#anti Chaotix
inserthumanname · 1 year
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Finally, IT'S DONE. When i heard that there was supposed to be an anti-Chaotix group but they only went as far as calling them the Orderix i was like "well don't mind if i do" and these guys are the result, maybe i'll do an individual page for each. Also that "D" gave me more trouble than a letter should have.
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cyborgpuppyofficial · 14 days
Hello everyone! So I made a new video today! As well as three new OC's! Did you know that Team Chaotix was originally going to get Anti Counterparts in the Archie Sonic Comics? It's true! Their group was called The Orderix, and they were not going to be fond of O'Nux. But they never got made due to the comic ending. So today I made them! I decided to turn them all into Mafia Workers instead of Detectives! I'll be sharing their full drawings in a separate post very soon! Check out the video if you wanna see the process of me making them. And if you have any questions about them, let me know! I'd be more than happy to respond to your comments! Thank you all so much for reading this, and I'll see you around! ^w^
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lankstir21 · 2 years
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Here’s some various drawings as well as a scrapped sketch for some Sonic drawing prompt things I did for ASO this year (the Sonic and Knuckles photo drawing in my last post was also made for a drawing prompt, my b for not saying that in the post)
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shinigami-striker · 9 months
[JP] ソニック ヒーローズ | Saturday, 12.30.2023
On this day, the Japanese version of Sonic Heroes was released on Nintendo GameCube, PS2, and Xbox 20 years ago.
4 playable teams to choose from: Team Sonic, Team Dark, Team Rose, & Team Chaotix
14 stages with unique paths and story plots for each team
3 ability types for each team's corresponding characters: Speed, Flight, & Power
up to 2 players can go head-to-head in an assortment of multiplayer modes
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ultramantr1gger · 2 years
anyway. *worldbuilds my version of moebius*
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"the chaotix overdosed on lsd in one of the sonic comics" is already the best piece of trivia to spring on people not intimately familiar with sonic the hedgehog lore and yet that sentence doesn't even capture how fucking insane that plot is. they're not even trying to do lsd they just ate carnival food that was laced with it. they're investigating the carnival food because numerous people have died from overdosing after eating it. they investigate for all of five minutes before shrugging and deciding to dig in. there's a character that shows up posthumously and is ONLY known in the entire canon as "that guy who died from eating an lsd chili dog". said character is (was) the best friend of the now-six year old baby of the franchise (who watched him die ofc). nobody can genuinely tell if this is supposed to be an anti-drugs psa or not. this is from the same series where knuckles the echidna is a christ figure.
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drunkin-kong-donic · 1 year
Hey, I just gotta say...
It's ok if you ship Vecpio. Really. Everyone knows I do. I don't try to hide it.
From what I've seen, new fans automatically ship them until some 'anti' pops up with the tell tale 'espio is 16 and vector is 20.' bullshit. BUT GUESS WHAT.... Espio isn't actually 16, and Vector isn't actually 20. I can tell you right now, no Vecpio fan ships them at those ages or ever have. Everyone can agree that's MESSED UP. Same with a 20 year old raising a 16 year old as their own kid. They're peers. Can't everyone at least agree on that? Platonically or not. (listen, we can all go on for ages about the characterization of each of these characters, but I digress. I'm trying to keep this short) For as long as those two existed, they were never written as their listed ages, which is why recently, Sega officially got rid of those ages and removed them from Sonic Channel. (remember, the wiki's are fan run) Espio and Vector have always been on equal grounds in the Chaotix, and just because Vector is the leader, doesn't mean Espio's any lower in status. With their personalities, its just why they click so well. Vector is naturally a leader, and Espio's a natural follower given his ninja background. Throw a rambunctious bee in the mix for them to take care of and you got a perfect found family. What's to hate? (again, platonic or the two of them as Charmy's guardians) People in fandoms NEED to stop letting other's force their headcanons onto others And if you don't ship Vecpio, that's fine too. Block it, mute it! Just like any other pairing you're not into. But don't go around to OTHER people and tell them what they can and can't do. And call them 'proship' like its a bad thing or say they're liking a pedo ship with no basis besides the intention to scare them onto your side with that word. (also plz look up the actual definition of proship i beg u) Trust me, I'm old enough to know that as soon as you stop caring about what other people think, life'll be so much easier on ya and you'll have a lot more fun in a fandom. I promise. UNTIL THEN....
