#and yet they're getting charged like $300 more
my mission to radicalize my Chinese immigrant neighbour named Jeff about landlords/rents continues
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crypticsketchpad · 1 year
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okay fine i know it's been like 300 years. have some wubbox content
these 3 (or 5, depending on the head count) are the ethereal island sibs! one family of few remaining wubs from the pre-cataclysm era, they're associated with the five ethereal elements/celestials (chimera = crystal, plasma, and shadow, matrix = mech, and zyphur = poison)
more info under the cut!
first pic is Chimera (they/it), the "epic wubbox" of ethereal island! after a less-than-smooth journey through the pocket dimension, chimera's components unfortunately didn't survive in one piece; matrix, ever resourceful, decided the best course of action would be to reassemble them using what parts were left intact as well as some organic material from their respective elemental monsters. chimera isn't exactly happy to be back, especially in this form, but matrix still holds this "favor" as an excuse to get chimera to do their bidding.
chimera's three components each control different senses, with some being more... intact than others.
Eekto, the plasma head, controls most of the main body and acts as the "eyes". it can't speak or eat very well due to the constant stream of plasma dripping from its mouth, and its tattered ears are purely vestigial.
Nock, the shadow head, is the one in charge of speech, eating, and hearing, being the least obstructed of the three. its wing-like ears give it a decent sense of hearing, but its eyes- built for a nocturnal lifestyle- are pretty much useless in most environments.
Fraktal, the crystal head, is... most likely dead. it doesn't respond to any sort of external stimuli, and appears to be actively decaying in some parts. for some reason, though, the other two don't seem to notice this, instead acting as if it's still alive.
next up is Matrix (they/them), a self-proclaimed "engineering genius" and the first rare wubbox in existence! they're the creator of all the natural island rares (hence why the all look the same), but they aren't exactly as benevolent as they seem; less "innovator" and more "mad scientist with a god complex". unnervingly, matrix's face seems to be stuck in a permanent, blank-eyed smile, luring new "potential test subjects" in with a friendly facade before re-making them into... god knows what, really. a majority of their creations never see the light of day, hidden somewhere in the ethereal island castle. thankfully most monsters are already aware of their shady and egotistical behavior, and tend to stay away. fun (questionable?) fact: matrix's extra arms are made with spare parts left over from chimera's components.
finally there's Zyphur (it/its), the small doodle on the far left of the last sketch. i haven't drawn it properly yet but it's the only common wubbox on ethereal island left. it tends to distance itself from its siblings out of fear, having bore witness to chimera's death and "rebirth" alongside countless other crimes against monsterkind performed by matrix. i dunno. i havent developed its character much all i know that it's verrry traumatized
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lorekeeper-backset · 4 months
Alright, so, nobody else has done this yet so I will. Presenting...
A Full Summary of Wynncraft: Rekindled World
Explaining the Upcoming Wynncraft Update through a handy bullet point list. Here's what we know is in the upcoming update so far.
Mobs and enemies are being completely revamped including not just bosses but standard enemies too, with the mob system being rebuilt from the ground up.
There will be 350+ unique mob AIs and Abilities which I'm assuming means some mobs will just use the same AI as other mobs.
There will be 300+ new models for entities, which I'm assuming means some entities will just share models with others. This includes not just hostile mobs but also passive mobs like sheep and pigs. I'll admit, I'll kinda miss the classic Minecraft mobs. I won't miss the mobs that are just a bunch of blocks jumbled together into the vague shape of a creature. All these models have their own unique animations. Especially the bosses.
The UI and interface are being completely reworked with a unique look that meshes Minecraft and modern rpg UIs. So, uh, if you use Wyntilis things'll probably break.
Brand new music that's even higher quality!
Teleport scrolls are no longer one use. Instead, they have multiple charges that recharge over time, no longer requiring you to go back and buy more constantly.
Soul points are gone and outside of Hardcore and Hunted mode you'll only drop materials and ingredients upon death.
Scrap is being, er, scrapped and items can instead be repaired with just emeralds.
Raids have been reworked to provide a more streamlined experience better suited for endgame players.
All challenges and bosses have been reworked! Raids now scale to each party member's own level.
If you buy a Silverbull subscription (for some reason) you can unlock new effects and rewards for raids. Also up the challenge with unique challenges or whatever.
If some or all of your raiders are from the same guild, they trigger a guild raid which makes the raid harder and the rewards better.
Aspects are rewards that you can get from raids and guilds that enhance your abilities. They're shared across all your characters and you can have five enabled at a time.
World Events are now a thing! Sometimes there'll be a world event and if you get there in time you can fight a huge crowd of enemies and a boss for lots of xp and rewards.
Once a week a Major World Event will trigger near the Corruption Portal and all players above lvl 30 (though I suspect you'd be better off at a much higher level than that) can fight a massive boss called Annihilation with the power to end the world. Defeating him gives you a corrupted cache which contains powerful items.
A lot of the level 30-39 quests have received some touch ups.
Improved fights.
Dungeons (sans Eldritch Outlook and Fallen Factory) no longer require quests to access. I assume the dungeon quests will simply be reworked and not removed entirely, seeing as most of them provide important story and lore information (Slykaar's in particular).
Also you get a free second chance if you die during an attempt.
Improved builds including Mt. Wynn! Finally! That Mountain always looked kinda sparse to me.
Random events, both beneficial and harmful, during Lootruns.
And more that hasn't been revealed yet!
Coming this summer. So very soon.
If none of that made sense, visit the official page.
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meowmeowchapel · 1 year
the west wing, 20 hours in america, sentence starter meme.
You know the story about the guy whose cars gets stuck in a muddy hole. A farmer comes along and says he'll pull the car out of the mud but he's going to have to charge 50 bucks 'cause this is the tenth time he's had to pull it out of the mud today. The driver says, "God, when to you have time to plow your land, at night?" The farmer says, "No, no. Nighttimeis when I fill the whole with water."
Why aren't you there?
It's tough to explain.
[name] has trouble concealing his displeasure.
Stepped on it.
You seem pissed that I brought it up.
When somebody can give me an answer to that question, I'll let you know.
I am lightened up. This is me lightened up. You're saying lighter?
You want to lighten up a little?
Speaking of health and fitness...
I had half a grapefruit.
You think I'm lying?
You've been up the past two nights and I don't want a zombie.
Go to sleep.
I'm kidding. that was a joke. I kid because I love.
No kidding, it feels good out here.
You sure i'm not taking you away from something you need to be doing?
You have a second job?
This is fun. We're roughing it.
Remember some of that stuff I said, okay?
Yeah. Doesn't sound quite right, though, does it?
Just out of curiosity, what do you think would happen?
I'm not very easily impressed.
Yeah, you know what? Sue me.
It's a-a common mistake.
How did...? I don't understand.
What is this, a joke?!
Okay, this is a whole new thing now. My guys are going to need to walk this off a bit before they can regroup.
No, I'm sorry buddy. I know you're supposed to be sleeping today.
I don't know what it is you do in there.
Welcome to the club, partner. We got jackets.
You ever love so much it hurts? Like, physically hurts?
It's not intellect, it's memory. It's a different gift. A wonderful one. I've never had it.
I make fun of the French as much as anybody and I don't even know what that meant.
Elitist, feminist-- you can't do that to the English language.
Several of the men I've dated haven't yet gotten over their fear of frogs.
Option one is we make a joke out of it.
We make a joke out of it? What would we have to do to it to make...?
What's your specialty?
No, I mean I can't believe you're considering doing it.
I didn't know you were superstitious.
How long have we been talking about this now?
Okay, let's not tell anybody that.
Whatcha' doin' on the floor?
I'm sitting here listening, already I've turned to a life of crime.
And they're using Act V scene from Hamlet? Are these Batman villians?
300 IQ points between them-- they can't find their way home.
I swear to God, if [name] wasn't there, they'd have to buy a house.
I don't know. I'm a puzzle.
We'd rather people didn't exercise common sense but I agree with what you're saying.
You know I can hear you, right?
I'm in your corner.
You call me a liar to my face?
Well, I'm afraid we're at a classic impasse, [name].
You were strange the first time I met you, and you're strange now.
Hey, the first time you met me there was a good reason.
My powers of deduction are not to be mocked.
That come with tights and a cap?
I'm going to figure it out anyway. What I lack in memory, I more than make up for with exceptional powers of deductive reasoning.
By the way, my powers of ordering are a joke.
Ah, you pulled the switcheroo.
You are so heartbreakingly easy at the end of the day.
You deceived me.
You played upon my love for you.
I'm going to make fun of you while you do, okay?
Did you have other plans?
As a matter of fact, I did. I was planning a quiet night...
If you ask me, it's soft porn. No one needs to massage garlic oil into a leg of lamb that much, on top of which...
You know anything about chaos theory?
Let me get you home. I don't think you're going to make it.
Good writers borrow from other writers. Great writers steal from them outright.
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soufre-de-paris · 2 years
in the past 24 hours:
-> early yesterday (8 jan) morning, buses full of “protestors” arrived in the capital, brasilia.
-> there are some allegations these protestors were basically recruited by agricultural lobbyists, who said something like ARE YOU A REAL PATRIOT?! GET ON THIS BUS AND GO TO BRASILIA AND WE WILL PAY YOU R$50 TO PROTEST IN THE CAPITAL, aka these people had no idea what was about to come
-> the protestors were led down a major corridor with police escorts, heading to the Praça dos Três Poderes (plaza of the three powers)
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-> then they reached the seats of the three powers: Planalto (where Lula works), Congress, and the STF (Supreme Court)
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-> i am unclear on how the violence started, but the “protestors” went through and started destroying every pane of glass they could find, breaking into every building, destroying countless works of irreplaceable art, so on. at this point, they are firmly terrorists and the organizations reporting on this are using that word exclusively.
