#another thing is that I don't know if I'd be able to fulfill all requests because you know
kingofballs69000 · 1 month
Hello! This is a very important post to me, so please listen up!
I'm opening art requests! I've decided I'd like a chance to practice my art, and specifically drawing by hand, so most of my art will be done by hand before I take a picture of it to post!
Please read the whole of this post before requesting, because if your request violates any of my Will Not Draw points, I will just delete the request and not tell you. It's your responsibility to ensure your request is something I'll fulfill, not mine.
Notes for requests!
I probably won't be able to get to a whole lot of requests in a short amount of time, simply due to the fact that motivation is rare sometimes, and I'm just lucky to have a lot right now
The vast majority of requests will be done by hand! Like I said above, I need the practice, but sometimes I will do digital drawings
I WILL NOT TAKE ANONYMOUS REQUESTS!!! For starters, I need to know who to tag when I've finished a piece. If you're requesting for a sideblog, feel free to ask on anon, but please tag your sideblog so I can still tag you.
Some will be done in crayon lol. I just like crayon, it's fun. If you don't want it done in crayon, please specify that in your request
All skin will be done in marker (or digital, if you're lucky lol). I will post a chart of all my marker colours so you can specify the desired/correct skintone.
I don't know every character! Please specify where the character is from so I know who I'm drawing, and if one character has multiple possible appearances (eg. MLP's Luna & Nightmare Luna) please specify which version you want. If a character has no specified appearance in canon (eg. The Magnus Archives/Protocol, Welcome To Night Vale) I'm picking how they look. If possible, please include official art.
For fandom stuff: I will automatically put any fanart in the appropriate fandom tag. Please let me know if you don't want your requested art in the fandom tag.
Do not gift my art to another user. Just don't. If I ever open commissions, then that'd be fine, but requests will not be giftable.
Things I will not draw:
NSFW/NSFT. Not comfortable with that, plus it's not something I know how to draw anyways. Includes implied NSWF
In conjunction with above: nudity. Not that I'm uncomfortable with nudity, I just have trouble with anatomy
Fursonas. I just don't know how to draw anthro. When I learn, I'll probably make it an option though.
Most physical contact between characters. Just physically can't draw it. So no kissing, I can't do hugging from the side yet (hugging where you can see one character from behind should be fine though). Things like handholding, laying together, etc. are fine, they just might take longer.
More than 2 characters! This is to keep it fair to everyone, as that will take too long.
Characters shopping for white bread. White Bread Guy, I know you're out there, these requests are not for you. I can't draw bread ok. Nothing personal, I just actually can't draw bread.
Most MCYT. I don't really engage with MCYT a lot, so I'll only draw Hermitcraft and Empires people. BUT! I will not do any MCYT ship art, and I won't do the real people, just the characters.
Supernatural (tv show) and Good Omens (tv show). Just at all. Will draw Good Omens (book) stuff though.
Doctor Who's Thoschei (Doctor x Master) and Doctor x River Song ships. They hold a special place in my heart, so I'm not going to draw them for that reason. I will draw the characters interacting platonically (or as enemies, if you'd like, but that doesn't apply to Doctor x River Song) though, so you can still request them
Gore/violence. Nope. Just nope. No gore, no violence, no graphic injuries. Specifically no broken limbs.
Real people, even if they're your friend. No, I won't even draw you.
Things I'm iffy about drawing (these will just take me a bit longer):
Animals. I'm not great at animals, so animal requests might take a bit longer.
Fandom ships. For the most part, SFW ship stuff is fine. But if I decide I'm not comfortable with a ship, when you request it I will give you a heads-up. For the most part, this shouldn't come up, but I know it's possible, so this is your official notice.
Doctor Who. I'm a bit protective of Doctor Who for some reason (it's something I hold really close to my heart), so I might be a bit iffy with it, meaning it might take longer for me to draw.
Vehicles. Not the best at vehicles either, so those might take longer.
Blood is fine, but as seen above, gore is a nope. However, drawings depicting blood will be tagged with the CW and TW tags, and will take me longer as well
In regards to the "No Fursonas" rule: I will still do characters with animal traits (ears, tails, wings, etc.), they just might take me longer. Also, wings will not be accurate. Might just take longer to draw if I have to look up the animal you want the features of
Disabilities. I will have to research the disability before I can draw it, so this will take longer, but I absolutely will try my best!
Original Characters (OCs). I will need a detailed description OR a reference sheet to draw your OC. I will not draw an OC without one of those things. If I draw your OC, you are allowed to use the drawing for a reference sheet, but I will ask that you credit me.
Detailed backgrounds. I can do small landscapes/backgrounds, but I struggle with rooms and perspective so those will take longer. Also, I won't put people in them, so I won't be able to do a complex background for your characters, only something simple.
This will be updated whenever I feel the need to, and whenever I decide to close requests (or if I re-open them after!)
Tagging friends so they can spread this: (also, friends/moots, y'all will probably end up getting preferential treatment, that's just how I am, fact of life.) @a-being-of-chaossss @knight-of-hallownest @phoenixthefraud @fireflychaosdemon
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slytherinshua · 5 months
I'm not asking you to rush things out but you were being way too unfair, don't you think? You write the requests that were requested by your FAV ANON or MOOTS. If you won't be able to write them, don't open a request
....i thought i explained myself well enough in the original post, but i guess not.
i am being unfair, but not in the way you claim i am. if you look at all my fics, i'd bet that the majority were ideas that i came up with, from my own brain. my writing is extremely unfair because i value my own ideas above anyones. i enjoy writing my own ideas more than anyone else's, even my best friends. isn't that unfair?
your point about writing the requests from my favorite anons and moots, isn't even accurate. it should be, because when i write something for my moots or a favored anon, at least they'll thank me for it or give some feedback (which is extremely rare on tumblr). more often that not, random anons that aren't named won't claim their request and thank the author for it. when they do, it's like a happy little surprise and honestly makes my day. but it's not common. writing for my moots and favorite anons is more fulfilling and more fun, which is why i like it. but requests from my moots are still lying at the very bottom of my inbox-- some of them were requested in summer of last year. that's how old they are. what i don't see is my moots complaining to me about not writing their idea.
not all things in life are fair, i'm sorry to say. should i be complaining because the things i've requested my moots to write haven't been finished yet? or what about those requests that i sent into writers when i first joined tumblr in august of 2022? those weren't finished-- so should i be mad about it? i'm not. because i requested them not feeling entitled that the writer needed to finish it. think about it, you're asking that someone else use their creative skills to write something for you. AND FOR FREE. art commissions often cost money, people get paid for journalism. these things are usually valued and the original artists get something out of it; money.
but fanfic isn't like that, and i definitely don't think it should be. it's for free and that's part of the charm. us authors are writing because we want to, and the fact that the readers can request something at all and the author might write their idea is a beautiful thing. but the relationship between author and reader needs to have that balance. we are giving you something to read, something to enjoy out of your day, all for free, and because we want to. the least you could do is send in feedback (which tumblr struggles with). a comment or reblog makes an author's entire day believe it or not. but if you then complain to us about not writing enough or about not completing requests, that is only going to deter us from doing it.
anonymity can be a great thing, but one of the negatives is that when 1 anon sends us a complaint or hate, we can't associate that anon from another. named anons, we can, of course. but among the dozens of requests in my inbox, i don't know which one is yours. you really could be anyone-- all i can see is the anon icon. and my inbox is full of that icon. when one anon complains, an author is going to start to get a bad feeling from interacting with anons in general. some authors won't take requests from anons, i've seen blogs do that.
i don't want to do that, and i'm not going to. i like taking requests both from moots and anons in my inbox. unlike some other blogs, i also like to keep my inbox open at all times. and there's a reason why i do that, and it all comes back to my writing process.
i don't work with the mindset that an old idea needs to be finished before a new idea. when you get an idea that you're really excited about (whether from my own brain or from a request in my inbox sent in that day) you want to write it immediately. and you should. as authors, we learn that you have to work with the motivation, otherwise you'll get frustrated. when you're motivated, writing becomes easier and more fun. when you're frustrated, it becomes harder and you're usually less happy with the outcome.
it was probable that i was just not motivated in the moment to write your prompt, whatever it was that you sent in. i don't delete requests, though, because i never know when i'll get the motivation for an idea. usually on days when i'm not particularly motivated to write anything in particular but still want to write something, i rng my list of requests. if i land on one that i'm not motivated to write, i simply skip it.
but i never delete it.
i don't feel overwhelmed by my inbox being full because i've never put pressure on myself to finish these requests. i remember my sister being worried about me whenever i said that i had to work on a request. she didn't want me to feel pressured to have to write something. she emphasized that it was okay to not write requests. but i told her that i was only doing it because i wanted to and that it was fun.
there is a way to ask a writer if they've forgotten about your request or ask them how it's going without being entitled and whiny like you, anon. you could come into our inboxes and say something like:
"hi! i requested something from you a while ago [let them know what the request was], and was wondering how it was going? please take all the time you need to complete it, i don't want you to feel pressured. thank you ^^"
a request like this, more often than not, will motivate the author to look back at the request, check how much they've written on it, or if they've started it at all, and maybe write some more. next time, i'd suggest you try this method instead of complaining that an author completed a request from one of their named anons.
