#anti RoyKeeley
elloras · 10 months
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+ Bonus Heartbreak -- His hands here:
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mitskijamie · 5 months
Was anyone else a diehard Roykeeley during the airing of the show only to become a Roykeeley hater post-finale because the fans are so annoying and bitter. You hate Jamie because he's prettier than you
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lunar-years · 9 months
Also. Especially after the first like. 2 episodes of s3 aired. It is kind of shocking to me that anyone still thought RoyKeeley were going to be engaged by the finale. I’ve seen people saying they expected proposals onscreen weddings baby announcements by season’s end and that’s AFTER they watched the season open with their offscreen breakup. ?!?! Like. You guys do know there are only 12 episodes in the season right. If they start out not talking to one another how are they going to—
Frankly, even during s2 I would love to know which episode led them to think “proposal incoming!!!” because if we’re being honest with ourselves. at what point during the series did those two seem ready for marriage?
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ineffablecolors · 10 months
Visited the roykeeley tag and oh boy. People sure are angry at Roy...
Call me crazy but I think people still have the right to break up with their partners? No matter the reason?? Like... breaking up with someone doesn't make you a villain or an asshole? Since when are people obliged to stay in a relationship that isn't fulfilling them??
And you know what does make you an asshole? Complaining about your partner behind their back to all your mutual friends and coworkers, to their boss and someone they most definitely don't like... about something you never even complained to them about... and then screaming at them about it... I still can't believe they tried to sell that as no big deal and SUCCEEDED
Roy had one blunder of the same magnitude and that was how he reacted to the leak and he wrote a fucking apology letter about it (and about a bunch of other stuff he had no reason to apologise for)!
I love a lot of what Ted Lasso did with its female characters and I love how strong and independent they are but man, do I hate that, unlike Rebecca, Keeley suffered from an inability to see when she was wrong unless someone else spelled it out for her (like Roy had to at the gala) and never apologised for her blunders in their relationship after that, while they made Roy bent over backwards constantly to apologise for... *checks notes* not being able to read his girlfriend's mind and not staying with her when the relationship didn't feel right anymore...
This is why I went from shipping them so much to believing Keeley is completely wrong for Roy. He was simply always too low on her priority list and it makes me so mad when people say HE didn't deserve her? In what world?
The fandom seems to do what the show did - treat Keeley as if she could do no wrong and she's too good and pure for everyone, and I'm sorry but that's just not true. She's just as messy and cruel without meaning to sometimes and in massive need of therapy as everyone else.
I was rooting for her, I was rooting for them but the same way most shows fall into the horrible habit of demonising female characters, this show and fandom have fallen into the only somewhat less infuriating habit of acting as if Keeley could do no wrong and I've ignored it and a lot of fanfic she's in because a character who's always a saint ain't exactly fun but I draw the line at everyone and their grandma throwing Roy under the bus just because he had the misfortune of actually admitting his flaws and apologising for them and trying to work on being better (instead of using the much easier method of having the writers sweep every wrongdoing under the carpet).
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hottielindholm · 1 year
Anyway thank god Roy and keeley didn’t get back together lmao
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the more I think about it the more it just annoys me what they did with roykeeley in s3…throughout the whole show it really seemed like they were building up to them being together and staying together, yeah they had their issues and setbacks but they were working through them together and could’ve continued to do so. but then in s3 the writers went “whoops lol actually they broke up!! will they get back together???? maaaaaybe…or maaaaaybe not…who knows?!?!?? 🤷‍♀️🤪”
obviously relationships can have their ups and downs and maybe I wouldn’t have minded them breaking up if the subsequent will-they-won’t-they teasing ending in an ambiguous “maybe” hadn’t just frustrated me…especially since in brendan’s AMA he says they were “exploring the love triangle trope”?? in the finale???? when roy keeley and jamie have never been presented as a love triangle before…keeley dumped jamie halfway through season 1 and chose roy and stayed with him until season 2 without ever seeming to doubt her decision or have lingering romantic feelings for jamie (apart from sleeping with him once to make roy jealous). jamie moved on and didn’t seem jealous over roykeeley to me, he went to check if roy was ok when he heard they broke up and he said in s2 that he respected their relationship and also if he really felt that keeley belonged with him wouldn’t he have tried to make a move on her when roykeeley broke up?? but he never did?? apart from that “I still love you” comment at the funeral in s2 but he apologised for it and said that was just his emotions being all confused and messed up from being around dead people or something didn’t he? and as for roy, his s1 rivalry with jamie was never about a girl and his jealousy was more about his self-hatred and not feeling like he was good enough rather than believing he deserved keeley more than jamie or whatever.
