sadly-never-after · 24 days
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@aniovandoblog Thanks for the ask! Hope this isn't too disappointing.
The old college try by the billy goats
From the entrance to the exit Is longer than it looks from where we stand I want to say I'm sorry for stuff I haven't done yet Things will shortly get completely out of hand
I can feel it in the rotten air tonight In the tips of my fingers, in the skin on my face In the weak last gasp of the evening's dying light In the way those eyes I've always loved illuminate this place Like a trashcan fire in a prison cell Like the searchlights in the parking lots of hell
I will walk down to the end with you If you will come all the way down with me
E.V.O.L by Marina & the Diamond Cards
It only takes two lonely people To fuck love up and make it evil It only takes a drop of evil To fuck up two beautiful people
L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E L-O-V-E, E-V-O-L L-O-V-E, do you love me? L-O-V-E, love is evil
Bottomless pit by reader
You say it wouldn't work it wouldn't take it wouldn't do any good it wouldn't change a thing and I being I can't say much to deny it but I'm stuck with an urge to only have tried it
you say it wouldn't do it wouldn't shake it wouldn't make any waves it wouldn't be no use and you being you you know sure how to phrase it and I being I I just have to embrace it.... Don't I
Timefighter by Lucy Dracus
And I know you're strong I know you're a man-made fortress But we're alone And I'm so willing to be proven wrong And I've fought time, it won in a landslide I'm just as good as anybody, I'm just as bad as anybody
You talk like you, don't know the walls are thin And I don't mind if you don't mind me listenin'
The Chain by Fleetwood Myth
And if you don't love me now (you don't love me now) You will never love me again I can still hear you saying (still hear you saying) You would never break the chain (never break the chain)
Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)
Gold dust woman by Fleetwood Myth
Did she make you cry Make you break down Shatter your illusions of love And is it over now do you know how Pick up the pieces and go home
Rock on ancient queen Follow those who pale In your shadow
Yes by Trollplay
When it started, we had high hopes Now my back's on the line, my back's on the ropes When it started, we were alright But night makes a fool of us in the daylight
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royal-confessions · 10 months
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“I have always thought that Rainer III of Monaco was a very handsome man and I don't understand how people say that he was too little for Princess Grace.” - Submitted by aniovandoblog
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zvmz · 9 months
Tagged by @athena-xox tag ten or more people you want to know better
Relationship Status: currently kinda just in a talking stage with a guy… I think I like him???? Idk I can’t really tell yet
Favorite color: maybe a light pink or green
song stuck in head: not strong enough by boygenius
favorite food: Pad Thai but specifically the one from the restaurant near my house
last song listened to: III. Urn by childish Gambino. Currently crush by cas
Dream trip: I’m more of a homebody, and I’ve been most places I’ve wanted to go. I’ll be happy to go anywhere though if I can be with friends
last thing I googled: the unsent project
tagging (no pressure, and if u did this already ignore lol): @ratfullyeverafter @eggtqrt @eahravenmh @littlesparrow42 @gumjester @ignoredletters
@emixion @everafterhighasfuck @slytherinlover2000 @aniovandoblog
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dizzydizney · 2 years
There is a lot of talk about the pressure they are put under badly or Audrey. But little of the Ben. He is only 16 years old and everyone expects him to act like an ideal king.
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strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I really cannot think about the law and the lore of canon Descendants for more than about three seconds before wanting to scream in frustration lulz. Everything is absolutely the stupidest way it could be
I KNOW this is a series for kids so I KNOW the characters have to skew young, but really 16 is outrageous for Ben to be crowned king. In a world that just operates like the normal world where he's just going to high school this whole time
Literally he has to go to kingly meetings and lessons while also already running the country while also studying for his chemistry test on Friday?? It makes no sense
And sorry to circle back to bitching about unnecessary Mal hate but. Beast shouldn't have handed over the title and responsibility of king to a fucking sixteen year old in the first place. Never mind further passing off responsibilities to a teenager who wasn't even officially queen yet!! These people's whole systems are royally fucked
I know Ben put a lot of pressure on Mal but he was under a lot of pressure himself and none of it was fair. And not just like "life isn't fair get over it" but omg he shouldn't have had to deal with any of this in the first place! Fuck King Beast foreverrr
send me your unpopular opinions!
