#anotha one... hehe
magmacannon · 3 months
9, 13, 28-34 for romanman!
hell... YES more of this guy
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Roman 95% of the time uses gentle love and prefers to have it about 90% of the time! It may not get meaningful results as quickly sometimes but he tries to lead with compliments and add suggestions until it's necessary to have a slightly firmer hand (and even then he's as kind and compromising as he can manage to be). He's only really prone to put his foot down sharply in highly stressful situations that he really feels he has THE answer to.
13. When do they fake a smile? How often?
I don't think I'd count it as faking a smile when he greets people he's nervous to meet so much as just putting one on (which he does almost every time he meets new people.) He fakes a smile in response to Vulture bringing in strange spiders from the woods and when he's trying to be polite about topics he's not interested in but that others obviously are - it's not nearly as often as he genuinely smiles, at least.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
He wants the thrill of adventure and to explore the world! (And Friends)
And he really wants friends who share his interests in magic more than anything, and is a little worried at the fact that he wants to Do Heroics while also really really wanting to wake up next to Vince in his tower in Roanroot every day and just have a chill one more often than not.
29. How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
Stubbornly... Roman will argue until he visibly annoys someone it he's really bend on getting someone to believe him. If it's lower stakes he'll shrug and tell them to suit themselves (and still argue it to himself for a good bit internally pff)
30. When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
hhoo there's not much difference at this exact moment because he has not that much experience with professional teamwork. If he makes a mistake with a potion in Roanroot he'll feel bad about it internally much more than externally, and will just seek to right that wrong to whoever bought the potion immediately (and free of cost). As far as the adventuring party does, he's treating mistakes/conflict as something he's done wrong Personally 90% of the time and it much more visibly upset about it, though he still tries to fix it (or is stubborn about trying to get someone to see something from his perspective).
31. When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
The most guilt he feels is when he makes Vince sad/mad/disappointed or worried about him/what he's doing. Historically he's gone from immediately folding and moving as far from the guilt-causing thing as he could to still feeling bad but trying to talk about/through it to having usually very productive conversations after a period of figuring out how to best communicate (and giving space if needed).
Second to that is disappointing/truly upsetting literally anyone else - he's likely to react emotionally and cow to appease a little in the moment, though he IS still pretty decent at trying to communicate and compromise when given a bit to cool off.
32. If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
This is difficult because he generally follows laws pretty decently and the laws he'd break are.... generally very large and in self-defense (murder, arson - evocation wizard). Uhhh he'd park illegally??? But I don't think that's a problem in Dorna. Uhhh he could be convinced into petty theft for what could be argued to be a good cause.
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
If he had to keep up appearances it's a nod (no smile) and a steady gaze/firm handshake if expected. If he doesn't have to maintain some decency and he actually hates someone then he'd probably sneer a bit (tbh Roman sneering is probably just a frown most of the time) and try to leave the area rather than acknowledge them.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love?
Incredible enthusiasm... a lot of excited waving and big smiles and depending on the person a hug (or a leap into a hug/kiss for Vince). Roman has a very visible sliding scale of excitement in greetings pff
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abel-not-gaybel · 1 year
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Special Agent Aurelia Krow
(So you can see how it links to the last one)
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plutoccult · 6 months
tis the season of giving (angst) 🫶
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frvitpvnch · 2 years
I watch you sleep next to me
Twitching on your left cheek
Lines forming on the skin there.
I watch you sleep next to me
And I see how you’re going to age,
Which marks time will carve into acne-scarred skin
What wrinkles and grooves have begun to appear already,
Echoes of anguish and elation.
It is said that people appear more innocent in their sleep,
Angelic and untouched, like driven snow or a newborn
Nestled against its mother’s breast.
I watch you sleep next to me
And you look like a corpse,
Face slack with exhaustion,
Brow permanently furrowed
Even in the reprieve of unconsciousness.
I imagine there must have been a life lived that I am not privy to,
Some great rise and fall akin to that of Odysseus or Beowulf.
You do not count sheep, but cling to their undersides.
What ended your story?
Who killed you before?
