woundlingus · 2 months
I think that "if Cas has been a woman, Destiel would have been canon" means that watchers would have been more enclined to read their relationship as romantic without question, not so much that some wouldn't have dislike it and that some fans wouldn't have pressured the showrunners to take fem!Cas out of the show for this reason; it doesn't mean either that Dean and Cas would be a couple, but that (that's how I interpret the quote) they would be a "will they won't they" for the majority of viewer, even if Cas only stayed one season. Also, while there're similarities between Anna and Cas, there're not the same, neither is their relationship with Dean. Even in season 4. Btw, I really like both Anna/Dean and Annastiel. I wish she (and many other women characters) had stayed a lot longer.
You know, this is the first respectful ask I’ve gotten over that post so I’m going to say this one last time and address that post.
It was made for a niche audience of five people who knew the context behind the post, it was specifically about ONE really rancid take I saw by someone saying things like heterosexual relationships were favoured and things akin to women being respected by the fandom and the show as a whole, who I then blocked and moved in from. This post was never about Anna or Jo, though I did layer make jokes implying I had, it was about one persons misogyny that I was making to my friends.
If you saw this post and went “I don’t think this way” then congratulations, I am not talking about you! Believe it or not, I don’t know any of the two THOUSAND people who have interacted to either support a statement I didn’t make, or berate me for a statement I also didn’t make, so for so many of you to reach out to me and tell me I’m wrong for calling you a misogynist I’m sorry but frankly you’re fucking crazy, I don’t know you, and you’re right this post isn’t about you so please move in with your life. Destiel isn’t real, they’re not going to fuck you.
I’m sorry you to specifically anon for coming with what I assume in good faith is you wanting to have a discussion about something that is a very interesting topic of conversation, and you’ve been the undeserving doormat for me to lay my feelings out on here instead, but with love I truly am not interested enough in fandom wank or destiel to engage in it any further, especially considering my post garnered another 1k post turning off reblogs. I’m ready for this to die now, I hope you respect that.
I hope you have a good evening, and may your posts never break containment as mine have <3
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laufire · 2 years
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@heaven-ecologist angel appreciation week - day 4: torture / betrayal / orders
“For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's angel: Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar loved him! This was the most unkindest cut of all”       ―William Shakespeare
[Caption: stills from Supernatural. They show images focused on Anna and her dynamic with Castiel. The set, accompanied by Shakespeare’s quote in the caption, includes Anna staring at Castiel with a small smile and her hand above his, pleading with him to listen to her; Anna killing Uriel to protect Castiel (telling him there might be no God “but there’s still [her]”) and standing next to a kneeling and bleeding Castiel after; and Anna’s wounded shock when Castiel turns her in, with two angels grabbing her by the arms, and later a close-up to her expression. The images have a gif effect that blends it with the night sky in movement, as if in space, with stars flickering and advancing towards the screen.]
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eunoiastarz · 3 years
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she likes another boy by oscar lang
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My son Jensen is 2. He thinks everyone who wears a dress is pretty. He must have heard someone say it once, so to him that’s gospel. Today he found his sister’s swimsuit cover-up which looks like a dress and put it on. He spent the next two hours dancing around in it.
Jensen: Jinsin (that’s how he says his name) pretty. Jinsin pretty. Me: You are. You’re super pretty. 
So later I was looking at pictures from DC Con and he comes over and looks. 
Jensen: Who that? Me: That’s Jared. Jensen: Jad. Me: Close enough. Jensen: Who that? Me: His name is Jensen just like you. Jensen: Jinsin pretty.  Me: You’re preaching to the choir, baby.
