#doesnt mean hes ‘innocent like an angel’ or what the fuck ever
t4t-apexeclipse · 11 months
which two sides would have the best time getting high together
and alternatively… which two sides would have the worst time getting high
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strawglicks · 2 years
thinking abt how every spamvil hater ive seen villainizes jevil and victimizes spamton to the moon and back. like their argument against spamvil is ALWAYS, without fail, "it would hurt spamton :(" and then they have nothing to say about jevil or talk abt how jevil would hurt him somehow.
First of all idk where this weirdass villainization of jevil is coming from. People seem to think hes this irredeemable soulless clown who feels nothing and doesnt care abt anyone. Meanwhile, ingame, he literally admits he is lonely and was close to Seam in the past. Yes he needs to learn how to be serious and has a cynical view of the world, but for some reason the fandom doesnt see him as a complex and flawed character. they just decide hes too far gone and would hurt anyone he has a relationship with, including spamton.
And then theres spamton, everyone's favorite innocent angel never did anything wrong bbg apparently!! The fandom doesnt treat spamton anything like they do Jevil. They actually want good things for him, a better future, and feel sorry for him. That's not a bad thing, I feel the same, but these same people will ignore all his flaws and how literally evil he was in the snowgrave route. Spamton is not a good person. I thought this was explicitly clear in the game, but apparently bc he has sad lore spoonfed to the audience this is ignored.
In regards to Jevil, Spamton is extremely bitter and jealous of him. The only things spamton himself has said about jevil is that he wishes to "surpass" him, and that he lost to jevil's games in the past. He even admits he cheated in many of these games. Spamton is not a trustworthy person. if you havent noticed his character is literally based on scam emails. Spamton is just jealous of Jevil's happiness despite the situation theyre both in, which is understandable in a way. Still, it doesnt mean spamton is in the right for being bitter and resentful. There's no real evidence Jevil has actively hurt spamton in any way, esp not on purpose. He literally just beat him at games and is way happier than he is and he's angry about it.
People consume all this shit at SURFACE LEVEL- reminder that this is an unfinished game MADE TO BE ANALYZED- and dont look any deeper into these very complex and interesting characters. All these spamvil haters assume Jevil is just irredeemable and too far gone and find spamtons backstory depressing but dont think about what these two NEED to heal from their experiences. Having gone through similar shit, they're really the only people who could understand each other to such an extent. They both need to let their guard down and listen to each other because they can offer each other a different point of view on a similar situation, which is what the both of them NEED more than anything. Yes it would take a lot of time; these are very flawed people. But you cant just. leave them where they are right now and expect either of them to heal completely on their own. Being alone is the LAST thing either of them needs. Jevil literally admits to being lonely and spamton ACTIVELY gets worse the longer he is alone. Yes he has trust issues, but he needs to be able to open up if he ever wants to get better.
Theres also the argument of "spamton is afraid of clowns" which isnt valid anyway because i just got done explaining how even if hes afraid of opening up and being close to people, spamton NEEDS it if he wants any chance at getting better. Sometimes you have to face your fears to make any progress. Plus spamton himself has never shown any sign of fearing jevil. He's only ever regarded him with bitterness and jealousy.
idk how to conclude this fuck you
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twatshag · 3 years
♤ Sakusa kiyoomi's night terrors ♤
Unfaithful. Oh it was just a dream. But why did it feel so real...
Genre: fluff to angst and then back to fluff, smut
Pairing: TIMESKIP both characters!!!!!sakusa x fem reader (in dream atsumu X READER)
Warnings: smut in dream, you cheating in the dream (you wrong for dat sis😩)
M DNI!!!
HIS POV small glimpse of your pov as well
What a day. I sighed looking at the clock it was only 5 pm. Y/n was going to be here at 8 pm. I cleaned and already bought groceries for dinner.
I'm quite satisfied with how things looked around the apartment. As of lately y/n decided to bring me some plants and decorations everytime she visited, because in her opinion my apartment looked lifeless and bland.
I smiled softly thinking about tonight. I'm going to ask her to move in with me today. I mean I hope she doesnt mind. Maybe she'll be taken back by my sudden request or oh god what if she rejects me.. ?
I gulped trying to focus on the show I was watching and pushing back all the negative outcomes. She told me about this show during one of our phone calls and told me that I'd definitely enjoy it. She knows me so well, god I can't wait to tell her how much I appreciate her today.
As of lately I've been gathering up the courage to finally tell her that I'm ready to have intercourse with her. She's been so loving and patient this whole time I can't imagine how sweet she is for waiting up 6 months for me. I couldn't imagine if there was anyone who'd be so willing to respect my very picky boundaries but there she was.
I can't help but think about how it would feel for me and her being so close together. And becoming one. I blushed deeply at the thought. After all there Is one benefit of her not living with me.
That's not seeing me blush like this tsk. I bet she'd give me that smug smile and ask if I'm okay. I rolled my eyes thinking about her smug smile.
I never really asked if she's had.. intercourse with someone before. What if I wasn't good enough to satisfy her expectations..? What if.. she rejects my offer? What if I hurt her during it ? Oh god I don't want that. My head plagued me with bad thoughts about the idea of trying to satisfy her and failing miserably.
Y/n is absolutely gorgeous, all my team mates seem to love her and hell I really hate the way that stupid setter of a team mate looks at her.
I can't help but get jealous because she seems so comfortable with him. Sometimes I even find myself comparing the alternative realities of her being with him instead.
He's easy going has no stupid boundaries and he probably has a ton of experience to satisfy her.. my heart clenched at the thought of her leaving me for him.
I pushed those thoughts back once again. I looked at the clock it read 5:30 pm. Maybe I can dose off and when she comes around I'll tell her everything that's on my mind. I can't keep on post poning things.
I closed my eyes long forgotten about the show playing in the background as I waited for her.
My eyes shot open as I heard muffled sounds in my apartment. Just what the hell was that?
I groaned as I sat up and looked at the clock it read 6:50 pm. Could she have arrived early?
The sounds were coming from the bedroom I smiled softly as I heard her beautiful voice. A voice that's so gentle when talking to me, so soft when she notices the way I slump from a long day of practice. Everything I've ever wanted in a woman. Was mine to keep and cherish.
I peeked through the crack and I noticed someone hovering over the bed. Smiling I opened it more to see what she was doing.
"Oh god yes yes tsumu right there." I felt my heart rip out of my chest. There she laid in my own apartment,in my own bed. With him. On top of her kissing her neck and thrusting into her.
She clung to him harder than she's ever clung to me.
Her mouth hung open and the so beautiful voice was now a curse I was hearing.
He kissed her neck hungrily.
"Ya feel so good angel-so fucking good." He quickened his pace while kissing her disgustingly his tongue gracing her so beautiful skin and infecting it. "Tsumu- aghnn mmhm yes-God fuck yes- yes y-ea-s." I wanted to scream, to move and tear them apart, to burn the whole apartment down hell even to avert my eyes but I couldn't.
Everything I've loved sat there being caressed by another man. That man was not me.
That man was someone better than I'll ever be.
Her gaze fell on me. Tears perked up my eyes looking at her stone lust filled eyes.
She gave me a smug smile.. That smug smile that was always so playfully displayed looked much darker than ever. No hint of playfulness or mercy. No hint of fake innocence as it once had.
"You've always been such a burden sakusa." I flinched at her tone and the mention of my last name, while that man was kissing her neck hungirly, thrusting into her as if I wasn't even there to begin with. That I ceased to exist in his world as of now.
Everything went silent for a moment, her whimpers became muted from the way the faux blonde thrusted into her as she spoke the next words.
"I never loved you. Sakusa. Me and you both know that atsumu was always the righteous man for me. You good for nothing replaceable freak."
And with that I was pushed back into the sofa my eyes shot open as I stared at her face above me cheeks flushed red from her shower she looked so beautiful but my heart it ached from what I saw. Did he see her like this too? She shrieked and stepped back.
"jesus christ kiyo! What the hell ?! are you psychic? I was about to wake you up!"
Kiyo... a name she always called me when things were serious. But the worry and softness that concealed her voice was not enough for me to accept what I just saw as an illusion.
I stood up pushing past her acting like she's not even there. I despised her existence with all my heart yet I can't help but repeat those words in my head. She's right I am replaceable. I'm a freak and I'll never be able to find love.
"Hey what the hell?! I'm talking to you, you know mister sleepy head!" She followed me into the kitchen trying to get me to talk to her, god her presence made me want to vomit.
I grabbed a glass and poured water into it and as I began to drink it to calm my nerve down before I lost my composure that was literally hanging by a thread right now.
I felt her hand on my back and to say the least i wanted nothing but to get her filthy hands and presence out of my life right now.
"Omi..what's wrong you kn-"
"Don't fucking touch me." I hissed, venom lacing my tone as I averted her gaze because seeing her made my heart clench.
Everything that I always wanted was in the arms of someone else. But why keep me around? Why hurt me like this?
I felt her staring at me wide eyed and from the corner of my eye I could see that she looked at her hand.
"I'm sorry are my hands di-"
"They're fucking filthy you disgusting bitch." This time I looked her in the eyes. Her eyes widened at my tone. She deserved it. She did this to herself what the hell was she expecting?
me to welcome her back after she just tore my heart apart ? After she was....with him? In my fucking bed? Infecting it and my life with the pain?
"Omi you don'-"
"Get out."
"W-what? Wh-"
"I SAID GET OUT!" I slammed my hand on the counter and she flinched "get the hell out of my apartment you filthy-" not even finishing my sentence I suddenly felt cold and wet
If there's anything that life has taught me it's that whenever someone was angry DO NOT stay around them. For the sake of the both of you.
As I entered kiyoomi's apartment having a spare he was sleeping peacefully on the sofa making me smile softly. Deciding to leave him rest until I took my clothes off showering and then coming back to the living room to wake him up.
I couldn't help but notice that he was shuffling as if he was in pain i frowned and I decided to reach to shake him awake just as I was about to do so to my surprise he just jolted awake and now here we are.
He was being extremely mean and I think that I know what was going on he was shouting at me with a tone I've never recognised before.
The advise of leaving someone angry long left my mind and the glass of water now emptied in omi's face.
He stared at the ground with such pure anger and hate shocked that I had the nerve to even do such a thing after whatever the hell he saw or heard.
I sighed
"What ever dream y/n did just know that I'd never do to you. When you're ready to talk to me about it I'll be in your balcony. I'm sorry for.. throwing water in your face but you need to understand that I had no other choice." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly putting the glass down on the counter in case he wanted to drink one more time before facing me. And with that I left and made my way to his balcony.
Whatever he saw must've hurt him deeply for him to react that way I thought I sat down looking at the beautiful sight of Tokyo breathing in its air smiling softly at the sounds of the lifeful city.
Whenever he's ready he'll come to me.
Back to his pov
She... threw water in my face. Suddenly I feel more awake. And guilty. God I feel so guilty. It was just a dream.
And I thought she'd... I have to fix this.
Panicking on how the hell i was going to word off 'sorry i had a dream where you cheated and I was so sure you did it so I screamed at you ' to her I filled the glass of water and drank it going into the bedroom sighing and letting a few tears spill while changing my wet shirt.
At times like this I'd truly begin to wish that I was like everyone else.
That I wasn't a very cautious man who was so blunt and had a comeback for everything but the man that could've made her life better.
I put on my slides and my hand hovered over my balcony door. Watching her city gaze smiling softly to herself.
At times where she would come over she always insisted on drinking coffee in my balcony at night.
At first it sounded so silly because I wouldn't get to sleep the whole night but instead i slept better and happier more fulfilled.
"Staring isn't nice you know?" Her sweet voice cut my train of memories and I opened the door clearing my throat.
God how awkward where the hell do I even begin to apologise i feel so guilty and dumb for even doubting you.
I sat next to her.
"You cheated on me.." she snapped her neck so fast it felt like it broke wide eyed. Before she could even speak I reassured "in my dream."Her expression softened she nodded listening to what I had to say.
"It felt so...real.. I walked onto you and atsumu.. and you told me that I'm a burden and you n-never loved me." I couldn't face her. I couldn't even look at her because of my ignorance and insecurities it truly was a pathetic sight for her to witness me this way.
Hot tears streamed down my face as I sniffiled.
"I know you always assure me that there's no need for me to be jealous or worry about him but it felt so real. I know that you'd be better of with someone who understood you better than I did. Act better than I did..hell even not doubt you because of something like this. "
my heart clenched at the next outcome. That being Her actually leaving me. I opened my mouth to speak only to be cut off by her "can I touch you?"
I looked at her nervously nodding like a small child as she pulled me into her arms hugging me while rubbing my back.
"I'd never dream of leaving you Kiyoomi. Yet alone be in someone else's arms.." I clung to her worried that if I didn't she'd leave me.
I cried softly against her repeating apologies while she rocked me.
"Hey hey Shh omi.. it's alright I know you didn't mean any of it. Besides I can't believe dream me cheated on you and with nasty ass atsumu out of all people" she fake gagged.
Making me laugh tearfully against her chest pulling away to look at her and she cupped my face in her hands making me look deeply in her so beautiful love filled eyes. Something dream her didnt have.
"There hasn't been a day that's passed where I don't thank god that you chose me out of everyone else omi. I'd be so stupid to throw away everything that you've given me." She smiled at me so sweetly it gave me toothache "i dont care if there are people out there who have no boundaries and arent afraid of germs and hell can touch me no matter what because those people arent you. I'd never ever lay in someone's elses arms kiyo..you're the one for me you know that right?" She looked back at me searching for a confirmation that I believed her so I nodded gently "It's always going to be you omi.. okay? I'm not going anywhere and you're stuck with me sadly." She giggled while a few tears were threatening to spill from her eyes my heart clenched this time because of her sweetness and care.
"I wouldn't mind being anywhere as long as it's with you y/n" I smiled at her as I brought my hand to her face and kissed her. The taste of her lips were always so intoxicating. So addictive.
And at that I knew it'll be okay. I loved her so much, with every muscle and bone in my body. But it was okay because so did she.
"How do you want the pork chopped?" I looked at her from my counter while she confusingly stared at me "omi... I don't eat pork." Oops I forgot that. And now I'm embarrassed that I did. "O-oh yeah sorry." Fucking idiot.. I thought to myself.
She giggled and hugged me from behind and kissed my shoulder peeking from the sides watching me as I chopped the pork. Smiling at her so familiar warmth.
"No need to be embarrassed you're not the only one who forgets it all the time you know" I rolled my eyes at her observant habit still smiling at her warmth but I wont let her slide that easy so I'll tease her "says the big baby who's clinging onto me like a baby koalo." She giggled against my back sending shivers down my spine. "Yeah its your fault that you're so handsome and cuddly." I chuckled at her reasoning she hummed as if she was in thought. "Oh yeah, Omi you wanted to talk to me about something was it me cheating on you in your dream or something else ?" She teased.
I got a bit stiff At the thought of even asking her to move in with me. She backed away from me as I turned around.
