#anon i am kissing you on the lips.
effemar · 10 months
do you have any asoiaf or jaimebrienne fics you'd reccomend?
You're trying to make my day I see!!! You bet I do!!!
All the fics I'm recommending here are under either the 'ASOIAF' or 'ASOIAF and related fandoms' fandom tag, because I usually dodge show fic (with a few very special exceptions). I do, in fact, read a lot of jaimebrienne, but I have a few here that I really like that are focused on other things. I usually avoid modern AU, though I read it sometimes if the premise intrigues me.
From This Day Until the End of My Days -- JB fic of all time. Funny story: before I ever read or got into ASOIAF, I used to follow swordmaid (I think this is still their url?) here on tumblr because I liked their art, so I saw a lot of JB posting before I was even familiar with the characters. There's a specific line from this fic that they posted because it was so insanity inducing, and I was so shaken by it that I copy pasted it and kept it in my notes app to look at it when I wanted to drive myself crazy. I didn't even read the fic it was from because I knew nothing about the characters, but even then it had such an effect on me that I kept it on my phone at all times. I'm not going to tell you what the line is, because believe me, you will know it when you see it. Anyway. This should be required reading for everyone who enjoys JB even a little. "What does this fic feel like?" uhhhhh not everything feels like something else hope this helps <3
Deliverance -- Heed warnings on this. Melisandre my forever girl... I love when women are trapped in their bodies. I love when women give and give and give and it's not enough. I love when women are damned, condemned by their own minds, their own hearts. I love when women lie and kill and destroy themselves in the pursuit of something and never, ever get it. I love when women are scared. I love when women are scared and then angry and then scared again. I love when women bleed poison. I love when women no longer feel pain. I love when women kill other women. I love when women are red, and terrible, and red. I love when women are eaten alive by god. Melisandre needs to leave Stannis and get with a real man like me I'D burn as many children as she wanted...
The Rancher and the Mail Order Bride -- Modern AUs are over from now on we're putting ASOIAF characters in 1800's fantasy Australia. Jaime and Brienne should NOT have twitter accounts but you know what they should have? Cowboy hats. Jaime's here because he killed a king and then got caught fucking his sister in short order, and promptly got sent to fantasy Australia as a convict. Brienne's here because she responded to an ad seeking a wife and traveled to fantasy Australia in hopes of gaining a home and a living, but the guy didn't want to marry her and now she's stuck here. It's like Little House on the Prairie if Little House on the Prairie was about the importance of accepting help from others and becoming a participant in your own life. Also includes Classic Jaime One-Liner Moment 'didn't you commit incest with your own sister?' / 'okay well obviously it wouldn't be incest if it was someone ELSE'S sister' which I did think was funny I won't lie to you.
be yourself my ally -- I believe in the power of yuri to change the world and I think Sansa and Dany should be in love and play in the snow and hold hands and giggle together and I'm glad the person who wrote this understands my vision. They are so #feminism. I like this fic for a lot of reasons number one being that it's ASOIAF fic and not GOT fic (hard to find in the Daensa tag) and number two is that it gets the appeal of Daensa on a fundamental level... it's about the broken trust, the longing for home, the reclamation of girlhood.... it UNDERSTANDS.... Anyway. I love Sansa's characterization here and I think it's cute that her internal narration spends time lovingly describing all of Dany's outfits. There's a fun unintentional(?) Rhaenicent reference that I thought was sweet and weirdly fitting in context. It's not very clear on the actual events that transpire that make it so the setting can exist, but I like what they do clarify: Sansa killed Petyr confirmed!!!! WHOOPEE!!!!
witness to the arc towards the sun -- If I remember correctly this is technically 5+1 fic so it has separate little interactions. Some explicit some not? I think? Fav is the one where Jaime and Brienne are hanging out in the Eyrie and Jaime tells her about he and Cersei going down to see the lions under Casterly Rock. Scene for insane people. Should lions long for such things... when I tell you it lives in my head rent free... Both of the moments that affected me the most in this fic are Jaime childhood memories actually -- there's another bit later where he remembers going swimming with Cersei and Tyrion that makes me want to set myself on fire. Second fav interaction is probably the one where Brienne defends Jaime's character and he breaks out in sincerity hives. God i know that guy ugly sobs listening to ASMR affirmation videos... you tell Jaime Lannister he's a good person and he starts stress vomiting. Brienne also gets to have a matching honorable death crisis which I enjoyed. They have both a picnic and also an incident of traumatic wound care so it basically runs the full gamut 10/10 highly recommend.
