#and yesterday i went over to her house and her niece (late teens) was there and she said she absolutely loves the blanket and how much
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
So I got commissioned yesterday and I was kind of nervous because I haven’t crocheted in a long time and have never made anything for this person before, but she is apparently beside herself with happiness over the colours I picked & the fact that I agreed to the commission, so I think this is going to go well
#i love crafting for people who are ridiculously enthusiastic about the things i make#long story short a couple months ago while i was clearing out my yarn stash i found a rainbow crochet blanket i made and had forgotten about#and i ended up gifting it to my best friend because i knew she’d love it and i didn’t want to look at it anymore#as i was frankly embarrassed by the mistakes on it (it doesn’t lie flat and is not a square)#and yesterday i went over to her house and her niece (late teens) was there and she said she absolutely loves the blanket and how much#would i charge for a similar one#and i was like ‘i’ll be honest with you: i don’t know if i’ll ever make a similar one’ but she offered money and basically said i don’t have#to use it to buy materials if i don’t want. i can use up yarn from my stash and keep the money as compensation for my time#she just wants a colourful blanket in that specific pattern (which is essentially just one big solid granny square)#so i agreed and sent her a photo of my planned colour scheme and she was delighted because there’s so many shades of blue#(her favourite colour) and overall she just seems to be really happy and excited that i’m actually making it#and now by extension I’M excited to make it#it’s just like. it’s something i’d probably make anyway. i’m using up materials that i need to use up. and i know it’s going to a good home#even if for whatever reason she doesn’t end up wanting it; i already have the money lol. and my best friend is always super enthusiastic#about the things i make so she’d probably take the blanket if her niece didn’t want it#tl;dr i’m just excited about this project. might post a photo when it’s done idk#personal
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aki-draws-things · 4 years
NaNoWriMo 2020 #12
Yesterday tumblr was uncooperative with the formatting so here comes the angst today instead!!!
Plenty of good, nice and cute memories and then, here and there, the heartbreak of the aftermath of the last two chapters!
Day: 12/11/2020
Prompt: Grief
Ship: Mingjue/Zonghui
Word Count: 2745
Grief was weird, huaisang thought. Grief would bring up memories he thought had been lost many years before, grief brought them up to the surface like waves of an invisible ocean. Huaisang never saw the ocean, he never sailed in the sea, not even for a trip, he didn't know how tall waves could get and how painful when they crashed down. Grief taught him in the most unexpected way. 
The day his parents' died he was at school. Mother was supposed to pick him up and take him to get an ice cream like every Friday afternoons. - well, it was MingJue's mother, he had learned, but his own mother wasn't there anymore so she was his mom too. Other kids in his class didn't understand. He did. - mingjue showed up instead, hours before the lessons were over. He took his backpack on a shoulder and grabbed huaisang's hand. 
"where's mama?" he didn't answer, he kept walking holding his hand a little too tight. "Da-ge? Are we going to take an ice cream together? It's ice cream day." mingjue nodded, he looked dazed, distracted, but he still took him to his favorite place to take his favorite ice cream and they sat outside on a little round table in the shape of a flower to eat it. 
"as long as I can spare him from that." mingjue thought. "as long as he can still be happy…" he was too young, he knew it, but he could try. He would never let a stranger take his little brother away, shove him in a house for orphaned children like he had no one in the world. Huaisang had him. And he would keep him by his side, at all costs. 
"Da-ge, try it!" huaisang hand came into his vision with a little spoon and some orange colored ice cream. 
"no, I --" 
"it's a new flavor they said. Orange and cinnamon. Try it, it's good!!" it was good, he told him, he lied, his mouth could hardly taste anything that wasn't bile. 
"as long as I can see his smile." 
"Da-ge…?" a sob broke through his throat and he held his little brother close. 
Huaisang didn't remember, years later, the day he found out his parents' died, but he never took that flavor again, it wasn't as good as he once thought and he couldn't explain why. 
ZongHui remembered the day his life changed. He remembered when his brother had left for being adopted and the family that came for him didn't spare a look at ZongHui. Zhuliu tried, to no avail. They had other children of their own, and a niece and nephew to take care of too. Why did they even choose to adopt another one? Why him? Why separate two brothers? Not that zhuliu wasn't grateful to the wen family, of course he was! They gave him a chance to grow in a loving family, with other kids he could call his brothers and sister. He picked wen Ning as a little brother and carried him around because he reminded him of zonghui. He picked him so he would never forget his little brother, so that one day he would find him again. Everyday he prayed his life was just as good. 
Zonghui's life changed the day HuaLing, one of the volunteers, took her best friends' (and lovers) son with her. He was six and he immediately went to pick zonghui under his wing, they soon became friends, best friends, mingjue wanted to follow her to the orphanage everytime she went and zonghui would light up when he walked through the doors. Something in the little boy called to mingjue, like an ancient instinct, something tying them together. Zonghui felt the same, though he couldn't explain it, mingjue wasn't simply filling the hole zhuliu left, it was something else, something more, it was piece of his soul finally whole again. But they were kids, they didn't understand those kind of feelings just yet. 
It happened the same when huaisang was born. All mingjue felt for a couple of days was heartbreak, he loved HuaLing like his own mother, she taught little songs and recipes that she knew he loved, she was the reason he met zonghui in the first place. He loved her and she was dead. Then his father put a little bundle of blankets in his arms and huaisang looked at him and yawned. Mingjue swore he would sell the world for him. He swore he would die for him. Huaisang never knew that. 
