#and you might think remus would get even more unhinged when hes high
t4t-apexeclipse · 11 months
which two sides would have the best time getting high together
and alternatively… which two sides would have the worst time getting high
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dragonsaphirareads · 5 years
Passing Notes
Day 13 of @tsshipmonth2020 Fluffuary
Ship: Intrulogical
AU: High School
Word Count: 3312
Summary: Logan takes an elective science course his senior year, and ends up sitting next to his friend’s crude, immature brother who insists on passing him notes every class period. Eventually, Logan realizes the hidden message he’d been missing.
(Like listening to podfics? You can listen to this oneshot on my YT channel here!)
“I still can’t believe you took a science class instead of a free period! You’re such an overachieving nerd!” Roman exclaimed as they stood around Logan’s locker. Patton elbowed him in the side as Logan rolled his eyes.
“He’s allowed to do whatever he wants with his schedule!” Patton defended.
“I know, but we could have all had free time together! And now we’re split!” Roman whined. Logan wasn’t fazed, all too used to his dramatics at this point.
“We already spend hours together after school for drama, I think you’ll survive an hour and a half free period without me.” Logan said, checking his written schedule once more for the room number before slamming his locker shut. “But if you truly want to see me more, I’m sure you could go get your schedule changed.”
Roman shook his head a little too quickly while making a face, and the other two snickered at him. Patton glanced at the clock hanging in the hall and frowned. “You’d better get going Lo, you’re gonna be late!”
Logan checked and nodded. “You’re right. I’ll see you two after school.” They waved as he headed off towards the science hallway, thankfully arriving with a few minutes to spare.
Every spot at the lab tables had a small slip of paper folded into a tent on it, and looking closer he saw they were name tags. Right, he’d heard that this teacher was a fan of arranged seating charts, especially at the beginning of a new semester. He found his name and was thankful that it was at the front of the room. Sitting in the back made it harder to focus, mostly because the students sitting back there didn’t usually care to be in class.
He took his seat and set down his notebook and pencil case, as well as the script for the spring musical that he still needed to read through. As other students came into the room, he flipped it open and skimmed the first few pages.
A minute later, the bell rang and the teacher walked into the room, welcoming them and introducing himself. Then, as he was passing out copies of the syllabus, the door opened and a disheveled, very familiar face waltzed in.
“Sorry I’m late!” He announced, and the teacher just sighed, shaking his head.
“Just... take your seat, please.” He told him, pointing at the only open seat... right next to Logan. The young man grinned, happily bouncing over to him and slamming his stuff down on the table. “Quietly, Remus.”
“My bad!” Remus sung, not at all apologetic. He then turned to Logan, still with that wide, slightly unhinged grin. “Hi Logan! Didn’t know you were taking this class!”
“Hello, Remus.” Logan greeted neutrally, suddenly feeling a small pang of regret at not taking that free period after all.
He wasn’t exactly strangers with Remus, but he wasn’t close to him either. Their interactions boiled down to the few times he and Patton hung out at Roman’s house and Remus was there. Roman didn’t exactly get along well with his twin, so he tended to spend time with his friends elsewhere.
As such, Logan didn’t know much about Remus. He knew he was loud and crude, disruptive in class, extremely creative with his language, and he was friends with Virgil and Ernest, two other seniors who were part of the drama department.
Logan wondered if the teacher had possibly placed them at the same table for a reason, since Logan was an “overachieving teacher’s pet”, according to Roman. Perhaps he thought he might be able to encourage Remus to focus.
Unlikely, considering the other kid had already pulled out his notebook and started doodling. Logan shrugged. If he was drawing, he would at least be quiet. He opened his own notebook, making notes of anything important the teacher said about assignment deadlines or test dates, ignoring the loud scratching of Remus’s pencil beside him.
That is, until there was a loud rip of paper and a moment later, something hit Logan’s elbow. He stared at it curiously, then up at Remus who had gone back to his doodling, a corner of his notebook paper conspicuously missing.
Logan grabbed it and put it in front of him, debating whether or not to open it or just throw it away. Either way, he would save it for the end of class. He wouldn’t let Remus distract him.
Two more folded paper pieces hit him over the course of the class period, and each time Logan took it and placed it carefully in the pile in front of him. He could feel Remus getting frustrated at him, but he didn’t let that bother him.
Once the bell finally rang and class was over, Logan stuffed the notes in his pocket to deal with at a later time. He grabbed his things and left the classroom while Remus was called aside by the teacher, heading to his locker.
Roman and Patton met him there, having already gotten their stuff from their own lockers.
“So!” Roman said, leaning against the neighboring locker smugly. “How was your class?”
“...Interesting. Were you aware that Remus was taking the same class?” Logan asked, and Roman blinked.
“Huh? No? Wait, he is? Are you sure it wasn’t someone who just looked like him?”
Logan rolled his eyes. “You two are identical twins, Roman. I’m very familiar with what you look like, and I had a very close view because the teacher put him next to me.”
“Aww shit, that sucks! I’m so sorry Lo, was he annoying?”
“Well, he was quiet, for the most part. He did keep passing me these notes, though.”
Patton tilted his head, curious. “Notes? What do they say?”
“Probably something gross.” Roman grumbled.
Logan pulled the ripped pieces out of his pocket, holding them in his palm. “I didn’t read them during class, so I’m not sure what they say.”
His friends each grabbed one, unfolding them as Logan finished packing his backpack. When he pulled it out of his locker and turned back, they both had odd looks on their faces. “What’s wrong?”
“Um, well... there’s nothing written on them!” Patton said, trying to be chipper. Roman rolled his eyes, showing Logan the paper.
On it was a pencil sketch of... something. Logan couldn’t actually tell what it was supposed to be - some kind of catlike creature, maybe? But it also had fins like a fish, and horns...
“Hmm.” Logan hummed, and Roman crumpled the piece in his hand, huffing.
“What the hell?! He’s so weird, you should just toss ‘em Lo, don’t encourage him by taking them.”
“Maybe you could just tell him to keep them? They are well drawn, he should draw them in a sketchbook so he can look back at them!” Patton suggested.
