#anon I’m wrapping you in a big ol’ hug
weheartstims · 7 months
a newfie bourd? with smiley and floofy puppers?
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A stimboard with Newfoundland dogs!
🖤|🐶|🖤 🐶|🖤|🐶 🖤|🐶|🖤
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corvidae-00 · 14 days
if your comfortable writing this, can i request joost with a reader who sh? he accidentally finds out by their sleeve accidentally sliding down or something (im on the brink of relapsing and i need angst with comfort 😭😭 not forcing tho lol, if ur uncomfortable writing this don't force yourself!!!)
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A/n: I’m totally okay doing this! As someone who has fought this battle I totally get it and I hope you are okay Anon!! You have people who love you and you are so special in your own ways! Beautiful inside and out 🫶 I hope this helps and know you are never alone!! My DMs are always open honey
CW: SH, angst, sensitive topics, Joost being a sweetheart,
YOU ARE LOVED!! be safe everyone!
988 (suicide prevention)
It had been a pretty hot day in the Netherlands and your boyfriend Joost was set on taking you on a hike! Which would have been totally okay if you hadn’t just gone through a relapse… you don’t even know why it happened or what set you off, you cleaned them pretty well but they were still tender and you knew you couldn’t convince Joost to cancel the hike that he was so dead set on.
“Long sleeves, eh?” He blinks at you in suprise his owlish expression kinda funny “yeah! It’s a cute shirt!” You blow him off waving your hand dismissively and your boyfriend nods with a shrug “it is cute you got me there” he pinches your cheek before leaning down and giving you a big ol kiss on the cheek before peppering your face with them. The sunshine that your boyfriend is always makes you feel so free and warm. “Let’s go!! I want to get there before it gets packed!” He chirps taking your hand and pulling you out to the car after making sure you had enough water and packed the sun screen
After hiking for a few hours you and Joost found the most beautiful ledge looking over a beautiful river covered with pine trees and mountains as far as the eyes can see. “Wow” you mutter wiping your brow and fanning the neck of your shirt “that’s breathtaking” you mutter and Joost chuckles looking over at you “it is isn’t it? But the view infront of me is even better” he purrs and you look over at him blushing madly “don’t even with me” you laugh covering your face with your hands leading to Joost wrapping his arms around you in a big hug “let’s take a selfie!” He says tugging his phone out of his pocket “say cheese schat!” He puts the phone out in front of you two
As the sun gets closer and closer to setting the more you forget about your arms to busy listening to Joost tell you about random things he knows about the wilderness or just random facts he finds interesting. Without thinking you tug your sleeves up to your elbows to help the air circulate through your clothes and cool you off. Joost looks back at you mid laugh at a dumb thing he had brought to your attention about ducks “and then I learned that buffalo!-“ he stops taking a quick glance down at your revealed arms and pauses- and then you watch his face go through a few different emotions- landing on devastation “schat…” he mutters stepping towards you like you might run. Realizing your fatal mistake you can sense the color draining from your features
“Joost I-“ you try to come up with excuses or reasons but you come up empty “I’m-“ you stop feeling your boyfriend slowly pull you into his chest and wrap his arms delicately around you “why would you feel the need to hurt…” he questions searching for the words through his broken English “I don’t know…” you respond honestly not trying to move your arms or run away- just leaning into Joost like a life line “I’m so sorry-“ you start but joost shushes you softly shaking his head “don’t be sorry, you aren’t in trouble and you have nothing to be sorry for” joost says pulling away and gently bringing your arms up to his face kissing around the sounds careful not to irritate them or cause you pain “come to me next time my love” Joost mutters gently looking up at you “please allow me to help you” he pleads and you nod starting to tear up “okay..” you whisper and Joost straightens up and kisses you passionately “I love you with everything I am. I love you for any amount of time your head can come up with and more.” He confesses “and even more than that” he runs his fingers through your hair “I love you” he wipes away your tears and holds you close
When you two got home Joost had pulled you into bed and kissed you more times than you could count praising you and rubbing your back “you are beautiful. So beautiful” joost says softly between the two of you “beautiful”
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A/N I hope you all know how loved you ALL are!!! I may not know everyone but I love everyone and no matter how hard your battle is never give up! You are all so strong!
Sorry if this seemed rushed or wasn’t that good…I’m on my phone and at work 😂 but I saw this request and knew I needed to get it out!!
I love you all!!!!!!
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brain-amoeba · 11 months
i was sent this ask:
"Hello, you! can there be a headcannon where, (Scout, Sniper, demo, and my favorite Texan, engi) hugging S/o and the merc is like: “Oh no I’m in love with them” as their face is all red? And, S/o is sorta worried about them and asking “you good?” this scenario has been itching my brain for a few days lol
Anon jilly🦭🌺"
and i believe you may have forgotten to turn anon on when submitting the ask, so i still saw your url. out of respect for your anonymity, i will answer here instead of from the inbox, so hopefully it still finds you well! also i hope you don't mind i do a mini scenario for these as opposed to HCs, just to give yall a little more content :3
Mercs Getting a Big Ole Hug
-You two always had a strong bond, and a dynamic like childhood friends. It was always fun and games with Scout, and when the time came, he knew how to comfort you and be there for you albeit in his own clumsy and Scout-y way.
-It wasn't until he noticed the way the other Mercs looked at you did he start to see you as more than just a friend--he now became acutely aware of how soft your skin felt when it brushed up against his, the way your hair perfectly framed your face, every small detail about you, and he couldn't believe he never noticed any of this before.
-It was your day off, and as usual, you spent it with Scout. The two of you tired yourselves out playing catch outside, as well as other fun roughhousing typical of your other pastimes. While running for the ball, you tripped and fell forward, but Scout was quick enough to catch you, and held you in a tight embrace. You instinctively wrap your arms around his torso and bury your head in his chest. He maintains his grip on you, but his face is as red as his uniform--all of a sudden the outside air feels cramped and he's getting clammy. It was like getting hit with his own Atomizer: all the times he's admired every little thing about you coming together all at once to beat him over the head with the realization that he was in love with you.
-You finally let him go, looking up at him and yelping a bit in surprise. "Scout?! What happened to you? Should we go see Medic?!" You ask frantically, concern showing on your scrunched features as you took in Scout's seemingly-ill state. "N-Nah, I'm okay, really! More than that, actually...I feel amazin'." He gazed at you with a softness you hadn't yet seen before, but it sparked a warmth in your heart and your tummy that you didn't oppose.
-Sniper wasn't exactly one for PDA, let alone physical touch. Just didn't tickle his fancy. But you, something about you gave Sniper the desire, for the first time in ages, to hold, touch, and generally be around someone of his own volition. But for some reason, he just couldn't find it in himself to act on those desires. Whether it be his own deeply-instilled professionalism or cowardice, he couldn't tell. Whatever it was, all he knew was him being afraid of scaring you off. So he did nothing. The minimal interactions with you now would suffice, and his imagination could do the rest.
-You weren't exactly having the best day. Just yesterday, you scuffed a one-on-one encounter with an enemy merc that cost your team the mission, and today's target practice was not kind to you either. You found yourself alone on the range, tears of frustration pooling in your [color] eyes as you trudged along to set up the target dummy Sniper once again. Overwhelmed by frustration, you found yourself hugging the Sniper dummy for even the slightest sense of comfort, dropping your rifle to the dust below with a thud. The real Sniper, who had volunteered to check on you, heard the sound of your rifle hitting the ground as he left the base. The impact immediately spiked his adrenaline and caused the worst thoughts to run through his mind. He quickened his pace, almost falling over in place once he beheld the scene. Sniper couldn't help but feel a tug on his heartstrings watching you embrace the dummy of him. A warm flush crept its way to his rugged features as he realized the depth of his feelings for you way-exceeded his expectations.
-It's now or never, he thought to himself, finally finding the courage to approach you. He put a large gloved hand on your shoulder, eliciting a fearful shriek from you. Your face reddened with embarrassment, stammering as you tried to come up with a good excuse for your behavior. Wordlessly, Sniper wrapped you up in a tight embrace which immediately soothed your worries. "Shhh. It's alright, roo. Don't cry, now." He spoke just above a whisper, and despite being there to comfort you, he himself was trembling with anxiety at what he's just done. When you finally gathered yourself and parted from the Aussie's embrace, your eyes widened. "Sniper! What's gotten into you?!" He looked down at you with a slight smile, as if it would conceal the way his heart pounded in his chest.
"You have, sheila."
-He wasn't always drunk! Okay, maybe he was, but that didn't mean he was always unaware. He was especially aware of a certain little merc who always took him to bed, always got him water, and always made sure to wish him a goodnight, even when the rest left him to drink himself to oblivion. He thought of you very fondly, like a close friend more than just a colleague. You were the first of the bunch to ever show a genuine compassion for him and actually attempt to care for him even in his drunken state (and he knew that was no easy feat).
-It was another night like always, the rest of the team off taking care of their own business while Demo had some precious one-on-one time with his scrumpy, this time accompanied by you! And you were actually drinking with him! It was the weekend, after all, and you decided what the hell, why not, and let your hair down a little. While not nearly as intoxicated as your Scottish companion, you definitely felt the buzzy warmth of drunkenness sneaking up on you. You felt more bubbly, confident, and silly. You gazed upon Demo fondly as he slurred through stories of missions, both failures and successes.
-Right as he was getting to the story's climax, he raised his arms above his head for dramatic affect, and you impulsively leapt into them. "Awwe Tavichhh, I wuv when you tell stowiesss" you mumbled into his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his torso as if he'd leave you any second. The sudden show of affection almost sobered Demo up a bit, but he quickly dropped his arms and returned your embrace. In his drunken state, the warmth of your body against his felt like fire, and he couldn't help but notice the way you fit perfectly into him. Demo soon grabbed your shoulders, moving you back to meet his gaze. The sudden serious look on his face sent a shiver down your spine. "D-demo! What's the matter?!" He took in your flushed face as if he were looking upon the Mona Lisa herself before finally speaking, "Oh it's nothin, lass. I just enjoy lookin' at ye."
-You were lucky enough to get some time off when you were informed this go-round of contracts did not include you. To your surprise, they didn't include Engie, either. You discovered this when you bolted for the workshop in a panic as you realized your prized headphones were destroyed! You were about to go on a walk before fishing them from your backpack and soon met with the disappointment of your prized possession in tatters--wires frayed, and hanging down almost mockingly.
-As you busted through the double doors of Engineer's workshop, he jumped in surprise, nearly dropping his wrench. "Well howdy to yourself too, darlin'!" He regained his bearings and approached you with a chuckle. "What's got you in such a tizzy, hm?" You simply raised the broken pair of headphones up*, looking at him like a lost puppy. "M-my headphones are destroyeeeddd!" You whined. Engie, behind his goggles, looked at you with a twinge of pain in his eyes just from hearing how distraught you were. Though he was empathetic to your "loss", he couldn't help but admire how adorable you sounded when you whimpered, and got a bit of an ego-boost from how you immediately came to him for aid. Engie took the headphones from you, inspecting them closely as he set them down on a nearby workbench. "Y'know, dear, these might not be a lost cause...let's see what some good ole fashioned Texan ingenuity can do!" He assured you with a sly smile.
-You fidgeted nervously as you watched over his shoulder while he tinkered away on your poor headphones. "Can I get you somethin' to drink darlin'? Maybe some water?" Engineer didn't take his eyes off the headphones as he spoke, currently re-twisting and wrapping wires before getting to work on the broken frame of the device. "I'm okay, thank you, Engie..." Truthfully, you were just too nervous to take your eyes off of the headphones while Engineer repaired them. Of course, you trusted his skillful hand, but with them being such a meaningful item to you, you couldn't help but hover over his shoulder and watch. Suddenly, Engie spoke up again, this time with a command-- "Close your eyes, dear." Nervously, you did as you were told. Engineer turned to face you, gently placing the repaired headphones on your head. Your eyes shot open and hands immediately went up to feel the newly repaired device now muffling your hearing.
-Without a second thought, you pulled Engie into a tight embrace. "Engie, you're the best!! Thank you so much!" You exclaimed, nuzzling his chest a bit as the two of you embraced. His large gloved hand gently caressed your back, giving it a slight pat in response to your praise. While Engineer typically maintained a relaxed exterior, internally, he was practically melting. A proper southern gentleman such as himself couldn't be indecent in the presence of a lady, but the fog on his goggles and pink in his cheeks said otherwise. You pulled away, removing the headphones. You went to inspect them further, but the sight before you stopped you dead in your tracks. "Engie?! You feeling alright??" He looked like he was about to pass out--and he felt like it, too.
-Engineer simply nodded, placing his ivory-colored cowboy hat on your head in response.
