#and you know i can and do write about the dynamics in mash that interest me and i very purposefully do not use shipping tags
variousqueerthings · 2 years
noticing in a somewhat outside-view kind of way that while I come at star trek with a lot of ships of all kinds, with MASH I really don’t “ship” anyone and I’m wondering where the distinction lies for me between going “xyz has interesting/funny/heartbreaking/etc tension of some kind, so I could ship it” in star trek and “xyz has interesting/funny/heartbreaking/etc tension of some kind, and I do not define that under shipping” in MASH 
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miidnighters · 2 months
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It's my birthday ! To celebrate, I wanted to put together a little shout out of people I love because it's the most surefire way to get compliments back in return (I'm kidding!). Thankyou so much for writing with me and mashing our barbies together and making this hellsite such a fun place to be.
Also, seeing how this has changed from my last shoutout at Christmastime - notably, the people I tagged as "people I love who I don't write with very much" but who now I write with or talk to every day lmao.
Please let this have tagged everyone I wanted to tag
I love u so much. U know I do. I love all the random questions u ask and ur request for Isaac Facts and the fact that you refer to Morgan as "Nora's Husband" and the way you wanna lock Flynn up in a tower to keep him a baby forever. Never change lmao.
Bender ur characters are chefs kiss and our dynamics are chefs kiss and I get such a huge smile whenever I see u in my notifs (either here or on disco). I love the things we come up with together.
My darling! I know you're not writing a lot atm but it makes my day whenever we chat and whenever you pop up with some random love. All of our pairings are so good and I can't wait to see what we cook up for the others.
I know you're ALSO not writing a lot atm but Dany and Isaac have my whole heart plus everything that we're doing on the multi for everyone there like. My brain is still stuck on Harts and Vasile like. Does it get any better?
HELLO. ARTEMIS. WOW. I am so in awe of the original spin you're able to put on such a well-known character - and it's not just Artemis and Billie, it's Barty and Flynn, and watching what you do with Zahrosa and so many others.
Sami is my baby. The relationship they have with Flynn and Bella (or Bella and Arthur) and all the others is so special to me, as well as everything we have going on your other blogs (Callie and Shimi, for example? Yes).
Rainer is who I want to be when I grow up. If I could be half as confident and gave less fucks. I love seeing all the wild shit she gets up to and following her different relationships with people who have been in her life for varying lengths of time.
What can I say about the freekz? Callie and Funke's relationship is so special to me BUT also the friendships we've built? Lu and Ruth? Flynn and Ruth? Bella and the both of them? Not to mention your other blogs - Bella and Connie in particular.
Every relationship my characters have with Xeno is SO special. Flynn and Lake are SO special. I'm so excited for what other shenanigans they get up to and all the potential new stuff we're doing on your multi !
I need to put this man in an enclosure and study him. I love him so much, and I love the careful way you've crafted him, and the truly unique way he carries and conducts himself. PLUS the way we chat ooc? Peak.
Every one of your muses is a darling to me. We've started creating such interesting relationships between a few of our muses in varying stages of romance or friendship and I cannot wait to do more with you.
Every time I see you in my notifs I know I am getting fed the Good Shit. You have such a way with words and what we've crafted between Gale and Callie is really something special to me. Plus to varying relationships w Harts and Bella? Yes.
There is no muse of yours that I don't love down bad. We have some truly batshit stuff going on and I know that I can always come to you with the wildest ideas and we can make it work. I am truly your biggest fan.
August is the only child character I write with and I think that says something bc it's hard to write a child without them being too much of a caricature and it's hard to build relationships without them being one-note but you so it SO well, so we have such beautiful ties.
One of the true lights of my life I adore seeing u on my dash and in my notifs. We have some great ties between our characters and I truly love seeing your thoughts on lycanthropy or drow society or whatever takes your fancy.
I love that every pairing we toss together just seems to Work lmao. Whatever the situation, whoever the muse, we can always put them together and come out with something good. And by good I often mean shippy but like. Who's gonna tell us no?
I am so in awe of your mind and your worldbuilding, and I am so lucky to be able to play in these spaces you've built. I love the relationships we've built and I love that we can throw different characters together to see what sticks.
I say this with the UTMOST affection but this is the most messed up roster of characters I've ever seen and I adore writing with them. I adore exploring all the different facets of their characters and how my characters interact with their struggles bc they're NOT perfect.
If I see a man over 30 on my dash, odds are it's you. I love your roster and I love our OOC hate sessions and I love that we can both puck up and put down starters like nothing. Whether it's something established or a new idea we can always put a pair together.
I know you're ALSO not writing atm but I have to let you know how much I love you and your babies. Not just Nick but all of them. We have some really interesting dynamics both platinic and romantic and I can't wait until you're back to pick them up.
And then of course some other shoutouts of people I don't love any less but perhaps don't write with or talk to as often <3 (which should change, honestly. Come yap w me <3)
@abysswarden | @berylcluster | @bucketkicked | @byanyan
@coastercrushed | @corsey | @cragsnow | @demonstigma
@downspirals | @fvzzyelf | @godstrayed | @hegrudges
@idnull | @kxllerblond | @lcngdays | @nabaidhean-neonach
@platiinums | @pohlepen | @redemnation | @strszyga
@withbeasts | @xinxiins
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philtstone · 4 months
title: we close our eyes and dream (the world has turned around again)
in the year of our lord 2024 i wrote psych fic ... wow there was this hilarious list of reverse prompts floating around tumblr a little while ago and one of them, instead of high school au, was "nursing home au". something somewhere fundamental in my brain clicked and i thought "this would be perfect for shules. i just know it" and then after many years of being generally too terrified to try my hand at the very unique narrative flavour that is psych, i wrote this. title is from "we close our eyes" by the oingo boingos which plays over the final scene of the series finale and always makes me cry. i hope u enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it!
Juliet is sitting alone by the couches when she meets him. 
They’re in the dining hall at Glorious Pines, and she’s chewing her lip and staring impotently at her fancy-looking plate of risotto. She hates that risotto is making her feel so weird and insecure. Dinner with Sarah was usually a lot simpler than this; Juliet has never really been a good cook, and her granddaughter was often too busy with work to manage anything more than a mis-mash of premade Trader Joe’s delicacies. Now she’s in this big beautiful building, surrounded by vibrant and dynamic old people who’ve been living here long enough to all know each other and have interesting hobbies and be in on the latest gossip. Juliet’s always loved making new friends, but the risotto is reminding her how out of practice she really is. Up until four days ago she had been taking her meals with Sarah, who’d moved Juliet to Santa Barbara in May so she wouldn’t be all alone in that old house of theirs. And before that – well, she’d been alone. Her hobbies have gotten progressively more old ladyish over the last five years, and while it’s true that she sewed her own pajamas while in her twenties, too, that wasn’t all she spent her time doing. She’s pretty sure her glamorous neighbors by the lemonade bowl who still have the guts to wear red lipstick won’t be too interested in her recent return – for nostalgia purposes only , and not because she likes solving the mysteries before the book does – to her ancient childhood box of Nancy Drew novels. And, gosh, the last time a man flirted with her was … oh, twenty years ago, now.  
