#andy celebrating junior's birthday
Andy celebrating Junior's birthday while living in the middle of the woods
The sun had been up for a while now, maybe an hour. Andy was never sure about times anymore. All he knew was that he had a red velvet  cupcake in hand, with a candle sticking out from the top, and a gift in the pocket of his flannel. 
All that mattered was that today was September 26th.
Junior’s fifteenth birthday. 
Now, Andy knew he couldn’t do much to celebrate his kid’s birthday. They were living in the middle of the woods and he only went on supply runs once a week. No matter how hard he tried to persuade Junior to go back to “civilization”, he refused. So they both stayed still, feeling content in only each other’s company. 
But just because he couldn’t go all out for Junior’s birthday, doesn’t mean he still wasn’t going to make it special for him. 
Andy quietly went up to Junior’s room, gently knocking on the door with his free hand. “Jun? You awake?” He asked and the only response he got was a groan, signaling that Andy was the one to wake him up. But he still opened the door, entering with a big smile. 
“Happy birthday to you…” He began singing, resulting in Junior groaning louder. 
“Oh my gods…” 
“Happy birthday to you…” Junior put his pillow over his head but when Andy got closer, he snatched the pillow away and tossed it to the side, “Happy birthday, dear Junbug…” 
“That’s not my nam—”
“Happy birthday to you!” Andy sang the last part a little louder and sat down at the edge of Junior’s cot, pulling his lighter out of one of his pockets and lighting the candle on top of the cupcake. 
Junior stared up at him, his hair a wild mess from sleep and eyes tired but an eyebrow raised in annoyance. “It’s so early, Andy, what the hell…?” 
“It’s your birthday, Junior. You can wake up early on one day, you sleep in all the time.” 
“Yeah, it’s my birthday, I’m not supposed to wake up early on my birthday. And you wake me up early too when we go hunt.” The birthday boy whined, dropping his head back down to where his pillow used to be. 
“You enjoy hunting, so don’t give me that.” Andy chuckled before gently shaking Junior’s shoulders. “C’mon, Junbug. You gotta make a wish.” 
Junior’s eyebrow raised higher. “I’m fourteen, Andy, not four. I don’t need to make a wish.” 
“Fifteen,” The man corrected, “you’re fifteen today, Junior.” 
“Whatever…” Junior rolled his eyes before rolling over onto his back and slowly sitting up, “I’m still one year closer to reaching Death’s inevitable cold, clammy hands.”
“Jesus, kid…” Andy wanted to retort that he wasn’t this morbid at fifteen but even he knew that was a lie, “just…just blow out the candle. Come on, do this for your old man.” 
This got a giggle out of Junior for Andy “accepting” that he was old, closing his eyes for a few seconds and then blowing out the candle. 
Andy pulled out the candle and then handed the cupcake to the kid. “Here, breakfast.”
Junior’s eyes widened. “Sugar for breakfast?” His voice was small when he asked this and it made the grown man’s heart clench. 
Now, Andy didn’t condone murder…but if Logan Wheeler ever came back to life, he would treat him the same way he treated that decapitated Chucky head that he kept for four years, but keep Logan alive even longer. 
“Yes, kid. It’s your birthday, you can have a cupcake for breakfast. I’ll even make you pancakes too if you’re still hungry.” Andy said with a soft smile, pushing down his poisonous thoughts about Logan, and ruffles Junior’s hair. 
The teenager rolled his eyes again and lightheartedly smacked Andy’s hand away before taking the cupcake from him and taking a bite, humming in delight. “Thank you, Andy.” He said with a small smile, now not seeming to mind being woken up this early. 
“Well, don’t thank me just yet…” Andy started before pulling out Junior’s present from his pocket and handing it to him. 
Junior’s eyes lit up from realization and he quickly grabbed it while holding onto the cupcake with his other hand. “Is this…?” 
“Your very own switchblade!” Andy proudly announced and Junior began grinning. “You always talked about how cool switchblades were so I figured that’d be a nice gift. But I still want you to be careful with it, okay?” 
“Yeah, I will.” Junior giggled as he switched it open, his eyes lighting up more at the sight of the blade to the point where it was almost concerning to Andy. “Thank you! Thank you so much!” 
“You’re welcome, kiddo.” He ruffled Junior’s hair again but this time, the teenager let him. “Oh! I almost forgot…there’s still two Chuckys alive for you to play with.” 
“Can I use the blowtorch?” Junior asked, a maniacal look in his eyes. 
Maybe Andy shouldn’t have introduced the concept of fire being a main torture method for Chucky, the kid was getting far too fascinated with fire. 
He accidentally created a pyromaniac. 
“…okay, but you need to be—”
“—be careful, I know,” Junior interrupted with a little smirk, “Gods, you’re such a mother hen!” 
“I am not!” Andy denied but even he knew that it was getting a lot harder to deny that, so he decided to change the subject. “Just finish up the first part of your breakfast and we can keep celebrating, alright?” 
Junior giggled but nodded, taking another bite out of his cupcake and then resting his cheek against the man’s shoulder. “Thanks, Andy…” 
Andy smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of Junior’s head. “No problem…happy birthday, Junbug.” 
This becomes even more significant considering Andy hates birthdays. Like, he may hate his but he tried his best to give the boy a good one.
I love how cute the use of the nickname Junbug sounds, its adorable. The father and son energy this has despite neither of the characters acknowledges it's perfect.
They are so fucked up yet so adorable, little murderous thing and the dad he found in the wild having fun slaughtering all those dolls hehe
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Andy’s Birthday!
In honor of the amazing Alex Vincent’s birthday, here’s a Headcanon for Andy!!!
The first birthday Andy has after he and Nica get together is a little rough.
Birthdays for Andy are usually spent trying to forget; flashes of his Aunt, policemen interrogating him, hospital rooms, and the sound of the alluring, manipulative voice of his lifelong tormentor were always close to the surface around that day.
Sometimes Andy thinks of his birthday as more of an Anniversary of the worst day of his life- when his life changed forever- than a day to celebrate. It’s just another year he hasn’t died yet, when he probably should have long ago.
He grins and bears it when Nica cooks him a special dinner, bringing out a cake and presents for him after. He doesn’t want to take away from her excitement or watch her face fall when she realizes he doesn’t celebrate turning a year older anymore. But Nica is perceptive, and Karen and Mike’s call helps cement her suspicion.
The wheels in her head start turning immediately, and a week later Andy is surprised to find a gigantic stack of cards on his desk, tied together with a pretty bow.
“What’s this?”
Nica just smiles. “Just read them!”
He sees there are cards from all of the kids; Junior, Jake, Devon, Lexy- even Glen and Glenda, Rachel sent one with the kids, and Kyle…but to his shock he doesn’t recognize a lot of the names on the envelopes- until he opens the cards.
The family in South Carolina.
Mike’s former partner.
The nurse from Harrogate that helped him out.
The homes he and Kyle went to searching for Chucky.
All of the people he’s saved or suffered with. Sending him ‘thanks yous’ and birthday wishes.
By the time he’s finished reading, tears are streaming down his face. Behind him, Nica just wraps her arms around his shoulders and kisses his hair.
“I know it may not be the best day, but I’m really glad you were born…And I’m not the only one. I don’t want the bad memories to make you forget how much good you’ve done in a world that’s been very cruel to you. You more than anyone deserve to see that your birthday is special because YOU’RE special, even if something awful happened on it. And if you ever can’t remember that, I’m here to remind you. Happy Birthday, Andy.” She tells him softly.
By the next year, the cabin has grown and all of his kids live in or have their own space there, and they all throw a party for him, complete with a birthday hat and piñata (that quickly gets beaten apart by Junior).
But he notices that another stack of cards waits for him on his beside table when he finally goes to bed that night. And he’ll find the tradition continues with every year that passes.
Some days and years are better than others, but Andy starts to hate his birthday a little less.
This made me emotional to write omg I love him so much 🥰😭😍 Hope you enjoyed! 💙
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purplesurveys · 4 months
10 HOW’S
How did you get one of your scars? It was from a childhood bike accident – I was trying to go forward when two of my toes got caught up in all the gears and stuff that come with the pedals. Hurt like a mother and left a teeny tiny scar on each toe that caused the skin on it to turn whitish.
How did you celebrate your last birthday? I was super lowkey for year 26. Napped the entire afternoon (lol), then went out to dinner with my family as my birthday treat. Angela's been very busy getting focused for her boards, and it didn't seem like the ideal timing to bring the gang back together.
How are you feeling at this moment? Content that I saw my dad's side of the family today; a little bummed that I have work tomorrow. But, for a change, also very comfortable – it's been raining nonstop since last night and the weather has been surprisingly cold. I am very stoked about that hahahaha.
How did your night go last night? It felt very nice and in many ways exciting. We went to the airport to pick up my dad at the airport; the only thing that sucked was the terrible Naia traffic...but all the frustration melted away once we spotted him in the sea of people.
How did you do in high school? I was wandering aimlessly during the first half; no friends, and I was failing exams in a few classes with no initiative to do better. I was still embracing my antisocial personality (gross), pretty much. Being around the best mix of people that I could've been possibly grouped with for some reason happened by the time I reached junior year, and that really helped me open up. By then my circle of friends grew bigger, I started to do better in most of my classes, and high school became something I enjoyed.
How did you get the shirt you’re wearing? Andi gave it to me as a Christmas gift a few years back.
How often do you see your best friend? At the very least once a month.
How much money did you spend last month? More than I would've wanted to, lol. I had my birthday dinner, watched Miss Saigon a second time, bought RM's album as a set (aka the most expensive option)...not a proud month for me as far as expenses, so I'm being more watchful these days and being thriftier than usual so that it can all balance out.
How old do you want to be when you get married? I initially planned for it to be between the ages of 27-29, but that's clearly not in the cards anymore.
How old will you be at your next birthday? I will be 27.
What is the most important part of your life? Spending time with my family and seeing them as much as I can. The health of everyone around me, too. Funny how priorities can change so fast; I used to care about nothing but my career.
What did you do last weekend? Last weekend was super uneventful so I'll just recap what we did this weekend – we picked my dad up from the airport last night, then today we took a day trip to Laguna to visit his family. I had seafood and empanadas that my grandparents made, shared funny stories, and played with their newest dog. Tonight I'm just winding down with a cup of coffee and trying to relax before I go ahead with a new work week starting tomorrow.
What did you last cry over? It was a snippet from Seventeen's In the Soop – all other members were out of sight, and it was just Joshua keeping Seungkwan, who unbeknownst to Shua had quietly been going through a lot, company. Joshua says a few comforting words here and there but what broke me was when Seungkwan finally allowed himself to let go and sob on Joshua's shoulders while the latter just lets him be while saying, "It must've been hard, right?"
I guess I empathized with Seungkwan since we're the same age and also as the same kind of person who prefers to bottle up things, but at that moment I realized I needed the kind of comfort that Shua gave. It felt like he was talking to me, too, so I let myself cry as well.
What are you worried about? Nothing much right now. A rare occurrence, so I'll let it stay like this – I won't let this question start making me worry about stuff!! Hahaha
What is your mother’s name? Abigail.
What always makes you feel better when you’re upset? BTS videos, my dogs, and ordering sushi.
What would you rather be doing? Preparing for a trip. But it's fine, I can hold it out – I will be traveling for three straight weeks in June anyway.
What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other? Someone who validates my feelings, who is open to improvement and doesn't take offense at it, and someone willing to work through the good and bad. That would be nice.
What did you have for breakfast? Eggs, hotdogs, and bread.
Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? Of course. I've done crap from texting an ex to touching an iron while it was plugged to drinking 2-day old coffee and getting food poisoning from doing so.
Have you ever had sex on the beach? Not the deed but I'm pretty sure I've had the cocktail at least once...
Have you ever been backstabbed by a friend? Yes.
Have you ever been out of the country? I have.
Have you ever dated someone younger than you? No.
Have you ever liked someone who already had somebody? Nope.
Have you ever been brokenhearted? I have.
Have you ever read an entire book in one day? I don't think so. My best record probably would've been 2 days.
Who is the last person you saw? My sister.
Who is the last person that you texted? A client. I hate getting messages over the weekend, but our topic was pretty urgent and would count as an exception so I made sure to reply to her.
Who called you last? Leah, annoyingly enough for a reminder that could've been just a quick message.
Who is the last person you hung out with? I guess Dev counts? We spent the whole time working together in the same room when we had our office day last Wednesday. Everyone else from our team had to stay home since they all had Covid symptoms...so we kind of just took that opportunity to bond. Who did you hug last? My relatives.
Who is the last person that texted you? Idk the last message I got was like 2 minutes ago and it was a system generated typhoon alert from the government hahaha. Last person though was Hans.
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? Angela.
Where does your best friend live? Just one of the cities next door. It's a good 20 to 30 minute drive away depending on how the traffic is that day.
Where is your favorite place to be? A quiet coffee shop with not a lot of chatter. That, or an art museum during the early afternoon – it's when I best feel like I have an infinite amount of time to go through each room, and it feels very freeing.
Where did you sleep last night? My bed.
Where did you last hang out? Tbh I haven't been going out a lot because my license recently expired and I've been putting off renewing because busyyyyyyy lol. Holy shit, where was I last just to hang out? BGC, maybe?
Where do/did you go to school? I went to UPD for college but that's all I'm willing to share.
Where did you last adventure to? I went through a portion of BGC I never visit just a couple of weeks ago.
Do you ever wish you were someone else? Sometimes I wish I just came from old money so that jobs can be more of a hobby for me LOL and so that I will never have to worry about my future...it's really just instances like that, but I never wish I could experience being a specific person.
Do you think anyone despises you? If someone does, I don't want to make it my problem. That said, I really don't know. My ex could, since she seems to hate and avoid everyone she's come across who is associated with me.
