#tagging just to be safe I obviously do want them to end up together
lunar-years · 6 months
your post ab RoyKeeleys season two is so true.. “the Roy is sorry for not understanding keeley playlist”…. ppl acting like that was the height of romance instead of a man desperate for therapy.
At risk of sounding like a RK hater (despite it all, I am definitely not, lol)…yeah!
Like…with the exception of sexy Christmas (!!!) every moment people cite from s2 as ‘peak romance’ I disagree with I’m so sorry to say 😭
“You deserve someone who makes you feel like you’ve been struck by lightning” idk at the end of the day, he was talking to Rebecca and I mostly consider this one a rebecca&roy friendship moment. Also, the weird callback usage of “you’ll find the lightning” in Mae’s s3 speech to keeley and that just being about like, a job (and then by accident promoting a weird messy hookup situation with Roy) diminishes it further in a rk context. idk. Can’t elaborate
Keeley wanking off to Roy’s retirement presser after speaking to Jamie because she admires Jamie’s capacity to be vulnerable + his determination to to make his own life better is….idk it’s so messy and inherently wrapped up in the ot3 of it all that I cannot separate it out as a cutesy rk moment in the slightest
Drawing keeley a bath/please forgive me keeley playlist is just like…im so sorry to say but keeley should have absolutely also apologized to Roy in this episode. It was insane of the writers to make Roy carry all the blame when the problem was AT LEAST 50% keeley. Insane. I don’t read it as admirable romance. Ick.
Anything to happen in Funeral episode…YIKES for them…
Vanity fair pep talk is completely tarnished by both of them having something to confess to the other and their heads being in totally separate places. Like. Yeah the love is there but it’s so obviously not enough at this juncture. I think the writers were maybe trying to recapture the magic of keeley comforting Roy in the locker room in the season 1 finale and I’m gonna be honest…it doesn’t hit the same way at all.
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taste || ex boyfriend!logan howlett x fem mutant!reader
A/N: SABRINA CARPENTER THE WOMAN YOU ARE! her song taste - which obviously inspired this fic - has never made me wish i was on speaking terms with some of my exes so i could have a "you'll just have to taste me when he's kissing you" moment. anyways, the desire for that fantasy birthed this fic! i'm also going to say right now, i'm not the biggest fan of jean grey but i do try not to be a jean grey hater. that being said, she is y/n's issue and that's fine, i promise she makes up for it in my other fics. i can't hate my fellow redhead. i do have a version of this fic where y/n is just a straight up hater to jean and it made me feel very internalized-misogyny'd and i felt gross. dialed it back a bit. this will be my only instance of disliking jean, i think she's fine otherwise. anyways, hope you all enjoy!
word count: 1500
tags: logan howlett x fem mutant!reader, no specific physical descriptions of y/n but she is very short (5 ft to be exact *wink wink*) ex boyfriend logan, y/n is also a teacher at xavier's, her mutation is partially inspired by starfire's ability to speak languages except y/n can do it on any physical contact not specifically kissing, so y/n is a foreign languages teacher, i was just excited and wrote this really fast so probably grammatical and flow errors i'm so sorry okay enjoy bye!
There would always be a part of you that was thankful that Charles had sent you off on a mission after you and Logan had broken up. The Professor had given you a job that he hoped would keep you distracted and give you an emotional reset - picking up young mutants all around the world who needed safety. Picking up the kids was your favorite work, you were a natural with them. Your mutation allowed you to pick up the languages of the people around you upon physical contact with them, making communicating a breeze. You would make the young mutants feel safe and comfortable, and once they were ready, Ororo or Scott would fly them back to New York. Several new children and two whole years later, you were finally finished with your assignment. The time away was refreshing and much needed, but there was a part of you deep down that did miss home. You were greeted with smiles and hugs the moment you walked through the door. Everyone was happy to see you. Well, almost everyone.
You quickly noticed that Logan and Jean were nowhere to be found when you arrived. You’d be lying if you said that there wasn’t a part of you that was happy, you wanted to adjust back to your normal life in peace, if possible. Scott had mentioned in passing that Logan and Jean had gotten back together, which made you more upset for Scott than yourself. You thanked your lucky stars that the new couple wasn’t around to greet you the first day you were home. The moment you saw the kids that you had picked up during your time away, any feeling other than joy and pride immediately fell away. Your first handful of new students had grown up a bit in the two years since you had seen them, and the more recent faces were familiar to you. They were the reason why you did your job, at the end of the day.
After a week of readjusting to your normal life, you began teaching your foreign language classes again. Your students who spoke English as a second language learned to speak with their classmates comfortably, but you were more excited teaching the students who were already fluent in English to learn new languages to talk to their new classmates. You were wrapping up your last class of the day when you noticed a familiar feminine silhouette pass by. Miss Jean Grey herself.
She had been walking down the hallway and noticed your classroom door was open. She walked through the doorway and waited patiently against the wall while you began your end-of-class routine with your students. Once class was finished, you stood up to say your goodbyes to each of your students, completely ignoring Jean’s presence until your last student left the room before painting the fakest smile you could on your lips. 
“Hello, Jean. It’s nice to see you again,” you spoke confidently, your eyes locked in on hers. Despite her being much taller than you - taller than most women, truthfully - you didn’t let her intimidate you one bit.
“It’s nice to see you as well, (Y/N). It’s been so long, I almost didn’t recognize you.” Jean smiled, her eyes scanning over you, before she met your gaze again, still as intense as it was before she broke contact. “I only knew it was you because of your classroom nameplate.”
You fought so desperately to not be sarcastic and try to be the bigger person when you spoke to her. “How are things, any big changes since I’ve been gone? Aside from you and Logan dating, of course.”
Jean stammered a moment, looking down at the floor sheepishly. “Yes, we started seeing each other about a year ago.”
You hummed, “I did ask about anything that was happening aside from that.”
Jean cleared her throat, “Well, it’s just business as usual around here.”
“Did you need something, or did you just want to come in to interrupt the last ten minutes of my class?” Your tone was still even, but your eyes narrowed at her.
“I’m sorry, am I not allowed to greet my colleague who’s been away for two years?” She snapped. Her words immediately made your blood run hot.
“Jean, I’ve been home for about a week. If you wanted to say your hellos, where were you the evening that I came home?” You smiled snarkily at her.
She truthfully had no response, and sighed dejectedly. “It’s good to see you, too, (Y/N).” She turned to leave.
“She really didn’t give you a reason why she came in?” Marie questioned, sipping her sweet tea while she sat with you. You two had a designated spot where you would gossip, outside as far into the field behind the mansion as you two could get. 
“Please shut the door on your way out.” You called to her, your tone sickly sweet now. As soon as she had crossed the threshold of your classroom, the door slammed shut. You chuckled to yourself.
You shrugged, laughing, “Nope! She came into my classroom, unannounced and unwelcomed, and just stood there for the last 10 minutes of class. I just ignored her, I don’t want to give her the time of day, honestly.”
Marie giggled, “She’s a drama mama, sugah. Don’t you worry about her.” You hummed in response, giving her a small smile before she asked, “Has Logan seen you since you’ve been back?”
You shook your head, “No, he hasn’t. Do I really look that different since the last time I was here?”
The days passed, and you were able to go about your work peacefully. No one entering your classroom unwelcomed or unannounced, no one wanting to gossip about who was sleeping with who. Life was really beginning to feel normal again. You were creating a lesson plan for your Cantonese class on Thursday when you got a knock at your classroom door. You turned in your chair, standing up and smoothing your skirt out before calling the person into your room.
Marie looked over your face and body thinking for a moment. “It’s nothin’ drastic, ya just look more… you!” She beamed at you, “You look stunnin’.” You smiled back at her in response and enjoyed another moment of comfortable silence with her. The air outside wasn’t too hot or too cold. The air felt fresh in your lungs. You truly did feel peaceful being back at home.
The knob turned, and the door slowly swished open, revealing Logan standing behind it. He was dressed like he had just finished his classes for the day, button-up shirt slightly undone, revealing a smooth white undershirt peeking out just under his collarbones. You’d never admit it, but damn he cleaned up good. You gave him a polite smile, but deep down your blood was getting hot again.
There were few moments in life where James Logan Howlett was at a loss for words. This was one of them. It took him a moment before he finally responded, “My god, (Y/N), Jean told me you looked different, but… wow, you’ve really changed.”
“I hear you two are happy together,” you said plainly, completely and truly disinterested in who your ex was doing now. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, giving him a small, sly smile. It was hard to not look up at him, he absolutely towered over you, something he loved about you.
“I’m glad that smart mouth never changed,” he sighed. He stepped closer to you, leaning against your desk, nearly sitting on it so that he’d be closer to your eye level. “I’ve missed you more than I thought I would.”
“I thought I would miss being home, but getting to meet all the new kiddos was so refreshing.” You kept deflecting the questions, packing up your things from the classes you taught that day and trying to keep the interaction as brief as you had with Jean.
“Hey, come on now,” Logan started, reaching over and putting his hand on your shoulder. His touch was warm, familiar. Comfortable. “I mean it, I missed you a lot.” You didn’t even realize you had smiled at the contact until you saw Logan’s own lips curling into the same smile. You removed his hand from your body gently, giving him an apologetic look.
“I’m not interested in being a homewrecker, Logan,” you sighed, before he placed a hand over your hip and pulled you into him. You gasped, trying hard to pull away, but his hold on you was strong. Being so close to him, so close to his face, you picked up the faintest scent on him. It wasn’t his usual smell of leather and tobacco, no this was something softer, almost feminine. It was so wildly familiar, and yet just out of your mind’s reach. It was refreshing and minty, but not in the way his toothpaste was, but the smell was definitely coming from his lips. That’s when the realization hit you like a truck. He was using the same cucumber and mint flavor of chapstick you had worn when you two were dating. Your eyes locked in on his, and you smiled so widely your cheeks almost hurt. 
“How does Jean feel having to taste me on your lips every time she kisses you?”
A/N pt. 2: hi if you got this far please consider checking out my other fics! i am working on a part 2 of "talking in your sleep" soon, and my long-running fic "replay" featuring my OC is also on my page. also also! if you are reading this, my inbox is open, please give me fic requests i will do my best for them. i currently have wolverine brainrot but i swear i can write for other fandoms just give me a little bit (but also if you wanna request more logan howlett stuff i wouldn't mind hehe.) thank you for reading, you are so nice, i hope you have a nice day!
