#angel poupee
snow-priestess · 2 years
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♥ Angelic Pretty - Poupée de Rêve ♥
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candynecklacebebe · 2 years
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Forgot I had all of these stored away. Time to decorate my room. 🖤
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lecameleontv · 3 months
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Captures du Téléfilm n°2 : L'Antre du Diable / Island of the Haunted (2001) de la série Le Caméléon (V.O. : The Pretender).
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Distribution : - Conrad Coates, qui retrouvera James Denton dans la série Good Witch (Ep. 1.02 et 1.03) et avait déjà rencontré Ashley Peldon dans le film Trahie (1991) - John Bourgeois, qui croisera Ryan Merriman dans l'Ep. 1.10 de la série Veritas : The Quest (2003); ...
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Adama du Triumvirat : " Voici les Rouleaux... Ils ont été volés !"
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Mlle Parker : "Papa... dis moi quelque chose !"
médecin du Centre : "La catatonie est une forme de schizophrénie (màj 2024 : ce sont 2 maladies psychiatriques très différentes), qui se traduit par une forme de stupeur et de mutisme. [...]
Mlle Parker : "Vous devriez pouvoir le réveiller !"
médecin du Centre : "Ah mais il est réveillé... Seulement... il est prisonnier de son corps."
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Lyle : "Je n'en sais rien et j'en ai rien à faire. Quand des fauves à ce point enragés sont lâchés, je suis doux comme un agneau."
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Jarod : "Ca fait 5 ans que tu me traques, pourquoi ne pas me laisser tranquille ?"
Mlle Parker : "Ca ne marche pas comme ça, tu le sais. Mon job consiste à te capturer et à te ramener au Centre ! Tu cours, je te traque. Rien n'a changé !".
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Mlle Parker : "L'archéographie ça s'intéresse à quoi en particulier ?"
Broots : " Aheuheuheu à l'étude de la signification et de l'origine des symboles inexpliqués de notre histoire [...]".
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Broots : "[...] retrouver ses origines relevait de l'obsession."
Sydney : "Avez-vous pris en compte les conséquences psychologiques ?"
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frère Menenicus : "Et cette tempête viendra purifier nos terres ! Nous n'avons pas le droit d'abandonner les âmes dont nous avons la charge !"
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Jarod : "Je m'appelle Jarod. J'aimerai trouver un refuge."
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Jarod : " Vous n'avez pas peur de la tempête qui s'annonce ?"
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Dr Raines : "Lyle... Vous m'avez pris mon pouce."
Lyle : "Vous ne vous en serviez pas en ce temps là."
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Mlle Parker : "Vous êtes sure d'être aveugle ?"
Ocee : "On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
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Sydney : "Terribilis est locus iste. [...] Des atrocités ont eu lieu ici."
Mlle Parker : "comment peut-on tuer toute sa famille pour l'appât du gain et le pouvoir ?"
Jarod : "Pose plutôt la question à ton père."
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Mlle Parker : "Je sais enfin qui je suis !"
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Jarod : "Laissons la tempête faire rage dehors. Pas sous ton crâne."
Mlle Parker : "[...] Génération après génération ! Toute cette cruauté... Ce mal m'a été transmis."
Jarod : "Tu sais qui tu es."
Mlle Parker : "Je suis une Parker. Au fil des révélations qui ont marqué ma vie, le portrait de ma famille s'est assombrie pour devenir ... d'une laideur accablante."
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Mlle Parker : "Tu te souviens quand nous étions enfant cette nuit où je t'ai fait entrer en cachette dans le bureau de mon père..."
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Mlle Parker : " [...] ce qui m'amène à me poser la question ..."
Jarod : "Qui suis-je en réalité ?"
Mlle Parker : "Et aujourd'hui je ne sais pas si ... j'ai envie de connaître la réponse."
Jarod : "Mais si ... bien sûr que si ..."
Jarod : "Le Centre veut que nous pensions que découvrir la vérité ne nous mènerait à rien... et que chercher des réponses sur qui nous sommes est futile ... et bien entendu que ... de tisser des liens ... qui échapperaient à leur contrôle est une erreur. [...]"
