#anti greg serrano
lecoindecachou · 1 year
Imagine you're Greg and you somehow manage to get a girl like Heather to look your way but you screw it up so you can go declare your flame to a woman who slept with another guy on the one and only date y'all went on.
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bellamysgriffin · 2 years
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ULTIMATE SHIPS CHALLENGE - Chemistry Off the Charts Ships [1/5] ↳ But the truth is, I don’t want you to settle for me. We get each other. (insp)
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God I just cant stand greg. He's like that one character that ruins a show for me. He's a dick. He's condescending. He's disrespectful. He belittles rebecca. He's controlling. He's entitled.
Original greg I was interested in. I never thought him and rebecca were good for each other at all because he was always so judgemental and negative and mean to her. But at least old greg was an interesting character whose storyline I was interested in.
New greg? Literally WHY. No purpose. If you get rid of a character let them fuck off. The recasting is such bullshit to me. Okay he's a "new guy" I get it. They didnt recast the other ones. And the recasting didnt work. New greg is too cute and happy looking. Like the show said, he's grown but not changed. The new greg doesnt have that same attitude. He's just bland and boring.
The character itself. What does he have to offer? To me, nothing. Extreme pessimism. Rebecca is enthusiastic and has nerdy childish interests she's quirky and passionate and greg is none of those things. That's who she is. Greg thinks he's too cool for everything. He's arrogant and thinks he's better than everyone. What kind of relationship is it to feel like your dragging someone along? Not a good one. I dont think bickering is endearing or cute. What do they have in common? They like food? Everyone likes food. They both have issues? Everyone has issues. And this thing about him forgiving her about his dad is frankly fuckin weird. That should be a deal breaker, to any normal person. I feel like he's framed as a good guy for being forgiving but its just fuckin weird.
And I feel like letting greg move on and have another life was a great ending for his character. But this whole "actually this place IS for everyone and it's MY fault and EVERYONE should end up in their hometown to be happy" like...wut. could've been a lesson that different strokes for different folks and all that. A lesson in letting things go. Some people have happy endings in separate places. But no. Couldnt do that. Cant move forward apparently.
P.s if you disagree keep your opinions to yourself. This is not an invitation to debate about a fictional character on a fictional show. I'm ranting with my opinion and I only wanna talk to people who share that opinion or can add onto it. Greg stans be gone
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rachel-bloom · 6 years
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rethaniel anon here - i also love them, just wanted to know your thoughts! what do you think about rebecca's relationships in general?
Hi! I’m glad you ship them too! 
I love Josh! I think he deserved much better than his arcs and characterization post-season 2. I don’t mind his relationship with Rebecca. I don’t ship them, but I enjoy their story for what it is: an important, perhaps the most important part, of Rebecca’s journey; the catalyst for everything. 
Josh can be really sweet. He’s a good person. In his relationship with Rebecca, he was pretty immature and oblivious, and Rebecca was terrible overall too. But I really love their friendship in season 4. Plus, their last date was so adorable! I liked how they ended things.
Greg is my least favorite guy for Rebecca. This might be because so many fans ship the two of them. I enjoy their relationship in the first two seasons, just like I enjoy Rebecca and Josh. Greg is smart, funny, cynical, relatable. Santino’s Greg is the best one, by far. 
But I don’t like Greg in the last season. It’s not because of the recast (although that didn’t help). I just hate that Greg breezed into town and Rebecca realized she still had feelings for him (Rebecca catches romantic feelings easily, so it’s not surprising, but still). Greg was gone for a long time and the show sort of pretended that no one had moved on. I mean, Greg was portrayed as being the “underdog” because he gone for so long, but, really, he was given special treatment and a place of distinction in Rebecca’s heart. They dated, and in the last episode of the show, Greg was single and living in West Covina (Josh was engaged or married or whatever, and Nathaniel was living abroad). White Josh even jokes about this! The writers were hinting at a possible endgame there. 
Why is Rebecca the love of Greg’s life and why does the show hint that Greg might be the love of Rebecca’s life too? They dated for a little while. Then he came back, and they dated for a little bit too. Their relationship is both ordinary and dramatic, and for some reason, that means that it’s the best one. I don’t see any evidence of Rebecca and Greg being made for each other. A relationship between them could work, long term, now that Rebecca is better. But, so far, they haven’t been able to make it work even for a few months. They’re just so overrated! I don’t hate them, but I’m annoyed by them. I probably wouldn’t be if Greg and Rebecca wasn’t such a beloved ship, but, alas... I’m a bit bitter...
