#anon ur braver than any us marine
raayllum · 5 months
"My mom used to do that." for claudiez 👀
as always they're in their 20s... Plus send me a number with a ship and i'll write it <3 accepted ships are tdp canon ships + rarepairs (claudiez, sopreli, corvus/terry, sorvus)
There's very little that Ezran remembers about Sarai.
He remembers the warmth of her smile, he thinks. The softness of her hair in his chubby little hands. But beyond that, there's not much else—too recently weaned before her death for more than stories he's heard to take hold, and even then, it feels like every year Harrow (until he couldn't) and Callum, or even Aunt Amaya, would bring up something new, something small, that they remembered, and he was learning it for the first time.
Mom always wore little gold beads in her hair.
Those were her favourite pair of earrings.
She planned out the castle gardens, with those hedges over there.
Soren, even, citing that she was his first sword-fighting teacher back when she'd been captain of the guard, before she and Ez's dad had fallen in love.
Her birthday is always hard, an added winter chill growing throughout the castle. Ezran ensures more fires are lit, and Claudia enchants little glass jars of orange light with her Sun primal, for people to carry in their pockets to keep them warm. He dons his more heavily furred royal cape and keeps Bait close while he writes letters to his brother and Rayla in Xadia, climbing the cold steps up to the rookery to send them.
Claudia joins him more often than not in his study, to save on candles, she says, as they do their work long into the night, but Ezran thinks she just likes his company, his heart doing a hopeful little dance in his chest. He steals glances at her atop the rim of candlelight dancing in her green eyes, now with that spark of light in them that'd been gone for so long during the war. After the war, too.
"You know," he begins, when they're heading to the study after lunch, "we could go to the library. The fireplace there is warmer. There's more comfortable chairs."
We used to always sit up in the library when it got cold, his dad had said, and Callum would play on the floor with you in your mom's lap.
Claudia thinks for a moment, then grins adorably. "Why not?" she says.
They settle in with tea and jelly tarts as an extra bonus, Claudia easing off her prosthetic and letting her stump be close to the fire; Ezran knows the cold makes the phantom pains worse this time of year. (Terry still sends over a herbal remedy that helps with it from where he's set up an apothecary on the border of Del Bar and Katolis with Corvus.)
More of her dyed black hair falls in front of her ears while she works, making notes on charts for what magical goods will be imported once the ice melts, and Claudia pushes it back impatiently until she sits back and begins braiding it. It's still shorter than it was in their teens, no longer all the way down her back, but long enough to braid as she starts the process, fingers jolting.
Dark magic took a lot from her, but one of the things it left was permanent nerve damage in her hands. (The cold makes that worse, too.)
"My mom used to do that," Ez half-remembers, half-recalls. Another story about the differences from their royal portrait—the one real non-Callum produced picture of their mother he has, the way he pictures her in his mind's eye—and how she'd worn her hair in a braid just as often loose or in a bun.
Claudia smiles then, softly. "She did. She's actually the one who taught me, after..." Lissa, another woman Ezran has never really met, isn't a wound anymore, but it's still hard during this time of year. "After my mom left and I grew my hair out."
Ezran sets aside his letter to an Evenerean diplomat, rising when she struggles again. "I can do that for you, if you like."
"Oh. You don't—"
He steps around easily to stand behind her armchair. "Let me?"
Claudia turns to the front fully, exhaling. "Alright."
He gathers her hair gently, hands confident due to the way his father had shown him him growing up, but styled a bit more the way Moonshadows do their braids, like how Rayla had demonstrated. For love and affection, she'd said, having small, long ones tucked away behind thicker locks for each of them—Callum and Ez and Soren, her boys, and then for each of her parents.
"There," Ezran says, finishing. He takes off his cape too for good measure, and drapes it across her shoulders. Claudia is looking at him wide-eyed when he walks back around to face her, and he passes a hand self-consciously over the patch of hair he's growing on his chin.
"Thank you," she says at least, tugging his cape further over her shoulder. The royal red brings out the green of her eyes and black of her hair. It suits her.
"Don't mention it," Ezran says, sitting again. They catch each other's eye, briefly, and share a smile, before she blushes a bit and looks away.
He feels warm for the first time all day.
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laineystein · 6 months
i love you mwah also ur braver than any us marine for still having anon on lmao
The antisemites I’m fighting prefer RPGs to anon hatemail 😘
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edalynn · 1 year
microdosing on huntl0w by reading moringmark comics so if they hint at it in canon i just sigh and dont feel the need to just turn off the ep
Yeaaaahhh that’s rough 😬 literally could not be me I can’t fucking stand moringmark and his boring ass, OOC comics fhsbdjsj. Ur braver than any US marine, anon
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i want u 2 kno ur literally braver than any us marine for standing ur ground on this disk horse
mwah thabk you 🙏 it might look like im only posting anons agreeing with me and ignoring the hate but the reality is that i posted every1 who wanted to share her thots on this and it just makes me sad that women feel like they cant even openly say these things ON HERE like this is literally thot crime island and ppl r gonna judge u for thinking having babies is stupid??? 💀
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imreszekeres · 1 year
op of that seasonal depression post is a t*rf (/nm) just wanted to let you know!)