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IT'S OK to ship Vecpio and not feel bad about it. Don't let other people bully you away from having fun about a harmless pairing in a fandom. Everyone can stay in their own lane and live their lives peachy keen like. SssssEEYA!
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scruffyplayssonic · 6 months
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 64 - 65: Two Multi-part Finale (part 7: Sonic X #40)
Welcome back to my investigation of how Archie Comics’ Sonic the Hedgehog series was actually a syndicated cartoon from the 80’s and 90’s! 
Let me tell you - after six posts talking about the Endgame saga, the end of the Knuckles spinoff comics, and the death of the super special series, it’s a relief today to finally get to talk about something not written by Ken Penders. So you guys remember Sonic X, right? “Got ourselves a situation, stuck in a new location”?
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It was a fun little anime based around the adventures of our favourite blue hedgehog, which suffered unspeakable atrocities at the hands of the localisation team at 4Kids Entertainment. The show was about the Sonic cast being sent to Earth in an accident and befriending poor little rich boy Chris Thorndyke. The show would feature them fighting Dr. Eggman in a robot of the week format, and in the second season ran arcs adapting Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2. They also sort of did an adaptation of Sonic Battle. At the end of the second season Sonic and his friends returned to their own planet, and the third season kicked off with an older Chris Thorndyke travelling to Sonic’s world, regressing back to childhood, and joining his friends on a series of adventures in outer space fighting the dreaded Metarex. 
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Debuting in September 2005 (around the same time the third season began airing in the US) was Sonic X the comic book, which was a companion book to the anime telling new stories with the same cast and setting. There were all sorts of wacky ideas they were able to do in the comic using the setting of the anime, such as Eggman selling Chao to everyone as pets that would turn vicious and attack, Sonic and friends being trapped in the Sonic 1 video game, Vector being briefly mutated into a kaiju, and Eggman becoming a mexican wrestler named El Gran Gordo!
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The majority of this comic was set towards the end of season 2, before Sonic and friends returned to their own world. However the earlier issues played around earlier in the timeline, and we got to see things like Emerl being initially discovered and Eggman in jail following the Egg Moon incident.
Uniquely from the other finales I’m focusing on for this series, the end of the Sonic X comic was actually planned. The creative team wanted to end Sonic X before they risked jumping the shark, and launch a new spin-off - one not limited by the restrictions that the Sonic X setting and characters presented. They wanted this new spinoff to be set back in the main ArchieSonic canon, where they could have more space to explore other characters while Sonic’s adventures continued on in the main book. Essentially, it would be a return to the era of the comic when Sonic and Knuckles both had monthly comics coming out, only the new book, Sonic Universe, wouldn’t be limited to just Knuckles and his companion characters.
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Arc #1 was focused on Shadow and the formation of Team Dark, then there was one about Mobius 30 Years Later, then one about Knuckles and the Chaotix, and so on. So when the time came for the Sonic X comic to end, Ian Flynn and the rest of the team did so by making it part of a crossover story that began in Sonic the Hedgehog #195 and 196, continued on into Sonic X #40, and was completed in the first issue of Sonic Universe.
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The crossover began with Hedgehog Havoc, a meeting of hedgehogs that has never been matched before or since. Travelling to the Anti-verse, Sonic and Amy were on a mission to kick Scourge the Anti-Sonic out of Freedom HQ and send him back to his home dimension. While there, they’d also had an unfortunate encounter with Rosy the Rascal, the psychotic Anti-Amy. Next to show up was Shadow, who was now an Agent of GUN and had been helping Hope Kintobor test a device that was supposed to send him into the special zone to get a Chaos Emerald. Then Metal Sonic showed up. Having been rebuilt by Dr. Eggman, this newest model had been fitted with a special engine that allowed him to travel to alternate zones. Having not detected Sonic anywhere on Mobius, Metal Sonic travelled to Moebius to find him and join the fight. Finally Silver the Hedgehog made his first appearance, on a mission to kill the traitor that destroyed the Freedom Fighters. He was guided by Amy’s cousin, the archer Rob O’ the Hedge. And so…
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Eventually Sonic had the bright idea of convincing everyone to turn on Scourge first, and then they could all sort out their other issues after taking care of the threat he presented. Unfortunately Scourge didn’t want to go quietly, and he used some hidden “Anarchy Beryl” to transform into Super Scourge.
