shanmark54 · 8 months
Inclusive Engineering: Wheelchair and Components Market Dynamics 2024-2031
The global wheelchair and components market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by advancements in technology, increasing awareness about accessibility, and a growing aging population. As we look ahead to the period from 2024 to 2031, the industry is poised for even more transformative changes, with innovations in materials, design, and assistive technologies set to redefine mobility solutions for individuals with disabilities. This article explores the forecasted trends and developments in the wheelchair and components market during this period.
Technological Advancements Shaping the Market
One of the key drivers of growth in the wheelchair industry is the continuous evolution of technology. Over the forecast period, we can anticipate an influx of smart and connected features in wheelchairs, enhancing user experience and independence. Integration with IoT (Internet of Things) devices, such as smartphone apps for navigation and remote control, will become more prevalent, empowering users to have greater control over their mobility aids.
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Moreover, advancements in battery technologies are expected to result in lighter and more durable power wheelchairs, addressing concerns related to weight, range, and charging times. The integration of artificial intelligence may also play a role in predictive maintenance, ensuring the reliability and safety of these assistive devices.
Materials Innovation for Enhanced Performance
In the forecasted period, there will be a notable shift towards the use of advanced materials in wheelchair construction. Carbon fiber, titanium, and other lightweight, yet strong materials will gain popularity, contributing to the development of lighter and more maneuverable wheelchairs. This not only improves the overall performance of the wheelchair but also enhances the user's comfort and ease of use.
Furthermore, the industry will likely witness an increased focus on sustainable and eco-friendly materials, aligning with global efforts to promote environmental responsibility. Manufacturers may explore bio-based plastics and recyclable materials in wheelchair design, reflecting a commitment to both performance and sustainability.
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Major Key Players
Panthera X
Custom Engineered Wheels
21st Century Scientific
Pride Mobility Products
OttBock Healthcare
Handicare, Permobil
Sunrise Medical
Tetra Equipment
The Wheelchair Place.
Customization and Personalization Trends
As consumer preferences continue to evolve, the demand for customized and personalized wheelchair solutions is expected to rise. Manufacturers will likely invest in technologies that enable the tailoring of wheelchairs to individual needs, considering factors such as body type, lifestyle, and specific mobility requirements. This trend aligns with the broader movement towards personalized healthcare solutions.
Customization may extend beyond the aesthetic aspects of wheelchair design to include adjustable features, such as seat height, backrest angle, and armrest positioning. These advancements will cater to the diverse needs of users, promoting inclusivity and ensuring a comfortable and supportive experience for each individual.
Global Aging Population Driving Market Growth
The global population is aging at an unprecedented rate, and this demographic shift is a significant driver for the wheelchair and components market. As the elderly population increases, there is a higher prevalence of age-related mobility issues, contributing to the demand for mobility aids. Wheelchairs, both manual and powered, will play a crucial role in supporting the independence and mobility of seniors, thereby driving market growth.
Manufacturers are likely to focus on designing user-friendly and ergonomically sound wheelchairs targeted at the aging demographic. Features such as easy-to-use controls, enhanced stability, and comfortable seating will be prioritized to meet the specific needs of older users.
Challenges and Opportunities in Emerging Markets
While established markets in North America and Europe will continue to drive significant revenue, emerging markets in Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa present untapped opportunities. These regions are witnessing increased awareness about accessibility issues and a growing middle class with the means to invest in advanced mobility solutions.
However, entering these markets also poses challenges related to cultural differences, regulatory frameworks, and economic disparities. Successful market players will need to adapt their strategies to address these nuances and leverage the opportunities presented by the rising demand in these regions.
Global Wheelchair and Components Market Report Segmentation
By Type
Composites Material
Metals Material
By Application
Manual Wheelchairs
Powered Wheelchairs
Powered Scooters Wheelchairs
Get more info : https://www.econmarketresearch.com/industry-report/wheelchair-andcomponents-market/
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terrence-silver · 8 months
If Terry's father had cut him out of the inheritance, where do you think the money would go? Everything about Terry screams only child to me, at least, but do you think he had siblings? If so, where do you think he falls in that dynamic? Oldest, middle, or youngest?
I think he's an only child too. Sole heir.
That type of thing.
Do we really think that if he had siblings he'd speak about having no legacy whatsoever? Do we really think Terry Silver, insanely devoted as he tends to be when he truly wants to, wouldn't be here embracing nieces, nephews and extended biological family, for example? Do we think he would be here trying to make random ass Robby Keene and Kenny into surrogates for something he doesn't have well into his old age if there was any possibility of even one blood related sibling of his existing somewhere out there who happened to have...you know...actual Silver offsprings? I don't think so. I think he's all alone, and it is proven in a great many behavioral patterns of his. Has always been the one progeny his family had. Furthermore, well into the twilight of his life he's the only one remaining too. There's nobody else. Never has been anyone else. Might even add new dimensions of explanation to his care for John Kreese (and Ponytail).