Finding his brother again had been zhuliu's aim for so many years but he only succeeded when they were both older. He missed his childhood and teen years, he missed so much, they had so much to catch for. Finding him had been almost accidental. Wen Qing asked him to go pick he brother from a friend's house, when he arrived the A-Ning was talking with another boy his age, then five minutes later the other boy's tutor showed up, and zonghui by his side. He stared at him for a little before swallowing and holding out a hand to caress his face. He didn't see him for more than half of his life but he would recognize him everywhere. Brothers had a special bond. 
Wen Qing called when he failed to return home with her brother only to be greeted by a crying face half hidden against a shoulder. 
"give me time Wen-jie. I found my own brother." he cried. 
"I asked you to pick up mine, Zhu'er." she said, fondly. 
He turned the phone to show her Wen Ning chatting with a loud, little group, squished against an older man side, almost hiding against him, comfortably. 
"oh, isn't that Old Nie?" she said, a bit too loudly, enough for mingjue to hear. 
"call me old again and I will personally kidnap NingNing. We're related apparently, Qing-jie!" he shot back.
It didn't take long for zhuliu to know mingjue and decide he liked him. A lot. - It took even less to find out his brother was soon going to marry him. -
“You’re not going to give me the “If you hurt him I’m going to hurt you” speech? I always thought it was a must for older brothers.” MingJue Tildi him once, he briefly contemplated it. Maybe he could give him the speech but—
“I’m pretty sure I would arrive too late if it happened, ZongHui would hurt you himself.” They both knew he wouldn’t, and they both knew MingJue would never willingly bring him any harm, even Zhuliu who was just getting to know him could say that.even him could see the love in the way they looked at each other.
“Arrive too late.” He had jokingly said that day, never thinking one day he would really be too late to save him.
Giving comfort had never been Xichen strength point in truth. They all said he could give great hugs, that he was soft and warm and kind, but when facing an unexpected death such as this he really didn’t know. Words were useless, most words were stupid and seemed coming out from a textbook, nothing truly felt sincere enough. So he squeezed HuaiSang’s arm and gave him a hug, then he remained silent, his eyes briefly meeting YanLi’s in a silent conversation, both close enough to MingJue ever since school days, all three growing up dealing with different levels of troublesome little brothers and trying to raised them right. - Wangji wasn’t that much troublesome in truth, just quiet. Until he met Wei WuXian. - They shared study afternoons and babysitting hours, they grew up together and they were meant to grow old together.
“Tall!!” Wen Ning exclaimed, his eyes wide in surprise. MingJue was ready to crouch down on the floor if that would make Wen Qing little brother more at ease, it sometimes happened at the orphanage, some of the younger kids were intimidate by his height  and he spent the whole hours kneeling down at they’re level. Not all of them, and Wen Ning was, apparently, not intimidate, just surprise. Before his sister could grab him he sped toward MingJue and crashed against his legs, then he enveloped them in his arms and climbed up to his side, fingers clawing in the fabric of his clothes.
“A-Ning!” But MingJue laughed and held him in his arms before having to pick up huaisang too. “Don’t climb our guests.” Wen Qing laughed.
“Don’t listen to Qing-jie, NingNing. You can climb all you wish.” Wen Ning threw his head against his shoulder happily.
When Huaisang set foot inside the house he knew something wasn’t right. It was in the smell, it was in the way MingJue Stood in front of the kitchen door. Door that looked very much closed for unknown reasons.
“You’re home early.” He looked, and sounded, uncomfortable. Awkward. Like he was hiding something. 
"did you blow up the kitchen trying to make yanli's soup?" 
"aren't you supposed to have lessons until 6?"
"oh my God! You really blew up the kitchen!" huaisang wanted to laugh. Even if at just the sight of his brother with flour over the shirt, and face. And even hair. 
"I… No! Kitchen is perfectly fine! What are you doing home, huaisang?" 
"we finished earlier. Besides, I won't be home for long. Wei Ying is planning a party for tonight." and he was going. See? He even told his brother where he would go, no reasons for forbidding it.
"not tonight." 
Not that his brother's words would stop him anyway. 
"oh come on dage… It's only a party. I promise I won't drink much." 
"not tonight, no. You're staying here." 
Huaisang frowned. He tried to think of what reason would make his brother say that, some bad grades or something in the past week? No, he had been good and even helped at home. He deserved to go. 
"daaaaa-geeee." he complained, loudly, annoying. Fine, he would slip out of the window and--
"it's really important that you stay home tonight. I… It's important huaisang. It is for me." 
"fine." he pouted and turned to go to his room. He had to find some clothes for the night, and plan out to go out and back inside without being heard, and… Probably zonghui would cover for him, he usually did. He would ask. 
"you're thinking of sneaking out." there was something in MingJue's voice, like disappointment. "I'm not asking much… it's just for tonight." he said again, huaisang rolled his eyes. He was about to speak back, he turned and MingJue's expression changed. 
He ran back to the kitchen, threw the door open and opened the oven muttering some prayers under his breath. All that huaisang understood in that moment had been the word rooster. 
"Da-ge… - he called, curious now. - why do you have a rooster in the oven." 
"it's… Our dinner." 
"a… Rooster?" 
"I was craving chicken meat." 
"that's quite a big chicken. And technically not a chicken." 
Huaisang leaned on the door and watched as he moved around the kitchen, not as relaxed as he usually was but agitated, anxious. It finally clicked and huaisang grinned.
"you're going to propose." mingjue blushed and hid his face by opening the fridge. Huaisang laughed louder and walked up to him. "he better say yes cause you will never find someone else like him anywhere." 
Mingjue knew he was right, still he lightly slapped his arm and smiled. 
"I can only hope he will." he whispered softly. 
In the end ZongHui of course said yes, through tears and kisses and more tears of joy, Huaisang never regret staying home that night. When his brother finally picked enough courage he decided that playing with his phone was the perfect thing to do. Well, he was recording the moment in truth but years of sneaking away from MingJue and from several teachers taught him well how to be discreet. Before the evening was over the video and the news had reached all of their friends with no exception.