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babydollmarauders · 7 months
part of the el!hughes au
summary: how jack and y/n (lovie) met, through the grace of quinn
warnings: bad parental guidance, small mention of body insecurities and anxiety. (4k words)
notes: a well overdue fic! i’m so thankful to you guys for being patient with me as i navigate writing in my hectic new reality of college and working full time! <3
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goosebumps trail my exposed skin, the chilling air of the practice rink nipping from my lack of sweater.
the sound of skates scraping against the ice rings in my ears, mingling with the bangs of sticks hitting against pucks and creating an oddly peaceful soundtrack for my meditation.
my feet are killing me.
capezio tights stretch across my legs, making them shimmer in the fluorescent lighting of the rink, and a black leotard hugs my body, neatly pulled together with a pink wrap skirt. ballet flats adorn my feet, my pointe shoes laying idly in my dance bag in the seat beside me as i watch the national development team practice.
it feels like so long ago that i came and watched my first practice; the one fateful day of september seeming light years away now. but in reality it was only a mere couple months ago that a group of us dance girls had decided to walk down the block and watch a practice.
Natalie and Thalia wanted to check out the guys, and me? i just didn’t want to be left out. but then watching one practice turned into watching two, and then three, and before i knew it, it became a regular occurrence. it didn’t matter anymore that the girls lost interest and no longer tagged along, in fact, i enjoyed the time spent alone.
this became my safe haven; no dance partners to critique my fouettés, no parents whispering in my ear that i’m not doing well enough in school or that i’m not practicing my dances enough or that i need to go on a diet because i don’t look as pristine or perfect in my leotard as the other girls do. just me and the sounds of several sixteen year old boys whipping pucks into the net and gliding around the ice.
as the piercing sound of a whistle slices through my peace, i know that afternoon practice has ended, my serene escape over until tomorrow.
as the team shuffles off the ice and back into their locker room, i revel in the silence for a little while, taking the moment to change from my flats to sneakers; the twenty-seven minute trek home will be a lot more terrain than the five minute one from the ballet studio to the rink, and a lot harder on my shoes.
pushing up from my seat, my hand wraps around the strap of my dance bag, slinging it over my shoulder as i slide through the rows of seats. my feet squeak against the cement steps, two at a time until i reach the exit floor.
pushing through the glass doors, i slip out into the crisp November air, ducking my head as i walk past a group of players that stand around their cars after practice, hair damp from post-practice showers. a few more players can be heard slamming the doors of their cars, obviously in much more of a rush to get home than their teammates.
it only takes five minutes of walking for me to become paranoid, a black GMC following behind me with every turn i make. my heart stutters with anxiety, my pace speeding as i attempt to shake the fear that rakes my body.
but as i speed up, so does the car, until finally the drivers window rolls down as they drive at a pace similar to my walking speed. inside is a teenage boy, a familiar face that i know i’ve seen on the ice of the usntdp rink.
“hey, you watch our practices.” it’s a statement, he knows i do, i assume a lot of them know. it’s kind of hard to miss the thirteen year old girl sitting alone in the stands every afternoon.
i stop, turning towards the boy as i nod in response.
“i always see you walking home, do you want a ride?” he asks before his eyes widen, stumbling over words, “wait, i just realized how that sounds— i’m not trying to kidnap you, i swear! you just live a few houses down, i figured i’d save you some time.”
i’m aware that my answer might be stupid and not very well thought out, but in this moment, i truthfully don’t care— the boy seems trustworthy, an odd sense of warmth radiating from him, so i nod again.
“yes, please.”
his head nods in the direction of the passengers side, unlocking the doors as he tells me to hop in; and i do so, slipping into the seat and hastily pulling the seatbelt across my body.
“i’m Quinn,” he introduces, a hand held out in front of me, “i play for the national development team.”
“i know,” i hum out, shaking his hand, “i’m y/n.”
Quinn steps lightly on the gas pedal, continuing the route to our apparently shared street.
“so, why do you come to the practices?” he questions, and though the question itself sounds a little judgy, his tone is soft, “at first i assumed maybe you were a sister, but then i’ve never seen you with any of the guys.”
i watch as the trees pass by in a blur through the window, my hands fidgeting with the strap of my dance bag that sits on the floor between my feet.
“it’s peaceful.” i confess, making him throw me a lopsided smirk mixed in with furrowed brows, “i don’t really get along with any of the girls in my ballet class, and my parents don’t get home from work until dinner time. its nice to just kill some time and listen to the sounds of the skates on the ice and the pucks hitting the net.”
Quinn hums as though he understands me, and for once, it actually feels like someone does. we’ve barely spoken to each other, we’ve only just met, but for once in my life, i feel as though someone isn’t judging me or about to tell me what i could do better.
“i get it.” he shrugs, “so, have you been a hockey fan, or are you just a little oddball and like the sounds?”
a small smile spreads across my lips, a laugh escaping at his joke, and Quinn garners an appearance of pride at making me laugh. his chest puffs out just slightly, his posture straightening and a smirk resting on his lips.
“i am,” i nod, before i realize i should clarify, “a hockey fan. i’m a hockey fan.”
it’s Quinn’s turn to chuckle now, eyes flickering towards me before they settle back on the road ahead, “but i get the feeling you are a little oddball, aren’t you? or at least maybe some other people think so.”
the vibe in the car turns stony, my body tensing.
“yeah,” i drop my eyes to my hands, finding great interest in the dirtied white color of my bag strap, “i prefer to keep to myself, you know? it feels like all everyone tells me is how i can do better. how i can perfect my dances, or how i’m so pretty but i would be so much prettier if i did this or that, or how despite straight A’s and a 4.0 GPA, there’s more i could do to get into a stupid ivy league that i don’t wanna go to-”
i suck in a deep breath, cutting off my rambles prematurely, because here i was dumping all my insecurities and problems on a boy three years my senior and who i’ve only just met.
“i’m sorry, those are some shitty people.” Quinn frowns, a hand tightening just slightly around the steering wheel.
“that was all my parents.”
“fuck,” he curses, glancing over at me quickly with wide eyes as we turn onto our street, “your parents said all that?”
i shrug, nodding my head, “it’s what a parent does, right? they criticize you to be the best you can be. the girls in dance aren’t much better.”
Quinn parks the car in front of what i assume is his billet house, turning in his seat to face me properly.
“a parent should guide you to be the best version of yourself, not criticize you until you become the person they want you to be.”
his words repeat in my head, my brows threading together as i hum in acknowledgment of his statement.
rather than truly respond, i unbuckle my seatbelt, pushing the door open as i gather my bag from the floor.
“thank you for the ride, Quinn. sorry for dumping all my problems on you.”
i don’t give him a chance to respond, hopping out of the car and slinging my bag over my shoulder as i shut the door.
i’m only one house away when i hear him yell, “hey! same time tomorrow?”
i spin around confused, finding him standing next to the car with his hockey bag slung over his own shoulder.
“same time tomorrow! i’ll drive you home!” he smiles gently, before giving a small wave and heading into his house.
what the fuck just happened? did i just make a new friend?
my entire body aches, my toes in particular feeling incredibly sore due to the bruised skin that covers them, but i push through.
only a week until the spring performance and i still don’t feel that my solo is where it should be. my pointe shoes make my toes prick with pain, but over time, the pain turns into a stinging numbness.
my reflection stares back at me in the mirrored wall, a frustrated puff of air passing through my parted lips. my tutu caresses my arms as i let them fall to my sides, lowering back down to flat feet.
in the mostly empty building, i can hear the ring of the bell above the front entrance followed by muffled conversation approaching the private room i currently occupy.
i walk over to the chair that holds my things, my brows furrowing as i check the time. i still have five minutes until Quinn is due to pick me up. that gives me more than enough time to run through the solo once more.
walking over to the barre, i flex my feet a couple of times. but before i can begin to dance, i’m bombarded by the sound of conversation.
“what are we doing at a dance studio?” a male voice echoes through the building, grumbling in obvious annoyance.
“i told you, i have to pick up a friend.” i recognize that voice immediately; Quinn. my close friend of four months.
“a girlfriend?” i scrunch my nose at the other person’s question, part of me wanting to shout out that i can hear them.
“a girl that’s a friend, yeah. more like a little sister.” a heated blush rises to my cheeks, a smile spreading across my lips.
he thinks of me as a sister.
a knock sounds against the door of the private room before it creaks open, Quinn’s head popping in.
“hey, twinkle toes, you ready to go?” he smiles warmly, his eyes sparking with care as he eyes my outfit, “nice tutu.”
“you’ve seen this one before.” i giggle but it quickly dies off into a sigh as i think about how much work i still need to put into the dance, “give me one sec?”
“yeah, go for it.” he nods, “mind if i come in?”
“come on in.”
closing my eyes, i take a deep breath, tuning out the sounds of Quinn and his company entering the room. breathing out, i enter fifth position.
plié, passé relevé, back down to fifth position, my eyes open as i run through the rest of the dance, focusing on my core and watching myself in the mirror.
my sight flickers to Quinn, a smile on his face as he watches me dance, and for a moment i feel so proud of myself. but then my sights set on the boy beside him.
fluffy dirty blond hair mussed atop of his head, beauty marks dotting across his soft features, and beautiful blue eyes that watch my figure. he’s the prettiest boy i’ve ever seen.
i stutter in my steps, suddenly nervous and self conscious in front of the unfamiliar face, and before i can fix my form, i buckle under his stare; missing a step before my ankle twists, a sharp tinge of pain shooting up my leg as i stumble back down onto flat feet.
“shit.” i whimper, my facial features contorting in pain as i flex my ankle, gauging my pain level.
“are you okay?” Quinn stammers, eyes wide in concern, “what happened?”
“i’m fine,” i sigh. walking over to my bag, i pull my flats out and sit on the chair, beginning the process of taking off my pointe shoes, “i just got a little distracted.”
“distracted?” Quinn repeats, confusion plaguing his features before he looks back at his company, his lips quirking into a smirk, “y/n, this is my brother, Jack. Jack, this is y/n.”
my face heats under the heavy gaze of Jack’s blue eyes, his shoes tapping against the floor as he steps forward, extending a hand in front of me.
he smiles and it’s as though the whole world slowed, as though the universe was saying ‘look. look at him. perfection personified amidst your very eyes.’
“hi, it’s nice to meet you.” my hand slips into his, shaking lightly before i pull away, distracting myself by continuing my endeavors of changing my shoes.
Quinn and Jack share whispered huffs, mumbled words between the two of them as i slip my flats on, shoving my pointe shoes in my bag.
i stand now, removing my tutu and holding it carefully, leaving me in only my tights and leotard.
“i’m ready.” they both look over at me, Quinn nodding in acknowledgment before he turns and wordlessly begins walking out, leaving his brother and i to fall in line behind him.
“so how did you guys meet?” Jack asks me as we step out of the private room, his voice hushed.
“i go watch the development program practices a lot, Quinn saw me walking home and offered me a ride.”
“you like hockey?” he raises a brow as he looks over at me with a bright grin.
