#anti amuto
mahoutoons · 3 months
people who ship amu//to or nozo//coco in 2024 are either weird pr0shipping adults or people who never left their high school phase
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tweenypie · 1 year
Man, Shugo Chara was my legit childhood. But goodness, it did have some flaws and problems. And I am glad that the anime changed the ending of the manga because well, Amu and Ikuto are confirmed if I remember correctly. Now, I wouldn't mind the ship IF Amu wasn't ELEVEN years old while Ikuto is SEVENTEEN years old. My gosh, I just realized how creepy the ship is, and I am glad that the anime changed her with another boy, Tadase. I may not like Amu x Tadase but at least, it was around the same age and non creepy.
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thelovelybitten · 2 years
tw: anti-amuto, mentions of pedophilia, mentions of child abuse
so I watched episode 77 and sobbed, it’s the episode where Amu gets caught with Ikuto by Tadase since he got stood up by Amu hiding Ikuto while he’s taking a shower.
the ACTUAL RAGE I HAVE AT SOME OF THESE CLOWNS IN THE CRUNCHYROLL COMMENTS… I have never felt this much rage for a ship since JACKUNZEL circa 2014 but more on that later
so first of all, I’m so confused on why Amu’s mom is so lax after finding the two of them in the bathroom. BROTHER IN CHRIST I WOULD BE FUCKING ANGRY IF I FOUND MY OWN 13 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER WITH SOME 18 YEAR BOY IN THE SHOWER ??!?!?!? like WHAT ?!??!?! I understand Amu’s mom was trying to be considerate and give the two of them the benefit of the doubt, but GIRLBOSS WHAT!?!?! HOW DO U KNOW HE HASNT DONE SHIT TO YOUR DAUGHTER !?!?! HES AN ADULT ?!?!? I would be CALLING THE POLICE IDC…. I’d be that psycho mom iDC that’s my GOD DAMN DAUGHTER. Anyways that part had me so FUCKED UP it doesn’t make sense at all.
Second of all, the FACT THAT TADASE IS LET IN AND AMU CLEARLY TELLS IKUTO TO NOT COME OUT OF HER ROOM AND HE DOES ?!?!?! REVEALING TO TADASE HE’S BEEN THERE THE WHOLE TIME ?!?!? some of the CLOWNS and Tadase antis in the comments being like,,, Tadase is so annoying, we have to laugh at him crying, Ikuto is so much better suited for Amu — LIKE DO ANY OF U HEAR YOURSELVES ?!?!?!? Tadase reacted the way most kids react at that age. He was furious— especially since he was already pissed off at ikuto for family reasons and finds him in his girlfriends’ room ?!?!? Of course he was mad, she kept this a secret from him and the only thing going through his mind at that moment was rage and betrayal. He couldn’t let Amu speak obviously because he was too in his head to make conversation, he just needed out of what he was seeing. It’s FUCKING VALID ?!?!?
Now ikuto opening the door and then DEGRADING TADASE FOR SOMETHING THAT TADASE WAS SO FUCKING INSECURE ABOUT SINCE HE DOESNT KNOW HIS OWN DAMN FEELINGS YET AND SHARED IT WITH THE ONE PERSON HE TRUSTED, ONLY TO GET CRITICIZED BY HIM was probably the reason I hate ikuto’s character in this part SO DAMN MUCH. U KNEW HE WAS THERE AND OPENED IT ANYWAY. I know Yoru says that he got them to hate them to not get involved but BROTHER ?!?!?? You could have just straight up left and that would be the end of it but NO. DIG YOU A GRAVE I GUESS???
I just cant see how Ikuto doing this to protect the family makes any sense since if he had just left it would have been completely fine since it’s normal for him and his personality being the ‘stray cat boy’. No one would have blinked an eye ?!?!? Anyways. SO DUMB
Also Amu screaming at Ikuto has never felt so good go AWF queen
The infuriating part about all this is everyone thinks Ikuto is in the right while Tadase is in the wrong for the way he acted when he found out.
I will never be able to wrap my head around it.
Y’all can ship what you wanna ship, but it’s definitely not for me at all. Gosh.
I’m going to BED.
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galacticarcade · 1 year
Having learned my lesson from my early days in this fandom, I am blocking anyone and everyone who says anything negative or hateful about Amuto. Already since the sequel has been announced I've seen multipul people posting shitty takes.
So anyways here is your reminder that Amu and Ikuto's relationship is one built on mutual trust and acceptance. They both feel safe and at peace with one another. You don't have to like the ship but don't be a fucking dick about it.
