#anti BuckTaylor
bellabrady · 8 months
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incorrect buddie quotes part idk
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Buck & Eddie: They're Soulmates!
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Buck and Eddie share a once in a lifetime love of each other's lives type of love that transcends space and time.
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The love they share is not platonic, it's romantic and the natural chemistry they have is OFF THE CHARTS.
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There are people who wish they could have one tenth of the love they share with each other and that's why over the years, the show has made it a point to highlight and compare their love interests against the other one as a way to prove Buck and Eddie are meant for each other.
Therefore, can it once and for all be acknowledged that the possible reason why NONE of Buck’s previous relationships with AC, AM, TK and ND never worked was because THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO?
The same goes for Eddie because NONE of his relationships ever worked either including the one he had with Chris' mother. SD, AF and now M (who the show still hasn't given a last name and that speaks volumes as to how long she'll possibly be around) didn’t or won't work for Eddie because THEY WEREN'T/AREN'T SUPPOSED TOO EITHER?
It's interesting to see all these takes on how some people view their previous relationships with those women through rose colored glasses and saying things like they could have been great if... (_______ fill in the blank with whatever randomness you'd like). The point is they weren't meant to be anything but a placeholder until Buddie goes CANON.
There have been so many takes on Buck and TK being perfect because they were cute together but did everyone who thinks that forget she was willing to throw the 118 and their captain under the bus in 2x6? Don't even try to rebutt it with logic from that fake redemption arc that was included in 5x7 for her because in 5x17 she ultimately accomplished her goal by doing exactly what she intended four years earlier when she broke a promise she made to Buck and ran with the Jonah story then wrote a raggedy book about it exactly one year later in 6x17. It's true that Buck knew who she was but he still dated her (which speaks more to his poor decision making than hers) but they both knew it was wrong from the start. They were never going to work and they were never FRIENDS. Friends don't treat each other like $hit so they can get their way then expect for you to just be ok with it and follow it up with a half @ssed apology like, "I'm sorry you're still upset about the story" 🙄. With friends like that, Buck doesn't need enemies.
AC literally ABANDONED him but there are still people who think she would have been good for him. It appears they forgot she FOUND a man with two kids in another country and in 3x18 she came back two years later to rub Buck’s face in it. She didn't even have the decency to apologize to him.
AM was the worst of all because SHE WAS NEVER THERE WHEN BUCK NEEDED HER. Was she nice, yes but she didn't know him at all and when his leg got crushed by the ladder truck in 2x18, she dipped and ABANDONED him too. But for some reason, she's being heralded as his best relationship ever which is so far from the truth it's funny sad not funny haha. She left him in his loft with a cast on his leg because she didn't know what she wanted.
ND was/is only interested in Buck because he DIED! THAT'S IT! There's nothing else to the story. She clearly COULDN'T SEE HIM because they only knew each other for two seconds so please stop romanticizing their hookup like it was some "Gone with the Wind" love story because that's a bunch of BS since they didn't and still don't know each other.
SD was NOT the perfect wife and mother people who wanted her to stick around and coparent Chris with Eddie have made her out to be. The show clearly retconned her character in 6x15 like she was so young and she didn't deserve to die but be clear, the relationship she had with Eddie was toxic as F%ck! All they did was argue and instead of talking, they had sex. They didn't communicate and when she was ready to leave again, she thought she would have time to come back and be "someone's wife and someone's mother" (her words but notice she didn't say Chris' mother or Eddie's wife, she said someone's) but her time ran out and she didn't get the chance, hence the title of the episode she died in, "Careful what you wish for". Trust and believe she had a lot of faults and Eddie did too but her being young wasn't an excuse for her leaving Chris and not contacting him for almost 2 years. If Eddie wouldn't have contacted her about her interviewing at Durand, would she have ever come back? Who knows but probably not since she was out there living her best life like she didn't have a kid.
AF was nice but just because her and Eddie were cute together, it doesn't mean they were soulmates. Did the people rooting for them to stay together even realize that she was Chris' schoolteacher in 3x12 but she DIDN'T OFFER EDDIE ANY SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO HELP CHRIS SKATEBOARD? That was literally her job but she was career driven which isn't a bad thing but it seemed like she was in love with the idea of being in love just like Eddie was. She was trying to avoid dealing with the issues that were prevalent in their relationship and she didn't even ask Eddie about his panic attacks to try and find out what was causing them. But she did throw them in his face when he broke up with her.
M is IN LOVE WITH HER BROTHER! It was clear she was in 6x5 when she almost kissed him on the mouth while they were in the ambulance. Also, she's a loner, hence the meaning of her name, Marisol, it literally means solitude. When Eddie met her, she was doing upgrades on her home by herself until her brother showed up and made a complete mess of things. If Eddie does try to pursue something formidable with her in season 7, everyone knows how it will end because EDDIE TOLD THE AUDIENCE IN 6X14... he'll be performing and trying not to panic and his performance anxiety will be at a level 100.
