#anne ursu
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soli-terri · 9 months
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Cover art by James Firnhaber
For the book 'Not Quite a Ghost' by Anne Ursu
Traditional art.
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Now, the world is more than it seems to be. You know this, of course, because you read stories. You understand that there is the surface and then there are all the things that glimmer and shift underneath it. And you know that not everyone believes in those things, that there are people—a great many people—who believe the world cannot be any more than what they can see with their eyes.
But we know better.
—Anne Ursu, Breadcrumbs
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kanerallels · 2 years
Okay, I'm vibing at home procrastinating from writing so now's as good a time as any for this post that I owe @starbirdrising!
Behold: My Top Ten Fantasy Books/Series For When You Need Something With Magic And Kingdoms And Good Vs. Evil With Good Winning And Fun Adventures And Probably Dragons So Basically You Want To Read Narnia But Something New Would Be Fun:
"Valiant", by Sarah McGuire. I will recommend this book for as long as it takes the larger part of my followers to read it. It's a fantasy fairy tale retelling of "The Valiant Little Tailor", which is in the gray area between well known and "wait that's a real fairy tale??" where The Seven Swans and King Thrushbeard resides. The general plot is this girl moving to a new city with her dad, but due to unforseen circumstances she has to pretend to be a tailor to make a living. And then giants show up. And she accidentally gets involved. There is a bit of romance, but it's really, really good. Also the writing style is IMMACULATE and there's adoption. (this is one of the only single books on the list, the rest are series)
"The Dragon With A Chocolate Heart", by Stephanie Burgis. First of all, I should have asked for this for my birthday. Second of all, this is about a dragon who gets turned into a human. By a food mage. Have you heard of a food mage before? No, you haven't, but they're amazing. Especially when it comes to chocolate. So, said dragon sets off to seek her fortune as a chocolatier! Super fun platonic relationships, and there are DRAGONS
"The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland In A Ship Of Her Own Making", by Catherynne M. Valente. How can you turn away from an incredibly cool name like that?? This is your classic portal fantasy-- girl travels by leapord to Fairyland, gets up to trouble with a Wyverary, and has to face off with an evil Marquess! Also it's a series, and the prose is freaking STUNNING. I reread the last one recently, and there was crying
"The Green Ember", by S.D. Smith. My sister just called this series "this generation's Narnia" and WOW is she right. The journey of two young rabbits as they discover their heritage and the war to save their world-- it's beautiful!! And also really funny
"Magic Marks The Spot", by Caroline Carlson. This one has PIRATES. It's about a navy admiral's rebellious daughter, who takes off to become a pirate instead of going to finishing school. It's funny and delightful and just such a good read!
"Breadcrumbs," by Anne Ursu. This rec is accompanied with a story, because I said so. So, when I used to actually have time and go to the library every week, I would always see this book. EVERY. TIME. It was weird. I ignored it for the longest time-- until finally one day I decided "may as well give it a shot" and brought it home with me. And HOLY HECK was it good. A retelling of The Snow Queen, this book is about friendship. And growing up. And it made me cry. And I love it.
"Storybound", by Marissa Burt. This one is a duology, and they're both amazing! The first one tells the story of Una, a girl who winds up in the world where stories come from. The sequel continues her adventures, and also introduces a character who I love so so much. He's so funny and carefree. Until he's not in which case holy SPADES IS HE COOL. Also I'm suddenly realizing this book may have inspired more of my WIP than I thought. I digress
"The Search For WondLa", by Tony DiTerlizzi. This is actually not fantasy. It is, in fact, sci-fi! It's about a girl who lives in an underground home with her robot caretaker. When their home is attacked, the girl escapes to discover that the Earth she thinks she was raised on isn't Earth after all-- it's another world entirely. It's got AMAZING found family, super cool world building, and it's just so fun!!
"Tuesdays At The Castle", by Jessica Day George. Okay it's been a while, so I don't remember the exact premise of this one. But as I recall, it's about a royal family who lives in a magical castle that can shift rooms and grow new parts as well! When the royal siblings' are under threat from foreign enemies, they have to work with the castle to protect each other. Super wholesome family vibes, and the series is really fun in general!