All other romantic relationships of Rebecca’s were pretty crappy. I guess Jason wasn’t terrible? Just a little gross...
Thanks for the ask!
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hulahoopingholt · 5 years
Rebecca Bunch’s Boyfriend is a Hot Piece of Ass
Inspired by a conversation with @msjessicaday about this incredible t-shirt. Also on AO3.
Maybe it was the way the moonlight was streaming in through the windows, or the distant music playing from a car parked outside. Maybe it was because she was still feeling flushed after they had literally raced up the stairs to the door, or the thrill of her extremely predictable victory, or the memory of the intoxicating kiss she claimed as her prize.
Whatever the reason was, but it had all built up to this moment, this one, brilliant moment of absolute clarity, when she couldn't hold back her feelings any longer.
Rebecca Bunch's boyfriend was a hot piece of ass.
"I'm sorry, what?"
Greg raised an eyebrow at her. "I believe I just heard you say your boyfriend is a hot piece of ass. Which, I believe, raises two follow up questions."
Rebecca's heart began to flutter in her chest. They'd only been on four dates -- at least, this time around. Five, if you counted that ice cream they got after her first open mic night. They hadn't actually sat down to discuss what they were to each other. It didn't seem necessary. They were just Rebecca and Greg, Bunch and Serrano, back to their old witty banter but now with the heat dialed up to Sahara levels.
And this time it also felt...
Like she didn't have to think about what they were.
Which was all well and good, except for moments like this, where she accidentally blurts out something she only meant to say in her head, and it has the potential to turn this really wonderful evening into one that's awkward and uncomfortable and...
"First, I'm the boyfriend, yes?"
Rebecca exhaled, then smiled. She and Dr. Akopian had talked about this. She and Greg weren't the same people they were three years ago. They'd proven that time and time again. There was no need to assume any discussion of softer, more tender emotions toward each other would end in disaster.
She had feelings for Greg, and he had them for her. They were on the same path. Everything else was just figuring out the details.
"Well, it was either going to be you or that waiter who brought us the free chocolate cake tonight, but all things considered, I still felt you brought more to the table. Metaphorically speaking." She paused. "Literally, too, when it's lasagna night."
Greg nodded. He was clearly trying to keep his face solemn, but given how he was practically glowing, it wasn't particularly effective. "Well, you can see why I had questions. He was a hot piece of ass, and he came bearing your favorite dessert."
"I figured we can work on replicating the recipe," Rebecca said. "Who needs him?"
"Fair point, and I do like a challenge," Greg said.
He was joking, but from his tone of voice, Rebecca could tell he was already contemplating the sugar to flour ratio and what type of cocoa powder to use. She loved when he got like this, when he lit up thinking of all the different ingredients he could experiment with to bring to Serrano's. He had really found his passion in life, and he was so good at it. She felt lucky to be able to watch him at work and to witness those moments when inspiration struck. In some ways, it felt more intimate than sex.
"You had a second question?"
Greg shook his head slightly, and Rebecca could practically see him mentally filing away the details for the undoubtedly far superior chocolate cake somewhere off in his brain. "Right. Tell me more."
Greg reached out for Rebecca's hands, swinging them from side to side. "How your boyfriend is a hot piece of ass."
"Technically not a question," Rebecca pointed out.
Greg sighed dramatically. "Can you please share more with me about how your boyfriend is a hot piece of ass?"
"Are you fishing for compliments, Mr. Serrano?"
"Yes," Greg said immediately. "I am. It's the first time I've ever been referred to as a hot piece of ass and I want all the details committed to memory for when I am old and gray with wrinkly balls that sag down to my ankles."
"First time that you know of," Rebecca said with a smile.
Greg raised his eyebrows. "Is that so?"
"Mmhmm." She bit her lip and then looked up to meet his gaze. "Paula always thought you were the sexiest thing since Richard Gere in Pretty Woman."
Greg laughed. "Fine, fine, don't tell me. Just see if I'm going to share my chocolate cake with you."
"And if I tell you, then do I get an extra slice?"
Greg kissed the tip of her nose. "I may even let you lick the spoon."
"Promise?" She didn't need the promise, of course. She'd happily tell Greg all the million and one things about him that made him so attractive to her, if they only had the time. It was just that she was so comfortable standing here like this, fingers intertwined, forehead to forehead, nose to nose, swaying ever so slightly. It was the same kind of feeling as when her alarm first went off in the morning, and her limbs were liquid and her movements languid as she was one with the blankets, soaking up their comfort and warmth as no thoughts entered her head more complex than "fuck, this feels good."
