#animal behavior and earthquake prediction
tiktokparrot · 5 months
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wayti-blog · 28 days
"Despite freezing temperatures, scores of snakes slithered out of their hibernation dens in the weeks before a magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck the Chinese city of Haicheng on February 4, 1975. The reptiles’ behavior, along with other incidents, helped persuade authorities to evacuate the city hours before the massive quake.
For centuries, people have described unusual animal behavior just ahead of seismic events: dogs barking incessantly, cows halting their milk, toads leaping from ponds. A few researchers have tried to substantiate a link. In a 2013 study, Germany scientists videotaped red wood ants that nested along a fault line and found they changed their usual routine before a quake, becoming more active at night and less active during the day. But most such attempts have relied largely on anecdotal evidence and single observations, according to a 2018 Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America review that examined 180 previous studies.
Now researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and the University of Konstanz, both in Germany, along with a multinational team of colleagues, say theyhave managed to precisely measure increased activity in a group of farm animals prior to seismic activity. Though a definitive link has still not been proved, the scientists say their findings are a significant step forward in the search for one. “There are the old tales from Aristotle and Alexander von Humboldt, who saw this behavior,” says study co-author Martin Wikelski, managing director of the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior. “But only now can we do continuous biologging of the activities and the nervousness of animals. The technical possibilities are finally there.”"
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emperornorton47 · 2 years
Cats as Earthquake Predictors
Every time there's an earthquake here in California, right after "Did you feel it?", people ask "Did your pets act crazy just before the quake?"
My cats tend to sleep through the moments before earthquakes and sometimes through the actual quake. If you expect them to monitor seismic rumblings in the Earth, they do a terrible job of it. They do what they normally do: sleep like the meatloafs that they are.
There's the story of two earthquakes in China. Before the first one, people saw animals acting crazy. So they evacuated their homes. When the ground did indeed shake, many thousands were saved.
In the second case, the animals went about their business. Then the quake hit. Thousands died.
I think the first story might well be urban legend. The only time when I saw a rumbler affect animal behavior was _after_ the Quake of '89 when all the cats in our apartment complex went into hiding. We did not see them for a few days.
The USGS page that asks people if they felt it does not include a question about animal behavior. The experts don't put much stock in the stories. Neither do I.
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autumnspringflower · 1 year
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Absol; a creature that represents the balance of good and evil, also known as the "Disaster Pokemon" due to its ability to sense and predict natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.
Absol appears in areas where catastrophes are about to happen, and it tries to warn people of the coming danger. However, people tend to misunderstand the Pokemon and blame it for causing the disasters, which has led to Absol's isolation and loneliness.
In the anime series, Absol has made several appearances, including in the Pokemon Chronicles and Pokemon: Battle Frontier seasons. In the Battle Frontier episodes, Ash and his companions encounter an Absol that is taken captive by a group of trainers who believe that its disaster prediction ability can help them win the Battle Pyramid tournament. However, the Pokemon is eventually released and helps the group of trainers save their hometown from a tsunami.
Overall, Absol is a fascinating and unique character in the Pokemon universe due to its role as a harbinger of disasters and its ability to sense good and evil. Its appearance in the anime reinforces its character as a misunderstood and lonely creature that tries to do good despite being blamed for natural disasters.
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Based on Absol's behavior and personality traits, it is likely that they ar an INFJ (Advocate) personality type. They have shown to possess a deep sense of intuition and are highly empathetic towards humans and other Pokemon. Absol is often seen warning humans about impending disasters, suggesting that they possess a strong sense of responsibility towards others. They seem to value harmony and balance, as evidenced by their calm and collected demeanor during tense situations.
INFJs are known for their ability to read people and situations accurately, which aligns with Absol's ability to sense impending danger. They possess a strong moral compass and often prioritize the greater good over personal gain - this is reflected in Absol's behavior of warning humans despite being blamed and shunned by them in the past.
They exhibit empathy, intuition, responsibility, and a strong sense of morality.
"𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚗 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙹 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 - 𝚒𝚏 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛"
- Absol (2002) Generation III -
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april-pad · 3 months
Can the Oarfish Predict Earthquakes and Tsunamis?
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Japanese legends have it that there is a fish that can predict earthquakes and tsunamis. The prophet appears on the water's surface for several days before the natural phenomenon strikes. Unlike the human prophet Jonah of the Bible, the prophecies of this creature, always come true. Before you laugh out loud or toss this aside, why not let the facts help you decide? Can the oarfish predict natural disasters? What Is an Oarfish? It is commonly known as the remo fish, or oarfish.  This serpent-like creature has an average length of 8 m (26 ft.) and some sightings have reported remos of up to 17 m (26 ft.). It is scientifically known as the oarfish and lives in moderate temperatures below the seabed (Encyclopedia Britannica, The Oarfish). Oarfish are the largest known species of bonefish. History of the Prophet Fish Japanese fishermen first reported this strange fish during the early first century. The report stated that the fish surfaced for more than three days, close to the shore waters. Shortly afterward a huge tsunami destroyed most of the Japanese Village. 