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Castiel/Anna - Guilty
Video by MelchanProductions
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krym-dela-krym · 11 years
Play so I have this headcanon I just wanted to throw out there if someone hasn't already. I read this one book that has angels in it and it mentioned them being paired. Like soulmates. I think originally Cas and Anna were soulmates. They were supposed to be together forever. And then Anna started to see the corruption in heaven and she cut out her grace and fell and Cas was left without her and had to take her place in heaven. So Cas is getting over Anna and not having her there and then he's sent on this mission I guess to get Dean out of hell and he sees something different and new and amazing in Dean's soul. So Cas is forming and fighting his feelings for Dean throughout season 4. And then when they meet Anna in her human form someone even mentions that Anna and Cas have a history. I think that in the absence of the relationship Anna and Cas had, they became bitter, and I mean they sent Cas to kill Anna. So Cas has kind of got this thing for Dean but he's denying it and Anna has her thing with Dean basically just to piss Cas off and I mean who wouldn't? JUST THINK ABOUT HOW CAS LOOKED WHEN HE SAW THEM KISSING I MEAN yenno. And then Cas never killed her. Until Cas got Casnapped and probably mildly brainwashed, he never gave Anna up. And Anna was always trying to get Cas to join her. Cas couldn't ever kill her. Until she went after Sam and Cas knew he couldn't let Dean go through that pain again, much less having to lose Sam as a friend and brother, really. Then he was done with Anna. So basically Cas and Anna were legitimately made for each other, but Cas's desicion when Team Free Will really came into existence went deeper than he let on.
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epilogxes-remade · 12 years
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laufire · 4 years
Various Supernatural icons of some of my favourite characters and dynamics, all from Kripke’s era (up till s5).
Do not edit them or claim as your own. Like/reblog if you use them or save them. Credit is appreciated. More on my icons page.
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[3x06. Dean and Bela in formal clothes, conspiring during a heist.]
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[3x07. Close-up to a recently turned to vampire Gordon, with red eyes baring his teeth.] 
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[3x15. Close-up to Bela’s calculating smile when she decides to lie to Dean about her parents.] 
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[4x03. Close-up to a young Mary when Dean tries to warn her about her future.]
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[4x07. Castiel and Dean from their backs, sitting in two different banks, one next to the other.] 
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[4x09. Sam and Ruby’s faces before sleeping together. Ruby is sitting in his lap, getting into his personal space, and Sam has his eyes closed with his face away from her.]
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[4x16. Close-up to Ruby’s face with her demon eyes visible.] 
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[4x16. Dean approaching Alastair, who’s chained to a devil’s trap and being subjected to tortured by Dean.] 
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[4x16. Castiel looking at a streetlight positioned above him, resembling a halo.] 
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[4x16. Anna standing next to a wounded Castiel on his knees, after rescuing him from Uriel.] 
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[4x22. Castiel looking at the hand Chuck amicably put on his shoulder as their about to face an archangel.] 
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[5x04. Close-up to endverse!Castiel tapping his chin with a finger.] 
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[5x04. Endverse!Dean serving Dean a drink.] 
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[5x10. Meg’s smug grin when she’s facing the Winchesters and the Harvelles.] 
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[5x10. Jo and Ellen about to sacrifice their lives.] 
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[5x10. Close-up to Meg and Castiel’s faces. They’re inside a holy fire circle, their faces close together as Castiel grabs her by the waist with Meg looking up into his eyes, as if they were about to kiss.] 
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[5x13. Close-up to Anna’s determined expression when she returns to the past to kill the Winchesters’ parents.]
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[5x19. Close-up to Kali and Gabriel’s faces. She sits on his lap with what she thinks is his angel blade on her hand, ready to stab him.] *chosen icon
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[5x20. Close-up to Crowley’s shit-eating smirk to Brady, when he tells him how he sabotaged him.]
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lvegood · 12 years
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annastiel replied to your post: annastiel replied to your post: wowowow i really...
ur theme is nice
thanx so is urs
0 notes
laufire · 4 years
Supernatural s4
Do I hate it. Do I love it. Who knows! Not I.
-I love Ruby even more than I did the first time around, somehow. She’s just so gr10!! And although I adore Ruby 1.0, it’s this version that I keep constantly screaming on the inside about lmao. That final monologue when she reveals her true colors is *-*
Though I will say this, I’ve never thought this was the writers’ definite plan all along lol. A possibility, certainly, but IMO there are signs that some time around mid-season they made the choice. The acting cues were clearly different, for one, but most of all: if they’d always planned to have Ruby as a double agent, they would have never, EVER allowed Dean to soften on her at ANY point lmao. The delightful weird reluctant in-laws dynamic in 4x09-10 would’ve never happened, because Dean Must Always Be Right. As it is you can see when they made up their mind because he goes back to full-on hating her and mistrusting her without any prompt on her part, just so he can have his damn “I told you so”.