Logan shrugged, shoving his own shred of paper back into his pocket while Roman wasn’t looking. Sure, the drawings were strange, and they didn’t seem to be based in any kind of reality, but they were fascinating all the same. It was clear Remus had a talent for drawing - the shading on the horned cat/fish creature made it look almost real.
“We should be going - Mr. Sanders wanted us to be there early today.” Logan changed the topic, and thankfully his friends allowed it. The three of them walked down to the auditorium together, quickly forgetting about Remus and his strange behavior.
All of them except for Logan, who couldn’t quite push from his mind the excited, child-like glee in Remus’s eyes when he had passed that first note across the table.
It became a routine after a while. Logan would go to his fourth hour class, Remus would come in late and immediately start drawing in his notebook, occasionally passing the notes to Logan, who would stash them in his pocket. He didn’t throw them away - as disturbing as some of the sketches could be, Logan could tell that Remus wasn’t trying to gross him out. What he did want though, he wasn’t entirely sure.
He wasn’t sure, that is, until Logan was sitting backstage one day watching the actors run through the show and he pulled out one of the notes to examine it. It was some kind of tentacled monster, most likely inspired by their recent lectures about deep sea life. Again, Logan had to marvel at the technical skill behind it. Both of the Prince twins were incredibly talented, apparently, because Roman had his art hanging up all over his room and had been displayed in the school several times as well.
Something shifted behind him, and a voice spoke beside his head. “Is that Remus’s?”
Logan jumped, folding the note quickly and turning to look at who had snuck up on him. Ernest, the head of costume design, who had a knowing smile on his face.
“What did you say?” Logan asked, playing dumb. He was a little embarrassed to be caught staring at the note, even though logically he knew he had no reason to be. Ernest rolled his eyes, pointing at the crumpled piece of paper in his hand.
“That note. It’s from Remus, right?”
The stage manager quickly glanced out on stage, gauging where his friends were. He really didn’t want either of them to walk in on this conversation, especially since they had advised him to simply get rid of the sketches. Thankfully, neither of them would be on his side of the stage for a while. Logan sighed.
“Yes, it is. He’s been giving them to me during class. I’m not certain why, though.”
The costume designer snickered. “Maybe he wants to impress you with his incredible drawing skills.” He said sarcastically.
Logan slipped the note back into his pocket. “Well, they are incredible, in a technical sense. He has a very impressive grasp of anatomy and shading.” He tried to speak neutral about it, lest Ernest get the wrong idea.
The other hummed. “I wouldn’t know. He doesn’t show his drawings to anyone.”
At that, Logan furrowed his eyebrows. “What? But he’s been doing this for nearly a month now... and I never asked for him to show me his drawings.”
Ernest pressed his lips together tightly, but it wasn’t out of anger. There was something else behind it... “I dunno, Logan... you’re smart, I’m sure you can figure out what’s going on in his weird little head.”
“But you’re his friend, aren’t you?”
He laughed, walking away. “You think he tells me anything?”
Logan huffed, turning back to what was happening on stage. He did know - he had to know. Ernest was acting too suspicious to not know what was going on in his friend’s head. But clearly, he wasn’t going to tell him.
He tried to put it out of his head, but something was bothering him. Ernest had known the sketch was Remus’s, which told him that he must have seen Remus’s drawings at least a few times in order to recognize it. But if Remus was as secretive as he sounded with his sketches, then that would be difficult.
So maybe he wasn’t that secretive. Even so, there was something weird about what had been happening every time they were in class. He wasn’t an artist, but he knew Roman, and he knew that Roman was protective of his sketchbook, and almost never ripped anything out of it. If he did draw something for someone else, it was on a dedicated page that he tore out.
He threaded his fingers through his hair, frustrated. It didn’t make any sense, but then again, Remus had never made much sense to him.
Tomorrow he had science. He vowed that he would watch Remus a little closer, to try and figure out why he was exhibiting this extremely odd behavior.
Logan got to class early, pulling out a book and skimming it as he watched other students filter into the classroom. Then, for the first time since the beginning of the semester, Remus actually arrived three minutes before the bell rang.
As always, the other student shot a wide, toothy smile his way before cracking open his notebook, noticeably thinner than it had been a month ago, and sketching immediately.
Logan watched him out of the corner of his eye, just in case Remus noticed what he was doing, and what he was seeing didn’t make any sense.
For his sketch, Remus didn’t start with any kind of skeleton or outline, which Logan would have expected. Instead, he drew a distinct shape, and was working out from there. But it wasn’t a circle or square, like he would have thought..
It was a heart?
Logan eventually abandoned his facade of reading as he watched Remus draw, expanding the heart into a head shape, adding too many eyes and a wild mane that masked the starting shape.
By the time he was done and tearing out the drawing, it was fifteen minutes into class and Logan had done nothing but stare at Remus’s hand as he drew. He had to force himself to look forward as Remus folded it and tossed it his way, immediately starting another. Once again, he began with a heart, but this time it was much smaller and ended up turning into a nose.
Why was he drawing hearts? Was that just a part of his drawing process, or was there something more to it? Did it have to do with how he would tear out every drawing and give it to him?
Should Logan respond, now that he knew this? Remus had been giving him these notes for over a month now, and he’d never said a word. Would it be rude to mention it now, especially since he’d only noticed it because he was watching over his shoulder?
He couldn’t tell his friends. Roman didn’t like his brother and Patton was wary of him as well. And he didn’t know Virgil or Ernest well enough to approach them with something as big as this, although he had a feeling they were both in on whatever game Remus was playing.
While he was pondering, the bell rang and he broke out of his trance to see Remus bouncing out of the classroom, with three more folded notes sitting in front of him. Logan shook his head, blinking rapidly to wake himself up. As he was gathering his things, he heard the teacher call his name. “Hm? Y-Yes?”
The teacher’s eyes were concerned. “I noticed you didn’t open your notebook today. Do you need me to move you to a different spot?”
“Huh? No, why would you?”
“I saw you watching Remus this class. You’re a very bright student and I want to make sure you’re not being distracted.”