Point is, it was just really difficult to speak at the moment, and Greg deserved all kinds of amazing words, and she just needed one... more... minute.
Rebecca blinked. “Right, sorry. Well, first, there’s obviously your face.”
“My face. Interesting.”
Rebecca nodded, then pulled back ever so slightly, both so she had a better view of said face and so she could hopefully focus a little better when she was no longer so intimately acquainted with how his breath smelled of espresso and chocolate. “Classic good looks but without looking like a generic polo shirt model. Handsome, yet approachable. Kind eyes. Fluffy eyebrows.” She smiled, and rubbed her thumb across the length of one of those delightful eyebrows, raising all the little hairs and then flattening them back down. “A very good face.”
“Promising,” Greg murmured. “Was hoping for something a bit more seductive, but…”
“And really great hair,” Rebecca continued. “And when that that one stray curl falls just so…”
“I thought we were aiming for more seductive.”
“It is seductive,” Rebecca said as she twirled her finger through said curl which, coincidentally enough, happened to fall just so at that exact moment. “It’s my favorite curl.”
“Your favorite curl.”
“My favorite curl,” Rebecca repeated. “Because it also reminds me of how lush and thick the rest of your hair is, and how much I love to grab it when you’re, shall we say, tickling my hedgehog.”
Greg’s cheeks flushed pink, and Rebecca briefly considered circling back to the very good face thing and how exquisite it looked when he was embarrassed, which was rare, or turned on, which was far more common, but decided to keep that little detail in her back pocket for when she needed it.
“And your arms,” Rebecca said. “Never really thought of myself as an arms girl, but have to say, your kickboxing classes have definitely turned me into one.”
“Well, I’m glad that $174 a month membership has paid off,” Greg said.
“Mmhmm,” Rebecca said. “And then I’d have to say… your style.”
“My style?”
“You’ve become quite the sharp dresser,” Rebecca said. She tugged at the front of his leather jacket. “This jacket, the sport coats...you’ve definitely stepped up your style game.”
“A decent suit makes me a hot piece of ass?”
“Of course it does. Especially when it’s tailored to properly highlight your hot ass.” With a wink, Rebecca gave his butt a firm squeeze, and then leaned in for a long, searing kiss.
“Wow,” Greg said when they finally parted. “If I had known all I needed to improve my love life was to buy a new wardrobe, I would have done it years ago.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” said Rebecca. “I loved your old flannel shirts too. They looked warm and cozy and comfortable. These just have a little extra zsuzh. ”
“I’d like to zsuzh your kangaroo,” Greg murmured, nuzzling Rebecca’s neck.
“I love it when you zsuzh me,” Rebecca said. She slid Greg’s jacket off his shoulders, then made quick work of undoing the buttons of his shirt while he started tugging at the sash of her dress.
Then, suddenly, it all stopped.
“Oh, my god.”
Greg paused from his efforts to pull the dress over her head and frowned. “What?”
“Your shirt.”
“My --” Greg looked down. “Oh, crap, I’m sorry, I ran out of time to do laundry and didn’t have any clean undershirts, I didn’t think --”
“No, you don’t understand,” Rebecca said. “This is my all-time favorite shirt.”
Greg raised his eyebrows. “It is? Also, you have a favorite shirt?”
“I do,” Rebecca said, “and it’s this one.”
This one, was, of course, a black t-shirt with a rather large blue metallic-ish shark riding a bicycle on the front. His teeth were bared and his eyes were a little dazed, as if he, too, was wondering exactly why he was riding a bicycle but had resigned himself to his fate as it was easier to just keep going than to ask such silly existential questions such as what need does a shark have for a bicycle and how exactly is he moving those pedals.
“I hardly ever wore this shirt,” Greg said. “I’m surprised you even saw it.”
“I did, only once, and it made an impact,” Rebecca said. “Because it was just such a weird shirt and I never saw you in anything like it. And I always wanted to ask you about it. Did you get it because the metallic sheen to it made it stand out, or because it was a reference to a band, or because it was feminist or anti-feminist…”
“I think I just got it because it made me smile,” Greg said slowly.
Rebecca was vaguely aware that her hands were flying in every which direction and she should probably be a little less excited about finding out the rather mundane answer to a question that’s been circling her mind for years, but she didn’t care. This was big. HUGE. “See, but that’s perfect!”
“I feel like I’m missing something to this story.”