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Welp, that escalated quickly. Rationalising that he had no chance against Super Scourge, Metal Sonic returned to his initial directive of trying to murderise Sonic instead.
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Shadow stepped in to help, using Metal Sonic’s interdimensional engine with his own Chaos Control to warp them both out of there. So that was one less threat for Sonic to have to deal with. And that’s where the beginning of Sonic X #40 comes in.
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Now this next part is interesting to me. When Shadow and Metal Sonic crashed Cream’s tea party, there was a Sonic right there, ripe for the murdering. And that was Metal’s objective, right? To disembowel Sonic and leave a trail of squishy hedgehog organs scattered across the landscape? But no, apparently not:
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I guess the implication here is that Metal Sonic changed directives because he was now in an unknown dimension, as opposed to when he landed in the Antiverse. It raises the question of just how much Eggman knows about Scourge’s home planet, but considering that prior to his initial takeover of Mobius he travelled to Anti-Mobius to recruit Evil Sonic to locate the Giant Borg pieces scattered across the multiverse, it’s reasonable to assume that Eggman has documented it. Certainly if not then, then he might have been motivated to further research the Antiverse after Scourge invaded Freedom HQ and warned Eggman he’d also be conquering Eggman’s territories in due time.
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So after bonding over having arrived here from other planets (I love the look on Shadow’s face when Sonic told him he was dead xD), Sonic gave Shadow a tour of Station Square.
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Yeah, that kind of thing happens in Sonic X. Just smile and nod. The next stop on their little tour was Chris Thorndyke’s school, as Sonic wanted to give Chris a treat. Unfortunately he didn’t really prepare Shadow for this moment.
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I love that third panel. xD Chris: This is mine now. See you later, Sonic. Sonic: Bye, Chris! Shadow: Help… me…
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Meanwhile, Metal Sonic managed to locate the local Eggman’s base and came knocking at his front door. Bokkun, Bocoe and Decoe were all terrified of their visitor, but Eggman was giddy to be presented with a robotic version of his greatest enemy that he could boss around.
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Shadow got to meet Sam Speed next, and ask him the question that I think all of us had been asking since the first episode of Sonic X:
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I dunno, it still seems like overkill to me. Let’s just hope that police forces here in the real world don't start doing this too.
While Sam and the hedgehogs were catching up, they were unaware that the shadowy organisation S.O.N.I.C.X. (the same one that had turned Vector into a kaiju) were spying on them. 
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Well that was a lucky break for the good guys.
Sonic and Shadow then went down to the beach and this is where Eggman caught up with them. He ordered Metal Sonic to attack, but it was a very brief battle.
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In a panic Eggman raced back to his tower to check if he still had Shadow contained, puzzling over what he’d just seen when he found him right where he was supposed to be.
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Sonic went back to Chris’ house and reconnected with all his friends, with Rouge and Chris both disappointed to find that Shadow had left.
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And that’s where Sonic X, the comic, ended, with Sonic and friends anticipating their next adventure. 
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As for Shadow and Metal Sonic, their story continued in issue #1 of Sonic Universe. Shadow found himself teleported to the Sol Dimension via Chaos Control, and teamed up with Blaze and Marine to take down Metal Sonic once and for all*.
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*..well, sort of.
