#anyway Amelie if you're reading this
undefeatednils · 1 month
It's nice to have friends where you don't totally feel like an intruder when you're staying at their place xD
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mbtiblogfun · 1 year
"The INFP Archetypes"
What makes INFPs different from each other? Well there are many factors. Obviously not all INFPs are the same, and other parts of typology like enneagram, ivs, and socionics do affect this. Some INFPs are also more in tune with their weaker functions (Si and Te) than others. Like the other types, INFPs also have different "archetypes" that are often seen as "general representations" of them. Obviously because mbti is so nuanced and complex, don't fret if you don't identify with any of these! They're very simplified, so not relating doesn’t mean you're not an INFP!
So now let's get into some of the most notable archetypes
1. The Dreamer
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The most notable INFP archetype, one could call it "the INFP poster child." The dreamer is a pure, innocent, curious, sensitive, and idealistic INFP. The dreamer looks at the world with wide, starry-eyes, and wears their heart on their sleeve. Usually the dreamer is also very romantic poetic, and/or artistic, and they have a wild imagination. The dreamer sees the good in everyone and might often merge with/be present in tropes like the manic pixie dream girl, or the soft boy. They have a tendency to be portrayed as mysterious or misunderstood.
Examples of the dreamer: Belle (Beauty & the Beast), Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Amelie, Juliet (Romeo & Juliet), Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables), and Celine (Before Trilogy)
2. The Mediator
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The mediator shares the same traits as the dreamer (pure, sensitive, kind-hearted, etc.) but plays a different role in the story. Typically the dreamers are protagonists, while mediators usually have secondary roles. The mediator often acts as a voice of reason, to keep the protagonist in touch with their humanity or to just listen whenever someone needs to let it all out. The mediator is typically very quirky and non-conformist. The mediator is empathetic and usually soften-spoken, but they're not afraid to stand up for others or what they believe in.
Examples of the mediator: Silvermist (Tinkerbell), Mantis (MCU), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter), Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon), and Lucy Pevensie (Narnia)
3. The Seeker
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The seeker, once again, shares the same traits as the other two but has an emphasis on curiosity and imagination. The seeker is not afraid to ponder life's deeper, more complex questions.
As said by @dragonflymage, the seeker often asks themselves questions like
Why do I exist?
Who am I really inside?
How do I fit?
Where do I belong?
They also go on to add this explanation: "A seeker, continuously looking for answers that we never may find, but that we must keep searching for anyway. "
(If you wanna read more from her post I've reblogged it on my page) While they search for these answers, the seeker oftentimes will go on a "hero's journey" in hopes of finding the answer along their quest
Examples of the seeker: Merlin (BBC), Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts/HP), Luke Skywalker (Star Wars), Edward Scissorhands, and Frodo (LOTR)
4. The Emotional Villain
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As you can see this one is a complete 180 compared to the other three lol. This pattern doesn't exactly have a name, so I just made one up.
Pretty much all INFP villains I've seen are driven by their emotions. Afterall, Fi is our dominant function. The emotional villain is driven by personal reasons and experiences, they're not just evil for the sake of being evil. Typically the emotional villain is very moody, disturbed, and/or unstable. They are usually the direct opposite of their other INFP counterparts: they are selfish, ruthless, and blood-hungry.
Examples of the emotional villain: Wanda Maximoff (MCU), Joker (2019 ver), and Kylo Ren (Star Wars).
5. The Angsty Teen
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Another really common portrayal of INFPs in media is the angsty teen. This archetype is pretty self explanatory, an angsty hormonal teenager. The angsty teen often struggles with social anxiety, and/other another mental illness. They also might have trust issues, be really moody, or hurting from unrequited love or some other trauma. The angsty teen often copes through artistic means, like poetry or painting.
I feel the feelings on this archetype are very divided. While a lot of people don't like having that image as a representation of their type, some argue that it's a realistic portrayal of the darker side of being an INFP. I personally feel like the angsty teen represents my inner conflicts, while the dreamer, mediator, and seeker represent my outward behavior most of the time. What are your thoughts?
Examples of the angsty teen: Shinji Ikari (Evangelion), Will Byers (Stranger Things), Cassie Ainsworth (Skins), Kou Mabuchi (Blue Spring Ride), Violet Parr (The Incredibles), Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson), Charlie Kelmeckis (The Perks of Being a Wallflower), Elio Perlman (Call Me By Your Name), Todd Anderson (Dead Poets Society), Fischl (Genshin Impact), Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice) and Cry Baby (K-12)
There's plenty more archetypes but I thought I'd just focus on these 5. Also remember that these archetypes don't represent all INFPs as a whole, they’re just like "INFPs in a nutshell."
What are your thoughts? Which archetypes do you relate to? Which one's your favorite? Which one's your least favorite?
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beescomet · 4 months
V E L O C I T Y || PART 1
A/N: WOOP WOOP, finally part 1 is DONE, I've been writing it for so long now lmao. Anyway, I, once again, ask everyone to go and thank @crackedpumpkin for giving me the courage to write this (and also go read their fics, it's literally a masterpiece like 💖). There might be errors as I haven't proof read this yet, so if you find anything lmk please !! Enjoy!! (Also it's 2 am here, and I got a lecture in the morning, so I'm genuinely warning yall, there might be some odd mistakes)
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The smoke hangs thick in the air, twisting and billowing like ghostly tendrils as it mingles with the sharp tang of burnt rubber and the pungent scent of gasoline. From the haze, You watch as the familiar wave of energy flows all around you and the people present. Gray mist, speckled with red, similar to the mist after a night of rain in your street, the red from the lights illuminating the road. You feel a smile threatening to form as you absorb this energy.