"Y-yeah.." she raised an eyebrow at me "so which one is it?" She asked eagerly crossing her arms "I-uh,," why was this so freaking hard to ask I scratched the back of my neck avoiding her gaze. "Move in w-ith me...?" I mumbled softly I felt my face heat up as I attempted to ask her that half ass effort.
She smiled that one smug smile I loved to see so much but I'll never tell her that.
"Speak up I cant hear you omi" I rolled my eyes at her and turned my back continuing with chopping up the pork. "Guess you dont want to.." I mumbled earning a small gasp from her and to leech onto me from the side hugging me tightly "no no no sorry I heard you yes I'd love that, actually I've been dying to move in with you but I can't just ask hey I'm going to move in with you so make room for me in your closet" she giggled and kissed my cheek lovingly making me smile. I looked up at her as she smiled so hard at me teeth and everything. She leaned in to kiss me.
Now or never.
"I'm also ready to have sex with you." I moved away to the freezer to grab something I can make her leaving her hangingon thin air. She almost choked on nothing blushing immediately.
"YOU WHAT NOW??" I smirked at her loud voice and shock.
"Is chicken okay?" And now her face turned sour in disbelief. Possibly redder too.
"I guess chicken it is" I shrugged smirking at her.
At the end of the day i always knew that home was always going to be right here with her around me. I'm one lucky man to have her around me. But I've hit bulls eye with her love for me.
Kiyoomi made you chicken soup that day. And he decided that today was the day to give you his all let's just say.. his insecurities weren't right at all about him. Even saying that he totally satisfied you wasn't enough to describe the feeling you felt. Now sakusa has grown addicted to how you feel around him. My guy is whipped and extremely horny for you.
A/N: I LITERSLLY FELL ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING THIS AHAHAHAHA anyway I feel like this isn't my best work yet but I hope that you guys liked it ;(;( I feel like there's not enough his pov content so I decided to make it his pov also this isn't my best work so I'm sorryyyy im insecure rn pls I hope yall enjoyed this thank you so much for reading !!
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monstas1ut2 · 4 years
Diabolik Lovers x POC!Reader!
•May Have Some Errors?
“If You Gave Them Head”
-Shu Sakamaki
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-Soft, and slow... The definition of having sex in the moonlight. Shu isn't the type to be so aggressive towards you, only if you're being a brat. His main reason being that he's lazy, he wouldn't dare push his energy out unless he really feels the need to.. like when you're sad or depressed and just need some love.
-Shu loves the way your lips are, make sure you have lip gloss on first... honestly, it doesn't even matter.. just make your lips glossy by licking them... he'll mentally drool over it.
-Shu will record you... Though he's such a secretive and secretly romantic guy.. it will NOT surface. It's locked in his phone as memories, just like your moans.. he listens to them while alone if he misses you...in more ways than one.
-Things he'd say while getting head would be "Choking on it?... slow down then..." or "Look at me..." or "Take it like a big girl..."
-Shu actually moans a lot.. but they're soft, his face Will be red and his eyes will be staring down at you.
-Reiji Sakamaki
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-Rough, but this sadistic vampire tends to praise you for everything.. making this not such a pain. Granting you bruises on your plump lips and a sore throat... it's a bit much but Reiji tries to refrain himself from being so rough, though seeing you like that.. on your knees in front of him as he sips on his tea... Magical yeah?
-Reiji loves watching you cry, the tears welling up in your eyes as they fall. He likes seeing those eyes of yours water up behind your long eyelashes. Flutter those eyelashes up at him while slurping him up... he might just loose control.
-Having a pure white collar on your neck is something that turns him on to the max. Just seeing the difference between it and your darker skin... He aches at the sight almost every time, like he's edging himself. Which is why he makes you wear it every time. He just loved the thought of you looking innocent as an Angel.
-Things he'd say while getting head would be "Such a good girl..." or "You're quite good at this now, I've taught you well.." or "Dont you loose a single drop.... you want your reward.. yes?"
-Reiji holds in his moans, no doubt about it. It's not that he doesn't feel what you're giving him.. He most definitely does, he enjoys it everytime, those praises aren't just for nothing. One time you were so determined that you managed to push out a moan from him... it was so masculine and hot that you noticed how much of a slut you wanted to be for him..
-Ayato Sakamaki
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-Rough... It's also apparent to say, you are barely in control half the time. The redhead doesn't know what slow means, or pain. He disregards your pleads as he grabs a fist full of your bonnet and he thrusts into your mouth. Though if he's not grabbing your bonnet, it's you being pushed against a wall, on your ass as you stuck your tongue out.. his cock going in and out of your throat.
-The reason Ayato is this way is because he loves how much mess it makes of you. He delves in the end result of seeing you so fucked over. Your bonnet either off or sliding off, as well as your scarf that was under it. He also likes if your breasts are drenched in your spit and his cum. Please let's not let the male see you break a nail.. he'll tease you about it.
-Ayato, being his egotistical self loves forcing you to lick every single drop of his cum.. even if it's on the floor.. though only if you wanted to.. he's not THAT disrespectful towards you, he still respects you.. since that day you shamelessly slapped his face about something.
-Things he'd say while getting head would be like "It's big in your throat huh..?" Or "Make a mess, yours truly likes how slutty you are..." or "don't puke... then again... yours truly doesn't care..."
-Ayato is loud, alright? He's loud.. and he'll let anyone know what you two did and how you two did it. Though if you're really self conscious about the situation, he'd try to be a sweetheart and calm down.
-Laito Sakamaki
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-Actually gentle.... Laito loves watching you play with him, and will not care if you hesitate to go farther. He likes seeing you fawn over him and lick at his sensitive spots. Laito will only grip at your hair or your bonnet, if you guide his hand there. He just likes seeing you have fun giving him pleasure. Laito would have his hair strands wild and those green eyes would watch you take him in your mouth.
-Laito feels like soft head is what he loves best with you. Since he's actually committed to this relationship, he doesn't have to rush to eat you out.. and you don't have to rush to suck him up. The thought of softly cumming in your mouth or on your face is pretty to him.
-Laito loves waking up to it, it's just the thought of you not being told to do it.. it turned him on. He ends up growing in your throat and he can't help but lightly buck his hips up toward you.
-Things he says while getting head would be like "you're so pretty (y/n)~.." or "Stop being such a tease (y/n)..." or "I love you..."
-Laito is your average moaner actually, when he cums though.. it's some volume towards it.. Sometimes he has to cover his own mouth from being so loud towards the end. Though if you were to give him an insane amount of pleasure, the whole mansion would echo.
-Kanato Sakamaki
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-This depends, Kanato could be rough one day... or soft the next. We all know how his rough days could go... he could dislocate your jaw from being so rough but he refrains at times... telling himself that he'd hate himself if he caused harm to you.. though luckily, he's very soft with you most of the time! He doesn't even ask for it. So when you do it out of the blue he blushes and let's you.
-Kanato loves the way you stare at him, also.. if you just recently got your new nails. He thinks it's undoubtedly cute while your wrap your fingers around his cock. Nails on display as your lips were wrapped around him. It sent shivers up his spine, and he never can hold back his orgasm.
-Kanato, loves when you suck him off with whipped cream. It's not surprising.. no.. so you were prepared. He loves the way it pushes out of your mouth and drops to the floor. It just looks so sexy when it looks like you can't contain it all in your mouth.. you look full... and you look like a piece of chocolate with the whipped cream and that's what turns him on.
-Things he says when he's getting head would be like "Doll... K-Keep your mouth open.." or "say you love it..." or "touch yourself.."
-Kanato moans a lot, though they won't be so noticeable unless someone gets pretty close to your room door. His breaths are what gives it away though, it's like he gets so tired afterwards. Though not too tired to blow your back out afterwards.
-Subaru Sakamaki
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-In the middle, that is where Subaru lies. He basically gives you the dick in such a dominant way that he's rough but those soft words slip from his mouth constantly. He doesn't like hurting you, we know that.. which is why he can't help but to mumble out things like that... just to reassure you.
-Subaru likes seeing you beg for it, he loves seeing you want him in ways that only you could. He just loves the feeling of seeing you make grabby hands for his cock, and he lets you have it. Subaru will definitely thrust his way in your mouth too...
-If you kiss him after you sucked his cock, he'll be pretty annoyed.. but he loves it actually, he loves your lips in general.. just like how, if he eats you out.. he's going to kiss you. He thinks it's gross and honestly he'll never admit such a thing but he loves it.
-Things he says when he's getting head would be like "I'm sorry..." or "Fuck... that feels good.." or "I-In or out..?"
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-Let's just say... Its not what you think...he's been with many woman and they willingly did it for him... not to mention put him before themselves and let him break their jaws just from being so rough.. though you? He literally lets you do what you please, if you felt like teasing him that day.. yes you're in for it later but he's enjoying it.
-Karlheinz, loving a powerful black woman like you was literally the best decision he'd ever made. He didn't mind the sassy sayings coming from you... nor did he mind the way that you'd tease him constantly like licking his tip non stop or licking him in long strokes. He just loves to see the fire in your eyes burn out later on.
-Karlheinz will even feed into your little Roleplay and will actually moan out for you... even though he's completely fine and he knows he can suppress it quite well. Though they aren't fake... and the pleasure was better than any woman he'd ever had... so.
-Things he says when he's getting head would be like "Oh darling... look at how beautiful you are..." or "you treat your king with the upmost respect don't you..?" Or "Someone's getting punished later on..."
-Karlheinz.. doesnt moan on accident or in the moment, he just feeds into your little Roleplay and tends to push that to the back of his mind while he's burning your ass in the damn bed.
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lilacskyura · 4 years
I’m sorry if this is too specific but could you do a h/c for Todoroki that his S/o is like hella badass and they have a trans sibling (male to female if possible) who gets bullied a lot and they always defend them and then one day when the S/o finds out that their sibling is being bullied again they go to find them only to find Todoroki’s already defending them and everything I just thought that’d be a random cute thing 💖
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Innocence | Shoto Todoroki
hope u enjoy angel <3 @spencers-abit-weebish
↳ in which y/n’s trans sibling has an issue standing up to bullying. like the hero he is, shoto is there to lend a helping hand. mild fighting, mentions of bullying
↠ I do not believe any of the mha characters would ever be transphobic; i made a random support character!
“It’s because I’m different to them, they dont see me as an equal.” She gushed, looking at you with watery eyes. “Why not?” You asked, angry that you had missed the signs of this yourself, you had let her down.
“Just because you took more time to find who you are, doesn’t mean you’re any less of a person. You’re my sister, that’s that.” You said, wiping the last few tears from her eyes.
You couldn’t begin to fathom what she has to go through daily just to be herself and knowing people were making that more difficult than it needed to be made your blood boil.
“Tell me who,” you said, taking her hand into yours. “It really doesnt matter...” she trailed off, avoiding eye contact with you.
“Nobody is allowed to fuck with my family. I will die before I let someone make you feel any less than perfect.” You pressed, edging her to tell her who was causing her trouble.
“They’re in the support course, the pink haired girl that always follows Shinsou around like a lost dog.” They grumbled, grabbing your sleeve urging you to not do anything stupid.
You could hear- all you saw was red. Pushing yourself up off your bed you stormed out of the dorm- your sister staying where she was. “Where the fuck is that pink haired bitch from the support course?” You shouted to the living room.
Bakugo wasn’t laughing as he saw how angry you were: he just shrugged.
You turned away from him and continued down the halls- your vision tunneling as your eyes landed on her as she reached into the cupboard for a snack.
Like a rabid dog you tore after her. Stopping in your tracks as you saw Shoto, your boyfriend, already talking to her.
“Talking” the girl looked like a deer in headlights.
“I’m just struggling to understand why you think it’s okay to constantly degrade someone who has done nothing wrong to you, they’re living- peacefully- training to proctect innocent people and you think it’s okay to harass her?” Todo said, anger enveloped his words.
“Well, she’s not exactly your sister is she?” The girl sneered, ingorance dripping from her every word.
“She isn’t my sister, no you’re right. But she’s y/n’s sister- taking that out of the equation- she is innocent and living peacefully. Leave her alone or I swear to God you’ll wish you’d never laid your eyes on her.” He pressed, stepping closer before finishing his sentence:
“She was born in the wrong body, that’s all, she’s confident and brave and strong enough to live how she was meant to and she doesn’t need ignorant little arseholes like you making life hard. How are you going to call yourself a hero when you terrorise innocent people for living?” He snarled.
You were watching intently, Todo wasn’t an aggressive person at all; watching him defend your sister so fiercely made your heart swell with pride.
“Get out of my face,” The girl stressed, Shoto obliged taking a small step backwards before berating her some more- “apologise, to y/s/n.” He said flatly, watching the girl walk away in a sulk, she got served a death glare from you as she stalked out of the room.
Shoto turned around to face you, your eyebrows were raised slightly as you pulled him into an embrace - “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that, I was on my way to beat her up,” you laughed, earning a laugh from Shoto.
“People are ignorant. It’s difficult to understand that it still happens but everyone here supports anyone, who they are or who they love. There is nothing wrong with your sister, I wasn’t about to let her make your sister feel like there was something wrong with her” He added, taking your hand in his as he turned to the counter - staring at the soba he had neatly perpared.
“I showed her who the weak person was.” He said, stroking the back of your head gently, pointing to the soba- “want to share?”
<3 - a little note from me:
i am and always will be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community, everyone is loved and should always be allowed to express themselves for who they are. you’re all strong, confident and deserve the very best.
although this topic wasn’t mentioned specifically in this h/c - the same goes for the POC community, i will continue and forever be an ally to you and defend you against anything that comes your way.
i may not go through the struggles you do; i will continue to fight for you.
we are all human. we all deserve the equal opportunity to live. You are all loved. Massively. Embrace who you are and never let anybody take away from that.
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edengarden · 4 years
Hii!!!! Can I please have a match up?? I am a 19 year old girl who’s straight, a infp and has adhd. I’m 5’9 and I prefer guys taller than me :) I’m in school rn for pastry and I’m training to be a pastry chef! I have long brown hair that falls to my mid back, glasses, blue eyes, and pale. I’m very girly and also kinda innocent but I’m trying not to be. I personally like guys that are more aggressive than me and tend to be dominant. I’m polite to a fault and I’ll try to absolutely never make a scene. But when I see someone being mean to others I do get quite mad. My interests/hobbies would be baking, reading, singing, painting and writing. I read a lot and I seem to always be zoned out. I am really funny, I know my own style and I’m kind. I have a hard time with criticism, I procrastinate and I don’t like conflict. I’m a total winter gal and you’ll always find me in a sweater bc I have millions. My whole asthetic is pink, white, cozy, blankets and just warm. I really hope this is ok!
I’m matching you up with Tetsutetsu!
