#another day it's a digdug like
gamebunny-advance · 5 months
Imagining Kun3h0 and GAB as mascot horror characters.
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artificerdusty · 1 year
pinball wasn’t his best game by any stretch of the imagination. actually, the only arcade game he was worse at was probably digdug. but he still had the high score on this particular machine, probably because it was seen as kind of a relic now. kids these days. his gaze didn’t lift from the game as he spoke. “what do you think i am? some kind of rookie?” unfortunately for lucas, as he was trash talking, he took his eye off the ball and lost it. 
he played it off like he’d done it on purpose and made a show of taking his next shot, careful to shoot it off to the right so that he could pull off the move dustin had mentioned. it took a little more effort than it had when he was twelve, but he rocked the machine up on its side to save a lost ball, using geometry to bounce it back through the paddles and back into play. “guess there’s a reason i still have the high score on this machine, huh?” as if on cue, he lost another ball.
instead of taking the final shot, lucas kept it in the starting spot and reached up to eat a handful of popcorn. “what’s sad about it?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “i don’t have to share my snacks and i get to pick the movie i want instead of switching off every week. and i get to pick the seats i want.” he launched the ball and refocused. “what are you doing here anyway?” his tongue pressed into his cheek. “i don’t see any kids here. so technically, you’re here by yourself, too.”
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Dustin happened to find great comfort in the fact that some things never changed. Pinball and Lucas Sinclair were two of those things. With the funeral coming up, and once-familiar faces returned to town, it was easy for Dustin to get bummed out about what could've been. Who he could've been, where he could've lived, what he could've done. But all of those things would mean missing this: pinball with Lucas.
And watching Lucas suck. "Dude, stop trash-talking when you're making rookie mistakes," Dustin egged him on, though he watched in awe as Lucas rocked the machine and somehow saved it. "Unbelievable," he scoffed. But just as soon as he'd earned Dustin's quiet, Lucas lost another ball and Dustin exclaimed: "Ha! What was that about a high score?"
Dustin shrugged. It didn't sound all that bad, actually, he just much preferred going to movies in a group. "Don't you like talking to somebody about it afterwards?" At the mention of not sharing his snacks, Dustin took another handful of popcorn from Lucas' bucket. He chuckled at Lucas turning his words back on him, and shrugged, "Drop off. Katherine... doesn't like coming by the house if she can help it," he admitted, with a glance at his feet.
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chloelucia13 · 4 years
Chapter 8: Trick or Treat, Freak
Pairing: none for the moment (currently Jonathan Byers x Platonic!Henderson!reader)
Prompt:  You always thought Hawkins was the most boring town of all, stuck in a vacuum void of excitement and entertainment. Well, it seems that way until the world decided to flip upside down, literally.
Chapter Summary: You hated Jonathan for dragging you along to this stupid Halloween party, but you hated him even more for ditching you so he could help the girl of his dreams. But when one friendship falls apart, another one may just come together.
Warnings: angst, fluff, language, teenage drinking, idk just the usual
Word Count: 2324
A/N: Here’s the next part! I’m so sorry it took so long to come out, I’ve been so busy with work. I hope you guys like this chapter!
Taglist: @just-my-fandom​, @nightbu-g​
Catch up
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You hadn’t even realized school had ended until the last bell rang and people scrambled from their seats as fast as possible. With a sigh, you had pushed yourself out of your desk and shoved all of your things into your bag before exiting the classroom, trying to wake yourself up and be present in the moment.
The whole day, your mind was swamped with worried thoughts about the party, what you were going to dress up as, and, most importantly, how you were going to stomach seeing Jonathan dating Nancy. Those thoughts blanketed over the activities that took place that day, leaving a blank space where your memories would be.
Your mind stayed blank as you drove from the school to the drug store and the thrift store, picking up the items that you needed for your costume. Afterwards, you made your way home.
As soon as you got home, you laid down on the couch and cuddled up with Mews. Dustin had barged through the door moments later, tossing his backpack to the floor. “How was your da-” you began before he cut you off.
“Horrible!” He stomped over to the recliner and dramatically flopped down onto it, startling Mews away. “No one dressed up and Mad Max tried to kill me!”
You furrowed your brows, popping your head up slightly to look at him. “Who?”
“Mad Max? The girl who beat my score at Digdug?”
That just confused you more. “Someone beat you at Digdug?”
He groaned, rolling his eyes. “The new girl at school beat my score at Digdug and on my ride home her brother tried to hit me with his car.”
You sat silently for a moment, trying to piece together what he said. “Wait, is her brother the new douche bag that just started going to Hawkins High?”
“I don’t know! He’s just an asshole with a mullet!”
You sighed and laid your head back down against the couch. “Awesome. So no one dressed up at school then?”
“No, they did not. Try and catch up!”
You scoffed. “God, you get some front teeth and then you start acting like you own the place.”
“Hey, I earned these!” he tapped his finger against his top front teeth before scowling at you. “Are you and Jonathan still taking us trick-or-treating?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Jonathan is trying to convince me to go to this Halloween party-”
“Wait, you’re going to a party?”
You rolled your eyes. “Why is that so surprising?”
He shrugged, letting out a hum. “No reason, you’re just... You.”
With a sigh, you sat up and grabbed your bags. “Thank you for the kind words, Dustin.”
As you walked back into your room, Dustin shouted a “You’re welcome!” in response.
You had just finished applying a light layer of makeup and doing your hair when Dustin knocked on the bathroom door. “Come on, we’re gonna be late!” he shouted.