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mysadcorner · 2 years
sebastian (black butler) x short!male!human!reader? (reader knows sebastian is a demon) dating hcs? can it be realistic with the time, like homophobia during the 1800s? i don't think sebastian would care bc he's a demon, but i'd think it'd be interesting. if not, it's totally ok! :)
Sebastian Michaelis x Short!Male!Human!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owners - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
Masterlist Navigation
• Sebastian doesn’t really like information or details about himself being publicly knows (except his devotion for cats of course) so when he enters a relationship with you there are only a very few people who are aware. Not only is this because of this aversion to people knowing his business, but he also knows that things in life would be made very difficult for you - especially depending on what kind of family and background you come from.
• When you’re in public you’re obviously not able to be as affectionate to one another as you would like to be, especially when Ciel’s ordering Sebastian around as he’s on duty. So instead, the two of you find closeness to one another through proximity. You stand near each other so you may never need to be too far apart, and if he’s close enough Sebastian tends to find the height difference between you both quite amusing.
• Homophobia wouldn’t be something Sebastian would put up with or be around if he was able to dictate the situation, but because of the time and period he isn’t able to avoid all of these situations. He needs to keep a low profile so he won’t speak out about it in public and will only retaliate if he’s being met with some extreme and serious behaviour directed to either one of you.
• Quality time with Sebastian would consist of small meaningful things, mainly those that are relaxing or time consuming. He likes patience, so if you have it there’s a huge bonus to your relationship and the bonding time you can share.
• In the long term you would of course age and he’d have to move on once his duties have been fulfilled or cut short. Sebastian would value the time he had with you to the best of his abilities, and if things between the two of you really do span far into the future he’ll keep the bond with you as an ever lasting one.
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kylieguess · 2 days
Cargo - 06/06/24
I started this shift as a cargo tech. I'm pretty new to the role, but a lot of the things you do in cargo, I'd either been subjected to by cargo techs coming up and bugging me for stuff, or had to do to even do ANYTHING at all on the frontier.
I take a bounty from the machine for three soap, and let the rest of cargo know i was going to quote, "harass the janitor" for his soap. Someone kindly asked me to "please not harass them", to which I replied "Um! I wasn't actually going to, I was just going to ask them. It's a figure of speech." Anyway, I go to bug them, knocking on their door and trying to open it to no response. We don't have a janitor at the moment, which is a shame because ordinarily 6 grand for 3 bars of soap is a crazy good, and crazy easy bounty.
Defeated, I return to cargo to pick up another one, for some cyborg modules. Also a dud, they don't have enough steel. Back to cargo I go, to see even the quartermaster saying "Wow, all of these suck". We get knives, which at the time I believed you had to empty out the chef of all their knives in their vending machine. It turns out, as pointed out by a wonderfully helpful mime, who pantomimed the process of making one for me. That was a fairly tidy sum, and enough for cargo to actually start getting stuff, so I prep the bounty for delivery and await the cargo shuttle's return.
The person who steps off the cargo shuttle after one of the runs is the kindly person who was named "Adelgunde Fett" (Calling her Adel from now on). She seems a bit... Confused, and acts older than she is, and is pretty nervous. But she was very kind. We loaded the bounties we had onto the shuttle, and Adel took off with them. I was also able to finish the soap bounty just by walking around maintenance and getting lucky!
Anyway, after some meandering around, I decide to fly the shuttle to the automated trade station. Right as I say "Undocking" however, someone yells "WAIT!". In a panic, i re-dock and had thankfully not spaced, nor flattened anyone (it was from a completely separate area). Adel then comes up to me and asks if I was okay. I said "I think I so...". They replied "That's good!". Anyway, she decided to come with me on the shuttle, we offload the completed bounties, load up on our orders, take our money and return to cargo.
Nanotrasen had provisioned us FAR too many extra janitor supplies, so we wound up selling half of them off later in the round. Adel winds up excusing herself, seeming very antsy the whole time. Saying she has "business to attend to."
I met her again in the canteen, I had put in an order for cargo with the chef, and her food was delayed because of it. They were REALLY nervous.
Anyway, we move cargo, take and do bounties, fulfil requests. It's a little uneventful for a while, just normal cargo stuff. There's people goofing off with gravity guns outside of our department, moving stuff around inside, Nanotrasen provisioned us a pizza party. It's a good bit of fun.
Anyway, during one of the cargo runs, a crate mysteriously doesn't sell. When I open it up to check out why, a skeleton jumps out! Thankfully they weren't hostile, and in fact were in a pretty similar situation to me! darn student debts... I took them back to the station and sent them on their way, presumably to either cause havoc or become a part of the crew.
Anyway, when letting the skeleton out, a paramedic sneaks his way into cargo just before I can close the door. I don't think much of it - paramedics usually are there to help people in danger. And they were saying that a salvager had gone missing.
He distracted the quartermaster, saying that security wasn't taking him seriously because his department had a murderer in it, prompting him to go get an official document so security can begin an investigation.
Suddenly, he pulled out a silenced pistol and gunned me down. Out like a light.
I woke up in medical, the chief medical officer tending to me, and Adel sobbing over me. She dragged me to medical, after being chased down by the bastard. He was already in cuffs by the time I'd woken up. Hell, by the time I'd recovered enough to leave, they'd already patched the hole in cargo that he'd bombed.
Adel didn't leave my side for the rest of the round. She rushed into the spaced trade station to get me a nitrogen tank, though she couldn't do it again.
The evac shuttle was called while I was unconscious, a normal shift-change one, funnily enough. We got aboard the shuttle and I stared down the paramed in cuffs, as he was in the brig of the escape shuttle.
Though I did get real hurt, I made it out alive! Thank god for modern medicine.
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mrsshabana · 1 year
Hey guys! So, I just wanted to give everyone an update on things.
I recently got another job, so now I have two. And to say I am overwhelmed is an understatement. I am so so thankful for this new opportunity I have gotten, it is for my dream job in an industry I thought I'd never get an opportunity in, so this new job will take priority over everything. This doesn't mean I am quitting AO3 or Tumblr, I am just going to be spending less time on these things.
I also have a ton of requests, writing, and art I need to do. If you haven't seen, I have over 100 requests on my other blog. As well as all of the requests on this blog and my old blog. And on top of that all of the fics I need to update. AND I need to finish an art piece very soon. I have been spending the majority of my time on my other blog instead of this one. Which is not what I want . But I just can't help myself because I am having so much fun over there! I will start prioritizing this page more though.
Fanfics - I am going to be prioritizing the pet au, Dearly Discarded, over all of my other fics. So, you may not see an update for After All Odds or Your Biggest Fan for awhile. If you would prefer me to prioritize a different fic, please let me know! And If that is what everyone wants, then I do not mind focusing on a different fic.
Etsy - I will be restocking very soon! But I have some things I would like to have done before I restock and focus my time of fulfilling orders. But don't worry. I am restocking most items (Gyutaro & Shigaraki throw pillows and keychains)!! I do not plan on making anymore Gyutaro body pillows!! There are only two large ones left. If you really really want one and are unable to get one right now please let me know what size, and if I get enough people asking for them I will consider making more. As you know, I did have plans to make more merch and I have even started a few projects. But they will all be put on hold for now while I focus on this new job.
Tumblr - I will try my best to be on both blogs daily. I love you all too much to stay away for too long! If you have submitted a writing request here, then it may take me awhile to get to. I have lots of requests for one shots that may take a long time. But if you request head canons or something simpler I will be able to get to them quicker. And you know your girl can't control herself so you know I have plenty of Gyutaro merch to keep posting. I got a big delivery a few days ago and have another delivery coming tomorrow. I will just make a big post with everything. And I am working hard to find links to everything too! But please let me know what kind of content you like to see! Or if there is anything you don't want to see too!
I hope in the future I will be able to quit my old job and solely focus on the new one. But at the moment that just won't be possible for me.
Thanks for your support and understanding! I love you all so much ♪(^∇^*)
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vaggieslefteye · 1 month
Request Guidelines and Rules
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Important Things to Note:
This blog is just one of my hobbies that I do for fun in my free time, and I make these gifs for free - of course I am going to prioritize getting requests done in a timely manner, but I might also just chill and take an extra day or three to finish.
Rest assured I'll always communicate if, for whatever reason, life decides that I need to put gifmaking/requests on hold for a few days or longer. Same goes for when I'm back up and running - I will not reopen requests until all previous accepted slots are filled.
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Send requests through the askbox only, please. I won't consider requests made through comments/dms.
I'd very much appreciate some kind of interaction on a completed request just to know that my work was acknowledged, though that's not strictly required. Still, a like or a reblog or even a quick "thanks!" on anon can go a long way :]
If your request is simple in nature, don't be shy to just send it as it is.
That being said, the more specific, the better! I can get closer to your vision with the more details you can provide, otherwise I'll fill any gaps myself as I see fit.