*this is exactly what i envisioned for this scene btw
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Do you think depressed teen!sugu would allow me to wrap him up in a blanket and give him a lot of kisses,, I will regardless if he allows me to or not but aughhhh. Ive been rewatching his emo era and my silly sad baby…. My little sprinkle spronkle skrinklee..:.. my little meep meep,..,, I want to hug him and tell him he’s gonna be okay it so bad it physically pains me that I’m not currently stroking his hair and kissing his face 💔💔💔 ok but like with the jokes (sorta) aside it makes me so sad when he’s talking to yuki like. He looks so obviously tired and his hair is down and and and and he looks so sad… distant crying I would abandon my plushies for sad sugu…… I’m not a responsible parent anyway… trust me believe me I am currently kissing his tears away and reading him to sleep it’s what must be done. This was my rant on my love for sugu even when he is sad I hope you enjoyed 🗣️🗣️🗣️ — stsg anon (still crying) :3
HE WOULD HE WOULDDDD…….. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ohhh stsg anon…..
i think. a big warm hug could have fixed him. a good ol embrace. he’s stiff at first and maybe gets a bit defensive bc he wants you to think that he’s fine but he needs this… just melts into your arms and starts sniffling into your neck :((((( baby boy. baby….. if someone had been there to drag him into a warm shower and slather in him in shampoo and wash his hair and wrap him up in a big fluffy towel and kiss him all over his pretty face then he would’ve been alright…………..
tbh i feel like sugu would probably have his bouts of depression even outside of a canon-aligned au? or even just the occasional bad day where he can’t get out of bed and doesn’t have the energy to take care of you the way he wants to…. so you take care of him!! and i think he appreciates it more than he could ever describe :(((( being treated so delicately and tenderly, like he’s made of glass. not having to constantly keep his guard up or force a smile… READING HIM TO SLEEP PLSSS i think he’d get kinda shy if you were to tuck him into bed…. card through his hair and read a little bedtime story to him…… but it also makes him feel so so safe. he craves it so badly but can’t ask for it so i think having an s/o who just. Knows what he needs and gives it to him would soothe him sooo immensely.
sighhhh …. ☹️☹️ stsg anon he makes me so sad. our little meowmeow… our eepy meepy little guy…. our little baby……,,,, i need to pamper him so bad
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noctumbra · 4 years
my all
summary ─ bucky had asked for you to be his first, and who were you to say no to him. 
pairing ─ chubby!bucky barnes x reader
warnings ─ smut, +18, riding, kissing, unprotected sex, handjob, fingering, bucky is leaning towards being a sub for reader (no bdsm tho), dirty talk, overall good ole first time vanilla sex
a/n ─ i had a brainwave couple nights ago and this happened. one lovely anon (@navegandoaciegas​) wanted me to write something cute and clumsy about it. and hopefully i managed to write cute and clumsy (i doubt it tho fjgfgk)! hope you guys like it! all the mistakes are mine. i don’t own the gif. 
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Bucky was eager. He was eager to please you, to make you feel good. 
After having that little conversation, Bucky was all but on you. He carried you to the bed with just a little struggle. Laying you down on the bed gently, he stood before you with his wide, excited eyes, and for a moment you saw a little puppy. 
“Tell me what to do,” Bucky whispered. “Tell me how to make you feel good.” You had to take a second and swallow harshly. Never for a second you thought about Bucky being like this. Not that you didn’t like it─ you loved it. 
You held his hands into yours and pulled him towards the bed gently. When he was on the bed, you moved him until his back was pressed against the headboard. Once he was in the position you wanted him, you sat back on and took in the sight before you.
His blue eyes had the glazed, almost blissed, look in them and his cheeks were flushed with lust and shyness. His long hair was a mess already, and you guys didn’t even do anything yet. You smiled. Climbing onto his lap, you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in for a kiss. 
Bucky opened up beneath you almost immediately. He moaned softly into the kiss, his hands roamed your body with a little hesitancy. You knew all of these things were new for him, so you didn’t react negatively. You pressed your body against his, letting your breasts rest against his chest, you kissed him with more fever. 
“God,” Bucky breathed when you pulled back for air. “We’re doing the usual things, but even that feels different.” He chuckled. You continued to smile. 
“Things are gonna get better,” you whispered as you trailed a finger down his chest, making him shiver. Your eyes met with his and you grabbed the hem of his t-shirt. “Can I?” You asked because you knew he was a bit insecure about his body. You loved his body; you loved how soft and comfortable it was, and his body was yours. Bucky nodded. 
You pulled the t-shirt off of him. Throwing the piece of clothing somewhere in the room, you placed your hands on his chest, your eyes watching his chest expanding with each breath. You felt all the soft skin beneath your fingertips. All the muscles that were now soft flesh, and his tummy. You heard him taking in a shaky breath. 
“You know...” you started. “I love your tummy.” Looking up at him, you climbed a bit higher on his body. In this new position, your mound was touching his belly. “It’s soft and fits so perfectly against my back whenever you cuddle me...” You whispered. “I love feeling your tummy whenever you hug me behind.” 
“Doll...” Bucky breathed a small moan. You leaned in and stole a harsh kiss. 
“Your body drives me insane, baby,” you admitted. Bucky blushed prettily. You reached for your own oversize t-shirt and pulled it off quickly, now sitting on his lap with only your underwear. “Touch me.” Grabbing his hands, you placed them over your breasts. Bucky squeezed his hands gently at first, but seeing that small movement elicited a beautiful moan out of you, he squeezed harshly the second time. 
“Yeah, yeah, just like that,” you moaned again as his fingers grazed over your nipples. Bucky bit his lip. You looked so good on his lap, moaning and having pleasure from his touches. He trailed one of his hands on your back and toyed with the clisp of your bra. “Yes. Take it off, baby, c’mon.” Taking your words as an order, Bucky quickly opened the clisp and took your bra off. His hands were trembling again, but he didn’t mind. 
He knew you were okay with his... situation. 
You hummed in pleasure when your skin met with his. You molded your body with his again and ground your hips down. As your pussy grazed over his erection, Bucky groaned loudly. 
“What─” He gasped. You smirked. 
“I told you things are going to get better,” you winked. Grinding your hips even harder, you hummed at the sounds that came out of his mouth. You already knew that the sounds he made during your make out sessions, but these were on a whole different level. 
These were deeper, filled with more pleasure. 
You shivered. 
“Touch me,” you moaned. “Bucky─ touch me, baby, go with your instincts.” Bucky swallowed his whine and grabbed a handful of your ass, and your world turned upside as you heard a low snarl coming from him. 
You were on your back, his big body was covering yours deliciously. You hummed and wiggled beneath him. “Whatcha gonna do to me?” You asked, cocking your head to the side. Bucky’s once ocean blue eyes were now dark, and you shivered again with the anticipation. 
“Lead me,” Bucky whispered. “Show me what I can do to you, please, honey?” You breathed out shakily. Having Bucky begging you like this made you go crazy, made you feel like you were about to explode. You pawed his sweatpants. 
“Off─” You panted. “Take’em off.” Bucky was quick to comply. He pulled back and yanked his sweatpants down with his boxers in one go. Freeing his ankles, he threw it on the ground. His fingers trailed over your legs. Palms feeling the soft skin there, he toyed with the lace over your panties. You lifted your hips, indicating him to take them off, too. He did. 
A moan left his mouth when he came almost face-to-face with your glistening sex. You knew that he wasn’t ready for the oral sex thing yet, you pulled him up. You kissed him gently, letting your lips slid over each other. Bucky breathed you in. Your lavender smell calmed him down just a little. You grabbed his hand, then. You placed it on your sex. Placing your hand over his and mimicking the movements that he should do, you showed him how to finger you. 
Bucky picked it up quicker than you expected. His fingers moved hesitantly, at first, not really knowing how to move or crook them. But once he got his bearings, he started to trail his finger up and down, collecting your juices on his finger and then push it all in you. 
“Mmmm,” you hummed. “Put them in me, baby,” you instructed. He slid two fingers in you slowly. His nails grazing your sensitive walls, you moaned. He moved his fingers in and out of you. His eyes never leaving your face, he watched you get lost in pleasure. The pleasure he was giving to you. 
“Fuck!” You cried out when his thumb touched your clit. Bucky panicked. 
“Is─ Are you okay? Did I─ Did I hurt you?” You bit your lip and swallowed a moan. 
“No, no. It was─ Do it again, baby,” you moved your hips against his hand, encouraging him to continue. He was still in panic, though. “It wasn’t something bad,” you assured him. “You see, I’m really sensitive there. Just like...” Your hand moved towards his cock, you grabbed it gently. Swiping your finger over his cock head, Bucky gasped. “This.” 
“Oh, fuck,” Bucky groaned and his hips bucked forward instinctively. You moved your hand up and down slowly as Bucky continued you to finger you. It wasn’t long before Bucky was close to coming. “Stop, God, stop,” he begged, breathless. 
“Bucky?” you caled out, stopping right away. 
“I’m okay. ‘M close,” he whispered. “If you continue, I’m gonna come.” Relief washed over you and you smiled. 
“Okay,” you said. “Go rest against the headboard again, please?” Bucky swallowed harshly and complied. You climbed back on his lap. “We’re gonna take this part a bit slow, okay?” He nodded. Placing a hand on his shoulder, the other grabbed his cock. You guided his cock in you and sank down slowly. 
He wasn’t too big, but his girth was something that had you consider going slow. As you sank down, Bucky’s mouth dropped open, face contorted in pleasure. His hands were holding your hips tightly. His face and chest were pink with exertion. 
“Oh my God,” Bucky moaned loudly when you sank down on him completely. “What─ Holy shit.” You chuckled lightly, but it turned into a moan with Bucky thrusting up unintentionally. “I’m sorry, I just─” He blushed even redder. 
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” you breathed and ground your hips. Bucky moaned again. You could feel his thigh muscles jumping beneath your ass. You knew he was trying to hold back. You leaned forward, putting your weight on your thighs, you held onto his shoulders. “Move, baby.” 
“Yeah?” He asked, wide eyes boring into yours innocently. You nodded. “Okay,” he whispered. His hips started to move slowly. Thrusting faster and deeper with each movement, your hold on his shoulders tightened. He slipped out a couple times, apologizing adorably each time. 
“Stop apologizing,” you growled and slammed your hips down. Bucky howled in pleasure. You started to ride him for all your worth. Hips rolling, grinding and circling, you felt Bucky tremble under you. You put your hands on his tummy and started to move your hips up and down. It was a quick pace, messy, but it felt so good. 
“Y/N,” Bucky whimpered. His hands were squeezing your hips almost painfully now. “‘M close, fuuck.” You whimpered as his cock repeatedly hit that sensitive spot in you. 
“Me too,” you groaned. “Come for me, baby.” Bucky gasped. “I’m right there. Come for me.” You rolled your hips faster and harder, desperate for him to release. He trashed and his muscles strained. 
“Fuck!” He yelled and thrusted up harshly. You cried out, your legs were trembling with all the exertion and you were so close, still. You ground down slowly. Your clit grazing his tummy every move, you closed your eyes and started to grind down faster. “Hmmm. Come on,” Bucky murmured. His hips were still thrusting in and out of you lazily. “Y/N...” 
It was the way he said your name. The way his voice cracked, and the way he shivered while calling out to you. That did it. 
You came hard around his cock, choking over a gasp, you fell over his chest. His hands on your thighs were reassuring. Running his hands up and down slowly, you came down from your high. You hummed and rubbed your face against the soft chest hair. 
“So,” you slurred. “How was it?” Bucky chuckled lightly, cheeks reddening again. He looked so cute, you wanted to hug him and never let go. 
“It was... amazing. I’m glad that I waited,” he said, then he looked sheepish for a second. “I’m also glad that it was you.” Your heart skipped a few beats and you melted into his embrace. Placing a kiss over his heart, you sighed happily. 
“Thank you for choosing me,” you murmured. His hands left your thighs and they were on your back and hair.
“Always,” Bucky said, voice serious. “You’re my all, Y/N. I will always choose you.” 
You stayed silent, but cuddle him harder. Bucky chuckled knowingly, lovingly, cuddling you harder right back. 
It was your secret ‘I love you’s. 
You wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
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lostinwildflowers · 3 years
Small! S/O with Zeke
Zeke Yeager x Reader
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Word Count: 0.3K
Warnings: swearing because short people get defensive real quick, EDITED as of 7/08/2021 to be slightly suggestive
A/N: Good day to you anon!!!! Thank you so much for this lovely request, I LOVED IT BECAUSE I, TOO, AM A SMOL BEAN. I hope you enjoy this, and thank you again for sending it in! SORRY IF THIS IS KINDA CRACK I’M JUST SUPER PUMPED RN AND THIS IS WHAT I’M WRITING. Loves ya! -Birch <3
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~ Zeke is a tol bean. This man really be out here living his life at 183 cm / 6 feet tall. Meanwhile little you, chilling at a good ole shrimp height.
~ t e a s i n g
~You cannot tell me he is not gonna be a little shit whenever he first starts dating you. Resting his arm on your shoulder. Denying you kisses when you’re pouty because you can’t reach his lips.
~Butttt he’s lowkey and high key obsessed with you. You are so small he can just fling you up onto his shoulder whenever he wants too. Carries you around like its nothing.
~HUGS ARE AN AMAZING THING, DID YOU KNOW THAT? He will just rest his blonde beard on the top of your head while wrapping his arms around you tight. 
~Cooking with Zeke. Lemme say it again. Cooking with Zeke. He will have to grab all of the spices and ingredients from the panty because everything you need to cook dinner is above your head.
~He’s 1000000% the kind of partner to purposefully put things above your head when you unload groceries, knowing you won’t be able to reach it without him or a chair.
~He honestly just likes to feel needed by you, and your height comes in clutch for him a lot. When Zeke needs to feel big and in control, he’s got your small frame to help ground him.
~Gosh cuddles with Zeke when you are small are the shit. He’s definitely the type to be the big spoon all the time, he feels in control.
~When it comes to *certain events*, let’s say that you don’t need your legs for anything else<3
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
In the Aftermath
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Thank you, anon, for the excuse to write a hurt/comfort thing I’ve had rattling around the back of my brain for a while now. (also, as always, *insert both is good meme*) Cafune(the act of running your fingers through the hair of someone you love) and marcid(incredibly exhausted) Big-time spoilers for the end of Greedfall, if anyone’s avoiding those ;)
Get back up.