"Wizard For Hire", by Obert Skye. I could not tell you if or if not this is fantasy. But I can tell you that it's set in modern day, and it's about a boy who lived on his own from a young age after his parents disappeared. And one day, he finds an ad in the paper for a wizard, and hires him to find his parents. Shenanigans ensue (as well as really funny catchphrases and a lot of breakfast food. No one is surprised that I love this trilogy)
Well, that's all the room I have for now! This post was super fun to make-- I might make another bizarrely specific one like it someday! For now, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy some of these book recs
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neweramuseum · 2 months
NEM Minimalism 82/83 - Curator Lulú Espinoza-Elenes De Panbehchi.
82 - Theme: Trees or Flowers
FEATURED ARTWORKS BY: Merih Soylu, Hari Bangsha Kirant, Lucíla Faria, Noah Fentz, Daria Stermac, Peter Scott Bartsch, Anneliese Wi, Nükhet Poda Göfer, Ann Boylan.
83 - Theme: One third
FEATURED ARTWORKS BY: Viola Ursu, Philip Del Carmen, Peter Scott Bartsch, Mars Ebba, Kate Towers, Erika Schroeder, Daria Stermac, Anneliese Wi, Angelita Cervantes Limpin.
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colubrina · 23 days
“The scene isn’t about what happens, but your character’s experience of what happens.” ~ Anne Ursu
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 months
March 2024 Books
Norby, the Mixed-Up Robot by Janet and Isaac Asimov
This one was a lot of fun! I should track down the rest of the series.
The World's Greatest Detective by Caroline Carlson
I was very confused about what era this world was mimicking (are they Victorian? 1920s/30s?), but it was a fun story and I enjoyed the dynamic between the protagonists.
A Dig in Time by Peni R. Griffin
I remember liking this one, but it feels like I read it years ago and I can't remember everything. Time travel with a family emphasis.
The Promise by Monica Hughes
Like Sandwriter, which this is a sequel to, I initially wasn't so sure that I liked this one, and then it went in an unexpected direction that took the themes in a more complex place, and I appreciated that.
The Yellow Fairy Book by Andrew Lang
I generally like fairy tales well enough, but this one was rather a slog to get through, and I ended up skimming a lot of it. There were some familiar favorites, but a lot of the tales were of the variety that consist of an interesting set-up followed by a seemingly incoherent series of events, and I regret I don't have enough interest in folklore to get much out of that.
The Romance of a Shop by Amy Levy
Interesting from a historic perspective mostly, but I didn't connect much with the story.
The Secret Garden of Yanagi Inn by Amber A. Logan (reread)
Reread so it would be fresh in my mind before the presentation. You already know how I feel about this one.
The Humming Room by Ellen Potter (reread)
Same as above. I have a post in drafts with some thoughts on this one that may eventually see daylight.
The Making of May by Gwyneth Rees (reread)
Already discussed this one.
A Bit of Earth by Karuna Riazi (reread)
Beautifully written and very readable and develops its themes well. Does fall into the trap of making the story about grief (Maria's late parents were frequently absent from her life, and she resents this, but she did have relationships with them in ways that her counterpart in the original book never did with her parents, so it's a completely different dynamic). I found this Colin to be somewhat underdeveloped, but I did appreciate the concept of his being fearful about failing to live up to family expectation, which is a reasonable translation of the original character's source of shame.
Charley by Joan G. Robinson
I don't remember much of this one. Didn't have any problems, just didn't have as much impact as other books by this author have for me.
Greenwild by Pari Thomson
A very derivative example of the Child Learns That They Are Magical And Special And Enters A Fantastical World Where They Must Take On The Villain sort of story. I wanted to enjoy it, but everything felt trite.
Doctor Who: A Brief History of Time Lords by Steve Tribe
This was a gift from my brother. I am a very casual DW fan and haven't really engaged with the show in quite a while (really should rewatch and catch up on new stuff but that's a pretty big time commitment right now). I think I would have got a lot more out of this if I were more than passingly familiar with Classic Who and all the lore in general.
