#animaniacs episode 4
cf56 · 2 years
My thoughts on episode 4
SPOILERS for season 3, episode 4 of the Animaniacs reboot
This review will have less substance than the last one because I just don't have as much to say. You can skip the next paragraph if you just want to hear my thoughts on the episode.
It's only been four days, and I've already gone insane. It's killing me to be separated from the fandom. I see the snippets of discussions and the filtered posts I can't view and I just desperately want to be a part of it all. Participate in the discussion, share in the same emotions. If that wasn't a factor, I'd have absolutely no regrets about watching one episode a day. Especially after typing up my reviews, I find that one day is the perfect amount of time to thoroughly digest each episode and prepare myself to watch the next one. I don't feel myself chomping at the bit to watch two or three episodes a day. I don't even think I have the time to do that and also keep doing these reviews. The only reason I want to go faster is so that I can return to the fandom sooner. There's six more days and six more episodes. The emotions are super mixed, though, because while I desperately want to exit my self-imposed prison, every day that passes is also another day closer to the end of Animaniacs for me. Do I go faster and get back to the fandom, but risk less thoroughly enjoying the last season of Animaniacs? Or do I keep watching slowly but risk missing the most active period this fandom will likely ever have again? THIS is why shows need to be released weekly. It's a dilemma I can't solve, and it leaves me feeling anxious and detached all day, thinking about absolutely nothing else than all of this.
What? The episode? Oh, it was decent.
Here's a closer look at the three abominations:
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Could these be the animals the Warners are based on? I think a gold earring suits Yakko well.
"Do they watch us when we go to the bathroom?"
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Only once, Wakko.
I loved Yakko's expressions and animation here.
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I found it cute to see Dot looking at her spider with such love. An underrated, consistent part of her character through the original and the reboot is her fascination with keeping creepy little horrors as pets.
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POOR BABY! Can't you see he needs his chicken tendies?!
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I just got this joke. There were actually three spiders, Dot already lost one, and Andrew Garfield was forgotten.
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Sad to see how far seniority gets you in this field, because lord knows Dr. Scratchansniff has never helped a single patient.
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Like I said about the previews, Yakko is super cute in this segment!
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The ambulance driver said they were going to make another stop, and Wakko's daily activity was never followed up with like Yakko's and Dot's. Is this implying Wakko ate so much at the hot dog eating contest that he had to get an ambulance?
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It was a pretty funny segment that felt like the classic Scratchansniff-Warner cartoons you'd see in the first half of the original series.
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It still confuses me, though, how they said they were listening to fan feedback for season 3, but they still didn't bother to make Scratchy more fatherly like literally every single fan wanted. We went from Scratchansniff willingly taking the Warners in his car on trips to being upset that they happened to join him in an Uber because he chose the wrong option in the app. At least give us a few moments that show he has some care for the Warners- like when Wakko starts to cry, have him feel bad and willingly give in to going back to the restaurant instead of the Uber driver doing it. During the best parts of their relationships in the original series, he was considerate towards the Warners' feelings and asked about their hobbies. Have him show some interest in Dot's pets or Yakko's passion for yodeling. The segment doesn't have to go any differently overall. Just a few caring moments would make all the difference. The decision to revert Scratchansniff to being a typical cartoon antagonist for the Warners was universally panned in the original and it baffles me that they still carry it forward to this day. No one wants to see that.
The Pinky and the Brain segment was good but nothing special. I'm getting a little sick of the same old formula for the reboot. Why not start a couple episodes off with Pinky and the Brain and end with the Warners? Or any other combination of segment order you could do. The formula in the reboot has always been either Warners-PATB-Warners or Warners-(sometimes some other segment)-PATB.
I find it interesting that this is their normal cruising attire:
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I thought this part was an interesting symbolism for the two conflicting human ideas on climate change. Do we stick around and try to salvage what's left of our original home, or do we just try to bail Earth and start over in the stars?
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My favorite part of this segment was how it all instantly devolved into total nonsensical chaos in about one second.
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Poor guy will never get his revenge :(
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It was a decently funny segment. Not much more to say about it.
The episode was good. It didn't stand up to the last one, but I didn't have any major complaints that ruined the whole thing for me. There wasn't really a major musical number in the entire episode. I think they've been too light on the music so far this season. The Warners have only had two songs in six segments, and only one of them was super great in my opinion. Take advantage of these characters and legendary voices while you have them.
This episode was definitely worse than episode 3, but it's hard for me to decide between this one and episode 2. Episode 2 had a better PATB segment but a Warner segment that didn't do much for me like this one did. By virtue of me being a Warner fan first and this episode having some very cute moments with them, I think I have to put episode 4 above episode 2. Despite the lack at even an attempt at a song.
My current ranking of season 3 episodes:
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 2
Episode 1
I encourage you to participate in the discussion on this post if you have anything to say about episode 4 or those that came before it, but don't say anything about the episodes that come after. Pretend like you haven't even seen them. I have to thank my friends in the replies who humor me every day and discuss each episode without spoilers. You two are the only reason I'm still semi-sane. Without you, I'd feel completely isolated.
I don't know if I'll cave and start doing multiple episodes per day. This takes a lot of willpower, but for now I'm still tentatively planning to tough it out.
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rgbyshipper101 · 2 years
Animaniacs reboot season 3 spoilers:
Ok I’m actually surprised but I went to the Hulu website and I was actually able to look at the pictures of the episodes. I don’t remember if I was able to do that before.
Nonetheless, thank you to the posts from people on Animaniacs tumblr making me aware enough to check.
So, this confirms a few things.
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This is from the first episode since it has the seats in the background. Is that a LaMarche burp? Is…is that blood?
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This is the picture they used. Ralph and Nora are so tall compared to them. I love Nora’s pointing to them. But why are they both dressed as guards? Wakko’s gonna bring something.
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This is from episode two with the card game. I was way off. Lol
Pinky’s in his pageant outfit. Wonder why.
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This is the episode three one. I’m happy cause the next pictures I was gonna post I’m pretty sure are in this episode. Which means I got it right. Ha!
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These are the ones. They look like they’re just having fun causing havoc. I think these are the day in the life on the Warners lot ones. I would love to see them just causing chaos like they used to.
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Ok this can literally be anything but it might be the same episode but at nighttime. Also Yakko’s face reminds me of the original with the eyes. He looks so maniacal.
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This description is from Hulu.
Not confirmed but gonna say
Fantasy/Über Nachtmare/Talladega Mice:The Ballad of Pinky Brainy
Is the first one a crossover segment??? Wait is Slappy in this one? Like a “What could have been?”