Who's never left Buck? EDDIE!
Who loves both Eddie and Chris? BUCK!
Who takes care of Buck? EDDIE!
Who listens to Eddie? BUCK!
The list can go on and on but the point of this post is for those who chose to see what they want to see instead of what 9-1-1 has CLEARLY been depicting for Buck and Eddie over the past six years. None of Buck’s or Eddie’s love interests were written to work because they weren't/aren't supposed to.
No one has natural chemistry with them like they have with each other and it's written that way on PURPOSE!
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bucktommysdaddykink · 2 months
I had to deal with Buck and Taylor for a full season, I think I deserve a full season of Buck and Tommy as compensation.
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
Buck's girlfriend of many months: I love you Buck:
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gayofthefae · 2 months
I just realized Buck says that he has a consistent flaw of jealousy and insecurity like that, and he does,....but it has never once been an issue in his romantic relationships.
He and Abby broke up because she left, their relationship itself was going well. He and Ali broke up because she couldn't handle the risks of his job. He and Taylor broke up because she was prioritizing her job too much and their main issues occurred in an episode where he felt unwanted by Eddie. He and Natalia broke up because their interests didn't align.
He's had this issue present in platonic ways in the firefam too, so to say that this doesn't become an issue in his relationships is to say they're not serious, to the audience or to him. He never cared enough to be jealous.
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djdangerlove · 2 years
Taylor listening to the scanner on her way to cover a huge fire when she hears “This is Firefighter Buckley-Diaz…”
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bylerismyeverything · 16 days
I’m gonna say my honest opinion
I will not be answering any more questions
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chronicowboy · 2 years
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— charles bukowski
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seddair · 2 months
Well, now we know why Oliver was so pissed during season 5 LMAO
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lovecolibri · 19 days
What sort of voodoo has this man performed on these people? The level of delulu is shocking. Why do they make me long for the bucktaylors, lord almighty 😭
i don't knoooooow 😭 I mean, I don't have twitter and I have tags blocked so I'm hearing about the delulu second hand but that shit is WILD.
I mean, despite Oliver looking dead behind the eyes and saying the camera focusing on his face being miserable was on purpose, the OG beetees at least had the network and KR on their side. This go around is almost total radio silence from Oliver on that ship while actively talking about Buddie and liking fanart, Tim calling T a plot device, Oliver out the gate saying he'd hope Buck and T would stay friends after a breakup like THAT'S a normal way to refer to a new relationship, while Buddie are being fully co-parents on screen like....what isn't clicking? T also just flat out doesn't seem to like BUCK as a human being. Like, "enjoy it while it lasts" ?!?! How hard would it be for the writers to have him call Buck adorable about being excited? Why do EYE, someone who doesn't want to see anything about this ship, think you should be expecting more and better. Do BT fans even like Buck? Same as the OGs, like WHY do you want that man with someone who doesn't like the things we all love about him?! Why do you want him with a partner that talks down to him, and steals his joy, and doesn't want to listen to him, and doesn't care about his feelings because they're just there to get from him whatever they can? Evan Buckley get behind me!! It's like the words "love me anyway" and "you don't find it son, you make it" mean nothing to them.
Tim and Oliver came out and said FOX was the one shutting things down but they got what they wanted in 4 eps on ABC so it's only a matter of time. Hopefully these people will join the OG beetees in fading into obscurity.
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Oliver being radio silent about buck and tommy is hilarious.
He was frequently posting about the episodes throughout this season most of which were Buddie related. Not one single picture of bucktommy and didn’t even post a thing about the interview he did with Lou.
He never once acknowledged the finale at all, no stills or anything but ended up liking a buddie post from the finale.
Idc what the bucktommy stans say, that man does not like their relationship or the finale. Buddie stans never expect Oliver to share buddie stuff on his stories or even like buddie stuff, he just does. Yeah, he’s liked a few BT artwork because it was more about Buck’s bisexuality which he loves so much and the first time Buck’s kissed a man so I can understand him being upset and disappointed over how it’s turned out.
He reacted the same way about Buck and Taylor but instead of the radio silence he was being shady asf with emojis regarding their relationship. It’s obvious by his actions that he didn’t/doesn’t like Taylor OR Tommy as Buck’s partners.
They can call us delusional about him not liking buck&Tommy but his instagram silence confirmed it when he was silent about the finale…there’s a pattern.
True anon. That tells us so much about what he wants to happen (… Buddie).
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bellabrady · 1 year
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911 chats (part 14)
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Buck & Eddie: “You don’t know me!” - 7x5
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In 2x8, Buck told a woman, “You don’t even know me!” and according to the script for episode 5 in season 7, the title of it will be almost an exact match since it's "You don’t know me!” and it appears to be a callback to his comment.