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-> the question then becomes, where the fuck are the police? oh, they're standing around, doing nothing. why aren't they doing anything? it depends on who you believe. they say they were "overwhelmed". uh-huh.
-> well, the defense of the DF is overseen by the governor of the DF, who is ibaneis rocha. here he is, with bolsonaro.
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-> under the governor of the DF, and the person in charge of the military police who should be controlling these things, is the secretary of public security for the DF, who was anderson torres. here he is, with bolsonaro.
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-> funny thing about anderson torres is he was the MINISTER of justice and public security under bolsonaro. he got shitcanned when lula came into power, just for rocha to appoint him head of public security for the DF.
-> so why wasn't torres doing anything? oh, he's in florida. with bolsonaro.
(as an aside, bolsonaro entered the US as the president of brazil. however, he is no longer the president, which means he's technically in the country under illegal pretense? funny.)
-> around 15h, shit started to move: the police moved in and started firing tear gas, they arrested everyone found inside the buildings, lula gave a speech, and alexandre de moraes (xandão, head of the STF/supreme court) started giving orders.
-> ally countries (the US in particular) outright said they would not diplomatically engage with anyone except for lula's government. translation: other countries were worried this was going to be a genuine coup.
-> oh, and xandão also said this:
"A Democracia brasileira não irá mais suportar a ignóbil politica de apaziguamento, cujo fracasso foi amplamente demonstrado na tentativa de acordo do então primeiro-ministro inglês Neville Chamberlain com Adolf Hitler."
"Brazilian democracy will no longer support the ignoble policy of appeasement, the failure of which was amply demonstrated in the attempt to reach an accord between the then British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler."
-> an interventor (ricardo cappelli) was appointed to take over for torres and get a police force to enter the DF and move; he's said the situation is resolved and the terrorists will continue to be found and punished.
-> flávio dino 🦕, the current minister of justice and public security, says "many have been arrested and more will."
-> rocha was removed for 90 days. around 300 or 400 terrorists were arrested and sent directly to prison to be held; drones, video footage, and DNA will be used to find those yet to be arrested.
-> there's talks of escalating/speeding up the process to bring bolsonaro back to brazil to face charges. there's talks of extradition.
this isn't everything, because this post is already a million words long, but that's a general current state of things, as of 8h this morning, 9 january, 2023.
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sleepythug · 1 year
thoughts on the WGA/SAG strikes?
(loose thoughts, && i haven't read nowhere near enough to give the most intelligent, well-thought out, nuanced, well-baked take.)
they deserve all their demands and then some more tbh.
think in the end not only will it satisfy actors/writers/filmworkers when they're demands are met, there'll be better media to come out of it. unfortunately the downside to this that ppl are not going to like is if studios gotta fairly compensate everybody they'll most likely hike up prices for streamers, or figure out something to recoup for the money they'll loose, by charging consumers more.
kinda crazy reading and learning about stories of all the loopholes major studios go through to ratfuck actors out of fair compensation (disney pseudo-rebooting tv shows under new titles to avoid giving actors min. wage), residuals (netflix makes a ridiculous amount of money from south korean shows yet the payout for residuals is apparently $300???) , etc and that story that came out recently about whatever marvel production where extras where shepherded into some vehicle on-set where they we're then scanned for use of their likeness in future productions w/o their consent. if reanimating the dead wasn't already enough, taking pictures of somebody and using them in media w/o their consent and knowledge is even more ghoulish
also another thing not spooks me how fleeting art is in the streaming era. if one of these platforms doesn't like the numbers, wants to get a tax break to recoup a loss they could indefinitely shelve, cancel, or whatever for a tax write-off. cannot imagine how fking painful it would be to work as an artists blood sweat tears to see ur vision on screen for other's to enjoy for 6 months to a year, longer even, then it's finished, locked loaded ready to go, and then a studio shelves it for some bullshit (i.e. what happened to batgirl) and you finding out through a trade paper or on twitter??? not only the pain of a miscarriage of your artistic vison but also not shocked either if they get fucked out of money if it's released to a welcome reception, fast tracks/green lights another project of theirs.
im glad this is all happening and hope good wins out. hollywood needs a reset. american cinema needs a reset. ppl deserve to be fairly compensated for their art/time/work and to have financial stability. no CEO/media executive deserves to be hoarding the gross amount of wealth they are, while trying to cut corners to amass a more profitable bottomline. and anybody who is pro-AI they're artistic merit is to be questioned that shit is trash nobody wants to see some formulaic generic trash made by a non-entity, it's bad enough we get art that's been run past studio execs numerous time then test-screened too b4 reaching the masses lol
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
There's a lot of people here who really don't have any place being here. They're doing is putting their hand out and begging for stuff and really nobody listens to that these days and we are going to take them out of here. We are going to go ahead and start removing you obviously sick and stupid I don't wanna listen to anybody by the way you sent all those people up about 300 million and they were obliterated in the rings and that's you mack Moorlock And it's going on that this guy Trump is seriously stupid he thinks he was exonerated and he's not it says he is immune only if during the event in question he was acting in an official capacity in official capacity of the president of the United States Office. The capacity office is not described as monitoring the outcome of elections in general in any way. To preside over the elections is law and it's in the constitution and you have to read it. And these idiots ran around saying that they're exonerated and they're not very swift so he's sitting there saying that he is everybody says no it has very little to do with it and then he says you will protect me for your decision to the Supreme Court and then they say So much as you're in an official capacity. And he says of course I was I was president at the time and then say they will say well they said you're acting as the president but one of the president's roles is not to monitor the elections it's to question them raise a flag and there could be an investigation. Says why didn't you tell me that said we wanna see you when your mental status is and it's very bad and the whole world sees it too I don't have to say it we don't have to say it it says it in writing if you read it or listen to your lawyers. No he starts saying I'll have you removed from the bench and stupid things like that and they start thinking wow thguy is a jerk and he really is so as a result of this supreme court ruling Donald Trump has perjured himself and he has made a fool of himself and he has threatened judges and officials senators and more he has told what he's going to do to people out loud and in print and on microphone as trump. and is going to jail. There are now a lot of people saying and what a buffoon this guy is
- He's also in trouble for slander against our son in a lifetime of it. He is going to go to court and face charges of slander and against a lot of people and he is getting the slam danced by a lot of people but there is some really big things happening coming up to this buffoon and his cohorts and to his enemies VJA in these pseudo empire they're going to be in a little bit of trouble for what they're doing now starting a war trying to threaten for things. He will noticed that people noticed it seems to be the same people in World War Two and is the same cast of **** so they decided to stop them from what they're doing and they're not doing that yet but the plan is there for that to occur and they're going to gear up and make it happen. How it's gonna happen is going to be quite different than what these guys think.
- Today we saw trump crack and break and crack and break and crack and break so many times it hurt. And then he got a son some food instead of these people are the ones doing it. And says they're not really helping me much either and it's true they're very much down on our son as well but they're coming down on Trump very hard and he was surprised and he saw BJ A and he said what exactly are you doing we're following the pieces all of us are going to lose and he goes no not it's just you and so this max are huge and you're ignoring it you said I don't care I don't have time to fight them right now and he is a problem he's always been a problem and he's a loser he doesn't understand how it is after time he goes after Biden 'cause he has no clue no he's trying to get bigger to try and take them on and he is probably gonna blow it yeah that's what's happening right now.
more shortly
Thor Freya
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workpermitz · 1 year
How Much Money Should I Pay For A UK Work Permit ?
Want to work in the UK but do not have a work permit? 
Do you want to apply for a UK work permit but do not know how much it will cost you? 
We got you! In this article, we will brief you on the charges for a UK work permit to be paid by different people applying for different purposes. 
Work visa fees for the most common types of application
Tier 2 (General) worker – £610.
Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) worker – £244.
Representative of an Overseas Business - £610.
1. Permission for a Tier 2 (General) worker - £610
UK Tier 2 general visa is for skilled workers and their dependents. It allows you to work in the UK for up to 12 months, after which your permission will expire unless you extend it by applying for another one. 
If you already have permission to work in Britain through this route, then there is no need to apply again. You can continue working as normal while on holiday or on business trips outside the country. The cost for this visa is £610.
2. Permission for a Tier 5 worker - £244
The price is £244. This is a one-off fee, and it covers your application for a UK Tier 5 visa, which allows you to work in the UK for up to six years.
A provisional visa costs £610 plus additional fees depending on the visa type (e.g., parent's rights). It also has an extra £1,000 processing fee which will be charged if your application takes longer than six months from the start date due to issues like missing documentation or incomplete details about yourself and family members. So, make sure these are filled out correctly before submitting any paperwork!
3. Permission for a Representative of an Overseas Business - £610
To apply for permission as a representative of an overseas business, you must be registered with HMRC and have provided proof that your company is registered in the UK.
What is a representative of an overseas business?
A representative of an overseas business is someone who acts on behalf of another person or company in relation to their affairs over here. This could be for anything from arranging meetings with government officials and employers to helping them find accommodation, finding jobs and even making sure they pay their rent on time! 
You'll need this person if you're planning on working here long-term but don't want to get your own UK visa just yet - so make sure they're ready!
How much does it cost?
The amount paid by a representative of an overseas business varies depending on what type they are: Tier 2 Intra Company Transfer (ICT) Scheme – £561 per annum, Tier 5 Temporary Worker Scheme – £237 per week, Tier 2 General Workers Scheme - £135 per week
Application for a new business person (Tier 1) - £520
The Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa is for people with exceptional talent in the fields of science, humanities, engineering, or the arts. You will need to show that you have been awarded a major international prize or medal from an internationally recognised body such as:
The Nobel Prize in Literature
The Nobel Prize in Physics
A Pulitzer Prize for Journalism
The IHS charges are the following:
18-40 years old – £400 per year
If you wish to stay in the UK for more than 6 months, then there is Tier 2 visa available. The general tier 2 work permit allows people aged 18-40 years old who are not already working in the UK. 