Like Snufkin and Little My (we'll get around wherever) -- This one might be hit or miss -- its a bit niche but I love it so w/e it's going on here. I think part of why I like it so much is because there's a tendency to make modern AU characters have an almost crushing awareness of sociopolitical minutiae when I know in my heart that Ned Stark thinks gay people should keep it to themselves, Sansa posts awareness infographics on her instagram story without reading them, and Robb thought lesbian was a swear word until 15. This fic understands that. This fic knows that Arya deserves to be a nonbinary anarchist who sends people anon hate on tumblr, and Sansa deserves to follow influencer makeup tutorials and put "LGBTQIA+ ally :)" in her bio despite being a lesbian. And they deserve to be siblings who love each other and also kick each other in the shins. I believe this to the bottom of my soul.
And off they went, from here to there -- I don't have anything for this one I genuinely just love seeing people happy. I think Jaime and Brienne deserve to dance and be obnoxious and also not die.
Okay that's it. I have more that I like but they're embarrassing to recommend so I'll stop there. I also left off some HOTD fic I like, bc I was unsure whether you meant pure ASOIAF or if you'd allow derivatives, but know that there is a vast and beautiful wealth of Rhaenicant content in the world that you should read. Peace and love, may your ao3 scrolling be free of obscure kink fic ✌️
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suusoh · 3 months
would be funny, if Nina had a gf, and due to Johan's tendency to see him and nina as the same, he'd drop by casually, disguised or not, while nina is away. What's wrong? Nina is him and he's Nina! There's no complications with kissing him! You're basically kissing his sister! (Eaten ask)
your brain anon...........like EXACTLY. exactly. God this is sooo hot and weird which is johan's brand. He is karl marxing the fuck out of his sister's girlfriend. What do you mean "meet my girlfriend"? You mean meet OUR girlfriend. right? (tw: nonconsensual kissing, yandere)
Could you imagine bidding your girlfriend, Nina, goodbye after she spent the whole evening at your place? You whine and beg her to stay longer, clinging onto her, but she rolls her eyes playfully and insists she has to go.
She gives you a loving parting kiss on your lips, then plants even more– on your nose, cheeks, and finally your forehead– before she reluctantly pulls away. Any more, she jests, and she won’t be able to leave.
"You know I hate leaving you like this," she laughs softly. "But don't worry, I'll make up for today once my exams are over. Okay?"
She gives you one last final kiss before finally leaving, waving at you as she walks down the street.
You sigh and close the door, already missing her.
You really love Nina, but sometimes it feels like she doesn’t have much time for you. You understand she has her exams, a part-time job, and aikido training, which doesn’t really leave much left for you. Still, you can’t help but feel a bit greedy, wishing she’d at least dedicate a part of her to you. You're her girlfriend, after all.
You sigh one last time. No use.
She’s already spread too thin, and you know if you tell her your concern, she’ll worry and try to double her efforts to make time for you. No way in hell are you going to give her any more stress in her life. Although today was just half a day together, you're grateful. Even if it left you unbelievably craving, aching for more…
You hear a soft knock on your door. Is it Nina? Did she forget something? Oh, your prayers have been answered. You just wanted one more second with her. You open the door immediately, an excited smile on your face.
"What did you forget this ti-"
"Missing me already?"
You freeze, standing dumbfounded. In front of you is not, in fact, your girlfriend, but a tall, blonde man smiling softly at you.