The first time around I found her ending frustrating and embittering, ngl, but I think watching her cameo in 15x13 ~healed that wound LMFAO. When a show hands you a fix-it you take it xDD. It IS still frustrating -not only would she have been an interesting addition to s5 (and so on. I’m thisclose to starting a rewrite but that way madness lies. I’d start with s5 and then go “oh, but Soulless Sam in s6 sounds interesting, what about that” and on and on...), but I haaaaate her death. SAM should have been the one with the knife, not Dean. SAM deserved to be the one that killed her; RUBY deserved for Sam to be the one that killed her; I deserved for Sam to be the one that killed her, dammit.
Another frustration is how little she interacts with non-Winchester people, because really, each and every time is amazing. Anna/Ruby interactions, brief as they were, were great. So was seeing her with Castiel in 15x13. Another reason to do a rewrite is so I can have this lmfao.
-Sam’s arc is another that feels tainted by Dean Must Always Be Right Winchester (like that episode with the guy ~destined to become a monster Sam identified with. Who ofc he had to kill to protect Dean later on, because the hunter they’d gone with royally fucked up and pushed the guy) but when I could put that aside I loved it, ngl. I love me a corruption arc. And ofc, that it came with a side of Samruby made it all the better. Gosh THESE TWO!!! Looking back on it the were so formative lmfao. Demons, blood sharing, addiction arc, betrayal... Le Romance. And man, THE CHEMISTRY. I refuse to only credit the fact that the actors are an IRL couple (though maybe at the moment they weren’t yet) because I don’t feel chemistry for others in their positions lol. But they had it, they diiiiid.
BTW: I’ve begun to headcanon that Chuck lied when he said he simply hadn’t put Sam’s blood drinking in the books because it’d make him unsympathetic. I just refuse to believe that Evol Canon Bisexual God, as opposed to the dorky writer prophet mask he wears, would be so cowardly a writer xD. He didn't include it for the drama with Dean lol.
I’ll forever miss how she got in between the brothers too (especially after her demure “oh I don’t want to get between you two” “surely you can make peace later” attitude lmfao). Seeing Sam choosing her and protecting her from and even thinking of her before Dean (see when he forgot he went to buy pie for Dean because Ruby’s mere presence was too distracting lmfao) was too much fun lol.
-I remember liking Castiel the first time I watched (though I know there are episodes of his I missed because at some point I only watched Ruby’s lmao), but this time he raised to number 2 fave (after Ruby, but c’mon) so quickly. Still is in s5, where I’m enjoying him more and more (I’m even starting to react to shitty takes with him the way I do with Ultimate Faves lmao). Part of it is that he gets the best damn lines. “I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition” (which, fine, I’ll admit, it felt pretty romantic to hear xD) “I dragged you out of Hell. I can throw you back in.” “I’m considering disobedience” “I don’t serve man, and I certainly don’t serve you.” and on and on. He has an amazing (put-on) voice too, which makes them all the better.
It was relegated to second place when I properly met Megstiel lol, but before that Anna/Castiel was definitely my OTP for him. The words “we have... history” were said, so I was obligated. I loved their scenes in 4x16 (which was an outstanding episode through and through) -Anna trying to reach out, Castiel seeking her out later, Anna worrying about how he saw her, Anna refusing to tell Castiel what to do... and ofc that incredible badass scene of hers saving her life “Maybe there is [no God]. But there’s still ME.” ILH. I’m already mourning her *sniffs* (and frankly, Uriel. He WAS fun lmfao. Also I disagree with people saying he hated Castiel lol, if anything it was the opposite imo).
BTW, can we agree that Anna’s “angels don’t feel” position is bs lol. I mean, that’s what they’d like to think, sure. But IMO it’s more about how their society is extremely hierarchical and constrictive and pushes them to be perfectly obedient, and about them simply processing things differently than humans, than about a lack of emotion -Castiel is emotional, Uriel is emotional, Zacharias is emotional... so are the ones we meet in s5. Emotional does not equal “nice and fluffy and neurotypical human” just because Dean says so lmao.
Also, I’m very aware that I’m the only one that sees it this way, but I enjoy Anna/Castiel/Dean for the possibility of Dean getting caught in between these two eternal, unbearably powerful beings and their complicated history. Like, the fact that Anna full-on touched Castiel’s handprint during her sex scene with Dean had me in stitches lmfao. THIS is the OT3 I’ve been looking for.