It also allows them access to low-skilled jobs such as blue-collar jobs such as warehouse workers or factory workers if they want more experience before applying again later down their career path!
40-45 years old – £300 per year
If you are over 40, you will have to pay the IHS. The IHS is £400 per year for people aged 18-40, and it reduces with age until it reaches £200 at age 45+. If you've been in the UK for longer than 6 months, or if your employer has paid enough tax on your behalf that they can show proof of this, then you can be exempt from paying any amount of income tax.
Over 45 years old – £200 per year
If you are over 45 years old and have been in the UK for more than 10 years, your application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
The fee structure for a UK work permit is quite static and straightforward. It all depends on which category you wish to apply for. 
Hire professional UK visa consultants today! 
We hope that this article has provided you with all the details regarding different fee structures for different work visa applications and that it will prove to be useful for you in obtaining your desired UK work visa. To understand more in-depth on this topic, it is wise to hire expert UK visa consultants like Work Permitz!
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rnemeblogger · 2 years
Start Your Own Cannabis Garden: Complete Grow Sets for Beginners
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Instructions to Develop Your Own Pot for $200 Start Up
Indeed, developing weed on a careful spending plan is conceivable. Developing, relieving and keeping your own pot is an extremely compensating side interest, particularly on the off chance that you are making it happen so you can have your own stock. Very much like with each and every other leisure activity, developing your own marijuana additionally accompanies costs; and tragically, a few cultivators don't have profound enough pockets to assist them with managing the cost of specific materials and hardware.
The uplifting news is you can in any case become your own weed without spending a fortune. Late headways in the 420 business have decreased the expense of developing your own plants.
For quite a while, developing weed has been related to significant expenses, frequently blocking numerous pot devotees from chasing after this side interest. They frequently consider high power charges as a result of developing lights and spending at least $60 for a sack of marijuana seeds. Dread not, on the grounds that the ongoing business sector has a lot of financial plan accommodating choices!
Nowadays you can find little, independent units and machines that will develop your weed for you beginning to end, and you won't understand that it's there. Such progressions assist with cutting down the expenses related with developing pot and open new entryways for more customary development.
What You Really want to Develop Pot on a Careful spending plan
There are many elements associated with developing pot. In this article, we look at how you can develop weed on a careful spending plan. Before we go on, here is an agenda of things you want to develop marijuana effectively inside:
Space to construct your development room. Most begin with a space of 3 feet by 3 feet, or roughly 1 metre squared.
Pot seeds.
A developed tent, ideally with intelligent walls.
Lights. Driven lights are more costly at first, yet can eventually set aside cash regarding power utilisation.
Least light wattage required for the blossoming time frame is 300 watts, yet 400 watts is suggested. Higher wattage lights cost more and can be more challenging to chill off. Except if you have such gear, higher wattages can end up being a negative return.
Plant pots of different sizes, so you can move to greater pots as the plant gets greater and the roots begin to develop all the more overwhelmingly.
Soil (aqua-farming development can be more costly and need more plant feed).
Plant feed (recollect: toning it down would be best while soil develops, and no feed at everything is essential for around a month and a half, as soil contains most supplements required).
A fan to flow intensity and air around the develop room. You will require an exhaust and admission fan to attract air and remove it out.
Thermometer - you need the temperature in the develop space to remain stable at around 26 degrees Celsius or 79 degrees Fahrenheit over the course of the day.
A stage to keep your pots raised from the floor of the develop room. A basic container will get the job done.
Carbon channels to help dispose of the smell. For little grows, one is generally enough.
A significant number of these things can be costly when purchased new and, with the exception of where vital, we suggest purchasing the majority of the above second-hand to keep expenses to underneath $200. There are numerous cultivators and ex-producers needing to dispose of gear they never again need, particularly assuming their activities are growing or on the other hand in the event that they're moving. Looking at characterised advert and closeout sites can assist with saving a chunk of change, and for fledgling producers can be a superior venture.
In the event that you are hoping to purchase all the above pristine, anticipate that complete expenses should rush to about $400 - $500 at least (sensibly about $600 - $800 for a 3 x 3 develop space requiring a tent and a few 400-watt lights). If a large portion of the above is purchased second-hand, or then again in the event that you purchase a little, independent unit with the majority of the above included, you are taking a gander at a complete expense of $200 - $300. As far as level, it is suggested that you have 6 - 8 feet of vertical space, particularly assuming you are wanting to develop sativas. In any case, you can prepare your plants to become more modest and have a level of around 4 - 5 feet, particularly on the off chance that you are developing indica plants. In such a little space, it is prescribed to blossom utilising lower wattage lights to forestall burnout, so 250 watts is alright.
Power costs are likewise vital to consider. During the vegetative stage, under 200 watts of light (many go for 100 - 120 watts) for somewhere in the range of 18 and 24 hours daily ought to do the trick. For the blooming stage, 12 hours of dim and 12 hours of light is required. Most would suggest that the vegetative stage last between 2 weeks and one month to guarantee the foundation of a sound underground root growth. Blossoming times for most indicas are 7 - 9 weeks, mixtures 8 - 10 weeks and sativas 10 - 14 weeks. Ruderalis plants can go straight into 12 hours of light and 12 of dull with no vegetative period. On the off chance that you are utilising 400 watt or 600-watt lights, anticipate that the expense should be somewhere in the range of $45 and $60 each month for a 3 x 3 develop space, contingent on where you live. You can see a breakdown and technique for deciding power costs here.
It is likewise critical to investigate as needed and get a grip of how to develop weed. While numerous things about developing weed are best educated through active experience, it is worth watching recordings from individuals who have insight in developing maryjane and can offer significant guidance for those beginning. Jorge Cervantes' recordings are a fantastic spot to start.
The Significance of Marijuana Hereditary qualities
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It's simple for one to believe that to develop weed for under $200, you should buy modest seeds. This is off-base on the grounds that the seeds are where you ought to put a decent extent of your all out spend limit. Putting resources into seeds that have quality hereditary qualities can assist you with going quite far in safeguarding the wellbeing of your plants. This is valid regardless of whether you go with inferior quality items close to the later pieces of the plant's development cycle.
Going for autoflowering hereditary qualities can likewise assist you with saving. By and large, auto plants begin blossoming 2 to 3 weeks after germination. Not at all like photoperiod plants, cars don't depend on a specific number of long stretches of light to develop, as their blooming is not set in stone by age, not light. Cars will go from seed to reap in a quicker measure of time, hence saving indoor cultivators a lot of cash en route. You basically remove the vegetative time of the plant by going to the autoflowering course, which can set aside time and cash.
Autoflowering plants are additionally adjusted to fill in chilly environments, so can endure colder temperatures. Many are hybridised to guarantee power and foster form, mould and vermin protection to a specific degree. This can be extremely helpful for fledglings, those filling in unforgiving environments, the people who need a quick turnover of plants, and the individuals who are guerilla developing. Another choice is to purchase cuttings from dispensaries, which can likewise wipe out the vegetative piece of the cycle and guarantee some great quality hereditary qualities.
There are a couple of issues with autoflowering plants. Many come in feminised structures just intending that, if you need to deliver and raise your own seeds, this isn't effectively imaginable with feminised autoflowering seeds (in spite of the fact that non-feminized autoflowering plants can be reared with each other for seeds). Another normal protest is that autoflowering strains have lower yields, albeit this is beginning to change with better reproducing strategies. Lower THC (however higher CBD) content is additionally normal in autoflowering plants. As experience of developing improves, numerous producers go for a combination of customary and autoflowering strains to exploit the two sorts of weed plant.
Be that as it may, you don't need to essentially spend immense sums to get great hereditary qualities. Be careful about raisers and seed organisations "cheating" for their seeds. It is additionally worth exploring the seed's hereditary qualities, foundation and looking at gatherings for other cultivators' encounters. At times, you can have a generally superb organisation selling a strain that isn't very much tried for consistency, meaning the final result might frustrate. This can be tried not to by go for a strain that has a foundation of "attempted, tried and valid" hereditary qualities, for example, Skunk #1, Blueberry, Aurora Borealis and Murkiness.
A portion of the more dependable of the standard raisers incorporate Mr. Decent Seeds, TGA Subcool, Cali Association, DJ Short, Serious Seeds, Dr. Nuclear Seeds, Mandala Seeds, Underground Firsts and some others. They will generally sell great hereditary qualities at a sensible scope of costs.
Also, with regards to seeds, you can't show improvement over Local Pot Co.
Fundamentals for Your Pot Develop Room
Presently we continue on toward one more significant part of pot development: The Develop Room. Your development space must be appropriately positioned to give your plant where it can have the sustenance it needs. Developing marijuana inside is many times a more costly undertaking than developing it outside, so we will be investigating the basics of each indoor development space. Notwithstanding, there are still benefits to developing inside versus outside. Vermin are, to a lesser degree, a concern, you are less helpless before the components, and there is substantially less stress over policing cheats.
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pinkgameboys · 2 years
Oh yeah I posted it on Twitter since I have a bigger following there and it was a d0n@tion post because I'm pretty fucked rn but uhhhh over the weekend apparently some worthless cuck piece of shit skimmed one of our cards and used it to spend FIVE FUCKING HUNDRED DOLLARS on a big dinner and a night out at the bar. 200$ at texas god damn roadhouse and 300$ at a fucking shitty grody downtown bar. We've been dealing with the bank trying to get it all refunded and once we get it back we're closing the account. But it's been a fucking nightmare.
We found the first 200$ charge that fully drained out account on Saturday night and then found out our bank has ZERO customer/fraud support outside of lobby hours and there is ZERO way to dispute charges through the app or website so we just had to sit and wait until Monday morning. Go in monday, blah blah they swiped a physical card supposedly and since we have our cards it must be a fake copy. Cancel that card and wait for a refund.
