#character annalysis
terrence-silver · 8 months
If Terry's father had cut him out of the inheritance, where do you think the money would go? Everything about Terry screams only child to me, at least, but do you think he had siblings? If so, where do you think he falls in that dynamic? Oldest, middle, or youngest?
I think he's an only child too. Sole heir.
That type of thing.
Do we really think that if he had siblings he'd speak about having no legacy whatsoever? Do we really think Terry Silver, insanely devoted as he tends to be when he truly wants to, wouldn't be here embracing nieces, nephews and extended biological family, for example? Do we think he would be here trying to make random ass Robby Keene and Kenny into surrogates for something he doesn't have well into his old age if there was any possibility of even one blood related sibling of his existing somewhere out there who happened to have...you know...actual Silver offsprings? I don't think so. I think he's all alone, and it is proven in a great many behavioral patterns of his. Has always been the one progeny his family had. Furthermore, well into the twilight of his life he's the only one remaining too. There's nobody else. Never has been anyone else. Might even add new dimensions of explanation to his care for John Kreese (and Ponytail).
They are, quite literally, the only brothers he ever had.
Terry Silver's unique and the last of his kind.
But, when he was born, in equal measure, I think he was planned, very much wanted and the fact that he was an only son was also pre-calculated as an outcome. There's no accidents for people of wealth and power. Most things they do are deliberate, tactical and practical even when they ''bashfully'' might pretend they ain't to cultivate an air of relatability (after all, Terry himself must've gotten these traits from someone, because nothing exists in a vacuum). Where insurmountable generational money is concerned, I like to imagine that Terry's parents wanted just one child for the sole reason of not cutting their own dynasty into multiple pieces; it's easier if they don't, simply from a legal standpoint. Ask any lawyer. One heir for one legacy. That's the way to go. Which is why Terry Silver going off to Vietnam might've come as quite a shock (or such a huge risk, if we believe his father sent him there under an ultimatum). If he would've had multiple siblings, especially male ones, surely, the blow and the stakes wouldn't have been quite so high because there would be always someone to take over all family businesses instead of him. But, if Terry was the only one, well then ---
I also in no way think Terry was ever cut out of his inheritance.
Where does this notion even stem from?
For some reason, and this is nowhere confirmed, so take this with a grain of salt, but I envision whoever his father was, he was, according to my imagination anyway, too much of an self-absorbed, prideful egoist to simply just...give away dynastical levels of wealth willy-nilly like that. Dare I say, it would take someone insanely charitable and with saintly levels of selflessness to do something like that even if out of spite, and I don't believe whoever Terry Silver's father was was anything like that --- the charitable part, anyway. Giving his only son threats, ultimatums and conditions --- sure. But, cutting him out entirely and writing off his own money to someone or something else? I don't think so. I think, when it came down to it, the process of Terry's inheritance ran very smoothly for all intents and purposes and that if it did not, Terry himself was simply willing to lie, cheat, scam, fabricate and step over literal corpses to secure what belongs to him by birthright. Like it was intended to. He was always meant to inherit the Silver family fortune and so he did just that. By any means necessary. After all, he was the only Silver available.
Was there any other competition or choices stacked up? Didn't think so.
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melissa-titanium · 1 year
i wish i had the power to write stuff like. homestuk character annalysis orjust indepth thoughts about the plot but idk idk... im not interesting enoughj ineed to stop hoarding my Life Skills points and actually spend them on something(Homestuck character analysis)
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chocolatte-del-lago · 6 months
The LanOpi appreciation post no one asked for
Today we'll do an in depth annalysis on the weirdest illusion i've ever had (And I still have to this day), today we will rock you talk about LANSELOT HAMILTON and the FEMALE OPINION LEADER relationship and yes, I know no one ships it, and i also know i've embarassed myself once about this ship after being too shy to the point of writing it in japanese in hopes of converting more people to this thing (it failed), and I'm also 100% sure i will be stupid AGAIN. Please enjoy this stupid essay (I 'm already taking too much time writing this thing).