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But that’s another story. As for this one, it’s fine. Certainly not the greatest thing Ian Flynn has ever written, but it’s a hell of a lot more enjoyable than any of the Ken Penders stories I wrote about recently. It’s got a few funny moments, and the stuff with Chris is genuinely touching, which isn’t easy to pull off with a character that the majority of the fanbase loathes. I never really got into the Sonic X comics, unfortunately. I think I read the first 15 issues before I got bored and stopped buying them. Which is a shame, because I’ve gone back to look at the other issues more recently and there were some fun stories in there, especially the ones about El Gran Gordo.
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But this one feels like a nice way to end the series (in comic form, at least - the anime has a whole season left chronologically after this issue) as well as being the springboard to the new Sonic Universe series. Man, I miss Sonic Universe. I really hope we can get an equivalent side series to the IDW Sonic comics one day.
Speaking of the next adventure, next time I’ll be returning to the main Sonic comics as I look at a much darker time in the history of the series - the death of pre-boot ArchieSonic. I’ll be covering Sonic the Hedgehog #247 and Sonic Universe #50, but at this stage I’m not sure whether that will be one post or two. I’ll see how I go. See you then!
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julie-sufan · 1 month
The In-Depth Look at Julie-Su Part 6: Knuckles #16-23
Issue #16 is a one shot. Here Knuckles is upset after finding out that his mom plans to marry her new boyfriend. He runs off not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.
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First (But definitely not the last) time that Julie kisses Knuckles. Then they share a nice quiet moment together.
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Issue #17 & 18 features yet another past echidna guardian with a ton of backstory. He meets Julie-Su who is riding an absurdly evil looking horse type of creature.
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Love that she's giving him attitude even when in the thrones of death.
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In issue #18 she stops by Lara-Le's house (Knuckles's Mom) for some tea and cookies and to hear about of Tobor's (The echidna with the unique eyes) backstory.
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Another moment I like. Here we see Julie-Su going from being in complete denial about wanting a relationship with Knuckles to hugging him on the exact same page. Kind of reminds me of Michiru from Fruit of Grisaia who would also fail at trying to be a tsundere type.
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Second kiss scene.
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Issues 19-21 barely has Julie in it and centers around the Royal Acorn Family. It really feels like a plot that should have been in the main Sonic comic series but for some reason ended up here.
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Issue 20 features the first full appearance of Elias who would later show up in the Sonic comic.
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After this point Julie gets knocked out for pretty much the rest of the arc.
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Next arc 22-24 is going to be a bit tricky to talk about without getting political because it features politics. Please keep in mind that this arc was written way back in 1999.
It features a importance first appearance of Julie-Su's half sister Lien-Da working with the Dark Legion to smash stuff up. No matter what you're views are I like to think that people would come together against the anti-flat screen party.
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Did some quick research and found this from howstuffworks. Flat screen tvs used to be called HDTVs when they were first released around 1998.
"Those sets came from manufacturers like Panasonic and Sony, and had a different appearance -- they were wider than standard televisions. That's because the new HDTV standard also included a new aspect ratio. The standard aspect ratio was 4:3, the new ratio was 16:9. They also came with a hefty price tag -- the first sets on the American market cost $7,000 or more."
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Lien-Da has never looked more sinister. You can really tell that the artist (Jim Valentino) enjoyed drawing the Dark Legion and it's various members.
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Nice Chaotix group shot. This upcoming full page scene I'm going to let speak for itself and that's all I'll say on it.
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Hope you enjoy seeing Julie hang upside down because that's what she spends the most of issue 24 doing.
Next up: More hanging around and the Dating arc.
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underneath the cut is the roster for the now-defunct sonic obscurity opposition. it contains 120 characters, along with a maybe and a probably not list taken directly from my notes when sorting through submissions. it is my hope that anyone who would have been invested in this poll reads them, and perhaps finds some appreciation for them.