12 hours later we get that refund late last night and cool okay I guess we'll be okay. Wake up this morning to see that the 4 charges totaling 300$ went through now. Call cops and file a police report because now we're gonna be filing criminal charges against this guy as best we can. Back to the bank, find out that those charges were put in on Saturday night they just didn't go through because we didn't have the money to cover them but once we got our refund and I got one of my work paychecks, we now had enough money to pay those charges. File the report for the refund, cancel my card too and pull all the remaining cash out. Go to Wells Fargo to open a new account and we have to come back with an appointment because they're understaffed.
Oh also my paycheck has been the exact same since I started but this month is 110$ short and I've yet to get an explanation for why.
So anyway now it's just a shitty waiting game. Oh and another oh also, this all happened a few days before our power bill is due which means that's now gonna be a major hassle to deal with because both cards are cancelled and we don't have a new account yet. It's due the day after our Wells Fargo appointment and getting our power shut off due to nonpayment can get us evicted. I'd guess they might make an exception for us like they would if the power company had a sudden issue and wouldn't take payment but that doesn't really help how stressed I am.
And one more oh also, the paycheck I'm short on is the one for my car payment. Since I'm short, I don't have the money to pay my car payment this month until this gets fixed with my work. Fucking cartoonish levels of bonkers.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to DEAREST FAMILY
I've been looking forward to this for a long time! Then Glaciator 2 was announced with a trailer and I sadly didn't look forward to it as much. (I mean can you blame me? It's Glaciator 2.) But! My jaw dropped and I shrieked in surprise more than once in this episode, so it definitely was worth waiting for. Also a couple of scenes really left me squealing lol First off, skipping the Portuguese dub theme... imo S4's theme in any language is bad, but I admittedly cringe with Brazil's. I'm sorry, I just can't. I really hope it changes for S5 in all languages. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" it was great before so why. x.x Okay so assuming he got the charm from... Mr. Pigeon? In one of the episodes we haven't seen yet, likely Gabriel Agreste? Literally the only reason Hawk Moth got more powerful and became Shadowmoth and got as far as he has is because of Nathalie. She won't let him give up and presses him to think of solutions he wouldn't otherwise, or offers the solutions herself. Miraculous Ladybug never fails to make me wish my French family passed down all the food recipes and traditions. I never knew of galette before and now I really want some! Croissants, macarons, crepes, galette... I'm missing out. Tom and Rolland hugging was so sweet awww. Tikki's Plagg mode: activated! We thought Plagg was bad when it came to his Camembert, but who knew Tikki could be worse? ALSO is this why Plagg gets so desperate for his cheese all the time? Because if he doesn't, he knows he'll go around destroying everything to get his food? o.O You know it's bad when Tikki's asking Marinette to break the rules and possibly get in trouble for her. And the fact that all the Kwami know Tikki ate the food that was supposed to be for them. Reminds me of a certain Kwami who ate all the cheese that was meant for the others, and another certain Kwami got annoyed at him for it...:P Tikki: HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF EATING THE GALETTE! (even though I know I did) BECAUSE THAT'S SO RUDE! Sass: You don't know Tikki as well as you think you do. Okay but now I'm just wondering what all secrets Plagg and Tikki are keeping from their holders. Not just the typical ones about their identities, but who knows what all they're hiding.... Also, did anyone else ever picture a situation where Tikki made all the Kwami cower and huddle together in fear? Because I sure didn't. o.o Mind blown. Panicking Kwami's... Sass being the Kwami in charge is one of my favorite things. He fits perfectly with Luka's character. Also really appreciate how the other responsible Kwami that take things seriously and keep calm are Wayzz and Barkk. LOL Rolland hitting Mayor Bourgeois with a baguette to keep him from taking the last galette 😂 The man's got nerve. I'm super curious about what's going on in the background behind Gina. Did Chloe secretly want the galette? 👀 I thought she was against everything at their bakery? She seems mad Andre's empty handed. Gina: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARINETTE, I GOT YOU A MOTORBIKE. What a cool grandma. Okay but does this mean her birthday's coming up soon again? So does that mean Adrien's is too? 😮Because it sounds like it's upcoming and she's just giving it to her a bit early...for some reason. 0 to 300 Km/h in 5 seconds? I get 14 year olds can drive scooters and motorbikes in France, but holy...I think that's a bit much. o.o Also are we foreshadowing to future Ladybug with this motorbike driving around Paris like Robin with this? I was super nervous the whole time that Marinette was going to get busted for something happening to the galette. So glad that didn't happen, phew. The fact that Marinette is scrambling around trying to catch Tikki to stop her from revealing herself and getting her into major trouble. Wow it just feels so wrong! Tsk, tsk Tikki. Also the animation of her getting dragged into the Miraculous, away from food, such a Plagg mood. Ravenous Ladybug scares me. Seriously, the image of her creepy wide smile will haunt my dreams. I hate it. XD Okay, if one of those akuma had to win to raise Marinette, 100% should
be Qilin. The others have their more selfish reasoning, Qilin just wants what's best for and what Marinette thinks is best for herself. Tikki made Marinette steal. She committed a crime. What the....o.O Also Mayor Bourgeois is like, yes, finally, the galettes! Now Chloe won't be angry! And then whoosh. Literally being dragged away from the food omg what a meme. But really, he's about to take her Miraculous and she's just like FOOD. MUST EAT. Thank goodness for Chat. Also thank goodness he knew something was going on. Would like to know how he knew, but probably someone reported an akuma running around since there are 4 of them. xD That app sure is handy. Dude. Did Gabriel seriously send Gorilla off to their bakery for galette? 😂 Befana, Weredad, Bakerix: MY MARINETTE Qilin: MARINETTE DOESN'T HAVE AN OWNER Qilin is the best. Even akumatized you can't take her motherly feelings and instincts away. Weird to know so many Parisians have now seen Tikki.... My one disappointment with this episode: I wanted to see human form Tikki so much. But that's okay, maybe someday! Plagg and Tikki switched roles this ep for sure. He's all oh it's happened before, but don't worry, we'll fix this! Who are you and what have you done with Plagg. But his Sugarcube was in trouble... Chat Noir's ring flashed when he used his Cataclysm. What does that mean? :o Tikki: PLAGG DARES DESTROY MY GALETTE? I'LL JUST MAKE ANOTHER, THIS TIME WAY BIGGER!! Tikki was afraid Marinette would like her less if she knew that this happens to her? 😭Of course Marinette would never, but that's sad. I love how this is an episode where Marinette needs to help Tikki this time. Ladybug: We have to find the object the akuma is in that akumatized all four of Marinette's family members. *lucky charm tells her the answer* Ah of course, the akuma is in the galette, at home! GIRL YOU LITERALLY JUST EXPOSED YOURSELF ROFL. 🤣 Just casually said it like it was no big deal. "At home?" Seriously her excuse is way too weak. Good thing he didn't stop to take the time to question it because wow, that was bad. Is she really even trying to keep it from him anymore? lol Chat: Since I'm the king, want to be my queen, Ladybug? Ladybug: *giggles* With pleasure, Kitty. Traditions are traditions! Chat: *puts the crown on her head* Yeah, no. You were loving that Ladybug, don't make up an excuse. 👀You want to be his queen. 😇 So wait. Chat Noir = King Ladybug = Queen Adrien = Prince Marinette = Princess These dorks. I love it. Tikki really be like, I'll be fine but you better give me galette throughout the year to make it to Galiete's Day. So is galette to Tikki what Camembert is to Plagg now? MOVE OVER CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES, GALETTE'S COMING AND IT AIN'T LEAVING. Aw they asked her what she thought at the end. And she got a scooter instead! A lot more age appropriate imo so good move. What a nice episode, it was funny with its cute moments. But was also quite shocking too, so cool to see more things with the Kwami's and their history! Next episode: Glaciator 2! Followed by Ephemeral. Omg am I even ready for these?
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #199
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we're making the Jotaro Kujo of FGO, Semiramis! (Seriously, how does that cape/hair... thing work? It's wild.) The queen of poisons is a Graviturgy Wizard to make building a floating castle slightly less difficult to make and cooler to live in, plus a Witherbloom Druid for some dove friends and extra poisons. If you've seen our builds for Waver and Edison, you might know already that building things with magic is costly and time-consuming, and for once that is 100% accurate to the character. Get ready, this is gonna be a weird one.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: I'm 40% appendicitis!
Race and Background
Semiramis is technically an aasimar, but she doesn't fly around or heal people, so we can just focus on her human side. .... Oooor we can focus on those ears, because we need to nick some stuff from being an Elf. Specifically, we're going with the Vahadar Elf from Plane Shift Kaladesh, since they've got the ears, the proficiencies we'll need later, and their backstory's still about living in general society, unlike wood elves and other Kaladeshian elves. Thanks to Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, this gives her +2 Intelligence and +1 Wisdom, as well as Darkvision, Fey Ancestry against being charmed, a Trance instead of sleep so she can't be put to sleep, Keen Senses for proficiency in Perception, the Mending cantrip to piece together the castle later, and most importantly Elf Weapon Training. Normally this would give her proficiency with four weapons, but thanks to Tasha's we can swap this out with four tools instead. Carpenter's, Glassblower's, Mason's, and Smith's Tools proficiency should give us everything we need to build a castle later- we'll go into the why when we get there.
Semiramis is also a Noble- grab History, but swap out Persuasion for Deception. Yeah, not even her background can escape how weird this build is.
Ability Scores
Poisoning skills come from Intelligence (I think. WotC are really nonspecific about how to actually fucking make poison), and it's also your main casting modifier: put that first. Second should be your Charisma, nobody drinks poison on purpose, so you'd better get good at lying. After that is Wisdom. If your poisons aren't made with Intelligence it'll definitely be wisdom. That means your Dexterity isn't great- yeah, you fight in a dress, but if you're fighting and not your lackeys, something's gone wrong. We're not dumping Constitution because we're not stupid, so dump Strength instead. You've got minions to carry rocks around for you.