“mhm.” i hum, “i’ve watched it my whole life. my dad is a red wings fan.”
we exit the building, following Quinn to his car.
“good team.” Jack replies, his voice far off, eyes staring ahead as though deep in thought; and i assume that’s the end of our conversation until he speaks again, “i liked your dance. pretty.”
blood rushes to the apples of my cheeks and i bite my lip to hold back a smile, “thanks.”
i pull open the car door as Quinn unlocks it, climbing into the back seat so that Jack can sit up front with his brother. but i’m surprised when he joins me in the back, earning a look from Quinn.
it’s silent as Quinn starts the car, pulling out from the parking space and out of the lot.
“so,” Jack starts, gaining my attention once more, “you dance and you like hockey, what else should i know about you?”
i ponder the question for a moment before i look over at him, “there’s not much to tell. i’m an only child, i like taylor swift, i don’t know.”
“well what do you and your friends do for fun? do you wanna be a ballerina when you graduate?” he turns towards me, letting me know i have his full attention.
“i only have one friend.” i shrug, “Quinn. and he and i usually just hang out at his billet house or at the rink. he’s been teaching me to skate.
“as for the ballerina thing, i don’t think so. i love dancing, but i don’t want it to be my life.”
Jack hums, nodding his head in thought before his lips part again, “give me your phone.”
“gimme your phone.” he makes a grabby hand, waiting for me to pull my phone out of my bag before i set it in his palm.
he turns it on, getting in easily with my lack of password, and quickly types something before handing it back.
“two.” he smirks.
“what?” my face punches in confusion.
“you have two friends now.” i look down at my phone, a new contact open with his number inputted in.
“okay.” i smile, not quite sure how to react to this gorgeous boy wanting to be my friend. it’s a new feeling that i’m not quite used to.
the car is silent as we pull onto Quinn and i’s street, but if i remember correctly, he’s staying at a hotel with his dad for the next couple of days.
“hey, twinkle toes.” Quinn calls out from the drivers seat.
“you still coming to the game tomorrow?”
“i plan on it.” i tell him.
“alright, you’ll be sitting with my dad and Jack.” he informs me, “Jack, you good to wait for her at the entrance to take her to your guys’ seats?”
Quinn stops in front of my house, unlocking the doors.
“yeah, sure.” Jack confirms, watching as i exit the vehicle, “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“see you tomorrow!” i smile. i shut the door, Quinn’s window rolling down as he calls out a goodbye, “bye, snuggles!”
i can hear Jack snort out a laugh as i walk away, a wheezed echo of “snuggles?!” coming from the back seat.
“shut it, Rowdy.” Quinn grumbles, rolling up his window before peeling away.
thirty minutes.
i spent thirty long minutes picking out my outfit for tonight. when i originally said i would go to Quinn’s game, i had just planned on wearing a USA Hockey sweatshirt and some leggings; but now that i’ve met Jack and know i’ll be with him? i refused to dress down so much.
descending the stairs of my house, my mother peers over the back of the couch, her hair in a tight bun and her laptop in her lap, slaving over a law case with files piled beside her.
“what are you so dressed up for?” she inquires, her glasses sitting low on the bridge of her nose.
“i have Quinn’s game tonight.” i walk around the couch to stand in front of her, my nikes shuffling along the area rug.
“i’m so proud of you.” she smiles, and for a moment i’m left to ponder where this could go, “you’re finally taking a care to how you present yourself.”
and there it is; the subtle jab. it can never be a real compliment, there’s always gonna be the underlying insult muddled in somewhere.
“are you going with friends?” she questions, her focus falling back on the open computer screen in her lap.
“kinda?” i’m not quite sure what to call Jack, he said we’re friends, but we also don’t actually know each other.
“kinda?” my mother echoes in wonder, looking back up at me as i wander into the kitchen to retrieve a water bottle.
“yeah. i met Quinn’s brother yesterday, the one a year older than me?” i start, “i’m sitting with him and their dad at the game. i don’t think i would call us friends really, but we exchanged numbers yesterday.”
my mother sighs, pushing her glasses atop of her head in order to pinch the bridge of her nose.
“does this boy play that brutal game too?”
my mind wanders back to what Quinn has told me about his family in the past, “yeah, they all do.”
“oh y/n, don’t get too wrapped up in these boys. they won’t do you any good.” she tells me, “find a nice boy, one who wants to do something substantial with his life.”
“we’re just friends, mom. it’s not like anything is gonna happen.”
“but you want it to.” she narrows her eyes, waving her finger towards me, “i can see it. mother’s intuition. don’t fall for this boy.”
who is she to tell me who i should fall for? she and dad barely even speak anymore. i wouldn’t even call what they have, love.
“it’s just going to a hockey game, mom. their dad is gonna be there too.” i sigh, “i gotta go.”
“how are you getting there?” she asks, “are they picking you up?”
“no,” i shake my head, “dad said he would drive me.”
her brows furrow, “your dad had to go into work.”
i gape at her, a blank look covering my face. i shouldn’t be shocked, this happens all the time. it’s the same reason i walk home from ballet, or why i’ve come to rely on Quinn to pick me up for school. but somehow, it still always feels like a cut to the heart.
my mother sighs, shutting her laptop and rising from her seat, “i’ll drive you. come on.”
“you would think he would try and spend more time with you. but it’s always work with that one. work then family.” she mutters, ranting to herself as she slips her shoes on, grabbing her keys from the dish on the entryway table.
i fall in line slowly behind her, dreading this car ride already; because it appears it’s one of those days. the days where my mother will do anything to appear better in my eyes than my father. including talking down about him to me in hopes to make me more upset with him than i already am.
and i was correct. the entire drive was spent with me sitting silently in the passengers seat, watching my surroundings pass by as she went on and on about all of the things my father has done wrong in the past week.
i couldn’t get out of the car quick enough, nearly breaking the car door off its hinges as i throw it open. calling out a goodbye to my mother and assuring her that yes, Quinn would be driving me home afterwards, i slam the door shut and jog towards the arena entrance.
slowing down upon the sight of the glass doors, my body lights up, butterflies flutter in my stomach as i spot Jack in the lobby just through the doors. he wears jeans and a gray hoodie, converse tied to his feet, and he looks down at his phone, glancing up every few moments.
when his eyes land on me through the clear glass, a friendly smile spreads across his lips, slipping his phone into his pocket and taking a few steps towards the door, propping it open for me.
“hey!” he chimes as i reach the entrance, “puck should drop soon! i was gonna text you to check in but, i didn’t wanna push anything.”
my heart rate picks up, my cheeks burning at the idea of seeing Jack’s name pop up on my phone, “you can text me any time.”
Jack’s smile drops into a smirk, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief and amusement, “i’ll keep that in mind.”
“our seats are this way.” Jack begins pushing through the lingering people in our way, many not paying any attention to the people in their way as they try and navigate towards their own seats.
for a second, i’m pushed away from him, worry flooding my mind as i think of how i’ll try and find our seats if i lose him. but then he looks back at me, his eyes finding mine, and he must see the anxiety that fills my body, because it’s not a moment later that his hand finds mine.
his hand slips into mine, interlacing our fingers as he gently tugs me closer to him as he walks, a reassuring quirk to his lips, “i got you. it’s okay.”
and somehow, all my worry melts away, just like that. for some reason, i feel like he’s telling the truth; it’ll be okay.
there’s something about Jack’s presence that calms my nerves. that makes me feel okay. and it sounds utterly insane because i’ve known him for all of twenty-four hours, but i feel like i can truly trust him.
as we reach our seats, Jack sitting next to his dad with me beside him, he still never lets go of me. instead, he rests our hands on his thigh, glancing over at me to gauge my reaction before he speaks.
“you okay?”
and finally, for once, i’m telling the truth, “yeah.”
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lucvly · 10 months
can you do hcs of being chris’ gf and also matt’s and nick’s bff
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— being chris’ girlfriend + matt and nick’s best friend. ⸰ 𖥔 ͙
warnings: fluff, cursing, suggestive, not proofread.
a/n: i love this omg?? keep feeding into my delusions please and thank you.
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— most times, you help them film their videos. you’re not really in them but they all love it when you’re their camera girl.
— when you’re at their house, you have to hang out in chris’ room, otherwise nick and matt are constantly talking to you.
— sometimes you’ll be in the pool with nick and forget your phone around the house, then when chris comes home looking for you, he just finds you out with nick. (“jesus, i thought you got kidnapped or something.” “by your brother, yeah.”)
— movie nights with chris start off normally, just you two cuddling on his bed and watching a random movie you picked out, but somehow nick and matt end up crashing it. chris gets so pissed because they’re interrupting your date but you have to reassure him that it’s fine.
— you’re always in their photo dumps LMFAOO. most of the time, their comments are filled with “spot y/n challenge go.”
— you and chris can’t have a proper date in his house because nick and matt always crash it. so you end up having to hang out at your place or coming up with outside date ideas (museums, picnics, etc.)
— one time you and chris were making out in his room, you were straddling his lap, your arms wrapped around his neck, his hands were on your waist— then suddenly, a loud scream from the door. shit. matt.
— “the door wasn’t even open.” “well it definitely wasn’t shut either, kid.” “shut the fuck up matt.” “dumbass.” “what did you say?”
— sometimes you and chris peacefully fall asleep on call, then you wake up at 3 am because matt stole his phone. he ends up begging you to go to the gas station and get slushies. you do.
— you three have a groupchat LMFAOO chris hates it because matt, nick and you always gang up on him.
— whenever they get in arguments with each other, it’s possibly the worst day of your life. all three of them tell you their side of the argument. (of course you side with your boyfriend, but you appreciate their trust in you LMFAOO.)
— you’ll get calls at midnight from matt asking you to get rid of chris because he’s being extremely annoying. followed up by a call from chris telling you to not listen to matt.
— you go with them on tour obviously. you and chris sleep together despite both of you having your own little bed.
— i feel like chris would be the clingiest boyfriend ever gn, especially if you’re best friends with his brothers LMFAOO.
— you’re always hanging around his house without him even knowing it. this one time he was out for whatever reason and when he came back he found you and matt in the backyard playing pokemon go. safe to say he was confused.
— on a certain occasion, you and chris were baking cookies. after you took them out of the oven, you left them out on the counter to cool down— big mistake. when you came back five minutes later, the cookies were long gone. chris was pissed.
— whenever chris wants to plan some grand gesture or big date, his brothers help him 110%. on one of your anniversaries he filled your room up with balloons and chocolates. like, on an insane level. after the whole celebration you had to call and thank nick and matt for the help.
— despite them denying it, matt and nick think your relationship is so cute. they’re your #1 fans honestly.