“Out of everyone I always knew you would have been the next to marry! - YanLi wrote on the older siblings shared chat. - Pay up, Xichen! I won!” She added with a winking emoji.
“You were making bet on who—”
“I only said my brother and hers would be the next to get married. It’s hardly a bet.”
“That until YanLi said, and I quote, “let’s make a bet. MingJue and ZongHui are basically married already anyway, it’s only a matter of time.”, and you answered “Wangji went all the way to the Jiang house to ask permission for courting A-Ying.”. So yes. They were betting.” Wen Qing wrote, complete with actual quotes from previous discussions that MingJue had strangely missed.
“Well… apparently YanLi really won this round.”
“I did! Oh, BTW, that was quite a nice touch with the rooster.”
“And seems like your kitchen wasn’t falling apart either.”
“Hey! I’m not that bad at cooking, you know? Give me some credit.”
YanLi looked at the chat, her fingers hovering over the display of her phone, unsure. She watched at the photo MingJue sent them a couple of days before, the one with a little girl hugging his leg as he was tidying up, her cheek squished against the pants fabric and a smile they could barely see from the position. ZongHui took the photo with MingJue's phone and sent it to them.
“You all keep quiet but can I unofficially introduce you to our newest future addition? Don’t let it slip out, it’s still a surprise. Waiting to inform Huaisang in a couple of days!”
She was tempted to write, asker the other members of the chat how things were, but she closed it instead, the weight of waiting the one answer that would never come was too much to bear.
Nie MingJue cried the moment he saw ZongHui in a red hanfu. Huaisang had been adamant on being the one organizing everything, from the ceremony, to the food, and the clothes. That was how they ended up with a traditional kind of wedding, somehow it felt right, almost perfect, like that was how they had always been meant to be married like.
ZongHui walked up to him and smiled, he laughed as he dried the tears with a sleeve.
“No need for crying. Aren't you happy?”
“That’s exactly why I'm crying.” He held him close, closer, hid his face on ZongHui's head.
The picture of their kiss, hands intertwined in a red ribbon they kept holding for the whole ceremony, had been the background of ZongHui's phone for months. Then he changed it to lock screen so that he only needed to press the button without having to unlock the phone to see it.
He swore to always be by his side, to love him and to guard him from evil. He swore to grow old with him and enjoy every single minute of their lives together.
He did enjoy them, up to the very last instant. But it was never meant to be that short.
Huaisang crawled in the bed in the middle of the afternoon, he collected his legs to the chest and watched the figure laying on the other side of the bed facing the window.
“Er-ge, I made soup… it’s late for lunch, and early for dinner, but you should have some.”
His voice was strained, he sniffled and waited. ZongHui didn’t move nor he acknowledged him.
“Er-ge… do — - Tears welled up in his eyes. Huaisang thought it through for days and that was the only thing that seemed to make sense. - Do you hate me?” He asked and swallowed. “Because… because you know… you should. It was my fault. I asked Da-ge to come out that night and take me home. But I should've stayed home to begin with because you both asked. You should hate me.” Tears fell down his cheek and he hid his face on the knees.
“It’s my fault, Er-ge… you should hate me. You have to hate me. Must! - His sobs grew louder, more and more painful. ZongHui shifted on the mattress, uncomfortable. - I should have never called… It should have been me!”
ZongHui finally turned and raised from the bed, his arms circled HuaiSang's small frame and he held him tight through the tears.
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theworkofxanderking · 5 years
The Hunter Diaries
Volume One
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Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
Dear Diary,
It had been well over a year since I had last returned to Mystic Falls, a year since I had buried my mother and father. I had hoped my next return would be under happier circumstances and judging by my last visit the bar wasn’t exactly raised high but somehow Mystic Falls has dragged me once more for a different kind of tragedy this time regarding my twin sister Elena’s love life.
Since my fifteenth birthday I have spent my days mostly in isolation hunting my next kill and wondering if I’d survive to see another year go by.
I am now 17 years old and not only returning to my hometown but returning to Mystic Falls High all in the name of my sister who has found herself dating a vampire luckily for her not that she knows it but her brother just so happens to be a hunter.
My name is Hunter Gilbert, and this is my story.
Episode One: Love Thy Sister
Hunter had got into Mystic Falls late on Sunday night only to fall asleep even later after being debriefed by his aunt Jenna Sommers about the vampire Stefan Salvatore who his sister Elena was dating and his wayward brother Damon Salvatore.
Hunter came from a family of special hunters from his father Grayson’s side however he married a reformed hunter called Miranda and the two would often clash about Hunter’s family legacy but once Hunter was told of his lineage he wasted no time in dropping out of high school preferring anything other than that not knowing by leaving school at fifteen he would initially never see his parents alive again.
Miranda’s sister Jenna was also a reformed hunter or at least she was until a vampire began dating her niece, a niece of which was seemingly kept in the dark by it all much to Hunter’s curiosity. He had many suspicions as to why his parents kept their legacy from Elena but didn’t get time to test them and decided after losing his mum and dad keeping his sister in the dark was the best way to protect her.
So, between late arrival and later debriefing Hunter was working on little to no hours when he faced his hardest mission yet on that Monday morning, mission: high school.
“So, I expect your aunt has filled you in on Elena’s boyfriend?” Bonnie asked Hunter as she met him walking down the busy high school corridors. “He seems really nice but I’m not sure there’s just something off and wait till you meet his brother Damon.”
“I don’t know what was wrong with the last one.” Hunter replied to her. “Matt Donovan was a real sweetheart.”
“She’s not been seeing him in well over a year and besides he went to go stay with his estranged father after his mum went to rehab.” Bonnie explained as they continued their walk down the corridors. “He seems to like it there.”