Class Levels
Wizard 1: Starting as a wizard nets you the weakest hit die in the game, but it also gets you proficiency in Intelligence and Wisdom saves, plus the Arcana and Medicine skills. You're half caster, and if you want to ruin someone's bodily functions you have to know what those are first. Starting as a wizard also gets you Spells that you can cast and prepare using your Intelligence. You get six at first level and two each level after. That's a lot, so we're just going to over spells that are important for the build here, though there's a full list of what we'd get in the character sheet. For cantrips, grab Infestation and Poison Spray for poison damage. For once infestation is completely kosher as is, since Semiramis can summon any creature as long as its poisonous. Also, grab Message. Castle halls are big and echo-y, and it's probably not a good idea to shout at people to find out which glass they put the poison in. Aside from that, grab Mage Armor so you die less, Magic Missile for Assassin balls, and Tenser's Floating Disk to carry all the raw materials you'll be using later. Finally, you get an Arcane Recovery once per long rest, letting you recover a couple spell slots on a short rest. The total level you recover is equal to half your wizard level, rounded up.
Wizard 2: Going into second level of wizard gives you a school of magic, and it's hard to lift several tons of stone into the air if you're not into Graviturgy. When you take the subclass, you can Adjust Density as an action, doubling or halving a large or smaller creature/object's weight for up to a minute with concentration. If you reduce a creature's weight it'll increase their speed by 10', double their jump distance, and have disadvantage on strength saves and checks, and vice versa if you increase it. I checked, and stone is roughly 1,000 times denser than air, not 2, so we'll have to do some brewing later to make this work out. Make your strong minions stronger, your fast minions faster, or do the opposite for your enemies.
Wizard 3: Third level wizards get second level spells. You won't get any dragons in this build, sad to say, but you can use Dragon's Breath to turn just about anything into a dragon. They can even spit poison breath, which is really good with the poisoner's feat. Speaking of..
Wizard 4: First Ability Score Improvement of the build, so grab the Poisoner's Feat for more poisony goodness. All poison-based damage rolls you make ignore resistance, you can coat weapons as a bonus action, and you get proficiency in the poisoner's kit. You also learn a special poison that'll force a dc 14 constitution save on the creature you use it on, dealing 2d8 poison damage and poisoning them for a round.
Wizard 5: Fifth level wizards get third level spells. Animate Dead will help you make dragontooth warriors, a.k.a. skeletons. You can make one per casting right now, but you can recast the spell to retain control over up to three skeletons at once. Otherwise they'll be uncontrollable monsters, which is probably less of a goal.
Druid 1: Semiramis might be known for her poisons, but she's really a multifaceted person. Well, not really, but if you want poisons, you're going to get them from animals. If you want animals, you're going to get them from druids. First level druids learn Druidic- it's a language! They also get another set of Spellcasting using their Wisdom to cast and prepare spells. Check the multiclassing table to figure out your spell slots. Grab Guidance and Resistance to be a bit better than everyone else. For first level spells, look for Entangle and Snare to summon chains to slow down enemies, and Speak with Animals to make sure your dovey-woveys know their work is appreciated. We haven't gotten dovey-woveys yet? Don't worry, they're coming.
Druid 2: Second level druids join their circle, and you're so goddamn smart you just joined another school. At the college of Witherbloom, you'll learn how to turn the vitality of nature into deadly poisons. Right off the bat you get circle spells, which are always prepared for you and don't count against how many spells you can prepare. Right now you get the Spare the Dying cantrip as well as Cure and Inflict Wounds. Now you don't literally have to summon a whip every time you want to hit someone. You can also tap in creatures' essences with your Essence Tap. As a bonus action, you empower yourself for 1 minute, gaining one of two options. Overgrowth lets you heal yourself with a hit die each turn as a bonus action, adding your wisdom modifier to the amount healed. Withering Strike lets you change your damage to necrotic when you hit someone with any sort of damage, ignoring resistances to make your poisons even deadlier. You can use this proficiency times per long rest. Most importantly, you gain a Wild Shape / Wild Companion. Both features use the same two charges per short rest. You're limited to what you can turn into based on its CR and movement options, but those limits and how long you can transform/summon a creature for grows as you level up. Currently I'd stick with Wild Companion for dove familiars, but some versions of Semiramis' story include her turning into a dove herself at the end, so Wild Shape isn't out of the question. As long as we sink eight levels into druid, at least.
Druid 3: Third level druids get second level spells, like your freebies Lesser Restoration and Ray of Enfeeblement. Look, if you're going to make poisons it only makes sense that you'd have antidotes on hand. You can also grab spells like Animal Messenger to send your doves out for ingredients, and Locate Animals or Plants to find them yourself.
Wizard 6: Sixth level graviturgists can make a Gravity Well when you cast a spell, moving the target 5 feet in any direction if it is willing or you successfully hit it with the spell. Speaking of spells that push people, Pulse Wave does just that, stepping in for the big stompy dragon animation. Creatures in a 30' cone make a constitution save, and if they fail they'll take force damage and get pushed back 15', or 20' with Gravity Well. You can also pull them, but that's not really stompy at that point. You can also Summon Undead to create a stronger skeleton to lead the others.
Druid 4: At fourth level, druids can transform into swimming creatures, and you also get another ASI. Bump up your Intelligence for stronger spells. Also, grab the Control Fire cantrip, it'll be cold in your castle without it.
Druid 5: Fifth level druids get third level spells, like Revivify and Vampiric Touch. Neither of those are in character, but you can also Conjure Animals (as long as they're poisonous) and Dispel Magic to keep your throne room free of nonsense.
Wizard 7: Seventh level wizard get fourth level spells, including the one we've been working our way up to, Fabricate! As long as you have the raw materials, you can turn them into products of the same material. Since you're working with stone, you're limited to creating Medium objects this way. Just line the outside of the medium objects you make with halves of smaller objects, then mend them together, and eventually you'll have a castle. This will take a while. For a decent-sized castle of 300'x400', you'll be looking at roughly 480 medium-sized blocks per floor. At level 20 you'll have 12 spell slots of fourth level or higher, so you can knock out a floor in roughly 40 days, not including things like doors or other furniture. Also worth noting, you can't make fancy things like glass without proficiency in the tools required to make them normally, hence all the tool proficiencies from your racial bonuses.
Wizard 8: Use your next ASI to bump up your Wisdom for better healing and stronger druid spells. You also learn Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum, so you can prevent creatures from spying into your hanging gardens. Especially useful is the ability to block creatures from teleporting or plane shifting onto your grounds, as that's probably the only way to approach your gardens safely. Or at least it is after you learn Ice Storm, a long range spell that pelts enemies with ice and turns the area into difficult terrain. Of note, it doesn't say the ground, so the entire cylinder will be difficult to fly through. If you want to build giant arcane cannons instead for authenticity, I salute you. Just remember that'll have to come out of your budget.
Wizard 9: Ninth level wizards get fifth level spells, and Wall of Stone will help you speed up construction by making ten 10'x10' panels or ten 10'x20' panels. You can also use this spell to create bridges or the like, and if you hold concentration for 10 minutes the stone remains permanently. If you want to skimp on materials so you can just get this fucking thing in the air already, this'll help with that. You're also learning Geas. If you can't summon a dragon, forcibly controlling a dragon is the next best thing.
Druid 6: Did you think we were done with druid? I said we were stuck here for 8 levels, didn't I? Sixth level witherbloom druids can make a Witherbloom Brew thanks to their new proficiency with Herbalism kits. At the end of a long rest, you can use that kit to make Proficiency brews, which last for 24 hours. A Fortifying brew gives a creature resistance to a damage type chosen at brewing (cold, fire, necrotic, poison, or radiant) for an hour. A Quickening brew heals its drinker, and ends one disease or an effect of charming, frightening, paralyzation, poisoning, or stunning. Again, antidotes might be useful to have on hand, but the real reason we're here is for the Toxifying brew. You can apply the brew to a weapon, and the next time within an hour that weapon hits a creature, they take 2d6 poison damage and have to make a constituiton saving throw (DC 8 + your wisdom modifier + proficiency) or be poisoned for a minute. This is literally so much better than the poisoner feat what the hell.
Druid 7: Seventh level druids get fourth level spells, like Blight and Greater Restoration for stronger poisons and antidotes respectively. You can also Dominate Beast to hold any poisonous critters still while you milk them, or summon Giant Insects instead. They obey you and stay giant until they drop to 0 HP, dismiss the effect, the spell ends.
Druid 8: Our last level of druid finally lets you turn into a dove with a second Wild Shape Improvement. You also get another ASI, so bump up that Wisdom for stronger spells and poisons.
Wizard 10: Tenth level graviturgists can create a Violent Attraction between a creature's face and a weapon, causing a nearby weapon attack to deal an extra 1d10 damage. Alternatively, you can increase the attraction between a creature and the ground, adding 2d10. I doubt your hanging gardens need help making the fall more deadly, but now you can help out of need be. You can do this Intelligence modifier per long rest.
Wizard 11: Eleventh level wizards get sixth level spells, like Guards and Wards. This will make it so much harder for enemies to breach your castle it isn't even funny, if the "hanging out in the stratosphere" thing didn't tip them off already.
Wizard 12: By twentieth level you should have a castle set up, so grab the Lucky feat. Basically, everything that can go right for you does while you're in your castle, so now you get 3 luck points per long rest to make sure that happens, letting you re-roll your attacks, saves, and checks, as well as attacks aimed at you.
So how the fuck do I get a flying castle?
So, admittedly this is up to DM fiat, but let's be real, a flying castle sounds sick as hell and gathering resources is a great reason to go adventuring. If I was your DM, it'd go something like this; After x months of research, you find a way to prepare materials so Adjust Density is permanent on them if you concentrate for the duration. Then you make and fuse together castle chunks as described in level twelve, and eventually you lighten the load on the special rocks so much they're lighter than air. Boom, liftoff, you're fucking awesome now. If you want to go down, just make the float rocks heavier again.