She’s pushing the sticky, fragrant rice around and trying not to think too hard about the prospect of socializing with strangers when he materializes into the armchair beside her.
The sudden and graceful materializing is on its own impressive, considering most of the residents of this place have had hip replacements.
“Oh – hello,” Juliet says, mostly just to be polite
“Hi!” says the man. “You’re in my seat.”
Juliet freezes with one spoonful of risotto finally halfway up to her mouth. She narrows her eyes at him from behind her bifocals. “Excuse me?”
“My seat,” he explains. “I was sitting right there. I had, in fact, just gotten up to go grab Gus some orange juice – you know Gus –” Juliet doesn’t “-- And now I am back, and, so, as you can see, that was my seat.”
Juliet blinks. He’s around her own age, early seventies, with a full head of thick grey hair, bright hazel eyes that crease liberally at the corners, no glasses, and a big nose that probably gave him a striking profile in his youth. He’s wearing a garish red polo shirt that says FASHION! on the front in block letters, and house slippers.
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marley-manson · 1 year
I am grateful for your Mash Metas, your BJ ones for sure. They are much more closer to what I think of him, and I was starting to think I was not understanding his character properly because I think he's mean to others, especially Hawkeye.
But I think it makes him more interesting. Hawkeye's best friend who doesn't like him, but wants to be liked by him. He loves Hawkeye, but he does not like him. Do you think this would eventually bother Hawkeye? After the war when he thinks about it? Or would he never notice it?
Thank you, I'm glad you've been enjoying my takes! And thanks for your interest in my opinions!
Ohhhh man I love how you put that, doesn't like him but wants to be liked by him, loves him but doesn't like him, it's so good. Now that's the kind of interesting dynamic I'd read 1000 fics about.
This got long lol so it's under a cut
To be perfectly fair I think I probably go a step beyond what the writers intended wrt the flaws in BJ and his friendship with Hawkeye. I think we have clear demonstrations of resentment, taking his negative feelings out on Hawkeye, passive aggression, tearing Hawkeye down to build himself up, etc, but I think we're meant to take most of it in good comedic fun, and sympathize with BJ even when the show's painting him as genuinely cruel, because he's sad and misses his family etc. This behaviour isn't really meant to significantly darken the vibe of their friendship, probably.
But yk, to me it does lol, I don't think the writing/acting threaded the needle successfully. Maybe it would've worked for me if I saw more chemistry between Hawk and BJ, idk. But yeah the way you describe them is def the impression I get, and that's the headcanony angle I'm gonna discuss them from here. Basically BJ and Hawkeye's friendship being uneven bc Hawkeye genuinely likes BJ while BJ usually likes being around Hawkeye and does love him in a way, but dislikes/resents a lot of things about him, and shows it in cruel ways.
So to actually answer your question... idk lol. I mean I can see a few possibilities. Like I feel like it does bother Hawkeye in canon a little, but not enough to cause an actual rift. Like, reasserting himself once after one of BJ's intense prank schemes by mildly revenge-pranking BJ fixes things for him. When they argue, they eventually just agree to stop arguing without resolving anything because they're stuck together and they need each other. In Wheelers and Dealers he's alternately exasperated with BJ and soothingly placating, and it's Margaret who has to come in and yell some sense into him. In Heroes Hawkeye goes out of his way to try to make BJ feel better after several jealous digs BJ makes at his expense, by trying to get some limelight on him. He's vocally upset about the punch in Period of Adjustment but he's ready to be a shoulder to lean on as soon as BJ apologizes. In Picture This he drops the petty fight instantly when he's led to believe that BJ needs his support. He often gets upset with BJ, but never truly puts his foot down and always capitulates.
So yeah I get the vibe that Hawkeye knows that their friendship is uneven and he gives a lot more than he gets, and that BJ resents him in a lot of ways and lashes out because of it. Plus in addition to how he responds to a lot of BJ's bullshit, he also just generally is pretty emotionally intelligent and tends to understand people imo.
And I don't think Hawkeye puts up with it because he lacks self esteem and doesn't think he deserves better, I think it's because a) he's empathetic and sympathizes with BJ and the war's effect on him and b) he doesn't have much of a choice but to put up with the negative side of their friendship, because he relies on that friendship too much. Plus I think while he has a mostly realistic view of himself, he does see himself as a little more more resilient and capable than other people, and therefore willing to put up with more. Like to an extent I almost see him tolerating BJ's lashing out as indulging him? Like, 'okay get it out of your system, I can handle it.' I don't have concrete reasoning for this lol, but it's mainly his behaviour in episodes like Dr Pierce Mr Hyde or Dreams where he doesn't sleep because he's the best surgeon and he's needed, even while sending others off for breaks, combined with always being a shoulder for BJ to lean on no matter how shitty he's been (eg Period of Adjustment, GFA), and like, the end of Fallen Idol lol where he basically says 'whatever pedestalize me i guess, i can take it.' And the way he never gives as good as he gets in the prank episodes, which narratively is because the show likes it when Hawk is a victim, but lbr it makes sense if it's partly bc he knows BJ can dish it out but can't take it.
So I feel like post-war Hawkeye would be aware of BJ's weird contradictory feelings about him, because I like to think he's aware during the war, but he wouldn't really resent it? He'd probably still have fond memories of the friendship and he'd see it as kinda messed up but so was everything else while he was drafted and it was better than most aspects of living in a war zone. He knows they were stuck together and probably wouldn't have been friends outside the war, and they made the best of it. And if BJ kind of sucked at holding his end up, well, the war was hard on him and Hawkeye sympathizes. I don't think he'd ever really frame it like, "Hey wait, I was the one who had a breakdown actually, so why was I BJ's emotional support and punching bag combined?" I think he's just automatically very tuned into other people's pain - not to the extent of ignoring his own, but in a way that's like, he'd rather help someone else than wallow in his own misery.
But if he saw BJ again post-war for any length of time and BJ fell back into those old patterns, I don't think he'd put up with it now. If BJ was like, going through a messy divorce or something he'd be sympathetic and probably give BJ some leeway, but he doesn't need him now, yk? He'd walk away if he needed to, imo. I don't imagine him giving a whole cathartic speech to BJ about toxic friendships exactly lol, but I think he'd say something about how they're not in Korea anymore and BJ needs to deal with his shit constructively or they can go their separate ways.
Note that my post-war take on Hawkeye is that he's happy, largely mentally healthy, and has a big network of friends. If he's miserable and isolated and borderline suicidal like in a lot of fanon maybe then they could fall right back into weird toxic vibes and Hawkeye would be like 'w/e this might as well happen.' But honestly I don't really vibe with that version of Hawkeye. Considering how many friends he made while falling apart in a warzone I think there's about a hundred percent chance he has a good support network of people when he's back home.
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wellntruly · 2 years
M*A*S*H - Viewguide, S1
Are you interested in the long-running anti-war situation tragicomedy M*A*S*H (1972-1983), this one, but there are simply so many asterisks and so many episodes?
Well I can’t help you with the asterisks, but I can help you maximize your time.
I have started watching this program in between dozing on interesting painkillers after a gum surgery (“Stoned and watching MASH. How very 70s of you.” - my high school English teacher & former Marine captain) (“I think I’m now old enough to ponder the sexiness of Alan Alda” - also my former high school English teacher & Marine captain) (we text)—and I have a crackpot, out-of-order, reduced (like a gravy) viewing diet for you for Season 1. Future seasons on the way.