— ^ which means they take pictures of you all day every day. chris sends you random ass pictures of you two it’s so funny. (“look at the pic matt took of us lol” “when did he even take that hello????” “idk but we look so cute”)
— chris is head over heels for you and he loves that you have such a good relationship with his brothers. it makes everything a lot easier since you can tag along to trips, tour, and just be with him a lot more.
— whenever chris posts you on social media, he posts the cutest couple pictures. however, the comments always include matt and nick with something along the lines of (“PARENTS” “you’re both disgusting” “get a ROOM”)
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crownedinmarigolds · 2 months
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Hello all! My commissions are being re-opened after my lil summer step-away! Thank you to everyone who has previously commissioned me or wants to commission me, you all mean the world to me and I'm so grateful! I had a super great break and am ready to get back to the grind! ~ ~ ~ Updated information for post break - I am officially using KO-FI's commission tab to keep track of how many slots I have for each type, as well as occasionally introduce a different style or so if I feel like it/come up with one. This is to make things easier for me in regards to tracking, and to make things more visible to you all so you know how busy or available I may be!
My quick sketch commissions are always open on my KO-FI!
Prices may slightly vary depending on specific details, but that is something we can discuss in private. The prices shown are pretty solidly what I will charge!
PLEASE NOTE: I will not start work until payment is made.
The prices include the character + a simple background color/texture chosen by me unless otherwise requested by you. The group portraits will require a bit more in-depth discussion - such as if you don't want them just standing together and want them to be doing something as a group. That may change the price slightly depending on what they're up to. If you'd like to add a specific background, we can talk about that as well! I keep you very up to date through most of the process, and I have a few extra rounds of concept sketches prepared if needed for larger portraits.
Disclaimers: I have a very sketchy and not 100% clean art style, so please expect that in the finished product! I am absolutely down for not safe for work scenes or subjects like sex, violence, blood, etc - but obviously the more gross end of the spectrum I won't touch. That can be discussed in private! I am not very good at drawing mechs, cars, or animals, so while you can ask me to, I may deny it just to ensure you don't get a subpar final drawing.
Also, I work full time and am a wife and mother! I like to think I'm fast and incredibly attentive but just please be respectful that I may have to step away to take care of my family. I have to save drawing for after I am off work and when my child is asleep. Here is my usual schedule for doing commission work.
If you'd like to commission me, go ahead and grab your slot through my KO-FI. Feel free to also send me a direct message through Tumblr or email me at [email protected]! Just noting again, I am using KO-FI to keep track of the slots taken and to keep all my record-keeping in one place. If you miss the window for a slot, I can of course write your idea and information down and inform you when I'm about to open slots again. You will be getting concept sketches, updates as I go, and of course the high res copy of your image at the very end. I would ask that you speak with me before using my work for public use or on paid programming. Otherwise, these images are yours and you feel free to use them as you please!
I am on KO-FI, and here is my Art Tumblr Tag for more examples of my work!
Thank you all so much!!
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
I'm gripping the bars of my cage desperately, I'm chewing at the bars, begging, pleading for more zombie ghoap x reader au.
zombie ghoap x reader au coming right up chef 🫡
btw this is super similar to charliemwrites' jaw dropping ghoap x reader "the (scottish) cabin in the woods" so you need to go read that immediately (and leave a nice comment because charlie rocks)
cw for noncon puppyplay below the cut
i was talking to ceilidh a tiny bit about this earlier, and i think that johnny and reader met in like a cannibal cult kinda thing. very much so like that episode of TLOU, yknow? they both think they've found a little commune safe haven, but it very quickly becomes clear that that's not the case.
anyways, they end up trying to get out together when they realize what's going on, and have to kill a few of the cult members :/ they've been "stuck together" ever since
they threaten to leave the other for dead (or kill them in the middle of the night) constantly. it hasn't happened yet, obviously, but boy oh boy do both of them bring it up nonstop. they act like they hate each other, but honestly they just need to fuck
but they're sorta stuck together now. you're better off paired up with someone than on your own, that's something they both learned pre-cult fiasco. and, really, they don't dislike each other nearly as much as you might think based on the way they gripe
enter ghost. he spots these two survivors wandering through the forest, one injured and both filthy, and basically thinks to himself "hm. could be good in home entertainment"
(here's the deal with puppyplay like this - it's absurd, and we're just going with it. alright??? just WORK with me here)
if you didn't see, i put in the tags of the original post "#btw - he takes you home then chains you both up outside and says something like “this is where dogs stay” :/#dont worry you're perfectly safe (he has a high fence keeping zombies out) but he likes to hear how scared you get when you're out there all#you're both quite well behaved when he lets you in for dinner the next night &lt;3#he only has to scold you once when you both complain about being made to eat while kneeling on the floor next to him"
you're probably both "behaving" because you don't want him to. you know. fucking KILL YOU. but this is also a zombie apocalypse au, so you're both totally feral too. and this is an apocalypse ghost too, which means he's probably way harsher and way rougher around the edges than he even is in canon
anyways i think soap and reader here are more likely to be like "lets wait this out and try to escape when he's not expecting it" except they're like... really bad at trying to play along
ANYWAYS!!!! ghost takes you two back to his compound, ties the both of you up outside for the night. he wraps soap's ankle first, gives him a stern command to stay off of it, and goes back inside like everything is normal. he watches you two over the camera while planning out how he'll build some outdoor kennels for the two of you
you're both cold and tired and hungry and scared the next morning, so it doesn't take much coaxing on his part to get you inside. it takes a lot more coaxing to keep you two on your knees :/
honestly johnny's ankle is so fucked that it's almost a relief to keep pressure off of it (even if it means crawling around on the floor like an animal) but you care a hell of a lot more. ghost threatens to break your ankles before you finally listen :/
he ties the leashes to your wrists, to keep you both out of trouble as much as he can. it's not like either of you are eager to go very far - his house is warm and you're both chilled to the bone from your night outisde
anyways. that's all i've got like, linearly. but i can offer some random little tidbits about their lives after
ghost makes you both eat from the floor. he gives you plates (no silverware) at first and lets you use your hands, and gradually works the two of you up to eating from bowls with just your mouths
you and johnny bicker constantly and simon frequently makes the two of you kiss to make up :( forces you to make out with each other while he smokes a cigarette and enjoys the show. no matter how mad you are, you both end up needy and humping the air when he finally lets you stop
he tries to have you two sleep in the same crate, but it does not go well. ghost very quickly realizes that you two will try to tear each other's throats out if forced that closely together for an entire night
sometimes one of you will try to get the other in trouble. there's one particular night where you trick johnny into misbehaving and he's stuck in the outside kennel all night - but it rains. and every time you glance out the window you see how sad and cold he looks :((( ghost lets you love on him the next morning, and soap is more than eager for a bit of comfort after such a miserable night
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readerssmut · 3 months
"𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐦." ~ Boss Milo Manheim x reader Pt.3
Song Inspired- Boyfriend (By Dove Cameron)
Tags/Warnings-18+ only, Minors DNI, consensual, romance, dominant (Milo), cheating, smut, fluff, light bondage, rough sex, unprotected sex, cream pie, oral (m & f receiving). Reader is an Office Siren. Grammar police can respectfully f off (:
Summary- Y/N has a shitty boyfriend and one night at an office party drunkenly confides in her hot boss.
That sent her over the edge, her wet hole clenching around his fingers. It sent a wave through her body any control she had over her moans was gone. Nothing could have prepared her for what was to come. She wasn't ready to be done, I mean obviously it was late and her boyfriend might start to worry but all she could think was that this was everything she had imagined. She got up pulling her skirt back on thinking it would be time to leave. He looked at her "Y/n we aren't done. Keep the skirt on remove the panties." She had never been so happy in her life. He manhandled her in the gentlest way. Putting her hands on the desk and making her spread her legs for him. He grabs his belt wrapping her hands up in it and tying them behind her back. Her panties still on the floor beneath her ended up in her mouth. The lust consumed every inch of her body. Y/n never felt so much attention on her, on her body, on her wants and needs. He knew she loved every second of this and that's what made him so eager. He was behind her once again rubbing his dick against her slit, teasing her wet hole. He couldn't help but appreciate that it was all for him. They both knew only they could make each other this way. He ripped her shirt open grabbing her breasts and kissing up her neck before sliding inside her. She gasped at the feeling of being filled up. No pain just pure pleasure. His strokes were caring but rough. Never would he want to hurt her. He continuously reassured her that if she was uncomfortable or in pain they could stop. She never wanted this end and I mean never. If she could do everything with him inside her, she could die happy. Each stroke was met with a grunt or moan. It was like ecstasy for both of them. Every inch of him fit perfectly inside her like a puzzle piece. He started to become relentless fucking her senseless. Y/n couldn't stop herself from moaning into her soaked panties. "Fuck y/n you feel like heaven. I've wanted you since the first moment I saw you. I knew I would have to make you mine. No one could deserve you like me." His words only caused her to clench tighter around his dick. "Fuck me, you feel so good Milo." This was it he tried to stop himself, but it wasn't before long that his thrusts became sloppy. They were both going to come. She was ready to come on his thick cock. He needed to come in her tight hole. He halted hearing a knock on the door. It was Maria "Hey Boss I was just wondering if you heard from Y/n. She didn't say bye to me, and I wanted to make sure she got home safe." His thrusts quickly started back up again but his hand reached around to cover her mouth. " Oh yes Maria, I got her an uber home. She said she would text me when she got home." Maria sighed in relief "Thank you for watching out for her, have a goodnight." Footsteps left the door, and they were back to it. The orgasm overcame y/n and Milo not long after. They moaned and groaned riding out their highs together. Y/n collapsed onto the desk, her legs weak. His cum leaking out of her and a smile never seeming to cease from her face. They both dressed and she headed to her uber with a smile. He wished her off and eventually had her all to himself. This was only the start of their many fun times in his office.
Thank you to everyone for reading this. This is my first story and I'm sorry there is three parts but it just kept flowing. If you have any critiques or requests lmk (:
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guardian-angle22 · 4 months
Tag Game Tuesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Thank you for the tags! @thisbuildinghasfeelings @rmd-writes & @goldenskykaysani
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I first started watching LS around the 2nd or 3rd episode of season 1 after seeing some adorable gifs of Owen & TK floating around on my tumblr feed.
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I wish I could find out who patient zero was that first brought them to my attention from my follow list, but I think it must've been someone from the Skam fandom? maybe?
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3, baby!! and ngl, I highly doubt anything will top it at this point just based off where the plots have gone since.
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
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I mean - y'all knew what the answer would be to this one, right? Obviously Paul is my favorite. I do also really love TK. I know I have a reputation for loving Paul because I get very animated about him LOL... but I would like to put TK in my pocket and keep him safe forever, thank you.
Top five episodes. Go!