EXAMPLE: "can i request a set of the scene where niffty stabs adam in episode 8?"
Simple request, but easily doable - in cases like this it would be entirely up to me on certain aspects like how many gifs I'll end up doing, which parts of the entire scene I show, if I add subtitles or not, etc.
Here is an example of a request for the same scene, but with more detail:
EXAMPLE: "request: a set of the scene when niffty is stabbing adam while laughing maniacally (starting from 16:32) and ending when lute shouts "no!" with subtitles? thank you!"
Also just as doable, and now I have clear instruction on what exactly to include. Heck, you can even throw in details like, idk, "including vox's reaction"/"can you take out vox's reaction though?"
If you're asking for a set focused on a certain character(s)/character closeup set (eg: adam, angel dust), you can specify how many gifs you'd like: The minimal I'll do is 2, with a maximum of 8. Otherwise I'll do 4 by default.
My minimum of 2 and maximum of 8 applies to all requests, as of now (though I won't be so tough on this either, if I'm cooking and the set ends up being 10 gifs, it ends up being 10 gifs lol)
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Repeating this only once more: I will only consider requests made through the askbox.
Keep your request contained in a single ask. I will not fill a request if it is split between two or more asks, so get those details all within the character limit.
For my personal comfort, I'm asking that you don't request gifsets or interact with me directly (ask, dm, @) if you're a minor (also like what are you doing here? lol). As I state in my bio, I'm an adult posting about an adult show that very much has adult themes prevalent in it so like it's not rocket science as to why the idea of talking to a minor about this show is Fucking Weird, right?
That being said I'm not anyone's parent and I'm not gonna spend hours combing through every single blog that sends in a request off anon looking for age confirmation but also like, if I hover over your name and you have your age right there in your bio that is very much under 18, sorry but I'm gonna block you.
I will only decline requests privately - meaning, if you requested on anon and I need to decline for whatever reason, I'm afraid I won't be able to tell you why. I'll always state my reason for declining, and link you back to these rules if necessary.
I don't know how to put this eloquently but like, try not to go overboard with requests? I'm still pretty new at this and I don't know how to do a lot of those cool color effects/blending/layering stuff the actual good gifmakers can do lmao. If I feel like I don't have the ability to fulfill the request and/or feel that it would just take too long to complete I'll decline and state my reasons why + encourage that you send another request. I don't exactly see this being a real issue, but hey, just in case.
For personal comfort, I won't do requests that are specifically asking for shipping content - yes, even if I myself do ship it! I figured staying neutral is the easiest way to go about this. Chaggie would be the only exception since they're less of a ship in my eyes and more of just a canon couple whose relationship is an integral part of their own respective stories/the main plot as well.
Don't ask for ships, ask for source material instead. What do I mean by this? Instead of asking for content of the characters by their ship name and/or wording the requested interaction in a way that paints it in a romantic light, you can just ask for the scenes as they are.
Example of a request I won't do: "can you do a gifset of huskerdust moments/interactions from the beginning of episode 4 pls?"
I would decline this, but you can still get this exact scene filled if you word it like this instead:
Example of a request I will do: "can you do a set from the beginning of ep 4, when angel is flirting with husk and he tells him he sees right through his act?"
Much better. Yeah, I very much ship huskerdust myself, but I'd only take the request if it's worded in this way.
If you're wondering why the hell this is even a rule, it's for me, mostly. I don't like the idea of constantly declining requests of ship content for ships I'd be uncomfortable doing/denying myself making gifs of moments between characters I like in a context outside of shipping. I think this way keeps it fun for everyone. Humor me, yeah? I promise this is my only weird rule lmao.
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lunarxtique · 1 month
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TW: Allusions to coercion & assault. Trauma lore drop.
Even where he grew up in, having deep discussions with the parents who raised him was never the easiest. Now he was expected to speak to his true mother? A goddess to whom he'd never understood how he could be connected with her given what she was known for. Then again....
A goddess who valued her independence, though, remained fierce to those she held dearest to her heart? That...sounded more similar to himself than Davon realized in the moments he spent sitting in front of her statue mulling over exactly how he could forge a bond with the goddess. Wondering what he could offer her? He had a lot of material things...but it seemed meaningless to drag any of his personal belongings to the temple. Then thinking longer on it, maybe that was exactly what he needed to do. He needed to discard some of that material and finally give himself over completely to this life.
"Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, huh?" He clicked his tongue staring up at the statue. In his hands, he had a copy of his very first EP. The once that was supposed to launch him into major stardom; or so that was what his manager at the time promised.
"Ursula Majors..." he repeated the name of his manager who'd sought him out with heavy disdain and feeling completely foolish. He'd been convinced that so long as he did everything she instructed; So long as he fulfilled...ANY request that producers asked of him, fame and success would be secured. They had all the connections; he really had no choice but to give them what they wanted when they literally made the difference between a successful career and returning home a failure in the eyes of his family.
A deep sigh had him deflating completely onto the floor into a kneeled position while he continued staring up into the face of his mother's statue. The EP within his grasp now rested in his lap as he gripped on to the album as if he was still holding on to that dream and not wanting to let it go but technically, he already had when he drank the ambrosia. In the back of his mind he decided that maybe he could always return to the mortal world but then what was the point when he was experiencing partial godhood and then some?
"I didn't think we had much in common but...then I know you never wanted agreed in lowering your own value for other's expectations. If the people you left me with had their way, I'd still be on that ranch or mentally drowning in medical school right now. I chased my dream because I love making others feel..." There was nothing more fulfilling than singing and seeing how he was able to uplift spirits. Though he wasn't necessarily prepared for the darker side of the music industry. He'd just fallen into another series of traps where others wanted to control who he was. His content. His style. His...body.
As much as he'd spent his time trying to nurture others upon arriving at the camp, he really had not been completely honest about his own demons and trauma. Then again, it felt better that way for him. It was all supposed to be a new start. He'd rather make sure those around him felt their best. Now it was becoming a struggle when he was placed in situations where he was forced to endure his brain being warped and being swept away against his will.
"I think I have people now who just like me for me. I kind of don't have a choice but to trust them as they're my allies in this. So why do I feel like I can't be fully vulnerable?" That feeling of being forsaken, no matter how much he could smile, the heartache was still behind it.
"And suddenly I realize why you put all your value towards yourself and to not be measured by others. Sometimes being alone and proud...it's not a bad thing at all." Although he still had to recall that Artemis maintained her inner circle of nymphs. She still had confidantes and she protected them as long as they maintained some semblance of trust. He certainly could trust the demigods he met here than the people that manipulated him in the industry. So his heart was set on his fellow godlings.
"All of this is bigger than me so, I...need your strength to protect them. That's what you told me when I drank the Ambrosia, right? It was your voice telling me to embrace your gifts to do so..." He knew he had one. He'd spent too many hours in his youth with the company of the animals on his family's ranch. Even when he was singing, he was always at his best when he was carefree and allowed to live in the moment. Since his divine gifts began developing, nature was his sanctuary outside of his cabin.
But he needed to offer Artemis something genuine. That's why he'd brought that EP, the sole copy he had with him at camp. That disc symbolized who he tried to be and not really who he was. He was tired of wearing the expectations of others. It was time to let it go and truly become his own person.
With enough force in his hands, the EP was snapped in half. Dignity had been sacrificed into an attempt to curating a life he thought he wanted. Fame was all for naught. Medical school was a bust. Probably he had been destined for a simple life. Not on the ranch he was raised on though. His needed a little more magic...
...And a little more tragedy and trauma apparently as well.
"I'm throwing down broken dreams in exchange for strength to carry on in this. Courage to stand my ground and...maintain patience and kindness, even on the brink of despair." He could become fierce but he never wants to become a monster no matter the trials ahead that could break him. Even if he no longer would sing for the world, he still had lyrics to soothe his own heart.
"They want a docile lamb, no one knows who I am...I won't pretend that I'm someone else for all time...I will stay up through the night, The hunter's moon is shining...I'm running with the wolves tonight..." he sang the short little tune before curling his fist and smashing the halves of the vinyl into even smaller pieces. His gaze lingered on them as he stood back up. His heart was telling him to go towards the forest.
Nature was healing after all. It was time to attempt the process.
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theloveinc · 2 years
HELLO I'm here for match-ups!! 🥺 You uhh know what I look like LOL and I think you'd also know my personality!! If it's not obvious I'm a high-functioning trainwreck irl (neurotic but I GET THAT BREAD), but at least I am FUNNY!! I will make SO MANY SOUPS for my loved ones and will make SO MANY WONTONS with them and want SO MUCH quality time and physical touch in return. Definitely would LOVE to know about kidlet(s)!!! For f/o... you know I am whipped for Dabi 😭... but if he's too tough for this request (rip) then Shouto works too!! <3
Absolutely no pressure to fulfill this, but you know I'd be super excited if you did and would love whatever you write!!! 💖💖💖
mao......... i am holding you so gently like a baby... thank u so much for this!!! i am honestly super excited for it omg (and literally in tears over the fact that u and dabi have the same love languages)...
please don't hesitate to tell me how this turns out and/or anything i could add or take out!!! hopefully dabi is able to shine through in this <333 (i always go a little insane for moots tho so... i'm sorry if this is super long too LOOOL <333)
create-a-kids: IN TRIAL (moot version)
I think... on the outside, a Maobi baby acts more like Dabi in mannerism, but deep down, leans more towards you in habits. Definitely appears relatively cool and aloof in expression, but is rather quite perceptive and overall very humorous (in that slightly silly but dry and know-it-all Dabi manner).
