starryrosebud · 3 months
Seeing my country slowly turning into a theocratic evangelical state that will make women’s lives even worse than they are today is alarming. So I made memes to cope:
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'Children Are Not Mothers': What is at stake with Brazil bill that equates abortion after 22 weeks of pregnancy to homicide
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A bill signed by 32 deputies intends to equate any abortion performed in Brazil after 22 weeks of pregnancy with the crime of homicide.
The rule would even apply to cases in which the procedure is authorized by Brazilian legislation, such as pregnancy resulting from rape.
Bill 1904/2024, whose first author is congressman Sóstenes Cavalcante (Liberal Party - Rio de Janeiro), adds a few paragraphs to four articles of the Brazilian Penal Code, which was established in 1940.
Article 124 of the Civil Code, for example, already establishes as a crime "causing oneself to have an abortion or allowing someone else to do so."
But, according to the new proposal being discussed in the Chamber of Deputies, "when there is fetal viability, presumed in pregnancies over 22 weeks, the penalties will be applied in accordance with the crime of simple homicide."
On Wednesday night (June 12th, 2024), Brazil's Chamber of Deputies approved the urgency regime for processing the project, which was requested by congressman Eli Borges (LIberal Party - Tocantins) — who also signed the document.
This means that the proposal can be voted directly by the plenary of the Chamber, without the need for debates and opinions in thematic committees of Congress.
With this, the Plenary can vote on the project in the coming days. The urgent request was included on the agenda by the President of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (Progressive Party - Aladoas).
Victims of violence
Bill 1904/2024 intends to change some articles of the Penal Code, with the aim of preventing any abortion from occurring when the pregnancy exceeds 22 weeks.
Currently, Brazilian law allows abortion in three situations:
When the pregnancy is the result of rape;
If the pregnancy poses a risk to the woman’s life;
If the fetus is anencephalic, a condition characterized by the absence of the brain and skullcap.
In an article published on the website of the Brazilian Center for Health Studies (Cebes), doctor Ana Costa, executive director of the institution, classifies the bill as "a reissue of the 'Rapist Statute', which obliges women to become pregnant as a result of rape under penalty of imprisonment".
Cebes also highlights that late access to legal abortion "reflects inequality and inequity in health care, particularly impacting children (10-14 years old), poor women, black women, and those living in rural areas."
A group of 18 entities in the sector came together to create the "Children Are Not Mothers" campaign, which characterizes the changes proposed in the law as the "Child Pregnancy Bill".
According to the creators of the movement, the change in legislation will mainly harm children under 14 years of age, who represent the largest group that needs abortion services after the third trimester.
According to them, in this age group — in which any pregnancy is the result of presumed rape — it takes longer to discover or even identify a pregnancy.
Furthermore, in two thirds of cases, the perpetrator of the rape is from the girl's own family — which inhibits the victim from seeking health services or reporting the crime to authorities in the first weeks of pregnancy.
The campaign also highlights that the eventual change in the law will mean that those involved in abortion could be convicted of the crime of simple homicide, with a prison sentence of up to 20 years.
Meanwhile, the legislation establishes a sentence of around 10 years — or half the time — for the crime of rape.
According to the Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, 74,930 people were raped in Brazil in 2022. Of these, 88.7% of the victims were female and around 60% were at most 13 years old.
DataSUS reports that, in 2019, around 70 pregnancies were legally terminated in Brazilian children and adolescents under the age of 14.
The campaign warns that, if approved, the project "will force girls who are victims of violence to continue their pregnancy" and this will mean a setback "to the sexual and reproductive rights guaranteed by law since 1940."
What supporters of the bill say
The project being discussed in the Chamber argues that the Penal Code, established in 1940, does not establish this limit of 22 weeks because "a last-trimester abortion was an unthinkable reality [at that time] and, if it were possible, no one would call it an abortion, but homicide or infanticide".
The text of the project also argues that "to grant women the right to terminate pregnancy, regardless of gestational age, and whatever the weight of the unborn child, it was necessary to subvert the basic principles of the Rule of Law, the same ones that gave rise to to American Independence and modern democracy."
