#andre hyland
ruleof3bobby · 1 year
Didn't know anything about the film so every plot turn was a great surprise. Can't compare it, it's a crime noir with rednecks.
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onenakedfarmer · 1 day
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THE DEATH OF DICK LONG Daniel Scheinert USA, 2019
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Abdul, Paula Accardi, Gimena Aniston, Jennifer Apatow, Judd Baddiel, David Baron Cohen, Sacha Bass, Lance Bayer, Vanessa Beckham, Sara Benson, Ashley Bialik, Mayim Bieber, Justin Biel, Jessica Black, Jack Bloom, Orlando Braun, Scott Brie, Alison Brolin, Josh Cain, Dean Carr, Jimmy Chastain, Jessica Chenoweth, Kristen Cohen, Andy Collins, Lily Condor, Lana Cooper, Bradley Cox, Courtney Crystal, Billie Curtis, Jamie Lee David, Cazzie Davis, Viola Debose, Ariana Del Rey, Lana Deschanel, Zooey Deutch, Zoey Dewan, Jenna Diddy Combs, Sean Dobrev, Nina Douglas, Michael Dr. Phil Eric, Andre Fanning, Dakota Ferrell, Will Fisher, Isla Foster, Chelsea Fry, Stephen Gad, Josh Gadot, Gal Gage, Lukas Garner, Jennifer Garner, Julia Garrix, Martin Gellar, Sarah Michelle Gelman, Brett Gilmour, David Gomez, Sarah Goodblum, Jason Groban, Josh Groff, Jonathan Haddish, Tiffany Hamil, Mark Hamm, Jon Handler, Selena Hargitay, Mariska Hewitt, Jennifer Love Hudgens, Vanessa Hyland, Sarah Imbruglia, Natalia Jackson, Paris Jenner, Kris Jenner, Taylor Judge Judy Kailing, Mindy Kardashian ,Amy Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kemsley, Dorit King, Joey Kiyoko, Hayley Kloss, Karlie Kunis, Mila Lautner, Nicole Leggero, Natasha Levine, Adam Levy, Eugene Levy, Shawn Lohan, Lindsay Lohan, Lindsay Longoria, Eva Lucas, Matt LuPone, Patti Madonna Mamet, Zosia Marguiles, Julianna McGregor, Ewan Mendel, Howie Messing, Debra Meyers, Seth Mia, Pia Michele, Lea Miguel Milano, Alyssa Mirren, Helen Moore, Mandy Morrone, Camila Munn, Olivia Norris, Chuck O'Donnel, Rosie Oberman, Tracy-Ann Ora, Rita Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne, Sharon Oyelowo, David Pascal, Amy Paulson, Sarah Peck, Josh Peele, Jordan Peltz, Kim Perry, Katy Phillipps, Busy Plaza, Aubrey Pompeo, Ellen Portman, Natalie Prisloo, Behati Richie, Sofia Riley, Rachel Rock, Chris Rock, Chris Rose, Ruby Rosenthal, Phil Roth, Ellie Rowling, JK Saldaña, Zoe Sandler, Adam Savage, Ben Schnapp, Noah Schreiber, Liev Schumer, Kylie Schwartz, Lorraine Schwarzenegger, Patrick Schwimmer, David Segel, Jason\ Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld, Jessica Shannon, Molly Shields, Brooke Short, Martin Silverman, Brooklyn Snyder, Zach Sommerhalder, Ian Spears, Lynn Jamie Spektor, Regina Stiller, Ben Sting Stone, Sharon Sudeikis, Jason Theroux, Justin Thorne, Bella Timberlake, Justin Tisdale, Ashley Waititi, Taika Walsh, Kate Washington, Kerry Whiterspoon, Reese Wilde, Olivia Williams, Tyler James Wu, Constance Yatra, Sebastian Zimmer, Constance Zinchenko Zoe, Rachel Zuckerman, Jeremy
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news247planet · 4 months
#Comedy #Peacock #WWE Peacock Comedy ‘Laid’ Rounds Out Solid With 8 Together with Finneas O’Connell, Indya Moore, Olivia Holt & Andre Hyland https://news247planet.com/?p=844217
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deadlinecom · 4 months
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terrykeefewrites · 2 years
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SLAVES OF HOLLYWOOD review in the Los Angeles Times by Kevin Thomas
(Getting your first reviews for an indie feature is stress personified. By the time our Los Angeles theatrical release for Slaves of Hollywood rolled around in October 1999, we had already gotten a few good ones and few bad ones. Our festival screenings, which had put us on a globetrotting tour for a year, were sometimes great, sometimes very mediocre. In other words, this could go either way. We had gotten a lousy review from Ernest Hardy of the L.A. Weekly on Wednesday night, prior to our L.A. opening on that Friday in October 1999. That could have been it for us. Would have been a real depressing ending to the story of this film. But we got word from our distributor, Filmopolis Pictures, that Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times liked the film and was asking for a still from the film for his review. This was in the days before reviews appeared immediately on the internet. I didn't have a L.A. Times subscription but my apartment neighbor did. It would arrive every morning with a thud that would often wake me up, thrown by the delivery person. Unable to sleep, I got up at 4 am on Thursday morning, and the paper thudded around 5. I ran outside, took the binder off the paper, quickly read this good review from Kevin Thomas, put the binder back on the paper, placed it back on the ground outside my neighbors apartment, went back in my apartment, and wa-hooed! loud enough to probably merit eviction. I appreciate Kevin Thomas to this day, as this filmmaker might have walked into traffic without that review in October 1999. It was nice that Kevin Thomas also used a still of our actor Nicholas Worth, who you will recognize as a "that guy"-type character actor, but who rarely got a role worthy of his prodigious talents. I hope we wrote him one here. Around 60 years old at the time, Nicholas was in tears when he saw the review. The good kind of tears. It's a tough, tough town, and it is sure nice to be recognized for your decades of work.)
