#creating a safe space for parrots
tiktokparrot · 5 months
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feminist-furby-freak · 3 months
Could you elaborate on how gender ideology is misogynistic?
Sure. So gender ideology (see previous ask for how I define it) is misogynistic because it denies the present and historical reality of the sex-based oppression of women, reinforces the gender binary through its obsession with gender and gender roles, and jeopardizes women’s safety by privileging AGP men. Here are some examples:
It erases gender non conformity as a normal expression of the self. We see this through the “transing” of gender non conforming children and adults, particularly feminine gay men and masculine lesbian women. TRAs love to scream that we (GCs and TERFs) are obsessed with gender roles and uncomfortable with gender non conformity when they are the ones that promote the idea that men who present feminine and women who present masculine actually need to transition. I know so many detrans butch women who were told as teens and young women that they needed testosterone and surgery to fix them. What is more regressive than telling GNC people they actually need to become the opposite gender?
It denies the reality of sex and sex-based oppression. There are two camps for gender ideologists: gender identity is more important to one’s lived experience than their biological sex and gender is real but biological sex is not. Both of these ideas are misogynistic and false. Women’s subjugation for millennia across the world is not due to their “gender identity.” To say that femaleness isn’t real or that it is something an individual chooses to be is to say that women opt/opted into their oppression, or worse, that sex-based oppression never existed at all. How does the taliban chose which children can go to school? Do you think they go up to every child and ask them their gender identity? Of course not. It is unbelievable how TRAs have brainwashed so many people into denying the existence oldest and most universal form of oppression. This falsehood is so prevalent in academic spaces it has created a revisionist history and permeated science and medical research. Periods, pregnancy, and women’s health issues are now considered TERFy and we have to do this linguistic dance with dehumanizing terminology to discuss our own bodies. Ideology is more important than reality and medical authorities are parroting lies (TIMs can safely breastfeed, puberty is reversible, testerone does not have dangerous side effects) with no scientific basis without repercussion.
It privileges trans identified men over women. Gender ideology is not more scientifically or psychologically sound than gender critical ideology. Gender ideology has been arbitrarily accepted as The Truth by the left. TRAs will say that it is the compassionate or moral opinion and thus correct but this privileges the interests of trans identifying men over the interests of women. After all, morality is subjective. Take sports for example, women want a fair chance to participate in athletics and trans identifying males want to be validated by playing in female sports. The two interests conflict but the left has decided that the wants of the male athletes are more important than the wants of the female athletes, and this is treated as the obvious morally correct stance. But is it so obvious? I don’t think so. Nobody can answer why trans identifying males (because let’s be real trans identifying females never get special privileges) are prioritized over everyone else.
Feel free to send another ask if you have more questions.
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reckless-lambert · 9 months
Question what do you think of infinite from Sonic forces (don't skip any detail I would like to hear this)
WOAH HELLO!! OK OK OK OK you're in for a ride because I am kinda crazy about this guy.
Right off the bat I wanna say that imo he's not a bad character. Like not in a sense of potential or whatever, I did like him in general.
To try to keep myself on track there will be 3 topics I'll give my opinions on: powers, backstory, character.
First of all I don't think that he is a pushover. If we are talking about measuring strength of a character based on their bossfight pretty much all sonic characters up until 06 have bad bossfights that can be finished in seconds so it's not a good measuring point. In terms of lore there are many many many theories to be had, I prefer to look at his encounters from a story standpoint (we don't talk about dying to a flamethrower in 0.5 seconds accident). I think it's safe to assume that Infinite was a capable fighter (hence the title), him being beaten by Shadow doesn't really tell us anything, Shadow is arguably the most powerful character in sonic series so losing to him is to be expected. Infinite was just a very skilled mercenary, what was he supposed to do against teleporting, regenerating, super fast living plasma cannon?!?
Anyways if we are talking about real encounters (after him getting ruby powers) there are many ways to interpret it (other than just saying that it's bad). Here's my understanding of the events. Sonic gets captured at the start of the game because Infinite just overwhelmed him with quality and numbers. After this the whole war happens (no one talks about Infinite conquering 99.9% of the world), Sonic escapes and encounters Infinite in mystic jungle, this time around we can see that Infinite doesn't have illusions of past villains helping him so it's safe to assume that his powers are actually pretty finite (he can't uphold too many illusions all over the world at once, first time he had them helping because he wasn't using them elsewhere), he still beats Sonic and leaves.
Next time we see him in Metropolis, here we see avatar pretty much matching him with his own bullshit (I have a magical rock that neutralises your magical rock) which is fine by me and Infinite still comes out on top thanks to energy blasts and presumed better fighting skills. Escape to null space can be blamed on phantom ruby prototype again. As to why Infinite didn't use it before I assume Eggman and Infinite invented this ability not that long ago.
For the last encounter, Infinite doesn't have to distribute his illusions all over the world so he uses them in battle, but still has a hard time because numbers advantage is no longer on his side + he probably struggles to control so many entities at once so the quality is diminished drastically. He decides that using an all out attack is a better tactic, but yet again kindergarten logic applies so the sun doesn't explode (rock to rock shenanigans). Despite the sun doing nothing I think it drained Infinite's resources drastically + he was using only the backup power. So in the end avatar and Sonic finally beat weakened Infinite only for him to be transported somewhere and never seen again.
In my opinion we can clearly see that Jackal wasn't defeated by power of friendship or avatar or whatever else people tend to say as some sort of parrots. Infinite was defeated only by his own hubris and his own kind of magic. I think he did alright all things considered. He was pretty powerful and I'm fine with the way things played out. The only thing lacking here is good presentation, people just don't take the plot seriously so it all crumbles, but I don't think that it's fair to say that someone is not powerful because you don't take the stakes of the story seriously. Still can't believe that people call a guy with power to create rockets and lasers out of thin air and change gravity at will "all talk". The only reason our characters are alive is thanks to phantom ruby prototypes and Infinite's weird fondness of main cast (if you are complaining about sega not outright killing sonic or other main characters, Infinite is not the one you should blame + I have some ideas as to why he does that described later).
Infinite's initial motivation is fiiiine. As we can see in his prequel comic his main desire is to ruin, he even says that "he is tired of this world" at the end of it. So it's safe to assume that our Jackal doesn't like how things are going and wants to overthrow the current world order. As to why he is that way it's up for debate (more about it later). That desire is what drives him towards Eggman.
After unspecified amount of time "episode Shadow" happens. Shadow presumably kills the whole Jackal squad except Infinite whom he deems unworthy of killing and throughoutly insults him instead (super mean! Shadow wtf!). Infinite in attempt to somehow amend his self image after losing everything he had (all thanks to his ambition and Shadow btw), decides to abandon his old self as if it was a different person (sad to look at) and double down on alliance with Eggman because it's all he has left - professor's promise of greatness, something to cling onto. So that's how we get to forces. Some might say that Infinite doesn't really enact revenge on Shadow in any way, but there're still things to consider: 1. He actively avoids his old identity, so you can say that he avoids Shadow and feelings tied to him in the same way (doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't feel them) 2. Eggman could have done some mental gymnastics with the Jackal. It's pretty easy considering that Shadow is a self proclaimed guardian of this world (he made a promise and all of that) + he works for GUN. So what better way to enact revenge than to ruin all the things your enemy stands for? Bonus points for this objective coinciding with his initial motivation.