Pros and Cons
Even if you don't build a giant floating castle in your adventure, that doesn't mean all this prepwork went to waste. You are a master at protecting areas from invasion, so no matter where you lay your head you know it's going to be safe. Not as safe as a floating castle, but still, safe.
By mixing together all your tool proficiencies with Fabricate, you can make pretty much whatever you need from raw materials. No more paying a smithy for fancier armor!
If you do get your castle in the air or you're near a cliff, you are incredibly deadly, with plenty of ways to shove opponents around or otherwise control movement. Slow them down, trip them up, or shove them off a cliff it's so good. Pulse people off the edge of your garden and laugh at them as they fall.
There's literally no rules about building your own castles & poisons, so most of this build is entirely dependent on your DM. If you get a cool one, cool! If you don't, this build is pretty much a writeoff.
You need to hide away in your castle and send out minions because you're kind of pathetic in person. With only 14 AC and less than 100 HP, you'll go down faster than Medb if you don't use your Wild Shapes well.
A lot of that can be chalked up to mixing caster classes, meaning we have to spend more ASIs to make both spell modifiers good, and we miss out on higher level spells. Also, spending 8 levels in druid just to turn into a dove isn't that great unless you really want the flavor. I highly recommend skipping out after 6, the last graviturgy effect is great both to knock people out of the sky and make them bow if they get to your throne room.
But, getting to your throne room is 90% of the fight. This build is one that emphasizes patience, and that's what puts you above the common folk. Hang out in the stratosphere, attend social events in style, and let your poisons and skeleton warriors do the fighting for you. Just be glad there aren't any wacky knights riding hippogryphs around.
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genshinconfessions · 3 years
I had my expectations low as I've said and it's like, I don't know. I feel thankful they're giving us anything at all. They update consistently with story, and there's always an event going on.
I think people who rush through the story and the events and everything are the ones that complain about no endgame content. It's the same for a (real) MMO that I play, people rush through the MSQ & the raids and then complain there's nothing but leveling, even though there's... so much to do in that game. Much more than Genshin, too.
People feel very entitled. I once fought with someone about how whales would appreciate free things too. He kept insisting he was a whale (but he... isn't, by the definition of the term) and he was specifically talking about the community event rewards. He was saying it's stupid that it's a lottery and just for only 300 primos etc because every whale would appreciate 300 primos. And it was so strange to me. Like in what universe would a whale really care about a free month of Welkin? If I was a whale (I'm a dolphin), and I had enough disposable income to be a whale, I would be like, wow! free things! but that's about it. Like I wouldn't be disappointed to not get the thing worth 5$ if I'm spending so much more all the time, but I also wouldn't pass it up if I did end up getting it.
One of my friends and I were talking today and she feels the same way. Like we're both over caring about anniv. rewards solely because the fandom keeps talking about how disappointing it is. They're review bombing genshin in playstore, for instance, demanding things. But yet they will still continue to play the game. It's such a weird feeling because if I don't like playing something or don't like the ideals behind a company, I will stop playing.
The same friend mentioned how people feel this way because they're addicted to the gacha and they're only playing the game to wish as the "endgame". Like they only want to wish on every banner or something. And I know that feeling - I was addicted to one gacha a few years ago (and I could have been considered a whale then). It got so bad that I had to stop playing the game I loved so much because I loved all the characters and the stories, but I literally would just keep charging just because of the thrill. It's gambling addiction and it's real and it's perhaps even worse because you don't receive anything physical in return sometimes, like a casino.
Anyway, man. I really love this new event. I love the story so much! Xiangling doesn't get a lot of time in game for the most part, so I'm excited to see her back. And Baizhu and Hu Tao!!! Two of my favorites!!!!! I also like all the interactions from characters from a different angle, like Ningguang and Beidou! And Keqing and Xiangling are sooo cute. I'm also excited to see more adepti... So honestly, I'm having a good anniversary, and I hope everyone else does too!!!
- SusZhongli
people complain how genshin has a cap limit on resin or how they wont give more discounts for the anniversary or about their gacha system, but then simultaneously complain about how genshin doesnt care about them. like as you said gachas can get really addicting and you end up just pumping out money and time, so genshins resin caps and their lack of discounting the paid content to attract more buyers is a sign to me that they do care about their players. i assume they do this so people wont become ridiculously addicted and its to help people who have that problem with gacha games. the game tries to get you to focus on the story aspects and all the other content and the resin caps and lack of discounts i think are because of that. honestly the pity system on genshin's banners are really nice too because you know exactly what youre getting since theres a 50/50 which doesnt exist in a lot of gachas. so even if you do want to spend money on a character you at least know to only spend up to 90 wishes at a time. so yeah i think they arent doing discounts or giving more resin or doing something with the gacha for the anniversary because they actually do care about their players and dont want people with addictions to go around blowing so much money away. at the same time they are giving free stuff, just not as much as what everyone wants. people are greedy and weird i dont know why they keep playing either. couldnt be me i stop playing genshin when i get bored of it and then play again when i want to because its a relaxing and pretty game. its not meant to be stressful this fandom is just on straight crack.
- keith
sighhh. i really am tired of this debate (nothing against you, suszhong! you just happened to send this in right after we said no more hAHA).
i would encourage everyone to look at this post by @/dainsloaf.diary on instagram. it's just a thread on how many primogems these content creators (and the majority of them are whales) actually get. in particular, tectone received 15k primos (and possibly more). he spends a lot on gacha games, but that's his problem. if i was getting 15k+ primos just for promoting this game, i wouldn't be complaining at all.
no, i don't like tectone, and this reply was indeed meant to criticize him, but not for his person, only for his hypocrisy.
- katheryne from liyue
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endlich-allein · 4 years
Once again, @iinchicore was very kindly to translate an article for me. This is the interview with Till and Joey in MetalHammer (January 2021). The boys tell about their journey in the Amazon and their future projects together.
A big thank you, lots of kisses and a big hug to @iinchicore ♡
Till Lindemann & Joey Kelly : Friendship Without Limits
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MetalHammer: How did the preparations for this journey differ in comparison to your Yukon trip?
Joey Kelly: We took along different equipment. While riding on the Yukon we used sturdy Canadian kayaks, which we couldn't find in Colombia. So we took along our own foldable 15 kilogramme kayak. Due to the climate, our choice of clothing was also different. Besides, the Amazon is much more dangerous than Alaska. There are many dangerous animals, small and big ones. You can find snakes, crocodiles and piranhas, which is why you shouldn't bathe in the river. You have to move differently on the Amazon than on the Yukon, where you only have to keep your distance to bears and elks. Amazonia is a jungle, where only those animals survive who eat the others.
Your first river journey led you to the Yukon, now you travelled on the Amazon. Was there a reason for why you picked that river exactly?
Till Lindemann: We were considering to travel along the Chinese Yangtze or the Lena in Russia, Siberia. Siberia was my favourite, but Joey convinced me to go to the Amazon. We have both been there before and knew a little about how to prepare and what to expect. One thing we knew right away was that, in regard to the nature and people, South America was much more exciting – Siberia looks similar to Alaska. That wouldn't have been all that interesting for our second book. Now the contrast is much greater: Alaska is austere and glum, the Amazon is the exact opposite with an entirely different wildlife and vegetation. Don't forget the wonderful colours of South America!
Any fascinating experiences of nature?
TL: It is really rare to spot an animal in the jungle. You can hear them everywhere, but they hide or are disguised very well. With the help of the local guides we observed snakes, birds, monkeys and a tapir. We saw pink dolphins and watched them do their jumps on the river. Because of their skin-like colour the locals believe they're incarnations of their dead loved ones and worship them.
How did the locals at the river react towards you?
TL: Reluctant, at first. You go to them and, for example, ask whether you can stay the night. They don't really talk much in the beginning, but after a night with a lot of Cachaca they warm up to you. Usually they were interested in our fishing gear. Most of them had never seen something like it, as they were used to fishing with rolled up strings and nets. I was amazed that every village we visited, no matter how remote the location, owned fridges with cold beer, they even had solar energy. Huge satellite dishes to watch football. For three days we visited one particular village. There was a storm, so they allowed us to stay. There was an older guy who had fallen off his stilt house, drunk, and broke his foot. Two young men went to the neighbouring village, a day's journey away, to get the shaman. The man should have belonged to a hospital, but that was entirely out of the question for him. It either heals on its own or it doesn't. We bandaged his foot and supplied him with pain meds. Then we continued drinking.
Did you plan beforehand what you wanted to see during your journey?
TL: Yes, a coca plantation. We knew that they existed there everywhere. At first, it was a lot of back and forth. They were staving us off, but after a lot of endless waiting and our patient agreeing to it, they allowed us to go. Along with two attendants from the village, we paddled down a branch of the Amazon that became narrower over time. A labyrinth of branches we would have never found our way out of. Eventually, we ended up at one of the countless plantations. It wasn't harvest time, however, so the leaves weren't ripe yet. But you could see all the tools for it: mashers, bags, and hundreds of bowls. And a little storage.
Did you try the coca leaves?
TL: Yes. We were on the plantation. They hid the plants below banana trees, so you couldn't see the plantation from the air. I did try a few coca leaves, but there is no sorcery about it. You just stay awake and feel energized. Everybody is chewing on them there, it's like coffee, just ten times stronger.
Did you reach your physical limits during this journey?
TL: The body adjusts to the climate pretty quickly. After three weeks you don't sweat all that much anymore. Even the sun doesn't bother you as much anymore, because you're thoroughly cooked anyway. But the humidity requires getting used to. The people there are handling it very differently. They own to pairs of shorts, two t-shirts and beach slippers, and they walk around like that all day.