You nearly jump in surprise when a familiar voice speaks through the earpiece you're wearing—a reminder of why I'm here in the first place. "These damn kids and their cars," the voice says, frustration evident. "Can't tell a damn difference between a wrench and a screwdriver even if it slapped them on the face", You let out a breath of amusement from your nose at the complaints . You slowly turn the steering wheel, guiding the car to it's dedicated position for the race. "Behave now D, that's not why we're here. You got eyes on me?"
The atmosphere is electric, charged with anticipation and excitement, sending a shiver down your spine as you drive into the dimly lit space. Around you, the cavernous expanse is alive with activity. Sleek, customized vehicles gleam under the low lighting, their polished surfaces catching the colorful splashes of graffiti art that adorn the walls.
"You know I do, I even got the cameras set up on the track and possible escape routes."
The crowd buzzes with energy, a lively mix of spectators and racers moving in a chaotic dance. Mechanics hustle around, their tools clinking and clanking as they tinker with engines, striving for that perfect performance. Drivers, their faces set in determined expressions, huddle in small groups, discussing tactics and strategies in hushed tones. Onlookers lean against the walls, their eyes wide with anticipation, eagerly awaiting the start of the races.
You watch them all from the safety of your car, the music and shouts muffled by the glass. You recognise a few of the people around, your nerves now on edge. You start to speak, your voice lowered to a whisper, following the group with careful eyes. "They're here"
A crash sounds from the earpiece, followed by a string of curse words. "Wait really? Fuck, you really hit the nail on the head with that one. How many can you see? Ah wait never mind, I got eyes on 'em. Damn that's a lot of screens to look at-"
You tune him out, deciding to focus on the group ahead instead, counting the members. 1, 2, 3. An annoyed sigh escapes past your lip as you rest your head on the steering wheel, muttering a curse. "Three, I was counting on at least four to get enough cash.."
The sound of laughter grabs your attention, slowly lifting your head as your eyes narrow at the sound. "Well about that, you don't need to have more than one person against you in that race.."
You immediately grab your phone, looking at your bank account and checking the balance. You choke on air once you see the number, sitting up straight and nearly hitting your head on the car roof. "Daisuke what the hell did you do! This better not be Amelie's college funds or I swear-"
Another laugh, interrupts your rant, this one louder than the last, your eyes going to glare right at one of the camera's set in the location. "Relax, this isn't my kid's college fund.. it's some of my retirement money my wife and I saved up back when she was alive. It's no use to me right now, so I thought it would help."
You could feel your heart drop, the anger in your eyes quickly replaced by one of guilt. "Daisuke I ca-" You start, closing your mouth as he interrupts you once more. "Don't even try to send it back Y/N, you went through hell for Amelie and I, this is just how I'm saying thank you. Now focus, you need to kick ass and bring the winning money back home!"
A pained laugh leaves you because of his words, bringing your hand up to rub your nose as you sniff. You could feel the tears threatening to fall, but you gather yourself together before you start breaking down.
You step out of the car, reaching for the duffle bag next to you before you do, and start heading to the middle of the room.
Every sound, every sight, adds to the cacophony of excitement that fills the air, creating a palpable tension that crackles like electricity. It's a world unto itself, this underground car meet, where the rules are few and the stakes are high. You get caught up in the whirlwind of activity, feeling the pulse of adrenaline coursing through my veins. You can feel it, all of it —the energy, the anticipation—it's all here, waiting to be unleashed. Your eyes flicker to the metal bracelet on your wrist that had started beeping, a number flashing on it.
A confident smile now on your face, the night is only just beginning. Oh how fun this is going to be.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
The duffle bag hits the table with a loud thud, silencing the group of people in the area as their attention shifts to you. But you keep your eyes on one man, the gray mist around him thicker than the others around him.
He tilts his head to the side, his smile growing once he sets his eyes on you as he adjusts his stance, leaning on the hood of his car. His grey eyes holds your E/C ones. He tilts his head back for a moment, chuckling. "Well then, look who we have here, the Red Devil has finally graced us with her presence. Come to race against me then?"
An annoyed huff leaves you, crossing your arms over your chest as you glare at the man, raising one brow. He stares back, grinning, a golden tooth glistening under the neon lights. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of the tooth, how can you not? You were the reason he had to get it done in the first place.
"I was planning to, unless you give me the money that I'm going to win anyway, would make this whole ordeal go so much faster" You state, shrugging your shoulders as you hear some people laugh. Kaji growls, standing up and going to the table standing between you two, opening the duffle bag and peering inside. He looks back at you, the scowl quickly replaced by his infamous grin. "That's a lot of money, are you confident you'll win?"
"That damn bastad, why I outta-"
You ignore Daisuke's words, keeping your attention on Kaji as he waves two fingers to the other two goons with him, they bring in three duffle bags, placing them next to the one placed earlier. You glance at them, unfolding your arms from over your chest and reaching to the duffle bags. You open the first and quickly check the cash placed inside to make sure none were fake, repeating the same process with the other bag.