Those options are something I thought of, I think they create a rather straight forward narrative + nobody said that those are the only ones.
Anyways I hate how people yet again somehow diled his story down to "Shadow beat him called him ugly and now hes bad". As if killing his whole squad is nothing, like Infinite's character can be interpreted in many ways, but even if you think that he is a cold hearted killing machine - how can he live as a captain and a sole survivor of the squad, it's the end of his mercenary life if captain is the only one standing that means he fucked up real bad it's the ultimate failure, there's no recovering your career after that.
I saved this one for last because It's almost purely my headcanons and subjective opinions. Anyways as I mentioned above Infinite is not fond of current civilization for some reason. My take is that:
1. He hates united federation for some reason. I think it would be funny if jackal squad were some sort of child soldiers GUN experimented on. Desert is already torn apart by bandits Eggman and feds fighting all over the place, no one will notice random street orphans missing (a lil metal gear revengeance brainrot for ya). But they deserted and became a more evil versions of desert raiders from Archie becoming a nuisance for every party involved: collecting bounties, raiding Eggman's bases and GUN convoys - earning reputation and fame. But jackals' hate for their previous captors is not forgotten and it's also mutual as UF probably wants them dead as soon as possible because they are a living proof of their dark deeds.
2. I think Infinite has problems coping with all the things he was deprived of. His first instinct is hate "how dare they live normal happy lives while I'm fighting for my life every day!" And because all he knows is conflict he thinks that living by jungle rules is the only right way and everyone else is living a lie (that's how I interpret his lyrics). So his desire to ruin the civilisation stems from his idea that jungle rules shall return, and UF citizens should suffer the same way he does. (Spreading misery is fun amiright)
Also I don't think that jackal squad was a family or a friend group, more like a congregation of equaly fucked up individuals who kinda trust each other with tasks, as soon as they deem you a burden they will abandon you. Also imagine the pressure captain of such group would endure. Infinite is not ok. He is partially driven by pride, but also by peer pressure of his fellow child soldiers, being cruel = being strong. As a leader he must be the strongest. That's why his sadism might not be inherent to his character. Also I do think that he was bullied in his unregulated child environment, heterochromia and girly tendencies make him a prime target (CMON PEOPLE dude has the longest hair in the whole franchise and presumably lived in highly militarized environment, there will be problems). I guess he just powered through (it's hard to bully you when you are the strongest).
Anyways coming back to episode Shadow I think Infinite was so scared of not being in control, being pretty much bullied by some stranger. So he did what he always does - search for more power.
Interesting side note here is that Infinite doesn't really have ambition, he doesn't create himself a castle or even a throne (and he is someone with power to create things from thin air, for example it took Zetis 1-2 days to throw together those in idw, he doesn't do it despite having the whole year). He just wants power to not be pushed around and push around others (I IMPLORE you to understand, he is not a nice person, but it doesn't mean that people should just give up on him, my boy needs help).
Also I think episode Shadow warped his brain really hard, like he tries so hard to re-enact his own trauma onto others many many times despite clearly seeing it not working except the first time with avatar. Like we can clearly see that it's all he thinks about, how not deeming someone worthy of killing is the most painful thing he can inflict on them, far more painful than just outright killing the guy. This hinders his critical thinking really hard and it's sad to look at.
Anyways that's pretty much all of my thoughts on this guy (says the guy who thinks about him every day for past 1.5 years, I can mumble on and on, but it will never end if I do), hope you enjoyed!
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archivalofsins · 5 months
I feel like there are some who need a reminder that Milgram isn't responsible for how they respond to it.
For example, if someone is direct messaging, spam reporting, block evading, creating entire superstitions, parroting nationalistic talking points, parroting racist talking points, and over all treating fictitious characters like they matter more than real people then they should have been reflecting on themselves long before Milgram started and I hope they do some day. Honestly, I really don't want people to forget how many within this community have chosen to behave over a show. Maybe it's petty, and it's definitely due to how I've personally been directly impacted by this behavior.
Yet, I think people believe they get an "I can treat others however I want" card because that's, "How milgram is it was made to be divisive if people can't handle that don't talk about it or block lol", "I don't have to respect anyone it's not that serious", "Others just need to think about my feelings and how the way they talk about these topics make me feel. It's others' fault for making the little amount of "real fans" of the series look even worse by talking about bad things the characters may have done."
I don't know how to explain to people that's not how anything works anymore, and I actively hope the people who have behaved this way and negatively impacted others feel ashamed of their actions. Honestly, the shit I know that some of the people here have for sure done is absolutely disgusting. Either way, it's good to have a myriad of examples about how not to act in fandom. Even though the easiest way to avoid being a total piece of shit is to remember that this space is shared with other people who have feelings too and being considerate of that fact.
Because no media is responsible for how a person chooses to act in real life even if they are reacting to it. Believing that is as good as saying it's the books fault it was banned.
I react the way I do to Milgram because I like it and want to talk about it. I talk about the things I do because I care about Milgram, and I care about the things I've talked about it through it. The series isn't holding a gun to my head, forcing me to. To me, this is not a fight against anyone else's opinions. I'm not talking about things in order to defend myself when I'm discussing Milgram.
It is completely different when I talk about the real-life actions of others within this fandom that have negatively impacted me. Those people aren't Milgram, regardless of how much they act like they're in the series themselves.
Let's be serious for a moment. Individuals who act in these ways and fandoms that behave this way are not the media itself. This is why a lot of people have learned to separate a piece of media from its fandom. This isn't the medias fault. It's just a portion of the audience who are a bit too immature to handle the material in a way that is not harmful to others or themselves. It's up to the individual to reexamine how they engage with media and whether it's healthy or not.
"Well, if you really think about it, this is how this is all Milgram's fault."
No one can do that for them, but we can all recognize that treating others poorly is a rancid way to respond to fiction, and there's a sort of entitlement to believing it's not. Right out the gate, Jackalope said he and by proxy Milgram aren't responsible for anything that happens and people are still going,
Like legitimately I had to mediate a falling out in the kagepro fandom in like 2014 due to a couple breaking up and one of the people in said relationship deciding to harrass the other online. The person doing the harrassment legit told me,
It's no surprise that the people who treat others like this under the guise of anonymity or behind the scenes while going around presenting themselves publicly as safe spaces for pocs, lgbtqia, neurodivergent and other basic stuff- Acting all nice, sending people birthday wishes, and going it's all in good fun while simultaneously sending very purposeful and targeted harassment to people for talking about a piece of fiction have issues taking accountability for themselves. Everything they do and how they do it is to avoid having to take accountability ever. At least, that's what seeing others behave that way has led me to believe.
Not even here but in other fandoms as well. I recognized early on that a lot of people don't even view other individuals online as real. They can easily say things like, "I'm not your friend, family, I don't know you, and you don't know me. So, I don't have to care about your feelings."
"Well, you know how it is. It was just an online relationship it wasn't meant to be anything serious even if I said we were dating. It was just something to kill time, really. Isn't it weird that they took it so seriously lol creepy."