“You are, so I’m going to tell you,” Rebecca said. “You see, when you moved to Atlanta, I mostly tried not to think of you, but when I did, most of the time I pictured you wearing one of those flannel shirts, because that is what you wore 80% of the time, which never really made sense to me because we’re in California, dude, flannel generally seems kind of overkill. But the other times I pictured you, you were wearing this t-shirt. And I think it was because I always wanted to ask you about it, but I never got the chance. So in my head, this t-shirt symbolized all the conversations we never got to have, all the moments we never shared, all the things I’d never know about you...and now I do.” She smiled. “It made you smile. It’s perfect.”
Greg smiled, and his eyes were so soft, and his hands were so gentle when he reached up to cup Rebecca’s cheek that she nearly melted right then and there. “You’re a truly exceptional woman, Rebecca Bunch. You know that, right?”
She reached up to cover his hand with her own. “Well, I do now.”
He kissed her, and it was sweet and gentle and perfect and Rebecca was so glad, so glad that this was where she was right at this moment.
“So, do you want it?”
“Want what?”
“The shirt,” Greg said. “I think you should have it.”
“Really?” Rebecca asked in a voice that was probably an immensely high-pitched squeal, judging by Greg’s barely perceptible wince. “I can have it?”
“Sure,” Greg said. “After all, isn’t that something boyfriends do? Give their girlfriends their clothing to remember them by?”
“Oh my god, I would love that, thank you” Rebecca said. “Can I name him? Can I name the shark?”
“Sure,” said Greg. “Maybe something like Rage, or Bluebeard, or --”
“Stewart,” Rebecca said. “His name is definitely Stewart.”
“Stewart’s perfect,” Greg said.
“So, can I try it on?” Rebecca asked, pulling off her dress.
“Oh, so we’re… we’re really doing this now? Okay, sure,” Greg said, and pulled off his shirt with one hand in a way that would have really turned Rebecca on if she weren’t so distracted by this amazing shark shirt that was now hers. “Here.”
The evening had taken a distinctly G-rated turn of events, which Rebecca did somewhat regret, as Greg and his rather capacious member were not to be missed, but there would still be time for them later. After she tried on this super cool t-shirt she had thought about for years, and now she’d get to hold onto because her boyfriend, Greg Serrano, gave it to her.
A huge grin on her face, she pulled it over her head, and then immediately ran into a problem.
Well, two problems.
“Goddamn boobs,” Rebecca muttered.
“Hey!” Greg said. “Those boobs are beautiful and magnificent and I will not have you insulting them like that.”
“Of course I’m not insulting them,” Rebecca said. She was sweating a bit, still trying to tug the shirt down over her chest, but could see it was a rapidly losing battle. “Ordinarily they look pretty fly in shirts. But I guess the old trope of sharing your boyfriend’s clothing doesn’t really work when you’ve got a pair of triple-D jugs.” She sighed and looked down at poor Stewart, who appeared mildly deformed, all stretched out on his sad little bicycle. “Ah well, it was a nice try.”
“Honestly, I think it works,” Greg said. “Aren’t crop tops in now?”
Laughing, Rebecca swatted his arm, and then, with a little more effort than she’d like to admit, pulled the top back off and tossed it aside. “A little less sass, a little more zsuzh.”
“Challenge accepted,” Greg said, and with a single kiss, banished all thoughts of sharks and t-shirts from her mind.
“I got you something.”
Rebecca looked up from her notebook where she’d been idly writing down song lyric ideas over a cappuccino at Serrano’s. It was one of her favorite places to go for inspiration. Between all the people watching all the customers and wondering what their stories were as they conversed over copious amounts of carbs, and the generally warm and fuzzy feeling she got whenever she saw Greg walk by, the atmosphere was just ripe for her creative juices.
Plus Greg would always slip her biscotti when he could tell she was getting restless. Perks of having a boyfriend who owned the best Italian restaurant in town. Not that she was biased. Even Chris agreed.
“You did? That’s so sweet.”
“Well, I didn’t really get it,” Greg said. He handed her a gift bag and sat in the chair next to her. “I made it. Well, I had Sophia make it. You know Sophia, really tall, works here on weekends?”
“Of course I know Sophia,” Rebecca said as she pulled the tissue paper out of the bag. “She always makes sure I get the bread without the butt.”
“Right, well, I asked her to make it. I just thought --”
“Oh, my god. Greg.”
Greg bit his lower lip. “Do you like it?”
It was the shark on a bicycle t-shirt. Except it was no longer a t-shirt. Now Stewart was proudly riding his bicycle on a somewhat oversized and ridiculously fluffy pillow.