It was the advice Kurt had most thoroughly drilled into her head, whether shouted from halfway across the training yard or said with quiet, gruff encouragement as he hauled her to her feet; Get up, Green Blood, we’re not done yet.
Her heart pounded in her ears, the stony ground dug into her back, her breath kept hitching on a near-sob. She highly doubted this sort of situation was what he’d had in mind when giving such advice, but it still helped.
She needed to get up. Needed to get back to... everyone else. (To him.) Tell them it was done, the danger was past.
A spike of grief pierced through her weariness, and Vesper sniffled as she rolled on to her side. Away from Constantin’s lifeless body. (Her doing.)
Get back up.
The thought galvanized her, and she rose first to hands and knees, then pushed through the heavy weight of exhaustion to stagger to her feet.
She felt more than heard En ol míl frichtimen’s voice, reverberating the air and the very hollows of her chest. “Thank you, On ol menawí. I know your sacrifice was great.”
She didn’t, couldn’t look back. Vesper gave a sharp nod, tears stinging her eyes, and mustered the energy to start for the exit. Her legs ached and she could feel her hair sliding loose, the encircling braid sagging against her shoulder, but she kept going.
It took three tries in her current state to scale an embankment that would barely slow her pace on a normal day. And the effort of standing was enough to make her sway and brace a hand against the wall. But she kept going.  With stumbling steps and ragged breaths, she pressed on toward reunion with her friends. To tell them it was safe. To see that they were safe.
Vesper paused at the thought, at the sudden fear they might not be, and it was in that moment she caught the scuffing of footsteps, rushed and uneven, coming from the mouth of the passage out. She made it a few more weary, stumbling steps in that direction before the approaching figure came into view.
He halted as she had a moment ago, and a sharp, shaky exhale echoed off the walls. “Vesper.”
“Kurt.” Everything else faded away under a brief, blinding blaze of relief, and Vesper stumbled across the remaining gap between them. He staggered, just a step, at the force of her crashing into him, and his arms were around her in a fierce and equally relieved hug by the time she sagged against his chest.
Neither of them spoke for a long moment. Both too overcome, she supposed, as she clung to him like the world would end if she didn’t.
Kurt was the one to ease them apart, but not far. Just enough to scan her face as his hands brushed her jaw, shoulders, arms, waist checking for injuries. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” Vesper managed, voice wobbling. It wasn’t entirely true; there were a few places that would very likely bruise over the next few days. But her only serious hurt from this fight wasn’t physical. “Kurt, I...”
He paused his examination, hands on her elbows, and followed her gaze to her gloves, the right one heavily stained with dark blood. “Constantin?” he asked, voice rough, tone gentle.
A choked and ragged sob was all the answer she could give, but it was enough.
Kurt’s jaw tensed and he wordlessly pulled the gloves off her hands, dropping them to the ground as he wrapped her in another hug.
Vesper let herself melt against him, trusting in the steadying strength he offered.  “I killed him.” The words came out numb and saying them didn’t make it feel any more real. It was just a nightmare, she’d wake up and have more time.  “I wanted to save him,” she whispered hoarsely. Naïve fantasy it may have been, she’d still hoped, and failure had her voice unraveling into sobs. “Like damn near everyone since coming to this island. From beasts, bad decisions, or whatever else, we’ve saved so many people, Kurt, why not him, too?!”
Kurt’s hold on her tightened, one arm around her shoulders and the other hand sliding up to cradle the back of her head. There was a heavy pause before he murmured against her temple, “I don’t know, Green Blood.”
It was a fair answer, and what she expected, and the only proper response she could give was a fresh wave of sobs, poorly muffled against the side of his neck. He just held her, neither speaking. She was vaguely aware of a faint bump and her knuckles brushing stone as one of Kurt’s shoulders came to rest on the tunnel wall.
Vesper’s tears were just beginning to abate when there was the echo of more footsteps and Aphra’s voice, rough with smoke, “De Sardet?”
“Here!” Kurt called back for her, briefly tightening his embrace once more before Vesper stepped back, sniffling and wiping at her tears with the backs of her thumbs. There was no hiding the tracks they’d cut through the grime on her face, but she could try for at least some composure speaking to her friends. The silent assurance of Kurt’s hand lingering on her shoulder helped immensely.
It wasn’t much of a surprise when Sìora was the first to come into view. “Are you alright?” she asked, hurrying forward, eyes full of concern.
Vesper took a deep breath and inclined her head in a half nod. “I’m not hurt.” She was proud of how little her voice shook. 
Sìora squeezed her arm. “We will see to your cousin, carants,” she said softly.  “You worry about yourself.”
What composure Vesper had managed to gather buckled under the compassion in her friend’s voice, and she was blinking back tears again as she nodded wordless thanks.
Sìora sent a significant look at Kurt over her head, and Vesper sensed his nod in response as his arm slid around the back of her shoulders again. He nudged her toward the tunnel mouth while Sìora and the others filed deeper into the cavern.
They only made it a couple steps, however, before Kurt’s gait went briefly uneven and he was just a little too slow biting back the accompanying hiss of pain.
Vesper wheeled on him, grief overridden by concern. “Are you hurt?” she demanded, voice cracking as she realized she hadn’t checked yet and took her turn running a worried eye over him.
“Nothing that won’t heal,” he said, catching her hands to still them.
“Those big lizards got in a couple good whacks before we put them down,” Kurt relented, “but it’s nothing worse than bruises, and it was this or them trample Aphra.”
She stood a moment, hesitant to believe he wasn’t downplaying for her sake.
“Oh, my sweet Excellency.” Kurt released one of her hands so he could tip her chin up to meet his gaze. “I’ll mend. No need to fuss.”
“And... if I want to anyway?” Vesper asked softly, voice shaking with exhaustion.
He kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair to tuck it back from her face. “Later. For now, Sìora had the right of it; we should worry about you.”
Concerned as she may have been, Vesper found herself too tired to argue, and let him resume guiding her down the mountain to their camp. She still noticed how heavily he was favoring one knee on their way, and quietly hoped he didn’t put off taking care of himself, either. Especially not for her sake.
The air in the camp was subdued, and while she did receive a few grateful glances, Vesper was relieved no one seemed to be treating this as a victory. Even with what he’d done, she didn’t think she could have borne seeing Constantin’s death treated as cause for celebration. They'd barely reached her tent, Vesper just ducking inside, when a young man in heavily battered Coin Guard armor approached.
“Beggin’ pardon,” he began, clearing his throat, “Captain, Commander Sieglinde wanted to speak with you a moment.”
Kurt’s scowl bordered on legendary, even for him. “Commander Sieglinde-”
“Can expect him shortly,” Vesper interrupted, resting a hand on his arm to forestall the thunderous protest in his eyes.
“Green Blood-”
“She’s still your commander--and friend--Kurt,” she pointed out as they watched the messenger scurry back to the Coin Guard encampment. “You should speak to her. It sounds like it won’t take long, and I’m not so tired I can’t remove my own armor. Go.”
He hesitated, reluctance to leave her clear on his face.
“I promise I’ll be alright. I’ll clean up some and still be here when you get back.”
Kurt sighed and cupped her jaw with one hand. “You’re sure?”
Vesper covered his hand with hers and nodded. “Sure.”
He held her gaze a moment longer, then turned with a half-growled sigh to go find Sieglinde.
Vesper watched him a moment, still concerned about him walking on that leg (was it bad enough to count as a limp? she’d say so, but he didn’t want her worrying about him), then stepped into the tent.
Someone had decided she was important enough to have one of the low cots, shared from another faction because she never bothered for their regular excursions. She dropped her swordbelt and blades, (badly singed) cloak, and sturdy leather jacket on the cot, her arms heavy and slow as the exhaustion crept back in. Or tried to; she didn’t want to sleep, not yet, and pushed it away as she washed best she could in the basin of water and undid her hair. She sat on the ground rather than shove her gear out of the way on the cot, and leaned against the frame as she stared unseeing at a tuft of grass, trying to convince her brain to focus.
Her thought were so foggy she wasn’t really sure how long she sat staring at nothing before Kurt came back, but it was enough time he was out of his armor as well. He paused in the tent’s doorway at the sight of her, but Vesper spoke before he could.
“How do I tell my uncle?” She broke her dead stare at the ground to look up at him. “What do I tell my uncle?”
He crossed the tent and sat next to her. (Slowly, and she saw the wince he tried to hide). “Another worry for later. Once you’ve had some sleep.”
I don’t want to sleep. “Then it’s worrying about you again,” Vesper said with a significant glance at his “just bruised” knee. “Because if I don’t fill them with something, my thoughts will drift to topics that may well drive me mad.”
Kurt studied her a moment. He knew what she meant, she was sure. What else could she have done, or done differently, or not done to change... what happened. (nothing, but she knew that. She’d helped clean up or cover for enough of Constantin’s messes to know he was very capable of making his own decisions. She just didn’t want to hear that right now.)
Finally he gave her a look that was... not quite a sympathetic smile, but definitely understood. “Come here.” He pulled her over into his lap and Vesper went without resistance.
She paid careful attention for any sign of injury beyond his leg; tenseness or wincing, but there didn’t seem to be any. He shifted a little against the corner post of the cot, but that seemed more finding a comfortable position than something hurting. Exhaustion pulled a little heavier with that assurance as she settled against his chest.
Kurt’s chin pressed the top of her head and his arms came to rest around her middle. “...If it’ll help, you can worry a little.”
He didn’t even sound grudging about it, but the giggle that wanted to escape at that concession came out as more of an almost-sob. It was followed by another as she twisted sideways to tuck herself even closer, his heartbeat in her ear.
The sound of it made her chest ache with relief all over again. “I’m just glad I didn’t...”
Lose you.
Kurt wrapped his arms around her more tightly, one rising to card his fingers through her hair. “As am I,” he murmured, voice quiet as hers had been.
The thought flitted though that they’d be more comfortable on the bed, but tucked safe and close as she was, Vesper had no desire to move. And despite her best efforts, the exhaustion finally won, pulling her deep under tides of sleep.
 Thankfully, the nightmares she’d been dreading didn’t follow.
(It’s not until they wake up in the morning, still sitting on the ground, and Kurt literally can’t bend that knee bc it’s gotten too stiff that Ves remembers she knows magical healing, whoops )
(and don’t talk to me about the parallels of Sìora helping with Constantin’s funeral after Ves helped with her mother’s bc it gives me too many emotions)
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years
NSFW ALPHABET w/ Spencer Reid
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❛❛Can you do a nsfw a-z head cannon for Spencer Reid?❜❜-Anon
WARNINGS: this hc contains sexual themes. 18+
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He is the aftercare king. Asking if you are hungry or thirsty. Getting you a glass of water. Cleaning you up, etc. Also, cuddling you. Whether it is being the big spoon or hugging you close to his chest. B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Spencer doesn’t have a favourite body part of his.
Spencer loves all of you, but his favourite body part of yours is you’re your lips and neck. He loves leaving kisses on your neck/ leaving love bites. He loves kissing you as well. The softness of your lips on his. C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) Mostly either inside of you, on your pussy, or your stomach.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He lowkey wants to dominate you. I’m talking full-on dominate you. Tie you up. Spank you, etc.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) He hasn't slept with a lot of people, but he does study on it. So, He does have an idea of what he is doing.
He tries all the techniques and advice out on you. And you have never once complained about it. Always orgasming.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) The good ole missionary. As cliché and vanilla as it seems.
He likes to look at you while he is making love to you (or fucking you).
He loves seeing the facial expressions you make.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) He is normally serious in the moment.
But if he is drunk, then he will be hella goofy.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) He is well groomed down there.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) It’s a hit and miss.
Most times he will put a romantic song on or light some candles or put rose petals on the bed or floor.
But other times he just opts to hold your hands or whisper sweet compliments into your ear.
Or kiss you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) Spencer rarely jacks off. He bottles all that pent-up frustration until he sees you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) Peaking (Edging), he loves stopping just as your about to have your orgasm.
Hair pulling. He loves to pull your hair, and he loves it when you tug or pull his hair.
L = Location (Favourite places to do they do) the bedroom, the house, anywhere private.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) His and your last sexual encounter. Your moans and gasps.
Plus, you teasing him.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Anything that would cause you harm, or make you uncomfortable.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) He prefers giving.
He loves watching how he affects you.
He loves pleasuring you.
Loves hearing your moans, gasps of breaths.
Loves seeing you hold the bedsheets tight. Loves seeing your eyes closed. Head threw back. Mouth a gap.
Though he also, loves it when you give him a blowjob. The things you make him feel are mind-blowing. He loves seeing you take him in your mouth.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) Spencer is always slow and sensual.
He loves taking his time pleasuring you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) He isn’t a fan of quickies. So, they are off the table.
He prefers taking his time pleasuring you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) Spencer does his research before experimenting or taking risks.
Though he asks if you are okay with doing it first.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) He can last for quite a bit, not too many rounds, say two.
However, if he hasn’t seen you for a while, then he can last for about four.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) Honestly, it is a hit and miss. He isn’t opposed to them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Spencer loves to tease you a lot. To the point, you are a writhing mess.
He especially loves to tease you in public.
Though you tease him back, so, he gets his just desserts.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) He isn’t too loud, but somewhere in between. Moans and groans, as well as your name slipping past his lips, come out of his mouth. Same goes for you. Moaning, groaning, gasps and his name coming out of your mouth. Sometimes he says random sex facts or facts.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) Spencer often dreams about dominating you.
