#and yes that is their original context the second was a reply to the first to begin with so....
martianbugsbunny · 11 months
"I have a wife....who is in love with you, and affection for you seems to me so well justified that I can’t oppose myself to that sentiment of hers" and "Tell her (if you have not made a mistake, & offered your own love instead of hers to me) that I have a heart susceptible of the tenderest passion"
Is so Espionage Husbands-core. I mean Talos reminding Nick that Soren loved him was sort of odd (I will allow for the fact that she's recently dead, that makes it a little different), but recontextualizing it like this kinda makes it more intriguing....Also it's catnip to my Espionage Husbands brain.
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roxtron · 4 months
Day 5: Rabbit, Reclaim
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For some reason everytime i draw him he looks so young because i'm accidentally overcorrecting since i'm used to drawing older characters. So unfortunately he looks way younger than i meant him to lol, whoops.
But wait there's more- AHAHAHA
While I did initially plan this for GGY week I eventually got the idea to use this as an excuse to draw other GGY designs, soo..
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(Not sure why tumblr formatted it that way with 1 of them big but it doesn't matter lol)
I've been wanting to do this for a while, I put the tags of each person next to their design but ofc I'm still gonna tag them in the post itself so you can see their art for yourself if you haven't already. But I enjoyed each of these in their own ways so if you don't mind I think I'm gonna type a bit of text next to them..
@chipistrate This was one of the first I drew out of these, the design was pretty fun to draw but sorry if I messed up a few details, it was a bit difficult lol. The mask and goggles are really fun to draw and they make for a cool design, along with all the glowing blue. (and yes, I tried to subtly include the heelies lol)
@lunzi0 This was the first fursuit one I did lol. I adore the little stars in the design, they personalize it so well and make it really unique. I wanna try this design again since I feel like the other ones show my improvement a bit better, but I hope you can appreciate the effort I put in on my first attempt <3
@carouselrabbit This one was really fun to draw, I absolutely love the eye shape/lashes, it stands out and I always love drawing eyes with a bit of eyeliner lol, the daycare theme legwarmers is a cool nod to the balloon boy arcade machine being connected to them, and was just a fun addition in general lol, I like the style of legwarmers what can I say, fnaf changed my fashion sense a bit. also the subtle paraells to freddy's design is a nice way to connect a bit to gregory himself.
@puhpandas I can't remember if I talked about this design last time I drew it but, overall I'm really happy with how this came out, it's such an indicator of improvement since I started drawing this and I'm glad I was able to draw it better than last time lol. All the patchwork and similarities to Vanny's suit work really well, and the rabbit you chose to base it off of was a good fit, the colors make it a bit more difficult to shade for but i like detail lol, hope you like it too :)
@dykevanny I knew I wanted to do this since I started but I wasn't sure if I'd have time, and I'm glad I did! I hope you don't mind I combined aspects from the first design I saw and the second one you replied to my ask with, I liked the big purple sleeves lol. (I just realized after doing all the shading I forgot to include the oil splatter on his jacket, sorry!) It was definitely a bit difficult due to the head shape being so different but.. fluffy. i love drawing fluff. And the glowing swirl on the goggles, the shape of the ears, I love a lot about this design. :D
I have a hard time with writing compliments but I wanted to get some of those thoughts out, some of the things I like about these designs apply to multiple lol. I adore every one of these designs but I find it hard to put into words what I enjoy about them, hope the original creators are happy with these. <3
I also kept the ggys without as much lighting effects on a separate file, I felt like I should add them since they're a bit brighter lol, makes them look different.
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Okay now that I've gotten all that- Sorry this post is so long! I didn't think it'd end up taking up so much space lol. Buut.. working on this drawing and thinking about it and potential context behind it gave me an au idea for it, but I'll put it under the cut since I understand most people probably won't care and just wanna see the drawings lol.
Idk if I'm confident enough to write for it but I'll give a bit of a summary.. I'll keep it under the cut for people who aren't interested and just wanna see the art though lol.
After the main events of SB and Ruin, now that the mimic's been set free, Cassie's taken control of by what's left of Vanny, using her as a new host. But with Cassie being the only human left alive down there, after being reawakened, Dr. Rabbit has nowhere left to go but back to his old host.
Vanessa, Freddy, and Gregory hadn't gone back to the Pizzaplex after ruin, but they were trying to figure out a plan to get Cassie back safely. One night after Freddy and Gregory disappear, Vanessa leaves to go find them. As dangerous as the pizzaplex is, it's her best guess for where they might've gone. She doesn't want to think about what could've happened to them, in denial for the worst case scenario. She tries to keep herself calm by telling herself they probably just left to go back for Cassie, maybe they didn't want her stopping them.. but deep down she knows it can't be that simple. She knows something's off, even if she's not ready to admit it.
When returning to the pizzaplex, she brought along her own V.A.N.N.I. mask, though unlike the one Cassie used, it was clear of the mimic's influence. After all, she was going to need some way to travel through potential blocked routes.
By the time she found Gregory, she'd still been wearing the mask, seeing him down the end of a dark hallway. He looked confused, afraid, his mind was a wreck of conflicting emotions. She started rushing towards him, happy to see him okay, until he finally spoke.
"You need to get out of here."
She stepped back, taking off the mask, only to be faced with the worst case scenario.
It was a wreck, covered in stains and tears, but it was still recognizable. He was wearing that old suit again.
As he waved, she could see Freddy's claws peeking out from the doorway, as the two stepped closer towards her.
So, she did what he told her to do, and started running. She could hear a faint voice coming from the mask, and put it back on before finding somewhere she could hide.
It was his voice again, telling her which way to go.
I guess that was the dramatic way to summarize the main idea behind it, lol. Basically Gregory and Dr. Rabbit work the way Sun and Moon work in Ruin, whichever one is in control in the real world, the other is left behind in the AR world. Or at least that's my interpretation of how they worked, considering Sun was always in mask-on scenes and moon was mask-off. I'm not too sure where the plot might go from there, and maybe I'll consider writing for it, I dunno. I've never wrote fanfic before because I get deadly afraid of writing them out of character lol, but maybe?? I have ideas for scenes and premise and stuff but I don't know if I have the confidence to write it.
But anyway! That was just more of a fun side-idea I came up with while working on this, if you read this far thanks, hope you enjoyed :)
here's some silly little lineless doodles as a reward for making it to the end hehe
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now that's what I call an art dump
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lesbicosmos · 5 months
rewatching s1 of broadchurch even tho im halfway through my first watch of s3 because i have an obsession with rewatching things and DAMN there are way more hints at who ended up being the killer than i originally thought, and a bunch of moments that are really ironic in hindsight
spoilers under the cut (yes it came out like 10 years ago but im still putting a spoiler warning)
ep1 - joe and ellie talk in the kitchen after hardy makes the statement to the media
joe: do you know what happened? i mean should we be worried for other kids?
on first watch, his tone of voice and body language here just seem like confused and worried parent, but on second, there's definitely a hint of panic in his voice
ep2 - joe, tom and fred in the cafe
joe: this is a terrible, unspeakable thing thats happened. but nothing like it will ever happen again here
tom: you cant know that though can you? you cant be sure
then after this joe's facial expression looks SO guilty like he can't think how to respond
ep3 - hardy questioning tom with joe in the room
hardy: can you think of anyone who would want to hurt danny?
THEN THE CAMERA IMMEDIATELY CUTS TO JOE. ik near the end joe swears he never wanted to hurt him but this is still a rly clever piece of editing, i love when shows do this. also the fact that in every scene where he's questioning tom, joe's in the room and occasionally talks but he's never in the frame of the camera hardys using to record it. he was literally right under their noses the entire time and they never suspected because they were focused on other people too much
ep4 hardy goes to the millers" for dinner
this scene hits so much different on second viewing holy shit. at one point they're talking about marriage and work and how hardy's divorce was partially work-related and:
hardy: this job, it does it to you
ellie: well, not to us
ellie actually makes me sob she loves her life so much then it all just comes crashing down on her
joe: do you think you're gonna solve this case?
hardy: certain.
joe: good :)
joe's reply itself here makes sense but there's a few seconds before he says it where his face is just blank and mildly panicked. he's genuinely worrying about being caught at this point.
now this one isn't a direct hint or anything but just if you think about the dialogue in a different context...yeah it fits
hardy: you bloody liar
joe: ive said nothing
hardy: and yet-
joe said nothing to the police or ellie and yet was lying the WHOLE time.
ep5 - brian asks ellie out
ellie: sorry, im married
brian: and thats an issue is it?
ellie: happily married, brian
brian: oh. okay, fair enough. only lots of people aren't though, are they?
ellie: i am.
ep6 - jack's wake
ellie spends the whole scene looking around to see if anyone looks worried, at one point she looks into a room (seemingly at nige but joe is stood nearby having a different conversation) and she makes eye contact with joe RIGHT as the camera cuts away
ep 6 - joe takes tom to the skate park and ellie arrives
ellie: i was just looking round that bar at the wake thinking "its someone here, why cant i see it?" the longer this goes on, im starting to suspect everyone
joe: when you say everyone...
ellie: well, nearly everyone
this is probably the most obvious hint that i can't believe i didn't catch on to. of COURSE they're gonna make a point for the killer to be the ONE person ellie LITERALLY SAYS she isn't suspicious of.
ep7 - ellie lets susan leave the police station
ellie (about susan's past with her husband and daughters): in your own house, how could you not know?
just ow. the irony of it all. fucking ow.