“It’s perfect,” Rebecca said. “I love it.”
“I just thought old Stewart had done his time making me smile, so now it was time to pass him onto you,” Greg said, his lips curving upward. “And since he couldn't fulfill his duties as a t-shirt, then maybe he’d do better as a pillow that you could hug and… think of me? And… smile?"
Rebecca squeezed Greg’s hand. “You big old softie,” she said, and leaned in for a kiss. “Thank you. I will. Always.”
Greg smiled and, after one more quick kiss, stood up. “Well, I should get back to work. Happy writing.”
Rebecca watched him head back to the kitchen, tucking the pillow beneath her chin and squeezing it tight. How lucky was she to be here, in West Covina, writing music while sitting in her boyfriend’s restaurant, living her dream while being able to watch him live his?
It was pretty damn inspiring, is what it was.
With a renewed sense of productivity, she plopped the pillow in the chair across from her and turned to a fresh page in her notebook.
“Well, Stewart, time to get back to work,” she said.
Stewart looked back at her, still somewhat dazed, still riding his ridiculous bicycle.
Rebecca smiled, and pulled out her pen.
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
When things look bad, people have a tendency to head for the exits. The same is often true of Congress. Back in early August, nine Republican House members had said they would not seek reelection in 2020 and would instead retire. That number has now grown to 16 “pure” GOP retirements (in other words, excluding those who left to seek another office.)
This isn’t that far off from the 23 Republicans who voluntarily hung up their House spurs in the 2018 cycle — even though there are comparatively fewer potential GOP retirees this time around, as the party lost 40 seats in the midterms. It’s not always easy to nail down why someone has decided to leave public office, and there could be a number of factors at play, including dissatisfaction with President Trump, reelection worries or loss of institutional clout. But given that many of these recent retirees have been members of the House for at least two decades and would have been safe bets for reelection, their retirements could be taken as a sign that many Republicans aren’t confident in their party’s ability to win a majority in 2020. By contrast, only six Democrats have said they won’t seek reelection in 2020.1
To retake the House2 in 2020, Republicans need to pick up 19 seats, but swings that large are atypical for an incumbent president’s party. So instead of hanging around to see if their party can reclaim control, these seven members are retiring even though all but Rep. Pete King of New York represent districts that are at least 20 points more Republican than the country as a whole, according to FiveThirtyEight’s partisan lean metric.3.
16 GOP House members are now retiring
Republicans who declined to seek reelection in the 2020 cycle, excluding those leaving to run for other office, as of Dec. 4, 2019
Retired after Aug. 7 District Member Trump Score Partisan lean* 2018 vote margin TX-13 Mac Thornberry 94.3 R+68.2 +64.6 IL-15 John Shimkus 94.4 R+44.7 +41.9 FL-19 Francis Rooney 75.0 R+26.9 +24.5 WI-05 Jim Sensenbrenner 87.0 R+24.5 +24.0 OR-02 Greg Walden 74.5 R+21.4 +16.9 TX-17 Bill Flores 94.2 R+24.9 +15.5 NY-02 Pete King 79.6 R+7.0 +6.2 Retired before Aug. 7 District Member Trump Score Partisan lean* 2018 vote margin TX-11 Mike Conaway 96.4 R+64.7 +61.7 UT-01 Rob Bishop 96.2 R+40.5 +36.7 MI-10 Paul Mitchell 94.3 R+27.0 +25.3 AL-02 Martha Roby 92.6 R+31.0 +23.0 IN-05 Susan Brooks 92.6 R+15.3 +13.5 TX-22 Pete Olson 94.2 R+19.4 +4.9 TX-24 Kenny Marchant 92.0 R+17.3 +3.1 TX-23 Will Hurd 57.4 R+4.3 +0.4 GA-07 Rob Woodall 98.2 R+17.2 +0.2
Trump Score is just for the 116th Congress.
*FiveThirtyEight’s partisan lean metric is the average difference between how a state votes and how the country votes overall, with 2016 presidential election results weighted at 50 percent, 2012 presidential election results weighted at 25 percent and results from elections for the state legislature weighted at 25 percent. Note that the partisan leans in this article were calculated before the 2018 elections; we haven’t calculated FiveThirtyEight partisan leans that incorporate the midterm results yet.
