🟢🇫🇷 le secret pour éliminer la peur cronique tout seul? hypnose téléchargez l'audio DCS: PAS DE PANIQUE PAS D'ANXIETE https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/no-panico-metodo-dcs/ #hypnose #panique #peur SLTP SI TU AS DES SUJETS OU DES ARGUMENTS QUE TU AIME DEVELOPPER, ECRITS LES LA ET LE DR CLAUDIO SARACINO GRATUITEMENT VA DEVELOPPER CE QUI TU DESIRES, D'ACCORD? TU PEUX, SI TU LE DESIRES, INDIQUER MEME DES THEMES OU ARGUMENTS NEFS... MERCI ET SLTS Sltp ecoutes ma pensée et, si tu le desires, poses des commentaires... #hypnose#methodedcs#hyonosedcs #methodedcs#hypnose #hypnosedcs #mp3dcs #drclaudiosaracino #losangeles#beverlihills#californie#usa#etasunit#drssarinabrunini#autohypnosedcs#methodedcs#mp3dcs#audiodcs #hypnosedcs#drclaudiosaracino#hypnose . Une de plus grandes différences par rapport à d’autres disciplines comme le yoga, la méditation, le yoga, le mendfulness, le mantra, le zen etc c’est que toi tu peux aider un de tes chers qui ne veut pas ton aide ou il ne peut pas avoir ton aide Ecoutes ce que j’ai à dire et partagés cette vidéo avec tes amis...IL NE FAUT PAS CROIRE😳IL FAUT SEULEMENT FAIRE ACTION😳il y a ce qui fait et ce qui ne fait pas...😳SEULEMENT A TOI LE CHOIX ⚔ 💪🏿YouTube👇🏿 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNG... 👉🏿Facebook👇🏿 https://www.facebook.com/ipnologiasso... 👉🏿Instagram👇🏿 https://www.instagram.com/benessereip... 👉🏿twitter👇🏿 https://twitter.com/drsaracino 👉🏿Tiktok👇🏿https://vm.tiktok.com/GKxqYj/ 👉🏿sito:👇🏿 www.ipnologiassociati.com le secret pour éliminer la peur cronique tout seul? hypnose et hypnose DCS unique au monde
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tsbs-shipfessions · 18 days
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Well, you kissed....same difference
Sky. I only have one thing to say to you.
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justeuneanonyme · 2 years
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Quand ma mère essaie de me donner des bons conseils pour la gestion de l'anxiété.
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jezatalks · 2 years
Le cmp qui m'appelle ce matin car ils ont vu mon nom sur la liste d'attente.
Je ne suis pas suicidaire mais je pense que j'aurai eu le temps de faire 4 tentatives de suicides en 8 mois mais ok. Sympa de votre part de penser à moi.
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coovieilledentelle · 5 months
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Quand viennent des pensées anxieuses, inquiètes et mauvaises, je vais à la mer, et la mer les noie de ses grands bruits larges, me nettoie et impose un rythme à tout ce qui en moi est égaré et confus. – Rainer Maria Rilke
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sucrealacreme · 2 months
Supe Busters - Soldier Boy x female reader
Chapter one
Summary : Vought has many secrets, project W is one of them. What happens when said project turns against them? 
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You dealt with supes on the daily. I mean, it was truly your only job. Vought called you a villain, a criminal, Atomeris they called you. A supe who has been brainwashed all of her childhood by both her parents and an anti-supe cult. 
They made up fake stories about you. Built a whole new you. You weren’t the kind nurse anymore, no, you were this evil witch who should be burned at the stake according to them.
 Each time they called you evil, criminal, an animal, you wanted to cry. You just wanted to help people by bringing justice to those who felt superior to the law. Those who could hurt people without consequences.
Your very first supe was Icy BABY. An ice controlling woman who caused multiple deaths by making huge and shampooing spickes of ice everywhere. Vought said it was to stop a robber, or a murderer, you couldn’t remember what they came up with. 
But you knew why she truly did that. She just thought it was fun. Simple as that. The cunt thought it was funny to see inferior beings die so easily. So you did what you had to. 
During one night, you and your team of other fucked up supes tracked her down and beat her up down before you did what you do best.
Months ago, you got your hands on compound V. You studied it days and nights to be able to control it. The blue liquid was a weirdo really. It had so many different molecules it took you almost two months to finally crack it's nature. And with it's formula now printed in your brain, you could now separate it from blood. So to put it simply; you could unsupe supes.