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honesty-my-policy · 14 days
Part One of publicly rebutting people from the comments & reblogs of this post:
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First off @bookwyrm314 has been fighting tooth and nail, yes, I am going to call out people who are defending terrorists who in their charter call for the genocide of Jews, blaming them for everything that ever happened in the world (hi Nazi playbook) and just the general lack of any acceptance of peace. link to their charter that if you haven't read or even skimmed... why are you backing a group you know nothing about? HAMAS CHARTER
Okay to be honest i copied and pasted the comment thread into chatgpt cause the original thread was really wordy & repetitive, with lots of detailed examples & emotional appeals. it was hard to follow after seeing it all in one place. i wanted to shorten it to just the main points.
The difference between war and genocide is that war involves two military groups, while genocide involves a military group targeting civilians, which is happening in Gaza. War has rules: you don’t target civilians, especially children, or pen millions into a single city and starve them. That's ethnic cleansing, not war. The IDF is shooting children and forcing an entire population on a march to Rafah, then bombing the city. This is genocide, not war.
The logical fallacies are off the charts for the entire argument but I'll play.
False Dichotomy = Black-and-White Thinking or presenting a situation as only having two possible categories (war or genocide) without acknowledging the complexities and nuances of the conflict.
What a hasty generalization or generalizing the actions of the entirety of the IDF, as well as the whole conflict with no evidence to back it up. It's also a nice appeal to emotion, which yeah, we should use emotions it is what makes us humans but what truly makes us humans is having emotions but not letting them dictate what we do or think.
Colonization isn’t a justification for ethnic cleansing. It’s insane to say, "You should have ceded your country to colonialism for peace." There are 1.5 million displaced and starving Palestinians. Mass murdering civilians and claiming there were terrorists among them is a war crime. Hiroshima was genocide because it mass-murdered a city. War involves two military groups, not civilians. This situation isn’t war; it’s military versus civilians. Hamas isn’t the children or the city of Rafah.
This is a straw man. You've misrepresented my argument or maybe based on the arguments below not understood that Israel is an indigenous people of the land, they also accepted a two state solution but the Arabs didn't, which led to the Nakba. I explained all of this but you replied with this which is why I say this is a straw man.
Another appeal to emotion instead of actual facts or references. For the record, you stated earlier that war was ugly, this is part of war.
Hiroshima is a false equivalence, you are equating two very different historical events without even acknowledging the significant differences in context and nature. The second bit is circular reasoning, you are assuming what you are trying to prove without providing any evidence.
Another bit of black-and-white thinking, as if civilians have never waged wars in history or things might be more complex in this situation.
Palestine has existed since families bought land from the Mongols in the 14th century. British colonization doesn’t erase that history. Forcing Palestinians to Rafah, starving, and bombing them is a deliberate strategy, not war. Killing civilians creates more terrorists, not fewer. It looks like an attempt to eradicate a nation. The IDF is blocking aid and killing those bringing food. Forcing people to walk across the country with nothing is like the Trail of Tears. It’s ethnic cleansing.
You are appealing to antiquity/tradition as though because something had historical precedent it should be valid or justifiable in the current context. The Jews do the same but they don't go around in their official charter saying that everyone else are infidels, that one specific group is the reason for every bad thing that happens in the world or that until all Arabs everywhere in the world are dead the 'day of judgement' isn't going to come. So... think on that.
To be honest this has nothing to do with anything. It's a non sequitur.
You present another situation with black-and-white thinking, as though there are only two possible categories, ignoring once more the complex nuances of conflict.
This is a classic slippery slope way of thinking. You are suggesting that killing any civilian ever will inevitably lead to the creation of more terrorists without any evidence for this progression happening.
You again assume what you are trying to prove - that there is an attempt to eradicate a nation - without any sufficient evidence.
A final appeal to emotions.
You claim I lack empathy for civilians, but I can distinguish between soldiers and civilians. Your "whataboutism" shows you care more about winning an argument than understanding the truth. Citizens shouldn’t be targeted, that’s a global rule. Were child victims like Hind child soldiers? The Holocaust had survivors; does that mean it wasn’t genocide? Your argument insults Jewish, Japanese, and Palestinian people. The IDF targeting civilians isn’t war; it’s mass murder. They admitted to waiting for targets to go home and killing entire families. Killing 300,000+ civilians is villainous. Making people walk a trail of tears and starving them is evil. Repeating Nazi tactics to win isn’t worth it. Fifty years ago, we’d agree Hamas is bad, but now Hamas is filled with Palestinians angry because the IDF killed their families. Bombing Palestine makes more angry survivors, not fewer. Killing civilians isn’t smart, and it seems like the goal is genocide.
Another straw man at the start, you aren't actually talking about the point.
Oooh! A new one! You decided to attack the character and motive instead of addressing the actual argument. That's an Ad Hominem. Another new one! A Red Herring! Diverting from the main argument and creating distractions instead of focusing on the main discussion.
You really do view the world entirely in black-and-white don't you? How easy life must be.
You also love to generalize the side you don't like without any evidence or nuance and not acknowledging any of the complexities of the situation.
And another slippery slope!
I was going to go through each point and provide evidence to refute everything but goddamn. For one, you provided no actual evidence, for two this entire thing was so laughable after reading it like this.
You are exactly who my original posts targets and that is why you were triggered.
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iidsch · 29 days
Omoriposting in the year of our lord 2024 but I'm watching a video on it and first of all half of the video length's is about the incredibly long delay(s) and how upset the original kickstart backers were, which is something important to mention since it was a shitty move on Omocat's behalf to keep the backers out of what was going on behind the scenes and not replying to them when they demanded updates and refunds, but is that really worth 20 minutes? This person said everything that there was to say about this topic in like 10, the remaining time was just repeating the same thing over and over again. Genuinely a waste of time to make this video 40 minutes long and dedicate half of it to something that honestly doesn't even have anything to do with the game itself? Again not excusing Omocat's actions, but this youtuber wasn't even one of the backers and paying so much attention to this issue takes away time from talking about the actual game.
But my second and bigger complaint is the youtuber's criticism about the Headspace sections, arguing that they are filler content and not as interesting as what happens in the real world. And while I agree with the second part, and I can see some people feeling like the Headspace drags on for too long, labeling these chapters of the game as "filler" demonstrates that this person didn't understand their purpose. Yes it's devoided almost completely of any story content, because it's the place where Sunny runs away from real life, it's his form of escapism. In fact, in the very first Headspace episode AND prologue of the game, the section ends the moment a memory from real life leaks into his idyllic dream - when Basil finds the photo of Mari. And this happens every single time Sunny hides in Headscape: as much as he wants to bury his past and his trauma, he can't keep it underground forever as it eventually resurfaces again and again.
Not to mention that the Headspace sections reinforce the game's horror sequences and moments, because the colorful scenery and overwhelming, child-like positivity make you forget you are playing a psychological horror. By the third Headspace section you probably have already figured out it's going to end with something scary, but the first two times it catches you by surprise. The contrast is what makes it so unexpected and so successful.
And Headspace provides *a lot* of context about the most important piece of the game: the protagonist. Discovering how Mari's death affected everyone makes the story more poignant, especially given the gigantic feeling of guilt Sunny carries in his heart, but ultimately the thing that brings forward the real tragedy of the story is how affected Sunny. How he completely isolated himself and pushed everyone away, while dealing with a major trauma all alone. How he ended up forgetting everything that had happened in an attempt to protect himself from depressive and suicidal thoughts. How he got himself trapped in this loop of never wanting to face and overcome his trauma and thus being unable to progress for four long years. How close they all used to be until this event broke all of them in different but equally sad ways, hitting Sunny the hardest as he is what caused the rupture between them.