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During the winter of 2010, scientists recorded unusual numbers of oarfishes near the Japanese waters. A few months later, the city of Fukushima was devasted by an earthquake and a giant tsunami.  The disaster killed over 20,000 people. Needless to say, the media and the people pointed to the appearance of the oarfish, as a prophetic warning. In June 2023, another remofish was spotted near the coast of Taiwan.  The sighting created concern and media buzz about the possibility of an earthquake or Tsunami. A month later the Daily Mail UK published an article indicating the lack of scientific proof that supports this theory.  Scientific Response to Oarfish Warnings  The 2011 tsunami got the scientific world’s attention.  Scientists started more studies on these mythical creatures. They are conducting studies to better understand how remo fish work. Animal Planet would not be left behind, and in 2016, included an underwater experience with an oarfish.   The filmmaker Jeremy Wade actually bumped into the animal before swimming alongside the fish for a while (TV episode River Monsters).  Japanese seismologist Kiyoshi Wadatsumi believes that this is very possible. He said: "deep-sea fish—such as oarfish—live near the bottom of the sea and are highly sensitive to active fault movements." More and more scientists are pooling into the possibility that this fish could be an alarm clock for mankind. Scientists have noted that animals seem to have a six-sense ability to detect natural disasters. Professor of Animal Biology at Anglia Ruskin University  Rachel Grant was more specific in her explanation. She said: "It is theoretically possible because when an earthquake occurs there can be a build-up of pressure in the rocks that can cause electrostatic charges, generating electrically charged ions that will then be transmitted in the water."  According to both scientists, the remo fish can sense the prelude to an earthquake. This prompts it to leave its natural habitat and seek safer waters. Since earthquakes occur on the seafloor, this brings it to the shore. The oarfish may not be able to speak our language and explain its weird behavior. Nonetheless, there is obviously some relation between its unusual presence in surface waters and earthquakes. Maybe it’s all myths and legends, but scientists are delving deeper. Very soon we will know more. Read the full article
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gazettereview · 5 months
A Smart Dog Collar May Be Able to Predict Earthquakes -Read more at https://gazettereview.com/a-smart-dog-collar-may-be-able-to-predict-earthquakes/ - https://gazettereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/dog-collar-may-be-able-to-predict-earthquakes.jpg #Technology
A Smart Dog Collar May Be Able to Predict Earthquakes
A new biometric dog collar could help determine whether or not canines can sense earthquakes before humans. According to reports, dogs and other animals tend to change their behavior before an earthquake strikes. This new collar, the PetPace, will allow individuals to study whether or not that instinct is true. The creators of the product […]
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tomyo · 6 months
Speaking my truth: Makoto Shinkai is mega mid
This feeling has been eating at me for a while now but all of Makoto Shinkai’s appeal is very gone. While he pioneered a new standard in the industry, that bar is now on par with him and every movie he produces makes it more evident that his works have nothing else to stand on.
From my personal experience with the guy, Garden of Words was this technical marvel of animated coloring that got a lot of good will because it was evident where the focus was in its creation. However with each bigger and even more heavily product placed iteration, it becomes increasingly annoying the very predictable plot of a black haired, sheltered, awkward but spunky girl will inexplicably fall in love with a guy that she has no chemistry with and he is given all the agency while they work together on an ecological disaster. In general you can boil down a Shinkai work to a stiff and dry relationship between a guy and a girl that is hammed up for unearned levels of drama.
I will at least give the credit that with Suzume, the strongest character element is young Suzume in a panicked ptsd forming shock from loosing her mother to the 2011 Earthquake Tsunami. None the less I feel the squick that yes, the adult turned into a chair did in fact come to fall in love with a 16 year old…..he’s a teacher in training by the way.
What grinds me the most with Shinkai pieces really is how poorly he handles female characters. With Garden of Words, the was a slight pass in the once again, Adult Woman’s relationship to one of her male students because she was meant to be judged for that behavior, she was not aspirational. She was an adult skipping her job and being childish as a reflection of the guy lead’s childishness of skipping school to live in his own world. They don’t end the story happily after that, it’s a fucked up goodbye. She is also not the lead character like how most of the girls are presented.
Maybe the most that fucked me over with this is the idea a well adjusted 40 year old woman would look at her adopted daughter going through a clearly hard point and say “You ruined my chance to get married because I was forced to parent you, get out of my life.” It’s not that no character would say this but this character had previously never shown to be someone who would say that. If anything it sounds like what a dude who grew up in a society where a woman is defined by getting married would think a single 40ish year old woman would express. “But she was possessed!” I don’t care! A halfway of that would have sufficed. She never showed targeted resentment at Suzume before, there are certainly plenty of other ways a possessed adult would have expressed “You’re ungrateful!” That would have equally hurt.
There’s always moments like this in these movies for me, the casual way your name’s guy character is completely allowed to grope the girl while in her body, the way the body swap enforces gender roles that he doesn’t express in his own body, the way the girl’s agency is cut off half way through the story, the way they decided a 24 year old woman would agree to go on a date with a 17 year old! I remember Weathering You being not much better but honestly it was so uninteresting that all I can remember is the side female character who was just one constant sexual joke and basically an inferior Misato. More so the main girl just feels like a blank slate of good will till it’s time for her to disappear dramatically. And even though I’ve already mentioned the Aunt in Suzume, it needs to be said that Suzume’s dedication to the guy feels unwarranted. She isn’t ditzy in a way I’d expect her to rush after a guy and he isn’t charming in a way that I’d believe her to chase after him for. Simply smiling a little more and being inviting would have been at least some form of belief she would do this. I would believe the first girl Suzume meets would do that for instance. For all the focus on relationships it just rings hollow.
I give his early works space because they were shorter projects and I give Garden of Words space because it is meant to be toxic even though again I now question the adult’s side of this. However Your Name montaged the build up of the couples relationship and so did Weathering With You. YN ML is frankly a creep and WWY ML is the definition of a boy and yes I’m ignoring he is young to begin with. WWY is pretty much just every character acting the least like human beings while also failing to make it comedic enough to make you forget that. I find nothing likable about their dynamic at all to even understand why they fall in love. And finally again, Suzume present two wood planks that don’t bond over anything, don’t joke with each other, or build up any understanding of each other before Suzume is catatonic and muttering his name. The aunt and the college friend genuinely had more chemistry.
And it is not a Japanese social difference. I feel like it’s been a while since I felt really connected to an anime movie but take Promare for instance. While I still feel Promare’s story is weak in a lot of ways, I believe in the care Galo develops for Lio. Lines about how Galo is noticing Lio is crying, the spark Lio tosses at Galo show some element of connection and dynamic lost in Suzume. Look at Okko’s Inn which has Okko bond with multiple ghosts from her family in that makes it hurt when they disappear from her. Uribo alone invokes that belief not only that he will mean something to Okko within his introductory scene but how his relationship to her grandmother would have been strong enough to tie him to her family. Ride your wave is another example that does the montage relationship right and it’s in part from how familiar it shows the two characters with each other. Any given moment from the first part of the movie shows you how compatible they are because they’re open to being vulnerable and a little silly. Simply enjoying each other’s company openly in a way often I feel gets ignored in Shinkai works.