M*A*S*H - Season 1 Recommended sequence
1x15 ‘Tuttle’ - Television pilots think what they need to do is introduce you to all the characters, but in sitcoms they are wrong: they need to introduce you to the milieu—the said situation. That is where you are being invited to stay for the next however many years of these actors’ lives. Season 1, episode 15 'Tuttle' is a wonderful milieu-introducing episode. And you will still absolutely get an idea of who everyone is, during this mountingly absurd, perfectly contained episode about a character you do not need to know at all: the one & only (& imaginary) Captain Tuttle.
1x09 'Henry, Please Come Home' - Hey, here's another little secret: a storyline where things might be getting rearranged is a terrific way to show what everyone actually values, and will fight to keep. This is why the episode where Colonel Blake leaves is actually really well suited to an introductory episode. Additionally, you get everything from scruffy & disheveled Hawkeye & Trapper, sopping wet in a bathhouse Hawkeye & Trapper, and spiff & span in full uniform Hawkeye & Trapper. Get you men who can do it all.
1x06 ‘Yankee Doodle Doctor’ - In another world this is actually my pilot episode substitution, and you’ll understand why immediately. However, for a first impression it comes on a little strong—in multiple senses of the word, ho ho! My pet theory is that this is the episode that truly created M*A*S*H, with Alan Alda and Wayne Rogers just fully swinging a couple rungs up the Kinsey scale for a lark and then refusing to come back down from there, comedy bits that get broad enough to just skirt too much, and then it all crashing down into an ending that reminds us where they are, and why they're like this.
1x07 ‘Bananas, Crackers, and Nuts’ - Speaking of, let’s now indulge in a cracked showcase for our main man, our guy, Captain Benjamin Franklin 'Hawkeye' Pierce, “MD: manic depressive” (actually a line from 'Tuttle') (Tuttle!)
1x11 ‘Germ Warfare’ - Just a light & solid little episode with Pierce & McIntyre in fine duo form, ambling along an evergreen plot line: how can we bother Frank about it. This time: by literally stealing his blood. They vaant it! (For medicine.)
1x12 'Dear Dad' - I've come back to add this one back in. The structure this originated is just too integral to the M*A*S*H thing. Also the opening of Hawkeye, bundled up, sipping a martini and writing to his father under a mellow horn, is a cherished touchstone of this blog.
1x19 ‘The Longjohn Flap’ - Beautifully imagined antics episode for later in a season, where you can really capitalize on community dynamics. I love an Important Object moving through a large cast. I love watching people be comically cold. I love it!
1x21 ‘Sticky Wicket’ - An historic episode that years later actually led to House, M.D. I have no citation for that I just feel it to be true. It’s important for your show’s multifaceted longevity to also be confronted with Hawkeye’s obsessive, egotistical side—always there with a character like this, particularly a doctor character.
1x20 ‘The Army-Navy Game’ - Sublime. This does that bleak, Catch-22 style black comic military absurdism perfectly. The absolute pop the champagne we did it boys ~finale~ of the first season.
1x23 ‘Ceasefire’ - But also there's this one, that I do find has really lingered with me. There's something a little haunting about it. In short: a rumor takes off that there's going to be a ceasefire, and the only one who doesn't believe it is Trapper. A lot of the power of this episode probably comes from us knowing today that this is only the start of a war that's going to run for a decade. Aw honeys, you are not going home yet...
M*A*S*H is streaming in the U.S. (unconfirmed in other countries) on Hulu. The episodes are about 25 minutes. There is a laugh track. They were forced into one—you’ll notice they got a pass to drop it in the surgery scenes, marked as the dark jokes do not drop off entirely. I have been surprised to find I haven’t been much bothered by it, thought I would be. It often seems to just further underscore the wry surrealism of it all, or something almost theatrical/vaudeville in the comedy. The DVDs reportedly have an optional audio track without the canned laughter, and I am absolutely going to be picking up a season from our retro video rental shop to compare, once I can drive on nothing but ibuprofen. Will report back. As well as on: Season 2
Season 1 • To be continued
#M*A*S*H hours
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chumpovodir · 2 months
Fun fact: do you want to know what pushed me to consider Hectorcard (although still more in a platonic sense)? NFCV.
No really :P I found a very specific plot that NFCV fans used to write about after S2 dropped, which is basically "Hector runs away from Carmilla and goes back to Dracula's castle, where he finds a lonely a grieving Alucard. They bond over their trauma and relationship with Dracula"
(there is a post-S3 variant where Trephacard rescue Hector after becoming Lenore's slave, or generally having the two bonding over the trauma of having being raped and deceived, but I'm not too fond of this idea because it's a little too delicate)
And the idea was actually good! I do think those two characters share enough parallels even in that universe. So ofc it got me to think, what about game Hectorcard? What about that short window of time where both of them were sick of Dracula? How would their personalities mash, are they really so similar? (answer: yes but actually no, Alucard is far more curt and cagey than Hector who is a little more polite and emotional) Would they grow from strangers to brothers? What kept them apart in the end?
(and I'm not even considering what ifs? where Alucard doesn't go to sleep or wakes up after CoD)
also yes the reason i'm working on this awkward smut fic is because it's an excellent character study: Alucard is inexperienced and generally unenthused, Hector is too used to serve others (which unnerves Alucard for reasons you can understand), but the important thing is that they both trust each other with the most vulnerable parts of themselves, which is so so so important after Dracula (and Isaac, in Hector's case) made clear that he sees them as children whose voices don't matter.
They could be sweet together :3
👀‼ (this. gave me such intense brain worms i think i went on a few too many tangents, that i felt the need to edit it down to something a bit more cohesive and concise lmao. it's still pretty long so i'm putting it under a cut)
ooh yes, i'm familiar with both variants of post-S2 and post-S3 scenarios, having read my share of NFCV Hectorcard fics in my search for their game counterpart pairings lmao
there was one i really liked, the title escapes me atm, but notably it was on the shorter side, where it's Alucard who goes to rescue Hector from his imprisonment and in the end, to save Hector's life from a fatal injury, he turns him and they get to spend eternity together (what can i say, i'm a sucker for a scenario where they can both end up healed, happy, and loved that doesn't feel cheap or forced).
yeah, the idea of both of them trauma bonding over everything they went through really is a good one, but. definitely not handled very well, or at least not in a satisfying way imo. mostly due to how rushed their relationship usually ends up, considering in this universe they're complete strangers, but, also, bc of the nature of their trauma, i find it tends to dip into alot of whump/caretaker tropes, which, while not bad on its own, doesn't really scratch that itch for me to explore where their respective characters are similar and diverge since they're both so different from their game versions.
