#tyrus one shot
queen-scribbles · 7 months
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Went ahead and finished Xander through Road to Nowhere, after figuring out you can in fact reset the whole Kessan's Landing section of the mission. So I got a do-over talking to the SIS. :D
Still didn't get to talk to Jonas so I'm starting to seriously suspect it's still bugged, but at least they're not dead this time.\o/
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bearenjoyers · 1 year
whennnnn did victor actually start killing people i have got to know. was it before or after gus found him. hello.
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namig42 · 2 months
Was chatting with my lovely mutual @mortalasystem about my Wyllstarion fic Just One Yesterday and some of the inspo that got me started on it, and I thought why not share those things with people who might be looking for good recs? With that, here are some of the biggest inspirations for my super involved story!
Friday Nights by @sadinasaphrite
So the first and probably most prominent inspiration for a modern au is this wonderful Bloodweave fic called Friday Nights over on ao3. I really loved the chemistry between Gale and Astarion in this one, and Gale's perspective was very interesting, especially with the mix of magic still in this au. Wonderfully written, very considerate of Astarion's circumstances as a sex worker, and a happy ending to wrap it all up nicely!
Read it on Ao3
Sex worker/Charity worker Halstarion AU by @malacandrax
This comic has nine parts as of now that are all little snippets of Halsin being a concerned social worker and Astarion as a sex worker in a 70s/80s UK setting. OP really took a lot of consideration writing this one and portraying realistic steps that someone in Astarion's situation could take, and I love how they really captured both characters so well. The progression between the Astarion and Halsin is really nicely done, even in such small snippets. 11/10, definitely recommend.
Link to Part 1 here
Perfect Slaughter by @imagineitdearies
This is a Tavstarion fic that honestly captivated me so much from beginning to end. It's a long form fic that is incredibly compelling and is an alternate au prequel to the events of BG3. Tyrus, the protagonist, is a very compelling original character, and his relationship with Astarion in the hell that is Cazador's palace was so well crafted. This was the story that had me wanting to explore more relationships with Astarion in my own writing, focus on dark topics and give them the respect they deserve such as trauma, abuse, and torture, and try my own hand at writing something long form. It's gotten a great deal of praise, all of which is well deserved, and I cannot recommend it enough.
Read it on Ao3
The funny thing about my Wyllstarion thing was that there was actually very little Wyllstarion inspiration. I saw some good art here and there on tumblr, but not very much at the time. My dash was mostly bloodweave if anything. Still, there was just enough of an inkling in my head of Wyll and Astarion, and then a dumbass idea came to me one day.
I wrote it in the first chapter's notes on Ao3, but the thing that kicked this multi chapter obsession into gear was...
Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy
A song off a ten year old album. That's what did it. Specifically the lyrics:
Anything you say can and will be held against you,
So only say my name. It will be held against you.
Those two lines had my brain swimming with a one-shot smut fic of a police officer Wyll and a sex worker Astarion, but a one shot wasn't enough for the romantic that is Wyll. I couldn't write him having a first meeting kind of fling. I wrote out the original one shot idea, let it sit for a couple months, and then suddenly, something clicked in my brain and the whole thing took off from there.
Still, without this lyric, the story wouldn't exist at all. Honestly, going back and listening to the whole song after everything I've written so far, I think it's a fitting title and song in its own way. Highly recommend giving it a listen if you aren't familiar!
That's all the big ones. If other things come to mind that I missed, I'll reblog this and add onto it. In the meantime, I highly recommend checking these things out and showing the artists some love! Thanks for taking the time to read, and I hope you found something new to enjoy!
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 2 months
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"She killed Tyrus." "No." "By leaving him to die, you may just as well have killed him yourself." "He shot the man we tried to save." "It was a mistake to try and save anyone. It jeopardized the mission." "We will keep this intelligence information." "You're the one making a mistake." "And your ship and whatever quantities of C-4 you have in your possession." "That is all you ever intended, to use us." "And for your efforts, I will spare your lives." "Generous of you." "I guess the Tava beans are off the table." "Your weapons." "No. I don't think so."