I at nineteen knew this was a fucked up way to treat someone else's feelings. I knew it was even worse to then consistently portray this other person as stalking them online to their hundred of followers even though that wasn't true. I also knew my friend didn't want to be involved with this any longer. That it was just getting them more harrassment and each time they would get comfortable online again like clockwork here came bozo the clown with another tumblr post about how they're so uncomfy with their crazy stalker having internet access at all actually or just continuing to use their blog instead of moving to a new one. Or making/assisting with the creations of animatics. I'm very aware of how people like this who announce themselves as safe spaces that care about everyone and never want to hurt anybody really are behind closed doors. One has to either be naive or a special sort of manipulative to feel the need to announce that they are, in fact, a special sort of decent or good human being that all marginalized groups are safe around.
The only thing seeing people behave like this has taught me is that legitimately, there's always going to be bad actors like that. It's annoying, but to an extent, I'm also very happy that I've managed to create an atmosphere where people like that will escort themselves far away from me. Because being in it is worse than being outside of it by miles.
People like this tend to forget that actions speak louder than words. Some truly believe that just putting that in a bio is help enough, and regardless of how they treat real people at the end of the day, they're still doing their part. All because they said they are. I'm aware of this sort of thinking because my first fandom experiences online was a fucking kagepro rp one. I got to see people argue over how rping ocs was lesser than rping canon characters and dogpile on one user because they mistakenly dated the most toxic person on earth at the time.
The people causing these issues at the time, just like now, were all early college age. The person they were dogpiling on for this shit and the people they were having mediate high schoolers. The only other adult there was me, which is why I was asked to mediate later because me and this person were the same age. So, this is not my first fandom bullshit show.
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flock-talk · 1 year
My conure gets a lot of time out of his cage but when I put him inside he screams a lot because he wants to be taken out, any tips?
There's a variety of ways to address this depending ultimately on what you're able to provide in each situation and what the root of the behaviour is.
treat potential separation anxiety. This includes gradual desensitization protocols to teach them that the cage is a fun space, working up to breaking down all the elements that lead up to going in the cage, duration in the cage, and the elements involved with you leaving the room/building so they can learn to be relaxed and comfortable in all aspects of being left alone
reward an incompatible behaviour. This could be teaching them to ring a bell, sit on a designated perch, or make a softer vocalization that still earns them the reinforcement they're looking for - getting out of the cage. Since the screaming doesn't get them out but the more desirable behaviour does the screaming will fade away in this context. In this situation you do need to be available to follow through and let them out when they ask in this new way.
Evaluate the enclosure. Check the size, amount of enrichment, and whether or not they're utilizing the space when they're in the cage. If it's too small or they aren't using the space that won't be helping the behaviours you're seeing
Ensure they know how to play by themselves, if they can't entertain themselves when you're away that may be contributing to the screaming. Teaching them how to play and forage without needing you there can go a long way in them learning how to occupy themselves and feel less distressed when you need to go.
ensure their needs are met before being put away. If they haven't had adequate enrichment, exercise, or social activities prior to going in the cage it will be more difficult to settle.
have a predictable cage time routine. If they don't know when they're going away, why they're going away, or for how long it can be quite anxiety inducing. predictability provides confidence which in turn allows an animal to settle easier. Having consistent times or specific cues that tell the bird that they're going in there for bed, for a long time, or for a short time can reduce that anxiousness and provide clarity needed for easier settling.
watch the clock. Most parrots forage first thing in the morning, roost throughout the day, then go for another foraging round in the evening. If you're trying to get them to settle outside of that schedule you may face a lot of difficulty. Monitoring light hours, providing proper behavioural outlets at the right times and keeping a consistent routine can help.
don't use the cage as punishment. If sometimes the cage is supposed to be a place to relax and sometimes it's being used as an aversive (time outs) it can create a lot of stress and conflict around going in the cage which will make it difficult to settle and relax.
Provide an alternative, if your bird is seeking attention but not necessarily out time you may be able to compromise and just chat with them while they're in the cage, a way for them to still get some social interaction even if being outside of the cage is not a viable option at that point in time.
Avoid triggering the screaming, the more they practice it the more the behaviour will persist and the more stress and anxiousness they'll feel around the cage which can amplify the problem depending on the root cause. While working on the behaviour I would aim to avoid situations that cause them to feel distressed enough to scream. This may mean having a cage for the training vs a cage that is used when there's no other option (i.e you have to leave for work they can't stay out), or finding a different method of containment that doesn't stress them ( a safe room, someone else willing to stay at the home while it gets worked on, an aviary, etc.)
Encourage independence outside of the cage, this may be in the form of play areas or perches the bird can settle on without having to be actively on you. Encourage them to settle off of you but still in view and work up to being able to remain settled when you're out of sight, longer durations, etc. These skills can slowly be transferred to the cage setting over time.
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wonderofasunrise · 10 days
Reposted from my reblog of this post:
This is probably the only time I’m posting stuff about the godforsaken US elections, but I just need to chime in.
The jokes never sit right with me. Especially the fact that they are made by people who are in no danger of being dehumanised because of their race/ethnicity/immigration status. It’s not even a case of people who are truly affected making the jokes as a coping mechanism of some sorts. You can guess, it’s mostly white Westerners (yes, not just US Americans) making the jokes all in the name of ‘owning Trump’.
Because somehow talking shit about him is more important than creating a safe space for marginalised people. Yeah fucking right.
You’d expect people who claim to be liberals and progressives to easily understand why this sentiment, even when said as a joke, is harmful. Remember when years ago these people were all about how no human is illegal and that immigrants shouldn’t be demonised?
In a much less jokey manner, some prominent US liberals have had no problem using the term ‘illegals’ to attack Trump’s immigration policy. Including claiming that he is letting ‘millions of illegals’ into the country. If they didn’t mention Trump’s name, you’d easily expect them to be your typical RWNJs instead of someone claiming to be a liberal/progressive.
Michelle Hurd, who is known for her ‘activism’ among the Star Trek fandom, quite recently reposted a video made by a well-known liberal content creator about how Trump is at fault for ‘letting millions of illegals into the US’ on her Instagram story and added the caption, “THIS!” It’s one thing to repost, but it’s another to add something indicating that you endorse the sentiment.
And this is someone who is known in the fandom as an ‘activist’ and for being loud about how much she hates the Republicans.
Remember when these people were screaming from the top of their lungs about how no human is illegal, how no children should be in cages, how immigrants shouldn’t be demonised etc?
Today they’ll easily throw all of that out of the window so that they can parrot bigoted talking points and use dehumanised terms such as ‘illegals’ just to ‘own Trump’ and ‘rattle Republicans’.
What’s next? Which other marginalised group(s) that they claim to care about are they going to throw under the bus someday just because they’ve found a reason to use them to rattle Trump and his cult? Muslims? Arabs?
Or maybe that’s what these people, Hurd included, have always believed all along. They just didn’t think about using it to dunk on Trump until recently.
Maybe that’s what you have always believed all along. You just feel safe masking it as a joke, knowing that it wouldn’t affect you in the slightest.