Logan shook his head quickly. “No, no, I’m not. I’m just not feeling very well today, I’ll be better next week, I promise.” He couldn’t get moved now - not when he was so close to figuring out this puzzle!
The teacher hummed, accepting his answer. “Alright then. Don’t hesitate to tell me if you think you’d benefit from a seat change.”
“I won’t, thank you.” Logan agreed, rushing out of the classroom and towards his locker where Roman and Patton were waiting. He made up an excuse of needing to ask a question about an assignment, shoving the notes deeper into his pockets. They didn’t question him, letting him know that Mr. Sanders had gotten sick and that rehearsal was canceled.
Never had he been so thankful that their director had a penchant for getting sick often. Logan ran up to his room as soon as he got home and pulled the notes from his pocket, throwing them onto his desk onto the sizable pile already sitting there. He took a seat and grabbed a permanent marker, then began opening them up one by one. In each one, he looked for any heart shapes. And as he went through, he found at least one in every single drawing he had been given by Remus. In one, a drawing of a two headed dragon, the creature had heart shapes spines trailing down its back.
A heart on every single one. No two drawings were the same besides that simple fact. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed it before - with them traced in marker, they looked so obvious.
He wanted to ask what it meant, but he knew the answer was obvious. Now the only question was what he should do now.
Logan pushed the handdrawn notes away, reaching for his own notebook and cracking it open. It was time to plan, something he did best.
Tuesday, he was ready. His heart was racing the entire day, he was both excited and nervous for what he was going to do. Once he did it, he knew things would change. But after hours of planning over the weekend, he was certain it would be for the best.
Finally, it was fourth hour. Again, Remus came to class on time, and again, he started drawing for Logan. It was difficult for Logan to pay attention, but he managed to take decent notes and avoid looking over at Remus. Instead, he kept his eyes on the clock in the corner.
A minute before the bell would ring, he put his plan into action. Logan turned to a fresh page at the back of his notebook and he did his best to tear out a piece discreetly so Remus wouldn’t notice. He jotted something down quickly, and just before the bell rang he nudged it over to Remus, making sure he saw it.
The other student blinked, grabbing it slowly as if it was some kind of illusion, and unfolded it carefully. Then he got an odd look on his face, and he glanced up to see Logan smiling at him as the bell rang.
“Logan?” Remus spoke, the first thing he’d actually said to him all semester since that first day.
“Meet me outside?” Logan asked, holding his things with one arm. Remus nodded vigorously, slamming his notebook closed and swiping all of his pencils into his bag in one swoop.
“Do you mean it?” Remus exclaimed as they stepped outside and stood to the side.
“I want to understand you, Remus.” Logan clarified, looking quickly at the crumpled note in the other’s hand. “You’ve been giving me these notes all semester, and it took until last Friday to understand why.”
“You took forever!” Remus complained playfully. Logan pursed his lips.
“Why didn’t you simply tell me, if you were so impatient? That would have been much faster, and you’ve never struck me as shy.” Remus huffed at the suggestion, crossing his arms.
“Roman told me he didn’t want me ‘messing with’ his friends, so I decided that as long as you talked to me first, he can’t get mad at me!”
Logan opened his mouth to argue that flawed logic, then decided against it. “I see.”
“So, do you mean it?”
“Do I mean what?”
“Don’t mess with me! You gave me a note with a heart drawn on it Logan, I obviously mean do you like me?! Do you have a crush on me like I’ve had one on you for literally years?!”
That took Logan aback for a moment. Years? Really? “I’m afraid I don’t know you well enough to say I do, Remus.”
Remus’s face fell, but Logan wasn’t done. “I believe now is the time you offer to spend some time with me so I can learn more about you.”
“Are you... asking me to ask you on a date?”
Logan raised an eyebrow, and Remus laughed.
“I knew there was a reason I liked you! Ok, well then, will you go out on a date with me Logan?”
“Why, of course. It’s about time!”
105 notes · View notes
harrylee94 · 4 years
Log Entry XXXXXX - Chapter 3
Summary: A new space station, complete with the most high spec and up to date technology there is to offer, has been set up at the edge of the known universe, a new way point for explorers to keep in contact with the rest of the human race. It has been carefully designed by the best scientists and engineers Earth could offer, and now 7 brave souls are being sent out to ensure everything works perfectly.
However, when Logan wakes from cryosleep from the journey, he is informed that several things are now in need of repair, though everything had been in perfect working condition when the station had been reconstructed before he and his crew had arrived. They will have to solve the problems they’ve been left with before the station is up and running, and yet Logan can’t help but feel he’s done this before…
Relationships: Intrulogical (Remus/Logan)
Warnings: Blood, Gore, Parasites, Remus having an overactive imagination, It’s an Among Us crossover so there will be bad stuff afoot.
A/N: This was so difficult to write, partly because I got a job, but mostly because it was emotionally draining.
For those of you who don’t know, this story is based off of a comic by @fangirltothefullest which I HIGHLY recommend you check them out on the link above! Their art is AMAZING.
Note to everyone before we begin; there will be graphic descriptions of gore, dismemberment, possibly torture, and any other awful things that come with the territory of writing a story in an Among Us universe.
Link to; Part 1 Part 2
To read it on AO3 please click here.
Chapter 3: Log Entry #3
Stardate: October 17th XX20. 6:02 AM
Logan hit the ground with a pained grunt, his shoulder having hit the ground much too hard, and he pushed and rolled himself across it until he’d plastered himself to Remus’s side. He was warm and real and here and now he was holding him. Logan curled into his chest and gripped at the skin-tight suit that Remus was wearing, stretching the fabric but not bringing himself to care as he listened to the beating of his heart.
“You only get like this after something so shitty happens that you can’t logic your way out of it,” Remus said, his fingers gently rubbing circles into Logan’s scalp.
He hummed.
“... You want to talk about it?”
“Not yet.”
“Sure. Take your time.”
Logan smiled. This is why he loved him. Remus was loud, he was gross and he was strange, his ideas bordered on the demented at times, he was intrusive and annoying… but he was also spontaneous and accepting. He could be quiet when it was needed, and he would listen with his full attention (provided he had something to keep his hands busy). He understood more than his first impression led people to believe, and he would protect Logan with everything he had.