Do you like someone right now? Nope.
Does the future scare you? Portions of it do, but I've been a lot better at managing my mindset and just choosing to trudge along regardless of how scared I am.
Do you have any secret powers? Uh, no.
Why are you best friends with your best friend(s)? Our humors and personalities just match, and we've constantly been by each other's sides whenever we needed one another. Easy as that.
Why did your parents give you the name you have? My dad thought it was very unique and would sound nice for a girl. He was right, and I really like my name now.
Why did you get a myspace? Everyone was on it and I wanted to see what the big deal was.
Why are you doing this survey? I went through my archives and realized this might be fun to take again, since it has the kind of questions where your answers can always change.
If you could have one super power what would it be? Mind reading. Would help me make decisions with more conviction about a lot of things.
If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you? Nope.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Singapore or Kuala Lumpur.
Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? Sure, if there were actually a situation where the shaving itself would directly contribute to saving their life.
Would you ever get back together with any of your exes if they asked you? No.
Are you happy with how your life has turned out? I am.
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disneytva · 4 years
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August 2020 Synopsis Highlights
Saturday, Aug. 1
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “Friend Con/Flimflammed”
(8:00-8:22 P.M. EDT)
“Friend Con” – When the Greens attend Farm Con, Bill and Chip Whistler become friends.
*Darin De Paul (“Overwatch”) guest stars as Good Ol’ Joe, and Paul Scheer (“The League”) and Cheri Oteri (“Saturday Night Live”) return as Chip Whistler and Gwendolyn Zapp, respectively.
“Flimflammed” – Cricket stumbles into $100 and is persuaded to invest it.
Original Series – Season Two Premiere on Disney Channel
Amphibia “Quarreler’s Pass/Toadcatcher”
(8:22-8:44 P.M. EDT)
“Quarreler’s Pass” – Hop Pop drops Sprig and Polly off at an obstacle-filled mountain trail designed to help them get along.
“Toadcatcher” – Sasha and Grime must reconcile their differences to escape Newtopia’s most skilled warrior, General Yunnan.
*Zehra Fazal (“Voltron: Legendary Defender”) guest stars as General Yunnan. Anna Akana (“Youth & Consequences”) returns as Sasha, Matt Jones (“Breaking Bad”) returns as Percy, and Troy Baker (“Young Justice”) returns as Grime.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
The Owl House “Really Small Problems”
(8:44-9:06 P.M. EDT)
King confides in a carnival fortuneteller who makes his dream come true, but it comes at a cost.
*Parvesh Cheena (“Outsourced”) returns as Tibbles.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Saturday August 8
The Owl House “Understanding Willow”
(9:06-9:28 P.M. EDT)
Luz, Willow and Amity take a trip down memory lane.
*Rachael MacFarlane (“American Dad!”) guest stars as Mrs. Blight, Amity’s mom.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “Greens’ Acres/Dolled Up”
(8:00-8:22 P.M. EDT)
“Greens’ Acres” – Young Bill will do whatever it takes to keep the family farm in business.
*Andre Robinson (“The Loud House”) guest stars as Young Bill, Candace Kozak (Disney Channel’s “Just Roll with It”) guest stars as Young Nancy, and Jason Maybaum (Disney Channel’s “Raven’s Home”) guest stars as Young Keys.
“Dolled Up” – When Tilly and Nancy celebrate Saxon’s birthday at a fancy doll store, they set their sights on a seat next to Cantaloupe Sinclair, the tea party’s posh VIP.
*Melissa Fumero (“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”) guest stars as Cantaloupe Sinclair. Wendi McLendon-Covey (“The Goldbergs”) returns as Nancy Green.
Amphibia “Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum”
(8:22-8:44 P.M. EDT)
“Swamp and Sensibility” – When Anne discovers an old friend who has been living a double life, she becomes fixated on helping him be his true self.
*Kermit the Frog guest stars as Crumpet the Frog and Hugh Bonneville (“Downton Abbey”) guest stars as Wigbert.
“Wax Museum” – The family visits a mysterious roadside oddities museum where every treasure comes with a price.
*Alex Hirsch (Disney’s “Gravity Falls”) guest stars as The Curator and Frog Soos.
Friday, Aug. 14
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Puppy Dog Pals “Pups in the Apple/Won’t You Be My Puppy”
(9:30-10:00 A.M. EDT)
“Pups in the Apple” – On the morning of the Playcare bake sale, Bob is devastated when he can’t make his “Big Apple” pie because he’s out of apples.
“Won’t You Be My Puppy” – Bingo and Rolly go on a mission to find their favorite television host’s special sweater in time for his show.
*Malcolm-Jamal Warner (“The Resident”) guest stars as Floyd, a dog, and Chi McBride (“Hawaii Five-0”) returns as Mr. Kimble, a television host.
Saturday August 15
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
The Owl House “Enchanting Grom Fright”
(8:44-9:06 P.M. EDT)
Luz experiences Grom, Hexside’s version of Prom, and it’s not what she expects.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “Gabriella’s Fella/Cheap Show”
(8:00-8:22 P.M. EDT)
“Gabriella’s Fella” – When Cricket’s crush, Gabriella, returns, Remy seizes the opportunity to help push Cricket out of his comfort zone.
*Jenna Ortega (“You”) and Betsy Sodaro (“Duncanville”) return as Gabriella and Community Sue, respectively.
“Cheap Show” – The family wants to visit a street fair, but Bill wants to stay home to save money.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Amphibia “Marcy at the Gates”
(8:22-8:44 P.M. EDT)
The family must defeat an entire ant army before they enter Newtopia.
*Haley Tju (“Bella and the Bulldogs”) guest stars as Marcy, Michelle Dockery (“Downton Abbey”) guest stars as Lady Olivia, and Keith David (“The Princess and the Frog”) guest stars as King Andrias.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Saturday August 22
The Owl House “Wing it Like Witches”
(8:44-9:06 P.M. EDT)
Not your average underdog story.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “Green Mirror/Cricket’s Tickets”
(8:00-8:22 P.M. EDT)
“Green Mirror” – When the Greens visit BigTech, Tilly jumps at the chance to test Gwendolyn Zapp’s new technology, which promises to make them the “perfect family.”
“Cricket’s Tickets” – Cricket wins tickets to a show and must decide whether to bring Tilly or Remy.
*Lucy Lawless (“Xena: Warrior Princess”) and Tim Robinson (“Saturday Night Live”) guest star as Mimi O’Malley and Gregly, respectively.
Original Series – Season Two Premiere on Disney Channel
Amphibia “Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In”
(8:22-8:44 P.M. EDT)
“Scavenger Hunt” – Anne, Sprig and Marcy receive a mysterious message from the king of Newtopia that sends them on a puzzle-solving mission.
*Nicole Byer (“Loosely Exactly Nicole”) guest stars as Gertie. Haley Tju (“Bella and the Bulldogs”) returns as Marcy.
“The Plantars Check In” – Anne finally meets with King Andrias and tries to enlist his help in getting back home.
*Kristen Schaal (“Disney’s “Gravity Falls”) guest stars as Bella the Bellhop. Keith David (“The Princess and the Frog”) returns as King Andrias.
Saturday August 29
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
The Owl House “Agony of a Witch”
(8:44-9:06 P.M. EDT)
On a school field trip to the mysterious Emperor’s Castle, Luz strays from the group and into danger.
Original Series – 
The Owl House “Young Blood, Old Souls”  Season One Finale on Disney Channel
(8:44-9:06 P.M. EDT)
Luz’s skills as a witch are put to the test when she attempts the impossible.
*Matthew Rhys (“The Americans”) guest stars as Emperor Belos alongside series cast members Wendie Malick (“Just Shoot Me!”), Sarah-Nicole Robles (“Star Darlings”) and Alex Hirsh (“Gravity Falls”) as Eda, Luz and King, respectively.  Season One Finale on Disney Channel
Big City Greens “Times Circle/Super Gramma”
(8:00-8:22 P.M. EDT)
“Times Circle” – Tilly and Remy put on a sidewalk play while Cricket and Bill meet their favorite costumed superheroes.
“Super Gramma” – Cricket and Tilly try to keep Gramma at home while she recovers from eye surgery.
*Sandy Martin (“Ray Donovan”) guest stars as Gertie.
Original Series – Season Two Premiere on Disney Channel
Amphibia “Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled”
(8:22-8:44 P.M. EDT)
“Lost in Newtopia” – Anne and Polly vow to experience the city like locals but end up on a wild ride through the streets of Newtopia.
“Sprig Gets Schooled” – Sprig is offered a spot at Newtopia University.
Sunday, Aug. 30
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior
Fancy Nancy “Trois Cheers for Mrs. Devine/Escar-No!”
(12:00–12:30 P.M. EDT)
“Trois Cheers for Mrs. Devine” – When Mrs. Devine gets the blues, Nancy becomes determined to cheer her up.
*Christine Baranski (“The Good Fight”) returns as Ms. Devine.
“Escar-No! ” – Nancy questions her love of all things French when she encounters French food for the first time
Friday, Aug. 28
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Mira, Royal Detective “The Mystery of the Secret Room/The Mystery of the Magnificent Musicians”
(8:30-9:00 A.M. EDT)
“The Mystery of the Secret Room” – When Mira and her friends get stuck in a hidden room in the palace, it’s up to her to find a way out.
“The Mystery of the Magnificent Musicians” – When some of the townspeople’s musical instruments go missing before a big music jam, Mira must find out what happened.
*Danny Pudi (“DuckTales”), Parvesh Cheena (“Outsourced”) and Sonal Shah (“Scrubs”) return as Sanjeev, Manish and Poonam, respectively.
Sunday, Aug. 23
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior
Elena of Avalor “Coronation Day”
(7:00-8:30 P.M. EDT)
As plans for Elena’s coronation are underway, Esteban’s team of villains unleash legendary spirit misfits, the Four Shades of Awesome. In order to save her kingdom, her family and her friends, Elena must journey to the Spirit World and back and face the ultimate test of her courage and character before becoming queen.
*Jenny Slate (“Muppet Babies”), Mark Hamill (“Star Wars” franchise), Fred Armisen (“Saturday Night Live”) and Andy Garcia (“Ocean’s Eleven”) guest star as the Four Shades of Awesome, and Patrick Warburton (“The Tick”) voices Grand Macaw, ruler of the dark side of the Spirit World.
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jjayolsen · 4 years
Best Jim and Dwight Moments
1. Season Five, Episode Sixteen: Lecture Circuit part 1
When Jim and Dwight explain to the camera crew (and us) what happened with the Party Planning Committee and Kelly's missed Birthday Celebration.
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2. Season Eight, Episode Sixteen: After Hours After Dwight first works to seduce Nellie and then changes his mind, partially prompted by Jim, and Jim spends all night trying to get rid of Crazy Cathy, they end up eating dessert together and watching TV.
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3. Season Four, Episode Four: Money First, Jim empathizes with Dwight about Angela by explaining that he really left Scranton because of Pam. How he couldn't eat, food didn't have taste and how he wouldn't wish that on anyone--including Dwight. Here, the heartbreaking and also crucial Jim/Dwight moment is that Dwight reached out to Jim after and was equally willing to be vulnerable. 
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4. Multiple Episodes: whenever Jim realizes he knows more personal information about Dwight:
Dwight's Mother's name is Hedda (Season Eight, Episode Six: Doomsday)
Dwight's middle name is Kurt (Season Two, Episode Seven: The Injury)
Important comparison, Jim does not remember Andy's grandmother's name is Ruth,
5. Season Nine, Episode Thirteen: Junior Salesman Jim knew that Dwight designed a uniform for Dunder Mifflin
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Bonus: It's four uniforms: Summer, Winter, Jungle and Formal
6. Season Three, Episode Twelve: Traveling Salesman After giving in his resignation to Dunder Mifflin for Angela, when he sees Jim outside in the parking lot, first they pause and then Dwight goes up and gives him and hug.
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7. Season Seven, Episode Twenty-Four: Dwight K Shrute Acting Manager After Jim comments that it was the right call for Dwight to no longer be acting manager, but adds that while Dwight was Manager " In your one week, every single one of the orders went out on time, and I think that is shagadellic baby” which we know cheers Dwight up as he pauses and slightly nods.
8. Season Eight, Episode Eighteen: Last Day in Florida When Jim continues to physically block Dwight from going to the Board meeting about the Sabre retail stores so Dwight won't be fired. 
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9. Season Five, Episode Seven: Customer Survey When Jim does make sure to emphasize with Dwight that he was "right" when it came to their customer service reviews, and that Dwight "Knew it the whole time, buddy"
10, Season Seven, Episode Eighteen: Todd Packer When Jim and Dwight team up to get rid of Packer.
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PS--Yes, I see the majority of this list is Jim-action heavy. I wondered a bit about that and while Dwight didn't do much to 'mend' his relationship with Jim, he also didn't have to. While Jim mostly did things "in good fun" and continued to pull some pranks on Dwight, he was the one that had to do the more actionable changes for their relationship to thrive since he was the one who was childish in how he interacted with Dwight in the beginning.
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in-flagrante · 4 years
'I feel sexier as I get older': Back on TV in a compelling new drama, Michelle Dockery tells how her own confidence has soared after playing a succession of strong, sassy women
22 May 2020
Since she burst onto our screens ten years ago as Downton Abbey’s Lady Mary, all cut-glass vowels and nerves of steel, Michelle Dockery’s kept us in a permanent state of emotional whiplash with the sheer variety of roles she’s taken on.
She was a drug-addicted con artist in the 2016 TV series Good Behavior, a gun-totin’ cowgirl in the acclaimed 2017 drama Godless, and a Cockney gangster’s moll in Guy Ritchie’s crime caper The Gentlemen.
One thing you will not see, she insists, is Michelle Dockery playing a piece of arm candy.