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ainews · 8 months
Earthquakes have been an undeniable part of life for centuries, and they affect not only humans but also other animal populations. In the past few decades, scientists have noticed that earthquakes tend to have an epizootic effect on the population of werewolves.
The phenomenon was first observed in the early 1990s, when seismic activity began to pick up along the West Coast of the United States. Many natural researchers noticed a surge in the number of werewolves that seemed to show up in areas right before an earthquake hit. Researchers soon identified that many of these werewolves had similar behavioral patterns and traits that weren’t normally seen in the species.
In further studies, it has been determined that the number of werewolves in an area before an earthquake can be used to predict the intensity of the quake. This is because seismic activity releases energy that causes a disturbance in the earth’s electromagnetic field. The werewolves are sensitive to these disturbances, and they react by gathering in large numbers instinctively.
This remarkable phenomenon is still being studied, and the exact reason why earthquakes have an epizootic effect on werewolves is still unknown. However, it has proven invaluable for earthquake intervenors who are able to accurately predict the size of a quake by the number of werewolves in a given area.
Hopefully, researchers and intervenors will be able to use this knowledge to further improve their ability to predict and prepare for earthquakes and to further understand the behavior of werewolves during seismic activity.
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grocery-x · 2 years
How Animals Can Sense Earthquakes Before They Occur
How Animals Can Sense Earthquakes Before They Occur
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I. Introduction
Explanation of the phenomenon of animals sensing earthquakes before they occur Importance of studying this ability II. Examples of animals that can sense earthquakes
Elephants: observation of gathering and agitation before an earthquake Dogs: barking and restlessness before an earthquake Snakes: emergence from underground before an earthquake Birds: changes in flight and vocalization before an earthquake Bees: failure to return to the hive before an earthquake Other animals: fish, cattle, horses, and more III. Possible explanations for animals’ ability to sense earthquakes
Sensitive hearing: animals can hear low-frequency sounds that precede earthquakes Sensitive touch: animals can feel vibrations in the ground or changes in air pressure Changes in atmospheric or electromagnetic signals: animals can detect changes in the ionosphere or magnetic fields Changes in groundwater or other environmental factors: animals can sense changes in water levels, temperature, or gas emissions IV. Evidence supporting animals’ ability to sense earthquakes
Historical anecdotes and observations: many cultures have observed animal behavior before earthquakes for centuries Scientific studies and experiments: recent studies have found correlations between animal behavior and seismic activity V. Implications and applications of animals’ ability to sense earthquakes
Early warning systems for earthquakes: animal behavior could be used to predict earthquakes and provide advance warning to humans Incorporation of animal behavior into earthquake prediction models: animal behavior could be used as a factor in earthquake prediction models VI. Conclusion
Summary of key points: animals have demonstrated the ability to sense earthquakes before they occur, and there are several possible explanations for this ability Areas for future research and investigation: more studies are needed to understand the mechanisms behind animal earthquake detection and to explore the potential applications of this ability.
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
Transiting Uranus stations direct
Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 15:27 UT - 10:48 Taurus
Ordinarily, when writing about the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, the rest of the Trans-Neptunian Objects or TNOs) - I preface what I write with the disclaimer "if the planet or its associated sign/house isn't prominent in your birth chart, you probably won't feel much with this." And this is still true, for the most part, right now with Uranus, Aquarius, and the 11th House. However, this particular Uranus direct station happens a mere 33+ hours before the Sun enters the sign Aquarius - and, the Leo Moon will be applying a square to Uranus during that direct station. So yes, I think we're all going to "feel" this one to varying degrees.
What I'm sure a few of us are wondering is if the Hunga Tonga volcano eruption could be related to this Uranus station. Maybe? Uranus in Taurus equals "earth changes," and this particular transit is only about 1/3 of the way "finished." Mother Earth can't function the way humans have treated Her over the past few centuries, and She'll shake us right off like a horse shaking off flies.
(Here is an article about the astrology of earthquakes.)
Another interesting concept of the experience of Uranus through Taurus, is combining Uranian insight (flashes of inspiration) with the Taurean reliance on the wisdom of the body. Those of us who spend too much time inside our own heads (sheepishly raises hand; while also looking at you, air signs!) may find it anathema to rely on our "gut" or our "inner animal" - when our culture teaches us that our brains (especially that left, "rational" side) have everything we need to navigate successfully through the universe. At the same time, though, we're intrigued (for example) by stories of animals "predicting" imminent catastrophe through their panicked behavior. (Ms M remembers well how her family's pets acted, the night of the "1974 super tornado outbreak," for example.)
Anyway. Uranus stationed retrograde last August 20, at 14:47 Taurus. For the past five months, we've been under pressure to transform something we've become too comfortable with. If we've taken something for granted, for example, that "something" may well have rebelled at being undervalued. This could have manifested via a person who seems to be "acting out" this energy (or are we projecting it onto them?) - or perhaps inner dissatisfaction with a current situation, suddenly bursting out in irritating ways - and so forth.
Something older astrology texts emphasized is that Uranus is the one thing in the solar system we can't control. I think what this really means is that, with the other planets (even Neptune and Pluto) we can at least plan ahead a little bit, and try to be prepared. None of it seems to work with Uranus moseying around our birth charts, though. Unless we consult with our inner animal, perhaps?
So, give yourself a little time to consider what has happened with you in the past five months - particularly with natal placements between 10:48 and 14:47 of all signs, or 25:48 to 29:47 of mutable signs - and of course, the natal house(s) containing the swath of 10:48-14:47 Taurus. If you have something important within those degrees (like Ms M's natal Ascendant/Descendant axis, plus the ruler of her Descendant), how has your "comfort zone" been disturbed? And what does your "inner animal" advise you to do about it?