I also reluctantly admit I’m not immune to Destiel lmfao. I was holding on in s4 but then the Endverse came at me at full speed with the strength of a truck. I hate it here xD. Mostly because I know at one point I’ll come to resent it and it’s just no fun :(
I, less reluctantly, also ship him a little with Sam lol (I must establish now I will ship Castiel with practically anyone at the drop of a hat, even characters he hasn’t met. He’s just too shippable). Sam’s disappointed faith paired with Castiel’s unsettled look when he saw Sam kill Alastair with his brain will do that.
-Dean continues to be frustrating and a Schrödinger fave in this. More on the side of hate in our love-hate relationship, if I’m honest. The Must Always Be Right thing annoys me lol, and he’s terrifying this season -the detox episode with Sam chilled me to the bone, part because he’s terrible and part because I will always relate way to much to characters in Sam’s position here ouch. “At least he dies human!” wtf wtf wtf. The brothers’ relationship got so toxic this season, which I was already aware of. I don’t even consider the fact that Dean’s original voice-mail wasn’t as bad as the one manipulated by Zacharias much: first of all, Dean’s previous attitude was more in line with wanting to kill Sam than not; second of all, if Sam, who previously on could recognize a shape-shifter wearing his brother’s skin in under ten seconds, TRULY believes Dean could kill him (which, tbf, I don’t)... that’s a whole other issue right there.
Mixed feelings on the Novaks. I feel for the tragedy and I anticipate liking Claire. There were some great moments, like when Jimmy's voice broke when he said he didn't want to say grace, or, ofc, when he offered himself for Claire. But the marriage itself was so... suburban lol. Regardless, it was good stuff, narratively speaking.
He still delights me in other ways, his inherently atheist worldview being one of them lmao. His freakout over God singling HIM out was hilarious. And I love the wangst about being a torturer in Hell, I truly do xD. It’s the kind of thing that would annoy me to death in other cases but he pulls it off. He’s the most man-pain-y character evah but also so damn hard-hearted that I sort of dig it, when he’s not too validated xD (I think also the fact that Sam didn't consider him ~strong and dignified for his angst also helped, tbh). And I plainly love this show for having it's hero TM character cave under torture; I hate stories that only depict those who do that as weak or suspicious. His interactions with Alastair -especially the one played by the last actor, who was just wonderfully creepy- were fascinating and I wish we’d seen more. BTW, I headcanon Alastair put Bela up to be tortured by Dean in Hell; no way he would’ve missed out on that, on making him face someone he actually knew. Dean probably refused to... the first time.
BTW, the moment I saw him dig out of his grave I had this flashback to BTVS’s s6... and I suddenly realized he’s basically the anti-Buffy lmfao. I will elaborate further on this when I finish s5 though, because that’s were the meat of this essay is xD
-I loved properly meeting Mary :DD. She’s gr10. I love that she was the one who figured things out while Dean and her father were playing priests. I love that she named her sons after her parents (and that she used her mother for the first born, Deanna). I love the angst of Dean finding out she explicitly didn’t want her sons to grew up as hunters. The time travel episode (the one in s5 too, it’s the last I’ve watched) was amazing. Even if I’m still angry at how pretty young!John is. John Winchester shouldn’t be Dick Grayson-pretty xD
-I couldn’t have cared less for Chuck the first time around (again, I thought he was a cowardly writer and I DON’T RESPECT THAT LOL), but knowing he’s God and the ultimate Big Bad for the show changed everything lmfao. I love this bastard. Finding out he’s canonically bi was hilarious too. Like, say what you want about this show, but who else is going to give me Evol Bisexual Judeo-Christian God, huh. Who else?!?
-Rufus and Bobby continue to be exes on the phone and I love it. Can’t wait for them to have a scene face to face so I can properly lose it.
-IDK what’s fandom take on this but we can agree that basically every time we met a pair of siblings we’re meant to see them as Dean and Sam’s reflections, right?? See: the feral siblings that didn’t know how to react to people properly because their abusive father had kept them locked up and unsocialized for their whole life. I’m Looking xD
-The episode with the old wizards was fun too. In this case whether he used the word brother or not he and his buddy were CLEARLY boyfriends xD. And this time the relationship paralleled Samruby lmfao -the “addiction” to magic and power, the other guy going behind his back and killing people to help him... Jay got to kill his Ruby personally, though :( (by stabbing himself while carrying the transference spell lol).