Since it's possible some may not have watched 2x8 Buck Actually in a while, here’s a quick reminder of the conversation Buck had with Bobby.  They were discussing TK and how Buck hooked up with her in a bar restroom but Buck told him that since he had finally let go of AC, he thought she had changed him 🙄. Then he proceeded to say he had only been single for like a day and he was back to basically being Buck 1.0. When they entered the gas station, Buck kept talking to Bobby about how he was thinking about calling TK but he didn’t want her to think he was only after one thing.  While Hen was treating the woman robber victim, she overheard Buck talking and commented, “You are only after one thing.  Jerk!”.  Buck responded, “You don’t even know me!” and she replied, “You’re a man, I know enough!”
Why is this important?
It’s important because the theme of “You don’t know me” has been applied to Buck with regards to every hookup or so-called “relationship” he’s had with different women on the show.  Let’s be real for a minute because the truth is none of them AC, AM, TK, ND, Dr. Wells nor the two women he hooked up with in season 1 knew him either.  Also, the woman who made the comment was a random victim who overheard Buck talking for less than a minute and she thought she knew Buck just because he’s a man. It was implied that all men want to do is hookup and leave like he did with TK but Buck has been and continues to search for the love of his life. The conversation he had with her connects to the one he had with Eddie in 6x15 while they were standing in the cemetery.
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Buck said, “I feel like I have to try and be the same old Buck… mostly for the sake of everyone else” and Eddie responded, “You don’t have to be anything for anybody”.
IMO, their comments were being made directly to the audience and they were for the people who, after six seasons still want to keep seeing Buck do the same thing over and over again (I know it’s hard to believe but trust and believe there are people in the GA and in the 9-1-1 fandom who want to keep Buck on the hamster wheel and I think it’s because they DON’T WANT HIM TO BE WITH EDDIE).  These are the viewers who would rather he keep randomly hooking up with people (it could be anybody and it doesn’t matter if it’s irrational, nonsensical, illogical, random or whatever/whomever just as long as they can see him hookup with another guy or another random love interest) instead of him finally accepting the love that him and Eddie effortlessly share with one another.  I’ve said this many times, Buck and Eddie are in love with each other, they’re soulmates (post linked here) and they share a once in a lifetime love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.  They have a deep, emotional and intimate connection that’s not superficial and it’s not based on a hookup.  They have an EPIC love story that deserves to be told without any more distractions or the addition of one-dimensional love interests.  It’s not platonic, it’s romantic and if they do go CANON, it will make for groundbreaking television.
Back to our regularly scheduled program…
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After the title for 7x5 was released a few weeks ago, I completed a post about how Connor really doesn’t know Buck the way he said he does in 6x4 (linked here) and I stand by everything I included in it.  However, this post is in addition to that one and it includes the details about how all the women Buck dated didn’t know him either.
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In 1x1, the first woman Buck was shown hooking up with in the firetruck told him to his face that she didn’t want to get to know him.  He asked her for her number and she replied, “You’re cute and you’re very good at whatever it is we just did but let’s not ruin it by getting to know each other.” She didn't want to get to know him and the look on his face showed he wanted more but she didn't so he moved on to the next one.
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Dr. Wells was the LAFD’s trauma therapist and SHE TRIED TO BEFRIEND Buck on Facebook before he ever entered her office.  She knew the day would come when he would need therapy and when he asked her if she sent him a friend request, she told him he should delete it but then they ended up having sex.  It was played off like a joke but that’s not what it was because she was in a position of power and as a licensed therapist, she should have been charged because it’s against the law for that to happen. IMO, since Buck didn't know any better, as his captain, Bobby should have reported her. She wasn't mentioned again until 3x9 when Buck, Bobby, Chimney and Eddie were sitting in the loft at the firehouse and all Bobby said was "She's no longer with the department". That wasn't enough and she took advantage of him. Trust and believe the situation would have ended differently if the roles had been reversed.
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AC wasn’t any different because after Buck stood by her and helped her after her mom died, he was being catfished by a man and several women were after him because of that guy's lies. After a woman threw a drink in his face, he said to her, “You know me right? Come on” and she replied, “I don’t even know who I am right now. But I definitely don’t feel like I know who you are right now.” She ended up ghosting him and abandoning him while he waited for her for months.
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When she returned two years later, she didn't even apologize to him.
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AM didn’t know Buck either and don’t get sidetracked by the fact that she called him Evan sometimes.  It was proven she didn’t know who he is when she said, “I know it’s who you are” after he said, “You want me to quit my job”.  Well, being a firefighter is NOT who Buck is, it’s what he does but she clearly saw him as a hot firefighter just like AC did and was looking for a good time. Please remember she didn't have a problem leaving him because of it.
