#andreas valencia
kavinskywrites · 1 year
12/24/2021 05:26 PM suffering / headcanon ft. gigi
And I don't wanna hear that you are suffering You are suffering, no more 'Cause I held you down when you were suffering You were suffering
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"Bueno mijo, ya no le hablas a Gigi?" Su mama se le quedo mirando, esperando una respuesta. "No...llevamos muchos meses sin hablar." Salma raised an eyebrow at him. "Y eso?" Andreas didn't really feel like explaining himself on Navidad of all days. "Eso es entre ella y yo, jefita." He said simply. the truth? he didn't get along with gigi's partner. the guy was toxic as hell and andreas hated him. but of course, she took his side and banned andre from her life. their last fight had ended in both of them in tears. andre remembered throwing the stuffed frog she'd given him as middle schoolers out of the window of his car. "vete mucho a la verga, georgina." he'd hissed, fingers gripping the steering wheel with so much intensity, he felt like the skin was going to rip. "don't even bother calling me after your rose colored glasses clear up and you realize the bullsh*t you just said to me." she had looked stunned. especially after he threw out the frog. it had been andre's passenger since he had purchased the vehicle. "celoso? la neta te pasas. nomas por que tengo tu mejor interes en mente, ahora soy celoso." andre laughed out loud, pressing harder on the gas. "yo ni en el mundo te hago, mujer." he sneered. "lo que pasa aqui, es que eres mi mejor amiga." he came to a skidding halt outside of her home. he waited for georgi to exit the vehicle before saying, "o quiza debo de decir, lo eras." he didn't want to give her a chance to respond and he sped off. he didn't want her to see the tears that started pouring. she'd already begun to cry and andre was so used to comforting her that he almost wanted to. but this time was different. his feelings being as hurt as they were, he wanted to hurt her instead. he knew she wasn't in the right mind, especially with how her partner treated her. "Mijo...te hablan." Andre snapped out of the memory lane he'd been on. He turned and was face to face with Gigi. "Andreas...I didn't think you'd come to the party." she said. Andre picked up his liquor and let out a sarcastic, bitter laugh. "Believe me, it wasn't my choice." Her careful smile faded and was replaced with something he couldn't describe. "Feliz Navidad, Georgina." he said, putting emphasis on her full name, before walking away from her. Andre knew it would sting, he had only called her Georgina when he was angry. And he'd only been angry once before.
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fractalkiss · 3 months
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Fernando Alonso celebrating with Andrea Stella | Valencia, Spain 2012 (European GP) with Michael Schumacher and Kimi Räikkönen at the podium
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rt3nenbaum · 3 months
happy birthday valencia 2012, you will always be famous baby ❤️‍🩹
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waru-chan8 · 10 months
Andrea Migno will be Mooney's rider coach?! That team really has decided that they don't need braincells
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fcbarcelonaupdates · 5 months
FC Barcelona 2️⃣-2️⃣ Valencia
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stateofsport211 · 10 months
Valencia Ch R1: Roberto Bautista Agut [1] def. Andrea Vavassori 6-3, 6-4 Match Stats
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📸 ATP Challenger Livestream
Bautista Agut's constant passes when A. Vavassori came to the net, either through his volley or forehand side, helped him a lot through some pressing moments. This resulted in A. Vavassori being pressed even more from the baseline, resulting in him staying back by a lot without any decent chance when being brought forward or an unforced error from the baseline happened. As a result, Bautista Agut created his 5 opportunities to break, converting 40% of them compared to A. Vavassori's 1 somewhere in the second set, but Bautista Agut got out of trouble thanks to his serves then.
Service game-wise, Bautista Agut appeared solid despite his inability to aces to A. Vavassori's 3. He still won 18% more points from his first serves than A. Vavassori with a 84% winning percentage, while A. Vavassori risked several parts of his serve, visible through his 2 double faults that faded his second serve winning percentage to 50%, with some rushed follow-ups that did not help anything to shift in his favor despite his best efforts to stay clutch, succumbing to Bautista Agut's baseline-induced pressure as aforementioned.
In the second round, Bautista Agut will face Andrea Pellegrino, who stunned Ivan Gakhov 6-3, 6-1 in the first round. Knowing A. Pellegrino's game, this could be another test for Bautista Agut to check his ability to keep up with some baseline pacing through his aggression, as well as how to maintain his balance just as he displayed against A. Vavassori, which also depends on A. Pellegrino's day. Could be tough, but could also be a fun clash of point construction in the making!
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you mentioned in one of your posts about titanic (maybe?) something to do with the philosophy of lifeboats and idk why but the idea of it has been stuck in my mind for at least a week now and i only just refound the post today. could you pls explain what you meant by it?
hello anon, you must have seen my post nitpicking how j bruce ismays character was handled in the titanic movie when i very briefly mentioned the philosophy of lifeboats thing because I Was Being Petty lmao
but yeah so this is gonna be a dumb-downed explanation about a topic thats fairly complex. also im just not gonna get into the debacle of liferafts because im gonna try and keep it simple.
[edit: i have very much failed at keeping it short or simple so if you are interested, come join me after the cut]
see, its only really been within the last century or so that weve regarded lifeboats as things you can escape a sinking ship on and remain within until rescue arrives.
which sounds kinda insane when thinking about it from a modern point of view, right? like in regards to modern sinking incidents or disasters at sea like say the ms achille lauro, msc napoli, ms estonia or even the ss henry steinbrenner to go back to 1953, the story of the rescue is the passengers board the lifeboats, get a safe distance away from the sinking ship and wait for rescue. and nowadays, if this occurs to you, your chance of survival is fairly high.
so its understandable for people to initially be confused as to why this is a modern school of thought as it seems very logical and is what the namesake implies. and for that, we have to put this into the context of the developments within lifeboat technology.
and im aware of how pretentious that sounds, but its a very important part of this discussion.
to start, im unfortunately going to have use the titanic as an example because its the only point of reference for most people.
when we look back at the titanic today, we can very easily criticise white star line and harland & wolff simply for not including enough lifeboats on board. and while those are not undue criticisms, they are unduly harsh.
yes, it is ridiculous to not have enough lifeboats on board for all passengers, but back in the 1910s, naval architects found it ridiculous to suggest ships should have that many.
because this is what titanics lifeboats looked like:
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compared to modern day lifeboats:
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now, you might notice just how different these are: modern day lifeboats tend to be enclosed; they are made of sturdier material; theyre much more buoyant; they have radios on board; are at significantly less risk of capsizing; are legally mandated to come with a sea anchor that can be used to steady your boat; and often can operate under their own power.
also, your ship probably had an epirb (emergency position-indicating radio beacon) or something similar that sent out an automatic distress signal if you werent able to do so yourself.
modern lifeboats can withstand the tumultuous nature of the ocean for a, relatively speaking, very long time and that allows for rescue. thats why people are sometimes rescued from a lifeboat several days after a shipwreck and why rescuers can sometimes be conservative in their rescue, such as waiting for the weather to clear up before approaching.
if youre nearer the equator, you could likely survive weeks within a lifeboat if rescuers either couldnt find you or couldnt reach you.
but thats not always been the case.
for a long time, lifeboats were these tiny, rickety, wooden boats (as seen in those photos above) that were easily capsized or sank if they came into contact with even the smallest of waves.
if you needed to sail further from the sinking ship or toward land, you would have to do it with wooden paddles and depending on the state of rescue, you might not even have them. your methods of communication were a limited number of flares where you couldnt be sure theyd even work, rocket flares that again night not even work, a torch, a whistle, or just shouting which rarely ever helped.
so even if you could evacuate safely onto a lifeboat, there was no guarantee that youd be able to signal down another ship or potentially an aircraft.
if you werent able to send out a distress signal or were just on a ship that didnt have the technology to do so, no one would know you were in trouble for hours, if you were lucky. for some, it took days or even weeks.
at approximately 2:15am on the 30 november 1966, the ss daniel j morrell broke in half on lake huron. she was not reported missing for ten hours, after which the coast guard dispatched search and rescue vessels. among the 29 crew aboard, only 1 man survived: dennis hale. he was rescued after nearly 14 hours in a liferaft wherein a further 3 men had passed while waiting for rescue. during those 14 hours, the liferaft had been capsized multiple times sending the few survivors into the freezing waters over and over again. [x]
or for an even more extreme example, take the ss naronic. she set sail on 11th february 1893 from liverpool; she was expected to arrive in new york around the 21st february. she never did arrive, and as this was 5 years before the marconi wireless set would be available on ships, the crew could not put out a distress signal. as the ocean was experiencing bad storms, there was no worry about the ship to begin with as it was presumed she was delayed. it took until the 13 march before any alarms were raised. by then, 74 lives had been lost, and to this day, we dont know anything about why she disappeared. its presumed she sank, but no wreck has been found. while her lifeboats were found, that wasnt the case for survivors. [x]
and even if you were lucky enough to have sent out a distress signal, be relatively safe aboard a lifeboat and have ample methods for communicating, you were still at the mercy of the sea. rescue was coming, but there was no guarantee your lifeboat would stay afloat until it arrived.
it was miraculous that titanics lifeboats were able to stay afloat until the carpathia arrived, and that was only around an hour and a half after the titanic had gone down. because this happened in the north atlantic; any other night, the number of casualties would have been significantly higher because those lifeboats would not have survived in rough seas or a storm.
titanic was the exception to the rule; it was the odd duck. and to exemplify this, lets talk about the clallam, the ss valencia and the ss princess sophia.
quick warning about these ships: these were very tragic incidents with monumental loss of life. out of the approximately 608 people who were aboard one of the three ships, only 83 people survived.