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imagineitdearies · 3 months
You know you aren't allowed to stop writing about Tyrus and Astarion, right? EVER
Hey anon!
You know, I'm sure I'm allowed to stop, but I don't see any good reason to retire them entirely 🥰 No big, 200+k word sequel I'm afraid, but one-shots and little mini-stories every now and then?
Hell yes.
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chainsxwsmile · 1 year
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“PUT. Me DOWN. This instant!”
Bruce learns the hard way that it’s VERY impolite to pick up a Hobbit, especially without permission.
Luckily for the Troll, Bilbo’s method of teaching is more verbal than violent.
I was very inspired by @dejjablu ‘s style of animated Bilbo and other characters, so I wanted to give it another shot!
This is another one of my verses for Bruce, ft. him as an Olog / intelligent and sun-resistant troll.
Background is not mine— it’s one from Bambi (1942), likely by Tyrus Wong.
I tried to make it look like an old screenshot (first picture) and then an old animation cel (second picture).
Details under cut:
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snaplight-anxiety · 1 year
I cannot decide bc i love them all equally, so;
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Matt Gertz at MMFA:
The right-wing media strategy of branding President Joe Biden as senile has always suffered from the major flaw that his public performance in major moments bears no resemblance to his depiction on Fox News and other Trumpist outlets. But with the president’s first debate with Donald Trump of the cycle looming on Thursday, the network’s hosts are building a rhetorical escape hatch in case Biden’s presentation once again exceeds the low expectations they’ve set for him: They’re claiming that before the event, Biden may take performance-enhancing drugs that conceal his cognitive decline. The right has baselessly pushed this conspiracy theory — for which no evidence has ever emerged — since at least 2020, when Trump tweeted that “only drugs” could explain Biden’s energetic performances in the Democratic primary debates. The narrative escalated earlier this year when right-wing influencers needed to concoct an explanation for Biden’s strong delivery of his State of the Union address. And it has reemerged as one of their preferred narratives in the lead-up to Thursday’s debate.
“The Joe Biden we’re talking about tonight I don’t think will be the Joe Biden we’re going to see on debate night,” Sean Hannity, a Trump political operative who also hosts a prime-time Fox show, told Lara Trump, the Republican National Committee co-chair and daughter-in-law to the former president, on June 17. Hannity added that Biden would be “hyper-caffeinated” and said he supports the idea of drug-testing the candidates before the debate. Hannity returned to the narrative all week long. He claimed Biden would be “jacked up” on “a lot of Red Bull, a lot of caffeine pills, whatever” to hide the “cognitive decline” which he called “obvious and troubling.” Those substances, Hannity asserted, would explain why Biden would be “screaming” and aggressive at the debate rather than “mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, and fumbling” and confused, as he is in the out-of-context video clips the host regularly shows his audience.
Hannity isn’t alone. Last week, Fox contributors Tyrus and Newt Gingrich both pushed the notion that Biden is using drugs. So did Trump adviser Stephen Miller and Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo’s panel.  On Donald Trump Jr.’s show Triggered, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) suggested Biden would be on a “cocktail” before the debate which could include “amphetamine-type drugs like Adderall and things of that nature” as well as “things like Provigil, you know, that also just increase your alertness.” He reiterated his claims in a Fox Business interview over the weekend, demanding that the president “submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs.” (Notably, Jackson’s medical operation as White House physician reportedly functioned as a pill mill for Trump White House staffers). 
