring vacantly around the room.
The sunlight eventually faded from the room, and was replaced by the much softer glow of moonlight when Dean finally told you he had found the connection. It had to do with your ex-boyfriend, they thought he was the one who had started turning your other friends as revenge for leaving him.
He started to put on his coat, “alright Sammy lets go check it out.”
“We can’t leave her here alone, one of us is going to have to stay here.”
“No way, I am not leaving the two of you together,” he let his jacket fall off his arm and started unlacing his boots, “I’ll stay.”
Rolling his eyes, Sam reluctantly agreed and you watched him walk out, slamming the door a little harder than you figured was necessary. All the while Dean was picking random objects up around the room and setting them back down, and you kept getting the feeling that when you stopped watching him he was watching you.
When silence had spun out for over ten minutes you couldn’t take it anymore and flicked on the T.V. not really caring what was on as long as there was something to cancel out the quiet atmosphere.
“I hate this crap,” he sat down on the empty space next to you, and when you turned to him his eyes were glued to the screen.
Scoffing you choose to ignore him, this morning he had seemed so commanding and frightening but now it was more like he was a sulky toddler, and as he picked up a wadded up shirt off the edge of the bed and sniffed it before throwing it on the floor, you were less than afraid of him.
Deciding now might be the time to test your luck a little you tossed your head, trying to clear the hair from your eyes, “so you always go around trying to cock block your brother or what?”
He was looking at you a little unfocused but then your words hit him, “dude gross, no, I just didn’t like what I saw.”
You scooted closer to him, until your thighs were almost bumping together, then you trailed a finger along his forearm, “why? You jealous?”
He was quick to take the bait, flipping you onto your back and pressing kisses along your shoulder. Moving up to your lips, you contrasted the difference between the two men, where Sam was all finesse and deliberate motion, Dean was rougher and with his passion a little more sloppy. Both were good though and as you broke away so he could pull off your tank top you took a deep shuddering breath.
Then his phone started to vibrate, you could hear it knocking around on the little wooden nightstand, and he groaned as he pulled himself away from you and went to go check it.
Quickly after looking at the screen he started to pull on his boots, and started shoving himself into his coat, “sorry Sam needs help, I’ll be back soon, don’t go anywhere.”
“Ok,” you said watching as he rushed out.
“I’m glad you got there when you did, Dean, I would have been screwed if you hadn’t shown up.” Sam said as he came up to the motel door, glancing at the window of the room, a small frown on his face.
“Yeah well, I’m always there to save my little brother,” Dean was moving ahead to open the door, his expression more open and excited. 
As they moved into the room, they left the door open behind them, a lightness could be seen behind the drawn curtains after a few moments.
Sam was the one who finally said it, “she’s gone.” 
You heard the whole exchange from the place where you had crouched a few doors down, you didn’t think they were going to come looking for you again. Still, you wanted to be gone by the time they came back outside, turning around to walk through the darkened parking lot you started heading towards your town. You were hopeful that maybe once you had gotten a mile or two away you could start putting this behind you.
The truth was, even though they were both cute, it had always been your goal to get them to trust you enough to leave you on your own. Clearly they weren’t the sharpest guys, that or they didn’t get many chicks who didn’t play up the whole damsel in distress thing. Either way, you didn’t really care and you just hummed to yourself as you came out to the main road, at least they had been good kissers.
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Not What It Used To Be
Title: Not What It Used To Be
Pairings: Dean x Reader, Sam
Summary: Dean is Reader's ex-boyfriend and when they meet again after two years, Reader is different, she's a werewolf, but Dean and Sam don’t know.
Word count: 2 552
Warnings: Smut, a bit of rough sex, some talk about suicide
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You were inside a bar and sat up at the bar and in front of you; you had four empty tequila glasses. You couldn’t get drunk, not since you were bitten by a werewolf two years ago, but it didn’t stop you from trying.
"Two more Tequila's." you said to the bartender. He nodded and poured two to you and then he put them on the bar in front of you. You swallowed them down quickly but didn’t feel anything. "Well this sucks." you said quietly to yourself. You decided that it was time to go, but just when you had turned around and was about to get up from the chair Sam and Dean entered the bar. You quickly turned around and listened with your super hearing.
"Let's take a booth." Dean said. It was two years since you left your boyfriend Dean that you still loved. You left them without saying anything; you couldn’t say you were a werewolf, so you just left.
"I'll order." Sam said, and shortly he arrived at the bar. You turned the other way and pulled the hood over your head so that he wouldn’t see you. "Hey." He said to the bartender. "Two beers." When he got the beers, he went back to the booth where Dean waited.
"Thanks." Dean said when he got his beer. "Well, that case was easy."
"Yeah." Sam agreed, and took a sip of his beer. They talked about everything and you just sat and listen for nearly an hour, you finally decided that you had to leave the bar, without them noticing that you were here. You rose from the chair and started walking toward the exit when the bartender shouted, "Miss, you forgot your wallet." you could feel Sam and Dean's gaze on you. You turned around and went back to the bar, but they couldn’t see who you were because you had the hood over your head, but that didn’t help. They recognized your walking.