(the ss princess sophia is a particularly tragic incident and its one that has made me cry multiple times so just a warning with that.)
we'll begin with the clallam which was a steamboat that ran a regular route from tacoma to seattle to port townsend to victoria. she ran into trouble during a storm while on this run on the 8 january 1904, with 92 people aboard.
she began taking on water when the deadlight was smashed by the waves, and the emergency pumps aboard were not working. this meant they had very little chance of saving her from sinking, especially when the water entered the boiler and cut out the power.
at this point, you may think that the best case scenario for survival would be to abandon ship, but that assumption was quickly proven false.
around 3pm, captain george roberts ordered the ships 3 lifeboats lowered. these were mostly filled by women and children, which makes what came next even more tragic. within minutes of the boats being lowered, they capsized in the rough waters.
everyone on board the lifeboats drowned; all 56 people on board.
but the clallam stayed afloat for several more hours. this gave enough time for the steam tug richard holyoke to arrive on scene, and eventually the 36 people remaining on the clallam were rescued.
all children aboard drowned when the lifeboats were lowered because in 1906, lifeboats were just as much death traps as they were lifeboats. [x] [x]
the sinking of the ss valencia is a similar tale. she was a passenger steamer that was briefly filling in the route of the ss city of puebla, which ran the san fran to seattle route, in january of 1906.
on the 20th, she set sail with around 173 people aboard. the captain aboard was unfamiliar with the route and visibility was so low that the crew could not make celestial observations (by using a sextant, for example) to determine where they were. instead, they had to rely on dead reckoning.
while dead reckoning is fairly reliable, is subject to errors like directional drift and cumulative errors are particularly disastrous and can cause tragedies like the honda point disaster. further, its been alleged the captain did not know how dead reckoning works.
this led to the valencia striking a reef on the night of the 22 january. she was less than 100 yards from shore, but the water around her was rough.
6 of the 7 lifeboats were lowered quickly, as had occured on the clallam. 3 of the boats flipped while being lowered, emptying the survivors into the ocean. the 3 that were lowered successfully did not fair better as 2 of them capsized very quickly and the 3rd simply disappeared.
the last lifeboat was the only one that made it to shore. but still, they had to hike for 2½ hours before they could find help.
while various ships responded to valencias distress call, they were not able to get close enough to offer much assistance. the crew of the valencia launched the 2 life rafts aboard in hopes of drifting close enough to another ship to be rescued. this happened for 18 men on one of the rafts as they were rescued by the city of topeka. the second raft drifted ashore and the 4 survivors aboard were rescued by a group of first nations from the island.
soon, the valencia was washed off of the rocks and she sank. those still on board went down with the ship.
of the approximate 173 people on board, 136 of them died during the disaster. similar to the clallam again, every child on board died. [x]
and this brings us into the ss princess sophia which was a canadian passenger liner. she set sail on the 23rd october in 1918 with 343 people on board. in the early hours of the 24th, she ran aground on vanderbilt reef.
though she was able to send out a distress call and a rescue flotilla of boats were able to arrive on scene, the ss princess sophia took all 343 souls aboard with her when she was eventually washed off of the reef and into the ocean.
now, this is when we get into what lifeboats were intended for back then. the evacuation plan would be for the 8 steel lifeboats aboard sophia to be lowered with passengers and crew members aboard, and paddled toward one of the various rescue ships. the passengers would be taken aboard while the crew would paddle back to the sophia where more passengers would come aboard and be ferried to safety.
this is what happened when the rms republic sank in 1909 and what occured with the ss andrea doria in 1956 though in that case, they only had enough lifeboats to rescue everyone once the ss île de france arrived on scene as dorias list meant half her lifeboats could not be lowered.
unfortunately, captain locke never saw a time where he believed this process could occur. there was only a very short break in the storm, but even during those 5 hours, the ocean was rough with high waves.
captain ledbetter captained the uslht cedar, one of the rescue ships, and went on record saying he never saw conditions that would have permitted an evacuation. [x] [x]
these three cases both exemplify the philosophy of lifeboats only a century ago and why we cant simply apply a modern lens to it without missing crucial details.
now lets quickly detour back to the titanic.
as most people know, there were not enough lifeboats aboard for everyone aboard.
this is one of the nitpicks i have about titanic because the portrayal of it paints a warped picture.
so with everything ive rambled on about in this post, we can see why this decision was made. they only needed enough lifeboats to safely ferry passengers from a sinking ship to rescue.
and it was believed that this was a viable evacuation plan in the case that titanic sank. the route she was sailing was a very busy route that often had at least 5-6 ships nearby that could answer a distress call. this is exactly what happened with the rms republic which i mentioned above.
this belief wasnt unique to the titanic or even the white star line. it was held about every ocean liner sailing as these ships were often able to stay afloat for hours acting as its own giant lifeboat due to safety measures and developments like watertight compartments.
and titanic did stay afloat for over 2 hours as it sank. rms republic took over 24 hours irrc while the ocean liner it collided with, the ss florida, was able to sail to port for rescues. ss andrea doria took 10 hours to sink.
during her sea trials in 1927, the ss malolo collided with a freighter (impact equal to the icebrrg to titanic) and was still able to stay afloat and sail despite being flooded with over 7000 tons of sea water.
this belief was clearly not unfounded.
however, the sinking of the titanic practically shattered it. and from then on, almost all ships had enough lifeboat capacity for every passenger on board as it introduced a new function to lifeboats.
and this kinda leads us into the somewhat conclusion to this rambling mess that very much could have been shorter and much simpler.
but anyway,
put simply, by philosophy of lifeboats, i mean how the function of a lifeboat evolved alongside developments in technology and maritime disasters.
it seemingly had never occured to naval architects pre-titanic that what occured that night in 1912 was a hypothetical they needed to consider.
lifeboats are still used today to ferry survivors to safety if that is what the situation necessitates, but they are now also designed to function as their namesake implies.
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normanblogs · 2 years
Binibining Pilipinas 2023: January 31 applicants
Here are the ladies who applied yesterday, January 31, for Binibining Pilipinas 2023. Do keep in mind that there are those who also applied online whose presence can only be seen when screening starts on February 6. Here are the members of Team Aces & Queens for Binibining Pilipinas 2023:(Left to right, first photo) #JessieSalvador, #PaolaAllisonArano, Anna Valencia Lakrini, Dr. #TrishaMartinez…
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Part Four
One entire month.
Valencia wanted nothing to do with Erik. He had come to terms with that after many failed attempts at trying to talk to her. She blocked him, she hadn’t been active on the blog in weeks since her last message, and every time he would see her around campus or in the dorms, she would turn a blind eye or walk in the opposite direction. She even stopped studying in the library to avoid him. And the thing is, she didn’t look sad, hurt, or angry. She walked around campus with a pep in her step and she smiled brightly.
Moving on wasn’t hard for her apparently. Erik can respect that. He fucked up, even if he hadn’t intended to. He didn’t plan on rekindling anything with Jeanette. EVER. At D9 parties, it’s a routine to get a sexy dance from a SOROR, but Erik didn’t expect to be the chosen one. She hopped up in his arms and locked her legs around him in a vice grip. His brothers circled him and cheered him on. Erik dropped her and she went in for a kiss. Valencia was gone within two seconds.
She hadn’t seen the part where Erik laid into Jeanette’s ass about that. Everyone thought it was hilarious. He was pissed. The dancing, he could have told her no, which he knows he fucked up on, but that kiss was unexpected and DEFINITELY not what he wanted. He apologized many times, tried speaking to her in person, and even asked her roommate, Brielle, to relay a message to her. Her socials were private and she didn’t accept outside messages from people she didn’t follow.
He wasn’t going to invade her personal space and corner her. She wanted to be left alone, he’ll give her that. No more texts, no more blog messages, no more trying to talk to her in person. He wished her well although he still really liked her. He really wanted another shot. But it would take a lot of work because Valencia would not let up. Erik respected that. He loved it actually. Maybe he needed the wake up call. He’s so used to things being easy. Nothing challenged him. But this? She wouldn’t budge.
After an exhausting class, Erik decided to make a stop at Andrea’s office and get some insight from his friend. On his way there, James was leaving her office. He was in the middle of fixing his tie and looking really sneaky. Erik snorted and shook his head. It was obvious what they were doing in there. James turned towards Erik’s direction and he smiled. They dabbed and bro hugged.
“You lookin’ stressed, my nigga. What’s good?” James questions with a chuckle.
“Lady trouble,” Erik replied with a monotone voice.
“You? Lady trouble? Since when?”
“Since now, fool.”
James didn’t believe that for a second.
“Not Mr. Suave himself. Listen,” James clapped Erik on the shoulder, “Whoever it is, she’ll come around, bruh.”
“I can never take you serious, Yo’” Erik shakes his head with a smirk, “Drea still in there? Should I giver her some time or?”
Erik jokingly pointed to the door causing James to crack up.
“Knock first.”
James backed away, saluting Erik before making his way down the hall.
“Come in!”
Erik twisted the knob and peeked his head around the door cautiously.
“Is it safe to enter, or do you still need some time?”
He laughed before opening the door further. Andrea was in the middle of fluffing her voluminous hair into a ponytail. She cut her eyes at Erik and gave him a look. He sauntered over to her desk, pulled out the chair, and proceeded to take a seat while cuffing the crotch of his slim fit slacks.
“What can I do for you, best friend?”
Andrea folded her hands on her desk, tapping into her professor energy.
“I figured I could come to you for some advice. Before we get into that though,” Erik sat back in his seat, folded his arms across his sturdy chest, and arched a brow, “I see things are moving along with you and Jay.”
“They are,” Andrea cleared her throat, “Rather nicely actually…”
“And all that worrying was for nothing. I told you it would work out, girl.”
“Thank you for being so supportive!” Andrea replied with an overzealous tone, “Enough about me. What’s going on?”
Andrea sat up straighter. A smile slowly crept up her face.
“I know that you know that I KNOW,” Erik pointed his finger like Denzel, “who my crush is.”
Andrea chuckles, “Of course I know. Don’t I use the blog too? I saw what she sent weeks ago…”
Erik propped his elbows up on her desk.
“Tell me I fucked up.” Erik said.
“You fucked up. And Jeanette is a fucking nuisance.”
Erik exhaled, “The car wash is tomorrow afternoon. She’s gonna be there—”
“Then tell that ho to leave you alone, Erik! You know it’s harder for me to get buck because I work here and I can lose my job, but she needs a reality check. I mean…did you want to get back with her?—”
“Hell nah. I wasn’t expecting all of that. I’m interested in Valencia. I wanna make it right so we can continue getting to know each other.”
Andrea raised both of her brows and grabbed her drink tumbler, sipping her tea. Erik gave her a strange look.