You nod, stepping back as you watch someone (who you assumed would be this race's starter) shove the duffle bags into a locked box, placing the key on a chain around their neck. You turn around and begin heading back to your car, raising both hands as you yell over the crowd who began to gather around the both of you.
"Be at the track in 10, I got more important places to be at later, and I'd hate to be late because of you"
The bracelet beeps once more. Your focus shifts to it.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
"You sure you want to do this Y/N?"
You snap out of your thoughts once you hear Daisuke's voice from your earpiece, nodding your head for a moment and letting out an affirmative hum. You could hear the sigh from the ear piece, and you can just imagine him in your head shaking his head and rubbing his temple.
"Just stay safe out there would ya? God knows none of us needs anymore loss"
A grin forms on your face, a soft laugh as you nod once more. "You got it captain" You look ahead as the cars pull up next to yours, people starting to gather around the track and the screens mounted on the wal starts to broadcast the race.
Your heart hammers against your chest, causing your breath to come out staggering. This was it, the moment you and Daisuke have been planning for the past year. You close your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before opening them again, your hands on the driving wheel as you stare right ahead.
You have to win.
Losing was not an option.
A quick glance to the metal bracelet on your wrist, checking the number.
The starter started counting down, the sound of engines rumbling, adding onto the excitement that filled the air. You could see the red specks in the mist growing, showing that what happens after would be utter and pure chaos. That was exactly what you needed.
Beside you, Kaji, revved his engine, glaring at you from his car. You roll your eyes, any other time you'd have given him the middle finger, but right now you needed to focus.
Kaji shot forward like a bullet, his car a sleek silhouette cutting through the darkness. The gleam of determination in his eyes was unmistakable, a silent promise of fierce competition to come. You weren't far behind, both your engines growling with power as you both jostled for the first position in the opening moments of the race.
Behind you, two other competitors fought tooth and nail for their place in the pack, their cars weaving and swerving in a frantic dance of speed and skill. The air crackled with tension as the four of you raced, Kaji at the lead, you second, and the kther twi battling it out for third.
You let out a curse, glancing at the rearview mirror as you watch the others separate from behind you. You look at the side-view mirrors, seeing them going to either side of you.
"Watch out, 3 o'clock. He's speeding up, seems like he's gonna try and crash into you."
You look to your right, and sure enough, hes speeding your way, eyes on your vehicle as he tries to have you crash into the other one on your left. His eyes meet yours, and you couldnt help the smile on your face as you move your hand, raising the middle finger to him. You see the anger in his eyes as he swerves to your direction, and you quickly hit the brakes, your car slowing down and creating space between you and him faster than he could react. You watch as he barely misses your car, a fleeting moment of eye contact before he crashes into the other car.
A laugh escapes your lips as your foot quickly went back to the gas pedal, your car revving back up to life and going to catch up with Kaji.
Two down, one to go.
"Holy FUCK-! Y/N are you okay?"
"Just perfect! Cant say the same for the other two though" You snicker, glancing at your rear-view mirror to look at the crash site, the two guys getting out of their busted cars and telling at each other. "What's the power at??" You ask, turning your attention back to the road ahead, taking a sharp right and finally Kaji's car is back into your line of sight.
"75% and counting, did you purposely make them crash to suck the energy?”
You didn't answer, so he took your silence as confirmation.
As you hurtled down the straightaway, the neon lights of the underground tunnel flashed by in a blur of color, casting strange shadows upon the sleek surfaces of the racing machines. The pounding of your heart echoed in your ears, a steady rhythm that drove you forward, pushing you to new heights of speed.
"Two laps left"
A curse leaves your lips, your eyes glancing at your bracelet as you watched the number slowly increases. The space between you and Kaji was so small, yet to you it was almost oceans apart. Your teeth grits together as you think, shaking your head after a moment.
"D, What's the nearest shortcut to the front?"
The man at the other end sighs, you can hear him move around from his desk and the sound of him pressing buttons on his keyboard. "Take a left in a minute, you'll be in the market area, after 5 minutes with the speed you're at take a right, you should be ahead of Kaji by then."
You nod, quickly turning the steering wheel as the sound of the tires skidding reaches your ears, you can imagine the confusion on Kaji's face as he watches you disappear from behind him, the thought making you laugh a bit as you continue to drive.
Daisuke was right, you found yourself driving near the marketplace, swerving left and right through trucks and wagons filled with food. You glance at the clock, 2 minutes before the turn.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
Kaji looks at the rear-view mirror slowing down as he sees you disappear. He looks around him, trying to find any signs you were going to appear but...nothing. He started laughing, pressing harder on the gas pedal, he could feel it, the sweet taste of victory, his victory against the infamous Red Devil.
The finish line was close, it was right there. He couldn't believe it, not only did he just guarantee a win, but he had won thousands from this race alone. He started cheering, hitting the car horn as people started to circle around the finish line.
But just then, he could see something coming out of an alleyway from the corner of his eyes, causing him to swerve as he saw the familiar grey car appear from the shadows. "What the fuck! Where did she come from!?"