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albertonykus · 3 years
You recall in "Pod's Travels" (Dinosaur Planet) that Pod's island was being affected by tremors that eventually led to tsunami. While it's mostly guess work when recreating the behavior of extinct animals, based on similar events that've happened in our time, wouldn't some of the dinosaurs (specifically, the Titanosaurs & Rhabdodonts) have heard the low-frequency sound waves produced by tremors/tsunami & avoid the natural disaster by heading inland?
It’s certainly possible that that would have happened, but we have no real way of knowing. Most reports about extant animals “predicting” and responding to earthquakes are anecdotal or conjectural, so I think we need to study such cases in more detail before we can make any evidence-based extrapolations about whether extinct animals might have exhibited such behaviors.
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things2mustdo · 4 years
I heard a family member make remarks on the ‘victims’ of Hurricane Florence, who knew well in advance the possible horrors which came crawling their way. But were those who decided to stay victims given the warnings? They also espoused, essentially, that rescue teams shouldn’t put their lives at risk for those who remained in harm’s way.
This brought me back to a conversation with a man who has been big on situational awareness in terms of avoiding assailants who aim to pierce your heart and rob you while you lie in a pool of your own blood. He asked this question about what one does when in a dark alley and you see a suspicious character coming your way? My response was something to the extent of whether or not I even had to be in the dark alley? That was his point.
Now, I’m not remotely suggesting rescue teams avoid doing their job, but it did get me back to situational awareness and understanding the justice brought about when you are foolish enough to venture into a dark alley on the wrong side of town, or remaining in Florida when you damn well knew the potential risk involved.
That got me thinking about the recent political violence and acts of domestic terrorism caused by Black Lives Matter and Anti-Fascists. So, in regards to our contemporary state of the political and cultural arena, and what surely awaits us in the next US presidential election, here are some simple, basic tips about situational awareness and being prepared in case civil unrest breaks out.
1. Understand The Baseline Of Your Environment
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Political rallies across the US demonstrate the capacity of violence and the willingness to assault in ruthless manners. Both men and women of more right-wing views have been assaulted, been threatened to be raped, have their families killed, get doxxed, have dead animals thrown at their living quarters, had their finances threatened, etc. It’s a goddamn nightmare on the more North Side of America than the South Side, where not everyone has a bamboo stick up their ass.
There are many great articles written on situational awareness. And that’s key: situation. The environment, in a general sense, has a baseline. It’s the basic overall feel and operation of that set area.
For example, you go to the mall. What’d you expect to see, generally speaking? People walking and talking, laughing and usually carrying a bag or two. It would, in this context, be out of the ordinary if an individual, dressed in all black, is quickly walking through a crowd while he has his hoodie on and hands in his pockets. It’s odd behavior. Same for someone moving nervously carrying a bag that does not appear to be bought at a store or, to add to that, he doesn’t have workman apparel. It’s out of the ordinary.
If I’m at a bank and someone walks in, sits in the corner for an unreasonable amount of time without engaging in any transaction and appears to not work there, I’m alert. Are his eyes moving around scanning for cameras, are his lips moving to suggest he’s counting something, is he in apparel which could perhaps more easily conceal a gun?
Same if I’m out sitting while enjoying coffee and an all-black car pulls in and just sits. Whether the engine is on are not does slightly change the degree of the potential threat of the situation. If it’s on, is it a quick getaway for a potential crime? And is it at night where there are fewer people and witnesses?
These are all pretty basic to practice, in my view. So it doesn’t help when everyone’s head is glued to their smartphones. Especially with women. They appear to be much less aware than men who themselves very much have this issue with their smartphones.
2. The Gray Man At Political Rallies
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The concept of the Gray Man is simple: blend in. Do not create stimuli around you. Gray is often considered a very bland color. It’s boring, lifeless, moot. This isn’t to suggest wearing gray makes you undetectable, but the concept works well with this color.
Blend in so well to your environment that you essentially appear bland. But if you’re at a political rally, then you know anyone is a potential threat. Wearing a Trump hat or an American flag raises suspicion, creates stimuli from your political adversary, and now you are made. If you’re European-American, wearing a hat over your shaved head is a good idea in terms of lessening your presence because there is still widespread delusion about the reincarnation of literal Nazis.
People involved with BLM, AntiFa and other leftist gangs are already going to make assumptions about your character and will dehumanize you and engage violently. Perhaps lessening that delusion, if even possible, could potentially add to your safety and security, in some respects.
It’s not that one desires to give up their chosen headwear and so on, but weighing the pros and cons should be obvious if you wish to avoid conflict. Which, again, these days is hard to do.
3. Consider Your Neighbors And Conversation
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Depending upon your living situation, if you’re in California, talking openly with your neighbors about politics in relations to conservatism, in a positive light, creates quite a stir of stimuli. And, given the next US elections are coming up, you’ve made an impression in their mind. If they believe you are a literal Nazi, you’ve coined a political adversary. If you’re in the deeper South surrounded by red-necks and American-loving Christians, chances are, from my observations, you’ll be less likely to be attacked for your political (or religious) views.
I personally despise having to sometimes lower my voice or take a quick glance around because I’m about to say something that might cause stimuli to a potential assailant. But, in these contemporary times, it’s up to you to decide what’s worth it and what’s not.
These are merely a few things of quality in regards to your safety and security. I’ve been quite observant. It’s not always intentional, but I’ve seen things and made assumptions (or had a strong thought about it) and turned out to be spot on.
Identity your adversary. Weigh in how much of a threat they are to you. Pay attention to who they know or talk to, then extend that person’s conversation partners and then extend it again. Leftist are ruthless, dangerous, hateful devils. And remember, if you ever see anyone wearing the hammer and sickel, then be even more alert.
Read Next: Being Situationally Aware Is A Matter Of Life Or Death
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It is 7:30am on the day after Christmas in 2004. The sun is already up in the blue sky of the Andaman sea, and some rare tourists are walking on the main beach of Phi Phi island in Thailand. Most of the tourists are still sleeping, dealing with the usual hangover that comes with the traditional Christmas party.