He dreams about tying you up and manhandling you.
Or handcuffing your hands to the bedpost.
Pulling your hair rougher than usual.
Biting you.
Choking you as he fucks you roughly. Degrading you slightly.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) He isn’t big nor small, so average. Though longer than average.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) It’s average. Though some days when he is away from you for a certain time (say a case) or you are away then yeah, its high. Other than that, it’s normal.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Spencer falls asleep right after your eyes flutter closed. Hugging you close to his body. Arms wrapped around you.
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ficsnroses · 4 years
Intimate - John Wick x Reader (nsfw A-Z headcanons)
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Word Count : Way too many. (little under 5K...im so sorry guys you know I have a problem)
Warnings : Smut. Fluffs.
Summary : All about your sex life with John :)
A/N : Requested by a few lovely anons! Did I forget a letter? Let’s hope not. Are these even headcanons cuz they’re so long??? These were tricky, I’m sorry if they kinda suck, it took me a hot minute into last night to complete them. Enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated.🖤
A : Aftercare. (What he’s like after sex).
John has a heart of gold, despite his enthralling profession. Many think John can be stoic, cold, reserved, but you; you know John. After sex, John makes sure to keep you close, asking over and over to make sure you’re alright. He’d never hurt you, even if during the deed. For a moment, he rests his forehead against yours as you’ve both came together, eyes closed as he catches his breath, cock still buried deep in you. He relishes in the afterglow, your head on his chest as he holds you, bulky arms wrapped around your figure, every now and then he presses a kiss to your hair, sighing deep relief; contentment. Sometimes, you’ll lay there together, skin sticking from the heat, relaxing in the moment. John will pepper kisses over your temples, your cheeks, your hands, your wrists. Being quiet and reserved, it’s his way of letting you know how much he loves you, and how lucky he feels to be able to make love to you. Normally, he prefers being the big spoon after sex. But, he is human. Sometimes, he likes being held by you; finds it really cute when you try to wrap your much smaller limbs to his much larger body. If he’s been away for a while, he loves pillow talk, lost in the company of just him, and the woman he loves.
B : Body Part. (His favourite body part of yours).
John is a simple man. He adores each part of you, to him, you are the embodiment of perfect. If he had to choose, however, he loves your breasts. They provide a safe haven for him to nestle his head in during sex, especially if its missionary. When you’re on top, it turns him on immensely to see them bounce up and down, so full, so plump, swollen from pleasure. John loves hugging you from behind, whether it be in the morning in front of the washroom mirror as you’re just waking up, or as you’re getting dressed on the edge of your bed after some hot and passionate sex. Occasionally, he’ll trail his hands up, palms and fingers working your breasts, fondling, massaging as delicate kisses place themselves on your neck from his sultry lips. Of course, when he’s spoon fucking you, or has you bent over as he slams in from behind, he loves to reach forward and hold your breasts.
C : Cum.
John has a lot of cum, can you even be surprised though? You feel dirty admitting it, but you love his cum. It’s the most intimate form of him, and its reserved only for you. It’s quality seed as well; thick, succulent, creamy, perfectly glossed. It’s not a bad taste at all; a delicacy to your lips if you will. John has almost a primal need for his cum to be inside you when he finishes; he feels it where it belongs. Whether it be brimmed deep inside your cunt, or in your mouth after you’ve gone down on him. He’s never actually admitted it due to his slight shyness, but he loves when you swallow for him. Pulls his heart seams to know you love and trust him enough to do it. Part of the reason you’re on birth control is so he can come inside, you know how much he enjoys it, and how much he appreciates to feel all of you, without the barrier of a condom. The feeling, his orgasm hitting him as with the force of night to day, you tighten around him, feeling him spill inside you; it’s pure nirvana for him. Coming inside you makes him feel closer to you; something he always craves.
D : Dirty Secret.
John is away often, but that doesn’t mean your sex life dies for the time he’s away. John and you always want one another, crave each other. You take pictures for John often, some suggestive; his favourite black, lacy lingerie embellished on your satin skin, allowing little to his imagination, and some full and frontal nudes. You love to hear the way his breath hitches over the phone as you hit send, the way his raspy voice compliments you.
 “Beautiful, sweetheart. So beautiful,” his coarse, yet velvety voice whispers, hand pulling out his girthy cock, that has already started to throb for you, from thousands of miles away.
What you don’t know though – John keeps each and every picture of you in an album on his phone, locked away where no one can find it, but him. He only does it because he knows you wont mind, those pictures are all for him, and you best believe he’s going to savour each and every one for as long as he can. They come in handy when he’s away and needs you; he can’t get off to anything else since but the thought of your heavenly body. You assume they just disappear in conversation overtime, so you take more for him, constantly replenishing his feed ;)
E : Experience.
John is experienced, in the sense that he certainly knows what he’s doing. He hasn’t slept with many people, his work made it tough, his attention and focus constantly diverted to it. You’ve been with John for many years now, but he is on the older side still. John has had a few flings over the course of his life, however, they never really meant much. With the very few times he has been with someone, it was merely because he needed someone to give him sweet, sweet relief. But when he met you, it all changed. With you, his experience comes in handy, because he always puts your needs before his. He pays close attention to what you want, always making sure to communicate.
“Does that feel good, sweetheart?” His hand moves to securely hold yours, letting you know he’s listening. “Harder, baby?”
John can effortlessly bring you to multiple orgasms during a session. His sturdy fingers, his veiny cock, his suave mouth, he knows how to use each tool to the best of it’s ability, for you. Of course, he’s willing to try anything new for you as well. You want to try a new position? He’s on it. Want him to pay attention to a certain part of your body? He’s already there.
F : Favourite Position.
Definitely depends on the mood, but he is simple and doesn’t try to be too adventurous. Normally, John prefers good old missionary. He likes the intimacy, holding onto your hips with your arms wrapped around his neck, holding him close. His lips have easy access to litter slow, passionate kisses to your face, your neck, your chest as he pleases. However, John also appreciates a good ol riding as well from his baby, especially after a demanding job. During riding sessions, he indulges in you; being able to sit back and relax, your aching cunt bobbing up and down on him, your walls tightening around him, so perfectly soaked. The way he’s able to buck his hips up into you, to feel you deeper, the way he can hold you to his chest as you ride him, allowing him to speed up when he needs. 
The sounds you let out drive him insane. Did I mention, he loves watching himself slip in and out of you, the way your glistening releases coat his thighs, slicking his pulsing cock. Sometimes, he likes taking you from behind, he enjoys the gorgeous view of your peachy ass for him, and the way you whimper when his balls slap into your skin, the sounds so delicious filling his ears. Doggy style is also a close favourite of his, more for days when you both crave a good, rough fuck that’ll clear any trace of stress.
He enjoys a good against the wall fuck as well, in the shower is always nice. There have been a few times, he’s came home, neither of you able to control as he pins you against the wall, legs wrapped around his waist with his cock pounding you into oblivion.
G : Goofy. (Is he serious in the act or goofy?)
John isn’t too too goofy in the moment, but he can be on some days. Although he finds sex to be a very intimate, serious act, he can’t help but giggle at how adorable you can get during foreplay. You make him smile, laugh, feel loved, valued. You make him happy, and that comes out during sex as well. He sees you smile, and he’s gone. It’s his favourite thing in the world. If something happens in the moment, such as your face turning red from a particularly loud and explicit moan, he can’t help but smile, giggling with you.
On days when he’s tired and just needs to feel you, he can be a bit more serious. You don’t mind though; on days such as those, you focus your entire attention on making him feel good anyway, you know he deserves it. In turn, John tries incredibly hard to make you come as many times as possible on those days as well, it gives him relief and makes him feel better to know his lady is being treated well, leaving little room for giggles and laughs in those sessions.
H : Hair.
John used to not care before he met you, but now, he makes sure to keep himself tame and trimmed for you. The mans beard is always on fleek, you best believe the same follows down under. He does keep his hair; he’s never been one for being clean shaven. You love going down on him, tasting him in your mouth. He doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable, so he makes sure to keep clean for you. It is a bit bushy, but he’s consistent with grooming.
I : Intimacy.
Sex is John’s way of showing you how much he loves you, and how much you mean to him. John hasn’t been with many women; he’s never really had time for sex before you. But now, now that you’re together, in love, sex is what keeps your love fresh, alive, keeps you close and vulnerable with each other. He takes his time with you, making sure to appreciate each part of you, and the alter that is your body. He’s tender, gentle, he loves to feed your self confidence.
He loves kissing you during the act, lips smothering you as his cock slips in and out leisurely. While he’s thrusting is usually when his lips leak with praise for you, how good you feel, how much he loves you.
“Fuck, Y/N…” your name glides off his tongue, smooth as honey. “You…you feel amazing, sweetheart.” He whimpers, cock grinding your G spot each time he thrusts. “So good, baby.”
Even when he’s pounding into you, thrusts hasty, profound; he’ll still make sure to hold you tight, whether it be your hips or your hand. Anywhere from eye contact, to forehead touching, to the cuddle sessions after - John likes to let you know that he’s there with you in the moment; there for you, as he’ll always be.
Till his last breath.
J : Jack off.
Only when he’s away from you. When you’re together, he doesn’t need anything but you to make him feel good. But his work calls for it, and you know there’s times where you need to be away from him. Of course, he loves to have you on the phone for him as he sits in the Continental hotel room, a completed job behind. His palm sloppily wraps around his base, pumping slow, thumb swirling his tip as precum seeps out to the sound of your voice.
“Are you touching yourself, John?” You purr, your own hand trailing suggestively close to your heating center. A mere moan escapes his lips, the sound of your voice enough to make him feel bliss. Twitching, shuddering, he throbs in his hand, movements picking up as he strokes, base to shaft, to tip, pumping, with images of you clouding his mind.
“I want you to come for me, John. Let it out, baby. Let me hear you.” You encourage, hearing his moans, gasps and grunts over the much too distant phone line.
K : Kinks.
John is calm and collected, yet still a little shy. You adore that about him, the way his gentle personality shies away from fully letting you know what he wants sometimes. Over the course of your relationship however, you’ve learned some of his preferred kinks, and you love using them on him, on days you lounge together and have time to really get down and dirty.
Due to his profession, John takes control too much in other aspects of his life. In bed, on days where you want to focus on making him feel good, John relishes in being submissive. He loves to let you take control of him, allow you to do what you please with him. It makes him feel vulnerable, helps him feel human to be at your mercy. He loves you, trusts you enough to let you have him this way. He’s into light bondage, he likes having his wrists restrained, although nothing too insane. He is a simple man after all. Marking is a huge turn on for him, he loves leaving hickies on your silky skin, your collarbones, loves having them on him in turn. He loves body worship, appreciating each inch of you as he trails his kisses down your breasts, your chest, your stomach, slowly inching down to the ache between your legs.
Although John isn’t huge on praise kink, you do like the way he blushes ever so slightly when you tell him how good he’s making you feel.
“John…” You moan, fingernails digging into his back. “You’re fucking me so…” Whimpering, you whine softly in his ear. “So good, Jonathan…don’t stop baby, please…” He picks up pace, husky tone letting out small, soft moans as he slips in and out, fueled by your praise.
L : Location.
John and you have a mission; to have sex in each part of your home. Although his favourite is your bed, it’s safe, familiar, allows you both to be free and active as can. A close second is the couch, usually because the couch means you’re on top of him, spread on his thighs as he thrust up into you, hugging your body close. Hot seat position sex is easier on the couch as well. Anywhere in your house is John’s preferred place, in the comfort of where you live in peace together, the gateway to the dream that is your connection. He’s had you in the shower, in all the rooms, even on the hood of his car in your garage. 
The kitchen counter has been one of John’s favourites, assuming how often he has you whimpering for him on it. Fucking into you with your body propped on the counter? He’s a sucker for it. Being tall enough to reach your cunt standing, he props your leg against his torso and shoulder, holding it for support as your other wraps around his waist, watching himself glide in and out of you. it’s always rough on the kitchen counter, but you like it that way. He makes breakfast right after, returning the favour for letting him get one in before the start of the day. 
M : Motivation. (What gets him going?)
John is always turned on by you, you never have to try to get him to want you. Perhaps that’s just how deep you both are smitten with each other. He loves when you wear lingerie for him, it gets him tenting in his pants, his cock rising to the mere sight of you embroidered in lace for him. Lingerie shopping with John is always tricky due to it, he’ll have his hands roaming each crevice of your body in the dressing room, lips leaving delicate, quiet kisses along the skimpy lace adorned on your breasts. Of course, he’s no help in choosing a piece. Everything is perfect on you through his eyes.
He has a sensitive neck and ears, so he loves when you whisper for him, in your oh so sensual voice, smooth and sugary.
He loves celebrating with you after a successful contract. What better way to wind down than buried deep inside your cunt, warm, wet, as if perfectly moulded for him. Sometimes, that’s what gets him through work. Knowing that soon, he’ll be in your arms, where you’ll make him feel so, so good.
N : No. (What he won’t do)
John would never, ever hurt you, even if you asked. With all the violence, the murder that lies on his fingertips, he feels guilt. He tries not to, but he feels guilt. You love him endlessly, and you know he fears causing you even the smallest amount of pain during sex. If you wince a bit too loud, he’ll immediately pause and ask if you’re okay. Even if its simply the bulk of his sizable cock making you feel pain when he first enters, he gets concerned, always holding off until you’re adjusted to him, nodding when you’re ready for him to move.