This guy will be THE MOST agressive cheerleader you’ll ever meet. You wanna become a pastry chef? THATS SO FUCKING METAL HE SUPPORTS IT TO THE MAX CAN YOU TEACH HIM A FEW THINGS ONE DAY- Tetsutetsu is all for it. In fact, he’s all for everything you do, boy thinks you’re the best thing on this earth. And lol there’s no need to make a scene when you have him around; he’ll make enough scenes for the two of you, but they’re never BAD bad, he’s just very loud and people usually shut up when there’s a loud person around. He usually makes scenes about you; like how much he likes/loves you, how he thinks something (everything) you did was so cool, how he thinks that he’s, you TOTALLY rock that dress and if you don’t have the means to buy it he’ll go broke and buy it for you.
And your cozy aesthetic?? He finds it SO cute?? First time he walks into your room and he sees the white and pink fuzzy blankets and carpets he thinks he ascended to heaven but then he remembers that theory he had on you being an angel and now he’s 100% convinced, there’s nothing you can do to tell him otherwise. Will clutch his chest and show a weird ass pained expression while he swoons over how cute you are to him.
- Ice, Nito (Tetsutetsu usually hates music that’s on the calmer side but for you?? For anything that resembles your aesthetic? You’ll be surprised what he can bear)
- Hold the Line, Toto
- Sound and Vision, David Bowie
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bottomlwjrights · 4 years
MO DAO ZU SHI REREAD:Thoughts™️....and Stuff
Chapter 37
Ljy volunteers to use his blood to summon more mannequins, after which a bunch of juniors start to volunteer theirs
Wwx is SO fucking cool....
Xy giving wwx advice while acting like xxc makes me sick, thanks
I hate how good he is at acting like xxc, he has wwx completely convinced
“Jin Ling laughed at him without holding back at all. Even Lan SiZhui couldn’t stop himself from bursting with a “pfft”. Speechless, Wei WuXian turned to look at them, and Lan SiZhui put on a straight face at once.” Jsnck i love lsz
God i feel so bad about sl and xxc, A-Qing too
“As the cultivator heard the sound, despite how his figure reeled and his hands trembled, he still attacked at Wei WuXian!He couldn’t be controlled. This corpse had a master!” This is still so chilling
...wwx rewarded the nether brawlers by giving them his blood 
“On the cultivator’s left chest, near his heart, there was a similar tearing, a similar thin, narrow wound. It seemed as if he died with a stab through the heart.” I fucking hate xue yang ☺️
“Wei WuXian pinched his cheeks and forced him to open his mouth. Inside, his tongue had also been pulled out from the root.” Hate him so much ☺️☺️☺️
Was lsz the only one to raise his hand from the lan clan? Is he the only one of the juniors that knew inquiry? Im asking for... yanno... reasons
“Xiao XingChen’s most intimate friend of cultivation, Song Lan?!” Yes that one, the one he gouged out both of his eyes for
“‘SiZhui, you’re the most sensible one here. Guide them a bit, won’t you? Can you do that?’ Lan SiZhui nodded. Wei WuXian added, ‘Don’t be scared.’ Lan SiZhui, ‘I am not.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Really.’ Lan SiZhui smiled, ‘Senior, you are so much like HanGuang-Jun.’” this exchange ko’d me, like knocked me clean tf out. Wwx reassuring him gently, lsz smiling and telling him hes not scared, lsz saying wwx is a lot like lwj 
“‘Us? How are we alike?’ They were obviously like fire and ice. However, Lan SiZhui only grinned in reply, and led the rest of the group out.” I am crying
“It is as though if either one of the two seniors are present, I will not need to be scared or worry about anything.” 😭😭😭😭😭
Hmmmm when did xy find out it was wwx????
Oh it was the whistling that made him suspicious, and then how powerful his Summoning of Painted Eyes was, gotcha
“When they were still alive, the person probably suffered from a lot of torture. It should’ve been rather painful. They probably committed suicide, so they probably don’t want to come back to this world. If a soul itself doesn’t have any desire to live, then it’ll most likely be impossible to save.” Yanno i dont think its ever explicitly talked about how wwx died, and im not trying to be angsty here, but his soul literally couldn’t be summoned, by anybody....
I hate xue yang!!!!!
Fuck you, dont give xy cute canines, he doesnt deserve them. Me and wwx however....
“I have a very famous friend. His acting is what I’d call excellent. I still have a long way to go.” Xy is literally talking about jgy right here
Xy made the nails that were controlling wn, which meant he put them in wn’s head, which means id like to resurrect xy just to kill him again
“Wei WuXian really couldn’t understand why strangers always had an inexplicable sense of confidence in place of him.”
“Wen Ning is not a thing.” From wwx himself, people
Maybe if you wanted xxc’s soul, you shouldnt have, idk, forced him to kill innocent people and his best friend against his knowledge and drove him to suicide, just a thought, Xue Yang
Lwj is strong
“Before he finished his sentence, a white-robed figure descended from the sky. Bichen’s icy blue glare swept at him.” Lwj desending from the sky looking like an angel 
(chapter 38 & chapter 39 below the cut)
Chapter 38
“Surrounded by an ambience of frost and ice, Lan WangJi stood in front of Wei WuXian.” 
“The glare of the sword that he pulled from his sleeve was grim and dark. As it was wielded, it almost seemed to emit a black aura, creating a stark contrast with Shuanghua’s silver radiance.” 😩 Jiangzai 😩
Gotta give it too him, xy is a talented swordsman
So does wn feel pain or does he not feel pain, pick one
“‘Good. If anyone doesn’t listen to me, I’ll feed him congee again.’ The few boys who had encountered the taste pretended as if they were vomiting.” This interaction....
Lan WangJi, you’re so cool 😩
Jl’s admiration for his senior cultivators is just..... so cute
“‘Hmm. He’s good. Of course. He’s really good. He’s the best.’ As he talked, he couldn’t help but break into a smile.” Stoooooop
God wwx just shouting to lwj that hes gonna leave, and its up to him now, and lwj just agreeing, wwx laughing....like the trust, the belief in the other’s abilities, the ease with which they communicate even in tense situations
“Why did you two not say ‘I’m worried about you. I’m staying!’, ‘Go!’, ‘No! I’m not going! If I’m going, you’re going with me!’? Is it not a must?” Ljy really knows what’s going on between them, why else would he say something like this???
“It’s a waste of time. I believe that someone as reliable as HanGuang-Jun will definitely be able to deal with it.” Aknfnc like yeah lwj is known to be strong, but wwx completely trusts in his abilities, like he’s not overly worried or protective like a lot of partners tend to be, he just trusts him
“With both of his feet together, he tried to jump outside. However, since the threshold was too high, he failed every attempt.” This is hilarious, and the juniors thought so too
Wwx respects non-cultivators
A-Qing grabs xxc’s face and cries when his coffin is opened 😢
Interesting that wwx invented Empathy, a way for you to...well empathize with spirits in a way that you couldn’t before, and people still think it’s an evil method 
“Wei WuXian stared at the bell for a few moments. Sensing that he looked a bit off, Jin Ling asked, ‘What?’ Wei WuXian replied, ‘Nothing.’” Wow.....that hurted
Hmmmm hate xue yang
“Since they felt the same things, it was as though the squeeze landed on Wei WuXian’s body. Instantaneously, Wei WuXian felt as if a blanket of goosebumps climbed over his heart. He wanted no less than to slam the man into the ground.” And if he could’ve, i bet he would’ve
Oh, Xiao XingChen....
Chapter 39
He’s so kind...
Actually A-Qing was 100% in the right, she should have kept that mans money
Have i mentioned how gross it is that a grown man groped A-Qing, who wwx describes as looking no older than 15 years old, because its gross
It makes me so fucking angry the things xy did, and the reason he was so good at imitating xxc
“Although she didn’t know whether he was dead or alive, most likely thinking that it’d be a drag either way, she obviously didn’t want Xiao XingChen to find the person.” A-Qing...
“Of course, a dead person was less of a hassle than a living one, so A-Qing couldn’t wait for the person to die.” Alfnfjfkb A-Qing wtf.... 
She was right though, i wish he would’ve just died too but here we are
It shouldve been A-Qing getting that piggy back ride
Xxc deserved so much better.....
Xxc is so sweet, it makes what happened to him even worse
Xy having a casual conversation with xxc and making him laugh is actually making me sick
A-Qing is smart to be wary of xy, to eavesdrop and follow them
I hate Xue Yang!!!!! So much!!!! He’s pure evil!!! Hes not evil in a fun way, hes for real evil, causes-suffering-for-entertainment type evil!!!
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queen0fm0nsterz · 5 years
For the ship thing: all combinations between the main five from woy !!
Disclaimer: I’m a HUGE multishipper and I’m interested in all the ships I’m about to list. However I do have my preferences, so I’m going in order from my least favorite to my absolute fave. Don’t get upset, for this is only my opinion. Ty!!
Bonus 11th ship: I’m really into Something The So and So x Emperor Awesome. I called it Something Awesome. Just putting this.. out there
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10) Deathstar (Wander x Dom)
Ah, my two hyperactive spoons. Usually I’m all about the “perfect angel/literal spawn of satan” dynamic, but for some reason they never really clicked for me. Maybe it’s because they didn’t have that many interactions in canon??? But damn, the fanarts are super adorable!! i will die!! (death star shippers yall wanna come in my askbox and talk death star to me?? i would appreciate sm!!)
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9) Wandering Eye (Wander x Peepers)
First of all I wanna say, y’all Wandering Eye shippers are perseverant af?? they had like one episode together and it was early first season, it’s been a lot since that. i respect you guys. As for the ship itself, what can I say? I love small boys being in love!!! But once again, nearly no canon interaction... smh
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8) Astigmagmatism (Peepers x Dom)
THIS SHIP HAS SO MUCH COMIC POTENTIAL!!! I WILL SCREAM FOREVER I mean the angry smol and bastard tol dynamic?? PLUS theyre both villains???? as in evil fucks??? Who are also rivals?? If there were any canon interactions this ship would DEF be really high on my list but I don’t really have that much to say rn...
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7) Zboneak (Hater x Sylvia)
Alright at first I wasn’t really into it but I got my filthy hands on one (1) fanfic and you can bet your ass I was immediatly captivated. The thing I look for in Woy ships is comic potential and these two have SO MUCH POTENTIAL. Plus, “The Date” is one of my favorite episodes ever, so yeah. add that to the list. Let them interact in season 3!!!
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6) Death Glare (Peepers x Hater)
Ok so, Death Glare. At first, until late first season, I wasn’t into it at all. I’ve never been a big fan of boss/subordinate (saving a few exceptions). The episode “The Funk” made me do a complete 180° becAUSE HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE THEM??? HOLDING HANDS???????? BRUH MY FUCKING HEART HAS BEEN D E S TR O Y E D...................... And while I do love them as a friendship, I can totally see them romantically!!!! also once again the comic potential
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5) Sylander (Sylvia x Wander)
THESE TWO WHERE DO I EVEN START. I literally tear up when I think about them? Platonic or not, their love is so pure, innocent, real, it makes my heart do backflips. You have no idea how many times I cried watching them. When they’re together you can’t tell where one begins and the other finishes .... but the reason why I’m so attached to them is because I happen to have a person in my life that... she’s the Sylvia to my Wander (hey @awesome---disaster talkin to you).  I understand how it feels to have someone this important in your life. The episode “The Ryder” is particularly hard to wacth (despite it being my number one favorite) for this reason. GOD THE TEARS I CRIED.
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4) Sylava (Sylvia x Dom)
What can I say? I stan girls being in love. Plus the CHEMISTRY they had in “The Night Out” omg.... I JUST FDSHFHLGLHSLLIHSBLIHSLI MY HEART EXPLODES WHEN I THINK ABOUT THEM???? I CRY  THEY WERE F U CK I NG HOLDING HANDS WHILE RUNNING OUT OF THAT BAR OK DO NOT TOUCH ME. when are we getting the good season 3 sylava content when they make up and become friends again? disney pls
Also, y’all got some good Sylava fics that I could read? Blease?? im starving
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3) Skeleton Dance (Wander x Hater)
iM TALKING VALID BOYS HERE!!! The sweet smol/ grumpy tol is my aestethic always and Im all about it. Plus, I mean the dEVELO P MENT THEY HAD IN SEASON TWO!!! The episode that got me to ship them strongly was “The Buddies” and God my love kept growing from there????? ITS UNSTOPPABLE EVERYTIME I SEE THEM MY HEART KILLS ME
 Ok I will admit im kinda projecting on Wander a little bc I love Hater but can u blame?? me?? who doesnt love the hate man
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2) Dom n Hater (Hater x Dom)
Ok if youve been on my blog for like 1 minute you probably already know that these two are the light of my life, but why?
... well tbh there are a lot of reasons but to be quick it was a gradual process of me going from “Yeah right like THATS ever gonna happen” to slowly going on to “I mean its not even that bad” to “It’s cute? I like it” and then it fucking skyrocketed out of my control and suddently I’m crying like a little bitch during “You’re the Greatest”. I do not know what happened or how. It just did. 
I have an ask of someone asking me about them (BLESS U MAN) that inm going to answer eventually so I’m not going into detail but I WILL SAY that the height difference kills me bc it’s not that much but it’s jUST ENOUGH to make it obvious that hes shorter than her and im just oudfgusguaigGUivfehuhaf i live for height differences
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1) Black Eye (Sylvia x Peepers)
I’ll be honest with y’all: I was actually gonna put Black Eye in second place at first bc Hater & Dom just own my hear,t but upon lots of thinking I belive this is the best option. because DEVELOPMENT. God I’m all about that sweet DEVELOPMENT we got!!! Wander and Sylvia may be the perfect friendship but Sylvia and Peepers are sure as hell the PERFECT TEAM!!!!!! BRAINS AND MUSCLES!!! TOGETHER!! TO SAVE THEIR IDIOTS!!
I am a BIG fan of enemies to friends to lovers, height differences, villain/hero, smol/tol, angry/chill...... these two were a gift from the Gods. I love them so much.
On an unrelated but kinda related note, I love how all Blackeye shippers just silently agreed that Peepers is a lovestruck nerd who can’t process his feelings and refuses to acknowledge them despite how hardly he’s pinning after Syl?? AND SYL IS NOT OBLIVIOUS AT ALL SHE ACTUALLY KNOWS???? its amazing. 10/10 best ship thank u for ur time.
And thats that! Wow that sure took long didnt it- but its here.
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10boys · 5 years
MLQC : Oral (receving)
♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡
-Ugh ok so Gavin is 100% a giver
-He loves you more than life literally and theres nothing he wouldn’t do to show you.