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I was thinking about Dilton’s insane garage laboratory again, and I got an idea for a comic. I would draw it, but I draw so slowly that it would take forever to finish a 6+ page comic, and I have too many other ideas to work on. So all you get is a written summary:
— Dilton’s dad hears from the other parents (or the newspaper) that multiple cars have been broken into or stolen in the past few weeks, and he decides the family needs to keep their car safely in the garage instead of the driveway, at least until the perpetrator is caught.
— He informs Dilton that this means Dilt needs to clear all his science stuff out of the garage to make room for the car.
— “You want me to dismantle my lab? Dad, please, don’t do this to me! Anything else!”
— “This isn’t a punishment, it’s just how things have to be for the foreseeable future. Your lab was our garage first, and we need a garage more than we need a lab right now.”
— “But how can you expect me to transport all of my equipment within the day? Where can I possibly store it all? How can I continue my experiments under these conditions?”
— “Why don’t you ask those friends of yours for help? I’m sure they’d be more than happy to lend a hand. That boy Moose, especially, should be useful in carrying your computers around.”
— So Dilton asks the gang for help, and they agree to help him clear out his lab, as well as each taking a portion of his science stuff to look after (there wasn’t enough space in Dilton’s room for all of it). They also agree to keep Dilton’s experiments going themselves, in small ways like taking notes on observations, or adding three drops of such and such to this concoction each day… etc. They’re all excited, thinking it’s going to be fun to try their hand at mad science for a while.
— Next comes a series of little Disasters caused by Dilton’s science in the hands of his inexperienced friends over the next few days.
— One of his friends ends up drinking some sort of potion (or multiple), either on accident or on purpose, and there’s some kind of weird effect—I’m not sure what yet, but almost definitely a minor transformation of some sort, on the same level as turning green or growing a tail or only talking in parrot squawks. This causes humorous problems in their life. (Jug wouldn’t drink unknown potions on purpose, because he has common sense, but Archie has none, so it would make more sense for him to do it intentionally.)
— One of his friends has to look after some animal test subjects, like mice in cages or something, but it turns out the animals have been made superintelligent, and they break out and start sabotaging the character with clever plots. The character fights back, mostly unsuccessfully, and things descend into Tom & Jerry territory. (I think this would be funny with Jug, especially since Hot Dog could be there too, animal vs animals.)
— One of his friends (maybe Betty?) has to look after a robot, and all seems cool and fine until it malfunctions (not her fault) and turns evil or chaotic and starts destroying things. (Its glowing eyes turn from green to red, so it’s clear that it’s evil now. This was an intentional design choice on Dilton’s part, as a warning sign in case of malfunction, and because it looks cool.)
— Veronica is given something she doesn’t need to observe or use, just store somewhere and not mess with. But at a fancy party, she tries to show off to her rich friends that she’s smart as well as beautiful and wealthy by showing off ”””her””” cool new invention, and she turns it on. She immediately loses control of it, whatever it does, and it causes a Disaster. This one’s working correctly, but Veronica doesn’t understand how it works or how it turns off, so it’s still causing a problem. (Hmm… maybe a weather-creating machine? Imagine a blizzard packed into a ballroom.)
— (Midge and Moose also helped Dilton, so I need to think of two more disasters. Or maybe, since they’re closer friends to Dilton, they know a thing or two about science and following instructions, so they don’t do anything they’re not supposed to, and they happen not to meet with any malfunction-type accidents. Everything goes fine with them.)
— The comic ends with Dilton’s dad reading in the newspaper that the crook who was breaking into and stealing all these cars has been caught and put in jail. He says to Dilton that this means their car is safe (because problems are very simple in this world), and so Dilton can have the garage back for his lab. (Let’s say it’s been like a week since the start of the comic.) Dilton is excited, and says he’ll go find his friends right away and tell them, and get his science stuff back. He rushes out the front door, only to find all his friends running up his sidewalk together, all carrying the science stuff he gave them and begging him to please take it all back! (Dilton is surprised, because he had no clue about all their problems, but everybody else looks like a wreck from their individual ordeals. This is all in stark contrast to how excited they seemed in the beginning to take on the science.)
— The end! That last scene was the punchline and final panel.
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nolanhattrick · 9 months
im going to say this as gently as i can but it probably won't be very because i don't have the energy to elaborate as fully as i need to and this cannot continue to take up space in my head. this is coming from the perspective of someone living in the US partaking in the US (mental) healthcare system
the internet's fascination with (incorrect) self diagnosis (re: if you move your hips to the side when walking around a desk you're autistic!) paired with an aging traumatized population and skewed resource distribution has done a lot more damage to the greater mental health scene in the last four years than i think any of us want to admit
if you have been diagnosed with something between now and march 13, 2020 - ESPECIALLY if it was before march of 2022 - you need to get reevaluated from scratch in person (if you are able to) by someone that will develop an actual relationship with you. not by a telehealth ghost psychiatric service and joint pharmacy that will throw adderall or zoloft at you for $15 a month (!!!)
trauma acts like 90% of the mental health issues 15-35 year olds are posting about. PTSD presents with nearly every symptom known to man. treating it improperly will kill you. i'm really really tired of listening to people on tiktok give mental health advice that's being parroted by actual LCSWs and LMHCs/CCMHCs and PMNHPs when it's just... flat out incorrect at best and actually life threatening and dangerous at worst.
is there a very real issue with supply and demand of controlled substances in this country? yes. is there a very real issue with accessibility of therapeutic and diagnostic appointment setting for disabled clients? yes. the answer to both of these is not creating ghost pharmacies and practices that do not follow up with patients and commonly commit patient abandonment. it is much more involved than that and it cannot be solved through services like hims and hers and donefirst and helloklarity and fucking onlinepsychiatrists dot com are you serious
i understand that the mental health space in this country is difficult and dangerous and hostile to navigate. especially in a small town it is inhospitable for marginalized people. you are preaching to the choir when you're saying that to someone like me. but i'm just very frustrated when people immediately turn to "just get your drugs online, obviously your problem is X"
there is no obviously in mental health. there is NEVER an obviously in mental health. i hallucinate. i hear voices. i see things. i have manic and psychotic episodes. i experience intense waves of suicidal ideation and depression. i dissociate, often. i have impulse spending issues. i have problems with obsessive thoughts and compulsive movements. i have severe offset sleep issues. i have anger issues. i have attention issues. i have some pretty insane intrusive thoughts. do you want to know my current diagnosis?
ptsd (and technically adult gender dysphoria, but.)
i have had a laundry list of others come and go. bipolar 2, MDD, GAD, schizoaffective disorder, insomnia, BPD, OCD, ADHD, autism, intermittent psychosis - just to name a few.
four psychiatrists and 12 years to get to the root of the problem. 60+ years of experience could not give me a straight answer. i really don't want to be that asshole but i don't think some googling and perusing social media and one (1) visit with someone that's not intimately aware of you and your history is going to make safe and calculated decisions wrt your health.
establishing a relationship with one person (after doing some shopping!! look around!! get a sense of the vibes!!) is so so so necessary.
as always - this does not apply to the people it... does not apply to. if you cannot afford appointments, don't have insurance, etc. this is primarily targeting the people that have simply decided that using these services is more convenient than calling someone - even though it is available to, and within reach for, them.
we cannot improve a fundamentally broken system by continuing to break it. it frustrates me that that's what we're doing. making and buying teslas won't save the planet, seeing a therapist from betterhelp will not fix your childhood trauma.