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Episode 4’s picture. Look at Yakko! He’s so cute! Why is he the only one dressed up? His costume reminds me of the Schnitzelbank one.
Carpooling episode? Again? Uber? Still love a scratchy and the Warners episode.
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This is from a short on Animaniacs twitter. They’re ordering food. Look at his face!
Ok so all the car ones I did last post might be for the desert musical festival here. Whoops.
Part 4
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lollipop-helo · 2 months
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You have found a wild Wakko!!
After AGES, I'm finally posting a lil something ^^
Ya know the drill!! It's....
More like "random trivia that I know for no reason" time but..
As you all (probably) know, Wakko Warner is one of the main characters of the animated series called animaniacs, along with his sister Dot Warner(Full name Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Franchesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca III) and his big brother, Yakko warner. But that, my friends, is BORING information that everyone is already tired of hearing and that would probably be the opening of an article about our lil boi, so how about we skip the whole introduction part of this and skip to just silly random goofy facts?
(okay, this is too much suspense to something that you can probably find anywhere on the internet)
1- He can eat LITERALLY anything, BUT It is confirmed that he does not like mayonnaise.
2- In the shows, his siblings always get more attention than him and are always laughing at him, which makes him jealous of them and kinda insecure.
3- According to him, he does not wear pants because his contract allows him to.
4- His and his siblings' family is quite confusing. On Wakko's Wish, they did have parents, who used to be the king and queen of Warner Stock but were killed by the king Salazar. In every other situation besides the movie, tho, they don't have parents, or at least don't know about it or never talked directly about them. On "King Yakko" they DO have a family tree, although that was probably just for the episode to make some sense. They are actors afterall, and the line between canon and not canon in animaniacs is almost non-existent.
5- He is 11! Although he does say he is 7 in the song "Hello Nurse", the directors revealed that he just said that cuz they needed a word to rhyme with "Heaven".
6- He's afraid of clowns.
7- He is hypoglicemic, which might explain his hunger.
8- He is 5% salamander, and can deatach his limbs at any time.
9- In one of the comics, to get into the Noah's ark, he said that his gender was "other", which gave birth to one of the most famous headcanons in the animaniacs community, the "Non binary Wakko Warner" headcanon, which is personally one of my favorites.
10- He is the same height as Buster Bunny.
11- Fans usually associate him with a dog.
And again, as always,
Bye b------
Wait. I think I have a more fitting ending for this post.
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toribookworm22 · 9 months
Final Thoughts On 2023
I know I have a very dysfunctional sense of time, but this year seems extra short and long to me. But such is the way it goes. Vague recap time!
Shut Down published! I went to my first therapy session. I toured apartments with my roommate. I traveled for the first time with just a friend. I got to meet the voice actors for The Animaniacs Pinky and The Brain. I celebrated my first Aro week. I wrote my first pilot episode. I got on TikTok for class and ended up not hating it. I volunteered to help at an student Oscar event and for student plays. I lost my best friend. I finally joined my school's writing club. My parents accidentally read my poetry collection and loved it. I moved into my very own apartment. I went on a family vacation to New York and got to see my almost little sister for the first time in 4 years. I hosted my very first book signing! I published Reprogrammed. I learned how to live by myself. I took a pottery class. I started a movie script. I let go of my best friend for good. I became the secretary for the writing club. I found a little bit more of myself in my fashion sense. I hosted a Halloween party. I met the producer of Me Before You. I made more friends and learned how best to love some of my others.
And in what has been one of the greatest decisions I've ever made, I stayed incredibly active on this lovely site and I got to meet, know, and love all of you. You guys are my diary and my joke book and a safe place for everything I am and love. I can be 100% myself on here without a single worry and you guys will never understand what that means to me.
My love list will just have to continue to grow, but that's okay. I love each and every one of you and I cannot wait to spend another year alongside you. Happy New Year! 🥂
All my love,
~ toribookworm ♥️
Love List pt. I
@angryaromantics @minutiaewriter @pluromantic @christiew @candlelightkissess @lady-of-himring @asteroidtroglodyte @panic-in-the-attic @elizaellwrites @writing-and-trying @eli-writes-sometimes @thatndginger @hyuccubus @chargeaznable @master-of-the-pigeon-religion @lividdreamz @ashen-crest @saphoblin @akiwitch @wearfinethingsalltoowell @daisywords @the-orangeauthor @arigalefantasynovels @brianamorganbooks @bluejay-in-write @elijahrichardwrites @alittlewarlord @apocalypsewriters @bookmarks-reviews @pure-solomon @xtakeitisisx @alnaperera @all-my-dreams-and-ambitions @porchswingstories @jlilycorbie @rsdan @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @litbylightning @lyssentome @theunboundwriter @writingforevren @regalserpent @axl-ul @likegemstone
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solarsonicsoda · 6 months
Rating 500+ Theme Tunes - #4: Animaniacs
Have you ever wondered who the Warner Bros. are? Well, they were probably some real guys but they're also two... creatures of some form, and they even have a sister! These are the Animaniacs! Yakko, Wakko, & Dot Warner live in the Warner Bros. water tower, and our the main characters of this 90's classic. The show features all sorts of comedic segments with all sorts of characters however, even being the origin of the infamous Pinky & The Brain. I'd liken this show to a sketch comedy show in a way, with wall-to-wall jokes and a variety of settings.
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Now, Animaniacs is the first show thus far that was truly before my time. It's original run finished four whole years before my birth. I'll give you a sentence to process that. While I haven't watched full episodes of the show, I did watch the Pinky & The Brain standalone show and I'm also familiar with many segments from the show. I frequently listen to Yakko Warner's Nations of the World and Wakko Warner's America.
The show seems like an absolute hoot from everything I see, absolutely something I would get a lot of enjoyment from. It always makes me laugh! It's pretty weird too that Steven Spielburg is behind Animaniacs! That man really got around. Anyway, while we're here, I also haven't seen the revival series. We don't even get Hulu in the UK.
Theme time!
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Animaniacs Theme Tune
This song goes so goddamn hard. I can't even lie. One of the biggest earworms I have ever heard in the history of intros. Everytime I find myself singing it! Just everything about this one makes me love this show, which is really exactly what you want. So much of the humour comes across perfectly in this song, even including a line about the characters' "pay-for-play contracts"! The meta-humour, the quick-humour, and while it can't influence my decision here, the physical humour of the animation is all perfect. Big brassy and mischievous instrumentals tie it all together brilliantly, making it that classic Warner Bros. cartoon mayhem for the audience of the 90's, with pop-culture of the time and fourth-wall breaks aplenty. This show and this theme knows what it is and wants to use that fully to its advantage.