‘I like to play strong women,’ she says when we meet for coffee pre-lockdown in New England, where she’s been shooting her new TV mini-series Defending Jacob.
‘And even if they’re not strong, they have to be interesting. Multi-faceted, complex, complicated, three-dimensional... and flawed too, because people are. Anything but boring!’
That doesn’t mean they can’t be sexy though, and she says the added bonus to playing these characters is that, at 38, she’s finding herself feeling sexier than ever.
‘Sexy is not about having anyone else make you feel sexy, it’s about how you feel inside, and I have certainly felt sexier as I’ve got older.
But I think that’s a confidence thing too. I’ve been lucky enough to play such strong, confident women, and when you do that you definitely take something from them with you into your real life – you sort of get inspiration from them.’
Her latest character in the thriller Defending Jacob is a straightforwardly good woman – although one thrust into bewildering circumstances.
Laurie Barber is happily married to handsome local Assistant District Attorney Andy Barber (Captain America film star Chris Evans), and mother to her wise-cracking 14-year-old son Jacob (Jaeden Martell).
She’s the sort of woman who goes for a run before breakfast, then quizzes her son on vocabulary over coffee before heading to her high-profile job managing a home for abused children.
She’s just so together... until her son is accused of one of the most hideous crimes imaginable – the cold-blooded murder of a classmate – and her entire life and social circle begin to unravel as the police investigate.
‘It’s a really gripping story, because it’s so difficult for this couple to comprehend that their child might commit any sort of crime, let alone a murder,’ says Michelle of the story, based on the 2012 novel by William Landay.
‘They’re both defending their son, and like any parent would, Laurie’s asking at the same time, “Where did I go wrong?”
'There’s conflict between Laurie and Andy because at the start of the story she’s the emotional one and he’s the calm one, but then as the story goes on there’s a need for Andy to be emotional too.
'So they’re always seeing things from a slightly different perspective.
‘It’s a very human, raw story about what something like this can do to a family, and what’s so interesting about Laurie is that as her life is turned completely upside down, she also begins to question things about her family – “How well do you really know your partner? How well do you really know your child?”’
Michelle’s own family background is modest but as stable as anyone could wish for. The youngest of three girls born to Irish-born lorry driver turned surveyor Michael Dockery and his redoubtable wife Lorraine, a former shorthand typist turned social worker, she was brought up in Romford, Essex, working class and proud of it.
‘My mum is loving but she’s also strict,’ says Michelle. ‘When I was about seven I stole some penny sweets from a shop. Mum caught me and made me go back and apologise to the shopkeeper, and I’ve never stolen anything since!’
She was also raised – as were her sisters Louise and Joanne – to speak up for what was right.
‘I was brought up to stand up for myself. To speak up when I felt passionate about something, when I felt the need to make my voice heard about something that mattered.
'I think a lot of that comes from having sisters, because we’ve always supported each other all along.
'If I’ve ever felt bullied or pushed into a corner, I’ve always been able to stand up for myself. And if I see it happening to someone else, especially younger actresses, I’ll stand up for them too.
‘I hate bullying. I have huge admiration for women in Hollywood and elsewhere who have come forward to tell their stories about that, and have stood up against people like Harvey Weinstein.
'It’s horrendous what they experienced and I’m glad something has been done about it.’
It’s safe to say no one has succeeded in taking advantage of Michelle, and she says now that when she first broached the idea of going into acting to her parents they were not in the least bit concerned.
‘They weren’t alarmed by it at all!’ she laughs. ‘They made sure I had a good education so I had something to fall back on.
'Both my parents are wonderful. My mum is the most incredible woman, she inspires me.
'And my dad’s amazing too – even though he spent our growing-up years with a bathroom that was never free! They let me be who I want to be.
'So between them and my two elder sisters, who are still my best friends, I’m very lucky. We call ourselves the Essex Mafia!’
Her career choice can hardly have come as a surprise to the family, as she says she wanted to be an actor ever since she can remember.
When she and her sisters were small they attended a stage school in the evening, and they would put on plays at home to entertain the family.
Michelle apprenticed at the National Youth Theatre when she was a teenager, and as soon as she’d taken her A-levels she enrolled at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
‘I feel I learned more at drama school than I did anywhere else,’ she says. ‘Even when I was at regular school I was never out of the drama department, so I didn’t do very well in other subjects.
'I just didn’t want to be taught anything else. But there’s a huge amount you learn in drama school besides acting, like history and literature, and that was where I came into my own.’
It was, of course, Lady Mary who made Michelle famous. ‘It happened overnight,’ she says.
‘Well, I’d been working in the theatre for seven years, so it wasn’t really overnight, but I remember after the first episode of Downton Abbey aired, walking into my newsagent’s where I was living and seeing a picture of myself, Laura Carmichael and Jessica Brown-Findlay, the three Crawley sisters, on the cover of three papers and that was huge.
'Then the first time I was recognised on the street was in New York, and that was even bigger because that’s when it hit me how big the show had become if I was being recognised in America.’
With talk of another feature film in the works after last year’s hit Downton movie, she says playing Mary is as comfortable as slipping into a second skin.
‘I have huge fondness for her, she’s been a big part of my life. That was a very special show, and I hope it’s one that stays with people forever.’
It was through Downton that she met the man she thought she’d be married to now.
In 2013, her co-star Allen Leech, who played chauffeur Branson, introduced her to Irish-born public relations executive John Dineen.
She and John fell in love, became engaged and were in the process of planning their wedding when John was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. He died in December 2015 with Michelle by his side.
At his funeral, the day after her 34th birthday and a day before what would have been his 35th, she told mourners, ‘He was my friend, my hero, my king, my everything.
'We celebrate him, we honour him, and we will miss him.’ She has not spoken out about her grief, but has admitted that it was her friends and family who helped her pull through, saying, ‘They are the ones who see you through the most difficult times.’
She has been dating Jasper Waller-Bridge, brother of Fleabag’s Phoebe, for a year now.
They met through friends and Jasper, who is six years Michelle’s junior and the creative director at a talent agency, accompanied her to red-carpet events before lockdown.
It was also reported that she bought a £1.7 million house in north-east London before Christmas.
Michelle hasn’t commented on the relationship but she does say that a sense of humour – surely a given with any member of the Waller-Bridge family – is vital in a relationship.
‘My parents always taught me to see the funny side of life and never to take myself too seriously.
'I find that more and more as I get older – I’m finding ways to laugh things off much more than I used to be able to.’
Right now, Michelle Dockery would seem to have plenty to smile about.
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rickybowenisbi · 5 years
my personal freshman year headcannons because why not:
tj becomes the first freshman to skip junior varsity basketball and go straight to varsity (he is family friends with the coach and he did exceptionally well in try outs)
tj has an accepting team that almost immediately welcomes him. he is coined as “their freshman”
tj has a great tutor in math and gets a B- on his second algebra quiz. he would not shut up about it
tj gets promoted to one of the leaders of the kid gym he works at and starts saving for a car right away (he cannot wait to legally drive)
cyrus becomes popular in school due to always hanging out with amber, the queen bee of grant high
cyrus and amber: inseparable
while cyrus is mostly focused on his studies, he had started to dabble into the performing arts (which led him to be fully immersed in it later in high school
he also starts grant’s first gsa club !! he is definitely out and proud this time around !!
andi is extremely happy to be at sava, but she misses her best friends dearly
andi is roommates with libby (they chose each other when they found out they were going to the same school) and they are both friends with walker
oh yeah andi finds out she’s pan during freshman year
cyrus and buffy hug her and give her the love she deserves when she comes out to them
amber is happy to show her freshmen around grant high, especially her new best friend cyrus
she is very popular at grant, which gives the kids some street cred by association
she is the co-captain of her dance team and is secretary of her class
amber realizes that she’s a lesbian. at first she struggles to accept it but with tj’s help, she eventually learns to embrace it
buffy is happy that grant high has a girl’s basketball team and gets into junior varsity
she plans to do spring track once she’s done with basketball in the winter
she becomes semi-popular as she begins to rise to basketball stardom
she considers running for class president “just for fun”, but actually takes it seriously and wins (good thing she did or else she’d have a fit)
jonah continues to be a heartthrob, yet he never returns the feelings people usually have for him
jonah will figure it out later in high school (aro/ace) but he internally struggles with this for a while
jonah’s panic attacks have been under control for the most part, there was only one huge one during freshman year
other than that, he is just chilling and continues being an avid musician. he is in the school choir and helps out in band when they need a guitar player
the class clown tbh. students find him funny and teachers despise him
quickly becomes the track star and does it all year round
throws a party towards the end of freshman year, which gives “marty from the party” a whole new meaning. his parties = best grant* parties (*andi throws the best parties period, he’s just close second)
becomes class vice president under buffy’s presidency
the ghc
the ghc always meet up at the spoon every saturday, no matter the occasion, to catch up
other than that they facetime a lot and spill tea
b: “yeah, amber recently came out to everyone” a: “what?? no way” c: “yes way, and i am so proud of her!”
during spring break they go on a mini vacation to disneyland, celebrating buffy’s birthday and post lots of instagram pics from it
the dumbass trio
by the first day of school they were already friendly with one another, but still were not close
however, when all three of them found out they were in the same history class, they just had to become best friends
it all started with marty’s tik tok references and ended with the boys getting yelled at by their teacher for making one in the back of the class. on the first day.
jonah “accidentally” recorded their teacher’s outburst and it became a running joke between the three that no one but them knew about. thus the birth of the dumbass trio
buffy and marty text constantly
from reaction memes to tik toks to wholeseome messages, there is not a moment where you don’t see buffy on her phone every other minute texting him
they are definitely that couple that go on morning jogs and go to the spoon right after, their definition of a breakfast date
buffy is still hesitant when it comes to pda, but she enjoys marty’s reactions when she does decide to randomly show affection in front of their friends 
cyrus and tj don’t make a big deal out of their relationship. in the beginning, tj needed time before being public, but now they simply hold hands in public and occasionally a kiss on the cheek
because of that, even beyond freshman year people are shocked to find out they are dating
they are definitely more affectionate around close friends or by themselves. sometimes tj cannot help but kiss cyrus when he acts cute (through tj’s eyes: all the time)
when they cuddle, tj nuzzles against cyrus’ neck. cyrus smiles every time
imo, i see ambi happening at the start of andi’s sophomore year/amber’s junior year
but they def hang out a lot more during freshman/sophomore year
amber finally connects the dots that she’s had feelings for andi for a while. andi is a bit oblivious though  
a lot of pinning, a lot of longing, your average wlw love story
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shijiujun · 5 years
[Eng] History3: Trapped Diary Logbook - Days 26 to 29
♡ Days 26 to 29 of Filming History3: Trapped
Note: These are my translations! Please do not repost anywhere else. I’ve added the photos but I couldn’t scan HQ versions because I didn’t want to damage the book haha sorry about that guys!
Day 26
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In the morning Jack and Zhao Zi were flirting in the living room, and at night our FeiTang couple were busy in the room upstairs. The whole day, the Tang house was filled with many pink bubbles (i.e. filled with the atmosphere of love XD).
Early morning in the living room, Jack cooked instant noodles for Zhao Zi who was starved for an entire night, but was overheard by Ah De who was hitting obstacles in both work and his love life. The both of them were so blinding in Ah De’s eyes, and in a heated moment of anger, he overturned Zhao Zi’s bowl of noodles. A dramatic scene was paired with an equally dramatic behind-the-scenes moment. In a spot hidden from the cameras, Ah De’s strength in slapping the bowl away was so huge that the bowl’s contents - noodles, meat slices and vegetables - flew out. The meat slices so precisely hung on the lighting crew’s lights, while a few strands of noodles landed on the floor behind as well. Fortunately, the crew were swift in moving out of the way, as they were almost treated to a ‘face wash’ of flying instant noodles.
The night descended on them, and Shao Fei looked at a a Tang Yi crying on his own before a dim lamp, a cake in his hands. So all these years, no one celebrated his birthday for him? This is the first kiss scene between Jake and Chris until now, and they had to both cry and kiss. Both of them really worked hard, and Officer Meng has finally stepped ahead of the smug and arrogant Andy.
Day 27
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Today’s last scene, the one where Tang Yi couldn’t find Shao Fei, and after Shao Fei returned home and was ready to ask about Tang Yi’s background but was interrupted by a call, Tang Yi felt very awkward and not himself when he was acting all embarrassed and shy as well.
Seeing Jack take Zhao Zi home and the both of them flirting, Shao Fei revolving around the boss like the moon circulates around the Earth, Ah De, who has secretly loved Tang Yi for so long is finally pushed to the brink of his patience. Orginally, the scene where Ah De was supposed to simply just want to go jogging with his boss, under the director’s guidance, Ah De cried a single, heartwrenching tear, one which represented his one-sided love, and everyone else who saw it felt the ache deep in their hearts too.
Love is this cruel in reality. At night, Boss Tang and Officer Meng flirted as per usual, and Shao Fei disappeared for one night and day. Just like most people in love, once you cannot reach the most important person in your heart, Tang Yi was so anxious. He sent off so many messages, called Shao Fei so many times, afraid that an accident might have happened. And in the end, when he opened the door to see Shao Fei home and safe, the heavy weight in his heart finally vanished. At the same time, he really wanted to yell, “You dumbass!! Where did you die to these few days?!”
And at the end, giving each other a deep kiss. Why is it that these two days’ kiss scenes were so complicated? But this is also FeiTang couple’s specialty, every kiss is meaningful, with so many layers to it.
Day 28
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It’s Boss (Old) Tang and Xiao Tang’s first time filming a scene together, and early in the morning, the both of them greeted each other when they met. Old and Young Tangs’ first scene together was the warm cooking scene between father and son. The aroma of food permeated the set as the two of them cooked a homecooked dish that tasted differnet from Boss Tang’s cooking. When the staff joked with Chris, asking him if he wasn’t going to try a little of the dish he just cooked, and Chris only said, “I think there’s no need for that.”