Sources: ABC News, U.S. House of Representatives, Media Reports
So what do we know about these recent retirees other than the majority of them are from safe Republican districts? Well, age could have played a role in many of these departures. Combined, these seven retirees share about 150 years of experience in the House and Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, for instance, is the second-longest serving House member, having first been elected in 1978. But only two — King (75) and Sensenbrenner (76) — are actually older than 70. The others are still in their early-to-mid 60s, which isn’t that far off from 58, which is the average age of a congressional member in the 116th Congress. In fact, because Reps. John Shimkus of Illinois, Mac Thornberry of Texas and Greg Walden of Oregon are all still in their early 60s, the relatively young age of these retirees reinforces the idea that Republicans might have misgivings about winning back the House.
Members who plan to retire will also often telegraph their intentions with diminished fundraising totals, but that wasn’t the case for many of these retirees. In Walden’s case, for instance, he raised $650,000 in the third quarter, which was more money than all but six Republican incumbents who are still seeking reelection, so his Oct. 28 retirement announcement came as a surprise to many in Oregon. Similarly, Shimkus decided to retire on Aug. 30 despite raising $450,000 in the first half of the year, although he did briefly reconsider his decision after Walden announced he was retiring as that meant Shimkus could have taken Walden’s seat as the top Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee.
But that door may have already been closed to Shikmus. And that’s because he broke with the president over his plan to withdraw troops supporting the Kurds in Syria, asking his name be removed as an official supporter of Trump’s reelection bid. Yet unlike some of the other outgoing Republicans, Shimkus hadn’t demonstrated anti-Trump behavior prior to retirement; in fact, he’s voted with Trump 94 percent of the time in this Congress, according to FiveThirtyEight’s Trump Score.
Meanwhile, although it was Thornberry’s final term as the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee, his fundraising numbers didn’t foreshadow an imminent departure either. In fact, he had raised about the same amount — about $405,000 in the first two quarters of 2019 — prior to his retirement announcement as he had during the same period in 2017.
And even though King and Sensenbrenner were older, that didn’t mean they were sure bets to leave office, either. Based on their fundraising reports, both incumbents actually raised more money prior to retiring in 2019 than they had at the same point in 2017. Not to mention, both of them represent Republican-leaning districts where they would have been favored to win.
As for the other two Republican retirements, they’re a bit harder to classify, although in the case of Texas Rep. Bill Flores, there’s an argument to be made that he may, too, have been concerned about Republicans’ chances in the House. A supporter of congressional term limits, Flores had never planned to serve more than six terms; however, he was only in his fifth term, which means he could have served one more term before his self-imposed term limit was up. He, too, had raised more in the first two quarters of 2019 before his announcement than in the first two quarters of 2017.
Florida Rep. Francis Rooney’s retirement doesn’t say as much about a pessimistic GOP outlook for taking back the House, but he does fit in with some of the other Republican retirees from earlier this year who may have faced reelection woes over their anti-Trump comments. Rooney was the first (and only) House Republican to publicly say he was open to impeaching Trump. He then announced he was retiring the next day.
In sum, Republican retirements since early August — particularly those by veteran GOP members — collectively suggest a lack of confidence in winning back the House in 2020. That’s understandable, too, given the last time control of the House changed hands in a presidential cycle was 1952. Big swings are just more likely in midterm years. Moreover, the electoral environment doesn’t look all that promising for Republicans: Democrats have about a six-point lead in early generic ballot polling, a measure that even this far out tends to be fairly predictive.
We can probably expect a few more GOP (and Democratic) retirements considering the large number of states with outstanding filing deadlines. However, it’s unclear just how many more Republican exits might happen, given the turnover the GOP caucus has experienced since Trump was elected in 2016. There just are not as many members who might retire anytime soon. Still, these retirements aren’t a promising tea leaf for the Republicans.
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pass-the-bechdel · 6 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend s01e05 ‘Josh and I Are Good People!’
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
Yes, eleven times, and with more than two female characters at the same time.
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Seven (53.84% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Episode Quality:
It’s hitting a stride.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
Paula passes with Joyce the homeless lady. Paula passes with Karen. Rebecca talks to Karen about her snake. Paula tells Rebecca to tone down the nice. Paula conflicts with Karen at the office. Rebecca speaks with Madison. Rebecca and Stacy Whitefeather pass at the courthouse, and then again later. Madison, Stacy, and Rebecca all pass at the diner. Paula chats with Rebecca on the phone. Paula and Rebecca pass back at the office again.
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Female characters:
Rebecca Bunch.
Naomi Bunch.
Paula Proctor.
Madison Whitefeather.
Stacy Whitefeather.
Male characters:
Josh Chan.
Greg Serrano.
Darryl Whitefeather.
Father Brah.