“Biden always performs better than expected on big nights,” Fox host Jesse Watters said on Friday. “It could be that he’s well-rested, studies hard. Or maybe it’s whatever’s in that orange drink. What is in that orange drink?” (Biden says his “favorite drink is orange Gatorade,” and numerous media outlets have reported that he drinks it regularly as president.) Trump himself has repeatedly gotten into the act on the campaign trail. “He’s gonna be so pumped up. He’s gonna be pumped up,” said the former president at a Wednesday rally, before suggesting that Biden uses cocaine. He claimed on Saturday that Biden would get “a shot in the ass” before the debate and come out all “jacked up.”
The right-wing have a sick fetish for pushing the “Joe Biden is senile” narrative to distract from the fact that their champion Donald Trump is far more senile.
See Also:
Daily Kos: The right can't decide if Biden is senile or superhuman
MMFA: Study: Top newspapers fixate on Biden's age while mostly downplaying Trump's age
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Rating BrBa Characters On How They Hit The Gritty
Walter White
2/10 Absolutely disrespectful.
Jesse Pinkman
8/10 He’s popping his pussy hitting the gritty.
Skylar White
3/10 She’s hip with it but only slightly better than Walt.
Hank Schrader
6.5/10 It’s kinda foul but pity points because he got shot.
Marie Schrader
3/10 She think she hip with it but it just ain’t it.
Flynn White
5/10 He put his heart into it and that’s all that matters.
Holly White
0/10 Disrespectful and utterly foul.
Gustavo Fring
6/10 He did it for charity.
Mike Erhmantraut
5/10 He’d only do it for Kaylee but he’s as sturdy as an old man can get with it.
Saul Goodman
7/10 Sturdy with it. His wife cut it out of the commercial though. :(
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
1/10 She gets one point more than Holly for mobility but it’s just as disrespectful.
Todd Alquist
6/10 Did it on ——’s grave for the giggle.
Skinny Pete
7/10 Taught Jesse everything he knows.
9/10 Sturdy and Jesse’s mad jealous.
8/10 He hopped on the bandwagon and near demolished it if it weren’t for Badger.
Tuco Salamanca
6/10 Don’t tell him I said that though.
Hector Salamanca
2/10 For a paraplegic he’s still somehow better than Lydia and Holly combined.
Steve Gomez
6/10 Only did it because Hank called him a pussy.
Gretchen Schwartz
4/10 No one is actually sure what they saw.
Elliot Schwartz
4/10 Painstakingly average.
Ted Beneke
5/10 Sturdy but average before his rug tried to take him offline.
Jane Margolis
10/10 She’s perfect.
7/10 Did it when Tyrus wasn’t looking.
7/10 Was looking when Victor did it and hit it looking him dead in the eye.
Gale Boetticher
4/10 Something about the way he hits it is just average despite his extensive research.
Marco Salamanca
6/10 Pretty sturdy but just ok.
Leonel Salamanca
3/10 On account of no legs. :(
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peachyxboy · 5 months
A Love so Sweet, it Hurts 🥀 - Hello Hello 💐
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El Michoacano - Albuquerque, New Mexico
Circa 2004
Lalo never thought himself to be an anxious man. He never had a reason to be. Despite all the things he's done, and will continue to do, he never really had nerves in his stomach or a tightness in his chest. He always had a calmness and joie de vivre that just came naturally to him. However, the feeling of anticipation didn't leave the whole time. The excitement of knowing by the end of the week, he would finally get to see her. Though, as much as he wanted to spend the time thinking and planning out their evening, unfortunately, Lalo had some bigger fish to fry. He still knew his reasons for being here, and that his real goal was to run the business as smoothly as possible, while also trying to get to the bottom of what Fring was planning. Specifically, his business with Werner Ziegler. He knew there were no associates with that name, or any plans of expanding to Germany. At least, they (the real cartel) weren't. The more Lalo found out about Fring, the more questions seemed to turn up.
Nevertheless, there was still business to be done like today's count. Nothing was out of the ordinary, aside from Lalo's thoughts. "Werner Zeigler...Werner Zeigler. Zeeiiigler," he murmured to himself, not caring if Nacho found it annoying (which he did), "You know how many Werner Zeiglers there are in Germany? Twenty-seven. Twenty-six now, according to Mrs. Zeigler.