You have a fantasy of John face fucking you, his twitching length jammed inside your throat, lapping as much as you can with your cheeks hallowed. You know it would be pure bliss for him, they way you’d choke on his cock for him, allowing him to savour each inch of your wet, warm, tight mouth. John is still a bit scared, however. He almost doesn’t trust himself; he fears he’ll hurt you.
You’ll get there someday, though. As long as you keep proving to him that you trust him.
More than anyone, anything else in the word.
O : Oral.
Oral is one of John’s favourite parts of sex. He loves going down on you, and love’s having you go down on him. John is crazy good at eating you out, he has had tons of practice with you. The way you moan for him, fingers tangling his hair turns him on like crazy, it’s addicting. The mere sound of you, writhing, whimpering as he laps your nectar, tongue expertly flicking your folds, your clit, hands graciously soothing your thighs, your breasts; he thrives off all of it. You love the sound of his mouth eating you out as well, the slicking, the smacking, the wetness of two of his stocky fingers pumping you, the way you know they’re the sounds of him making you feel good. He flattens his tongue, spreading your folds, alternating between the perfect symphony of fast and slow licks, making sure to dot a few kisses to your center through the process.
Head from John is a dream. A sweet, sweet, beautiful dream; only you have the pleasure to drift in.
P : Pace.
John is a master of pace, another attribute that comes in handy from his work. He knows exactly what pace to use for exactly the type of fuck you’re going for. During proper sex, where you both can take your time, he’ll always start off close and sensual as you get used to each other. His generous length is thick, heavy, and always needs time to get used to as mentioned. Slow at first allows him to focus his attention on kissing you passionately as he glides his dick in and out, feeling each other close. Gradually, he’s unable to hold himself back. Not when your pussy feels so heavenly around him. He’ll get faster and faster, until the bed frame is creaking and the wall behind is being pounded into-much like you. John has the power to shake your entire body with his thrusts, always keeping sure to hold you secure. Often, John leaves you aching for hours later, sometimes into the next day.
Q : Quickie.
A good quickie is always delightful for the both of you. You crave each other so much, that quickies inevitably find their way into your daily lives together as you coexist. In the morning as you’re just waking up? John never says no to a good ol quick morning fuck in your bed, your soft morning voice moans causing his heart to flutter. At breakfast on the kitchen table? John wasn’t able to resist when you wore just his oversized shirt and a pair of panties. Sometimes a good ol quickie before bed helps him sleep better, and you never deny him when he asks for one. John can have trouble sleeping sometimes, so sex before bed helps him relax, wind down, and most of all,
feel good. Something he deserves. 
R : Risk.
John is okay with taking risks, if you want to. He’s always looking for new ways to satisfy you in bed. If you want to try something new, he’ll always say yes for you. He trusts you, and you trust him, so experimenting can be nice sometimes. Sometimes, there have been instances where either he, or you don’t end up liking it, and it makes him a little upset. He doesn’t want to let you down.
You try out new positions all the time, the most recent being The Wheelbarrow. He loved it, the way your hands planted on the floor as he raised your hips to his cock, pounding, pelting into you from behind; your legs wrapped around him.
John likes thrill too, sometimes. He fantasizes about public sex, perhaps in the washroom of a restaurant or something, somewhere where the stakes are higher and you could get caught. He’d be extra cautious, of course. He’d never want to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable.
S : Stamina.
John can last decently long, long enough to make you cum. If it’s been a few weeks away from each other, and you haven’t been able to have sex in a while, his stamina increases and he can go for more rounds. There have been times where you’ve had to tap out on him as well, but he’s alright with it. He respects you way too much to make you give him sex when you don’t want to. On average, John can go for 2 rounds if you want him to, although most of the time, one is enough. John is the embodiment of quality over quantity; he fucks you so good, so well the first round, that you’re too sore for another, you’ve been completely satisfied.
“You got another one in you for me, princess?” John chuckles, your breathless body under him, coming down from your high with him still nestled between your legs. You look at him in disbelief almost, wincing when he removes his cock out of you, collapsing on the bed beside.
“Another one already?” You breath, running a hand over your sweaty forehead.
He softly smiles, leaning over to kiss your shoulder, his hand moving to lightly rub a few circles to your clit, building your anticipation again. “Give me a few minutes, sweetheart, I’m not done with you just yet.”
T : Toys.
He has no problem incorporating toys into the bedroom. Neither of you need them, but they do add some spice to your sex life. John isn’t too much of a tech guy, but he did spend hours on his laptop searching up the best vibrators to try out for you. John gets off seeing you get off, and pleasing you. Sometimes, he’ll use the vibrator on you before sex, allowing you to delve into oblivion. On nights when he’s away, he loves when you send him pictures of you using it on yourself; his cock wheezes to the sight of your dripping cunt at the mercy of a vibrator, knowing it makes you feel no where near as good as he does when he’s home. John is willing to try out more toys, and he’s open to the idea of you buying some for him as well. You mentioned a vibrating cock ring to him; (not that he needs it for the extra support), but more for the pleasure the vibrations could give to your sensitive nub and his balls when he’s fucking you. There’s a lot you want to explore with John, you want to find out what he’s into, what he may be fond of. He’s a tricky man to get a feel of since he’s always so focused on you.
U : Unfair.
“John…John please..” You wail, feeling him sink just his tip into you, before pulling back out, teasing. He smirks slightly, placing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, teasing to not even give you a proper kiss when all you want is for him to fuck you senseless. His fingers rub small circles to your clit, eliciting deep moans, yet he makes sure to keep them slow, light, enough to let you feel him on you, but not enough to let you feel relief.
You love edging each other, love building up each other’s orgasm to maximum potential. When you’re on top, you’ll halt movement, your hands planted to his chest as his palms hold your hips tight. He’s always panting under you, biting his lip with breathy moans falling as you start to move again.
He’ll tease you when he’s going down on you as well, leaving kisses to the insides of your thighs, close to your heat. You totally get him back, though, the way you wear very revealing shorts around the house the next day, making sure to bend over a little further when you reach down to pick a towel off the floor.
V : Volume. (Is he loud?)
You both can be loud, depending on the type of sex. If it’s just a quickie before bed, you both tend to stay a little quieter, reverting to small whispers of praise, soft, gentle moans into each other’s necks and ears. John’s voice is smooth, buttery, fine as velvet when he’s trying to be quiet, it makes your pussy quite literally tremble knowing you’re the reason those delicious, delightful sounds are leaving his lips.
When you’re having a proper, longer session of sex however, you both tend to get slightly louder than you mean to. You live alone together, in a reserved neighbourhood. John’s grunts and groans can get excessive when you clench around him, your screams of his name flood the bedroom walls when he’s expertly working you. Sometimes, with John, its far too difficult to hold back your cries and sobs, his balls slapping your core to his demanding pace, his breath tantalizing on your skin. Perfectly, he hits your sensitive nerve endings each time, your eyes fill with tears at how well he’s fucking you, loud gasps to each buck of his hips.
W : Wildcard. (Random headcanon).
John has needs – he has to masturbate when he’s away from you, but only to the thought of you, and the nudes you send him. They’re marvellous, but he wants more. John wants to record you having sex at least once for when he’s away. He misses you dearly, although the lonesome comfort of his stocky palm, coated with the blend of shea hand cream he carries with him show no comparison to your soaking cunt. A video of you unravelling for him will definitely elevate his lonely nights spent away from you in the hotel walls. He would never do it without your consent, so he’s made a mental note to ask you next time you get intimate. Phone sex with you is nice, and it gets home going so well. But the thought of the real deal, a video in which your moans can be heard, your beautiful pussy on display for him, would be divine.
X : Xray. (What’s going on in the pants)
John has a very generous load to offer. His cock is quite literally- fucking gorgeous. When you first saw it, your breath hitched. He’s above average, makes you swallow in anticipation when he’s fully erect for you. He has the perfect amount of girth, a few striking veins running down his shaft, and a very slight curve. His tip shows a blushy, rosy shade of dusty pink, and you can’t help but elicit a moan when droplets of his gleaming pre cum glide down the length of his cock, almost as if a delicacy made just for you to devour. John’s cock is the only to ever had made you feel completely full, completely fulfilled. Struck gold? Definitely.
In more ways than just one.
Y : Yearning.
John has a pretty high sex drive. He’ll never deny you, that’s for sure. You almost never deny him either, whether it’s when he’s tossing and turning in the middle of the night and you offer him a quick session to calm his nerves, or whether it’s in the middle of the day, when he craves to feel your body close. John would like to have sex every single day of the week, but he knows that’s not always what you want, and he respects that. You settle for 4-5 times a week, right in the middle so his needs are taken care of. Sometimes, when you’re not in the mood for sex, you’ll give him a blowjob because you want him to feel good.
That’s your man, and you know how to take care of him.
Although he would like to have sex everyday, he doesn’t ever resort to masturbating unless he’s away. If you’re there, he wants it from you, or not at all. He’d rather wait for you than whip one out alone, without the feel of your body to compliment it.
Z : Zzzz. (How quickly he falls asleep after).
John and you both need a good round of cuddling, just holding each other after sex to doze off. A good cuddle session is part of sex for you; it’s part of the aftercare, part of the intimacy. Value is so important in a relationship, and holding each other, even if it’s just him holding onto your hand on his chest as you lie in comfortable silence, coming down from your highs; it all allows you both to feel valued, appreciated. You both share a little bit of pillow talk, and get cleaned up before you can actually fall asleep. John is a well organized, clean man. He helps you wipe down, change, shower, whatever you need to do before you both retire to bed, your skin freshly peppered with the scent of the eucalyptus shower gel you always buy. He can fall asleep pretty quickly after that, nice and relaxed, gratified and content with the love of his life tucked securely in his arms. He loves it when you hold him and use his chest as a pillow, takes him out like a light to know you’re safe there with him. The clothes you ripped off each other before sex are still scattered on the floor.
“John?” You quietly whisper, arms wrapped around his core, his biceps holding you close to his chest. He stirs slightly, half dozed off already.
“Hmm?” He murmurs, ever so slightly, eyes closed with his heartbeat steady against your ear.
Giggling, you softly plant a gentle kiss to his chest, allowing your head back to rest on him. “Goodnight, I love you.” You whisper into the quiet of the night, sure he’d already drifted to dreamland. He doesn’t reply, until a few seconds later, his deep voice drifting,
in and out of consciousness.
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴
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boltwrites · 4 years
So Good
Fandom: The Legend of Korra Pairing: Bolin / Reader (AFAB, gender neutral) Rating: E Tags: Bondage, Blindfolds, Praise, Coming Inside
🦇 anon asked:  maybe some good ol’ praise kink then? with some bondage 😈 idk dude, bolin just does tings 2 me 🥰 + i’m the bolin bondage request,, could bolin be the one tied up? i also very much enjoy top!reader >:)
anon asked:  Heyyyyyyyyy could you please write a fic about Bolin being tied up and blindfolded and getting waaaaaaaay too excited? I LOVE YOUR WRITING BY THE WAY IT IS AMAZING AND YOUR DOING SUCH A WONDERFUL JOB❤❤❤❤❤
A/N: i’m not 100% super happy with this, but i just. i LOVE writing a good sub!Bolin fic. he’s too cute.
By clicking read more you verify that you are at least 18 years old
“How does it feel?” you asked, sitting back on your heels.
Bolin was laid out under you, set on top of your soft sheets. His arms extended over his head, muscles pulled taunt, with his hands bound to the headboard. His cheeks were flushed, and you couldn’t help but notice the juxtaposition between his sweet curl, that you had always thought was so wholesome and cute, and his bound hands, twitching against the rope.
He tugged against the rope for you, testing its strength. You must have tied it well, because even as he flexed, pulling against the binds, they didn’t budge. You watched him with wide eyes – he looked so good like this, the muscles in his arms on display for you, the angle exposing his broad chest, and the blush that was starting to spread across it.
“Good,” he breathed, catching your gaze. His own was unreadable – a mix of nervousness combined with excitement and arousal. You could feel exactly how excited he was, as his dick pressed firm against your ass as you scrutinized your work.
“Ready for this?” You asked him, holding the scrap of fabric in your hand. Bolin’s breath caught, and he shivered a little at the sight of it, before he nodded, tilting his head forward for you, ever the gentleman.
You slipped the scrap of fabric over his eyes, the elastic secured behind his head. When he fell back against the pillow, you almost missed the sight of his pretty green eyes, but you knew that soon enough, Bolin would be so worked up that neither of you would mind at all.
To test your theory, you trailed your fingers, feather-light, down his body, starting at his cheek, dragging them down his neck and across his chest. You ghosted your touch over one of his nipples, before tweaking it lightly between your thumb and forefinger.
Bolin reacted instantly, keening loud and arching into your touch, far louder than normal, far more reactive.
“Oh, Bo,” you cooed, resting both of your hands on his firm chest, loving the feel of him under you. “You should see yourself. You’re so pretty like this.”
“It’s-“ he gasped, hands flexing against his restraints. “It feels-“
“Does it feel good?” you teased, leaning over to ghost your lips against his. His breath caught, chasing your lips with his own, but you denied him, just to see his head fall into the pillows as he groaned, arching against you.
“Yeah, when you actually touch me – Y/n, please-“ he whined, begging you. You were only just beginning to realize the power you held in this position. He would never know what you were planning on doing next – he was completely vulnerable under you, and you could see his true and genuine reactions when you touched him, could see just how much pleasure you could provide him with.
You shushed him, pressing a finger to his lips, running your thumb against his plump bottom lip, just to see him whine, pressing a kiss to your finger as he wiggled under you.