Note: I've got no money to buy a switch and the silly unicorn game
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One could ever wonder "why would anyone ship this thing" and i would answer "because we are silly".
First, let's talk about the obvious here, the Female Opinion Leader has no name, no history and no importance to the plot at all, since because 1. The game doesn't show anything happening inside the Revolutionary Army 2. Ogre Battle 64 confirmed that the main character is Destin Faroda (the Male Opinon Leader). And right now you're probably thinking "What do we do with this information?" nothing! We are about to headcanon the whole thing! *cheers*
The beggining of this silliness
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IT ALL STARTED WHEN IT BEGAN, most people who i've seen that ships them it's mostly because Lanselot was 4 levels ahead of the main character, creating the illusion that he was a strong guy that could easily wipe entire houses with a swing of his sword (they do this again in Tactics Ogre) and because of this he was always used in the frontlines while creating a weird scenario where he would protect the opinion leader from an atomic bomb, and then you ask me "Warren was level 4 too-" an then I will answer: IS WARREN A HOT 36 YEARS OLD MAN WITH TRAUMA???????? he's a mage with two dogs and not a knight with silver armor voiced by DIO BRANDO (Takehito Koyasu... on the saturn version), the whole helmet thing covering his face.... aaaaaah. Now let's go to the other topic....
The first interaction between Lans and Opi (I will call her like this now) happens during Castle of Warren (the training stage), he's the first unit to join you in the game. The weird thing starts right at their first meeting...
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this fucking weirdo says that her eyes are beautiful???? ON THEIR FIRST MEETING????? Before you start saying "he says this to Destin too" fuck it, if you ship Lans with Destin just swap the female leader name on the essay and you will get the same thing (LANSELOT HAMILTON BISSEXUAL KING??????)
We'll now analyse each one of the endings of the game AND see how can we interpret this as PEAK ROMANCE.
(Thanks video game museum for the pics! (Ending for Ogre Battle-World End (Super NES) (vgmuseum.com))
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This one is savage, this is where we see how Lans don't like Tristan and gossips with Warren! "If I weren't a royal knight, I would be tempted to stay with Opi" JUST GO LANSELOT, YOU CAN DO THIS! FOLLOW THE RED HEAAAAAAD
EMPRESS ENDING (Emperor if you like gays)
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Notice how he doens't give a damn about the Opinion Leader reigning over Xenobia? Bet he loves thinking about her as his queen...
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First of all, fuck you ogre battle saga wiki, spreading misinformation about this ending only being acessible with Ashe! What an insult to the LanOpi fandom (we are 3 people)!
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Lanselot then pops out of nowhere and asks if the opinion leader left... and Tristan answers that she went away! That's Lans reaction:
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(footage was taken in my tablet from my gameplay from 3 years ago because NO ONE DOES THIS VERSION OF THE ENDING)
Second, this ending is so cute oh my god 😢, the way Opi leaves thinking that she isn't important to Xytegenia anymore and Lans going after her right after... he wants to protect her so bad 💔💔💔 Tristan probably already knows about Lans' devotion to the leader and.... and... GO AWAY HANGED MAN! NO! NO! NOOOOOOO
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They then decides to kill her-
This was my first ending... I remenber that it was an afternoon and my reputation was 0 and my ALI probably 60+...
Look, not to sound like an psychopath, but this is one of the endings that define LanOpi (AND MAKES TRIOPI LOOK WEIRD 🙏). The way it starts with him and Tristan talking with each other... Tristan knew Lanselot was the closest person to the Leader but also his most loyal knight. When faced with the decision of killing her, Lans was in shock, he didn't want to do this, but when Tristan said that if not him, himself would do the job. Lanselot probably promissed that hewould never let anyone kill Opi, he didn't want to break this promisse so he decided to do it himself... The way he reacts after killing her, he's certainly crying about what he just did, asking God to forgive him...
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Even worst is that the epilogue implies that Opi was easily forgotten by the people, Tristan probably burnt everything that belonged to her and all that Lans could do was to watch. The fact that she's never mentioned again, probably Lans still has to hide her existence to the world, having to only mention Destin to others, he has to carry the burden of being one of the few people who saw her helping the kingdom, but also being the one who got hid of her for the sake of his selfish king...
