lemondeabicyclette · 1 year
Quand le deep fake émerveille. Stasstaperlderoplaf.
11.12.22 - Les œuvres quittent les cimaises du MBA pour enchanter les façades du palais, place des Terraux à Lyon. Non seulement les portraits s’animent, mais ils chantent ! Et nous invitent à les accompagner : un répertoire d’une quinzaine de tubes populaires, de Britney Spears à Nino Ferrer, qui vous feront également chanter et danser à l’unisson. L’architecture même du musée prend vie au rythme de la playlist … Les Inook, magiciens à l’origine de cette drôle de chorale muséale, citent volontiers Terry Gilliam et Alain Resnais comme inspirations. Moetu Batlle & David Passegand - Inook sont deux personnages inspirés des Inuits. Leur banquise a fondu. Alors, ils parcourent le monde et nous rappellent avec leur joyeuse impertinence, que la planète est précieuse.
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whumpookies · 6 months
I'm not sure if it was intended to be funny or not but the whumpee from the oneshot having a break down after getting conked over the head by a cookie has sent me into a fit of giggles 😂😂😂😂. What a sweet, sensitive little darling. Somebody please comfort the poor sod.
Bless him, let's hope he never comes face to face with an actual whumper. A light bashing over the noggin by a cookie seems like a very tame way to get whumped compared to some of the hell I've seen y'all put your poor lil' innocent unsuspecting beans through.
Unless of course he was already having a rough day and this rather traumatic event just so happened to send him over the edge. We need more context Whumpookies, I'm invested now. please and thank you.
Ohhh Anookie
okay you asked for it, bear with me here it's patchy but hey I'm going with the Traumatic Cookie whump!
The whumpee's trembling hands reach up to touch the tender spot where the cookie made contact, wincing at the stinging pain that radiates through his skull. He can already feel the beginnings of a bruise forming, throbbing with each beat of his heart. It feels as though the blow has not only physically wounded him, but has also chipped away at his sense of safety and well-being.
His body begins to shudder with sobs as he struggles to comprehend the cruel irony of the situation. How could something so small and seemingly harmless cause such intense pain? It seems absurd, but the reality of the situation bears down on him, shattering any illusions of normalcy.
As the sobs wrack his body, his trembling form catches the attention of a close friend nearby. They rush to his side, their voice laced with concern and empathy. With gentle hands, they wipe away the tears and gently brush away the stray crumbs that cling to his face. They offer soothing words of comfort, assuring him that everything will be alright.
Carefully, they help the whumpee to his feet, supporting him as he sways unsteadily. The whumpee leans heavily against their comforting presence, finding solace in their unwavering support. They guide him to a nearby bench, where they settle him down and continue to offer words of reassurance.
While the whumpee's pain is still raw and palpable, their friend does their best to provide a comforting distraction. They share stories, cracking jokes and attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere that surrounds them. The whumpee's tears gradually subside, replaced by faint smiles and laughter that manage to pierce through the lingering pain.
But beneath the surface, the whumpee remains fragile, still reeling from the trauma of the unexpected assault. The cookie's impact continues to haunt them, leaving them jumpy and fearful of their surroundings. Every sound feels amplified, and every movement is perceived as a potential threat. They struggle to trust their senses, unsure of when the next blow might come...
Continuing from this ask here
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useless19 · 2 months
Another puzzle for everyone:
Decode the sign below and help Luigi decide where to go.
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I think I know what the sign is supposed to say, but if I'm right then it has a typo. My main concern is whether or not I should keep the typo (assuming it exists!).
My interpretation under the cut.
I believe the sign says 'FROT MAGMA' (and that it should be Fort Magma, a specific place in this particular adventure).
If you use the first letter of each image to figure out the code you get: F(ire flower), R(ing), O(rb), T(anooki suit), M(uncher), A(nchor), G(oomba), M(usic box), A(ngry sun).
Now, I could be wrong there, I don't know a huge amount about smb3 (the game that was out last before this was written and therefore the one it takes most of its visual inspiration from), aside from what I've seen on the GDQ channel. I'm least sure about 'orb'.
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kenhowler2004 · 1 year
wait you're playing in a zelda ttrpg? one of my friends was wanting to homebrew something like that from pathfinder, they might wanna know about the one that you already have (even if it is based on 5e which they don't like, they still might wanna have it as a reference/inspiration)
Yes I am! It's a multi act campaign and for the main sector I play a BUFF Kokiri. We found a whole setting on dandwiki! I also play a Subrosian (who is my first male pc to be used guaranteed!), an Anooki, and a Poe! The DM I have is an absolute nerd about Zelda (though I've managed to find three random facts that he didn't know about for example the name of Blupees) so it's a lot of fun!
