#anti bellamy blake
purplehalnw · 1 year
Me seeing Loki getting treated like shit, blamed for everything, portrayed as if he's the one who needs to fix things and not his brother, and perceived as power hungry when he isn't.
"I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending":
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oliverfrawgy · 1 year
Don't you just love when the 100 fandom faults clarke for mount weather (eventhough she wasn't the only one who had a hand in pulling the lever) but finds it sooo easy to forgive Bellamy for killing the 300 grounders? /s
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darklinaforever · 4 months
Becho and Maiko are definitely NOTP for me.
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Bellarke and Zutara should have been endgame that all.
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Thought I had long since made my peace with the tragedy of show!Bellarke, but was randomly reminded of when Bellamy was traipsing around the woods with Josephine outside Sanctum, and we all thought it would be Day Trip 2.0, and Bellamy would hear some form of Clarke’s radio calls from the 2199 days. Yeah, we were clowns, but it also would’ve been so??? easy??? to include the radio calls??? But instead they were literally ignored basically as soon as Bellamy and Clarke made up fully during the lanterns scene. You’re telling me that Gabriel’s camp pulls in radio calls from every other planet introduced to us, and yet there’s not even a mention or reference to Clarke’s calls to Bellamy? It was the basis upon which they rebuilt their relationship, and it doesn’t even get a single line??? And I’m not even talking a whole dramatic love confession over the radio, it would’ve been enough to see Bellamy hear even one of her most mundane calls. His expression at realizing that Madi and Clarke were NOT exaggerating when they admitted to the radio calls. That they really were every damn day. And it even could’ve been one we’d heard before, or of a similar vein. But no. That’s the line they drew in baiting us. I’m so spitting mad over this again, and trust me, I was apoplectic over this when it was first happening (once I had scrapped myself off the ceiling after the CPR scene, that is, and wow, what an amazing scene used as bait!!! But not the radio calls, no no, that’s too far!!). Jason Rothenberg, you are forever on my shit list.
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bellamyblake · 2 months
there's a lot to talk about unfairness in s7 and OOC and anything there is that people can be right about but the one thing that will always, ALWAYS kill me is that Bellamy wasn't offered the same courtesy that he has given people before. Yes, as dumb as this idea of ascention can be, just imagine it was s3 ALIE (because it is that recycled plot anyway) and remember what all of them did to those who had taken the chip-
they tried to save them. They tried to prevent them from taking it or wanted to fix things after they took it. And even if it wasn't about chips and ALIE (even though it is the same plot) they could've given Bellamy the benfit of the doubt.
Again, I know the plot sucks and he seems OOC, and you can't make sense of him but remember-they can't make sense of him either and even if they refused to acknowledge this new belief in him, they could've done one thing.
Could've f*cking respected his choice and not killed him.
That's it. And the other thing they could've done is to try and talk to him MORE than the two conversations that he had with Raven and Clarke in which they just accussed him before destroying him.
As a core character they should've chained him and brought him with them and made him 'see' the way they wanted him to see things.
FFS, let's not forget that they did everything to SAVE FINN of all people. Finn. Are you telling me they couldn't extend the courtesy to Bellamy?
When he had extended it to them? Had he not understood Clarke when she left? He did and as much as it hurt him and made him angry and ended up in him making wrong choices, he still recognized HERS.
He understood Jasper when he wanted to stay behind and convinced Jaha not to take away his and the other kids' choices.
THEY all tried to save Raven when she was possessed by ALIE.
But somehow he couldn't be offered that? That's one big BS.
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kantimplora · 1 year
Jaha- If I didn't support you, how did you turned out so well?
Octavia- serial killer with anger issues?
Jasper- recovering alcoholic
Clarke- genocidal
Bellamy- military psychopath
Raven- I literally make the bombs and bullets
Jaha- okay... but John is turning out okay
Miller- its like you don't even know him
Monty- he also woke up the other night screaming "Don't leave me with Jaha!"
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dragynkeep · 1 year
it struck me again that the that the grounders are a cult worshipping the commander/ glorified usb stick and at the time nobody (that i saw personally saw) noticed makes me insane
imagine if the writers realised that and had other characters noticed that Clarke was acting like a grounder because of the forced and isolated proximity to the cult and we talked about it
and of course not to mention season 7 and Bellamy but there are parallels there as well as he joined a cult after being exposed to it with forced and isolated proximity plus a few more things that i am sure to be missing
clarke's s3 journey is just so weird to see in retrospect because it's being framed as this "romeo + juliet" relationship that will then go on to determine the rest of her adult life & how the grounders are just like skaikru & bellamy / skaikru are totally in the wrong 100% rather than the entire situation just being a complete mess.