You rolled your eyes and let out a huff, grabbing the top hat off the counter and rushing out. “Okay, let’s go,” you instructed, slinging your bag over your shoulder and searching for your keys.
“Who are you supposed to be?”
You pulled your keys out and turned to arch an eyebrow at Dustin. “Stevie Nicks.” He just shook his head. “The White Witch?” Again, he shook his head. “God, that’s so disappointing.” 
With a sigh, you stepped out the door and got into your car, waiting for Dustin to get into the passenger seat before driving to Mike’s house where all the boys were planning to meet. 
As soon as you pulled up in the cul-de-sac, you saw Mike and Lucas impatiently waiting for the other two boys to arrive. You parked by the sidewalk and let Dustin out, watching as he ran over to the two boys. You hopped out of the car afterwards, leaning against your door as you waited for Jonathan and Will to show up.
“What are you supposed to be, Y/N?” Mike shouted over to you.
“Stevie Nicks,” you shouted back.
“Who’s that?”
You groaned in response, throwing your head back and staring up at the sky. A moment later, you heard a car engine near the house and stop right behind you. 
“Hey Y/N!” Will shouted to you as he got out of the car, hurrying over to his friends. “Are you Stevie Nicks?”
A wide smile spread across your face and you rushed over to give him a big hug. “Don’t tell the others but you’re my favorite,” you whispered to him before pulling away and heading over to Jonathan’s car. “You guys be safe tonight!” you shouted to the group before hopping in the car.
“You look nice,” Jonathan commented as you sat down in the passenger seat and got buckled.
You smiled and turned to look at him, a small frown settling on your face when you saw his lack of costume. “I thought we were gonna go to the party?”
“We are.”
“Then why aren’t you dressed up?”
He let out a sigh. “You know I don’t like-”
“I know, I know, you don’t like having fun.”
“No, I just don’t like being the center of attention.”
You pursed your lips, restraining yourself from quipping back. “Fine. Well if we’re gonna go, let’s go.”
As soon as you arrived, the feeling of hesitation and regret hit you instantly. Drunk teenagers were scattered along the lawn, and even more were flooding inside the house. “I don’t know, Jonathan,” you rushed out. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”
He shook his head. “Nope, we’re doing this. Come on,” he countered hesitantly, watching a guy in a toga throw up just feet from where the car was parked. 
You arched an eyebrow at him before huffing and getting out of the car. You waited for him to get out before the two of you walked side by side into the house. Your heart began to race as soon as you stepped inside, wiping your clammy palms off on the front of your dress before clutching onto the sleeve of Jonathan’s jacket. “There’s a lot of people here,” you whispered to him, only for him to respond with an uncomfortable nod. He took your hand in his as the two of you weaved through the crowd, Jonathan clearly on a mission to find Nancy.
“Nice costumes,” a girl voiced behind you, and the two of you turned your heads to see a girl dressed up in gothic attire and makeup.
“Huh?” Jonathan voiced, clearly taken aback from being spoken to.
“I said nice costumes, both of you.”
“Uh, yeah. She’s Stevie Nicks. I’m uh- I’m going as the guy who hates parties.”
She chuckled at his retort before holding her hand out. “I’m Samantha.”
“Jonathan, and this is Y/N.” You and Jonathan shook hands with her before standing there in an awkward silence. You watched him through your peripheral as he searched the crowd before his eyes landed on someone, his body immediately going stiff. Quickly, he turned his head back to Samantha. “Kiss?” You immediately furrowed your brows at him, and she flashed him a confused look. “The band,” he explained, gesturing to her outfit.
She chuckled, shaking her head. “Close, but no. Siouxsie.”
He nodded. “Right. Got it.”
Suddenly, an odd silence filled the house, and you both looked over to see Nancy with a red solo cup of punch spilled all over his top, Steve standing right next to her. She ran off and he immediately followed after her.
“Shit,” Jonathan sighed out, looking between you and Nancy for a moment before turning to Samantha. “It was really nice meeting you, but I gotta go,” he rushed out before going the same direction that Nancy and Steve went.
You let out a sigh, slouching slightly and crossing your arms over your chest. “Are you two dating?” Samantha asked.
You shook your head, pursing your lips. “No, no. We’re just... Friends.” You cast your gaze to the floor for a moment before turning on your heel and making your way through the crowd, heading out the back door and stepping out onto the back porch, which was almost completely void of any people. With a huff, you sat down on the porch steps and took off your top hat, setting it in your lap.
The buzz of people continued from inside the house, an odd muffled sound that settled deep in your bones as you stared at the line of trees at the end of the house’s backyard, the woods lying just beyond. You were trapped between the two things that scared you the most: people and the unknown.
The two things that plagued your nightmares: losing the boy you loved and getting lost in the endless abyss that was the upsidedown.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt a hand on your shoulder, turning your head to see that it was Jonathan. “Hey, would you be able to find a ride home?” he rushed out, looking panicked.
You took a moment to process what he said. “I-I guess. How come?” you stuttered out, furrowing your brows.
“Nancy is really drunk and I need to give her a ride home. Is that okay?”
You heart ached in your chest, but you pushed a smile onto your face. “Yeah, of course.”
He flashed you a quick smile before hurrying back inside, leaving you all alone. 
Your shoulders and your smile fell as soon as he left, tears starting to well in your eyes. How the fuck were you going to get home? It’s not like you could call your mom to pick you up, and you didn’t trust a single person in that house enough to give you a ride. That Samantha girl crossed your mind, but you were too scared to be a burden to ask her.
After thinking it through, you had finally decided on walking three miles home. You pushed yourself to your feet and started on your trek, abandoning your top hat on the front porch.