You grin at him, giving him a quick salute as you turn the car, you had just stolen first place from him! You laugh, your head thrown back. Kaji never thought he could despise you more than he already did, but clearly he was wrong.
You glance at your bracelet, seeing the familiar number beeping, 100%. "Let's fucking go"
You look at your hands, watching as the energy mist you had been absorbing starts to leave you, your veins glowing gray and some sparks of red. The energy transfers from your arms to your car, you close your eyes, the familiar feeling of your element around you. Pure chaos.
You open your eyes, glancing at your reflection in the mirror, and sure enough, the familiar waves of energy come out of you like waves of an ocean during a storm, feeding more power to your car as it increases in speed.
This was one of the very few perks of being able to control the element of chaos. And arguably, your only favorite.
Cracks had started to form on the ground beneath the car, but it didnt matter, the finish line was right there. And with one final burst of power from you, your car reaches almost unnatural speed, finishing the final lap in a matter of seconds.
You drift your car, shutting your eyes tight as you press on the brakes to get it to stop before hitting the forming crowd, the sound of your wheels screeching against the road before it halts. There was a moment of silence, the only thing you can hear was your heartbeat. Then loud cheers erupt from around you, people running up to your car and shouting your title.
"Holy fucking shit we actually did it. WE WON! Y/N YOURE GETTING OUT OF HERE-"
You flinch at the screaming in your ear, your hand reaching up and muting the earpiece as your eyes looks for the man holding your prize money. You step out of the car, taking deep breaths as you try to ignore the hundreds of eyes on you.
You feel a hand on your shoulder and you jump in surprise, quickly turning and seeing who it was. You visibly relax, seeing the man carrying the three duffle bags and handing it to you.
"Good race there Red, I have to ask though, why did you take that shortcut? It could have cost you the race" He asks, watching you as you throw the duffle bags into the backseat. You shrug, glancing at him from the corner of your eyes.
"I got lucky... Now, if you'll excuse me, i need to be somewhere"
You get back into your car, the crowd parting as you quickly make your way out from the underground parking. You sit in your car in silence as you make your way back to Daisuke's location, every nerve in your body on edge. This was it. You were finally going to leave.
The mechanic shop wasn't that far, so you managed to get there in time. Quickly getting your car into the garage, Daisuke runs up and closes the garage entrance after you. "Holy fuck, we did it, for a second there I thought that was it!" Daisuke yells, running up to you and opening your car door. You step out, handing him your car keys then you grab the duffle bag, setting it on the nearest workbench.
"It's not over yet, I still need to sneak past Kaji's people and reach the city." You remind him, opening the bags as you started to count the money to be able to split them. "Did you get the other car ready? I can't leave with mine. It'll stand out" You ask, glancing at him for a moment before pausing and seeing a familiar set of keys in your face. Your eyes wide and you grin, quickly snatching the keys.
"Daisuke you did not-" The words leave your mouth faster than you can think things through, looking at the otherside of the garage and seeing the car you were meant to take. "You said it would take you months to fix it up!!"
You look at the car, a 1957 Cadillac series 62 painted navy blue. You walk around it, your fingers running over the smooth surface of the car. If it was possible to marry a car, you would have done so already. You pause, realising that he was actually giving you the cat, you look back at Daisuke and you see him smile at you. You move your hand, trying to hand back the keys. "I can't accept this, the money, the car-"
He raises his hand, and you close your mouth, your brows furrowed together in annoyance. He takes a few steps towards you and places his hand on your shoulder, giving you a small smile. "Y/N, you listen to what I say and listen well.."
"I want to give these to you. You've done so much for me and my daughter already, and you still continue to do so when you didn't have to in the first place.” You turn your face away from his gaze, biting the inside of your cheek as you fight away the tears threatening to spill. “Hey, hey look at me-" He gently grabs your chin, turning your face back to him, similar to what he would do with his daughter when he has something important to tell her.
"I'm so grateful for you, Amelie as well. You've come a long way to get to where you are now. Your father would have been proud of the person you became" He states carefully, pulling you into a tight embrace. You wrap your arms around him, burying your face into his shirt as you hold him tight.
"I'll come back for you, all of you, I promise"
He laughs, wrapping his arms around you and patting your hair in a calming manner. "I know you will kid, you're too kind for your own good" he muttered, his voice wavering. You both pull away from each other, looking at each other before you give him a sad smile.
"I'm serious, I'll come back and help you leave, then we'll open up a car repairs shop together and restore beauties like this one" You push, pointing at the cadillac nearby.
Daisuke laughs dryly, shaking his head for a moment before crossing his arms. "Alright alright, I trust you, now you better get going, you need to be out of this goddamn hell hole before sunrise, chop chop!" He urges you back to your new car, opening the door for you and you get in. "I already put your bags in the trunk, Amelie left you some snacks in a lunchbox, but i'm pretty sure it's some form of clay" You laugh at the comment, shaking your head as you think of the little brown haired girl you had grown to love.
"Thank you.. for everything" You state softly, looking at him with a soft smile. Daisuke smiles back, giving you a curt nod as he steps back, opening the garage door once more.
"Don't mention it kid, now go, I'll hide the other car later tonight" You nod, backing out of the garage and into the night, the Cadillac perfectly blending into the darkness of the town.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
A figure watches from afar, his hand going up to run over his beard. Wu watches as the young girl drives away, a heavy sigh leaving him as he turns to leave. He reaches up and runs his hands over his dragon, carefully mounting it as it soars up into the sky.