-Naturally , hes a super bashful guy and gets a bit embarrassed when its time for he himself to be taken care of. He’s so used to being responsible for others that showing his vulnerability is something that took time, which you gladly gave him. You and Gavin have such a comfortable bond now he could do anything infront of you but ya know only things that make him look cool infront of you
-He came to your house superr late at night since after being on one of his week-long missons, still in uniform and smelling of “outside” to his airborn location
-after quick ilys and imys you offer him a shower to wined him down of his journeys
-The moment he stepped in and left you alone with your thoughts, they went wild
-His thick body fit into his uniform so well, his chest heaving from fatigue of his flight. His masculine smell filled your nose when you first embraced, the same one emanating from his steamy shower. Your thighs twiched as you imagined his body elongated and streached out to wash himself in the shower. His musclier arms reached above to rub the conditioner into his hair, the white bubbles dripping down his muscles coming together in the creases of his back. They’d dip into his V-line , as if showing your eyes where to go. Just as your were getting to the most delicious spot..
-“Babe..what are you looking at?”
-Actions speak louder than words......
-He layed beneath you on the bed as you kissed and sucked at his neck and ears. His fresh wet scent was tantalizing, his skin was soft and delicate beneath your fingertips. He held a tight grip on your waste, seemingly trying to keep you close as possible to him.
-Feeling your breast smothered onto his chest , nipples supply poking into his skin made the heat rush to his dick at an unbelievable speed
-Gavin has a very...active imagination. A small peak at your collar bones or the back of your lower thighs and he already has a saucy full-body image of you in his head. Saying something vaguely suggestive to him is the equivalent of your whimpers in his ear. You’ve ever wondered why those cheeks are always red?
-Plus the boys just super horny in general lol he always wants saucy times when hes with you. You don’t even have to ask and at the blink of an eye he’s shirtless ( he loves being shirtless for you ‘baby pls look at my hot bod pls love me the most’ )
-He poked you from beneath his navy boxers, hips slightly bucking into you as you continued to grope as suck at his neck and chest. His face flushed pink as his head started to cloud in his light waves of pleasure.
-As you began to kiss him lower, golden eyes poured into your own. He watched the way your lips connect and parted with his skin, leaving sheen pelts of spit his torso. Your tongue danced down his happy trail as you sucked light purple circles onto his lower abdomen.
-Gavin is a grunt and groner. He’s still shy, so he’ll be quiet at the beginning, but its hard to keep his cool when your figure is present to use at his leasure. Heavy breaths and pants will escape as he lets himself roam. His hands will never stay in the same spot when you’re around...They’ll start on your thighs, then to your waste, then your chest, then behind your head, then back to your chest, then to your ass, waist and chest, thighs and chest you get the idea
-Actually, most of the moans you hear from him are simply cause he failed at holding them in
-Btw Gavins v gentle with you but his ass grabs are superr hard. He probably just gets carried away at the sensation of it filling his palm but you usually still feel his grip long after he’s let go.
-He just wants to be everywhere, to take and claim all of you.
-You kiss and smell along his length, palming him over his briefs. The smell was so intoxicating you couldn’t help but clench your thighs, trying to create a heat of your own. You quickly disregard of his boxers revealing his beautiful fully erected cock. Pre-cum dribbes down as the cold hair hits his tip, or maybe cause the view of your face so close to his cock is just that hot.
“Mmm Babe stop looking” srry baby ur just so beautiful. Ofc you can’t look for long without him getting bashful.
-He has a large vein ranging from ball to tip and it feels amazing when you run your tongue across it. Like Victor, Gavin loves watching you play with it. Its almost too much for him to watch. Lick him all around with as much spit on your tongue as you can get, kiss his tip with his balls in your hand. And for the sake of our boy make alllll the dick-sucking noises too- They’re his favorite. He even trys to stay quiet to hear them better.
-You don’t tease Gavin as much as you do the others. Although he would take it for you, hes way too impatient. He’s got great stamina from his daily workouts and could fuck for years, but his first nut usually comes rather quickly. Like i said, it doesn’t take much to rile him up.
-A wet mouth and hollow cheeks get the job done for him. His grip in your hair is kinda massage like, he rakes along your scalp in un-rythmic patterns. In other words, he totally fucks up your hair everytime.
-In usual circumstances, your body is usually draped over him in the 69 position while you suck. Gavin absolutely, and i mean absolutely loves the smell of pussy. He is 100% a panty stealer. He loves to have your backside smothering his face as he thrusts up into your mouth. The smell is absolutely engulfing to him, he can’t help to suck at you from over your panties.
-But for sessions created just for catering to him, he likes to sit on the edge of the bed with your naked body quivering below him. He likes watching the liquids from your mouth dribbling off your chin to rest on your bouncing chest. But his favorite part is your legs spread wide for him exposing your opened heat. His tongue often peaks out in in-voluntarily licking motions before he can bite his lips. Your clit is his eye candy as he thrusts himself closer to his release.
-Typically lf hes layed across the bed he uses his forarm to hide his erotic faces from you he must not know how orgasmic you find them
-Gavins orgasims come on strong, erupting a deep growl from his throat as he shoots his loud into your mouth. His tense face softens , eyebrows rising showing his state of complete bliss. He stiffens, holding you down on him until his very last wave.
-Once he’s done, he releases his grip resulting in an erotic view of his white semen spilling out from your mouth, it drips down onto your breast piling up with the rest of your liquids. Your wattering eyes look up into his sending an intense blush across his cheeks
-If Gavin were in an anime he would be the boy with massive nose bleeds when he see’s you
-ooh no he’s horny again
-yes he will clean u up first
- Kiro is also a giver in theory
- Now dont get me wrong- this bright bubbly ball of sunshine loves to give his acts of service to you, but he is , very much so, a boy. He loves when you go down on him, he loves being the center of your attention and all your gestures.
-Kiros definitely a pint up boy- going from show to show and interview to interview, he barley has enough time to sleep let alone relive himself. When you two first got together, he was very modest and a bit shy to show his manly desires for you. He respects you for being such an important person in his life, having ungodly thoughts about you made him feel like a nasty boy. But as time passed and you escalated in your intamacy, he is absolutely shameless in letting you know what he wants or if he’s ‘in the mood~” “babee.. stop working..i wanna play~” “Those shorts look very good on you miss chips...so... short”
-Kiro doesnt talk much to let you know what he wants anyway, in fact, one glance into those ocean blue orbs and you know his intentions. He’ll act super cutesy at first, slowly inching his body closer to yours for ‘innocent cuddles’. Kiro is a very hands-on affectionate, so this part was normal. But soon his hands will start to wonder and grope while a devious smirk spreads across his face he knows you see him as a sweet little angel and he will play that role to his advantage
-He’ll nuzzle his head into your chest demanding you take notice to his actions like a freaking puppy, And once you lower your gaze to find his figure latched around yours, his seemly sensual orbs pour into you, sending you notice of his want for you. When kiro uses his cuteness to fight for dominance he will always win.Always. And you’re okay with that.
-Kiros not necessarily shy about his noises for you , especially after all the praises you’ve whispered to him about how good they sound. He’ll moan and whimper to you as your hands massage his length over his boxers, peppering kisses down his neck and across his chest. Your kisses feel like heaven to him, leaving small waves of heat at every peck and nibble left on him.
-With that said, when you start kissing and sucking at his lower abdomen , his mouth immediately hangs releasing a steady breathy moan for you. The view when you looked up at him was godly..
-Kiros pleasure face is absolutely erotic. His pleasure state in general is mouth watering. His eyes are dark and low, his face twists and contorts, he grabs at everything; His hair, the sheets, the pillows, you, anything that might fall into his grasp is being pulled and scratched at. As much as you would love to spend all your time planting kisses on his skin, you quickly relocate to different spots making sure not to leave any marks. Kiros shirt lifts a considerable amount of times from him jumping around on stage, so its better not to ruin any of his fans’ day by new-found knowledge of his intamacys. This service is for you but that is fan-service for them.
-Kiro loves being teased :)
-Blow your heat onto his head from over his boxers for a easy and quick way to wake up little kiro. Kiss him around the spots he wants you too, and make sure to keep eye contact. He gets super off from you watching him he just loves attention
-Please pay all attention to his balls. Lick them up and down for a while with his legs spread wide, nibble and suck at them. This will make his hips a thrusting mess as he trys to create more friction for himself.
-He’ll use his own hand to push his dick in your mouth, but first, he’ll watch as you lay there mouth wide and tongue hung for him. He’ll press his tip against your face, letting it roll over all your features. He lets out a soft giggle before letting the tip roll over your hot wet tongue. The wave immediately made his cock twich infront of you, a dribble of pre-cum leaking from his tip.
-Kiro is def a hand holder. Pls expect him to want your fingers interlocked to bring a loving gesture to your vile actions. He’s internally lovey-dovey during sex. Even if he’s not verbally spitting soft phrases at you, his mind is filled with fluffy thoughts of you “ahh.. so pretty” “she uses her mouth so good..” “she’s so lovely” “im so lucky” “..m-more there...ah...perfect” “i love her so much”
-Kiro nuts very well <3
- The boys orgasims...are mighty. His hip thrusts might get a little rough as his head fills with waves of pleasure, subconsciously bobbing your head down a little harder than intended. Short moans tumble over eatch other as his breath quickens considerably. He trys his hardest to keep his eyes open, the view of you teary-eyed engulfing his length is enough to finish him and it does .
- A few more deep sucks and his back arches, his body stiffens as waves of hypnotizing pleasure take him over. His moans were as pretty as his singing coming close, but as the shocks of heated kisses reminisce through his nerves , he sits silent, mouth hung open only to release small high-pitched gasps and a maybe dribble of drool.
-As he comes down from his high he’ll wipe your face and spit beautiful praises at you. He’s a fluff after sex so expect lots of mushy gushy cuddles and pillow talk <3
“Wow...that was the best one...”
“you said that the last time...and the time before...”
“Yeah !!! Until next time too~ !!”
Yayyy the continuation is done! Pls lmk what you think, and my ask is currently open ! Gavins is a bit short cause he’s my fav, so im a perfectionist in representing his image lol. Will add the links once im off work -Myk
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imagines-by-billie · 5 years
My Sunshine.
Request: street fighter!shawn is the most intimidating, scariest guy out there and no one would dare look at him twice. but when hes with his girl, the epitome of sunshine, hes Soft™. however he doesnt want others to know that. hes got a reputation to keep up, so,,,, angst? sunshine girl thinks shawn is embarrassed of her and wonders what she's doing wrong?
A/N: I’m sorry this took so long, I have a bit of writers block at the moment.
Warnings: angst, fluff
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As soon as Shawn was home it was like he was a different person. He had just been in a fight with a guy, who no matter how much Shawn beat him he always stood back up.
The kid had determination, which Shawn had to applaud him for, but the dudes condition was getting worse and worse with every hit. He couldn’t even stand straight when Shawn finally called it off.
The crowd booed but once Shawn shot them an angry look and helped the kid out, they were quiet. That was the thing with wannabe street fighters, they didn’t know when to stop. Sometimes the scariest thing is how calm a person can be in the middle of a fight.
Nevertheless, when he got home soft music made his ears perk up. The smell of chocolate chip cookies filled his nose and made him kick off his shoes to go inside.
In the kitchen, standing in all her beautiful glory, was Y/N. She had her hair pulled back, even though a few strands of hair managed to make their way to frame he face. An apron was tied around her waist with a bow in the back. Her tongue stuck out in the corner of her mouth, a sign of her concentration, and her hand held a spatula that she tried her best to mix the batter in the bowl with.
Shawn wrapped his arms around her waist, making her let out a yelp in surprise.
“Hey, sunshine.”, Shawn muttered in her ear. The nickname had come from the first time they met. It was a lonely cold night, around 5 am so the sun was about to go up...
Shawn had just been in a fight with a pretty aggressive guy and had gotten beaten up pretty badly. He couldn’t deny that there were probably bruises all over him.
He laid in the grass and looked up at the few stars that were there. The fresh air was just what he needed, just a few more minutes then he’d go back to his apartment. Shawn closed his eyes and felt his muscles relax as his breathing slowed down.
“Hey, are you okay?”, someone asked. Shawn opened his eyes to see another pair staring right back at him. The girl sat back to give him some space.
“Uh... yeah.”, he muttered as he sat up.
Just then, the sun had started to rise right behind her. It created something that looked like a halo around her, maybe some kind of holy light. Was he dying?
“I thought you were dead for a second!”, she laughed.
That laugh made his heart skip a beat. Why was he feeling like this and how did he make it stop?
“No...”, he chuckled, “Just a bit beat up.”
“God, what happened to you?”, the girl placed her hand on the cut on his cheek and he flinched, “Sorry, did I hurt you?”
How could one human being be so undeniably sweet and innocent? As if her words weren’t enough, her eyes spoke so much with just one glance.
“I’m fine, thank you.”, Shawn said as softly as he could. Was he going to scare her away? Usually when girls like her saw him, they turned the other way. Which maybe was a smart move for their sake. But here she was, worrying about him.
“Are you sure? There’s nothing I could do?”, she asked with a helpful smile.
“Well, there’s one thing...”, was he actually going to do it?, “... would you want to go grab coffee maybe? I really need some energy.” He did it.
“I don’t know what place is open but we could find something.”, she grinned.
“Great.”, Shawn smiled, “I’m Shawn.”
“Y/N. Nice to meet you, Shawn.”
That was how he met her and he couldn’t be happier that he asked her out.
“You scared the living hell out of me!”, she breathed out.
“Sorry, princess.”, he gave he cheek a peck, “Are you making cookies?”
“Yup!”, she popped the p as she said it.
“At 1 am?”, Shawn stifled a laugh.
“Hey, I wanted to make something for you once you got home.”, she smiled sweetly.
“I appreciate it, love, I really do. But you need to get some rest.”, Shawn turned her around to press a proper kiss to her lips.
“You know I can’t sleep without you.”, she joked, but there was still some truth to her words. She had a harder time sleeping without him once she learned about his job.
“Well, then let me get you to bed.”, Shawn lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.
“But the cookies-”
“Forget the cookies! I want cuddles from my sweet angel!”, he grinned and carried her to the bedroom.
The next night Shawn was at the club again. His last opponent had come back for more, even if he still could barely stand.
“Listen, dude. You might wanna sit this one out.”, Shawn warned him as he wrapped up his hands.
“Nah, I’ll show you.”, the guy spat at the ground and got himself ready.
As soon as the rules were declared the fight started. The guy didn’t have a chance and Shawn managed to get some punches in.
Suddenly he was startled at what he saw. Y/N, wearing a pair of jeans along with his leather jacket to keep her warm. Shawn didn’t see the punch coming, too distracted by the sight of Y/N at a place where she did not belong.
It was an uppercut, and hit him perfectly. This time he let his rage take over and he hoped that Y/N didn’t actually see this. Shawn beat the guy to the ground as soon and fast as he could.
“I warned you.”, Shawn muttered and hurried out of the circle.
Y/N Waited by the entrance.
“What are you doing here!?”, he hissed at her. She was taken aback by the way he spoke. He never talked to her like that, they barely ever fought.
“I needed to see you, I’m sorry... I had this dream that-”
“You had a dream!?”, he wish he could tell her that everything was okay, “That’s why you came here? Y/N, this isn’t the place for you. You need to leave, okay?” His tone was harsh and loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Okay...”, it came out as a whimper. She had tears in her eyes when she left. Everyone was staring at him when he turned around.