Saffron Bee (Archie)
Society Max (Fleetway)
Shortfuse the Cybernick (Fleetway)
Blockhead Bill (Fleetway)
Speedy (Tails Adventure)
1999 (Fleetway)
Da Bears (AoStH)
Zonic the Zone Cop (Archie)
Prefect Charyb & Prefect Scylla (Chronicles)
Humpty (AoStH)
Ifyoucan (Underground)
Grimer (Fleetway)
D-Fekt (Boom)
Ari (SatAM)
Hawk (Sonic X)
Johnny (Rush Adventure)
Mello Bee (Archie)
Has Bean (Mean Bean Machine)
Princess Alucion (Sirène)
Eric the Echidna (StH in the Fourth Dimension)
Relic the Pika (Archie)
Captain Oe (Archie)
Demo Duck (Dark Mobius Bean) (Archie)
Melody Prower (Archie)
Teri-Lu (Archie)
Iago the Echidna (Archie)
Brock the Echidna (Archie)
Dr. Quack (Archie)
Bartleby MontClair (Underground)
Pseudo Sonic (Archie)
Amadeus Prower (Archie)
Gae-Na (Archie)
Komi-Ko (Archie)
X Robot (Archie Sonic X)
Meringue the Rabbit (IDW)
Cyrus (Underground)
VerticAL and HorizontAL (Archie)
Mari-Su (Archie)
Wynmacher (Archie)
Rosie Woodchuck (Archie)
Vermin the Rat (Fleetway)
Bog Beasty (Underground)
Chomps (Underground)
Farrell (Underground)
Penelope the Hedgehog (AoStH)
Lucas (AoStH)
Filch (Fleetway)
Harpio (Fleetway)
Leaf (Fleetway)
Mello (Fleetway)
Simpson the Cat (Fleetway)
Old Sonic Clone (Fleetway)
Tufftee (Fleetway)
Lightmare (Fleetway)
Knuckles the Echidna
Cat (SatAM)
Aerial & Athena (Archie)
E-100 Lambda (Archie)
Ichneumon the White Mouse (StH and the Silicon Warriors)
Gaz and Del (Fleetway)
Mom with a Gambling Addiction NPC (Adventure 1)
Lumina Flowlight (Shuffle)
Princess Bee (Archie)
Hershey St. John (Archie)
Echo the Shark (Archie)
Cinos the Anti-Sonic (StH and in Fourth Dimension)
Rob o' the Hedge (Archie)
Juanita the Chameleon (Archie)
Marta the Echidna (Archie)
Liza the Chameleon
Bivalve Clam (Archie)
Duck "Bill" Platypus (Archie)
Griff (SatAM)
Barney the Chameleon (Archie)
Katella (Aosth) - Special request to use this specific image: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/c/c8/Katellaheart.png/revision/latest?cb=20160407210139
King Peter - (StH in Robotnik's Laboratory)
Colonel Percy Granite (Fleetway)
Hobidon (Sonic X)
Rhygenta (Archie)
Molly (Sonic X)
Ron (IDW)
Arctur the Dragonkin (StH and in Fourth Dimension)
Practice Robot (Fleetway)
Ash Mongoose (Archie)
Walt Wallaby (Archie)
Ebony (Fleetway)
Bimmy the Echidna (Archie)
The Narrator (LEGO Commercial)
Emperor Sleetus (Underground)
Luke Periwinkle (Underground)
Bellok (Underground)
Captain Squeegee (Underground)
Duke of Velcronia (Underground)
Mindy LaTour (Underground)
Lucinda (AoStH)
William Le Duck (AoStH)
Baby T (SatAM)
Dove (SatAM)
Nicholas O'Tyme (SatAM/Archie)
Heavy and Bomb (Knuckles' Chaotix)
Nerbs (Archie)
Lah the Ghost (Unleashed - Night of the Werehog)
Akhlut the Orca (Archie)
Karen (Stone's Ex Boss) (Sonic 2 Pre-quill)
Rava the Destroyer (Sonic 2 Pre-quill)
Nestor the Wise (Chronicles)
Radar the Echidna (Archie)
Kanewisher the Echidna (Archie)
Catweazle (Archie)
Snailbot (Sonic 2)
A.D.A.M. (Archie)
Alexis Acorn (Archie)
Megan Acorn (Archie)
Arthur Mongoose (Archie)
Avery the Bear (Archie)
Aypex (Archie)
Bagbar Beeblebrox (Archie)
Barney (Archie)
Bertha Kintobor (Archie)
Friday the Parrot (StH Adventure Gamebook 5: Theme Park Panic)
Sonic the Human (Sega Hard Girls)
Thunder the Pasha (Archie) - It's not really a character is it?