In the evening, once Shao Fei arrived, he joked that today he was going to earn money just lying down, not knowing that at night, he would be repeatedly thrown onto the bed by Tang Yi. When they rehearsed for that scene, they even managed to move the entire bed out of its position. (Editor’s note: Aren’t the both of you too intense?)
Both of them, as they were resting, secretly discussed who exactly made the other gay, and they kept insisting that it was the other one. Shao Fei said to Tang Yi, “My junior said you don’t discriminate between men or women in your Xing Tian Meng days?”. Tang Yi then said, “It’s just her saying that.” But Shao Fei then persisted, “Then why are you so flirty with Andy and Jin Tang?”
All Shao Fei wants is to get an answer from Tang Yi.
Day 29
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Tang Yi, this hard shell, has finally opened himself to Shao Fei - As he is cooking, he still manages to confess to Officer Meng, and Officer Meng’s efforts in chasing Tang Yi has finally not gone to waste!
Aside from his confession, Tang Yi finally also initiates a kiss with Shao Fei. This kiss is finally not done in a complex scene, with a suffocating heaviness. This scene’s kiss is filled with a sweet scent. Officer Meng also returns the kiss, and this kiss was very sudden as Shao Fei actually added this kiss himself, cheekily looking at Tang Yi who was so quickly attacked (kissed) by Shao Fei.
Does everyone feel that the process of cooking the omelette rice is familiar? In “Right or Wrong” (History2), Xiao Fei used this omelette rice to capture Yi Jie and You You’s somachs and hearts, so it can be seen as the greatest weapon! Once again, Trapped also re-enaced the classic scene of squeezing tomato sauce in Right or Wrong, and in Trapped this scene also played a crucial role. Shao Fei was also humming “Love’s Omelette Rice” (one of the OST in Right or Wrong) as he was rehearsing!
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ashrelfury · 6 years
Your Name
Brought to you by @minyardjostenrivalry‘s post about a Soulmate AU that i just....could not get out of my head people. So...here’s a short about it.
WARNING: Non-Con/Rape ahead, but nothing descriptive. And Angst with a happy ending. MOSTLY JUST ANGST though. Just... here. 
If enough people comment and like it, I might write more, like the add-on by @demisexualnjosten about their rivalry going into their professional Exy careers I just really had to get this out of my head. .  
Neil’s first experience with pain is at the age of six.
In the beginning, Nathan called him Junior with a small, proud smile on his face. His son, his heir, his pride and joy despite the loveless marriage he’d been forced into for the good of the family. Despite the name ‘Lola’ in bold scribble script on his inner hip. But it was all inconsequential. He had his son, and that would be enough. It was the only thing he and Mary could agree on.
And then the soulmate markings started to appear. A single letter every year, on the exact date and time Nathaniel Abram Wesninski was born.
Neil was three when he saw his father hit his mother for the first time. The letters A N D in careful freehand on his inner forearm, the A just below the crock of his elbow. The whole name would stretch the length of his whole forearm one day. But today wasn’t that day. Instead, he heard his parents screaming at each other, and watched from the stairs as they fought in the kitchen.
“It could be ‘Andrea’, or any other name! We don’t know that it’s a male!”
“We don’t know?! Look at the boy! He looks like a fucking fairy! This is your fault! Giving me a faggot son!”
Neil didn’t understand what ‘faggot’ meant, but he wouldn’t ask. It took only once to learn to be quite around his father. Only one hard slap to the back of his head to learn not to touch the man as well.
Everything started to fall apart that year. Neil doesn’t remember much, but the memory of Lola’s lessons were crystal clear.
Neil thought he understood pain. After all, he constantly felt it. It became even worse when he started being home schooled by one of his father’s men. His mother standing at the door to watch, but never able to interfere. Neil sometimes wanted her to, but he saw the bruises on her skin too, and he thought that maybe it was better if they just did what they were told.
The next year, he got an R on his arm, right below the D.
He’d never felt so much fear before, but it was okay.
“Andrea. Nathaniel. Looks like your soulmates name is Andrea.” Nathan would say, his smile no longer proud, no longer small or warm. Instead, it felt like a predator baring his teeth and Neil wanted to recoil, but he stayed still. A big hand landed on his shoulder, squeezing it hard and Neil grit his teeth to keep from crying out. He’d already learned this lesson too.
The next year, when he E began to appear on his arm, his father no longer believed that ‘Andrea’ was his soulmates name.
Nathan had sent Lola to his bed at night.
Neil was five, and scared, and in pain, but it was okay. He had his mother. She still smiled at him in the morning, although it was sad and fleeting. She held him sometimes too, when both of their bruises allowed the contact with minimal pain.
He’d learned to close his eyes and disappear when Lola touched his body. To repeat some of the songs he’d picked up from the music his mother liked to tune out her words, hissed in his ear. He never responded to her touch, he was too young, but the violation… to be touched in such a way unable to say anything, to be punished when his body wouldn’t do what she wanted it to… Neil dealt with it as best he could.
And then his birthday came again.
There was no party this year. No celebration as Nathan sat him down on a stool in the basement, and the two men watched with identical eyes as the last letter faded into clarity on his inner wrist.
Before it even began to darken on his skin, his father roared. Sudden and startling and terrifying.
Neil jumped and looked up and away from the name of the person who would someday love him. Who wouldn’t ever hurt him. Who couldn’t, because they would be soulmates.
Before Neil could determine what his father’s next move was be, the man had a long piece of metal, the end of it red and burning.
Fear suddenly had new meaning.
And then… so did pain.
In the next four years, Neil would look down at his arm and try to remember the name there. He wouldn’t. But he would remember A N D.
Andrew was 6 when he stopped believing in soul mates.
By that point, the letters N A T H A N had marked his forearm and Andrew glared at it every chance he got. If asked, he told people that the reason people didn’t want him, was because he had a boy’s name on his arm.
Every one punished him for it. They made him go to bed without food, they yelled and hit, and raged at him because he was a fairy, he didn’t deserve to live.
Then he turned 7 and the name he’d thought complete gained new letters. An I.
N A T H A N… I. What kind of name did his soulmate have? What the fuck?
But he couldn’t really focus on that point of oddness.
Not when the big man held him down and hurt him. Not when he screamed and cried: “Please! Please don’t, Please stop! Please!”
Not when the man kept saying: “It’s okay, you’re gay. Your soulmate will be glad I’m teaching you this stuff early. Say it again, Andy, come on, one more time and I’ll stop.”
Not when the man didn’t stop.
After everything, Andrew dug his blunt nails into his own arm and scratched at the name on his arm.
Everything bad came from this name. Nathani… what?
Two years later, when the name was finally done etching itself into his skin, he decided to etch his own scars over it. He took a blade to his wrist for the first time.
He started with the L and just kept going up.
Every year, he would focus on a new letter. At ten, it was the L. At eleven, the E. At twelve the I. And at thirteen… he met Cas Spear. And he stopped… for a few months. Then he met Drake… and he started again.
Fourteen, N. Fifteen, A. Sixteen, H. Seventeen, T A N.
He met a twin brother he’d never wanted. Killed a mother he’d never asked for. Met a cousin he absolutely didn’t feel for. And finally finished deforming the cursed name on his arm.
Whoever Nathaniel was, Andrew would kill him if he ever found him.
Later in life, when Andrew met Neil, he would remember taking a racket to the stupid runaway’s stomach, and he’d tell himself that that had been vindication enough.
He’d look at Neil’s arm, and the long burn scar of a fire poker that covered up his name, and he would think about the countless cut scars that covered up Nathaniel on his own.
He would be 27, and Neil 25 when they would walk into a tattoo shop and asked for an artist willing to write soulmate marks.
On Neil’s right arm, they would both finally see what should have been on his left all along. A N D R E W.
And on Andrew’s left, they would both revel in the four letters that were finally more truth than the scars on his right would ever be.
“You sly dog. Stealing him away from his soulmate like this.” The tattoo artist smiled, joking and serious all at once. The name Vinc starting just under his ear and continuing down the collar of his loose black shirt. Neil could tell that this man had met and fallen in love with Vinc – whatever.
“Not sly. Just lucky.” Neil would reply, a smile on his own face as he looked over at Andrew, whose tattoo was already done and wrapped, back under the ever-present black armbands.
Andrew’s hazel eyes narrowed at him, a warning there that Neil winked at.
The tattoo artist would never know that Andrew and Neil really were soulmates. He wouldn’t know that despite everything in their lives pushing them apart, they still managed to not all find each other, but care about each other enough to finally acknowledge what ‘soulmate’ really meant to either one of them.
Andrew had scars he’d made himself covering up the name Nathaniel. Neil had a fire poker branding caused by his father covering up the name Andrew.
Yet Andrew and Neil were exactly where they belonged now.
Side by side, pressed together as two met held hands above the gear shift of a sleek black car, headed for a home they shared together. A home where ‘fear’ and ‘pain’ didn’t have the keys to enter anymore.
Neil was just lucky.
And Andrew was fucking tired of his shitty sappiness.
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Horror Characters Preference - How they celebrate Christmas with you
Happy Holydays! This is a little gift i wrote for you all :)
 I wished I could have added more characters and some escenarios ended up a bit short, but this is the best i got in the few writing time i had in between holyday preparations. 
Fandoms incluided: Chucky, The Walking Dead and Stranger Things.
tags: @losersclubisms @helie-brain ( i added Daryl for you) @richiethedigidestine ( i remember how much you like Carl)
Andy Barclay
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-Only after growing tired of hearing you sing ' You are a mean one, Mr Grinch' he ends up confessing why he hates Christmas. 
- Andy is the sort of person who would give speeches about consumerism and children being brainwashed by commercials. It is a very important topic for him because it ruined his life, over the years he blamed himself a lot about wanting a Good Guy for his birthday when he was 6 and manipulative advertisement played a big role on that. 
- He is the least materialistic person you have ever met. Although he has a hard time expressing what he wants or needs you have clear that he prefers people over things. 
- If it would depend on him, he would spend Christmas like a regular day, but he has you and Kyle getting him out to get things and do holiday stuff. 
- Decorating the tree was easier to convince him about, you made the cabin look like a home and he couldn't complain of that. 
- It made him feel a bit fuzzy inside. His place would not be a prison or an Isolation spot anymore. You wanted to stay with him and turn it into a home, your home. 
Junior Wheeler
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- Christmas is Bree's favorite holiday and she is your favorite of your boyfriend's parents, so you are there to celebrate. 
- You also want to support Junior because you know Logan has a way of always ruining his mood somehow. He would never let him be happy, not at least in his own way. 
- For so, you were there to do it. Perfectly aware of his musical inclinations, you encouraged him to sing Christmas songs with you for the little kids in the party. Junior knows that you like that and only you could have convinced him of joining.
 - People are shocked, Logan receives tons of compliments and advice coming even from some of his friends regarding the unexpectedly discovered talent of his son. 
- You casually mention that you play piano, a subtle act of support in that context. 
- Junior is so happy that, if there weren't formal appearances to keep, he would have kissed you ríght there.
Jake Wheeler
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-Christmas is a hard time for him. He used to love it as a kid but since his mom died nothing is the same. The season reminds him so much of her and his father is not a good source of support. Lucas gets even worse around the holydays and Jake has to either avoid him or babysit his drunk ass.
 - One of his saddest memories involves him having to decorate the tree alone, feeling the loose even harder' because the season makes him feel like he is alone in the world. 
- That's precisely why it meant so much to see you at his doorstep visiting to help him with the decorations. You even brought some yourself along with some other Christmas plans. 
- He almost cried while eating your gingerbread cookies, that's how strongly emotional you got him with such simple acts. 
- Lucas gave you the side eye as he was passing by. He knows who you are and he is not supportive of your relationship, but that time you didn't mind in the slightest. 
- In fact, you previously fought the urge of bringing a mistletoe just to not get Jake in trouble. 
- You love your boyfriend and wouldn't let the assholeness of his father get in between your chances to give him happiness.
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- He is the gift for one of the kids on your family gathering.
-Switched the original gift for a box containing him, actually. 
- Good luck surviving his holyday fun.
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
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- Celebrating anything is complicated in the world you live in, almost impossible for most people. When you were freshly arrived the Alexandria people were trying to push parties down your throats and Daryl had the worse reactions to that. 
- He hates to be pushed into anything, even more when it is about a celebration he wasn't a fan of before the apocalypse. 
- One thing was for sure, his reactions of discomfort were quite adorable to you. At some point of the party he got tired of giving deathly stares so he wouldn't be bothered and he stayed outside. He was out in the front not only refusing to participate, but to even be present.
- Of course, you followed to make him company and make sure he wouldn't freeze. After all, If both of you wanted, that party could be just the two of you.
Carl Grimes
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- If he gets the chance to celebrate, he wants to make it nice for his little sister. Carl feels he was fortunate because he got to experience a real Christmas and she will never have that. 
- Even if she is too little to remember, he wants to make it special for her and you help with whatever you can. Sacavange for things, arts and crafts, whatever necessary to get some nice decorations and presents.  
- Your determination on the topic ends up convincing Rick of accepting the idea. As soon as he heard your reasons, even Daryl was up to participate. He has a soft spot for the little girl and Carl is doing so much for her. 
- When the time comes, all the people you consider family are there. It's your first truly felt Christmas since the end of the world.
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
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- He doesn't get much comfort and family at home, but since he has you and his little friends he found a family where he belongs and that manifests on his attitude around the holidays. 
- His gifts are super thoughtful. Everyone knows he is gonna surprise and that makes you nervous. You fear he would give you the most perfect gift and yours for him wouldn't be as good enough in comparison. 