An absolutely delightful intro. This one has to be an S-tier for me. Those are the facts!
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Stay tuned for more and be sure to send in any suggestions for other shows you'd like to see done (after the 500 already in the pipeline that is). Check out the intro to this series here, and now, the tier list.
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andesmints94 · 3 months
Smiling Friends aside, what are some of your other favorite cartoons?
I'm getting into Regular Show. I like it even if most of the characters have the same kinda face. I've watched Adventure Time and Fiona and Cake I love both of those shows and would like to see Fiona and Cake again. LSP in that series is funny. I'm still in season 3? of Amphibia. I love it even if I feel season 1 was kinda dull but idk maybe that's just cause I love when the bigger over-arcing plot comes in. I've watched Owl House (yet another one I plan to rewatch with my sis). I have seen Gravity Falls and thinks it's kinda funny that universe is connected to both Amphibia and Owl House's worlds. But that's probably getting into spoilerific territory. I've also watched Steven Universe as you may know, I will probably watch it again because I'm still having a hard time remembering Future. IDK why it seems I forget about SU a lot? I also have seen OK KO which I thought was excellent. I love the jokes in it and how it's both lighthearted but also very action packed. I also plan to watch Craig of the Creek (I have seen some episodes and from what I've seen it seems like a fun adventure)... Oh and a lot more gorey-stuff, Metalocalypse. Although I'm really bummed out about getting a HBO Max subscription only to find out that it was taken down... so unfortunately I have to pirate it... with lesser quality and NO LYRICS. It's a bit disheartening honestly. I mean the show, yeah. But it's fun to see the fun antics of the boys in the band just dicking around. Like, yeah unfortunately it's just kinda one of those shows I put on for background noise sometimes lol. Because I'm not much for the gorey aspect of it, or flashing subliminal messages. On a side note, I'm glad that Dana Snyder got a role in Smiling Friends. I haven't really seen much Hunger Team Aqua Force but it surely is an acid bath that feels kinda nice. Like, idk what other way to describe it. I've also seen a smidge of Super Jail but WOAH NELLY I'm not sure I'm ready yet. Rick and Morty I've watched and really want to rewatch but IDK if this means that if I watch it on Hulu/Max if Justin Roiland is going to get subsidies checks every episode he's in. I think the new voice actors are doing a great job and I'm glad that Justin was replaced. I've also been watching Solar Opposites. That one I feel is a bit more lighthearted than Rick and Morty for some reason and I'm not sure why that might be. Maybe it's Terry's happy attitude? idk. Yumulac reminds me of Young Sheldon (a live action show I have heard of and haven't watched much of I KNOW I DON'T JUST WATCH CARTOONS SHOCKING!!) ... Anyways I'm not sure about investing in MLP anymore just because I really enjoyed gen 4 but ffs I do not want to support Tara Strong anymore and for shame. She voiced a lot of cool characters. I was a big brony back when it came out, or pegasister, whatever... Also Also... Egoraptor/ Arin Hanson in Owl House just made my heart do flips. Like I looked up to him for a while and wanted to make animations of my own but I'm not sure what animation to make yet. Probably smiling friends stuff?? idk maybe just a reel of some sort. I'm sure I'll think of something (rambling at this point...) Ah dang... I forgot to mention that I watched a lot of Simpsons on cable with my family when my Dad was still alive so it kind of holds a special place in my heart, even if I don't or haven't really watched the newer seasons. Futurama holds a special place in my heart because me and my sister watched it when we were both going to college. So funny how time works. Disenchantment was pretty great too. It doesn't need to be any longer. Love a great sapphic story. Everything else about that show too. Now that I'm thinking about it, that whole world reminds me of the Enchanted Forest in Smiling Friends. Heh. Futurama didn't really need to come back recently, I don't think I've even seen all the episodes. BUT Animaniacs did their reboot better. The anime-style episode was top-knotch.
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reggiejworkshop · 2 years
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"VHS 'Screenshots' from Wakko's Springfield Score"
"Coming this Saturday, everyone famous daytime trio will get to meet up everyone's famous primetime family on April 1! Only on Fox!" proposed tagline.
These are recovered, totally not fake, screenshots from a lost crossover special of Animaniacs and Simpsons made circa 1996 before it was canceled mid production due to unknown production issues, and totally not by a bored artist who wanted to have another go at creating VHS screen captures. No, its not based on a crossover fanfic I never got around to writing.
Okay, maybe it is.
Here's some dialogue for each screenshot scene going top to bottom.
Not to be long winded with a lengthy explanation, the fanfic story basically would have been a AU crossover fic where Yakko and Wakko Warner are former street hustlers turned detectives who run into Clancy Wiggum, a private investigator. (loosely based on that one shot Simpsons episode where he goes by Wiggum PI)
Wakko wants to team up with him, but he's turned down when it's considered to be too dangerous. What followed would be a series of hijinks as Wakko proved his worth as a detective; Krusty the comedian being framed for a serious crime, Inspector Scratchensniff on the hunt for the Wanrer Brothers and the missing Warner sister, all of it tied with together with some involvement with the Springfield Mafia. 
So yeah, a simplish plot. Maybe if I ever get into writing fanfics again, I might actually write the whole story.
1)Wiggum PI: "Sorry Rover, I already got a partner, this city's too dangerous for a cat, dog...what are you two again?"
Yakko Warner: "Look, PI we barely know on our own show, that's not changing here"
2)Krusty: "Hey, Why the hell should I trust you? You're the reason I'm this mess in the first place!"
Wakko: "Cause I'm the only one who can clear your name!"
3)Skinny Boy: "We got to find those three deformed children before Fat Tony and his goons do! There's no telling what will happen when he gets a hold of them!"
Inspector Scratchensniff: "He's not the one we need to be worried about!"
4) Yakko, Wakko, and Dot "Heeelllo Tony!" (group kiss)
Fat Tony: "This meeting was a mistake..."
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soildmud · 4 months
reading inky mystery
good morning y’all, it is currently 3AM right now and i have developed some very strong opinions about inky mystery that i need to projectile vomit onto the internet. this is gonna be like a book review so i have some disclaimers/warnings:
#1: this “review” is not intended for the author, TAP, or anyone directly involved with the writing of IM. this is readers-only!
#3: i will most likely say very few positive things about the fic so if you don’t want to see negative remarks about your fav fic/story, maybe don’t read this. and also if you can’t handle strong language.