& no character shows this more imo than lincoln. lincoln dared to choose love & freedom over the clan he was born into, the clan that is utterly devoted to the commander & the cult religion they're all indoctrinated into & even in s3 when he is allies with clarke & lexa: lexa still has a kill order on him. lincoln cannot leave arkadia under threat of death which is one of the exact causes of his death. lincoln died because the cult he left ensured there was nowhere else he could run to without his life being in danger.
clarke going through that exact same isolation because she has no allies in polis beyond lexa, the one that she has this ooc & rushed relationship arc with that includes clarke having to kneel to her in front of everyone & then having her entire adult life revolve around this two day romance. it's all just so frustrating to see with clarke because this would be a pattern throughout the rest of her life & there is no one on her side wholeheartedly. they had to make bellamy extremely ooc also just so that he wouldn't help protect clarke in s5.
they, especially clarke, genuinely deserved better. & the grounders being glorified in the fandom is so weird to see considering as we've said, they're the epitome of a cult & only end up making characters lives worse.
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userlaylivia · 2 years
rewatching the 100 again and I'm on s2 which is the best season of the show imo! and to answer your next question, YESSSSSS I am STILL BITTER about bellarke! jroth told them to play them romantically and told them they were going to get together and bob said they were supposed to end up together and both bob and eliza said bellarke were in love and are still angry they didn't get together and I will NEVER understand this show honestly never!! if you tell actors to play a ship romantically and they are going to end up together you don't change the story at last minute!! beliza didn't like romantic bellarke at the start but by S4 or 5 they saw it they saw what the fans did and started shipping them ugh I will NEVER be over bellarke as long as I live!! the best journey, development and buildup wasted and to make matters worse they had to have clarke kill him and clarke never would've done that and anyone that thinks it wasn't ooc hasn't been watching this show lol and let me be clear, I do ship clexa but they happened too fast imo and she forgave lexa too quick after the betrayal but bellarke had a whole journey and they were supposed to be endgame!! S7 doesn't exist to me this show ended with the bellarke hug in 6x13!! that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!
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stargirlie25 · 7 months
DamonBanks x BellamyOctavia
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if u have not read Devils night READ IT RN.
But if your fav characters are not at least Banks and Emory get out.
Watch the 100 too!
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travllingbunny · 1 year
This article about 10 Sci-Fi TV Shows That Went Downhill In Their Final Season also goes downhill as it goes on (what they are saying about the ending of Lost is factually untrue, and they obviously didn't understand the premise and point of The Wilds at all), but it's always nice to see The 100 on these lists. (Though I would've mentioned the Deus ex machina aliens and the show subverting its own premise with what it does to the human race.)
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alannacouture · 1 year
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Well, I’m back with another fanfic, although this one is less Bellarke and more the entire group. However, I feel like this deserves a quick explanation. This story is going to be dark. I like writing fluff; it makes me happy & I think this fandom deserves happiness after The Season That Shall Not Be Named destroyed so many wonderful things, including comfort characters/ships. To be honest, writing this, which has taken three years since I started right after the series finale, has been a weird, therapeutic way to let myself love 5 out of the 7 seasons again. It’s helped me get past some truly awful, out of character moments even before The Season That Shall Not Be Named. Ultimately, this is going to be a story about forgiveness over practically insurmountable odds, but it is DARK for quite awhile. (PS This is barely canon-compliant because I hate S5 and have never watched all of it. So certain things happen that definitely didn’t in the show & I hope that’s not confusing.)
Another PS: This story is basically a Clarke Griffin Deserves The World And Certainly Deserves Better Than She Was Treated By Practically Every Character At Some Point. I’ve never understood the Clarke Griffin hate in this fandom, so another part of my weird therapy was writing a Clarke that finally broke after the way she was treated/everything she’s gone through. She deserved so much better in the show and having her finally break, then try to put herself back together, was as much about how the show treated her as it is about how parts of the fandom treat her. (Fair warning: I’m going through some mental health problems right now, which is why I think, after 3 years, I finally said “Fuck it” and decided to start posting the chapters I’ve written. But my mental health struggles probably bled through into the story, and for that, I apologize.)