- Meanwhile, Steve stresses more about what to get for Dustin, considering how far he is from his peculiar likes and interests, than what he planned for you. 
- For Christmas Eve he gets invited to dinner by the Hendersons and that means you also got invited. Dustin loves you both and wants you to be there with him and his mom. 
- When you arrive the boy is watching ' Silent Night, Deathly Night'. 
- " No horror movies tonight." You commented to him. " It's our first Christmas together. We have to make it nice. " 
" But it counts as a Christmas movie!" He playfully complained. " It's an open film subgenre." 
- Steve laughed and messed with his hair, loving to hear him being himself and you trying to make things the normal way. 
- You both in your different ways make him insanely happy.
Eddie Munson
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-I get the feeling that his celebrations are the closest to how It's used to celebrate where i live. 
- Loudest Christmas ever, it's 6 pm of Christmas Eve and Eddie is already blasting music. He is a happy and unapologetical dude and that's how cheer hits him.
- You are neighbors, so you are constantly crossing over trailers to see how each other is going as you await for the night. You have to get reminded to get back whenever someone needs any of you for something on your preparations. 
- Eddie and Wayne end up joining you. Your family is on good terms with them and getting all together is better than having to stand how you and Eddie leave out of sudden to see each other. 
- At some point of the night, once you have enough time to dedicate to your families, you follow him into the next step of your celebrations. 
- Surprisingly crashing late at Dustin's and pumping up the party. 
- Steve mocked you for showing up late, he and Eddie have a secret war going on over who amazes Dustin the most.
Billy Hargrove
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- You have been dating for a while and your mom suggested you could invite him to your Christmas party. 
- Everything goes fine when you are introducing him to your parents but, as soon as he saw him, your little brother reacted as if he would have seen the reaper. He clumsily tried to dissimulate, but you know him well enough to notice he is terrified. 
- That’s how you find out that the dude you were seeing was also your brother’s bully, the nameless guy he would always complain about everytime he came back home made a scared mess. 
- You dump his ass without hesitation. He may be charming and super hot, but he showed his true colours messing with a little boy, with your family.
- Nothing can excuse that. 
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bambikippen · 6 years
we didn’t miss out
hi! so this wasn’t a request (i promise i’ll get to all the requests, though!), but i had an idea, and i really wanted to write it! i’m actually kind of proud of it??? i hope you like it!
also on ao3
Sometimes, TJ wished he could have had the classic high school romance. Someone who he could walk home with every day, and give chaste kisses to before he parted ways with in the hallway. He wished he could have brought someone to Prom, and matched his suit tie to their outfit. He longed for the late-night phone calls, and refusals to hang up. He wanted to leave notes in someone's locker, along with little boxes of chocolate on Valentine's Day. He wanted someone to call his own.
Watching all the couples around him give each other goodbye-hugs and overdramatic love declarations just amplified TJ's longing. It was the last day of twelfth grade, and the class had just finished their graduation ceremony. The students were all out on a field, taking photos and saying their goodbyes. Even though everyone would probably see each other again over summer break, the students couldn't control their tears. The air was filled with a sad sort of happiness, the kind you feel after something really great has happened, and you're glad that it happened, but upset that it's over.
TJ was excited for the next part of his life, he really was. He had gotten a basketball scholarship to a really great college, but he wouldn't be too far away from home, which is why he never thought he'd be one to cry at graduation. However, standing there, alone in the middle of the field, made him realize how different things were going to be. His eyes flooded with tears as he realized, for the first time, that he would never spend another school day with Cyrus again. So he decided right then and there that he needed to go find the boy.
It didn't take long to find him. The brunet was standing near Andi, surrounded by both his sets of parents, as well as Andi's parents and grandparents. As soon as Cyrus saw him, he immediately dropped the conversation he was having with his Step-Mom, and ran into his arms.
That was when TJ broke.
He dropped his head into the crook of Cyrus's neck, and let the tears flow. Cyrus did the same. They stayed like that for a while, just holding on to each other, and crying out all the emotions they had been holding in.
It was TJ who finally pulled away. "Hey, hey- it's gonna be okay. We still have all summer, right?" He let out a watery laugh.
Cyrus smiled and wiped at his eyes. "You're right, you're right," he chuckled. "Let's save the crying for August."
TJ nodded and looked back at the boy. Memories flooded into his mind as he stared into Cyrus's rheumy, dark eyes.
He thought about the first time they'd met, when he was still a bully with low math grades, and Cyrus was still prepubescent, with chubby cheeks and a short stature. At first, he had been annoyed with Buffy when she had forced him to get Cyrus a muffin, but when he looked down at the boy, he had immediately known that he would do anything for him.
He thought about the first time he'd ever really talked to Cyrus, on a swing set in the park. Cyrus had only ever heard awful stories about him, yet he still had tried to make him feel better. And it had worked. TJ knew right then and there that the small brunet boy sat next to him was going to be a very important person in his life.
He thought about how Cyrus had comforted him in the gym break room instead of watching Buffy's basketball game, because he was upset that he was failing his seventh-grade math class. He was terrified about the fact that he could have a learning disability, but the brunet's huge brown eyes took all the worry away and replaced it with ease.
He thought about Cyrus's Bar Mitzvah, when all he'd wanted to do was dance with the boy, but he knew he couldn't. Instead, he had sneakily opened the bottle of apple cider so Cyrus would be saved from the embarrassment of not being able to do it himself. He still had the sweatshirt he got with Cyrus's face on it, albeit a bit small now, it meant the world to him.
He thought about just how much Cyrus had helped him throughout eighth grade. After the incident with the gun, he had realized how important Cyrus was to him, much more than Reed or Lester ever had been. Cyrus had stayed up with him late at night through Face-Time calls, helping him with math questions and laughing at silly names in the word-problems. Cyrus had let him rant for hours after his parents announced their divorce, even though it was a sore subject for the younger boy.
He thought about December of their Freshman year, when his mom had to rush them to the hospital after she deemed Cyrus's constant complaining of a stomachache as appendicitis. It turned out she had been right, Cyrus had to get an an emergency appendectomy, and TJ had never been more worried in his life. Cyrus had to stay in the hospital for the first three nights of Hanukkah, and had been pretty bummed, so TJ helped his parents bring in the Menorah to his room and they celebrated there.
He thought about the spring formal they went to later that year. He and Cyrus were the only ones of their friend group who hadn't brought dates, so they hung around each other for the rest of the night. Jokingly, TJ had suggested that they dance together, but as he held Cyrus in his arms, he realized that he wanted it to be anything but a joke. It had become a bit of a tradition for them to stick around each other during the dances they went to throughout high school, but TJ had never had the courage to ask him out properly.
He thought about the summer before Sophomore year, when Cyrus had invited him and some other friends to spend a week at his lake house. It had been a week without worrying about money or summer projects or work, it was just fun. He and Cyrus had stayed up late every night on the deck to watch the stars, and it was then that TJ really realized he was in love with the boy.
He thought about the first time he let Cyrus see him cry, September of tenth grade, when he tore his ACL. Cyrus had held him tightly and rubbed his back while he sobbed uncontrollably, muttering anxiously about how he didn't know how his family would pay for the surgery. He was devastated because he would be out for the rest of that basketball season, and sophomore year was when the scouts started taking notice of players. TJ needed the scouts to notice him so he could get a college basketball scholarship, there was no way he'd be able to afford college without one. Cyrus had helped him through it though, he had carried his books around for the rest of the year and gone to his PT appointments with him. He had squeezed TJ's hand when the IV was put in before surgery, and he had been there when he woke up after. Cyrus had always been there with him.
He thought about his sixteenth birthday party in November of that year. It hadn't been anything extravagantly special, just a few friends and a lot of basketball-themed presents. They had put on cheesy music and danced around in their pajamas, TJ waving his crutches around like arms. Cyrus had come out to him that night during a game of truth or dare. Two turns later, TJ had come out to him too.
He thought about March, a couple of months later, when Cyrus got his driver's license. TJ had been forced to postpone getting his own, because of his knee injury, so Cyrus made it a habit to drive him around wherever he wanted to go. Cyrus's car wasn't anything fancy, but some of TJ's favorite moments were spent sitting in it with him and talking about nonsense for hours.
He thought about the first semester of Junior year, when everything had been a tangle of stress and tears and college applications. Eleventh grade was the year that mattered most to colleges, and he had put in more effort than ever to get high grades. It had been a struggle, Cyrus had taken different classes than him, so he couldn't help him as much. Just being in the same room as the younger boy filled TJ with motivation, though. His fondest memories of that year were spent in a completely silent room with Cyrus, both of them sitting next to each other with open books on their laps, deep in concentration.
He thought about his first time going to Prom. He had just assumed that Cyrus would go with him, so he never even formally asked. Cyrus had gotten that same idea as well. That seemed to be an ongoing theme for the two of them. They had a blast dancing and singing to the music though, but eventually it got too loud and boring, so they slipped out and bought baby taters at The Spoon.
He thought about the summer they spent together before Senior year. They had stayed over at each other's houses practically every night, but they never got tired of one another. They would talk about the most random of subjects, but it had been the best summer of TJ's life.
He thought about the annual ski trip for seniors that he and Cyrus went on together. He had tried to teach Cyrus to ski, but eventually the two of them got too cold so they went back to their room and cuddled under blankets. TJ never wanted to let go.
He thought about how excited Cyrus had been when he'd gotten the acceptance letter for his top college back in the mail. TJ had been so proud that he scooped him up and twirled him around; he had never seen Cyrus smile so big in his life. That was when he first began to realize that his and Cyrus's time together was coming to an end.
He thought about Cyrus now. Tall and lanky, but handsome nonetheless. He was smart and funny, and so incredibly caring, and TJ didn't know how he would be able to live without him. He'd been there with him through everything, and TJ couldn't let that all go to waste now. So as Cyrus curiously gazed at him, he removed the graduation cap from atop his head, and covered the sides of his and Cyrus's faces with it. Then, he wrapped his other arm around the brunet's waist, pulled him in close, and kissed him like he had wanted to for years. After a moment of shock, Cyrus grabbed the sides of TJ's head and pulled him in even closer, kissing back with an eager hungriness. Neither of them cared that people's grandparents were probably staring at them right now. Neither of them cared that they were five years late. Neither of them cared that they were outing themselves to the entire school. All they cared about was the taste of each other's lips, and the love that they shared. Five years of words that they had both been too afraid to say were spoken as electricity zapped through their bodies and down to their toes.
As they finally parted, TJ leaned his forehead against Cyrus's and caught his breath. Both of them had tears running down their face, but they were smiling like idiots as well. TJ managed to pull Cyrus even closer, and he never wanted to let go, because he knew this was goodbye. Yes, he would see Cyrus all summer. Yes, there would be a lot more tears to come. But this, this was an end of an era. This was goodbye.
Sometimes, TJ wished he could have had the classic high school romance. Someone who he could walk home with every day, and give chaste kisses to before he parted ways with in the hallway. He wished he could have brought someone to Prom, and matched his suit tie to their outfit. He longed for the late-night phone calls, and refusals to hang up. He wanted to leave notes in someone's locker, along with little boxes of chocolate on Valentine's Day. He wanted someone to call his own. But he did have this someone. He had Cyrus. Cyrus, who walked to his classes after they were over, even when they were on opposite sides of the school. Cyrus, who drove him home every day because he couldn't afford his own gas. Cyrus, who gave the warmest hugs out of anyone he knew. Cyrus, who danced with him at Prom even though they hadn't "officially" gone together. Cyrus, who stayed up with him all night when he needed help with homework or was feeling down. Cyrus, who hand-baked muffins for him every holiday, even though there was a bakery right down the street. Cyrus, who loved him, and who he loved as well.
So no, he hadn't had a boyfriend throughout high school. But he had Cyrus, so really, he hadn't missed out on anything at all.
(except for maybe the sneaky bathroom make-out sessions. but hey, that could come later ;))
send me prompts 
other one shots
accompanying art
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever bought a YouTuber’s merch?  No. Most of the merch that had been put out when I was still into YouTubers were always underwhelming and overpriced, anyway.
Do you think oatmeal tastes better when made with water or milk?  Eugh, I don’t like oatmeal. Ate it everyday for breakfast as a kid and I just want nothing to do with anymore.
Have you ever left a note in a library book?  No. I’m pretty sure that counted as vandalism or at least under some kind of violation, so I never did anything to my borrowed books beyond reading them.
What time of day do you prefer to wash your hair?  There’s no time of day for me; I just wash it whenever I feel like showering.
Has anyone ever spread lies about you?  Just a couple times when I was in like middle school but it was all very superficial stuff that I never think about.
Have you ever taken a photograph with a celebrity? If so, did it turn out the way you wanted, or do you wish you could retake it?  Nah. I freak out about the idea of meeting celebrities and always turn down or pass up any opportunity I get lmao. I don’t handle nervousness well so I don’t trust myself to be able to behave or speak properly.
If you could move out of your home country permanently, would you? If so, where would you go?  Yeah, anything to get out of this shithole. I’d love to move to Canada.
Is there a celebrity that everyone else seems to love, but you find totally overrated? Why is it that you don’t like them?  Taylor Swift. Her music’s just never fallen under my personal preferences, but I don’t actively hate on her or bash her when there’s been no reason to.
If you could volunteer for any charity, which one would you choose? Do you think it’s more important to help humans, or are animal and environmental charities equally important?  I don’t think acts of charity should be compared. Personally though, I tend to lean towards causes for animals.
Do you prefer holidays where you relax, or actually do things? My family alwaysssssss makes sure our itineraries are absolutely packed when we go on vacations. Seems like a waste of money to travel to a new place just to stay holed up in our hotel room.
Do you think that after we die our spirit is still alive?  No, I don’t believe in those to begin with.