According to the deputies' proposal, people involved in an abortion after 22 weeks of gestation — such as the woman and the health professional — can be convicted of the crime of simple homicide.
Currently, sentences for simple homicide in Brazil range from 6 to 20 years in prison.
On social media, congressman Sóstenes Cavalcante wrote that Bill 1904 "aims to consider late-term abortion as homicide, reinforcing the protection of life from conception."
The project was filed on May 17th. That same day, the minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Alexandre de Moraes, had suspended a resolution from the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) that prohibited the so-called fetal asystole.
This procedure, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the stages of abortion resulting from rape in the last trimester of pregnancy, uses medications to stop the fetal heartbeat before it is removed from the uterus.
According to Moraes, the CFM resolution exceeded the regulatory competence of the council and imposed "both on the medical professional and the pregnant victim of rape a restriction of rights not provided for by law capable of creating concrete and significantly worrying embarrassments for women's health" .
The STF minister also recalled that Brazilian legislation does not stipulate any "circumstantial, procedural, or temporal" limitations for carrying out the abortion provided for by law.
Moraes's decision was preliminary and will be discussed in the future in the Supreme Court plenary. The CFM also appealed the minister's opinion.
Source, translated by the blogger.
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birbbones · 4 months
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working on a special neuropathic hydrocephalus calf with an anencephalic skull. First time I've seen something like this
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theprismyyy · 3 months
Being Brazilian becomes more difficult when you are a woman, or if you simply have a vagina. IT IS UNACCEPTABLE that in 2024 and after many, many years of fighting for women's basic rights, a bill was approved that punishes the victim of sexual violence more severely than her aggressor, than her rapist!!! How the hell should it be fair that a person who sexually abuses another can get a maximum of 15 years, something that IN THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF TIMES IS NOT WHAT HAPPENS, most of the time they barely stay in prison for 1 YEAR, but the victim, if no one stops it, could face 20 years in prison if you decide you don't want to carry this pregnancy caused by your abuser, by your RAPIST.
“Ontem a Câmara dos Deputados aprovou a urgência do Projeto 1904, que ficou popularmente conhecido como projeto de incentivo ao estupro , o projeto quer equiparar o aborto ao crime de homicídio e penalizar mais as vítimas do que o estuprador.
Today we woke up to the serious news that a girl had been abused by her own father in an UTI (ICA), if she became pregnant and decided to have an abortion, after 22 weeks, she would face a greater punishment than her own father, that's what has been said. It is this violence and this serious attack against the lives of women, girls and people they love in our country, the National Congress attacking rights and reversing legislation that was approved in 1940 guaranteeing access to legal abortion in three cases: Rape, which puts the life of the mother and child at risk and also in the case of an anencephalic fetus; We need to mobilize to stop this proposition, this attack against the dignity of women and girls and people who give birth in our country." – By Erika Hilton via her social networks on Thursday (13/06)
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Photos of demonstrations against the bill that equates abortion with homicide. Image credits to @odontinho via X (formerly Twitter)
I know I'm not a big person on Tumblr, not at all, but I decided to make this translated into English as an attempt and almost an appeal for the fight against such an atrocity to reach more people; It doesn't matter if there are two, three, four, every mobilization, repost and sharing is already a help so that this reaches more and more people
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Amelia Shepherd (Grey's Anatomy)
she just so amazing and shes gone thru a lot (anencephalic baby, addiction, relapse, everyone who she loves dies or leaves) and still she’s gotten through! she’s bi or some flavour of queer and she’s head of neurosurgery super impressive and one of my favorite blorbos
MaoMao (The Apothecary Diaries)
she is so autistic and so crazy and she is obsessed with poisons and keeps getting bribed by being given rare medicinal materials (including cordyceps) and she grins when she gets poisoned cause she likes the feeling and she learned her trade from her adopted dad and she is so mean to the crown prince because she hates pretty people and she makes friends with other autistic girls (including one who is obsessed with insects & snakes)
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- brainless
- idiotic
- anencephalic
- anencephalous
- dense
- slow
- stupid
- blockheaded
- boorish
- doltish
notice how the r slur isn't there.
use better language.