Tears ran down Logan’s cheeks as he thought of his body, shredded and so completely empty on the ground, and he choked on a sob at the thought of him dying alone.
“Hey,” Remus said, his voice soft as he rubbed Logan’s back. “I’ve got you. It’s okay.”
Logan shook his head. “No. No it’s not.”
“Why not?”
Logan shook his head again, curling further into a ball atop him. “You… I wasn’t there.”
“Weren’t where?”
“With you.” He could remember that focus, running to the reactor, forgetting everything else. Forgetting Remus. “I left you!”
“Hey, no, I’m right here,” Remus said, kissing Logan’s hair, but Logan was all but sobbing now. “It’s okay, Ana-Logie. I’m here now.”
“But you won’t be, because I’ll leave, or I’ll look away for a second, and you’ll… you’ll…”
“Breathe,” Remus told him, pushing them both upright and cradling Logan in his lap. “Like you taught me, remember? In for four. Hold for seven. That’s it. And out for eight.”
Logan shook as he followed Remus’s instructions, struggling against his emotions, but gently, over time, they calmed to a more manageable level and his grip on Remus’s clothes loosened.
“Good,” the moustached man said, continuing to rub circles into his hair and back. “Just keep breathing.”
The scientist nodded numbly against his chest and relaxed into his hands until his shaking ceased. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“No buts!” Remus interrupted. “Not unless it’s the sexy kind!”
Logan chuckled and set his head against Remus’s shoulder, looking up at him as he wiped at his eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Remus replied, though he looked a little surprised. He had every right to be, considering Logan didn’t say those three words very often, and to have done so unprompted was unusual. “What is it? What happened?”
“You won’t believe me,” Logan said, running lines down Remus’s cheek with his fingertips.
“Try me.”
Of all the people who were with him on this shuttle, Remus was the one who would be the most likely to believe him. Not that that was any guarantee that he would. He had already wasted time with his emotional state though, so perhaps he should keep the explanation short. “... Groundhog Day meets The Thing and I’m Phil.”
Remus blinked at him a few times before his face fell. “What?”
“This… This is the third time I’ve woken up in that cryopod,” Logan said. “You’ve fallen out of your pod three times. And… and we’ve all…” He stopped, looking away. He shouldn’t have said anything. Remus didn’t believe him, and it would have been better if-
Remus’s soft tone -- no, more than that, it had an edge of anger, and fear -- made him turn back. There was no disbelief in his eyes, no hint of criticism or of simply trying to appease him. It almost made him tear up again, but he kept it down and nodded, not quite trusting his voice.
“... I died.”
Logan nodded again.
“We all died?”
Another nod.
Remus hummed and stroked his cheek. “Are you sure it wasn’t a dream?”
Logan’s hope crumpled and he pulled away, or at least he tried to. “Let me go.”
“No,” Remus said, holding him tighter to his chest.
“Let me go!” he exclaimed, kicking out.
“Logan, stop!” Remus cried, struggling with him. “I believe you!”
He paused. “You think it was a dream.”
“You wouldn’t have reacted like this if you didn’t know that it was real.”
“... You insulted me to check if I was genuine.”
Remus shrugged. “You don’t make up stuff like this, but we did just get out of modified freezers after sleeping for years.”
“A fair point,” Logan granted with a blush. It wasn’t like him to overlook something so simple as proof. He blamed his high emotions. “It could still be affecting me.”
“Might be,” Remus said. “Do you think it is?”
Logan frowned. “It felt so real…”
“Then it’s real until we know it isn’t,” Remus said with a decisive nod. “You said it was like The Thing?”
Stardate: October 17th XX20. 6:57 AM
Strangely, Remus’s questioning had actually been quicker than the distractions he usually pulled, the kisses and delaying tactics replaced with hugs and supportive mutterings, and now the two of them were heading into the depressurisation chamber. Remus was holding both of their helmets so Logan could more properly look at his tablet, trying to find any clue in the messages they received from the construction crew of what it was that had caused this loop, or at least what these creatures were, but there had been nothing.
“And our fearless leader arrives!”
Logan looked up from the tablet to find Roman stood in the middle of the room, arms stretched out in a flamboyant and unnecessary manner.
“Aw, bro!” Remus exclaimed in return, stretching his own arms out in a mirror image of his brother. “I never thought you’d admit my superior leading skills.” He grinned as Roman physically stepped away from him with a look of disgust.
“He was talking about Logan, you unhinged octopus,” Virgil said, though he sounded more playful than biting.
Remus gasped dramatically. “How did you know I loved cephalopods?”
Both Logan and Virgil rolled their eyes and Logan nudged his partner with his elbow. “This is not how I was hoping to start the conversation.”
Remus had the courtesy to look at least a little chastised and he stepped back, allowing Logan to take the place of the ‘fearless leader’, as Roman had put it, though he was definitely not fearless so he wasn’t sure why he had said that.
“As we are all here,” he began, looking around at each of them, noting how they were all more or less where they usually were, though he did make a note that Virgil’s previous panic attacks had probably been brought on by his tardiness, “I have some news. Now please keep an open mind as I know that what I am about to say will sound rather fantastical, but I assure you that I am speaking the truth.” The others looked at him in confusion, as he’d expected they would, and he took a stabilising breath. “I have lived through this day twice, and we have all died, both times.”
The air was heavy with the silence that followed, and he tried to hold strong, but he could see the disbelief in their eyes.
“Did Green put you up to this?” Orange asked with a snort.
“That’s not funny,” Virgil muttered, and Patton moved to comfort him, sending Logan a worried look.
“What proof do you have?” Janus asked, looking amused.
“... None,” Logan admitted quietly.
“That’s because this is a useless charade,” Janus said with a wave of his hand, rising to feet. “As entertaining as it is to see you try to make a joke, perhaps next time make it something more believable.”
“I’m telling the truth,” Logan said, but even Roman had turned away. “This is serious!”
“Whatever, Blue,” Orange said, slipping his tablet into its pouch. “Can we just get started?”
Logan’s shoulders fell. He should have known that this would happen. Remus was one thing, but everyone else? He could see them losing their faith in his abilities, in his cognitive functions. His leadership was now under question.