The locals are busy preparing the long tail boats they use to cruise around the nearby islands. Some Westerners like me, who live here, fill and carry the diving tanks the scuba divers will use to explore the underwater reefs today.
In less than an hour, this idyllic landscape will turn into a dramatic nightmare and many of those people will die, crushed and drowned by the powerful wave of a tsunami coming from the Indian Ocean.
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Was there a way to prevent that? Not more than preventing a hurricane in Florida or an earthquake in California. Scientists can predict it, multi-million dollar sensors can detect it, information networks can announce it through various media, but there is no way to prevent it from happening. But we can be more prepared than when I experienced this tsunami in Thailand. Governments and local administrations can invest in infrastructures to mitigate the potential risks and better inform the general public.
And individuals can be better prepared to deal with the consequences of natural events. The people who tragically died on this island were not different from any other people on this planet. As a matter of fact, a vast majority of them were young and relatively fit. They didn’t survive for only a handful of reasons, mainly:
lack of situational awareness
lack of appropriate mindset
lack of physical skills
The situational awareness and appropriate mindset are mainly due to the fact that, when we are on vacation on a tropical island, the last thing we want to think about is the remote possibility of a tragic event of any kind. If the place is nice and sunny, if the locals are friendly and smiling, we quickly feel safe and let our guard down. No pickpockets, no fire, no mugging, no earthquake, no car crash, and therefore no need to pay attention to any precursor sign, no need to keep our valuables and documents with us at all times, no need to have a look at evacuation routes, fire exits, etc. In other words we quickly become complacent when everything looks like paradise.
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But this lack of situational awareness and appropriate mindset was only one side of the coin for the many fatalities that occurred that day in Thailand. One of the main culprits was the lack of physical skills. Many people didn’t survive simply because they didn’t have the physical abilities to deal with what happened to them and around them.
Some were not comfortable in the water and couldn’t swim across the strong current that the wave and the obstacles created. The event only lasted a few minutes but the water raised quickly and submerged the lowest part of the island.
Some were not able to hold their breath for a few seconds. When the wave hit the hotels and guesthouses near the beach, most of the rooms were submerged very rapidly, but not for very long. Surprise and panic killed a lot of people in their rooms.
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Some were not able to hold on to fixed objects for more than a few seconds. The current was strong and being able to hold on something, or even better to climb onto something, was a good way to increase the chance of surviving.
Some were not able to run away and climb a hill or a stairway. For those who were on the beach and saw the wave coming, the proper action was to sprint and find high ground. Reaching the highest floor of a hotel or one of the nearby hills was a good way to avoid the full force of the tsunami.
Some were not able to push away heavy objects. Entrapment was one of the major risks in this event. Many people drowned because they lacked the necessary strength to move away the objects that the current pushed onto them.
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The Western world tends to rely heavily on tools to make our life easier and tools to make it safer. Instead of dealing with the weather, we use tools to make it more bearable (A/C, heater, umbrella, raincoat, sunscreen, etc). Instead of moving in this environment, we rely on tools (a car or an ATV instead of walking and running, a canoe or a boat instead of swimming). We easily blame the lack of protection that can get us injured (“I cannot walk/run without shoes”, “I cannot float without a flotation device”, “I will fall and break my skull if I don’t wear a helmet”, etc).
Tools are fine and make our life more enjoyable most of the time, but what if? What happens when we don’t have them? That’s where skills and physical abilities make plenty of sense. Every one of us, regardless of age, gender and race should be able to do at least the following things:
sprint for at least 100 yards/meters in order to get out of danger (collapsing building, wild fire)
climb over a wall or fence at least shoulder high (to escape an angry pitbull or a group of thugs)
carry for at least 10 yards/meters someone of 3/4 of your size and bodyweight (to save someone from an immediate danger)
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swim at least 100 yards/meters without stopping and float at least 10 minutes with no aid or support (to get out of a dangerous zone and wait for a rescue vessel)
walk 5 miles in an hour (to reach a gas station when you run out of gas and you cannot call for help)
perform some basic self-defense techniques (striking, grappling) to react appropriately in a mugging/rapping/life-threatening situation
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hold your breath for at least one minute while walking/moving at a slow pace (to escape the toxic fumes of a building on fire)
crawl for at least 30 yards/meters to seek cover (active shooter situation) or rescue someone (a child hidden under a car, or someone trapped under or inside something)
If you think that any of those abilities is way beyond your limits, it’s maybe time to reconsider your priorities in life. Being self-sufficient and prepared doesn’t mean relying on tools—it’s knowing that you can deal with dramatic circumstances to the best of your abilities. Tools come in handy when you have physical limitations (age, injuries, illness) but they shouldn’t be the first line of defense.
Having some regulations that require a floatation device in every hotel room in Thailand will not save any life if the next tsunami in the region happens in South Korea. Use your body and your brain. They are the original tools, and you have them with you all the time!
Read More:  How To Improve Your Situational Awareness From One Minute Of Effort Per Day
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argentdandelion · 5 years
Things Anti-Monster Politicians Could Do (Extremely Angsty)
(Mild) → (Moderate) → (Severe)→ (Extremely Angsty)
The anti-monster politician would make coordinated attempts to intimidate, harass, trap, kill, or entirely exterminate monsters. Some options add so much angst the tone is unrecognizable as something Undertale-derived. Not recommended for fan works unless Frisk is very competent at going back in time, ruining anti-monster humans’ plans, and giving them their comeuppance.
This options cannot plausibly happen shortly after monsters leave Mt. Ebott. More likely, these options are the culmination of years of anti-monster propaganda establishing monsters as dangerous to humans or, worse, as irrevocably aggressive or uncontrollable.