Has anybody ever told you that you could be a model? Yeah, usually because of my build. I hate posing and being in front of a camera, though.
Do you use different kinds of moisturizer for different body parts? ie. hand lotion for your hands, face cream for your face. Or do you just use one moisturizer for all body parts?  I don’t use skincare products, though I should probably start because my skin is finally biting me in the ass and giving me breakouts 23 years later lol.
Have you ever felt like you were someone’s rebound? Nope.
Has anybody ever broken up with you over something really pathetic? What was it? Have you ever been dumped in a disrespectful way? (eg. through text, through a friend..)  I wouldn’t say it was over something pathetic. She had her reasons and I respect that. Doesn’t mean I can’t resent her.
Did you have a lot of role models as a kid?  Not really.
Do you feel like anyone looks up to you? Why or why not? I don’t know, but this isn’t a compliment I get a lot either. I don’t actively try to be a role model, so I don’t care about maintaining such an image.
What was the last thing you found offensive? My mom often throws around subtle homophobic remarks in passing. She knows I hate them because I shoot her a glare every time she does it, but for some reason she never learns...
Who is the nicest person you know?  Angela.
Do you feel safe in your country?  In a country where the president is a blatant liar, misogynist, has anger and cursing issues, and enables extrajudicial killings? Safety is a dream here.
Do you feel safe where you live?  Very technically speaking, yeah I do since it’s a gated village so nothing ever happens here.
Have you been falsely diagnosed with something by a bad doctor?  Not necessarily misdiagnosed, but I’m pretty sure I was prescribed the wrong set of medicines for my UTI last year...nothing came out of taking those pills and I felt just as sick (and dead) as I was after a couple of days. The only reason I got better was Angels’s mom is a doctor and gave me the right meds to take, which worked on me within a couple of hours.
Have you ever had a doctor refuse to treat you?  No.
Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): WarioWare is suuuuuuuch a weird game haha. Doesn’t stop me from enjoying it, though.
Do you know anyone who has been struck by lightning before?  Not that I know of.
Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Gary from Spongebob.
Do you like marshmallows?  Haaaaaaaate them. I never got used to its weird, sticky texture so I always take them out when they’re included in like drinks and desserts.
What is your favorite flavor of candy cane?  I don’t consume candy canes much. Too sweet.
Have you ever fostered an animal?  Nope.
Do you still take hot showers when it’s hot out?  No, I want the water to be as cold as possible.
When writing $ sign, do you draw one line through the S or two?  I do two, though I rarely have any reason to write down the dollar sign in general.
What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have?  We weren’t allowed to have dogs as kids because we “wouldn’t be able to take care of them” – which they were right about, anyway. But we have two now, so it all worked out in the end.
List three people you’ve had crushes on:  Gabie, Andi...and that’s it, really.
Have you ever thrown up from cramps?  No. Fortunately my period cramps have never been that bad, and the only time they can be a headache is if they’re the leg crampjp that sends me waking up in the middle of the night.
List three people you had a hard time forgiving.  I don’t really forgive. If someone fucks up badly enough that I feel the need to cut them off, that’s pretty much it for me.
Who is the most spiritual person you know?  I don’t know.
Would you ever start a vlog?  Sure. I’ve always wanted to try it, but I don’t have a decent vlogging camera and am not invested enough in the venture to spend on one. In general I’m also not comfortable being in front of the camera, as I’ve already shared several times here. Vlogging does look fun though, and I definitely would’ve already given it a shot if only I felt more comfortable.
Are your dreams coming true yet?  Some of the short-term ones, sure.
Do you struggle with depression?  I go through phases of it, but I’ve never been formally diagnosed just because I’ve never booked a trip to the psychiatrist.
Are you haunted by your past?  No
What medical conditions do you have?  Do scoliosis and lactose intolerance count? Those are the main issues I have.
Do you use a Magic Bullet?  Why did I think this was a vibrator...? Anyway, I looked it up and no, I’ve never used one.
What does your apron look like?  I’ve never had to use one regularly.
What are your favorite spicy foods?  Curry, tteokbokki, ramen, samgyeopsal with ssamjang, spicy fried chicken.
Which do you like better: being an adult or being a kid?  Being an adult has a lot more freedom to it even though I have to go through heavier and deeper shit, so it’s still more worth it to me.
Were you excited to be a teenager on your thirteenth birthday?  I was heavily depressed back then, and was for a while, so I didn’t have any feelings about turning 13. I don’t even remember my birthdays up until the 15th.
Did you feel insecure in high school?  In the first half, yeah. But I started opening up more and gaining friends by junior year, so at that point I wasn’t feeling too shy anymore.
Would you ever be friends with someone who was suicidal?  I hate this question that I am simply ignoring it.
Who was the biggest bully in high school?  My school didn’t tolerate bullies so no one ever dared to be one, in the grand scheme of things. But back in kindergarten Kaira used to love targeting me - she was my big bully before she became my friend, lol.
What was your favorite class in high school? History, of course. I personally didn’t like literature but I enjoyed English classes, just because it was easy and was a guaranteed A+ in my report card.
Would you rather have a daughter or a son?  Daughter. 
Have you ever written to an advice columnist? Nope.
Have you ever had a doctor not believe what you told him?  Not really, but I’ve had a doctor be a total asshole towards me before.
If you’re female, would you feel uncomfortable having a male gynecologist?  No.
Do you like Lisa Frank?  No.
What gives you nightmares?  I don’t really get nightmares.
Were you ever hospitalized as a child?  Nope. I was hospitalized one time, and I had been 11 then.
Did you get senior pictures taken?  Yeah, for both high school and college.
What color is your bicycle? The family bike is blue and silver. Not that I could ride it, lol.
Did you ever have to take home a fake baby in health class?  No...is that a practice in other schools? That’s so weird if it was.
Would you rather wear ivory or white on your wedding day? What color will your bridesmaids wear?  White. Ivory can be for the bridesmaids, actually.
Would you rather have a swimming pool or trampoline?  Swimming pool. Trampolines are neat, but I would get bored of them so quickly.
Do you think babies are cute? For the most part yes, the only exception being if I have to be exposed with a baby/toddler that is prone to screech-crying. My patience is an extremely thin line when it comes to children like that lol and I FEEL BAD for feeling like so... but I just can’t deal with harsh sounds like that one.
Do you dream about the future a lot?  I guess I daydream sometimes but it’s nothing obsessive.
Do you think about your past a lot?  I’ll daydream or feel resentful sometimes, depending on what or who I’m thinking about lol. But I don’t stay in the past for too long.
How good are you at living in the moment?  I’m a lot better at it. It’s nice to be in the now.
Have you ever questioned God’s existence?  I did starting when I was 10, and I also disowned my religion by that time.
Vanilla frosting or chocolate? Chocolate foreverrrrr.
What’s your favorite foreign cuisine?  It’s always a three-way tie among Indian, Malaysian, and Thai.
Have you ever moved to another state?  No. We don’t even live in states.
Did you do anything productive today?  Well I had work today, so yeah I’d say I was. I had two meetings and worked on a bunch of spreadsheets and decks, so it was a pretty productive day.
Can you say the alphabet backwards?  Nope.
Do you like flowers?  Sure, but I’m not obsessed. It always feels nice to receive them, though.
Have you ever thought you were gonna die?  Every single time I get catcalled by men I always have the fear that they’d go all the way and drag me away to my death. That’s why I’m usually in shock whenever it happens and I’m never able to retort.
What kind of mood are you in today?  Super relieved because it’s Friday. A bit guilty because I had Starbucks delivered when I had already spent a lot this week, but I keep telling myself I deserve it after working all week haha. I just wanna enjoy my coffee and salmon dill sandwich in peace lmaooooo
What are you craving right now?  This salmon sandwich I ordered, so I’m hella glad I got it.
Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance?  Maybe shove, but not punch.
What is worse, physical or emotional pain?  Physical. My pain tolerance is extremely low, lol.
Have you ever walked in on somebody doing something… questionable? I don’t think I have.
If you were to make videos on YouTube, what would they be of?  I think just doing the trendy games like the Lie Detector game would be fun haha. I wouldn’t take it too seriously.
Posting pictures of yourself in a bathing suit on the internet - ok or not? ...It’s 2021.
Do you typically laugh when somebody falls down?  If it’s a close friend or a relative I’m close with, yeah. Anyone else I would immediately try to help.
What is the most disturbing movie you’ve ever watched?  Eraserhead or Under the Skin, which I didn’t even bother finishing.
Your opinion of Katy Perry, please?  I like her older songs.
If you could say anything to your Mom right now… what would it be?  Stop acting like a brat when you don’t get your way. You’re literally reaching 50.
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mysilentmemory · 6 years
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Can one of Asia’s biggest singing and acting exports really be that nice? We find out.
JULY 1, 2018 , 
odestars change. An exaggeration? Maybe, but it’s a close call.
A room bustling with the click-clacks and chatter of people hanging clothes, setting up lights and taking pictures of the Hong Kong skyline from our set suddenly pauses. Choi is here. One by one, faces light up and the voices of those who are meeting the star for the first time rise in pitch. He takes it all in his stride, strolling around the suite greeting those he already knows by name and others he doesn’t with a smile and a firm handshake.
It’s convincingly sincere. First there’s the running quip – “Sum sum is our passcode today guys, OK?” he jokes with the crew. “Sum sum,” the Cantonese translation of the little finger-heart symbol Koreans have coined is now a running trend in most Asian countries. I ask him what it means. “I don’t know actually,” he says with a shrug. “I think other gestures are big displays of affection but this is a small gesture that carries sincerity? I didn’t actually like doing it that much at first but now it’s fun because it makes people happy – so I do it.”
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His candour is refreshingly different from the hauteur one expects from someone who’s been in the industry for 13 years. Choi and Super Junior, the 10-piece boy band of which he’s a member, were instrumental figures in the Hallyu wave that swept across the globe. It’s no wonder, then, that the man has 4.7 million followers on Instagram, 6.37 million on Twitter and a staggering 16.4 million on Weibo (that last figure is more than double the population of Hong Kong). To many, he’s a god, with legions of Super Junior fans – self-named “Elfs”, a tribe unto themselves – and his own subdivision of fandom known as “Siwonests”.
Choi’s mix of friendliness and consummate professionalism becomes apparent as the shoot gets under way. He hits all the right angles, checking the screen to see if each shot passes muster and offering to shoot more. “Are you happy with it?” he asks those of us huddled around the display monitor. “I can shoot more if you’d like me to!” After an hour and a half or so, maintaining the pensive smoulder that celebrity features often require, he asks mid-pose, “Can I smile? I’m better at that, I think.” Immediately his crew remarks, “Ippo [pretty],” and it’s clear that those of us who don’t speak Korean are wont to agree.
Listening to snatches of conversation with his Korean team, the occasional oppa is dropped into the mix – Korea’s equivalent of the Japanese kawaii. Made popular by the country’s television shows and adopted by hordes of screaming tween and teenage fans at the sight of their favourite boy-band members, it means “big brother” and is used to refer to an actual older brother as well as to address all close older male friends. When I bring this up, I’m met with a sheepish grin.
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“My team and I have been working together now for almost six years. We’re very close, so it’s OK,” he says. “When we work in Korea, they say Mr Choi but today, because I think they think you guys won’t understand, they can be casual and call me oppa.”
Line Choi’s amiability up against his accomplishments and you’ll understand why it seems so extraordinary. Even before his debut in 2005, he was the first person in Korea to be awarded the fourth row in the black belt for Taekwondo at the age of 14, changing the pre-existing rule that only people aged 18 could be awarded for the achievement. Before being invited to join Super Junior, he was already acting alongside Hong Kong’s Andy Lau.
“I wanted to be an actor first,” he says. His is a well-known story, auditioning without his parents’ knowledge and being accepted. The band was created as a collection of the best (hence “Super”) trainees (hence “Junior”) in SM Entertainment’s cohort. “They convinced me to be a singer and I said yes, but I definitely wanted to be an actor,” he says.
An actor he definitely has been. Although the group remains a fundamental part of Choi’s career – it’s the reason he’s in Hong Kong this time round, as part of its comeback world tour Super Show 7, performing the band’s first album since 2015 – Choi has always kept a firm foot in acting.
Inspired by his initial experience filming with Lau, Choi has gone on to act in hits such as Helios and To the Fore, as well as the international blockbuster Dragon Blade, in which he starred alongside Jackie Chan, Adrien Brody and John Cusack. “It’s an incredible environment for an actor,” he says. “They’re incredibly professional and very caring. I was really impressed with how they cared about the Korean actor.”
It doesn’t come without hard work, though, “When I shot To the Fore, I had to use three languages, English, Mandarin and Korean,” he says. “When they changed my dialogue on set, all the other actors and actresses were fine, because it was their mother language, but in my case it was really hard because it wasn’t my mother language – and even if they had changed the Korean dialogue, I might’ve gotten into some trouble because I want to perform the best that I can, and to do so I need to prepare.
“I’m the only Korean actor in that movie. If I’m not good, I’m not good as a Korean so I have to take responsibility for my country and I really need to do my best.”
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Thanks to his determination to achieve fluency in English and Chinese, along with his native Korean, Choi is poised to become the next Asian superstar to make it big in the US. Choi’s mentor is Jackie Chan, who told him that “an actor’s character always comes first – manners and respect”, he says. “But that I should also always be very careful choosing each and every single role I undertake.”
It’s a lesson he’s taken to heart and it paid off when he chose to play Kim Shin Hyuk, a happy-go-lucky senior magazine editor, the supporting lead in 2015 hit Korean series She Was Pretty, right before Choi enlisted in the army. He didn’t end up getting the girl in the show’s 16 episodes, but he did leave an untold number of women swooning from what Korean drama discussion boards call “second-lead syndrome” and waiting for his return with bated breath.