“Are you serious?”
Logan almost jumped when Remus stepped past him, helmets now set aside, and he looked ready to tear someone limb from limb.
“Logan doesn’t lie, not even for jokes,” Remus said, his voice low and dangerous. “He’s trying to warn you guys about something and you just dismiss it outright? What the fuck?”
“Rem, don’t try it, alright?” Roman said, stepping forwards to meet him, eyebrow raised  and arms folded across his chest. “It’s sweet that you’re defending him and all, but we all know the effects of prolonged stasis.”
“We know you probably didn’t mean anything by it, Logan,” Patton said, “but-”
“He’s not lying!” Remus exclaimed, but no one was listening. “Come on! Janus!”
The man in yellow sighed. “Just get your helmet on.”
Their words stung, but Logan knew that if their positions had been reversed he would have thought the same thing. “Remus.” The man turned back to him. “It… It was a dream.”
“It’s fine,” Logan said with a forced smile. “They’re right. We should just get on with things. We’re on a tight enough schedule as it is.”
Remus gave him a look that should have meant tears, he could see the heartbreak in his eyes, but he stepped closer and took Logan’s face in his hand to press a soft, gentle kiss to his lips. “I believe you,” he whispered, “even if they don’t. I will always believe you.”
Logan smiled, comforted by the support even though he knew it wasn’t enough now. “Let’s get through this.”
Stardate: October 17th XX20. 10:15 AM
Virgil, Janus and Orange had all headed off in the same directions they had the previous times they had entered this place, their expertise leading them to very specific locations, but Roman had decided to go to Shields while Patton accompanied Virgil in the Medbay, something that Logan would not have chosen but they had all decided to make the decision themselves, since they ‘wanted Logan to take it easy’. In other words, they had decided that Logan’s skills and intelligence had been compromised.
Remus, who would have usually headed straight to the central control panel in the Weapons room, had been helping Logan sort out the oxygen filter, and they were now sitting side by side, the tasks in the room complete and their helmets resting in their laps.
“They weren’t going to believe us,” Logan was saying. “When it comes to anything outside of my area of expertise they don’t listen. The only reason I was named leader was because I knew so much about the mission. Roman probably would have been chosen otherwise.”
“That princess wouldn’t know the first thing about leading a mission like this,” Remus said with a snort. “He’d have led us all into a black hole to be strung out into wires thinner than a hair, or crashed us into an asteroid, or a planet. Maybe even a star.”
“He’s not quite as bad as that,” Logan said with a chuckle. “He’s actually quite competent, when he needs to be.”
“Well they’re still all a burning bag of dicks for not listening.”
Logan hummed. “We might have scared Virgil enough to keep him from entering, and maybe even Patton, but everyone else… Even proof wouldn’t have made much of a difference.”
Remus looked like he wanted to argue, but instead puffed out his cheeks and slunk further down against the wall, releasing the air as a fart noise. “Our friends suck.”
“They are being practical,” Logan pointed out. “If this were any other situation I would commend them for not trusting my word.”
“But it’s not any other situation.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It fucking sucks worse than an elephant giving you a wet willy.”
“... Elephants don’t have fingers.”
Remus shrugged and leaned into Logan’s side to rest his head on his shoulder, which was enough of an invitation for Logan to rest his own on top.
“You said it was Orange first, right?”
“I did.”
“Do you want to see if we can try and save him?”
Logan turned his head to regard his partner more critically, but, again, he seemed entirely genuine.
“Wouldn’t hurt to try.”
Stardate: October 17th XX20. 10:22 AM
“I really don’t need any help,” Orange said as he continued to work on the reactor. “Aren’t there any other tasks that need doing? I’m sure the list was long enough to keep us all busy for several more hours yet.”
“There certainly is an abundance of tasks that need to be done,” Logan agreed, fingers twitching with the need to adjust his glasses but he and Remus had donned their helmets again before they had left the oxygen room. “However, I believe it would be more… socially fulfilling if we completed tasks together.”
“He means it’ll be more fun if we worked together,” Remus said, though why he felt the need to clarify, Logan was unsure.
Orange hummed. “Well, I’ll be needing some fuel soon, and I think I saw the tank in Storage,” he said, closing a panel and pressing a few buttons. “If you get me about ten gallons then I’ll have this done in no time.”
“Great!” Remus exclaimed and grabbed Logan’s hand to pull him away before the scientist had a chance to protest. “We’ll be back before you can say ‘mouldy entrails’!”
“Whatever,” Orange said, still concentrating on the panel before him.
“I thought we were going to stay close to him,” Logan said once they were out of earshot.
Remus shrugged. “You said he always died in Storage.”
“I did.”
“So that means that whatever cuts his chest open does it there.”
“That might be true, but that does not guarantee that it will be the same this time.”
“You said it has the last two.”
They pulled to a stop next to the fuel tank as Logan shook his head.
“Things have already changed,” he said as Remus found an empty fuel container to fill up. “Patton has never gone with Virgil before, Roman hasn’t gone to work on the shields, I’ve never told-”
“Hey, cool your jets, Wall-E,” Remus said, catching Logan’s hands in his before Logan had the chance to pull out his tablet to go over everything he could on there, to find something to try and make some sense out of everything. “Everything’s going to be fine. We’ll get through this, yeah?”
Logan took a deep breath and nodded.
“Great. Now let’s get this stuff to Orange, yeah?”
“Yes,” Logan agreed and looked around for a second container, only to find the surprising sight of a man in cyan blue stood near the door. “Patton! I thought you were going to stay with Virgil.”
For a moment their navigator said nothing, and Logan started to wonder why he looked so stiff, but then he relaxed, his body language becoming something much more soft and familiar.
“I was, but now we’re waiting for some of the samples to process,” Patton explained. “He’s staying in the Medbay but I wanted to see how everyone was doing! I see you two aren’t fueling around!”
“Yes,” Logan said, unimpressed by the pun, though Remus snickered. “Well, thank you for checking on us.”
“No problem!” Patton said, rocking back on his heels before heading on. “I’ll go check how Janus is doing. See ya!”