Nacho just shook his head as he fidgeted with a salt packet. "I told you, I never heard of the guy."
"What about 'Michael'?"
Nacho leaned back in his chair, "Like I said, I only know the names of two guys over there."
"Yeah, yeah. Victor and Tyrus," he rapped his fingertips on his thighs, before his gaze landed on the street dealer and he pointed towards him, "You."
"Y-Yeah?" he asked anxiously.
"Werner Zeigler, you ever heard of that guy? Werner. Zeigler?"
"Uhh, no."
"What about Michael? A bald gringo. He's in the game."
The dealer just shook his head, and Lalo dropped the subject for now. However, he did continue to talk out loud, before turning to his two men and trying to sniff out if there was anything else. "So there's nothing new going on, huh? Nothing...different?"
"Like what?"
"Like anything."
Nacho was silent, but Domingo shot him a worried look before turning to face forward again. Lalo immediately noticed and turned his gaze to him. Unfortunately for Nacho, Dom couldn't keep a secret with that baby face and doe-eyes. "What?" Lalo asked sternly.
Nacho could see the other start to grow nervous from the pressure, so he tried to quickly interject, "It's nothing."
Lalo gave him a look, to which he only tried to explain it away, "It's nothing, man, couple of skells on Fourth have been complaining that this stuff is stepped on."
"Stepped on?" he looked towards baby face, "You hear that too?"
Domingo finally turned to face him and shrugged, "They say it's different."
"Different how?"
"Skells complain," Nacho tried to reassure him, "It's what they do."
Lalo thought for a moment before standing. "Okay. Show me."
Nacho and Dom gave each other one last look, before Nacho stood to drive him. Just as they were about to leave the restaurant, Lalo turned back and took out his wallet, "You know where Lovelace Hospital is, right Domingo?"
"Yeah, why?"
Lovelace Hospital
Tala on the other hand was not fairing well with the anticipation. She had already misplaced two of her pens, and it wasn't even lunch yet. A million things were going through her mind, and while plans of cocaine distribution and possible rivals weren't one of those things, she still had a very full plate. The thing that was bugging her the most, were her feelings towards Lalo. She would be lying if she said there wasn't an attraction, but what Tala didn't know was how far that attraction went. Obviously, she could only speak for herself when it came to her feelings. She liked Lalo a lot, probably more than a lot if she were being honest, but there was still things she had to consider. For all she knew, she could just be a fling Lalo wanted to distract himself while here in America. Additionally, she didn't know if and when Lalo would return to Mexico, and she didn't wanted to get too ahead of herself in thinking what that would mean for them.
As much as her mind wanted to stay on the topic of her love life, Tala still had a job to do. She was doing her rounds when she noticed a familiar face standing at the nurse's station: "Dom?"
He turned and she could see in his hands were a bouquet of roses, "Hey, doc."
"You visiting someone?" she asked.
"No, these are for you," he said as he handed them over.
Tala smiled as she took the flowers in her hands, "Confessing your love already?"
He blushed and laughed, "No, they're from Lalo. I'm just delivering."
She immediately paused and looked at the card attached to them:
Two more days.
This time, Tala's cheeks went flushed as a smile formed on her face. "I-I...tell him I said thank you. Sorry that he made you deliver these all the way here, though."
"No, it's cool. I'm not the only one."
Tala's expression turned puzzled, "The only one?"
Just then, the elevator had opened and a procession of eleven of Lalo's street dealers came in with a bouquet of all different kinds of flowers. The sight was definitely something to behold as these rough-looking thugs all had a bouquet in hand, before placing it on the desk in front of her. Everyone had stopped to look at the commotion, the nurses giggling with excitement at the new material they would gossip about later. Tala stood there in utter shock, but her heart did flutter at the idea of Lalo planning this romantic gesture.