The Freedom Team (Beta SatAM) - They're a whole team and also unreleased
Mecha Sonic Model No. 29 (Sonic the Fighters) - I think there was a popular youtube video about this character. Maybe Chaomix.
Galaxina (Sonic X) - May be obscure, haven't finished sonic x, but seems like she wouldn't be
Jimmy and Jilly (Fleetway) - two in one and also i'm very tired
Mr. Yuji Naka (ShtH05) - Not a character, only referenced in one voice line.
Evil Duck (SatAM) - Not real
Skull That Says "SEGA" (S3&K EU Ads) - Not really a character? We'll see.
Masado and Miwasco (Up on the Green Hill (Masado and Miwasco version)) - While they have done official work, I can't tell if this song is licensed.
Segata Sanshiro (Sonic R Ad) - Isn't a part of the world, just beats up some kids and holds up a SEGA Saturn
Dave the Intern (Boom) - Popular
Tikal the Echidna (Adventure) - Extremely popular and prominent within the source material
Ian Jr. - Popular
Manic the Hedgehog (Underground) - Manic
Elias Acorn (Archie) - I haven't gotten that far in Archie but this guy is literally a king and Sally's brother
Orca - Iconic? Also an animal with no unique characteristics.
The Cow in the Triple Trouble Ad - An animal with no unique characteristics.
Dodon Pa (Team Sonic Racing) - Important Character in TSR
Santa Claus (AoStH) - That's Santa Claus
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totaleclipse573 · 4 months
Yk what. I’ll list all my AU’s. Every single one. The most talked about ones, the seemingly forgotten but they still live on in my brain sometimes ones, the ones that weren’t introduced but still take up my brain space, the AU’s of AU’s, even the ones that just came out of a single thought and haven’t been used since. ALL OF THEM. SO HERE GOES :
Oc universe au
Starline au (shared with three others
Boom!Brothers au
My Brother is Myself au (the idea of @the-sky-queen)
Starclone au
Anti-Redemption au (shared with and the idea of @stillafanofsonic)
Time travel anti redemption au (no real name, the idea of @stillafanofsonic)
Eclipse Prime au
Ruby!Eclipse au
Zombot!Eclipse au
Heroes to Villains au
Next gen au
Bad ending au
All fusion au’s
Terios time travel au
Sonic lmk au
Clip Chaos au
Werehog Terios (and Doleon) au
Anti au
Amnesia swap au
Doleon amnesia au
Terios amnesia au
Cyborg au
Terios chaotix au
Black Knight au (the idea of @estellardreams)
Timeline au (idk it doesn’t have a proper name)
Normal Bros au (no real name again)
Au where they’re literally just human instead of animals that’s it. Just a design change for funsies
The ACTUAL doom bros human au (the idea of @stillafanofsonic. I think about that one….)
Terios the DarkLING au
Chaos Fam au (you’re a real one if you remember this au)
Boom!Terios au
Villain Terios au
Terios is now Doleon au (no real name)
Fabrication au (no real name, placeholder)
Guardians revive au (no real name)
Beta Terios enters the multiverse au (no real name)
“I got sonic characters + OC’s and put them in my own personal non sonic related story bc I thought it would be funny” au
I’m probably forgetting some even now but. Yeah XD
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cyborgpuppyofficial · 19 hours
A Closer Look At The Orderix! (My Anti Team Chaotix!)