Given your workaholic nature (ily sorry) and Dabi's ability for long-term planning, I see them as being... oddly organized for a child; the type to hold you to your promises, keep little lists of things in their pockets or even pack up their toy set-ups all nice and neat when not in use. They probably... don't fold their laundry immediately though, and get a lil sassy when you ask LOL.
I also see them as the type of child who picks up on things wayyy better than they should, and constantly makes it known in ways that just end up being super... funny. You know, they hear another kid whining about something, and immediately stare at you w/ an expression that says, "get a load of this guy, huh🙄?" And they'll do this w/ any and every situation, too.
(And esp. when they're forced to eat food that wasn't made by you. They're always polite, of course... but given that you spoil them w/ nice meals and they likely inherited Dabi's very... particular... food standards... they get sad and grumpy when they have to eat something that is just. Not good.)
It's hard to notice, but Maobiby is definitely... a little spoiled. Not in any way that matters because they're also extremely humble (being that they're related to BOTH of you)... but like, they will literally act like they'll die if they aren't allowed to cuddle with you when they want to, going as far as to get all whiney and everything. Literally... 50% of time spent laying in bed or sitting on the couch (w/ Dabi esp.) is interrupted by them getting in with you (or on top of) <333
I was sorta envisioning them as a boy throughout this, but girl dad Dabi is truly... my religion. I feel like it would be delightful if they had his hair and your eyes (so it would truly feel like you were all disconnected from the Todoroki name and would remind him of your silver hair)... but also, your natural, darker hair and his eyes would just make him laugh cuz then they'd just look like him when he had his dyed hair.
Definitely a pretty baby either way. People compliment you on it probably LOOOL.
Also, just cuz I was thinking about it while writing this... this is a Maobi child thing to do:
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fayoftheforest · 2 years
(On the Zombie Crenny Request) I don't like Crenny very much but I attribute that entirely to how it's most often portrayed so forgive me for moreso providing a list of petpeeves against the pairing, I'm confident you'll do it justice lmao. But I like for Tweek regardless of his position in the plot to be treated well and positively. Like even if the mfer dies blow his brainup epicly you know? Craig for whatever reason gets the main focus alot so having a healthy amount of Kennys perspective or just insight to him having a varied one would be Poggers. If bonding through drug use is a prominent reference or activity during the apocalypse I will be So Sad. Basically I'm visualizing this as two very three dimensional dudes with lots of their own things going on being able to be inspired by eachother to be more badass than usual, but all zombie apocalypse lovestories should be like that, so, just subvert the badboy x badboy angsty yaoi tropes they usually have and I'll be impressed lol, What If You (a cute traumatized stubborn boy) meet another Cute Traumatized Stubborn Boy, and he makes the Apocalypse Suck Less for you??? Ideal Dynamic Pls & Thank
[ask is in reference to this post]
Thank you for your message! I can't promise to redeem Crenny for you but I'll certainly do my best haha :) As I mentioned on another ask about this, I should have specified before that this project is a continuation of a fic I started last year, Dead End Mountain Town. It's written in 3rd person limited from Craig's point of view, and will (for the most part) only feature Kenny and Craig as characters, so unfortunately I can't fulfil your first two requests. There will be no references to drug use in the fic, and as always if I ever did reference it I would be sure to tag and forewarn readers, so you're all good on that front! In terms of their characterisation, they will be:
Badass (In their own weird ways)
Angsty (but in a fun way! well- I'll be having fun >:)
Cute (except for Craig bc he's ugly <3) (and except for Kenny bc they're caked in dirt <3)
Traumatized!!! Oh you bet your bottom dollar they are traumatized!!
Stubborn bastards >:]
Trying to make the apocalypse suck less (and going about it in entirely the wrong way)
As explained in the previous ask I answered, I probably won't be able to start posting the fic until Nov/Dec, but you're welcome to get an early look by becoming a beta reader! Check out this doc to learn more. In any case, thank you for your ask! I look forward to hearing your thoughts once you finally get to read it- although, of course, I'd better get writing it first...
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llawlieta · 2 years
I'd love some Opinions: would anyone be interested in requesting short writing from me? thinking about doing (most likely Lawlight, but also any Death Note) requests to celebrate my next follower milestone (<33), but I don't know if I'd even get any asks LOL
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yahoodarling · 2 years
Hello Yahoo, as an autistic teenage boy, may I request a Yandere Stalker Scaramouche x Autistic Fatui Male Reader, where Male Reader is unaware that Scaramouche is constantly following him?
Yandere Scaramouche X Autistic Male Reader
Warnings: mentions of stalking, violent language
I myself am not autistic but from my experience with people close to me who do and a little research I've done what I can. Please let me know if anything is off or can be seen as offensive.
NOTE: Oh my shat! I didn't see the Fatui part. Just finished the whole thing with a village boy kinda thing. I feel so stupid. My thought process really went 12567... 12567 as I now call it.
Ah minus that part here is everything I did. I'd like to move to either a different character or a different theme for now but perhaps in the future I'll rewrite something to the ACTUAL request, haha.
Today felt weird well, every day for the past while had been feeling a bit off but what exactly was still something far off. Your household had been running the same, few squabbles and fights here and there but nothing too extream. The people outside seemed the same, well to you at least, your neighbour still sat outside doing her laundry by the time you were out to do your own respective chores, the friendly old man still waved and smiled at you while you walked past and his dog still gave you a mini heart attack as it suddenly sprung to bark at you through the fence. So what exactly was it...
You sweeped the feeling away, maybe it's just one more thing to add to the many ones you felt out casted to. No one else seemed worried at the very least so you went on with the rest of your day, gathering a few logs for the fire that night, helping tend to the few crops. In all it was a nice quiet space, away from the hectic noise of the people but not feeling secluded or alone. As the faint orange light of the sun started to dim down, retiring down Teyvats hills, you got the last logs you needed and made your way back home. That day had been nice, your body was a little sore, accidently bumping around objects you could have sworn weren't there, but it wasn't all that bad. The sense of productivity was enough fulfillment to look past it all.
When you got back to the village the sudden feeling of something being off arose again. The sweet old man and another neighbour of yours stood by their fences, whispering concerns in a low tone, somehow even the dog seemed to know not to make a fuss at that moment, staying still and lying head down.
"I'm worried. News has been spreading about Fatui sightings nearby. Someone even said they had seen a small capsight just outside the village. We can't have them getting involved." Your neighbour worried as you walked past, pretending not to hear.
"We will be okay. I don't know what they could be interested in with us. Perhaps it's just a stopping point for them. They will be on their way again soon. Stay well" the old man said faintly due to the distance.
Fatui... something always mentioned but something you never were experienced in. Stories of them being ruthless people, uncaring of whom surround them, really it shook a part of you but your old neighbour was a wise man, he always had helped talk you through things, if he said the fatui are just passing by then they are just passing by, nothing else.
The evening rolled by, dinner readied and eaten, house cleaned and family retired to bed. You lay in your own bed, looking up at the ceiling, mind somehow not being able to stop thinking about the days topic even after telling yourself through it all. You closed your eyes, sending a wish to your archon.
'May the village be safe from the Fatuis wrath.' You prayed, then got comfortable for bed.
For a short while you saw a faint purple glow just outside your window, perhaps Celestia sent a sign, perhaps everything will be okay.
In the dead of night Scaramouche sat on the bench outside your room, eyes darting between looking into your window where you lay and out to the quiet walk way. When did he start doing this? When did he start feeling at rest sitting where he sat now, looking to you? When was learning your schedule and watching you work a relaxing past time for him? It disgusted him to think of it but he knew himself well enough to not cast his feelings aside. That feeling of wanting to take and posses but also comfort and lead. He could do so much better then the people around you, he understood you better then they could. What caused him to be drawn to you didn't matter anymore, all that mattered was retaining that feeling of content in him as he watched over you.
The next day you felt heavy,  your house members ran across the home like they were preparing for either a war or a wedding, if so you never knew about either and when you asked they simply looked at you for a second then averted their eyes, simply telling you you wouldn't understand and should spend the day in your room. That left a bad taste on your tongue so rather then doing that you went outside, fresh air would help clear the tense atmosphere... it didn't.
The old man you so loved to talk to was waiting outside seeming to be on the lookout for something. He'd always been the one to clear things up for you when you didn't understand them so perhaps he could help but again something strange happened.
"Oi, boy, go home please. Just for a couple days stay inside. No need to worry about anything, don't let that head of yours go wondering off alright? Just sit tight for a bit, I'll explain things later okay?" He told you, gifting you a wrinkled smile and then walked off before you could ask him anything else.