They are, quite literally, the only brothers he ever had.
Terry Silver's unique and the last of his kind.
But, when he was born, in equal measure, I think he was planned, very much wanted and the fact that he was an only son was also pre-calculated as an outcome. There's no accidents for people of wealth and power. Most things they do are deliberate, tactical and practical even when they ''bashfully'' might pretend they ain't to cultivate an air of relatability (after all, Terry himself must've gotten these traits from someone, because nothing exists in a vacuum). Where insurmountable generational money is concerned, I like to imagine that Terry's parents wanted just one child for the sole reason of not cutting their own dynasty into multiple pieces; it's easier if they don't, simply from a legal standpoint. Ask any lawyer. One heir for one legacy. That's the way to go. Which is why Terry Silver going off to Vietnam might've come as quite a shock (or such a huge risk, if we believe his father sent him there under an ultimatum). If he would've had multiple siblings, especially male ones, surely, the blow and the stakes wouldn't have been quite so high because there would be always someone to take over all family businesses instead of him. But, if Terry was the only one, well then ---
I also in no way think Terry was ever cut out of his inheritance.
Where does this notion even stem from?
For some reason, and this is nowhere confirmed, so take this with a grain of salt, but I envision whoever his father was, he was, according to my imagination anyway, too much of an self-absorbed, prideful egoist to simply just...give away dynastical levels of wealth willy-nilly like that. Dare I say, it would take someone insanely charitable and with saintly levels of selflessness to do something like that even if out of spite, and I don't believe whoever Terry Silver's father was was anything like that --- the charitable part, anyway. Giving his only son threats, ultimatums and conditions --- sure. But, cutting him out entirely and writing off his own money to someone or something else? I don't think so. I think, when it came down to it, the process of Terry's inheritance ran very smoothly for all intents and purposes and that if it did not, Terry himself was simply willing to lie, cheat, scam, fabricate and step over literal corpses to secure what belongs to him by birthright. Like it was intended to. He was always meant to inherit the Silver family fortune and so he did just that. By any means necessary. After all, he was the only Silver available.
Was there any other competition or choices stacked up? Didn't think so.
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loulou3010 · 1 year
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To anyone who is sensitive to this subjet pls do not read this .(By the photos you may understand that this is about squirelflight's relationship with bramblestar )so here we go bramblestar is just absusive .He doesn't care about her feeling ,he treats her like an apprentice ,he is nice to her for a short period of time and then again abusive bramblestar time ! . Squirelflight escaped death so she could be with him and save him from ashfur and what does get back !!? Abusive bramblestar time again !!.You know ehat i hate about him the most ? You remember how energetic and happy squirelflight was when she was an apprwntice .With bramblestar she is apologetic trying to please him .The only thing i like is that she always ends up going behind his back and doing the right thing .If know my profile you know how much i love squirelflight so i just wish she will become leader and get rid of that stupid furball .I WANT her to be haooy again (just like in the photo of my prifile picture ) thanks for listening to what i have said and have a good night /day
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traceybrakes · 2 years
i submitted half of a hw assignment with no intention of doing the other half pray 4 me 
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mitalipingale · 8 months
The Procedure Trays Market in 2023 is US$ 19.89 billion, and is expected to reach US$ 47.57 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 11.50%.
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fdelopera · 1 year
I....I tried to write a response to the latest Moon Knight discourse and ended up writing a 10 page annalysis on the first four years run of Moon Knight. I'm not good at things...
I haven't read City of the Dead yet (I will read it because I need to see the directions Moon Knight is being taken by each writer so I can keep up my scarily intense spread sheet), but I have seen the discussions and images.
While Marc is not practicing his religion, he is still wrestling with G-D.
He has wrestled with his own sense of self, his spiritualism, his upbringing, his family, his own life and death, and even swaying from being materialistic and giving up everything.
He wrestles with G-D constantly. Challenging the teachings, circles back to them, follows them, breaks them... Every step of his way has been in direct defiance or on the path.
He ran from his father's teachings to be violent and live a life of destruction and pain. In doing so, he learned guilt and forgiveness. He learned the value of life when he took it.
In his death, he saw his own mortality and then rejected it.
I also am starting to wonder if his relationship with Khonshu (comics only) is in his own mind a reaction to his relationship with G-D and his culture.
He serves Khonshu for the life he was given but he resents Khonshu for the path he has taken. He views the powers he was given as a gift and a curse. He goes long stints of ignoring him then grows angry when he calls out and Khonshu doesn't answer.