"Thanks." you said and took your wallet.
"That looks like Y/N." you heard Dean say.
"Yeah, it does." Sam said. Now you got panic, they couldn’t know it was you, how could they know just because the way you walked, so you ran to the door while the shouted after you. You heard they got up and came after you. When you came out of the building you quickly hid behind the corner of the building.
"Where the hell did she go?" Dean asked and looked at Sam.
"I have no idea, maybe she's over there." Sam said and they came walking to the corner where you were standing. Before they arrived, you started to run.
"Y/N, we know it's you, stop." Dean shouted, but you didn’t stop. It was a very high fence right in front of you, and they wouldn’t be able to get over, but you could. When you arrived, you jumped up a little bit and then you climbed up and jumped down on the other side. The hood of your sweater went down and they saw your face.
"Y/N." Dean said, and looked you in the eye. "It's you."
"I'm sorry." you said and turned and ran from there.
"No, wait." He screamed, but you just ran.
When you got home, you opened the fridge right away and took out a jar containing a heart. It wasn’t a human heart, you just ate animal hearts, you were not a vicious werewolf.
"I can’t believe it was her." he said and looked at Sam.
"Me neither."
"Sam, we can’t leave, we have to find her, I have to find her."
"We'll find her, Dean." Sam said and put a hand on his shoulder.
When they got back to the motel they just sat on their beds and just stared at the wall across the room. Dean couldn’t believe it was Y/N. When she left they looked for her for a year without success, after that they gave up because they knew that if they couldn’t find her in a year they wouldn’t find her.
Two days had passed and you kept an eye on Sam and Dean, although it was stupid to do, when you didn’t want them to find you. They were finished with the case they were here for, but they stayed to look for you, but you definitely didn’t make it easy for them. You stood behind a tree outside their motel room and listened to their conversation.
"There's nothing about her, she's good at hiding." Sam said.
"Damn it." Dean said with irritated voice.
All you wanted was to go in to the motel room because you still loved him, but you couldn’t do it.
After a while they left the motel and walked on the sidewalk next to a large forest that was across the street from the motel when they suddenly saw something moving among the trees. They took out their guns and walked into the woods and
You walked behind the trees to follow them. They went deep into the forest and you could hear something in the bushes, but you couldn’t say what it was. Suddenly they were surrounded by a dozen of vampires.
"Damn it." Sam said. They lowered their guns because they knew they wouldn’t work. Another thing about you was that you weren’t like other werewolves. Vampires were afraid of you, because apparently your bite was deadly, but other werewolves bite wasn’t. You learned it when you bit a vampire that would drink a little girl's blood, after the bite you gave him, he got sick, and before the day was over, he died and there was no cure, that he could find anyway.
"The Winchester's." the leader of the vampires said. "You have really gotten yourselves into a big mess right now." They got ready to fight and just when the vampires would attack, you ran out from hiding behind the tree.
"Stop." you screamed and ran in between the vampires and Sam and Dean.
"Y/N." Dean said behind you when you were standing with your face to the vampires. You went up to the leader and looked him straight in the eyes.
"You do not want to do this."
"But I do."
"If you don’t leave I'll bite all of you, and you know how that ends." you growled. Your werewolf teeth’s was out and your eyes lit yellow. They disappeared quickly from here.
"Y/N." Sam said. "Look at us." you turned and their eyes got big when they saw your face. When you saw Dean’s face and he looked disappointed, you began to run away.
"No, please." He said. "Please don’t go." You stopped and turned around to look at them again.
"I'm a monster, and you kill monsters." you said, and your face turned back to human again.
“Y/N, please don’t leave again, please.” Dean said. You gave them the address to your apartment and then you disappeared from the forest, leaving them there.
A couple of hours later, you heard the car park outside the apartment house, so you opened the door so that it stood ajar. When they reached the door, it took a while before they opened and came in.
"Hello." They shouted both at once.
"I'm in the kitchen." you replied, and after a while, they came out to the kitchen. You stood with your back against them and made coffee and then you felt the smell of the guns they had in their pants. "Are you going to kill me?"
"No." Dean said.
“Then why do you have your guns?" you asked as you turned around.
"We're just being cautious." Sam said. "Would it be easier if we put them on the counter?"
"Yes it would."
"Okay." They said and put the guns on the counter.
"Take a seat." you said, and they sat on each side of the table. You poured coffee for you and gave them their cups, while you stood and leaned against the counter with your coffee cup in your hand.
"Are you not going to sit?" Dean's eyes met yours.
"No, I'll stand."
"When did this happen?" Dean asked.
"Before I left you. It happened when we hunted those werewolves, one bit me."
"Is that the reason you left?" Sam asked.
"Yes it is." you replied. "I’m not like other werewolves, I just don’t turn when its full moon, I can turn whenever I want to and werewolves are not supposed to do that."
"You can turn whenever you want?"