Tactic 1. Trap Towns
The easiest, most feasible Extremely Angsty option for anti-monster politicians is clandestinely designing certain towns as “trap towns” for monsters, similarly to the terrifying sundown towns of the U.S. in the 1960s.1 To separate them from human witnesses/defenders, the trap towns could be put in the middle of nowhere, and travelling monsters could be directed there through mis-printed maps, faulty GPS, sadistic gas station employees, or just unexpected blockades. Once there, official or de facto policies could specify monsters must be “repelled by all means necessary”. (and, of course, some would die, that being the law’s true purpose)
Anti-monster politicians could also establish a continuous set of states or provinces where monsters are entirely banned, isolating monsters within certain states through this new interstate/inter-province “Barrier”. However, a clandestine trap town system would be technically and politically easier to set up: they could get most of the monster-killing benefits by simply putting the trap towns on state borders.
Tactic 2. Manufactured Disasters
If magic-suppressing devices regulate magic rather than only hinder it, it might be possible to make them amplify magic, or even involuntarily summon a monster’s magic. Since the monsters are used to low levels or are out of practice, this could easily manufacture disasters, justifying even worse measures. Most plausibly, they could simply make the collars stop suppressing magic when the monsters are used to the effect. Thus, a small, harmless bullet display made under magic suppression could become suddenly much more powerful, and likely to hurt a human.
Taking this to the extreme, AMPs could classify all monsters as living weapons, based on their magical ability and alleged aggressive behavior.
Tactic 3. Painful Magic Modification
For even greater angst, rather than making it more difficult to emit bullets, the collars could outright shock monsters or briefly destabilize their bodies if they tried to use magic. If using magic is an instinctive activity or important for proper psychological development, instantly punishing them for using magic would raise them to be a bunch of wrecks.
Anti-monster politicians could, beyond amplifying or suppressing magic, deliberately change the devices’ settings remotely to kill all the monsters at once. Alternatively, they could leave easily exploited security problems in the Internet-connected bands so independent anti-monster hackers can kill monsters without politicians being to blame. Or, AMPs could design the hardware so it will predictably “malfunction” after a certain span of time, or make the software “glitch out” when responding to a new kind of signal getting installed in the area for non-suspicious reasons. Of course, if they were especially clever evil people, they could use an unpredictable combination of all the factors, so no one can figure out what’s causing it until it’s too late.
Tactic 4. Separation
Anti-monster politicians could separate monsters from humans entirely, supposedly for their own safety or for humans’ safety, and put them on faraway “reservations”. (If they’re allowed to stop using magic suppressors on the “reservations”, that would make it extra appealing.) The AMPs could even outright hire assassins to kill a few monsters first, making the reservations look safer.2 For maximum angst, AMPs could ensure the monsters are all slaughtered while they are far away from witnesses or the media.
In a ridiculously angsty setting, anti-monster humans would surely be willing to kill any humans who allied themselves with monsters, or just happened to be in the way during a monster-killing spree.3 They might even seal human allies underground, too. (But not if they know the power of a human-monster fusion)
The worst variant is sealing them Mt. Ebott again, but modifying the new barrier so humans can still get in. Anti-monster politicians could pluck monsters out for use in military weapons (e.g., extracting energy from monster SOULs to make weapons). For really, really angsty options (use sparingly even in high-angst works) they could occasionally brand them as “criminals” for breaking minor and arbitrary laws and invite people at high cost to execute them, a la “canned shoots” for wild animals.
Trap Town Workarounds
Workaround 1: Using blockades to redirect monsters would, obviously, affect human transit too, possibly angering humans who live close to the trap towns. Furthermore, unless there’s a very plausible reason for the blockades (e.g., earthquake damage to the road ahead) a road maintenance crew would figure out the ploy within a few weeks and remove the blockade.
Workaround 2: If there is only a road block, the monsters could simply go off-road (in sufficiently flat terrain) or magically make their vehicles fly to avoid unsuitable terrain and also the trap towns.
Workaround 3: Alternatively, if the anti-monster humans running the trap towns would prefer not to kill other humans, one monster on a cross-country trip could have multiple human passengers and a specific travelling plan. Short of killing the human passengers, there would be witnesses, and therefore big legal repercussions for killing the monsters in the trap towns.
Manufactured Disaster Workarounds
Workaround 1: Technologically-inclined monsters notice the collars can be hacked remotely, and either fix it themselves or force humans to fix it for selfishly-appealing reasons. (e.g., “What if people hacked the collars to suddenly turn them off? Humans could get hurt from magic bullets!” “Uh, thanks, definitely wouldn’t want that to happen.”)
Workaround 2: Monsters make magic-suppressing devices themselves/a quietly pro-monster human does, secretly advised by a monster. If not all manufacturers of magic-suppressing devices are chummy with AMPs, and most monsters use devices the AMPs don’t control, it would be impossible for the AMPs to kill many monsters in an instant.
Painful Magic Modifications
Workaround 1: Monsters “upgrade” the device software en masse....just to give it stronger security protocols and failsafes so suppression won’t become lethal. (If the bands can indeed be hacked through the Internet, they could probably manage security downloads, too.) Anti-monster humans would have a hard time arguing about that, authorized or not.
Workaround 2: Wealthy pro-monster humans dedicate some land to a particularly luxurious reservation, with as few anti-monster restrictions as they can get away with.
Workaround 3: Monsters upload professionally-edited videos of very elaborate magic displays from one of the few places where it’s legal to use magic. The videos became very popular; humans are interested in visiting reservations (even if it’s supposedly dangerous or out-of-the-way) specifically to see the magic shows.
Workaround 4: A travelling troupe of monster performers/cheap movie special-effects providers is allowed to have their collars off when practising or performing magic bullet shows. They show off their great levels of control.
Tactic 4. Separation
Workaround 1: A human interested in a “canned shoot” for a monster, or studying monster SOULs as energy sources, accidentally absorbs a monster SOUL. The monster partially controls their body and tries to use them as a way to free the other monsters. Alternatively, the human becomes sympathetic to the monster and monsters’ plight after living with their very SOUL inside them.