I never noticed how your eyes slant down like a dog’s,
How your lips, fleshy and pink, prolapse in silence.
I watch you sleep next to me,
Watch your lids flutter and your lips twitch and your throat swallow
I know your mouth is drying and your eyes crusting.
And when you awake, blinking and bleary,
Shaking off dregs of a two minute dream,
You will not catch me looking.
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6gumi · 13 days
sweetie do u agree dat kaiser eats pussy the best in bllk 🎤🎤
ouh mai gosh . . . x-x | thirst . . hehe mdni ! ! kaiser n his obsession w pussy eating x-x
YES YES YES ! ! i tots think he’s one of the best pussy eaters ever . . . he seems like the typa guy to give it a lil slap before going down on u :<< not only is he talented in sports . . . kaiser’s tongue itself is talented as he says it is ! he’s the #1 pussy eater and i wholeheartedly believe that fact ! !
kaiser’s skill of eating pussy is a whole ‘notha level it broke the scale X//o//X . . . i also wholeheartedly believe that he is one of the men who look absolutely MAJESTIC down there . . . LIKE ! imagine your juices coating his chin, his cheeks . . . that stupid smirk on his face when he overstimulates you . . he looks SOOO pretty x-x (i jus died thinkin’ abt it . . ) & he takes his time eatin’ u out BUUUT there are days where he’s messy . . . like . . for exampies ! he comes home after a stressful day of practicing, exhausted & irritated w/ every1 else ! he jus needs somethin’ to distress . . . and he knows exactly what ! ( your pussy .) he gets SOOO messy when he’s all stressed & tired . . ( ᴗ ̫ ᴗ ) maybe givin’ ur cunny more slaps than one . . .
some days he’s slow & sweet . . while some days he’s so mean, messy and nasty ! ∑(O_O;) hear me out . . . if he’s actin’ all impatient . . i can guarantee that he’ll put his strength into good use & hold your thighs against the wall . . . trapping you there while eating you out ∑(O_O;) it’s so SCARIE ! ! becuz . . he’s jus holdin’ you with his large hands . . sweet sounds of slurpin’ & sucking fillin’ the empty room :<<< YOU’RE SCARED YOU’RE GONNA FALL ! ! ( it doesn’t happen though ! )
kaiser . . anotha’ thing . . he’s probs willin’ to eat you out anywhere, anytime ! hehe . . . in the men’s locker-room, the bathroom, secretly goin’ under the table at a restaurant, in da car . . ANYWHERE ! he’s so pussydrunk it hurts . . i feel like every game he wins, he’d demand for you to let him eat ur pretty pussy as a celebration gift :< ◟꒰◍ ´꒳` ◍꒱◞
hehe . . . kaiser the number one pussydrunk man ever x-x
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cartierdreamx · 1 year
once the director yells “cut,” you’re off to your chair, nothing too fancy, but you did always find it cute the way the brown legs compliments the navy blue fabric that displays your full name.
jenna: hey pretty flowerrr.
*jenna plops on your lap making you grunt a little despite her small stature*
she calls you flower, flower because you welcomed her in, opened your arms and most importantly your heart to her.
you’ve always had feelings for her, but you never could tell if she had feelings for you.
reader: jen, question, what’s wrong with that chair over there that says jenna ortega on it?
jenna: it doesn’t have y/n l/n in it.
*jenna hops off your lap and winks at you as she scurries off towards the table adorned with food*
you let out a breath of relief that she turned her face away before your cheeks could turn a scarlet hue.
stop being a pussy y/n and tell her how you feel.
just anotha one liner (but detailed) except this time it’s 12:30am and not 4am hehe, also fire and desire finale is out!! go check it out if you haven’t alr, it’s pinned on my blog <3
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starstruckstufful · 4 months
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spive stimboard for anon
i acc already have one!!!!!!!!! that doesnt mean i wont do anotha.. hehe..