Mlle Parker : "Pourquoi faut-il que la seule personne, dont on m'a enseigné de me méfier, que je devais haïr et capturer, ... soit toujours auprès de moi... chaque fois que je traverse une épreuve difficile dans ma vie ? ..."
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Ocee : "Père Théo l'appelait mon Ange".
Mlle Parker : "Chaque pièce d'un puzzle signifie quelque chose."
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Mlle Parker : "Elle ne cherchait qu'à protéger son père de ses démons... en sachant que son acte lui couterait la vie."
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Mlle Parker : "Que voudrais-tu que je fasse Jarod ?!"
Jarod : "A toi de répondre à cette question... Quand les gens doivent prendre un tournant et s'obstinent à aller droit devant eux, ça me chagrine."
Mlle Parker : "Je suppose que tu vas m'ouvrir les yeux ?"
Jarod : "Non tu n'as pas besoin de mon aide. Il n'y a que toi qui puisses décider de regarder ta vie ou non en face... Ta mère elle a eu ce courage."
Mlle Parker : "Laisse ma mère en dehors de tout ça tu veux ! Je ne suis pas ELLE."
Jarod : "Mais qui es-tu alors ? ... Ton père ? ... Est-ce que l'héritage paternel que tu aimerais que tes enfants recueillent ? ... Nous avons traverser tant d'épreuves ensemble... depuis notre enfance au Centre ... jusqu'à ces quelques jours sur l'île... [...]"
Mlle Parker : "Et si on faisait seulement ce qu'on à faire dans cette vie pour s'en sortir Jarod ?"
Jarod : Je crois que nous méritons tous les deux une vie meilleure."
Mlle Parker : "C'est seulement quand on a vers quoi se tourner qu'on prend le tournant."
Jarod ! "Ce qui est merveilleux avec la vie Mlle Parker, c'est qu'on peut toujours changer l'histoire... Et qu'alors la fin nous appartient."
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Broots : "Où est-ce que vous étiez passé ??"
Mlle Parker : "Quelque part entre l'enfer ... et un tournant décisif..."
Broots : "Ah non non non l'Enfer c'est ici croyez-moi et on a sérieusement chaud aux fesses !"
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Mlle Parker : "Alors est-ce que mon père est bien mon père ?"
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Mlle Parker : "Là je sens que je vais vomir..."
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Jarod : "J'aimerai vous poser une question... L'avez-vous jamais aimé ? ... Parce qu'elle a soif de cette affection que vous ne lui avez que trop rarement donné."
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Anecdote : Jarod se fait appeler Professeur Jarod Dodson, ... du nom du scénariste Mark M. Dodson^^, qui a également fait des caméos dans des épisodes de la série.
Thème : les Jumeaux.
Téléfilm n°1
Pensée à une autre île^^ :  LOST (2004).
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firespirited · 1 year
for reference: dolltubers
A Thousand Splendid Dolls (Shelly is an ideal reference, knows the doll lines front to back, excellent at repair)
Beauty Inside A Box (doll line overviews, news, lore, Barbie collections)
Chad Marvelous (doll hunting, reviews)
Disney Dad 83 (Disney and playline reviews)
TheDollBoy (tutorials for curls braids dye etc, restyles, customs)
Angel Loza (reviews, comparisons, collector talk)
barbee0913 (all sorts of dolls, thrift finds)
Girl Underwater (fishdress: older doll lines, music, restyles)
Mini toy adventures (reviews)
Artie Ardee (reviews)
Barbination (Arjen: reviews, restyles, repair and opinion)
Darling Dollz (Cammy: reviews, opinions, playline history, doll lines overviews)
The Doll Daddy (Jeffrey’s anti hauls and opinions are very interesting)
Life in Plastic (playline, collector, IT reviews)
Muñecas, Poupees, and Dolls (BJD expert)
Rachel Hoffman (vintage, antique, tonner)
Soda Collects (reviews)
toohunky toys (dioramas, crafts, 1/6th hybrid dolls and comparisons)
nynnie me (sewing for barbie)
Faith Elene (barbie reviews, includes skintones and details about playline quality)
ZombieXCorn (reviews, doll hair care, stop-motion)
Rubyreds Worldofdolls (reviews, AA dolls focus)
Toy Chat (reviews, opinions on doll collecting, playline and IT)
Courtly Jester (Lizzie: doll news, reviews, opinions, restyles)
JuliebBarbies (dioramas, customization)
Kewpie83 (collector spotlight, reviews of lesser known dolls and toys, doll conventions)
Azusa Barbie (some reviews, more of a barbie-like lifestyle vlog)
xCanadensis (Brooke: her non review videos are very interesting as she extensively collects older, rarer lines and MLP)
FaeryTaleDolls (Oliver: review, opinions, collector talk)
BarbiesGBF (Ethan, sassy and sarcastic, collects primarily Barbie, will tell you about the screenings and skin tones, gages quality well as he collects older clothing like fashion fever to dress new diverse dolls)
ChaymieCreates (disney and barbie)
Mad_Dollz (reviews)
Raven Ry (Monster High)
rodneyrainbow (intricate restyles)
peaceloveplastic (excellent hair tutorials, reviews)
dollthighs (Adam, reviews and doll talk
PoppySeedMini/ (diorama crafts)
Dollulus (reviews, restyles, discussion
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Alice and Angel wear Juliette et Justine’s polycopie de poupee (bisque doll) op in pink/ lavender.