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Paul. One hundred percent, I need it from Paul. I know everyone and their brother is going to or has answered Carlos for this and that tracks for a tarlos based fandom... but my unpopular opinion is that we've gotten quite a bit of character backstory for him this past season compared to some others like Nancy, Paul, and Marj. I feel like Paul has been part of the core group since the beginning but hasn't seen the amount of meaty plots as some of the others have. He's due!
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What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
Okay, I have two ideas for this: - an episode in which some of the characters who rarely interact are somehow trapped together due to some kind of emergency/disaster/storm and must navigate their way out together while the rest of the team helps from the outside. There are a few groupings we could use for it, but I personally would have the potential pairings be one of the following (or all three at once??): Paul & Tommy... TK & Grace... Judd & Carlos. I feel like these 3 pairings are people we don't get to see interact one-on-one often (or at all) and it would be super fun! - a true HEAT WAVE. they very briefly had that heat thing happen in 4x01 but I want a whole episode about a temperature heat wave and how first responders have to deal with them. this is TEXAS, c'mon. Plus the theme of heat throughout the episode could pop up in various character's stories. Tarlos = sexy heat. One of the firefighters = heat in the form of pressure in their job like a promotion of some kind. etc.
What do you think is going on in this still?
I have absolutely no fucking clue 😂 So I will instead direct you to this wonderful little spec fic by @littlemissmarianna As much as I hate everything to do with the Gabriel plot and tbh am not excited to see its continuation... if they manage to pull something off like that fic, I might actually enjoy some of it!
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
... soooooooo I must confess something here...
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*whispers* I don't actually know all about the elusive 5.05 spicy scene. someone needs to fill me in. I have not been paying attention to spoilers & speculation as much this time around since last season's speculation went so terribly for me 🤭🤣
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
Something about Carlos "getting homesick after a weekend in Branson" just tickles me. and the sarcastic way TK talks about the idea of Carlos wanting to travel the world also just amuses me to no end...
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so this paired with the way the wedding went down, I think TK wouldn't want to make Carlos travel very far. or leave his mother so soon. I think TK wants his husband to feel as safe and comfortable as possible and so they spend a weekend at a nice spa/resort near Austin. Some place like this: Miraval Austin and then spend the rest of their honeymoon week bundled up together at home.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
for fics, I'm gonna be a little lazy here and link some of my previous themed fic rec lists:
but truly there are some wonderful fics in those lists!!! For some fanart: - this one by @whatsintheboxmh is one of my faves. ankle grab my beloved. 🥺🥰 - this one of s5 TK by @fitzherbertssmolder is so adorable! - this one of BUTTERCUP! by @greentealycheejelly is absolutely precious. - this one of Paul & Marjan!! by @heartstringsduet is amazingggg. give me all the paul fanart - this one of Grace by @yorit1 is stunning.
I'm not sure who has already done this, but I'm gonna tag some mutuals that I don't think I've seen it from yet (no pressure though!!) @lemonlyman-dotcom @herefortarlos @tkstrandreyes @three-drink-amy @littlemissmarianna @mikibwrites @alrightbuckaroo
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lumineary-arts · 3 months
Saw you ask about ppls AUs uh
Most of mine, admittingly, don't have designs yet. At least not drawn ones. Oops!!
But I can like?? Still ramble ig?
I also have a swap AU! I haven't posted a lot ab it, but it's called Solver Shift.
In it I put Sam in Cyns place. So the DDs have pink accents (wasn't comfortable using Doll and making them red, despite barely drawing DD armbands anyways - personally at least)
Some places I'm still unsure about, like idk whether Khan and Nori should be direct swaps with Ron & Tessa or should be put in Tessas parents position. If I go the latter idk who to put in Tessas place lol.
Ron and Tessa weren't actually ever romantically involved. They were just best friends, and were like "well we live together, we both kinda wanna know what having kids is like. So let's raise one together"; insert Nuke (N) being built. Tess survived a few years into his life, they built Cyn and then yada yada you know the story - dead mom
If it wasn't obvious by Ns name, the rail gun gets replaced by explosives. Thank Cyn for that, it was her idea. (They both take canonverse Uzi her engineering skills, but Cyn takes the more unhinged aspect of the personality.) - Nuke was like "we gotta do something about the DDs but idk what!" And Cyn, sparkly eyed and all, was like "Let's blow them up!"
I need to figure out some episode stand ins seeing as Cyn is younger but still sticks to N like glue. Beau takes Dolls place, they'd be Similar in age to Cyn (aka I gotta give them a body design F)
Oh also, as for befriending the DDs -- whilst Ep1 would run similar to canon; after that Thad/T would bond faster with the siblings than Uzi/Z bc they keep their canonverse personalities mostly!! So that's a reverse. Also T wouldnt want to kill the Prom unlike V, he just genuinely wants to make friends 😭
Don't ask me why Beau is at the prom, being younger and all. Might just make it an all years general prom rather than just the graduating class.
Next AU yay
Blood & Bats is a Vampire/Human AU! DDS and Solver Drones are vampires, you get the gyst!
N & Cyn are bio siblings, got separated bc of a divorce. Eventually both were separately taken away for shitty parenting, one of which caused Cyn to get vampirism one way or another. She also has DID/OSDD1 in this AU, the Solver conciousness isn't an evil entity here, just s Persecutor under the definition of "Misguided Protector who hurts as a form of protection" -- they're basically just a terrified vampire kid who thinks they're a danger and thinks isolation is the only way to keep their lived ones safe.
At some point the Elliots adopt N, later Cyn too. They also have previously adopted V and J. As time goes on, the alphabet trio one by one get turned by Cyn/Solver but they catch her after that so Tessa never is turned.
Uzi is basically a half vampire. Her mom was one, her dad wasn't. I don't remember the details atm, but I assume I've posted them somewhere in the tag on my account, but iirc Khan killed Nori in a moment of shock and survival instinct when finding out. Uzi doesn't know this. She finds out later after being turned herself (on accident!) - either through N or Cyn. Might do N to draw a parallel to the miscommunication between ep 2 and 3. Bc yeah Uzi would assume it's on purpose and he broke a promise.
Once they fix things, she finds out about her dad killing her mom and she runs away from home, terrified he might kill her too -- she crashes at the siblings place OR Thads place. I'm not sure yet. Both have pros and cons.
Khan cant easily access the manor, needs to be at an event for it. But the parents would want Uzi OUT asap. On Thads end; Teacher (Thad and Lizzy are either step or half siblings idk yet) and Ron (uncle, moved in after his sister died to help with the kids!) Would not let Khan take Uzi home sending as they see her terrified. They don't know what happened. But Khan has easier access bc he's friends with Teacher and obviously Lizzy is there which Uzi isn't thrilled about.
That's as far as I can remember the storyline -- there would still be parallels to some episodes! Ep 4 would still happen! Just some would survive! Rebecca would be found by one of the alphabet trio and turned to save her life. She's wheelchair bound after that. Sam survives but everyone thinks he got too high and doesn't believe him when he talks rambling about Uzis vampire form (Becca keeps it secret bc like if she says something it by extension endangers the other vampires in the school which now includes herself)
Intertwined/Inteetwinjng Codes (Me when I keep going back and forth between both titles) is a next gen AU thing. It started off as a joke,,, oh well
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These little shits are twins, they started this whole rabbithole. They would boot up sometime after Ep 4.
Later on their parents would want to program another kid & adopt one. Invert Annika and Zagi, except unexpected thing happened and they now have two babies to upload. Insert Raven.
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Annika is currently undergoing redesign, ignore how basic she looks compared to her siblings lol.
As for the last 2 kids -- they didn't WANT any more, but when being sent to another colony they run into this toddler with a baby, who are being attacked by other DDs so they step in. Whilst they argue with N, Uzi gets the kids to safety. They were gonna keep the kids at their place for that night but Olicia did NOT want to sleep in the same place as a DD & a ton of half DDs -- so Thad gets called at 3am 😭 hes the cool uncle to their kids so yk
Next day it turns out adoption wing is full, so the siblings get passed around Thad, Uzis dad and Nuzi a ton (their own colony got killed so they cant go back there) until Ray gets attached to Nuzi, and you shouldn't separate a baby from its bonded adults. Seeing as he already lost the code related parents, they didn't want to risk further hurting his programming. So the siblings were basically accidentally adopted by Nuzi, despite Olivia not being happy about it at first. But she didn't want to separate from Ray.
That's mostly that. Theres not too much lore tbh. Just a silly half joke AU.
Also I have 6 siblings IRL so I tend to like give my ship kids many siblings 😭 so ignore that fact lol, just projecting
Then theres like 3 more Cyn centric AUs.
2 are pretty small.
DD!Cyn AU that has no name yet is just the AS uploaded a copy of Cyn/the Base Drones conciousness into a DD body and kept her with the trio. That'll lead to major Identity crisis once Cyn realizes technically she's a clone and her memories aren't *hers*. Aside from that: Cyn and J constantly have beef bc of J abusing N, Cyn tries to get her to stop but just faces verbal abuse herself in return :(
Shes also pretty distrusting of Uzi at first bc like!! Nobody except Cyn ever spent time with N!! That's a Drone getting close to her big brother which possibly could hurt him in the long run if she turns out to be like the other teammates!! (She eventually warms up to her)
Then there is Trapped/Hivemind AU. Literally just Cyn trapped in the hivemind, unable to reach her body for control. She can HEAR the other Solver Drones and the DDs, as they're all part of the hivemind. But she can't communicate with them. No matter how hard she tries.
Especially when she hears N she will call out to him but not get a response
So shes probably on the brink of losing it
Then there is "Dormant" Absolute Solver
Originally it was gonna be "The AS lost interest in Cyn as a host" and ig it still kind of is correct-? I need to go back and forth between certain aspects lol
But long story short, Cyn now got a separate body from the AS, doesn't know it killed Tessa & comes to C9 with J & "Tessa". The AS just brought her as a tool to manipulate N with, but she doesn't know that. Cyn joins the group from ep 6 onwards. Yay more PTSD for the child I guess :)
I havent written out ep 6 yet but I think she'd be with N & "Tessa" for that part.
Ep 7 she ends up on the side of the rocks with Uzi, and walks at a distance after being told to basically F off bc Uzi doesn't trust her now but Cyn is scared to be alone. Uzi notices Cyn isn't okay tho.
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(Varian tangled reference yay)
Might I add that seeing Uzis wings and tail in ep 6 would have majorly triggered Cyns PTSD but shes unaware of why she feels so scared. So seeing Uzis tail the whole time definitely adds onto the stress =)
During the fight Uzi would reach out to Cyn through the hivemind, both girls calling out to N through Cyns body. The AS doesn't like that and forcefully shuts Cyn down. It has admin rights over her after all.