“And yet you allowed that girl to throw herself all over you in front of her.”
“I didn’t allow—okay, okay…I should have been more proactive in stopping her. I see that now. What should I do?”
Erik was desperate. If nothing else worked, he would leave her be for good this time. He was tired of the mental turmoil. One second he wants to leave her be, next second he’s trying to figure out how to win her back. This shit was driving him crazy. He had this on top of school to worry about.
“You’re known to be that guy, right? And you’re such a romantic, right? Romanticize her. Do it for everyone to see. Be your most vulnerable self. Show her that you will do anything to get her back.”
Erik drummed his fingers against her desk and twisted his thick lips in deep thought.
“…All I’m saying is, she’s a really nice girl. She’s such a sweetie pie. She didn’t deserve that mess. Do whatever you gotta do, Daka, seriously. I like you with her,” Andrea smiles, “I want this to actually work.”
Erik bowed his head and smiled. Even that knowledge made him feel like complete shit. Even after she told him how she’d been mistreated in past relationships. Andrea was right, he needed to go all out with his approach to this.
It’s an abnormally hot day, the sun beating down on all those melanated bodies in the parking lot. Erik makes his way over to his group, shirtless and wearing athletic shorts that showed off his muscular legs. He wore Adidas slides on his feet, polarized aviator sunglasses, and purple paint streaks beneath his eyes like a proud Que Dog. Three Omega branded scars were on his right bicep.
His chest and toned stomach with skin golden brown made the gold chain hanging around his neck pop. Throwing up the hooks in greeting, his Bruhz handed him a bucket full of sudsy water and a sponge. Today was the yearly charity carwash. They hosted the event at a local lot in Houston and booked a DJ, grilled food, and offered pouch drinks. All sororities and fraternities from TSU banned together. The turnout was always big, and cars were already lining up.
"Where the hell is Isaiah?" Erik protests.
A fellow Omega, Travis, shrugged his shoulders.
"He already in hot water with the shit that happened last weekend. He keep this shit up, he's getting cut."
Erik slaps hands with all his boys, even men from other fraternaties, grinning excitedly to be at the function. Just then, Isaiah came strolling over wearing nothing but purple basketball shorts, his Nike slides on his feet with a gold fanny pack with his letters on it hanging loosely across his chest. He had a crisp line-up and all like he'd just gotten out of the barber chair.
Erik inclines his head, pulling his sunglasses off and approaching the neophyte, "You're late, Static. Get your narrow ass over there and help those cars."
Erik shoved the soapy bucket and sponge in his hands.
"Chill, Poet, I had to grab some supporters," Isaiah tilts his head and jerks his thumb behind him, a group of pretty women in a neon green Jeep Wrangler waving over at them from their open window. They honked their horn and shook their titties at them.
"Hi, Poet! you lookin' real good!" One of the girls shouted.
Erik couldn't help that he was good-looking. He's a tall man with caramel skin that was a shade darker due to the southern heat. His athletic shorts hung low off of his hips and gave anybody that looked hard enough a preview of what was beneath. He was a walking thirst-trapper.
"See? they want you, Poet," Isaiah slapped his chest with the back of his hand, "I'm lookin' out for you."
Erik put his shades back on and walked away, Isaiah throwing his hands up.
Andrea and her line sisters were wearing fitted tanktops with their soro colors and letters on it. They had black biker shorts on and different types of black sandals. The Zetas wore their soro t-shirts and little denim shorts. Majority of the ladies were mostly covered up but when the AKAs arrived, it was a scene straight from ATL. Bikini tops and booty shorts. Andrea shared a look with her sisters and rolled her eyes. It was known for the AKAs to pop out and do the most, which made them the popular ones. Jeanette wore a pink bikini with her bundles in a ponytail covered with an AKA trucker hat.
Erik locked eyes with her through his sunglasses and Jeanette blew a kiss at him. Ignoring her, Erik jumps in to help, motioning for the next car to pull up. A middle-aged black woman with her toddler in the backset gave Erik heart eyes out of the window of her Honda Odyssey. Erik gave her a smirk, sponge and bucket in his hands.
"How much to clean my whip, handsome?"
"Twenty dollars, ma'am."
"Here you go..."
The lady boldly slipped the twenty in Erik's waistband. He shakes his head, Ignoring the laughter from everybody who caught that. He placed the money in a collection bucket before cleaning her car off.
"Get it extra clean for me baby!" She shouted with a wide smile.
While Erik cleaned, a Zeta walked over offering free water and the option to park and grab some cookout food or a mixed drink pouch. Erik grabbed the hose when he was finished and the woman rolled up her windows so he could rinse it down. When he was done, his shorts were soaked. He knew that it was only a matter of time before his big boy made an appearance. The woman drove off and Erik motioned for the next car. Erik spotted Isaiah running game so he whistled, Isaiah turning in his direction.
"Static, you better get to work boy! making your brothers look bad! us Nupe's are known for being clean!" A Kappa brother teased.
"Nah, G, we ain't letting a dirty dawg show us up! Poet! you better get yah boy in line! making ya'll look worse than he already did!"
Erik shot a pointed look at Isaiah. Isaiah walked over and got back to work, motioning for an all-black, 2019 Ford Focus to pull forward. Meanwhile, Erik took a water break and after drinking it all down, he used the hose on mist to spray his body. He could feel eyes on him and when he looked up, Jeanette was eye-fucking him while sucking on a Bomb Pop, the cherry lime of the popsicle dripping to her chest from her sloppy slurping. She made her way over and Erik shot a glance at Andrea.
"This is the first time in weeks that I've been this close to you," Jeanette licked her popsicle, "You avoiding me again?"
Erik threw a towel over his shoulder and shut his eyes before opening them to stare down at Jeanette.
"You're not still upset about that kiss are you?"
"I am. Because you don't know when to chill the fuck out." Erik argued.
He walked around her and Jeanette marched right after him. He waved his hand for a car to pull forward and they rolled their window down. The driver handed Erik some money and he placed it in his pocket before cleaning the car off.
"You act like what we had wasn't real! you said so yourself that we could make it work again. Or did you forget?!"
Erik agressively scrubbed the car, his annoyance towards Jeanette growing, "I never said that shit to you. You wasn't thinking about none of that with that nigga dick in your mouth." Erik quipped.
Jeanette and the driver had to look at Erik in disbelief that he even said that. Jeanette was so shocked that she dropped her popsicle. Erik continued cleaning the car like he didn’t just say what he said.
“Fuck you! I wasn’t going to wait around, Erik! Don’t act like you weren’t doing whatever it was you were doing!”
“I wasn’t though,” Erik glanced back at her over his sweaty shoulder, “Look, I’m not doing this with you. Why don’t you pitch in and help.”
Jeanette was fuming. She stomped away, grabbing the water hose out of a soro’s hand, turning it on the highest pressure before spraying Erik in his back. He flinched and dropped the bucket and sponge. He turned to her with rage. That was painful, especially since he hadn’t expected it.
Erik really wanted to call her a bitch but he had to bite his tongue. She laughed right alongside her AKA sisters. Others snickered and laughed as well, not fully comprehending that Erik was seriously angry.
“What? You deserved it, Erik!” Jeanette yelled.
Erik grabbed an extra hose and sprayed the car down. He shook his head and flared his nostrils, heart thumping in his chest. When he finished, he walked over to Andrea and the other Deltas. She met him halfway and he turned for her to examine his back. The water hoses were attached to a fire hydrant. She could see that the middle of his back was bright red and irritated. James strolled over to look as well.
“You good, E?” James questioned.
“Jeanette is doing too fucking much. Look at her.”
Three pairs of eyes fell on Jeanette twerking on the hood of some guys car. It worked, because he gave her fifty dollars instead of twenty.
“I’ll be aight. She just needs to stay far the fuck away from me.” Erik spoke angrily.
“I’m here if you need me,” Andrea said.
Erik walked away and picked up his sponge and bucket. After refilling the bucket, he made his way back over. He kept cutting his eyes at Jeanette. He wanted his lick back for that. So much for ignoring her. Taking the bucket, while her back was turned, Erik dumped it over her head. She screeched and flailed her arms.
“OH MY GOD!!!! MY HAIR!!!!!”
Jeanette snatched her hat off and rubbed soap from her face. She turned a rageful gaze towards Erik and he laughed in her face. Laughter echoed across the lot.
“You started it!”
“Awww! Now you’re mad!”
“Get her ass, Poet!”
She pushed Erik and stormed past him to grab a towel. He made a crybaby motion with his hands as if he were rubbing his eyes. Some of her AKA sisters rushed to her aid and they didn’t hesitate to shoot Erik dirty looks. That’ll teach her ass not to fuck with him again. Erik refilled his bucket with a smirk on his face as he watched Jeanette drying her weave. She noticed and gave him the finger. Erik returned the gesture.
Some time went by, everyone working hard and raising money. The next car, Isaiah motioned to pull in and when they did, he recognized them and spoke their name. Erik heard and his head whipped in that direction so fast he could have twisted his neck. His once sour mood was no replaced with anticipation.
“Valencia, what’s up girl?”
Valencia was sitting in the passenger side of Brielle’s white 2019 Nissan Altima. Skai and Cindy were in the backseat. Brielle was wearing a yellow tube dress and her braids down and flipped to the side. She accessorized with octagon-shaped silver hoops and Y2K shades with butterflies.
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“Hello,” She gave him a wave before passing him a twenty, “This is my donation.”
Brielle, Skai, and Cindy handed over their money.
“You ladies wanna stick around for some good vibes? Just pull in after I’m done.” Isaiah said.
“Will do. It looks lit out here,” Brielle looked around with a smile.
Isaiah couldn’t stop staring at Valencia. She glanced up at him with a straight face.
“Aren’t you gonna clean the car?” She questioned.
“Yeah but I’m tryna see what’s up—”
All four ladies and Isaiah followed their gaze towards the source of the shouting. Erik walked over with his usual gait. He paused in front of Isaiah and pointed to the car behind them.
“Get yo’ ass back there and clean that Jeep pulling in.” Erik ordered.