And that's exactly what you did to the Elsa wannabe. It was truly a sight for sore eyes to see her try to attack us with her now weak force and speed. 
That night wasn’t just to serve justice. No. It was to prove a point, to warn Vought that from now on, their toys weren’t as invicible as they once were.
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“Fucking cunt I can tell ya” said the black haired man to Hughie. “Yeah well Soldier Boy did scared the living shit out of him. Can't blame him for running away right?” Butcher looked at him like he grew a second head. The other man started to feel anxious under his hard stare and could feel himself starting to sweat.”The only thing I did was telling him what I would do to him if he wouldn't give us their damn locations” “Oi for fuck's sake. You threatened him to punch a hole where his dick was and to use it like a fleshlight”
“And I meant it” said the tall, green-eyed man before leaving the room to smoke a good ol’ joint.
“We lost our only suspect linked to this shit hole and we have yet to find any like places where those people could be hiding and the both of you are fighting for shit” Hughie was now not only anxieuse but angry at the situation. I mean, they’ve been looking for weeks for those people and the one guy who could have helped them get a connection left in the middle of the night. “He’s gonna act right from now on I can tell you that much.”
“Oh yeah? How do you fucking know Butcher?” said Hughie “It’s either that or he's going back to being the sleeping beauty
waiting for his bloody prince. I'll contain him from now on, like a god damn mommy birdy” Butcher said with his signature smirk
“Your words not mine” said Hughie, pointing at him while leaving the room.
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“There was an explosion today at Times Square Ashley. It allegedly happened when two unidentified people attacked our New-York mayor out of nowhere. Many are injured and even worse, there have been fourteen deaths. Now, some say it was a terrorist attack, others some sort of uprising super abled villains. What do you have to say to those people?”
“Well Cameron, we are scared to announce it was in fact some sort of twisted version of supes who caused  those deaths and injuries. Now, if supes were included as part of the US military, those tragic events wouldn’t have been. You see, the American government made an atrocious decision three years ago. He decided that supes were just entertainment, and not valuable defense assets. So now we are facing situations like this. Where criminals think they can do whatever they want and not risking anything because well, no ones gonna stop them they’re super abled!”
“That’s tragic Ashley. Now, what can us patriots do to change this situation?”
“Thank you for asking Cameron. Well, you can join the “Supes are our best defence” protest this friday at 2 pm in front of the White House. For our watchers outside of Washington, Vought is ready to give away plane tickets at a low rate price for those who wanna join. We thank you for your support.”
“Thank you Ashley for this strong speech.”
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“Alright who did this.” Said Florence, a woman part of your team who could control airwaves like light and sound and all of that.
“I don't think it was any of us Flo, why would we attack the mayor? It's against our own values” Orleta, fastes woman in the world, said with an anxious laugh.
“Oh you think it's all a fucking joke now uh don't ya Orleta? You know, you might be physically fast but mentally you're fucking sl-”
“Alright, alright let's all calm down,  I'm sure if someone here did this they had a reason. Now, whoever did this please come forward and explain to us the reasons behind such violent actions” said the group leader, Evangeline. Evangeline was kinda like homelander, minus the maniac part. She wasn't as strong nor as fast as him but she could still fly, laser people and all that. A magnificent woman. She was like a patient leader to all of you. Evangeline used to be a preschool teacher before this whole mess. None of you really know much about her except that. Magnificient, but mysterious.
“As anyone thought that maybe it’s Vought who’s trying to make us look bad once again? I mean they do it all the time and we did in fact get a rise in popularity with the whole Silver man mess…” you said, unsure of your theory. You weren’t sure of it but it would make more sense then one of you to kill innocents. Something you straight up fight agaisnt.
“Yeah I agree now that would be way more plausible then one of us doing it. I mean we kill supes, not civilians” that was Florence. She was your best friend. Together, the both of you could take down 5 supes at the same time. You were one of the deadly duos in the team.
“Yeah exactly, that’s their job not ours,” said Oletra now relieved that everyone calmed down.
“Alright then. It’s settled. It was once again Vought. Like usually.” Evangeline then left the room her heels clicking on her way out.
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“We found something,” said Annie entering the living room of her appartment with Hughie.
“Oh thank God cause we lost the guy”
“What guy?”