"She gets stronger everyday, I fear we may not have enough time to prepare”
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tumblingxelian · 7 days
felt like explaining more on my "the SentiKids are hybrids" theory! Keep in mind, it’s just how I see it, but I hope it at least sounds interesting! Would love to hear your thoughts!
So, I think most people are at least a little uncomfortable with the idea that many Sentimonsters are Sapient beings that Ladybug is basically killing. I personally also feel like just "creating life" like that makes the whole thing feel . . . best word I have is "cheap". Sentimonsters, to me, should read more as advanced AI, or maybe programmed toys, which sounds a bit demeaning, but that might be kind of the point? No, maybe puppets is better. They should feel like reflections of real things, but not real themselves, if that makes sense? But I also feel that them eventually BECOMING real people shouldn’t be impossible. Like, it should take either a LOT of time, or immense amounts of power, but Sentimonsters are made from human emotions, I feel like the building blocks for having them be real should be there.
Jumping to the SentiKids for a minute, the way I see it working, is you could absolutely create a "kid" with the Peacock, but it wouldn’t really act like an actual child. More like a highly advanced doll, like the ones they market to little girls, that can "eat", "poop", and "cry". Plus, you'd have to be really particular, unless you wanted them to be a child forever. One thing I headcanon, is Sentimonsters don't "grow" in the conventional sense. They are created as is, so a Senti-baby, even if they eventually become a person, would kind of be stuck in a child form. And, of course, that's not what Emilie or the others want. They want actual kids.
So, the way I see it, they kind of cheat the system a little. They don't use the Peacock to wholesale make children, but to fertilize an egg, making a fetus. The Peacock magic is sort of used as a power source, to "power" the process of making a kid, which they don’t have to think about too hard. I mean, besides the act of conception, once you're pregnant, your body kind of just . . . gets on with it, with little to no input from you. And I have no idea what kind of fertility issues were making it so that Emilie & Amelie (&Tomoe, if she didn’t just want in for other reasons) decided that magic was the way to go, but let's say that the Peacock can kind of . . . fill in those gaps, and it works very similarly to how conception works. So, the SentiKids are less straight up Sentimonsters, and more hybrids. They are born as human babies, they grow up and act like humans, cause they basically ARE human, their moms just used magic to power them as apposed to relying on biology. (I hope this is making sense)
But, the kids are still technically part Sentimonster, so they are effected in similar ways. If you are holding their Amoks, you can give them orders, but rather than seeing it as programming, I see it more like Ella Enchanted (if you've read that book). The kids HAVE to obey, but they can find loopholes if they know what to look for, and with enough strength of will, they can resist the orders all together, although it’s VERY hard, and unlike Ella, resisting hard enough doesn’t "break the spell" because the Amoks are PART of the kids, in a way Ella's "gift" wasn’t ever a part of her. The best way I've found to describe the kids themselves, would be sort of like Steven Universe, where the Amoks are analogous to Steven's Gem. The Amoks are tied to their life forces, and damaging them hurts the kids. Somewhat conversely, they also mean that as long as the Amoks are okay, the Kids can survive just about anything that might kill a regular human, the Amoks supplying energy to keep their bodies alive long enough to heal.
Anyway, the end result I see is that the kids can't "become" real. They ARE real, real people, real humans, their origin is just a little different. The Amok thing, either the kids have to keep a hold of their Amoks at all times, or find a way to "absorb" them into themselves, so they are no longer separate from them, meaning their existence becomes closer to that of "regular" humans.
Aaaaaand, that’s all I got right now, so, tell me what you think!
I love hearing thoughts and theories!!
I complete agree, I have an exchange with @princess-of-the-corner regarding the revised butterfly and one of the big things we agreed on was that all Sentimonsters being alive default feels way too easy and rather messy given the murder. Plus I don't feel it really add much to most of them conceptually when many are essentially just tools or magically generated guard dogs.
That is an interesting spin regarding the live doll angle, kudos there!
(Low key, if and when I do roll with Senti!Kagami I just have it be that Tomoe was like, "I want to magically bio-engineer my kid to be able t do all the things, maximum potential, can fulfill any role, the ideal heir" and it never went beyond that. motive wise.)
But yeah I think that is a good way to square the circle and if I had kept my revised Peaock of Evocation & Emotion, I'd have done the same thing.
Mhm I think that angle works really well for the Amoks, kudos there! Though I do tend to think the angle of them being able to survive anything doesn't work as well with the hybrid angle. I think if anything it should be more a case of like... So long as their body remains alive & the Amok un-damaged they can eventually heal from any damage.
IE, unlike most humans who stop healing after a point and scar, they don't. Which also means Kagami has to keep re-developing her calluses which sucks XD
Anyway very interesting stuff and yeah I can see the logic of wanting to absorb them or keep them safe.
Thanks for sharing!
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archaiclumina · 9 months
Character theme(s) take two
╮(╯∀╰)╭ ok so I'm a huge goober who apparently can't read and a while ago I did this game wrong. (Don't ask me about my day job lmao )
Anyway, I actually have a lot of instrumental only tracks for the blorbettes, so, here is some penance. Three instrumental character themes plucked from the playlist I curate with my husband! (You can peep it here on Spotify if you're interested!) One for Oli, one for Ren and one for the both of them!