“What is Caroline making of this guy then?” Hunter asked her.
“You’re seriously out of the loop Hunter,” Bonnie laughed. “Caroline left Mystic Falls about six months ago when her mum former sheriff Liz Forbes got that major promotion in San Francisco. She’s living the city life now and loving every second of it.”
“I don’t exactly blame her Mystic Falls was never somewhere I intended to be returning to anytime soon.” Hunter admitted to his friend as they both spotted Elena walking into the corridors hand in hand with Stefan.
“So, what made you drop out of private school and come back?” Bonnie wondered as the answer to her question, Stefan Salvatore, walked over to greet them with Elena by his side the couple’s hands tightly gripped to each other’s.
“You must be the twin brother I’ve heard so much about.” Stefan said to Hunter before looking over at Bonnie with a smile. “Hi Bonnie.”
“And you must be my sister’s boyfriend,” Hunter said with a false smile. “It’s so nice to finally put a name to the face.”
After a long day at school Bonnie Bennett walked home from school with her best friend Elena, walking down the streets of Mystic Falls as they headed in the directions of Elena’s home and Bonnie’s grams’ home.
Bonnie often went to her grams after school as her father worked a lot and her mother had left them when she was just a child. Bonnie loved heading to her grams’ after school and enjoyed all the time the two of them shared together often preferring her grams’ home to that of her own’s.
Despite her grams being her mother’s mother, she was nothing like Bonnie’s mum Abby.  Sheila Bennett was a family orientated woman who adored spending time with her granddaughter Bonnie when she wasn’t teaching at Whitmore College working there as a Professor of Occult Studies and after Abby walked out on Bonnie she refused to utter her name making it clear to Bonnie and her father she’d never stop being her grandmother.
Sheila’s love for her granddaughter was as deep as Bonnie’s love for her grandmother.
“Was it just me or was Hunter you know just a little bit off with Stefan?” Elena asked Bonnie on their walk home that day.
“He’s only just met the guy give him a few days and I’m sure he’ll be as friendly with this one as he was with the last.” Bonnie reassured her.
“Yeah I suppose your right Hunter just seems a little less like himself these days although considering I’ve only seen him once in the last two years, I can’t exactly presume who himself is.” Elena said with a sigh. “It’s just we used to be so close and now it’s like I don’t know if he even likes me never mind does, he like my boyfriend.”
“Elena your looking into everything far too much,” Bonnie laughed. “He only got back yesterday and got thrown back into school today give the guy a break.”
“Yeah I suppose your right I’m just overthinking and over worrying like usual.” Elena said as the two of them stopped outside of Sheila Bennet’s home. “It’s just I’ve not seen him since the funeral and even then, he didn’t say much. I’m just petrified when he does speak, he’s going to admit he blames me for surviving when my parents never.”
“Elena nobody except yourself would ever think like that.” Bonnie told her as she placed her hand on her shoulder. “Cars crash every day and lives are lost that doesn’t make your parents’ deaths any less tragic but in no way at all does it make it your fault.”
“You’re right Bonnie Bennett you’re always right.” Elena said with a sad sigh. “I’m just so afraid of losing him Hunter and Aunt Jenna are the only family I’ve got left.”
“Your brother loves you,” Bonnie said while hugging her friend. “And I love you and neither of us are going anywhere.”
“I love you too.” Elena replied with a soft smile as the two of them broke off their hug. “Are you sure you can’t go to Tyler Lockwood’s party tonight?”
“No offence but partying with deuchebag Tyler and his deuchebag friends hardly seems like a good time.” Bonnie answered. “It also doesn’t sound like something Elena Gilbert would find a good time either.”
“Yeah I know but Hunter and he were friends before he went to private school and Hunter’s going so that means Stefan and I are going.” Elena confessed.
“See now stalking your twin brother sounds much more like you.” Bonnie laughed.
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“What do you mean I’m a witch Grams?” Bonnie asked her grandmother while the two of them sat on the couch in Sheila’s living room.
“You’re not just any witch Bonnie, you’re a Bennett you come from a lineage of some of the most powerful witches in history.” Sheila explained to her granddaughter. “Your father never wanted me to tell you this, but I figured when you were old enough to understand it was my duty to tell you who you are.”
“Grams you can’t be serious, you can’t be, can’t you?” Bonnie wondered equally confused and intrigued by her grandmother’s words as Sheila stood up from the couch and wandered out her living room. “Grams.”
“This book was given to me when I was about your age,” Shelia said as she walked back into the room holding an ancient looking book. “Consider it somewhat of an introduction to your own craft.”
“I really don’t understand Grams,” Bonnie replied as her grandmother handed over her first grimoire. “I’m not even sure I believe in any of this.”
“That’s okay it’s good to be skeptical Bonnie being skeptical will be the key to surviving in this wicked world.” Sheila explain as she sat back down next to her granddaughter. “A darkness has come to Mystic Falls so believe me when I say be skeptical of everyone.”
Hunter was reluctant to go to a party in the woods for more than one reason: he wasn’t use to socializing anymore so much so that it had became a chore to him, playing the normal high school teen at Mystic Falls had drained him and most importantly the party itself was organised by Tyler Lockwood.
Hunter and Tyler had a complicated history going back years as the two of them alongside Elena’s ex Matt were all childhood friends and grew up together alongside Elena, Bonnie and Caroline but Hunter and Tyler became a little too close not long before Hunter left Mystic Falls and was Hunter’s biggest reason for not being too excited about returning.
Hunter knew a forest full of drunk teens was the perfect playing ground for any vampire so the luxury of not attending was one he didn’t have.
