#anti timeless child
cookiepoweredtardis2 · 7 months
All those people hoping RTD was gonna retcon The Timeless Child are gonna be REALLY disappointed.....
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I was personally hoping that it just wouldn't be brought up ever again similar to the "half human on my mother's side" thing from the 1996 TV movie....oh well.
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heimeldat · 1 year
Here’s the second half of this, in which the Time Lords mess with the Doctor’s memories and regenerations. And I make Fugitive fit in the timeline without any Timeless Child!
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ladymelisande · 2 years
Me every time someone tries to connect anything about the Moffat era (or any era at all, honestly) to utter empty, pathetic stupidity of The Timeless Child backstory:
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roxannepolice · 2 years
An unsung fail of the pointless mess is the extent to which it hardly affected audience's image of the Time Lords. There is much irritation about messing with the Doctor's past, but as far as overthrowing some grand narrative the Master talks about?
I haven't exactly done any research, but I'd venture 70% of the audience had neither ideas nor f*cks to give about where regeneration came from, 20% got sick because they remember that River Song could regenerate, 9% had a vague idea of some 4 different versions in different media, and literally maybe 1% had either positive or negative emotional bond with any of these versions.
Using Earth history, it was like trying to change people's attitude towards the Roman Empire with a ten minute long dramatic power point presentation about how the whole she-wolf story is fake, you know.
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timeladyjamie · 2 years
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When I saw this in my emails today, I sent a reply back.
I still think of the Doctor as a rebel from Gallifrey who defied their own culture and people, not an abandoned experimentation waiting to happen for TicTacToe. Try again, Chibnall.
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sprnklersplashes · 3 years
I’ve seen quite a few defenders of The Timeless Child take last night’s episode as a victory of sorts, mainly because now we’ve met Tecteun and we know that she abused and stole the Doctor and that the storyline had some not-so-subtle anti-colonial tones in it. The main reaction seems to be “see? the doctor isn’t a super special chosen one type, they were a victim of abuse and kidnapping!”. So then we can’t criticise this storyline any more for that.
But the thing is... we already knew that. We learned back in TTC that the Doctor/Timeless Child was kidnapped and experimented on. We already knew that the Time Lords’ ability to regenerate was stolen through torture and cruelty. None of that is new information... but it doesn’t make it any less of a Chosen One narrative. Just because she had a terrible past doesn’t erase that. No one said the Chosen One has to have an easy life. Hell, most of the time they never do. Harry Potter was abused (insert the fuck jk rowling disclaimer here). Emma Swan was found on the side of a road and shoved around foster homes. Chosen Ones don’t always have picture perfect lives, and that applies here even if this one also comes with a “colonialism bad” message (which, to be fair, it is one of the much better Chibnall-era poli-social messages in terms of execution, so points for that). The Doctor having been a kidnapped child who was cruelly experimented on doesn’t remove the fact that they’re also the foundation of Time Lord society, ground zero for regeneration, and pretty much a figurative god at this point. They’re no longer the madman with a box, the idiot with a box and a screwdriver, the traveller just trying to make the unvierse a better place. They are the centre of the universe, or at the very least, the centre of Gallifrey. They’re also far less of a “Doctor Who” now. The Doctor isn’t supposed to be a character whose origins we know, because their origins don’t matter. It’s what they do now, in the time we see them in, that is important. All we need to know is that they stole a TARDIS and ran away. 
This is also why if the theory that Bel and Vinder are the Doctor’s parents turns out to be right I may end up throwing my laptop at the wall. The show is called Doctor Who. It’s the same issue people had with Moffat in series 6+7 emphasising on his name. But say what you will about Moffat’s writing, at lest he still understood the Doctor’s past is kept from the audience for a reason. A big part of the character’s charm is that their origins are unknown, and have been for fifty years, largely because, like I said, they don’t matter! The Doctor is just a hyperactive space dumbass who tries to help out when they’re needed. Or, they were, before they became the literal cornerstone of Gallifreyan society, the only individual who truly has the right to regeneration and pretty much Time Lord Jesus. They’re no longer an ordinary person who became extraordinary, they’re literally one of a kind.
And possibly the most frustrating thing is is that this concept is actually really neat, and had the potential for an amazing story that delves into these anti-colonial themes. If only the Doctor wasn’t the Timeless Child.
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nostalgia-tblr · 3 years
I can see why people feel like the Hybrid arc fucked with canon/continuity as much as the Timeless Child does but if nothing else Moff went to the extent of naming a character “Me” so you’ve got an easy alternative if you don’t like the implications.
(Also I *do* think the two-person theory is both the “correct” (ie intended) answer *and* somewhat rubbish, but the beauty of the Hybrid arc rests in the layers of ambiguity. It gives you multiple options and there’s no consequences if you choose the one you like best, because at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter as long as the characters do what they did.)
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sgtrogers · 4 years
waiting for the episode where the timeless child comes out as one the master's lies 🙃
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heimeldat · 1 year
I’m embarking on an accidentally large project. I have a headcanon I really want to explore where the Fugitive Doctor has nothing to do with any Timeless Child nonsense; instead, she’s from Season 6B, between Two and Three. I’ve also been playing around with those original Master regenerations I designed a while back. Result: the adventures of the Second/Third Master and the Fugitive Doctor working for the CIA. I...might have outlined eleven stories for this series. Oops. Mwahahahaha!
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timeladyjamie · 2 years
It’s sad to realize that it was this day, 2 years ago, that I guessed right of Chibnall altering Gallifreyan History as we knew it… and then he gives us the damn Timeless Child.
Why did I have to be right?! 😭😭😭
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timeladyjamie · 3 years
I’m so upset with how Flux has been going with Shitnall’s arc of the TimeLess Child with TicTacToe confirming that the Doctor isn’t from Gallifrey and everything I known and love about Time Lord history is a scam. 
Yet again, something I love has been taken and trampled around either for shock value or some shitty ass agenda and I AM DONE! 
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timeladyjamie · 3 years
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I’m cosplaying as the “NOT the Timeless Child” 13 😱 I’m just a rebellious Time Lord. Nothing more.
I find it ironic that today is the anniversary of when I first bought my 13th Doctor cosplay and also the last time I wore it 3 years ago…till TODAY!
It’s kind of a weird day for me.
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timeladyjamie · 3 years
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I just like the Doctor being a crazy, mysterious rebel alien fighting to protect the universe and take us tiny humans on adventures. 🛸❤️
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nostalgia-tblr · 3 years
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"just gonna run away again with the same tardis and gonna get someone to give me the same name and then i'll become the same person i was before they mindwiped me."
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nostalgia-tblr · 3 years
okay i know this makes me a bitch but if you’re telling me the timeless child fits perfectly but you haven’t got round to watching old who yet then... how the fuck would you know?
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timeladyjamie · 4 years
My reaction to The Timeless Child, Tecteun, Ruth!Doctor, Gallifrey being destroyed (again) and Chibnall’s writing:
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