#4: i have not read all of IM, and there is a reason why. i will explain later on but i don’t need anyone to try and avoid spoilers. i don’t care for this fic enough to worry about that. talk to your heart’s content, i want to hear what y’all have to say!!!!
#5: i still enjoy inky mystery and its concepts and the overall story ideas. i think it’s fun and a cool spin on the original qftim au (an au that had so much potential and such shitty execution) and love how the fic has created an entire community around it! don’t get this twisted, i got nothing against IM or TAP.
now i’m gonna put the “review” (more like a rant) under a cut so as to not take up space on people’s dashes more than i already have lol—have fun!!
with such an interesting and promising premise, inky mystery has so far been a frustrating disappointment. i started reading it a while ago (had to stop because of school) and picked up again last night, hoping to get further into the fic and reach the parts that seem to be much more compelling than the exposition. i’m only on chapter 20 and already want to just stop reading it altogether. the more i progress through this the more i think to myself, “is this fic even worth reading 2.5 million words and 335 chapters?” as i’ve come to the beginning of chapter 21, i’m starting to think it most definitely is not.
obviously the biggest criticism is the length. there is absolutely no reason for why this fic is like 3 times longer than the fucking BIBLE. twelve “books” for what? to leave us in the same spot of the plot for the fifth time in a row when the conflict could have been resolved in almost half a chapter? the over-explanation of everything and the placement of practically useless dialogue is excruciating. i don’t understand how having chapter long bits of the warner shenanigans was necessary; i get it was meant for comedy but i don’t think they should dragged any longer than like a paragraph. their dialogue gets old incredibly fast, and it’s just a hinder to the fic’s flow. and before anyone says anything—I HAVE WATCHED ANIMANIACS BEFORE. in fact, i used to be obsessed with them and watched every episode until it stopped airing in 2014. i know they’re supposed to be the way they are in the fic but Holy SHIT DUDE. SHUT THEM THE FUCK UP ALREADY.
listen. i know this was originally written in 2017, but if you’re still updating this into 2024, at this point you need to remake the whole fic and shorten it. the way the author is updating the fic with basically filler makes me feel like they care more about creating content for their readers rather than actually writing a coherent narrative. you don’t need to take down the OG fic but there has got to be a way to shorten it so it doesn’t take literally a week straight to finish the fic in one sitting.
anyways. apart from that, i need to say that the writing style is so juvenile in a way that feels aggravating. i read the most recent chapter to see if anything changed and while it certainly improved in small ways, i feel like TAP still hasn’t learned how to not make sentences like four words long and dialogue sequences that don’t make up half the chapter. i also feel like the narrative is just…holding the readers hand and explaining every little thing like they expect the reader not to have any media literacy at all. i don’t need to know explicitly that boris and bendy are tired from walking for hours, i knew that from your narration mentioning their legs aching and them getting mucky from clambering in the forest.
next, i hate the random inclusion of unnecessary characters. the way the two detectives seem to only show up when it’s convenient and how the warners were used basically like a deus ex machina is frustrating. don’t introduce so many characters with so much detail and then have them show up like twice. i don’t know how to explain this because it’s almost 4AM now and my brain is foggy but god. when those two fox characters were randomly introduced at the end of idk what chapter to have a completely useless conversation with the detectives i felt so annoyed. i don’t know if they have any real significance later on in the story (and i don’t mean that they show up to say hi later) and honestly i cannot be bothered to find out if they do, but if they don’t, that entire section of the chapter was fucking stupid. let your MAIN CHARACTERS learn information from other sources for the love of god.
in the end, i don’t know if i’ll ever finish Inky Mystery, at least not anytime soon. i had fun at the start and now i’m just annoyed and frustrated. also, to the wiki people, PLEASE MAKE CHAPTER SUMMARIES AND SHIT—IT WOULD BE A DREAM FOR THOSE OF US WHO DON’T WANT TO SIT THROUGH 2.5 MILLION WORDS FOR PLOT AND STORY!!!!
also, i am not claiming to be a better writer or have superior knowledge to TAP. i think TAP is good at writing, but has some flaws that really limit their full potential. i myself am an amateur writer with no training or anything, but i am a reader, so that’s why i’m yapping.
ALSO ALSO, i am not doing this to shit on TAP or IM or anyone who likes this story and everything. like i said, i actually like IM and really want to get into it so i can make fanart and everything, but it has been a struggle and i want to voice that because this is my blog and i use it like a virtual diary. i will continue to skim and push through IM, and will most definitely use it as a learning tool for my own au, SITP.
again, this review was made with zero malice in mind. however if anyone wants to say anything i’m 100% open to conversation, and if this reaches TAP’s screen somehow, please know i’m not trying to be a hater!!! i love your ideas and the community you’ve created, promise!!!! i’m done now cus i’m tired and need to sleep so bye to anybody who read through this beast of a post lol plus i don’t have the energy to write all i wanted to say. sorry if there’s any mistakes i’m falling asleep as i write LMAO
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punster-2319 · 1 year
Animaniacs 30th anniversary
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On this day 30 years ago, Animaniacs premiered on Fox Kids and became the 2nd most popular children’s show at the time (right behind Mighty Morphin Power Rangers). After a 65-episode season one and a 4-episode season two containing leftovers of one, Animaniacs moved to The WB Network in 1995 as the flagship for the network’s children’s block, Kids WB. Running for 3 more seasons, Animaniacs ended its run on November 14th, 1998 with 99 episodes in total. In 1999, Warner Bros. released a direct-to-video film called Wakko’s Wish which served as the series finale.
To this day, whenever people bring up greatest cartoons of all time Animaniacs is always near the top of the list for me. It has some of the best comedic timing ever put on television and has a great mixture of slapstick and clever adult jokes that’s on par with the classic Looney Tunes cartoons. Now is the show flawless? No, of course not. There have been some recurring jokes and gags throughout the series that have not aged well over time (there’s quite a few fatphobic jokes and the recurring Hello Nurse jokes). Also while the Warner Siblings, Slappy Squirrel, and Pinky and the Brain segments were S-tier most of the time, the show also had its fair share of what was basically just filler for the aforementioned segments (The Hip Hippos, Katie Ka-Boom, Mindy and Buttons, etc). The Rita and Runt segments fit right in between the S-tier and filler-tier for me personally because of the musical numbers sung phenomenally by Broadway actress Bernadette Peters.
So again even though it’s not flawless (nothing is really), Animaniacs continues to be one of my favorite shows that I revisit and quote often. This along with Batman the Animated Series are arguably the most influential animated kids shows of the 90s and it continues to be enjoyed by old fans and new fans alike.