First-time filmmakers create an insiders' satire that's talky but full of promise
by Kevin Thomas
Michael Wechsler and Terry Keefe's "Slaves of Hollywood," which opens a one-week run Friday at the Monica 4-Plex, is too talky for its own good, but this first-time feature gathers steam and manages to hold interest because Wechsler and Keefe have had firsthand experience as film industry assistants.
They cast Katherine Morgan, poised and lovely, as the daughter of a studio mogul (Nicholas Worth, in a ferocious portrayal) who has grown lethally paranoid over the years. An aspiring filmmaker herself, the daughter decides to document the lives of five assistants as a way of showing how the movie business turns people into monsters if it doesn't destroy them. "Slaves" is a bleak satire that is often funny, very knowing, and totally uncompromising.
"Slaves" is a bleak satire that is often funny, very knowing, and totally uncompromising, which may explain why the picture bears a 1996 copyright. No matter, Wechsler and Keefe have genuine talent and imagination.
Thomas (Howard Scott) is the film's innocent, newly arrived in the mail room of a top talent agency, where he is swiftly targeted for exploitation by Roman (Rob Hyland), the blithely unscrupulous assistant to the agency head; Roman is a refuge from a Neil LaBute movie.  Fisher (Hill Harper), who dreams of discovering "the next Madonna," has become the assistant of an exuberantly decadent music video producer; he ends up carrying his boss around on his shoulders. Hefty vulnerable George (Elliot Markman) is stuck in a mail room with a studio head's crazed heavy-metal-freak son, who may well succeed in driving him out of his mind. Already out of a job is aspiring filmmaker Dean (Andre Barron), fired by his apoplectic boss because he one day forgot to make him a lunch reservation at Spago.
As "Slaves of Hollywood" grows darker, it grows funnier, and it is a fine showcase for its actors. Harper has already begun to make his mark, and Hyland, rugged and forceful, and Markman, a character actor of considerable resources, are especially impressive.
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thewailign · 5 years
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The Death of Dick Long (2019)
Director: Daniel Scheinert
DOP: Ashley Connor
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scenesandscreens · 5 years
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The Death of Dick Long (2019)
Director - Daniel Scheinert, Cinematography - Ashley Connor
"Yall wanna get weird?"
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frankenpagie · 5 years
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dakotadanger · 4 years
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Would you believe me if I told you that The Death of Dick Long (2019) is about sexual shame?
In small town Alabama, Zeke, Earl, and Dick are having band practice. After Zeke’s wife and daughter go to bed, one of the boys asks the others a question: wanna get weird? They drink, smoke, and light shit on fire. Cut to Zeke and Earl driving to a hospital while Dick bleeds out in the backseat. They leave him on the asphalt outside the emergency room, where he dies. While Zeke tries to go about the rest of his day, a police investigation has opened regarding his friend’s mysterious death.
“Backwoods noir” is one way to describe this film, a dark comedy about hiding something horrible from your family and the law. Zeke and Earl are hilarious dumbasses, but the anxiety watching their cover-up is high. As the mystery of Dick’s death starts to unfold, you realize that Zeke’s fear is not necessarily of being arrested, but of having a secret become known.
Like the best dark comedies, this film strikes a balance between humor and drama that is just perfect. I imagine it would be funnier on repeat viewings once you know the plot, kind of like The Big Lebowski. Small town crime is its own subgenre, and I can honestly say that I’ve never seen a film that dealt with this specific subject matter. It felt exciting and new, and I like that in a film.
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mymoviedump · 4 years
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The Death of Dick Long
The night things went very south.
Dick died last night, and Zeke and Earl don't want anybody finding out how. That's too bad though, cause news travels fast in small-town Alabama.
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bluecollarfilm · 7 years
Mr. Roosevelt (2017)
Emily Martin is a struggling 20-something who moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in comedy after graduating college in Austin, Texas. When a loved one falls sick, she returns to Austin and runs into her ex-boyfriend, as well as his amazing and intimidating new girlfriend. Low on funds and stuck in Texas for the weekend, Emily stays with the two of them in her old, but miraculously remodeled house. She quickly finds her way into the circle of a local female badass who shows Emily a good time and tries to keep her from spinning out as she goes toe-to-toe with the new girlfriend, all the ways her ex has changed, and ultimately, her own choices and guilt about leaving the past behind.
Directed by:   Noel Wells
Starring:   Noel Wells, Nick Thune, Britt Lower, Andre Hyland, Daniella Pineda, Armen Weitzman, Doug Benson
Release date:   October 27, 2017 (Austin); November 17, 2017 (LA); November 22, 2017 (NY)
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mrfahrenheit92 · 5 years
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rickchung · 5 years
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The Death of Dick Long (dir. Daniel Scheinert) x VIFF 2019.
[Its] high-class treatment of trashy material is top-notch. Scheinert’s pitch-black crime comedy is so much sheerly realized sophisticated fun. It defies expectations of its backwoods setting with mostly earnest performances that stand out despite the depravity of its subjects.
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deadlinecom · 7 months
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