Workaround 2: A monster absorbs a human SOUL, but pretends the human SOUL has gained control over the body because the monster was weak-willed. The monster (pretending to be a human) suggests it’s not so bad to have a monster body, or the power of its (clearly superior) human SOUL within a monster body allows it to intimidate the monster population into submission. (Making it seem less sensible to pluck out and execute “criminals”)
General Workarounds
Workarounds 1: Unpredictable malfunctions (localized gas leaks, fires, viruses, software malfunctions, Internet outages, not having any pens in the whole building to sign a law) keep happening right before anti-monster politicians make horrific laws. (It’s all Frisk’s doing.)
Workarounds 2: All anti-monster politicians live in fear of getting food poisoning right before important meetings where something is signed into law. (And Frisk learns both stealth and the art of poison.)
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Even more terrifyingly...some still exist.  ↩︎
In Undertale: Long Road, a senator named Senator Crier recommends “reservations” for monsters, supposedly for their own safety because they are so fragile around humans. At the same time, three modern-day wizards are using an ancient artifact to extract monster SOULs, which kills monsters. The string of murders scares monsters, and probably motivates them to send their kids to Asgore’s summer camp at the last minute.  ↩︎
In a frightening GlitchTale prequel video, set in the first war between humans and monsters, a masked magic-user sealed a town in a magical dome and filled the dome with (presumably poisonous) gas, killing both human and monster residents. In GlitchTale itself, the supposedly pro-human, anti-monster Betty is quite willing to kill hundreds of humans to gain the power necessary to exterminate monsters. ↩︎
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shericonaway · 6 years
Things Our Pets Tell Us
Things Our Pets Tell Us
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The Pet Emergency Warning System
Animals can be great predictors, but too often, we fail to understand what they’re trying to tell us. Many times I’ve wished I could understand my pets more clearly. I might realize they’re warning me of something, but have no clue what it might be. The only exception was during the aftershock period following the Northridge Earthquake.
The Lynx Point Siamese cat…
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violetsystems · 4 years
When it comes to a global pandemic, human beings are the ultimate wild card. That makes it challenging to build accurate mathematical models to predict how the progress of the disease will play out. We've certainly seen plenty of all-too-human responses to coronavirus over the last two weeks, with some people panicking and hoarding food, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer. Others cling to denial, and still others are defying calls for "social distancing" by continuing to go to restaurants, bars, concerts, and so forth. Our epidemiological models are a bit better able to account for that unpredictability thanks in part to a virtual outbreak in World of Warcraft nearly fifteen years ago, known as the "Corrupted Blood incident."
The Corrupted Blood outbreak was not intentional. In 2005, Blizzard Entertainment added a new dungeon called Zul'Gurub into World of Warcraft for highly advanced players, controlled by an "end boss" named Hakkar. Hakkar was a blood god known as the Soulflayer, who had, among his arsenal of weapons, a "debuff" spell called "Corrupted Blood." Infected players would suffer damage at regular repeating intervals, draining away their "hit points" until their avatars exploded in a cloud of blood. The only cure was to kill Hakkar.
Blizzard thought this would ensure the infection wouldn't spread beyond that space. They were wrong. Rather than standing their ground, many infected players panicked, teleporting out of the dungeon before dying or killing Hakkar, and taking the disease with them. And lower ranking players, with fewer hit points, would "die" very quickly upon exposure.
The biggest factor in the rapid spread of the disease was a glitch in the programming, such that non-playable animal companions also became infected. They didn't show symptoms, but they were carriers and ended up spreading the disease even faster. As Corrupted Blood infections spread uncontrollably, game spaces became littered with virtual "corpses," and players began to panic. Efforts at quarantine proved unsuccessful in stopping the outbreak. In the end, at least three servers were affected, and Blizzard had to reboot the entire game to correct the problem.
An epidemiologist named Eric Lofgren, then at Tufts University, just happened to be an avid WoW player and was fascinated by the real-world parallels to how the epidemic played out in the virtual world. He and his Tufts colleague, Nina Fefferman, co-authored a 2007 paper published in Lancet Infectious Diseases examining the potential implications of the Corrupted Blood incident for refining existing epidemiological models, since they would be able to draw on hard data showing how players actually responded during an outbreak.
For instance, some players tried to help with healing spells, inadvertently making matters worse, since their efforts endured constant replenishment of those susceptible to the spell, rather than letting the outbreak run its course. There were the inevitable thrill seekers who went to the infected areas out of curiosity, becoming new victims, which Fefferman has likened to journalists traveling to war zones who put themselves in harm's way to get a story. There were a handful of players who maliciously spread the infection on purpose—something that has been documented in real-world outbreaks—and one player even took on the role of a Doomsday prophet, standing in the town square to narrate the carnage unfolding in the game.
Fefferman is now at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where she studies how tiny individual decisions can result in major changes across a given population. That earlier work on the Corrupted Blood outbreak continues to inform her research.
"It led me to think really deeply about how people perceive threats and how differences in that perception can change how they behave," Fefferman recently told PC Gamer. "A lot of my work since then has been in trying to build models of the social construction of risk perception, and I don't think I would have come to that as easily if I hadn't spent time thinking about the discussions WoW players had in real time about Corrupted Blood and how to act in the game, based on the understanding they built from those discussions."
Lofgren is now at Washington State University, a US region particularly hard hit by coronavirus. His current work focuses on the stresses these kinds of outbreaks place on the healthcare system.
"For me, it was a good illustration of how important it is to understand people's behaviors," he recently told PC Gamer about the earlier WoW study. "We often view epidemics as these things that sort of happen to people. There's a virus and it's doing things. But really it's a virus that's spreading between people, and how people interact and behave and comply with authority figures, or don't, those are all very important things. And also that these things are very chaotic. You can't really predict 'oh yeah, everyone will quarantine. It'll be fine.' No, they won't."
So it's not surprising to witness people behaving in very similar ways to the current pandemic as the WoW players did back in 2005. "Corrupted Blood was this unexpected black swan event. We treat this [coronavirus] as if it's unexpected, but nature is really good at getting people sick," said Lofgren. "If you think again in gaming terms, we're making saving throws against new emerging diseases all the time. And sometimes you fail. We have epidemics recur with some degree of frequency. It's sort of like getting rid of people who predict earthquakes because you haven't had an earthquake in a while. Well, yeah, you're gonna have another one."