JK: The climate there is exhausting, you're sweat-soaked after only three minutes. Personally, I don't mind it, but to people who aren't used to it it's a pain. The route we went on was quite difficult in parts, it was very serpentine. You had to paddle the whole time, you had to steer, then there were shoals or the water became too flat, so we had to relocate the boat.
You didn't capsize though, like it happened to you on the Yukon?
JK: No, the water level during that season was way too low. Later on, when the water comes in from the Andes during the monsoon season, the level rises by 15 metres. It drowns out entire forests.
TL: I was there once during the monsoon season. Back then only the tree tops were peeking out of the water. That's why they build their houses on stilts, so the water doesn't reach them. Many villages are located on mountain tops, as the water level won't rise that high.
Considering the many preparations and daily challenges, did you ever find time to relax during such an extensive journey?
TL: Travelling on the Yukon wasn't stressful, because we were sleeping on the sandbanks. Those experiences made travelling the Amazon even easier. As the sun goes down very early there, our only concern was to make camp before 6PM. Whenever we found a good location we sometimes made camp even earlier than that, instead of travelling on and risking not finding a good spot. That only happened to us once, so we had to sleep in the jungle, which wasn't all that bad either.
With a camp fire and night watch?
TL: A camp fire, yes, but we didn't need a night watch. You have to trust your guide, those guys know what they're doing. Our guide went ahead a couple of metres with a bit of string and, within a few minutes, came back with six piranhas. Then we turned on the grill and ate. Piranhas are really tasty, like giltheads.
Did you gain more respect for nature due to this journey?
TL: I had a great respect for nature before that already. Still, I couldn't hold myself back from taking pictures with snakes. I love snakes, Joey thinks they're scary. (laughs)
What did you learn along the way?
JK: I asked the Indians to teach me how to fish with a cast-net and pulled animals out of the water, which an aquarist would usually pay thousands of euros for. Scalars, discus fish, loricariids, sisorid catfish, catfish in all shapes and sizes.
Here in Europe we read a lot about the fact that these romantic times might be of the past soon, due to the systematic ecocide. Is that what you saw over there?
TL: When you approach Leticia you can make out the slash-and-burn methods used below. We assume that every minute jungle area the size of 1.5 football fields gets cleared, for soy plantations or pasture areas. The search for gold is also devastating for the nature. They use mercury to wash the gold out of rocks and clay. The mercury ends up in the rivers, in the fish, and then inside the people.
JK: The Amazon traverses through the entire continent. It is so broad and deep, there are even bigger ships cruising the river than on our rivers here in Europe. They carry natural resources, mainly wood. You can find a sawmill every couple of kilometres. They carry the tree trunks there and cut them along the length (4m by 1,20m or even 4m). Those planks then get transported either by ship or overland, a systematic deforestation of the Amazon area.
TL: You find a lot of filth in the main stream: huge tree trunks, garbage, bags full of plastic, and a lot of wood waste. It's illegal, but everybody does it. Very obviously, even during the day, nobody cares.
Are the locals not aware of the drastic situation?
JK: The sawmills pay the farmers 250 to 300 euros for one tree trunk. The sawmills sell it for 2.500 euros, and then here in Europe it costs up to 30.000 euros.
TL: As soon as they saw us, the lumbermen turned off their chainsaws and fled into the forest, yelling: “Piss off!” They were afraid that those pictures would be seen by the world. Same thing for the fisheries. Usually, the fish leave the lagoons during the dry season and swim back into the main stream, because the lakes dry out. The law allows it that they cast a net over half of the lake, so that a part of the fish can swim past. Now, the fishermen close off the entire lake, with up to ten nets. No fish can get past that anymore, only the very small ones. They're overexploiting the area high and low. They even steal all the turtle eggs from the clutches. It didn't used to be that way, back then they would leave half of it where it was.
Do you think that could change, if other types of income would replace the exploitation, like tourism?
JK: I don't think that the parts Till and I went to would be suitable for commercial tourism. Let's be honest, the biggest income is ensured by the coca production. You would travel right into a drug area. We could only move around freely there, because the government was taking care of the cartel conflicts at the time. Apparently, the military is now in charge of the coca trade.
TL: Corruption is the order of business. A policeman is earning less than a coca farmer. Thus, bribery and blackmail are commonplace. Almost all of it is illegal: fishing with the many nets, the gold-seeking, the wood clearing and the coca plantation. The areas are huge and hardly controllable. Since president Bolsonaro is in power in Brazil, the clearing business went up by 30 percent. Bolsonaro announced officially that the Amazon is a product, and that's how the people treat it. They expel the indigenous people and allocate them to surrogate areas, their land goes to the gold-seekers and their prospecting rights. The surrogate areas aren't of any use, however, so they don't live in villages anymore, but in small cities. That'll turn out to be very problematic in the future.
Was it a bizarre experience to you to live with indigenous people, even though it is said that there is no room for the white man?
JK: I've seen tourism in parts of the world where I'd have never expected it. An example would be the South Pole. Once I reached by goal there a plane landed, six tourists came out and paid several thousand dollars for a four to six hour long stay. I thought there was a lot less tourism at the Amazon than anywhere else. The only tourists who travel there are either extremely rich Americans or Russians who come in by helicopter, no matter how expensive the journey. As long as they were there once in their life, took a picture with an Indian and a monkey, then they fly back to Bogotá. All in all, you only meet natives here.
TL: You have to differentiate. There are also motor boats and Americans with sun hats on, sleeping in their loggias. But not in the area we were in. There were children there, who pulled at our pants and ran to our kayaks, because they had never seen anything like it. A canoe made of plastic! They only know boats made out of wood. The kids played with our fishing poles, the angling reels, and were amazed by our lures and wobblers. They had never seen something like that before. They only knew of the hooks, where you put a little meat on. There was a lot of curiosity.
Did the journey affect your friendship at all?
TL: Our friendship didn't get any better or worse, it's been a good friendship before. We want our travels to be periodic. Joey and I want to grant us this sort of time off every two, three years. We realized we're getting better at it. We drove down rapids. While travelling on the Yukon we would have peed our pants, but now we're capable of really daring manoeuvres among waves that are 1.5 metres high. You get well attuned over time, become more experienced with the daily routine, the luggage, moving around.
JK: That was one of the reasons why we planned out the next trip right after our Amazon journey. We paddled down the Rhine in August 2020. We decided to do this during the Corona pandemic, because like that we didn't have to travel through so many countries and still got to tell the entire river's history, which led us through Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria, France and the Netherlands.
Do these travels to the Yukon and Amazon satisfy your wish for solitude?
TL: Like we said, we already travelled along the Rhine. The Nile will be next. The Mekong river is also on our list, but with the goal to start at its origin. These journeys are really important to us. We might have published up to six books some time. We still have a couple of goals ahead of us: The Nile, maybe the Mississippi, one Russian river and the Mekong. Like that we would have visited a river in almost each part of the world.
Which seems to be a difficult goal to achieve, considering the current Corona pandemic...
JK: Sadly so. Because even if Germany will be cleared of the virus, that might not be the case for Tanzania, where the Nile originates, or in Egypt, where it ends. There are five countries in between, after all.
Symbolically, what did you take home from this journey?
TL: Humbleness! And gratefulness for what we have. At the same time, however, a sort of incomprehension for how we live here in Europe. With so much waste, lunacy and luxury. The people we met didn't really have anything. Property and wealth don't mean anything. The huts, the boats, tools, even the TV, it all belongs to everyone. You eat and drink together, and most of the work is done as a community. They say people are happier there. I won't be the judge as to whether that's true, but life there is simpler, more manageable, and thus people there live more modestly. In Germany people get up in the morning, rush to the office, are stuck in traffic, sit at the computer all day or manage machines, rush back home in the evening. In comparison, it's very relaxed at the Amazon. The people go to bed early, when they wake up they go fishing, hunt or raise manioc and corn. Life there is structured in a very simple way, it's been reduced to only the bare necessities.
What is the first image you see when you think of Amazonia?
JK: Looking back, I'm always thinking of this one boat ride very early in the morning. It was still foggy when we started paddling. To the left of us I can still barely see riverside, apart from that only fog, I can only see for two, three metres. We are on the Amazon without knowing what's ahead of us. It's quiet, there is no wind, the water is calm... That was a great experience.
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skiyoosmi · 4 years
writing commissions: open!
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yoohoo! it's marga here. for the past few months i've been pondering about whether to push through this but recent personal events had to be the one to decide for me as the country my parents are currently in went under lockdown (they're working abroad). my mother's jobs were halted which is why i wanted to be able to help them (at least to lessen the burden of expenses and bills, especially those that are related to me like school expenditures and such)
so here i am, announcing that i am officially opening my commissions to tend to your requests and that i have opened my own ko-fi page!! this will not change how the blog runs though! i will still continuously publish contents like before (e.g if fate permits updates, some random hc's, more smau's, drabbles, etc.). donations are very much welcome and appreciated but please do not feel forced to do so, make sure that if you do, it is only because you have extra in your pockets, okay?
this post is more directed to those who would want to support my passion in some other ways ^^
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after scanning through different blogs for proper references, i have decided that for every 100 words, i will charge $1— with minimum of 300 words per request, maximum of 5000.
which means, for instance you requested:
⤷ 300 to 500 words - $3 to $5 - 2 to 5 days
⤷ 1000 to 1500 words - $10 to $15 - 8 to 15 days
⤷ 2000 to 2500 words - $20 to $25 - 15 to 25 days
.... so on and so forth
if i get carried away with my writing and exceed the word count requested, don't worry, no charge is added since that is my fault(?) anyway ;)
to summarize it up, the scheduling of commission posting varies depending on the word count and my schedule in school and personal life (esp. when there are emergencies).
you can ask for updates through the contact info i will provide below but please.... do not pressure me into finishing it immediately. asking is different from demanding— writing takes time and effort, remember that. i would appreciate it if you give me the time to make sure that my work is good and worth the payment.
should you want to cancel your commission or if i fail to finish it within a month, rest assured that i will be refunding you 50% of the payment given already (not full though because i would have written down something by then).