"I'm… I'm sorry. I don't— Do I know you?" you ask, trying to stay cool. He must have the wrong house to ask something like that so proudly. You’ve never met him before.
His smile doesn’t falter at your question. He continues looking at you, his eye contact unwavering.
"You do." he answers, calmly leaving no explanation, still smiling softly.
You’re getting nervous. He keeps staring and smiling at you. You try to get a good look at him. Is he a mutual friend? An old classmate? A person you pissed off once? You’re at a blank. Though… the more you look at him, the more you notice how similar he looks to… to your… what the hell.
Why does he... look... a bit like Nina?
No. You chalk it off. He just has blonde hair and blue eyes, and the fact you’re missing your girlfriend terribly doesn’t help. But even then, their facial features strike a matching resemblance. It’s a bit uncanny.
You let out a nervous laugh and smile sheepishly at him. "Look, I’m really racking my brain here. Have we met before? I’m really sorry if I can’t recall…"
You give him his cue to introduce himself, to remind you who he is, to be offended at you forgetting—anything! He’s just standing there, staring down with that same smile. Your eyes dart around, seeing if this is a prank. A small uneasy pit forms in your stomach.
A beat passes by. You still wait for his reply.
You can't help but start feeling creeped out. Stupid. Always ask who’s there before opening the door. Just ask him what he wants with you and get it out of the way.
"Hey uh, I-"
He kisses you, his lips softly crashing against yours, hands gently cradling the back of your neck. He’s not forceful, but his hold is steady. You squirm and try to break free, but he quickly shushes you and holds you closer, entrapping your lips in another long kiss.
You think of quickly think of biting him, but he gently pulls away right before you can go through with the thought. His hands come up to tenderly cup your face, his thumb softly brushing against your cheek as he looks at you.
Your vision begins to blur from your tears, your legs wobbling from the fear of the situation.
"I don't know you!" you practically scream out. Your desperation kicks in as you continue to panic. "P-Please. please. please. I'm sorry. I don't know you. I don't… I don't… please… I-."
You cry softly, pleading with him. He just continues cradling your face in his hands, looking at you with that godawful eerie smile. He leans back in, slowly murmuring,
He continues peppering kisses all over your wet cheeks. "You do know me," he whispers, kissing your nose. "And you know I need to make it up to you," he says, kissing your forehead. He hums softly and leaves another final chaste kiss on your lips.
"And you know I hate leaving you like this."
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detentiontrack · 3 months
not to be dark but do you think Sasha ever tried to khs (other than the canonical attempt)
YES 1000%. I think it happened after amphibia when even though Anne & Marcy forgave her, she still felt nothing but guilt and emptiness from the sheer trauma going through amphibia + a whole ass war at the age of 13. I think it may have happened in high school because throughout the end of middle school she tried to stay strong for Anne & Marcy (because after all she does take it upon herself to be “the strong one” who doesn’t need any support or love), but after Marcy moved and Anne and her drifted apart, she struggled with the act of being “normal” and having to live life as a normal teenager after everything she’s been through. I think her body started failing her (because there’s literally no way she’s 100% physically unscathed after the injuries and damage she took in amphibia, not even mentioning things like fibromyalgia that develop because of emotional trauma). I also think it may have been the catalyst to her dedicating her life to psychology. She always wanted to help people like her post amphibia, but she never quite knew how to do it. But when she was in the hospital and maybe the psychiatric ward (California has really strict laws on inpatient treatment following a suicide attempt), she started to realize that maybe psychology was the way to go about her need to help people. I don’t think she would have gone to therapy on her own BUT I think going to therapy might have been a requirement for her release from the hospital (as it often is, esp in patients who are minors and esp patients with complex trauma and mood/personality disorders) and as she went to ordered therapy, she realized therapy really helped her and continued going after the hospital ordered time ran out. I think she continues to go to therapy throughout her adulthood (I’m split on whether or not she tells her therapist about amphibia because frogvasion WAS on the news BUT the Marcy journal implies that a few years after people generally think it was a hoax/movie stunt or promo gone wrong so idk if a therapist would take that seriously without sending her back to the mental hospital) but she definitely goes to therapy for her obvious attachment issues and mental illnesses and other traumas (such as her parents divorce and especially because her parents both got into new relationships and left her stranded and alone at a young age). I think she struggles with a long battle with mental illness both pre, during, and post amphibia aaaaand (you didn’t hear it from me because last time I talked about this I almost got canceled) I think there’s a very real possibility that at some point in her life she struggled with substance abuse/addiction or disordered eating/eating disorders due to her need for control, escapism (less than Marcy but it’s still there), self destructive behaviors, and general addictive personality and tendencies.