Isaiah kissed his teeth but before he walked away, he grabbed Valencia’s hand that was dangling out of the car window, kissing it before giving it an affectionate squeeze. She jerked her hand away, staring at him with her nose turned up.
“I love it when you play hard to get, girl!”
Erik put the sponge in the bucket and placed his hand on the hood of the car, leaning in towards the open window to peek inside. He still had his shades on, so Valencia was staring at her reflection through the lenses. She looked visibly tense, toying with her hair and jerking her leg.
“How’s everything, ladies?”
“They all said ‘good’ in unison, all except for Valencia. Erik caught Brielle trying to be discreet with bumping Valencia with her arm. Valencia shifted in her seat.
“…I’m doing great, you?”
This was the most she’d said to him in a month. He parted his lips but no words came out. Erik furrowed his brows and cleared his throat.
“I’m good. Been busy…”
He tapped the hood of the car. If only she were alone.
“…Are you gonna clean us off?” Brielle asked.
The awkward tension between them was palpable.
“Yeah, I gotchu, arms in and roll up the windows tight.”
They did as they were told, Valencia and Erik staring each other down. He went to work sudsing up the sponge and then he started with the back of the car first. He then moved onto the hood of the car, taking his time to get every spot. He walked around to the drivers side to clean the front and back doors and windows, and then he made his way around to the passenger side. Erik scrubbed the back down, then he was right at Valencia’s window again.
She focused her eyes forward while he cleaned but when he made it to the front window, Erik watched as her eyes scanned his body. He titled his head towards her, licked his lips, and flashed her a grin. She quickly averted her gaze to her lap and Brielle’s eyebrows disappeared behind her curly ginger bag. Skai and Cindy were giggling in the backseat. Erik retrieved the hose and started spraying the car down. He stood at the front of the car again, smirking at her through the window.
Erik walked over to Valencia’s side when he finished and Brielle eagerly rolled the window down. Valencia shot her a look and then she turned her attention to Erik who was leaning into the window. Valencia inhaled slowly and then exhaled a shaky breath. Removing his sunglasses, Erik kept his gaze pointed at Valencia. Now, she had no other choice but to look him directly in the eyes.
“…Got you ladies all cleaned up. Why don’t ya’ll stick around for a while? Grab some food, dance a little…”
He was really asking Valencia.
“Oh, we will. Right V?” Skai said.
“We’re not going anywhere,” Brielle replied, fighting the urge to laugh.
Erik waited anxiously for her to speak.
“…sure. We’ll hang out for a little while.” Valencia said.
“Bet. Say less…”
Erik stood at his full height, his lower half in her face. He slowly backed away and Brielle pulled off.
They’d just finished the last few cars and by then the lot was filled with people having a good time. Erik slipped on a cropped golden yellow muscle tee that had Omega Psi Phi printed on the front in purple letters and the fraternity logo in the center. He sipped from a Blue Raspberry drink pouch that had some Hipnotic in it. He took pictures with his bruh’s and other fraternity buddies as well as the ladies
Valencia was leaning against the side of Brielle’s car, drinking a watermelon mixed drink. Erik kept looking over at her, wanting to approach her badly. Jeanette hadn’t bothered him since the hose incident and he was grateful. They were too busy putting on a performance, doing an AKA stroll to entertain people. Like clock work, Isaiah approached Valencia to talk to her and Erik noticed that he had one too many drinks. He kept grabbing Valencia’s arm and Erik could tell that she wasn’t asking for any of that attention.
Erik jogged over and yoked Isaiah up by the collar of his T-shirt. Valencia looked up at Erik with wide eyes. Others started paying attention as well.
“The fuck you doin’, Static?” Erik barked out.
“We were just talking, right, Valencia?”
Isaiah looked at her expectantly. She cut her eyes at him to Erik and then Valencia shoves him out of her way before storming off. Erik let go of Isaiah and pushed him back, causing him to stumble.
“Yo, what the fuck is your problem, Erik?!” Isaiah questioned with frustration.
“You don’t know what no means, nigga? And how much have you been drinking?”
“I only had two drinks, relax. You got a thing for Valencia or something? Every time I try and talk to her, here you come cock-blocking.” Isaiah fired back.
A few Bruhz came over to see what was going on.
“All good?”
“It’s cool. Poet can’t stand it when it ain’t all about him, that’s all,” Isaiah jokes.
Erik cut his eyes at Isaiah, one of their brothers clapping him on the shoulder to calm him down. He tried to get Erik riled up with some barking and goofing around and Erik gave in. The party continued and then the sky turned a deep orange. Erik could see Valencia walking towards a trash can to throw away her plate. It was now or never. Erik walked over towards her with his hands in his pockets and before she could walk away, he took a hold of her hand and she looked up at him.
“Valencia, can we talk? Please?”
“No, Erik—”
“I’m sorry, okay? Look,” Erik let go of her hand, “I know that I fucked up. I should have stopped her from jumping on me like that. The kiss—you ran away so fast you didn’t see how pissed I was that she kissed me. I don’t want her…I wasn’t planning on rekindling anything with Jeanette…”
Valencia looked down at her feet. She kicked at the ground with her arms folded. She finally looked up at him, her eyes searching his. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and feel those lips again. She looked so damn sexy in that dress.
“Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to come thru at Poetry Live tonight? I’m gonna recite some new shit and…I’d really like to see you there. Will you think about it?”
Erik tilted his head down at her. She pondered, her cafe noir eyes looking heavenward. Valencia exhaled, staring up at Erik through her lashes. He waited with bated breath. She parted her full lips to speak.
“I’ll be there.”
Erik cracked a dimpled smile. Valencia gave him a small smile and then a quick once-over before walking away. Erik made it back to his group and he spotted Valencia and her friends leaving. It was definitely a step into the right direction. Erik was happy about that. Andrea made her way over to him with a knowing smile.
“I saw that, Daka. So, is she coming?”
“She’ll be there. I’m a lil’ nervous. Not gonna lie.”
Andrea laughed, “you got this!”
“I just wanna make it right. I want us to get back to how things were, you know? I was just getting to know her in so many ways…”
Erik cut his eyes at Andrea and she stared at him with her mouth agape.
“I BET,” Andrea rolls her eyes.
After another hour, they started to shut things down and it took them another hour to make sure everything was cleaned up before heading out. Erik was exhausted with no time to get rest since he had to get ready for tonight. He made it back to his RA dorm with a sweaty body and tired limbs. Dropping his gym bag onto the floor, he grabbed his towel, rag, soap, and a fresh pair of briefs with a pair of basketball shorts.
In the showers, he cleaned himself off good, thinking about the night to come. Valencia was going to be there, and he hoped that she would give him a second chance. After rinsing off the second round of soap, Erik pat dried his skin and before he exited the shower, he slipped on his briefs and shorts. Towel over his shoulder, he exited the bathroom and made his way down the hall to his room which was a short distance away.
Back inside, he shut his door and turned on some music to get ready to. He took off his shorts and opened his closet to grab an outfit he planned to wear.
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Erik paused.
That sound could only be from one thing. He took long strides to his lap top on his desk and pulled out the chair. He touched the mouse pad to wake his lap top screen up and then he went straight for Tumblr. There, he clicked on his message thread and his eyes scanned back and forth, reading the words.
ebonygoddess1990s: I know it’s been a while. I’ve gone an entire month not speaking to him. Today I spoke to him for the first time and it reminded me of what happened at that D9 party. He asked me to come to Poetry Live tonight and I’m a little nervous. A part of me wants to forgive him, but the other part of me has trust issues. What should I do?
Erik for the first time didn’t know what to say. He didn’t feel right messaging her. He could simply persuade her into forgiving him, but then that would be manipulation. He slowly closed his laptop and stood up from his seat at the desk.
He was going to make it right as authentically as possible.
“How do I look?”
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“Girl…you look damn good.”
Brielle snapped her fingers while Valencia did a turn. She was all dressed up herself in a denim dress with platform chunky brown heels and her big, curly ginger hair styled in two Afro puffs.
“He’s gonna love it.” Brielle said.
“…this isn’t for him, it’s for me.”
Brielle rolls her eyes at the ceiling, “Right. Sure.”
They grab their bags and then head out of the dorm room. Skai was going to drive tonight. Cindy and her were waiting in the car. They left the dorms and headed towards the parking lot. There, they spotted Skai and she was talking to Dior. Valencia’s footsteps slowed down and she instantly grew defensive. Brielle looked at her with an equally angry expression.
“Let me go, I’ll see you there…”
Dior looked at Valencia.
“Brielle,” She touched her arm, “Valencia—”
Valencia smacked her hand away. Hard. Dior raised up on her and Brielle leaped between them.
“Let’s get going! Right, Val?” Brielle pleaded.
Brielle looked over at Skai for help. Skai walked towards them and grabbed Dior by the arm.
“Yeah, let me go before I drag this bitch all over the parking lot!” Valencia shouted after Dior.
Dior yanked her arm out of Skai’s grip.
“Awww still mad your crush doesn’t want you?”
“Dior!” Skai yelled, “Chill out!”
Dior put her hands up, “I’m chill. She’s the one that put her fucking hands on me.”
“I should have been put my hands on you!!!!” Valencia screamed.
“THEN WHAT’S GOOD?!” Dior screamed back.
“Just go, Dior,” Skai moved her towards her car.
“I’m going. Just as long as she stays over there.”
Dior backed away to her car with a big grin on her face. There was a girl in passenger seat, laughing at the entire thing. Dior got in her car and drove off. Valencia took meditating breaths while Brielle tried to calm her down.
“She pulled up to my car to talk, Valencia. I wasn’t trying to start trouble,” Skai spoke to her defense.
Brielle ignored Skai. She loved her friend but if she was going to keep being friends with Skai knowing that she didn’t like Valencia and was probably talking shit about her, she had to cut her off too. They all got back into the car, Cindy rubbing Valencia’s shoulder.
She just wanted to have a good night. Megan Thee Stallion Cognac Queen came one and Valencia started rapping the lyrics. She wasn’t going to let that dumb bitch ruin her night.
Her makeup looked good, her outfit is sexy, she felt the hottest she’s ever felt. She felt great. She rolled her window down and as the air whipped across her face, she couldn’t get Erik off of her mind. Valencia couldn’t help but smile to herself. He looked extra scrumptious today. The effort he took into winning her back made her feel good. She wanted him to know that she could easily forget about him and move on.