He argues with Khonshu, rebels, defies him, and always comes back. He hates him and he honors him. He wears the outfit, the mission, the symbols, but he is not going to pray to him or follow the path as dictated.
The biggest difference is that Marc would never declare Khonshu a superior god or outright worship him. He view Khonshu as a being that has a higher power, but that cannot control him. He was not made by Khonshu or in his image. Khonshu is a being that has latched onto him like a parasite and Marc speaks to him in challenge to his ideal of G-D.
I always found it interesting that Marc, written as a Rabbi's son, would fall in with an Egyptian god. A god that was probably around and being worshiped during the exodus.
I've always seen Marc's relationship with Khonshu as another way for him to fight who he is. Who he was supposed to be and who he turned out to be.
Steven, on the other hand, has never been a big Khonshu fan. He loaths the jerk and sees him for what he is (something the show got right). He accepts Khonshu because he recognizes that he can give Marc what he needs to thrive. Keep him alive. Keep him from harming them. Keep him fighting and searching for himself.
I think Steven is not exactly practicing the religion, but upholds a lot of the culture. He's fancy and snotty, but he likes the comfort of ritual.
You are 100% right that Jake is probably the one that keeps the faith in their system. He guards their soul and keeps them humble. He probably would have gotten along with their father to a point. Be a member of the people and help those that need it.
I don't see Marc as an atheist or a true agnostic, but at times he would probably claim he is. I think he is a man that struggles with his religious upbringing so hard that he accidentally embodies it.
While Moon Knight is about a lot of things, I think catholic guilt needs to stay with Dare Devil. I think Moon Knight is about finding and struggling with identity. Always has been. Identity of where you come from, who you are, who you were supposed to be, who you are spiritually and with yourself. Perhaps that is a very Jewish thing to seek?
And I think that this gets written very poorly at times and often forgotten. He will never stand outside of a church and moan about failing god and his culture. But he will put on a kippah and wonder about who he was supposed to be if he had seen that his father was not a coward, but a man trying to change his own path in a world that fell down.
Your analyses are brilliant, as always. What a gift to receive this in my inbox!
Marc's Jewish journey is the journey of so many Jewish people, especially in the decades following the Holocaust and the attempted eradication of the Jewish people.
MacKay describes this beautifully in his run. He captures the sorrow and anger that many Jews have felt towards G-d for the pogroms, the Holocaust, the thousands of years of persecution. Why has G-d abandoned us? Why should we worship a G-d who feels like He is indifferent to us and our suffering?
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Marc's anger at G-d is understandable. He witnessed his father, an Orthodox rabbi, be measured and compassionate in the face of antisemitic violence. Marc wanted to take up the Shield of David and destroy those who would hurt his people further.
But that is not the way, not anymore.
After the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and razed Jerusalem to the ground in 70 CE, Judaism had to change. It had to adapt. The Temple was gone, the priesthood was destroyed, and the Jewish people had to figure out how to continue to offer up to G-d. Without the priests offering sacrifices to G-d in the Temple, how would the Jews continue on as a people?
Out of the ashes of that war, Rabbinical Judaism was born. Torah study became the way that Jews offer up to G-d, as it still is today. Judaism became a religion of learning, debate, and discourse, not a religion of war. That is how Judaism would survive.
It's understandable then that Marc would look at the nearly two thousand years of history that came after the destruction of the Second Temple and see only weakness. Jews were slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands. They were sold into slavery and forced to emigrate to Europe. They were sentenced to live in squalor in ghettos and slums. They lived in constant fear of violence at the hands of Christians. And once they seemed to have reached a place of equilibrium, a new Christian power would rise and force them to flee, convert, or die. Pogrom after pogrom, ghetto after ghetto, Jews were marched throughout history towards what was intended to be the utter end. The final solution to the "Jewish question." Then they would die by the millions in the kind of coordinated extermination that only the Romans had been able to attempt before.
Marc looks at Jewish history and he rightly sees a history of pain. He is filled with righteous anger at the way his people have been persecuted, and he wants to lash out. But his rabbi father tells him no, that is not the way. That is not who we are as Jews.
And so Marc rejects the G-d of his father, and he joins the military. He needs a place that will let him channel his anger. And when the military rejects him, he becomes a mercenary. And finally his anger reaches its logical conclusion: death. And yet he does not die. He is resurrected by a god who allows him to pursue justice in the way he has wanted to, through blood.
But Khonshu takes Marc’s righteous need for justice — “tzedek, tzedek, tirdof” (justice, justice you shall pursue) — and the old god twists it into a desire for vengeance and retribution.