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nakedcomedy · 5 months
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#Pasadena: We're closing out #AAPI Heritage Month with a COMEDY CELEBRATION!!
Join us for an evening of refreshing laughter as we turn this neighborhood-brunch-spot into a comedy club for the night. Surrounded by lush green plants in this paradise themed cafe, you’ll feel like you’re lounging on a cruise on vacation without even leaving the neighborhood.
With a full bar, taco stand, and spectacular live comedy, you’ll be back for more once you see what the hype is all about.
Featuring: Jenny Yang Peter Kim Pallavi Gunalan Sam Oh Ilene Yang a drag performance by Skirt Cocaine
All hosted by Titi Lee!
DOORS @ 7PM SHOW @ 8PM at the Lost Parrot Tiki Bar 1929 Huntington Dr, South Pasadena, CA 91030
VIP tix are already SOLD OUT so get your ticket now!
Additional Information: - We are an inclusive accessible show and are committed to creating a safe and respectful space for performers and the community - Assistive hearing devices are available upon request - Should you or your party need special assistance or accessible seating, please let us know how we can accommodate - All sales are final - Must be 21+ to drink alcohol
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lorz-ix · 1 year
Seeing how that Princess Peach game had its key art changed to be more expressive (as for myself, I do think the middle face looks somewhat off and closer to the proportions of the movie than the games' art style) and how apparently there's been some """drama""" and controversy around it.
Only to very quickly find out the person that controversy mainly originated from is one of those dipshit "loli" vtubers. Another one that I've never heard of before, but any time one of them pops up like weeds in a garden, they're always on some reactionary, 4chan type shit, saying it's because "she looks too masculine", parroting what some absolute morons on youtube said about the movie because Peach wears pants and isn't a helpless damsel to be rescued.
I think this vtuber space is rotten to the core. I hate how the biggest references in this industry are corporate puppets, anime mascots made only to exploit parasocial bonds and sell merchandise. How they appeal so directly to the absolute worst subsections of anime fandom. How so many good-willed indies end up making the problem worse because instead of being the alternative, they simply try to imitate the mainstream.
I said it before and I'll say it until my face turns blue. If you try to be an inoffensive "content creator" who doesn't take a stance when it matters, in fear of alienating part of the audience, you'll only be creating a safe space for the worst kind of people. The lie of "I just want my media to be a form of escapism" isn't something that you say because you don't want to depress people by discussing the Israel-Palestine conflict, it's a narrative cowardly pedalled by those whose day is ruined by seeing a gay person in their anime or pronouns in their sci-fi videogame.
You can "not all vtubers" me if you want, but as long as this is the influence and the reputation the label carries for people outside of the community, they might as well all be. I know what I mean when I say I hate them.
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gebder · 1 year
I was planning to only talk about Ash themself in propaganda for @original-character-championship but, fuck it ! world lore time, since I want to explain why her name is that and give context for his story so lore is needed.
The entire story is about Ash fucking around and sticking her nose where she shouldnt. Btw. So if any of this intrigues you, you're identifying with him
There's one goddess. She herself doesn't know how she came to be. *Why* she came to be. She tried to make things, to fill this void she was in. First were the angels, in their own little village in space. They look like this. and their petals are more open the closer they are to the goddess
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and they were entirely... unsatisfying. Boring. Angels are satisfied with how things are and never try to create anything of their own and it drives the goddess mad. She made them this way because she didn't want to give other beings too much power, didn't want to accidently mess something up, but now she can't understand her own creation. She keeps them to be messengers for her in cases of emergency.
Next were humans. Two things stand at the basis of humanity, to set them apart from the failed civilization. Those things are the want for knowledge, and the ability to create. Now, her way to not give too much power was the concept of mortality.
She wanted mortals to want to live. So she made demons, the guides to the afterlife, to look scary to them on purpose.
Humanity is basically a reflection of the goddess, made for her to help herself figure out what she wants by seeing what we end up wanting.
Once you die, you have three options:
1. live in your own little pocket of reality where everything in there is in your control- for better or for worse- forever, in a sort of goddess simulator. She likes to watch these guys to gain inspiration.
2. Remain a ghost, watching the world whilst being basically unable to affect it. Most people who choose this are either people with family they want to see what happens to, or just any type of grudge or attachment they want to see play out. Ghosts can possess objects and only objects, and might then get stuck in these objects. There are people who can see ghosts, it's a recessive gene that's incredibly rare and it's basically an accident. I have a character who's a ghost possessing a robot body that was made for her as a loophole.
3. Nothing more for you, ever. Sleep. An entirely valid choice.
Magic's all around this world, especially in nature. Witches are scholars who study how to use it. Maybe wizards would fit better but I just like the aesthetic and the sound of witches. I also like the connotation to modern witches. A big point of my oc world is it's urban fantasy, modern and all, and there aren't any modern wizards.
Witchcraft is a respectable career path in my oc world these days. It's seen as another branch of science atp. It's even figured out empirically, experiments sometimes held to figure out how witchcraft works, since it's just part of how the world works. It's like physics
Many hospitals have a resident witch who does what they can to help people. Since witchcraft is tied to nature, giving traits of an animal is a safe process. That's why Ash was made a parrot, to also get parrot lungs
Witchcraft is a respectable degree and has special schools for it. It used to be done by pretty much anyone who could comprehend it, but these days it's systemized so pretty much all witches are pressured rich kids
With how the world's magic is from nature, both flowers and gems have huge cultural significance. I chose a lot of motifs for characters with google open on meanings for gems and a floriography dictionary I downloaded.
Angels can actually watch humans through flowers around.
Ash's name, besides being there to be an opposite to demonboy Frost's name since they're meant to be total opposites in the narrative, is after an ash tree's flowers. Those flowers, in floriography, represent grandeur- standing for how all her story follows him seeing all sorts of grand things on accident.
LOOK at my notes we have motifs
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don't ask why Juno gets three flowers. hes privileged
Ash working in a flower shop represents how they're surrounded by knowledge of this grand world all the time, but never are able to decipher it and are never truly aware. And also as an excuse for him to be able to recognize flowers easily so he can say the names so the audience can find the meanings easily 👍
that's all, folks ! hehe infodump
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detransdamnation · 1 year
I'm still really upset about that post [AL] I wrote on educators telling students' parents about their dysphoria or transgender identity because this topic is really only a small part of a greater framework of how "parental rights" harm youth.
If abuse is most likely to be perpetrated by immediate family members, especially parents, that means that, speaking strictly statistically, parents are the least safe people to tell about a child's mental health struggles because they are most likely to use them to abuse them. Factor in that many youth who develop a mental illness in the first place have faced abuse at some point in their lives—and many are subsequently abused, mistreated, or neglected after said mental illness develops—and this becomes even more dire because the root of these teens' mental illness and the unhealthy behaviours which arise from them is significantly likely to have grown from the hands who feed them. "Mental illness is a product and reflection of our environment" is not only what so many of us espouse and incorporate into our belief systems but is also a relative, observable fact.