“You know the with like metal powers and all?” Said Hughie with a nervous smile
“You lost the fucking silver man?” she said, in disbelief that under three hours The Boys could lose such a valuable asset.
“Yeah but you know now we have a new track, yayyyy” the man tried to loosen the tension
“Yeah ok anyway. We think the team, oh what's their name again”
“Yeah them, me and Kimiko found one of their guys entering some weird facility. When we entered there was only a locked door. We didn't try to force it open or anything we were only two. They're probably like thousands there.”
“Oh that’s good, that's really good Annie. Butcher's gonna want to Kiss you” said Hughie while laughing and kissing his girlfriend. They finally found something and this time it couldn’t escape.
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A/N : So that was it for part 1, hope yall liked it 😊
A/N 2 : So this is the second version. If you saw something else, it's normal I changed à few things 😊
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Quand viennent des pensées anxieuses, inquiètes et mauvaises, je vais à la mer, et la mer les noie de ses grands bruits larges, me nettoie et impose un rythme à tout ce qui en moi est égaré et confus. – Rainer Maria Rilke
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ladyniniane · 11 days
Je me sens trop anxieuse pour écrire (on va attendre que ça retombe) mais en attendant j'ai trouvé le projet parfait !
J'ai exhumé une nouvelle que j'avais écrite en 2022, fantasy ambiance antique, mystérieuse et horrifique. Je ne l'ai jamais relue et retravaillée, c'est le moment !
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ciboulo · 10 months
Mon anxiété est très anxieuse aujourd’hui
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transrencontre · 2 months
Anxieuse avant la grand opération féminisante
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Je stress puisque je vais me faire opérer dans quelques semaines. Oui oui, CETTE chirurgie. Je suis une femme trans de 21 ans mal dans ma peau, pour l'instant. Je suis fragile et proche de mes émotions. Mais je suis prête à vivre une vie rangée avec un amoureux compréhensif. Toi peut-être ? Je suis de Niort ans les Deux-Sèvres 79
Discuter avec Gina
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raisongardee · 2 months
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“Il faut mesurer les temps d’après leurs forces positives – et, ce faisant, cette époque de la Renaissance, si prodigue et si riche en fatalité, apparaît comme la dernière grande époque, et nous, nous autres hommes modernes, avec notre anxieuse prévoyance personnelle et notre amour du prochain, avec nos vertus de travail, de simplicité, d’équité et d’exactitude – notre esprit collectionneur, économique et machinal, - nous vivons dans une époque de faiblesse. Cette faiblesse produit et exige nos vertus… L’"égalité", une certaine assimilation effective qui ne fait que s’exprimer dans la théorie des "droits égaux", appartient essentiellement à une civilisation descendante : l’abîme entre homme et homme, entre une classe et une autre, la multiplicité des types, la volonté d’être soi, de se distinguer, de que j’appelle le pathos de la distance est le propre de toutes les époques fortes. L’expansivité, la tension entre les extrêmes est chaque jour plus petite, - les extrêmes mêmes s’effacent jusqu’à l’analogie…”
Friedrich Nietzsche, Le Crépuscule des idoles, « Flâneries inactuelles », trad. Henri Albert, 1888.