“And what the fuck are you staring at!?”, he yelled.
The only thing good about this situation was that his reputation was still.
Once he got home later that night the house felt cold. He walked into the bedroom, she wasn’t there. In fact, Y/N was no where to be seen.
“Y/N!? Baby!? Look, I’m sorry!”, he yelled as he walked around the apartment, trying to find her. She wasn’t there and Shawn started to panic.
He grabbed his jacket and flew out the door. His legs led him to the park where he had first met her. She was laying on the grass, his jacket still wrapped tightly around her shoulders.
“Y/N...”, he said softly. As soon as she heard his voice she turned his back to him.
“Don’t talk to me, Mendes!”, she said loudly. She never called him Mendes unless she was joking or really upset.
“Princess, I’m sorry.”, he whispered as he sat down next to her.
“Are you not proud of me?”, she hiccuped and that’s when he realized she was crying.
“Y/N, baby... look at me, please.”, he got her to sit up, but her back was still turned against him.
“You’ve said you love me so many times... but now I don’t even know if it’s true anymore.”, she sniffled, “You treated me as if I was shit under your damn shoe! As if I hadn’t been loving and supporting you for years.”
“I have a reputation to keep up, babe.”, he muttered softly.
“So your reputation is more important than me?”, she hiccuped again. Shawn put his hand on her shoulder but she quickly flinched away, making his heart break.
“No, Y/N. Of course not, but I need to keep you safe. If they realized that you’re my week spot then they’ll come after you...”, Shawn said as sweetly as you could, “... and that’s what you are. You’re my weak spot, Y/N. My everything, my world... my sunshine.”
Y/N finally turned around to face him. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying and her lips had gotten slightly more red than usual... what he would do to kiss her right now.
“Do you mean it?”, she whispered hoarsely, “Do you really mean it, Shawn?”
“Yes... I do. Y/N, I love you.”, Shawn put his hand on her cheek, wiping the tears that were falling from her eyes. Y/N crashed her lips to Shawn’s in a way that almost made him fall over. His hands flew to your waist, gripping you closer and trying to pull you as close to him as he possibly could.
Between every kiss he muttered out “I love you’s” and circled his hands in loving motions all over your body.
“Thank you, Shawn...”, she muttered against his lips, “And I’m sorry for running into the club like that...”
“It’s fine, babe. Just... don’t do it again. For your own sake, okay?”, he leaned his forehead against hers. Y/N nodded with a gentle smile on her lips.
“We should go back home...”, she muttered.
“Mhm... just let me kiss you a little while longer.”, he grinned and pressed his lips to hers again.
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blookmallow · 5 years
and finally, the conclusion of the dark brotherhood questline 
i have been through so much and lost so much but i gained the one thing that matters most of all.....  cicero’s heart 
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these aren’t the real emperor’s clothes but i have this still,
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i put it on the dawnstar sanctuary mannequin with the jester hat lmao
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:( my favorite guard friend who hangs out around the shops in the mornings with me is onto me 
hes not hostile or reporting me to the jarl or anything at least tho 
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Dont woRRY About It
i did have guards after me for a while (i had. several just go ‘ok ill let you off this time :)’ bc. i. asked nicely. after attempting to assassinate the emperor of skyrim) but eventually just paid my bounty and they were like ok you’re good and now apparently everyone has completely forgotten That Time I Tried To Murder The Fucking Emperor 
anyway after the fucking massacre that happened at the sanctuary i was absolutely Out For Blood
i mean like....... i realize maro is completely justified here. we are in fact a league of assassins guilty of murdering A Lot of people, we very much did make a real attempt on the emperor’s life (and killed his double, who was less important but still like, an innocent guy, presumably)(or even if it was like that death note thing where its actually a criminal on death row anyway, like, we clearly didnt know that) and i did personally murder maro’s son and ruin his reputation, so. like. we are the bad guys in this situation no matter how you look at it lmao but STILL THOSE WERE MY FRIENDS, FUCKER
so i decided to murder him out of pure spite, but. uh
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im trying to remember what the fuck even happened here im clearly. underwater, i think maybe i like. confronted him and he got hostile but i jumped off the pier and the guards were like “woah that guy’s losing it” and intervened but he fought them too or something ??? ??  I DONT KNOW BUT THE GUARDS KILLED HIM FOR ME :’) thanks guys 
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i got all the way here without anyone even seeing me (i used a couple invisibility potions for the really tricky spots, but still) i could absolutely have just done this and avoided the entire everything. god 
anyway i again dont really understand the politics of skyrim but. the real emperor was expecting me to find him one way or another. he had already accepted his death and made peace with it. it was. actually kind of sad. i dont know enough to say whether he was actually a decent guy or not but he seemed like he was. i couldnt bring myself to steal his clothes so i still just have the duplicate emperor’s clothes but it looks the same anyway
i took a war axe from one of his displays though. i dont remember if i already mentioned my ongoing tradition of always taking something from my victims and enchanting them later to mark who it belonged to, but thats a thing ive been doing. little murder scrapbook
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im not really sure how murdering the emperor counts as “serving the empire” but sure ok 
i also killed this guy lmao the emperor’s last wish was for me to kill whoever it was that betrayed him and i dont like this dude in the first place so i was like yea you got it 
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i built a memorial with the weapons rack in my room in the dawnstar sanctuary
enchanted special weapons for each of our fallen members (left to right it’s astrid, arnbjorn, festus, gabriella, and veezara) (i also later added another dagger for lis bc i had one space left) 
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theres also gemstones on the floor beneath each weapon but they keep sliding out of place :’ | 
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you can see the game autosaving in the corner bc i had Just come out of the sanctuary lmao thats how lightning fast i reacted to this 
[sobbing] baby boy.... baby.... i was SO WORRIED
i murdered the fucking emperor of skyrim bc i was so desperate to continue this questline to see if cicero would come back I DID ALL OF THIS FOR YOU.....
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(he pranked me and pretended he was gonna kill me at first. i almost lost it thinking he STILL wouldnt forgive me but it was ok :’) u got me, ) 
sniffs...... best friends forever........ this is the best possible outcome this is all ive ever wanted it was all worth it for this 
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we got our window back!!!!! also ft cicero subtitle photobombing me with his boundless enthusiasm for murder but i forgive him 
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oof we also have... a bunch of torture victims hanging around now too :’ ) oh
i kinda feel bad about them but there doesnt seem to be an option to let them go, 
i mean i could just kill them all i guess. i killed one guy to see if i could. you Can. his body is still there. nobody seemed to care that i killed him
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i fuckign love this cute little shit. what the fuck. this is such justice too everyone was so rude to him, everyone made fun of him and talked down to him, everyone wanted him dead after he went after astrid, but she sold us out and got everyone killed, he was RIGHT, and now hes the right-hand-man to the Listener who is now ALSO the leader of the brotherhood. he’s basically second in command to the entire organization now and nobody can do a goddamn thing about it bc they all KNOW not to fuck with me now 
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i also realized hes taller than me and i dont like it, :’)
im still deciding medea’s taller than him anyway i dont care. she would be taller than the character model is allowing for
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he likes to randomly start singing/humming really off key/dancing around its SO cute.... im lov him...............
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darling..... calm down, :’) 
hes so completely devoted to me now im in pain
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i realized i could tell him to go to sleep and he actually did it the absolute madman 
he gets up if you try to sleep beside him though
i mean. not that i tried that or anything
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he stands SO close to me all the time.... i turn around and hes right there beaming adoringly at me. i cant do this 
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he kept saying mother needed some flowers so i took him out to collect some nightshade for her n dropped them around her feet 
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“whats the point of thievery lol like..... just kill them?????? stupid” 
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having cicero constantly two feet behind me jus making cute comments and/or half singing The Weirdest Shit I Have Ever Heard is absolutely delightful 
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ur so cute when you’re threatening people
he also hates the forsworn see we’re in sync
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me, the leader of the brotherhood, in full brotherhood armor, with cicero following right behind me giggling to himself about murder:
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sarasfm · 4 years
Sarauniya “ Sara ” Davies, 24, pansexual, cisfemale, ISFP Enneagram 9w1; Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces rising 1st year Advanced Encryption Major; did not go to a spy prep hs
Imma keep it real with you, chief, I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. I mean, obviously, I know what espionage is ; I’ve read books and articles, and I’ve seen Spy Kids and all the Charlies Angels and James Bond movies, but I genuinely think I need a minute to wrap my head around everything. Make that two weeks, because what’s this I hear about two murders ?  I literally just got sent here to be safe, I — I’m sorry, I’m freaking out. Give me five seconds, and we can start again, because I promise I can totally pretend this is all normal. @gallagherintro​
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full name: sarauniya “ sara ” davies
dormitory room: 105
birthday: 20 march 1995
soundtrack: “ go gina ” by sza
favorite dish: efo riro
aesthetic:  when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of light reflecting from her earrings, eyeglasses perched on top of her head, and a caviar iphone always in her hands
Bio Points
her mom’s a nigerian baddie billionaire & her dad’s a soft academic brit
she grew up between london and abuja where their family’s business is based. it’s a trading enterprise, the largest industrial conglomerate in sub-saharan africa
she’s the eldest of three siblings, was raised to be prim & proper and groomed to run their family’s business. her family’s not pushy though and they’re really cool. very healthy dynamic so she doesn’t mind ; she loves her fam and would do it w a smile !
Coding is her Passion though. total dork. stayed up all the time just sleuthing and being an internet geek since she was a youngin’
loves education and is the type who would willingly stay in school to learn. has a degree in economics from harvard and was almost done with her mba when her littlest sister got abducted !  was it about business ? money ? who knows ! the sister’s fine now but her family sure is Scared especially since sara’s alone in the big bad united states
her mom made some calls and went “ gimbiya, look, u aint safe n we sorry. we’ll work something out to make sure u get ur mba degree somehow but shit is wild so we gotta get u somewhere near that’s safe asap. u like studying & ur a geek with computers right ? cool beans, go back to school & welcome to gallagher, babe ”
she enters gallagher in the middle of the spring semester very overwhelmed & inwardly ignoring how unhappy she is about having to be here bc she is not & does not want to be a spy. she just tryna distract herself by looking at this entire thing as a weird vacation where she can do stuff she wasn’t able to before because it’s literally detached from the world. she is mostly probably in way over her head, but let’s see ! 
Other Information
Nicknames: Sara (to everyone), gimbiya (to family, means princess in Hausa)
Languages: English (native), Hausa (native), Arabic (C1), French (B2)
Strengths: is money a strength ? also coding. and being the sweetest. and a general smartypants but that’s in a university setting & gallagher probably doesnt give a fuck
Relationship History: only has one (1) experience. ( well,,, 2 if a three-second drunken kiss w kass counts ) his name’s royce and they’ve known each other since their bougie secondary school back in britain. started dating at sixteen and went to harvard together. they’re long term as fuck. he’s like her best friend and their families adore the couple & each other. got engaged last september and sara broke it off before leaving for gallagher, oof. she deadass milked the opportunity but lbr she wasnt rlly Feeling It so she’s kinda glad for the ‘valid reason’ to appear bc it rlly wasn’t Love for sara so boy bye
Physical appearance: 1.76m, 55kg, long black hair, slim and toned build
Classes: GEN 105, GEN 206, AE 101, AT 101, PE 101
the sweetest. v charming & sensitive to others & curious about things. enthusiastic too ! loves adventures & is very passionate. queen of empathy. 
she’s not stuck up even tho she loaded. she doesnt rlly talk abt her family having 12B or the fact that she’s an ivy league girl, bc she’s just generally very uwu 
easily stressed and flustered and overwhelmed ! man, gallagher’s gonna shook this goddamn academic dork to her core for the love of god someone pls get the aed ready
rlly fun !!! can be a lil unpredictable bc it b lyk dat for rich girls. loves her independence which she hasn’t maximized bc of her ex fiancé & responsibilities but it’s chill so chill totally chill, no ounce of further longing exists in the crevices of this girl’s heart
she is so not good with confrontation and is so allergic to conflict ok. she will sweep discomfort under a rug and lie on it ‘til it’s flat which makes her a queen of repression & conforming
is she easily overwhelmed & stressed ? yes, but she’ll try not to show it so much. it’s all mostly an internal monologue so don’t underestimate her pls. she’s v smart and competent. can be so competitive ( albeit mostly inwardly ) and a boss ass business bitch like her business momma bc that’s what she’s been training for altho she is still generally a soft bab so ... yeah, if u would be so kind as to Estimate her, that’d be grand
she needs to always be on top of her game. maybe not the best in the class, but definitely pushes herself to be her best, so a lot of late nights studying & won’t settle for bad grades ever. gonna be rough in gallagher bc she is not spy material ok, she’s just a pretty rich geek behind a computer
just imagine her as the nice girl in ur ap classes who’s a lil awkward & just so happens to be super hot & stinking rich
Fun Facts
has a six-month old rescue pup named sooty ! who kinda looks like a sheparnese
has a tendency to ramble if she’s comfy w u enough or mayhaps if it’s too much man 
is v diligent w keeping a journal & does it everyday 
likes to dance ! not super good but she likes it. hits da clubs for dat shit 
is a lil instagram famous bc she’s a gorgeous rich harvard girl & all that jazz. queen of selfies & of looking hot but doesn’t actually get to play around rip ffff 
doesn’t drink much bc she is an extreme lightweight and 2 is her tap out limit
if she’s had more than 2 drinks, she is Very Honest but still very ramble-y 
she is physically active but mostly just runs and does yoga. knows very basic self-defense. is not sporty, definitely not a fighter, may god have mercy on her soul
isnt a virgin but is not sexually experienced lmao lbr she kinda Itching to get out there 
don’t ask me what her accent is because i have no clue it’s all over the place
Established Connections — just bc i think y’all would like to know
kassandra sutton — internet friends ! loves kass to bits. have known each other since sara was 14. when kass was 18, sara took her on a grad trip to montreal and became a lil lowkey into her. doesn’t help that kass drunk kissed her & doesn’t remember lmfao. poor sara told her then-bf & they had a lil fight but they made up bc sara didn’t talk to kass for months. eventually they became friends again & now sara’s in gallagher w no idea that kass is a mf sutton & honestly, my girl is just very shook w everything 
Possible Connections
crushes — she does not know how to flirt. she is ,,,, p pathetic tbh but a real heckin cutie. will be super nice to ur bab ok  
flirtationships — sara and i r gonna continue to keep it real w u chieves, her ex fiancé royce was vanilla and bland as fuck. can u believe she has not been single in a decade ? ? someone give her love & attention & fluster this soft innocent child. get her Experienced but also dont hurt her
enemies/angst !!! —  or maybe do ! maybe hurt her. maybe obliterate her. maybe smash her poor heart to pieces, because tbh i would love that.  so someone pls for the love all things holy and divine, someone hurt her !!!!
fwb — probably just one (1) bc she’s still a romantic ? and she’s probably gonna want something exclusive even if it’s no strings attached and will surely want to ,.,. get to know them a little bit more first ,,, at least ideally , idk , maybe impulse & thirst gets the better of her one of these days who knows lets find out !
friends !!! — sara will love u ok. she may be a lil easily flustered but she’s doesn’t rlly give up on ppl quickly. as i’ve said, queen of empathy. probs feels v sorry for majority of the gallagher & georgetown kids bc, .,.,., this environment just screams highkey Trauma to her and she’s valid bc she’s right
mentors !!! — she hates feeling dumb ok she Always has to be on top of her game, so u can bet ur ass after her first meetings in her classes she goes to ppl going “ hey could u help me out w working out ? boxing ? firing a gun ? literally everything & anything ? ”   
anything & everything — meaning just come @ me & let’s talk about it uwu 
( did i just create georgina’s antithesis ? fuck yes, and i am sooo excited to have a child that’s not always plotting & scheming & being mean like y’all have no idea ;_; nywy, that was long bc shutting up and brevity are things i do not possess. whats up it’s ur og flower garden girl rose here aka bugleweed aka fiancée of many and lover of all, and i am open to anything and everything ! just drop an IM or hit dat like & ill slide in ur dmz w love, plots & sanitized hands x )
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llcvinias · 5 years
i  just  watched  dean  matthews  pull  lavinia  vogel  into  his  office.  maybe  it  has  something  to  do  with  them  being  a  member  of  zeta  beta  zeta.  yeah,  i  spoke  to  lavi  a  few  times.  they’re  a  sophomore  studying  animal  behavior. apparently  they’re  from  las  vegas,  neveda.  maybe  that’s  why  they’re  so  finicky  and  effulgent, i  don’t  know,  man.  all  i  know  is  they’re  always  listening  to  playing  games  by  summer  walker. 