Also check out @legion1979 ‘s blog if you want to see more in-depth analysis of episodes in the series and Wakko’s Wish. They wrote these reviews around a decade ago, but they’re still nice reads.
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vhvrs · 7 months
its definitely bc ive watched animaniacs n eene n zim too much but i wish art direction was stronger in cartoons post 2010s. steven universe frequently had some strong angle work but mostly everything is very staring at the same character at a 3/4 angle as the whole episode. but the rest of the visual work tends to be completely gorgeous to make up for it.
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In celebration of the Animaniacs reboot’s THIRD season coming out soon…
I’m going to list a few things I think the second season of the reboot does better than the first. Here we go:
1. It gave Nora some much needed development. She gets more screen time in general this season, and because of that her character is more fleshed out now. We find out she's a mother and despite the fact that she had previously been established as selfish in season 1, she buys her daughter whatever she wants to compensate for her lack of parenting skills. That doesn't necessarily make her a good mother, but she's clearly trying.
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We also find out the reason why Nora's a competitive person and why she mostly only looks out for herself-her upbringing. We're shown that her sisters often belittle and mock her. Not only that but her sisters are twins, so Nora undoubtedly felt like the odd one out amongst her siblings all her life.
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There's also her great grandmother Flora Dora, who's is a very successful business woman that Nora looks up to, and it seems like she aspires to be just as successful as Flora Dora. Flora Dora also constantly organizes competitions at family gatherings, something that clearly reinforced if not encouraged her to be a competitive person who's a firm believer in pulling up the ladder behind her.
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2. It goes even further with the dark and adult humour than season 1 did. Season 1 had a few instances of characters going from saying hell and had blood onscreen a couple times, and the swear jokes were more blatant than ever, but otherwise was about as adult as Animaniacs usually is. In season 2 we still have blatant swear jokes...AND a character admitting to inc*st, slavery and genocide are mentioned and not sugar-coated at all, Nora straight up mentions doing drugs, Pinky unintentionally committing murder...there's quite a bit of death this season actually, etc. Granted this shouldn't be too surprising because the reboot does have a higher age rating than the original series ('93 was TV-Y, the reboot is TV-PG). Animaniacs is literally more adult than ever (whilst still being a kids show of course) and I am here for it.
3. THE SONGS!!! Season 1's songs were very good, Animaniacs songs usually are, but season 2's music was really, REALLY good! It had a lot of variety too: rock, rap, parody songs, Broadway showstoppers, electro pop, swing, etc. My personal favourites were "Warner's Ark", "I Am The Very Model of an Ancient Roman Emperor", "Magna Cartoon", and "Yakko's Big Idea" (*cough*buy/stream the soundtrack*cough*).
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4. The "running gag"/recurring joke of the season was better (there are less reboot jokes). Season 1 was funny, but I gotta admit they ran the whole "this is a reboot of a 90's show" joke into the ground. Like I get that the show is meta but they made that joke every other episode to the point where felt like they were repeating themselves. So I'm glad season 2 dropped that. There are quite a few jokes about and references to "Yakko's World", but 1) They at least tell us something about Yakko as a character by showing how much he values that song and that he seems to canonically be sentimental towards it, and 2) They were more creative with how they would reference it or use it for a joke each time, whereas most jokes about the show acknowledging that it's a reboot in season 1 are essentially just the characters stating "this is a reboot of a 90's show!" over and over again.
Plus bonus things I wanted that aren't necessarily "improvements":
A Plotz Cameo
Assuming that was him and not just an expy or relative of Plotz. If it was him does that mean he's not retired? Is he just an actor now? Either way it was cool to see!
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A Wakko Song
I was hoping Wakko would get a song number this season, and he did! ("Gruesome Ol' Gruel"). Maybe we could get a longer one next time though? Like, at least a minute or two? Preferably a rock song please? Honestly I think Wakko has the best singing voice of the three Warners, I just wanna hear him sing more!
A Yakko Solo Segment
...probably should explain this one. You see, in the original show Wakko has SIX stories basically all to himself where his siblings either aren't in it for long or don't appear at all ("Potty Emergency", "Clown ‘n’ Out", "Ups and Downs", "Bingo", "Go Fish", and “Ten Short Films About Wakko Warner”). He even gets another one in the reboot "Wakko's Short Shorts: Now Loading"). Now on it's own I don't mind this, in fact I think it's a good idea for each Warner sibling to get their chance to shine on their own without their siblings every now and again...the problem is that didn't really happen. Other than "Dot’s Quiet Time" (a segment's that basically a song number full of gags) and "Dot’s Poetry Corner" (a series of very short bumpers), Dot only got one story segment, “Cute First (Ask Questions Later)”, and even that took 93 episodes to get to...in a 99 episode series. Great.
Meanwhile Yakko literally only gets to star in a segment on his own if it’s a song ("Yakko’s World", "Yakko’s Universe", etc) or if it’s a one off gag/series of bumpers they’ll only do for one episode ("Useless Facts", "Disasterpiece Theatre", etc). Other than that he has ZERO stories in which he stars by himself without his siblings being present for a lot of it. Admittedly, Yakko was kind of a spotlight stealer in earlier episodes of the original show, so maybe the writers caught on to that and gave the other two solo segments intentionally, but still none of those segments were just him, his sibs were still there. I just would've liked to see Yakko star (mostly or entirely without his siblings) in a segment with a story (not one where the whole segment is a song, not a bumper segment) just once.
So imagine my delight when the reboot not only gave us just that, but also made it an homage to my favourite Looney Tunes short, "Duck Amuck".
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"Yakko Amakko" was one the highlights of season 2 to me, plus I loved the ending. He did what Daffy and even Bugs Bunny couldn't do, actually outwit the artist, how awesome is that?!
Many people thought season 2 was better than season 1, and I can see why (I personally like both seasons about the same-I think season 1 is better than season 2 in some areas, but season 2 is better than season 1 in others). There's also little things like Dr Scratchansniff being a recurring character again or how they actually referenced the PatB spin off this season (because correct me if I'm wrong but season 1 never made a direct reference to the spin off) that I almost listed but didn't have too much to say about them. They were neat.
Hopefully season 3 will turn out to be the best season yet!