overall I just never got the impression that roy keeley and jamie were ever a love triangle, it really seemed to me that keeley and jamie’s relationship was over and roy and keeley were going to stay together - it felt even more official with the addition of having scenes with keeley and phoebe, making it feel like keeley was becoming part of roy’s family. i just felt it was dumb that they would bring up a rivalry again and make keeley have to choose one of them or neither when it seemed like she already chose and also jamie and roy had such a nice friendship going, why would you ruin it by having them fight like teenagers over a girl?? and in brendan’s AMA he said they wanted keeley to have this independent girlboss ending where she don’t need no man because she’s keeley fucking jones and like…yeah but?? she can have both?? she can be an independent businesswoman AND have a relationship?? being in love isn’t bad or anti-feminist, sure she doesn’t NEED roy or jamie to feel fulfilled or complete or anything but it isn’t bad for her to WANT one (or both!) of them…she was still keeley fucking jones when she was with roy, he said so himself!
in conclusion yeah it just felt pointless and annoying to me as well as unsatisfying to build up my expectations for them to be together and then end it ambiguously…especially after teasing that they slept together after roy’s love letter apology only to then be like “actually they’re just friends now” and then have roy say he wants to be more than that…but then an episode later they’re still not back together. feels a little bit like I rooted for them and believed in their love for 3 seasons but was rewarded with nothing. well not nothing I guess but like, they were the one endgame I was sure of and now you’re telling me they might not even be back together???? there was no ending where they kissed and made up and worked things out together????? and maybe they needed to break up so roy could work on himself and keeley could focus on her business but they both did that and they STILL didn’t get back together???? ugh
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nessa007 · 1 year
I really wanted to see Keeley's KJPR storyline mirror Ted's coming into Richmond with her being a bit of a fish out of water in the corporate world, but pushing forward with her own brand of optimism and maybe seeking advice from Ted (which was such a fun dynamic that just got dropped). I even thought the Shandy storyline was really promising at first because it gave her a chance to also take a page out of Rebecca's book and give someone a chance who may have been overlooked and put in a box like Keeley had been before Rebecca saw her talents (which we also didn't get to see much of in s3).
And having Keeley fail and get bailed out by Rebecca kind of undermines Keeley's relatability? Like we all struggle and stumble and try to get back up, which there was plenty of room for her to do, but fuck everyone else if they don't have super rich friends?
So much of this season felt mean. It felt mean that Keeley got basically isolated and punished the whole season. It felt mean the way they taunted Tedbecca shippers (and I say that as an anti-Tedbecca, but it made me feel sad to see the disdain for it). It felt mean that Ted, a man who supposedly has spent his time learning to express difficult emotions, bottled all those emotions up in the end. Everything felt mean.
Sorry, I just saw the other anon post about how Roy and Keeley's story should have gone, and I was gonna say something quick about it and then this ask happened.
Love your gifs and insights!
completely agree, anon! keeley deserved so much better than her storyline this season and while it is very nice what rebecca did, it does take away some of keeley’s relatability. i also missed the ted/keeley dynamic! they didn’t have a single scene this season.
the writers taunted roykeeley and tedbecca fans all season and it wasn’t entertaining or intriguing. it was just, as you said, mean.
thank you 💕
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doyoubelievee · 3 years
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#but i know bill lawrence has spoken about sambecca being problematic so i hope they are planning to address it
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Jamie was right to confess his feelings, and why that scene was important in the context of the show.
Look, I'm with y'all 100%. I don't want a love triangle. I don't want petty drama to be dragged out for the rest of the season or the rest of the shower.
BUT. Jamie telling Keeley he loves her was a necessary inclusion. It's honest. It shows his growth.
Jamie says it himself- he's become the person Keeley wanted him to be. He's not such a prick, he's a team player, he's forged good relationships with everyone at Richmond- even Roy. He also has the maturity now to see what Keeley wanted for him and why. He understands what she said about accountability, and his confession exemplifies it. He acknowledges she's with Roy, and he apologizes for the consequences of his words. But he's honest.
To me, it makes sense now that he's fallen for her all over again. Keeley and Jamie are a better fit now than they ever have been.