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god  asdj  please  excuse  my  reused  muse  and  bio  asdj !  i  got  a  little  nervous  jumping  in  late  and  said  well  fuck  let  me  just  bring  this  baby  back  to  life  and  call  it  a  day !! im  still  just  as  excited  and  cannot  wait  to  start  writing  with  you  all !! 
—  °。..   ›    basics    .
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋    𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄    :    lavinia june vogel.
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒    :  lav, lavi, lava, vinnie, lj. 
𝐀𝐆𝐄    :    twenty - one  .
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘    :    february sixteenth  .
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑    :    female  .
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒    :    she / her  .
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘    :    bicurious  .
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂    :    aquarius  .
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓    :     five foot seven .
𝐁𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐃    :    slim  .
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒    :    ozzy vogel , imma josephine vogel .
𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆    :   arabella vogel , lillian vogel .
𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒    :   english , italian , spanish .
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍    :    las vegas nevada . 
—  °。..   ›    personality + headcanons    .
clumsy and impulsive . she is walking chaos sometimes . she has a big drive to enjoy herself? to suck the life out of life but not in a bad way? and that usually leaves her getting stuck in crazy situations that she usually laughs about .
adventure is her middle name . she loves experiencing new things . will try everything at least once. if you need someone to help you rob a bank or walk to the other side of the country with you ask her only once and she’ll be all over it.
boisterous . she cannot help it . she will talk your ear off until you literally pay her to shut up .
she’s just very intoxicating ? theres just something about her that just draws you in?
she craves meaningful bonds with other people? feeling important and loved is so important to her.
she gets attached easily and with that she tries her best not to drown in everyone? set boundaries and put herself first? practice self love.
she wants you , she needs you , and then she gets scared and pushes you away.
she feels things super deeply . very vehement .
is the biggest goofball sometimes . love spreading laughter .
she is d r a m a t i c !
she is a lover , will give you her all in any kind of relationship. will put in the absolute effort and go the distance .
she wants to save everyone .
she can be stubborn sometimes even a little jealous  . maybe selfish . traits she trying to overcome.
she’s hard to understand sometimes ? she just has all these feelings and doesnt know how to handle them sometimes .
is a ball of light . constantly smiling and giggling .
she is social ! loves ! being ! around ! people ! the type to have seven best friends and ten friend groups !
did i mention she’s talkative??
kind of annoying?? 
i picture her to be super captivating ?? just theres something about her.
very affectionate . and when she’s drunk? it only grows.
will pull you into crazy schemes all with the help of her favorite pout .
crawling into bed and waking you just to tell you about this crazy thing that just happened? her.
she has a soft spot for music and you will always find her at some odd spot of the hotel writing.
sings in the shower . loud and non stop . it’s a good thing she’s good.
had four dogs and three cats growing up ! is animal obsessed . say anything bad about any breed she will fight .
friendly but does not take bullshit . will speak her mind and put anyone in their place ?
shes either im telling you how i feel and never shutting up or dont ever talk to me again.
cheers !!! has been cheering since she was a little girl and is damn good !! she is all about school spirit, you will catch her wearing her football players jersey on game nights and filling their lockers with pre game goodies !! 
—  °。..   ›    fun facts + family information    .
waters that reflected an childhood parted in two , one half dipped in warm sun dancing across sun kissed skin and salty water devouring painted toes . and the other with an forced hole in your heart sheltered by masculine hands . the vogel girls and dad .
it was an family entangled in words pulled from pages , it’s title being the perfect family . everything about them , it was just right . the love , the happiness it was all there . lavinia’s younger years , she spent them glued to her father . her mornings walking around his shelter playing with four legged angels and her afternoons sitting between her mothers legs as the two watched the ocean clash into the blue sky above it .
her nights consisted of loud laughter that soared from her sisters mouth , her emerald hues watching love radiate off of her parents . even at her age , she just knew that that’s how love was suppose to be . and then one day , it changed . a blink of an eye , in a beat of a second . her mother with an induced voice and tender eyes fell into a rabbit hole of darkness . and before lavinia could turn to her dad and muster out an why, she packed her stuff , got in the car and never looked back .
three years later , he had to sit down his children and tell them that their mother .. the love of his life was no longer here . up until she was old enough to grasp it , she did not know what happened . why her mother no longer wanted to be her mommy . the beauty and the curse of innocence . her dad did everything in his power to play both roles , to fill their head with good memories of his wife despite the pain she left the four of them . ozzy vogel was a good man . he built his girls an amazing life in charlottesville. granted them everything he could . but most importantly , he raised three beautiful women on his own . all on his own.
lavinia is the baby of her family, and the only child her parents planned for : her dad use to tease her sisters by calling them a happy surprise before throwing a playful wink in lavinia’s direction.
with age , lavinia started to discover of course with help of her older sister arabella that their mother turned to drugs to ease whatever struggle she was dealing with internally . and while it did not make her leaving them any easier , it did give them an understanding .arabella , along with their father , is the only one who constantly tries to fill their heads with positive thoughts of their mother .. telling them memories and quirks and sayings she was granted with their mom . sometimes , lavinia longed to hear them and others ? she hated it .
she basically grew up at her fathers shelter and quickly learned helping those who do not have a voice was a calling .she also connects with animals in a sense of , knowing what it’s like to be abandoned and unwanted .
her family means everything to her , she will constantly jump hoops for them .while their father had never been too much of an athlete , their mother was .. and the girls at a young age found their own little sports to devote themselves to .
her biggest ambition in life is to live ?? she so badly wants to just take everything in , all of the highs and the ups and the wonders of being alive .
—  °。..   ›    wanted connections    .
cheerleader friends ! a bond formed by long practices and sore muscles. 
sorority sisters that actually feel like sisters, close and cute friendships. she would take bullets and climb mountains for them.
a platonic soulmate, her other half, the two are attach at the hips and do everything together. 
a close group of friends, they have the most craziest stories together. are insanely close, have their up and downs but its always them at the end of the day.
first love, maybe even high school sweethearts .
on and off again lover, i want it to be angsty and toxic but despite everything they really do love each other. 
friends with benefits.
ex friends.
ex best friends.
study buddies.
partner in crimes.
will they wont they.
love / hate relationship.
hookups !!
girls she experiments with !! 
i just want fun and fresh plots so literally anything?? 
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devilgem-archive · 6 years
Can we hear more about the swap au?
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yes absolutely!!!i got some basic info for the ones with distinct roles (most of which are based off personal hcs ive conjured in chats) the rest will come as soon as i have concrete stories for them!!
the story revolves around angel, an ex-mobster slash p*rn star, who decides to abandon his vices to better himself and those around him. because he lacks a higher status in hell’s society, he has a harder time gathering funds and support, so his hotel is a lot more run down compared to canon charlie’s. many dub him as a “nobody trying to be somebody”
swaps with charlie
gay trans man
grew up in a mob family during the 30s-40s. his relationship with his family remains difficult
he’s a lot more optimistic here, still values innocence and all the littlest things that make the world go ‘round. he’s still angel dust tho,therefore has moments where he’s just a plain jackass
continued his line of Shady Work in the afterlife for survival. retired decades later to pursue his Dream Project in running a rehabilitation center in the form of a hotel. the public was baffled at his choice to step down from crime, why give up all of that for…this? is he stupid? whatever respect they held for him was snuffed out quickly and angel became a laughing stock
is very much aware of the doubts, even those of his friends’ and frankly…it stings. tries to mask it with sunshine and rainbows
still struggles with addictions + suffers from episodes of alcohol withdrawal himself. despite everything he keeps pushing forward- lowkey has a habit of brushing off his own problems in favor of others’
swaps with vaggie
trans lesbian
was an orphan in life, turned to crime as a bomb specialist as she grew
had canon!cherri’s personality and appearance up until angel made his ambitions known; she chopped her hair short and sports a more formal fashion to honor his new passion
is best friends with angel and looks up to him like a father. while she does offer her best support, she is not without doubts regarding the hotel’s success. not that she’d outright say it ofc
despite her own concerns, she wont hesitate to fuck up anyone who insults or otherwise jeopardizes angel’s hotel
she jokingly suggested angel turn to the princess of hell for assistance…only for the man himself to take it as serious advice. angel dust is a synonym for absolutely fucking stupit
swaps with angel
bi trans girl
the princess of hell. an absolute bratty delinquent who loves using her status to get what she wants– or get away with the trouble she stirred up
only cared about her status, wealth and vaggie before the hotel.
she’s the carlyle to angel’s barnum
angel sought her out for support–though she initially snorted at the very idea of a rehabilitation center in hell,she found herself begrudgingly funding the hotel. even checked in as the very first patient, fun for the entire family huh.
she truly has a heart of gold beneath the hardass exterior and it gradually shines through the more time she spends at the hotel
swaps with cherri
lesbian + demigirl
is charlie’s girlfriend and partner in crime. together, theyre ur typical Mean Girls that enjoy making snide remarks at the expense of others
has an arsenal of knifes and spears she uses to win turf wars and lovingly defend her still-ditzy gf from danger.
is more cool and collected- gotta do what it takes to come out the winner! only loses her temper when her loved ones are threatened/insulted
retains a difficult relationship with angel
only checked into the hotel, which she is skeptical of, to keep charlie company. and to see how fast this dump falls apart lmao
just like charlie, she gradually softens up and befriends the others
swaps with husk
pan/ace trans man
he is biracial
was an ex-radio host that succumbed to the great depression in Every sense of the word. no really. alastor is a disaster
he pushed away his friends and family and loyal fans that reached out in support, destroying whatever positive relationship he had left. who needs people when you got booze!
is a complete shut in. dont talk to him, do not even look at him.begone thot. remained stubborn at the idea of opening up, even in a place as disgustingly positive as angel’s hotel
1000/10 capable of ripping your guts out if you test him
still enjoys the good thrill of hunting deer every now and then. probably the one thing that makes him feel anything
hates hate HATES the permasmile with every ounce of his being. he wouldn’t be wearing a smile if frowning wasnt so damn painful
swaps with katie
bi trans man w a pref for Wahmen
he was a well-known journalist in the 1800s.
in hell, he adapted well enough to have his own “picture news show”
vocally, he isn’t very pleasing to listen to, but! he has a knack for grabbing the most sensational stories to keep the attention of his audience unwavered
has an ego the size of jupiter
is completely uninterested in anything that doesnt give his rep a boost
enjoys sciencey stuff and reviews the latest trends/memes on occasion
mocking the hell out of angel and his stoopid hotel is his second hobby
he has ‘friends’ but rarely, if ever, treats them well
swap with tom
they all hate penti
penti still enjoys pushing them around. sometimes would use them as anger/stress-relievers
i do not have a lot for them
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hardyimagines · 6 years
Part 4, Final — The Decision
Can I ask for a request? Alfie had to give up the reader because hes facing a powerful and dangerous enemy but he doesnt tell the reader. She ends up dating tommy (who doesn't know about her past with alfie) and on their wedding day Alfie shows up. Idk what happens next lol but I just would love to read about tension and emotions and alfie just like being vulnerable. Thank you 💜💜💜
Omg so your new Alfie fic is amazing! I've never requested anything before or made a suggestion but I wanted to suggest that maybe (if you want), can you include a part where the main OC does end up getting hurt and she's possibly pregnant (maybe loses it) with Alfies child and he doesnt know but then he finds out?! Whether she gets hurt bc of Tommy or Alfie it's up to you but I'd like to read that
Word Count: 5.5k ||| Status: completed
Requested by: @fuckitsharam & @stylingco 
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Part 1    Part 2      Part 3  
The sun in the sky shone down brightly on the occupants of the garden. You stood on the porch, hand resting on the skin above your eyebrows as you watched your little girl run throughout the yard. Shielding the bright rays of sun from hitting you directly in the eyes, a small smile graced your lips. It was spring. The air wasn’t exactly hot, but it wasn’t cold either. The hours of daylight increased now and the flowers were beginning to bloom. The trees were growing back their lively leafs, previously shed in the fall and winter. It was beautiful. Your daughter was the most adventurous and lively kid that you’d ever known. “Come on, Ophelia, daddy’s expecting us!” It was her third birthday. The plastic crown that sat atop her messy curly head of hair bobbed lightly but didn’t fall. The little combs on the end were buried in her precious locks, clinging to her securely as she ran around the grass. Her small feet, coated in mud and dirt, clambered up the short steps toward you. “We’re gonna go see daddy?” The child chirped, eyes bright. “Yes, angel, but we need to get some shoes on.”