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cameoutstruggling93 · 5 months
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colgatebluemintygel · 2 years
okay so aside from the fact that this was probably my favourite chapter yet (!!!), it also served as a much needed reminder that no matter how aloof and mysterious oao!remus comes across, he is wearing SOCKS AND SANDALS throughout this whole ordeal
EXACTLY also this is an apt time to remind ppl that this is how remus pulls up to clubs <3
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this is y'alls dream man???? alright<3
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
(reverse dc au) Mike sees Evan as a teenage version of himself and is trying to get his 'past self' to realize how much of a dirtbag he(Michael) is lmao
oh my god, i literally gasped and my hand flew up to cover my mouth like some cringe hallmark movie actress
that's... oh my god. Michael mistaking Evan's kindness toward him for his past self "pretending" to be kind in order to trick him, or maybe Michael thinks his "teenage self" actually believes he's capable of anything other than cruelty and destruction and decides to teach his "teenage self" the hard way that NO, he isn't, and all he will ever be worthy of is punishment and pain.
Maybe Michael hears his "teenage self" claiming to be Evan and is so friggin mad that his "teenage self" would DARE corrupt sweet little Evan's memory with such a blatant lie.
I wonder if there's anything that would ever make Mike realize the truth. Maybe he realizes as Evan is dying; maybe Evan had some surgery or other, and Mike sees the remnants of the surgery while he's ripping Evan apart (similar to Mike's death scene in the og dire consequences au), and he tries comforting Evan in his final moments but Evan's too scared of him for the comfort to work.
Or maybe Mike never finds out the truth, and if Evan's ghost doesn't move on, Evan is stuck trying to hide from Mike for all eternity for fear of what Mike will do if he gets his hands on him.
I can easily imagine Evan being forced to see just how much Mike hates himself, and the lengths Mike is willing to go to torture himself (or his past self), as another form of torture, too. Evan still loves his big brother after everything, and seeing how much Mike hates himself hurts. both emotionally and physically, since Mike is taking that hatred out on Evan. Maybe, if Evan's ghost stays, he risks revealing himself to Michael because he wants to prove to Mike that he doesn't have to hate himself. Whether or not revealing himself is a mistake depends on how angsty I'm feeling, tbh
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
i had a sad but happy thought :(
So Trust Verse AU but Ellie survives, and the first time John meets her, it takes a few moments for reality to really hit John that "oh my god, I'm a father now"
internally, he freaks out. And Gwash senses this. So he tries to talk to John about it.
And John's just like: "I don't know HOW to raise a kid, it's not like I had the best examples to follow!" (And all that fun stuff)
And Gwash rightfully points out: "you took care of your siblings" (and probably did a better job at it than your father). But John's like "it's not the same thing tho"
Gwash sighs (because this boy is a disaster wrapped in trauma and newfound anxiety), takes him by his shoulders, and goes: "It is the same thing because you filled in where your father failed. You can raise this child, and you're going to do one hell of a good job. I know it."
Sorry for that lol. I'm sad and bored and have been hyperfixating on your series for like three months. :)
for SOME reason I actually never gave much thought to John's reaction first meeting his baby but oh that has so much potential.