What's happening? What's going on? Why is he leaving? You still don't understand, everyone is acting so weird. Is it because you don't understand? Is it because of something you had done? The thoughts consumed you, letting your head spin. Home didn't seem like a safe space, the heavy atmosphere drowned you so you went to the only pace you felt open, your safe place away from the village.
Finally getting to sit down you retraced your thoughts. Even after all the thinking it felt meaningless. Nothing added up. Deep in thought, eyes planted on the messy ground below the dirt somehow became interesting. Small shoots of plants peaking from the dirt, highlighted by the sun's light. How cute. The small sprouts were then flooded with darkness, a crunch of twigs alerting your attention as a figure casted you and the shoots in its shadow. A purple haired man stood before you, large hat causing the huge impression. On further inspection the purple hair framed a pale face, apon it was neither a smile or a frown but something more akin to an expressionless doll. You felt small under him, crouched below as his eyes scanned you, looking at your figure seeming to try formulat words to say. After a while the boy spoke before you even managed to plan a word.
"They are really idiots arnt they?" The emotionless look on his face twisted into a scowl. "Hah, bustling like ants under the foot of a God and yet wishing to protect their queen still. Hm, foolish ants that can't even do that."
The man seemed to speak in riddles, the scowl fading as he seemed to snap back into reality. He shifted, falling back onto his haunches so your height was the same, large round hat still protecting your face with its cover, from that perspective he didn't seem as daunting, it felt a little more comforting having be at the same level as him, so much so you were finally able to speak.
"Ah, who are you? I'm sorry this is just a bit confusing right now."
His face seemed to drop at the comment, like he just witnessed an unspeakable sin. He closed his eyes for a second, brow frowning in concentration before looking back at you.
"This is all a bit much isn't it? Well let me help explain a little bit. All I can really say is that you're important, something the little ants of your village wish to protect and hord to them self and yet can't provide what you truly need. You feel out casted at times right? If they really were caring for you right you wouldn't feel that way, right? They want to keep you in their nest, away from the world when really you're a beautiful butterfly that is ment to be looked after right, the little ants arnt worthy of caring for a butterfly amongst them right?"
The clear confusion must have shown on your face as the man before you changed his stance, reaching forward and holding your face between his hands. Really you should have moved away, tugged away at his hold but the look in his eyes seemed to ensnare you in a web, hands silken and comforting.
"There is world outside this little dump, a world I know you want to explore, I know you want to get away from here and be with someone who truly understands you." He tipped his face to the side slightly, taking your face in another perspective and holding your cheeks just that slight bit more harder, calming it with his hands.
"I can show you all that and I can do it in such a way you never have to worry about a thing again. Sounds lovely doesn't it? So much better then what those people have provided you. You need not let family strings hold you back from what you truly need and want."
You know you should get away, a random stranger saying things you never once thought or mentioned, you knew you should pull back away from all the weird things he said and yet... it felt so safe. For once in a while you didn't feel out casted or misunderstood, right? You'd never felt safe like this before, right? He must be somewhat right then.
He pulled away from you, hands drifting across the skin of your cheek for a short moment lingering for as long as they could. He stood back up, content look on his face but seemed to be swamped out with other thoughts. He sighed, straightening his hat and then looked back down to you.
"Stay safe little butterfly. I will be back to take you away from this hell hole when I can. For now work needs to be done and higher ups appeased. Don't let those maggots fester on you." And he turned, material gliding in the air as he strutted away untill his figure disappeared in the bush.
Feeling conflicted with thoughts and emotions you couldn't seem to put 1 with 2. Why did you feel so dazed all of a sudden, why did everything suddenly become blurred as the figure went away. Standing up from where you sat you let your body move itself, it carried you across scenes that felt so familiar and yet unknown, people's voice you could swear on your life you had heard and yet can't connect to anyone. In the distance you even heard a muffled shout, what seemed to be warning or concern but the words them selves were unclear. You simply opened the door to a house with your family crest on, walked past what figures inhabited the place and sat yourself down in what you called your room. Laying down on the wood floor you looked up to the celing. It felt high, like it was looking down on you, kinda like the feeling the man gave but his felt more warm more... accepted. You closed your eyes, allowing the thoughts in your mind to run wild about the purple haired man you had met.
In the cover of darkness, Scaramouche stood, annoyed look to his face as 3 other lackies stood a fair distance away from him. In all honesty he felt himself to be weak, weak for a silly human that's making him say and do things that would never originally cross his mind. He never should have started watching you, he never should have gotten interested in you but he had and he wasn't stupid enough to ignore his feelings, how irritable they may be on him and his work. He hated the fact he wanted to protect and make you happy, if not his.
In the dark another figure joined with dim candle light highlighting the fake confidence that hid clear fear.
Scara clicked his tongue.
"Finally, we can get shit done. You know your place, you know what I can do, so this time you'll fucking listen to me and what I ask for. The boy, keep him safe, keep him unknowing of who I am. When my job is done and I have him at my side is when I'll leave this pathetic village in peace like you so desperately beg for. I will be gone for a short while, if I hear anything I don't like when I get back I'll have you and everyone in this village headless and bloodied, minus the boy, so do your damn job."
Those were the only word Scaramouche needed to say. It was clear what he wanted. He walked off, leaving the old villager slightly shaking and no doubt questioning everything in his life. Scara was going to get what he wanted, no matter how many webs he needed to thread.
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A / N: Before i started, I would like to clarify three things:
First, this is the first “Fanfic” that I do, so if you notice any misspelling or like to leave your suggestions, let me know, of course, all with respect.
Second, Merry Christmas and New Year (too late), I really hope and that you manage to fulfill your purposes, goals, achievements, dreams, etc.
Third and last, cause English is not my first language, maybe at the time of translating/writing you will find errors, so in advance, I'm sorry and hope I can improve on that.
I proceed with the fanfic …
Summary: it is Christmas, and it is the first time that (y/n) drinks, so alcohol mixed with "Christmas nostalgia" plays against her
Warnings: mention of alcohol, psychological disorders (depression/anxiety).
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After the best Christmas dinner, you've had in years and spending some time with Katy, Shang-chi, and another co-worker at work, it was finally time to go home. Luckily for the three of you, you had requested an Uber, so the ravages of alcohol would not yet take effect.
Contrary to what they were a few hours ago, both you and Katy were silent, except for the noise of the car engine, which was the only thing that could be heard
After a while, which for you took like years, they had finally arrived at Katy's place. A less drunk Katy than you got down slightly wobbly while she said goodbye to you. “Thank you so much, hip, for bringing me you guys, hip, happy, hip, Merry Christmas guys.” That said, they go on with the journey to their next destination, your place.
That such silence seemed to have gone with Katy, since the calm was interrupted by a scandalous laugh from you.
“What's so funny?” A confused Shang-chi asked.
“It's just … it's funny … you look … you look like a friend, I could swear they're, hip, almost the lame, like twins “
“You mean the same, right?” With a slight laugh, Shang-chi asked.
“Oh sure, that …”. Without warning you approached him, the closeness of both was such that you were even able to name exactly what he drank.
Despite the lack of light inside and outside the car, it was possible to notice the sudden blush on his cheeks, with a gentle, but at the same time, cold brushing of your fingertips, you caressed his cheeks. Only a few centimeters were enough for their faces to be one, however, that fusion never came.
“Although you know, hip, now… now that I see you closer, hip, no… no, hip, they are not sooooo identical …”. You mentioned, still with your fingertips running across his rough cheeks.
“Really? Wow, I was starting to like the idea of having a twin.” With certain humor to your inconsistencies, he commented in a funny tone.
Yep … “. You looked at him seriously.” I'm … sorry, but … but he's prettier, but hey. “You placed your hands on his chest.” You're not bad, either. “ You tried to wink at him.
That conversation ended with you, placing your head on his shoulder and a yawn escaping from you.
Without even noticing it, you began to fall asleep on his shoulder, you had a fierce struggle with your tiredness, however, Morpheus's arms defeated you. “But … Hip, don't tell him I told you that, hip, it would be a point to his ego …”.
Break. “He's not really ego … egocentric, but I'd brag about it for weeks anyway, hip, don't tell him.”
“Boa Noite, Guapo.” And with a bad Brazilian accent, those were the last words your drunken breath let out.
From one moment to the next, you felt warm hands holding your arms. Narrow-eyed and sleepy, you asked. “What … hip, what's … hip … going on?”
“You are at home, come.” With caution, Shang-chi helped you out and reach your door.
“(Y / n), your … Your keys …”
“What, hip, what about them?”. Questions with genuine confusion.
A look from him, which traveled from your door to you, gave you an understanding of what he meant.
“Oh right … I … I'm sorry.” A little fumbling, you worked the keys into the lock, until finally, you managed to open the door.
“Well … Welcome to …”. Your words were cut off, as the instant you took the first step, you ran into the bathroom and knelt in front of the toilet.
“Hey, are you okay?” Shang-chi asked, a bit alarmed to see you in that condition, he had never seen you like this before.