“Bye Pat!” Remus called after him with a wave. Logan watched after him with suspicion for a few moments more but still collected the container and brought it back to Remus.
“I think they got him.”
Remus blinked at him. “They who?”
“The… The Things,” Logan replied, unsure what else to call them. He should have thought of it before; it had always been Roman and Virgil, and they had always gone to Medbay. Medbay wasn’t safe, and now Patton had been caught. “I’m such an idiot.”
“Wait, Patton?”
Remus stared up at him, his eyes growing wide. “Janus.”
They dropped the containers without a second thought and sprinted after Patton, skidding around corners until they reached the Communications room. As luck would have it, Roman had been near the corridor and the commotion had caught his attention.
Patton had turned back to look at them all in surprise, or rather the creature that had taken Patton’s form had, as there wasn’t a shadow of a doubt that this wasn’t their lovable father friend anymore. No, this thing’s arms had been buried deep inside of Janus’s chest, one sharp tentacle-like appendage having exited his back with a small number of vertebrae clutched in its grasp, and the other coming out of Janus’s mouth.
Bits of spinal cord dropped to the floor from within the vertebrae, landing with a squelch in a pool of gathering gore, and a few moments later Janus’s limp body joined it. The three of them watched in horrified fascination as the creature’s appendages morphed back into Patton’s suit covered arms, and the blood covering them seeped into the fabric, removing all evidence of the brutal murder it had just commited.
“Whoops,” Thing-Patton said with a shiver inducing smile. “Looks like I should have been more careful!”
Stardate: October 17th XX20. 10:35 AM
Patton was struggling in Remus’s grasp, kicking and wiggling and hissing as everyone left alive stood around the table in the cafeteria. Logan’s heart hadn’t stopped racing since Remus had charged towards the creature that had torn through flesh and bone and tackled it to the ground. He was still holding back his panic at the thought that he was holding it with his bare arms with no protection against being slaughtered in front of everyone.
“What the hell is going on?” Orange demanded, as Remus struggled with Not-Patton for a moment and was forced to push him down against the table. “Green!”
“He… It… The thing that looks like Patton killed Janus!” Roman explained, going to join his brother to hold the Thing down. “We saw it!”
“Let me go!” Not-Patton shouted. “You’re hurting me!”
“What do you mean, ‘Patton killed Janus’?” Virgil asked, looking like he wanted to jump in to help, but Logan had set himself between them. He knew what Virgil had become.
"It's not Patton!" Remus exclaimed grunting when Patton swung his head back into his nose but never once losing his grip. Perhaps all those scraps were good for something after all. "Fuck! He killed Janie! He’s dead! He’s dead God damn it! You tore him to fucking shreds!"
Logan so desperately wanted to go to his side, to wipe the tears that were falling down his cheeks, but he had to stay here. He had to protect them from Virgil too, or all of this would have been for nothing.
“He’s not the one with blood all over him!” Virgil declared, waving at Remus’s gore covered suit. “How do we know it wasn’t you?”
“Purple’s got a point,” Orange conceded with a nod, and Not-Patton smiled.
“Yes! Thank you, Orange!” the creature said, still struggling.
“No!” Roman exclaimed. “I don’t know what you are or what you did to Patton, but we saw what you did.”
“But Remus-!” Virgil began but Logan cut him off.
“Do you honestly think that all three of us would lie to you about this?” he asked, waiting for a few moments before continuing when no answer was forthcoming. “I don’t know how, but this… this thing is able to absorb… blood through the suit.”
“That’s ridiculous!”
“Oh I wish it was.”
Virgil looked between the three of them, looked at Not-Patton who was struggling under the twins’ weight, then over at Orange who was considering Patton with suspicion. “You can’t seriously think they’re telling the truth!”
“All three of them are corroborating the same story,” Orange said.
“Orange, no,” Not-Patton begged, and Logan had to force himself not to look at it when he heard the wetness of its voice. “Please. Please! I didn’t do it!”
Orange’s expression twitched. “What are we supposed to do with him?”
“Orange!” Virgil cried, but Logan couldn’t help but feel relieved.
“We could throw him out the garbage chute,” Remus suggested as he and Roman kept a tighter hold on the squirming body beneath them.
Roman stared at him. “You want to pull a HAL 9000 and vent him into space?”
“He just tore my best friend up from the inside out in front of our eyes!” Remus all but screamed in his face. “He pushed pieces of his spine out through his back! There were pieces of his liver and pancreas all over the floor! He’s got fucking tentacles for arms!”
Roman continued to stare at him in silence for a few seconds, at his red rimmed eyes and wet cheeks, then he nodded slowly.
“I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this,” Orange said, but he also nodded in agreement, though he looked severely conflicted. Not that Logan could blame him; it still looked like Patton after all.
Logan spun around, holding his tablet out in some poor excuse of a shield as Virgil charged at him, only to get pulled to a halt by Orange.
“You’re all crazy!” Virgil screamed at them as Roman and Remus started to drag a wailing Not-Patton towards the garbage chute. “You’re crazy!”
“Logan, the door,” Roman said, and Logan headed to the panel to open it.
The door to the dumping ground hissed open and Not-Patton’s cries only grew in volume as Virgil continued to shout and scream at them to stop. The twins struggled to shove the Thing into the alcove, and it tried to cling onto Roman before Remus batted it away, and then Logan shut the door.
There was a lever that needed to be pulled to activate the venting, one that had to be held down to keep the hatch open, and it burned at Logan’s fingers through the suit. He could hear Not-Patton banging on the doors, Virgil screaming behind him, Roman trying not to throw up as he held back sobs…
He shut his eyes and gritted his teeth, Remus’s hand falling on his shoulder. “I…”
“Let me.”
He shook his head, but still he couldn’t move. He was frozen, stuck, unable and yet knowing he needed to. “I can’t.”
Remus’s hand covered his, fingers curling slowly through his own. “Let me.”
Logan took a deep, shaking breath, forcing the noises around them away, and swallowed as he let his arm drop, leaving only Remus at the lever. Much as Logan had done, Remus hesitated, but it was only that, a hesitation.