Not Quite a Ghost by Anne Ursu
I was interested in this one because it's a retelling of "The Yellow Wallpaper," and the concept of comparing the difficulties of getting difficult-to-trace chronic illnesses taken seriously and diagnosed in today's world to the mishandling of women's medical and psychological conditions in the late nineteenth century intrigued me. However, this book didn't really know what it wanted to be. The young protagonist's struggles with her mystery chronic illness took up most of the book, but there was also a plot about a literal ghost in the wallpaper of her new attic bedroom that needs to be defeated in the end, and neither of these things fitted well together. One or the other of them would have been fine, but the combination left me confused about the nature of this fictional world and the themes of the book in general.
Comics/Graphic Novels
Benevolent Sisters of Charity (Over the Garden Wall)
This is the only one of the OTGW comics that I wasn't able to buy before it went out of print, so I ILLed it and realized that it was for the better that I hadn't. The story was incoherent and pointless and the characters were OOC. The art was much better than the story deserved.
Wayne Family Adventures Vol. 3
I've read these as a webcomic already but wanted it in book form too. These are entertaining; you just have to go into it aware that this is The Fluffy World version of everybody and they are characterized accordingly.
The Flash by Grant Morrison & Mark Millar
Not on a level with Waid's work, of course, but the highlight of this one was the storyline in which Linda dies and Wally manages to bring her back (some good Bart content here) and a delightfully meta short story in which Mark Millar meets up with Wally to figure out what story about him to tell next...and Wally is given a co-writing credit in the end.
The Flash by Mark Waid Books Seven and Eight
An effective end to this run. Waid points out in his Afterword that he's still got another story on reserve, so...anytime he wants to give that to us, that would be great. I'll be waiting.
The Secret Garden on 81st Street: A Modern Retelling of the Secret Garden by Ivy Noelle Weir (reread)
You know how I feel about this one. (I whipped it out at the convention to show somebody who was talking to me about CEN in the present day through leaving one's child to technology that that concept was used in this retelling, and somebody nearby oohed about what a diverse retelling it was as I flipped through pages. Which is, you know, more important than effective storytelling. It should have done both! We could have had both!)
Stephen McCranie's Space Boy Omnibus Volume 5
I've read this in webcomic form already, but it's a pleasure to have a physical copy of the latest omnibus.
Sinister Sons #1-2 plus additional material establishing the backgrounds of Lor-Zod and Sinson
A sort of response to the series Super Sons (which featured Jon Kent at his proper age and Damian Wayne), by the same author. This is going to be about a teamup of Lor-Zod (son of General Zod, was Chris Kent in another continuity, has apparently been Zukoed in this incarnation) and Sinson (a young, apparently orphaned thief who believes that his father must be Sinestro, the Green Lantern's arch-nemesis). So far the boys haven't done much more than fight, but I'm interested to see where this is going. (#3 is in the mail now!)
Lor is a horrid little piece of work, but his parents' recent treatment of him puts him in a more sympathetic situation, and I am hoping he'll get a redemption arc that would move him closer to his original version. Sinson is no angel either, but he's just a child who really, really wants a family and is clinging to the only hope for one that he has--and if that means he's a supervillain's son, then he's ready to follow in those footsteps to gain acceptance.
(Also he drew a mustache on himself with a black marker to look more like his alleged father, and that's so ridiculous and kind of endearing.)
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bookfirstlinetourney · 11 months
Round 1
It snowed right before Jack stopped talking to Hazel, fluffy white flakes big enough to show their crystal architecture, like perfect geometric poems.
-Breadcrumbs, Anne Ursu
One summer night I fell asleep hoping the world would be different when I woke. In the morning, when I opened my eyes, the world was the same.
-Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Sáenz
A sex tape. A pregnancy scare. Two cheating scandals. And that's just this week's update
-One of Us is Lying, Karen M. McManus
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jamesunderwater · 4 months
For anyone with chronic pain/illness, I highly recommend the new middle grade book "Not Quite A Ghost" by Anne Ursu.
I'm listening to the audiobook and it's heartbreaking but so, so validating. It's strongly influenced by "the yellow wallpaper," so there are layers of horror and themes of medical gaslighting.
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greenconverses · 1 year
Hi, I really love your book reviews and I was wondering if you've ever reviewed or posted about your favorite books? I'd love to hear them!