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Look how he did it❤️🤍🐁
Screenshot taken by me. :3
This frame is taken from Animaniacs 2020 season 3 episode called "Mad mouse furry road" (episode 4)
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delcat177 · 10 months
Histeria! is an American animated series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Warner Bros. Animation.[1] Unlike other animated series produced by Warner Bros. in the 1990s, Histeria! was an explicitly educational program created to meet FCC requirements for educational/informational content for children.[2][3]Histeria! aired on Kids' WB from September 14, 1998 to March 31, 2000, and continued to air reruns until August 30, 2001.[4] The show was presented as a Saturday Night Live-style sketch comedy, with its cast often filling the roles of historical figures. It was to be WB's most ambitious project since Animaniacs. Like the aforementioned series, 65 episodes were originally going to be made,[citation needed] but due to being $10 million over budget,[citation needed] only 52 episodes were completed before production of the series was canceled in March 2000. Due to the high production costs, footage from previous episodes was often re-used and re-timed to match newly recorded audio, as well as several non-educational segments being used as filler. More recently, the show was aired on In2TV, first from March to July 2006, and then it returned in October of that year. In January 2009, all of the episodes were taken off the site.This is the wildest shit and I think the majority of us missed it
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friendshipgirl · 2 years
Okay, NOW I am pissed off at who ever decided to end Animaniacs at Season 3! I won’t give out any spoilers though. I mean, the others were fine, but how they ended it on episode 10 was crap! I demand a Season 4 NOW!
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deadlockorignalfilms · 6 months
This seems really important
List of reported  and confirmed Warner Home Video DVDs that have rotted:
Box Sets and Series:
4 film favorites: Hugh Grant
4 Film Favorites: King of Horror- The Dreamcatcher side of Disc 1 doesn't load in any player. That side of the disc has become discolored.
4 Film Favorites: Lethal Weapon
4 Film Favorites: Urban Action (Black Belt Jones, Hot Potato, Black Samson, Three the Hard Way) - Hot Potato freezes at layer chagne
Adventures of Superman: The Complete Fifth & Sixth Seasons - Disc 2 (2U / L907)
Alfred Hitchcock - The Signature Collection-All these discs fail at the layer change:- Foreign Correspondent- Strangers on a Train: Two-Disc Special Edition (both discs)- Stage Fright- Suspicion- The Wrong Man
Animaniacs Seasons
Astaire and Rogers Collection Vol 1 and 2 and complete set
Barbara Stanwyck Signature Collection
Batman - The Complete Animated Series- Volume 2, Disc 3 starts skipping at episode 5.- Volume 3, Disc 2 doesn't play the last episode.
Bette Davis Collection Vol 1
Bette Davis Collection Vol 2
Bette Davis Collection Vol 3
Blade Runner 4 Disc Collector’s Edition-Disc 1,2 and 4
Burt Lancaster Signature Collection
Busby Berkeley Collection Vol 1
Busby Berkeley Collection Vol 2
Buster Keaton TCM Archives collection
Cary Grant Signature Collection
Clark Gable Signature Collection
Classic Comedies Collection
Classic Comedy Teams Collection
Classic Musicals From the Dream Factory Vol 2
Classic Musicals From the Dream Factory Vol 3
Cult Camp Classics Volumes
Dallas-multiple seasons
Doris Day Collection Vol 2
Dukes of Hazzard - Multiple Seasons
Elizabeth Taylor-Richard Burton collection
Elvis Presley [Deluxe 2-Volume] (10-Disc Set)
Errol Flynn Signature Collection Vol 2
Errol Flynn TCM Spotlight WWII Adventures
Esther Williams Collection Vol 1
Film Noir Classic Collection Vol 3
Film Noir Classic Collection Vol 4
Film Noir Classic Collection Vol 5
Forbidden Hollywood Vol 1
Forbidden Hollywood Vol 2
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Friends: Season 3, Disc 1,Season 6, Discs 1, 3, and 4
F-Troop Season 2
Gary Cooper Signature Collection
Greta Garbo Signature Collection
Henrik Ibsen Collection- The Master Builder and The Lady From The Sea will not play.
Humphrey Bogart Signature Collection Vol 2
James Cagney Signature collection
James Stewart Signature Collection
Joan Crawford Collection Vol 1 and 2
John Ford and John Wayne Collection
John Ford Collection
Katharine Hepburn 100th Anniversary Collection
Katharine Hepburn Collection
Legends of Horror Collection-all discs rot.
Literary Classics Collection 
Lois & Clark - The Complete Fourth Season: Disc 4 freezes at episode 3 on one player and read as invalid on another.
Looney Tunes Gold Coll 5 - Disc 2,Disc 4
Looney Tunes Golden Collection Vol. 2: Disc 3
Looney Tunes Golden Collection Vol. 4 - all four discs have rotted
Looney Tunes Golden Collection Vol. 5 - all four discs have rotted
Lucille Ball Film Collection
Man From Uncle Complete Series: Season 2 Disc 6
Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland Collection- TCM reissue pack is okay
Motion Picture Masterpieces Collection
Myrna Loy and William Powell Collection TCM Spotlight
Nancy Drew Movie Mystery Collection
One Tree Hill
Paul Newman Collection
Pinky and the Brain seasons
Popeye Volumes
Powerpuff Girls Complete Series
Rooney & Garland Collection
Sam Peckinpah Collection
Shakespeare Collection
SilverHawks Volume One - Disc 4 (2U / L906)
Smallville - The Complete Sixth Season: Disc 2 skips and freezes. Discs 3 and 4 only play the first two episodes on one player and read as invalid on another.
Spawn: The Animated Collection - 10th Anniversary Signature Edition (Steelbook)- Disc 1 freezes and skips over the opening eight minutes of the first episode.
Stanley Kubrick - Warner Home Video Director's Series
Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show - Disc 2 (60, L387)
Superman Ultimate Collector’s Edition Tin-multiple films and extras no longer play. Some discs completely rotted.
Superman: The Theatrical Serials Collection: Disc 4
Supernatural (Season 2), some episodes on discs 4 & 5 won't play
Tales from the Crypt - The Complete Fifth Season: Disc 1, Disc 2 froze before the end of the last episode on one player and read as invalid on another.
Tales from the Crypt - The Complete First Season: Disc 1 doesn't play.
Tales from the Crypt - The Complete Sixth Season: Disc 1 & 2 won't play some of the episodes. At least three are inaccessible.
Tarzan Collection Vol 2
TCM Archives Laurel and Hardy Collection - both discs rotted
TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection - Horror
Tennessee Williams collection
Tex Avery's Droopy: The Complete Theatrical Collection - both discs rotted
The All-New Super Friends Hour Volume One - Disc 1 (2U / L908), Disc 2 (2U / L907)
The Christopher Reeve Superman Collection
The Cult Camp collection
The Exorcist - The Complete Anthology- Dominion: Prequel to The Exorcist fails at the layer change.