During her lunch break, Tala had stepped out to make a call.
"I thought we agreed on no more causing scenes at my hospital?" she teased.
"Doctora. So you got my flowers?"
"Yes. All twelve of them."
"I didn't know which ones you likes the most."
"You know, you could've just got one of each flower for one bouquet."
"And why would I do just the bare minimum for you when I can always do more?"
Admittedly, Tala did feel the familiar fluttering in her chest again when he said that. "Well, I just wanted to thank you. They're all lovely."
"I'm glad you think so, I wanted something that could try and match your beauty."
"Are you just saying that so I'll see you sooner?"
"Depends, can you?"
Tala chuckled, "Unfortunately, I can't. I have another late night. Sorry."
"Don't be, I enjoy waiting for you."
Just as Tala was about to say something, she heard her pager go off. She sighed, "I have to go, but I'll try and call you when I can."
"I look forward to it."
Nacho's Car
Nacho had tried not to vomit while hearing Lalo speak with the doctor over the phone. Honestly, he wished he traded placed with Dom and didn't have to sit through all this lovey-dovey shit. He had spoken with Fring regarding the doctor, and Gus had advised to try and see if there was anything serious going on. And if the doctor was to get involved more than just physically, that he should report it immediately. For Tala's sake, Nacho hoped she wouldn't. He had only interacted with her in passing when she was still Hector's doctor, but she seemed like a good person. And way too smart to get involved with a Salamanca. He was relieved though when he finally hung up.
"Are you in a relationship, Nacho?"
He glanced over at his boss for a second before back on the road, "No."
"No girlfriend, wife? Nothing like that?"
"No," he repeated.
Lalo just hummed as he looked at the passing buildings, "So you wouldn't know a place to take someone on a date? Somewhere nice? Not a club, but maybe a lounge or restaurant."
Nacho was about to reiterate himself when he got a sudden idea.
"I might know a place."
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mr-walkingrainbow · 1 year
Btw I've had a tab to your ao3 open and nicely filtered all week I'm just really that bad at getting myself to read things >.< my apologies
😭😭 your completely good best I’m not expecting you to read all of them. (Ooop guess you’re constantly having my 11 thousand smut fic shoved in your face 💀💀💀) my bad.
although feel too take a look around on their. Find some fic for some fandom you like from the past! (Altho I will say my sea s omechanic, and old TWD fics were so badly written. My Tyrus one shots too I’m SO embarrassed you read those 😭)
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shallowseeker · 2 years
Dean's view versus angel views: (all from same ep 9x22). Dean views Cas as his silly rabbit. Metatron views him as dumb jock who isn't actually cool at all no siree he wants to secretly be like him lol. Everyone else: yeah he's dangerous and capable, actually. (Too bad he's whipped by his baby humans.)
Gadreel: So what if he's got baby girls. I see all that and I think he's honorable. I'd blow myself up for him, actually.
DEAN - Because he is a weird guy, okay? He's a weird, dorky, little guy. But he happens to have an army of Angels behind him
Scene changes to METATRON standing in front of a mirror in his office trying on a trench coat. Someone knocks at the door. METATRON tries hurriedly to take the coat off.]
METATRON - Uh...just a second!
[A second later, GADREEL enters. METATRON glares at him.]
GADREEL - I gave you a second.
METATRON - You are such an...angel sometimes. What do you want?
GADREEL - To talk about tonight.
METATRON - We'll be fine.
GADREEL - No, we -- we're losing, Metatron. Castiel's followers outnumber us. And while they haven't gone on offense, they have proven capable. They stopped you from killing him, and me, for example.
METATRON - I told you, we had our shot with operation Lee Harvey, and we took it. I gave the orders. You weren't to be harmed.
GADREEL - You had me followed.
METATRON - Yeah, and you met with the enemy... In secret. What is that old line about sins and stones?
