#anyway I actually did cry twice while i was sitting there alone in the cinema. it wasnt a sad cry. I was so frustrated I ended up crying
kimmkitsuragi · 1 year
okay a LOT happened today. but at the end of the day I'm in my room STILL thinking about kurak günler (burning days). i absolutely have to rewatch this at least once or twice. i was expecting this film to be very impactful for me but not to this extend. i cant get it out of my head. i cant remember another movie that made me feel so scared but also so relieved. like thank fucking god all these things that are happening are in fact actually happening and yes we should make a big deal out of them. this movie broke me and fixed me simultaneously
#this movie was like ah I know I know... I know how incredibly awful life has been in this country#I know what it feels like to live your whole life thinking you're being chased#I know what it feels like to feel like there's no escape. I know it feels like no one else understands the importance of it all#I know even if they understand they dont care. I know. and I know it's not getting better. this should be a big deal but it's not. I know#anyway I actually did cry twice while i was sitting there alone in the cinema. it wasnt a sad cry. I was so frustrated I ended up crying#the most impactful thing I've watched in SO LONG#son 30 dakikada özellikle koltuğa yapışıp derin nefesler alarak geçirdim. bu nasıl film amk helal olsun#yarın daha düzgün bi yazı yazicam bununla ilgili beynimi terk etmiyor şu an#o kadar katmanlı bi film ki... her karakterin birbiriyle etkileşimi o kadar tanıdık ki...#o baskılar. gerilim. emin olamama. çaresizlik. korku. pişmanlık. umut. kızgınlık. her şey o kadar tanıdık ki#ve bütün bunlar yaşanırken hala kimsenin skinde olmaması. insanların anlamaması. anlayanin da anlamazdan gelmesi.#kaçma isteği. kendin ve o korkunç insanlar arasına bir uçurum koyma isteği. uçurumun yaratıcısının o korkunç insanlar olması.#burdaki çaresizlik. buna engel olamama. olmaya çalışsan da hayatının skilmesi yine engel olamama. of.#çok zor bi filmdi ya çok zor şimdi yine ağlıycam çünkü evet bunlar yaşanıyor bunları yaşıyoruz. ve bi şey yapmamız gerek#ama işte yapınca da yardim etmeye çalıştığımız bu insanlar ile bizim aramıza bir uçurum giriyor. kendi eserleri.#şeytan taşlar gibi bu uçurma sürüklenmek. neyse yeter bu kadar#🗒
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Unicorn - Chapter 22
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The Unicorn:  A Pepperony Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS  //
Buy me a coffee with Ko-fi Word Count:    1336
Pairing:  Tony Stark x F!Reader x Pepper Potts
Warnings:  pregnancy things, slight angst
Synopsis:  The three of you decide if Australia is going to work for you.
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Chapter 22
Tony sat out on the patio of his sprawling mansion located on the southeast coast of Australia.  You and Pepper were down on the beach playing around where the ocean met the pristine white sand of his private beach.  You both wore bikinis and even from where he was he could see how pregnant you both were.  A pod of dolphins was surfing the waves nearby and he could see the two of you following them on their path.  Or maybe they were following you.  It was hard to tell from here.
For miles around, there was nothing except Australian bushland and farms.  He couldn’t even see the homestead of the property manager or the private airstrip from where he sat.  When the three of you had landed here, even Pepper had been blown away at the scale of the properly.  Obviously, the Compound was bigger and had airstrips and surrounding land.  But it was essentially a military base.  This was just a home, and one that he’d only been to twice.  It just stood empty for most of the time, the property manager using the some of the 600 acres of land that had a river running through it and went from the beach to farmland to pristine rainforest, to run cattle.
He could see a life here.  A life where he could raise his children away from the spotlight.  The house already had a pool and a cinema but he could see where to set up a playground for the kids.  Where he could put in stables so they could have a pony.  Where you and he could work in the lab just when you wanted to and not because you had to.  Where you'd all tan because of the amount of time you spent on the beach and you slept really well at night because there was nothing to distract you.
It was a good life. One where he would only use his glasses to keep the sun out of his eyes and not to hide his anxiety behind.
Yet, as he looked at you coming up the path from the beach holding Pepper’s hand and looking so happy and so in love, he knew it wasn't going to work.  Even as much as the three of you had been enjoying it here in the solitude and beauty of the place.  Even with the changes he could make so that you were set up with a lab, it wouldn’t work.
“What are you doing there, old man?”  You teased, coming over and sitting in the deckchair beside him.
“Why haven’t you ever brought me here before, Tony.  It’s amazing. Did you see the dolphins?”  Pepper said taking the deck chair on the other side.
“It’s just so far from everything, and there was always something.”  He said reaching over and taking her hand.
“Yeah, don’t remind me,”  Pepper said kissing the back of his hand.
