#antónio guterres
lasseling · 3 months
UN Declares War on Free Speech: “People With Non-Mainstream Views Must Be Ostracized From Society”
The United Nations has ramped up its war against free speech and declared that people who consume or share “non-mainstream views” must be severely punished and ostracized from society.
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blackcat-brazil · 11 months
O secretário-geral da ONU, António Guterres, denuncia o apartheid imposto por Israel na Palestina há décadas, e explica que isso levou ao aparecimento do Hamas.
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Israel has already called for his removal of office. But at least someone had the guts to call it for what it was. Warm crimes, dehumanisation... ongoing genocide.
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
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This is a good idea...
Ban fossil fuel ads to save climate, says UN chief
Tobacco ads were banned on TV and radio in the early 1970s in the United States. That began a process of denormalization of tobacco which has continued in the years since then.
Climate change likely played a role in India's national election.
The hidden story behind India’s remarkable election results: lethal heat
The Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), led by India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, has won more seats than the opposition alliance, and yet its victory tastes of defeat. Why? In the days leading to the election, the BJP’s main slogan had been Abki baar, 400 Paar, a call to voters to send more than 400 of its candidates to the 543-member parliament. This slogan, voiced by Modi at his campaign rallies, set a high bar for the party. Most exit polls had predicted a massive victory for the BJP – and now the results, with that party having won only 240 seats, suggest that the electorate has sent a chastening message to the ruling party and trimmed its hubris. [ ... ] People in Patna voted on 1 June, the last day of the seven-phase polling schedule. In Patna, the temperature had hovered above 40C. Local newspapers carried government ads exhorting voters to exercise their franchise, as well as half-page ads from the health ministry offering advice about how to avoid heatstroke. In the days leading to the voting in Patna, there were reports of personnel at polling stations dying from the heat. In the nation’s capital, Delhi, there were protests over water shortages. Last week, the temperature in Delhi hit 49.9C.
For the Celsius-challenged, 49.9° C = 121.8° F. That's just 0.2° F short of the all time record high temperature in Phoenix, Arizona which reputedly has "dry" heat.
As it turned out the ruling BJP did win the election but will be able to govern only with the help of electoral allies. The BJP had been boasting about getting 400 seats in the 543 seat Lok Sabha - the lower house of parliament. It ended up with just 240 with its allies winning 53 for a total of 293 seats. It is a modest working majority but is way down from the 353 seats won by the BJP & allies in the previous election.
Climate was certainly not the only issue in the election but experiencing a severe heat wave in which people were dropping dead at polling places is bound to have an impact. Politicians in India may now be more open to moving away from fossil fuels. The opposition would be wise to make climate change a bigger issue.
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dadsinsuits · 7 months
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António Guterres
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nando161mando · 11 months
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"No one who calls for peace is safe in their jobs, not even *checks notes* UN secretary-general, António Guterres…
There is a word that describes this behaviour and it starts with F"
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vyorei · 10 months
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António Gutteres praised the efforts on captive negotiations, seems there will be an exchange soon after some minor issues are sorted
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
UN Secretary-General António Guterres spoke to negotiators at COP27 on November 17, saying they must overcome a ‘breakdown in trust’ between wealthy nations in the Global North and developing nations in the Global South in order to reach a deal and save the planet from the climate crisis. ‘We are at crunch time in the negotiations,’ Guterres said. ‘The world is watching and there’s a simple message to all of us: Stand and deliver.’
This video was created in collaboration with Nature's Newsroom.
#Earth #Environment #ClimateCrisis #NowThis
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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rjzimmerman · 2 years
Excerpt form this story from EcoWatch:
As representatives from countries all over the world gear up for the COP27 climate change conference in Egypt, Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) António Guterres has been painting a stark picture of intensifying climate impacts around the globe.
Guterres accused the wealthiest 20 countries in the world of not doing enough to prevent Earth from overheating, reported The Associated Press.
The UN chief spoke from New York as international government representatives met in Kinshasa, Congo’s capital, to prepare for the climate conference next month.
“A third of Pakistan flooded. Europe’s hottest summer in 500 years. The Philippines hammered. The whole of Cuba in black-out. And here, in the United States, Hurricane Ian has delivered a brutal reminder that no country and no economy is immune from the climate crisis,” Guterres said, as UN News reported.