🌻 yellow and brown stimboard !! 🧸 requests open ✔
x | x | x o | x | o x | x | x
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
this one is a little self indulgent for myself hehe but I’m a kpop gorl also so my thought is like imagine manager is into kpop or some other genre of music that is a little bit less normie and she’s always playing it in the gym and forcing the girls to listen and watch the mvs and dragging them to concerts but they always go along with it and support her because there’s nothing they love more in the world than to see manager happy and smiling and having fun 🥲🥲🥲
AHHHHH ABSOLUTELY, i feel like (as a swiftie) manager would so be swiftie too (yes i am reflecting stfu) they would be super supportive and like...
FOR EXAMPLE AFTER TTPD CAME OUT BC ITS SO INTERWINED WITH HER OTHER ALBUMS AND JUST LIKE.. HER LORE, YN WOULD RAMBLE but they would just send amused glances at one another cus they love seeing her all excited
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wubsybubz · 8 months
Oh hello i forgot this was a thing hehe GEKKO
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Anotha one
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And fade
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sallufix · 1 year
BEING GAY WITH THE HOMIES!!! Teehee guess who made anotha LuCrow fic no way uh anyways this one actually features the black ravens and damn bro they are so fun to draw??? I really need to draw em more often they're so silly hehe also i know the lighting doesn't make sense especially because I didn't describe such a thing in the fic but LOOK OK i wanted to experiment🔥
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Touch starved Crow real
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mellifiedprincess · 1 year
here’s all the fics i’ve written so far✨
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red-eft · 5 months
Anotha one... ✨, 🍀, and 🧠 for Bramble, Lorne, and Ruarc hehe
✨: how did you come up with the oc's name?
bramble- the name of a thorny plant felt right for a creature with a thorny personality :D also it just has a really good mouthfeel if that makes sense
lorne- i liked the sound of it so i picked it from a list wbsdjkf
ruarc- i used the name for random ocs from 2018-2022.. it finally stuck on the ruarc we know and love in october. it means hero/champion if i remember right which is fun bc ruarc is decidedly against becoming any kind of famous hero (she likes anonymity)
🍀: what originally inspired the oc?
bramble- falconry. i think the bond between raptors and falconers is really fascinating. btw bramble started out as a flight rising dragon :o she's actually still in my lair. her design has changed a ton though lol
lorne- the song "hungover in the city of dust" by autoheart along with rekke from pillars of eternity 2 (redhead.. tall and buff.. scar on face.. they look similar wnsjdkf)
ruarc- my baldur's gate 3 bard! i didn't plan on getting attached but she ended up as one of my most beloved ocs. hee
🧠: what do you like most about the oc?
bramble- i like how she stays wild despite being lorne's companion. he can't trust that she'll always return to his side or that she won't turn her claws on him. her design is pretty fun too (had made her a wyvern but struggled with the design until i decided to use the mayfly dragon adopt i got from @/tetrameryxx for her new appearance)
lorne- his design and his ties to other characters.. he's a swordsman w a dad bod and he has so many friends. what's not to love !!
ruarc- her personality. i've been playing her in a dnd campaign with my family and it's so fun roleplaying as her bc she has a very playful/outgoing personality that i rarely show irl. also her design... fond of her outfit and how easy it's been to make a cosplay of it hee
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pieflavoredartz · 1 year
Yo so I just discovered your art and OMG your style is so soft and squishy?? Like it looks like it'd feel like mochi it's so satisfying and nice to look at AAAA
as in anotha ta add ta the list, now my arts a candy, shark tale mochi feelin ART YEAAA hehe but TYSM TYSMMM U MADE MY NIGHTYYY <333 😚😚😚🍄🍄
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carcarcraziiv2 · 1 year
WOO anotha one!
Hello ladies and gents and everyone else as well!
I have written another installment towards The Woman with the Pink Hair! More Jinx! I hope y'all enjoy. Please follow if you want to on Wattpad! I plan on writing other fanfics in the future as well :D. There will be mature stuff, soon in this one guys. I can feel it in my bones... hehe
Newest part: Confrontation
The Woman with the Pink Hair - Clarissa - Wattpad
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eunchancorner · 1 year
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New oc hehe
Anotha one
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Hehe one last post for today.
I’ll Answer questions tomorrow😎
@0nl0n since you liked the last wholesome Mercury Venus vid here’s anotha one
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