And yet, in response to teens who are struggling as a result, we operate as if this is completely untrue. And it's not only apparent in this aforementioned debate; it is apparent in this entire culture of conditional confidentiality wherein everything a minor shares with a psychologist or therapist or social worker is "just between us" but as soon as the teenager crosses a line, takes a step too far, expresses symptoms or develops coping mechanisms that are a little too close for comfort (or respectable politics), all of a sudden, it is no longer the professional's job to help and support the teenager but the parents' right to know about the teenager's struggles because it is the parents' job to keep them safe, always assuming but almost never confirming that the parents ever actually cared about what a parent "should" do. There is never consideration that the parents are the reason why the teenager is unwell, why the teenager is unsafe to themselves in the first place, and that telling the parents about the teenager's mental state could do even more harm than whatever harm the teenager is posing to themselves at the time.
And this is something that the most vulnerable are often most painfully aware of. I saw several therapists over the course of my teenhood and none of them had any idea why I was in therapy because I never talked about anything that I actually needed to talk about. I couldn't have. My confessions would have entailed a lawful breach of confidentiality to the very people who had fucked me up in the first place. This implement to supposedly "keep me safe" only ever ensured that I stayed silent. Silence was literally my only safe option—and unhealthy, unsafe communities, for most of my life, the only places I could confide in because the only ones who did not just parrot an empty "Talk to your parents or another adult you trust!" were other abused and mentally ill teens who needed just as much help as I did, yet were failed just as much as I was.
This is why I find it so gobsmacking when "mental health advocates" center openness with parents, or (in this case) when gender-criticals claim they want to protect dysphoric youth whilst also blindly advocating for parental inclusion in every nitty gritty detail of the child's mental health experience, or even when therapists claim to be creating a "safe space" for teenagers at all, period—because how can a space or a person be "safe" when we actively cater to the wishes of potentially unsafe people? When we are legally mandated, some of us, to do so? The message being communicated in this practice and belief system is, "You have the right to discretion until you are too mentally ill"—and if a mentally ill person feels like they have to toe a fine line, walk on eggshells, dumb down their feelings or experiences just so that whistles aren't blown to their abusers, the practice and belief system is set up for the abuser to benefit, whether deliberately or incidentally.
People cannot heal when they cannot even feel, or express what they are feeling, freely. By pushing for the rights of the parent to be considered above all else, we create an environment where youth cannot do any of this. We cannot claim to be supporting (or even caring about) this population at all when we play a direct role in why they are so vulnerable in the first place. Abuse victims—and especially abused youth—are way too often redirected back to their abuse by the very people who are supposed to help them grow from it under this idea that parents have an innate right of disclosure just by virtue of being a parent.
#over the weekend i kept thinking about how i went to a school for 'troubled teens'#and tracking with what is common in teens who are designated 'troubled'#a significant majority (3/4+) of us grew up in disadvantaged or unhealthy or flatout abusive homes#and unsurprisingly many of us also dealt with this through unhealthy channels#such as through truancy or (mild) drug use or self-injurious behaviour and holy fucking identity crises galore#none of which we went through any particular effort in hiding#yet despite all of this our social workers never relayed any of the information that we told them to others#not even to the rest of the staff#and at first this gave me pause even as a teenager#you know the whole 'if you know that we are struggling then why aren't you doing something?'#until one day it clicked:#the only other people these social workers could tell about our situations where 'something' could actually be done were our families#and our families were one of the main reasons WHY we were 'troubled' in the first place#what appeared from an outside perspective and even to myself at the time as 'doing nothing'#turned out to be the MOST that anyone had ever done for me and i'm sure for many of those other kids:#they gave us a space where we could express and feel and BE without worrying that it would somehow get back to our abusers#we could be exactly what we were there for—'troubled'—without being inundated with all of the tone deaf flowery crap#that traditional schools and the whole entire psychology field only ever had to offer us#everyone is all about harm reduction until young people are involved. THEN it becomes an issue of being open with parents.#as if the parents are ALWAYS there to reduce harm when you can get out from underneath your rock and learn even anecdotally#that this is completely untrue. even with many parents who are genuinely good parents.#but anyway again this post does not address every single nuance to the situation nor my beliefs. i'm just venting#just talking to myself#this is the part where i shut up because i'm not even upset from the trans angle anymore and my nihilist bullshit doesn't need to be on her#writing#text#my post
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talyns-fanfics · 1 year
Slipping Through My Fingers
Dark Road
Happy Father’s Day
Y!Xehanort & parent OC
A very sappy Father’s Day Special.
Based on this alternate universe ( @kingdom-hearts-last ). If you notice any canon divergence, that’s why.
Nara has been trudging through the streets for a good while now. It had been only hours ago that they had been sent here along with Darkness. With the gate locked on both sides, there was no way to get back home. Not that there was much to return to. Their brother had used an ark to escape to the future along with Nara’s significant other, their Union had died out, and their master had perished in the Keyblade War.
After more trudging they sat down near a door leading to the local orphanage. Before they could take a moment of rest, a woman frantically ran up to them. “Please help me. He’s not safe with me.” Nara looks to the bundle in the woman’s arms. It was a baby boy fast asleep.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but I’m not stable enough for a kid.” Nara tries to reason with the woman, only for her to push the bundle into their arms. “Please, kind stranger. He’s better off with you.” She rubs off leaving Nara confused. They look down at the blanket holding the baby. A name was embroidered on the edge.
Nara takes the baby, escaping to a new world. It was new, mostly because of how empty it was. Using their keyblade, they built the new world from the ground up. Beaches full of golden sands and clear water filled the empty void. Fish filled the oceans. It was a beautiful world, one day they would be called the Destiny Islands.
Along with the world, the keyblade also created housing for the wanderers who may appear there in need of shelter. Nara goes to one closer to the beach, heading inside. They go into one of the bedrooms, seeing a bassinet near the wall. They gently place Xehanort in the bassinet before heading back to the living room.
Taking a seat on the couch, Nara allowed themself a moment to take everything in. Having left their homeworld, loosing everyone they loved, a child showing up, and the creation of the islands. Everything took a toll on their mental state, they fall asleep on the couch.
Nara wake up a few hours later. They how dark is was outside. Xehanort had woken up to, screaming at the top of his lungs. Nara quickly rush to Xehanort’s room.
Nara gently picks up Xehanort, gently rocking him. Xehanort calmed down, snuggling closer to Nara. “Aww, you were just lonely? Me too, bud.” Nara whispers. Xehanort falls asleep against Nara, his tears staining Nara’s shirt. Nara takes him to the other bedroom, resting him down on the bed before retrieving the bassinet, bringing it into the room and setting it near the side of the bed. Nara places Xehanort back into the bassinet before taking a seat on the bed.
After a moment of rest, a portal opens up near the wall. A bright red parrot flies out. “Sheesh! Took me forever to find you, kid.” Iago says as the portal closes. Nara shushes him before pointing to Xehanort fast asleep. “So the kid’s got a kid.” Iago says, flying over to Nara and perching himself on their shoulder.
Nara takes a breath. “He’s my responsibility, Iago. I just hope he’s not going to suffer the same fate as I did.” Nara says, wrapping their arms around their knees. “I wish I had Chirithy here. She’d know what to do.”