“Look we don’t even have to stay long just long enough to show face say our hellos and then head back home if you’re not having anything fun.” Elena explained to Hunter as the two walked through the woods of Mystic Falls. “Getting back to normal includes high school parties, parties that you used to enjoy once.”
“A lot of things have changed since those days Elena but if you want me to get drunk and party till morning then that’s what we’ll do just remember I’m doing this purely for you.” Hunter replied as the continued walking through the woods. “Why is Bonnie not with us tonight?”
“She never sacrifices time with her grams.” Elena responded as the two could see the witches house from a distance. “If this turns out to be such a miss we’ll go over and keep them both company.”
“Don’t tell me the party’s in there I’m so not ready for a party in that ratchet ass house.” Hunter moaned as he stopped in his tracks. “That’s just asking for trouble.”
“Since when did I become the responsible twin?” Elena asked jokingly. “Not to be morbid but the owners of that place are too dead to phone the cops on us.”
“You’re right,” Hunter laughed before the hairs on his neck began to stand up as he felt a gust of wind from behind.
He quickly turned around with force kicking the air until his foot hit the face of Stefan knocking the Salvatore vampire to the ground before Hunter quickly placed his boot on Stefan’s neck.
“Hunter! What the hell has got into you?” Elena screamed at him. “Let him go!”
Hunter looked down at Stefan keeping his foot firmly on the vampire’s neck as he considering taking the stake out of his jacket and ramming it into Stefan’s chest right there but he knew when the time came to kill the Salvatore vampire he couldn’t have any witnesses and after a moment’s contemplation removed his foot off Stefan’s neck.
“Sorry,” Hunter replied as he held out his hand and helped Stefan to his feet. “I guess the dark, the woods and the haunted house got me a little jumpy.”
“It’s okay,” Stefan said with a suspicious smile. “Elena mentioned you had a particular fear of things that go bump in the night.”
“I’m so sorry Stefan,” Elena said as she rushed over to Stefan and gave him a hug.
“I wouldn’t call it a fear of things that go bump in the night I’m more cautious than scared.” Hunter retorted. “Now are we going to party or not?”
“Yes,” Elena responded with a smile to Hunter while continuing to hold Stefan. “Just no more hitting my boyfriend please.”
“I’ll try my best.” Hunter falsely promised with a fake smile that made Stefan grow more suspicious about their little altercation.
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Hunter spent the entire night within the abandoned witches house pretending to drink beer after beer while secretly tossing the beer when nobody was looking only to spy on his sister Elena with his target Stefan Salvatore in what was once a living room part of somebody’s home which was now filled with a group of teens partying in its decay dishonoring it’s memory with disco lights and wireless speakers blaring the popular music at the time.
He suddenly began hearing whispers from the hallway that grabbed his attention through all the noise making him walk into the darkly lit hallway leaving Elena with her vampire boyfriend in the process as he continued to walk down the hallway of the witches house the whispering growing louder as he neared the basement door.
“Well if it isn’t Hunter Gilbert long time no see.” Tyler said as he walked into the hallway holding a beer bottle and demanding Hunter’s attention. “I never thought I’d see you at another party after you left Mystic Falls.”
“Tyler Lockwood, I had wondered when I was going to bump into you.” Hunter replied as he turned to face his former friend. “How are things?”
“You mean in the last two years since you went total ghost mode on me.” Tyler responded clearly hurt by his friend’s recent absence. “You don’t text you don’t call I can’t help but think you’ve been avoiding me.”
“Reception’s kind of a bitch at the school I was at.” Hunter lied. “Before long I gave up even trying.”
“You’ve been back two days,” Tyler said before taking a drink from his beer and walking towards Hunter. “Look Hunter I don’t want things to be weird between us you’re the only friend I’ve got left here from the old days.”
“Yeah this place is becoming a bit more of a ghost town lately,” Hunter replied with a sincere smile. “For what it’s worth I think I can handle being your friend at least while I’m in Mystic Falls.”
“Wait I thought you transferred here?” Tyler asked him. “Don’t tell me your planning on leaving already, Elena will be gutted. I’ll be gutted.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m in a rush to leave anytime soon but I do see more boarding school in my future.” Hunter explained.
“Hopefully not.” Tyler responded with a soft and sincere smile. “Mystic Falls hasn’t been the same without you.”
Stefan walked out of the witch’s house to find Hunter drinking a beer while sitting on the large doorstep noticing how his girlfriend’s twin brother was looking into space while lost in thought.
“Call me observant but my count that’s the first drink that’s you’ve not thrown away.” Stefan said as he sat down next to Hunter.
“Nah I’d jump straight to stalker although stalkers tend to be very observant.” Hunter replied as he took a drink from his beer.
“It must be hard being back for the first time since your parents’ funeral.” Stefan responded as he took Hunter’s beer and took a drink from it. “Especially considering your back to kill your sister’s boyfriend.”
“I guess you’re smarter than the average vampire,” Hunter said while in shock by Stefan’s words. “Either that or I’m seriously of my game.”
“I know you probably won’t believe me when I say this but I’m not here to hurt anyone least of all your sister.” Stefan told him while taking another sip of Hunter’s drink before beginning to cough.
“Yeah you’re right I don’t believe you.” Hunter admitted as he rose to his feet while Stefan began choking before passing out. “I’ve never been too big a fan of the taste of Vervain, but it sure does the trick.”
Hunter pulled out the wooden stake from inside his jacket while looking down at the vampire he had just outsmarted but before he had a chance to plunge the stake into Stefan Salvatore’s chest he feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up once again before turning around to see Damon now standing in front of him.
“Hello Elena’s brother,” Damon said with a sinister smirk before grabbing Hunter’s neck and snapping it instantly causing a lifeless Hunter to fall to the ground his body landing next to an unconscious Stefan. “Goodbye Elena’s brother.”