Erik still tried. This man could have any woman on campus, hell, even his crazy ex girlfriend, and yet he didn’t want her or anyone else but Valencia. She couldn’t control the butterflies. It’s been a month too long. She could only hope that tonight would go right.
“We’re here.”
It was a huge turnout. Brielle parked and they all stepped out. From the outside looking in, Poetry Live was packed like sardines.
“Please tell me Russ saved a table for us,” Cindy said.
“I hope so, because I am not standing.” Brielle said.
They were carded at the door and when they were in the clear, all four of them walked inside. Cindy took the lead, searching the crowded room until she pointed towards a round table with a great view of the stage. They squeezed through people dancing and having a good time with drinks in their hands. Cindy wrapped her arms around her boyfriend’s shoulders and went in for a kiss. Valencia sat her bag on the table and looked around. As she scanned the room, her eyes fell on Erik, sitting at a table with Andrea, James, and a few of their friends.
Valencia’s eyes scanned his body from head to toe. He had a fresh retwist and he was dressed nice with a layered gold chains hanging from his neck and black diamond earrings in his ears. He didn’t have his glasses on tonight, so Valencia could see his onyx eyes more clearly beneath the lights. She shifted in her seat and fiddled with the strap of her bag when he finally looked over at her. They locked eyes and then a slow smirk crept up his lips. She felt hot all over. He waved to her and Valencia returned the gesture. He checked her out from across the room and with an appreciative nod, he mouthed ‘you look amazing’.
Valencia blushes and mouthed ‘thank you’ in response. She reluctantly pulled her gaze away and released a shaky breath. He always makes her so flustered.
“Everyone looks so nice tonight like it’s a special occasion!” Brielle said with a sonorous tone.
“I know! We need drinks!” Cindy declared ecstatically.
“I second that,” Valencia fanned herself.
Their waiter returned and they put their orders in. Valencia looked around the room again and in a booth seat, Jeanette and Dior sat surrounded by their AKA sisters. They were dancing and causing a scene since they needed to be the center of attention at all times.
A few Zetas threw up kitty hand signs, Deltas threw up triangles, Sigmas threw up three fingers with their thumb and ring finger down.
Their drinks came and Valencia automatically took sips of her Long Island Iced Tea. She couldn’t stop herself from looking over at Erik’s table again and he was stomping around like a proud Que with his Bruhz Valencia giggled at Erik’s mug. He settled back in his seat and took a sip of his drink.
After some time, the lights in the room went dim and a spot light hit the stage. It was a spotlight with a purple hue. Valencia was nursing her second drink, taking careful sips so she wouldn’t get drunk too fast. She was too busy turning up with her friends to notice that Erik himself took the stage. He walked up to the mic apprehensively, grabbing the pole with one hand while adjusting the mic with his other. The sound of the mic caused everyone to turn their attention towards him.
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Valencia looked at him and her smile disappeared from her face and in its place was a nervous look. Erik’s presence on that stage commanded the room to silence. The only sound being that of Usher Dot Com instrumental. Valencia scanned the room, and then her eyes looked towards the stage again.
“Hello…hello…hello. I’m sure most of you know me but I’m gonna introduce myself anyway. My name is Erik. My friends call me E, Daka—that’s short for my middle name, N’Jadaka, and Poet. Uhm,” he placed his hands in his pockets, “It’s been years since I’ve been on this stage. Tonight I have some new shit,” Erik chuckles nervously, taking one hand out of his pocket to run over his locs, “This is for you, Valencia.”
Valencia’s eyes went round like saucers. Her eyebrows shot up as she looked around the table at her friends, all of which were staring back at her with big goofy smiles. One by one, they each pulled a rose from beneath the table and handed it to her. Valencia clutched her chest, the roses placed in front of her on the table rendering her speechless. Others stood from their tables and walked over, handing her red roses painted with glitter.
“W—What?” She accepted another rose, “I can’t believe…”
After the last person, Andrea, handed her a rose. Valencia had a full bouquet in her hand. She wanted to cry. This was the most beautiful thing a guy has ever done for her. And it wasn’t over. She looked up at Erik with glossy eyes. He smirked at her and gave her a wink.
I'm sorry for what I've done
I'm sorry for who I've been
Sorry for where its gone
So sorry to lose a friend
I’m sorry I kiss your plump lips in my sleep
So sorry I can’t get you off my mind
As I lose myself and find myself
I’m sorry if I wonder do I ever cross your mind
So hypnotizing…
Your soft voice and bashfully beautiful gaze
I’m sorry we’re apart
I’m not sorry I’m falling for you though
Forgive me if I can’t help that I want you
Forgive me…
If I stumble and fall.
Too clumsy…and my words do not form as I wish
So let me kiss you and let my lips paint for you
All that I feel in my heart.
Let my hands touch again…and my mouth again…
Erik paused. The suspense of his words blanketing the room. Valencia drew her bottom lip into her mouth. She could never…would never forget how his mouth felt on her pussy. Saying that on stage in front of everyone…
Every rose I gave to you
I hope brings a smile to you face
Inside each rose is a piece of my soul
So Valencia
I want your trust more than anything
Baby girl
It was a bad decision
And now I want you here
So please take me back
'Cause I need you right now
Vulnerable words from your Poet…
Erik backed away from the mic, and instead of snaps, everyone clapped. There was a standing ovation. Erik exited the stage and walked over to Valencia. She stood up and tears rolled down her cheeks. She opened her arms and Erik pulled her in for a tight hug. He pulled away and Valencia surprised with a kiss to the cheek. It didn’t matter if it was the lips or the cheek, he was happy as hell.
“This is so much—Erik, thank you,” Valencia blotched her eyes dry.
“Anything to put a smile on your face again,” Erik said.
Valencia returned to her dorm room with a smile and her bouquet of roses pressed against her chest tightly. That was the sweetest most sincere thing any guy has ever done for her. She liked Erik even more. Brielle decided to stay with Skai for the night and Valencia was grateful because she needed to process this alone. The fact that her friends even knew what was going to happen all this time and they didn’t give her a hint amazed her.
Valencia sat on her bed to take off her shoes. As she did, she looked at the selfies she took with Erik before she left. Her phone vibrated and she noticed it was a text from Erik. She unblocked him on the ride over. Valencia read his text and she instantly smiled.
Erik: care for a night swim?
Valencia knew that he would be texting her. He whispered to her that he planned to send her a text with a surprise later. So, he wanted to go swimming? Valencia smiled at her phone as she texted a reply.
Valencia: absolutely ☺️
Erik: Cool. I’ll meet you there. Bring a change of clothes 😈
Valencia shot up from bed and headed towards her closet. She opened a drawer that stored all of her bikinis and found an orange one. A pink body con, a thong, sandals, and a few pieces of jewelry went into a bag. She quickly undressed and put the bikini on with Erik’s hoodie on top. She slipped on a pair of slides and grabbed her bag, phone, and keys. She made her way over to the pool and when she got there, Erik was nowhere to be found. She shot him a quick text message outside of the entrance to the pool.
Valencia: Where are you?
Erik: One second
The door opened and Erik was dressed in a pair of blue swim shorts that hugged his thighs. He was shirtless and still rocking the gold chains. His locs were in his face, almost long enough to cover his eyes. He opened the door further and Valencia slipped inside. The luminescent swimming pool looked calm and lonesome. The blue hue created the same glow around them. The tiny ripples created a specular reflection across their bodies as they dress closer.
Placing her bag down, Valencia took off the hoodie and sat it on a bench. She stepped out of her slides and walked over towards Erik. His eyes roamed her body, and then he licked his lips. Valencia sat down on the edge of the pool and Erik joined her. Their feet slipped into the water and it felt warm. She turned to look at him before timidly avoiding his gaze to stare down at the water. Erik didn’t take his eyes off of her.
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“That was beautiful, Erik.” Her voice echoed as she spoke.
“Thank you. It wasn’t my best but…It was definitely my most vulnerable.” Erik said.
“Well, I thought it was heartfelt and sweet. How the hell did you get everyone to go along with it?”
Erik laughs, “The car wash? I pretty much went around and asked every one if they wanted to participate. The roses were planted there beneath the tables.”
“Very clever,” Valencia giggles.
“I knew you weren’t gonna let me off the hook that easily, and for that…I thank you.”
Valencia looked up at him through her lashes.
“…I’m happy we can start off where we left off.” Erik said.
“Me too…I did miss you…I just….I have major trust issues.”
Erik shrugged, “I get it. You ain’t gotta explain that to me.”
Valencia tucked her chin and smiled.
“The water looks good,” Valencia stood up, “I’m getting in. Are you coming?”
She stepped into the pool from the ladder and backstroked towards the deep end. Erik swam over towards her, water splashing on Valencia. She giggled, splashing Erik back even though it wasn’t intentional that he got water in her face. Back and forth they played water tag.
“Okay! Stop!” Valencia shielded her face, “Truce!”
“You givin’ up that easily, girl?” Erik teases.
“Yes, I am. You’re stronger.” Valencia said.
“Am I?”
Erik swam over and picked Valencia up. She squealed before Erik tossed her playfully, Valencia going under. She reappeared, smoothing her braids from her face. Erik laughed at her attempt to glare at him. It was cute. They circled each other, staring each other down. Valencia broke the eye contact first. Erik inched closer. They paddled their arms and propelled their legs to stay afloat. Erik looked so delicious. Valencia couldn’t help but to reach up and smooth his locs back from his eyes.
“…You’re so handsome,” Valencia shyly looked at him.
“And you’re so beautiful.” Erik replied.
The sound of his voice bouncing off of the walls shot straight to her pussy.
“I want to kiss you…” Erik whispered.
Valencia turned away from Erik. He watched her go under, swimming away from him. Erik followed and took in a breath before going beneath the water. He swam, following her until she turned his way, still under water. She broke the surface and Erik was right there, centimeters away from her face. They stared into each other’s eyes and then Valencia’s back hit the edge of the pool. Erik trapped her there. Water dripped from his hair and made his lashes look wet and curled.
“…Can I kiss you?”