Your lengthy nails brushed along the soft skin of her forehead, tucking her baby hairs away and beneath the silver tiara. “Come on, then, beautiful.” The door to the house opened with a quiet creak and the two of you piled inside. Cyril lifted his head in question, big brown eyes studying you before you scratched the top of his head and assured him that you and Ophelia would be home soon WITH Alfie. You pinched the puffy pink coat that hung beside the door. Opening it, you moved up behind Ophelia, warm eyes drifting along your little girl as she smoothly slipped her small arms into the arm holes. Settling the fabric on her shoulders, you leaned in and kissed her forehead, careful not to knock off her little diadem. The child wasted absolutely no time before she leaned up on her tiptoes, trying to grip the doorknob. “Hang on, my little angel, we have to get your shoes!” You moved down the hall to retrieve her grey boots, head spinning as you briefly paused. The never-ending worry hit you again. This was the third time today. Alfie had missed Ophelia’s birthday twice now. Her first birthday was spent, just the two of you, curled up in the kitchen as she ate the cake on the center of the table with nothing but her greedy hands. You’d given her a bath and a new toy and then she’d gone to bed. Alfie hadn’t come home until the following morning, apologetic as always. He made a promise to be there for her second birthday, but when you were once again left alone in the empty park, you’d stared down at your little girl. She played carelessly, oblivious to the lack of her father’s presence. He was hardly ever around anyway. You glanced over your shoulder. “Mommy, come on!” The girl pleaded, her little voice whiny and loud. Your shoulders hunched defeatedly. You couldn’t take her to the distillery, not until she was old enough to understand what to touch and what not to touch. Your hands found the bones of your hips, head tipping back as you let out a loud sigh. Alfie would be here. He swore.
Your boots tapped the floor softly as you retrieved her shoes from the closet before you made your way back toward the front door where Ophelia was impatiently waiting. “Daffodil, how about mommy takes you to the little toy store up the road and you can buy anything you want?” You offered, crouching down in front of her as you spoke. Her innocent eyes shone brightly with curiosity before she pursed her lips in thought. “What about daddy? Is he gonna come too?” Your head shook lightly. “I don’t think so, peach, but he’ll be here tonight for cake and ice cream. He promised, didnt he?” Ophelia nodded, lifting her feet one by one so you could slip her white socks on to her feet and then help her into her boots. “There we are.” You smiled widely before rising. The child zipped up her coat before pointing to the door, cheeks tinting red the second you pulled the door open and the icy air kissed her skin. “Hold my hand.” You instructed. She obeyed instantly. Her hand fit snugly in your bigger one, little boots hitting the ground audibly as she skipped alongside you, singing a quiet rhyme. The toy shop wasn’t far, so even if Alfie did decide to come home, which you doubted he would, it would be impossible for you to miss him.
The metal door opened quietly, little bell dinging to alert the women behind the counter that they had customers. The redhead pushed her hair out of her face before greeting you and your daughter. “Hello, are you looking for anything particular?” She inquired, moving around the counter. Her high-heels clicked against the floor audibly, tapping against the tile as she approached the two of you. “Oh, no, it’s my little girl’s birthday,” you pointed out softly. “She’s going to pick out anything she wants.” You told the woman before leading your little girl toward the toys, thanking the woman quietly. Along the shelves, stuffed animals and dolls decorated the walls. There were various types of things for her to play with. “Anything you want, my love.” The bouncy girl ran her small fingers along the soft toys before slowly lifting a little bear. “This looks like daddy.” The girl pointed out, wiggling the toy for you to see. Your arms folded over your chest, smile visible as your lips turned upward. “Daddy’s not that cute.” You smiled lazily before squatting down in front of her. “You’re such an easy girl.” You mumbled before kissing her head, knowing she wouldn’t have picked up the bear if it wasn’t what she wanted. Your small fingers curled around the teddy’s arm before you stood and moved toward the counter to pay.
Alfie was sat in his office, hands folded behind his head as he slumped back against his seat, eyes rolling as Ollie told him of all the issues they’d encountered this week. Yes. For the third time, it had slipped his mind that it was Ophelia’s birthday. He couldn’t help it. The second he came into the distillery, he was bombarded with work. He never had a second to himself anymore. These last three years were hectic, he hardly even got to see you. His large palm slid along the length of his face, tiredly rubbing it down. “Look, mate, yeah, I just want to get this shit fucking settled, right, so I, yeah, can fucking go home before it’s time for the sun to rise.” His eyes were growing heavier overtime. He had gotten little to no sleep this week and what little he had, he couldn’t savor. He missed you. More than he could put into words. The second you and Alfie had been together officially, he’d made you his wife. Life had been more than amazing. He hadn’t pushed you away or kept little secrets from you. Business was important and it was necessary, but you were more important and he shared every little detail of work with you. No more lies and no more splitting up. The man stood as Ollie continued to ramble on. “Right, Ollie, the sun’s come and gone, mate, which means it’s fucking time for bed, innit. My wife’s probably all tucked away, ready to sleep, and my little girl-“ he froze on the spot. The guilt that gripped his heart made him feel faint. “Fuckin’ hell.” The man, angry, strode toward the door to retrieve his coat. He yanked the fabric on his broad body, not bothering to give his right-hand any form of explanation. He set off down the stairs and along the corridor, boots thudding noisily, alerting everyone of his presence. His cane tapped quietly along the ground, a significant contrast to the absolute hollow sound his boots created. Men halted at their work stations, each one assuming something was wrong, but they’d never guessed Alfie was beating himself up because once again, he would miss Ophelia’s birthday.
The cold night air was a whisper against his skin, brushing over his warm flesh, accompanying him on his journey home. He hadn’t picked up a gift for his little girl and at this late hour, he knew that no shop would be open. The man brushed his hair back and out of his face as it messily stuck out in this direction and that. He knew you’d definitely gotten the child a gift and cake, so he could at least pretend like he’d taken some part in that, but he knew you’d be upset with him. The lights on the porch twinkled when the little house came into view. He could see a set of balloons tied around the bannister, a proud annunciation to the neighborhood that your little girl was growing up. Alfie slowed his pace, taking his time to study the exterior of the home before he entered. He knew he was in for a long talking to and he also knew he deserved it. He’d been late. Again. For his babygirl’s birthday. The door opened quietly, but closed a little louder. Alfie drew off his heavy coat before draping it over the back of the sofa. His large hand wiggled between the skin of his neck and the collar of the shirt he wore, loosening it smoothly. On the table in the living room, crumbs from the strawberry cake you’d made stained the surface. There was no sign of life in the room, so he assumed you must’ve had dinner, cake, presents, and were now relaxing somewhere — or sleeping. The ticking clock in the corner grasped the man’s attention and when he gave it a lingering look, he sighed breathily. It was late.
Ophelia was wrapped up beneath her pink blanket. Her hair was braided neatly, draping over her shoulders as she clung on to her daddy bear. The teddy resembled a real life bear, but was as soft and as cuddly as a brown, fake looking stuffed animal. One leg was buried beneath her duvet and the other hung off the edge of the bed, movement-less. She was passed out. Alfie poked his head into the birthday girl’s room, studying her features as she lounged on her flower patterned bed. Her lips were sticky and she had little bits of icing glued to the corners of her mouth. Alfie let a smug smile cross over his lips before you, smoothly and unexpectedly, dipped in front of him and caught him off guard. “Welcome home.” Your hands pressed to his chest. You knew Alfie would go into Ophelia’s room and wake the pretty little girl if you didn’t stop him. He had no recognition of ‘she needed this many hours of sleep’ and the fact that she had a bed time. “She’s just gone to bed, she’s been hyper all night because of the cake.” Your voice was low. A mere whisper. Alfie had to strain his ears to hear what you were saying, but once he had, he straightened defensively before lowering his eyes to the floor so he could eye his boots. “I’m late again.” He sighed before shrinking back and retreating to the living room. You closed Ophelia’s door with a gentle sigh before following after the man. “Yeah.. we noticed.” The man lowered himself down on the sofa, feet kicking up to rest on the coffee table as he rubbed down his face, breaths heavy. He was exhausted and really could’ve gone to sleep right then, but he wasn’t a complete fool. He knew he needed to talk to you. “When I became Mrs. Solomons.. and I left Tommy to be with you.. and I made the decision that I’d trust you’d put me and your daughter before work, was I wrong to do all of that?” Alfie’s hand fell away from his face and instead dropped to the cushion that he was sat on. Picking at the loose strings, the man fixed you with a pained look before standing. “Don’t say stuff like that, Y/N. I’m doing my fucking best here, ain’t I?” You scoffed lowly. “If this is your fucking best, then I’d like to get a divorce. Good god, Alfie, Ophelia hasn’t seen you in days and I’ve hardly seen you! What do you think that does to us?” Alfie’s brows furrowed and his stare hardened. “To you? Right, what do you think it fucking does to me, yeah? I’m missing my little girl grow up, right, and I don’t even get to fucking spend a fucking day with my wife anymore, yeah, it’s fucking killing me too, innit!” Your eyes watered as he spoke, jaw clenching. “Stop shouting or you’ll wake her.” The man sighed heavily, arms folding across his chest stubbornly. He hated being told what to do. “It’s your job, Alfie. You’re the boss. You can leave when you want and don’t lie to me and say you can’t because you use to leave work all the time before the day had hardly even started just so you could be with me.” You lifted your hand to wipe away at the tears that tried to spill from your tired eyes. Alfie sighed heavily, studying your features before he licked his lips and spoke again. “It’s harder now, pet. I’ve got a lot more to do. A lot more things need my attention.” You let out a defeated sigh. Your small hand curled around the blanket on the sofa. “Yeah, well, your wife and daughter need attention as well.” With that, you turned on your heel. Alfie expected to hear your feet, hitting the stairs softly as you went to the bedroom the pair of you shared, but when your footsteps never came, he craned his neck and realized you were going to sleep in the guest room.
An uncomfortable twitch of sadness held his heart. He didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t as if he’d lose his job if he didn’t show up, but he was sure he’d lose his family if he didn’t spend more time with them. His hand scratched the back of his head, nails pushing through his messy hair before he stood and moved toward the phone. Calling Ollie, he pressed his shoulder against the wall, the sole of his boot rubbed absentmindedly against the recently cleaned floor. “Right, lad, I’m not going to be coming in for the week, yeah, I’m needed at home.” His voice was soft, ears ignorant of Ollie’s worried shouts. “You can handle it, lad, yeah. If anything’s too fucking much, you just send whatever it is on over to my fucking house, right. No people, only papers explaining the issue, right, or just fucking call me. I’ll see you- yeah, Ollie, right, I fucking know that, alright, yeah, bye.” Hanging the black phone back on the wall, Alfie pushed his hands through his hair once more before heading toward the guest room. He could only assume Cyril, as usual, was asleep beneath Ophelia’s bed, snoozing away, but ready to wake up in an instant and protect her.
Alfie removed his shoes, laying them on the hard brick beside the fireplace. His eyes slid around the room. He’d contemplated just leaving you be and letting you sleep, but the man had been deprived of you for too long and needed to be held tonight. His bare-feet scuffed softly against the carpet as he made his way toward the room you were in. His shoulders were hunched and there was a little limp in his step. His knuckles hit the door quietly, but he waited for no response before he pushed the door open and entered. “Pet?” Your hot tears stuck to your cheeks and stained the pillow you laid on. You didn’t move from your spot, eyes closed tightly as you desperately tried to hide the fact that you’d been crying. You held your breath, refusing to let your body shake as a silent sob escaped. Alfie, not really caring if you’d already gone to bed, began to pull off his shirt and then rid of his trousers. Your skin had goosebumps already, just from waiting. Waiting for him to climb into bed and embrace you like he always did, no matter how angry or upset you were. His arm looped around your waist, dragging your little body backwards and into his own. The movement elicited a breath from you finally and it was then that he leaned over to peer at your face. The moonlight illuminated your worn features, so broken and hurt. You could tell he was sorry by the way he stared down at you, regret shining visibly in his eyes. “Please don’t cry..” He whispered softly. “I know I’m doing a horrid job at this, but I’ll do better.”
Alfie, in truth, was the best father you’d ever seen. Though he was, a lot of the time, very busy at work, he was his daughter’s best friend. She lit up like a star when he came home, beaming and bright. He spent all night playing with her, doing whatever the hell she wanted until she’d lay on his chest and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. Alfie spoiled her and she was definitely a daddy’s girl. You were more of the disciplinary one, but Alfie always backed you up. “I can’t do this anymore with you, Alfie. I need you at home.” The man nodded softly, lifting his hand so he could brush away the tears that killed him to see. “Right, pet, im taking off a week at work, yeah, see how that goes, and then I’ll see what I can do to be home more, won’t I?” Your head nodded gently before you rolled on to your side and wiggled so he was spooning you. Your hand curled around his much larger one, dragging it around you tightly. He possessed a strength that you were very aware of and sometimes, when he’d really missed you, he’d squeeze the hell out of you while he slept and you’d have to slap his arm to wake him. “Please don’t try and squeeze me to death tonight.” You mumbled sleepily, but a little smile pulled at your lips. Alfie couldn’t help the involuntary breath of amusement that left his lips. Kissing your cheek softly, he nodded. “I’ll do my absolute best to control myself.” Your smile widened. “I love you, Alfie.” You turned your neck, gazing at him with the love and adoration that you held only for him. “I love you too, Y/N.” He mumbled quietly, lips moving to yours for just a few seconds.
When the kiss reached its natural end, neither of you distanced from the other. You instead embraced him, hiding your face in the cool skin of his prickly neck. It didn’t bother you. The little hairs that occasionally stabbed the sensitive skin of your face, they simply made you smile, sometimes playfully wince. Alfie always offered to shave, but you’d always whimper and plead for him not to. He looked so good with his beard and stubble. You couldn’t bear to part with it and you knew he wouldn’t want to either. Your eyes grew heavier and heavier as he held you. It felt so good to actually go to sleep with Alfie opposed to you waking up in his arms, just as he was pulling away to head to work. Within a few minutes, sleep took over and you were out like a light, alongside your husband who was beginning to snore like a grizzly bear. You were so use to it at this point though, the noise brought you comfort. He was here.
Ophelia stood at the foot of your bed, hands curled in the ends of the grey duvet as she loosely tugged on the fabric to wake you and her slumbering daddy. The pair of you began to grumble sleepily, refusing to wake instantly. You rolled to the side, burying your face further into the pillow as you tried desperately to cling on to the sleep that was slipping away. The mattress groaned audibly as the little girl lifted herself up and on to the foot of the bed. Her knees sunk into the fabric, small hands balancing on the back of your thigh and Alfie’s knee as she crawled along your bodies. “Please wake up.” She pouted, small fingers curling in the duvet. Your eyes droopily opened at her words, studying her innocent expression. “Alfie.” You mumbled sleepily before nudging him with your cold foot. The ice-like feel of your toes made the man growl. He was awake. He just tried to do the same as you and go back to sleep. His blue eyes slid open, blurry from sleep. Little crusts from his slumber rested in the corners of his eyes, but he smoothly wiped them away before sitting up. “Why are you up so early, little one?” The man’s large arms curled around the beauty before he lowered himself back down, pulling Ophelia with him. The room was quiet opposed to their soft voices, responding to each other smoothly, quietly, afraid to wake you. Though, you hadn’t gone back to sleep. Lifting your head, your messy hair draped over Alfie’s shoulder as you leaned against his back to peer over him and down at the little girl that was laid in front of him. “Its 9 in the morning, daddy, it’s not even early!” The child exclaimed, her long lashes fluttering before she lifted her hand to pull lazily at her father’s beard. “Fucking hell, is it that late already?” He was already sitting up again when you spoke. “Language, Alfie.” You mumbled before rolling toward your baby as Alfie slid off the bed. “Right, come on, let’s not spend our day in bed, let’s go downstairs and have some breakfast.”