All of this is shown in Headspace. Through Basil's disappearance, which kickstarts the happy-go-lucky adventures that Sunny and his friends - permanently stuck in their childhood years - go through in each section. Through the conversations with Daddy Longlegs in Lost Forest that provide important context about how Sunny dealt with the trauma and how Headspace came to be. Through his friends slowly forgetting about Basil, a consequence of Sunny attempting once more to destroy any evidence of what happened in his perfect world. Through the flowers Basil plants in his garden, a representation of each member of the group. Through the life excerpts you read in the library. Through the encounters with Branch Coral, Abbi and the Stranger. Through the hangman game. Hell, even through small, almost imperceptible details on your first run, like a jump rope and a text saying "you did it", or a tree stump with Something on it.
Also for the love of god people need to stop looking for "plot holes" everywhere and realize that sometimes things just happen. Obviously massive kudos to people capable of building perfect crime scenes where everything is controlled to a T, and it's true Mari's death has some loose ends that could have been tied better. But when your obsession with plot holes has you asking for an explanation as to why two kids would be hanging out together in a house other than "because that's what kids who are friends do sometimes" you really need to stop and go back a couple of steps.
The youtuber wonders if the parents didn't know about the "fake suicide" while also showing the scene in Black Space where Sunny's dad cuts down the tree, and I'm almost certain at some point it's revealed Sunny's parents discovered what he and Basil did, probably because of the autopsy. And this (person whose gender I don't know) is dedicating the video's conclusion to saying "well how come his parents didn't realize Mari died of a fall??? clearly there are a gazillion ways in which they could have found out about the fake suicide (even though Sunny's parents found out about the suicide, not just in a direct, explicit way which is what you're supposed to do to create good storytelling). huh I guess this is a plot hole". The youtuber even went and found examples of real-life kids committing murders far more intricate than what happens in Omori but his parents not immediately realizing Mari's suicide was fishy is a plot hole?? I'm 💣🧨💣🧨💣🧨
And how is all of this super improbable - Basil being present during the death and his parents not noticing she didn't kill herself for days/weeks - but not Mari's cause of death which has a very tiny chance of happening. Like I'm pretty sure the percentage of people who die from falling down the stairs is below 1%. And that's the goddamn point!!!!!!! That's the horror of the story!!!!!!!!!! Killing someone you so dearly love in an accident!!!!!!!!!! That if Sunny hadn't pushed her she wouldn't have fallen down!!!!!!!!!!!! That Sunny never meant to kill her and now that will haunt him forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That no matter how much he wants to be forgiven that will never happen because you can't bring people from the dead and thus his only way to improve is to forgive himself first and learn to live with the guilt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do people never get the most important part of the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wc-confessions · 5 months
Y'all don't want a discussion, you want to be right. You want to act superior and act like everyone who doesn't hold very specific views is less pure than you. So, no, I won't come off anon.
"only mentioned two" yeah, because it was a loose list of ones I could think of off the top of my head, and clearly not comprehensive. Avi's list also shows that there are more. Where has my point been anything but more and more proven?
In case you all can't do more than skim until you pick out your favorite buzzwords: what I saw on Twitter was people saying *PoC* not black people. And second, I literally ended my first message with "there could and should be more". Lastly, yes, I saw people saying there were *no* MAPs using PoC artists' music. And that's the point I was arguing against.
But you ain't gonna post this so idk why I'm wasting my breath. Believe what you want. Or maybe I'll just make a throwaway and reply to you publicly so people can actually see my words.
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i specifically asked you to come off anon because you were accusing me of being racist for supposedly claiming that i "don't think some poc are poc enough" when i never once said or implied that in my original reply to you. you have been nothing but aggressive this entire time and other people even pointed out in the replies that your wording came off as aggressive and in extremely poor taste due to the nature of what is being talked about right now.
maybe we saw different contexts, but i primarily saw black artists in the fandom talking about an extreme lack of black music being used in warriors-related projects and this has been a repeated discussion for years. most people exaggerate when they say "no maps using music made by poc" because when you look at it in a broader lens, yes, it absolutely feels that way.
you didn't even call me out on anything either. all you did was accuse me of things i didn't do and then went on a long tangent about how i was actually wrong. i'd much rather put a face to someone instead of trying to communicate with a faceless stranger who's been acting extremely condescending towards both the people trying to actually have this discussion and myself.
you ended your first message with this: "You want more? Then great, there should and could always be more, but please don't pretend there aren't any. Or just be upset that a song you like hasn't been used and convince yourself that the reason it hasn't been used is deeper than it is." that is the worst way you could have worded this and to a lot of people it came off as tone-deaf and passive-aggressive.
if you want a discussion like you keep claiming you do, then come back and talk to me when you're level-headed and actually ready to have one.
-mod ashensky
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acaplaya-musings · 3 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Drunken Sailor
Man I've been waiting to get to this one!
Drunken Sailor was uploaded on the 12th of August, 2023, and like the other pirate-themed video Voiceplay did akmost two years prior, it features Jose Rosario Jr! It also features Matthew Buckner (aka "Bucky") in an acting role, as the "drunken sailor" that Voiceplay sing about. "Bucky" used to be a vocalist in "4:2:Five" for a while (iirc), and he's good friends with Geoff, and even helped with the choreography for Geoff's Monster Mash video! Just like Hoist The Colours, both the arrangement and video were done by Geoff (who also wrote an original bridge for the song! (genius that he is)), and he also co-directed the video (with Tony), and worked together with Eli on lighting design. This might be one of those posts where I get close to the picture-upload-maximum and have to start counting them just in case, but still, it would be for good reason! So let's go!
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Group shot! Shoutout to Pattycake Productions for the set design!
I'm not sure if any of the group are wearing any of the same clothing pieces they wore in Hoist The Colours (I did a brief bit of visual comparison), but Jose, acting as the captain of this "ragtag motley crew" once more, is pretty close.
Also, Geoff is going with the bare-shoulders look again (we always stan), but so is Cesar! (Good For Him)
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Not even 10 seconds in and I've already found a funnier-than-first-expected/realized screencap! I'm not sure whose face I love more here - Layne's or Geoff's 😂😂
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Obligatory comment that Geoff was absolutely serving looks in this video! The subtle "guyliner" plus the light stubble and the black sleeveless shirt/tunic? I freaking live for it 👀👌
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Jose staring right down the camera, and Cesar giving 110% as per usual 😄
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Pfft XD
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Crazy Eyes Layne back again! 😆
Also look at Eli's face! He's terrified by the story that Layne is 'telling'!
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"I'll have that!" (also notice that when Layne makes the whale "eat"/bite the boat, Eli covers his head with his hands in distress! The Lore! The Lore!
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PFFFT, if looks could kill! 🤣 (and the fact that he's still beatboxing the whole time really makes this 👌)
Voiceplay said in the comments (in a reply to someone) that "there were a few different takes of this shot, and this was the one where it looked the MOST like Layne was gonna burst into flame." I think they nailed it 😝😁
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"Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom!"
Firstly, it sounds at least like Cesar is singing "hosepipe bottom", but the original line is "hosepipe on him". And despite what Cesar is implying with the wooden toilet seat, the line has nothing to do with toilets or bathrooms. A "scupper" is "an opening in the side walls of a vessel or an open-air structure, which allows water to drain instead of pooling" (according to Wikipedia). Ships have scuppers at deck-level, to allow for rainwater and/or seawater to drain off. So basically the line about "stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on him" is about spraying the drunken sailor in question with a hose[pipe] (to try to sober him up with a dousing of cold water), in a part of the ship where the water can easily drain away afterwards.
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"ew I can't believe I just touched that!"
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Yes, that doll is definitely creepy, and I have no clue where Geoff got it from or what gave him the idea, but, according to Geoff in the comments section (comment from Voiceplay's channel, but it was almost definitely him who wrote it): "Her name is Clara and SHE HAS FEELINGS!" 😅
Also, the line "put him in the bed with the captain's daughter" probably isn't actually meant to be taken literally either. The main consensus that I've seen online is that "the captain's daughter" actually referred to a cat-'o'-nine-tails whip. (Not talking about the vocals or arrangement, I'm talking about song background/context! Which I've done before!)
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"Hey that's my cup!" (rip Eli)
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Hey look it's the screencap my profile pic comes from! (And for good reason - Geoff is positively unhinged and Cesar's reaction is priceless 🤣)
Also apparently Geoff holding a wooden spoon while singing "I'm gonna carve his heart out" is a reference to the 1991 movie Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves. "Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?" "Because it's dull, you twit. It'll hurt more!"
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"And we should make him listen to Voiceplay while we do it!" "You... are a monster"
(I freaking died laughing first time I watched this bit, also look at Eli's smug grin! 😂)
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Have I mentioned that he's gorgeous and I love him?