GADREEL - He spoke. He lied. And I listened. That's it. But I serve heaven. I serve you.
METATRON - Good. Don't forget it. I mean, I-I don't get this whole Cas lovefest, either. I'm offering our people a way home, and still -- still, they're choosing him over me. I mean, sure, he's cute. And Castiel has this simple...charm. He's like a mentally deficient puppy. But I'm lovable. And funny. I made God laugh -- twice!
GADREEL - You're the one who asked him to lead an army.
METATRON - Well, I didn't think he'd be good at it.
GADREEL - Your meeting tonight -- Tyrus -- he controls the largest independent faction of angels left, and --
METATRON - And I have to make a good impression. I know. I've got a plan.
GADREEL [motioning to the trench coat] - It's not that, is it?
METATRON - Shut up!
METATRON - So, wait. You're turning me down because of...bowling?
TYRUS - And I like being an independent operator. And I hear you're losing. And I hate your face.
METATRON - Well, I could get a new face.
TYRUS - You'd still be you -- a nerd trying to be one of the popular kids. Mnh-mnh.
METATRON - Okay. Time for the hard sell.
TYRUS - Please. You knife me, and all my guys will go running to Castiel. Even you're not that stupid. But tell you what, huh? You out-bowl me, we'll talk?
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2ndstringloser · 1 year
to the person who keeps liking my three year old tyrus one shots, i see you i love you i hope you’re doing well because i also miss them
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diaborodevil · 9 months
Cyeris it’s a frozen tundra with scattered settlements from local tribes and few settlements from outsiders despite being a frigid region there are two semi active volcanoes known by the locals as the twin pyres
Wh why are you telling me all this
So that you know where we’re going I mean by how I see it seems like you never left westloft
That that’s true
Well by my guesses are that you aren’t going to see much
What do you mean
Well since cyeris is so cold and your beastly form long and thin you wouldn’t last long out here so you stay in the wagon
So do you think anyone is following us
No no one is that crazy to follow us
Hey Kyle we found him
I see that he’s right in front of us
Uh I didn’t think I’d have to resort to this okay (Carlos gets off his horse) tyrus I’m going to need you to run all the way to the other side of cyeris okay (then tyrus starts to run) so what’s more important Catherine or me (Carlos proceeds to run in a different direction)
We need to catch that wagon
No we need him I mean how long can that horse run if we go after the wagon we could lose him
What are you more concerned about
About about getting the job done efficiently no loose ends
Sure buddy I’ll I’ll follow your lead on this
I I think I lost them few
It’s not that easy to lose us you’ll have to try better then
What are you riding
There llamels we were granted them by the state so that we could
Your kidding
No they really
No about being state mages I’ve seen a bunch of state mages but I’ve never seen any like you two I mean how long have you been enlisted two no three days how were you granted access to do something like this
Well Catherine’s parents put in a lot of money to make sure that she gets back to westloft safely
So I’ll kill two birds with one spell I’ll save my friend and help my father
You keep saying save like you actually know how to help her
Oh yeah keep talking we got you cornered
Oh first time in cyeris I presume
Oh yeah what makes you think tha where did he
He walked up to an animal jumped on its back and it started to slide down the hill with him on its back
Are you kidding me uh we have to after him cmon move
I don’t think that will
Come on you beast we have to go after him yes yes down the hill wait why are you going slower
This is going to take a while aint it
What was that
Meanwhile lower on the hill
Few lost them and hope fully they stay lost
Oh I wouldn’t count on that
Huh who said that
Oh I did sweety
Where are you
For all you know I’m all around you
Who are you
The one who’s gonna catch you sheep prince I’m Irene cyeris state mage rank ranger
Pleasure but you really think you can catch me many have tried
Good half way down the hill but he’s almost at the bottom so you need to hurry up so we can catch up to him
They appear to be at the bottom and oh looks like they crashed into a frozen river and now there going down stream
Take all the time you need