Marc has never worshipped Khonshu as a deity, but he does contractually serve the old god as an entity of vengeance. He sees Khonshu as a means to an end — as a means to protect the vulnerable and enact justice on evildoers — and yet he knows deep down that this end doesn’t justify the means he used to get there.
There is a responsibility, a burden, to being a Jew. We are responsible for leading a moral and ethical life, and we are responsible for working towards justice and equality in society. Our duty is to community, not to individualist desires. We have an obligation to the mitzvah of tzedakah, which comes from the word tzedek (justice), and means charitable giving that advances social justice. We have an obligation towards “tikkun olam,” or “repairing the world.”
These are all aims that Marc has pursued, and yet he’s pursued them out of a place of personal pain and anger. He has burned his life down more times than he can count, which has only fueled that pain and anger more.
Yet he’s still trying. And he’s starting to recognize what that pain and anger have cost him. As MacKay writes in the panels above:
“You couldn’t understand before why I take being the fist of Khonshu so seriously, when it’s cost me so much. Cost me everything. It’s because I don’t have anything else left. If I’m not the Fist of Khonshu, whatever I choose to understand that as, then I’m just Marc Spector, the man who makes the wrong choice every time. The man who threw away his religion, his heritage. Killed what family he didn’t bury. The man who brought harm and trauma to everyone who ever cared about him. The man who can’t breathe from the guilt closing over his head, thick as seawater and twice as bitter … I’d rather be anyone else other than that guy.”
While MacKay’s assessment of why Marc is part of a system is pretty problematic in these panels (really wish he hadn't included the line, "No wonder I developed DID," because that only increases stigma), MacKay does get the essence of the Jewish guilt that Marc feels.
Jewish guilt is not guilt for individual sin, like it is in Catholicism. This is one of the big problems that I have with the way that David Pepose is writing Marc in "City of the Dead." Feeling guilty about sin is a Christian notion, and doesn’t really figure in Jewish thought. Jewish guilt is the anguish we feel when we choose selfish, individualist aims that harm our community, our people.
And this is the beauty of MacKay’s run. MacKay understands Marc’s experience of guilt. MacKay’s Marc feels that he “[brings] harm and trauma to everyone who ever cared about him.”
And the natural resolution to that guilt, the way Marc is trying to atone for his actions that have hurt so many, is the establishment of the Midnight Mission. Marc starts the Mission without Khonshu’s direction. This is not part of his contract with the old god.
I think that in the Midnight Mission, we see Marc’s effort to reconnect with his Jewish faith. This is Marc trying to give tzedakah, this is his attempt at tikkun olam. He wants to serve the marginalized and disenfranchised, as he once did (during Moench’s original Moon Knight run). He wants to help his community, his people. And so he opens his doors to those that society has also rejected, and he gives them a home.
And this is really the path forward for many Jewish people. This is how we can channel our sorrow and anger at a legacy of thousands of years of persecution. This is what it is to be the "chosen people." As Jews, we are chosen to have extra responsibilities based on the covenant with G-d. A simple understanding is this: we are not "chosen" to be special; we are "chosen" to do the dishes. As Jews, it is our duty to pursue justice and help those in need.
And it is incredibly meaningful that Jed MacKay, a gentile, has taken the time and done the research to really understand this.
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Sad that there is no literary annalysis essays on content i have read that I can find :(
Well I wouldn't be smart or educated enough to actually read and comprehend them regardless...
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melissa-titanium · 1 year
i wish i had the power to write stuff like. homestuk character annalysis orjust indepth thoughts about the plot but idk idk... im not interesting enoughj ineed to stop hoarding my Life Skills points and actually spend them on something(Homestuck character analysis)
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develeran · 4 months
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Top 8 Data Analyst Courses In Thane With Practical Training
In today's world, analytics is not just the way of the future; it's the way of the present. Industries across the board, from airline route planning to manufacturing plant maintenance, rely on analytics for critical insights and decision-making. Even traditionally non-tech sectors like retail are leveraging analytics to enhance customer loyalty and personalize offerings. With the increasing adoption of analytics, possessing data skills has become a necessity rather than a luxury.
If you're looking to enhance your data analytics skills, Thane offers top-notch courses with practical training. Here's a curated list of the top 8 institutes offering data analyst courses in Thane:
Before we jump into our list of top data analytics courses in Thane, let's first explore what data analytics is and why it's crucial in today's business environment.
List of Institutes in Thane That Provide Data Analyst Courses
DeveLearn, a prominent institute in Thane, offers comprehensive data analytics courses designed to provide students with practical skills and industry-relevant knowledge. Our curriculum focuses on hands-on training, data visualization techniques, and statistical analysis methods, ensuring students develop a strong foundation in data analytics. With experienced faculty and modern learning resources, we provides an ideal environment for aspiring data analysts to thrive and excel in the dynamic field of data analytics. Data Analyst course in Thane are available in both online and classroom formats for your convenience. 
