#Nasty “Wasp”
inserthumanname · 1 year
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Finally, IT'S DONE. When i heard that there was supposed to be an anti-Chaotix group but they only went as far as calling them the Orderix i was like "well don't mind if i do" and these guys are the result, maybe i'll do an individual page for each. Also that "D" gave me more trouble than a letter should have.
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arthursfuckinghat · 6 months
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toadslug · 6 months
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WASP 🕷️🕸️🧟
*** Spoilers for The Flames of Hope!!
I'm not mad about Cottonmouth turning out to be the major villain, but I wish he hadn't completely stolen the spotlight from Wasp. Wasp had really good build up!! She had the potential to be a super disturbing character (which, I get that WoF is a children's series, but I'm sure she could have been pushed liiiiitle further). Kind of disappointing, but the few scenes she does get are tense and good.
Explored some HiveWing designs with mandibles to make my design :0 And I also gave her the goofy inner teeth Xenomorphs have.
Isolated picture of her head below (because the evil cloak obscures it a little):
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omgcharlie91-blog · 1 year
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Pietro Boselli for Halloween
Artwork by: Portis Wasp
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gay-artificer · 2 months
Honestly gotta think more about the 'nasty' sides of my anthro au societies... As is the slugcat trend and biology I've charted out is mostly, i guess the word would be 'safe' perhaps the only kinda gross or animalistic thing I've put in is the tail slime and even that isn't really as gritty as the thing is based on (Caecillian skin nursing) but I also don't think slugcats would be prone to much of the 'unsavory' trends in animal stuff. But on the anthro side, we really can't pretend like ANY established species and cultures dont have things that were kinda unethical- even if they were unethical behaviors borne out of convenience or safety. So I think going for a pure, utopia-but-like-theres-predators is a little lamer... At most I've sorta worked out how I think my anthro scavenger's societal structures play out and there are more peaceful and more war-like tribes, pirate-types, etc. I've sorta figured out a couple of less-than-ethical treatments for lizards that I could see emerging in an early society that doesn't go for straight culling or just like outright abusive- I want stuff that could reasonably exist in a society, even if only for a bit until something else takes its place as a more convenient option. I don't like comically evil or pointlessly dark shit that clearly just trying to for edge rather than being an aspect of a society you could see the understanding for, and why its not judged within that society. Like sure a regular scavenger probably doesn't think that much about killing a normal slugcat pup, thats just an animal to it. But if we're making them both anthros in the same situation why the hell wouldn't other scavengers be like holy fuck dude thats like, absolutely just a baby person, thats bad.
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theflyingfeeling · 2 months
I'm the summer's perfect princess but I'm cursed 😔
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legolonia · 1 year
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Norm Alguy.
Nasty little buggers, especially if you’re my size.
#lego #mini figure #toys #toy-photography #legophotography #greyscale #blackandwhite #fun #livingwithfibromyalgia #chronicfatigue #normalguy #legolonia #awesome #minifig #playwell #staywell #justanormalguylivinganormallife #olympus #desktopphotography #lifeisgood #nasty #wasp
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gr3y-plays-ttrpgs · 2 years
just had an idea for a druid, would work best in a modernish setting tbh: someone who is a big fan of less popular animals and stands up for them. based on my eternal love for rats, wasps, sharks, etc.
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wi11owcows · 2 months
This freeze dried pineapple tastes like shit but I can’t stop eating it
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lawrencegarte · 3 months
this happened weeks ago but i have been unable to stop thinking about my friend calling me boring because i don't like. gin and tonic
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dougielombax · 2 years
I wanted to try figs at one point.
Then my sister told me that wasps have a habit of spawning inside them so I decided not to.
I learnt this in my first year at university
That’s some ghastly shit right there!
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omgcharlie91-blog · 2 years
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Nick Jonas in all his beefiness
Artwork by: Portis Wasp
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angelbambisworld · 6 months
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Another blood-soaked maniac from the shock rock genre is stealing my heart!
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He's even got a little chainsaw! That gives him extra sexy points in my book!
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oujibat · 2 years
Tfw you take wood from outside to use for your aquarium hardscape and you don’t boil it yet because you’re doing a dry start method for your carpeting plants and the combined heat, light, and moisture bring the cuckoo wasp in the wood out from hibernation too early in the year to be released outside bc it’s still too cold so it takes you two whole days to safely(her species has no stinger I need to worry about, I was more worried about hurting or losing her in my house) wrangle her into a secure container to care for her til warmer weather comes.