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preferred ones:
⤷ ko-fi
⤷ paypal
other options (if you're based in ph): do note that for this case, $1 = P50
⤷ paymaya
⤷ gcash
*most of these are my personal accounts so please don't be surprised if you're asked for my full name instead of just "marga" LOLLL i'll let you know the details anyway once we talk privately*
for requests exceeding $10, down payments are encouraged (preferably 30%-50% of the fee) for me to start writing, and!! make sure to complete the payment before i publish it. — unless... if you want to pay full already, then it's still up to you! :)
for requests below $10, full payments will be required as they are quite short and will not take that much of a long time to be written.
NOTE. i will only start writing once payment has been received.
DO NOT, however, make any payment until we have reached an agreement and have talked it out through private messages, i will contact you.
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⤷ fandoms
anime: haikyuu!!, jujutsu kaisen, kimetsu no yaiba, shingeki no kyojin, kuroko no basuke, free!, boku no hero academia, fairy tail (more to be added once i'm able to watch those on my list lololol)
others: genshin impact
⤷ genre
if you haven't noticed, most of my works mainly revolve around angst but i've decided to be open for all genres. smut will generally take longer time to write though seeing as i'm still new to it and i have absolutely no idea how to properly write it yet.
⤷ themes and tropes
pretty much open for all (reader inserts, ships, etc.) just make sure to be specific with it :)
anything that consists of heavy and dark nsfw content (i.e. pedophilia, incest, sexual harassment, violence, abuse, etc)— basically those that will make me uncomfortable, hence why i will let you know immediately if i don't want to write it.
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should you want further clarifications or just have something to ask, you can contact me through:
⤷ tumblr dms
⤷ discord - skiyoosmi#6577
⤷ email - [email protected]
if you are interested in commissioning, please:
fill up this form
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please do share & reblog this!
this is a pretty shameless request from me to you but even this simple action would surely help me a lot!
it's been almost a year since i've started this writing journey of mine and i am very thankful that i am able to share it with you guys, here's to more!
all the love,
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konpithepuppy · 3 years
Proofread by aji10647731 (Twitter)/ @janiappend
Scans not mine
Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
Feel free to correct me, thanks
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7 MEN 侍
Anyone must have an experience of breaking into cold sweats when accidentally leaving behind something. Trying to search for the members' "situations about leaving a belonging behind," episodes of a member leaving behind things came out, they were revealed...!!! (Interview was done during the first 10 days of May)
Q1. An experience where you left something behind that gave you cold sweats.
Q2. I completely saw 〇〇 forgot something!
Q3. What will you do if you realized about your girlfriend's birthday after a day it had passed since her birthday?
A1. When going to my destination, I have a habit of leaving behind things and leave like Hansel and Gretel, that's why I lose a lot of things. When I left in the classroom in my university the earphones that I got from Rinne-kun as a birthday present, since it was gone when I went back to pick it up, so I bought the same kind of earphones and use it.
A2. Daka-san (Motodaka) is really bad with forgetting things. All of the members must have seen him walking around searching for the other side of his wireless earphones (LOL). Just recently too, he forgot his coat at the studio where we do our band rehearsals and went home with just his turtle neck. Since he called me, "Is my coat in there? But I want to wear it for our YouTube filming tomorrow~" so I brought it home and gave it to him the next day (LOL).
A3. When I realized about it, I will immediately contact her and apologize first of all. If she can make time, I will bring her a present somehow or another and will meet her on that day.
[Recent Happening].
7 MEN 侍's blog in Johnny's WEB has started, and I am in charged of Wednesdays. *I ramble a lot that's why writing the sentences is fun, and I am happy that I can deliver my way of wordings without getting edited. They're long but please read them by all means!
A1. Basically, I don't forget my things. At home or at Jr. activities, I check my things before going out. Since the things that I must not forget like phone, wallet, pass case aren't a lot, so it's better if I check them before going. The experience that gave me chills when I forgot about it was about a homework during my school days. I do my homeworks properly until when I was an elementary student, but I started to forget my homeworks when I was a middle schooler, it was a lack of vigilance when I think about it now (LOL).
A2. The time when we went to Kyoto for our stage play, when I met with Katsuki to go to the convenience store, Katsuki forgot about the card key of his hotel room. It was a single room so no one is in the same room with him, that's why we had to ask for the hotel personnel to open it. I thought it is hard to be forgetful while looking at him saying, "I am sorry!" (LOL).
A3. That is bad, right? Yeah, it is really bad. I will call her immediately the moment I realized it and I have no choice but to ask for forgiveness. From there, I will wish her a happy birthday. As an apology, we will go on a date with everything she likes to do for a day.
[Recent Happening]
I had a long time of staying still at home, and I came to think that if I can freely go and play somewhere, where will I want to go (LOL). For now, I want to go to the sea. I approximately go to the beach every year but I couldn't go last year, so I definitely want to go this year!
A1. I cried losing a number of times my previous wireless earphones before having the one with GPS function, and even though I am using the lipbalm I am obsessed with, when I noticed it, I already lost it. It happened a lot of times and I really feel down over it. Recently too, I accidentally left behind the coat that I was wearing and went home, my mind and body got scared (LOL). For the things that I forget, I basically don't know where I forget it, *the hopelessness that I have lost them is tremendous.
A2. Honestly, I haven't seen anyone who got in trouble for forgetting things more than I do (LOL). Sometimes, when my family goes out, my mother forgets something and goes back to get it. But when she goes back to get it, the thing that she forgot is there at the house so there is no real incident that happened.
A3. That's the end our the relationship...I will probably freak out when I realized it.
But if I apologize, I will be busted for forgetting it, so I will make her the opposite by urgently preparing a grand plan and make her feel, "He planned all of these that's why he was late for my birthday." (LOL)
[Recent Happening]
The filter for kids of my phone got lifted. Since I have my Jr. activities when I was in middle school, so my father bought the phone for me and got the filter for kids be activated in my phone. Since for it to be lifted, I had to go to the store with my father so the filter for kids had always been activated in my phone. Because of the policies, I had a hard time not being able to see what others can normally see, but I have finally become a proper adult (LOL).
A1. I forgot my key when I went out of the house, since it is an autolock, so I got locked out of the building. I contacted the control office but it seemed like it will take time for them to respond, so I took my chance and pressed the doorbell of a unit of someone who I don't know. I explained the situation but the owner of the unit is a foreign guy. I cannot communicate in complicated Japanese with him, I used a translation app in phone to explain and I got the door opened for me (LOL).
A2. When I went to have barbeque with my friends, even though I entrusted my cooler to the friend who was in charged of bringing the drinks, when I was about to hit the freeway, a person from the barbeque place contacted me saying, "you forgot your cooler." It seemed like for my friend, it was not his so he completely forgot about it (LOL). I'm glad I received the message before entering the freeway.
A3. This is a person who you must not forget her birthday, right? The moment I realized it, I will contact her immediately and I have no choice but to apologize. Or, I will think of a fancy surprise and and will tell her as an excuse that that have taken up my time.
[Recent Happening]
I am watching again the anime 「Dragon Ball」. When I saw a scene from it by chance, it made me want to watch the whole series again. It has around 300 episodes though (LOL). I've become absorbed at it when I was in 1st grade, but I still enjoy watching it now. It is interesting to think like, "What was this episode about again?" and also the way how my feelings [for the episodes] change.
A1. I relatively don't forget things.
I think I don't have a story here that is a massive failure at least. It's just that, I may forget my promises with people. Getting a message, " You are not yet here!?" and replying "Huh? What was it about again?" kind of situation happens a lot. My excuse during those times is, "I overslept." Lately, I put a memo in my phone about my plans with people, I wonder if my mistakes reduced.
A2. Yabana forgot his contact lens and panicked, but no one can lend him, right? But, when Katsuki forgot his contact lens, the colored contact lens that I ordered with wrong prescription matches with his prescription by chance, so I gave them to him. Katsuki has a good luck, right?
A3.  I'll call her to my house the next day and will solve it through a surprise. I will adjust back the date of the calendar and the clock to my girlfriend's birth date, and I will tell her, "You are probably busy celebrating your birthday with everyone yesterday, right? Today, let's celebrate your birthday with just the two of us."
[Recent Happening]
Heading towards 「Johnny's Ginza」, I come to the gym at the office 5 times a week, and the trainer-san is pushing me to workout hard. The other day, I was told, "let's rest first because you've overworked" for the first time. Since I didn't feel that I overworked, at that time I realized that I am really looking forward to the live.
A1. When I remove the bracelet that I super treasure and wrapped it in tissue paper during a photoshoot, I completely forgot about it and went home. *When I realized that I left my bracelet, I immediately got it checked, but I felt uneasy until it was confirmed the next day. I kept thinking that since it was wrapped in tissue, it might be mistaken for a trash and be thrown away...and my heart kept pounding.
A2. Katsuki forgetting things might be a usual scene (LOL). Before, the members took Katsuki's belonging and attached to the white board that is in the room as a prank. And yet, since he didn't notice it, we also forgot about it and went home. It was left there for 2 days (LOL).
A3. I will send her a message saying, "happy birthday," like nothing happened, and I will write a sentence at the end saying, "The last birthday message you have received is from Rinne, right?" Moreover, if her birthday is on 06/07, greeting her at 6:07 or something, matching her birthday with a time that has a deep meaning and send the message to her is effective [as an excuse], right?
[Recent Happening]
The takeout box for Thirty-one Ice Cream (Baskin Robbins) is Yamada (Ryosuke), that's why I went to buy it yeasterday. It is embarrassing to be seemed aiming for Yamada-kun, so I brought along my little brother and made it looked like "my brother wants it so I am buying it for him" (LOL).
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