It was only then that you leaned over to kiss him, deep, and desperate, even though you were fully in control. It wasn’t for lack of control, it was because of the feeling of Bolin arching into you, how he moaned into your mouth, how his hips stuttered against yours, begging you to touch his oversensitive skin. Instead, you cradled his face, pressing your thumbs into his strong jaw, threading fingers through his soft, dark hair. Before you moved on any further, you wanted him to know how much you loved him, how much you needed him – what he did to you, even like this.
“So sweet,” you mumbled as you pulled away, tugging gently at his hair. Bolin keened under you, crying out at the touch. Spirits, you could spend the whole night just kissing him like this and never be tired of his reactions.
But you wanted to see more from him – hear him moan louder for you, lose himself completely.
You slid your fingers out of his hair, tracing them down his chest as you positioned yourself just right. He shivered at your touch, making soft noises as your fingers trailed down him. You smiled, admiring him as you rose up on your knees, your hand still traveling lower.
You wrapped your fingers delicately around his length, and Bolin moaned low, tossing his head to the side, his curls starting to muss as he moved.
“Oh Y/n please, it’s so much-“ you had barely touched him and he was already losing it. You knew he was sensitive, he always had been, but his reactions were absolutely gorgeous now. It sent a thrill through you as you lined him up to enter you.
“You want more, baby?” you asked him, holding still even though you desperately wanted to sink onto him.
“Spirits, yes, it’s so good,” he panted, rocking into your grip, shuddering so hard at the minimal contact.
“You know, I have half a mind just to keep you like this,” you admitted, your voice low and rough. “You have no idea how beautiful you are – what you do to me, Bo. You’re so pretty it hurts.”
He keened at the praise, and it trailed into a whimper as you squeezed him, just to admire the long line of his neck as he arched, to feel how thick he was in your hand.
But you knew you couldn’t stay like this for long – you needed him as much as he needed you. You sank onto him, gasping as you lowered yourself. He was always so much at this angle, you felt like you were going to burst from how full he made you feel.
But your noises were drowned out by his – Bolin shook the whole way down, tugging at his bonds as he struggled not to lose himself as soon as he was buried inside you. He moaned loud, almost pained, his thighs shaking as you bottomed out.
“Good?” you asked him, breathless. You rocked against him, just to feel how perfectly he pressed against you, how easy it was to find just the right angle like this.
“Oh,” Bolin’s voice cracked as he tried to find his voice, the muscles in his arms straining as he tugged against the rope, his blush reaching all the way down to his chest, his forehead curl plastered to his skin now, slick with sweat.
“I- won’t last-“ he admitted, punctuated by a low moan as you rocked your hips, grinding against him as he tried to answer. “Too good, fuck-“
“That’s alright, baby,” you assured him, your hips rocking faster as he keened for you. “You don’t have to. Want you to come so hard like this, want you to fill me up.”
“Spirits-“ Bolin cried as you started to bounce on him, spearing yourself on him and driving yourself wild with it.
“You’re so big, Bo,” you moaned for him, and he returned it with his own, his fingers curling as he tried to hold on. You could see his every muscle as he tried to hold back, tried to last longer, but he couldn’t. Everything was so much more without his sight, and he all but screamed, arching hard as he came, filling you as you gasped, your movements growing more and more frantic as you chased your own release, until finally you found it, between Bolin’s quiet moans as you fucked him through his aftershocks, the feeling of him hot inside of you.
You moaned his name, squeezing him tight, and he shook under you, the overstimulation almost too much for him.
You collapsed on top of him, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him close as his breathing steadied, your own coming harsh and ragged against his chest.
“That was-“ he groaned, his voice hoarse from the sweet noises he made. You hummed in agreement.
“Yeah,” you replied, kissing his jaw, a devious smile upon your lips. “Want more?”
@karichan-13 @fakelavish @offlineloveline @tenyacakebby @bombardia @burrshottfirstt @appa-gaangnam-style @shell-bells-ringding @sweetbabybolin
@williebyers  @callmecopper @unionjackrebel @dragonlover-xoxo
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Jennifer Check NSFW Headcanons
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Request: Jennifer check nsfw hcs? - By Anon
Warning: NSFW content
(Hello anon i hope you enjoy, if it sucks I'm sorry, I tried by best, have a wonderful day!)
Jennifer is one of those girls that are a sucker for slow romantic evenings with you, she loves the idea of a dinner, a movie, and then at the end, maybe some cuddling and some intimate time.
Now don't be fooled this girl loves to rough house with you and be rough but that's only if she hasn't eaten enough or something has pissed her off
She loves to be in control a lot of the time, like if you are smaller than her in the slightest she wants to be in control, but if you are bigger, then she will fight with you for dominance
One thing that is great but is a really big problem is she loves to hug all of you at school
Now when it comes to school, no one knows about your relationship except for the needy, the teachers never expect a thing but when they see you with flushed cheeks and an embarrassed face looking anywhere but at her and the teacher they tend to get curious
"L/n? Are you feeling all right you look quite flushed, do you need to call someone?" You shake your head frantically " I'm fine!" You squeak out "Alright as I was saying-" When you look over at her she is already looking right back at you, pencil in between her teeth sending you winks and suggestive looks while no one is looking
When the break comes and no one is paying any kind of attention to either of you, she'll grab your hand and pull you off to behind some building that nobody goes to she will waste no time to start leaving hickeys all over your neck, one's that people will most definitely notice
Now when yall are behind closed doors everything is a whole new ball game
She thinks she's smooth when she nonchalantly turns to you and makes a comment on how she would love a massage. This girl thinks she slik huh!
But let's be real you'd sadly have to decline and blame homework
See she's not one for homework, doesn't even do it, usually, she just worms her way out of it you know
Well that means that if you doing homework trying to really get an assignment done or something, she will move behind you and mess with you till she gets what she wants
That means messing with your hair, be it short or long doesn't matter she'll run her fingers through it and you'll give her satisfied hums and then back to work much to her dismay
Or something like wrapping her hands around your stomach area and rubbing her hands along your stomach maybe even going as far as your chest
But she may resort to tickling
But when she does get your attention it's small cause you have homework
Even if it's something small, like just a glance in her direction, a small peck on her cheek or a kiss or on her nose which she loves but that's not what she wants
Now when it comes down to it she is a very whiny person if you catch my drift, she only whines when either something doesn't go her way or she doesn't get what she wants
She loves doing it just cause she can cause she knows you'd do anything for little ol' her
But being for real she loves being able to be herself with you when yall are having sex cause it's like that one time she can be herself
She is a succubus or whatever and she doesn't have to hide that from you
Her urges can be quite scary at first, it's like shes is in heat or something even tho she is
She loves receiving oral, does not mind giving it by no means but prefers receiving it
But please don't make her wait for something for a long period, like if you tease her, actually tease her till she begs, and then do it
If you do make her wait prepare for her to flip your ass over and attack you
Not attack you, but as in your lips, your neck, your most sensitive area....yeah
Now as for the strap on, I’d have to say you brung it into the relationship and she suggested it’s kinda odd the way that happened
She loves teasing you with it and will use it to her advantage but it really depends on the mood and if she rather receive it than give it you know?
But she will pull out the strap on you if you decide to be a tease
She will go full dominant on you and you won't be able to remember your name by the time yall are done
(Alright anon, this probably was the suckiest NSFW thing you've ever read, I'm sorry lmao! I hoped you enjoyed, smh)
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candied-peach · 4 years
ao3: “i will not break” rating: T warnings: self deprecation, touch starvation, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus, platonic DRLAMP genre: hurt/comfort description: Roman’s touch starved. (for anon prompt:  "anyways, could i request some angst with all the other sides finding out roman touch starved and him getting a big ole hug? i know youve already done some fics with touch starved roman but as i roman stan i constantly crave more 😂")
Roman sits on the floor of his bedroom, surrounded by crumpled up balls of paper. His hands knot uselessly in his hair, tugging so hard bright divots of pain erupt all over his scalp, but he ignores it, trying desperately to force the tears threatening to fall in retreat.
Thomas is going to be so angry, he thinks dismally, curling tighter into a defensive ball. He hasn't come up with a good idea in nearly a week. He doesn't know why. Probably because he's a fraud. A bitter laugh escapes before he can stifle it. It sounds more like a sob.
The others have left him alone. He knows rationally that they're busy, too. That they probably think leaving him to his own devices is good, that he wants to be left alone to commune with his creative muse.
He wants nothing more than to be surrounded by them. Even his brother. He knows that this is going to start affecting Remus if he doesn't get his act together, and the thought terrifies him. He doesn't know if he can bear it if Remus knows that something is wrong. No one's supposed to know that Thomas's ego is so...well, bruised. Insufficient. Like a rotten apple core, mushy and disintegrating into the leafy detritus of a forest floor.
Think, he tells himself, finally uncurling enough to pull a notepad and fresh pencil toward himself. He prays for divine inspiration, for something to trickle in, no matter how infinitesimal. Nothing. The blank page glares up at him, mocking him with its pristine state. He drops the pencil on the carpet before he can succumb to the urge to stab his fingers on it. It won't help.
Worthless excuse of a prince, Roman berates himself, wrapping his arms around bent knees. He's touch starved as well. He knows that. He watches the others interact, brushing shoulders in the hallway, sidelong hugs in the kitchen. But he's too loud, too bombastic, too much, and oh, how he wishes he knew how to turn it off.
A knock on the door makes him freeze, looking around with hopeless eyes. His room is a mess and he knows he doesn't look much better. He locked himself into his room last night and if the clock on the wall is right, it's nearly dinner. He's missed breakfast and lunch.
"Roman?" Virgil calls through the door. His voice is raspy with worry, and Roman feels a shard of guilt lodge itself in his stomach. Virgil shouldn't have to worry about him. He's the one who's supposed to keep it all together. His throat tightens and he forces the tears back even harsher. "Roman, open the door," Virgil demands. Tempest Tongue shades his words and Roman winces. It's enough to shove him upward though, and he shambles toward the door on unsteady feet, finally unlocking it and pulling it open a crack. Virgil recoils before he collects himself and Roman tries to let the hurt roll off, like water down the back of the proverbial duck. It doesn't work.
"Ro, you look like shit," Virgil says bluntly. "Everyone's worried about you. You didn't come down for breakfast or lunch-"
"Merely pursuing the creative dream," Roman assures him breezily. "I lost track of time, I'm afraid."
"You look like you haven't slept in a week," Virgil points out. "And I promise you, you aren't hiding as much about your room as you think you are. You aren't that big, dude." Roman blanches as Virgil sighs.
"Please, Ro?"  He asks.
"I-" Roman swallows thickly. His vision blurs and he scrubs at his eyes roughly with one hand. "I'm sorry."
"What for?" Virgil asks in confusion. Behind him, Roman can see the others, all drawn by the sound of their confrontation. Even his brother leans against the wall, shooting him a concerned look.
"I'm a fraud," Roman whispers. "I- I haven't thought of any new ideas in a week. Thomas needs me and all I'm doing- all I ever do- is letting him down."
"You are not," Virgil says sharply. "Thomas will understand, Ro. Sometimes the creative juices just aren't flowing." He shrugs. "It happens."
"Yes, but not to me," Roman snaps, running a hand through already rumpled hair. "I'm sorry," he says, an abashed moment later. "I didn't mean it like that."
"I know," Virgil says steadily.
"Cognitive distortions," Logan says in a quiet voice. "Based on prior difficulties with each of us, you can predict that Thomas will not react poorly to the news that you are suffering from creative block, Roman. It happens to everyone sooner or later."
"Even me," Remus pipes up. Roman looks surprised at him.
"It's true," Deceit confirms. "You aren't the only one, Roman."
"I-" Roman's eyes fill with tears again.
"You can cry, Ro," Patton encourages. "It's okay to cry."
"I just-" Roman stops, taking a deep breath.
"Take your time," Logan says. "What do you need, Roman?" Roman looks up at all of them, standing crowded in the hallway, and laughs a little shakily.
"A hug?" He says in a tiny voice. "Is that- is that okay?"
Patton surges forward, flinging his arms around Roman's waist.
"Always," he says firmly. Roman melts into the hug, even as Logan's arms come stiffly around him, followed by multiple pairs of Deceit's arms, Virgil's awkward side hug, and Remus's octopus tentacles dripping green ooze down his white shirt. He can't make himself care as tears spill down his cheeks.
"How do you feel about movie night?" Patton asks, his voice muffled by Roman's shirt. "Blanket fort in the living room, and all the cuddles you could ever ask for." A tremulous smile creeps across Roman's face.
"I'd love that," he says.
tag list: @k9cat @paravigilant-virgil @croftergamer @airiervessel @bexxbeauty @ihateitwhenyourejustvague @ambersky0319 @yalltookmyurlideas @killjoy-3000 @matthindavick @littlestliu 
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The Name Written on My Heart
Sequel to Name on a Coffee Cup  requested by Anon. Happy Valentines/Galentines Day my darlings! 
Modern!Tommy and Ava continue their relationship outside the cafe.
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             After his first date with Ava, Tommy felt like his heart was slowly being restarted. After Grace passed, he assumed that the rest of his love would be given to Charlie. But even then, he felt like he was failing.
            Oftentimes his son would much rather go spend the day with his aunts or uncles or have playdates with friends. Polly assured him that it was natural for the young boy to want to be independent as he got older. But still, Tommy felt like he was always the second pick for Charlie and he was afraid it was because he just wasn’t enough for the boy. 