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I can't guys... I can't do this no more...
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(dubbed Saturn version on NicoNico: 【アーウィンド行軍記】伝説のオウガバトル【HANGEDMAN 】 - ニコニコ動画 (nicovideo.jp))
Tower Ending
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There's nothing much to say about this ending, Lanselot only appears to tell Tristan that Rauny is fighting Opi's evil troops, he's just a placeholder here...
High Priestess Ending (Anti-LanOpi and... TriRau? Ending that actually.... huuh, i will explain this)
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The TriOpi ending, the one where the most shitty character of all time in Ogre Battle marries the second hottest Ogre Battle character (The first place? obviously it's EMPRESS ENDORA!!!!! (Deneb ain't even the top 5)). Before you say that the reason I think it's a 10% LanOpi/TriRau ending because I like cuck porn (no, i hate this genre), it's because for some reason, Rauny (the canon woman who married Tristan) pops up in the wedding and says "Oh wow! We did it..." and for some reason, our token knight Lans appears and says "It's been years i've been here!"
we all know that after this wedding these two went to some tavern to cry because of TriOpi.
i hate myself, no one is reading this shit 😭 but if any of you wants to see more about LanOpi... just check the tag or ask me! hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah
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jo3ydr3w · 9 months
We got told t'at our paper 's long enough t' be one o' t'ose unofficial character annalysis books t'ey be sellin' at books a million, 'n' d'ye guys t'ink we should do t'at? Once 's finaly done 'n' stuf.
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natureismynature · 3 years
Okay. You know what? No. I'm not going to just sit here and stay quiet anymore.
For the love of DreamXD stop main tagging you c!Awesamdude criticals. I get why you guys dislike his actions, I get that you have things to say about him, I get that he isn't the greatest and most lovable character out there, I get that you're upset with him, but please- just please don't put it in the main tag.
Not everyone dislikes him, not everyone wants to see negative things said about him, not everyone appreciates their favorite character receive backlash in the main tag. Some of us just wants to see poggers art and discover good fics, some of us just wants to forget about all the canon drama and get lost in the beauty of headcanons, some of us just wants to enjoy the amazing content that creators make for our favorite character, some of us just wants to have fun.
I believe I speak for all of us Awesamdude enjoyers that we understand why he gets so much shit, and honestly? Some of us even agree with what criticals you have to say. But that doesn't mean we enjoy seeing the backlash. It makes me really sad to see the Awesamdude tag full of hate, it's actually very discouraging to visit the main tag because of it.
So please, for everyone's sake, keep your criticals in the #c!awesamdude critical, #c!awesamdude crit, #c!sam critical, and #c!sam crit tags and leave the #awesamdude tag alone. The tags are here to help organize content, it's so we could block the tags we don't want to see. So if we block the critical tags but you still main tag your critical posts, then what's the point? We can't just block the main tag >:v.
PS. Just for some clarity, character criticals aren't just in depth essays and detailed annalysis, it can also be in memes and little sentences denouncing your title of 'apologist'.
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Ok, this is going to be one of the weirdest, stream of consciousness style analysis post but let’s go.
Warning! This is a character analysis of a real, living person!
I am not going to be talking about a fandom’s interpretation of a character named Grian. (that’s a head case all on its own.) No. I am analyzing the person who is currently living on this earth right now, Grian, and his presentation online. Why? Because I’m a storyteller at heart and the best way to make realistic characters is to pull from real people. (Also, because none of my friends are into hermitcraft so I have to dump my weird psychology analysis here)
***I’m on mobile, I don’t remember if you can make breaks here***
In Bdubs most recent Hermitcraft episode: #26 - The Loop Prank!, (very good episode, I highly recomend) Bdubs says something along the lines of,
‘Grian have you ever considered joining Sidecraft? Because your really smart!’
At first this cought me off guard because Sidecraft is really know for being more focused on the technical aspects of Minecraft with Redstone machines and manipulating I game mechanics to produce results. Giran presents himself to be more of an entertainer and artist like Bdubs him self.