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horsetailcurlers2 · 7 months
another long obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching greys anatomy for the first time (season 13 bc nobody has stopped me!!)
-oh my god meredith please just tell her you slept with riggs
-yeah DUH amelia you should have gotten to know each other better before you got married
-can i just say that i will never ever base my preconceptions of a show off tiktok again lol. before i watched this show i fully expected to hate maggie and april. i’m nervous bc i’ve also seen people who haven’t watched pp say they hated amelia but so far i don’t see why.
-i’m confused?? amelia has definitely mentioned her anencephalic baby to owen before. maybe she hasn’t laid out the whole story but she definitely mentioned him some time after derek died.
-oooh murphy is back
-bailey is not stupid so why is she acting stupid??? of course this prison has scarce medical resources and the doctors are overworked. what planet do you live on?
-trying to cut dr eliza some slack bc she’s just doing her job, but she could probably do it a way that’s less irritating
-imo alex deserves to be punished. way too many main characters get off too easy when they make fucked up choices. but i selfishly don’t want him to go to prison lol
-bailey is starting to seriously piss me off. i’m not saying all the attendings are in the right for the way they’re acting but what did she think would happen if she brought in some abrasive stranger to take a sledgehammer to their program and undermine the authority of a bunch of tight knit surgeons who are often times like a group of talented toddlers with scalpels
-they should have done a chemistry read with jessica capshaw before they cast minnick lmao. the flirting is so bad and the “sexual tension” thing they’re trying to is almost laughable.
-why on earth WOULDN’T you want an actual peds surgeon to supervise a child’s surgery? whatever phase two of your teaching program whatever…. but what the fuck?
-also “this isn’t about me it’s about edwards” rubs me the wrong way bc actually it’s about the fucking patient
-i think they’ve introduced new exterior shots this season. i like ‘em
-owen pisses me off bc he’s actually a really good friend, but an appallingly bad partner
-maggie could stand to chill out a little bit, even if she doesn’t know about the cancer.
-“a place she loved… by the water” RICHARD
-maggie’s mom is so real “orgasms. they are not a gift. it’s your right” “i wanna die with my eyelashes on”
-the synchronized lasagna eating is what finally made me cry. RIP diane
-“her heart beat for derek shepherd. it never occurred to me that she would be with anyone else” jesus fucking christ why don’t you chill out a little bit arizona
-i like this plane episode a lot. i know it’s not *technically* a bottle episode but it feels like one. what are the odds somebody can be in TWO emergency plane situations in the same handful of years
-meredith definitely fucked up and she should’ve told maggie about riggs WAY sooner but (and i feel mean saying this) maggie is being a little dramatic about a guy she didn’t actually date. it’s the principle though, so i get it.
-jo’s secret abusive husband is will shuester?????
-these fake outs with alex and paul are giving me heart palpitations.
-of course amelia speaks german. that’s so hot
-maybe i’m stupid but i think that if there’s a fire, all the doors to outside should automatically be unlocked
-minnick sucks ridiculously hard
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
did you know that we were parents for about an hour. (i did. ask if i could tell you guys and she said yes) rae was with someone else at the time, she got pregnant and he walked out (stupid asshole) so about 3-4 months later, we both were at a bar for a party for a friend of ours (ofc she didn’t drink alcohol) so then we started talking after that, and about 8 months into her pregnancy we started dating, of course we had been on dates and all that but when she was 8 months we decided to make it offical. when it came closer and closer to her due date i swore i would treat that child like my own. but when she was giving birth, they found out our baby was anencephalic (the baby’s brain wasn’t fully devolved) so we were parents for about an hour:(
Omfg I’m so sorry I hope you guys are doing a bit better now like omg that’s so sad 😭 I’m wishing you guys all the best no person ever deserves to go through that pain :((
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Human Rights Watch, El Salvador: Court Hears Case on Total Abortion Ban (03/23/2023)
CW: human rights violations/sexual assault/gang violence
In “the case of Beatriz, who was denied an abortion by El Salvador despite her high-risk pregnancy… The Medical Committee of El Salvador’s national maternity hospital recommended terminating the pregnancy. But in El Salvador, abortion is illegal in all circumstances.” Ultimately, “Beatriz underwent an emergency C-section. The anencephalic fetus died five hours later.”