and also, yes, bc N!Alucard is sassy and rude, but N!Hector is generally more polite and woobie, they get pigeonholed in a very predictable top/bottom dynamic which is. something i already didn't enjoy in the early fandom days of the games lmao
but there's potential! just like there's potential in their game counterparts which is made so much more interesting by the fact they didn't get together
(there's a secondary theme that kind of threads those types of fics together that i wish were explored more: the idea of N!Alucard and N!Hector learning about the other in their respective absences - N!Hector while he was under N!Drac's employ, only being able to piece together N!Alucard's existence through a forgotten portrait here or there, stumbling upon his childhood bedroom in his early days of learning the layout of his new home. N!Alucard after the Styrian invasion who no doubt discovers N!Hector's menagerie of undead pets left behind then eventually his forging lab, maybe even his personal quarters. what kind of first impression would they have of each other based on these limited clues vs. when they eventually meet face to face? it really is such a shame their storylines were kept completely separate in the show :/)
i know you headcanon Alucard as aroace and therefore he wouldn't be too keen on being intimate to begin with, but i do love the idea of it being a moment of vulnerability for him where he has to keep his desire in check lest his vampiric nature take over and he end up inadvertently hurting Hector - some kind of internal struggle to match Hector's own apprehensiveness that he would feel the need to slow down and go full service top mode because hey, this is Dracula's beloved son he's fucking, better make it good (vs when he's with Isaac and they're both rough and wild with each other)
goshhhh i love speculating about this ship now it's just. the idea of Alucard having at least one positive, intimate relationship he will cherish for life, and for Hector this will be just have to be another face he will miss, another happy memory relegated to the past once he finally leaves, and after everything that is yet to come...it's the doomed relationship aspect of it all, the tragedy being that it was brought on by circumstances completely outside their control rather than anything to do with them as individuals. in another universe, in another life, maybe they could've been happy together, in any type of relationship. if only :')
anyway def looking forward to your take on their relationship whenever you get finished with that piece. i have no doubts it will surely rip my heart out~
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shimmerbeasts · 6 days
I can't believe it is going on a bit over a year now? I actually had to go look up when we started writing and it was June last year XD
We all know it was Vi that brought me over, I was just getting into writing and I saw some of your threads and was just like O_O sparkly eyes activated. Tumblr chat didn't stand a chance with us cause we had such text wall chats and thoughts and you literally had me at 'wanna read my headcanons!?!'.
Honestly, I absolutely adore the depth you go into your muses with. And Its not just the muses, you include so much more, from people that affect them, to the cultures, locations, people, everything. I feel like its rare to find people who want to delve so deep into characterizations and listen to you spaz over these things. I am literally head over heels in love with Vi and still am. And God, don't even get me started on Caitlyn who went 'I WANT THAT ONE!' and I'm going 'I don't get a say in this do I?' and she's going "Nope. give me that bloody wild tiger now thank you!"
But its not just Vi, you do amazing with all your characterizations, from Vi and Jinx, to Bg3 now!!! Omg, your Mizora and Zariel, and how you are intricately digging and developing these ideas.
There's not one thing I love about your portrayal cause all of it snagged me like a hook and now I'm just chilling in your fish tank cause I'm not leaving XD I just love everything we get to do and the developments we've made over the last year.
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A Detail You Like About My Muse's Portrayal||Accepting.
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By the time, I am answering this, it is now way beyond June aka well, over a year. So, really belated, but, ehm, happy anniversary. Anyway, now to work through your lovely big message.
I remember our starting days too. We had to make due with Tumblr DM and the fact we managed to write walls of text honestly amazes me to no end. I will never not love you for jumping at the chance to read my headcanons, especially because I think you were the first one, who I even asked if they wanted to read my headcanons. So to remember you just going heck yes, will never not make me grin from ear to ear. Honestly, I think that massive interest in each other's work is a vital reason why we clicked as much as we did.
After all, let's be real: I do not think either of our girls would have gone 'OMG, I WANT THAT ONE!' if we did not each have our own intrinsic way of handling our characters. After all, while I did develop whole cultures and people who affected my muse, you did the exact same thing on your end. And even more, our shared ideas mashed together so well. I will never not get tired of saying it: Your Piltover is the Piltover to my Zaun! On a smaller scale, we even see that with Vi, Caitlyn and Jinx. The way these characters and their portrayal influence each other and fit together so seamlessly... Sometimes, it almost feels like we are of one mind. And that is truly incredible.
I am just as excited as you are to see how our interpretations of our BG3 muses are going to impact and influence each other. We have already created a set of very interesting dynamics with Mizora/Aylin and Karlach/Zariel, and I cannot wait to see where this journey will take us. I really hope they can become as nuanced and fleshed out, as detailed as our Arcane muses are. And knowing us and our ability to cooperate so well, I have no doubt that one day, they will.
I love having you as a fish in my fish tank, and I hope I am providing you with plenty of nourishment. Okay, but seriously, I love the development we made over this year. Whether that be from a roleplaying and writing perspective, or just from a private perspective. You do so much for me, including working your magic when it comes to the graphic department for which I cannot thank you enough. Again, I am terribly sorry for how inconsistent my multimuse blog can sometimes be with how characters change rapidly. However, most importantly, you have become a dear and close friend of mine, who has helped me through thick and thin and whom I have seen experience highs and lows. You are an amazing person, Panda, and I truly cherish you as a human being, as a writing partner, and as my graphic maker buddy, but most of all, I cherish you as a friend.
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titanus-horizio · 10 months
So, you wanna know about Ain't That a Bite
Here is essentially the summary of ain't that a bites concept, ideas,inspirations etc, I honestly think more writing blogs should do this but I digress
So ain't that a bite for the uninitiated is what happens when you take Godzilla, and take Hazbin hotel/helluva boss....and mash em together...but also not really
It's an urban fantasy kaiju story that takes place primarily in 1950s Seattle.
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(art by ladygvalentine on Twitter)
I adore the way viziepop designs her characters and a lot of her character dynamics are a joy to experience so I thought ok, how do I mix 2 series I love.
And originally back in the dark times of December 2021
Ain't that a bite was named abyssal sound and was legit just a Hazbin hotel crossover au with Godzilla that circled around Alastor (when he was alive) discovering a radio signal in the ocean that lead to New Orleans being attacked by the king of the monsters. It then had Godzilla after he died beseeching the 7 rings of hell(which is partially canon believe it or not, just read the Godzilla in hell comics)
However it occured to me that won't be particularly unique or interesting.
So that's how I landed on how it is today
What's a nonspoilery summary of ain't that a bite?
Ain't that a bite as I mentioned is an urban fantasy that is about kaiju hunters named Abyssal wardens(you can see I kept some of the hazbin au ig) dealing with a mysterious TV show host named horizio who not only runs a show that is essentially storm chasing but with kaiju, but also has the ability to summon and partially control Kaiju, the abyssal wardens suspect something seems...off with him. The story has kaiju, doomsday prophecies, tumblrsexymen(courtesy of horizio) and fantasy characters so what's not to like!
Also before I go, yes this is a Godzilla urban fantasy story, I am nowhere near creative enough to make my own kaiju, also I think Godzilla kaiju are neat ^^
I will be making a lot of character profiles like I did for Lucian for all the other OCS but for now, I'll see you when it's updated!!!
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@standard-human @mjtheartist04 @gay-trashcan-cat @littlemissatlas
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nimue-hidden-lake · 11 months
Welcome To My Lake!