But as the episode progressed I noticed Bdubs left in pieces of clips that Grian took out of his own episode—for what reason, I have no idea and will probably be forever a mystery only Grian himself will know—but in those clips they showed a different side of Grian that isn’t immediately noticeable if your not looking for it.
Grian is observent, analyticly inclined, is an incredibly quick thinker and desisive.
Ok... writing it like that kinda makes me want to go, “DUH” there are tons of examples like that,
Grian’s naturally draw to making his build more geometic: his season 6 base was literally cylinders stacked on top of each other and his season 7 mansion is just a series of rectangles on different angles, big deal. Well if watch Ren’s episodes you might remember back when he was building the hanger bay, Ren said it was Grian who layed out a guiding line for Ren to rebuild the pit in order to make it a perfect circle.
Grian is constantly coming up with server wide events: the Original Tag game, the Hot Potato game, the Demise event where all planed events Grain started in season 6, and so far in season 7 (as of 27th of August 2020) Tag 2: electric boogaloo and the Mayor Election event.
All of Grian’s shops have been attempts to capitalise off of holes in the market: the Lazy Merchents Travelling Cart (that never moved), Sahara, and now the Bardge.
Grian is the flyer of the server: while everyone does fly on the server, every hermit—including Grian himself—have openly admitted to us, the audience, that Grian is the best flyer. This is important because flying in any game requires sharp reflexes, both physically and mentally, due to the exelorated speed and sensitive manoeuvre-ability in order to doge obsicals as well as land safely. You can see that at the end of Bdubs video when he originally moved into the upside down, where Grian is teaching Bdubs how to land a the one block wide doorway. (A display of skill that Grian pulls off flawlessly)
What’s your point?
There is no argumentative point being made, I just find it interesting that Grian has one of the most caulated minds on the Hermitcraft server but doesn’t actively draw attention to that part of himself. Rather, his feats of calculation and cleverness is presented to us, the viewers—& most likely to Grian himself, since, it’s incrediblely had to perform a character annalysis on your own presentation—as bref moment of cunningness, simple dumb luck or is outright hidden in plain sight.
Give him time (and willingness to put in the effort) and I could see him genuinely become a redstone master akin to Etho, Doc, Tango or Zed. (I would also say Impulse but I think Grain has made a vow against villagers for now).
Actually, if he ever wanted to change his career Grian would make for an excellent politician—he has the anilitical mind that can easily break down complexities, a sharp-wit matched with a silver tongue and likeable personality, is desisive and is a natural leader, plus his energy is infectious to thoughs around him. Hmm... it would explain why Doc and Grian make such great foiles from a narrative perspective.
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yusuke-of-valla · 3 years
Lol the thing here is people will give headcanon reasons for why the Okumura thing isn't bad or a sign of P5's bad politics, but they're not framing it in the real world way. The game is literally just "because Okumura is Haru's dad it's sad". Why have the choice to not give a voice to any workers fucked over? it's a deliberate choice of the game to not show this or humanize them to make the capitalist look good and forgiven, and that's worth criticizing.
I don’t think there’s a problem with people having more complex headcanons for how Haru feels or how society at large feels about Okumura, and I’m not gonna pretend I’ve looked at all the fluff or incidental dialogue or stuff like that so maybe it is mentioned somewhere, and I don’t think a game has to spoon feed the audience everything, but at the same time
We KNOW the game can portray the child of an abuser having complicated feelings about their father despite the bad things they did with Yusuke
We KNOW the game can portray multiple people having different feelings about someone who harmed others but still suffered a terrible fate because that’s how they handle the Phantom Thieves reacting to Akechi in the third semester
So like, while this game has a lot of problems that overshadow the writing as a whole, the fact that it doesn’t touch on these ideas with Haru is kind of notable. And chances are there’s a Thieves Den conversation that touches on this but I also feel in a game about giving voices to people without it IS notable that we never hear from any workers directly. And part of that might be the plot is happening and we don’t have time to stop and discuss this because the Phantom Thieves are wanted for murder, but at the same time that could have been the focus of Haru’s confidant. She mentions not knowing who in the company to trust and that idea could have been expanded on while also focusing on Haru’s feelings about her father
I’ve gone on too long again but basically, while there is a lot of good meta and annalysis and stuff expanding on how Haru feels and the effects of Okumura’s death, that doesn’t change the fact that you don’t have to do that much digging for similar situations so it’s more notable.