Our Course Curriculum:
Advanced Excel
The Advanced Excel course focuses on teaching advanced formulas, functions, data visualization, Pivot tables, and charts. It aims to enhance Excel skills for improved data handling and analysis in professional roles.
Data Cleaning and Preparation
Formulas and Functions
Pivot tables and Pivot charts
Data Analysis Tools
Power Query
Data Analysis and Power Pivot
Advanced Charting and Visualization
Macros and VBA
Data Annalysis with What If Analysis
Reporting and Dashboards
This Python course is designed specifically for data analysts to harness Python's capabilities in data manipulation, exploration, visualization, and analysis. It equips learners with essential skills and libraries necessary for data-driven decision-making.
Python Programming Language
Data Manipulation Libraries
Data Visualization Libraries
Jupyter Notebooks
Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
SQL Integration
Statistical Analysis
Data Analysis Workflow
Web Scraping
The SQL course provides a thorough understanding of SQL, a foundational skill for managing data and querying relational databases. It serves as an excellent starting point for beginners, enabling them to extract valuable insights and make data-driven decisions. Through hands-on learning, this course equips data analysts with the skills to efficiently query databases, perform complex data transformations, and conduct advanced data analysis using SQL.
SQL Basics
Data Manipulation
Data Aggregation and Grouping
Data Joins and Relationships
Subqueries and Derived Tables
Data Cleaning and Preparation
Window Functions (Analytical Functions)
Time Series Analysis
Pivoting and Unpivoting Data
Data Visualization with SQL
Tableau/Power BI
Tableau/Power BI course focuses on teaching users how to utilize Tableau and Power BI effectively. It covers creating interactive dashboards, charts, and reports to enhance data storytelling skills.
Data Connection and Data Source
Data Transformation and Data Modeling
Data Visualization Basics
Creating Basic Visualizations
Interactive Dashboards
Advanced Visualizations
Calculated Fields and Expressions
Table Calculations
Time Series Analysis
Level of Detail (LOD) Expressions
Course Details
Data Analyst Course in Thane
Eligibility Criteria = Fresher + Graduated
Course Duration - 1 year 2 Months
Online & Offline Training
Data Analytics Tools Covered: 
Power BI 
Tableau Excel
Why Choose DeveLearn for Data Analytics Course in Thane?
🌟 Industry-Expert Instructors: Learn from seasoned professionals with hands-on experience, gaining valuable real-world insights.
📊 Cutting-Edge Curriculum: Stay updated with the latest tools and techniques in data analytics, ensuring readiness for the evolving industry.
💼 Practical Projects: Apply knowledge through hands-on projects reflecting real industry scenarios, boosting confidence and skills.
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🔒 Seamless Career Transformation: DeveLearn offers top Data Analytics Course in Thane with Placement Assistance, facilitating a smooth entry into the dynamic analytics field.
📈 Proven Success: Benefit from a track record of successful graduates securing roles at leading companies, leveraging their data analytics expertise.
Read more - Top 8 Data Analyst Courses In Thane
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taylorrepdetective · 4 months
Love your annalysis of songs as always. Thoughts about Robin?
A very sweet song about protecting kids from the horrors of the world and also enjoying their joyful ignorance of same.
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chocolatte-del-lago · 6 months
The LanOpi appreciation post no one asked for
Today we'll do an in depth annalysis on the weirdest illusion i've ever had (And I still have to this day), today we will rock you talk about LANSELOT HAMILTON and the FEMALE OPINION LEADER relationship and yes, I know no one ships it, and i also know i've embarassed myself once about this ship after being too shy to the point of writing it in japanese in hopes of converting more people to this thing (it failed), and I'm also 100% sure i will be stupid AGAIN. Please enjoy this stupid essay (I 'm already taking too much time writing this thing).
Note: I've got no money to buy a switch and the silly unicorn game
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One could ever wonder "why would anyone ship this thing" and i would answer "because we are silly".
First, let's talk about the obvious here, the Female Opinion Leader has no name, no history and no importance to the plot at all, since because 1. The game doesn't show anything happening inside the Revolutionary Army 2. Ogre Battle 64 confirmed that the main character is Destin Faroda (the Male Opinon Leader). And right now you're probably thinking "What do we do with this information?" nothing! We are about to headcanon the whole thing! *cheers*
The beggining of this silliness
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IT ALL STARTED WHEN IT BEGAN, most people who i've seen that ships them it's mostly because Lanselot was 4 levels ahead of the main character, creating the illusion that he was a strong guy that could easily wipe entire houses with a swing of his sword (they do this again in Tactics Ogre) and because of this he was always used in the frontlines while creating a weird scenario where he would protect the opinion leader from an atomic bomb, and then you ask me "Warren was level 4 too-" an then I will answer: IS WARREN A HOT 36 YEARS OLD MAN WITH TRAUMA???????? he's a mage with two dogs and not a knight with silver armor voiced by DIO BRANDO (Takehito Koyasu... on the saturn version), the whole helmet thing covering his face.... aaaaaah. Now let's go to the other topic....