FUCK THEYRE EVERYWHERE D’: I’ll delete the post now, bless u anon ur braver than any US Marine
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fiovske · 2 years
wait no you can't do this do me.... you can't get me hooked on beaujes again...... my brain just freed me from my four year cr hyperfixation!!! i was about to move on....... but now i can't stop thinking about beaujes ten years later 🥲
the way i have almost written a fic very similar but i was always to scared to post about it,, you're braver than any us marine 🫡 but literally every point you've made so far i'm like. yes. yes exactly that is exactly what i imagined. anyway i can't wait to see what you do with it!!
i knooow like! I think all of us have, imagined something like this loosely in our heads even if we didn't write it down bc we all know that a) there is a catharsis pending and b) how the backlash would be fucking tremendous and we'd be so easily called all kinds of vile things bc it isn't the whole toxic positivity of cr's "aaaand they lived happily ever after!! the end" ... and tbh I myself was scared to write it down until recently bc I was afraid of backlash from the cr fanatics. they take it so personally when things deviates from the hivemind norm.
but. I got talking abt beaujes from that random anon the other day and I realized... I don't care. I don't care what those fanatics think bc this fic is purely self-indulgent and it's messy and. I am far enough away emotionally from the source material to be able to explore beaujes honestly again, without feeling bad about it.
I would love to hear abt ur fic, if u wanna talk abt it! I am so fond of stories that happen after the curtains fall, the behind the curtains take of an alleged 'happy ever after'... which is why I set the premise for this ten years later when both beau and jes and well into their upper 30s... having experienced the world outside of each other too, with their significant time apart from each other, which. presents an interesting avenue to explore and reflect on as older people now!
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waltenfiled · 2 years
i have so many asks rn but shout-out to the anon that sent the ‘what do you poly bitches have that i don't’, ur braver than any US marine for admitting ur maidenless
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
sweats nervously
ive been found
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hrina · 5 years
I live in the south where every guy on every dating app is holding up a dead deer or wearing a MAGA hat... sometimes both 🥴
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doppelgangeronpa · 5 years
are there any types of characters/personalities/genders/etc you guys are low on in hopefuls for a balanced cast??
As a matter of fact, yes!
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Right now, there’s a solid 1:2 ratio of boys:girls and no nonbinary folks at all so far. We’re totally looking for a couple more dudes or nonbinary pals to be applied 🙏
We’re still kind of running the risk of having way too many foreigners on our hands, but other than those two things, we’re lookin’ alright! 
We really do wanna make a super varied, but balanced roster where we think everyone will be able to play off each other well!! 
-mod sna
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mlmakira · 6 years
some people are on mobile richard :/ :/
what is this about........
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marchivists · 6 years
hewwo mr. oikawa swir owo
hewwo???? wushiwaka-chan?? hwelp uwu
send me anons
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trans-axolotl · 2 years
just wanted to say i really appreciate ur anti psychiatry talk bc i've been having to lie to my docs and psychiatrist so that they don't chuck me in the (extremely shitty) psych ward in town and that doesnt help me at all lmao, so i have to lie and pretend i am Okay while trying to figure things out by myself and with friends. so i just want to say THANK YOU for anti psychiatry talk u are braver than any us marine god i'd be terrified to say anything personally bc ppl can be so fucking shitty about it !!! so thank you so much !!!
anon this message made my night :) thank YOU 💜💜💜
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filmnoirsbian · 3 years
SAME @ your post about non-vegetarians being weird but vegans being worse omg. i’ve been vegetarian for 13 years and i never tell anyone until it’s impossible not to bring it up lmao and it’s almost exclusively bc i don’t want to be associated w people who genuinely use words like *checks notes* omniscum??? apparently?? the few times i’ve posted anything even remotely related to veganism i’m SWARMED by them so. thank u for ur service u are braver than any us marine (but we already knew that 😌) also love ur blog ur an angel i’ve followed u for several yrs but was always too shy to send even anons before today dkdhdhjdhd but much luv and happy leo szn xoxo 🖤🖤🖤
This is so sweet 🥺💕 tbh while I've met a couple of vegans who were Like That, overwhelmingly the most annoying ones I've only seen online whereas I've mostly interacted with annoying non-vegetarians in person. You win some you lose some. Ultimately I wish everyone would just start realizing that what others eat absolutely is not their business lol but I won't hold my breath
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vote4courtney · 4 years
ive never witnessed gwen anon until now. ur braver than any us marine
Lmao tbh same here and I was willing to give my two cents. But being racist because someone doesn’t like your fave goth character from a 13 year old Canadian cartoon is never gonna fly.
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isis-astarte-diana · 4 years
You have no idea how ecstatic I was when I read your most recent post! I do love me some meaningful wlw smut, but I absolutely LOVE A/B/O and the thought of a woman, uhm, breeding me (🙈) and that is just not really a thing in the wlw smut community. If you ever had the time to write an Alpha!Missy breeding Omega!Reader I would be the most appreciative!! (But no pressure!) - 🍑
I know I have other anons that I haven’t answered (I prefer to wait until I’ve at least almost finished writing the request!) but I know it can be scary af to admit to an unpopular kink so I wanted to publish this response ASAP, which is:
o shit my anon don’t be embarrassed!!! that sounds hot as fuck tbh
this is immediately going on my to do list. May need to do a teeny bit of research first bc I’ve never written A/B/O but I love the concept so much because I’m crazy about like... feral dominance and slightly painful too-big-too-much-but-also-not-enough sex and... yeah.
anon confessing ur kinks? braver than any US marine. I’ll see what I can do.
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