The Flash: The Complete Original Series - Disc 2 (2U / L907), Disc 6 (2U / L907)
The John Wayne Collection
The Sopranos
The Twisted Terror collection
The West Wing-Multiple Seasons
Tom & Jerry Spotlight Collection Volume 2: Discs 1 and 2
Tom & Jerry Spotlight Collection Volume 3: Disc 1
Tough Guys Collection-reissued as Gangsters Volume 2
Twisted Terror Collection
Vacation/European Vacation- Comedy Double Feature release
Val Lewton Collection-I Walked With A Zombie / The Body Snatcher, The Leopard Man / The Ghost Ship
Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars - The Complete Second Season
Veronica Mars - The Complete Third Season
Warner Bros Gangsters Vol 1
Warner Bros Gangsters Vol 2
Warner Bros Gangsters Vol 3
Warner Bros Gangsters Vol 4
Individual Titles (Boxsets listed if originally released as part of a set): 
2001: A Space Odyssey-Stanley Kubrick Director’s Series
30 Seconds to Tokyo
A Clockwork Orange-Stanley Kubrick Director’s Series
A Free Soul/Divorcee-A free Soul rotted-Forbidden Hollywood Collection - Volume 2
A Midsummer Night’s Dream-Shakespeare collection and standalone
A Nightmare on Elm Street - Infinifilm Edition
A Slight Case of Murder-Tough Guys Collection and Gangsters V2
Across the Pacific-Humphrey Bogart: The Signature Collection - Volume 2
Act of Violence /Mystery Street (Only Plays Mystery Street) Film Noir v4
Action in the North Atlantic-Bogart Signature Collection v2
Adventures of Don Juan-Errol Flynn SC V2
Air Force
All This and Heaven Too
Angels in the Outfield (1951)
Arsenic and Old Lace-snapper case
Austin Powers in Goldmember (Infinifilm Series)
Babes In Arms- Rooney & Garland Coll
Babes on Broadway- Rooney & Garland Coll
Bathing Beauty-Esther Williams Vol. 1
Best Foot Forward
Billy Budd-Literary Classics Coll 
Black Legion-Gangsters V3
Blade Runner- 4 disc collector’s edition
Bombers B-52
Boom Town
Born to Dance
Bringing Up Baby-Classic Comedies Collection
Broadway 1936
Brother Orchid-Gangsters v4
Bullets or Ballots-Tough Guys Collection and Gangsters V2
By the Light of the Silvery Moon-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Captain Blood-Errol Flynn SC V1
Captain Horatio Hornblower-Literary Classics Coll
Captain of the Clouds-James Cagney Signature Collection
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof-Tennessee Williams collection
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory SE
City for Conquest-Tough Guys Collection and Gangsters V2
Command Decision
Crime Wave/Decoy-Film Noir V4
Critic’s Choice
Damn Yankees
Dance Girl Dance
Dangerous When Wet-Esther Williams, Vol. 1
Dark Passage
David Copperfield-Motion Picture Masterpieces 
Decoy-Film Noir Classic Collection Volume 4
Deep in My Heart-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 3
Desperate Journey-Errol Flynn TCM WWII Adventures
Destination Tokyo-The Cary Grant Signature Collection
Dinner at Eight-Standalone copy
Dive Bomber-Errol Flynn SC V2
Dog Day Afternoon SE
Dr. X/Mask of Fu Manchu-Legends of Horror
Dragon Seed-Katharine Hepburn 100th Anniv Coll
Du Barry Was a Lady 
Each Dawn I Die-Tough Guys Collection and Gangsters V2
East of Eden SE
East Side West Side 
Eight Legged Freaks
Evelyn Prentice-Powell and Loy TCM Collection
Executive Suite-Barbara Stanwyck Signature Collection
Eyes Wide Shut-Stanley Kubrick Director’s Series
Female/Three on a Match-Forbidden Hollywood v2
Firecreek-James Stewart Signature collection
Flamingo Road-Joan Crawford V2
Flying Down to Rio (Astaire/Rogers Collection)
Fort Apache
Friendly Persuasion
G Men-Tough Guys Collection and Gangsters V2
Garbo Silents Collection-Garbo Signature Collection
Gentleman Jim-Errol Flynn Signature Collection V2
Girl Crazy-Rooney & Garland Coll
Gold Raiders/Meet the Baron double feature
Hairspray SE
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix SE
High Sierra
His Kind of Woman-Noir V3
His Majesty O'Keefe-Burt Lancaster Signature Collection
Hit the Deck-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 3
I Love You Again (Loy/Powell collection)
I'll See You in My Dreams-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Illegal / The Big Steal (only plays Illegal)-Film Noir Classic Collection, Vol 4
In This Our Life-Bette Davis collection v2
Invisible Stripes-Gangsters V4
Jeopardy-Barbara Stanwyck: The Signature Collection
Jailhouse Rock Remastered (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) - Elvis Presley 10 Film Set
John Carpenter’s Someone is Watching Me
Julius Caesar
Kismet-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 3
Lady Be Good- Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 3
Lady Killer-Gangsters V3
Land of the Pharaohs-Cult Camp Classics v1
Looney Tunes Golden Collection vol 1 disc 1 & vol 5 disc 4
Love Crazy-Powell and Loy TCM Collection
Lucky Me-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Madame Bovary-Literary Classics Coll 
Manhattan Melodrama-Powell and Loy TCM Collection
Meet the Baron/Gold Raiders-Gold Raiders won’t play
Mogambo-Clark Gable SC
Mr. Skeffington-Bette Davis collection v1
My Dream Is Yours-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Mystery Street-Film Noir Classic Collection Volume 4
Neptune's Daughter-Esther Williams, Vol. 1
Night and Day-The Cary Grant Signature Collection
Night of the Iguana
Ninotchka-Garbo Signature Collection
Nothing But Trouble-Classic Comedy Teams Collection
Lucky Man
On An Island With You-Esther Williams V1
On Moonlight Bay-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Operation Crossbow
Othello-Shakespeare Coll
Passage to Marseille-Bogart Signature Coll V2 
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid SE-Peckinpah Collection
The Wild Bunch 2 disc SE-Peckinpah collection
Personal Best
Popeye vol 1 discs 1 & 4
Presenting Lily Mars
Pride and Prejudice-Motion Pic Masterpieces
Prince of The City
Rebel Without a Cause
Red-Headed Woman-TCM Archives: Forbidden Hollywood Collection - Volume 1
Reflections in a Golden Eye
Reunion in France
Rio Bravo
Roberta-Astaire Rogers coll
Romance on the High Seas-The Doris Day Collection, Vol. 2
Romeo and Juliet-Shakespeare coll
Royal Wedding-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 2
Sadie McKee-Joan Crawford V2
Shawshank Redemption SE
Shoot the Moon-Rooney and Garland coll
Side Street-Film Noir Classic Collection Volume 4
Splendor in the Grass-snapper
Story of Vernon and Irene Castle-Astaire and Rogers
Straight Time
Streetcar Named Desire
Strike Up the Band-Rooney and Garland Collection
Superman the Movie [Four Disc Edition]
Superman II [2 Disc Deluxe Edition]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut
Superman III (Deluxe Edition)
Superman IV-deluxe reissue
Superman Returns
Tarzan’s Desert Mystery-Tarzan collection v2