Not knowing what to do or how to help you, he placed himself behind you. Your hair, which until now fulfilled the function of shielding your condition, was removed by her hands, exhibiting your haggard face.
You turned your head slightly towards him, resulting in that the gaze of both met for a few moments. Only those moments were enough for a wave of emotions to sweep over you. You felt naked, vulnerable, weak, fragile, just like the first time you met him. You disliked feeling this way, the memories of that moment only managed to alter your feeling.
“Hey, hey … Are you okay?” He got even closer to you.
With every second that passed, a feeling of disappointment took over even more and more of you. You got to the point of covering your face with your sweater sleeves.
"Solo la Gente debil llora (Only the weak cry)”. The so usual phrase used by your grandma perforated your mind. You immediately began to deny, as if this will help the emergent feelings to fade.
Silent tears and a slightly cutting cry began to wet your face. It was at that moment that he seemed to understand what was happening since in a blink of an eye you were covered by her arms while one of her hands caressed your back with love.
You didn't want to bother him, enough had been the fact that he will escort you home to add this.
You were about to tell him that. “It's not a big deal”. So that he could go to rest, but the pain and the sensing of your throat shaking prevented you. Likewise, you were having an anxiety attack.
With your whole body shaking, incomprehensible babbling, and heavy breathing, you suddenly turned away from him while you were denied in his direction. Even when you wished he didn't see you in that way, you knew it wouldn't be possible. Right now, you needed his help, even if you don't want it.
You knew what to do, it was not the first nor the last anxiety attack that you presented.
With not giving care too much, you started crawling across the bathroom floor, in a flash Shang-chi came towards to help you. Wait, (Y / n), you're going to get hurt, let me help you… “
Unwilling to let him help you, you walked away from him, but, unfortunately, his strength was greater than yours, so in the end, he ended up helping you get to the room.
As if you were a porcelain doll or the world's most fragile acquisition, Shang-chi carefully and lento left you sitting on the sofa
“Wait here … I'll … I'll get you a glass of water…”. He quickly went straight to the kitchen.
Already seated, you tried to take off your heels, but, your hands at the moment were a gelatinous mass and due to the frantic movement, you chose to sit on the floor. However, you did not possess enough strength to move, so you fell to the ground. The noise of your fall was enough to make his return immediately. Noticing the reason for the loud noise, he came to you to help you again. Incapable to keep off, given its proximity and position, you felt an emptiness in your stomach, no matter, you liked that feeling
His soft and warm touch managed to bring you a moment of peace, a moment that was ruined by scandalous recent memories of his sudden disappearance, skills in martial arts, a return to his past and false identity.
Yep, the last few months may have been too chaotic, but in general, they had shared more good memories than bad. However, neither your mind nor body seemed to care about that in the least, cause they managed to be a pain in the butt at times like these.
At that, a dry cough filled the air, so that glass that he was carrying between his hands, I pass it on to you.
The liquid cold, combined with the warmth of its touches and the bare feet of your feet, caused the cold of the floor to creep through your body, momentarily distracting you. Clearing your mind used to help, but it just seemed like today wouldn't be the day.
In order to support yourself and control your breathing, you leaned back on the back, but as with the cold thing, it didn't seem to be of much help.
You began to let yourself be carried away by the strong waves of anxiety, each time holding, not screaming, not crying, not cursing became more and more difficult.
“Hey, hey … here I am.” he reminded you of his presence with a tranquil voice. “And I'm not leaving you. Not this time. Not again. Never again.”
Just like in the bathroom, he closed the distance between them. The only difference is that this time he held your hands 'tween his, and with a thin trembling on his lips, he left a delicate kiss on your forehead.
“Once I did it and I still regret it. And most at this moment, cause now I get it many things, one of those, the fact of your annoyance. I know that I already said it a million times since I back, but… I'm Sorry”. With delicacy, he swept a slippery tear that fell down your cheekbone.
With weightiness and pain, you closed your eyes, releasing the tears that your eyes contained.
The issue of his past and false identity was something they discussed and supposedly resolved, however, it seemed not to be your case. You understood him, you understood the reason for his actions and lies, even so, you couldn't help but feel upset, betrayed in a certain way.
You should talk to him about it, you knew it, but you didn't want to feel like a bad friend when expressing your feelings, not after everything that happened recently.
"I don't know what is crossing your mind right now, but ... (Y / n), I just want you to know something, I know you can.
Do facing the worst situations and still here you are, you are one of the strongest people I know, you are brave, fun, determined, creative, beautiful, both as a person and physically. Somehow you always get to see the best in people. And all of that is what I love about you.
Without being able to avoid it for another moment, you began to let go of everything you had withheld. Shang-chi for his part enveloped you in a warm hug. "Here I am and I will be, I promise I will be here"
At some point in the dawn, you managed to reconcile your demons and fall for the second time into the arms of Morpheus.
The next morning, as expected, you felt the worst, your head hurt, your throat burned, your entire body weighed you.
"Ahhhg, shit !!!." Apparently, your moan was notoriously loud for a Shang-chi in an apron to enter your room with a tray in his hands.
"Bom dia". Hearing your so-used phrase repeat, you couldn't help a silly and weak smile from adorning your dejected face.
"Hey, you're still here ... I thought you ..."
"No, I made you a promise yesterday and I plan to keep it." He mentioned decided.
After a few seconds of sharing glances, you spoke again, ending whatever they were bringing up.
"I shouldn't have had that much to drink last night." You mentioned while walking aside to let him sit, then he caught and accepted your invitation, so the distance between the two was close.
"No, don't worry, we've all gotten drunk at some point ... You know ...". He turned back to the tray. "While you should take an aspirin and plenty of water, trust me, it will help reduce your hangover."
Silence, it was the only thing that there was after following his indications, neither of them dared to say anything about it, but at the same time there was the feeling of as if they wanted to say something.
"I...". You were the one who made the first move "I'm sorry if yesterday was a nuisance, I ..."
"No". He interrupted you "you are not a nuisance (Y/n) and no, it was nothing. I would do it again as many times as necessary." Again, silence reigned in the air.
"Also". You carried on while looking away from him. "I'm sorry if I said or did something yesterday that I probably regret today ... no ... I don't remember much about last night, but ... something in me tells me that if something happened and I think I know what it is"
They both knew where the talk was going, they knew what you meant.
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
"I want to do it...". You dealt with it. "I must..."
"Okay, I'm all ears." He ended up turning towards you and giving you his full attention. "
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staplernpaper · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen Compatibility
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Compatibility reading is for this event:
Jujutsu Kaisen & Criminal minds Compatibility Reading Event
The Event Is Currently Closed So I'm Not Accepting Any More Requests. Any Requests Sent As Of Right Now Will Be Deleted
All readings are for entertainment purposes only. Please do not obsess over the results of the reading as at the end of the day free will is a thing.
Selamat Petang My Dear,
Hope everyone reading is having a good day. Please like and reblog this post cause I'd really like to know whether you guys enjoy this event. If any of you have any questions regarding any of my reading, you can always comment or send via ask.
The type of couple: The experimental couple
What will Yuji's relationship with N.S be like?
Card 1: Ace of pentacles - Financial new beginnings, New financial opportunity, savings, prosperity, security, money, stability, abundance, manifestation
Card 2: 9 of cups - Wishes come true, Realising dreams, Happiness, Joy, Fulfilment, Positivity, Success, Rewards, Abundance, Prosperity, Achievements, Confidence, Celebrating, Entertaining, Fame,
Card 3: 2 of wands - Two paths, Decisions, Grass is always greener, Options, Planning, Travel oversees, Restlessness, Withdrawn, Wanderlust, Waiting, Leaving comfort, Taking Risk
Card 4: Ace of swords - New ideas, Success, Breakthroughs, Realising the truth, Communications, Vision, Force, Assertiveness
Card 5: 4 of swords - Fear, Anxiety, Stress, Feeling overwhelmed, Mental overload, Needing solitude, Relaxation, Rest, Sanctuary, Meditation, Regrouping
So the Ace of Pentacles indicates that your relationship will be loyal, lasting and practical. This relationship definitely gives the two of you a sense of stability and security. Which in turn will give each of you the confidence to be able to take risks and explore. Consequently, it will make each of you thrive as an independent individual. As a couple, the two of you may feel very lucky and privileged to be able to enjoy your life together.
The Nine of Cups is associated with extreme happiness and satisfaction because your most perfect dream has happened. I think this card is pretty straightforward, basically, the two of you will be immensely happy in this relationship because this was everything you two would ever want in a relationship.
For the Two of wands, I see it two ways, which is there is thorough planning involved and discovery. I think N.S would be the type to have a plan to ensure the best course of action for the relationship to go well, just light planning nothing too detailed. I don't see Yuji as the planning type. When we're talking about discovery, it means that both you and Yuji will explore or experiment with new things in this relationship. In the beginning, it may seem weird or tough but eventually, you two strive on and enjoy it.