“El Salvador continues to criminalize abortion in all circumstances. Women have been convicted of homicide for having an abortion, sometimes with sentences up to 40 years in prison. In some cases, having a miscarriage or stillbirth was used as evidence to convict them.”
“Access to safe and legal abortion protects autonomy and reduces maternal mortality and morbidity.” “Authoritative interpretations of international human rights law establish that denying women, girls, and other pregnant people access to abortion is a form of discrimination and jeopardizes a range of human rights. These include the rights to life and to be free from torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment; liberty; health and information; privacy and bodily autonomy and integrity…”
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Breadth-First Search
If I ask for a list of words starting with "an" it's possible that the user wants "anencephalic" but FAR more likely they want "any" or "and" so to make a functional reply we do a breadth-first search which basically just means "start with shorter words."
You take the starting node offered by the user input - "an" - and you put it in a queue.
Then you say, "while there are items in the queue, and I haven't gotten as many results returned as I want, add any words in the nodes leading out of this one to our list of results, and add every node leading out of this one to the queue. So for instance, "and" and "any" and "ant" would get added to the results AND to the queue, while "anu" would get added to the queue but not the results because it's not a word. This would let it find "anus" for 4-letter words if we decided the 3-letter offerings weren't enough.
Breadth-first in general doesn't technically mean "use shorter words." That's just for dealing with spelling suggestions. Technically it means "the results most similar to my starting state first."
So for instance a breadth-first search trying to find an object in a field would move in a spiral out from its starting location, making sure it had checked all adjacent spaces, then all the locations 2 spaces from start, then 3, and so on. This could be very useful if you're trying to make sure you don't miss anything, or if you think it's likely the thing you're looking for is near your starting location.
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Thousands of Brazilians march against bill that equates abortion to homicide
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Thousands of Brazilians took to the streets in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to protest proposed legislation that equates abortion with homicide and restricts legal abortion to 22 weeks of gestation, including in cases of rape. The proposal was approved last week for urgent discussion in the Chamber of Deputies, Brazil’s lower house.
According to Brazilian law, abortion is currently legal in three circumstances: cases of rape, when the mother’s life is at risk, or when the fetus is anencephalic. The proposed bill aims to limit the period for these abortions to 22 weeks, whereas the current law allows them at any stage of pregnancy.
If an abortion occurs after this 22-week period, the woman could be prosecuted and convicted of murder, with potential sentences ranging from six to 20 years in prison. The crime of rape in Brazil carries a sentence of six to 12 years. This means that a woman convicted of homicide for an abortion — even in rape cases — could receive nearly twice the sentence of the rapist.
The proposal sparked a massive backlash, mainly on social media, but also with protestors gathering in the streets. Social movements and NGOs defending women’s rights came together and launched the “children are not mothers” campaign, with a petition to put pressure on congressmen, which already has more than 343,000 signatures.
Continue reading.
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lowkeynando · 1 year
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their family out in times of need. From tribe to tribe there are variations of what the little people's mannerisms were like, and whether they were good or evil may be different.
One of the common beliefs is that the little people create distractions to cause mischief.
They were believed to be gods by some. One North American Native tribe believed that they lived in nearby caves. [citation needed] The caves were never entered for fear of disturbing the little people.
Legends of physical remains of tiny people being found in various locations in the Western United States, particularly Montana and Wyoming, typically describe the remains as being found in caves with various details such as descriptions that they were "perfectly formed", dwarf-size, etc. Often as an effort to
"enhance credibility" archaeologist Lawrence L.