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (Unrated)
That Midnight Kiss-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol 2
That’s Entertainment 3
That's Dancing-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol 2
The Big Cube
The Big Steal-Film Noir v4
The Charge of the Light Brigade-Errol Flynn SC V2
The Clock (1945)
The Comedians-Taylor-Burton collection
The Corn is Green-Katharine Hepburn 100th Anniv Coll
The Dawn Patrol-Errol Flynn SC V2
The Devil Doll/Return of Dr. X-Legends of Horror Collection
The Divorce-Forbidden Hollywood V2
The Fighting 69th-James Cagney Signature collection
The Flintstones
The Fountainhead-individual and Gary Cooper Signature Collection
The Golden Compass SE
The Great Lie
The Great Ziegfeld
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
The Hill-WWII collection
The Informer-John Ford collection
The Jazz Singer-2007 release
The Little Giant-Gangsters v4
The Live By Night/Side Street-Film Noir Classic Collection, Vol 4
The Maltese Falcon 3-disc SE and Humphrey Bogart: The Signature Collection - Volume 2
The Man Who Came to Dinner-Bette Davis collection
The Naked Spur-James Stewart Signature Collection
The Old Maid-Bette Davis V3
The Pirate-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 2
The Prince and the Pauper-snapper case
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex-Errol Flynn SC v1
The Prodigal
The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle 
The Stratton Story-James Stewart SC
The Three Musketeers-Literary Classics Coll
The Toast of New Orleans-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol 2
The West Point Story-James Cagney Signature Collection
The Wreck of the Mary Deare-Gary Cooper SC
The Yakuza-Robert Mitchum SC
There Was A Crooked Man
They Died With Their Boots On-Errol Flynn SC v1
They Live By Night-Side Street-Film Noir v4
Three Little Words
To Please a Lady/Jeopardy-Jeopardy does not play. Barbara Stanwyck SC
Torch Song-Joan Crawford V2
Treasure Island
Twilight Zone: The Movie
Undercurrent-Katharine Hepburn 100th Anniv Coll
Vacation/European Vacation Comedy Double Feature release
Wally Gator
Watch on the Rhine-Bette Davis collection V3
Waterloo Bridge-TCM Archives: Forbidden Hollywood Collection - Volume 1
West Point Story-James Cagney Signature collection
Where Danger Lives/Tension-Film Noir Classic Collection, Vol 4
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? SE-Taylor Burton Collection
Without Love-Katharine Hepburn 100th Anniv Coll
Wizard of Oz- 2 disc SE
Wonder Woman
Words and Music-Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory: Volume 2
5 notes · View notes
reddevilproductions · 2 years
Alright I’ve seen a LOT of controversy about the beginning of this episode. And I’d like to address it with my own thoughts. I don’t doubt I will get backlash for this, it’s the internet, you get backlash for everything. But I still have a right to an opinion and I’m making the choice to share it so I’m accepting the consequences that come with that decision.
If you haven’t seen this episode yet, I’ll give the gist of what happens.
Specifically the “problem” is the little bit where Yakko and Dot are ragging on their brother. Wakko is so hyperfocused on his game that he is completely oblivious to the world around him.
They make comments on how “the animators could only afford to animate the two BEST siblings”. They dramatically go in about it how they “mourn the loss” of their brother, then immediately move on. They start to plan their own duo plot before Wakko is shaken back into reality. To which they respond with monotone and sarcastic phrases like “oh great Wakko’s back”. As if they weren’t pleased to see him.
I’ve seen people absolutely furious over this. Comparing it to a 90s episode where Wakko was about to be taken by Death and his siblings risked their own lives to fight for him back. Begging on their knees to not have their brother taken away.
Which is a both a wholesome and comical episode to enjoy but I will argue that these two situations are NOT the same. That was the actual DEATH practically knocking on their door. You can’t blame them for getting bent out of shape.
This was Wakko just laser focused on a video game he was enjoying. He’s been shown in the reboot to be more drawn to the different types of technologies and is often seen playing around on them. This type of situation most likely isn’t new to Yakko and Dot.
And I guess I will have to be the one to say it, THIS is the reality of siblings. They aren’t going to be wholesome 100% of the time. This is one of the reasons I really enjoy the reboot, it seems to show that side of having brothers and sisters more so than the 90s show.
Personally, I have 4 siblings. I also take the role as the oldest. And seeing this sketch genuinely made me laugh so hard because it sounded exactly like a situation me and my own siblings would be in. It made them laugh too for the same reason. My little sister went “that’s us!” while giggling about it.
Siblings aren’t always going to be kind to eachother. They will taunt and tease and make claims or argue about who the favorites really are. They’re going to find quirks about eachother odd. There will be some times they’ll act unenthusiastic about you being there. That does NOT mean you don’t care about eachother. Behind everything, the love is still there and it always will be.
I’ll make up dramatics and taunts in regards to my siblings, they’ll shoot them right back at me. There have been times where a few will gang up on another one in their antics. Sometimes you are left out of activities.
But the love never ever goes away. I would do anything for my siblings, I will never stop loving and caring about them. There will be wholesome moments of us playing games, giving hugs and affectionate noogies, or watching cartoons, like Animaniacs, together. But the teasing is always gonna be apart of the dynamic. It’s not bad, it’s normal and we know not to go to far. We apologize when someone is genuinely and seriously hurt.
In my eyes, in my siblings eyes too, Yakko and Dot did nothing wrong. This is almost top tier brother and sister behavior. I know from experiencing it myself.
This segment or reboot as a whole does not take away any other aspect of their previous relationship whatsoever. They are still shown to be extremely kind, protective and loving towards eachother. That part never changed, you just need to accept the good parts with the bad ones. And they’re not necessarily bad parts either.
I cannot stress this enough
And I love how that is portrayed in this series. It really hit close to home and despite all the controversy, I’d say the writers did an excellent job.
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