For the Ace of swords, I think communication is strong in this relationship. I think if a problem arises both of you will be honest with each other and discuss the situation. Or if something is bothering one of you, they would tell their partner rather than keeping it to themselves.
The Four of Swords tells me that once in a while you two will take breaks. Not long breaks just short ones cause I feel like you would need just me-time or something. It's more like the both of you respect each other personal time.
Yuji and you will be experimental when it comes to this relationship, trying different activities, food and etc. You and Yuji's ability to take risks and step out of your comfort zone is due to the fact that you're comfortable in your own skin in the other's presence. However, this definitely took a little bit of time and more getting to know one another because in the beginning there is a little bit of discomfort.
This relationship is very practical because strong communication is present. If something is bothering one of you, they would not hide it but rather be upfront about it. Pretty sure this couple would not shy away from a discussion or a debate. Not only that but I think it's also practical because there is respect for each other's personal space/time. Having your personal time allows you to recuperate so when you two see each other you'll have the energy.
Lastly, the two of you will be very happy in this relationship because this relationship is basically a dream come true. In this relationship your partner is loyal, give you a sense of security and it will be a relationship that will last for years. In fact, some days you'll pinch yourself thinking that this is a dream, you feel very lucky and privileged to have Yuji as your partner
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Hi! Sorry to bother you, but If it’s possible, would you mind doing a Saeyoung songfic to this song? https://youtu.be/UrDBxz_FjGw
It reminds me of when he was at Rika’s apartament with MC, pretending to ignore her even though he still cared deeply for her safety and well-being.
Thanks! <3
I shit you not, that was actually one of the first songs I put on my MysMe playlist, because of how much it made me think of Saeyoung xD so thank you for requesting this!
And you're never a bother, dear anon 💕
I really hope you like this 😊
Ghosting - Mother Mother
Seven x Reader
I've been ghosting, I've been ghosting along
Ghost in the world, ghost with no home
I remember, I remember the days
When I'd make you oh-so afraid
And this is why I have decided
To leave your house and home un-haunted
You don't need poltergeists for sidekicks
He knew he was being harsh towards you. No, scratch that. Actually Seven was straight up being an asshole. But it was for a good reason after all.
He couldn't risk you getting further involved in his messed up, disgusting world. Because of him, you'd already been in danger and that happening again had to be avoided at all costs.
So he lashed out. Told you things to purposefully make you hate him. That he didn't want you in his life. That you should sort your feelings out, start thinking straight. That he didn't care about you or your feelings towards him.
All lies... But he had to at least get you to believe them. In his opinion, it was the only way to keep you out of harms way.
After all, he was basically a ghost. Doing dirty work for God knows who. He wasn't supposed to let anyone close.
Not to mention that he didn't deserve it either. Especially not when it was you.
You were warm, caring, sweet. Maybe a bit naive and too trusting, but that was kind of endearing.
Though that only gave him all the more reason to push you away.
Because you deserved way better. Someone who'd keep you safe and would be able to offer you a happy and fulfilling life. Filled with love. Something he would've never been able to do.
Sooner or later, he'd had to disappear. Change his entire identity and cut ties with everyone he knew. For their sake.
So it wouldn't be fair to act like everything was fine. When in fact, everything went to shit around him ...
He wouldn't pull you don't with him. Under no circumstances.
Hey, would it be so bad if I stayed
I'm just a ghost out of his grave
And I can't make love in my grave
I won't put white into your hair
I won't make noises in your stairs
I will be kind and I'll be sweet
If you stop staring straight through me
Why were you still so persistent? Why didn't you get angry at him for all the things he said? How the hell were you still able to be so sweet? To care for him and be worried on his behalf?
You always tried to still get closer to him. Tried so many things to get him to eat and open up to you.
Another proof of how pure and precious you were. Adding to the list of reasons why he had to keep you away from filth like himself.
All the things you did for him only made it hit him tenfold the first time he heard you cry.
You obviously tried to be as quiet as possible. Probably because he told you to be silent and not bother him...
But he could hear the sniffles. The sound of that and the knowledge that he was the cause for your pain breaking his heart into a million little pieces.
He wanted nothing more but wrap you up in his arms. Do everything he could to make the stream of tears stop. Beg for forgiveness, even though he knew fairly well he didn't deserve it, after all he'd said and done.
But God, did he wish you'd forgive him, eventually... Give him a chance to make it right.
Damn, he really wished things were different. That he'd make you laugh again, like he'd done over the phone before. He missed your laugh... Your cheerful behaviour. And the smile he'd seen so many times over the CCTV, when you waved at him in the hallway.
Seven really wished he could be what you needed and deserved...
And this is why I have decided
To pull these old white sheets from my head
I'll leave them folded neat and tidy
So that you'll know I'm out of hiding
And this is why I have decided
To leave your house and home un-haunted
You don't need poltergeists for sidekicks
You were a complete and utter mystery to him... Even after all the times he'd hurt you. All the venom he spat at you and how harshly he pushed you away, you never gave up.
Always persistent in the most gentle way. Never pushing him too far. Just enough to slowly but surely make his resolve crumble.
How was he not supposed to cave in when you were like that? Making him feel things so strongly, that he'd never allowed himself to dwell on before. Or even hope for, in all his life.
It was impossible not to fall further and further for you the more time you two spent together in that small apartment.
With how you insisted that you didn't care about him potentially being dangerous. That you wanted to get to know the real him.
And at some point, he gave in. Decided that he didn't want to be forgotten. Especially not by you.
So he stopped pushing you away and instead swore to himself to make up for all the hurt he put you through. To keep you safe, even if it could cost him his own life.
No more lies, no more secrets. No more assuming what would be best for you and acting on that, instead of communicating with you. Asking you what you wanted.
Of course it was a little scary. Suddenly letting someone that close, while admitting his feelings at the same time. And as strange as some people might thought it was, considering the fact you two only knew each other for a little over a week, he knew he could trust you blindly.
Never once have you given him a reason to doubt you. Quite the opposite, actually. You've always been there, when he needed you.
It was time to make his own decisions. Decide for himself what he wanted to do with his life, instead of blindly following orders. So no more Agent 707. No more Luciel.
You deserved to be with a real person. Not a ghost, who would haunt your memories, when he'd had to inevitably leave, someday. Someone warm and caring. Not cold and cruel.
Now he'd finally start to live as Saeyoung. Something that was terrifying to no end.
But with you at his side? He knew he could do anything.
You were his lifeline. The one keeping him sane when he felt his entire world start crashing down around him. The one giving him strength and love he never knew just how much he craved it.
Although he was still wondering how he deserved your forgiveness, he would be lying if he said that he wasn't relieved about it. Because you rooted yourself so deeply into his heart, he knew that there would never be anyone else for him.
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @the-purpleblushh @ultrasupernini @just-a-key @bootiful-face @otomaticallyobsessed @delfffi-lc
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hisredhysteria · 2 years
h-hi!! Can I request for either headcanons or a scenario (up to you on which one) where courier seemed to be reluctant about his (preferably female) s/o's birthday and yet he wants to celebrate it🥺 my birthday is coming up by this month so thanks in advance!! >//<)/
HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!! Anything for the birthday girl! I tested out doing a scenario for this one if you don't mind!!
Reluctant to celebrate their s/o's bday
He caught your words brimming with excitement each time you mentioned that your birthday was approaching. His own words on that matter seemed minimal, almost as if Courier was reluctant to fuel any disappointment he might cause by telling you how he really felt about birthdays, namely yours.
Not oblivious though, you were able to catch onto his hesitant and uncomfortable body language. Even if you knew Courier wasn't much of a talker, it wasn't normal of him to be this silent on a subject, especially after you had shown this much excitement towards it. When you finally bit the bullet and asked him if you two could make plans together was when he actually managed to conjure up an explanation.
"I'll be busy." He said with his eyes glancing opposite of your direction. Was he telling the truth? Or was it simply an excuse?
To this your smile dimmed and once it did Couriers eyes shot right back at you. "Look shithead, I'm not trying to ruin anything, don't you have friends to celebrate with instead or something?"
You paused and it was obvious you were slightly hurt by his suggestion of celebrating without him. Of course, you took this as a cue that he'd be busy on your birthday, but the phrase "I'm not trying to ruin anything" stuck with you for a while.
Since then all talk on the subject had gone dead until you asked him what exactly he meant by not wanting to ruin anything.
Once again, the conversation was cheap and short. Courier reminded you that he was booked for an important job on your birthday either way so it did not matter.
In response you offered a few words to show him that even if he could spend a little extra time with you, you'd be grateful. Nonetheless, he remained quiet on the topic of your birthday afterwards.
When your birthday did arrive, everything was the same. It was monotonous like any other day and by the early afternoon you began to lose hope for something special to take place.
That was until you saw the glimmer of a familiar light beam through the window paired with the sound of a motorcycle engine. It was unusual for Courier to come home this early in the day so you went outside to investigate, hoping he was unharmed.
What you were met with was Courier just fine, sitting on his bike like he'd been expecting you.
"Get on shithead." He gestured his head to signal he wanted you to get on with him.