Meanwhile in the river
Huh *huff* that should keep her off my trail
It’s not that easy
Oh you have to be kidding me what is that thing even
A frost wyrm one of the deadlier predators to inhabit cyeris so there’s nowhere safe for you (Irene readies a crossbow) so it’s best if you just accept your fate
No I think I’ll keep running as long as I can
Well ashame I never need more then one arrow for my targets (Irene fires her crossbow)
( we see Carlos’s neck craned to the side)
I’m sorry did I ruin your streak well I’m getting off this river *inhale exhale* enhance beast
No where are you going (Irene readies her crossbow and fires another shot)
You really think that’s really going to work again (suddenly another arrow flies from behind Carlos’s head) how this must be (another arrow goes past his face) her magic uh I need to focus on these arrows
*feeeeeewwww whiff feeeeeewwww*
Wait did it just (Carlos leans to the side letting the arrow fly past him)
*feeeeeewww whiff feeeeeewww*
(Suddenly every time the arrow flew by Carlos he was able to perfect dodge it till it slowed down and fell to the ground)
How how did you
I figured out the trick your a wind mage so you were using your magic to change the position of the arrow so that it would hit me but I could hear it also if I were you I’d get out of the water
What do you mean
There’s a waterfall
No I mean hearing the wait a what ahhhhhh
Welp time to try and catch up to tyrus
Oh we’ll see about that
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amethyst-aster · 10 months
The four sons of Tyrus Markof.
Gather round folks. I’ll tell you a tale. Of action, deception, anger, and betrayal. This is the tipping point of when the world erupted into chaos. It’s actually not so long ago, and even might be a part of today…
Part one: Carlos Markof
Carlo Markof was carrying out a mission.
“Men! Arm your troops. It’s time to expose Erised. Quickly now. Get into the vents.” He ushered everyone in, anxious as to not be caught. They quickly crawled into the vents, scared but excited about what they’d find. As the troops got closer, they heard two voices. One was recognized as a lower employee by the name of Dilean Orbola. The other voice seemed to be of much more importance and spoke with arrogance.
“I’m sorry, but you know too much.” They took out a gun, and shot the poor employee before throwing the contract into the roaring fireplace behind him. The vent quietly creaked, and the man looked up.
“I know who you are. Get out, and I may not shoot you. Stay where you are, and you’ll be dead by dawn.” A quiet murmur fell through the room. Half of the people quickly crawled back into safety, while the others stayed, perhaps on a suicide mission. The remaining people fell out of the vent with a crash. The man in the coat narrowed his eyes, and pointed his finger to the left. A group of burly men restrained them swiftly. “Now. Who is your leader. I highly doubt that you could do this by yourselves.” Another murmur. One of the men stepped forward, holding a teenager with golden eyes and scowling deeply.
“Ah. One of the Markof’s. I thought you’d be responsible. If only you knew who your father is. Alas, things don’t always work out how you expect them to. Like this.” He snapped twice. Immediately they were all sent outside, still being held by the guards.
“STOP! YOU CAN’T DO THIS! WE’RE NOT READY TO DIE!!!” What seemed like a thousand, (but really were a hundred) voices all cried out, begging to be saved. The teenager just stayed there, staring at the sky and blinking at one of the guards. The man grinned menacingly.
“How hard is it to follow the rules? Here’s some advice. Stop fighting us. You’ll find that things will go better for you.” They were kicking and screaming, fighting as hard as they could, but it was no use. The men stood on the edge of the cliff, still carrying the rebels in their arms, and promptly dropped them without a single thought. As they fell, Carlo thought about the guard. Did he get the signal? Would people listen to the plan? Around him, everyone was screaming in terror, before everything went silent. The only noise now coming from the cliff were vultures happy for their next meal.
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imagineitdearies · 7 months
Me looking intensily at Cazador's mind trying to figure out why he wants to sacrifice all of his 'sons' and not Cyrus,and especially Astarion why does he wants to kill astarion.