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Elena awoke the next morning in her bedroom after heading home early the previous night due to her boyfriend and her brother’s joint disappearance awaking to a knock on the door as she sat up in her bed.
“Hunter, don’t tell me you’re the one waking up before me this time.” Elena laughed. “Or else I really am going to have to play the are you my brother card?”
“Actually, it’s me,” Bonnie said as she opened the bedroom door. “I’ve had a bit of a strange night and needed to tell you all about it.”
“It can’t be as strange as being ditched by both your brother and your boyfriend in the same night.” Elena replied as she motioned for Bonnie to sit down next to her. “So, go on tell me what’s on your mind Bonnie.”
“You’re going to think I’m crazy.” Bonnie warned her as she sat down next to her friend.
“Bonnie we’re all a little crazy,” Elena responded with another laugh. “You’re the sanest person I know and there’s nothing you could tell me that would convince me otherwise.”
“I’m a witch,” Bonnie admitted. “Or at least my Grams thinks I’m a witch and I sort of believe her.”
“Well that’s definitely a shocking turn of events.” Elena said in shock before Bonnie took a pillow from her and began ripping feathers of the pillow.
“Just watch.” Bonnie told her before chanting in Croatian.
Suddenly the feathers from the pillow began floating in the air forming a circle much to Elena’s amazement.
“Bonnie that’s amazing,” Elena responded with a smile. “What else can you do?”
Stefan stood deep within the woods of Mystic Falls standing in front of a recently covered grave patiently waiting until a hand come out of the grave a hand with the Gilbert ring on full display before Hunter pulled himself out of his grave coughing up dirt.
“I had a feeling no Gilbert hunter would go into any mission without a Gilbert ring.” Stefan said as Hunter gasped for air and rose to his feet. “Naming one of their children Hunter was a bit on the nose but hey not my family not my decision.”
“What the bloody hell do you want?” Hunter asked while struggling for air in-between coughing up the dirt that had recently buried him.
“A chance to talk and I’m guessing you’re more willing after meeting my brother.” Stefan replied.
“You have five minutes.” Hunter said as he came face to face with the kinder of the two Salvatore brothers.
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soloragoldsun · 7 years
Rose Garden Week- Day 2: Flowers
Ruby’s mind was in a whirl after the battle with Cinder. There were so many things to think about, so many people to get reacquainted with, and so much to do! Still, through it all, she was aware of Oscar, who had passed out after Ozpin’s strength ran out, and had to be carried by Qrow back to the house they shared.
After a long night of catching up with Blake and Sun, meeting Ilia and the Belladonnas, and trying to figure out how to contact James Ironwood and get permission to enter Atlas, everyone retired to a well-deserved rest.
Oscar didn’t wake up the next morning.
Ruby touched his wrist, and was relieved to feel a pulse. She placed a hand on his brow, which felt warm. Was it too warm, or was this a regular temperature? She wasn’t sure.
“He’ll be out for a while,” Qrow said from the doorway, making Ruby jump a little. “Ozpin’s got way more endurance, and Oscar’s body isn’t anywhere close to being able to handle what it went through yesterday.”
Ruby made a sympathetic noise when she thought of how much Oscar’s muscles would probably be aching when he woke up. “There wasn’t any permanent damage, right?”
“Course not,” Qrow promised. “One, Oz hates hurting people more than anything. He feels guilty enough about the fact that he’s gotta possess this kid in the first place. Two, it wouldn’t make sense practically for him to do that. If Oscar dies or becomes too damaged, that’ll make it even harder for Oz to play his part in taking down Salem.”
“That makes sense,” Ruby murmured. She pulled the covers up so that they covered Oscar’s shoulders. “How long will he be asleep?”
“Hopefully, he’ll be awake by the evening. If he hasn’t woken up by tomorrow morning, then we can start worrying.” Qrow glanced at his niece with a slight smirk. “I’m sure you’ll be a sight for sore eyes once he does.”
Ruby’s cheeks flushed. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, nothing. Just seems that he’s taken a liking to you, that’s all.” Qrow winked, his grin widening.
“Omigosh, shut up!” Ruby covered her ears. “Don’t be weird!”
“What’s weird about it? You’re teens. It’s a thing that happens.”
“Ugh. It’s weird when you talk about it!” Ruby groaned, rolling her eyes. “You and Dad!”
Qrow laughed. “Okay, okay. I’ll lay off for now. Though, since I’m apparently the designated babysitter of this shitstorm, I think I deserve to embarrass my temporary kids at least a little.”
“Uncle Qroooooow!” Ruby whined.
“I’m leaving, I’m leaving!” Qrow snickered and walked off, stumbling a little in the doorframe.
Of course, he’s drunk. Ruby breathed a sigh before looking back at Oscar. His brows were crinkled, as if he was having a bad dream. Instinctively, Ruby rubbed his shoulder, humming quietly in the back of her throat. She remembered Yang doing that for her when she was little. Eventually, Oscar’s face relaxed. Ruby felt a strange but pleasant swelling in her chest.
She could hear other people stirring and starting to make their way toward the kitchen. “See you later, Oscar,” she promised, hurrying off to see if Blake was awake yet. During breakfast, it was Kali who suggested getting Oscar some flowers.
“It’ll brighten up the room,” she said positively. “And it’s a lovely little reminder that we appreciate what he did. I remember when I had a fever and Blake went out and picked fistfuls of dandelions. She was just covered in dirt when she came back!”
“Mom…” Blake’s ears flattened and her face turned red.
“Aw, that’s sweet!” Sun commented.
Yang was grinning as an evil thought occurred to her. “So, Mrs. B… Do you have any cute baby pictures of Blake on your Scroll? I’m reeeaaaally curious to know what she was like as a kid.”