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magical-xirl-4 · 2 years
I kind of appreciate how aware people are as they’re watching SC for the first time and recognising that Amuto is problematic, cause a lot of people at the time did not realise that lmao including me
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thegayestasexual · 5 years
Welcome to the Comparisons
Hello everyone far and wide, welcome to my ted talk about one of my favorite animes and my favorite cartoon (kinda)
So sit back, grab some popcorn and lemme bash Adrien, Tadase, and Ikuto. If you like Adrien, Tadase, or Ikuto please click away!! I am going HEAVY into this salty and I am on mobile so I can’t do the Read More option on mobile. Sorry!!!
Okay so Shugo Chara and Miraculous Ladybug have a lot of similarities. Negative emotions result in villains? Check. These certain objects grant unbelievable power? Check. There’s a wish granting device?? Check, check, and triple check. They also tend to humiliate their main girl character in a lot of ways, while the blonde prince was perfect. Shugo Chara made this actually good by having the lesson not as severe and giving Tadase flaws
But I’m rambling
Now, let me get onto how Adrien is paralleled to BOTH Tadase AND Ikuto.
Tadase: Adrien is seen as a princely character, he literally is said to be perfection in every single way. He abd Tadase both love the transformed versions of their partners. He and Tadase will actually date that girl because they’re that transformed person, not because they actually like that girl. He and Tadase can do no wrong. He and Tadase can be passive. The only redeemable qualities of Tadase are actually because he grows out of the passiveness, out of liking a girl because of her transformation, has flaws, acknowledges those flaws. Adrien? Nahhh he can do no wrong. Do I still like Tadamu? No, I never did.
Ikuto: oh wonderful Ikuto, this is more time the Chat Noir side of Adrien. Now I hate Ikuto with a burning passion because he’s 17 while Amu is 11, it’s...so bad? Luckily ML did not go this route but there are still similarities. He and Adrien both sexually harasses the main girl, Adrien May have not gone to Ikuto’s lengths of harassment (such as sleeping in her bed with her, licking stuff off her, perverted towards her) but he still does it. He and Adrien have actually tragic backstories. He and Adrien have a missing parent. They’re working for a company that is secretly evil. They’re either related or really connected to the villain of the story. They have more freedom. They have a blonde friend who is obsessed with them. They flirt, a lot. They somehow get the girl in the end. They call the main girl something they don’t want to be called. They make her uncomfortable a LOT. They literally are cat boys in leather. Their kwami/Chara are mischievous little shits. They’re really talented at classical instruments. They have an object that holds a lot of power.
In conclusion I really don’t like Adrien because I see Ikuto and Tadase in him, when they have a lot of similarities. I don’t ship Adrienette all that much, I never shipped Tadamu or Amuto. I prefer things like Amuhiko or Kukamu or Lukanette or Nathanette. ML doesn’t go to the lengths of pairing a minor with someone half their age but it’s still really really not great.
Ughhh I have so much salt over Shugo Chara
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I want to watch Shugo Chara again because the whole plot and characters were great and it was my childhood but the whole Amu x Ikuto thing is putting me off, what should I do?
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stuffule · 5 years
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a reminder that while amu’s 11-13 that ikuto is 15-17 and actively harasses her during the run of the anime and even tho he’s not an adult, its still very gross
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shiikadai-archive · 7 years
the problem with am/////uto isn’t that they’re incapable of coming to develop a relationship - yeah, there are plenty of relationships that develop between people who are six years apart in age and the emotional development is certainly there between the two of them in particular. the problem is that they formed that kind of relationship when there was a huge gap in power between them due to age difference, not to mention that peach pit somehow found it funny to drown ikuto in pedophilic tropes abound when they seriously didn't even need to in order to make him an interesting character. his trauma and journey to relocate his father and reconcile with his sister, mother, tadase, and amu should have been enough to constitute that. in fact, those facets of his character are what made him such a compelling person to read about. at the core, ikuto was someone who cared deeply about those closest to him and to muddle his character development with unnecessary pedophilic gags was just tasteless. also, what with the semi flash forward into the future at the wedding in the last chapter of encore, it would have been totally reasonable for him and amu to not have developed a romantic relationship at present but for it to be shown that they somehow grew closer years later when there was less of a difference in maturity and power. like seriously - can you imagine yourself, as a sixth grader who is twelve years old, being in a relationship with a twelfth grader who is eighteen ? my brother just finished sixth grade and i literally cannot grasp such a concept. if peach pit really wanted for amu and ikuto to be together so badly, they should have made all of the characters older and in high school rather than bumble along happily with a completely unrealistic relationship as it was presently portrayed within the manga canon. the majority of ppl who dislike the ship don't do so out of a lack of comprehension for the relationship between these two - we dislike it bc the way it was portrayed was incredibly irresponsible when it absolutely didn't have to be.