To be honest, shut up, Greg. 
Damn it Paula, that’s my property destruction anti-kink. Take charge of those whiny wieners without breaking things.
Father Brah is a highlight.
Madison is clearly an excellent child. Look at all those glorious snails. 
“Don’t pretend you have the plight of actual immigrants, you dickweed.”
A good menstrual cup is a revelation 10/10 do recommend. Shut up, Karen.
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Well, the good news is, the diversifying of the plot that I was talking about them needing is comin’ in in the form of exploring the many and sundry other issues in Rebecca’s life which have made her into the insecure and unbalanced person she is today (which includes but is not limited to her fixation on Josh). The bad news - which is not, at this point, terminal - is that Greg is a terrible arbiter of morality and I’m really not liking his position on the show at this point. Being upset about Rebecca running off with another guy when they were on a date is valid, sure, but the way its been framed so far has unsavoury overtones of Greg feeling specifically entitled to the sex that Rebecca had with someone else, and really, the only thing Greg has a right to be upset about is the fact that Rebecca ended the date by texting him a lie about her feeling sick, instead of just being honest. What Rebecca does after the date has ended is none of Greg’s damn business, to be honest, and none of this entitles Greg to go slinging off at Josh for daring to go anywhere with his female friend ‘because you know your girlfriend wouldn’t like it!’ (seriously, we’re still playing this one like it’s not possessive and awful to try and control your partner’s friends group?), and wah-wah you guys didn’t immediately tell everyone about how you hooked up at camp! (to avoid...exactly all of this bullshit). Greg is getting his nose all out of joint about other people’s business and person histories and private information to which he has no claim, and the show is presenting him like the rational Good Guy in this scenario instead of just another person having an emotional response like anyone else. Maybe Greg should try a little of the self-reflection next time.
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witchofeindor · 7 years
You know, in addition to being absolutely broken on Rebecca’s and her friends’ behalf and wanting to wrap them all with blankets, and in addition to watching our dear anti-hero alienate all those who care about her & being taken advantage of (bc that’s what happened and if you disagree, please go educate yourself on consent) and reaching her lowest point so far, another devastating thing for me about 3.04 is finding out that Greg suffered and sacrificed all these years, that Greg gave up his best years, his dreams, his happiness, HIS MENTAL HEALTH and also in a way, his mother, for a scumbag of a father and of a human being who clearly didn’t deserve him as a son.
Greg Serrano is many bad things, but he is a great son. And he deserves a much better father.* I’m just grateful that as fucked up and as dysfunctional as he is (/was?,) he managed to developed his own morals, thank god.
*As does almost everyone on the show, tbh, only like Heather and Josh have good/normal dads, I kinda need an AU where Darryl goes back in time and adopts all of them. Honestly, Darryl is the father they all deserve).
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keanurise · 7 years
anyway here's a list of things i ship/stan
i got new followers n i wanna let yall know what i post about it's always sunny in philadelphia: -macdennis -dennis reynold's in general - listen i lov charlie, dee n frank but my head is just gonna be MACDENNIS MACDENNIS for the next 50000 years srry buffy the vampire slayer: -anti xander, anti spuffy, riley's a bitch -i love giles n buffy n faith n oz -dont u dare slander dawn or tara or angel near me ever -tara x willow, willow x oz, bangel, fuffy community: -no i love every single character -all of their relationships with each other are so important dont u dare say any different -i mostly talk about jeff & abed as characters -ships i discuss most are jeff x annie & troy x abed -BUT EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IS SO RELEVANT I COULD TALK ABOUT THIS ALLD AY mcu & x-men: -the only mcu character i talk about is bucky tbh -i never shut up about x-men -cherik & stevebucky own my ass -i love logan so much -ororo's my gf and jean can turn me to dust -the original xmen movies >>> current trilogy -that bein said i love james mcavoy -charles deserves the world hannibal: -HANNIGRAM CAN FUCK ME RIGHT UP -I am very passionate about my love for will graham -okay no i occasionally post about /hannigram/ its mostly just will -i love every single female character on this show they all deserve more recognition as characters brooklyn nine-nine: -i talk about the importance of this show so much -like everything about it -just why people should watch it -mostly about rosa diaz and her bisexuality bc shes my wife crazy ex girlfriend: -i love greg serrano fucking fight me -no literally everything about this show is important but Greg -greg x heather was so good im still so distraught supernatural: -i only care about deancas, spn can choke lol bbc sherlock: -this tv show ruined my life -i only care about johnlock lol until dawn: -josh x chris mm yes -JOSH WASHINGTON DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER -i love josh & sam so much but mostly josh ya feel -i fuckijnnfjf hate ashley dont get me started -unpop opinion but lmao emily >>>> ashley the 100: -this is only here bc i love murphy & raven -im still so upset about clexa -bellarke is boring as shit i am not standing for this -jonty is cute too ig even tho im not too fond of jasper (lov my boy monty tho!)