As you walked, every single one of your senses was on high alert. You flinched at every noise, eyes following every movement along the treeline, heart racing every time the wind rushed against your skin. All your muscles were tensed, your hands so tightly curled into fists that your nails were cutting into your palms. 
You had only gotten about 100 feet into your trek when a car slowed to a stop next to you, their window rolling down. “Y/N?” a familiar voice shouted from inside the vehicle.
“Steve?” you replied, crouching down slightly to look into the car. 
“What are you doing?”
You wrapped your arms around yourself. “Walking home.”
He gave you a confused look. “Don’t you live a few miles away?” You nodded slowly. “Do you want a ride?”
You let out a small sigh of relief, immediately reaching for his passenger door handle and opening the door and getting in. 
He waited until you were buckled in before beginning the drive. “Thank you,” you whispered, staring at your folded hands in your lap.
He just nodded in response. “Why were you walking home?”
“Jonathan had to take Nancy home.”
He let out a sigh. “So we both got dumped then.”
You furrowed your brows, shaking your head slightly. “Jonathan and I are just friends.” You sat in silence for a moment. “Did... Did you and Nancy break up?”
He shrugged. “I guess so.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, in her words. our relationship is ‘bullshit.’ That everything is ‘bullshit.’”
You winced, looking up at him and frowning. “I’m really sorry.”
He shook his head. “It’s alright. At least I didn’t get ditched and had to walk home.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but closed it when you realized that he was right. “Can... Can we go to Nancy’s? My-my car is parked at her house. That’s where Jonathan picked me up from.”
Steve nodded and glanced over at you for a moment before looking back at the road. The two of you sat in silence, staring straight ahead as he drove you to Nancy’s house.
You noticed that the light in Nancy’s room was on as Steve pulled up to the Wheeler’s house. You gulped and waited until he stopped the car behind Jonathan’s car before you got out. “Thanks, Steve. It really means a lot,” you told him as you got out, bending down once you got out to give him a smile. “I’m really sorry about you and Nancy.”
He let out a sigh. “I’ll be alright. I’m sorry about you and Jonathan,” he replied.
You just nodded, too tired to correct him. “Goodnight, Steve.” With that, you closed the door and made your way over to your car. You pulled your key out from the pocket of your dress and stuck it in the lock, but didn’t turn it. Instead, you stared up at the window right above you, Nancy’s bedroom window. 
You could see Jonathan tucking Nancy into bed with such a gentleness that you had only seen him display with his mother, his brother, and you.
A harsh sob left your body and you immediately turned the key in the lock before yanking it out and tugging your car door open. You jammed the key into the ignition before you were fully in the car, collapsing into your seat and slamming the door shut.
You wanted so badly to just drive away, but you couldn’t force yourself to look away from that damned window.
You knew that he had heard you as he jumped at the sudden noise before a look of regret settled on his features. You watched him gulp before staring out the window.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you finally forced yourself to drive away, your whole body shaking with sobs as you drove home haphazardly.
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unsaid-stardust · 7 years
It’s Not The Stupid Fish
Prompt: “It’s my fish…I told you to feed it…you didn’t…so, no, I don’t know where we stand right now.”
“Max, come on, I said I was sorry!” Lucas shouted as he stood on her front porch. The day wasn’t going exactly as he had planned. When he woke up this morning, a smile was on his face and hadn’t left until a few seconds ago. The smile was because Max was finally back in Hawkins after visiting her dad back in California.
The two weeks she was gone were the longest two weeks of Lucas’ life. He missed his late night talks with her on the Supercomm and their weekly Digdug tournaments. He missed having someone to share his mint chocolate chip ice cream with and the way she laughed whenever he said the word “tubular”. He missed her.
“Don’t say sorry to me, say sorry to Tuna. Oh wait, you can't because he’s dead,” Max argued, briefly opening the door and closing it back up again. Lucas put his hands on the door as if it would keep the door from closing, but of course, it did nothing. He sighed out of frustration. 
While she was gone, Lucas had promised to feed her goldfish. She told him that she would leave her window open just enough so Lucas could get in. It seemed easy enough. Feeding a fish. But, apparently, Lucas was wrong, because he didn’t feed it once over the two weeks that he was supposed to. He blamed the ten hour campaign for making him forget, but Max didn’t take that very well.
“You want another fish?There’s 50 billion other goldfish at the pet store. I’ll go get you one now,” Lucas stated. He then turned around on his feet and began to head to the pet store, but Max called him back.
“It’s not the stupid fish, you idiot,” She shouted. Lucas stopped in his tracks and turned around to face her,  a confused look on his face.
“It’s not?” He inquired. Max rolled her eyes and Lucas hated to admit it, but he missed those annoying eye rolls while she was in California.
“No. I know that there’s 50 billion other goldfish, though Tuna was one of a kind. It’s the fact that you made a promise and you didn’t keep it,” She explained, holding onto her right arm, Lucas examined, the way that she does whenever she opens up to him. 
It was as if a spark had gone off in Lucas’ brain. Everything finally made sense to him. Why she shut him out, why she wouldn’t talk to him, why she made him stand out in the cold for hours before she opened the door. It may have just been a simple goldfish, but he had let her down. And he was regretting it now more than anything.
“Max. I’m so sorry. I-I know a lot of people have let you down in the past and haven’t really been there for you, but I promise, I am nothing like those people. I will always be there for you, no matter what.” Lucas explained softly. 
Max pursed her lips then and a smile crept afterwards, the one that Lucas missed so much, her cheeks tinted with pink.
“Thanks, stalker. That’s like totally tubular of you,” She responded. Lucas let out a chuckle. 