By the time Cyn wakes up, the AS is grabbing her to blackmail N after just having eaten Doll. Talking about how he wouldnt want to hurt his baby sister (hes aiming his laser cannon at the AS for context). Then it gets bored, drops Cyn and the regular program ensures. Except Cyn took Tessas gun and shoots herself free from the tentacles and runs to the pit after seeing Nuzi be pulled in. Whilst shes there trying to figure out how to get them back up (seeing as she cant use her Solver on them, or at least not Uzi. The show us so unclear if it works on DDs or not) the scene goes on.
I'm not sure yet who Cyn will stick with, probably N bc I've more ideas. BUT also I'm waiting for episode 8 to decide that for sure. Same with the ending. I got multiple bad ending ideas and also a good ending :) ep 8 will determine which one will be canon :)
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Oh yeah Cyn lol -- both new and old ref bc of the oil canister I didn't draw in the new one yet. She still has it as you can see by the oil tubes!
Also the Good!Ending DAS!N would run a Daycare post canon. IC!N also runs one. I just like having N work with kids.
Most of these (I think all except DD & Trappsd Cyn) are tagged on my account probably with some more info
Idk if the tags will show up tho bc they don't always for me when searching for them :(
My pinned post has the tags listed I think
I think that was all of them hm (istg if I forgot one 💀)
OKAY THIS ONE'S SUPER IN DEPTH I'M HEAVILY INTRIGUED. MULTIPLE AU'S DUDE!! I LOVE IT, KEEP EM COMING. Loving the ideas behind the swap AU. Putting Sam in Cyn's place is unique, I hadn't heard anyone do that before!! Also the thing about using pink is fair, I did use red but I didn't keep that in mind! A vampire AU's extremely fitting for Murder Drones, being a substitute for the Solver/Disassembly model. Since ep. 4 is my favorite, I love the fact it'd still play out here. Also I must say I REALLY like the next gen AU designs??? I actually kinda wish we saw more next gen stuff, or maybe I'm just not looking in the right places. Either way I very specifically love Rexim and Raven's designs, I think the color choices are really speaking to me. ALSO ALL THE CYN FANS ARE GONNA BE EATING UP THE CYN-CENTRIC AU'S. But it seems like the poor girl could never catch a break. WONDERFUL WORK ALL AROUND!!
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oneatlatime · 8 months
Any predictions for season 3, or are you planning to dive straight in?
You're not the first person who's mentioned s3 predictions, so I'll give it a shot, but I'm really not sure if I have anything to use to make predictions. S2 ended in a very final, end of arc kind of way. Lots of things have been tied up. I don't even know where they're all flying off to. Back to the Southern Water Tribe, since the Earth Kingdom's a bit of a bust? The Fire Nation's out of the question, the Northern Water Tribe probably has mixed feelings about seeing them again, maybe the Eastern Air Temple? Although even that might not be safe, since Aang's travel plans to said temple to meet the Guru were known by various Earth Kingdom generals. And that stupid King.
I think the Fire Nation contingent are going back to the Fire Nation, and I am looking forward to a Zuko with eyes at least somewhat open interacting with FN citizens/nobles/military etc. who are still completely drinking the kool aid. I think it's going to suck for Zuko. Should make for good TV though. Lots of conversations where both people are saying entirely different things while thinking they're talking about the same thing.
I said it before, but I'm worried for Iroh. He's for sure arrested, but is he going to be executed? Obviously I don't want that, but unless Iroh still has enormous popular support, and the Firelord's grasp on power is incredibly shaky, I don't see how permanently eliminating a traitor (from a FN perspective) can be avoided. Then again. Kids' show.
As for the Gaang? In broad strokes, Aang still needs to learn firebending to fully Avatar himself, then he needs to defeat the Fire Lord (who is quite the homebody apparently - seriously, where is this guy?). So next season Aang will shake off his lightning hangover, find a firebending teacher, defeat the firelord. He'll probably have to commute to the Fire Nation to find the Fire Lord first. No idea what he'll do in between those things. Perhaps inadvisable shenanigans? That would be in character. His biggest story arc all series has been learning to accept his status as Avatar, but between his talks with the Guru and opening his last Chakra in the finale, I think he's done it. So all that's left is the main plot and goofiness.
Katara has the same problem she had going into S2 - she's mastered waterbending, so she needs a new conflict/arc. S2 answered this demand by... having her hang around? What did Katara do this season? Bend a bunch, set up camps, tear down camps, wreck Jet, support Aang, be nice to Toph that one time, yell at people. I hope she gets something meatier in S3. I still think she should meet some good FN citizens that challenge her morals.
Sokka was also kind of just there this season, although if I'm being mean I'll say that he was also kind of just there for S1 too, which is why it doesn't feel as odd as Katara's lack of purpose. I loved his stuff with Suki. Suki is officially the glow up of the season. I loved their interactions together, and I love the growth she poked him into doing. I'd like to see more of that. So less a prediction and more of a hope: S3 Sokka develops the ability to rely on/trust others (or maybe realises others can be relied upon/trusted is more accurate), hopefully with Suki somehow involved. And I loved his dad too. I want to see more of that guy, but since a cardinal rule of kids' stories is getting rid of the authority figures asap, it won't happen.
Toph. Honestly I'm stumped. She already broke the universe. Where can she go from there? Unless she's going to devolve into an antagonist, which I absolutely don't want, I don't see how she can top her S2 plot. And Aang's got earthbending down, so I guess she'll be like Katara was this season: tagging along. Not that I'm complaining; I love me some Toph in any form. We have seen that she wants to make peace with her parents, sort of, probably? Or at least give them another shot? But I kind of don't want her within 100 miles of her parents. So I don't know.
Appa & Momo will hopefully be tagalongs in S3 too. I learned my lesson this season about wanting the animals to have character arcs.
I guess the antagonist in S3 will be the Fire Lord, finally. Who else is left? Zhao tried, he died. Azula tried, she won. Unless S3 has an Azula rematch. But would she want that? She's already proven that she won. She can go home and enjoy the spoils of her victory (which may or may not include Zuko - I'm kind of unclear on exactly how much agency Zuko is going to have in the FN, especially since I'm not actually sure that he has permission to be there as a free man - didn't the arrest warrant Azula was executing in episode 1 list both Zuko and Iroh?)
There's nothing left for the Gaang in Ba Sing Se, so I doubt they'll go back there. Frankly it's the FN characters who have roots there. I wonder what will happen to Iroh's tea shop? I wonder if his investors will find out who he is? I wonder if money talks louder than national loyalty? (It's the Earth Kingdom - the answer is yes) Wouldn't it be funny if Iroh busted out of imprisonment and went right back to serving tea? And everyone sent to find him would be thinking "this is the famed tactician the Dragon of the West - he's probably travelling the FN plotting a coup as we speak. That devilish mind of his must have safe houses set up all over the nation." When actually he's right back where he got caught, doing exactly what he was doing when he got caught, to great and not-very-quiet acclaim?
I think S3 might have an overall darker tone too, within the bounds of a kids' show. I don't know what place Ba Sing Se occupied in the mind of the average person in the Avatar universe (although refugees seemed to revere it), but the city's fall to the FN represents a very big FN victory. The Gaang will probably be the most underdoglike in S3. S1 was mostly stalemate, then a big FN defeat. S2 was opened with the FN taking Omashu and closed with them taking Ba Sing Se. The FN have never been in a better position, and I bet the NWT is safe from further invasion only until the FN have built their fleet back up. So even the few free areas could have an expiry date on their freedom.
This is rapidly devolving into rambles, so I'll conclude by saying I have no clue what's going to happen next season, and that's exciting.
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brain rot anon: i see your jaydick, i see your dickate, i see your jaykate… but are you ready for the throuple. dick/kate/jason. is the world ready for that level of chaos in one relationship? are their neighbors ready for that sex life? like i see your kate bishop’s boyfriends tag and i say okay but what if her boyfriends were also boyfriends? are these boys going to have to learn how to share 😂 but also come on jason you end up dating his exes anyway sooooooo
on GOD nonny i saw the notification for this on my phone and all it showed was "brain rot anon: i see your jaydick" and i KNEW what was coming, i am SCREECHING
Okokokokkokkkkkok jaydick seducing Kate? Jaykate seducing dick? (I don't see dickate seducing jason working I don't think jason would trust it) ak!jason my beloved???
(oh my GOD ak!jason would be such a possessive little freak over them; dick and kate EAT IT UP)
what a group of exceptionally terrifying people. the number of people who look at them and think Jason is the loose cannon (it's Dick it's absolutely Dick) and that Kate is kind of the middle/balance (she's not she is SO destructive) and is so many while Jason is actually planning cute ass date nights and wanting to stay in and cuddle and bake
(Cute date night idea: going to college bars and beating the shit out of people drugging drinks. Like honestly meet ugly. Dick and Jay are out doing this and Kate beats them to the punch (literally) and they get to know each other via shared hobbies TT)
Is the world ready for this chaos? So Clint and Cass (Cain) are very "yeah that tracks" about this relationship. Bruce is going insane. Damian attempts to give Kate a shovel talk and doesn't succeed because the last child-shaped chaos machine Kate dealt with was Loki (and also those kids she and Clint rescued with mind powers!) so it takes her forever to realize Damian is threatening her because that is just how The Youth express affection, right?
NO, absolutely NO ONE is ready for their sex life. At least one neighbor thinks they're filming porn. I cannot imagine living in an apartment next to them. They NEED a house but it's not practical with being vigilantes, city apartments are where it's at, but hOneStLy
I can't tell you how much furniture they break. It's a lot. They spring for a solid wood table after breaking three from Ikea. at least three sets of torn bedsheets, two broken bedside lamps--look Jay and Dick are very large men and all three of them are very strong if they're not paying attention or they've been apart for an extended period of time, there's going to be drywall with holes in it. Something's getting torn of the wall on accident. They are not getting their deposit back.
idk how they get together, so many delicious scenarios
Dick and Kate getting drinks together and deciding to break into one of Jason's safe houses and get MORE drunk. Literally all they're talking about is how great Jason is and how much they want to kiss him. Jason comes in all huffy to these two NERDS on his couch, melted all over each other, red-cheeked and giggly, obviously assumes they're flirting with each other and not him even with Kate telling him he's so pretty and Dick agrees
or or or the boys have been very MATURE and ADULT and are having conversations about both of them being into Kate and maybe both of them dating her when they have the misfortune to get dosed with some Ivy nonsense, NOT sex pollen but like incredibly high/drunk. they're doing some real dangerous shit in the batcave and refusing to listen to ANYone EVEN ALFRED, so Steph calls Kate, because Kate has been wrangling drunk adrenaline junkie superhero boys since she was 19, she's literally a pro at this.