The first interaction between Lans and Opi (I will call her like this now) happens during Castle of Warren (the training stage), he's the first unit to join you in the game. The weird thing starts right at their first meeting...
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this fucking weirdo says that her eyes are beautiful???? ON THEIR FIRST MEETING????? Before you start saying "he says this to Destin too" fuck it, if you ship Lans with Destin just swap the female leader name on the essay and you will get the same thing (LANSELOT HAMILTON BISSEXUAL KING??????)
We'll now analyse each one of the endings of the game AND see how can we interpret this as PEAK ROMANCE.
(Thanks video game museum for the pics! (Ending for Ogre Battle-World End (Super NES) (vgmuseum.com))
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This one is savage, this is where we see how Lans don't like Tristan and gossips with Warren! "If I weren't a royal knight, I would be tempted to stay with Opi" JUST GO LANSELOT, YOU CAN DO THIS! FOLLOW THE RED HEAAAAAAD
EMPRESS ENDING (Emperor if you like gays)
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Notice how he doens't give a damn about the Opinion Leader reigning over Xenobia? Bet he loves thinking about her as his queen...
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First of all, fuck you ogre battle saga wiki, spreading misinformation about this ending only being acessible with Ashe! What an insult to the LanOpi fandom (we are 3 people)!
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Lanselot then pops out of nowhere and asks if the opinion leader left... and Tristan answers that she went away! That's Lans reaction:
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(footage was taken in my tablet from my gameplay from 3 years ago because NO ONE DOES THIS VERSION OF THE ENDING)
Second, this ending is so cute oh my god 😢, the way Opi leaves thinking that she isn't important to Xytegenia anymore and Lans going after her right after... he wants to protect her so bad 💔💔💔 Tristan probably already knows about Lans' devotion to the leader and.... and... GO AWAY HANGED MAN! NO! NO! NOOOOOOO
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They then decides to kill her-
This was my first ending... I remenber that it was an afternoon and my reputation was 0 and my ALI probably 60+...
Look, not to sound like an psychopath, but this is one of the endings that define LanOpi (AND MAKES TRIOPI LOOK WEIRD 🙏). The way it starts with him and Tristan talking with each other... Tristan knew Lanselot was the closest person to the Leader but also his most loyal knight. When faced with the decision of killing her, Lans was in shock, he didn't want to do this, but when Tristan said that if not him, himself would do the job. Lanselot probably promissed that hewould never let anyone kill Opi, he didn't want to break this promisse so he decided to do it himself... The way he reacts after killing her, he's certainly crying about what he just did, asking God to forgive him...
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Even worst is that the epilogue implies that Opi was easily forgotten by the people, Tristan probably burnt everything that belonged to her and all that Lans could do was to watch. The fact that she's never mentioned again, probably Lans still has to hide her existence to the world, having to only mention Destin to others, he has to carry the burden of being one of the few people who saw her helping the kingdom, but also being the one who got hid of her for the sake of his selfish king...
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I can't guys... I can't do this no more...
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(dubbed Saturn version on NicoNico: 【アーウィンド行軍記】伝説のオウガバトル【HANGEDMAN 】 - ニコニコ動画 (nicovideo.jp))
Tower Ending
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There's nothing much to say about this ending, Lanselot only appears to tell Tristan that Rauny is fighting Opi's evil troops, he's just a placeholder here...
High Priestess Ending (Anti-LanOpi and... TriRau? Ending that actually.... huuh, i will explain this)
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The TriOpi ending, the one where the most shitty character of all time in Ogre Battle marries the second hottest Ogre Battle character (The first place? obviously it's EMPRESS ENDORA!!!!! (Deneb ain't even the top 5)). Before you say that the reason I think it's a 10% LanOpi/TriRau ending because I like cuck porn (no, i hate this genre), it's because for some reason, Rauny (the canon woman who married Tristan) pops up in the wedding and says "Oh wow! We did it..." and for some reason, our token knight Lans appears and says "It's been years i've been here!"
we all know that after this wedding these two went to some tavern to cry because of TriOpi.
i hate myself, no one is reading this shit 😭 but if any of you wants to see more about LanOpi... just check the tag or ask me! hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah
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jo3ydr3w · 9 months
We got told t'at our paper 's long enough t' be one o' t'ose unofficial character annalysis books t'ey be sellin' at books a million, 'n' d'ye guys t'ink we should do t'at? Once 's finaly done 'n' stuf.