-Pamela’s death scene was EVERYTHING to me, as weird as it sounds xD. A secondary character allowed to go cursing out having ever met the leads and blaming them instead of comforting them?? Be still my heart, show.
-I support the ghouls’ revenge against John (only John though, everyone else was innocent there). Like, what good is killing a creature that only feeds on the dead, John, huh? How do you justify that as being about “saving people”? Nobody was getting hurt until YOU meddled biotch.
-The episode with the ghost sickness made me feel so bad for the ghost, Luther. What a fucking horrible death. He was basically keelhauled in land jfc. His killer and accessories after the fact had it coming, idgaf.
-I didn’t know I needed to see Caroline Forbes publically dumping a teen Dean but I did. I so did. It was amazing.
-Luisa D’Oliveira appearing for one (1) scene to be unrealistically ignored by a boy... smh. But since they chose to put her in a nurse costume I’m more sure than ever about this show’s nurse kink, ngl. Dean’s wishverse girlfriend, Jess, Adam’s mother, Meg’s cover in s7 to look after Castiel... it’s a thing for them, clearly.
-Between specifically bringing Wincesters to the story via Chuck’s books’ fans so that Dean and Sam can be creeped out by them, and things like Dean’s siren taking the form of a younger guy because “what he truly wants is a (better) brother”, I can see this show loved pocking fun at its fans lol. And listen, normally I deride this kind of attitude but this is the same fandom that pushed for Bela’s death because they considered her “too antagonistic to be redeemed” (THESE DUDES ALLY WITH FREAKING LUCIFER AT SOME POINT AND I DOUBT IT WAS AN ISSUE FFS. Gabriel made Sam experience Dean’s death over a hundred times that season but everyone is ready to ship them and eager for him to ally with the Winchesters. But Bela was too evol okay okay. I truly hate this fandom lmao) and I couldn’t care less if they’re mocked by the writing tbh. I only wish the show had known to cut the stupid feedback loop from early on instead of indulging in it, it would’ve been better in the long run imo, but that’s for the story’s sake only.
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laufire · 4 years
What you brought up about the gabriel/bela unfairness I agree and I've had this debate before with anna/castiel. I liked anna but watching C learn to genuinely care about humanity and engage with the world was so much more fun to watch cos I love the born yesterday but still intelligent and massively competent in otherways trope e.g. thor or WW. How would you have put anna in the main storyline? As being a general against the angels? Or as something else?
I don’t mind showing myself as a hypocrite because yes, while fandom’s attitude regarding Anna annoys me and I wish she’d remained in the show for longer... I like Anna but I LOVE Castiel and I get the feeling I’m going to enjoy (parts of?) his arc immensely. Meanwhile, Bela is among my FAVES OF FAVES (it’s Ruby, Castiel, and Bela) and the double standard with her genuinely upsets me beyond the ~intellectual.
“Born yesterday but still intelligent and massively competent in other ways” can work for me really well sometimes, and it certainly does with Castiel :D (also, now I kind of want to see something with Castiel meeting -comics or shows versions only lol- Diana lmfao).
I haven’t watched past s5 yet (gotta make that review post...), so I don’t know yet how Anna could fit. Castiel could want her as an ally to reform Heaven; she could hold a grudge for his actions against her in s4 but decide to put that aside against Raphael, or decide to wash her hands off it all and pursue her own avenues of justice or heroism.
At one point I’ll probably want to write an Anna Lives AU too because WHY NOT (how many, how many characters from this show will inspire this need xDD), and that last scenario especially feels interesting for me (also from a shipping perspective of all the stuff I like with her: Anna/Castiel, Anna/Ruby, Anna/Castiel/Dean... food for thought).
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epilogxes-remade · 12 years
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mogie97 · 12 years
guys im meeting hailey tomorrow and its my birthday too so just ASVEBDHYCJFDKXCEQ
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epilogxes-remade · 12 years
i'm so sorry last night my internet messed up and i thought i made a text post but i didn't and dumb dumb okay sorry i just left omg sorry sorry
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