Alex handing her to him and at first John is nothing but happy. absolutely head over heels. that's their daughter, it's Alex and him and something entirely new, and she's beautiful and he loves her and he loves Alex.
and then Alex walks away for whatever reason and John is left alone with a whole human baby. like a whole ass person. who depends on THEM. for everything. as in. JOHN. he's supposed to be her father and take care of her when his own father never took care of him.
so he's standing there silently panicking when Gwash comes in, takes a single look at this disaster of a boy, and clocks him immediately.
"everyone is scared at first. it's natural," he says, and John stares at him like he's insane.
"I don't know how to be a father. I don't know what fathers are supposed to do."
Gwash shrugs, infuriatingly unbothered. "whatever it takes."
John is not reassured by this, so Gwash sighs and comes over, gently touches his face.
"the fact alone that you're worried about doing wrong by her means you're going to be a good father. bad fathers don't worry about failing their children."
John blinks and holds his little daughter a bit tighter. "I don't know how to raise a child," he says quietly, and Gwash knows that's not true because he's heard John talk about his siblings and the role he played in their upbringing, but that's not what the boy needs to hear right now.
"of course you don't. no one does. there's no written manual, John. no two children can be raised the same way–you just have to get to know her. you'll know what she needs."
he'll know what she needs.
he will know what she needs.
John is not going to fail his daughter.
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gncrezan · 11 months
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NOT AT ALL I LITERALLY LAUGHED SO HARD AT THAT ASK I THOUGHT I HAD TO HAVE IT IN MY ABOUT!!!!!! i can in fact be defined by the lengths i am willing to go for rezan at any given moment!!!!!! and also i am so glad it worked out cause i was worried i was being very unhelpful LMFAO
AND LOL. ORION BEARTRAP THAT YOU CANNOT ESCAPE. everyone thinks they're walking towards seven but in my experience there is also a massive pit disguised with leaves that leads to orion. i fell in and realised i am not immune to that grumpy man
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mumscarian · 2 years
there's a new mumscarian fic by Hypno_Cat on ao3 and it's so cute i want to share it with everyone (rolling on the floor with happiness
so it’s taken me a couple days to actually get to this ask, for one reason or another. But. Guys. Holy shit. This blew my tits clean off. I can’t believe I procrastinated on such a good fic. This thing has been living rent free in my brain ever since I read it last night. I left a comment that was over six hundred words long. I am not normal about this fic. The tenderness, the yearning. GOD.
anyways. Read this fic. It’s amazing.
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SICK ON SEVENTH STREET IS MY EVERYTHING. like. motherfucker. i haven't felt like this since outliars and hyppocrates,,,,,,, this is definitely tying for my favorite song. i can't anymore
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demonstars · 1 year
oh! do you have any bands i should check out? i've been wanting to listen to more spanish music and i'm generally a fan of early 2000s rock
OHHH YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY YOU'VE JUST MADE ME yes i do indeed ! recs will be under the cut to avoid being annoying
okay so first of all, los bunkers (the band i just linked) is a must listen, they're from chile and have had relatively good success. afaik (i don't know much abt the technical aspects of music but i have nerd friends who do) their melodies are p simple but they're good. i recommend the album i linked the most (La Culpa, 2003) but you can find some bangers under Vida de Perros (2005), which i'm gonna link below
another chilean must-listen is los prisioneros, which is a band of relative mundial success, they're more 90's than straight 2000's but honestly it's worth checking. i'm gonna link the 2000's album which is Los Prisioneros too ... but honestly i urge you to listen to Corazones, Pateando Piedras or La Cultura de La Basura (80's-90's)
you really can't talk about spanish rock without mentioning gustavo cerati or soda stereo. soda stereo is a must generally, check out Nada personal ! but for more 2000's vibes you must go for cerati's personal songs. a good album example is Bocanada, with Ahí Vamos being a close second. argentinean icon, never not missed.