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Redone intro
This is a side blog! Due to circumstances I cannot properly interact from my main (@thelakeofnimue). Until the issue is resolved (however long that might be) I would like for you to interact here (asks, dms, pings, reblogs)! Also if I follow you it might not show up properly. Just a heads up!
Hello there! Please, call me Nimue. I’m 22 years old and German (English is my second anguage). I am on the aromantic spectrum. I am genderfluid and thus what I identify as will shift on a whim. Please ask me for pronouns and what gendered terms I'm fine with at the moment! Or use They/Them and do not gender if you want to play it safe all the time. Due to this I also prefer to not label my sexuality (not like I know what to call it anyways).
I write a lot and sometimes draw. I will also make random posts though. I also write f/o imagines for everyone to enjoy! Let your mind go wild!
I will talk about whatever I am interested in so this is a mish–mash of posts and reblogs. I might take my time to warm up but I love meeting new people and interacting with others! Hit me, ask or reblogs whenever you want (even if it's just for f/o gushing, I love hearing it)! You can also DM me if you want to talk more!
Nice to meet you! I hope I am able to get to know you better in the near future!
For more info, read below the cut!
I am a selfshipper / yumejoshi and I am very open about this! I do not mind interacting with people who are not so feel free to interact with me either way (may it be posts, tags, dms or the askbox)! But if you do not feel comfortable with this fact, I suggest that you avoid this blog altogether since I share and post about this stuff a lot!
I love to write and talk about writing! Writing is my passion! I've been doing it for over a decade now! If you need advice, I'm ready to help! Also feel free to tag me in any of your writing! I'd love to read it! I'm still not sure to reblog some stuff or not. Give me a head's up if it's ok to reblog your stuff!
I experiment with my writing. While most of it is sfw and rather light hearted, I can and will write about darker themes sometimes! These posts receive a content warning however and I have a tag available in my tag list so you can filter that stuff. 
I am primarily an OC/Canon shipper and I will gush and write about these ships a lot! I also multiship in that regard!
I am not a single fandom blog! Though I have a primary interest which can change. My current primary interest right now is Hypnosis Mic.
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General Tag List
#Nimue’s Whispers – Personal thoughts or headcanons
#Nimue's Lake – My written works
#Deep Waters – Written works dealing with heavier topics. I recommend blocking this tag if you wish to not see any of it!
#Waves – Answered Asks
My creative works
Nimue's Library (#Nimue's Lake)
Nimue's Dark Corner (#Deep Waters)
Nimue's Sketchbook (#Nimue's Sketchbook)
Fandom List
These are only a select few of many which mean a lot to me. Those marked bold are my current fixations.
Ensemble Stars
Hypnosis Mic
Bungo Stray Dogs
The World Ends With You
Fire Emblem
Obey Me!
Project Sekai: Colorful Stage 
Touken Ranbu
Honkai Star Rail
Fate/Grand Order
Kid Icarus
Osomatsu series (Kun & San)
Genshin Impact
These are just some of my interests! I am enjoying many more fandoms! If you want to know if I am part of a specific one, ask!
Selfship Stuff
Overhaul? Yes. But I try to be a bit more careful with f/os nowadays so a lot are pending. I mainly focus on Ensemble Stars and Hypnosis Mic tho, so expect me to gush about them the most. I mostly post about Fling Posse at the moment. I love all of my f/os though!
"Shipped with s/i" means that I ship them with my s/i but I do not consider them f/os! I just enjoy the ship dynamics. Thus these ships are not personal to me by any means and I would not rank them as my partners due to a lack of feelings for them.
There are also a few f/os who are a bit complicated due to past circumstances (I rather not talk about it). Once I recovered and sorted my feelings I add them to the other rows especially Romani Archaman, I love him so much and want to decleare him my boyfriend again you have no idea... However long that will be. I love them though and plan to add and gush about them eventually once I moved on from the situation! I just don't know when that will be...
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Iffy sharing Fling Posse (Ramuda, Gentaro, Dice), Henry (FE) and Blaze romantically (except with my friends). I will not block you but I might block your tag (if possible) or not follow back and/or interact with your posts (related to that f/o) if possible. I will also do it if we share f/os you feel uncomfortable sharing with. If I miss it though, I apologize. Just notify me if I do! If I follow you first (or reblogged something from you before) or if we already know each other from another platform, we are good though. I'm fine sharing everyone else though!
My top secret f/os are f/os I keep a secret for own reasons and at most I will vague post about them in public (if ever). I talk about them in private though and publish fanfics about them elsewhere. There is a chance I open up about them one day but no gurantee (I doubt it matters since none of them are f/os I often write about as of now). I am fine sharing them though!
Ramuda Amemura - 15th November
Gentaro Yumeno - 22nd November
Dice Arisugawa - 23rd November
Ritsu Sakuma – 27th June
Rinne Amagi - 11th August
Izumi Sena - 24th September
Hokuto Hidaka – TBD (confession to be written)
Leo Tsukinaga - TBD (confession to be written)
Blaze - TBD (confession to be written) (sharing with a friend)
Henry - 25th May
Arataki Itto - TBD (confession to be written)
A list for my platonic f/os can be found here! Sharing is aok!
My main OC (S/I) for Ensemble Stars
Hypnosis Mic S/I
Bungou Stray Dogs S/I
S/I in Arknights (coming soon)
S/I in Fire Emblem Awakening
Etsuko Amata (Genshin Impact Version) (coming soon) (shipped with Itto)
Fling Posse Selfship / Yumeship Masterlist
Selfship Tags
#Nimue's Beloved – Romantic F/O Stuff
#Nimue's Family – Familial F/O Stuff
#Nimue's Besties – Other Platonic F/O Stuff
#Ritsann – Ship collection for Ritsu/Ann
#Ramuann - Ship collection for Ramuda/Ann
#Gennann - Ship collection for Gentaro/Ann
#Diceann - Ship collection for Dice/Ann
#Hokkann – Ship collection for Hokuto/Ann
#Rinnann - Ship collection for Rinne/Ann
#Izuann - Ship collection for Izumi/Ann
#Leoann - Ship collection for Leo/Ann
#Ittsuko - Ship collection for Itto/Etsuko
More coming soon
Other OCs & Ships
That won't mean that I do not ship any other OC/Canon stuff. I do actually and am still doing so. I also just love writing and creating characters as a whole.
Etsuko Koge (Enstars Version)
Karl Wolff (Ensemble Stars)
Oriko Himejima (Ensemble Stars)
Anneth (Kid Icarus Uprising)
Iris (Kid Icarus Uprising) (coming soon)
Nikke (Kid Icarus Uprising) (coming soon)
#Madoriko – Ship collection for Madara/Oriko
#Natsann - Ship collection for Natsume/Ann
#Juann - Ship collection for Jun/Ann
more to be added… 
Discord Stuff
Another way to reach me is Discord (it is usually easier tbh, I will check DMs there more often and am often online). The name is e_v_e_ (Eve)
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Discord Profile at the moment (that is me)
Also running a (somewhat active) selfship server! Feel free to join us! Invite here!