After being discharged from the military in August last year, he picked up the lead role of Byun Hyuk in Revolutionary Love, reprising elements of his character in She Was Pretty – and this time he definitely gets the girl. So how does he pick them? “When I choose my roles, I only think about three things” he says. “First, what I can do well now. Second, what people want me to do. The third is what I should do now.”
“Military service is almost two years, and it’s quite a long time for my supporters and fans to wait for me. I wanted to show them my gratitude, so I was thinking about how I could do this. Revolutionary Love came along and it contained all three elements, as well as a little comedy, a little romance and a little bit of dynamism, so I chose it.”
What is success for Choi? It’s not money, fame or power, I learn, despite the fact that his fans can look forward to a new Super Junior album this year, more concerts, the possibility of more Asian and American projects and a mission with Unicef in the works. To Choi it’s happiness and contentment.
“I think happiness is the first thing that comes to mind,” he says. “If you’re not happy and you let that stuff get to your head, you might get ill. Does success actually equate to happiness? Maybe not to everybody, but I don’t think happiness is non-success either.”
His industry is not particularly predisposed to contentment and happiness, I counter, so how does he balance it? “Part of my job is to achieve balance. Alongside being able to face God at the very end, to know I have made him happy and to have helped those in need, I think it’s to be positive.
“I don’t want to show people when I’m mad or when I’m sad, because I don’t want people to worry about me. Part of my job is to achieve balance between the human Siwon Choi and the celebrity. As a celebrity it’s my responsibility to be a role model, to create a good environment. If I’m calm, focused on work and smiling, then everybody else will be smiling and having a good time. So I believe in always being positive.”
It’s perhaps this warmth that draws those around him to him. “I stay in the same hotel whenever I come to Hong Kong” he says. “I know the manager and the employees so well and I say hi to everyone. It’s been two years since I’ve been here, but when I came back this time they prepared a surprise for my birthday with balloons and a cake. They wrote ‘Welcome Home’ on the card and it touched me.”
How so? “Well, it made me grateful for what I have because, you know, if we give in to the negative thoughts in this job, it can become tough, very tough. So we always have to think positive, stay positive. That moment was the happiest moment of my year so far. It made me think, well, my life might not be so lonely in the future. It might be quite full.”
PHOTOGRAPHY | RICKY LO | prestigeonline
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disneytva · 5 years
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Friday, Nov. 1 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Mickey’s Thanksgiving Fun Race!/Happy Thanksgiving Helpers!“ (9:00-9:30 A.M. EDT) “Mickey’s Thanksgiving Fun Race!” – To celebrate Thanksgiving, Mickey and the gang race Thanksgiving-themed racers.
“Happy Thanksgiving Helpers!” – Minnie, Daisy and Cuckoo Loca host Thanksgiving dinner. TV-Y
Friday, Nov. 8 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Caution: Kids At Work!/The Snoozy Doozy Pet and Breakfast!“ (9:00-9:30 A.M. EST) “Caution: Kids At Work!” – It’s Mini-Mechanics Day and Mickey’s #1 fan, Buddy, can’t wait to get to work.
“The Snoozy Doozy Pet and Breakfast” – When The Happy Helpers become busy with pet-sitting requests, they turn the Snoozy Doozy into a pet hotel. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel T.O.T.S. “Bringing Baby Back/A Penguin in the Desert“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Bringing Baby Back” – Pip and Freddy show Peggy the Polar Bear the benefits of having a baby brother.
“A Penguin in the Desert” – Pip and Freddy brave the desert heat to deliver a camel. TV-Y
Original Series – Series Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior The Rocketeer “First Flight/Pilot Error“ (11:00-11:25 A.M. EST on Disney Channel/5:00-5:30 P.M. EST on Disney Junior) “First Flight” – Kit Secord receives a surprise package on her birthday, revealing she’s next in line to become the Rocketeer.
“Pilot Error” – While Kit learns the ropes of becoming a flying superhero, she must stop the thieving sister team of Laura and Harley from stealing jewels from the town’s jewelry store. *Maria Bamford (“Arrested Development”) and Kari Wahlgren (“DC Superhero Girls”) guest star as Laura and Harley, respectively. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior The Rocketeer “Skyway Robbery/A Doggone Adventure“ (11:25-11:45 A.M. EST on Disney Channel/5:30-6:00 P.M. EST on Disney Junior) “Skyway Robbery” – When Kit stops a thief from robbing the Bulldog Café, he ends up stealing her rocket-pack and helmet.
“A Doggone Adventure” – Butch must rescue his new friend, Honey, the golden doodle. TV-Y
Friday, Nov. 15 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Muppet Babies “Mystery on the Muppet Express/Mister Manny” (8:30-9:00 A.M. EST) “Mystery on the Muppet Express” – When Buddy the Bunny goes missing on the Muppet Babies Express, Summer Penguin sets out to find him.
“Mister Manny” – Mr. Manny steps in for Miss Nanny when she runs an errand. *Dule Hill (“Suits”) guest stars as Mr. Manny.
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Where’s Mickey?/Cuckoo in Hot Dog Hills!“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Where’s Mickey?” – Mickey helps Mayor McBeagle install a Flammer Jammer into his car.
“Cuckoo in Hot Dog Hills!” – Cuckoo Loca’s cousins visit from Paris. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Elena of Avalor “Team Isa“ (12:30-1:00 P.M. EST) When Elena falls under the spell of a magical bandit named Tito, it’s up to Isabel and her friends to save Elena and the kingdom. *Anthony Ramos (Broadway’s “Hamilton”) guest stars as Tito. TV-Y
Saturday, Nov. 16 Original Series – Season 2 Premiere on Disney Channel Big City Greens “Cricket’s Kapowie!/Car Trouble“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Cricket’s Kapowie!” – Cricket earns a role in Big Coffee’s new TV commercial but loses his confidence. *Jonathan Van Ness (“Queer Eye”) guest stars as Confident Stylist, Thomas Middleditch (“Silicon Valley”) guest stars as director Donny Tinselton andAnna Akana (“Youth & Consequences”) returns as café barista Gloria.
“Car Trouble” – When Bill trades his pickup truck in for a cutting-edge electric car, he gets more than he bargained for. *Cheri Oteri (“Saturday Night Live”) guest stars as Gwendolyn Zapp. TV-Y7
Friday, Nov. 22 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures “Campy Camper Day!/Founder’s Day Flounder!“ (9:00-9:30 A.M. EST) “Campy Camper Day!” – While on a camping trip, Mickey, Donald and Daisy can’t unplug from their electronic devices.
“Founder’s Day Flounder!” – Mickey and the gang celebrate the 100th birthday of Hot Dog Hills. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel T.O.T.S. “Out Foxed/Elephant in the Room“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Out Foxed” – Freddy’s status as the best hide-and-seeker is challenged after he and Pip lose a baby fox.
“Elephant in the Room” – Pip and Freddy help K.C. earn her first Golden Feather on Cleaning Day. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel The Rocketeer. “Carnival Caper/Songbird Soars Again“ (11:00-11:25 A.M. EST) “Carnival Caper” – The Great Orsino and his traveling carnival arrive in Hughesville to steal Kit’s rocket-pack.
“Songbird Soars Again” – Kit befriends a former pilot, May Songbird, and helps her find the courage to fly her plane again. *Phylicia Rashad (“This Is Us”) guest stars as May Songbird. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Elena of Avalor “The Last Laugh“ (12:30-1:00 P.M. EST) Naomi has second thoughts about her role on the Grand Council after her childhood friend, Veronica, visits. *Auli’i Cravalho (“Moana”) and Gina Torres (“Suits”) guest star as Veronica and Chatana, respectively. TV-Y
Saturday, Nov. 23 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Big City Greens “Urban Legend/Wishing Well“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Urban Legend” – When Bill learns that Gramma has been purposely creating a frightening reputation around town, he throws a barbeque to befriend the neighbors.  
“Wishing Well” – Cricket makes a wishing well to cash in on people making wishes, but when Tilly dumps all her savings into it, he is faced with a dilemma. *Zeno Robinson (“Young Justice”) and Andy Daly (“Review”) return as Cricket’s best friend Remy and Officer Keys, respectively. TV-Y7
Saturday, Nov. 30 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior Vampirina “A Gargoyle Carol/Deliver-eeek!“ (11:00-11:30 A.M. EST) “A Gargoyle Carol” – When Gregoria is reluctant to embrace the human traditions of Christmas, she receives a visit from the Christmas Ghost who takes her on a journey to the past, present and future to help her get into the holiday spirit.
“Deliver-eeek!” – Vampirina and her family are excited to discover a new service that delivers specialty items from Transylvania. *Nicole Sullivan (“The King of Queens”) guest stars as Cleo, a delivery witch. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Big City Greens “Elevator Action/Bad Influencer“ (9:30-10:00 A.M. EST) “Elevator Action” – Gloria gets stuck on an elevator with the Greens. *Anna Akana (“Youth & Consequences”) returns as café barista Gloria.
“Bad Influencer” – Remy falls under the sway of an internet influencer. *Danny Trejo (“Machete”) and Zeno Robinson (“Young Justice”) return as bodyguard Vasquez and Cricket’s best friend Remy, respectively. TV-Y7
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malpabo · 6 years
[Drunk Talk 3] Shinhwa’s Junjin “I’m thankful just being able to participate in ‘Infinite Challenge’
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Shinhwa welcomed their 20th birthday. It’s their 20th debut anniversary. Shinhwa debuted in 1998, and has released 13 studio albums in the past 20 years. While the mountains and rivers changed twice, and even through much complications, they have protected the name of Shinhwa, and received a lot of love as they released multiple hit tracks, starting with their debut song, ‘The Resolver’.
Shinhwa is the longest running idol group that is ‘currently active’ and has continuously promoted for 20 years, without even one member change. There are so many groups that have dissolved or experience member changes to the extent that the ‘idol 7 year jinx’ saying exists, and that is what makes Shinhwa’s 20th year shine even more.
The drunk talk interview was arranged with great difficulty, as Shinhwa was busy with preparations so that they can celebrate their 20th anniversary in an even more meaningful manner with the fans. It so happened that this interview was conducted on ‘Shin-dependence day’ (a phrase that combines Shinhwa and Independence day that fans use to commemorate the end of the trademark lawsuit, falls on 29 May), which was even more meaningful.
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(continued from part 2)
- You’re preparing for a Shinhwa variety after JTBC’s ‘Shinhwa Broadcast’ Junjin: It was difficult when we first started it and there were many complications. This time I think we can do better because we’re more experienced. There are really a lot of different variety shows nowadays, and we’re thinking hard on what we should do that will be interesting. Even though just the fact that we’re doing a variety together with members who have promoted together for 20 years is in itself meaningful and will probably be fun.
- Season 1 of MBC’s ‘Infinite Challenge’ ended this year. Junjin, how did you feel when you heard season 1 was ending? Junjin: I really learnt a lot while filming ‘Infinite Challenge’. Being able to participate, for a period of time, in a variety program that is so loved, that alone is something I’m really thankful for. Personally, I’ve learnt a lot from the hyungs. When I appeared, we had a lot of physical challenges. Before I get any older, if there was a chance, I would like to try the physical challenges, such as bobsledding, together with the hyungs again.
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- Eric became part of PD Na Youngseok’s team with tvN’s ‘Three Meals a Day’. How was doing a variety with him like? Eric: He is really excellent in his observations and understanding people. All these while, I’ve rejected a lot of varieties because I felt burdened having to be observed and showing my true self, without being aware and without putting on an act. But PD Na Youngseok observes and films without making me realise it. In the past 20 years, when I did varieties, the interviews always started with, ‘Alright, camera rolling, we’re doing the interview now’. But that team films the interview from far away, and zooms in the camera. You speak naturally because you’re mixed into the environment around you.
- In the past, people were often biased towards idol-turned-actors. How did you overcome that, and do you think you’re going on the path you want, as an actor? Eric: I am a singer-turned-actor but Dongwan is an actor-turned-singer. I think Dongwan doesn’t get asked as much of those questions as I do. There are a lot of singer-turned-actors now but back then, there weren’t so many. It is true that there is a negative view towards singer-turned-actors but I think entering into a project without being fully prepared for it also played a part. I use Mun Junghyuk when I’m acting because I don’t want to use Shinhwa’s name. But after time passed, I think that was arrogance on my part. I think at that time, I was determined to be responsible as an actor and lead the story, whether I am the main lead or not, and that’s why I acted as such. Now I just act with a comfortable feeling. Dongwan: Looking back, I think I have lived well as Shinhwa but I’m not sure how I have performed as an actor. And to be honest, I do have some regrets.
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- Dongwan, I heard you started living in the countryside. Dongwan: I have moved from the house I showed in MBC’s “I Live Alone” to Gapyeong. If I get busy, I probably need to find a one-room suite in Seoul. People I work with says it’s tiring to be going back and forth. But in Gapyeong, I play with my neighbour’s dog, cut the grass, I do even more things. I had nothing to do so I even bought and installed a pull-up bar at home.
- What did you think when you see first generation idols that debuted together with you in the 90s reuniting? Minwoo: It looks good. There is someone who choreographed the dances for Sech Kies, Fin K.L, and even us. We still reminiscence about Dream Concert. One day, that person said it’d be fun if Shinhwa, god, H.O.T, Sech Kies, Fin K.L, S.E.S, all got together and held a festival-like concert at Seoul Olympic Stadium. I think it’ll be really fun. Eric: The main point of that concert will be the tension between the fans. It doesn’t seem so nowadays, with so many idols, but back in the days, each group had a clear rival group. The tension between the fans was huge back then. I think it’ll be fun if that happened during the concert. Dongwan: I hope anyone who reads this is report and is interested in investing will contact us. (laughs) Hyesung: I think anyone thinks about a collaboration like that. I’ve talked about it with Kangta too. We were saying it’d be fun if, at an awards ceremony, (Jang) Woohyuk and Minwoo appeared while doing a dance battle. It’s enjoyable just thinking about holding a concert with singers we have promoted with.