“As a matter of fact, I do! Oh, there’s one from her third birthday party that’s just the cutest-”
Oscar groaned as he slowly but surely clawed his way to wakefulness, or at least semi-consciousness. What a weird dream, he thought groggily. There had been these incredible Huntsmen, a voice in his head, a battle…
His bed shifted under him as he rolled over, and his nose twitched. He could smell his aunt’s lilac bush through the open window. He frowned when he felt a scratchy sensation against his skin. Had he fallen asleep in his clothes? He hadn’t done that in years. And why did he feel so sore?
“Good morning, Oscar.”
He was jolted fully awake in that moment as his memories flooded back, along with a healthy dose of awareness of how much his muscles hated him at that moment. He wasn’t dreaming. He had fought with an organization of people who were working for the biggest evil mastermind on the planet! He had…
He sat up, wincing sharply. “Is everyone okay?” He struggled to remember everything. Things had gotten so fuzzy after… “You…took over.”
“You were not capable of fighting Hazel without me,” Ozpin said calmly. “Rest assured, it won’t be something I make a habit of doing.”
“You’d better not,” Oscar muttered as he got up. “Ow…” He groaned. Everything hurt, and the pain felt like it was bone-deep in every spot. He stumbled, grabbing the nightstand for support. It was then that he saw the lilacs.
They sat in a vase filled with fresh water, cuttings of light purple and white flowers that filled the room with a familiar, strong, nostalgic fragrance. Oscar sniffed them deeply, relaxing a little in spite of the pain he was feeling.
It took longer than usual for him to shower and change into clean clothes, due to how stiff and aching he was. His hair was still damp when there was a gentle knock at his door. “Come in,” he called.
Ruby immediately entered, her eyes brightening when she saw Oscar. “You’re awake! How do you feel?”
Oscar’s heart did a small, embarrassing backflip at how happy Ruby was to see him. “Kinda sore,” he admitted. “But, I grew up doing farm work from morning till night, so I’ll recover. Is everyone else okay?”
“Yes!” Ruby’s shoulders slumped a little as she thought about the overwhelming fact that everyone had somehow made it. “Somehow, we’re all okay.” She checked her Scroll. “It’s a good thing you woke up when you did. Dinner’s in an hour, and Sun, Blake, and Ilia really want to meet you!”
Oscar rubbed at the back of his neck. “I’m still getting used to the cool Huntsmen I’m hanging out with right now. Not sure if I can handle three more.” He grinned jokingly.
“Oh, stop,” Ruby giggled. “We’re all total dorks once you really get to know us. Even Weiss.”
Oscar thought of the prim, proper Schnee heiress and found it a little hard to believe that there was anything dorky about her. Still, Ruby probably knew better than he did. The smell of the lilacs wafted over him again. “Where’d the lilacs come from?” he asked.
Ruby’s cheeks flushed a little. “Well, I was walking around town, and there was a guy selling cut flowers, and they smelled really pretty. I thought maybe they’d cheer you up once you finally woke up.”
Oscar felt himself blushing as well, noticing with a slight lightness in his head that Ruby’s face had turned red. “Thank you. My aunt actually has a lilac bush in our yard. It blooms every spring. She cuts sprigs from it and places them all over the house.”
“Really?” Ruby perked up. “That’s awesome! My dad grows sunflowers in front of our house. Sometimes, they grow so tall, they block out the windows!”
“I love sunflowers!” Oscar exclaimed. “I always wanted to have a field full of them, but we need to dedicate the serious plots to vegetables and herbs that can be sold at the market.”
“I’d really like to see your farm,” Ruby said, just as something occurred to her. “So…your aunt. Does she know you’re here?”
Oscar winced, staring at the ground, his smile vanishing. “Uh, no. I kinda had to sneak away. She’s probably worried sick about me. She’s always been protective of me since my parents died.”
Ruby nodded, her eyes full of understanding. “Grimm attack?”
“Yeah.” Oscar shook his head. “I don’t remember too much about them, and it feels kinda weird. Like, I should have more feelings when I think about them, but I don’t.”
“It’s the same for me,” Ruby admitted. “I lost my mom before I could really make any memories of her. I talk to her whenever I visit her grave, though, and that helps me feel a connection to her.”
“I’m not too good with words,” Oscar said. “Whenever I visit them, I just stand there.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Yeah, I guess not.” Oscar smiled at her. “Thanks for the flowers.”
Ruby grinned, glad that the mood was lightening again. “No problem! Also, tell Ozpin he’d better go easier on you in the future, or I’m gonna have a serious talk with him.”
Oscar blushed again. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Nope. Too late. He’s gonna get a lecture,” Ruby chirped. She could hear Yang calling her from down the hall. “We’re gonna start on dinner. Wanna help?”
“Sure!” Oscar smiled. “Ren said he wanted to teach me that one soup recipe.”
“Great! Come on!”
As Oscar followed her, he became aware of a chuckle in his mind that wasn’t his. “What?” he thought.
“Oh, nothing,” Ozpin replied, his voice a little too cheerful. “Just feeling nostalgia for my own teenage years. She certainly seems to like you, doesn’t she?”
Oscar’s face turned bright red at Ozpin’s tone. “Oh my god, don’t start making this weird!”
“How am I being weird? It’s perfectly normal for teens-”
“It’s weird to be hearing commentary about it from the old man living in my head! Just shush, okay?”
“Fine, fine. I’ll go to the back of your mind and go to sleep, if you prefer. I just happened to be paying attention because she mentioned me.”
Thankfully, Oscar’s mind became empty of all but his own thoughts after that. He noticed Ruby giving him a confused look. “Uh, Ozpin was just being annoying,” he said quickly.