maná is a clasic rock band, and their lbum Amar es combatir (2006) is sosooooososo good. labios compartidos is a song anyone in latam will sing with their whole chest and that's about as much of a vouch i can give (and if you want to cry you should listen En el Muelle de San Blás)
another good rec is Babasónicos, with their album Infame (2003) the best rec i can give you. iconic af!! alt rock is a fav of mine, tho i can't give vouches for anything else of them my bad
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YOU GET ME ANON 🫂🫂🫂🫂 i’ll write it just for you!!! he will be sleepy and flirty >:3
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simcardiac-arrested · 2 years
I love you (in the platonic autistic way) your art and characters and lore just make my tiny autistic self explode into all these tiny bits and pieces that hold so much unfathomable joy
Just checking on tumblr every so often to see what new shit you cook up brings me so much happiness, I would even say you're like an idol to me in a way
(I hope this doesn't sound creepy I just don't know how to express how much I enjoy seeing what you post so I'm sorry if it's weird)
anon let’s be parasocial together
but seriously it really means a lot to hear that! i never imagined people would get that invested in any of my characters or stories, so thank you so much man!! this really made me happy :)
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lesbianmulcahy · 2 years
I think Hawkeye would love the song hermit the frog by Mariana
Ooh!! I'm slightly embarrassingly uncultured in Marina's music so I had to go listen to it! Please someone anyone who is more into this music comment on this please!!
I think that modern day music with characters like this is so interesting! I don't really disagree with you, but I think his stance would depend on whether he had grown up with modern music AND how old he was. Also hmm. i think yeah that it would really depend on how he engaged with it... SORRY FOR MAKING THIS DEEPER THAN IT IT !!! My joke-ish answer is like
Broke: Hawkeye would love Marina and the Diamonds bc he is that bitch
Woke: Hawkeye is an adult man AND from the 50s he would not get it or enjoy it
Bespoke: Hawkeye could end up finding a lot to attach to in this music, and I think that if he actually sat down and listened to it it would end up doing a lot to his psyche. I think that the class clown act and his need to be in the center of every narrative around him stems from insecurity, and this genre of music speaks to that a lot!! If he could listen to it unironically and without people seeing him, he probably COULD end up feeling seen by it. But I don't know if he would find comfort in that?
Anyways I think that listening to Marina and the Diamonds would have fixed Margaret AND made her worse. I want to play Mowgli's Road to her
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ms0milk · 1 year
I always love the type of relationship where the bully— for lack of better word— has this moment of going “oh this doesn’t happen in a vacuum and my actions have consequences towards how people perceive me.” Within the millisecond of realization of how you think he’s not a good person, there’s a reassessment of all your behaviors and it’s like “oh you weren’t being annoying you were deeply on edge the entire time. Oops.”
Like reader is tasked with playing 5d chess the entire time trying to figure out like, being respectful while keeping his temper at bay and doing their job—which is exhausting and can make you a little insane, all the while Bakugou is like “our relationship is simple. I’m great and they suck.” And he’s just now seeing the crazy board reader has been dealing with for most of their lives. He probably doesn’t even understand most of it. He just knows it’s complicated beyond belief and he is the reason for it.
this!! spot on anon, oops indeed
I love this dynamic too (mostly because so many fic-fav-characters are genuinely a problem™) and then for hymn to black water I wanted to add a romance element without making it so unbelievably abusive. The chess board is a great analogy because in order for the bully to realize the existence of the game at all, they gotta face the horrifying ordeal of empathy.
I think with bkg in particular you already know-- as a fandom enjoyer and from elements of this story-- that he does in fact have friends, can love, and is loved. He doesn't think he's a bully the same way others might take pride in their abuse. It's just like you said, "I’m great and they suck." Simple as that.
So, I've had tons of fun exploring how he might treat a character who has only interacted with him a few times and who he doesn't deem significant at all, and how this person could ever manage to become a fixture in his life ('manage' is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this sentence but you know what I mean). There are so many fun ways I get to tangle these two together!! albeit carefully
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