sinqueen69 · 5 months
for the wip game, I'd be very interested in the shadowhunters or teen wolf list. either one is fine ^_^
I don't actually have many for Shadowhunters [literally 2]
-pre-show magnus_Married Malec
-malec edom_breeding- suggestion prompts
Teen Wolf
-bottom Derek - Watersports
-Bottom Derek_Sterek_glory hole
-Sterek medical kink
-sterek_causal Use_feminziation
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crows-of-buckets · 11 days
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Anders doodle that I could have put more effort into but I got lazy :P
Anyways this specifically is meant to take place after he patches up Hawke after the Arishok fight. I was writing it last night and went "hm I should draw that"
Bonus, shitty sketch I did at 2am when I had this idea and the writing segment that inspired it. It's so funny I talk about my writing a lot but I never share it cause it scares me lmao
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tobythewise · 5 months
I just think there’s something incredibly special about being a mage Hawke romancing Anders. All of the other companions find the mage plight annoying at the best of times and WRONG in the worst of times. Hearing their banter HURTS me sometime because hey… you’re saying all mages deserve to have Meredith imprison them because they’re all weak?? IM one of those mages you’re talking about! You think tranquility is fine? That’s ME you’re talking about??
The only one consistently fighting, consistently seeing mages as good and PEOPLE is Anders.
He’ll fight by putting his very life on the line for our freedom. Hawke is willing to throw away his home and be on the run again for their freedom.
I just think that’s really beautiful and really special.
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I couldn't break myself into tears after watching the episode. Keiko reuniting with Lee, crying after finding out that Bill is dead, she has been living for about "56 days means 56 years".
Then here goes the battle with Godzilla and Ion Dragon. SWEET TOHO OUR KING'S GOING TO KILL THIS S***.
And finally, Keiko reuniting her son Hiroshi for the first time. Lee Shaw sacrifices himself for the safety of his friends and his co-partner to return from the surface world. I know I cannot bear myself to see this. Looks like Cate and Kentaro will have more answers about her and this involvement of Monarch. Now I am waiting for Season 2...
I swear if Lee Shaw is dead, and Season 2 won't be announced, I'm gonna kill everybody in this room, and then myself.
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caspi-snz · 9 days
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New ship just dropped, just in time for pride month
Anyways, thinking about how in one of S/ethos' character stories W/anderer calls him a busy little bee...
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glitterrosesnzz · 4 days
im so obsessed with set/hos/cara it's becoming a genuine problem. here's a tiny fic of the two of them.
It started raining. Out of nowhere, seemingly, just a sudden downpour. Not even the leaves of the tree who's branch the two of them were sitting on was enough to keep the rain from falling down upon them.
Sethos had jumped a little, before remaining completely still, letting the rain splash over him-
Up until the Wanderer had grabbed his arm and harshly yanked him close enough that Sethos was practically in the other's lap, almost completely protected from the rain by the Wanderer's hat.
"So, is this what your hat is for?" Sethos asked, "Protection from the rain?"
"Tch." The Wanderer didn't give him an answer, instead avoiding eye contact with him, seemingly somewhat annoyed by the question. Sethos smirked at him- and then sniffled a little, rubbing his nose with his sleeve, which didn't do much considering his sleeve was already damp from rain water. The Wanderer looked back at him with an expression that was almost aghast. "Surely such a brief moment in the rainfall didn't make you sick already. Are you really that weak?"
"Haha, no, no, it's just, the change in temperature is making my nose b-buzz... hH-hHAt'SHu!!" Sethos jolted, sneezing into his hand, tiny sparks of electricity making the Wanderer startle, and it was only through the Wanderer quickly adjusting his hold that they didn't both go tumbling off of the tree branch. Gripping the other's shoulder for stability, Sethos couldn't help but notice that the Wanderer had tensed, almost like he was holding his breath... before relaxing again.
"...Pathetic." The Wanderer said, "One single tiny change in temperature is enough to make you humans- h-hey, wait, don't do it again-"
"Hh- hAH- HATt'Chuu!!" Sethos wasn't going to really get much choice in the matter, but he was a little too preoccupied to tell the Wanderer that. "HhAH- AT'Chuh!!"
Sethos paused in rubbing his nose to glance at the Wanderer- who now had his own nose pinched in between his fingers, his cheeks flushed slightly pink. Sethos slowly started to smirk at him again.