“So, we’re good?” He asked.
“Yeah, we’re good. You still owe me a goldfish though,”
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argylemikewheeler · 7 years
i’m loving your prompt fills!! could you write something where will reveals to mike that he blames himself for the soldiers that died in the tunnels, as well as bob’s death? and make it as angsty as you can?
For some reason, Will was the only one out of the five of them that could play Galaga well. Mike kept missing the ships entirely, Lucas always was too ambitious, and Max just didn’t like the game enough to try. Will was the only one of them that had the chance of getting on the high-score board. That is, he would be if he could ever pass level five.
It was always the same; he’d be incredible, beating each level with nonchalance, able to carry on a conversation with Mike in the process. They discussed weekend plans, homework they were doing, science project ideas, anything that crossed their minds. Mike held Will’s quarters and was always ready; he’d be ready to save his best friend and the galaxy at any moment with his handful of stolen quarters. With perfect timing, Lucas would drift away from watching Dustin try to defeat Max at DigDug, who was standing beside him laughing, to stand beside Will. Around level four, Dustin and Max would join, huddling around Will as he tried to shoot down the enemy ships.
That day, Mike was pushed to the outside of the huddle by accident, Lucas taking Will’s right side and egging him on.
“Kill them! Come on! Do it! You’re so close! Kill them! Kill them!” He tapped the side of the machine with eager hands. Even with Max in the way, Mike could notice how the sound was making Will wince. His head ducked lower and lower, far too low to see the screen anymore. “Destroy those bastards!”
“Stop!” Will cried, his hands pulling away from the machine like the joystick had burned him. “Stop stop stop!”
“Will?” Mike dropped his quarters, the coins clicking and clattering on the ground. He tried to reach for Will, tried to get a look at his face, but he was already bolting for the door. “Will!”
“What happened?” Lucas asked, looking at each of them. “Was it something I said?”
“I don’t know.” Dustin watched the arcade door slam shut before shrugging. “Should we go and get him?”
“I’ll do it.” Mike said, waving the group back. “I’ll do it.”
Mike pushed past other kids trying to pick their next machine to waste their money on. He nearly shoved a group of awe-struck boys standing in his way to the door all the way to the ground. Mike had the sinking feeling that Will didn’t just stop once he pushed past the glass doors of the arcade; if he kept running, Mike would never be able to catch him. Will was small, but he could outrun every single one of them, on foot or on his bike.
“Will? Will!” Mike called, stepping on the asphalt of the parking lot. “Will, come on, talk to me!” Mike wandered out from the door, cars pulling past him and honking their horns. He waved them off and kept walking, trying to find the fleeting sound of pounding sneakers or the muffled request to go away. “Will!”
Beside Mike, at the far end of the parking lot, where the graying asphalt dissolved into gravel that lined the alley, was a cluster of children, chatting with one another. The attraction in the center of the huddle went ignored, except for when someone pointed to laugh and tease it– like it was a caged animal. By the feet of one of the children, Mike saw a pair of worn sneakers sliding and trying to find traction to take off again, trying to escape the torment around him.
“Will!” Mike yelled, rushing up to the crowd. “Leave him alone! Get away!” The crowd scoffed at Mike but dissipated quickly, leaving them for actual entertainment inside the arcade. Will was sitting with his knees to his chest, still trying to catch the asphalt on his rubber soles to send him off and running again. He didn’t seem to register Mike’s face as he crouched in front of him; he cowered away, burying his face in his hands and screaming. “Will! Will, it’s me. It’s okay.”
“I didn’t want to do it! I didn’t want to do it!” His voice sounded shattered, high and scratched as the words cut through him.
“Will, what are you talking about? What happened?” Mike got to his knees in front of his friend, trying to decide if he should move him somewhere more private, or if touching him would cause him to turn to rubble.
“‘Kill them! Kill them!’ No no no no no!” Will shouted, shaking his head. “They didn’t deserve it! I didn’t mean to do it! I–I couldn’t stop it!”
“Will, what are you talking about?” Mike asked. He reached forward slowly, only a finger wrapping around Will’s wrist and trying to pull it away from his face. “The game?”
“NO!” Will shouted, his hands dropping as he finally met Mike’s eyes. The wonderfully round eyes Mike couldn’t help but absorb himself with every time they looked his way– and sometimes when they didn’t– seemed to droop with now puffy eyelids, the hazel eyes eager to consume Mike were bloodshot, the color exhausted out of them. “I didn’t want to kill them. I didn’t want to.”
“Will… You’re scaring me.”
“I heard you warning them! I heard it. I heard it somewhere. I was there… Back there somewhere and I heard you. You tried to save them!” The heel of Will’s hands came flying back to his face, hitting his temples with frightening force. “I killed them! I killed them!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Mike cried, grabbing Will’s wrists. “Will, stop! You’re going to hurt yourself!” Will fought against him, screaming in distress into the emptying parking lot; it wasn’t funny to watch anymore.
“Good!” He cried. “Good! I should! I deserve it! I killed them!” With his legs bent up to his chest, Will was able to slam his head against his knees while both arms were being held up by Mike’s unsure hands. “I killed Bob! I killed all those men!”
“Will! Will! Stop, please stop. Will. Please.” Mike dropped Will’s arms in exchange of trying to hold his entire body in his arms. A hand was in Will’s hair, holding his head steady against his shoulder as his other hand tried to find a place along his back to rest. Will kept fighting Mike’s grip, his hands shoving against Mike’s chest and stomach. He wasn’t speaking in any tongue Mike understood, his words turning into long sobs and wounded screams. “Will, it’s okay. It’s okay. You didn’t kill them. That wasn’t you. That wasn’t you!”