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TK didn’t know Buck at all and for everyone who thinks just because they were having sex and living together, that doesn’t mean anything because after meeting four years earlier, TK still had no idea who Buck was before it was over and she didn’t care.  If she had known him then she wouldn’t have betrayed his trust.  Also, he did cheat on her which made the situation worse but neither of them wanted to admit they weren’t supposed to be together and they clung instead of just ending it.  When he got ready to break up with her, she didn't try to see his side of it, she just stuck to her immoral ideals and wanted him to be ok with her running with the Jonah story.  Instead of saying, “I understand and I apologize” she said, “You knew who I was when we started dating” and he replied, “I guess I thought I could learn to live with it”.  She made it all about her the same way Buck makes everything about himself. They were two self-centered people with tragic childhoods in a trainwreck relationship and it shouldn’t have ever happened. It's still interesting that Buck ended up in a relationship with her after everything she did to Bobby and the 118 four years earlier (related post linked here and here).
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ND fangirled over Buck and was so enthralled by his death but when she found out he had a full life, she did judge him.  He said, “I know this is something that’s easy to judge” but even though she said that him being a sperm donor was a kind gesture or whatever, she left because she couldn't handle his full life. Granted she was a death doula but her actions weren't professional and it would have been better if she would have helped him deal with his death. Her return should have ended with Buck saying "No thanks" and sending her on her way but of course he was shoved into another lackluster one dimensional relationship. Also, them telling each other, “I like you” was very high school like🙄.
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Please understand, I don't like TK but in 4x8 she said, "You just can't stand the idea of someone not liking you" and she was right. Buck works hard to make people like him and it's very reminiscent of the way he's been trying to get his parents to love him anyway. He needs therapy.
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It seems like he's still doing it and the words Bobby spoke in 6x11 during his coma dream had no effect since he still cares about how people see him. He hasn't learned anything yet but hopefully he will in season 7.
Eddie Diaz is the ONLY person on the show who KNOWS and SEES Buck and the video above includes several snippets from different episodes to prove it.
Eddie knows him at his core. He knows when to call him on his BS, he recognizes when Buck makes things about himself and he knows when he's trying to fix things instead of understanding it's not always his job to fix them.
Maddie is Buck's sister but she still sees Evan (post linked here) her little brother but Eddie knows Buck and after they become a CANON couple, he’ll know Buck even more. 
While I’m not sure who’s going to say, “You don’t know me” in 7x5 or if it will be said at all, I do believe Buck might say it again and if he does, it will be a callback to 2x8. Also, 6x15 could be included in it since Buck might not be trying to be the "same old Buck" anymore and hopefully it will be enough for the naysayers to understand he's not the same person. IMO, I still think it’s something he will say to Connor especially since the sperm donor arc is supposed to return and OS said in an interview it won’t be revisited before the first 5 episodes.  Hopefully, Buck will finally realize the people he thought knew him really don’t including Connor.
Is it possible Eddie could say it to M, maybe but I don’t know because IMO that doesn’t sound like something he would say to anyone.  But he is all therapized now and he’s supposed to be joking or whatever this season so who knows.
The point of this post is to illustrate how Buck said, “You don’t even know me” in 2x8 and apparently, it’s going to be a callback in 7x5 but the question is, if he does say it, who’s he going to say it to? 👀 
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bucktommysdaddykink · 2 months
Has anyone made a gifset yet of Buck and Taylor kiss where she runs away and then Buck and Tommy kiss where he stays and plans a date?
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lover-of-mine · 7 months
Back to bucktaylor and the decision the show made to make sure we are never thinking they are meant to be, this bit right here.
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They live together, they allegedly love each other, Buck is a touchy guy, they just woke up, we have the illusion that Buck is gonna put his arm around her, but no, his hand goes to the railing. They're not even touching.
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Like, it would make perfect sense for them to lean on each other here, but nope.
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buckleyblueyes · 2 months
But like. Imagine. You work on a show for years and you come to really love the character you play. And one day they tell you that that character is going to get a cool new storyline that will open up avenues of all kinds of emotional growth. And you think, finally, no more of these love interests that go nowhere. Finally, this character I love will get to find that missing piece of himself and become more self-actualized.
And then the network pulls the plug. Your character ends up in one of his worst relationships to date, which at best stagnates his character, and at worst actively regresses his development. And you have to deal with that relationship and all the writing choices that happen as a result of it, for over a year. All the while knowing what could’ve been.
And on top of all that, you’re keenly aware of all the fans who want that original storyline to happen, and you can’t even say you agree with them because as far as you know now, it’s not happening, and the last thing you want to do is get people’s hopes up and/or give them a new reason to harass you on social media. So you just have to sit and stew in your private frustration for like two years.
Oliver babygirl I’m so sorry
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