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This video is really just pure unbridled/chaotic fun. It's the best 😁
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Cesar twerking! Get it!
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It took me an embarassingly long time to release that Geoff isn't actually sitting down in this shot here; he's kneeling instead 😅
Also note that while Layne, Eli, Cesar, and Geoff all freeze into place (in what is apparently sometimes known as a "tableau shot", Jose doesn't, instead doing a little bit of fourth-wall-breaking to give the audience a lighthearted half-shrug 😄
And no, I haven't forgotten the "bonus scene"!
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"HEY! Hey, I'm not drunk!"
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I'm just tired, because you simpletons been singing all night!"
(Also ayyy another Eli Eyebrow Raise!)
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"Wey, hey, and up she rises. Wey, hey, and up she rises. Wey, hey, and UP she rises! Ear-ly in the morn... ONCE AGAIN!"
Aaaaand I've officially hit image limit! At least I did make some attempts to be conservative with screenshots! 😅
This cover is utterly fantastic - all the silliness of "Classic Voiceplay", with the serious skills and high-quality video production of "Modern Voiceplay"! The video is hilarious, the cover is ridiculously creative, and really it just highlights all of the things to love about each person in the video, visually/performance-wise and vocally!
Not many Voiceplay videos left for me to make posts about now, but there are certainly still ridiculously-amazing things to come, so stay tuned!
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666writingcafe · 11 months
Lesson 20.5
Author's Note: So, season two. A great follow up to season one as far as I am concerned. However, there is one issue that I have with the original version, which is that Diavolo (and to a lesser extent Solomon) keeps very important information away from MC until the last possible second. For those who have gone through the season, you'll know what I'm talking about.
So, the reason for this "half-lesson" is so that I can resolve this issue that I have with the original season. Obviously, you do not have to accept this into your personal canon if you don't want to.
With that out of the way, the half-lesson is below the cut.
It's been a rather boring day. There's been so much paperwork that has needed my attention that Barbatos has practically chained me to my office chair so that I can complete it in a timely fashion. Don't worry; I told him to do everything in his power to make sure I didn't get distracted. Plus, he has provided food and drink at reasonable intervals, and he has instructed me to stretch every so often.
So, when Barbatos enters my office, I think nothing of it. However, that changes quickly when he states,
"My lord, you might want to hear this." Before I have a chance to reply, he pulls out his D.D.D. and taps his screen a few times. Once he's done, a voice message begins playing.
Hi, Barbatos. This is MC. I'm not sure if you'll get this message, given that I'm in an entirely different realm, but if you do, please call me back as soon as possible. There are catastrophic things happening in the human world, and I think I might be causing them.
"I take it that MC trumps paperwork?" I ask. Barbatos nods his head. Wordlessly, he taps his screen a couple more times, and soon I can hear ringing emanating from the phone.
"Would it be offensive for me to say 'thank god'?" MC asks from the other end of the line.
"Not in this context, no," Barbatos answers. "You are on speaker."
"Who's with you?"
"I am," I respond. "Barbatos and I are in my office."
"I see," MC replies. "I know you and I aren't exactly on the best of terms, but I really need your help. I figured you were busy, hence why I called Barbatos."
"Just doing paperwork. So, what exactly is going on?" MC sighs.
"I've been having nightmares. They don't allow me to get much rest. I feel like a zombie."
"What are they about?" Barbatos asks.
"I don't know for sure, since I'm not able to see much other than bright flashes of light. I always end up feeling enraged during these nightmares, and there's a lot of yelling that occurs."
"That doesn't sound pleasant," I tell MC.
"At first, I thought that maybe it was a side effect of medicine I've been taking, but then I've noticed a pattern. There's been an increase of natural disasters that have occurred in the human world. On the days that those disasters get reported, I've had that nightmare the previous night."
"Forgive me for saying this, MC, but that could just be coincidence," Barbatos states.
"Not when it's happened over 50 times. I've kept track. I have three notebooks full."
"Of just events in the human world?"
"Not exactly. There's plenty of nights that I've had that exact dream, but nothing gets reported. So, initially I had your reaction, but then I realized that there are two other realms that could be affected as well." Barbatos and I exchange glances. There has been an uptick in unexplained phenomena that has been occurring in the Devildom recently. In fact, that's what a fair chunk of this paperwork is about.
"Do you have those notebooks near you?" I ask.
"Do you have dates written down?"
"Excellent. I'm going to give you some dates, and I want you to tell me if they're in your notebook. Are you ready?"
"Februrary seventh." Paper rustling.
"March twenty-sixth."
"April twelfth."
"Yes." Barbatos' eyes widen, which concerns me. He's usually the more composed one.
"September first." More paper rustling.
"October eighteenth."
"Okay." I pause, unsure how to proceed. "MC, this is serious." Several seconds of silence.
"Alright," MC finally responds. It almost sounds like they're trying not to cry. "I see. Well." More silence. "I know that Devildom history is much better documented than what's up here, so maybe either one of you can tell me if there's ever been someone like me before."
"No," Barbatos quickly answers. "Humans have had connections with angels and demons for millennia, but those connections have always been separate until now. If a human is involved with angels, then they don't mix with demons, and vise versa. You are the only one that I'm aware of that has both angel and demon marks on your body. That's the first thing that sets you apart.
"The second thing is the source of your pact marks. There have certainly been humans that have pacts with a lot more demons than you, but usually those pacts are with lower level demons. If they do have pacts with demons in our position, it's usually with one or two. Three's usually a stretch, but it has happened. In those situations, however, the human doesn't survive much past the date that the third pact is made. Their body is simply too weak to handle that much power.
"Before you, the only human that I thought might have been able to survive that many pacts would be Solomon, but everyone else has their reservations, hence why he only has two pacts with higher-level demons: myself and Asmodeus.
"You are the first human in our history that has pacts with all seven Avatars, and you've managed to remain intact. That suggests an immense amount of power that has never been documented in a human before. You could very well be creating an instability in the fabric of the universe that is causing these things to happen."
"Thanks, Barbatos," MC snidely remarks.
"I apologize," I tell MC. "Barbatos can be rather blunt at times." I briefly pause. "Here's what we'll do: I'll have Barbatos reach out to Solomon and tell him to pick you up. Your first stop will actually be to the Celestial Realm to investigate if similar events are occuring up there that are happening in our realms and that match any of your missing dates."
"And how exactly are we going to get up there?"
"Simeon. I leave that responsibility to Solomon. He should be smart enough to know that he needs to talk to him first. The three of you will probably rendezvous somewhere close to you."
"What about Luke? When he finds out that Simeon is meeting up with me, he'll want to tag along."
"Leave that to Simeon. He's basically the boy's guardian; I'm sure he'll come up with a reasonable story."
"True. So, I'm assuming we're going to the Devildom once we're done in the Celestial Realm?"
"Yes. All four of you. It'll raise less suspicion. We'll figure out our next steps once you arrive."
"Please don't tell the brothers about this," MC instructs. "It'll only make things worse."
"You have my word."
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raxistaicho · 11 months
Red Lady turns blue!
Saw a goofy take the other day by our old friend, Strikes:
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How could you, Edelgard! :( We trusted yooooooooooou...
Luckily, they're all in picture format, so there's no real argument to debunk here, just a bunch of attempted gotchas.
"EdeIgard would have stopped Nemesis! She would have hated him!"
Honestly I'm not sure if I've ever heard that one spoken like that? It's not usually something that comes up unless one of her detractors is trying to argue she's like him, thinks he's a hero, or would join him.
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Uhm? How dare Edelgard get confused when Nemesis is described in a way she hasn't ever heard before?
The funny thing is I use this exact quote as a debunk of the common claim that Edelgard got her history of Fodlan from the Agarthans, because if that theory is true, holy shit is Thales ever careless, revealing the truth to her like this.
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Rhea: (Conceals the truth of what happened between her and Nemesis.)
Edelcrits: How dare Bad Red Lady incorrectly describe what happened between Rhea and Nemesis!
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This isn't even her praising Nemesis, it's just her pointing out how both Byleth and Nemesis wielded the Sword of the Creator and stand against the Nabateans, the ones who would distort history, which Rhea and Seteth both worked to do.
"EdeIgard didn't want to kill Rhea! She just wanted her to surrender, Rhea forced her hand!"
Watch, this is gonna be "Edelgard says mean things!" while totally ignoring Edelgard's actions.
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Edelgard thinks - and she's proven right - that Rhea would never surrender and accept a peaceful resolution to their conflict.
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And here we get to mean things. Edelgard's dramatic.
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How dare Edelgard be glad that she won and can now begin the long work of reforming Fodlan.
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How dare Edelgard acknowledge that she must fight her enemies in battle.