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Being very big and large India is vulnerable to natural disasters.
In India's policy framework Disaster management occupies an important place, as most affected people by disaster poor, they are India's predominant population. A roadmap i.e. National Disaster Framework is early warning systems, disaster prevention strategy, preparedness and response, disaster mitigation, and human resource development. This roadmap has been shared by Ministries and Departments of the Government of India with all the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations. The Disaster Management Act was passed by the Lok Sabha on 28 November 2005, and by the Rajya Sabha on 12 December 2005.
Types of Disaster
Fire is an exothermic chemical process of combustion, that releases heat, light and rapid oxidation of a material. Fire can cause physical damage through burning. Fire in its common form can result in the conflagration. The hazard to life and property are the negative effects of fire, it also includes, atmospheric pollution, and water contamination. The loss of fertility of the soil is due to the loss of nitrogen caused by a fire. Firefighting services are provided to extinguish or contain uncontrolled fires, in most developed areas. Firefighting apparatuses are used by trained firefighters, such as water mains and fire hydrants or A and B class foam depending on the source of the fire. Depending on the type of fire damage that occurred, suitable restoration methods and measures should be employed. The safest way to restore fire damaged property is to engage a trained, experienced and certified professional fire damage restoration specialist as they can speed up repairs, whether for individuals or institutions.
Flood may occur as an overflow of water from water bodies that submerges land. Floods may occur in rivers as the rate of flow exceeds the capacity of the river channel. Homes and businesses are often damaged if they are in the natural flood plains of rivers. Analysis, engineering are important aspects of Planning for flood safety.   
Mesocyclone is a vortex of air, 2.0 kilometers (1.2 mi) to 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) in diameter (the mesoscale of meteorology), within a convective storm. Air rises and rotates around a vertical axis, usually within the same direction as low-pressure systems in both the northern and southern hemispheres. They’re most frequently cyclonic, that is, related to a localized low-pressure region within a supercell.
Toronado might be a violently rotating column of air that's connected with both the surface of the earth and heavy rain-bearing, condition of icing, lighting, hail storm, extreme wind with massive turbulence comprising the towering clouds of a cumulonimbus or, in rare cases, rock bottom of a cumulus.
Whirlwind may be a strong, well-formed, and comparatively long-lived whirlwind, starting from small (half a meter wide and a couple of meters tall) to large (more than 10 meters wide and quite 1000 meters tall).
Waterspout may be a columnar vortex forming over water that’s, in its commonest form, a non-supercell tornado over water that's connected to a cumuliform cloud. A gentle vortex over calm water or wetland made visible by rising water vapor.
Fire Whirl also colloquially referred to as a fireplace devil, fire tornado, firenado, or fire twister – may be a whirlwind induced by a fireplace and sometimes made from flame or ash.CYCLONES aren't unique to Earth. Cyclonic storms are common on Jovian planets, like the tiny Dark Spot on Neptune. It's about one third the diameters of the good Dark Spot and received the nickname "Wizard's Eye" because it's like an eye fixed. Mars has also exhibited cyclonic storms. Jovian storms just like the Great Red Spot are usually mistakenly named as giant hurricanes or cyclonic storms. However, this is often inaccurate, because the Great Red Spot is, in fact, the inverse phenomenon, an anticyclone.
Tsunami is a series of waves, generated by the displacement of water with periods ranging from minutes to hours. Very High wave heights of tens of meters can be generated. The destructive power of a Tsunami can be huge, and they can affect entire ocean basins, the impact of tsunamis is limited to coastal areas. Among the natural disasters in human history, the Tsunami in Indian Ocean tsunami in the year 2004 was the deadliest. In the 14 countries bordering the Indian Ocean, 230,000 people were killed or went missing. Tilly Smith was in Thailand, having learned about tsunamis in school, told her parents that a tsunami might be imminent. They warned people around them thereby saving many of lives. Tilly Smith attributed her geography teacher in school. Even if the location and magnitude of an earthquake are known, it is difficult to precisely predict a tsunami. Despite that, there are some warning signs of an approaching tsunami, and automated systems can provide warnings immediately after an earthquake in time to save lives. One of the finest systems uses bottom pressure sensors, attached to buoys, which ceaselessly inspect the pressure of the water column. In the Pacific Ocean and the adjoining land masses computers are used to assist in analyzing the tsunami risk of every earthquake that occurs in that region. Usually within minutes of the arrival time computer models can predict tsunami arrival. It is mandatory to practice emergency services for the population, local authorities, and government.Some zoologists hypothesize that some animal species have the ability to sense subsonic from an earthquake or a tsunami. Monitoring the behavior of animals could provide advance warning of earthquakes and tsunamis.
Earthquake is the shaking of the surface because of the movement of tectonic plates under the surface of the earth thereby releasing of energy in the Earth's lithosphere hence creating seismic waves. Earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and displacing or disrupting the ground an earthquake's point of rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The epicenter is the point at ground level directly above the hypocenter from where the waves originate. They take place in the 40,000-kilometre-long, which for the most part bounds the Pacific Plate (90%, and 81% of the largest). Massive earthquakes tend to occur along the Himalayan Mountains. There is the growth of mega-cities such as Mexico City, Tokyo, and Tehran in the areas of high seismic risk; seismologists warn that a single quake may claim the lives of millions of people. Earthquake engineering foresees the impact of earthquakes on buildings and other structures. It designs structures that can minimize the risk of damage. Individuals can also take preparedness steps, and being educated about what to do when the shaking starts.Under section 6 of the Act it is responsible for laying "down guidelines to be followed by the State Authorities in drawing up the country Plans". Under the aegis of Ministry of Home Affairs, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), performs the primary purpose of capacity-building in disaster resiliency and crisis response disaster management coordinated response to natural or man-made disasters.
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