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iamburdened · 3 years
Did I spend 4 hours writing about how the Horror in The Batman is amazing and it is essencial for the plot to make sense???? Yes, I did. It is for my YouTube channel and this video is going to be longer than I anticipated
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hourglasscinnarose · 5 years
Music Analysis: Steven Universe
There was a video I watched where I guy showed his reaction the SU music, and I thought about going over all the little parts about the music, myself. Here’s the video: https://youtu.be/Sf543pO1wJw
We Are The Crystal Gems: The song shows us the connection that all the gems have with each other and how they have them. What’s the most important to them. It starts out with Steven as a young child, writing a song for them, as you do with your family. It’s really cute and sweet, and I think the fact that they’re all willing to listen shows how healthy of a relationship they all have at that point, at least with Steven. Steven being the one to write the song, and that being the song that plays every time you watch an episode, it shows you the impact that Steven has on the others. The fact that Steven is what really keeps them all together.
Breaking down the most important things to the gems, we can see what their characters revolved around at the time. For Garnet, she is going to fight for “a place where she’s free”. A place she can be herself as a fusion. It all goes to the fact that fusion is very important to her. In fact, it’s the most important thing that has ever happened in her life. Pearl is going to fight “in the name of Rose Quartz and everything she believed in”. I don’t think much has changed with Pearl and how she views Rose. She idolizes her and fell in love with her. I don’t think Pearl would ever leave those feelings. Amethyst is going to fight for “the place she was made in”. Probably the most relatable to us, fighting for our home. Which makes sense for her character. She really was alone on Earth with no experience to Homeworld. That’s what makes her relationship with Steven so cherishable, because neither of them know about Homeworld and so get left in the dark about a lot of information. And then there’s Steven, who is going to fight for “everything that everybody wants”. Side note, but I love how Steven’s arch is finding out that he’s not Rose Quartz and that he doesn’t and SHOULDN’T have to be. If it turned out that Rose was still in there or that Steven was just Rose in disguise, I think it would have ruined the message that they’ve created now. But back then, he wanted to be everything that the gems saw in Rose. Even though he never met her, he idolized her. That is, until he found out who she really was. Not going to get into that right now, though.
Now, ONE MORE THING that I want to point out is THAT THEY SAY THEIR NAMES AT THE END FOR A REASON. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven. Throughout the entire show, everyone is calling him or expecting him to be Rose Quartz, but in the end, he is not. And I think this song is a great foreshadowing of the fact that he is Steven.
Love Like You: Not that this song makes up for the fact that Steven has had to clean up Rose’s mess, but it does show us that she understands that he is going to have to. Rather Rose sings this song to Greg or Steven, or even the other Crystal Gems or the Diamonds, I think this is her telling them that she CAN’T love like they can. Maybe not the Diamonds, though. Hehehe. But, anyway, the song is all about how sad they were when she disappeared and how they’re all waiting for her to come back and how she will never be able to love like they can, but if she could, she would have been able to do and feel just about everything else that Earth had to offer. Rose knows that they way they see her is through a filter, that she’s NOT that great. And I think that’s a really important thing to remember about her character. She idolized Earth life just as much as those left on Earth without her idolized her. Neither was really healthy, and everything was seen through a strong filter. Rose colored lenses, may I say.
Personally, I think that the song is for Steven. Thethirdbill makes a good point that the song sounds like a lullaby, something that Rose might sing to Steven while he was falling asleep. And i’d argue that Steven is closer to Rose when he’s asleep, since a lot of major things happen when he is. Some of his abilities comes to him during sleep and we learn small things about his character through his dreams. Not to mention that Rose was defiantly a dreamer. Granted, she was also a revolutionist, but she’s a dreamer none-the-less.
It’s Over, Isn’t It?: Gosh, there’s actually a lot to unpack with this song. One, the title and the fact that Pearl repeats “It’s Over, Isn’t It?” is almost as though she is asking if it really is, not making a point that it’s over and she hasn’t moved on already. It’s as though she’s still in denial that Rose didn’t choose her, and honestly, seeing how Rose talked to Pearl, it’s really not surprising that Pearl would still be stuck on this. And then asking, “Why can’t I move on?” brings that impact, it forces us to see that Pearl’s character, even at this point, is still fixated on the person that she once loved who had a son with someone else. Sure, we already knew that, but it tells us that Pearl is insecure, not only about the fact that Rose didn’t lover her, but about the fact that she still loves Rose. 