"EdeIgard isn't racist! She just hates Rhea for what she's done!"
Oh this one's totally gonna be mean things.
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Humanity, as in, not gods.
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Racism is when you want to end a false religion and return freedom to the people.
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So here's a funny thing: the localization botched the meaning of this line (shocker).
Here, she's not speaking from her own perspective, she's describing the conflict between Nemesis and Seiros:
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Also the bit about "masquerading as a human" was a creation of the localization. Thank you, treehouse.
(and featuring our guest star, Hubert!)
Oh Hubert, not you too :(
Who's next, Dorothea? Is she gonna admit to having been in a church choir and not the opera at all!? How deep does it goooooo
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Fuck I don't even know where this is from :I
(Does some digging)
Okay so Treehouse kinda screwed up some of the verbage here. It's not so much that they made it inaccurate as they made it unclear - and Strikes is cutting out context, go fucking figure.
So Hubert's accusing the Church of Seiros of hypocrisy, of saying one thing and doing another. In the original JP, Byleth can reply,
Sometimes you must tell others to do what you yourself can’t do
You’re right
To the first, Hubert replies,
That is true, Professor. However, that is a principle for humans.
And to the second,
Yes, although humans must sometimes preach things they cannot do…
He then follows with,
It is not a principle for inhuman beings, with lifespans much longer than that of humans. That’s why we chose to fight based on human principles.
From this, he's saying the Nabateans have no excuse for committing the same foibles that humans do because they're immortal beings who should know and do better. This is in keeping with the start of that bit, where he says,
If it is between love and hate, then I would choose the latter. The goddess failed to properly govern this world. That is why it is necessary for Lady Edelgard to become the supreme leader of Fódlan.
Or, to summarize it, his whole argument is, "The gods have failed to be godly, so humanity must take responsibility in their stead."
Which is completely true. Rhea, despite her attachment to the divine, is prone to the same failures as the humans she lives over and should know better than, being a millennia old. She's untrusting, obsessed with reclaiming the past, stubborn, inflexible, and prone to excessive negative reactions to any sign of pushback.
I'm glad Strikes brought that up, that was legitimately interesting!
"EdeIgard started her war for the people!"
Oh no, she's not gonna reveal that she did everything for Bellerophon, is she?
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This is nearly five years after she began the war, and after the Church of Seiros and the Kingdom have made it plain that a peaceful ending is not in the cards, but okay.
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It's like they think we don't understand she intends to bring all of Fodlan under her banner. Yeah, she is, for the sake of reforming all Fodlan and not just the Empire.
"EdeIgard tries to spare everyone she faces!"
Watch we're gonna see Judith! We're gonna see Judith, guys! Strikes loves bringing up Judith!
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Mean things again. This one's even worse given Edelgard also expresses a desire not to kill Rhea and tries to offer her a surrender.
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Eeeeeyyyyyy, it's Judith!
We've been over this one. Judith didn't surrender, she was trying to retreat.
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"Won't somebody please think of the generals :("
"The grunts can fuck off though"
Edelgard knows what Faerghus's culture is like, and she knows peace is impossible while Dimitri lives and wants to keep fighting her. Dimitri might be naive enough to think he can just make peace with Edelgard at the end of AM, but she's a little more worldly than him.
"CF is about fighting fate!"
This has kinda already gotten long enough, but it's just a set of points where Edelgard talks about her "fate". Again, Edelgard's dramatic. She also chose this path for herself.
So, in conclusion, you're off the hook this time, Edelgard (and Hubert), but I'll be keeping an eye on you. Don't you betray us now, not after four years :(
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samglyph · 2 years
Three’s a Crowd Scene #1
A little intro into my Parker “lives” au for some context onto how everything begins. I’m not gonna write a whole fic for this, mainly because it’s mostly just a rewrite of the show and it would take forever and I don’t have the spoons nor the time for that, but if you want to send me asks/prompts with this au in mind OR if you want to take this idea and write something yourself, feel free (and share with me if you do!) writing may be a bit sloppy because i am writing these bits pretty quickly. Nothing I post will be in chronological order.
(also yes this is mainly just based on the original dialogue, I’m telling you it’s not that drastic of an difference, it’s literally just episode 1 but Parker is here also.)
A man awoke in darkness, scared and confused. 
“Where am I? What’s happened?” He called out, though he didn’t know who would hear him. 
“Don’t you remember?” A gentle voice replied. Something about it was strange, like the noise was coming from… inside his head, but the voice rang clear as a bell, and he jumped slightly. 
“Who are you?”
“Who am I?” The voice repeated, “I’m a friend. The best friend you have right now… the only friend you have right now-“
“Arthur!” A second voice rang in his head, this one familiar, though his head felt so scrambled that he couldn’t place it. “Arthur, listen to me, it’s lying to you, it’s me. It’s Peter, it’s your partner, it’s Parker,”
“Quiet,” the first voice growled, though Arthur thought he heard a tinge of surprise in the word.
“Parker? I don’t… remember…” Arthur said, and he must be Arthur if this other voice, this Parker was so adamant about it. 
“Please, Arthur, we’re in the office, tell me what you see,” Parker was much more frantic than the other voice. Afraid. Much more in line with what Arthur was feeling in the moment, and his breath caught in his chest as he tried to respond. 
“I can’t… I can’t see anything. Why can’t I see anything?” 
“If you had let me finish,” the other voice, and Arthur could tell that if he could see them they would be sneering, “I would’ve gotten to that.”
“I have your eyes, Arthur, and I need you to get something for me.” 
“My- how can you have my eyes?” 
“Doesn’t matter, on the floor by your feet, there’s something you dropped.” Arthur started to lean down when the second voice called out again. 
“Arthur, why are you listening to him?” It said, desperately. “Don’t do anything he tells you too, he’s evil.” 
“I can’t remember anything, I barely remember you or my own name,” his voice shook, “maybe- maybe this will help. Doing what he says.” Parker didn’t respond. 
Arthur obeyed as the mysterious voice told him to pick up the object.
“Now turn and walk towards your desk.” Arthur obeyed to the sound of Parker’s grumbling. Arthur, caught up in the emotion of what was happening, failed to heed the voice telling him to stop, tripping over a large object laying across the floor. He hit the wood hard, eyes snapping in the direction of what caused his fall. 
“I said stop, friend!” The word friend held a certain sort of reeled in malice that filled Arthur with even more unease. Though he didn’t have time to focus on it, instead reaching for what he had fallen over. 
“I just tripped over something… what is this… it feels…. like….”
“It doesn’t matter,” came the response in unison from the voices in his head. Arthur swallowed. 
“It feels like a body, oh God-“
“It is a body, Arthur,” the mystery voice piped up, sounding gleeful and threatening all at once. 
“Shut up-“ Parker hissed. 
“It’s your partner’s body. Peter Yang, based on the nameplate by the door, though… I’m guessing he tends to go by a nickname. ” 
“I can’t- I can’t-” 
“Arthur,” Parker, Peter, said, “breathe for me. I don’t know what’s going on but I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” Those words were less than comforting from the ghost of a man he could barely remember. 
“How do I know you’re not both lying to me, how do I know this isn’t some trick.”
“It’s not a trick, friend,” said the first voice, “But I need you to get to the desk and look through that book.”
Arthur did as he was told and began to flip through. He placed the book back down again when the voice seemingly got what it wanted. Or didn’t. It wasn’t clear. 
“Did you learn anything?”
“Nothing I didn’t already know,” the stranger sighed. “I don’t know why someone gave you this book, Arthur but in opening it you’ve cursed yourself.”
“No shit,” Peter piped up.
“Cursed my…”
“Self and in a manner of speaking me as well. We’re bound.”
“Bound, how?”
“I’m trapped inside you. I can see through your eyes and… as far as I can tell… I control nothing else. And it seems Mr.Yang’s soul has managed to join in as well, though I have no idea how.”
“But I can hear you.”
“Yes, well, I guess sharing a body means that we share a mind.”
“What are you?” Peter demanded.
“What am I? Let’s save that for now. The simpler question for now is who are you, Arthur?”
“You told me who I am…”
“I mean who are you to have received this book. As for who you are, I know that because it’s written on the door to your office; Arthur Lester and Peter Yang Private Investigative Services. It’s on the open door.”
“And my partner….”
“Is Peter Yang, I assume. He did call out your name in retrospect.”
“You… you called out my name?” Arthur directed his question at the other voice, softly, but Parker didn’t answer, letting the stranger answer. 
“Yes… you dropped the book and turned to him. He called out your name and then…”
“And then what?”
“And then he died.”
“I didn’t just die, you lying son of a bitch.”