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athenaeum-of-evil · 2 years
Good afternoon, I leave this story here, it is a mix between Ouat and descendants.
Once upon a time Descendants by Ani15
Rating: NR
Relationships: Ben/Mal, Jane/Carlos, Jay/Lonnie, Doug/Evie, Gil/Audrey, Harry/Uma, Chad/Audrey
Summary: In a fantastic world where the children of all the characters of fantastic stories coexist AURADON UNITED STATE. The happiest place on earth until …
Thank you for the submission, @aniovandoblog! ♥️
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dizzydizney · 2 years
for the quiz game 1,7,19,24,26,30,31,35,50 Audrey x Gil
1. Who is the early bird/Who is the night owl? They're both pretty much on the same sleep schedule, but Audrey usually ends up waking up earlier
7. Who sweats the small stuff? Definitely Audrey. She has a tendency to freak out over the most minute details of things. Gil is more of the big picture guy, and has to help ground Audrey in those situations
19. Who loves to call the other one cute names? Both of them, and they both love hearing it. Audrey calls Gil baby and honey the most, and Gil calls Audrey babe and sweetie
24. Who is the talker/Who is the listener? Gil can be a really good listener when he wants to be. Which is good because Audrey has lots to talk about!
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food? They both have pretty good diets, but also have huge sweet tooths that they like to indulge pretty often
30. Who likes long walks on the beach? Audrey. She loves spending the day on the beach. Gil much prefers walks in the form of hiking in the woods
31. Who is more affectionate? Definitely both of them. Audrey loves hugs and kisses, and Gil is a total cuddle bug. They're always wrapped up in one another's arms one way or another
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays? They both do! Audrey loves to decorate and does everything at 110%. And Gil just loves any chance to celebrate something. The holidays they go most overboard with are Christmas and Valentine's Day
50. Who is the hopeless romantic? Both of them again. Well Audrey is more of the hopeless romantic. Gil is a very hopeful romantic
send me a ship and some questions!
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dizzydizney · 3 years
🥀🥂🌈 Audrey/Gil
🥀 - Do they both get jealous?
Gil doesn't get jealous at all. Mostly because he's too kind and trusting to think that Audrey would cheat on him. Sometimes Audrey gets worried if other guys are flirting with her, but quickly learns that Gil isn't the type to make a big deal out of it. On the contrary, he likes when Audrey gets compliments bc he wants her to feel good about herself. And Audrey starts out getting a little jealous if other girls are flirting with Gil, because obviously she had a bad experience with her last boyfriend. But she quickly realizes that Gil isn't going anywhere, and she has nothing to be worried about with him
🥂 - How was their first date?
It was super cute! Gil was a little worried at first that she's going to make him get dressed up and go somewhere too fancy for him. And Audrey was worried that he would like try to take her hunting or something. But they work out a middle ground and end up going to a fun carnival together. They eat a lot of snacks, ride all the rides, take lots of pictures, and of course Gil wins her a teddy bear while playing that test of strength game with the mallet. Idk what it's called lol. And then maybe they share a kiss on the ferris wheel or something idk ;)
🌈 - What were their first impressions of each other?
I think Audrey's first impression would be that Gil is mean and arrogant and a brute like his father. Again, growing up with Ben for their whole lives, you know she heard a lot from Belle and Adam. And her family/the other royal families in general. And same goes for Gil, and he'd probably think that Audrey is spoiled and stuck up and rude. Aaand maybe they're both a teeny bit right, but they find out that that's not all either of them are. And honestly I think their first impressions would also involve a lot of just finding the other one insanely hot and therefor wanting to get to know them better ;P
send me a ship and some emojis!
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