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DNI if…
you are here to start drama or talk about drama. I will be honest, hearing about any type of drama can stress me out and I prefer avoiding it here if possible. I myself will never talk about drama either, no matter what it is! Also, please do not involve me in any drama! 
you have a problem with content involving OCs and self inserts, leave! This includes OC x Canon + S/I x Canon content as well!
you are…
A racist
A bigot
A transphobe
A p*dophile / MAP
Other Blogs
@lake-archive - Overall writing
@astral-express-conductors - HSR Fanblog (18+)
@nimue-at-night - 18+ Blog
@crew-catz - Hypnosis Mic Fanblog (OC focus)
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
least favourite mash character?
I knew I was going to get this question so you're going to have to indulge my preamble. "Least favorite" does not mean "I dislike this character." It means "I like this character less relative to the other characters in this show." My baseline for MASH character is extremely high. I don't dislike any of them! But I like some more or less than others. So with that in mind.
BJ Hunnicutt
He's just less interesting to me than anyone else. I can say a lot of critical things about his writing and Mike Farrell's acting and I'm sure these things play into why I find him less interesting and care about him less. But at the end of the day, I just do. I don't have a lot of strong feelings about him. If he weren't popular in the fandom, I probably wouldn't think about him much. He's fine. But a lot of other characters either have an iron grip on my attention or make me laugh just by standing there and BJ doesn't do either of these things. There are some episodes where I do enjoy him a lot.
There are other episodes where I do situationally dislike him, and it's largely because the narrative usually takes BJ's side and validates him even when he's wrong, usually for the purpose of taking Hawkeye down a peg whether he deserves it or not. No matter how BJ behaves, the show never stops treating him as "the good guy" while Hawkeye is "the naughty one" in comparison and that's a dynamic that's always going to make me defensive of the naughty one.
Also I find his entire style from season 7 on fugly as hell. Especially the mustache, but not only the mustache. His haircut is a disaster and I hate most of his outfits, including the pink shirt. You wouldn't think this would matter but, well, I have a quirk about this. I struggle with certain seasons of The West Wing because the characters are styled in a way that's so viscerally ugly to me. I was devastated when The X-Files shifted to more early 2000s styles that I hated. I don't have this problem with real people but with TV characters... it's an issue, lol. I don't enjoy looking at him! Maybe I'm just too gay, who knows.
Ken Levine, one of the former head writers, admitted on his blog that he never thought they gave BJ the writing he deserved, and I think it shows. He's kind of all over the place.
The things I do like about BJ are not the things most of the fandom likes about BJ. He's an icon of midcentury Americana and I'm a freak for that period of history (it's so weird and fascinating to me) so I find a lot of potential in that. But he's more of a symbol than a blorbo. Then again, I've written more than one fic that's at least partially about him, so clearly there's something there! Like I said, I just like everyone else on the show more.
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
(what’s this? more aro-mash posting? it’s more likely than you think)
while i do hc some aro and ace Hawkeye for the funsies, i know the aceness isn’t technically supported by the text (and of course if that were to stop me i would have nary an ace character anywhere) but the aromantic read is surprisingly present, for him and for Margaret and for Charles especially -- 
and Mulcahy, although his is a little different in that he’s never really positioned in a romantic tryst that he needs to figure out for himself and then move on from. He simply doesn’t have a narrative related to romance (he does have a character get a crush on him, but it’s firmly unrequited). There is, within the plot, a reason to not give Mulcahy romantic narratives (although they could’ve if they’d wanted to get Spicy I suppose), while the other three do have a few apiec + don’t have “an excuse” to fall back on (to an extent, see Charles). This not to say I can’t/don’t hc him as aromantic, but that there’s perhaps less to explore within the text as meta, because he’s sorted, he’s got God, the end. there’s no tension of aromanticism that I can think of off the top of my head (do let me know if there’s lines or scenes or storylines that do have something suggestive to them)
the very simple idea that their stories do not hinge on an overarching romantic conclusion, and especially especially for Hawkeye and Margaret, who have quite a few conversations notably (most?) often with each other about romance and their lack of success at it, only to gravitate towards one another’s orbits over and over, and then for the story to say, “it’s not romantic -- it is a deep, understanding friendship, and it’s very, very important for the both of them (and is possibly their least drama free relationship once comrades in arms happened?)”
there’s nothing stopping the story, really, from making it romantic, although I wouldn’t have been a fan of it, precisely because they’re far more powerful a dynamic as friends (and I think perhaps they instinctively got that in the writing room, even if safe to say they presumably were not saying, “let’s queer this notion of romantic-ends are the only proper ends” -- Alan Alda at the very least seemed to be interested in Hawkeye’s lack off romantic commitment, which is funny coming from famous-for-loving-his-wife Mr Alda and I continuously wonder if he knows about aromanticism as a concept, on some level wish someone had been around to ask him some more about that facet of Hawkeye at the time) 
Hawkeye and Margaret get the main thrust of their relationship development from seasons 1-7, and for the most part after that are just on a level of understanding and (almost) total lack of conflict with each other -- when they kiss in GFA it’s satisfyingly non-romantic, and also contains that specific hard-to-describe spark that makes their dynamic work
I’m still going through my several at-the-same-time rewatches, so I’ve only seen the Charles romance episodes once, but my first instinct (which also includes the odd “lets see if Margaret and Charles have some kind of chemistry” episodes in s6) is simply that he’s lonely, very aware of his Duties As Eldest Son Of Posh Family, wants some kind of connection, but under his constraints cannot form one, never mind articulate what it would look like ideally
so you get these episodes like the one with the French woman, where he’ll be so excited about all the things they have in common and the moment she starts talking about a romantic relationship, he suddenly goes hard on the “my family wouldn’t approve,” line, which on that first watch wasn’t quite so solid for me as a reasoning... but we’ll see on watch the second. It did feel like a handy excuse that came from being afraid (but afraid of what, good sir!)
Also it makes sense he wouldn’t share his (a)romantic woes with anyone else, not sharing things is one of his main character traits, but I’ll keep an eye out for how this lack-of-romance interacts (if it does) with the others. He does of course have One (1) sharing moment with Hawkeye, in relation to fathers/dads
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remyfire · 6 months
Okay but BJ/Hawkeye/Sidney is such a good rare ship! One of the first MASH fics I read was for that OT3 before I even met 2/3 characters involved but GOD was it written so well and reminded me of another OT3 very close to my heart so I just sort of latched on lmao. And frankly it's tragic BJ never had any sessions with Sidney, because he definitely needed it. The man seriously struggled being away from home, let us see him deal with it in a healthy way!
Also aaaaaAHHHH I just watched An Eye for a Tooth and it was so good! I am so fond of Margaret and Hawkeye's friendship and this was such a good episode for that, and it was so nice to see a bit more of Margaret and BJ's friendship as well. It was such a delightful episode to watch all around, I loved all the silly pranks, and the way they all worked together at the end to mess with Charles because of COURSE they figured out he was behind it all, they're truly unstoppable when they put their heads together. And the subplot of Mulcahy wanting that promotion was great too, I always love seeing more Mulcahy storylines and just as much as I can get of him being an absolute sweetheart.
Also I'm complete garbage and relished in every one of the several shower scenes in this episode because mmmmm b o y s
I wish you could see me irl because I just chinhandsed when you said that was one of the first fics you read because I'm imagining that was Flootz's. Flootz, zir impact continues to be so widely spread and appreciated, god bles.