"Yeah." you said and looked at Dean. While they took everything you said in, that you were a different werewolf who could kill vampires with your bite, it was completely quiet. It was quiet for almost twenty minutes before Dean broke the silence.
"I looked for you for a year, we looked for you." you looked down at the floor and felt so shitty.
"I'm really sorry, but I couldn’t stay, not like this, if it helps, I never stopped loving you” when those words left your mouth Dean looked you in the eyes.
“I never stopped loving you either.”
"I'm sorry, but I have to ask." Sam began. "Have you ever eaten a human heart?" They both looked at you.
"No, never."
"You've never been tempted to?"
"I didn’t say that. It was very hard in the beginning, so I stayed inside as much as I could. But it's much easier now. "
"What do you eat then?" Dean asked.
"Animal hearts." you said and drank the last sip of your coffee. You put the cup on the counter and then went and took a seat on the chair that stood on the edge of the table. "You have no idea how afraid I was that I would hurt someone, or how many times I wanted to end everything."
"You wanted to die?" Dean looked at you with sad eyes.
"This is not really the life that I wanted, or thought I would have. I found myself countless of times sitting in that couch with a gun in my hand, but I couldn’t do it. "you said and turned around and looked at the sofa.
"I just wish you wouldn’t have left us."
"So if I had told you back then, what would you have done?" you asked and looked at them both.
"I don’t know, this is a complicated thing." Sam said and you nodded.
"Well, what do you want to do now?"
"Well, you haven’t hurt anyone." Sam began and Dean continued. "So nothing's going to happen."
"So you're going to let me live."
"Of course we are, we know you." Dean said.
"Yeah, but I'm still a monster."
"You're not like others." Dean said and put a hand on your thigh. You looked into his eyes and it was as much love there as before you left him.
"I should go, let you have some time alone. I'll see you back at the motel." Sam said. He took his gun from the counter, said goodbye and left your apartment.
You got up from the chair and Dean did the same. He stared at you and suddenly he backed you up against the wall and locked eyes with you.
"God I still love you." He whispered and pressed his lips against yours in a slow kiss.
"Dean." you said and pushed him off a little.
"You don’t want this." you said.
"Yes I do, because I love you."
"I might hurt you, I haven’t ..." He interrupted you by putting a finger to your lips.
"You don’t need to be afraid of hurting me."
“Dean I'm not like I used to be, I'll have more strength now, I might be too rough"
"If you're too rough I'll tell you." With those words, he pressed his lips against yours again. He grabbed at the bottom of your shirt and pulled it over your head. When he had thrown it on the floor, you took hold of his flannel shirt and pulled it up so the buttons flew off.
"Your eyes." He said and put his hand on your cheek. "They're yellow." you looked down at the floor and felt ashamed. "No, they're beautiful." you looked up again and he had a smile on his face.
"You really think so?"
"Yes I do." after those words he connected your lips again.
He undid your bra and pulled it off, after that garment after garment disappeared until you both stood there naked and kissed. You got tired of that everything went so slowly, so you pushed him away from you and shoved him back against the wall.
"You weren’t kidding, you are rougher, and it's sexy as hell." He smiled and grabbed your hands and pulled you away towards the kitchen island. He turned you so you were standing with your back to him and suddenly he pushed into you without warning.
"Ahh." you groaned. He pushed you forward so that you were lying with the upper body on the kitchen island as he sped up the speed. “Omg Dean… HARDER.” you moaned with high voice, and he went harder.
Suddenly he pulled out of you, turned you around and shoved back into you. He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around him and he carried you into the bedroom. He got on his knees on the bed and slowly lay down while you still had your legs around his waist.
He started pumping in and out of you and you couldn’t stop moaning and neither could he.
“Y/N.” he groaned.  “I love you.”
“I love you too”
You rolled around so you were on top. You raised your hips up and down his hard cock and he placed his hands on your hips. You could feel how close your orgasm was and suddenly a growl left your mouth and he looked up at you.
“Your teeth’s.” he said, and you knew your werewolf teeth’s was out and that your eyes was yellow, but you didn’t care.
“Dean.” you growled and moaned as the orgasm washed over you and you came hard on him and he came soon after you, soothing rope after rope of seed into you. When the orgasm was over you fell down on top of him. You could feel your werewolf teeth’s withdraw and your eyes got back to normal.  
“That was… that was something different.” He said and you could sense the smile on his face.
“Yeah.” you said and raised your head to look at him. After a while you sat up on top of him again. He was soft but he was still inside you. You raised your hips and he slid out of you, then you sat down on his waist.
“Are you coming with us, back to the bunker?”
“I don’t know, Dean.”
“Please, I can’t keep living without you.” He looked into your eyes.
“Dean, I’m a monster.”
“I still love you, monster or not.”
“You really want me to come with you?” you asked and looked down at him.
“Yes I do.” He smiled up at you.
“I guess I’ll come back with you then.” When those words left your mouth his face lit up. He pressed his lips against yours and said “Thank you.”
(This story is written by me, and no one else is allowed to use it for any purpose.)
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