My shot is that he wants a new beggining as the ascendant,no more forced family,no more ghosts of the past,no more therapy by making some random ppl going through what you did.He is going to leave all of that behind him.
But like Tyrus is a fairly powerful mage,and I think he represents some trauma that he is not ready to leave behind even when he ascends.
But I just think he's being stupid, because as said in the fic itself there are ways to get a soul to consent, go to the lower city and say oh I need to tattoo something on you and I will give you a house, and you just need to come when I call you.
Or like idk even the servants the crazy servants.
But nope,he will kill the seven spawns and told this fairly powerful mage,and one of the seven sacrifices is the boyfriend of said powerful mage, like man...I think that fairly powerful mage who is immortal will find a way to save his boyfriend and if he fails he will pass all of eternity trying to look for a way to avenge said boyfriend,idk.
If you look at Cazador's predecessors they do not last long, they cant pass a bit more then a 100 years. So maybe Cazador,aware of this fact (me manages to last 215 years,yeah if you are an elf do not turn yourself in a vampire if you think you will be immortal, not worth it) decides to kill all of his spawn,but again...HE LETS SOME MAGE THAT WILL HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE AND THAT WANTS TO AVENGE HIS BOYFRIEND.
And I'm just saying this from the point of view of someone who doesn't know what's going on in anyone's head.
And talking as someone who knows whats going on in some head: IT'S NOT POSSIBLE THAT CAZADOR DIDN'T THINK SOMETHING LIKE "hmmmm maybe this mage that is in a codependent relationship will do something crazy like kill everyone than himself to make sure that his boyfriend lives".
Cazador your mind is my roman empire because how can you be so intelligent (cause again this bitch managed 215 years when the ones that surpassed 100 where outliers) BUT SO STUPID.
Haha it was great to read this little rant anon, I'm glad you're so passionate about this story!!
I think some people online have joked about how Cazador must just be super petty to wait around for Astarion to return/be returned when he could have replaced him with anyone else (like Dufay fears in his journal entry). I personally don't view this is as true, based on my interpretation of the following:
How Astarion describes Cazador having plans within plans, thinking of every contingency and just generally being an excellent schemer. I'm pretty sure if this was an option, he'd have realized.
How much less competent Dufay is just for the sheer fact he switched around bottles and got both himself and his gf killed. Big F in the chat. So yeah, based on that there's a good chance he was just an idiot, and couldn't have taken Astarion's place. But even if he could, that leads me to my third reasoning...
In an Astarion origin run, Cazador says all the souls Astarion brought him are "all linked through those lines I carved on your back. All linked through blood," and if Tav goes to him knowing nothing of the ritual, he explains that each of the 7,000 souls "bear the scar of the one who brought them to me....in their blood I shall be reborn." it isn't a ton to go off, but because I find it more compelling to believe in a big bad guy's competence, my interpretation of why Cazador (or even Dufay) could stand in for Astarion while any random soul couldn't is that there needs to be both a literal and figurative blood link--the blood of at least a thousand of these souls is on Astarion's head, and arguably Dufay has their blood on his hands too, even if he didn't do the luring. No one's ledger is as dirty as Cazador's, of course. And actual blood links them altogether as well, thanks to Cazador's tendency to put his fangs in so many people's necks.
As for Tyrus getting added to this mix in PS, Cazador tells Astarion in bg3 that he was always a means to an end, important only thanks to Cazador's purposes for him. Because Tyrus's purposes can stretch beyond Cazador's Ascension, he is spared--and while Cazador isn't stupid, he is a bit overly confident that there is no other way for a spawn to overcome their master. Plus, he has never loved someone, even in his pre-vampiric days, nearly enough to sacrifice everything for them. Tyrus's unselfish love is a huge blindspot for this otherwise very competent vampire lord!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts anon, I hope you enjoyed my ramblings in return 😊
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