After a flash, the aforementioned Dream Eater showed up on the bed. “Oi.” Chirithy says, loosing balance, landing on her bum. “I would have been here earlier, but you’ve traveled here through space and time. It takes Chirithy’s while to catch up when you do that.” Nara chuckles, gently scratching the creature’s head. Chirithy nuzzles into Nara’s hand. “Sorry about that, Chirithy. I’m staying here.”
A few years down the line, Xehanort was 4 years old and Nara had grown into parenthood. Xeha was outside playing with Iago in the yard when Chirithy appeared before Nara in the kitchen. “Nara, we need to have that talk.” Chirithy says as she tries climbing up onto the chair. Nara helps her up before sitting down on the chair right of her.
“I know you never wanted this for the kid, but I do sense the legacy of the keyblade in him.” Hearing those words hit like a semi truck. “But that’s impossible. I got rid of Darkness.” Nara starts spiraling. “I could be wrong, Nara. I’m hoping I am.” Nara wasn’t hearing Chirithy as they feel the world closed up around them. “There should be no Darkness. There should be no need for him to have the power of the keyblade.”
As that was happening, something tried forcing it’s way out of Nara, scaring Chirithy. Nara falls to their knees, a shadowy figure crawling out of them. Nara holds their head in their hands, ashamed of themself and what they just released. Chirithy looks up at the new creature.
It was a tall figure. It was covered in shadow with a large heart shaped hole on its chest. It didn’t have legs, but three chains hung from it. In its right hand, it held a staff carved at the top to look like a heart. Around its neck was a copy of Nara’s star necklace. It quickly leaves the scene, leaving a curled up Nara on the floor.
Chiririthy gets off of the chair, crawling into Nara’s lap. Chirithy curls up on Nara’s lap. This was a thing Chirithy had done ever since Nara’s first big adventure and they got overwhelmed. Only, this time was worse. As Chirithy curls up in Nara’s hold, she notices that Nara’s heart had weaken.Nara gently holds Chirithy close. “Thank you, Chirithy.”
Chirithy looks up at Nara. “Your heart-” She gets cut off. “As long as my son is ok, I don’t care about what happens to me.” Chirithy understood what Nara meant, and decided not to press on.
Years afterwards, Xehanort had grown up to teen age and Nara has begun to notice just how strong his heart was. They had already told him about the Keyblade legacy and how he’d have to carry it on. To do so, Nara had decided to let Xehanort go to Scala ad Caelum to study under the supervision of another Keyblade Master rather than teaching him themself.
The two (along with Iago on Nara’s shoulder) were outside of the school. Nara was in a grey coat, covering themself from head to toe. The two share a last hug before Xehanort heads into the building. A bright light replaces Nara’s body from under the cloth, following Xehanort.
Iago, now holding the cloth, flies off into the distance.
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darthbloodorange · 18 days
Safe Place to Land
Rating: Teens Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark JARVIS, Dum-E, Steve Rogers Warnings: Blood, Injury Major Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Late at Night, Cuddling & Snuggling, Dummy is A Good Bot, Jarvis Tries his Best, Tired Tony Stark, Hurt Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, POV Tony Stark Word count: 700
Summery: Tony's working late in his workshop, thinking about going to bed soon. His plans change though…
For the: ✦ @capim-tinybang - Amnesty Inspired by I've Got You (You're Going to be Okay) [!Art] by DarthBloodOrange (DepressingGreenie)
There is a short Steve POV that goes with this here "Safety Zone"
Read below or on AO3 >HERE<
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It's late. Tony doesn't know how late. He doesn't think there'd be much point in checking the time. It'd probably only make him feel more tired. His eyes sting. His back aches. His ability to focus is slowly disappearing.
He's not as young as he once was. All-nighters are slowly becoming something he'll have to leave in the past. Pepper's right about that. His work as an Avenger is probably not helping. Though, he is getting more exercise than he has been in the past decade.
"Sir!" JARVIS says. "I-"
Tony waves him off. "Yeah. Yeah," he says, rubbing his eyes. "I know. Start shutting things down."
DUM-E rolls up beside him, a mug held in his claws. The dark liquid inside spilled over slightly and dribbled over the edge of the mug.
Coffee, his tired mind supplies. It's dark brown liquid in a cup. Tempting. But second thoughts tell him motor oil or grime water. DUM-E tries his best...
Tony pats DUM-E's claw. "Thanks," he says. "It's probably a little too late for me to be drinking that right now."
DUM-E gives a little beep and rolls off.
"Sir-!" JARVIS speaks up again.
"Yeah. Thanks, J," Tony says, watching as his projects flicker off.
With a tired sigh, Tony grabs one of the rags lying across the workbench and wipes at some of the spills around the mug.
Maybe he's overdone it. The thought of the long journey to his bed feels far too far. And he doesn't particularly want to sleep on the workshop couch that is currently doubling as an extra table for one of his projects.
"Sir, I must-" JARVIS says.
Tony waves JARVIS off again. He knows.
'I must insist you go to bed and get some rest.' Tony parrots in his head. He's getting there. Slowly.
Tony tosses the rag to the side.
He stands up straight, stretching out his back with a groan. Squeezing his eyes shut.
When he opens them, he looks out at the workshop windows. Picturing the long path to his bed.
Then, out of the corner of his eye, he notices movement beyond the glass.
A shadowy figure moving slowly. Hunched over and stumbling. Staggering out from the darkness created by one of the broken hallway lights.
Tony freezes, suddenly alert.
The familiar click and hiss of the workshop lock deactivating sounds quietly in the otherwise silent space.
"JARVIS, What-?" Tony's words trail off as he finally recognizes the figure.
Tony takes off running.
The sound of Steve's shield slipping from his fingers and hitting the ground with a hollow ring echoes through the hallway. And likely Tony's future nightmares. Laying forgotten where it falls as Steve limps his way towards Tony.
Steve was covered in blood. All over. His uniform was ripped and torn, revealing the gruesome wounds beneath. His helmet was cracked, a deep gouge carved in it above the temple.
When Tony reaches him, Steve falls into his arms letting out a pained gasp.
Tony leads him into the workshop towards the couch. They make it about halfway. Steve's breathing is heavy and choked. His feet scrapping heavily across the ground. He is wobbling, leaning more and more of his weight on Tony.
He leads Steve towards one of the workbenches, propping him up against it. "Wait here!" he says, "I'll just quickly clean off the couch, then you can lay there. It'll only be a moment."
Tony sprints over to the couch. As fast as he can, he picks up all the parts of his project off the couch and roughly sets them off to the side.
He turns back to Steve to see DUM-E using his claw arm to help Steve lower himself onto the ground.
Tony rushes over. Looks like the couch wasn't happening. At least not yet. He drops down beside Steve and pulls the man into his lap. Holding him close.
Steve grits his teeth, curling in on himself, wrapping his arms tight around his stomach.
DUM-E rolls over, a spanner held hopefully in his claw. Offering it as if it might help.
Tony tips Steve to lay against his shoulder, rubbing up and down his back soothingly. "I got you."
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darltofa · 1 month
Pixie: A Cherished Companion
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If you’re on the hunt for a unique and colorful addition to your home, you might be considering Pixie Our Catalina Parrots for Sale. Catalina parrots are known for their vibrant plumage and engaging personalities, making them an excellent choice for bird enthusiasts. In this guide, we’ll explore what makes these parrots special, what you need to know before purchasing, and how to ensure you’re prepared for the commitment of parrot ownership.
