#angelbitezzz art
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This is beautiful
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angelbitezzz · 1 month
Wait. Angel.
Is. Is your ship name with Sans… “seraph”? Because like. Sans serif. And angels. Sans seraph??
I was about to send an ask and refer to you collectively as “Sangel” as a joke but then it hit me that I desperately want to know if there’s an actual ship name.
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I never even thought of that. Jesus Christ. That's really funny
I've never really thought of a ship name for them? And the reason I didn't consider Seraph is cuz my. My persona is called Seraphinus
I haven't been drawing her lately whenever I draw myself for some reason but she's basically me with added features—
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I'd say if there was an AU of Angel being a monster in universe, she'd look like Seraphinus rather than a skeleton or anything else
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slipperysheep · 4 months
I'm partially in an art block but I'm coming out kicking and screaming
AND AND I made fanart for @angelbitezzz very cool awesome OC because they're awesome and cool!!!! (the wings are awesome..)
idk what tags to put here, so like teehee?
PS: not the best at human drawing but THEY'RE SO SILLY!!
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citrucee · 9 months
i was tagged by @anthonypanics! thanks for including me :)
were you named/named yourself after anyone?
there's a nonzero chance i named myself after a jojo character
when was the last time you cried?
when i was cleaning out my room before i started college. i was looking through old notebooks that had seen AGES of my life.
the specific one that made me cry was one that had covers in it from when i was in 4th grade, that then got used by my mom as a rabisco for a while. like this notebook had been through a lot, felt like a family heirloom for some reason.
after finding it mom showed me the song O Caderno by Toquinho and i sobbed.
do you have kids?
nope! if i did i'd be worried
do you use sarcasm a lot?
i think i use it more than i think i do. i say i don't like sarcasm but sometimes its fun when its very clear its a bit.
what's the first thing you notice about people?
this is a hard one. i'd have to say personal style? i tend to look at people's clothes a lot, then hair and any jewelry they might have. faces come as a close second (but i'm trying to make it a first for art reasons)
what's your eye colour?
dark brown last time i checked
any special talents?
i'm a really fast learner! or so i've been told. people tell me i pick up skills super quickly, but to me i can't pick them up fast enough for the amount of things i want to do.
scary movies or happy endings?
i wish i could pick scary movies. seeing letsplays of indie horror games makes me want to deep dive into horror, especially the real metaphorical psychological horror ones, but unfortunately i'm a big baby coward who gets jumpscared and panicked just from watching someone else play a scary game lmao
where were you born?
a city in Brazil!
what are your hobbies?
a whole lotta stuff!
digital art, writing, some traditional art, conlanging, game dev, web dev, 3d modeling...
now the amount i engage with these hobbies is WIIILDLY uneven, but i'm doing my best to tip the scale
have any pets?
used to! my sweet little kitty passed away last year.
what sport do you play/have you played?
i think i've played handball, futebol, tennis, (does swimming count as a sport? i did a lot of that) and i took like 2 classes of HEMA before quitting.
how tall are you?
i get a different measurement each time i go to the doctor but around 5'8
favourite subject at school?
i really liked english and language learning classes! until they got hard and i started sucking at them lmao
dream job?
very good question... currently im aiming to be a linguist. i'd love to do fieldwork and study how bilingualism affects people and language shift and accents etc. all of that is so cool to me!!
tagging: @hyp3rbolee @fishsticxz @h0ney-bee @bunnyswing @realcookii @splenduhdoy @angelbitezzz ...and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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it wouldn't really work for the prompt buuuut maybeee Draw them in suits, secret agent style?
Actually i ended up liking my own idea so much i drew it oops--
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YOU DREW THEM AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Auuuuugh they’re so NICE IN YOUR STYLE!! Poor Gaster uncomfy in the suit skdnsksjdjd. I LOVE THIS!! SO MUCH!!! THANK YOU IT’S SO PERFECT
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Aaaaa the whiteboard closed! Farewell, Dapper!! Thank you for all the fun! And all the ideas! The last week or so was a blast. If/When you get a tumblr, lmk so I can follow you!
@benanazauce and @angelbitezzz, I had so much fun with you guys too! It was awesome!! I love your guys’ styles and the way you draw. And you’ve been so nice to me!!
I learned a lot from all you guys! Thank you all! 💚💚💚 It was so fun to draw with everyone. AND THANK YOU FOR ALL THE ART OF MY OC, ASTERI!! I love all of it so much! I am SO inspired.
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