Valencia looked from his lips to his eyes. She slowly nodded her head and Erik closed the space between them, his lips crashing into hers desperately. He yearned for her lips. Erik grunted against her lips. Valencia opened up and Erik swiped his tongue across her teeth. Valencia draped her arms over his shoulders and Erik gripped the edge of the pool harder. His chest and crotch were pressed snuggly against Valencia’s body.
Their heads swiveled from left to right, tongues dancing, their lips moved together in a sloppy manner. It was hot, sexy, steamy, and passionate all at the same time. Valencia wrapped her thighs around Erik and he took that opportunity to pick her up. They moved towards the center of the pool and after sucking each other’s faces off for minutes, Erik came up for air. That didn’t stop him from kissing her. His lips were on her neck now.
“Mmmm,” Valencia moaned.
His lips kissed the tops of her breasts and between them. He looked her in the eyes while doing it. She knew what he wanted. Valencia slowly grabs one of Erik’s large hands and guides it to her bikini strings. He didn’t take his eyes off of hers as his fingers pulled, the top falling from her chest. Erik’s eyes dropped down to admire them. B-cup, perky, with perfect nipples and areolas. Deep brown and tasty.
“Damn, baby,” Erik whispered, “Fucking beautiful…”
His lips were on hers again and then he broke the kiss, lifting her up more so that her breasts were in his face practically. Staring up at her, Erik wrapped his thick lips around her left nipple and started sucking. That sensation was a tickle that went straight to her pussy. Her clit jumped, her inner thighs gripped him tighter, and her breathing became uneven.
Erik took his time sucking each nipple. They were so stiff and begging for attention. The sensation of his warm mouth and soft lips did that. She couldn’t watch him doing it anymore, it was too much. She instead moaned towards the ceiling with her eyes shut. Now, his tongue flicked her nipples. Valencia looked down with her beautiful mouth parted, tiny breaths of pleasure from between her lips. She loved that he took attention to her breasts. Her ex would suck a nipple for only ten seconds. Isaiah didn’t even care to do it.
Another box checked off her list.
He lightly nibbled with his teeth on the tips of her nipples. She gripped his shoulders tightly. He dragged his tongue and lips all over her areolas like a starved man. Valencia couldn’t take it anymore. She tried to move her chest away from Erik’s mouth but he wouldn’t stop. Her body tensed up and she started to panic. What the hell was happening?
Her body trembles, as if the water ran cold. He pressed his face between her breasts and exhaled. Did she just experience an orgasm from nipple play? A wetness that didn’t come from the water made her pussy hot and sticky. Erik looked up at her with a smirk and Valencia couldn’t help but giggle.
“That was intense and out of my control.” she spoke breathlessly.
“Didn’t I tell you I can be your first of many things, beautiful?”
“Yes,” Valencia bites her lip. “Getting freaky in a pool is definitely something I’ve never done.”
“Hmm,” Erik brought her down so that they were face to face, “Getting your pussy ate pool side sounds amazing right now, don’t you think?”
Erik’s hand came down to sit between Valencia’s legs. He cupped her pussy in his hand over her bikini bottoms and slowly rubbed up and down. His thick digits applied pressure to her clit and he could feel her piercing. Valencia closed her eyes and parted her lips.
“Nah…look at me…”
She took her time opening her eyes. When she did, she was staring into Erik’s eyes.
“I still have those panties…”
She shuddered. Yes, her used thong from a month ago.
“They still smell amazing by the way.”
A sly smirk painted his thick lips. She looked away. She couldn’t believe this man still had them! That was the nastiest thing and she loved it.
“…what do you do with them?” Valencia asked with a small voice.
“Well…I sit them on my face and I just…beat my dick whenever I think about you…”
Her face grew hot and she shifted in his embrace but Erik made sure she didn’t move. His hand rubbing up and down felt so good. Valencia started circling her hips while his hand rubbed. He chuckled at her and that Que tongue teased her.
“I guess you can say I’m obsessed. I need a new pair to add to my collection…”
“What else are you obsessed with…sexually?”
Valencia had to chew on her bottom lip to control the tremors. He started rubbing her clit in a circle with his finger tips.
“I have fetishes and kinks…bondage…voyeurism…exhibitionism…toe-sucking…that’s just to name a few.”
Valencia is familiar with BDSM but she’d never experienced any of it. He has a foot fetish and that’s something she always found interesting. She’s very ticklish, so she hoped Erik wouldn’t do that to her. She wouldn’t be able to handle it.
“How about you?”
Valencia blinked away from him, “Uhm…well I do have some kinks for some things—I’ve never tried—it’s not as hot as yours though.”
Erik cocked his head. They floated towards the edge of the pool again and Erik sat her down. He stood between her legs and looked up at her eagerly.
“You can still tell me,” Erik said with a reassuring voice.
“…okay…I consider myself to be a size queen.”
Erik lifted a single brow.
“Do you know what that means—”
“I do. You prefer big dicks. Bigger than average dicks.”
It was the way he said that. Valencia couldn’t look him in the eye after that. Erik laughs.
“Sexual partners with bigger dicks…coming from you, that’s…not what I expected.”
“What did you expect then?”
“DD/LG. Sex talk…you know size queens take dick, right?”
Erik emphasized dick strongly.
“I know,” Valencia looked away shyly.
“Aight,” Erik smiled playfully at her, “What else?”
“…I feel like I have an oral fixation…”
“Me too. I definitely do,” Erik chuckled.
He reached up to stroke between her legs. She shut her thighs and trapped his hand there.
“Spread your legs, Valencia…”
She did as she was told.
“Bring your feet up and open wider…”
She leaned back and carefully brought her legs up one-by-one. Her pussy was sitting phat between her legs from that position. Erik got closer, taking his thick fingers to push her panties to the side. What he saw blew his mind. Her wetness had a slimy consistency to it that connected to her bikini bottom. She was ready for some dick and his mouth. He used his thumb to peel back her outer lip and the more he did, the more it leaked.
“Fuck…you should see this…you’re so fucking wet, girl…”
Valencia scooted her hips towards the edge and Erik used his tongue to swipe between her outer lips. Valencia placed a hand on the back of his head. He was slurping and sucking at the same time. Anything to get all of that tasty stuff in his mouth. He flicked his tongue up between her folds and the sensation caused her clit to ache in the best way.
“Yes…mmm…Erik, that feels so good…I missed your mouth…”
That was music to his ears. She could hear him smacking his lips and the sound of his wet tongue.
“Daddy…yes…please don’t stop…make me cum…”
Pushing her thighs back, Erik did just that. He didn’t stop. He sucked that bejeweled clit into his mouth and sucked to his heart’s desire and it tugged on Valencia’s heartstrings. She had his locs in her fist. Her wet braids fell over her face. Her naked chest thrust forward. It was the most erotic thing.
“Oh my gosh!”
Her body spasmed and Erik dipped his tongue into her entrance so he could catch it all. Every drop needed to be on his tongue. Valencia pushed his head away and sat up. Erik shook his locs from his eyes and licked her sticky sweetness from his lips.
“We need to take this shit to my room now…I can’t do what I wanna do to you here…”
Valencia knew she was in trouble. He gave her this look and she just knew.
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They entered the Omega Psi Phi house and Erik shut the door softly. Hand in hand, they crept up the stairs and when they both made it to the top landing, Erik led Valencia down the hall to his right. Majority of the house was still out for the evening. His room door was the most decorated out of the ones at the end of this hall. He took out his keys from his hoodie pocket and opened his door. Valencia slipped inside first and then Erik came in right behind her before shutting his door and locking it again. The room was cloaked in darkness with a little light from the streetlights outside peeking through the blinds. Erik took her bag from her and she could see his silhouette moving towards a desk.
He flicked on a lamp and adjusted the lighting so that it was dim. A yellow ambiance filled one corner of the room and the area where the bed resided was 80% dark. Valencia thought it was the perfect glow for what was about to go down. Erik proceeded to take his laptop out of his book bag and Valencia made herself comfortable on his bed. It was neatly made and fluffy. Some music played and Valencia figured it was to muffle the noises they were about to make but one thing about her, if it feels good, she can’t keep quiet.
Erik took off his hoodie and T-shirt. He stood in front of her with a bare chest and shorts on. They took a quick rinse after swimming. Valencia removed Erik’s hoodie from her body and her panties. She kicked off her slides and went to shield her body with her legs. Erik walked up to her on his bed and while his eyes looked down at her, he slowly peeled his shorts off. Valencia watched his movements with a steady gaze.
She could see that he was well groomed down there. When his dick bobbed out, she went still with speechlessness. It was thick, long, and veiny with heavy balls to match. Shaft the color of hickory and the tip reminded her of cinnamon. Something you would see in a porno. She’d never seen a dick this big in person. That’s all she had to compare it to. Valencia didn’t even want to venture a guess as to how big he is. Tonight was going to be the night where she explored her size queen fantasies.
“You’re so big…”
Valencia wrapped her small hand around him. Her fingers barely touched. She didn’t want to look scared, but she was. She replaced her shocked expression with a flirty smile. Erik reached down and caressed her chin. She knew what he wanted. She wished she’d practiced for this. She wanted to impress this man badly with skills she didn’t possess. Sure, she could give head, but would he enjoy it?
She was knocked out of her daze. Sitting up on her knees, she leaned forward while gently stroking him. Valencia would dart her eyes up at him timidly while his fat dick was in her face. So much dick.
Don’t chicken out, she thought.
“Go on, don’t act all shy, get a taste.”
Valencia let go of his shaft to push her braids back over her shoulders. Erik helped her by taking her braids into his fist loosely.
“Thank you,” She took him into her grasp again.
Fear flashed before her eyes and Erik used his thumb to stroke her chin again.
“C’mon, don’t be scared. Not with lips like that…”
She giggled nervously. Valencia leaned in and flicked her tongue along the tip of his dick like she was testing the waters. Erik’s grunt made her kiss his tip with her juicy lips.
“Stop teasing me and suck this dick.”
Valencia opened her mouth and Erik tugged on her braids so she could look up at him. She shut her eyes while sucking his wide tip into her mouth. That action alone made her jaws sore.