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shadou-ookami · 7 years
Rules of the Fangirls
These are important rules. Make sure to memorize all of them.
Warning for; A lot of sarcasm
Everything they say is correct. Everything you say is incorrect.
The mangaka is God, not a regular human who messes up every now and then. If you criticize anything the mangaka does, you’re a demon who should suffer.
If you criticize a character they adore, you deserve all the death threats you can get because harassing a real person and criticizing a fictional character are the same thing.
If you’re not happy with the ending of an anime or manga, you’re just salty because your ship didn’t become canon, even if your reason for being against it has nothing to do with shipping.
Whether you feel disgusted or get triggered because of an event in your past from seeing a certain pairing doesn’t matter. The fangirls are still allowed to try forcing their ship on you and eventually harass you if you refuse to bow down to their ship.
If they approach you with arguments and/or harassing comments and you give a good counter argument and/or a sassy reply, you’re the bully. 
Fake interviews are official because they consist of things the fangirls want to hear.
Headcanons are also official, even if there are canon evidence that proves otherwise.
Using headcanons as reference/source makes their arguments valid and strong enough to counter the official interviews and canon material you have.
Crosstagging is ok when the fangirls do it, but you’re not allowed to since you would be insulting them.
It’s forbidden to use moral and common sense. Pedophilia, incest, rape, sexual abuse and mental abuse are all fine in anime and roleplays. If you consider any of these things as disturbing, you’re delusional and shouldn’t even exist.
It’s also forbidden to use logic. Character development and romantic development aren’t necessary for a good story.
If their shipping doesn’t become canon or if something happens to the character they adore, it’s your fault, not the mangaka’s because - as previously mentioned - the mangaka is God.
You’re forbidden to have your own opinion. You need to have the exact same interest and dislikes as them otherwise there’s something wrong with you.
Those are the basic things you have to deal with in order to survive a fandom. I decided to write this after seeing a casual fan of an anime stating that they were afraid of telling others what ship they like since they were terrified of getting harassed by fangirls. This list consists of 14 reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid or take offense to their harassing comments and threats.There’s nothing wrong with not supporting a mangaka’s choice or having a different opinion, even if you’re a part of the minority. You shouldn’t feel upset just because the fangirls can’t accept how real life works.Have good day and good luck out there.
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I'll never get this obsession some people have with making every godamn pairing as fluffy and sweet as a marshmallow cloud.
Words like “problematic” or “unhealthy” or even “abusive” being thrown around like popcorn everytime a ship dares to step out the lines of your neat little box of acceptable fiction. And it is fine that you say all of these things, really. For most of the time they are absolutely correct. But the problem is that all this words come covered with accusatory tones and allegations that just make no sense, meant to hurt and shame the people making and consuming the entertaining piece that was made. Be it fanart, fanfic, headcanons or even just expressing their love for a ship. I just want to know at what moment did we start equating artistic freedom with “being an apologist”. And who decided which things are and are not okay to be written/drawn/spoken about? Art doesn’t follow your rules. Art follows NOBODY’S rules, and that’s what is great about it. And as far as I’m concerned nobody died and made you people “the supreme judges​ of all art forms in the world”. Art is free and inexcusable. Fantasy is what makes us free. No regulation, no rules, no dictatorship. You can make a utopia in there, or a post-war decaying world, you can make a surrealistic adventure or just write about your everyday person, you can make clouds heavy and rocks weightless and it breaks my heart everytime I see someone trying to dictate what someone can and cannot put their artistic effort into. If it’s problematic, if it’s terrible, ugly, harmful, devastating, unacceptable. Let it be. The fantasy world is where it belongs, it’s where it SHOULD be. Cause when it gets to this side, when it stops being a dream (or a nightmare) and turns into reality THEN it causes real damage. A painting​ of a gun is just a painting. The bullet from the gun that is pointed at your head when you walk at 3 AM in a dangerous neighbourhood and that will make a hole in your skull, that, that is the real danger. The painting didn’t cause the violence, the violence caused the painting. And we bring this to our fantasies, cause in there we can simulate. We can try to understand. We can deconstruct and construct again. We can look it from all the angles and perspectives we are denied in reality. And to deny fantasy’s ugliness is to deny reality’s nature. You don’t live in a perfect world, I know you’d like to, but you don’t. You can cover your eyes, you can cover your ears and cover your mouth. But the evil will be always there. And it will make it’s way to fantasy, cause fantasy is fabricated out of reality. Always was and always will be. And if you think you’re somewhat eradicating it by throwing all this insults and accusations at people that DO understand the distinction and the connection between these two worlds, you’re most likely just creating even more evil. Censorship is the real evil. Fantasy is not good, but it’s not evil either. It’s just what it is. So maybe you should take a deep breath and step down of your pedestal and take a look at the world. It is not perfect, but it makes fantasy perfect by being so.