Another thing to really look into is the fact that the “good ol’ days’, so to speak, starts out with Pearl mentioning war and leads to her own potential in Rose’s eyes. It’s sad to say that their relationship was build on how good of a Pearl Pearl was. Heck, she even mentions that she doesn’t know who she is without her and that she’s “petty and dull, with the nerve to doubt her”. In the end, Rose is still her Diamond, and I think Rose knew that. I think that’s why she carried on and fell in love with Greg, even when Pearl was in love with her. And all the men in the beginning that Pearl mentions, it’s almost as though Rose has been through this and just came back to Pearl, or that Rose knew that she wasn’t in love with Pearl and dated other people. I don’t think she cheated on Pearl, btw, I don’t think her and Pearl were every official. If anything, it’s almost Stockholm Syndrome with how Pearls are treated in their society, but with their culture, I think it really only started out as something simple that grew because of Rose’s found respect for planet Earth. 
“Is this a sad show for kids with pastel colors?” - I love that quote. I find that hilarious.
Here Comes a Thought: This song is surprisingly simple. It has such an important message that it’s able to get across without a lot of understanding or effort on our part, and I think that’s what really makes this song. Like, it’s beautiful and catchy. Defiantly an earworm that’ll get stuck in your head. But what really makes it is just how simple, yet impactful it is.
Also, yes, this song is one of the most beautiful things I’ve heard and you will never be able to change my mind.
Let’s Only Think About Love: I think the YouTuber sums this one up rather well. It’s a great song. :)
Change Your Mind: I genuinely love this song even though it’s really short. Just that you could know someone just by giving their thoughts a listen to and try to believe what they believe is a really strong message. I really like that.
Stronger Than You: Three things - Garnet is basically a symbol of love, her entire character is about her relationship being a conversation, and HER SASS. That is all.
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rivaiin · 2 years
ive been writing this goddamn fucking thesis all day and im just about done with the research part which means ill finally free of apa citing but im. so fucking tired
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jikoookmin13 · 7 years
So before you read this please be mindful that I’m a Jikook shipper and this blog contains Jikook posts. So if you don’t like to read this, just scroll past it or if you’re offended by me shipping members you can unfollow me. rest assured I ‘ll respect your decision. 
Here it is my dear annons, the long awaited House of Cards sort of analysis. I’ve been getting a few ask about this that I haven’t responded to at all since I cannot guarantee when I could post this. But I’m suddenly being taken over by my industrious persona so here it is.  
“A house made of cards, and us inside Even if you say you see the end, even if you say it’ll collapse soon A house made of cards, and stupidly, us Even if you say it’s a useless dream, just stay a little more like this”
There are tons of humans saying that House of Cards is a “dirty sensual song,” But it’s actually not in that light for me. House of Cards is actually a really sad song about a taboo relationship. So what is a taboo?
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 There you go folks a crisp definition straight from brother google. So a taboo relationship doesn’t usually come from the heterosexuals (obviously) unless it’s incestuous or something else. House  of Cards do not give of the “Straight Lovesong” vibe at all. It feels like it’s talking about someone from the third sex  wants to love someone from there as well freely but can’t because circumstances forbids them to do so.
House of cards is a symbol used usually for a creaky and unstable relationships. It’s a cycle of a relationship where you’re happy but the consequences of it continue to haunt you. What bugs me more is that this song now reminds me of Troye Sivan’s “Blue Neighbourhood” series. This showcases a story between two young man which was cut off eventually because it’s not “normal” to be kissing and loving a boy when you’re a boy.  
“Like there’s no tomorrow Like there’s no next time Everything that you’ve done in front of my eyes It’s a complete darkness Say it like you mean it In the end, we can’t make it Even so, I keep hoping Even at the end, if you’re with me, I’m okay”
To me this was the saddest part of the song, not to mention the duet Jikook made in this part made my heart clench. It just hurts. In some of the epilogue performances JK can be seen stealing glances at Chim with so much pain in his eyes. The other members looks so emotional and pained as well while performing this song, no matter how rowdy the audience get, they seemed to be lost in the song. During the Epilogue in Manila JK and Chim seems to be more emotional than usual which makes me wonder what the impact of the song is to them. (credits to chimooky for this video)
You can feel the sadness of the song and Jikook adds more pain to it. Hearing their raw voices breaks your heart into a million pieces. I’m not implying that this song is about Jikook. What I’m saying is that this song means a lot more to them and they’re the only ones who knows the reason why, all we can do is assume.
House of Cards applies to everyone in the lgbtq community who struggles to love someone because society and human standards forbids them to do so. It feels like the song was made for them to vent out or in some ways help them relay what they feel. Plus what puzzles me the most is the part where the lyrics of the song seems to beg and plead for the time to slow down and for someone not to let go. House of Cards will forever be a sad song to me. Bang PDnim created this song right? So he must know something we don’t.
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