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kizo2703 · 5 months
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So, the thought - how could this monster become his gf?! Because knowing Bellamy, he would probably float her first before even thinking of fucking her?! What a load of crap from writing was that?! 🙄🙃😂
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darklinaforever · 11 months
Not only was Bellarke ruined in season 7 of The 100 (while all of season 6, in particular, foreshadowed their romance), but everything else went there too. This entire season 7 is a disaster, both for the characters and the plot. It's sad.
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The way swifties who also are in the 100 fandom didn’t need google / tumblr / social media to tell them 2190 days is 6 years.
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bellamyblake · 2 years
rant for 1x09 cause I gotta but under cut since I’m sure I’ll get hate
I really don’t get the O.ctavia and F/inn point here especially at the end of the episode. Yes, Jasper shot first but he didn’t make up the grounders in the trees-they were there and let’s not mention the fact that A/nya arrived with TWO armed soldiers at her side and all L/incoln said was “I was told there’d be no weapons” but surprise surprise there were! 
And Clarke was right to bring Bellamy along and keep an eye on them since she was sure the grounders wouldn’t keep up with any promises L/incoln or F/inn tried to make and she was right. A/nya’s whole angry speech is another aspect I don’t get-yes, the 100 are invaders in a way but come on, you and L.incoln specifically, observed them for ages (if he knew he wanted Clarke to come along as the leader, let’s be real and let’s kinda ignore the fact that the whole relationship with O is a bit...well...I can dissect that but I won’t right now); 
The point is they saw those were just children who knew nothing about the ground, had no weapons and fought against each other from day one. Those weren’t soldiers who went out there to seek land and kill the grounders-those were kids. A/nya’s other point-the falres? Sure, that probably caused fires but it was unintentional. Meanwhile what happened to them-they crossed Jasper on a tree and impaled him, killed and hunted a bunch of the others without any mercy and without stopping to think about asking what they’re doing here and what they do know about the ground (which is nothing); Her other point-capturing L.incoln and torturing him, yes, that’ IS bad, no one is denying that but that happened only after they hurt Jasper on day 1 of them coming down and killing 10 more delinquents and him stabbing F/inn. Let’s be real here, L/incoln isn’t some sort of helper to the 100 at first at all, he just observed them for a while and fell in love (weirdly) in O/ctavia which is why he blew the horn and saved her when he found her fallen. Does he want to change that later? Sure, he doesn’t think what they’re doing is right and he gets in conflict with his people but at first he was sent to scout, observe and possibly kill. 
So none of A/nya’s points on that brdige make sense. They knew those kids weren’t invaders-they observed them and saw them for what they were-children, with no way of fighting (like the grounder children did if we are to think like them and know about the conclave) or any way to support themselves. They are just barely surviving. Yet you went there and killed them. THOSE are acts of war. Yes, what Clarke, Bellamy and the others did wasn’t good either-capturing L/incoln and torturing him but they would’ve done and they did the same to them if we look at Murphy and what happened to him. 
The fight at the end of the episode between F/inn and O/ctavia on one side and Clarke, Bellamy, Jasper and Raven on the other is just...plain stupid for me. Yes, F/inn can want peace but he’s delusional if he thinks he’ll get it that way and O/ctavia if we’re going to be real is the one who acts out most as a teenager out of them all. I like this grounder and I’m gonna be with him for the sole reason that it will piss my brother off and that he is something different and adventerous that I want. She acts like none of the 100 ever got killed or hurt by them. Suddenly it’s all rainbows and unicorns and everyone else is wrong.
I’m not saying war and guns is the way but in this particular case Clarke and Bellamy were right and acted smart and in accordance to everything they knew about earth so far. The narrative blames them though just like it does later on many occassions. 
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legal-poppy · 2 years
not to. get too pissed off but once again how the FUCK can bellamy stand to be around echo??? she left skaikru in the mountain. she tried to make herself a "good guy" by lying to him to get him out of mt weather before it exploded. she killed his friends and imprisoned him during azgeda vs skaitri war. she fucking killed his sister! attacks and hurts and kills basically anyone who matters to bellamy
and then they fall in love in the span of... less than 5 years? hilarious lmao fuck the ratman
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