#andrew loves neil
confusedintrovertfan · 9 months
After their first year in Palmetto, Andrew and Neil started exploring their relationship since they could both admit that they had one in the first place. Boundaries were not crossed, but they pushed gently on them daily, trying to make their something work. That night was one of those days. They had decided to share a bed for the whole night to see how it goes. Neil was really excited about being allowed to be beside Andrew at his most vulnerable, when he's asleep.
"Stop that" Andrew said, not opening his eyes to look at Neil.
"What?" Neil asked like he didn't already know what Andrew is referring to.
"Staring. Stop it." Andrew said in his monotone voice but Neil had a feeling he is not really annoyed so he pushed.
"I'm trying to sleep." Neil was amazed by the minute pout on Andrew's lips. Anyone else probably wouldn't be able to see it there, but Neil had spent hours studying Andrew's face to miss it.
"I'm not keeping you awake" Neil says in the tone of voice that Allison calls his 'innocent baby voice'.
"Yes you are. Stop staring."
"How can I do that?"
"Close your eyes, Josten" Andrew answered exasperated. Neil can't help but humour Andrew by doing what he's told.
"I did"
"No, you didn't. I can still feel you staring at me"
"But I did close them!" Neil tried to defend himself.
"Then it's not working." Andrew's brows furrowed. He opened one eye to see Neil on his side turned towards him with his eyes closed.
"Maybe it's my thoughts." Neil says after a while. "I can't get you off my thoughts."
Andrew could see his idiot's smile at the end of the sentence. He hated that it made him feel… that it made him feel.
"Shut up. Stop being sappy." Andrew turned to his side, mirroring Neil's stance. He opened his eyes fully to look at his boyfriend. Andrew was still in awe that he got to have him.
Neil gasped and opened his eyes as well.
"How dare you accuse me of being sweet. Take that back now!"
"Never." Andrew replied with a smirk. He rarely let himself break his emotionless mask, but this was Neil. Neil was safe.
"Well then I guess I'll keep staring till dawn and you and I both know that I can do that" Andrew knew his junkie definitely could and he found himself only half irritated about that prospect.
"If I cannot get rid of you, kiss me. Yes or no?"
"Yes, now we're talking." Neil leaned in.
"We aren't talking. We're kissing." Andrew said, a breath away from Neil's mouth before connecting their lips.
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nikkiisgay · 1 month
Ok wait but can we talk about how awkward Wymack probably felt during the Andreil scene in the hotel room??? Like nora had our man CHAINED TO ANDREW while they had THE Andreil moment and he was just like ‘yup, handcuffed to one of the problem children while he confesses his love to my other arguably more problematic problem child mhm just a day in the life’
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dawnatlas · 3 months
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by the way dear, we're alive, and it hurts 'cause we survived
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Matt, a bit tipsy: Omg are you a criminal?
Neil: yeah
Matt: ... I was going to say "because it should be illegal to be that cute" but now I'm curious
Neil: identity theft, assault and battery, arson...
Matt: wait wha-
Neil: ...first degree murder, second degree murder, framing...
Matt: how do you even-
Neil: ...illegal crossing of diplomatic borders, lying under oath, assault with deathly weapon...
Matt, in tears: I'm begging you to stop
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ninyard · 1 month
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fox tweets (pt.2)
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I feel like it’s probably been said before but honestly it was iconic of Andrew to say he wouldn’t wish Neil on anyone but a mortician, that’s some ‘til death do us part ass bullshit just aggressive and emotionally stunted
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the way that Andrew and Neil and Jean all have this incredibly intense codependent relationship with Kevin that’s based off of mutual trauma or binding promises, and then there’s just Jeremy who’s like… “Kevin is my buddy! 😁 We text! 🤗 Kevin you crazy fool! 😜
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very-small-giant · 4 months
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they’re trying to order some ice cream
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moonsnqil · 5 months
after practice outing
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singt0me · 2 months
if kevin day had a nickel for every time two of his his ex-situationships started dating each other he'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's hilarious that it happened twice
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starlonging · 2 months
All the things Neil felt were unimportant enough to gloss over in AFTG -
1. Andrew's candy drawer??
2. The fucking cheese drawer
3. Him driving Jean to his own dorm for the final Raven v. Foxes game
4. Poor Jean's breakdown there
5. Neil did not even bother mentioning that Jean wrecked their dorm 💀
6. The RUMOURS about Jean
but no, please let's just swing our feet, gaze at Andrew longingly, notice the way his hazel eyes seem aglow in the sunlight and the sturdiness and broadness of his shoulders and how much he can lift and the gold of his hair and—
(no really please do)
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confusedintrovertfan · 9 months
I have a fic idea but no way of writing it. I have zero knowledge on the subject, and I suck at writing... hope this finds the right people...
Neil is discovered to be dead, and when the police arrives they find Andrew in the crime scene holding the murder weapon. Long story short, Andrew is blamed for the death, and he ends up in jail for it. The fic will be about Andrew's trial, where he tries to prove his innocence while dealing with Neil's loss.
if this post reaches the right audience and a fic is created, could you be so kind as to drop it in the notes?
thanks in advance and take care <3
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walkingcorpse03 · 3 months
my favorite thing is neil judging andrew so immensely hard at first for being weird when he’s literally neil josten
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adamsrcnan · 1 month
neil telling andrew he wants to be the type of person that would go back for him after spending his life only looking out for himself and not knowing that in another life if he ended up in the nest he'd be the one person that never leaves jean
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skullism · 3 months
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rereading aftg and realising just how oblivious neil was is truly hilarious
just a few pages ago renee told neil andrew is gay and neil literally had to lie down to process it, now he's admitting he watches andrew at the gym and is impressed by how much he lifts??? dude. you are down SO bad
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rekikiri · 3 months
I just had the hilarious thought pop into my head that the phrase, “yes or no?” probably became a pavlovian response for neil.
andrew asks, “yes or no?” and neil is instantly thinking about andrew kissing him senseless in the middle of the locker room, when really he’s just asking if he can help him remove his jersey so abby can check a bruise
andrew asks, “yes or no?” and neil is blushing because andrew you can’t kiss me at abby’s dinner table, but all andrew is asking is if he can hold his hand
andrew asks, “yes or no?” while andrew is driving and neil is like you need to watch tHE ROAD? but andrew is just wanting to put his hand on neil’s thigh while he drives
no matter how many times andrew tries to say it in a different setting, neil immediately expects to be made out with.
andrew instead starts to ask, “can I?” because he never says that when he wants to touch neil in any suggestive manner
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