Honestly that's part of what I love so much about the Sidney and BJ dynamic, like, it is so underexplored, and you can easily say that it's because BJ is avoiding being alone with him to be analyzed, and that makes them so so much fun to write together. Just these extreme depths of potential, all the hidden secrets that can be dredged up, all the things BJ didn't actually realize that he buries. It gets me. I need a million more fics about them even if I have to write them all my damn self.
Eye for a Tooth is so much. It's so much. I'm not normal about it. Sometimes I feel bad that I'm not normal about it because the overwhelming majority of people that I know saw That Moment with BJ and Margaret as something unsettling and frightening, and something is probably wrong with me as a person because I Was Not Unsettled At All. Maybe it was because I could tell from the moment that the scene started that something was in the water, so I wasn't actually surprised when it hit, but A, it gave me great characterization and sad-past fodder for young BJ, and B, the hand-holding. The hand-holding, anon. idk if you noted it but in the aftermath, BJ and Margaret are just holding hands literally the entire time until he helps her back to her feet, and it makes me goddamn tender every time. Even then, he is trying to comfort her! Even then, he's holding that lifeline so she can remember the Truth of what just happened! I'm unwell about it! That moment alone takes anything potentially frightening about that scene and obliterates it for me because that. One. Lingering. Handhold. Tells me that even before the scene began, BJ needed her to know that she was safe.
Don't look at me, I'm fine, and I'm very normal about them, don't listen to what anyone else tells you—
The Mulcahy subplot is so interesting to me because I understand him craving recognition because it is a long-running theme that Mulcahy doesn't think he's doing any good on the ground, but I would've loved to see them lean into a conflict inside of him, that he's seeking worldly favor over spiritual fulfillment, that sort of thing? It's probably the ex-evangelical in me but there would've been something so satisfying about him having to actually grapple with the fact that he is basically willfully going against his God-given directive of humility and caretaking through his pursuit of higher rank, higher pay, literally demanding these things from time to time. Very camel through the eye of a needle, right?
That's actually part of the reason I haven't done much with Mulcahy yet in my fics. I know I'm gonna want to dig into that with him but I also know it's going to necessitate a deep dive, and once I start getting into his head, I am not coming out for a very long time fhsdkfd I just really wanna bring these desires of his full circle.
(also the shower scenes are hot as hell and the chopper pilot wanted to blow Mulcahy's back out, I know this in my heart)
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burnin0akleaves · 10 months
thoughts on the willhalt ship for the ask? i think its obviously wrong lol but it would make for an very interesting dynamic
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I don't care. And when I say "I don't care" I don't mean that I hate it or that I'm disgusted, I mean that I don't care. What I do care about is actual people. Each passing day fandom space tends to care more and more about the rights of fictional characters than living, breathing human beings whose only crime was mashing the wrong two dolls together and that is insane.
As long as a piece of fiction doesn't hurt someone in real life -not tagged properly, concerning actual people, made to spread harmful beliefs- then it's completely fine. Would I go out of my way to consume Willt content? No, I don't find anything interesting in this concept. But other people have the right to explore it if that's what they want. Again, I don't care about this content but you bet your ass I will defend the people who do, because they are people.
I also find it extremely weird how some people in the fandom seem to be fixated on bashing this "ship" when it's just not... relevant?? Right now on AO3 you can find 19 fics tagged as Halt/Will, out of the total number of 1098 RA fics on the site. That's less than 2 percent. An overwhelming majority of these fics range from 2015 to 2017; and the amount of fics posted after 2017 is 2, both of them posted in 2022. Searching Tumblr for it, I found a grand number of 0 posts about the ship. I'm not saying no content of it exists, god knows Tumblr's search system is ass, but I highly doubt that there could be more than 5 posts in total and that any of them would be from the last 5 years.
The point I'm trying to make here is that Willt in the grand scheme of things just isn't a thing. There is no reason for it to be brought up so often as it currently is and I really don't understand why some people seem to be so obsessed with ripping on it. There is quite literally no one to hear you out there.
In summary based on relevance Willt isn't a thing and you shouldn't treat people like shit over fiction. Luckily I haven't seen the latter so far but it can be a slippery slope and I want to remind everyone that there are other human beings behind your screen. Nothing they write can justify bullying. If a person ever happens to write "problematic" content and also happens to be a piece of shit, their crime is being a piece of shit and not anything else. Don't click on fics you know you won't like and then get mad when you don't like them.
Not drawing art this time because it would make me really uncomfortable.
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marley-manson · 7 months
Hawnk or Henry/Hawkeye
lol thank you 💖
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I watched the show and thought to myself, it would be funny if these two guys fucked, and somehow I completely believe they would both absolutely go for it in the right circumstances.
They're also a shoe-in for a sexual dynamic I'm really into lol, ie confident cool bottom/awkward loser top, and it's incredibly fun to write Frank from Hawkeye's point of view. So maybe it's not really a surprise that my first Mash fic was Hawnk lol.
I don't really endgame ship them because I can't quite make it work in my head and even if Frank turned a political 180, which I could totally believe, he still wouldn't be like, fun enough or cool enough for Hawkeye lol - but I want to endgame ship them because it would just be so funny.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Hawkeye bullying Frank while Frank fucks him
The sheer unadulterated "him??????" factor of anyone from the 4077 finding out post canon.
How completely awful and obnoxious and pathetic Frank is because it's fun to write.
The concept I have in my head of Hawkeye and Frank both knowing full well the other would be dtf and carefully stepping around that knowledge in their own heads.
Frank's hilarious level of repression, ie imo he's not actually repressed, but he wishes he was and pretends to be, even to himself. But like, the instant a cool dude expressed interest he'd be down because he craves validation that much.
It's actually pretty versatile considering - like it can range from comedy to angst to darkfic without stretching the characterizations.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
One thing I want to mention because I've seen a few people complaining about it recently: I don't think it matters that Frank getting character development or more 3 dimensionality in fic goes against the themes and even genre of the show. Fanfic is transformative. I would never have wanted Frank to get character development and become someone Hawkeye could fuck without cringing in canon lol, but that's exactly what fanfiction is for.
But idt that's actually an unpopular opinion, so here's another one: it's the most entertaining possible ship for Mash. I ship HawkTrap more because it's what Hawkeye deserves, but Hawnk is just so incredibly fun lol.
This is tough lol, but I'm gonna go with
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I don't ship it in the sense of ever wanting to read about them falling in love, I couldn't buy that, but I do ship it in the sense of "it would be funny if they fucked," which definitely counts as shipping to me.
What made me ship it is probably the jokes and the rapport they have. I can pretty easily headcanon that Henry, Trapper, Klinger, and Hawkeye are the 4077 lgbt club lol, and Henry is actually the most canonically bi of all of them in the sense that the punchline of a few of the jokes is Henry earnestly and unselfaware-ly being attracted to Klinger.