“It was! It was!” Will’s hands beat against Mike’s chest evenly. The strength began to drain as Mike began rocking back and forth. He gripped Mike’s shirt tightly and hiccuped into his shoulder. “Bob made Mom so happy… And now he’s gone.”
“I know. I know.” Mike hushed. His hand on Will’s head began to stroke his hair before he even knew it was moving; it seemed to soothe both of them. “But it’s not your fault. It’s not your fault.”
“I wish I could bring him back.” Will whimpered. His hand went slack against Mike’s shirt and dropped between them. “I hate hearing her cry at night.”
“Give her time. She’ll be okay.” Mike assured him, still rocking Will in his arms. “You’ll be okay.”
“How do you know?” Will asked, his words soft and barely reaching Mike’s ear. Will’s hands clutched Mike’s back, his weight shifting to rest against him. “How do you know?”
“Because I’ll be here.” Mike said, resting his head against Will’s. “I’m always going to be with you. Always. Best thing I’ve ever done, remember?”
Mike and Will never discussed if he really remembered Mike’s attempt to revive what was left in his friend’s memories, but it didn’t matter. Mike pressed his lips against the top of Will’s head and held him tighter; whether it was going up to a lonely boy on the swings or promising to never leave the side of the boy that had his entire world resting in his hazel eyes, it’d still be the best thing he’d ever done.
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cutekaiju · 8 years
Pokemon Moon Namelocke Episode 5: Encounters of a Random Kind
Current Party:
Kitten the Alonan Meowth - Level 16
Misgender’d the Illumise - Level 25
POOPERMAN the Farfetch’d - level 22
Kyuubi the Vulpix - level 23
Patrick the Panpour - level 22
Capricorn the shiny Skiddo - level 25
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As the title suggests I was still thirsty for those encounters so after Zigzagoon was acquired I decided to comb around the first location on my Lapras for some more lovely mons while leveling up Kitten at the same time.  Kind of feels like a waste of time, but dark type will eventually come in handy and fake out will help me catch some of these mons.
I went all the way back to that cave by the meadow so I can surf around outside of it and discovered it’s Kala’e Bay on the map, which is a new location so went for my encounter there.
The grass on the outskirts of the area I ran into a female Donald Trump.
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Named it Stephanie, because why not?  Now let’s see what it’s Bold nature will buy me.
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The second shiny to show up in this locke.  We have ShakeDatBooty the Oddish.  I’m kind of torn about this.... I already have my shiny Capricorn, who is my starter.... and I’m not the type to really consider replacing a starter, but the thing is the Chlorophyll ability would work great with Vulpix’s drought.... but in order to pull that off I’d have to switch out and then in and a grass type really wouldn’t be the best to ever switch into anything unless you are an impish tank like Capricorn.  Even though I’d like to Shake that Body so I don’t hurt nobody he will have to remain on stand by.
The Mememe sea right by the H’aoli Beach Front is also a new location where I caught myself another irrelevant 4th gen Pokemon (Finneon) This Pokemon really disappoints me, because they could have done a lot more work with the design for the type of fish it is.  
It had a hardy nature, which isn’t that big of a deal anymore since my last few trips to Wonder Trade helped me stock that box a little.
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..... I don’t even know what to call this little bug I got in exchange.  For right now it will just have to be The Symbol Master.  Already got my VIP bug on the squad so in the box it goes.
Now with those encounters out of the way it’s time to continue the journey.  Got Kitten leveled up so hopefully I won’t be losing anymore Meowths before getting a Persian.  
Once the irrelevant rock tree got out the way (I really dislike sudowoodo blocking paths as though it’s a Snorlax or something actually useful) it was time to hit up the next route for yet another encounter.
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Jade is the only name acceptable for a female Lillipup since that’s the name of my Yorkie who was sleeping on my back when I caught this little fellow.  The exchange for this Pokemon in the quiet box was a...
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I traded a dog for a DOGE.  I’ve never actually used a Furfrou before, so this is something to consider for the future.... especially since I don’t think I’ll be taking advantage of Farfetch’d normal type that much, but in the box it goes.  Seems kind of lame I know, but my team is fine the way it is really.
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I don’t know why I’m complaining I’d take Battle Royal over gen 3 contests any day and Misgender agrees.  She was actually pretty good in it using struggle bug which attacks everyone on the field though only thing we accomplished really was taking Hau out of the game.
Now back to the actual story, which always leads to more encounters I took a small stroll in Volcano Park where I caught a Fletchling that I named Cinder.... inspired by RWBY obviously and then went to battle some swimmers and explored some hills where I caught MC DigDug the Diglett as a Route 7 encounter.
During the trainer battles Capricorn leveled up and due to the disappointment of Worry Seed not destroying a Schooling I the move for bullduze to give myself some coverage against steel and poison types though Capricorn will obviously not be making any appearances in the upcoming totem battle.
I’m still feeling comfortable with the team.... only regrets is I feel like Pooperman isn’t getting enough attention.
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Before going any further it was time for another exciting round of exchanging Pokemon:
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I think this is my first trip to the Bashful box and since the Diggersby is too high of level it was tied between 3 level 1s.
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When it came to these three I was rooting for Absol, because I could see actually replacing Meowth with it to be honest because it’s probably faster and is one of my favorite Pokemon, and I could also call it EL much like #11 from Stranger Things, but when it comes to a tie the rules state I must use random generator.
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2 means Guy the Litten is welcomed to the Back up Brigade.  Really if one of the Alola starters had to be a Guy Fieri it would be Litten I guess.  Not a bad Poke to have on stand by.