Example image via Violetnoir on LM
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, March 13
DRUSILLA: Miss Edith speaks out of turn. She's a bad example, and will have no cakes today. Shh. SPIKE: Darling, are you going to eat something? DRUSILLA: I'm not hungry. I miss Prague. SPIKE: You nearly died in Prague. Idiot mob. This is the place for us. The Hellmouth will restore you, put color in your cheeks, metaphorically speaking, and in a few week's time... DRUSILLA: The stars will align, and smile down on us. SPIKE: And then, God, this town will burn. DRUSILLA: A pretty fire!
~~BtVS 2x03 “School Hard”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Invited (Angel / Angelus, Willow, Buffy, Joyce, Giles, PG) by badly_knitted
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Horrorshow, Chapter 1/? (various ships, E) by vampbrat
Side By Side, Chapter 1/? (Spike, Seeley Booth, Bones xover, not rated) by Enigmatist
Aloha Means Hello ... and Goodbye, Chapters 3-8/8 COMPLETE! (Buffy/Angel, E) by MCorey1317
Dawn Rising, Chapter 49/? (Buffy, LOTR xover, T) by Luna_delCielo
The Stars to Hold Our Destiny, Chapter 4/? (Buffy, Star Trek xover, G) by Hermione2be
[Ukrainian language] Forward to Time Past//Вперед у час минулий, Chapter 32/67 (Buffy/Spike, E) translation by Uraniya
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Dru & Darla, Chapter 2 COMPLETE! (Drusilla/Darla, M) by Hoomanbeans
[French language] POUPEES ET TERRE BRULEE, Chapter 1 (Drusilla, K+) by fredericbleumalt
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Dusk Rising, Chapter 33 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by HappyWhenItRains
Forwarding Blue, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Desicat
Love Lives Here, Chapter 34 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
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A Breath is But a Soundless Whisper, Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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Left on Read, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by ashcrashed
Enemies to Ghost Hunters, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by ClowniestLivEver
The Balance, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by ClowniestLivEver
Triangles, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by ClowniestLivEver
30 Ways to Say I Love You, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxine Eden
Embrace, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Harlow Turner
We’re Having a Baby!, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by Maxine Eden
Bizarre Double Life, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by violettathepiratequeen
Out of the Wasteland, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Harlow Turner
I love you., Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Lilacsandorangeblossoms
Crossing Over, Chapters 11-12 (Buffy/Spike, G) by Julikobold
The Dreaded Lurgi, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by SomeKindOfADeviant
Tag, You're It!, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by VeroNyxK84
Forever and Always?, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, R) by scratchmeout
X.X, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Rea
The Dawnster Drabbles, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Passion4Spike
How Could I Not?, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, R) by simmony
Dead End, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by all choseny
Bad Idea, Right?, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, R) by scratchmeout
Slowly At First, Chapters 8-9 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Gabby
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: art to accompany my drabble fic “Dead End” (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by allchoseny
Artwork: [Sketch of Spike and Dru] (worksafe) by esthercism
Artwork: “And in a few week’s time…” (Spike/Dru, worksafe) by esthercism
Moodboard: Cordelia Chase (worksafe) by awinterrosesstuff
Artwork: spike & dru redraw from 2021! (worksafe) by pier-monsters
Artwork: [Drawing of Oz] (worksafe) by genericaces
Artwork: been watching buffy for the first time and ive become so gilespilled (Giles, worksafe) by dykepaldi
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Artwork: ChiBangel: I Will Remember You #2 (Buffy/Angel, G) by MamaBewear
[Reviews & Recaps]
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2x04 ‘Inca Mummy Girl’ is better than 2x07 ‘Lie to Me’ by leviathan
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PODCAST: HELLMOUTH HOMOS: Fear, Itself by Fear Queers