I've definitely answered asks about my favorite books before, and it's probably somewhere in my book talk tag. But some of my favorites include:
Book Lovers and Beach Read by Emily Henry World War Z by Max Brooks Meg Cabot's Mediator series The Mistborn trilogy and following books by Brandon Sanderson The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas The Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews The Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater The Martian by Andy Weir Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik The Winternight trilogy by Katherine Arden How The Word Is Passed by Clint Smith
*this list does not include any of the big popular series from the last, oh, two decades because they're basically a given
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
since the epilogue is close to ending, here's some sketches of wip designs
this is very rambly so i'll add ID descriptions later, sorry. (its 4am for me rn)
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Frisk looks too older, they've only aged 2 years. both chara and asriel's designs here are SO beta and non refined. I think this was drawn even before Flowey came out -I wasn't sure how much of the trans aspect was going to come into play. I initially wanted the comic to end with Chara and Asriel reconciling after the Toriel-Asriel Airplane Call scene, but realized that there was too much unsaid between the two that needed to be hashed out and the epilogue had enough to cover already.
It was going to be a last minute "oh btw, since coming home Asriel is trans now, deal with it" but THANK GOD i didn't just sneak it in like that and explored the topic in the comic instead.
I forgot where this artwork was saved so I tried to draw it back from memory a few months later:
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Chara's form was starting to come together -i assume this was around the time that Chara got their boss monster form in the comic itself. I like that Frisk has a Bi flag shirt here -I should of gone with that! The cheeks are more square but ultimately I thought age 15 wouldn't allow for that much of a change. so yeah, this is what an adult frisk would look instead.
oh! for funsis: did you know i was originally going to have the other fallen humans be skeletons instead of different monsters?
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I thought it was too similar to insanelyadd's skeleton fallen kids. I actually am friends with Addy now, but then I had to message and be like "🥺is it ok if i also do this i swear i'm not copying" to which they were chill about. ultmatly i felt the designs were to Sans-like and didn't allow for much creativity. (also why tf does Hol have green instead of cyan colors what was wrong with my computer or me in 2018 lmao
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I always wanted to show the kids age and progress throughout the comic. oh my god the hair is SO anime here ouch! anyway I wanted Chara to really lean into the "prim and proper" role they give themself. I thought it was so cool to have them cut their hair short in the back and have long hair in the front. (wait. wait, thats what Chara does now in the epilogue. huh.)
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honestly??? i like "pissed off librarian" vibes this frisk has here. Also weird to see my Frisk without an afro!
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sadly no beta adult asriel designs. no idea why i never drew any then.
Here's me figuring out how Chara should have a monster form -here's proto boss monster chara, as you can see i planned out the red hair aspect early on enough that this was before the timeskip happened.
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um. anyway, pre-epilogue concept sketches. I think Raine had bird wings at this stage?? dang wild. Don't ask why Franky looks like a new yorker paper boy. Hol looks too much like a raggedy ann which is funny. Ursus... well, they probably won't look much different.
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Hol eye concept art. done before they were revealed in the comic itself. ..........less said about this the better
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And lastly, chara's boss monster design drawn right before they showed up. First one drawn <- left to right <- You can see I wanted Chara to have a hippy/punk design, but realized like, that jacket was going to be a binch to draw over and over. so i simplified it, and then was like, "ok this is TOO plain, i need SOME detail" and got very close to the final version.
alright since I know some people like color ref sheets, here
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Continue Arc full cast. Was SUPER annoying to scroll thru to find the right character lmao
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hol's prequel story color ref -actually changed the Berry's hair color last minute and never got around to updating the color sheet. was very annoying to hand-color pick from a previous page instead of using the ref :/ smh @/ me
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Baker's Trouble.
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OLDIE. From the Start Again? and Christmas sections of the tumblr version. God. Hol is so small. Asriel looks like a mess. Good lord.
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Cancelled Christmas Arc. Chara was supposed to meet up with Asriel on a boat offshore of Monsterland for Christmas, but turns out Asriel was using Chara as publicity. Except... not fully. He did want to meet up with Chara, but they get the wrong impression that Asriel was only doing this for image's sake. It'd explore how the public views Chara as an idolized figure and how Frisk plays into that too.