With that out of the way I still have to exchange the Diglett.
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I feel like Brave and Timid are the most visited boxes in this game thus far, but there is no tie breaker here.  I only have one choice for exchange.
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Welcome to the box there Flower.... I was never a fan of using you in Kalos, because you never really packed a bunch and I felt like the game was forcing you on me to understand Fairy Types, but I can’t hold that against you I guess.  I also hate the gen 5 elemental monkeys, but I have no complaints about Patrick at the moment.
Of course there is no place for Flower cause the next totem is not a fan of Fairy Types.
Speaking of which it’s time to get into it at the peak of the volcano my Trial does lie.
Lately in battles I’ve been leading with Kitten to get that Fake Out attack in, but I’m just going to throw Patrick right out there hoping for a victory.  I promised him if he could win it for me I’d make sure to buy a Water Stone as soon as possible and admit I was wrong about the elemental monkeys.
In my opinion this is one of the hardest battles in the game, because despite it being a fire trial poison is used to it’s full potential here, but at the same time that Hiker Photobomb is still hilarious.
Kyuubi is a huge consideration for this battle because of extrasensory, but I don’t want the enemy taking advantage of that drought ability.
Finally time to take on the ugly fire lizard.  I beckon Patrick to use taunt to save me from toxic, but he is too slow.... luckily I fed him enough beans today so he shrugged it off.  Not wanting to suffer from that again I just straight up unleash the Water Z move, which leaves the enemy with 10% before sucking up the damage I receive and finishing him off with a scald.
The totem’s ally Pokemon was the most dangerous tbh with the poison gas venoshock combo I was close to losing Patrick.  I had no choice but do the thing I said I wouldn’t do.... let Kyuubi finish the battle.  She got hit pretty hard, but was faster, so with two extrasensorys the battle was over.
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Kyuubi’s eyes say it all.  She is the strongest member of my team and she knows it.  She knows I’m considering using Pooperman in the grass Trial, but is making it clear that she is my crutch as she always brings me the victory.  To not use here and celebrate these moments would be a complete insult to her reputation.
I feel like she’s the one in charge tbh... but this is the first episode where no one died and this means I owe Patrick an apology and that water stone.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Everything We Know So Far On This Remake
July 27, 2020 11:06 PM EST
Fate/Extra Record will have voiced protagonists, a Slay The Spire inspired card deck battle system, and a lot of cool stuff we detailed here.
Type-Moon Studio BB held a special stream for the 10th anniversary of Fate/Extra on July 22, a few hours after the full remake Fate/Extra Record (tentative title) was announced. The stream was MC’ed by seiyuu (and Gundam EXVS top player) Kana Ueda, using the appearance of her Nasuverse character Rin Tohsaka. Type-Moon Studio BB Director Kazuya Niinou was also present, voice only. We learned many details on the remake including how the battle system works, with live gameplay. Here’s a summary of everything we learned on stream.
First off, Kana Ueda started reading fan comments from Twitter, with Director Niinou answering and commenting. He most notably confirmed the protagonist, Hakuno Kishinami, male and female versions, will be voiced in the remake. Players who feel like games are more immersive when the protagonist is silent will be able to turn off their voices in the options.
Niinou also said he wants to make the remake fully-voiced, but he’s not sure yet if it’ll be possible.
Judging from the stream as a whole, the remake is far from complete to do and the remake won’t be launching soon.
Niinou can’t comment on the remake’s platforms yet. But he reminded us he’s been saying for a while he wants to bring the game to as many people as possible. So he’s not ruling out a Steam release.
Next, we got the result of the poll that was held for a few hours before the stream started on Twitter. 57,318 votes were gathered:
アンケート実施中! 「Fate/EXTRAをプレイしたことはありますか?」 最終結果は本日20時からの生放送にて発表します。 回答は7月22日 18時まで 回答お待ちしております。
『Fate/EXTRA』シリーズ10周年記念生放送 ご視聴はこちらhttps://t.co/zNaFm0RCm0#TMstudioBB
— TYPE-MOON studio BB (@TMBBOfficial) July 22, 2020
48.1% voters played the original, 17.2% only watched the anime adaptation, 29.7% only know the characters, and 5.0% never heard of Fate/Extra. Director Niinou said less people than he expected played the original, but he’s still happy overall. A lot of voters on Twitter mentioned they technically didn’t play Fate/Extra but did play its sequel Fate/Extra CCC.
After that, when quickly mentioning Fate/Extella and its sequel Fate/Extella Link, Director Niinou said it’s unlikely they’ll add some of the new characters appearing in these two action games to the Fate/Extra Record remake. Such as Charlemagne.
Starting the 32:40 mark, the stream started focusing specifically on Fate/Extra Record.
Kazuya Niinou explained Fate/Extra Record is based on three concepts, plus another concept. First off, it’s simply to answer the call of fans who wish to play the game again, and of those who didn’t have the chance to play it, only knowing the characters through FGO, etc.
The second concept: when they first talked about this remake, they had to decide between making a typical mobile game that’d reach a very large base of players, or a firm & traditional console game. They decided on the later. This remake is made to answer those who want a firm console Fate game. This will also allow them to do what they couldn’t with the original game, without changing the core of the game either.
Aruko Wada also made a brand new key visual for the remake, and it also reflects how it keeps the original’s core: Redsaber has a serious and cool expression on it, because she was originally that type of character. Even if nowadays her appearances makes her focus much more on comedy and cute. Her seiyuu Sakura Tange also said she’s used to voicing Redsaber in a cute way nowadays, so it feels weird voicing a serious version again.