Though I will say it may not be entirely a capitalism thing, Persona 5 as a whole doesn’t really seem to like having their female characters be anywhere near as emotionally messy as their male characters so keeping Haru as the “dutiful daughter” might be a result of that
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Shuriki’s past headcannon
So I was thinking in Shuriki's charater and I keep forgetting the headcannon that most of my friends made: Shuriki has anxiety and becomes trigger every time she is surrounded by noise. I smiled but then I began to compare Shuriki from the first special with the current episodes and I actually found that Shuriki has become more cold and manipulative than the special and began to wonder if Esteban's betrayal to her had something to do with it. Also I was recalling rise of the sorceress where we found that she wanted Elena to see the murder of her parents. Also I Heard that Craig Gerber said that King Raul has something to do about why she wants Avalor but he isn't sure if that Will be adres in the show *Breaking everything and screaming*. So with some factors and what other people believe I came up with a crazy headcannon and  kind of a character annalysis:
We know that Shuriki loves clean and quiet and peaceful places, she had mantioned herself with a tone of voice that seems that she enjoys it, which made some Friends of mine and I began to believe that she had pass through many harships and survive in a envioronment  or in a situation that cause a psychological scar that made her seak for a place where she can be safe...like a safety room. I believe that Shuriki had to pass through many psychological break downs during a long bloody war between her home and Avalor. Also I believe that she might suffer some emotional abuse from the Avalorian and Northern Islands soldiers, or someone either from both places, that made her develop her violent personality making her believe that through violence she wouldn't be weak. After living a deathly real nightmare, I believe she blamed King Raul and began thinking into taking Avalor to make them suffer what she suffer, but that wouldn't be develop until he had done something worse.
I began to think and found that majority of the villains in the series had a family that either support them or are against them. Thinking more of that, we never heard Shuriki talking about her family or actually making us know she had a family. Which made me think more about how she wanted to get Elena see the murder of her own parents and probably the murder of her whole family like she was actually torturing them for something. I began to believe that and some of my Friends that her family was actually murdered leaving her all alone at a very Young age. But what if she wants Raul's family to revive a childhood trauma of hers like some sort of sick revenge that would eventually get her some justice. What if Raul had order to murder her family and her or actually having them murdered himself while fighting. Shuriki might learn at avery Young age how to defend herself so she was able to scape but was able to witness the cold assesination of their family, traumatizing her and wanted to get her revenge from Raul and his family. I believe that Raul would felt some guilt but began to think there was no other option. Then at the fatal day, he was able to regonize Shuriki and realice that she had developh an unhealthy mind set where she would gain justice by murdering them all.
But before everything, I had a theory of why Shuriki cares so much for herself and becomes so selfish and actually why she isn't very loyal. After having murdered the only support she had, I believe Shuriki might believe that she had no one but herself to support her. Shuriki began to develop her vanity with the fear that she might actually loose again her only support having only care about herself. Having slowly developing her vanity she might suffer a lot of betrayals from people she trust making her belief that everyone one day might turn her back if she doesn't make it first.