Understanding Catalina Parrots
What Are Catalina Parrots?
Catalina parrots, also known as Catalina Macaws, are a hybrid breed resulting from the cross between a Blue-and-Gold Macaw and a Scarlet Macaw. This blend gives them a unique appearance and a captivating personality. These parrots are known for their striking red, blue, and green feathers and their playful behavior.
One of the most notable aspects of Catalina parrots is their intelligence. They are highly social birds that thrive on interaction with their owners. If you’re considering Pixie Our Catalina Parrots for Sale, it’s important to understand that these parrots require regular mental stimulation and social engagement to remain happy and healthy.
What to Consider Before Buying Pixie Our Catalina Parrots for Sale
Before making a decision, there are several factors you should consider when looking at Pixie Our Catalina Parrots for Sale. Firstly, consider the space you have available. Catalina parrots need a large cage and plenty of room to fly and exercise. They are not suited for small living spaces or apartments without sufficient space for their needs.
Another important consideration is the time commitment required for care. Catalina parrots are not low-maintenance pets. They need daily attention, regular cage cleaning, and a varied diet to keep them healthy. You should also factor in the cost of food, toys, and veterinary care.
Additionally, Catalina parrots can live for 50 years or more. When you choose Pixie Our Catalina Parrots for Sale, you’re making a long-term commitment. It’s essential to ensure you’re ready for the responsibility of caring for a parrot for its entire lifetime.
Preparing Your Home for a Catalina Parrot
Preparing your home for a new parrot involves more than just purchasing a cage and toys. You’ll need to create a safe and stimulating environment for your Catalina parrot. This means removing any potential hazards and ensuring that your home is bird-proofed.
Invest in a large, sturdy cage with plenty of space for your parrot to move around. Include perches of various sizes and textures, as well as toys that will keep your bird entertained. Providing a variety of toys and activities will help keep your parrot mentally stimulated.
Ensure that you have a designated area where your parrot can safely fly and explore outside of its cage. This space should be free from potential dangers such as toxic plants, small objects that could be swallowed, and other pets that might pose a threat.
The Benefits of Owning a Catalina Parrot
Owning a Catalina parrot can be a rewarding experience. These birds are known for their affectionate nature and strong bonds with their owners. They can be trained to perform tricks, mimic sounds, and even engage in interactive play.
Catalina parrots are also highly social and enjoy spending time with their human companions. They thrive on interaction and can become a central part of your family life. Their vibrant colors and playful antics make them an entertaining addition to any home.
In summary, if you’re considering Pixie Our Catalina Parrots for Sale, you’re looking at a unique and engaging pet. By understanding their needs, preparing your home, and committing to their care, you can enjoy the many benefits that these beautiful parrots have to offer.
Choosing to bring a Catalina parrot into your life is a big decision, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. With their vibrant colors, intelligent nature, and affectionate personalities, Catalina parrots make fantastic pets for those who are prepared for the commitment. By considering factors like space, time, and long-term care, you can ensure that you’re ready to provide a loving and stimulating environment for your new feathered friend.
If you’re ready to take the plunge, Pixie Our Catalina Parrots for Sale might be the perfect choice for you. With proper care and attention, these parrots can bring joy and companionship for many years to come.
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petsatlas01 · 1 month
What Makes You a Perfect Pet Parent?
Being a perfect pet parent is one of life’s most rewarding experiences, offering unconditional love, companionship, and countless moments of joy. But along with the happiness comes a significant responsibility. So, what truly makes someone a perfect pet parent? It’s a combination of love, knowledge, and dedication that goes beyond the basics. Here’s a guide to the qualities and practices that define a great pet parent.
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1. Understanding Your Pet’s Unique Needs
Every pet is different, whether you have a dog, cat, bird, or rabbit. A perfect pet parent takes the time to understand the specific needs of their animal. This means knowing their dietary requirements, exercise needs, and grooming habits. For instance, dogs might need regular walks and mental stimulation, while cats may need plenty of climbing spaces and interactive toys. Understanding these nuances is key to ensuring your pet is healthy and happy.
2. Creating a Safe and Loving Environment
A safe and loving home is essential for any pet’s well-being. This involves more than just providing shelter; it’s about creating a space where your pet feels secure and comfortable. Pet-proofing your home to avoid accidents, providing a cozy place to rest, and making sure they have access to clean water and nutritious food are all part of this. A perfect pet parent also ensures that the emotional environment is nurturing, offering plenty of affection and attention.
3. Regular Veterinary Care
Routine veterinary care is crucial in maintaining your pet’s health. A perfect pet parent ensures that their pet receives regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative treatments like flea control and dental care. This not only helps catch potential health issues early but also contributes to a longer, healthier life for your pet. Staying informed about your pet’s health needs and following your vet’s advice is a cornerstone of responsible pet ownership.
4. Consistent Training and Socialization
Training and socialization are vital aspects of raising a well-behaved pet. Whether it’s teaching your dog basic commands, ensuring your cat uses the litter box, or helping your bird become comfortable with handling, consistent training is essential. A perfect pet parent uses positive reinforcement techniques, which are proven to be more effective and humane. Socialization, especially for dogs, is equally important to ensure they interact well with other animals and people, making outings and visits a stress-free experience.
5. Providing Mental and Physical Stimulation
Pets need more than just the basics to thrive; they require mental and physical stimulation to stay engaged and happy. A perfect pet parent provides plenty of opportunities for play, exercise, and enrichment. This could be through daily walks, interactive toys, or new activities that challenge their minds. For dogs, this might mean regular trips to the park, while for cats, it could involve toys that mimic hunting behavior. Keeping your pet active and engaged prevents boredom and destructive behavior.
6. Building a Strong Emotional Bond
The bond between a pet and their owner is one of the most rewarding aspects of pet ownership. This connection is built through daily interactions, love, and quality time spent together. Whether it’s cuddling on the couch, playing in the yard, or simply talking to your pet, these moments create a deep emotional bond. A perfect pet parent understands that pets are social creatures who thrive on affection and attention, and they make bonding a priority.
7. Patience and Understanding
Patience is a vital trait for any pet parent. Whether you’re dealing with a mischievous puppy, a stubborn cat, or a parrot learning to speak, understanding that pets are living beings with their own personalities and needs is crucial. A perfect pet parent approaches challenges with patience and a positive attitude, knowing that training and behavior modifications take time and consistency.
8. Lifelong Commitment
Being a perfect pet parent means being committed to your pet for their entire life. This includes being there for them in good times and bad, from the joyful moments of play to the more challenging times of illness or aging. A perfect pet parent plans for their pet’s future, ensuring that they are always provided for, even if life circumstances change. This long-term commitment is a testament to the deep love and responsibility that comes with being a pet owner.
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to what makes a perfect pet parent, but it’s a combination of love, dedication, and responsibility. It’s about understanding your pet’s needs, creating a safe and loving environment, providing regular care, and building a strong bond that lasts a lifetime. While the journey of pet parenting has its challenges, the rewards of being a perfect pet parent are immeasurable. By embracing these qualities, you can ensure a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life for your beloved pet.
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