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: Fanfic: follows Normal Again, but it’s an AU requested by move_along_home
[Fandom Discussions]
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the main appeal of angel is literally buffy by mag200
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Spikes Soul continued by multiple posters
BTVS Through a Modern Lens started by hoponlilmama
I want to know!! (The behind the scenes tea) continued by multiple posters
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What If: Xander didn’t return in The Freshman by nightshade
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People who watched the show while it was live - what did you think at the end of season 5?? by darkprincessmidnight
Why don't Watchers be Slayers? by insomniac1994
Which season had the best hair and why is it season five? by NowMindYou
my thoughts on riley by Amazing_Bird_7861
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restingcorpse · 3 years
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theedesirebody · 3 years
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Marie-poupée (Marie the Doll), 1976 -- (fucking love this film)
Thee Desire Body
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rosehaunt · 3 years
What films would you most recommend?
Look I’m just going to give you a long list, cause I’ve been asked this a lot in the past, so I’ll just put it all here lol 💗
The hours, about time, Rear Window, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Stoker, Mulholland drive, pride and prejudice, Atonement, Little women (1994), Marie Antoinette, The great Gatsby, Romeo and Juliet (1996), Moulin Rouge!, The favourite, Anna Karenina, Picnic at hanging rock, Sicario, The others, Laura, Rebecca (1940), Black swan, And then there were none (1945), The Maltese falcon, The big sleep, Chinatown, Heathers, The exterminating angel, The imaginarium of doctor parnassus, Amelie, Donkey skin, The love witch, Jane eyre, We have always lived in the castle, A room with a view, The Aviator, Uptown girls, The craft, The virgin suicides, Jennifer’s body, Carnival of souls, Clueless, Inception, Shutter island, 10 things I hate about you, Girl interrupted, Cruel intentions, Legally blonde, Carrie, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Suspiria (1977) and Suspiria (2018), Badlands, Big fish, Ready or not, 13 going on 30, Aquamarine, Freaky Friday, Confessions of a teenage drama queen, Ginger snaps, Last night in soho, The lighthouse, The red shoes, Gilda, Double Indemnity, D.E.B.S, The devil wears prada, Gone girl, Thelma and Louise, Death on the Nile (1978), The place beyond the pines, Practical magic, Natural born killers, Valerie and her week of wonders, Fallen angels, Roman holiday, Sucker punch, Battle Royale, Bonnie and Clyde, Scarface, Belle De Jour, Closer, Drive, Momento, The Girl with the dragon tattoo, Candy, Before sunrise, American psycho, The beguiled, The lady from Shanghai, Across the universe, And while we were here, The little Tailor, Drugstore cowboy, The Neon Demon, Gia, Vivacious lady, Legend, The shop around the corner, East of Eden, The dreamers, Like crazy, Leave her to heaven, Possession, The Edge of love, Molly’s game, Stregati, Doubt, The lady eve, Prozac nation, A girl walks home alone at night, Amuck, A girl walks home alone at night, Lost highway, Revenge (2017), the witch, Darling (1965), Season of the witch, The princess bride, X, Queen of the damned, la reine margot, The handmaiden, Etoile, Baba Yaga, Mermaids, Black narcissus, La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast), Pearl, The Northman, Perfect Blue, Lara Croft: tomb raider, Irma Vep, The Double Life of Véronique, The scent of green papaya, In the Mood for Love, Chungking Express, On the beach at night alone, 1001 Nights (1998), drop dead gorgeous, Barbarian (2022), Kamikaze girls, Belladonna of Sadness, Mustang (2015), Anna (2019), 3 women, Fruits of passion, Rouge, The banquet (2006), House of flying daggers (2004), Past lives (2023), Mysterious skin, The doom generation, White Oleander, Birthday girl, Betty blue, Mystery train (1989), Lilith (1964), The blood spattered bride (1972), One million yen girl, Russian ark, byzantium, The blue sky maiden (1957), Life can be so wonderful (2007), All about Lily chou chou (2001), Sakuran (2006), The living dead girl (1982), The prodigal (1955), La vie en rose, Marie poupee (1976), Practical magic (1998), Shiki-Jitsu (2000), Savages (2012), Coyote ugly, Les deux orphelines vampires (1997), Lost in Beijing 2007
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nadziejastar · 3 years
Saix/Isa might be a woobie simply because he's "cuter".