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I don't know exactly what it is about this piece of music, but I've just also felt it was perfect for poignant Oli moments. Alexis Ffrench is amazing tbh, he features pretty heavily in a lot of my writing playlists because he's a wonderful composer!
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I know this technically still has "lyrics" but they're not actually real words, Yoko Kanno made them up. What a legend! They're another layer of the melody and the depth they add is so beautiful, even if they are just a made up language! However, I do also have a great piano cover of this song on the playlist, with no words which I like to listen to when writing certain poignant Ren scenes c:
Oli + Ren
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The tentative start of this song and the way it builds up into this winding crescendo is always spinning around my brain when I think about the blorbettes and their own little waltz through the timelines. Also, Amelie is one of my all time fav movies. I always loved the soundtrack so it's a boon to get to share it. Yann Tiersen is one of the best composers of our time!
Please forgive me frens, also, no tags this time due to the aforementioned "I'm a huge goober" c':
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overwatchfics · 2 years
can we get some "character returns from a long mission" headcanons and just get some nice reuniting fluff? I'm honestly down to see anyone with this prompt so write for whoever you want! (if you want/need a specific character(s), maybe the shimadas? but i'm being serious when i say i will read no matter who it is lmao)
Character Returns From long Mission (Kiriko & Widowmaker)
A/N: I'm going to make another one of these with Reinhardt, I'm not remotely attracted to him in anyway, but I swear he gives good hugs. I chose Kiriko and Widow bc they are my fixation rn.
It had been a couple of weeks since Kiriko had left with her group to take out a Hashimoto armory, she had said the mission would only have taken a week. It had been three weeks.
You were just sitting on the couch getting ready to sleep, as you had been sleeping there for the last 2 weeks waiting for her to come home. The bedroom has been left un-touched simply because you could not bear to sleep in there with you.
The doorbell rang throughout your silent apartment, and you swore if it was Genji checking in on you for the 100th time you were going to lose it.
You look through the peephole of the door, but there was no one on the other side.
Maybe a package?
You opened the door and noticed that a box of a dozen doughnuts lay at your feet, a sticky note of a hastily drawn heart on the front.
Turning around, you notice a paper trail of familiar ofudas trailing into the hallway.
Setting the donuts down on the counter, you feel your legs carry you before your mind processes what your body is doing.
Following the paper trail, you open the door and step in, but no one is there.
The bed is littered with rose petals and a couple candles are lit around the room
Warm breath ghosts its way past your ear and a familiar voice is carried upon it.
Hey there miss me?
In seconds, you turn around and throw your arms around no other than Kiriko
You're definitely sobbing and if you're crying, she's crying too.
She becomes your anchor as she holds you tightly to her, one hand rubbing your back and the other carding through your hair
You pull back and start to sputter, but it's hard through the tears
Kiriko pulls you back into her arms Shhhh baby, I'm here now, I'm here. I missed you too, those long nights out were too cold without you by my side
The two of you sway side to side lightly, and the candles continue to illuminate the room
Kiriko pulls her head back a little and silently kisses the tears away and wipes the streaks of them left on your face
She cradles your face gently in her hands and brings you in, lips meeting in a gentle kiss.
The way she kisses you, is delicate, like you were going to break under any pressure.
Her breaths get heavy, and the kisses become more fervent, her arms go to your waist as she leans over you further, dipping you onto the bed.
Your first night back together would be an unforgettable one
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You knew Amelie was going on her longest mission yet, you knew Talon missions also got delayed even further. She's been gone from her chateau for close to three months
Sombra was the only one sneaking you any sort of updates that she was alive, but nothing more. You appreciated the gesture, but it was never truly enough
Now you wait on the railing of the balcony looking out at the moon and the stars as they were your only company that you knew of.
You have an odd feeling of being watched, your gaze flickers to various parts of the chataeu, and you come up with nothing, instead you opt to make some hot to tea before going out on the cold balcony again.
Once finished, you make your way back outside, and sigh wistfully into your mug of tea.
The feeling of being watched still doesn't leave you, but at this point you're led to believe it's paranoia.
That is until you feel hit breath by your ear
Bonjour chéri~
You jump and run to see your lover, the Widowmaker with her visor fully activated, upside down on her grappling hook, a hand over her mouth in a poor effort to stiffle her laugh.
Forgive me, I simply could not resist, allow me to make it better
Amélie turns off her visor and it sheathed back in place revealing her glowing yellow eyes (She has glowing eyes and you can't stop me)
Still upside down, she snakes a hand to the back of your neck and pulls you in for a kiss. You feel the stain if her lipstick against your mouth and it's a welcome feeling.
Amélie pulls away, rotates herself to where her feet touch the ground, and she offers you hand
Come with me I have something to you chéri. Be sure to hold on tight.
You blink at her and she just gestures her eyes towards her hand
You press into her side allowing her to pull you close, she grapples onto the rooftop, and guides you to a flat spot to where she has a spot set up with a blanket, a vase with a singular rose placed in it, a picnic basket, some candles, and a bottle of wine.
A light gasp manages to squeeze its way past your lips, you can tell she's put a lot of work into setting this up.