“Open your eyes, Valencia,” Erik tugged on her hair, “What I say?”
He was starting to show his dominance more and more. Valencia blinked up at him, the view from her position a sight for sore eyes. That body and that face with that big dick in her hand was all too much. She sank her lips deeper, and Erik exhaled a longing breath.
“You got a tight ass throat, ma…”
Valencia popped her lips off.
“I’m sorry—”
“Nothing to apologize about, baby. Put that mouth back on daddy’s dick.”
She did as she was told.
“There you go, put some more in there…”
She squeezed her thumb and breathed through her nose. A technique she’d learned about but never really used. She wasn’t a throat goat but she’d never had to challenge herself until she met Erik.
“Good girl…mmm.”
She added more spit to her sucking. There was no way she was going to fit all of him in her mouth. Valencia stroked him like she was grinding pepper with one hand while she sucked whatever she could.
“Look at you, all that being scared and you sucking it just like I like it…nice and slow…lots of spit…such a nasty girl.”
Erik licked his lips at her and his eyes were low. He kept making these grunting noises in his throat. She loved it so much.
“Those lips…feel so good on my dick, baby…”
Erik did something she wasn’t prepared for. He thrust his hips forward a little and more of his dick sank down her throat. Valencia gagged and her body jerked away from the feeling. Spit was hanging from her mouth and she looked up at him with wet eyes.
“Did I tell you to stop sucking?”
“N–no,” Valencia sniffled.
Erik tapped her lips with his dick.
“Open your mouth.”
Panic set in. She opened up and Erik had a hand on the back of her head and one on her throat. He started fucking her mouth slow. Valencia placed a hand on his thigh to try and control him. A knock suddenly came to Erik’s door and not once did he stop.
“Poet! Me and the rest of the guys were going out for drinks. You wanna roll out, dog?”
“Nah! I’m good. I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow!”
Erik bites down on his bottom lip when her lips popped off. He rubbed his dick along her lips, dribbling her lips with his tip before whispering for her to open the fuck up.
“Aight! We’ll catch up!”
When the coast was clear, Erik groaned.
“When I cum don’t you come up off this dick, you hear me?”
“Mhm,” Valencia couldn’t use her mouth at the moment to reply. Only sounds.
She sucked and sucked and her jaws ached but she was determined to make him cum. She was doing so well and Erik was loving it so much. He started moaning and saying her name. She felt in control. With a deep inhale, she took a chance and relaxed the back of her throat, twitching it around his tip.
“Shit, here it comes—”
Valencia sat still with Erik’s dick between her jaws. She could feel him throbbing with his release. He came in her mouth and it was thick and warm. She swallowed quickly, careful not to choke. It was a lot. She wasn’t surprised, with a dick that big and balls that heavy, it was expected. She came up for air and wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand. Erik twirled one of her nipples while bending over to kiss her lips. Tongue and all.
“You did so good, baby.” Erik whispered against her lips.
“You liked it? I wanted to make it good for you.”
“You made me cum didn’t you? I was tryna hold back but I couldn’t control it. I wonder what that pussy gonna do to me…”
“The same,” Valencia boldly replied.
“Yeah? That pussy gon’ make this dick bust too?”
“Mhm,” She jerked him while chewing on her bottom lip and staring him in his eyes with all the strength she could muster.
“You better hope I don’t bust in you…”
Erik tongues Valencia down again. His words fluttered in her mind. She was on birh control but she’d never let a guy do it. Isaiah drunkenly told her that he wanted to cream pie her, but he was wearing a condom. Erik planned to fuck her raw.
“Come sit on my face.”
Erik climbed into his bed and propped his pillows up. When he was settled, Valencia threw her leg over him and Erik popped her on that bubble booty with a hard slap.
“Turn the other way…just like that…”
She turned her back towards his face while her ass and pussy sat inches away from his mouth.
“Arch that back, girl.” Erik commanded with another smack to her ass.
Valencia did as she was told and Erik spread her cheeks . He didn’t waste time tongue-fucking her wet hole and slurping up her clit. Valencia clawed the sheets and started grinding her pussy along the length of Erik’s tongue. He spit on her pussy and sucked it back up over and over. Her eyes crossed like she was losing consciousness.
“OOH!, Erik, fuck, I’m gonna cum already!”
Erik whacked her across the ass through her release. He was showing a roughness with her that overwhelmed her. Valencia didn’t have time to recover when Erik sat up and positioned her on her back. He loomed over her and his lips pressed firmly against hers. She could feel his thick fingers between her thighs, stroking her pussy before slowly sinking two fingers deep.
“I gotta make sure I open you up for this dick, girl,” Erik whispered.
His fingers pumped in and out of her. He was knuckle deep and torturing her spot. Valencia turned her face away and Erik attacked her neck. The obscene noises her pussy made was similar to squelching. She felt that from head to toe. Erik’s continuous nasty talk in her ear with a husky voice had her whimpering.
“This my pussy, Valencia?”
“I can’t wait to fuck you…”
She felt a flutter in her belly from his words. His anxiousness let her know that she was going to take it all over his bed.
“Ima be in that pussy every way I can…you’re so pretty…you have the best pussy, babygirl…My dick is so hard…”
She could feel his stiffness on her inner thigh. Rigidly tapping her.
“I’ve been waiting for this shit…”
“You wanna cum? That pussy cumming again?”
“Tell me whatchu want…open your mouth and tell me. All that shy shit is over wit’ you know what time it is.”
“…can I cum, please, daddy?”
She clawed his back. The more he continued to finger-fuck her, the harder it became to hold it in. She felt a sensation and she was afraid she was going to urinate. It was so intense, Valencia couldn’t fight it.
“Erik, Erik, Erik!”
“Gimme that shit.”
A stream of liquid similar to a fountain stained the sheets. It was too powerful and the more he fingered, the more she did it. She’d never ever squirted before.
“Oh my gosh,” Valencia tried to catch her breath, “I squirted…I’m sorry, I made a mess.”
She shielded her face with her hands in embarrassment. Erik moved her hands away and showed her his messy fingers before sucking on them.
“You can squirt, you can cream, I want all of that shit. Don’t ever be embarrassed about what this body can do. I’m so crazy about you…”
Erik pecked her lips and she could taste herself. He sat up on his knees and spread her thighs. Valencia hitched her breath when he started spanking her pussy with the tip of his dick.
“…A fat puss and a fat dick…you know what time it is, right?”
Valencia nodded her head with a pout of her lips.
“I’ll go nice and steady, okay?”
Erik kissed her inner left thigh before he gripped the base of his dick in one hand, gliding it between her folds before the wide tip of his thick pipe sat at her entrance eagerly. She watched as his chest moved up and down and his eyes focused on his movements. His eyes drifted up her body to rest on her face.
“It’s gonna feel so good…you’ll be begging me not to stop…”
She brought both of her arms up and her hands squeezed the pillow beneath her head. She tried to steady her breathing, but when Erik finally thrust forward, she lost her cool.
“Shit,” she squeezed her eyes shut, “It’s too much…”
The tip popped in and instantly she clenched him. Erik groaned. The snugness around his tip felt so fucking food. He needed more.
“Ima give you more…fuck, Valencia, pussy tight as fuck…”
He had his hands on the back of her thighs and both of them watched as he fed her pussy more fat dick.
“I’m tryna behave but all I wanna do is dig yo’ shit out.”
He gave her this look that told her ‘I’m ready to go berserk’ he would stop to give her a second to adjust and then more filled her up. She threw her head back and moaned. Erik had half of his dick in there.
“Look at me, talk to me…”
He withdrew his hips and Valencia’s eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open.
“Tell me where I’m at…”
“You’re in my pussyyyyyyy!”
Tears rolled down into her hairline. The sensation was so intense. She couldn’t even describe how wet she was. She felt so full.
“I’m finna’ go harder. You ready?”
Valencia had panick in her eyes. Erik kissed his teeth. He was impatient and with her good pussy wrapped around his dick she better get ready.
“Be a big girl and take it…own it and take it, ma.”
Erik dropped that dick off in her all the way now and Valencia cried out. He leaned over her body causing her hips to lift from the bed. He put his fist into the mattress and the momentum of his thrusting went faster and faster. She didn’t know what to do.
“Yes,” Erik whispered, “I’m in this pussy now. hmm…”
It felt so intense and so amazing. Erik sat up so he could look her in the eyes. He drew his bottom lip into his mouth and delivered sharp thrusts while staring her down. She was completely ruined and all he did was fuck her and look at her.
“I c–c–can’t hold it—”
Her orgasm rocked through her body. Erik slipped out and she exhaled a shaky breath.
She sat up on her elbows. His dick was coated in cum and brick hard. Erik looked at her through his locs, a teasing smirk on his face. He was on her again, not even telling her how he wanted her. Instead, he positioned her with her face down and ass up. He fixed her arch, adjusted her legs, and then with two large hands on her ass cheeks, he pointed his tip at her opening and bam! He was back in like he never left.
“Keep that arch. What the fuck did I say?”
“Okay!” Valencia bowed her back, “Do I need to do it more?”
Erik didn’t respond with words, he fixed her himself and then spanked her ass.
“Ouch,” it stung so hard, “daddy that hurts..”
He kissed her cheeks and she whimpered.
“It wouldn’t hurt so much if you listen to what I say. Stay just like that.”
Erik’s dick went in and out. Each time it would go in, her pussy would queef. So much creamy mess. She felt it in her lower belly, it created intense pressure to the bottom of her pussy, her body quaked out of her control. So many different sensations hitting her at once.
“Mhm, you look so good right now…”
Valencia looked back at Erik.
“It’s s–s–so deep….” Valencia stuttered.
“I know, baby, but you’re doing so well, pretty girl…now daddy gotta bust it open some more…”
With just his hips, Erik showed her a good time. When he wanted to play back shots, he didn’t want you running and pushing him away. Her ass ricocheted off his hips and all she could do was grip the sheets and moan so loud it bounced off of the walls. She couldn’t do anything about the intense sensations.
“Don’t push me away,” Erik locked her wrist behind her back as he barked out his command, “FUCK!”
He slowed down and Valencia tried to catch her breath. She didn’t want him to slow down. She wanted more dick. How was it possible to want more when she couldn’t even take it in this position?