            When Ava began to spend time at Tommy’s flat, Charlie gravitated toward her like a magnet. Not that Tommy could blame him. She was much better at interacting with him. She wasn’t afraid to get down to his level to play and go along with his wild imagination. Still, Tommy was a bit dismayed he wasn’t the kind of father Charlie needed.
            Until he subconsciously took cues from Ava to relax a bit. He wasn’t as strict and felt like his relationship with Charlie was getting better and more natural.
            On the other hand, Tommy was easing back into a serious relationship. There were a few roadblocks along the way. Around Halloween one year, Ava came over to carve pumpkins and bake some sugar cookies in the shape of bats and ghosts. Charlie had a ball and demanded that Monster Mash be played over and over again as he darted around the living room on a sugar high. When he finally crashed, Tommy carried him to bed before helping Ava clean up the mess in the kitchen.
            “It’s late.” She noted.
            “Yeah, I’ll drive you home. Don’t want you taking the tube this late.”
            “Oh.” Ava glanced by the door where she’d left her bag. The bag that she had packed a change of clothes and her toothbrush in. Her face went red as she realized how stupid it was that she thought it would be the first night she might sleepover.  
            Tommy read her expression and paused. They’d been dating for quite some time. Almost two years at that point. He was even beginning to think that maybe they would spend the rest of their lives together. He could certainly see it happening, even if it was a bit soon to know for sure. And yet, there was always that hesitation that he felt. The protectiveness he had for Charlie. The thought that Tommy didn’t deserve love. The fear that he would lose someone else that he cared so deeply about.
            “I understand, it’s alright,” Ava said as if she could read his mind.
            Tommy didn’t move for a moment. Half of him wanted her to stay, half of him wanted to just drive her home so he could be by himself. Something he thought he deserved. She was far too kind and forgiving for him. Far too sensible. Far too sweet. Far too understanding.
            “Stay.” The word came out before Tommy could realize what he’d said. “I want you to stay. You belong here…you’re perfect with Charlie and you get him better than I do. I know I don’t deserve you but I would do anything to have you here, even if it’s just for a night.”
            Ava hugged him close and kissed his cheek. “I think you’re selling yourself too short.” She murmured. “Charlie adores you and so do I.”
            Tommy took a deep breath and held her for a moment before she slipped away.
            “C’mon, let’s take care of this mess so we can go to bed.” She smiled at him.
            It was what Tommy loved about her so much. She made having emotions so much easier. There was no big spectacle of it, she never called him out for feeling upset or depressed. She always knew exactly what to say.
            The next year, once Ava’s lease was up, she moved into Tommy’s flat. Charlie was overjoyed that he had there every day. And she meshed perfectly with their schedules. On the days that she was opening the café, she woke up early, around the same time Tommy did. They went about their morning routines and welcomed in Charlie’s nanny who would wake up the boy for school. When Ava worked later shifts, she took care of getting Charlie to school on time. It worked exceptionally well.
            Almost to a point where Tommy expected things to go wrong. Everything was going too well and he became very suspicious. About a year after Ava moved in, Tommy self-sabotaged.
            One night, Ava had gone out with friends from uni that she hadn’t seen in a while. Tommy was up late working at the flat when she came home. Although a little tipsy, she was coherent as she kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around him from behind.
            “I take it you had fun then.” Tommy chuckled.
            “It really was. Of course, we didn’t close the pub like we did back in those days. My ex-boyfriend wanted to stay but we were all so tired.” She laughed softly.
            It set off a trigger inside Tommy. “Didn’t know your ex would be there.”
            “Our whole friend group was. We’ve been planning a little reunion like this for a while.” Ava didn’t immediately pick up on his icy tone.
            Tommy set down his pen and leaned back in his desk chair with his arms crossed over his chest. “Just something I thought you’d tell me.”
            “I didn’t think it would matter.” She frowned and withdrew her arms. “It doesn’t bother you, does it?”
            He didn’t answer, looking ahead at his laptop on a home screen.
            “Tommy, honestly.” Ava tried again to make him talk with no avail. “We dated years ago. I’ve been dating you longer than I’ve ever dated anyone else. You really think I’d throw that all away?”
            Tommy simply shrugged.
            She scoffed at his attempt to be blasé to the issue when she knew he was stewing inside. “You’re impossible.” With a huff, she stormed out of the room and went to the bedroom, locking the door behind her.
            The next day was even worse. After spending the night on the couch, Tommy felt like an ass for what he’d done. Although it wasn’t an argument like they’d had before, it still cut deep. He had basically spelled out that he didn’t trust her. It wasn’t entirely true. Tommy trusted Ava because it was unlike her to be unfaithful. But he didn’t trust the world. He’d seen what could happen to good people. In his eyes, Ava had a target on her back because of her tendency to be so warm-hearted and vulnerable.
            That morning, Ava had left before Tommy could even get a word of apology in. She didn’t answer his texts throughout the day and it drove him insane. He had to settle for the breakroom coffee because he couldn’t gather up the courage to go down to the café and face Ava.
            The rest of the office picked up on the fact that he was in a sour mood. All but Arthur, who walked in whistling to himself.
            “So, what’ve you got planned for Valentine’s Day?” The eldest Shelby asked.
            Tommy looked up from his paperwork, then to the calendar on his desk. Indeed, Valentine’s Day was that weekend. He’d ordered a custom bracelet for Ava and had it hidden in his desk drawer. But other than that, he’d completely forgotten. “I’m not sure.” He mumbled. “I upset her last night.”
            Arthur sighed. “Tom, we’ve talked about this. You don’t think you deserve happiness so you ruin your own life. You can make it up to her. Just put on the ‘ol charm, aye?”
            Ava was giving Tommy the silent treatment for most of the week. He felt it was deserved and just prayed Arthur was right and that he could redeem himself.
            Come Sunday, Ava came home from work. She still felt hurt, especially since Tommy appeared to have forgotten it was even Valentine’s Day. But then Charlie rushed to the door.
            “Ava, Ava!” He was bouncing up and down. “C’mon!” He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen.
            Tommy was chopping up vegetables. He glanced up and smiled sheepishly.
            Ava looked a bit confused. “What’s all this?” There was an array of items all laid out on the counter. Balls of dough were resting on cutting boards next to little bowls of toppings.
            “I asked Charlie what we could do special for Valentine’s Day.”
            “And I wanted pizza!” The little boy piped up. “Look, he climbed up onto a stool and patted the dough.
            A small smile formed on Ava’s face. “Well, that looks fun.” She said and walked over.
            “Here, Charlie,” Tommy handed his son the rolling pin. “Try to flatten it, but not too thin.” Then he turned to Ava.
            “So, you were scheming today, huh?” She asked.
            “Av, I’m sorry.” He took her hands in his. “Whenever I have a good thing, I never think I deserve it. And you’re one of the best things I’ve ever had.”
            “I don’t want you pushing me away.” She replied quietly. “If you have an issue, tell me. I’m here to be your confidant.”
            Tommy nodded and took a deep breath. He kissed her softly.
            “Daddy, s’a square pizza!” Charlie exclaimed.
            The two pulled away and chuckled. Indeed, the little boy had rolled the dough out into a square.
            “I guess it’ll taste the same.” Ava smiled and went over to help him.
            Tommy lingered to the side a bit, watching her with Charlie. The two laughed as they made a mess with the sauce and cheese.
            This was a good thing. He would hold onto the good and keep it close to his heart. Everyone deserved love. Tommy was just thankful that he had Ava and Charlie.
            “Daddy, look,” Charlie called.
            Tommy chuckled when he saw a smiley face made of pepperoni on the pizza. “Why don’t you make it a heart? It’s Valentine’s Day.”
            His son made a face. “That’s yucky.”
            “Oh, Charles, you won’t be my Valentine?” Ava pouted.
            “No, gross. Girls are gross.”
            “Are they, then?” Tommy raised an eyebrow then went to give Ava a big dramatic kiss.
            “EW!” Charlie pulled his shirt over his head to hide his face.
            They laughed. “Alright, alright. I guess your dad will be my Valentine. And maybe we can add a nose to the smiley face.” Ava put another piece of pepperoni on the pizza. “Go on and add some peppers and onions. I’ve got to get your Valentine gifts.” She washed her hands and went down the hall.
            Tommy took the cue and grabbed Ava’s necklace from his briefcase.
            Ava returned with two wrapped gifts. “Charlie, love, this is from dad and me.” She gave him a box which he happily tore into to find an art supply kit.
            “Wow, cool! Thanks!” He beamed.
            Ava and Tommy exchanged gifts as well. He opened his to find a photograph of his newest racehorse with his name, Kingsman, carved into the silver frame.
            “To add to your collection.” She smiled knowing that Tommy kept a photo of all of his winning horses in his office.
            “I love it.” He remarked at the stunning picture of the pure black stallion.
            Ava didn’t answer. She had opened the jewelry box to find the silver necklace with a teardrop diamond pendant. She had never owned anything so beautiful before. “Tom…” Her eyes welled up with tears.
            “D’you like it?” He asked hesitantly.
            “Of course.” Her voice shook. “It’s gorgeous, thank you.” She touched his cheek and kissed him deeply.
            “Daddy, I don’t like mushrooms, I’m not putting mushrooms on the pizza.” Charlie interrupted them.
            “Alright, it was worth a shot.” Tommy sighed and went back over to the counter.
            “That looks very nice, Charlie.” Ava praised. “Why don’t we let dad put it in the oven and we can check out your new art supplies.”
            “Okay!” Charlie hopped down from the stool and carried the box to the kitchen table.
            Ava kissed Tommy’s cheek. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” She said softly.
//It felt so funny writing the tube. Like I feel like it’s some sort of slang that Americans think British people use but they don’t? In my city we call the subway the T. That’s also stupid but our subway lines are bastards who don’t deserve full names or loving nicknames. Fuck you T. 
Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @biba3434 @kimmietea @karmezii @enrapturedbythemoon @vampgirl1997 @tarafaithe @evelynshelby
PB Masterlist
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Here it is, anon! I put some twists and I hope you like it :D
Edit: (Sept 29, 2020: Fixed some errors! ^^;)
Scout happily strolls around the hallways of Teufort, awkwardly greeting everyone he bumps into. He’s thinking again of how to confess to his crush, your room’s close by. He stops by your door and knocked on it, no answer.
He knocks again, maintaining that dorky smile of his. You finally opened the door and surprise to find him there.
“Hey, Y/N” he greeted ever so awkwardly, “How is it going?”
You sighed but caught yourself smiling, “Hi, Scout. Anything you need?”
Scout usually knocks on your door when he’s up to something and spends time with you with ol’ boring stuff such as practice shooting or jogging with him every damn morning. It could be pretty tiresome but, hey, at least you are hanging out with your crush.
“Earth ta Y/N!” Scout called you out playfully and you punched him by his shoulder lightly. He chuckles and you grinned.
“So, uh” He started again, his forefingers pressing together, fidgeting, “Do you, uh, wanna go out and-”
“SCOUT!” Heavy’s boomed from the hallway, the Russian is clearly angry at his teammate, “Are you the one who touched Sasha?!”
“Eep!” Scout squeaked and you stifle laughter as he runs for his life, “Catcha later, toots!”
You closed the door and let commotion happen, you hesitated for a moment and open the door to peep a little.
You watched as Scout runs to the open area of Teufort, running around to not get caught by Heavy. Even down there you can clearly hear Scout’s insults to Heavy and the other mercs trying to stop Heavy from hurting Scout. 
Wait, Heavy hurting Scout?
Your body moved on its own, and you rushed downstairs. You made it in time when you saw Heavy got Scout in the corner and the poor little guy is trying his best not to get caught.
“Ey, big guy!” You called Heavy, “I was the one who accidentally touched Sasha while in the workshop!”
The other mercs glanced at you out of surprise. You have to admit, you are lying for the sake of Scout just to save his scrawny ass. “I was sweeping and I didn’t mean to bump into it!”
Heavy’s glare is less intimidating now, trying to process the information. “Huh.”
He glares back at Scout and said, “I’m surprised you’re not the one who touched Sasha. Heavy will crush you if you do it again.”
Heavy turns away from Scout and approached you. You got intimidated but you stood your ground and your eyes met with the big guy.
“You are honest,” He compliments and crosses his arms, frowning, “Next time, tiny Y/N should be careful.”
“I’ll be careful, Heavy,” You repeated, “I promise not bumping into Sasha again”
“Good,” Heavy sternly grumbled, returning back to his own workshop. Scout slowly approaches you and made sure Heavy is gone to his workshop.
“Well, that’s a close call, Y/N” Scout puts a hand on his hip and you gave an unimpressed look.
“Please don’t be such an asshole,” You said, “I’m gonna take a nap, geez”
“Uh, catch you later?” Scout awkwardly says as you head upstairs, tired from what happened. Your heart is still racing but at least Scout is now safe.
Why the hell are you thinking like anyway? You’ve only been here for two months as their co-worker!
You entered your room, instinctively locked the door, and let your body hit your mattress. You fell asleep instantly, trying to push any thoughts related to Scout.
In the next few days, Scout’s attempts of asking you out become more frustrating to him.
On his second attempt asking you out, he was interrupted by a Heavy-Medic combo and you two ran away as far as possible and took cover as the bullets peppered the wall. You two were safe and saved by Sniper from afar.
On his third attempt, it’s during the ceasefire. Scout keeps messing his words up and spent your time with him in the shooting range yet again. This time, you gained most points than him and he’s very proud while, deep inside, he’s very frustrated for not properly mustering enough courage to ask you out.