Then you notice the view of the moon and its ethereal reflection in the waters surrounding the chateau.
Amélie watches as you take it all in and she approaches silently and wraps her arms around you from behind, her chin atop your crown in a gesture of affection.
She feels your body begins to shake, and for moment Amélie begins to worry she messed up, that is until she feels a couple drops hit her arm and sniffles are to be heard. You started to talk about how you've missed her and how the bed has grown cold in her absence.
Amélie is quick to turn you in her arms, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe your tears with and proceeds to pepper your face lightly with kisses. She reassures you, she'll be home for a long while.
She dips you lightly, and let's her mouth lock with yours in passionate kiss thay has you helplessly leaning back into the arm that's supporting you.
Amélie pulls back slightly, pulling you to your feet and placing her hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the romantic set-up
Come on chéri, the wine will not drink itself.
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A/N: <3333 I love My aim reliant girls
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hildabun · 3 months
"You'll get it. You just need to try harder."
"I am trying. I'm trying harder than anyone. Do you know how humiliating it is to struggle with something everyone else can just do?"
"Not everyone," Cleo felt Amelie's grip through the wire as she spoke, and imagined her voice causing further vibrations through it. She really wished that Amelie would just shut up for a moment, but instead Amelie continued, "That's a logical fallacy. Survivorship bias."
"That's not the most encouraging turn of phrase," Cleo tried to retort playfully, but it came out through a mild gasp as she continued to concentrate on the invisible line ahead of her, trying to shut out the reverberation that was threatening to knock her off again.
"You're avoiding the resonance again. The feedback loop is what you want," Amelie said, reading her mind, or at least seeing the ridiculous poses she was twisting herself into.
It most certainly is NOT, all of Cleo's instincts shouted at her. All of her mental energy was being spent on just fighting the urge to drop down, to crouch, to grasp. She chanced another look behind her. Amelie was right there, practically touching her feet. Cleo could have sworn she'd gone meters away from the platform before freezing up again. She was smart enough not to look down to check that she'd actually gotten away from the platform at all. Best case, more humiliation at the realisation that she was petrified at the equivalent of standing on a chair. Worst case, she really was off the platform, and would be looking thoroughly and eternally downward.
Straight ahead. Feel the oscillations.
Cleo took a breath and calmed down just enough to feel her pulse, which betrayed how little that word could be used to describe her state of mind. She imagined that pulse travelling along the wire the same way she'd imagined Amelie's voice. Straight down that line for an infinity or so, before it would hit the other side and bounce back to return to the origin. Deconstructive interference was a thing. If her heart beat at just the right frequency, could the reverberation bounce back just so enough to stop her heart completely? That was the thought that was going through Cleo's head when her heart skipped a beat. When she felt the resonance and rode with it.
"Wow! Hey, I felt - " She fell completely off the wire and briefly glimpsed the endless drop beneath her, before her mind went completely blank and the most primal of instincts kicked in, grabbing helplessly at nothing as if suddenly the open air would sprout branches and vines to break her fall.
Amelie had her up again seemingly before the rope on the harness even had a chance to tighten. "Up" being relative, Cleo remained prone on the platform, catching her breath. When she didn't rise the rest of the way, Amelie eventually sat down next to her.
"You were doing well for a moment there, until you fell to your death." Amelie said in a way that was surely intended to be humorous and reassuring.
"Most people don't need to go through any of this," Cleo moped. "All of this. The harness, the wire, you. It's all an aid because I'm just too useless to do it from the ground."
Amelie looked briefly like she was ready to push her off again, before her face turned to something softer, but firm. "Most people don't try. That's most people. Most people are happy to spend their whole lives doing everything, everything they ever try, from the ground. While you're up here."
Cleo had managed to sit up during that, though her face still stayed buried between her knees. "You didn't ever need to be up here."
"Well I'm here anyway." Amelie's sigh was probably more exasperated than she meant it to sound.
Cleo shifted herself back onto her feet and returned to the wire.
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ihopeucomehomesoon · 2 years
hi leila ! how are things??? i just came by to say that i love love Love your blog! i love what you've done with the place 🤭 when i see you on the dash that amelie pic sparks something in me and then I'm spending hours reading everything you post and rb. i hope you're having a great day btw!!! mwah ☁️🧡
ahhh hi nat !!! i’m good just busy with classes and speaking of classes i’m taking a 2-unit course on flowers ! it reminded me of you and our convo about ipomoeas/morning glories bc it was one of the flowers we happened to learn last week 😄💓
also thank you thank you for all the compliments and kind words 💗💗 i love that u mentioned the amelie pic bc sameee it sparks something in me too LOL like melting with tenderness and the urge to rewatch the film !!
anyway how are things with you ? i hope ur great day too :) <33
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urlocalqueer · 2 years
i dont post about reading on here to much but idc. yall can listen to my bullshit.
may is AAPI month, i'm Asian, so i found an Asian readathon hosted by withcindy on youtube, if you don't know her you're not living. anyways here are my choice for next month
Asian Author: The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall
Book featuring an Asian character who is a woman and/or older: Blood Heir by Amelie Wen Zhao
Book by Asian author with a universe I'd want to live in OR a universe entirely different from mine: Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
A book by an Asian author with a cover worthy of googly eyes: Black Water Sister by Zen Cho
A book by an Asian author that has a high rating or was highly recommended by someone: Shiver by Junji Ito
pretty excited for may so. yeah.