Hello everyone! I'm so excited that you guys seem to be fans of The Orderix ever since I released my video. Go ahead and watch the video if you haven't yet. On this post, I'm going to show the full art of all of them, and talk a little more about each one of them. I hope to do this again if I redesign my Anti Counterparts or make them new ref sheets. I'll make other posts for my cannon character designs. Anyways, keep reading if you wanna see more about them! ^w^
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Velocity The Crocodile
Velocity is the oldest member, and leader of The Orderix. Instead of being a Detective, Velocity is a Mafia Boss. He likes to flex his wealth by buying luxury items, and he often can be seen chilling in his Penthouse with Slick. He's cunning and seductive, knowing how to get what he wants, when he wants it. He used to be a movie star, and jazz singer before becoming a Mob Boss. He has many regrets in his life, including not being there for his biological son. He treats Camilla and Trinket like his own children to try and compensate. He's pretty much trapped in his position, due to his "friend" Slick. One time he attempted to cross Slick, which ended in one of his eyes getting injured. He now had a glass eye. Read more about him on his reference image! ^w^
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Camilla The Chameleon
Camilla is the assassin and spy of The Orderix. She's skilled with her fighting, but not with much else. Unlike Espio, she's pretty bad at what she does. She often gets caught for not being stelthy, but can get out of it due to her combat skills. She's also meant to be a temptress, and a fem fatal, but she also fails at seduction due to her being a bit anxious. She's a little snobbish, but incredibly stylish. She likes to match her weapons with her clothes, and she always keeps up with the latest trends. Many people see her as mature and sexy, but deep down she's pretty immature. She acts more like an older sister to the crew, instead of a motherly type. Read more about her on her image! ^w^
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Trinket The Wasp
Trinket is the youngest member of the crew, but don't underestimate him! He's the hacker, and collector of Team Orderix. Trinket witnessed a traumatic event in his youth, leading him into becoming a selective mute. When he isn't gathering data, he could be seen playing with, and collecting stuffed animals. He likes to keep his "Childish" hobbies a secret, and he tries to act mature. Since many people told him he was "Mature for his age". He attempts to be mature, and tries to show no weakness to scary situations. But deep down, he's still a lost child. Read more about him on his image! ^w^
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That's all for today! Next time I hope to post my Sonic and Scourge headcannon designs! >w< And I also hope to redesign a few of my Anti Counterparts when I'm at it! So if you wanna see an Anti for anybody in specific, please comment and tell me who you wanna see. ^w^
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roll-rolly-knux · 8 months
Anti-Espio is named Deran. It's actually a half word for Deranged.
Deran is Part of Team Orderix. (Anti-Chaotix)
His probably the insane and a wild card, he blackmail anyone for fun and entertainment. He also like to cause chaos and won't hesitate to kill. He even kill for no reason.
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Espio and Deran
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skaruresonic · 11 months
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Shadow... was not a bad guy in Heroes or Battle? He just wanted answers to his past?
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So you're going to blame the series' supposed "stagnancy" on one character's "mishandling"? Bruh do you even understand Shadow's character? He's an anti-hero. He is neither the good guy or the bad guy, just the guy who gets shit done and whoever gets in his way, oh well, so be it.
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"ST recasts Shadow as a bad guy in order to make him fight Sonic" is certainly, errr. A new take to add to the pile of Shadow misinterpretations. Kudos for originality, I guess? Why do y'all refuse to meet the games even halfway. Being a competitive prick towards Sonic is kind of the grain of Shadow's personality, even if he is ultimately on Sonic's side.
That's not to say this trait can't be exaggerated to extremes, but it's equally disingenuous to suggest it makes Shadow a "bad guy," as it ignores his general MO as an anti-hero. This would be like arguing they cast Rouge as a "bad guy" in Heroes for picking a fight with the Chaotix, when everyone was eager to put up their dukes in that game. To say nothing of the fact that the extent to which ST is responsible for third parties like Bioware and BRB writing Shadow as a dick is debatable. X isn't canon to the games and is at this point a dead adaptation, so it's kind of moot to bring it up.