The third concept behind the Fate/Extra Remake is to have a game that makes it easy for newcomers to get into the franchise with. Nowadays the Fate franchise is huge, so this remake will be the perfect place to start for those who don’t know about stuff like Servants, etc. (Personally, I’d simply suggest just watching/playing everything by release order. Most of the time this is the simplest and best answer when it comes to Japanese franchises).
The fourth concept behind Fate/Extra Record is to make Type-Moon Studio BB known to the world. Kazuya Niinou explained he left Square Enix for two reasons, the first one is to make this remake. The second one is to make a brand new game, which they’re also working on. As Studio Director, Niinou wants people to realize Studio BB is working hard, good, and get his team recognized.
Following up next, we got to see some live gameplay at the 39:33 mark till the 48:30 mark:
Kazuya Niinou wanted to show actual gameplay so people know the game exists. The trailer isn’t just some rendering they put together.
Players will be able to speak with most of the NPCs at school in the final game. We saw the novel parts are still in too. The game has day and night scenes too.
We got to see some of the debug menu and boot menu of the game too, something you’d usually never see. The boot menu allows the devs to boot to any important feature or location in the game basically. You have the title screen, the game over screen, a dungeon, a battle result screen, the church, etc.
When the dungeon part started, Niinou explained how now Servants walk in front of the Master, protecting them. We got an explanation of the battle system too.
The battle system of Fate/Extra Record is turn-based and deck of cards based, “like in many popular indie games nowadays” Niinou said. it’s like Slay The Spire, etc. Each turn, you get cards at random, offensive cards, defensive cards, etc. Different servants has different specific cards too, and for example Redsaber has guaranteed critical hits offensive cards. The game also tells you how much damage enemies will deal when they attack next.
We also saw how the game uses 3D animated portraits during dialogues. Nasu in a text message published during the stream, really praised these, saying Redsaber and all the chars are super expressive.
Once the battle ends, you can get new cards. The gameplay sequence ended with this.
Kazuya Niinou, later on the stream, commented in detail on the battle system. He stressed out how compared to the original game, this new battle system really feels like you are a Master fighting together with your Servant, and that the players are not the Servant themselves. That’s why he definitely didn’t want to change to an action battle system, as it would mean directly controlling the Servant. The cards deck based systems feels great, as if you’re giving orders to the Servant, and fits the Fate atmosphere.
Next up, we saw the original character designs drawn by Aruko Wada for Fate/Extra Record:
Redsaber looks more serious than the usual you’d see today. And Rin’s outfit colors were reversed from the usual. Aruko Wada, needless to say, kept the Zettai Ryouiki, but instead of doing it with thigh highs, she did it with needle high heel boots instead, because she really likes high heels like these. They also gave Rin some cool hacker-like glasses.
Next, we have Julius B. Harwey. His design changed a bit compared to the original game. We also have the new designs for the Ball and Golem monsters.
Following that, at the 52:09 mark, we got to see more in-development footage:
Taiga gets in the classroom and then trips horribly. She always trips like that, at that moment. This is a classic scene from the original game, and they’re recreating it. The text narration mentions she made a huge thud sound when falling, and the students got worried, thinking she passed out.
Kazuya Niinou jokingly explained they showed this scene to show all the iconic Showa era-like scenes from the original game are still there, and they won’t change things to fit Reiwa Era. Indeed, characters tripping is a very old anime trope at this point. Personally it still makes me laugh if done well. The characters are all Archers as placeholders.
Following up next was the announcements corner.
First off, an artbook tentatively titled Amor Vincit Omnia by Aruko Wada, dedicated to her work on the Fate series so far, will be published in 2021.  A message by Aruko Wada was published. She’s ultra happy the game is finally getting a remake, and hopes everyone will enjoy it, especially those who always wanted to try it but couldn’t. She’s super happy to be working on the remake’s new designs too.
Kazuya Niinou mentioned they’re done designing nearly all the characters, and are currently working on the facial expressions and key visuals.
Next up, Android iOS mobile ports of Fate/Extella and its sequel Fate/Extella Link were announced in Japan. They’re available now.
Following this, the Fate/Extella Celebration Box was announced. It contains copies of Fate/Extella, Fate/Extella Link, and a Ekusuteracchi: Tamagocchi but with Servants. This is an official collab with Tamagocchi and Fate/Extra, with 30 different servants you can raise. Buying this box is the only official way of getting an Ekusuteracchi.
A message from Fate/Extella Producer Kenichiro Tsukuda was also shared. He mentioned how he only started working on the series starting Fate/Extra CCC. He still remembers back when he joined, how new he was and all, and can’t believe it’s been ten years since the original Fate/Extra. He hopes everyone will keep supporting the series.
Lastly, the game DigDug BB was announced. It’s free, but it’ll only be accessible for a limited time on this page. it’s based on the 1982 game released by Namco, except with BB instead of the character from back then. Clearing it nets you a wallpaper.
Finally, when the stream ended, a slightly different version of the remake’s trailer was shown. Kazuya Niinou explained the visuals are identical, but the sound composition is different.
Fate/Extra Record First Trailer Another Version
As the stream ended, Kazuya Niinou said he was really nervous about the remake reveal and this stream at first, but all the comments and reactions have been really nice and positive, so he’s eager than ever to complete the game. Kana Ueda also said it was her first time speaking through a character like this so she was pretty nervous herself. Personally, I find it funny even such an iconic character as Rin is “reduced”, you could say, to being a VTuber. As that’s what everyone does nowadays, and is required to do so to stay relevant with younger audiences in Japan, since the boom with Kizuna Ai in 2016.