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perduedansmatete · 2 months
tellement anxieuse je me suis endormie vers quatre heures et je suis réveillée depuis six heures malgré tous les tramadol que j’ai gobé c’est bon stop cette vie
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jezatalks · 2 years
Mon copain : bon !!! Ça suffit ce moral lié à la météo et ton sommeil aléatoire ! Tu m'accompagnes chez le psy pour parler de toi ! Ça serait bien de voir aussi ton hypersensibilité hypersonique ça pourrait être un symptôme de neuroatypie. >:(
Moi : *boude*
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jeanchrisosme · 8 months
Elle n'est pas la fille la plus facile à aimer. Elle a cette mauvaise habitude de trop réfléchir, elle a tendance à exagérer plus qu'elle ne devrait, et elle devient un peu anxieuse de temps en temps. Elle aura besoin de votre attention, elle voudra littéralement prendre tout votre temps, et elle aura besoin de beaucoup de rassurance. Elle est tout ce que tu ne voudrais pas chez une petite amie. Elle n'est pas capable de te faire pleinement confiance, elle ne sait pas quand arrêter de se battre avec toi même si elle a tort, et elle n'a aucun problème à te repousser si elle a l'impression que tu es proche de lui faire du mal. L'aimer vous stressera, l'aimer vous mettra en colère, l'aimer vous brisera le cœur parfois, l'aimer vous mettra à l'épreuve, l'aimer vous défiera, et l'aimer vous changera. Cela peut devenir tellement exigeant que vous serez tenté de partir, que cela devient si difficile que vous pensez à abandonner, et cela peut devenir tellement compliqué que vous ne voudrez plus avoir affaire à elle. L'aimer signifie que vous pouvez la voir au pire et au plus vulnérable et c'est quelque chose que vous aurez assez de force pour gérer parce qu'elle a besoin de quelqu'un assez patient pour comprendre pourquoi elle est qui elle est aujourd'hui. Ça ne va pas être une relation facile avec elle. Mais si elle est amoureuse de toi, alors elle peut promettre que tu seras aimé avec tellement de passion et d'intensité que tu oublieras ce que la vie ressentait avant qu'elle n'arrive parce qu'elle sera toujours là pour recoller ton cœur après l'avoir brisé. Peut-être qu'elle n'est pas la meilleure pour être aimée, mais elle est assez incroyable pour aimer.
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Freefall Masterlist
Meeting His Family
"It's going to be okay," Charles is trying to assure me, pulling his Ferrari up to his childhood home. "It's just my family."
I can't help but scoff. This idiot.
"It's your family Charles, they're important," I disagree. "I hate that we have to lie to them."
He sighs, and in the depth of it I can tell he hates this too. I know his family is everything for him. Taking my hand, he runs it over with his thumb, thinking silently. Until he's no longer silent.
"Then don't."
"What? I have no idea where you're going with this."
"Pretend for a few hours that this isn't fake and for the media. Pretend that you are actually interested in me romantically on your own accord," He suggests, looking up from our hands to my eyes. "Soyez ma petite amie." (Be my girlfriend.)
"D'accord," (Okay,) I breath out, hating the effect he has on me after only three weeks.
"Frère! Maman veut que toi et ta copine vous dépêchez! (Brother! Mom wants you and your girl to hurry along)," I can hear a voice yell from the direction of the front door, looking away from Charles eyes and towards a younger version of himself.
"My ever eager brother," Charles explains, shaking his head with a laugh and moving from his seat, rounding the car to open my door, helping me out with a hand.
"There she is!" Arthur yells this time, a cheeky smile on his face. "La princesse du sport automobile américain."
"What did he just call me?" I ask Charles in a whisper, his arm around my waist, and I hate how good it feels. He chuckles, mumbling something about how we need to teach me some more French, but translates regardless. "He called you the princess of American motorsport."
"Oooh, I like that!" I can't help but giggle, smiling between the brothers. "You must be Arthur! I've heard so much about you!" I greet the younger, who somehow is also older than I am, even if he doesn't look it.
"And I you, princesse," He greets in return, taking my hand when we're close enough and kissing the back of it, earning a grunt from his brother, who pulls me further into his side.
"Arthur," The name comes with an edge of warning that makes me laugh.
"Charles, don't be dour with him, he's just being nice," I try to cool, placing my hand on his arm, glancing up on him with my best puppy dog eyes.
"Qu'est-ce que - oh, vous les avez trouvés (what is - oh, you did find them)," An older version of the boys in front of me appears, a smile on his face when he sees Charles and I. "You must be Lynnleigh, my name is Lorenzo."
"My elder brother," Charles further explains, Lorenzo reaching out and shaking my hand.
"Come on in, Maman is getting... what's the word? Angsty?"
"I believe you're looking for antsy," I offer, having a hard time imagining Pascale as angsty after all the glowing stories I've heard. "It means similar to anxious, anxieuse," I elaborate, Charles having taught me anxieuse after my anxiety attack our first encounter with the paps.
"Yes, thank you," He thanks, smiling softly as Charles hand pulls from my back to my hand. "Please, come in. Our mother is dying to meet you, and so are Charlotte and Carla."
"Our girlfriends," Arthur elaborates, probably catching the glance I had given Charles. "You'll all get along well, don't worry."
"Charles, chérie, c'est toi ?" (Charles, honey is that you?) A women's voice can be heard as we enter and I can feel Charles squeaze my hand, garnering my attention to his face, his smile wide as we make eye contact. And I can't help but smile, because he's genuinely happy to see his mother. A mamma's boy.