Jason and Dick, btw, have been perched somewhere very high talking mostly about Kate (also how much Dick wants to snuggle with Haley and what they want to eat and how much they like each other) so when she comes in they listen to her and it has nothing to do with her ability to herd the inebriated. Jason and Dick are staring at her and agreeing to do whatever she asks. "Hawkeye did you know that if you mix blue and red you get purple. wow what a coincidence or something those are our colors!" followed by disturbingly intense stares.
at some point they wind up at her apartment (because she knows where all the weapons are and because the consensus was to keep them contained. The Manor is too much space for them to get lost in) after stopping to pick up Haley and there's just a pile of vigilantes, Lucky, Haley, Jeff the Land Shark, and a cat that Kate has acquired (the cat's name, I regret to inform you, is toad) and they REALLY want Kate to snuggle too but they don't want to pressure her but they REALLY WANNA touch her :(
one of them asks to hold her hand. one of them asks to play with her hair. the textures are SO GOOD. Jason and Dick zonk out in her bed and wind up all snuggled together which is very nice actually hmmmm Dick needs to rethink this potential relationship configuration but he is literally and figuratively flexible so it'll be fine. the biggest issue jaydick have in seducing Kate is getting her to realize that they ARE serious. Kate this is not a joke. she's a little mopey because she thinks the boys are just into each other. she's getting ready to go out and it's a whole thing with Jason going "you don't need to go out to find someone to wreck your shit, we are perfectly capable of doing that." (it's really romantic trust me)
More shenanigan-ery wanted? Kate falling for Dick Grayson and Hawkeye falling for Red Hood. (Kate does not have a long term plan here btw "bisexuality" is not a plan)
Anyway Red Hood hears about something Derek Bishop is planning that will have fallout for Kate, so of course he tells Dick and they try to set up a sting or something. which REALLY interferes with Kate's plans of catching her dad doing shady shit. At the end of the night the three of them are grouped together as a building burns behind them. Nightwing is being kinda proprietary about Kate which is weird because she's never worked with him and Kate keeps drifting into Red Hood's space which is weird because he knows Kate has never met him as Red Hood.
Jason suggests they regroup at one of his safe houses. The boys expect Kate to put up a fight about it but she's like "no I trust you" which is BEWILDERING, she has NO reason to trust Red Hood (that they know of ofc)
Obviously Dick is willing to let her know who he is and Jason is fine not doing that (why would he Anyway? Not his circus, not his clowns [ohohoohooo the irony] that's Dick's girl, he has nothing to do with that) and Jason is a little pissed that Hawkeye couldn't be bothered to help? He never asks her for anything. But maybe she's hurt? Shit, he's gotta get back out there, see if he can find her--
Now one of two things can happen.
Jason goes to text Hawkeye and Kate's phone dings (spiderman pointing meme)
Clint barges into the safehouse, Deadpool in tow (with popcorn he is SO READY for what's about to go down that's why he helped Clint find the place) Clint VERY much Hawkeye attired and VERY UPSET that Kate decided to do this and didn't tell him???
Except she DID tell him she told him three whole days ago!!! OH MY GOD CLINT DID YOU HAVE YOUR EARS OFF
So Nightwing and Red Hood (and Deadpool) are watching this incredibly married fight (all of their fights are so married idk what to tell you they are platonic life partners) between Avenger Hawkeye and heiress Kate? Bishop? how do they know each other???
This goes on for longer than it should. Wade is getting bored. So he finishes chewing his popcorn and goes "Hey, Hawkeye!"
And both Clint and Kate turn to him and (in the same tone) go "WHAT?"
This is about the time Dick starts to bluescreen
Clint mentions something about how Captain America asked her not to do this kind of thing--
"A white Cap or a Black Cap?"
"Uhhh it was Steve?"
"Yeah I don't give a shit honestly he knows that, that's why he made me you."
Jason is buffering. Buffering. Buffering.
tbf Kate Bishop being a vigilante is not the thing that's tripping him up--I mean, Bruce--but that Kate Bishop is sort of into him? Actually really into him? Does that mean Kate is his girlfriend?
Which runs smack into "oh shit Kate is dating Dick."
(Kate is still blissfully unaware of her impending doom. She and Clint are still arguing about who she DOES listen to and it's NOT a man she pulled out of a dumpster last week, CLINTON. If Daredevil was here she would say the same thing to him! She would say the same thing to Moon Knight! To which Clint replies that he doesn't trust someone who gets HIT by CARS as much as she does--)
The stupidity of this argument has blunted the impact of Dick and Jason freaking out (Dick is recovering quickly his brain whirring at a million miles an hour thinking about all the times Jason has dated his exes and how he gets all flustered sometimes--)
Dick has taken his mask off. Jason has taken his helmet off and his mask. Kate and Clint have reached the part of arguing where they are like "I just worry abt you and love you ok" and hug and THEN
Kate sees the Boys, says "no" and just turns and walks out of the room.
it'll be fine she just needs to eat something. they'll have the serious conversations and it'll be great and wonderful and at some point Nightwing and Red Hood go beat the shit out of Derek Bishop :)
And like. GOD. these two boys, birds, who learned to fly through the night sky, giving Hawkeye wings. do you. do you see what I'm saying.
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hardbeingcasual · 2 years
Do you have any Jesse SFW and NSFW headcanons? He's a really underrated character
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notes: i don’t do nsfw but i’m more than happy to do sfw !! i already have a jesse fic in my drafts (that i’m still to finish) considering i love jesse i’ll definitely write more for him … ps i’m not too good at head canons so i apologise
he would definitely be protective of you, like when you on patrols he’d he against it at first but then he realises you are fully capable on taking care of yourself, he still watches over you though, just in case
for sure the type of guy to get drunk and confess his feelings
even if he was sober he did not know how to confess his love for you, he was a mess, thousands of words spilling out of his mouth, none of them making sense but you understood
when you both finally got together ellie was like “finally” leaving you and jesse both confused thinking something like “was it that obvious?”
his parents love you, not as much as him though, obviously.
you went to seattle with him, after tommy, ellie and dina. you both had left just a few days after you both gotten together. you just felt bad because you had to see dina, who was jesse’s ex, but she ended up not caring due to her being happily with ellie
when you get injured jesse is angry, not at you, but at the fact he couldn’t keep you safe
would patch up your wounds
staying with you and giving you the comfort you need when you’re having a bad day or if something went bad on patrol
loves and i mean LOVEEES forehead kisses, he loves receiving them, but also giving them
he doesn’t mind kisses on the lips either …
THEE best hugger. you’d literally fall asleep in his arms
really flirty, like the man never stops flirting it enrages you (but obviously like the attention from your partner)
definitely the jealous type, even though he knows you’re respectful to him and would never sneak off with anyone else, if he saw you having a conversation with someone he’d snake his arm around your waist, letting people know that you’re his
tags @zndayacc @txelanneteyam (lmk if u want added)
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newtdrawz · 11 months
YESE AHHH I'm so glad cuz I love making them 😭
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I love Two-bit with my whole heart and I love their friendship SO MUCH 😭😭 the amount of older brother figures this kid has is insane 😭
Two honestly loves Pony, loves him like a brother and Pony does too
When Two first met Pony he was pretty young (idk the ages of the gang when they all first met and I cannot find it anywhere 😭 so I'm taking it into my own hands) and he was honestly obsessed with him
Two always wanted a little brother so whenever Pony would tag along with his brothers Two would be pretty happy abt it while mostly everyone else was a little annoyed lol
Two was never really bothered when Pony followed him around or asked him a million questions while they were all out with the gang
Two always tries to get Pony out of his comfort zone, but not the way Dally does 😭😭
Two tries to encourage Pony to get out of his shell and get out more
He tries to get him to talk to girls more too (which honestly most of the time goes south 😭😭)
Two was really the only one who was able to get Pony out of the house after Mr. And Mrs. Curtis died, he was persistent enough that it ended up working (Soda and Darry thanked him a million times but Two-bit said it was no big deal) (he does the same thing after Johnny and Dally)
Two will steal gifts for Pony while Pony makes gifts for Two
Two-bit will steal art supplies for Pony or anything that he see's and makes him think of Pony
One time he stole like a pack of bookmarks that he thought where funny ("you'll never believe what I found, it's bookmarks with worms reading books!")
Pony will try and draw Two's favorite cartoon characters, especially Mickey Mouse, and give them to him
Two gets really excited each time and he'll hang them around his room at home or keep them safe in a box
Two has unspoken permission from Darry and Soda to give Pony talking to's when he does something stupid
Two also tries to keep Pony out of trouble the best he can, he also tries not to steal when he's with Pony incase someone calls the cops or anything
If he catches word of Pony doing something dumb or hanging out with people Darry specifically told him not to hang out with (COUGH CURLY COUGH) Two will swoop in, pull him away and scold him a little before his brothers can hear anything about it ("You're lucky I caught word of you doin' somethin dumb before Darry or Soda did. I'm not gonna tell em, but don't let me catch you doin it again.")
Two honestly doesn't want Pony to turn out like anyone in the gang so he tells him out right to not do anything he's doing (like how Dally does) ("You see me stealin all the time but don't go out and try and copy me, alright?")
Two-bit is ALWAYS rough housing with Pony 😭
Any chance the two get they're wrestling on the floor
Two-bit's obviously a little stronger then Pony, but Pony's faster
Two will lift him up or hold him down to try and win but Pony will run and try and tire him out to win
Darry HATES when they wrestle in the house, Two-bit tries to remember to wait till they get outside but he always forgets 😭
Two-bit and school do not mix but Pony somehow gets him to do work
They end up having a class together and it's the only class where Two-bit does the work/homework, only cuz Pony tells him too
Pony is NOT about to mess around in class and he outright tells Two-bit that 😭 (he's not trying to get the teacher to call home and get him in trouble)
The teacher is honestly bewildered (a little scared too 😭😭) to see Two-bit sitting quietly and doing actual work. They're even more shocked when he turns things in (are half the answers wrong? Yeah. Did he still do it and turn it in? Yeah.) (It's not that he's dumb he just doesn't care 😭)
Two-bit always tries to sit with Pony at lunch and get him talking. (Pony's honestly so quiet at school so Two tries to also get him out of his shell there too lol)
Pony honestly thinks Two is the funniest person he knows
Pony idolizes a lot of people but Two-bit is definitely on that list, maybe top 5 of people he idolizes.
Pony would never tell him or anyone that but he really does look up to him
He gets a little jealous of how extroverted Two can be and how confident he is so he tries to copy him just a little bit 😭 (like how Johnny pointed that out in the book lol)
He honestly doesn't realize how many mannerisms he's picked up from Two until someone points it out (Steve's the first to point it out and Pony gets so embarrassed but Two is honestly overjoyed by it)
Ah ok!! This one was really fun to do too!! I loves this duo sm 😭
I hope I did them justice 🙏 again anyone feel free to add on!!