“Oh, really, Peter?” The voice said, sounding put upon. “You want to tell Arthur how you came to be lying dead on the floor of your office. I can see some bruises around that neck of yours, and-”
“Arthur,” Parker spoke to him again, “Please don’t listen to this- this- this monster. I know it wasn’t you, it wasn’t your fault, he was in control.” Arthur felt himself becoming more and more unsteady as thoughts pushed their way to the surface of his subconscious. 
“It doesn’t matter,” the entity said softly, in his saccharine tone that was becoming less and less sweet as they continued speaking. “I’m unsure how Peter here ended up inside your head but I know that as soon as you opened that book we were bound together, for better or worse, and I need you to stop panicking and do as I say. And I’m not in control of your body, Arthur. I have no wish to be in control of your body. Now- the door to your office is open.”
“The door. It’s open. Meaning anyone could simply peek in and see your dead partner lying on the floor.”
“I’m not dead,” Peter grumbled, though it was a weak argument. The voice laughed, low and cold. 
“Oh, I’m afraid you very much are, friend.”
“Don’t call me friend, you fucking bastard-”
“Please- please stop,” Arthur said, raising a hand to his face. “I just- I will close the door, this is just too much and I can’t think with you both shouting like that.”
“Do you need a moment to compose yourself?” 
“Arthur…” Peter said softly, “There’s a piano in the office. We brought it in last year for you to play. Close,” he took a deep breath, as if accepting something. “Close the door first and then maybe play something. That always helps you calm down.” The stranger hummed.
“Sounds as promising as anything else, go on, Arthur the Piano is to your right.”
“Alright,” Arthur said, and did as he was told. 
The keys felt familiar under his finger tips. The melody came naturally, and as he played he could feel his heartbeat slowing and a modicum of sanity returning. He was Arthur Lester. Private Investigator. Peter Yang’s partner. Peter Yang who was now lying dead on the floor, but whose voice was still ringling clearly in his head.
“Well. Now look at that. Don’t you feel a whole lot better too?” The stranger murmured. 
“A little bit, yes. I.. also remember things. I remember opening that book. I remember hearing a voice, then turning to Peter and then…”
“You remember killing him.”
“You didn’t kill me, Arthur, it wasn’t you, I’m telling you.”
“How could it not be him?” The stranger had no physical form, not that Arthur could see, but he got the distinct impression that if he did he would be shrugging. “It may have been an accident, but how could it have been me, Peter? I don’t control Mr.Lester’s body or movements. He still has most of his faculties. I saw the whole thing, of course, but blame doesn’t really matter at this point.. If somebody finds out that it was you, all three of us will be in trouble, but mostly you. So what do we have to do first, Arthur?”
Arthur froze as there was a knock on the door. 
“Arthur, it’s okay. Relax. We’re in this together. Tell me. Do you remember anything else?”
“I remember Peter was my best friend and–”
“About who might be here.”
“Right. No.. Maybe… Yes. There was an appointment. A widower. Mrs… umm.”
“That appointment isn’t until tomorrow, Arthur.” Parker chimed in. 
“What?” Arthur asked, but the entity pressed on. 
“It doesn’t matter who it is, I see a closet in the corner. Do you think it’s empty?”
“Yes, it is.”
“You’re going to have to move Peter in there.”
“Excuse me?” Peter gasped in Arthur’s mind. “Come on, we can think about this, we can come up with an alibi, you should absolutely not shove me in a closet, that will be incredibly incriminating if they find the body-” Arthur cut Parker off. 
“Is there any blood?”
“No. Call out. Just tell whoever it is you’ll be a minute.”
“Sorry! I’m just in the middle of something. I’ll be just a few seconds, I apologize.”
“I said a minute.”
“I mean a minute! Sorry!”
“Drag the body to the right of you, no other right. Now straight back. Good. The closet is already ajar, just kick it a little bit. There. Now stand the body upright. Good.”
“Oh I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe you’re shoving me in a closet.”
“I will get you later, Parker, I promise, we just need to deal with this now,” Arthur assured as he blindly maneuvered his friend’s corpse into the empty space and carefully closed the door.
“Follow the left wall with your hand. The door is right there. Wait!” The stranger almost yelled.
“What?” Arthur and Parker asked at once, Arthur concerned and Parker still raging. 
“Do you have a gun?”
“Of course.”
“If whoever it is starts asking too many questions or goes to that closet I’ll let you know. Then you use it.”
“Arthur, do not kill whoever is at the door,” Parker said firmly,  “This was not your fault and we do not need to resort to anything drastic.”
“Well, we’ll see about that. Open the door.” Arthur reached out and turned the knob, swinging open the door to the hall. 
“There is no one here,” the stranger sounded confused.
“Oh, thank God,” Parker breathed out.
“Perhaps they got tired of waiting?”
“We’ll see.”
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baeddel · 10 months
@elancholia ty for your reply i always like them ^/////^ i will try and respond better to your whole post another time. obviously the conversation has evolved into more of a larger discussion about plagiarism & intertextuality in general, but i wanted to point out something w/r/t what i was originally asking. when you say:
The specificity of citations means that each claim is easy (for a specialist) to find and address; the points of dispute are very clear. And it's possible to pick out anomalous patterns, like century-spanning claims being sourced from one very specific document, or a consistent overreliance on "problematic sources" which are known to have been "heavily edited and sanitized" at the time they were originally compiled.
you understand that this is again not the kind of knowledge that i'm talking about in that post. if i learned how to make an argument (in this example, a 'dialectical' argument) from a really problematic and flawed book, it wouldn't really help you at all in evaluating my argument—my entire argument is transparent to you as soon as you read it, and if you tried to attack (using my example) my post based on a criticism of Clausewitz it would just be irrelevant, because i'm not actually saying anything he said.
i realize that i muddied the waters in my wording by at the end saying "in philosophy or non-fiction" in general, but my surprise was about this kind of thing, not about claims. w/r/t the kind of citation in the quote i don't feel confused about it, i try to cite my posts as much as possible for several reasons, both practical and ethical (one tumblr specific reason is that it helps to avoid establishing onesself as a kind of priestly authority with access to secret knowledge & instead invites the reader into your context so they can argue with you as an equal—since a lot of people who read your post may not know how to access the information otherwise, a concern which arises strictly in a non-academic situation).
you get where i'm coming from right—i have textbooks that are supposed to show how to make a kind of argument, which forms are valid, etc. they're aimed at training you to argue in a certain way and they don't expect you to cite them or even really remember them. why does it change when you learn how to argue that way from another kind of text?
when i went to read some of the literature on plagiarism i was similarly surprised to find other things which are considered plagiarism at least by some definitions. in one study that looked at Iranian Applied Linguistics researchers' views of plagiarism & intertextuality (click), the questionnaire included the following questions:
Creating a new piece of work structured according to a documentation standard, by referring to existing work of the same type.
Using a published work to identify important secondary citations that make a particular logical argument and then citing only those secondary sources to support your own use of the same logical argument.
the first one (copying the structure of another article) was considered plagiarism by 68% of respondents (15% said it wasn't and 17% said they didn't know). it surprised me a lot to learn that anyone would consider that plagiarism. the second one (copying an argument and just borrowing the citations necessary without saying where you learned the argument) is quite close to what i was talking about, and the responses were: 32% yes plagiarism, 57% no plagiarism, 11% don't know.
my takeaway is that there is not a lot of certainty about what counts as plagiarism on offer & i'm probably not the first person to experience this kind of surprise, confusion or skepticism about it.
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shinymoonforest · 1 year
A Second Chance
After two unfortunate souls leave a devious novelist to his unfortunate demise, an unexpected alliance is formed...
---------------------------------------------- Characters: Darkiplier, The Author (from Danger in Fiction & Danger in Fiction | Chapter II)* TW: blood/injuries, mention of death *[for better context on the situation, i would recommend you look up and watch these to videos first!]  ----------------------------------------------
CHAPTER 1 Everything smelled awful. And that wasn’t just because of the odor Sinclair and his friend had bestowed upon The Author as he left. The room was slowly being overtaken by the stench of fresh blood pooling out onto the floor, shooting pains traveling up his side from where the bullet went through his body. While he screamed and screamed at Ryan, at Daniel, at anyone that would listen to him… he got nothing. Nothing in response… no reassurances in this painful and agonizingly slow death. Not even his infamous narration seemed to help him in this moment.