Loendorf notes that some tales make claims that "the burials, of course, are always sent to a local university or to the Smithsonian for analysis, only to have both the specimens and research results disappear." [2] Loendorf also suggests that the discovery of two mummies of anencephalic infants in the first half of the twentieth century with deformities that caused some people to believe they were adults has
"contributed to public belief in the existence of a group of tiny prehistoric people." [3]
Lewis and Clark reported in their journals thats CLONES
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lepromatosis · 7 years
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The Diseases of Children, Vol. IV  by Meinhard von Pfaundler, Arthur Schlossmann, Henry Shaw, and Edford La Fétra, 1908
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inmydrcams · 5 years
can I at least have addison back? amy wants to take it slow with link, she’s not ready to give him christopher’s story. she was with owen for years and she never told him, she needs someone there who KNOWS what happened and who won’t make her say it and relive it 
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Hall’s fetus was diagnosed with anencephaly, a neural tube defect in which the brain, skull and scalp do not develop properly in the womb. Most of these pregnancies end in miscarriage or stillbirth. Anencephalic babies born alive will likely survive only for hours or days; they will be unconscious, blind, deaf and will not voluntarily respond to touch or sound, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Hall’s maternal-fetal medicine specialist laid out the best-case scenario: If she managed to carry to term and deliver a live baby, with miracles of medicine, science and technology, they might be able to keep her alive for a few weeks, tied to machines and without hope of recovery. Hall’s entire vision of this pregnancy — giving birth, becoming a mom, watching her daughter grow up — evaporated in an instant. She was bereft, unable to even process the news. Her husband took over, asking the doctor what, if anything, they could do.Immediately, they sensed hesitation from the doctor. Eventually, she laid out their options: Keep carrying the pregnancy or leave Texas to get an abortion.
“And she said, ‘If you do that, don’t tell anybody why you’re traveling, don’t tell your jobs, don’t tell anyone at the airport,’” Hall remembers. “Which sounds extreme, but Roe had just been overturned. Everyone was so scared.”
Nancy Davis wasn't the only one. Lauren Hall had to flee her state for the same reason. Not a single one of you forced birthers has a heart. The fetuses of both women had genetic anomalies, but you chose to be heartless.
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destructrice · 2 years
“How does it feel to be a woman this week”
> American court ruling abortion illegal in all cases in a lot of states and every latin-american knows that our politicians mimic US politicians since at least the late 1800s
> Here in Brazil abortion is only legal in case of rape or an anencephalic fetus. This week, a 11 yo girl was pregnant (every sexual act involving someone younger than 14 is rape by brazillian law, even if “consensual” or the other person also being a minor) and seeking abortion, with support from her family, and a judge took her away from her mother and put her in a shelter to try and prevent the legal abortion. Other things the judge has said is “have you chosen your baby’s name yet?” and “did the baby’s father consent to the abortion?”… this delayed the abortion by a month and the abortion only actually happened because the media found out about this case
> A brazillian actress got pregnant after rape (she never mentioned who raped her and didn’t even press charges, she wanted to do this as quietly as possible) and actually gave birth to the baby and sent the baby to a family that was already ready to adopt them. A nurse at the hospital leaked this information to the press and conservative christians are attacking her for “being irresponsible and evil and abandoning a newborn and not accepting her role as a mother” (remembering she gave the baby directly to the family that adopted them, the baby didn’t spend a single day at a shelter, and all was done according to the law)
Remember this when pro-lifers say “I’m okay if there is proven rape”, no they’re not, even if it’s the rape of a child, they will still consider a 11yo to be a murderer. When they say “just give the baby to adoption and it will be no big deal, there are plenty of loving couples ready to adopt”, yes they WILL make this a big deal and call her a criminal for “abandoning a child”, call he irresponsible and think it’s unacceptable that she “escaped” being a forced mother. They only use the adoption argument because they know it’s unpopular, but this is the proof that if women actually put their babies to adoption, they would be harassed and ostracized because it is not and it was never about the baby being born and the sanctity of life, it’s about forcing women to be mothers and mothers only whether they like it or not
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