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selfyshipzirkus · 3 years
"Ladies and gentlemans,everyone from every kind,We present you with lots of love and joy..."
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🎀"Welcome! To she Selfyshipzirkus!"🎀
"The Selfyshipzirkus is a safe space for both oc x canon shippers and self shippers of every kind! We offer you some prompt reblogs,arts and even fun stuff you can do with your s/i or OC and your beloved f/os! Now let's start with the basic information and so go on"
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🍰Basic information
Ribbon,ribs & "🥩"
I rather keep that information anonymous but let's just say that I'm a minor.
Your gender identity?:
I'm a demitransmasc questioning asexual "heart" to be sincere
Heart/Heartself or ❤/❤self
Are you a self shipper or a OC x canon shipper?:
I'm actually both meaning there's a tie between wich one I ship the most
Any mental disorders?:
Autism,depression and adhd
And mostly important imo
What are your f/os and their types?,here is so far my f/os list,the ones marked with "🎀" are the ones that I'm currently focused on giving love to the most and so here we go!
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🍭Fictional others list!
Order based on wich one I am in love with first or lately
Mettaton from undertale(Platonic/Romantic)
🎀Papi from popee the performer(platonic/romantic)🎀
Bierce from dark deception(platonic)
Mina ashido from bnha(platonic)
Chris McLean from total drama(platonic/romantic)
Boog from fanboy and chumchum(platonic/romantic)
the onceler from 2012 lorax(platonic/romantic)
2d from gorillaz(platonic/romantic)
🎀Rosemary from delicious party precure(platonic/romantic)🎀
That's all of my f/os if I recall correctly,some of them are either scary while others are morally questionable(and I don't condone their actions at all) and so I also should tell you about my dni list,basically and so here we go now,yuh yuh
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D.n.i=Do not interact,please refrain from associating,liking posts or...simply interacting in general with this account if you are:
A nsfw,kink or fetish account
Proshipper or uses terms like l0l1 or sh0t4
Anti mogai,anti self ship or/and oc x canon
[Basic DNI criteria here]
Chref,alienpi,amuto,oncest,bierce x malak and popkeda shippers
Weirdcore/Dreamcore and traumacore accounts(look I LOVE those aesthetics but the people??? Fuck off)
And of course agere accounts,nothing against them,I'm also a age regressor myself but please..I may post some stuff that it isn't that pleasing to you guys so please leave.
Y4nd3r3c0r3 accounts
One piece and dangaronpa fans as long as I trust you
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We hope you respect the rules and be nice to the owner of the zirkus now why don't you get some snack
🥤and sodas
And find a seat! I apologize for such short introduction but I'll make sure to be active and post with frequency asap,I may be offline at the mornings because of school except in holidays and weekends but eh,you'll understand!
That's all for now.
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thelovelybitten · 2 years
update: he left at the end of the episode but my rant from before still stands because now she’s gonna focus on worrying abt him and feeling like it’s all her fault WHEN ITS NOT thank u
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proship-moodboards · 2 years
amuto from shugo chara if u know that? (i found new anti in the tag and it's like the series ended 10 yrs ago please find something else to complain about then a 4 yr age gap)
Funny enough, I read the Shugo Chara manga back in middle school but because I was 12 and not the brightest I didn't get all that far into it because I got all my manga by actually paying for it one volume at a time at Barnes and Noble instead of reading it online. 🤣 Anyway, headed to the queue!
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magical-xirl-4 · 4 years
Hey there not sure if this is the right address but omg the announcement has me scared. Like I love Ikuto but that didn't age well and a reboot would get him cancelled. I know they won't adjust the ages. A sequel would mean we'd see no Ikuto it's just oof idk how to feel.
Yeah way more anti-Ikuto and anti-amuto stuff is going to pop up now, it’s inevitable that it’s going to be more common than ever. If people in the English fandom do “”cancel”” him, I don’t think that’s going to change the trajectory of what Peach-Pit thinks. SC has always been more popular in Japan, so unless those fans also recognise that it’s problematic then they won’t change his place in the story.
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tianaisadork · 3 years
I don't know why I ever bother anymore trying to deal with people that are anti amuto :/ like just block me and fuck off already.
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