So, as described in most movies and books of all ages, the stench and looming presence of death made his vision fade to black. … Correction: black.. and gray… and white? The Author awoke in a carbon copy of his office from mere moments ago, although with every square inch of it put through a dark gray-scale like filter. He wondered if this was what purgatory was like (which, given his past actions, would make sense) until a sharp noise pierced all thoughts in his mind. A high-pitched ringing noise had entered the room and with it, visual hallucinations of silent screams that sparked neon shades of red and blue.Too loud to think.. without thinking, he couldn’t narrate, he couldn’t write, he couldn’t distract himself… He couldn’t do anything! He couldn’t do anything. He- “Are you just going to sit around feeling sorry for yourself or are you going to tell me exactly who the hell you are?” Out of nowhere, a booming voice spoke and broke the constant screeches of tinnitus. When The Author looked up, however, he now saw a dapper looking man standing in front of him. Firmly grasping a plain black cane with a silver knob on top, the same sparks of red and blue seemed to be originating from him- or was it her? Her, with skin, hair, and a suit as monochrome as the scenery around them, yet blatantly bold all the same. It seemed that, like the writer, this figure had also been wounded in a variety of places, as some of the whites and lighter grays were dashed with darker grays and ripped fabric.  Fatally wounded, yet still functioning… but how?
“Excuse me?”
“H-How.. Are- Are you supposed to be Death? If so, then I can assure you I have been behaving well recently a-a-and you have no need to send me, a well-acclaimed-” “An author, yes, I’ve heard of you,” the being replied, pressing its cane onto The Author’s outstretched hand to his dismay. “Though I would have to disagree.” “What the hell do you mean!?” he started, panic being masked by anger, “I just got-” “Shot?”
The man smirked as the feeble critic crumpled under her very look, shrank down into a screaming ball as the shooting pains of the bullet wound were returned to him, albeit amplified. Profanities only made his smile grow, as the tidal waves of fear washed away the outer shell of anger. These throbbing pains from his side only stopped when, out of desperation and blinding pain, The Author claimed that he would do anything to make this stop. “Anything, you say?” the voice inquired out of curiosity. “Would you be willing to go to any lengths to keep yourself alive?” 
And just like that, the pain stopped as if it had never happened. But now, as he soon came to realize from the powerful figure approaching him, he could no longer move. “Well then, now that you’re cooperating, let us make a deal.”  Up close, The Author could now see that a pitch black aura surrounded the figure, making him the source of not only the chilly monochromatic atmosphere but also the high-pitched tones dancing in the background. “Assuming you wish to behave, I will heal your wounds and allow you to live. In exchange, however, you must live under my house and its rules for the rest of your days. You may tamely do as you please during your stay, however too many… misdemeanors will result in a pain FAR worse than your initial fate.
“Do I make myself clear?” 
she asked, tilting her head in the process. A gut-wrenching crackling was heard as this took place, followed by an outstretched hand that was soon taken by that of the shaken writer.  “We.. We have a deal.” “Excellent,” they proclaimed while shaking his hand, albeit for only a few moments. “I’m glad that you are able to trust me, ‘Author’... able to trust us.” ‘Wait, how the hell do you know my name?!’ was the final thought that attempted a strand before a force of slumber hastily took over the man’s body, the ringing beginning to fade at last. “See you soon.” ----------------------------------------------
Chapter 1/? first (youre here!) | next chapter thank you for reading :) take care~! <3 
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
bee youre doing remarkably with your nano writing - i am in awe of you. i see your lil wordcount updates on the dash and i go "!!" or "thats my friend!" or "what how what the fuck (adoring)(supportive)". simply you are wildly impressive, and if you ever wanna share a scootch of what you're writing about - i think i saw somewhere you saying it was original fiction? - i would eat that shit up because im very curious. or if not, that's dope too. the mystery shall continue. ANYWAYS good job i love you keep up the good work okay byebye
i won't even lie to you, this made me tear the fuck up! this is so lovely & so supportive & so-- it's just-- aslkghalgkh. thank you. just thank you. this really meant a lot. especially because YES, I AM WRITING ORIGINAL FICTION! it's been so strange!
it's been incredibly bizarre to go from writing the boy dolls & feeling good & comfy with it, to writing another world of my own making & feeling totally out to sea & uncomfy with it. it's also been so fucking strange to sit on so many words without sharing. SO, because you asked so nicely... but i'm gonna put them under a cut for purely insecure reasons LOL. what can ya doooo?
i love you thank you please know that anything i write today will be in your honor & with the strength you've given me to continue xx
✨ new york queers with little to no context under the cut ✨
Which is how on Friday night, after switching shifts with Sam for the dear price of three weekend closing shifts, Mol ends up sitting across a hotel bar table from China.
She’s staying at The Standard, an upscale hotel on the High Line in Chelsea, right next to the Whitney Art Museum, which is where China’s “work thing” is taking place. What was said so casually before is actually a big fucking deal. She’s on a panel of people talking about the importance of diversity in art, with an emphasis on queer Black creators. As Mol listens to her share the bullet points of her research and preparations, she can’t help but think that China’s exactly where she’s meant to be.
She’s also absolutely not Anon.
“When I was asked to do the panel, I was dating this photographer. Oh my god, Mol, you would’ve loved her stuff. She was so raw. Worked only in black and white, so she played with shadows. She could make anyone’s body look like it belonged in a museum, I swear.” She swirls her martini—Beefeater gin, dirty, extra olives—between her fingers, her long, braids swirling on the tabletop. Mol can almost still feel them falling onto her back, tickling her sides as China moved behind her, inside of her.
“Anyway, I was gonna try and get her introduced to a couple of folks, use this opportunity to get her in front of some people who hold real keys around here. But we broke up.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Mol says sincerely, her fingers dancing lightly on the sides of her own glass. McCallan 15, neat.
China sweeps a hand in front of her, playing it off. “Ah, that’s okay. Some people just can’t get with the poly thing. I seem to remember you having an issue with it yourself.”
Mol flushes, and she hopes the lights are low enough to conceal it. “It wasn’t my favorite thing, no,” she admits. “But if it works for you, great. I respect it.”
“All you can do,” China says. She takes a drink, her dark eyes never leaving Mol’s. Were her lashes always this long and this inviting? “So what do you do with yourself these days? You seeing anybody?”
“Not at the moment,” Mol says, thinking about how she almost asked China that very question in her first message. “But I guess there’s this one person…”
“There always is.”
“It’s complicated.”
“It always is.”
Mol loves this rhythm, this back and forth, her grin almost vulpine when she says, “I do okay though.” All cocky and confident, like she can get sometimes.
“I’m sure you do,” China replies.
Mol feels a bit lightheaded. It’s only her second drink, so it must have something to do with whatever is fizzling between them. Rekindling.
Shit, she wasn’t expecting this.
“You still writing?”
The question feels like a bucket of ice water being poured over her head. Probably necessary, but startling nonetheless.
“I am,” she says, trying to mask the obvious hesitation in her voice.
“About what?” China asks. She mimics Mol’s cadence, making Mol laugh. Reigniting the spark.
“Funny that you should ask, actually, because I, uh—“ Is she actually going to tell her the truth? Admit that she’s lured her here under somewhat false pretenses? She supposes the answer is yes, as the words tumble out, “I mostly write about my love life.”
China perks up at that, leaning back in her chair. “Essays?”
“Kind of,” Mol says. But after thinking about it, says, “Yeah. It’s all short-form.”
“Interesting.” China leans back in, puts her elbows on the table, her hands clasping underneath her chin. “Have you ever written about me?”
“Would I like what you had to say?”
“Can I read it?”
It’s likely a sickness that she should see a doctor about, but Mol’s so turned on she could combust right there at the table. The table that China is resting on, taking up space like she owns the place. And she could. God, the way she’s looking at Mol right now? Anyone would be hard pressed to deny her anything. The perfect bedroom eyes. So in a way it’s no surprise what comes next:
“You want to come up to my room, Mol? I got a Corner King that’s pretty big for just one person.”
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mochiwrites · 2 years
Ask for screaming, and you shall receive screaming.
Is now the time to tell people who haven't read it doesn't take a killer to murder to avert their eyes and read because my screaming will contain So Many Spoilers? Well I'm gonna say it anyway SO <3
I knew to fear when you said you were looking forward to our reactions buT I WAS NOT PREPARED, TAURTIS MY BELOVED I AM SO SORRY
Anyway- now that I have that out of my system....