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- Is there a title you’d like to have? Minwoo: People use the word ‘legend’ when you promote for a long time, so now, I’m just thankful for the phrase “legendary idols”. I want Shinhwa to be a legend of Korean idols because we’ve been here for 20 years. Don’t you think Shinhwa goes together nicely with the word ‘legend’? Eric: Shinhwa is Shinhwa. I think that is the best title. Andy: I go to the mountains often. There are old trees there. Trees look more awesome the older they are. I hope Shinhwa will become more awesome and have a rich aroma.
- You must feel a heavy sense of responsibility as the seniors and longest running idols Minwoo: Our juniors do very well nowadays. I’m really proud when BTS topped the Billboard charts. I’m close with (Bang) Sihyuk hyung and their choreographer. It is really impressive that they have come to where they are just with music and performance alone. They have an energy different from the one Shinhwa has, and they are writing a different legend from us, and I feel proud. Jungkuk ah, call me. (laughs)
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- What will you be like, 20 years later? Hyesung: There’ll be members who have lesser hair than they have now, and members who walk crookedly but even so, I think we’d still be immature. I think we’d gather together, talk and still be pranking each other then. I think Junjin will still be annoying, even 20 years later. Junjin: Ey~ how can you call me annoying Hyesung: I’d like to continue to do as well as I have been doing.
- Is there a dream or goal that you haven’t attained yet? Minwoo: Instead of wanting more popularity or fame, I just really want to continue walking on this path that we are on now, because I like it so much. Maintaining this is the goal. Even when it’s our 30th or 40th anniversary, we don’t split up and do different things. We continue to work as Shinhwa, and also do our best in our individual work. The members are like family now. Dongwan often emphasises on health, and I’d really wish for the team to continue on, healthily. Dongwan: In the past, ‘let’s not get hurt’ was the goal, now, ‘let’s not die’ is the goal. Because as long as you’re not dead, you can do anything.
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- Shinhwa to Shinhwa is? Hyesung: Family, and our heart. Minwoo: Shinhwa is our heart. It was beating in the past, it is beating now, and will continue to beat in the future. Eric: Shinhwa is Shinhwa. I hope that line alone explains everything.
sr: Ilgan Sports Translation by @malpabo Please take out with full credits
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Day 63
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Newson, Ginger part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177478016980
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Unity part 8: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177494813650
Cards part 1:  http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177528868770
Cards part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177529961200/mark-hey-there-gorgeous-want-to-come-home-with
Cards part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177530862365/andy-so-lets-start-at-the-beginning-what-were
Cards part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177545991950/mark-oi-you-get-in-here-max-alright-mister
Cards part 5: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177546397680/mark-spent-the-rest-of-the-day-think-trying-to
Newson, Gabriella part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177554093635/its-gabe-newsons-birthday-and-hes-looking
Newson, Gabriella part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177555239165/gabriel-newson-fortune-own-5-top-business-ltw
Newson, Gabriella part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177555768440
Gavigan, Isaiah part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177562793375/isaiah-hello-andy-isaiah-forensics-have-found
Gavigan, Isaiah part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177563733910/keturah-wanted-a-makeover-chair-and-i-said-why
Gavigan, Isaiah part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177564281450/i-have-a-feeling-every-kid-who-come-home-with-one
Bellum part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177595648205/andy-dont-worry-isaiah-well-go-over-the
Bellum part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177596370035
Bellum part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177596939805
Bellum part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177597632200/andy-isaiah-day-64
Thyme/Knowe/Mander part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177657414830
Thyme/Knowe/Mander part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177659047930/off-to-motel-69-for-a-four-woohoos-dream-date
Thyme/Knowe/Mander part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177659473975/when-hi-and-ida-juana-got-home-they-had-dinner
Thyme/Knowe/Mander part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177660173595/in-the-morning-hi-and-gerry-headed-off-to-work
Thyme/Knowe/Mander part 5: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177662949415/there-have-been-a-few-teething-issues-with-sibling
Thyme/Knowe/Mander part 6: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177665119065/gerry-got-promoted-not-far-off-mayor-now
Thyme/Knowe/Mander part 7: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177667207225/when-gerry-got-home-helen-had-plans
Thyme/Knowe/Mander part 8: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177667430530/and-thats-it-for-this-rotation-this-time-next
Gutenberg, JoAnn: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177861938220/this-family-is-always-so-relaxing-to-play
Knowe part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177867947125/the-knowes-are-waiting-for-baby
Knowe part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177895684800/its-a-boy
Knowe part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177895846085/twins-which-i-suppose-shouldnt-be-surprising
Mann, Candy part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177915143055/candy-enjoyed-her-evening-with-her-younger
Mann, Candy part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177915515155/meanwhile-jay-and-skye-also-enjoyed-their
Mann, Candy part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177915830305/stone-sleeps-with-one-eye-open-shes-got-two
Mann, Candy part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177916211210/jay-crap-skye-what-jay-burnt-pancakes-what-a
Mann, Candy part 5: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177916857205
Mann, Candy part 6: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177917038750/candy-likes-celebrating
Mann, Candy part 7: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177917390030/candy-wonders-exactly-when-dating-peter-became-the
Mann, Candy part 8: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177917306645/jay-angelo-skye-mmm-jay-ive-got-something-to
Mann, Candy part 9: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/177917679170/new-beginnings-all-round
Cooke/Bellum part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178109938535/ringo-asked-ali-out-on-a-date-to-motel-69-he
Cooke/Bellum part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178111549885/ringo-so-you-know-that-di-and-i-have-slept
Cooke/Bellum part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178111863875/carlo-gets-plenty-of-life-advice-from-the-grown
Cooke/Bellum part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178113526805/ringo-dot-want-to-go-out-for-breakfast-dot
Player part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178135890840/wendy-don-and-donald-went-out-for-dinner-in
Player part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178135968410/wendy-and-don-were-quick-to-head-to-bed-once-they
Player part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178136154790
Newson Beech/Garcia part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178316572980/lucas-took-ettie-on-a-play-testing-date-of-the-new
Newson Beech/Garcia part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178316885280/meanwhile-back-at-home-garrett-and-rainbow-had
Newson Beech/Garcia part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178316995960/in-the-morning-garrett-had-the-day-off-but
Hart, Ash: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178320959990/ash-and-blossom-hart-headed-to-bed-early-to-try
Hart, Ad part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178338763790/dawn-dale-baby-can-i-talk-to-you-dale-yeh
Hart, Ad part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178338888600
Hart, Ad part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178339216305/happy-birthday-dale-i-rolled-for-his-aspiration
Unity, Jack part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178354948865/jack-and-rose-are-adjusting-to-parenthod-by-doting
Unity, Jack part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178355181960/they-still-manage-to-find-grown-up-time
Unity, Jack part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178355312170/in-the-morning-jack-marking-a-year-sober-went
Unity, Jack part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178356079825/todd-look-what-the-cat-dragged-in-jack-hey
Unity, Jack part 5: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178356651775/jack-day-one-woah-oa-oa-oa-oa-oa-oa-day-one
Unity, Jack part 6: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178356678715/todd-welcome-back-jack
Unity, Jack part 7: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178356756720
Unity, Jack part 8: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178356902595/i-think-dale-and-jude-are-going-to-be-pretty
Iana part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178384875765/luis-can-be-a-pretty-good-father-when-it-suits
Iana part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178385561450/luisa-is-a-good-girl-and-perhaps-a-little-too
Iana part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178385677345/in-the-morning-a-heavily-pregnant-sue-popped
Iana part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178385769520/she-had-barely-got-home-again-when-she-went-into
Iana part 5: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178385884085/happy-birthday-susana
Land, Sal part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178387983235/lacy-land-headed-back-to-work-today-leaving-her
Land, Sal part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178391540180/its-birthday-party-time
Land, Sal part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178391553655/and-here-they-are
Graham part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178391648430/progress
Graham part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178392305060/who-could-that-be-at-the-door-freddy-stuart
Graham part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178405422170/stuart-is-someone-going-to-tell-me-what-all-this
Graham part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178405497480/caller-dallas-is-talking-mark-deal-with-him
Graham part 5: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178406290355
Graham part 6: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178406360580
Graham part 7: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178406374480/freddy-started-off-his-evening-happily-enough
Graham part 8: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178406428980/but-it-quickly-went-downhill-from-there
Graham part 9: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178416739750/anna-tossed-another-bottle-in-the-direction-of-the
Graham part 10: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178416843590/anna-nodded-and-the-two-of-them-came-into-the
Graham part 11: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178417070010/the-two-police-officers-sat-down-on-one-sofa-the
Graham part 12: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178417120155/anna-marched-across-to-freddys-room-and-dumped
Matrix/Wheels part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178450367040/crystal-mrs-newson-im-sorry-for
Matrix/Wheels part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178453842930/i-think-overall-lexis-first-meeting-with-her
Matrix/Wheels part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178453981955/davy-gets-points-for-trying-anyway
Ottomas, Alice:  http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178548143095/alice-cash-and-samantha-spent-their-thursday
Ottomas, David: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178566005465/and-now-for-some-more-ottomai
Notes part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178572208720/it-was-a-quiet-evening-in-at-the-notes
Notes part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178572579265/on-thursday-cliff-took-the-day-off-work-so-he
Notes part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178580465170/happy-birthday-reed
Hart/Gutenberg part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178580732240/iain-so-how-long-did-ali-say-shed-be-happy-to
Hart/Gutenberg part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178580907980/meanwhile-the-newly-weds-had-matching-woohoo-in
Hart/Gutenberg part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178581056815/crystal-ended-up-spending-the-night-no-use
Hart/Gutenberg part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178581144765/arden-and-eleanor-were-hungry-after-their-hot-tub
Hart/Gutenberg part 5: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178581315910
Hart/Gutenberg part 6: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178581479330/after-an-unsuccessful-job-hunt-eleanor-headed-out
Gutenberg, Eoin: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178595703860/after-spending-their-evening-studying-eoin-and
Matrix part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178644761375/when-neo-naggedreminded-dot-about-that-dog-shed
Matrix part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178669542465
Matrix part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178669574220/in-the-morning-john-went-to-work-neo-went-to
Matrix part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178669632485/mouse-whos-a-good-boy-then-woof-woof
Matrix part 5: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178669774570/the-problem-with-these-two-is-that-their
Gavigan, Reuben part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178689843470/di-got-home-from-work-hungry-exhausted-and-with
Gavigan, Reuben part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178689930070/in-the-morning-reuben-had-to-go-to-work-so-he
Gavigan, Reuben part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178689938925/its-a-girl-her-name-is-martha
Gavigan, Reuben part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178689998540
Land/Cooke part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178762005560/its-ruby-sully-and-baby-reuben-time
Land/Cooke part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178762073905/sully-didnt-have-work-until-thursday-afternoon
Land/Cooke part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178762206845
Hart, Aiken part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178792243560/kate-and-aikens-first-night-in-the-new-house-was
Hart, Aiken part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178792370780/congratulations-to-the-new-mr-and-mrs-hart
Hart, Aiken part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178792870645/despite-the-bathroom-logjam-they-raised-the-roof
Part 1: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178857093860/its-lgu-time-first-up-the-frat
Part 2: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178857124085/the-following-morning-roman-headed-out-on-a-date
Part 3: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178857627740/guy-had-something-to-ask-him
Part 4: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178863677575/they-then-had-an-engagment-to-consumate
Part 5: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178889417485/teenys-always-up-for-hearing-new-dirty-jokes
Part 6: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178889660610/edward-figures-the-best-way-to-help-teeny-make-her
Part 7: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178889700585/you-know-like-three-times-in-a-row-teeny-cant
Part 8: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178889734585/when-roman-got-back-from-class-guy-was-still
Part 9: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178889890550/davy-met-a-cute-girl-whilst-wandering-around
Part 10: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178891153495/when-he-got-home-davy-threw-a-toga-party-the
Part 11: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/178891503090/davy-loves-college
Part 12: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179011911620/selma-and-dakota-quickly-settled-into-sorority
Part 13: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179012201745/teeny-figured-the-best-way-to-figure-out-her
Part 14: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179012459370/teeny-took-a-day-to-mull-things-over-and-then
Part 15: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179012709895/it-remains-to-be-seen-how-george-will-feel-about
Part 16: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179022455600/next-up-dayton-and-silas
Part 17: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179036877880/angel-is-busy-enough-to-not-mind-living-alone
Part 18: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179036969490/sometimes-though-you-need-more-company-than-a
Part 19: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179037040765/the-next-day-angel-open-the-produce-stand-again
Part 20: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179055383995/teeny-so-we-wanted-you-to-hear-this-from-us-and
Part 21: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179081681165/after-talking-to-edward-and-teeny-george-headed
Part 22: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179081919500/edward-figured-that-since-his-fiancee-was-hanging
Part 23: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179081980315
Part 24: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179082210800/when-edward-got-back-from-class-teeny-was-still
Part 25: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179082560635/time-for-romans-grad-party
Part 26: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179082682945/of-all-the-people-roman-could-have-chosen-to-take
Part 27: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179185640545/at-the-sorority-dakota-and-selma-went-out-to
Part 28: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179186243650/teeny-invited-edward-over-on-a-date-and-had-the
Part 29: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179239912285/selma-dayton-im-ready-if-you-are-dayton
Part 30: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179240040270
Part 31: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179244719270/after-their-first-woohoo-dayton-and-selma-lost
Part 32: http://natteryaktoad.tumblr.com/post/179245048990
2 notes · View notes