As a reminder,  Kazuya Niinou already confirmed Type-Moon Studio BB is working on two other projects. The second one isn’t a remake but a brand new game that could “take ten years”, Niinou jokingly said on stream.
Fate/Extra Record has no release date estimate for now.
July 27, 2020 11:06 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/everything-we-know-so-far-on-this-remake/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=everything-we-know-so-far-on-this-remake
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ciathyzareposts · 6 years
Arcade Raid! Jacksonville Flea Market Rescue
From The Arcade Blogger
It’s high time we featured another arcade raid tale here on the blog. My buddy Steve is a collector we’ve featured previously – he was responsible for the NOS artwork raid I featured some time back.
This particular haul was discovered earlier this year, but not by Steve initially. He received a call from a collector friend who told him that he’d been made aware of some classic arcade cabinets holed up in a back room at a flea market. Steve was rather surprised as he’d been visiting the Ramona Blvd Flea Market in Jacksonville since he was a kid and didn’t recall ever seeing any sort of arcade on the property.
The other guy had already been to check the place out, but he didn’t have very good news for Steve. Everything he saw was in pretty bad shape. So bad in fact, that the only thing he thought worth taking was a rare Nichibutsu Crazy Climber – everything else was trashed. Badly.
Not one to miss out on an opportunity, and as a big fan of the game, Steve immediately made an offer for the Crazy Climber and bought it on the spot.
The saved Crazy Climber!
A nice looking cabinet and pretty much complete
At first glance the only thing missing is the left hand joystick
Hoping there might be an opportunity to pull more rare games, Steve got the contact details of the property owner, arranged access and wound up making a total of two trips out to the flea market. As he puts it, when it comes to arcade raids, “you have to beat the bushes to see what flies out!” – sound advice!
The outside of the property was pretty overgrown – an indication of how long things had been sitting inside
The first trip was an eye opener – the plan was to grab any cabinets remaining:
It was clear that water had creeped into the buildings over time, and there was a great deal of mold and water damage on most of the cabinets. But worse, some vandals had broken into the property at some point and smashed almost every marquee, almost every tube, and almost every bezel on the machines. Whoever these vandals were, they were a very angry group of people.
Here’s the sight that greeted Steve and his friends on walking in
First signs not good. That’s a trashed Galaga on the right
But somehow, whoever these people were, they had left the Crazy Climber unmolested. As Steve put it, he wasn’t sure if they had a soft spot for the game, or if it was hidden away in a closet somewhere. But whatever – somehow the Crazy Climber had survived the destruction, and was now safe and part of Steve’s collection.
Not much to be rescued here. That Frogger on the left looks like roadkill. The sad sight of a smashed Atari DigDug on the right
Oh man. One less Ms Pac-Man
So the first trip resulted in a rescued Tempest cabinet (with boards, which was a bonus), a Galaxian cabinet, a Kickman cabinet, and a Bimbo the Clown game (missing almost everything, but the cabinet was in good enough condition to make it worth grabbing).
Several carcasses were left behind, because what was left was simply too far gone to justify further outlay:
Not good. That Space Invaders Deluxe looks OK
A scene of destruction!
A destroyed Asteroids – some worthwhile parts to be had though
But a few days later Steve received a call from the seller suggesting that he could come back and take anything else he wanted for 100 bucks. Steve discussed it with a friend and they decided it was worth it to make one more trip.
So second time around, they grabbed the Space Invaders Deluxe cabinet and a bunch of spare parts from the trashed remaining games. This resulted in a great haul of control panels. Being metal, they didn’t succumb to the vandals or elements over the years:
Frogger control panel
DigDug control panel
Astro Blaster control panel
The seller was kind enough to throw in a Galaga control panel, a Ms Pac-Man control panel, and a Ms Pac-Man PCB that he had previously pulled from machines thinking they might sell in his flea market booth. I guess no one was interested in them, but Steve was happy to take them with away. but Again, Most of the stuff was just too far gone – for example, they found a GPI Kaos dedicated cabinet that would have been great to save, but it simply wasn’t in the cards. It was beyond trashed:
This is rare one. Game plan Inc (GPI) hailed from Illinois – their games are rare finds today. This one had been stripped beyond any worth
Centipede control panel
Kickman control panel
Here’s a Galaga control panel
The Ms Pac-Man control panel
And here’s the Space Invaders Deluxe saved from the Flea Market. Pretty nice shape!
And while not directly arcade related, Steve discovered a couple of other cool items. The seller had some old Pepsi-branded menu boards rotting in the mold. The seller said that he had a bunch more in another building – Steve bought nine from him, including two that were still new in the original boxes:
Steve plan is to use these as high score boards in his arcade!
And, finally, as Steve was driving away with his second haul, he spotted an Icee sign on the side of one of the old snack bar buildings. The seller told him if he could get it down, he could take it. Suffice to say, that is now also hanging in Steve’s arcade!
80s Icee sign!
So there you have it. Not a huge haul of arcade goodies, but a great condition Crazy Climber isn’t something to turn your nose up at. Whilst the rest of the cabinets were trashed, Steve was able to rescue some handy parts and signs from the Flea Market.
Many thanks to Steve for sharing pics and allowing me to tell the story here on the blog. You can follow his arcade adventures on his Facebook page here.
if you want to read up on previous raids featured here on the blog, check out the archive here.
See you next time!
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Original URL: https://arcadeblogger.com/2019/02/01/arcade-raid-jacksonville-flea-market-rescue/ source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/arcade-raid-jacksonville-flea-market-rescue/
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