Anyway the story was too ambitious and I should of started this on December 1st instead of days before Christmas. Plus, I wasn't happy with how I started it and the vibes were off. I might have this as a side story in the redraw but idk
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Back to the Epilogue. I changed Asriel's dress just a little bit to improve the body shape silhouette (the dress is so plane its like she's wearing a towel! gah! I should have added SOME flair to that dress dang it!) anyway the dress is more... swooshy? swirly? and the teal ties up to the neck which works nicely with the heart locket and bow combo. Actually. Shit. Why didn't I just put the locket OVER the bow i'm so stupid that'd be so much easier-
If I could redo it, I'd make some changes...
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now here's the cousin and sib groups here. Flowey is actually a little TOO big and not up to scale which is funny hehe (also more blocky looking??? weird) In the Redraw version I'm modifying Raine's dress to have a sash and other details, this thing is TOO plain. Franky's Mad Scientist like outfit could of just been an actual labcoat and ideally, the fact that Franky wasn't at the party could of foreshadowed that they knew it was going to be reloaded.
(...Which, actually, Chara's surprise was a surprise for me as well. That was a impulsive idea that came to me when we were getting very close to meeting with Chara again. Thus I couldn't foreshadow it. Redraw WILL have better foreshadowing U_U;)
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ACTUALLY SCREW IT for the remainder of the epilogue, i made some changes I wanted to add detail and change some designs a tad -mainly to make the designs more distinct from each other and for story continuity. (AKA: Asriel and Papyrus are supposed to be the only "red scarf" wearers. Asriel's bowtie is knitted like a scarf. previously, hol and yun had red bows which made this match up less distinct. mew Mew's design was a little too similar to Sans' and Alphys and needed some changes.)
anyway i think thats all i can share now! thanks for reading and hope you guys keep following the redraw. I really really want a completed version of this story that's not missing holes. i want AFR to be complete and well, even with the epilogue ending, it won't be "done" for a long while. But thank you guys, it's been a journey!
If you hadn't guessed, I might be finishing the epilogue today (tomorrow for me, cause i'm going to bed in a few minutes). Depends on how much I manage to draw today, but yeah. Chara is going to the party, we'll get to say hi, close some loose ends and come to end. worst case scenario, i'll have to do a little comic to tie it off (like I did with the main storyline's ending) at a later date and this will be the end of the ask-able portion of the epilogue.
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merry-kuroo · 5 months
Clear My Bookshelf Goal 2024
Since I plan on going back to my Ph.D (if I'm admitted for the 2025 program), I'm starting to formulate a plan to clear out a lot of my belongings (clothes, shoes, etc).
I have way too many books on my shelf and no room for new ones. So my goal for 2024 is to:
1.) Read the books on my shelf
2.) Donate or sell them after I finish reading it
So, I'm making this list so I can hold myself accountable. I'll reblog my progress when a book on my shelf has been read and moved to my donation pile 😊
This will be updated again because these are just the books in my apartment. I have a ton back at my Mom's house that needs to be read through and donated.
The Vanished Queen by Lisbeth Campbell []
The Hazelwood by Melissa Albert []
Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow []
One Last Stop by Casey McQuinston []
The Blood Trials by N.E. Davenport []
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman []
A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn []
Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell []
Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea []
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger []
Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri []
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides []
Where She Went by Gayle Forman []
Frankly in Love by David Yoon []
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black []
Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu []
The Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie []
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle []
City of Dusk by Tara Sim []
Furyborn by Claire Legrand []
Rebel by Marie Lu []
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lgbtqreads · 2 years
Exclusive Cover Reveal: The Nameless Witch by Natalie C. Parker
Exclusive Cover Reveal: The Nameless Witch by Natalie C. Parker
Today on the site I’m delighted to welcome the one and only Natalie C. Parker, w ho’s revealing the cover of The Nameless Witch, “the wickedly exciting and queer sequel” to last year’s Middle Grade fantasy adventure The Devouring Wolf! The Nameless Witch is coming from Razorbill/Penguin on August 8, 2023, and here’s the story: For fans of Soman Chainani, Anne Ursu, and stories with lots of magic,…
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Breadcrumbs // Anne Ursu
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kanerallels · 2 years
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I'm FINALLY rereading Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu, and this part remains DEEPLY relatable
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