Also, if we're going to criticize ST for making Shadow pick a fight with Sonic for apparently no reason - which... not really? either Sonic gets in his way or prevents him from completing his goal - then we need to criticize IDW for making Shadow pick a fight with Sonic at the slightest provocation as well. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I just wanted to find a screenshot from Heroes, man
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simpalert · 2 years
some vampire au screenshot edits inspired by @kingprinceleo
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og screenshots
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making my own lil vampire au inspired by me looking through @kingprinceleo s vampire stuff at like....midnight?
anyways here they are, hope ya'll like em
basically in this au, almost every heros a vampire. shadow,rouge and any villains arent
i know team dark aren't villains but i like to call them anti heroes if that makes anysense. debating on making team chaotix and some other side characters vampires.
and the only reason i made cream a vampire is cus I already had a design in my head for her so I wanted to get it out
(oh and yes the second ones sonadow how could ya guess)
anyways enjoy this vampire chaos i just spat on your Tumblr page
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ok this will sound weird but,,,thank you for sharing your thoughts on the sonic archie comics 🥺 I always want to talk about mine as well and share my ships but I get worried of getting dunked on by antis lol
if you don’t mind asking, what other ships from the comic you like aside from mighty x ray and snivegg?
Hey, that's okay! And very understandable, for the record
Hehe I definitely don't mind answering! It's like ahsbsbns so many though 😂
So definitely Snivegg and Mightray as you already mentioned
Lienouge (Lien-da x Rouge)
Julouge (Julie-Su x Rouge)
Sallamy (specifically well into the comic or like post the sgw)
Minally (Mina x Sally)
Minacole (Mina x Nicole)
Geofflias (Geoffrey x Elias)
I do like Geoffrey/Sonic (but I most enjoy it when Prince Elias is involved)
Espighty (Espio x Mighty)
Honamy (Honey x Amy)
Omegixit/Fixitmega (Omega x fixit)
SpeedJet (Speedy x Jet)
Eggwily/Wilegg (Dr. Eggman x Dr. Wily)
SonMega (Sonic x Mega Man)
Knuckles x Proto Man/Break Man
Rotommy (Rotor x Tommy)
Adails/Adamails (Adam the ai x Tails)
Shardlias (Shard x Elias)
Silvlias (Silver x Elias)
Lara-Su/Sonia (specifically the 25 yrs later timeline pre King Sonic's messing with the timeline)
Scourgiles (Scourge/Anti-Sonic x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Mileails/Taimiles (Tails x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Soniles (Sonic x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Fionic (Fiona x Nic)
I actually did enjoy Team Chaotix + Knuckles + Mighty as a ship pre SGW
Is there a ship between Sonic or Tails and that copy of Tails Mammoth Mogul made? Because if there is, then that.
Roseamy (Rosie the Rascal/Anti-Amy x Amy)
Mammoth Mogul x Ixis Naugus
Chuck Thorndyke and the scientist who made the shrinkray in the comic (He was like an old roommate/partner)
Razonic (Razor x Sonic)
Geoffilver (Geoffrey x Silver)
Metal Sonic/Tails Doll
Metal Sonic/Metal Tails
Metal Sonic/Metal Knuckles
Shardetal (Metal Sonic x Shard)
SonSpike (Sonic x Spike the porcupine)
Chaonic (Chaos x Sonic)
ChaoKnux (Chaos x Knuckles)
Strikeonic (Sgt Striker x Sonic)
Black Doom/Black Death
Mecha Sally/Nicole
Znively/Zobotnik (The variants of Snively and Eggman from the horizontal dimension of Zone cops)
Sonkhan (Sonic x Monkey Khan)
Monkey Khan/Tails
Bunnalicia (Bunnie x Alicia/Anti-Sally)
Muttails (Muttski/Ben x Tails, post SGW)
Sonic/Muttski (post sgw specifically)
Storm of Clovers (Clove x Conquering Storm)
Julamy (Julie-su x Amy)
Cuorb (Cubot x Orbot)
Sheriff D'coolette/Antoine's Father x Rob o the hedge
Dimitri x Eggman
Eggman x Dr. Light
Coral x Amy
Razor x Blade
Coral x Undina
I hope I didn't miss any since I put these ones down off the top of my head
Really, thank you for the ask! And if you'd like to ask about any ships I like specifically (headcanons/thoughts/whatever), or if there was a pairing you were curious if I liked in any capacity, feel free to shoot me another ask😊
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