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radiojamming · 7 years
hi!!! i love your writing (you're just too good) and i just read your r76 high school au and i loved it so much that i was wondering if you were willing to share some headcanons about it
awww, thank you! i’m glad you enjoyed it!
oh man, i have a lot of headcanons about it (fortunately i had a list of most of them) soooo B)
if we had to boil things down to movie stereotypes, jack’s pretty nerdy and gabe is jock-ish. that’s about as far as those borders go, since they kind of frequent a lot of different circles. gabe’s the most chill jock kid ever and tends to hang out with just about anyone. jack does the same, and he’s pretty popular, all things considered. 
jack’s not exactly the type to pick science olympiad and scorn football (he and gabe bonded over basketball as kids anyway) but he has been seen frequenting the comic book club with gabe in tow.
the two of them have been friends FOR-FREAKING-EVER. it sort of died down a little bit in high school, but gabe will pick jack first in everything and jack will do the same for him. 
gabe is also friends with sombra, amelie, jesse, and genji. they form what is known henceforth as the U.T.B. collective (Under The Bleachers) which really just amounts to some people who hang out under the football field bleachers (or the press box when someone can snag the keys -- usually sombra lol) and talk about nothing in particular. they’ve tried to come up with better names but it hasn’t really worked, so U.T.B. it is.
one time jesse suggested calling it blackwatch and amelie threw a sandwich at him and told him to go back to playing call of duty.
at this point, no one questions why jack is always seen wearing a hoodie with REYES very prominently printed on the back. if anyone does ask, everyone else rolls their eyes.
if gabe and jack ever do end up dating, it’s a case of them sitting in gabe’s living room someday, sharing an industrial gordon’s food supply-size box of cheez-its, and suddenly they’re holding hands.
“are we dating?” “...maybe?” “huh, okay.”
they just roll with this.
no one is surprised.
sombra actually had a betting pool going since freshman year, so maybe some people are surprised when they’re permanently fifty dollars short.  
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honorpmoved · 7 years
SITS ON UR LAP ok like we havent interacted on my mei at All but im too lazy to log out so lets pretend im on infrad rn. ANYWAY LIKE I LOVE???? UR REINHARDT SO MUCH you're absolutely phenomenal ??? you have a beautiful grasp on his character + real life experiences you can apply to him that really breathe life into him and make him Realistic which is so important. your writing is so so good im so shook...... its descriptive without being excessive & it flows so nicely which is something i [1/4]
admire as someone who has an assload of trouble with writing flow. your graphics always look so so nice & i havent gotten the chance to compliment you on your current theme but i creamed when i looked at it. its aesthetic af while still being legible & easily accessible which is like ??? what else could you Want. the fact that you approached me FIRST way back on my amelie had me shocked because ever since i planted my ass in this fandom ive been like 👀👀👀 @ u. it seriously boosted my confidence with amelie because my first shot at her went pretty badly so bless u honestly wtf ….. and this is all just with your portrayal okay lets talk about how fuckin fun you are to talk to ??? you just came up and started to talk to me which is so refreshing because it feels so awkward when its Formal. you’re so so sweet like wtf i have to fight you every time you try and compliment my booty ass self. i always stop to read any threads or just dumb asks in general because its either gonna be Incredible or hilarious because dude …. my guy …. you’re so funnny …. what the fuck … ur just so welcoming and nice and funny and talented pls if i go on ill hit ask limit so THIS IS WHAT I GOTS FOR U
reblog if you want anonymous opinions of you.  // @frstd​
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im callin the fuckin police on your sweet ass holy shit,,, honestly im speechless and i have the dumbest fuckin smile on my face rn YOU ARE THE SWEETEST MAN LIKE. shit i had followed a lot of widows and ever since ive always been sorta seekin out a good one, cuz that amelie rein dynamic is a guten i want them t be pals in the beginning and when i saw your blog I just remember like. thinking you were super cool and just throwing caution to the wind like w.e im gonna talk to them and they’re gonna hate me or they’re gonna like me i wanted to be your friend so i was like im either doing it or failing and that’s my answer AND LOOK AT US NOW a bunch of fuckin spoons who snort about our muses doin stupid shit it’s the mcfuckin best
man every account you have is always so masterfully done i can’t imagine you having a bad start on amelie ; w; i love your mei, your gerard - you put so much work into all of them, and you write them so beautifully like HONESTLY you’re your own biggest critic cuz i would never see an issue with writing flow in your jam. your characterization for amelie esp ( since im most familiar with her ) is like so?? i see widows put a heavy focus into widowmaker herself, and while i find that important, neglecting her roots can sometimes be a bit detrimental to a character when obviously SO MUCH OF HER LIFE was spent as something else and you have breathed a lot of life into that side, like the 90% of the character that blizzard doesn’t give us. you have her personality and characterization so down pat i fuckin laugh everytime or i make a stupid face in shock when you write some of her reactions cuz im a loser and get so hype for good writing LIKE I’LL JUST :0 !!!!! BRUH WHEN YOU WRITE HER REACTING TO SOMETHING REIN DOES i hope that makes sense just
ily bab
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