HOWEVER, I could preach all day about Roy and Keeley being endgame, etc. I HOPE she tells him what Jamie said and they act like adults. Keeley hugging Roy afterwards is a good sign. Idk. Thoughts?
66 notes • Posted 2021-09-24 15:36:31 GMT
something that strikes me about nate is how... nearly childish he's being. i don't want to minimize his pain or his actions. but lashing out in anger and shame because he's not getting the attention of the parental figure he needs is something a kid would do.
i've worked in childcare and i also have siblings. i know that jealously quite well, the loneliness and anger and loss of self-worth that stem from feeling cast aside, whether you really are or not.
from an adult's perspective, it's irrational to lash out. as you get older, you gain an understanding of why an adult's attention can't be on you the whole time. it's valid for them to feel hurt, but it's very very hard to balance the emotional needs of a child, especially when they can't communicate to you what they're lacking or feeling, and also when external circumstances prevent you from dedicating all your time and attention to them.
which is what's happening between nate and ted. not only does ted have an entire team to manage, he's also still reeling from his divorce, coping with his anxiety, and processing decades-old trauma for the first time. all his attention can't be on nate.
nate's an adult. why doesn't he understand this?
first of all- his toxic relationship with his father (and mother). nate has received very little healthy attention from his parents throughout his whole life. that's devastating. and it means that nate has no idea how to deal when ted gives him positive attention, and then becomes preoccupied with other, valid problems.
i take issue with calling nate and ted's conversation "anti-climatic." they didn't scream at each other until their true feelings bubbled to the surface. they didn't resolve anything. nate was hurtful and petulant and entitled. and ted just listened.
that's where nate is right now. he has no true self-worth, and he's processing (badly) a father-son relationship with ted. he's not acting like an adult. but he is, and he's enticing big consequences because of it.
66 notes • Posted 2021-10-08 20:03:43 GMT
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101 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 15:12:43 GMT
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tag yourself, I'm a coach beard with a rebecca rising
149 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 17:55:37 GMT
me: trent crimm the independent is going to write a piece revealing that ted had a panic attack because there's literally no other reason he would have checked in with ted asked him to officially confirm what happened at the match
me when trent crimm the independent writes a piece revealing that ted had a panic attack:
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218 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 06:43:47 GMT
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elloras · 1 year
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Ted Lasso: We'll Never Have Paris
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elloras · 8 months
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in the red earth and pouring rain (x)
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elloras · 8 months
His voice KILLS me here
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mitskijamie · 5 months
the continual tweets during last season about how the writers “let Brett and Juno’s magical once in a lifetime chemistry & the healthiest onscreen relationship go to waste” soured me on the ship so badly. I really try not to hate things that get overhyped but sometimes it’s impossible not to
Part of my irritation with hardcore Roy/Keeleys is that I personally felt like the relationship was messy and entertaining, and I LIKED that about them (because I watch TV to be entertained, not to see relationships that perfectly reflect what I think a real relationship should be like!), but a large portion of the fanbase seems to think that getting in fights without breaking up means that you are the healthiest couple in the entire world and the only way your relationship could progress is marriage and babies
I don't think that Roy and Keeley being a perfect couple or even being endgame was ever really the intention of the writers (given that their parking lot meet-cute in s1 was set to a voiceover of Ted actively divorcing his wife and talking about how he met her in a parking lot, and that their first kiss song was "strangers to friends, friends into lovers, then strangers again"), and I feel like people would be a lot less confused and angry about their ending if they looked at the relationship for what it was and stopped insisting that it was perfect and rk not being endgame was a moral failing
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mitskijamie · 5 months
Why does everyone think Roy and Keeley were such a perfect couple anyway because rewatching I've always felt like they were messy and toxic from the get go lol
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lunar-years · 5 months
The batshit thing about the R/K shippers hating on Jamie is that Keeley and Roy both love Jamie. The haters have completely ignored every character beat and growth and instead focused on "het couple is always end game" and got pissed when that didn't happen because it turns out their characters are more nuanced than that.
they mischaracterize all three of them to an insane degree because they for some reason feel the constant need to prove that R/K are the healthiest most well adjusted couple in the history of television and Jamie possesses absolutely zero threat to their relationship whatsoever because they both are merely 'putting up with him' at best or secretly hate him at worst (all of which are laughable claims to anyone who has watched the show with their eyes open, and possesses even the most meager analysis skills in their brains).