Guterres highlighted how important COP27 is for the world, but cautioned that the joint dedication of the G20 intergovernmental forum of industrialized countries is happening “far too little, and far too late.”
The steps being taken by the world’s richest countries didn’t “add up,” Guterres said, and would make it impossible to meet the goal of limiting global heating to even two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, much less 1.5 degrees Celsius.
”[W]e are in a life-or-death struggle for our own safety today and our survival tomorrow,” said Guterres, as reported by UN News. Guterres added that the goal would require “a quantum level compromise between developed and emerging economies.”
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lasseling · 4 months
Top Scientists Prove Covid Pandemic Was a Hoax
A group of leading scientists has provided conclusive evidence proving that the alleged Covid “pandemic” was nothing more than a hoax designed to mass-vaccinate the general public and usher in a globalist agenda.
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kp777 · 4 months
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claubenaventer · 4 months
El secretario general de Naciones Unidas, el portugués António Guterres, urgió a que las potencias mundiales demuestren un mayor compromiso en la lucha contra el cambio climático y se deje de jugar a “la ruleta rusa con el planeta”. Además, comparó a la humanidad con el meteorito que acabó con los dinosaurios. “Estamos jugando a la ruleta rusa con nuestro planeta. Todo (el futuro) depende de las decisiones que tomen o dejen de tomar los líderes actuales, especialmente en los próximos 18 meses. Es la hora de la verdad”, afirmó Guterres, en el marco del Día Mundial del Medioambiente. De hecho, el secretario general adelantó las cifras entregadas más tarde por la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) respecto al aumento de la temperatura, y apuntó que el Acuerdo de París “pende de un hilo”. Miles de científicos y expertos coincidieron en el Acuerdo de París (2015) que limitar el aumento de la temperatura promedio global a no más de 1,5 grados Celsius en comparación con la era preindustrial ayudaría a evitar las peores consecuencias ambientales. Por ello, Guterres enfatizó que es importante trabajar en disminuir las emisiones “del 1 por ciento más rico que emite la misma cantidad de carbono que dos tercios de la humanidad”. Para Guterres, los países del G20 “tienen la responsabilidad” y “deben ir más lejos” -ya que producen el 80 por ciento de las emisiones- comprometiéndose a reasignar subvenciones de combustibles fósiles a energías renovables y a acabar con el carbón para 2030. “No podemos aceptar un futuro en el que los ricos estén protegidos en burbujas con aire acondicionado, mientras el resto de la humanidad es azotada por un clima letal en tierras no habitables”, sentenció. Además, comparó la “situación de urgencia actual” y su “desproporcionado efecto” para el futuro cercano con “el meteorito que acabó con los dinosaurios”. “En el caso del clima, no somos los dinosaurios, somos el meteorito. No solo estamos en peligro, somos el peligro. Pero también somos la solución”, sostuvo Guterres, dejando un resquicio para la esperanza, para lo cual es vital “mantener vigente el umbral de los 1,5 grados” y que las emisiones mundiales disminuyan un 9 por ciento cada año hasta 2030. Las declaraciones de Guterres se conocen el mismo día en que el observatorio europeo del clima, Copernicus, informó que mayo de 2024 fue el más caluroso registrado hasta la fecha, lo que significa que el mundo lleva un año batiendo récords mensuales. Con esta serie de récords, "la temperatura media mundial de los últimos 12 meses (junio 2023-mayo 2024) es la más alta jamás registrada", según la entidad. Via: dw
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carolkeiter · 7 months
Futurium Museum Berlin | Sortition Democracy - Well Being of Everyone | Climate Shadow - grows as actions inspire others
I happened to be bicycling from an event that took place every Thursday evening Berlin Beats, in which different dj’s are featured in the courtyard of Hamburger Bahnhof museum, when I noticed that the lights at another museum were on quite late, with people milling about, when I suddenly realized that this was a night i had calendared and forgotten about the date, ‘The Langest Nacht de Museums /…
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dadsinsuits · 1 year
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António Guterres
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omg-erika · 8 months
The Thought Police is approaching.
by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext What the mainstream media is hiding In the fight against alleged “false information” and “hate speech,” global censorship of the Internet is getting closer and closer: what we are allowed to say, read, and share on social media will be subject to comprehensive control in the future. The United Nations and its sub-organizations UNESCO and WHO, together with…
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