"I thought you said you'd be too busy to celebrate?" You asked, rightfully confused.
"Who said we're celebrating? Tsk, even if we were I said I'd be busy, not that I didn't want to...are you getting on or not?"
Still puzzled, you figured that there was no harm in seeing what he had in store for you so you got on as he'd instructed and wrapped your arms around him tight. Still, you'll never know exactly what it was he'd been trying not to ruin, but perhaps you'd get the chance to ask him that later.
Authors Note: I thought maybe an explanation might serve well here since I didn't wanna make this too long? Courier was afraid to ruin your birthday by not living up to your expectations as birthdays are typically special. When mentioned that you would be grateful even with a little extra time spent, he figured that he'd try to at least fulfill that.
Another thing I wanna note is one of the lines I had planned out for this scenario because I often brainstorm before writing : "tsk...how long am I gonna have to stand here before you take the flowers, shithead?" : I just thought it could serve as a future prompt and maybe you'd like it? Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! EAT LOTS OF CAKE FOR ME 😳 or whatever it is you enjoy!
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The Only One (Lewis Nixon)
Requested by: @dontfearthereaper-09
Summary: You're Colonel Sink's granddaughter and you're helping out with paperwork - you eventually fall in love with Lewis Nixon and start dating. However, every relationship has its ups and downs.
Prompt: a requested one - I wish I'd never met you.
Author's Note: I struggled so hard with this and I'm not proud of it at all, but hope it is what you wanted. A big thank you goes to for @alienoresimagines and her great help as always!
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans  @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @stressedinadress @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox @happyveday
"He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began." - Anna Karenina, L. Tolstoj
Y/N had never in her life shooted from a rifle or even held it in her innocent hands. She had never known combat, real combat, where men kill and die. She had never endured real physical pain.
And still, Y/N was standing in the middle of Camp Toccoa during the hot summer days of 1942 with a huge grin on her face. She finally persuaded her grandfather to let her join the paratroopers. Well, she was there to help out with paperwork mainly, to be there at hand for the intelligence officers, but she also managed to pull a few strings so she will be undergoing the combat training like every other soldier even though she's not allowed to go and fight in France.
The first weeks were exhausting - physically and mentally - with the combat training Y/N volunteered for. She constantly felt like she's at the verge of giving up and going home. 
But Y/N didn't and neither will she. Even though it was the hardest thing she'd ever done in her life, it seemed right. This is where Y/N Sink belonged.
But thank God it wasn't just exercise, work and signing documents. One evening, when everything was finished for the day, her grandfather Sink took her with him to a certain celebration, more like an occasion to get drunk and forget that a war is going on just across an ocean. 
It was certainly the most eventful night during her stay in Camp Toccoa, Georgia. Y/N lost her grandfather nearly 10 minutes after they walked in the pub. She immediately befriended two guys - George Luz and Joe Liebgott. It seemed like they'd known each other for years. The soldiers heard all about the mysterious woman that had been helping out in their training camp weeks ago now but never really got the chance to talk to her.
George introduced her to the rest of his friends within Easy Company and they spend the night together laughing, downing shots one after another, dancing and joking around. Y/N felt relaxed and genuiely unworried that night so when they were told to break it up and get some sleep for tomorrow, it suddenly saddened her. The Easy Company boys were the most welcoming, kind and funny men Y/N'd met during her stay and she was sure that she's not gonna have a chance to talk to them like that night for a long time.
There was a soldier waiting for her outside of the pub to escort her into her room but Y/N kindly told him to fuck off and he made sure to be quickly on his way. 
So there she was again, standing under the starry night in Georgia, a warm summer breeze dancing through her hair while she struggled a bit to remain on her feet due to all the alcohol flowing in her veins. 
"Have a trouble finding your way, Miss Sink?" a deep voice filled her ears and Y/N jumped a bit on her spot as she didn't see him coming from behind.
"I'm perfectly fine, soldier." she tried to answer with a firm steady voice but a quiet giggle escaped her lips.
"I can see that. Let me help you there, Miss." he offered his help kindly, smirking. The Moon was illuminating his face making his hair appear darker than the night itself and his eyes shined like two stars up at the sky.
"I assure you, Mr Nixon, that I have no trouble at all. I can manage myself." Y/N stood behind her words but a part of her desired his gentle hand on her lower back steadying her. 
"I'm surprised you know my name." Nix laughed raising his eyebrows as he took a few steps closer to her.
"And I'm surprised it was just a can of peaches." Y/N replied boldly looking directly into his dark eyes.
They were covered in silence for a few moments but they burst out laughing in the next second earning some "shut the fuck ups" from the nearest barracks.
The duo spent the rest of the night walking around the camp as they eventually ended up in her room talking about nothing and everything. By the next morning, Y/N knew every little thing about Lewis and he knew every little thing about her. 
It was no surprise, to Easy Company boys or even his grandfather, that the two of them started dating just a couple of days after the party. Richard Winters soon payed Y/N a visit informing her how he's never seen Lew so damn happy and cheerful all the time.
At the end of May, 1944 when all the preparations for D-Day were finishing, another party was thrown in honor of the paratroopers that had earned their jump wings. Y/N persaued Sink to take her to Britain with him so she was able to celebrate with all of them. 
She was a bit tipsy already because George Luz made her drink three beers and the forth was already on its way. 
Lewis Nixon glared at the duo with a bottle of whiskey in his right hand and a cigarette in the left. He watched how Y/N's lips curled into the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen at something George whispered in her ear. She burst out in a hearty laugh as she touched Luz's shoulder gently and this simple action reminded Lewis the night they met for the first time. An uneasy feeling burned through his chest - it suddenly became hard to breathe. Nixon clenched the glass in his hands and he'd have break it eventually if Richard didn't shake with Lew's shoulder.
"Not now, Dick," the intellingent officer snapped immediately, "we'll talk tomorrow. I'm heading back to my room."
And with that, he stood up and walked out of the pub without any other glance toward his girlfriend. The bottle of Vat '69 was left on the table half full.
"Baby? Why did you disappear so quickly?" Y/N barged in his room while he was sitting behind his desk looking out of the window absently. 
"You seemed quite happy with George." Nixon murmured quietly, he didn't even bother to turn and face her.
"What is this all about? Is there a problem?" she asked kindly moving closer to her broken soldier. The sweet tone of her voice was making it even harder than it already was.
Lewis Nixon looked at her for the first time. "I think we shouldn't be seeing each other anymore." He sounded decided, strongly convinced in his statement.
Y/N suspiciously eyed his face whereas Lewis tried to avoid her concerned look. "Is this about George?"
"No, it's not about fucking George!" Lewis raised his voice and stood up from the little chair, "you are better without me, okay? I drag you down, Y/N."
She stared at him in disbelief. "What the hell are you talking about? I love you and only you, damn it!"
"You just think you do!"
Y/N's eyes began to water and when the first hot tear rolled down her cheek Nixon's heart broke into million pieces. He hated himself for hurting the most precious human being on the Earth but he had to do it. There was no other way.
"I wish you trusted me more, Lew." she breathed out reaching out to caress his cheek but changed her mind in the last second and her hand fell to her body.
Lewis pressed his eyelids tightly together forcing the coming tears stay inside of his soul. "I wish I'd never met you."
The next days hit Y/N harder than her first days at Toccoa. No combat training, no amount of paperwork had ever made her feel so broken, tired and demotivated. As weird as it sounds, even after the relatively short relationship with the Easy Company intelligence officer, Lewis was a big important part of her life. He made her feel so many new emotions, he fulfilled her soul and heart like nobody else did.
And now, it was all gone.
Everyone noticed the sudden cold behaviour between Y/N and Lewis but they didn't really know what happened. Y/N brushed it off every single time when someone asked her and no one really dared to approach Nixon. 
It wasn't like the duo stopped communicating absolutely. Lewis after the argument stormed off and got drunk, he was genuiely wasted, but he also realised what a mistake he did. It was the first time Y/N told him she loved him and he was still able to make the person who cared for him the most go away.
When Y/N tried her best to avoid Nixon, he tried his best to talk to her as much as possible, every day he left her a note at her desk along with a flower and every time she accidentally glanced at him he sent her an apologetic smile.
Y/N knew her anger and hurt was slowly fading away. Lewis felt truly sorry - alcohol and jealousy wasn't really a great combination.
My dearest Y/N,
I know you don't want to have anything to do with me, and I don't blame you, but there's still something I need to tell you. I'm just gonna hope that this sort of letter is not lying in the bin already.
I want you to know that I regret every single word I said that night. Clearly my jealousy and my alcoholic problem (as much as you hate me right now, please don't tell anyone I just admitted that) came in the way and I thought you're better off without me.
I'm not the perfect boyfriend, Y/N, and I never will be. I'm not funny as George, and I guarantee you there's gonna be more arguments between us. But I can assure you that no matter what happens, I will love you for the rest of my life. 
Hope you can forgive me,
I'm sorry.
With love, your Lewis
A tear soaked into the piece of paper as she pressed it to her heart. Little did Y/N know that she will love the idiot forever.
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