Her name is Gemma and she’s the size of a grain of rice.
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She lives here now and I drip feed her sugar water through a paper wick; punched all the air holes myself don’t worry.
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
hello! i am a relatively new user here on tumblr, less than a year, and i have heard a comment or two about a 'wasp discourse' that happened here, that wasps are much more nice than bees or something among those lines
this caught my curiosity as im writting a wasp based character whos just an ahole as i did it on what i knew abt them from general internet and im stuck on wether i should maaayybe change them up a bit
if its not too much to ask do you happen to know a bit abt this discourse? or have a link to it? or if not to the discourse itself some other link that elaborates abt the same topic? perhaps even someone else i can ask this?
thank you very much!
to start off, there are a lot of bees and wasps in this world and it is not easy to generalize about them. there are ~20,000 bee species, and the vast majority of these are solitary bees that nest in the ground, plant stems, or in holes in wood, and because they produce no honey or have a colony to guard, have no need to be defensive or aggressive towards humans (because “towards humans” seems to be what most people base this idea off of). colonial bees, like honeybees, are actually much more defensive than solitary ones; they have huge food stores and many defenseless larvae, hence their nasty stings (or bites, for the stingless bees) and swarm defense of their hives.
bees, however, are just a family of wasps. their closest relatives are believed to be the crabronid wasps (example: cicada killers) and sphecid thread-waisted wasps (ex. mud daubers). these wasps, and most others, are also largely solitary, and hunting prey aside, don’t typically use their stings for anything other than personal defense. of the hundreds of thousands of wasps, most of them (75%) are not just solitary but also parasitoids that develop inside other insects. it’s hard to say “all wasps are assholes [to people]” when some 100,000 of them are tiny specks smaller than sesame seeds that nobody other than scientists notice.
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two parasitoids: a braconid ~3mm long & something else ~0.3mm long
the wasps most people take issue with are vespids, since they like the same foods we do (sweets, meat) and have powerful stings to defend their nests. these include the social hornets, yellowjackets, and paper wasps, but many mason wasps and the like are solitary (and, you guessed it, want nothing to do with people). vespids are great predators of caterpillars, flies, and other pests that humans don’t like in addition to being pollinators.
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a yellowjacket: Vespula squamosa
the usual anti-wasp, pro-bee sentiments go: wasps attack for no reason, don’t pollinate, don’t make honey, and are “assholes.” wasps do pollinate (most wasps, bees and ants don’t eat solid food, and therefore largely drink flower nectar; some plants are only pollinated by wasps).
some tropical wasps do actually make honey, though it’s not harvested by humans. it’s sort of silly to say that making honey is what makes bees “good” though—a very selfish mindset, and for example butterflies are well-liked by people despite not making any edible products for us.
wasps also attack only when provoked, either because you’re near a wasp nest or when you lean on one accidentally. they are defending their baby sisters and themselves, same as bees would. at least in the US, I think the reason that wasps are so hated is that we have many species of paper wasp and yellowjacket that are willing to nest on or under houses, while the (invasive) honeybees prefer trees or are kept by beekeepers in artificial hives, so it’s just more likely you’ll run into problems with wasps than bees.
wasps and bees are neither “nice” nor “mean.”
bees are mostly loners that don’t bother people. colonial bees will sting to defend their nests or themselves from predators. most bees are pollinators, who gather pollen to feed their larvae. a few species make honey that humans harvest.
wasps are mostly loners that don’t bother people. colonial wasps will sting to defend their nests or themselves from predators. most wasps are pollinators, and most hunt or parasitize other insects to feed their larvae.
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mrpaleozoic · 2 months
It's so funny how so many of the people who are into bugs make them all cutesy. Even though bugs live literally the scariest life out of all animals. Sure, non-arthropod animals like repitilians and mammals can be pretty gory and cause nasty infections.
But bugs live in literal lovecraftian nightmares. Praying Mantis' eat their victims alive, parastoid wasp larava eat their victims from the inside out, some isopods eat out a victims tongue and basically become their tongue, and theres fungus that basically turn the bugs into unwilling zombies.
Bugs are super cool, and this stuff makes them super gnarly, but it's just funny seeing people make them all cutesy in the same way for puppies.
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