The banging fell into silence as the chute emptied, its contents emptying out into the void of space as Remus held the lever for five seconds, ten, twenty…
“Remus,” Logan said softly as he touched his partner’s arm, then up to his wrist until he could peel his fingers from the lever. Once they had come loose it was like a chord had been cut and he dropped to his knees, clutching at Logan’s hand as he held his head with the other.
“I killed him.”
“No!” Logan insisted, kneeling before him to hold him, even as he kept an eye on Virgil, who looked stunned. “That wasn’t Patton anymore. It wasn’t even human.”
Remus choked on his tears and gripped Logan’s back.
“We did the right thing,” Roman said as he slid closer, sliding his fingers into his brother’s hair.
“The right thing sucks,” Remus said into Logan’s shoulder, but eventually raised his head enough to smile at his twin. “Thanks bro.”
“No problem,” Roman said, and he leaned closer to press his forehead to Remus’s.
It was a beautiful moment, one that didn’t happen nearly enough between the siblings, but in the moment of distraction Logan had taken his eye off of Orange and Virgil. He should have known better. He was doing so many things wrong!
Lights flashed overhead, an alarm blared, and all three of them looked up, drawn from their moment of solidarity.
“The reactor,” Orange said and took off running, Virgil following soon after, and Logan scrambled to his feet.
“Virgil,” he said, pulling Remus up. “He’s the other one.”
“What?” Roman said, only to have to catch up with them as they  headed towards the reactor. “Other one of what? What are you talking about?”
“It’s the Thing, Roman,” Remus explained simply, “except this time there are two, and we only got one of them.”
“That’s-!” Roman started, only to cut himself off, no doubt thinking of what he’d witnessed. “What are we going to do?”
“Stop him.”
Stardate: October 17th XX20. 10:51 AM
They had been too late. Orange had been bleeding out on the floor and Virgil nowhere to be seen when they had arrived, the countdown bringing them closer and closer to the end of everything. They had stabilised the core as quickly as possible, but now they were walking around the station like a tiny waddle of emperor penguins in the dead of winter, jumping at every little sound. Logan was disgusted with himself for making so many mistakes, for not being strong enough to do what had to be done. Now there were only three of them left, and he had a feeling that it would only be a matter of time before that number went down to zero.
“He’s got to be in the vents,” Remus said, glaring at the grate in the corner of the cafeteria, shifting the pipe he’d picked up in his hand. “This is turning into an Alien movie.”
“There’s only one or two survivors in most of those!” Roman hissed in complaint. “I’d rather not have that happen. Four is plenty enough already.”
“I don’t think we’ll get much of a choice in that,” Remus said. “Whatever happens, next time, we do something different.”
“Next time?”
Remus looked back at Logan as dread started to build in the scientist’s gut. “Groundhog Day, you said.”
“Remus,” Logan said, reaching for him, and catching his hand.
“If we lose, you have to warn me next time,” he said, only sparing a few moments to watch him before turning back to keep watch. “You have to let me help you, alright? I know what you’re like.” He smirked. “You can be as stubborn as a crocodile chowing down on a wildebeest.”
“This isn’t a game, Remus,” Logan said. “Losing you -- losing any of you -- hurts.”
“What the hell are you guys talking about?” Roman asked.
“He already told you, and you called him a liar.”
“He…” Roman blinked. “You can’t have lived through today already. That’s impossible.”
“I know,” Logan agreed, “and if I wasn’t living it I would agree with you.”
The lights started flashing again.
“Oxygen,” Logan muttered as he looked at the light. “Two locations. We won’t be able to fix it in time if we don’t split up.”
Remus nodded. “I’ll take the one in Admin, you two take the other.”
No. No, he couldn’t let Remus go on his own. He couldn’t do that. He couldn’t let him die alone. He wouldn’t-
All thoughts in Logan’s head screeched to a halt as Remus pulled him in for a deep, needy kiss. A last kiss.
“I love you,” the love of his life said before he pulled away.
Logan didn’t get the chance to call after him, Roman dragging him towards the oxygen room before he could even breathe. He wouldn’t have been able to say anything though; he felt too numb, knowing Remus was doing this, even though he knew the consequences.
As they entered the room he headed over to the panel next to the filter, entering the code to fix it… and the countdown didn’t stop for a moment.
“... He didn’t make it,” Roman murmured, and as the numbers dropped lower and lower Logan took his hand, squeezing tight as the air thinned, as spots appeared in his vision, as he became dizzy and dropped to his knees. Wheezing, he pressed close to the warm body beside him as consciousness finally slipped through his finger.
Stardate: October 17th XX20. 6:00 AM
The light of the cryodeck grew brighter beyond Logan’s closed eyes as he steadily awoke, his fingers curling. He waited in silent hope for several long and dragging seconds until he heard the familiar sound of Remus falling out of the cryotube. He didn’t know whether to laugh in relief or cry, knowing now that he would have to live through everything all over again.
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flauntpage · 6 years
Tony Bruno Launches a Crusade Against the Philadelphia Parking Authority
Like so many twenty-first century skirmishes, the war began not with a bang, but a tweet:
Thank You @PhilaParking for booting my car, forcing cancellation of an important eye doctor appt this morning. You people are truly evil and a national disgrace! #Impeach @PhillyMayor
— Tony Bruno (@TonyBrunoShow) April 6, 2018
Tony Bruno, the erstwhile Fanatic and WIP host who retired from the terrestrial airwaves in 2015, lobbed a virtual grenade at one of the largest armies in the city: the Philadelphia Parking Authority, otherwise known as the PPA.
Bruno is no stranger to verbal combat. He might be best known to Crossing Broad readers as a prominent veteran of the Radio Wars that our intrepid leader, Kyle Scott, has documented for posterity. Thanks to Kyle, our grandchildren will write essays comparing Hannibal’s invasion of Italy to Josh Innes’ brief assault on the Philadelphia market; Dwayne from Swedesboro will take his rightful place in history alongside Uncle Remus and Al Jolson’s blackface characters; and historians will debate whether the Camp David Accords had the same impact as the Baldy Summit of 2017.