FINALLY the answer to who's knock knock knockin' on the door!! Pearl not even knowing how badly freaked out Grian is, Grian not explaining, Taurtis' lighthearted joking confusion and Grian relaxing bc it's just his bestiieee <3 Just beautiful. I loved them just chillin' and havin' a good time around town, even though Grian is highkey stressing, and <3 But. BUT. @ THAT "OLD MAN" YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I SEE YOU Mr. Green Eyes and Cane Man Who Owns the SWAGGON SHOP- is that too on the nose? ANYWAY I SEE YOU SIR why ya gotta be so OMINOUS man. Suspecting what I suspect just makes Grian's unease about being in the shop both more beautiful AND ironic <3 BUT THEN. THEN THAT CRYPTIC CREEPY WARNING, YEAH NO WONDER GRIAN THINKS THAT'S A THREAT I'd think it was a threat too MY GODS- oh man I can't wait to one day MAYBE get a crumb of context for this scene haha? Pls? Mayhaps? :'D
Anywaaay~ Grian feeling like it's his fault that Taurtis got got </3 Grian no sweetie just 'cause you know there's vampires don't mean you could've done anything to stop it it's not your fault </3 But really, Grian feeling guilty because he KNOWS about vampires and didn't tell Pearl and Taurtis, and he let his guard down and lost track of time- it's so good, b/c he didn't really do anything wrong- this wouldn't have changed even if he hadn't known (.... right? This wasn't- this wasn't targeted, RIGHT??) and just hjfsdjkfdjk the fact he feels like he's to blame and it's his responsibility to find the person who did this, it is just. I am soft for this boy <3 GRUM AND JRUM MY BELOVED BABY BOIS I love them so much they're so sweet and cheeky <3 Mumbo recognizing that them knowing Grian is there means they won't just leave him alone <3
"He's so annoying why didn't he stay gone" says Mumbo as he immediately and without hesitation tosses aside what he's doing to answer the door. And just- the IMMEDIATE softening when he opens the door to find Grian, having been crying and full of guilt, and recognizing and FEELING human emotion, wanting to keep it close and PROTECT it because it's so HUMAN and FAMILIAR and PRECIOUS, even if he didn't outright think/say it, and just. Just the softness between them I- hjfsdjkfhdj Mumbo letting Grian say his piece, and the fact that Grian while angry and full of guilt has enough sense about himself to not BLAME Mumbo in place of all vampires or something, but instead want to HELP him find the one responsible and just- Mumbo putting a hand over Grian's as he agrees and invites him in and I just.
Mochi I have SO MANY EMOTIONS about this AU in general but this fic I 🥺 There's so much HGJKFSKFS FEAR but it's also so soft and sad and I am just 🥺🥺🥺 Wonderful <3
I’m glad I could give you many emotions >:3 this was a super fun fic to write honestly !!! though I definitely did not think it’d be the first one out of the three to get finished dmfkfkkfkf but !!! to directly reply to some things <3
- that whole scene of grian going and answering the door??? completely written on the fly DKFKFKFK it was No Where in my original plans for that scene. but I was like “haha it’d be funny if I did all this build up and it turns out it was just taurtis on the other side” and then I did it
- it is INCREDIBLY on the nose but I made it subtly obvious for a reason <3 and yes, there will be context for that scene eventually !!! it’s actually like. my second favorite scene in that whole fic??? I love the dialogue from that conversation <33
- pats grian’s head, this bad boy can fit So Much guilt— him and his guilt complex, eh? and no, even if grian had told them, or if he wasn’t aware of vampires, it wouldn’t have changed a thing :( but AY GRUM AND JRUM AM I RIGHT GKFKGMFKF
- god that entire sequence between mumbo and grian… that rant that grian goes on was so damn difficult to write for some reason??? it was challenging finding a balance between anger and guilt but not putting that blame on mumbo. at least not for being a vampire. instead he kinda throws that frustration at mumbo for telling him to stay out of things. but even then it’s more so frustration at himself for listening. and yeah <333 mumbo looking at grian and seeing a younger version of him and going “oh. protect? I protect?”
cause mumbo Definitely recognizes in that moment that regardless of what he tells grian, gri is still going to get involved. and as much as mumbo may want to limit his interactions with grian, he’s beginning to nurture this want to protect his humanity. because yk. in a world of monsters, your humanity is slowly stripped away from you :)
but !!!! yeah <33 am glad you enjoyed the fic uwu. I seem to be very good with writing soft but sad???? I’m seeing a Trend here
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futureailist · 6 months
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ut-girl666 · 2 years
Heyyy it’s the anon again! I’m back with more questions :3
Can we know a bit about the OCs listed under Prime partners?
And also, if any of your Rescue Bots OCs have met High Tide, Quickshadow, Blurr, and Salvage, what do they think of them?
Hey! So sorry for such a late response to this! I had a reply in the works, but Tumblr ate it, so I’m gonna type it out again.
To start with the RBs;
There’s a possibility the OCs have met High Tide in passing. But I can certainly tell you, immediately off the bat, since I’ve heard that he goes full drill sergeant on the RB’s asses, Mintracer would not be fond in the slightest. Who does this mech think he is, bossing around his adoptive son, and second-creation? Oh yeah, and his son-in-law, too, but more focus on his precious Chase. >:(. The others, it depends, haven’t decided yet.
Blurr and Salvage, it also kinda depends, and I’d say they’re probably some of Blades’s classmates from the academy, given behavior, from what I’ve heard. Most likely, they may have met Blaze as classmates, and Mintracer as one of their teachers, but the others, who knows.
Quickshadow, yes, Mintracer, Flare, & Ember have certainly met her. Mintracer is neutral, but also not quite fond of her. Her history with Chase and Heatwave is… interesting. Flare and Ember wanted her to be something of a love interest to him; didn’t work. Heatwave doesn’t swing that way, and was already with Chase. Chase and Quickshadow just didn’t really… ‘work’, as anything more than classmates, if you feel? Quite possibly she was one of the students who barely held onto a C in his class, after pretty much the whole school base bombed that final essay; might’ve gone at Chase a little after, too, claiming favoritism in some form, since he was the only one got higher than a B-. Haven’t quite decided, but Mintracer wouldn’t be fond of this particular former student, and Flare and Ember have probably forgotten about her.
Now, on the Prime Partners; for context, this is to say partner more means ‘romantic’ partner, since that’s the relationship they each had with their respective partners. So, Elita would also be classified as one, and later on, Thunderclash as well. And further, in AU Canon Divergence, context: Solus is a TransMasc/FtM using He/Him pronouns and from a former sister planet known as Femmax, Amalgamous was the original Decepticon Leader way back when long before any of the main bunch were thought of, and Zeta is a separate person from Sentinel. So in order, from first to last so far;
Luma is Solus’s partner. She was a moon/night themed femme, that Sola met at some point when the two took a trip from Femmax to Cybertron, and the two became fast friends, and developed some feelings. Luma was quite possibly the most supportive person of Sola’s feelings regarding their gender, and was happy to adapt to new pronouns and a new name for them. They held quite a lot of trust between them, and lived together on Cybertron post-transition, in a relationship. Solus was adamant that he wanted Luma with him in the afterlife, so they both reside in the Hall of Primes, which started the trend.
Wintegreen was Amalgamous’s conjux. They had a cross faction relationship, originally, since Amalgamous was a Decepticon - the Leader of that revolution, in fact! (Also the very proud holder of the title as The First/Original Autobot Fucker/Crossfaction Relationship Engagee) - and Wintegreen was some little nobody Autobot foot soldier. After lots of stress from the Autobots, and seducing and serenading from Amal, they decided they were done being an Autobot, and became a Decepticon, sitting on the throne with Amal. They ended up with two creations; the first one named ‘Thirteen’. They passed when the Autobots managed to unexpectedly siege the base, post-war/in the middle of Alchemist’s Reign. The four rest together, though their creations didn’t follow into the Hall with them, thought to have reincarnated.
Lilacwing was Zeta’s… well, it’s complicated, but not to say they’re not in love! They just don’t know what to call it, because they weren’t necessarily official, but certainly accompanied and interacted with each other a whole lot more than just the Prime and Air Commander who happened to be ‘friends’. But they did have more than their fair share of nights on the couch with some shitty romance show going as background noise. Unfortunately in normal AU, they did pass, killed at some point though only Lilac recalls who, making way for Sentinel to be picked by the council.
However, in the ‘Line of Primacy AU’, they didn’t pass, but Zeta was forced to abstain a while, due to a situation popping up, and forced to give up the ‘pop up’ in his chamber, so they lived in his place, and after Sentinel fell, they came back into reign. After a while, eventually they found the little one they’d been forced to give up, and brought him home, with the little friend he was with, since they’d been left without anyone else to go to. Therefore creating the lineage, of Zeta and Optimus. And they ended up adopting Megs, and they love their silver swan, even if he does tend to forget they’re his adoptive parents every time he visits Iacon. No, Lilacwing did not carry Op. ;)
So that’s them. I’ll probably make some more regarding the LoP!AU at some point, and such, but there we are! And again, super sorry about the delay. The original answer got erased, and then it was an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ thing, and I just got around to retrying answering. Hope this answers, dear Anon!
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