I also think the way they talk about R/K is often so reductive if not genuinely gross (in addition to just being like, generally of a heteronormative flavor)...and that's the ship they're meant to LIKE. like there were people yesterday screaming about how "Roy would NEVER share Keeley!!!1!!!" and it's like...well Keeley isn't a toy they're passing around or hogging, so jot that down. She's a person with her own agency, who isn't with... get this... EITHER ONE OF THEM at the end of the series!!! Yeah, that includes ROY!!! So Roy at the moment really has zero say in whether she wants to fuck Jamie again or not, lmao. she's every bit as capable of getting back together with him as she is Roy post canon. and if they were together, opening their relationship to someone else would be...a mutual decision...because Keeley is a whole character of her own and not just a prop for your male fav...
And then there's the whole "well we ship something that's actually CANON and therefore BETTER, whereas R/J & RJK shippers are just weaving mystical delusions because they're ~desperate for representation~ or whatever. Which is apparently why the Apple TV account and even the actors should never, ever so much as allude to RJK again, because it diminishes their "real and correct" couple. Again, NEITHER PAIRING IS EVEN ENDGAME CANON.
And finally, all the little ways they constantly try to mask the fact that they just hate Jamie because he's in the way of their ship with "real analysis" that boils down to such riveting takes as: "Jamie = Irredeemable and Bad because he hurt Keeley three seasons ago" "Roy = baby boy who has never hurt Keeley ever in his life and is perfect for her in every which way. oh? here's a canonical scene where Roy is canonically hurting Keeley? WELL, that's just bad writing. OOC, that is. the writers just suck. my favorites cannot be flawed"
anyway...I love roykeeley in the very specific way they exist in my head but i really need the r/k diehards to like... step back and accept the fact that they canonically BROKE UP and are not inherently perfect and better than any other ship between flawed characters. go read fanfiction and imagine the ending of your choosing to your heart's content, like the rest of us, and stop targeting social media managers jumping on the latest silly internet meme. sorry for the rant it's just....so fucking irritating
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mitskijamie · 5 months
i LOVED roykeeley. and tbh i wouldn’t have been upset if they were endgame BUT!!!! they are a messy couple with flaws and shit and that’s why they were so compelling as a couple. it 100% made sense that they broke up.
also that tweet is just so obviously a joke and roykeeleys (as usual) ruin things for everyone
Oh definitely, I wouldn't have been upset if they were endgame, either!!! Honestly 98% of my beef with it is the way people talk about the pairing post-finale rather than anything that actually happened onscreen. I'm much more anti-RK Twitter than I am anti-RK
I completely agree on all fronts
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lunar-years · 6 months
your post ab RoyKeeleys season two is so true.. “the Roy is sorry for not understanding keeley playlist”…. ppl acting like that was the height of romance instead of a man desperate for therapy.
At risk of sounding like a RK hater (despite it all, I am definitely not, lol)…yeah!
Like…with the exception of sexy Christmas (!!!) every moment people cite from s2 as ‘peak romance’ I disagree with I’m so sorry to say 😭
“You deserve someone who makes you feel like you’ve been struck by lightning” idk at the end of the day, he was talking to Rebecca and I mostly consider this one a rebecca&roy friendship moment. Also, the weird callback usage of “you’ll find the lightning” in Mae’s s3 speech to keeley and that just being about like, a job (and then by accident promoting a weird messy hookup situation with Roy) diminishes it further in a rk context. idk. Can’t elaborate
Keeley wanking off to Roy’s retirement presser after speaking to Jamie because she admires Jamie’s capacity to be vulnerable + his determination to to make his own life better is….idk it’s so messy and inherently wrapped up in the ot3 of it all that I cannot separate it out as a cutesy rk moment in the slightest
Drawing keeley a bath/please forgive me keeley playlist is just like…im so sorry to say but keeley should have absolutely also apologized to Roy in this episode. It was insane of the writers to make Roy carry all the blame when the problem was AT LEAST 50% keeley. Insane. I don’t read it as admirable romance. Ick.
Anything to happen in Funeral episode…YIKES for them…
Vanity fair pep talk is completely tarnished by both of them having something to confess to the other and their heads being in totally separate places. Like. Yeah the love is there but it’s so obviously not enough at this juncture. I think the writers were maybe trying to recapture the magic of keeley comforting Roy in the locker room in the season 1 finale and I’m gonna be honest…it doesn’t hit the same way at all.
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