"Oui maman, nous sommes là," (Yes mama, we are here) He calls back, following Lorenzo around a corner and into what is the kitchen, a blonde women smiling brightly at the island, the knife in her hand meeting the counter quickly as she rounds it.
Charles is just as quick in releasing my hand and meeting his mother in the middle, the smile on my face threatening to break it.
"Tu m'as manqué," (I have missed you) Charles mumbles, eyes shut into the hug.
"Tu m'as encore plus manqué," (I have missed you more) Is Pascale's response, eyes also shut until they separate, the woman's kind eyes meeting my own. "And you must be Lynnleigh."
"C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer," (It's a pleasure to meet you) Is my response in some of the very little French that I have managed to learn in the last two weeks.
"Where did you learn that?" Charles is the one to ask, intrigued.
I can't help but blush, embarrassed with what my answer is. "Duolingo, that app with the little green owl."
"I appreciate the effort," Pascale thanks, placing her hands on my shoulders and giving me a look over, "Can I hug you? Charles has mentioned so much of you," She requests, and all I can do is nod, still processing the last half of her sentence. Charles talks about me?
"Why were we not informed that the guest of honor was here!" A woman's voice exclaims, two rounding the corner, the one that had spoken shoving Arthur.
"Hey! Rude," He grumbles, and it's so garbled that it's clear he had almost spoken in French.
"Is everyone... speaking in English for me?" I can't help but whisper to Charles, his presence having rejoined my side. "That was basically a mixture of French and English."
"We're doing our best, it's funny in a way, I don't believe I've ever spoken to my brothers in English," He answers, ending it with a peck to my head with just enough time to spare for him to pull away before I'm pulled into a hug by the older of the two brunettes.
"It's so great to meet you Lynnleigh, Charles has told Lorenzo and I so much about you, I'm Charlotte," She greets, pulling away and giving room for Carla to do the same.
"And I'm Carla. Art has already assured me we're going to get along well," She explains before adding in a whisper, "I don't know how he decided that in 5 minutes, but he is something else," making me laugh as said boy scoffs in insult.
"And to think I thought the three of us could be best friends," Arthur grumbles, poking at Carla's sides while pulling her into his body, her giggling and the pair making my face light up.
"I promise they are always like this," Pascale assures, pulling her apron over her head and setting it to the side, joining Charles at my side. "You two arrived just on time! I just finished the stocafi and barbajuan," She excitedly shares, placing her hand on my back and leading the way to the dining table, filled to the brim with food I'd never seen. Pascale's hand is replaced by her middle son's, his hand sitting lower as he pulls out my chair, pushing it in once I've sat and taking his own beside me, hand on my thigh.
"What is stocafi? Barbajuan?" I whisper, hoping Pascale did not hear.
"She knows you don't eat meat, so she made stocafi, which is a ... what's the word? Ah, dried, cod that has a tomato sauce with olives and vegetables, and barbajuan is a fried fluffy pastry filled with chard, ricotta and leeks," He explains, pouring some wine into my glass as the bottle is passed around the table, the spread looking divine and my nerves from earlier completely gone.
I can't help but look to Charles catching my eye and smiling brightly, unoccupied hand squeezing my thigh.
And I realize why it's been so easy to be convincing to his family, why it's been so easy to act like this is real.
Because to me, it is.
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liked by will_hamlin, charles_leclerc and 1,468 others
lynleigh.earnhardt thank you pascale.leclerc.355 for allowing me the absolute joy of joining you and your boys for your annual pre-Monaco GP family dinner. I will forever be grateful for your warm welcome and kind words. tu es le meilleur type de femme et de mère
and thank you to lorenzotl and arthur_leclerc for letting me steal your ladies for girl talk
pascale.leclerc.355 you will forever be welcome in our home sweet girl, i look forward to spending the grand prix with you tomorrow!
charles_leclerc mon amor, where did you get that last photo?
lynnleigh.earnhardt your maman showed me some old photo albums while you and your brothers went to pick up dessert 😘
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alicelacalisse · 6 months
mon grand-père est mort jeudi dernier et pour l'instant j'ai géré ça seule pcq je suis à lille mais l'enterrement est cette semaine qui vient je suis trop anxieuse à l'idée de gérer ma famille et la peine de mon père
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