You leaned up slightly, the sleeve of your nightgown rolling down and off of your shoulder. You fixed it smoothly, small fingers dragging the lace back up and into its proper position. “All we’ve got is cereal, darling.” You told the man as you followed him out of bed. Ophelia scrambled toward her father and he, with open arms, easily hoisted her up and on to his hips. She clung to him like a baby and you smiled fondly. Initially you’d thought you’d be jealous if you weren’t the favorite parent, but in this case, since Ophelia hardly ever saw Alfie, you couldn’t blame her for being so attached to him. You slipped on your blue slippers before grabbing the yellow robe off of the hook in the corner. The silky fabric wrapped around you snugly, tied in a little bow at the front on your belly. Alfie led the pair of you downstairs and to the kitchen where Cyril was waiting hungrily. A low growl escaped the animals belly and then a quiet whine. The dog food was kept tucked away in a high cabinet because Cyril had a tendency to find the food and dump it out all over the floor, devouring as much of it as he could— to the point where he was left with a bellyache.
Alfie removed three bowls from the cupboard, after feeding the mastiff, each one carefully painted a permanent pink. The pattern on the sides of the bowls was a matching set which was what you’d always wanted and he’d purchased the kitchenware for you for your birthday. His soft eyes flickered to you as you began to fill each bowl to the brim with whatever oats were in the last cereal box. Alfie didn’t like milk on his cereal. He preferred to just eat it with his fingers like a cookie. You loved to bathe your food in milk, bowl nearly overflowing from how much contents were jam-packed in the round glass. Ophelia liked only a little milk, not a drop or two, but maybe the size of two shot glasses. The milk didn’t even fill half of the bowl, but at least she liked to have a little bit. The little girl was knelt up on her chair, hunched over the table as she watched you finish up with the milk. Alfie slid her bowl toward her before offering her a little wooden spoon. She took it gratefully, beaming up at her father before she eagerly began to dig into the breakfast. You ate much slower, though you hated how soggy your meal ended up being, you couldn’t help it. You didn’t want to make yourself sick from eating to quickly. Your eyes moved to Alfie. He had no patience. His beard was crumb infested within seconds, but he’d use his palm to try and wipe away the messy food. It really wasn’t the food that was messy, it was just Alfie.
Breakfast went by peacefully and you told yourself silently that if had there been another little baby, situated beside Ophelia, things would not be running as smoothly. Luckily, you looked down at your belly, it was as empty as ever. For now. Your eyes lifted to Alfie. Maybe one day, when things weren’t so chaotic and you had time to actually sleep with your husband, then you could discuss having another baby. You stood, gathering the empty dishes so you could clean each one. Ophelia looked to her father, watching as the man lifted his glasses on to his face and began to read over the little notes on the table. Mental reminders he was writing down so he knew what needed to be taken care of when he returned back to work. “Daddy?” Ophelia spoke softly. The large man, furrowed brows and hardened stare, lifted his eyes to his little girl, features instantly softening now that he was focused on her opposed to work. The little girl pushed her fringe out of her eyes before inhaling deeply. “Are you gonna be home more?” She asked quietly. Her big green eyes were wide and the hope that danced vibrantly in them was hard to miss. “Yes, Love, as much as I fu- can be, yeah? I miss you too much when I’m away at work, don’t I?” Ophelia cracked a slow smile before leaping down off of her seat and moving around the wooden table so she could instead perch herself up on Alfie’s lap. The man held her close, absentmindedly pushing her hair out of her face as she stared up at him. She was the spitting image of you.
The cloth on the counter was used to dry off your hands after you’d tucked each dish away. Turning on your heel, you dropped down beside the two of them, eyes shimmering as they moved between your handsome husband and darling girl. “Yes, Daddy is going to be around a lot more often. I’m going to make sure of it.” Alfie’s eyes slipped to you when you spoke, a slow smirk pulling at his full lips. “We’ll see.” He whispered teasingly before leaning back in his chair. “We will see.” He muttered again, arms tightening lightly around his angel.
The remainder of the day was spent lounging in the living room. Your bare feet slid along the carpet as you danced goofily for your family. The laughter that echoed around the room was joy to your ears. Ophelia was having the most amazing time and you were grateful. Just having Alfie here seemed to brighten her mood significantly. Alfie didn’t partake in the silly dancing, he simply lounged on the sofa, chuckling loudly as your body twisted and turned and your daughter’s tried to follow. He could’ve been at work, head buried in his hands as the weight of work resided on his shoulders, but he’d much rather be here, watching you make an absolute fool of yourself.
You were his fool.
Wednesday was spent lounging in the sun in the backyard. Ophelia had an addiction to the outdoors, always happiest when her sun-kissed skin was darkening beneath the rays. She’d chase the butterflies and play in the water that sprayed from the hose. She was muddy and soaked, but beaming. You’d spent the entirety of the day, laying on Alfie’s chest as the two of you watched over Ophelia protectively. Alfie refused to ever take his eyes away from her, even when you’d leaned in for a little kiss. He couldn’t risk it. Children were taken in the blink of an eye and he’d be damned if he ever let anything happen to his child. She was entirely too good for this world. And entirely too good from him. He knew that.
Thursday was the quickest day. Alfie had taken Ophelia to the park so she could play for a few hours and although they had begged you to come along, you just weren’t feeling too great. Your small hand pushed through your hair, continuing to clean the constantly filthy house. It didn’t bother you, letting them go out for some father, daughter time. No. They deserved it. Alfie, you knew, would push Ophelia on the swings, keeping a close eye on anybody who dared play to close. He didn’t care if it was a child, he didn’t let anybody approach his angel. You tried to explain to him that social interaction was good for her. It was good for her to talk to her peers at such a young age, but he wasn’t having any of it. “She can talk to them when she’s not living under my roof.” He’d dramatically told you that night. You’d scoffed at his words and had easily pushed them to the back of your mind. That wasn’t rational thinking.
On the weekends, Ophelia had a little group called ‘The Little Ducklings’ that she attended. The class helped teach children about growing up. It was basically a daycare, but it didn’t have the ridiculous prices nor did it have teachers who only cared about the money. These women were taking amazing care of your little Ophelia. She babbled all evening when she returned home about everything she’d learned. That being said, while Ophelia was away, learning her abc’s, colors, and numbers, you were learning too, trapped beneath your husband, bodies joined in the most physical and passionate way possible as he taught you some of the ‘new moves’ he’d been daydreaming about. He left you breathless and writhing for more. The passion in this relationship was never-ending. The man seemed to have no off switch. He was always ready for you. And you’d be lying if you said you weren’t always ready for him.
The week came and went entirely too fast. One minute you’re extremely grateful that Alfie had made the wise decision to stay home from work and spend time with his family, but the next thing you knew, the calendar read Monday again and it was time to bid the man goodbye. His warm lips pressed to yours, hands gliding along your arms before he cradled your hands in his own. “Things will change, pet, yeah, I fucking promise you that, I can’t fucking stand, right, being away from you for so long. I’ll handle everything today, right, I fucking will.” He’d given you several kisses that day before he’d left and then he’d given ophelia double. You couldn’t admit to anyone but yourself that you were jealous your daughter had received more kisses than you, but the thought still made you smile. You wouldn’t trade anything in the world for your family. They were one of a kind. The light in the fireplace was beginning to die that evening, it’s orange embers fading as the light began to give out. Ophelia was fast asleep on your chest, mouth partially opened and eyes heavy as she nuzzled into you. Alfie would be home soon, you were sure of it. He would keep his word and things would get better from here. After-all, you had married one of the most amazing men in the world. Your head rolled back, eyes meeting the ceiling. Alfie Solomons would keep his word and he would be home every night before it was too late. Your eyes flickered to your wedding ring. No matter how many fights or how many disagreements the two of you had, Alfie was your forever and you’d never be without him. Your eyes moved to Ophelia. And neither would she.
Part 1   Part 2     Part 3  
Tagged: @thatsamegirl @peakyhoegh @ihclipse @callisen @hardygal69 @centerhabit @favouritereadings @goodiesintheclosetlove @buckypetal15 @kitcatimpala67 @captstefanbrandt @meer0rauschen @crldrr
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king-yuggy · 6 years
Christ keep me away from Kim Yugyeom
Warning: very informal fluffy smut stuff
Christ help me I have fallen in love with a man that doesnt know i exist ugh when he posted this pic my heart exploded he looks so soft and sweet and cuddly and i just wanna kiss him and hug him and tell him how much he means to me
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I just
- wanna take care of him
- like can you just imagine coming home to this sweet bug
- and he's just all soft and cuddly and loving
- asking you how your day went
- and you just walk over to where he's sitting on the couch and he cuddles up next to you
- youre running your fingers through his hair and he's humming because he missed you and it feels so good
- your touch makes him so content like there is literally a look of pure pleasure on his face
- his lil eyes are closed and his lips are in a small smile and his cheekbones are all raised n shit
- now he's got his big ass head all in your lap n and you just watch him find comfort in your presence
- god why is he so cute
- you bop his lil nose and he giggles and scrunches it all up
- you go to trail your finger along his lips and he bites it and you yelp while he's giggling at you awh
- you smack his shoulder bc that was lowkey a dick move...you were just tryna appreciate his face
- why the fuck is your finger still in his mouth
- "sooooo you gonna let go ooooor..."
- he fucking looks into your eyes all lovingly n shit
- "uuuuh bro you good...uuuuh...you hungry?"
- nah he's just in love with you
- he literally loves how you can make him happy by doing absolutely nothing
- yugyeom wrecks you? No honey. You wreck yugyeom.
- he takes your finger out of his mouth and kisses it
- you're all confused n shit
- he sighs and just sits up before leaning in and kissing you
- it's literally the softest kiss you guys have ever shared
- it's so soft and innocent your heart bursts
- you get that tingly feeling in your stomach cuz he's starting to smile into the kiss and now you're both smiling like idiots while softly making out uGH
- homeboys tongue is working it's magic with yours and he's got you softly moaning n shit
- it starts getting intense yet still super soft
- like at this point you're gently pulling his hair and his hand is cupping your jaw and pulling you towards him
- now he's pushing you down on to the couch so you can lay comfortably
- it feels so damn good omllll
- somehow, your skirt has disappeared. How convenient.
- and then he does it honey...he rly put his thigh in between your legs
- so you do what you gotta do
- your ride that thigh to Narnia
- you're all moaning beneath him and he's whispering dirty lil shit in your ear and God it's a turn on you're going faster and harder against him bc fuck he makes you fEEL SO GOOD TILL HE PULLS BACK
- "DADDY WHY?!?!"
- "daddy?"
- oh no
- there it go
- you done did done it
- Wow. How did you end up slung over his shoulder? That's interesting.
- and now you're tied to the bed? Crazy.
- woah...who stole his shirt and his pants? This is insane.
- but little do you know he didnt plan to fuck you like yuh suga daddy when you send him that foot pic for the month
- nah b
- he tryna make love...with you tied up of course...cuz y'all are special...y'all make kinky love...cuz unique couples last longer
- body worship? Body worship.
- he will literally kiss every inch of your body and you keep squirming so hes giggling
- where did daddy go?
- oh wait...did he just bite?!?!
- he is literally nibbling on your flesh
- he kisses your lips before he takes part in the lord’s evening meal (is that appropriate...yall reading smut i assume youre not tHAT religious)
- yugyeoms tongue is working magic on your clit---licking and moaning and nibbling, sending vibrations through your body. His arms are wrapped around your thighs holding you still and keeping you from pressing them together. 
- his hair keeps brushing against your stomach ugh it feels so soft and you're moaning and whimpering his name bc hes making you feel so good
- his fingers are so long and slender god hes pushing them so deep into your core as he continues working on your clit and you can feel your orgasm approaching as he doubles his speed
- you feel yourself come undone around his fingers and his work on you becomes nearly painful
- youre trying to squirm away from him but hes not having it and he pulls you closer and continues his work except now he adds another finger
- youre moans are so loud but theyre music to his ears as he tries to make you come undone again
- you can feel your stomach tightening and the sight of your pleasure has yugyeom moaning against you
- you finally clench around his fingers again and your ears start ringing from the power of the orgasm that follows
- hes satisfied.
- he pulls his fingers out of you and licks them before kissing you and letting you taste yourself
- he looks so happy staring back at your half lidded eyes ugh he’s so beautiful
- but you know whats even more beautiful?
- that dick.
- he pulls down his boxer briefs (i rly hope yugyeom wears boxer briefs ugh the fATTEST NUT) and one of your favorite things in the world comes out and slaps him on the stomach 
- goddamn
- lemme suuuuuck
- nah cuz tonights about you
- but fuck all this daddy shit you want to touch him so baaadly
- so he unties you bc again, tonights all about you
- he pumps himself a few times before positioning himself between your legs
- he looks up at you and makes sure youre ready before steadily easing his way in. His head is resting in the crook of your neck and you hear him silently moan a drawn out “fuck” under his breath
- he sounds so fuckin heavenly as he starts pumping in and out of you. you wrap your legs around his waist pulling him closer and deeper into you---god his pace has your eyes rolling to the back of your head
- hes going just fast enough to drive you crazy but not so fast that he brings you over the edge too quickly
- he wants you to feel every single inch of his being as he presses his body harder against you snapping his hips hard against where your two bodies meet
- once he collects himself a bit he brings his head up and rests in on your forehead
- he wants to see your face while you guys make love
- you look so beautiful but he looks angelic 
- he literally looks like an angel god sent down to take care of you---the moonlight coming in from the bedroom window is making his skin glow and the sweat collecting on his forehead is making him glisten
- fuck this is literally so heavenly you could cry you feel all of these emotions surging in you as you realize just how much you love him
- hes feeling the same thing and you can tell just from how hes looking down at you while soft groans are leaving his lips
- your wrap your arms around his neck, bringing his lips your yours in a soft loving kiss
- you feel his speed increase a bit as you both feel the need to climax---not because youre impatient but just because you want to pleasure each other so much
- so now youre bringing yourself up to meet his thrusts as you chase each others highs moans falling in harmony as you pull out of the kiss---now refusing to break eye contact
- you watch his face twist in pleasure as he finally unravels within you
- you cant hold back anymore and he brings you over the edge just from the sound of his moans as he rides out his high
- he doesn’t pull out immediately---he takes his time looking at you, absorbing you, reminding himself of how much he loves you and only you
- how was he so lucky to find the love of his life
- it was literally such a grand case of luck
- what would his life have been like if he hadn’t talked to you
- literally what the hell gave him courage that day to approach you
- youre the best thing that has ever happened to him
- and he’ll make sure you know that every day for the rest of your lives
Note: I’m so fucking soft
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