Although Bruno has retreated from the radio scene, he has created a podcast and maintains an active social media presence. It also appears that he has decided to spend his golden years living in his native South Philadelphia, which is the setting for the Bruno-PPA conflict of 2018.
Bruno’s troubles with the PPA began last week. It appears that Mr. Monday Night was assessed four tickets in quick succession, which made his car liable to be booted. Bruno contends that three of the tickets were issued in error by an aggressive parking enforcement officer who ignored the 24-hour permit sticker on his vehicle windshield.
Rejected #PPA Proof my car was legally parked on my street with a 24 sticker and given 2 different tickets by an overzealous meter maid on 2 different nights @PhilaParking #NoJusticeNoBoot pic.twitter.com/ufJzxRBwZ2
— Tony Bruno (@TonyBrunoShow) April 6, 2018
Despite receiving assurances that he would be able to dispute the charges before his vehicle was impounded, Bruno found that his car was towed. And so he decided to record his Sunday afternoon trip to the PPA’s impound lot to recover his vehicle:
The first four minutes of the video serve as an introduction, but the action doesn’t really pick up until the 14:30 mark, when Tony is informed by the PPA cashier that he will need to pay $927 in order to release his car. After some back-and-forth, it sounds like the parking czars demanded payment for historical tickets that appeared when Bruno’s name was entered into the PPA database. At the 17 minute mark, Bruno loses it:
“I want my car released today or someone’s gonna have hell to pay in this city…This bullshit’s gonna end in this city. I want my goddamn car! I have four tickets, and three of them were given illegally on my street…I’m making a documentary about what a corrupt extortion operation this is. This is an extortion operation. Extortion!
Tony’s outburst might seem unhinged, but any viewers of the old Parking Wars show would recognize it as a not unusual interaction with an agency that has a less than stellar reputation. While that garbage television series was geared toward portraying PPA subjects in the best light and using the camera to coax the worst theatrical instincts out of selectively chosen ticketed citizens, I would still find myself sympathizing with the citizens who just had their lives significantly disrupted. And I find myself siding with Tony Bruno now.
Though it seems contradictory, the PPA operates in a way that is simultaneously ruthlessly efficient and woefully incompetent. The agency dispatches meter readers throughout the city and, despite denials, expects each employee to reach a quota. I’ve spoken with a former parking enforcement officer who was sent to a less desirable (read: more dangerous) beat when he failed to detect an acceptable number of violations.
The job of the meter reader is to find violations. If you don’t find any, the logic goes, you aren’t looking hard enough.
Behavioral and work ethic standards decrease as one moves up the PPA’s employment ladder. The organization has served as a patronage den for the city’s Republican Party, which wrested control of the PPA from local Democrats in 2001 due to some clever maneuvering in Harrisburg. The organization has handed out sinecures to ward leaders and other politically connected Philadelphians. Six-figure salaries are common in upper management, and unusually generous comp time rules were in place for salaried senior staff through 2016. Even managers who are terminated for poor job performance seem to find their way back to the trough. Chris Vogler, who was dismissed from his position as manager of the red-light program, reappeared as a consultant for Xerox, which was bidding for a red light camera contract .
Until 2016, Republican ward leader and power broker Vince Fenerty ran the PPA; Fenerty resigned his position as executive director in 2016 when claims of sexual harassment and a legal settlement came to light. When he clocked out, Fenerty cashed in: in addition to the highest pension in the municipal government, Fenerty claimed over $200,000 in unused vacation time and was granted fifteen years of free health coverage.
After a blistering report from the state’s auditor general, the PPA responded by retreating to comfortable territory: the organization created an extra layer of bureaucratic bloat and hired a new executive director who had zero experience running an agency like the PPA. Moreover, the PPA redoubled its efforts to recoup the money for unpaid tickets dating as far back as 20 years.
These actions may have eased the pressure coming from Harrisburg and City Hall to reform the agency, but they have only exacerbated already frayed tensions between the PPA and the citizens it purports to serve.
Of course, Tony faced backlash on Twitter for not paying the tickets. And there’s some logic to this point. However, I would bet most of his critics do not live in town. Once they leave the city limits, they don’t have to worry about a PPA van cruising through their residential neighborhood at night and booting or towing their cars.
And what if you believe you were unfairly ticketed? Apparently, the booting and towing process is not slowed if tickets are in dispute.
At the end of his video, Bruno directs his anger at Mayor Jim Kenney:
“And I’m promising you this, Jim Kenney. I’m promising you this right now. Every single day of this week, I will be out on the streets not just exposing the PPA…I will expose how you have swindled, lied, and destroyed this great city; how you have sanitized Center City by spending millions of dollars in Dilworth Plaza and fancying up the LOVE statue. And having second-rate, not even real City Council people staging protests to take down a Frank Rizzo statue. That’s all you care about! You don’t care about the people! You care about your bullshit social justice agenda.”
Here’s where I part company with Bruno. Mayor Kenney has little, bordering on zero, control of the PPA. Aside from making use of the bully pulpit, there is not much Kenney can do to impact the PPA’s operations. Since he’s not doling out the patronage jobs, the mayor cannot control the people who run the organization. If Bruno wants to vent, he should direct his outrage at the Harrisburg legislators who control the PPA.
That said, I think it’s completely fair to demand results from the mayor for a school system that continually demands money while delivering a questionable return on investment. Philadelphia has now opened a casino, increased the surcharge on cigarettes, taxed sugary beverages, proposed a property tax hike, and has subjected this city to an overzealous Parking Authority that ravenously seeks revenue to prop up a failing school system and a top-heavy management structure.
Millions of dollars have poured into the School District’s coffers, and the city is in the process of regaining control of its school system from the state. What are we getting for this money? Why are there still classrooms that do not have enough textbooks? Why do teachers still need to dip into their own funds to buy supplies for their students? How many students are reading at grade level? How many are graduating from high school either armed with a skill set that will allow them to enter the workforce or the grades and the knowledge to succeed in college?
There’s nothing wrong with asking these questions, especially when the city is burdening its citizens with the responsibility to fund the pursuit of answers.
Tony Bruno Launches a Crusade Against the Philadelphia Parking Authority published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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