(Again sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or if this is ooc 😭😭 I'm trying man)
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crownedinmarigolds · 7 months
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Happy almost Spring everyone! My huge huge IRL commitments have been squared away and I'm ready to work! Thank you all so much for checking me out!
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My quick sketch commissions are always open on my KO-FI!
Prices may slightly vary depending on specific details, but that is something we can discuss in private. The prices shown are pretty solidly what I will charge!
PLEASE NOTE: I will not start work until payment is made.
The prices include the character + a simple background color. The group portraits will probably require a bit more discussion - such as if you don't want them just standing together and want them to be doing something as a group, that may change the price slightly depending on what they're up to. If you'd like to add a background, we can talk about that as well!
Disclaimers: I have a very sketchy and not 100% clean art style, so please expect that in the finished product! I am down for not safe for work scenes or subjects like sex, violence, blood, etc - but obviously the more gross end of the spectrum I won't touch. That can be discussed in private! I am not good at drawing mechs, cars, or animals, so while you can ask me to, I may deny it just to ensure you don't get a subpar final drawing.
I also work full time and am a wife and mother! I like to think I'm fast and incredibly attentive but just please be respectful that I may have to step away to take care of my family. I have to save drawing for after I am off work and when my child is asleep.
If you'd like to commission me, go ahead and send me a direct message through Tumblr or email me at [email protected]! You will be getting concept sketches, updates as I go, and of course the high res copy of your image at the very end.
I am on KO-FI, and here is my Art Tumblr Tag for more examples of my work!
Thank you all so much!!
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starryredpandawrites · 11 months
Halloween with the Siblinks
Hey fam, I've been working on the next update and I wanted to post it yesterday for Halloween BUT I'm not quite finished with it yet.
So, instead, have some headcannons of what what I think Halloween would be like for Audrey and Bendy (in both forms) and a rough draft/outline of a scene for their very first one.
Btw, I would love to hear anyone else's headcannons/ideas about what any of the siblinks' Halloweens would be like so feel free to respond/reblog this post with your ideas and/or tag me in any posts that you make yourself :)
For their first Halloween together, I think Audrey would play it safe and plan on the two of them staying home together. She explained the whole holiday to Bendy and he was intrigued (Ink Demon form) and very, very, very excited (toon form) about the whole thing. He wanted to go trick-or-treating but after a few arguments he settled for just giving candy out to people and letting them see him in "costume". Audrey would have been more comfortable just hiding away and setting a bowl of candy outside the door but he gave her puppy-dog eyes and she couldn't say no.
At first, she didn't want to decorate to deter people from coming but realized how out-of-place Bendy would look answering the door to a normal apartment, so she goes all-out with the decorations. Obviously, they carve pumpkins (with Bendy's cartoon as the theme).
During the days building up to the holiday, Audrey talks about Halloween and tells him stories of her experience with it. Joey was too old to take Audrey trick-or-treating (plus, he wanted to keep her existence on the down-low) but he bought her lots of candy each year and she would help him pass it out. At one point, she told a story about a group of teenagers that showed up and took almost all of the candy they had and they ended up running out of treats to pass out super early. Both her and Joey were upset by this and he would talk about it every year after that, so she made a promise to herself to always buy extra candy so they wouldn't run out. She says offhandedly about how she believes teenagers should leave the candy/trick-or-treating to the kids, forgetting once again how Bendy takes everything literally the first time he hears it.
Anyways, the day before Halloween, Audrey is super stressed and has everything prepared in advance (and has had it prepared for weeks). Bowl of candy is filled with backup bags stored in the kitchen, and her costume is nicely laid out so she can jump into it right after work (she dressed as Alice Angel or some cartoon character to fit the theme). She also sets a chair by the door as a plan B just in case she gets caught up at work so that he can just set the candy outside the door.
She goes over the plan/what trick-or-treating will look like to Bendy. She'll do the talking, he'll hold out the bowl, then they'll go back to watching a scary movie together.
However, she forgets to mention her plan B.
Halloween happens and Audrey gets caught up at work. She is really, really sad about it but knew it was a possibility. She's still working on setting healthy working boundaries with her boss/coworkers but at least she gets paid overtime now.
When she gets home, late, she finds the chair exactly where she left it before and all of the candy she bought is gone.
Bendy is in his Ink Demon form, sprawled out on the couch and watching a horror movie. There's a half-full pillowcase of something on the floor next to him and several empty bags scattered on the floor but Audrey doesn't notice them at first.
Audrey: "Bendy! Did you eat all the candy I bought? That was for the kids!"
Bendy, glances at Audrey once before looking back to the TV, clearly unbothered by her anger.
Audrey storms over to the TV and turns it off.
Bendy jumps up with a challenging hiss and goes to turn it back on but she blocks him. Insert tense moment where they're boths staring at eachother, neither backing down.
Finally, Bendy basically asks, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?! but imagine it with spookier, more eloquent words.
Audrey: "You ate all the Halloween candy."
Bendy: I DID NOT!
Audrey: "Then where is it?!"
Our inky demon boy stomps over to the pillowcase, picks it up and, in true asshole fashion, dumps its contents over Audrey's head.
Candy spills out of it, and Audrey is now surrounded by a ring of assorted types of candy. To her growing horror and surprise, she notices a lot of the candy is definitely different from the type(s) she bought at the store.
Audrey, no longer angry, just scared: Where did you get this?
With some interrogation, Audrey decodes the Ink Demon's cryptic yet blunt answers and confirms that he did not set the bowl outside the door. Instead, he answered the door himself, switching between his Ink Demon for and his toon form depending on who was outside the door.
At some point, he was running low on candy (he was passing it out in handfuls) and began to panic. However, the next group of people that came to their door was a group of rowdy teenagers and he overheard them making fun of their decorations.
Bendy is now pissed and remembers what Audrey told him about teenagers and how candy should go to kids instead.
So, when they open the door, he pulls a Grunkle Stan and jumpscares them. They all scream and run off, leaving their bags of candy behind.
He didn't expect that but isn't going to just leave free food/candy lying around, so he takes it inside.
When he runs out of Audrey's candy, he starts giving that candy out instead. Whenever he inevitably started running low on candy, he would wait for a group of teenagers to stop by and jumpscare/steal their candy to give out to the little kids. The idea of just giving less candy out to each group of kiddos never passed his mind.
Audrey is horrified (and a little impressed) and fully expects someone to report them and for the police or the Gent Corporation to show up and cart them away. She quickly takes down their decorations and starts preparing for a hasty getaway when someone inevitably shows up to investigate the appearance of the demon in her apartment.
Except, they don't.
A few days pass by and she still hasn't heard from either group. However, she has heard from her neighbors.
Everyone had something to say about her brother(s)* presentation. She gets mixed reviews (all the ones that got Toon Bendy loved it but some of the ones who got the Ink Demon thought they went a little overboard) but overall most people were very impressed.
She debates relaying this to Bendy because she doesn't want him to get too cocky but decides it would be wrong to keep it from him. Sure enough, Ink Demon Bendy is hyped and is now thinking of other ways to scare people next year and Toon Bendy is just excited to see more people. In both forms he is very disappointed to learn that Halloween only happens once a year/every 365 days.
*Everyone assumed Toon Bendy was her little brother but some people were arguing on whether the Ink Demon was her brother, friend, or even boyfriend. She VERY quickly shot down the third option. Now everyone assumes she has a little brother that lives with her full-time and an older brother that stops by every once in a while.
Disclaimer, personally, I have nothing against teenagers trick-or-treating and kept going out with my little sister until her senior year of High School. I just thought it would be funny if Bendy stole candy from kids/teenagers and figured this would be a good excuse for him to do so lol
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Hey I’ve had a bad day :(
here’s a free invitation to rant about anything Spideytorch —> 💌
I’m sorry you had a bad day but I am very excited about this invitation!
I have decided to rant about this panel and the trauma our boys got from it
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so Red Skull is out here being a villain and uses mind control to f**k with the heroes and we get to this moment where Red Skull is like wow you two are super close gay for each other so I’m gonna make one of you watch the other die and I’m going to use mind control to do it which is so incredibly twisted
like Peter is hearing his best friend the love of his life say (against his will) that he is going to make Peter watch as he end his life. I cannot imagine how terrifying it is to hear the voice of the man you love say that and to know that neither of you have any control
then we get to the Johnny side of things. Johnny had had his free will taken away from him and Red Skull is trying to use that to not only end his life but do so to hurt Peter by making him watch! I am also a winterhawk shipper (Clint Barton x Bucky Barnes) and a lot of fics for that ship talk about their shared trauma of losing free will and not having control over yourself (Loki and Hydra for them) and how much that messes you up, Johnny is dealing with this!! sure it’s not lasting as long and it’s a different situation but my boy is still going through that and he is being used as a weapon to his lover and himself it makes me wanna scream
obviously they’re superheroes and all of this shit with Red Skulk gets resolved but the trauma of this situation I don’t think gets talked about enough in the fandom, specifically spideytorch shippers like this is great angsty fic fodder,
so here’s some of my angsty thoughts about what happens after
Johnny wakes up panicked and holding his head every night for weeks convinced Red Skull is still in there
when the nightmares got really bad Peter had to hold Johnny down so he didn’t try to harm himself in an attempt to get Red Skull out of his head
neither of them feel safe when Johnny has anything that could even remotely be used as a weapon
Johnny avoids the kitchen cause all he sees is ways that Red Skulk can kill him in front of Peter
Peter had an anxiety attack when Johnny was sitting on the roof with him because he could only hear mind controlled Johnny saying he would make Peter watch him die and pictured Johnny falling
they develop code phrases and questions to ask to reassure each other that the other isn’t mind controlled
for at least a year after anytime Johnnys voice sounds different, even if it’s just cause of a cold Peter gets nervous and demands a code phrase
to be honest they spend a lot of days right after the Red Skull incident together on the couch eating takeout and cuddling with minimal conversation
it takes a while for Johnny to trust his own mind and body again afterwards and Peter doesn’t know how to fix that which is really frustrating for him
when Johnny feels out of control he doesn’t want Peter nearby because he doesn’t want Peter to have to watch whatever might happen next
of course Peter can’t bare to leave Johnny so they had to develop a solution for that
Peter will sit around the corner or on the other side of a door so he can still be there but not see Johnny, it’s a weird loophole but it works for them
they do a lot of forehead touches after this
so many forehead touches
thank you again anon for your ask and for permission to rant! I hope this made your day better, even though it was a bit on the angstier side. if you want something fluffier just send another ask my way
EDIT: someone in the tags mentioned that Peter’s spidey senses are going off even though he’s not the one in physical danger and I will be screaming for the next 8 years
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