So like, maybe they fucked? Why not? Maybe they occasionally fuck when their dates fall through. They both got that swingers into nsa sex vibe.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
It's funny! There is actually a compelling power dynamic too, with Henry as CO and Hawkeye as the manipulative gaslighter who always gets his way. Adding sex to that is like a flavour enhancer.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Being into it at all, probably lol. Also I have a standing headcanon that Hawkeye blew Henry a few days after his arrival when he realized Henry was bent, in a bitter bid to get preferential treatment, before realizing that it was entirely unnecessary, and they joke about it after, which I doubt is a common take lol.
ask meme
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mashed4077 · 2 years
🌃 intro post! 🌃
(bit late but i didn’t want a cluttered bio anymore so here’s this)
hiii im shay! i fixated on mash back in november and i officially finished it on march 22nd 2023!! im gonna rewatch soon tho
about this blog
this is a side-blog!
tags: i tag pretty extensively for the sake of categorization; here’s hoping my character tags prove fun to scroll through!
queue: as of the day i’m writing this, i have a very full queue, because i have a habit of liking literally every post i see related to a fixation, and then spam-queuing it later to clean my likes out. so i hope you enjoy all the content! lots of funny scenes and textposts, well-made gifsets, wonderful fanart, and insightful meta, if i do say so myself. mashblr is a talented bunch!
original posts/content: i don’t contribute much on my own, but i love to ramble and i hope some of my lengthy tags prove an interesting or at least entertaining read :) i do dabble in fanfic writing and i’ve got a few mash works in my drafts, but i’m not sure if they’ll ever see the light of day. i’m also fond of meta and character analysis, so if i ever work up the courage maybe ill put out some moderately thought-provoking posts in that realm.
some of my opinions relating to mash characters & ships can be found under the read more!
these are all subjective and i completely respect anyone who disagrees :) we’re all here to have fun!
summarized thoughts on the characters (kinda sorted by fav to least fav)
mulcahy has been driving me bonkers for months (and my jewish ass has been putting far too much thought into catholicism lately bc of him😒)
frank,,,, listen. i’m sorry. but listen, as baffled and/or disgusted as you are, i’m the mf stuck being the only one in this entire fandom who flails over frank burns. so how do you think i feel. ik he’s absolutely awful, but he’s just so damn pathetic, i can’t help but like him and find him fascinating
radar is a bubby to me, i dont rlly have complex thoughts on him hes kinda just a comfort character to me n ilhsm
charles... he snuck up on me. i didnt expect to like him, much less relate to him (-_-) i just exposed myself as a charles winchester kinnie how will my reputation recover
i love hawkeye a lot, as we all do <3
i love trapper john mcintyre!!!!!!!!!!
i love margaret!!! i love klinger!!! i love henry!!! 
im pretty neutral on potter and bj
in short: i love them all a lot but mulcahy and frank have each driven me particularly mad in different ways and radar with his animals has made me cry and charles would probably drive me nuts if i let him but i am keeping him at arm’s length.
summarized thoughts on ships (again, strongest first)
(yes i have frank ships. no i am not proud of it)
my mash otp is hawkahy. it’s been slowly draining the remainder of my sanity. i havent slept in months. send help
i am a sucker for enemies/rivals to lovers and hawnk kinda makes me a little nuts.
i know he’s not good for her but i think margaret x frank have a rlly interesting relationship and they can be cute sometimes, and i think about them more than i’d like to admit. i am not immune to het ships consisting of badass women with control issues and their toxic pathetic purse-dog boyfriends.
henry x klinger is literally canon idc
pierceintyre... ;-; hh
i love semi-niche trapper ships. trapcahy is a little bit 👀 and i really like trapper x margaret
hawkeye x henry... shh...
bonus trios i think about sometimes😳: hawkeye x margaret x frank, margaret x frank x flagg (SHH), hawkeye x trapper x mulcahy. do u see my evil vision
aaand some platonic dynamics i particularly enjoy
mulcahy & klinger are besties :)
mulcahy & margaret have a sibling dynamic that i absolutely adore, esp in the potter seasons, particularly the later ones.
charles & margaret are a fun duo. the ship tease they did a little was... idk how to feel about it, but i like them as buddies.
margaret & klinger... the girlies
hawkeye & klinger!!! the el jibbities are flocking together..
hawkeye & margaret :)
i do very much enjoy hawkeye & bj’s friendship
not friendship but charles & mulcahy’s animosity is sooo funny i will never tire of it
notps: klinger x charles, and hunnihawk. do not doxx me.
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i think thats all for now. enjoy my nonsense!
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jemariel · 2 years
Deep fic ask, 7, 15, & 19? (:
7. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
This is a complicated question because there are lots of different kinds of feedback and support, and at this point I can usually find the support I need because I have a gasp Support System. @elanor-n-evermind @sharkfish @generaldeliciousness, the writing room on the Profound Bond discord server... whether it's cheerleading or grammar wrangling or just listening to my whining or being a soundboard or telling me whether or not something is even working, I can count on you guys, and that's huge. Highly recommend to anybody who wants to write: find friends who will enable you.
And I just have to point out that I learned more about grammar and my own writing style from @unforth editing a 3k smut story for @duckprintspress than I think I did in the year before that and I still keep some of that in my back pocket. Solid concrit, well-presented, is absolutely chefskiss.
As far as kudos and comments? I'm in a lucky place. I had one fic a few years ago that got picked up by the Claw and went absolutely gangbusters (Grooming Instincts), and since then I have ridden a comfortable wave of decent visibility. The driving urge/need to post something that will become a Fandom Classic has been satisfied as much as it's going to be. Bucket list item: check. But I still can expect a certain level of engagement on things I post. I feel like if I were to not get that baseline, I would be a bit put out, which is the danger of expectations. So I try to brace myself for that: what if this is the fic that doesn't go anywhere? Especially since, well, the show ended in a fireball a couple years ago and the fandom is just a bit smaller now than it used to be. Which does make me sad because I still have stories to tell with these boys. But. I'm still here, still writing them. My community is still here, and that's what counts.
Anyway, that wandered a bit xD
15. How do you think your writing as improved over time?
You know, it's interesting. The first fanfiction I ever posted is still accessible on fanfiction.net. A while ago I went back and read some of it, and was startled to find how much it still sounded like me. Hell, I unearthed a Star Trek story that I wrote in 2006 because the original hosting site was in danger of disappearing, and it still sounds like me. That's definitely my voice. (And I was clearly going through it on the gender front in that Star Trek one, damn.) Sometimes I wonder if I've lost something from those earlier days, because I used to just... do things, and not overthink them so damn much.
But I have definitely, technically, improved. Pacing, sentence structure, variety. My ability to execute bigger ideas. Trying to get stories to come from inside the characters rather than focusing on describing the action. Picking the right details.
For a long while, I was convinced that my writing was not in fact getting better, and I worried that I'd lost some kind of energy, or that I'd used up all the words I had. Not every story is better than the last. But like I said in a previous ask on this game, I'm finally meeting my own standards again. So that has to count for something.
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
I mean.... there's nothing stopping me from writing my ideal fic. Never has been. Be the fic you want to see in the world or something like that. So I guess... mash up all my fics in a blender and see what comes out. Boom. Ideal fic :D
But it would definitely have some bed-sharing with sexual tension. And some of Cas figuring out how to human. But also being a non-human, non-angel creature, preferably with wings. Perhaps a shade of non-traditional a/b/o dynamics on there. Yeah, that sounds about right
[ask me deep writer questions]
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