Ruby nodded. “It must be weird having someone else in your head. I don’t know how I’d deal with it.”
“I still don’t know how I do…” Oscar admitted.
Dinner was a relaxed affair. There seemed to be an unspoken agreement between everyone that they would simply sit and talk, temporarily acting as if they weren’t on the edge of another perilous quest. Oscar was glad to finally chat with everyone at length. He couldn’t help but notice how Ruby urged him into various conversations with her friends, bringing up tidbits about their training, and encouraging Oscar to talk about his upbringing on a farm, which Ren was always eager to hear about.
Oscar recognized this as a determined effort on Ruby’s part to integrate him into the larger group. He felt a rush of gratitude and another hint of a strange, warm, unfamiliar feeling that kept coming up whenever he was with her.
By the time the dishes were cleared, Oscar felt happier and more at ease than he had since leaving home. Looking around, he could see that this group of friends was really a huge, close-knit family. And they were accepting him as a part of it!
It was late, but the sun was still up for another hour or so. Oscar was glad, because he had a sudden idea. Grabbing his wallet, he slipped out the door.
That night, Ruby went into her room, feeling full and content. Before she could collapse on the bed, something caught her attention on the night stand. She picked it up, and a soft smile came to her face.
It was a sunflower with a pink ribbon tied around it. On it was a card that just had one word written on it: “Thanks.”
For the second day of @rwbyrosegardenweek​! Fun fact: Lilacs symbolize purity and innocence, as well as first love. Fitting, no?
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azkat62p · 7 years
Quartzsite, AZ - 88 Shades RV Park
Month 2
December 24 - 30 2017
Friday - We left for Phoenix today to spend Christmas with our daughter and her boyfriend. It was actually a few days earlier than planned but I wasn't sure if there would be parking available in the casino RV parking lot where we had regularly stayed or not. It has become a popular place to park. Out of the blue our niece said we could park the RV in the parking lot of their shop AND there was an electrical hook-up which wasn't available at the casino. Thanks Jenny. It was good seeing you and Bob - it's been far too long.
We did some running around and the traffic sucked. What do you expect so close to Christmas? Since Raggz is comfortable in his own surroundings we were able to go out without him.
Saturday - It was bad enough that we were dumb enough to go out yesterday but to do it again today? It was even worse. All the crazy people were out on the streets and the stores were crowded. I guess we are just gluttons for punishment.
Sunday, Christmas Eve - We left to spend a few days at Stacy's boyfriend's house. We almost didn't make it because I had made a snide remark and, though I didn't think I said it loud enough for anyone to hear, Dave did and said he had enough of my sometimes negative attitude and he wasn't going. I had to do some groveling to change his mind. I almost blew Christmas. I really have to work on myself.
When we got there, Stacy was hard at work baking cookies and preparing some dishes for Christmas dinner. She was using Pillsbury cookie dough for her cutout cookies and they didn't keep their shape when baking - she was getting quite frustrated. Dad to the rescue - he helped her with real home made cookie dough. I think he missed baking his Christmas cookies. They had a good time baking together.
Later we played some pool on Fred's new table. I hadn't played, if that's what you call it, since my teens. With a little slight of hand in pushing balls into the pocket, I beat Stacy who was starting to get the hang of it although she sure did request a lot of do overs. Dave did fairly well against Fred considering Fred had more playing time. A good time was had by all.
Then came the football game. Hallelujah - my Cardinals won! Too bad we aren't going to the playoffs.
Monday - Merry Christmas - After a good night's sleep, it was nice to take a lingering shower in a full sized shower. I was in my glory - another thing I miss living in an RV. We went downstairs only to find that Stacy had commenced baking - finishing up the cookies she didn't get to yesterday.
We took them out for a nice breakfast at IHOP since Fred didn't have cream or sugar (Stacy used it all in her baking) for coffee and none of the stores were open to get any.
Before dinner we all had fun playing corn hole, called bean bag toss in my day. Where did that name come from? We played for hours - girls against the guys, couples, singles, etc.
For the 1st time ever, we didn't have a Christmas turkey. Since Fred is Italian, we had an Italian Christmas dinner - pasta and steak and wine (lots of wine - totally taboo for me being a diabetic). I must admit I went a bit over board with my eating but heck, it was Christmas. Even though I missed my traditional Christmas dinner, I accepted that this was just one more change to go with the many others that we had experienced since starting this journey and I'm sure there would be many more to come.
After dinner Stacy had gone upstairs to shower but, lying down for just a minute, she ended up falling asleep without making it to the shower. Poor kid, she was totally worn out from the busyness of the last few days. We didn't even get to say goodbye since she was off to work before we got up.
All in all we had a good day with the exception of missing the presence of our grandchildren Tessa and Alex.
Tuesday - Happy birthday mom. I cant believe it's been 25 years - missing you every day.
We headed back to Quartzsite. Raggz had really enjoyed the stay. He had his space to roam the house - even climbed the stairs (a first) and jumped up on the bed for his naps the last few days. Plus he got to go outside in the grass to sniff around and do his thing. He sure missed that environment. But all good things must come to an end - it was back to Quartzsite to resume our new RV life. Thank you Stacy for the great eats and looking the other way so I could win at pool and Fred for opening your home to us.
Wednesday was quiet.
Thursday we went to Best Buy in Yuma to get a small t.v. to be able to watch outside (inside the RV seems to stay warm). It was getting late when we left and the sun setting against the mountains was beautiful. The mountains had a red hue to them and the sky over them was a layer of pink over a layer of blue. What a picture that would have made - if only I had a camera.
Friday we were off to Blythe. We went to the closest auto parts store (Auto Zone) for a battery tester since the battery light on the RV was randomly coming on. This wasn't an exciting trip but it got us into civilization for a little while.
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