I believe that she come to her senses with Esteban. After taking the kingdom both began to have some arguments which might lead to have some punishments for Esteban and affecting his guilt and actually Shuriki herself by loosing some of her sanity and common sense. Probably in the first years before both began to know each other and found a lot what their have in common. Shuriki might seem herself in Esteban and began to feel some empathy for him and he began to find that Shuriki needed someone who she can actually embrace and trust, someone who show that he cared, someone who she needed a long time. Taking this they began to form a loving, healthy and trusting friendship that soon ended in both falling in love with each other building the tension between the two and their dorky and cute flirting. But when Elena arrives, Esteban acutally seems to have struggles of who he should be loyal. He loved Shuriki but he also loved his family. That's why he gave some excuses to going agaisnt Shuriki because he didn't want to betray her knowing that he had become a figure of love and trust. Then the situations of having his family back and the fact that he had to pick a side but loose someone he loves. He betrays Shuriki and breaks both of their hearts. Shuriki looks at Esteban heartbroken but in hopes that he might have a plan and he still loyal..but  her hopes slowly  disappear as she slowly realices that he really meant to betray her as he is trying to hide his guilt by avoiding her. After everything her mind is in ending forever the royal family and destroy Avalor not knowing that Esteban is guilty about failing as the figure she need and her "death" just to descover that he can actually protect her by safety arresting her.
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Becoming Adolf Critical Annalysis Adolf Hitler Critical Essays
Vignettes of Hitler’s life prior to his becoming the Führer include his family relationships, his lack of success in school after moving to Linz, and his destitute existence in Vienna. Adolf Hitler Critical Essays. Dolan indicates in his preface that he is writing about a tyrant and tyranny itself not only to provide young adults with information about the past but also to empower them so that they can recognize totalitarian leadership and the conditions that sustain it. He then defines tyranny in practical terms using Hitler as the prime example. To achieve his purpose, Dolan chooses key events and people from the period between 1889 and 1945 to reveal Hitler’s character, never allowing the reader to forget that this individual was a product of his culture and times. The book’s chronological pattern bears a striking resemblance to that used by noted historians Alan Bullock and Joachim Fest in their Hitler biographies (1964’s Hitler: A Study in Tyranny and a 1974 translation of Hitler , respectively). In fact, Dolan’s objective tone and research become evident when his book is compared to the extensive works of Bullock and Fest. Yet the author does not neglect to inform his audience that this aspiring artist refused to take the advice of the academy faculty to study architecture and that the young vagrant did not even try to obtain a job in Vienna. Although the book portrays the demagogue as a human being whose personal failures led him to seek validation through nationalism and political power, it makes no attempt to justify the actions of the adult Hitler as Nazi leader. Frequently, Dolan adopts the role of a narrator or teacher, intruding into the book’s. Unlock This Study Guide Now. Primary Source Biography Critical Essays Analysis 12 Homework Help Questions with Expert Answers. You'll also get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and 300,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Our writers follow your requirements to fully meet your teacher’s expectations Apart from writing an essay, we check it for plagiarism, edit and proofread with the help of our professional team We deliver papers on time, in most cases even before the date of the delivery You can expect to get a good discount off your first order Buy essay online cheap from highly-educated and talented authors Handy order panel that allows everyone making orders for writing essays within 5 minutes. By giving your paper requirements to the well-educated writers, you don’t have to worry about the result. We always meet our customers’ expectations and support them during the study process. You may have good writing skills but your grammar or spelling can be poor. If you copy the information from different sources, then you paper will not be original.... View more ...
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blame-it-on-the-bbc · 11 years
I can't help but see Elsa as a character who symbolizes what it's like to deal with things like depression, anxiety, etc. All these things that society looks down upon; "conceal, don't feel, don't let them know." Because if they know what you had to deal with, they'd never look at you the same way again. And the desperation to be left alone, the feeling that nobody can help, the pushing people away... Anna tries to encourage her, "please don't shut me out again, please don't slam the door...you don't have to live in fear, cuz for the first time in forever, I will be right here" and Elsa responds with things like "you mean well, but leave me be... Just stay away and you'll be safe from me" And it only goes on from there... "Oh, I'm such a fool, I can't be free, no escape from the storm inside of me, I can't escape the curse, please Anna you'll only make it worse, there's so much fear..." I dunno, maybe I'm reading too far into her lines, but I think the reason I connected so much to this movie was the fact that I connected to Elsa. I understood how she felt about her curse, and how she wanted to be left alone and how she felt like everyone was better off without her. I think her character portrays a very real image of what it's like to be weighed down by fear and anxiety and sadness, and for that... I love "Frozen" all the more. What do you guys think?
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