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lecoindecachou · 1 year
"Greg would never have never left Rebecca at the altar"
Really? You think Greg Serrano wouldn't have gotten way too in his head about Rebecca mentioning Robert? you think he wouldn't have started drinking and ended up passed out somewhere in a dumpster? I swear to god this fandom lives in its own little delusions just like Rebecca
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Your negativity and opinion is wanted by nobody. I get it, you need attention, which is why you tagged the show but it's not cute/quirky to hate on a well-loved character, so YOU be gone. Also it's pretty ironic that you ship Josh with Rebecca, when he's not exactly perfect either, yikes. But see, unlike you I'm mature enough to get over my hatred for him from earlier seasons, I can actually stand him now. These are just fictional characters, sis. Find something better to do with your time,sis.
Lmao bro shut the fuck up. You're sending me anon hate about a tv show. Get a fuckin grip lmao. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Which is why when I see something I dont agree with under the show's tag, I keep fuckin scrolling. Anything relevant to the show can be tagged as the show. I'm not trying to be cute or quirky, I just cant stand him. Or you. Lol. I'm just staying in my lane you're coming over to me to feel better about yourself. Again, if you dont like it, ignore it. Simple. Which is why I made MY OWN post and didnt send out anon hate or comment on someone else's opinion.
I'm not gonna go into details about why I find one FICTIONAL character more appealing than another FICTIONAL character. You're clear obsessed with a fictional man and I see no point in trying to change your mind. Unlikable people like unlikable characters. Cool. Idgaf what you like lol. Get out of my face about it.
Real mature of you to send anon hate over a fictional tv show lol. We could all learn from your wise old ways.
You're the one who wasted your time tracking down someone who disagrees with you and went out of your way to start drama because you're embarrassing lol. Get ahold of yourself. Find a hobby that isnt being annoying.
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rachel-bloom · 6 years
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[romantic trill] 😍
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susiephone · 8 years
“i could if i wanted to” aka “just in case you weren’t sure that greg’s an asshole”
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lecoindecachou · 1 year
Okay I'm finally done with my Crazy Ex-Girlfriend re-watch and I'll say this, this show really lucked out with its cast, I love everyone in this bar*
*except for s4 Greg's smug fucking face
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God I just cant stand greg. He's like that one character that ruins a show for me. He's a dick. He's condescending. He's disrespectful. He belittles rebecca. He's controlling. He's entitled.
Original greg I was interested in. I never thought him and rebecca were good for each other at all because he was always so judgemental and negative and mean to her. But at least old greg was an interesting character whose storyline I was interested in.
New greg? Literally WHY. No purpose. If you get rid of a character let them fuck off. The recasting is such bullshit to me. Okay he's a "new guy" I get it. They didnt recast the other ones. And the recasting didnt work. New greg is too cute and happy looking. Like the show said, he's grown but not changed. The new greg doesnt have that same attitude. He's just bland and boring.
The character itself. What does he have to offer? To me, nothing. Extreme pessimism. Rebecca is enthusiastic and has nerdy childish interests she's quirky and passionate and greg is none of those things. That's who she is. Greg thinks he's too cool for everything. He's arrogant and thinks he's better than everyone. What kind of relationship is it to feel like your dragging someone along? Not a good one. I dont think bickering is endearing or cute. What do they have in common? They like food? Everyone likes food. They both have issues? Everyone has issues. And this thing about him forgiving her about his dad is frankly fuckin weird. That should be a deal breaker, to any normal person. I feel like he's framed as a good guy for being forgiving but its just fuckin weird.
And I feel like letting greg move on and have another life was a great ending for his character. But this whole "actually this place IS for everyone and it's MY fault and EVERYONE should end up in their hometown to be happy" like...wut. could've been a lesson that different strokes for different folks and all that. A lesson in letting things go. Some people have happy endings in separate places. But no. Couldnt do that. Cant move forward apparently.
P.s if you disagree keep your opinions to yourself. This is not an invitation to debate about a fictional character on a fictional show. I'm ranting with my opinion and I only wanna talk to people who share that opinion or can add onto it. Greg stans be gone
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