"What were you saying before?" Sethos asked, "Something about it being pathetic for me to be affected by something like a temperature change-"
"It was not, the change in temperature." The Wanderer slowly stopped pinching his nose, almost hesitatingly, like he wasn't sure whether or not his need to sneeze had actually gone away. Sethos couldn't help but take note of that, even as the Wanderer glared at him. "...It was nothing."
"It sure didn't sound like nothing." Sethos readjusted himself, the Wanderer grabbing hold of the other's arms to make sure that he didn't fall as Sethos shifted to face him. "It sounded like a sneeze to me."
"It wasn't. I don't sneeze."
"Are you sure? Cause it looks to me like your nose is twitching."
"It's not-"
"You completely sure that the temperature change isn't making your nose itch? Making it buzz, like, zzzz-" Sethos paused mid-sound effect as he noticed the other's eyes get a little bit hazy. "Woah, wait, is just talking about it making you start to-"
"No." The Wanderer's grip on Sethos' arms tightened ever so slightly. "Stop talking about it."
"But what if I wanna hear you sneeze again, huh?" Sethos said, nearly laughing at the expression that immediately crossed the Wanderer's face in response. "I was a little preoccupied at the time, obviously, so I couldn't really tell, but I think it sounded cute-"
"Cu- what, I didn't-"
Sethos' rolled his eyes at the Wanderer's angry stammering, before flicking a tiny bit of electricity at him, the way he normally did to slightly annoy the other-
Only this time it had another effect.
"Hih- hH'shKiu!!" With his hands gripping Sethos' arms to keep him steady, the Wanderer couldn't stifle, a burst of anemo energy tussling Sethos' hair. The Wanderer's hat got knocked slightly off balance, and Sethos had to quickly reach up and grab hold of it with one hand to keep it from falling off and exposing the both of them to the rain.
"See?" Sethos said, "Your sneeze is cute."
The Wanderer glared at him.
"I could drop you." He said, "I could drop you out of this tree right now."
"But you won't~"
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tenshichan1013 · 1 year
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all is found a frozen anthology 
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agoodcupoftea · 5 months
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"This goddabmn polledn is clogging mby systebm... sdff"
Happy birthday to H/at Guy!
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lttlewing · 2 years
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dickkorylov3 · 8 months
Kory and her Dick pics
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(The New Teen Titans issues??)
Hey, if you like robstar and other DC shanagans on the regular why not follow me?? 😊🤷🏾‍♀️
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months
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𝔒𝔰𝔰𝔞 ℭ𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔞 - 𝔄𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔏𝔞𝔫𝔱, շօյԴ
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fanficfanattic · 7 months
Me and @orbitalpirate were talking about who on the team is the subbiest sub and who is the dommest dom. And decided to take it to the experts: y’all. So we’re doing two tournaments!
This post is to find AFC Richmond’s subbiest sub. (Dommest dom.)
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Things to note:
Technically Will isn’t a player but we cannot leave someone so important off the list!
You’ll note that not everyone is on this list. Some people just have too much Dom energy to even include. (Not enough space, sacrifices were made).
The other tournament will feature a lot of these names too! Team has to have some switches for sure 😘
We tried to make first round match ups more even by largely keeping it first team v first team and second team v second team. We are pitching like energies against like energies wherever possible rather than risk it being a popularity contest where reserves aren’t as well known!
The polls will be linked below.
They last for one week.
Each individual post will have pictures of each player facing off for ease! And you’ll be able to click on player’s names to link to their wiki entry as well!
Round One
Jeff (21) v Jamie (240) = 261 votes
Kukoč (33) v Bhargava (47) = 80 votes
Anders (51) v Declan (36) = 87 votes
Moe (88) v Richard (118) = 206 votes
Colin (103) v Arlo (13) = 116 votes
Tommy (32) v Robbie (50) = 82 votes
Sam (102) v Dani (71) = 173
Thierry (20) v Will (89) = 109
1,114 total votes were cast!
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blaithnne · 4 months
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The snows of the Tyrol, the clear beer of Vienna Are not very pure or true.
Or, Chapter 12 of Lauren’s backstory is here.
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YEAG I made a post abt this elsewhere but…lil hiatus! Dk when I’ll be back but, I will be lol! Might reformat how I make these posts as well whilst I’m at it… we’ll see…..
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crownedcams · 2 years
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When the world will fall to evil, my true fight begins TITANS 4.03 'Jinx'
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tobythewise · 6 months
Me? Once again in my loving Anders hour? More likely than you think.
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caspi-snz · 6 months
Oml W/anderer's birthday art...cat allergy W/anderer...do you feel me or do you feel me
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