And, finally, his fourth attempt of asking you out is interrupted by Spy who went pass by and overheard Scout’s attempt to ask you out. Spy tried to help Scout again to make him confess to you but he, himself, is frustrated by Scout’s disastrous attempts. You stared at Spy dragging a pouting Scout from your door and muttering French underneath his breath.
Around 10 pm, you stretch from your desk and closed the book you’re reading. 
“Need to get some fresh air,” You said to yourself and stood up to head outside.
Once you stepped outside your door, you heard Scout is talking all by himself. You are very careful when you decide to approach him and close enough to hear him.
“...this is frustrating!” He yelled at himself, “I wish this was easy! But no! All you have ta do to tell her that you like her and ask her out! It’s quite simple!”
He paused and heaved a sigh, “...What if Y/N doesn’t like me though? I haven’t thought of that. All of those attempts would be useless!”
Now, it’s time, you said to yourself, I need to tell him I have the same feelings.
“Scout?” You called him, he jumped and squeaked in response. He stood up almost carelessly and faced you.
“Uhh, how long have you been standing there?” He laughs nervously.
“Long enough to hear everything,” You admitted and smile warmly at him, “Scout… I… feel the same way”
Scout is taken by surprise, his eyes wide as saucers and jaw slightly slacked before finally tackling you into a hug, his arms wrapped around your upper torso.
“I’m so glad, toots!” He says with enthusiasm and pulls away, “So, would go out with me?”
You can’t help but smile widely, “Of course!”
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Hi! I wondering if you could do Finral x Pregnant reader? Reader is a Black Bull, and like, they’re eating dinner with the rest of the squad and then reader goes in labor. And poor Finral is freaking the heck out 😂. (So is Asta, but when is he ever calm). And in the end the reader gives birth and Finrals all emotional and everyone’s emotional, and I’m emotional. Anyways, and just some good ol fluff. I love your work so much! Thank you ❤️
Hello Anon! This is a super cute idea, thank you for requesting! And thank you so much I’m so happy you enjoy my work! Please enjoy!!
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“Can someone pass the booze over“ Vanessa said almost falling off her chair. Someone and no one knows who, threw the bottle of wine at her, missing and hitting the wall
“Heeyy, that was perfectly good booze” she slurred 
It was dinner time and the Black Bulls’ hideout was as chaotic as ever. Vanessa was drunk, Charmy was stuffing her face, Asta was choking on food, and Gordon was whispering as always. Magna was trying to hit Luck with a fire ball (as per usual), and the Captain of course read his paper. Meanwhile you were eating peacefully, enjoying the food Charmy made for you.
“Charmy! We need another round over here“ called out your boyfriend beside you. Why did he ask for another round? Well, now you were eating for two, yes, you were pregnant with your first child.
“No, I don’t Charmy, you enjoy it“ you protested, finishing the last of it off your plate. “I’m eating for two, that doesn’t mean I need double food. I’m going to gain way too much weight“
“But the baby! I just want you both to be healthy and okay.“ you knew he meant well but sometimes it was a little much. He had moved your stuff into a bigger room in the castle because of all the stuff you bought. He bought enough shoes, clothes, toys, blankets and bottle to last until you had another baby.
You kiss his cheek “I know but we’re fine really” just to interrupt the lovely moment a fire ball hit the wall behind you guys.
“MAGNA YOU COULD HAVE HIT HER HEAD!“ tears were practically flooding from his eyes
Nope. You wouldn’t trade this for the world.
“So, what do you guys want it to be“ asked Noelle, you rub your swollen belly
“Well I’m honestly happy with whatever they will be but Finral wants a girl“ 
“I’m telling you it’s father intuition, that’s my little girl in there“ he said whit a smile resting his head on your belly.
“Whatever it’s going to be it won’t be a match for my goddess Marie“ Goche said holding up his picture as blood dripped down his nose. Finral pouted and mumbled
“My baby’s going to be 10x cuter than her hmp“ you giggle at his stubbornness, but he will be a great father. Suddenly a rather strong kick hit Finral’s head and made you gasp a little.
“Whoa you okay? That was a pretty strong kick?“ it couldn’t be labor, you weren’t due until next week
“Y-yeah, it was just stron-*gasp* “ you felt a warm liquid flow down your legs and dripping on the floor. A wet stain appearing on your dress, everyone stopped with wide eyes
“Y/N...did you just pee yourself?“ Asta asked which got him a hit to the head by Noelle
“You idiot! The baby’s coming!“ you start to pant as you felt a faint cramp in your back 
“O-oh no what do we do! What do I do?? I-I-I-I CAPTAIN! WHA DO I DO??“ he asked frantically. He was the one freaking out and you were the who would give birth.
“The hell am I supposed to know, I’m not a doctor” he said way too calmly for the situation at hand.
“THAT DOES NOT HELP ME AT ALL!” Finral starts to hyperventilate and you took matters into your own hands. You cup his face and make him look at you
“Finral listen to me, that was only the first contraction. Keep a leveled head and think. Where are all the pregnancy books you have?” another pain came through your body making you hold on to his shoulders as he held you up. Charmy made a cotton cloud for you to rest on as the contraction passed through you.  
“OKay, Okay, you’re right. Asta, I know you have a lot of energy I need you to take Y/N to our bedroom as fast as possible. Noelle I’m going to need your assistance and Charmy could you have a small meal ready for her after?“
They all nodded and got to work. Of course Asta got there before Finral could blink, while screaming down the hallway. Charmy got her sheep to make the tastiest, warmest, most energy/mana restoring meal ever! 
Luckily, Finral had bought a bunch of books for when you were expecting, and yes even the labor and birth one. They kept you on the cloud just so the messy is easier later. You were absolutely ready to finally meet your baby, but you forgot about the loong process of labor and waiting to dilate.
After much messaging, screaming and many tears it was time for you to push.
“Come on babe you got this! Big push” be was coaching you from your feet as he would be the one to deliver his child into the world
“Aaaahhhhh!” The pain was so agonizing you felt like you were being ripped apart.
“That’s good! I think they’ll be here in another push!” You bared down whatever strength you had left and fell back with heavy breathing. A high pitch cry fills the room as Finral asks Noelle for hot water. He cut the cord and gave her to noelle to clean
“I-it’s a girl.....Y/N we have a girl...” he couldn’t contain himself from the tears that cascade down his face. Meanwhile Noelle helped to wash off the baby. Once she was wrapped up she was handed over to you. And Cue your waterworks!
“Hey babygirl” she was the most precious thing you’ve ever seen. Charmy came in and set you food on the table. Finral thanked everyone but asked for a bit of alone time for now. They all congratulated you both and made their way out.
He sat with you in bed looking down at the newest member of the Black Bulls. He hugged you both close, laying kisses to both of you
“I told you it would be a girl” you just smiled as you Lena against him. She finally opened her eyes, fresh to her new world. She looked like you but had Finral’s eyes.
“So what should we name her?” You asked
.....that may have been sltmhing he fogot...
Well I hope you enjoyed this anon and thank you for reading❤️
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gamergirl929 · 5 years
So Gay: Chapter 4 (Tobin Heath x Reader)
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A/N: So here we are, Chapter 4 of our MMA fighter story. This time, Y/N, AKA the reader is back on the sidelines for another match, be ready for some major fluff. 
Someone asked if I was still posting this story today (shout out to you anon!) It just makes me so happy as a writer to hear from you guys.
The next USWNT match you’re at, you’re sporting a massive shiner and a busted lip courtesy of your last opponent in the Octagon, though with the help of your now black and blue fists you’d earned a knockout punch in the third round.  
The USWNT players make their way out of the tunnel, hand in hand with a child as they all line up.  
“Damn dude.” Ashlyn Harris comments as she makes her way towards the sidelines.  
“What? Is there something on my face?” You grin and the woman snorts.  
“Just a little…” She points around your face and you shake your head as Ali walks towards her and smacks her in the chest.  
“Stop insulting Y/N, besides her opponent looks worse.” She quips.
You shake your head and turn to the players who are lined up on the field, waiting as each anthem plays before the players move towards the sidelines.  
“Fuck.” Tobin mutters under her breath when she sees you and you grin.  
“I’m not as pretty as I was before?” You wink and Tobin rolls her eyes, giving you a quick hug before she rushes towards the group huddle.
The huddle breaks and the players take the field, Tobin grinning your way before taking her place on the field.  
You’re suddenly grabbed by the arm and pulled towards the bench by none other than Christen Press who grins the entire way as she leads you to the bench and pats the spot beside her.  
“Come on, you’re basically one of us, so sit down.” She grins and the players around her; Ashlyn, Ali, Allie, Carli, Casey and Mallory all welcome you with open arms and massive grins.  
You smile softly as you slowly take a seat beside the group, leaning forward to watch the game, ready to watch Tobin impress as she always does.  
Halftime again rolls around and unfortunately USWNT are down by 2 against England when they head into the locker room.  
Much to your surprise, you’re dragged behind them by none other than Jill Ellis.  
“Tobin’s having a bit of a hard time, think you could cheer her up a bit?” She asks with a smile and you chuckle.  
“Am I allowed back here?” You ask, head cocked to the side as the two of you head towards the locker room.  
“You are if I say so.” She smiles as she holds the door open and you step inside, the team chattering away as you make your way into the locker room.  
The team turns towards you, all of them smiling as you make your way towards the crestfallen forward.
The second Tobin sees you she’s on her feet.  
“Hey.” You give her a small smile and open your arms, enveloping the woman in a hug.  
“Hey.” She whispers as she hides her face in your neck.  
“You okay?” You whisper and she mumbles.  
“Hmmm?” You hum and Tobin sighs.  
“I can’t seem to find my rhythm.” She mumbles and you smile, your hand running down her back.  
“You’re Tobin fucking Heath.” You say, grinning when the woman chuckles into your neck. “You’ll find it, we all have issues when it comes to the beginning of a match, but by the end of this game, I guarantee you you’ll have no less than 2 goals.” You beam and Tobin pulls back with a snort.  
“That may be a tall order.” She arches a brow and you shrug.  
“I know you can do it.” You whisper as you lean forwards, kissing her forehead.  
Tobin sighs as she buries her face in your chest.  
“Ready Tobin?” Christen calls out, your eyes darting to where the team is gathered to discuss tactics for the second half of the game.  
“I’m listening.” She says against your chest and you shake your head with a smile.  
“Come on Tobin, I’ll let your girlfriend stay, but you have to pay attention.” Jill smiles, sending a wink your way as you push Tobin down onto a nearby bench, turning her around to face her teammates, not even bothering to correct her coach considering the two of you weren’t dating.
You zone out when the women begin to discuss tactics, your fingers running down Tobin’s back, tracing the 17 on the back of her jersey.  
Tobin lets out a sigh as you gently dig your thumbs into her back, easing the tension in her aching muscles.  
You then gently remove the hair tie from her hair and run your fingers though her damp, sweaty locks, fingers digging into her scalp and the woman melts, leaning back into you further.  
By the time tactic talks are done, Tobin is basically purring under your touch and Kelley glances at the two of you, smirking.  
“Did you break Tobin?” She asks and you hum as the woman closes her eyes.  
“I think she did.” Alex comments as she waves a hand in front of Tobin’s face, getting no response from the woman, though when you cease your ministrations, she snaps out of her trance.  
“Why’d you stop?” She grumbles and you grin as you wrap your arms around her from behind.
Christen turns towards the both of you with a grin, covering her mouth to muffle her giggles.  
“You’ve got to get ready to go back onto the field.” You whisper in her ear and Tobin sighs, leaning back into you.  
“You can do this.” You whisper in her ear and Tobin smiles, that beaming grin you love.  
“I believe in you Tobe.” You whisper and she slowly twists in your hold until the two of you are facing one another.  
You’re surprised when she leans forwards, gently pressing her lips against your own, the first kiss you’d shared since your kiss on the balcony weeks ago.  
A wolf whistle has you glancing out of the corner of your eye, spotting Emily Sonnett and Lindsey Horan grinning your way.  
Tobin leans her forehead against your own and you grin, your tongue trapped between your teeth.  
“Time to head out. You two stop being couples’ goals.” Kelley shouts, but the two of you don’t separate, both grinning at one another.  
“Now go out there, and kick ass in good ole, Tobin Heath fashion.”  
By the 90th minute, Tobin Heath had scored 2 goals, Alex Morgan 1, and Megan Rapinoe 1.  
The whistles blows and the first person Tobin Heath runs to is you, leaping into your arms and wrapping her legs around your middle.  
“I knew you could do it.” You beam up at the woman who returns the grin, tenfold.  
Surprising the two of you, Tobin surges forwards, her lips meeting yours in a hard kiss, one that has the fans immediately screaming and the camera crews now focused on you.
Tobin cups your cheek with one hand as she pulls back only to lean back in for another kiss.  
The two of you separate, realizing the team is excitedly cheering around you, and the fans and media are in a frenzy.  
Tobin brushes her nose playfully against your own and you beam, face nearly splitting in half.  
“That’s one way to show the world how you feel.” You blush and Tobin’s grin only widens.  
“Do you uhhhh, want to uhhhh be my girlfriend?” You ask nervously and Tobin surges forwards kissing you again and again until the two of you eventually part, both breathing heavily from a lack of oxygen.  
“There’s nothing I would want more.” Her smile impossibly widens.  
“Yep, big softy.” You hear Ashlyn Harris say beside you and you and Tobin both blush a bright crimson.  
“Told you.” Kelley O’Hara adds and Tobin rolls her eyes.  
“Shut up.” Tobin mutters as you grin and again, you surge forwards, your lips meeting Tobin’s in a feather light kiss.  
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