Here's a link to one of the classes: Hyrule: Hunter (5e Class) - D&D Wiki
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simp4konig · 8 months
Omg it's my pookie dookie bookie nookie mookie snookie rookie wookie kookie cookie quookie tookie fookie lookie zookie vookie anookie sookie frookie crookie loonkie poodle pie cotton swab boogie bear 🥺🥺
– Azzy / leader of the Kinga Fan club / KINGA'S NO.1 FAN
OMG 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Kinga/Your No.1 Appreciator
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my-yasiuae · 5 months
تزور فرقة «Anooki» دبي للمرة الأولى، ضمن فعاليات «أضواء دبي»، حيث اتخذت من منطقة السيف مقراً مؤقتاً لها لتقدم عروضاً فنية مبهرة وأضواء مذهلة تنبض بالحياة، مستمدة إلهامها من الأماكن التي تتواجد فيها بما في ذلك الهندسة المعمارية والتاريخ العريق في منطقة السيف. وفي منطقة السيف، الوجهة المائية الشهيرة التي تجمع بين ماضي وحاضر دبي، وضمن فعالياتها التي بدأت الجمعة وتستمر حتى 14 يناير المقبل، تقوم هذه الشخصيات الضخمة والمميزة على تحويل السيف إلى لوحة ضوئية تفاعلية، لتأسر الزوار بعرضها الصوتي والضوئي المتجول حول العالم. وابتكر هذه الشخصيات المصممان الفرنسيان موتيو باتل ودافيد باسيغاد. وضمن فعاليات موسم الشتاء في السيف، ستنضم شخصيات «Anooki» إلى برنامج حافل ضمن مهرجان السيف في خور دبي، الذي يقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الأنشطة الثقافية والتعليمية والفعاليات الترفيهية للعائلات، فضلاً عن خيارات المطاعم وعروض التسوق الحصرية. و«السيف» واجهة مائية بطول 1.8 كيلومتر، تقع بالقرب من حي الفهيدي التاريخي، تم تصميمها لتعكس ثقافة المدينة وتراثها ومكانتها كمدينة عالمية حديثة، فهي موطن لمنطقتين تراثيتين مميزتين متصلتين ببعضهما بعضاً من خلال السكك الحيوية والأزقة المليئة بالمحال التجارية والمقاهي والمطاعم والفنادق؛ حيث تقدم جميعها مجموعة واسعة من التجارب الترفيهية. وتضم وجهة السيف أيضاً مرسى كبيراً به 56 مرسى لليخوت الخاصة، وسوقاً تقليدية، وأسواقاً عائمة، ومجموعة من المتاحف التي تحتفل بالماضي والحاضر. المصدر: الإمارات اليوم
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khinoes · 2 years
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Anooki / Villeurbanne, Lyon 🇨🇵
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6:56 pm : Geneva Lux festival - Anooki Cache-Cache par Moetu Batlle et David Passegand, janvier MMXX. 
(© Sous Ecstasy)
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snakelover27 · 5 years
Fun fact: consuming snake teeth can lead to early age arthritis
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Et revoilà les anookis! Ces petits personnages animent mes fonds d’écran depuis longtemps. Ils sont nés dans la bonne ville de Lyon, de La Croix-Rousse, ma ville natale, ils sont maintenant célèbres dans le monde entier ! @anooki_ . . . [ Petit Atelier Numérique ] Agnès Saint-Pierre Formation PAO - Photoshop - InDesign - Illustrator - Culture Graphique Des formations ultra-personnalisées dans un cadre exceptionnel #petitateliernumerique #formation #formationphotoshop #graphicdesign #indesign #photoshop #illustrator #lyon #lyonnais #montsdulyonnais #rhonealpes #anooki #anookis #fondecran #cyan #bleu https://www.instagram.com/p/COAbrwCHEh_/?igshid=1cqwwz2ieb33q
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thewild21 · 4 years
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DAY XII • MASK #creative #fanart #art #digitalart #drawing #illustration #game #loz #zelda #legendofzelda #nintendo #linktober #linktober2020 #mask #majorasmask #rito #mogma #anooki #skimo #piaf #majorasmask2 #day12 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGPct1Dpm0f/?igshid=5l5l2xfrx460
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hobe89 · 4 years
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#高雄 #中央公園 #追光季 #anooki #城市光流 #海光空間 #一畝光陰 #臺灣🇹🇼 #聖誕燈飾 #台湾 #クリスマス #イルミネーション #taiwan #kaohsiung #xmas(在 中央公園) https://www.instagram.com/p/B56cVYmJyGL/?igshid=ywqiz49rc5fu
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whumpookies · 8 months
Do you know that children's book we're going on a bear hunt? Well what about the whump version? We're going on a whump hunt! We're going to find some great whump! What a beautiful day! 🤣
Now for one, the creator of bear hunt better not hunt me down for doing this...