Sure ppl find axle/lea more attractive "in a sexual way", but Isa is pastel, shorter, and more in thouch with his feminine side.
(Plus people actually find sleepy eyes 'cute')
Plus xemnas in comparison is the big bad that saix "needed to be rescued from" Despite sax being just as manipulative.
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Yeah, I can't disagree with that. In KH2, Saix was more villainous and less sympathetic than Axel, so he needed to be more of a Woobie to compensate. Unlike Axel, Saix seemed to be a more direct victim of the human experiments (until KH3 retconned it, anyway). In KH3D, Xemnas mentioned that the Heartless experiments were for the purpose of mind control. And Saix just so happened to have a scar (symbolizing Death) over his third eye/mind's eye (which would explain why he can't see Xion). His backstory was designed so, instead of hating him, we'd feel really sorry for him and go, "Awww, poor baby!!!"
Axel was always viewed as hot and sexy by fans. Like you said, Isa's character design was designed to be cuter and more feminine, to emphasize his innocence and vulnerability. So, instead of a mean vicious berserker, we'd go "Awww, sleepy eyes, what a cutie :3!!!" Also, I believe that the main idea Nomura had with Isa was 人形 or "ningyou". The word literally means "doll" in English.
In Japanese, the Replicas are often referred to as 人形. Xigbar nicknames Xion "Puu-chan", which comes from the French word "Poupee", meaning doll. In Japanese, "ningyou"/人形 is frequently used as a metaphorical way to refer to someone who is being manipulated or controlled by someone else. The localization uses the word "puppet" which is not wrong, but DOLL was the idea they were truly going for. Saix had a visceral hatred for Xion because she reminded him that he was a DOLL. A cute, but mindless object whose actions are controlled by someone else. I don't believe that it was a coincidence that Angelic Amber looks so much like Isa. He was supposed to look like a doll. Xehanort's lab rat and personal toy.
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aiglantine · 3 years
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I was tagged by angels @moonymphes and @fawn-poupee to post my lockscreen, last song I listened to and last photo I took. 🖤
I'm so late with this but I'm tagging @rruslana, @winterdryad, @cremationlilly, @naiadereverie, @konvalia, @tasteofblood, @nuitfleurie, @rosehaunt, @uneorchide, @beastliness, @florid-fragments, @senvive, @wistful-giselle, @silkfaun,@1960sdoll, @miumiugirl
if you want/haven't done this already 🏹
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quidfree · 3 years
Would you ever share any of your writing playlists? I'm curious as to what you choose to listen to
ok to be clear while i write i listen to whatever the fuck & i dont really have fandom playlists inasmuch as i listen to certain songs on repeat while associating them w x character but i do have actual playlists for certain things, like books, so i can definitely share those. im not too keen on sharing my spotify for privacy reasons but have some very abridged playlist selections below:
secret history playlist
francis forever - mitski (like… cmon)
are we still friends- tyler, the creator
heroes- bowie
camilla, i’m at home - peach pit
chiquitita- abba
little dark age- mgmt
cult of dionysus - orion experience
vienna - billy joel
the bidding - tally hall
campus- vampire weekend
it’s only sex- carseat headrest
cold cold cold- cage the elephant
sober ii- melodrama- lorde (fic namesake)
orinoco flow- enya
two ghosts- harry styles
for the departed- shayfer james
flaws- bastille
killer + the sound- phoebe bridgers
(this one is like. Themed in Order.)