“There you go…there you go. You fucking me back? Oh, so now you ain’t scared of this dick?”
Valencia threw it back on him and Erik stood there watching her with unblinking eyes and his mouth hanging open.
“Didn’t I tell you I would have you on this dick? Didn’t I fuckin’ tell you that?” Erik slapped her ass, “You showing out, girl. Fat pussy takin’ it like a real size queen.”
She looked back at him and licked her lips.
“Can you beat it up, daddy?”
Valencia was talking her shit. Erik pounded her pussy out.
“UHHHH SHIT!” She yelled.
Valencia sat up and Erik placed a hand around her neck from the front.
“Right there! Please don’t stop!” She begged.
Pound after pound. Her body seized up.
“You ain’t gotta tell me, baby, I feel that pussy…don’t hold back, give me what I want, wet up this fuckin’ dick!”
Erik slipped out and Valencia fell flat against the bed. She rolled over and stared up at Erik before reaching her arms out. He chuckled, picking her up and then she wrapped her legs around him snuggly.
“You want me to fuck you in the air?”
She nodded her head and bashfully smiled at him.
“I’ve always wanted to be picked up during sex. I wanna see how it feels…”
“I’ll give you whatever you want.”
Erik lined himself up and dropped her down on his dick. He palmed her ass and forced her down on his big dick, bouncing her up and down at a leisurely pace so she could feel it from the tip to the balls. Erik dipped his hips and Valencia had her arms wrapped around his neck.
“Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!” That’s all she could do. Moan and live in the moment.
Erik pressed his forehead against hers. She took in a sharp breath.
“I’m so close, this pussy gon’ make me cum so hard, fuck, gahdamn, shit, this wet pussy…tight, wet, gushy pussy—”
“I’M CUMMING FOR YOU!” Valencia declared.
“Cum on this fucking dick!”
Valencia came so damn hard. It was an out of body experience. She clung to Erik tightly and he sat on the bed and bounced her in his lap. Her words ran through his mind.
“Daddy! I wanna have your baby!”
Erik’s balls tightened and his shaft throbbed and twitched the same time her walls clenched him.
“Ima fucking nut—FUCK—”
He lifted her off of his dick and she was on her knees fast, sucking him clean. Erik sat back on his elbows and his body twitched. Spurt after spurt of his thick cum covered her lips and dripped onto her breasts. She jerked him while sucking on his tip.
“Unh, mmm, huhhhh, uhhhhh, fuckkkk….”
He was too sensitive. He grabbed his dick from her and sat up. Valencia licked her lips and tried to clean herself off. She peeked up at him and gave him a small smile followed by a giggle.
“I can’t believe I said that.”
She laughed it off, trying her best to conceal her embarrassment. She was so caught up in the moment. She covered her face and Erik moved her hands away. He helped her to her feet and sat her in his lap.
“Forget I said that.” She looked down into her lap, “That was amazing…”
Erik tilted her head up and stared into her eyes.
“I don’t want to forget it. And you need to stop feeling so ashamed. Shit, I almost gave you that baby.”
They both laughed. Valencia pressed her face into Erik’s neck.
“…you might experience a lot of emotions. It’s intense…”
“I’m so happy I got to experience it with you.”
Erik kissed Valencia on the forehead.
“Me too, baby girl. And I want more moments with you.”
Erik pulled the sheets back and he laid back against his pillow with Valencia snuggled close to him.
“You wore a nigga out…”
Valencia giggled.
“I could go for round two…”
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kavinskywrites · 1 year
12/20/2021 11:19 PM tokyo & champagne. andreas x kiko.
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broken up. it was a whirlwhind romance, they said. bro, girls like her? you knew it wouldn't last. his friends said to him. andreas isn't good for you. they told her. it was just a summer fling but it replayed in the back of his mind like a movie. the bliss of laying his head on her stomach in the heat of summer, water splashing them both. kisses mixed with sand. mimosas and chocolate filled croissants. the way she spoke french to him in the mornings and he'd reply in spanish. sometimes they knew what they other meant but somehow they understood. it was a mixture of just knowing and feeling. but now it was december, everything was cold. including the empty space in his passenger seat that once held kiko's laughing face. the memories of them dancing to their mixed playlist haunted his night drives. especially when 'tokyo' would come on and andreas said he dedicated it to her. "that's so racist andre." he had said sorry but still wanted to sing the song to her because it was true. now, more than ever. por que me la paso pensando en ti. the place where she was having her event was lavish and decorated to the nines. very her. was andre invited? absolutely not. yet, he still went through the front door without a problem. his demon was quite the charmer when it was activated. the moment he entered the room, his eyes scanned for her. he was late and she already had glittery champagne in her glass. would she even listen to him? the doubt crept into him. she'd seemed very into this lawyer guy on her instagram that he no longer followed but still looked at. andre found a glass of something bubbly and alcoholic himself and started sipping on all of it. kiko was hard to come by with no one else around her. these flashes of her hands on his neck, her arm wrapped around his. except now he was seeing it in person as she did these things with someone else. andre couldn't even feel jealousy, it was more rage. "you really messed up losing that one." the demon whispered to him. andre shrugged him off. "ya." he'd forgotten his entire mission and was now too many shots into the night. it was 2:59 am and he'd somehow ended up sitting directly across from kiko. "te hace feliz?" he asks her. they're both full of substance and emotions. he can read her face and she can feel his body language. "answer me." her lips did not move but her eyes told him stories. he moved in to be directly in front of her. face to face. he could taste strawberry champagne on her breath. it took everything in him to not inhale the scent of her perfume. "your silence tells me everything i need to know, really." he smirks. the disgust he receives in response makes him panic. desperate hands reach for her face but she shoves him away. they fall into her lap. andre found a moment of sobriety where his words were able to flow without stupor in that desperation. he felt her slipping and he focused to say what he needed to. "i don't care how many years pass, kiko. you and i both know that part of you belongs to me as i to you." he pulled her towards him once more. "hey, you end up with me."
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rt3nenbaum · 1 year
andrea stella saying in his “answering google's most searched questions” that valencia 2012 is his favorite race, he is just like me, he is one of us❤️‍🩹
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valencia 2012 you will always be my favorite (and andrea's) <3
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valyrfia · 4 months
Lando gives me clout-chasing vibes and that he's "friends" with Max because Max can give him or do stuff for him. Can't stand him and I hope that he, his CEO, and the team as a whole disappears from F1. (Andrea Stella you're forgiven for the unforgivable crime of working for the orange team only because you were on the most iconic Ferrari podium ever at the European GP 2012 in Valencia but please, go work somewhere else)
I've known Landos, especially that breed of European white men who are insecure as hell with far more money than sense and think that status and wealth are more important than genuineness. Lando tolerates Max because Max knows all these people who he wants to know and the shine of being associated with a world champion is one he hopes rubs off on him. Norstappen is something marketable for the McLaren PR and LN4 machine, hence why their every interaction (even those on private jets) is photographed from twenty different angles.
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stateofsport211 · 10 months
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📸 🎥 ATP Challenger Livestream
Bautista Agut kept his solidity in the second set, already pressing A. Vavassori from the baseline with his defense-to-offense mechanism. Through another offensive forehand finish from near the net, Bautista Agut created his break point before A. Vavassori's +1 forehand error converted the break point to 1-0. Bautista Agut further confirmed his lead with a consolidation to 2-0, and almost broke again several games later when A. Vavassori missed his response to the former's pass, but to no avail as Bautista Agut ended up holding that service game.
Fast-forward toward the end of the match, Bautista Agut almost broke for the match when his volley caused A. Vavassori missed his volley response afterward for the first seed's initial match point. However, A. Vavassori quickly foiled them and held his service game afterward, thus Bautista Agut had to serve for the match. Bautista Agut initially had 3 match points, but had those saved due to A. Vavassori's successful volley finish and Bautista Agut's +1 forehand errors to prolong the game a little bit. Bautista Agut then took the second set 6-4, thus securing his ticket to the second round.
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donfermin · 5 months
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umseb · 8 months
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bmw sauber reserve driver sebastian vettel during pre-season testing at circuit ricardo tormo near valencia, spain - january 30, 2007 📷 andreas beil / apimages.com
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fatalemuse · 1 year
◞ ♡  what’s in a name? : strength.
below the cut are 50 names that mean strength in their native languages. i decided not to separate this list by masculine and feminine. feel free to use these names as you’d like. this is part two of my what’s in a name series. if you found this helpful, please like and/or reblog! PT. ONE - beauty.
aaron ( hebrew )
adira ( hebrew )
aila ( gaelic, finnish )
andre ( french, portuguese )
andreas / andrea / anders ( greek, scandinavian )
andrew / drew / dree ( greek )
angus ( celtic )
audrey / audra ( english, lithuanian, german )
aziz ( arabic )
bali ( sanskrit )
barrett ( english )
bernard / bernadette ( french, german )
brian ( celtic )
brianna / bree / briella ( celtic, hebrew, italian )
bridget / brigid ( gaelic )
brycin ( celtic )
chasin ( hebrew )
dustin ( english, scandinavian, norse )
ebba ( german )
ekon ( nigerian )
ethan / etan / etana ( hebrew )
everett / everette ( german, english )
fort ( french )
gabriella / gabriel / gavi ( spanish, italian, hebrew )
gerard ( german, french )
gesine ( german )
griffin / griffith ( welsh )
hardy ( german, french, english )
imala ( ** this name has Indigenous / Native American roots, however there are no reliable sources for the tribe of origin. )
imiza ( german, english )
isa ( arabic )
kenji ( japanese )
kwan ( korean, chinese )
lenna ( german )
liam ( gaelic, german )
limbani ( chewa )
malin ( swedish )
marcella ( latin, italian )
matilda ( german )
mika ( hungarian, japanese, russian )
millicent ( french )
montgomery ( french )
oscar ( gaelic )
oz ( hebrew )
philomena ( greek )
rainey ( gaelic )
takeshi ( japanese )
valencia / valens / valentina ( latin )
valerian / valerie ( latin )
zale ( greek )
** If anyone is aware of a reliable source on the origins of this name, please let me know. I’d be happy to credit you.
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