Two, this was a brilliant idea!!
Oh and Anookie, I'm blaming you for this...
We’re goin’ on a whump hunt,
We’re going to catch a hurt one,
I’m not scared
What a beautiful day!
Oh look! It’s some long, sharp objects!
Can’t go over it,
Can’t go under it,
Can’t go around it,
Got to go through it!
Ah stabby stabby ..
We’re goin’ on a whump hunt,
We’re going to catch some comfort,
I’m not scared
What a beautiful day!
Oh look! It’s a fevered brow.
Can’t go over it,
Can’t go under it,
Can’t go around it,
Got to go cool it!
Patty patty..
We’re goin’ on a whump hunt,
We’re going to catch a whumpy one,
I’m not scared
What a beautiful day!
Oh look! It’s angst.
Can’t go over it,
Can’t go under it,
Can’t go through it,
Got to beat it.
We’re goin’ on a whump hunt,
We’re going to catch a big one,
I’m not scared
What a beautiful day!
Oh look! A deep, dark comfort.
Can’t go over it,
Can’t go under it,
Can’t go through it,
Got to go cuddle it better.
Uh, oh! It’s whumpy in here.
I feel something,
It has lots of angst!
It has sharp objects!
A brow of fevered heat!
It’s a whump Cookie!!!
Hurry back through the sharp objects stabby stabby,
Back past the fevered brow, patty patty,
Back through the angst, cry-y cry-y
Into The house and lock the door!
Grab the cookies and say no more!
That was a bit whumpy!
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charleskenny · 4 years
Animation Articles: March 29, 2020
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A selection of the best animation articles including news, opinions, and features from around the world for the week beginning the 29th of March, 2020.
Coronavirus/COVID-19 continues to dominate news and adversely affect animation releases but production on many films and series’ marches on as announced last week. How production is fairing with artists and crew working remotely is investigated by Deadline.
Quarantined and otherwise restricted audiences get even more animated treats this week. Feature film Sonic the Hedgehog arrives on digital this Tuesday. Samurai Jack is also available free on [Adult Swim]’s website in its entirety; no account needed.
New trailers this week include the new series from Rick & Morty co-creator Justin Roiland: Solar Opposites. Watch the trailer and decide for yourself if the influences are a teensy bit too obvious:
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If that’s not enough, we can also look forward to yet another animated series produced by a celebrity known for other things. This time Amy Poehler returns to the field after a nine-year absence. Duncanville is not a kid’s show however and will actually air on Britain’s Channel 4 prior to its American premiere.
This week we also said goodbye to one of France’s comic icons Albert Uderzo. Uderzo co-created and co-produced Asterix for many years with partner René Goscinny until his death in 1977; after which Uderzo produced the series by himself until 2011.
Lastly, we’ve seen inspiration for animation from just about everywhere, but Facebook stickers is the latest source. ‘The Anooki’ will star in their own feature film which is the greatest leap from phone screen to big screen since Angry Birds back in 2016. With the live-action hybrid film featuring a [timely] environmental theme, this could be yet another European film to showcase the continent’s extensive creative lead over Hollywood. Check out the animated GIF on the film’s website too.
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Steven Universe ended (for real) this past Friday and creator Rebecca Sugar discusses it with both Animation Scoop and Entertainment Weekly. There’s a lot of emotion, but well worth reading to see how the definitive animated show of the 2010s will be remembered.
Remember HIM; the villain from The Powerpuff Girls? Read about the Beatles cartoon that inspired Craig McCracken to create him.
The award for potentially contentious article of the week goes to this one: 5 Things Japanese Anime Does Better Than Western Animation (& 5 Things It Does Worse) Do you agree or disagree?
Cool Thing of the Week
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Eight marvelous and melancholy things I’ve learned about creativity – The Oatmeal
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Originally published at https://animationanomaly.com/2020/03/29/animation-articles-march-29-2020/
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stripeboy0621 · 6 years
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#anooki #lightuphk (在 中環郵政局)
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franeux · 6 years
La fête des lumières HK 2017. #lumiereshk #lumiereshk2017 #light #hongkong #hkig #fun #anooki #performance #art #lumiere #city #nightlife #harbourfront #cityatnight (在 中環海濱活動空間 Central Harbourfront Event Space)
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