dear god- xtc
ghosting- mother mother
nights- frank ocean
twin sized mattress- front bottoms
boris pavlikovsky- mexiko
ha Д he- molchat doma
me & ur ghost- blackbear
after hours- velvet underground
i fall in love too easily- chet baker
happy pills- weathers
champagne problems- taylor swift (kitsey song)
you were in my dreams tonight- strawberry mountain
the chain- fleetwood mac
choke- idkhbtfm
borderline- tame impala
still into you- paramore
karma police- radiohead
morally questionable women in literature
6 inch- beyonce ft the weeknd
cool girl- tove lo
smack a bitch- rico nasty (bakugou song)
criminal- fiona apple
you oughta know- alanis morissette
screwed- janelle monae feat zoe kravitz
all the things she said- tatu
crazy girls- toopoor
kill v maim- grimes (only good thing abt grimes)
hit and run- lolo
ella, elle l’a- france gall
bad girls- mia
babooshka- kate bush
bad reputation- joan jett
monster- kanye west (nicki verse focus)
ecoute cheri- vendredi sur mer
desperado- rihanna
barracuda- heart
les faux monnayeurs
2 heads- coleman hell
la thune- angele
alors on danse- stromae
blow- beyonce
boyish- japanese breakfast
consideration- rihanna, sza
double je- christophe willem
nikes- frank ocean
and july- heize, dean
pink & white- frank ocean
poupee de cire poupee de son- france gall
runs in the family- amanda palmer
si maman si- france gall
lavender and velvet- alina baraz
i’m closing my eyes- potsu
fever- peggy lee
cruel- zayn, cobra starship
eclectic personal picks on replay the last week
girls in the hood- megan thee stallion
talking bout a revolution- tracy chapman
do re mi- blackbear
i drove all night- celine dion
out of the woods- taylor swift
violin- cookiee kawaii
romeo and juliet- dire straits
heartless- kanye west
cuz i love you- lizzo
grande finale- studio killers
basket case- bastille
way up- jaden
ladybug- garçons
russian roulette- red velvet
the actual playlists r all unnecessarily long but if u want a full one for some reason ig feel free to ask and i can put it all together for u!
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amooncreature · 5 years
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Hi! ᴮᵃᵈ ᴴᵃᵇᶤᵗˀ ᴱᵃᵗᶤᶰᵍ ᶰᵒᶰ ˢᵗᵒᵖ, ᶠᶤᵗᵉ ᵐᵉ (ง ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ง♡
>> Gaia / Baby Crop Top Fullpack comes with more styles! @LEVEL Event
>> Gaia / Baby Denim Skirt @LEVEL Event
>> {Xuxu} / Minnie Eyes Marketplace! 
>> DOUX / Daphne + Moonspell Bang Hairstyle
>> [okkbye] / whimsy eyelashes (catwa)
>> POUPEE / FreakyFreaky Tattoo
>> Insomnia Angel / Agemizawa - foodie "pizza"
>> Holly Mill / Prism See-Thru Glasses ( Included as bonus in taketomiWEST - Sierra Hair )
>> AMITOMO / Be Your Love GACHA #5
>> [VO.Z] / He Ping Hospital Alley @Equal10 - Opening on the 10th April 2019!
>> [VO.Z] / Weekend Street Gacha - DVD Bar (A) #05 
>> [VO.Z] / Weekend Street Gacha - Vending Machine #18 
0 notes
jejciu · 6 years
got tagged by @soniagiris and @serduszko to do the “spell ur url using song titles” meme!!! thank u so much my angels!!!!!!
Clear by annie sama
Iconic by poppy
Euphoria by disco3
Poupee de cire, poupee de son by france gall
Love will save the world by jessie j
Ufo by femm
Take me home (orchestral version) by sophie ellis bextor (SO GOOD)
Kiss me now by upsahl
Ouagadougou by bc unidos, featuring vocals of shungudzo
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restingcorpse · 3 years
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theedesirebody · 3 years
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Marie-poupée (Marie the Doll), 1976
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