“I’ve only been here two times before,”  Tony said.  “I just liked knowing it was here if I needed it.  If I couldn’t go on being me the way I was, there was this.  I could escape here and not be that person for a little while.  I could escape that and escape me.”
Pepper smiled sadly at him and leaned over, kissing him gently.  When she pulled away she left a sandy handprint on his leg.  “It is beautiful here.  It’s just …”
“Vast,”  You finished.  “Look how far it goes and there’s nothing.  Just us.”
He nodded and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath of the clean ocean air.  It was easier to breathe here too.  It lacked the pollution of the city, and there was something about the slightly humid salty air that made it easier on his ribs when he drew a full breath.
“I can imagine so much here for us.  Away from the press.  We could put in a playground for the kids.  Learn how to surf.  We should come back regularly.”  Pepper said.
“But we can’t move here,”  Tony said.
“No,”  She said.  “We can’t.”
You frowned and shifted in your seat.
“We can’t do this to you, honey,”  Pepper said.  “You’re only 30.  You love your work.  You’ve done so much for us.  For me.  You helped me find out more about who I am.  What I like.  You made me realize that someone can love more than one person at a time.  You gave us a family.  You weren’t a relationship person. You weren’t the settling down type.  You weren’t planning on children.  Look at all the things you’ve changed about who you are to make our lives better.  It’s not fair to expect you to give up anymore.”
By the time Pepper had finished talking you’d started crying.  Tony reached over and took your hand, linking his fingers with yours.
“I’m sorry.”  You sobbed.  “I’m sorry I’m not who you need in your life right now.  I wish I was ready to retire, I do.  But I’m not.  I really love being an Avenger.  I love doing the work I do.”
“It’s okay.  It’s not just about you anyway.  Maybe if it was, we might try and figure out how it could work.  But really, all our friends… our family, they are all back in the States.  And look at this place?  It’s in the middle of nowhere.  Where do you think the closest school is at all, let alone decent one set up to handle the kids of Tony Stark?”
“Not very close.”   You said.
“Nothing’s very close.  I love it here, but it’s not practical and it’s not fair.”  Pepper said.
“So what are we going to do?” You asked.
“Well, we should come back here more often for starters,”  Pepper said.
Tony tapped his fingers on the back of your hand.  “You know how we made a joke about starting our own school, Elon Musk style?”
“We aren’t doing that, Tony.”  Pepper said sternly.
“No, wait.  Hear me out.”  Tony said.  “Right now, the people at the compound are a little bit of a mixed bag.  We have long-timers like us, who some of us are thinking about kids or even have kids.  And the complete newbies who often end up moving on at the time they might be thinking about starting a family.”  He said.  “The town we’re near is tiny.  It has that one little government funded school and then nothing except the Mount Academy.  Which is great if you’re planning to have your son’s become priests I guess. What if, we did start a school.  Have it service the region.  Nondenominational and private.  It can be private and exclusive, but if you’re employed with the Avengers your kids are guaranteed a spot.  Have scholarships for kids in the surrounding area.  Get the best teachers, the best administrators.  Have it be a school people want to go to.  Then we buy something nearby.  Something on the river with some land.  Esopus has other properties for sale.  Then we build the house we like.  Take in things from each of the ones we’ve loved.”
Neither you or Pepper said anything for a while.  What felt like far too long really.  He started overthinking everything he just said and his leg began to twitch.  “Yeah, you’re right, it’s stupid.  Never mind.”
“No.  No.  It’s actually a really good idea.  It’s more work though.”  Pepper said.
“Would be worth the payout though.  No one loses anything that way.  And it actually provides a lot more for the community in general.”  You said.
“Then let’s do it.  I’ll get people on it.  Start drawing things up and looking for land.”  Tony said excitedly sitting up.  Pepper pulled him back down to lying.
“It can wait.”  She said.
Tony chuckled.  “Alright.  I guess.”
“We just spent 4 months traveling the world to decide we weren’t going anywhere.  You guys do realize that don’t you?”  You teased.
Pepper nodded.  “Sometimes you need to take time missing it before you realize it was your home.”
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prabbling-blog · 7 years
Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway (Bill Skarsgard X Reader)
Requested: Hello!! :) hope you're having a great day! I was wondering if you could make an imagine where you are watching 'IT' for the first time with Bill but you hate clowns. Kept up the good work!
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1665
A/N: Thanks for requesting hopefully this is what you wanted - I know it is a bit different, but I really enjoyed writing this!
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All her life, Y/N saw herself as a coward. She was a coward during the first grade spelling bee, during every exam or test, during her first date, during college tours, during everything. During every somewhat challenging situation her heart would begin to race, her hands would become clammy, and her mouth would become ickily dry. No matter how much she recited ‘this too shall pass’ to herself, the mantra never seemed to stick.
A few years back, Y/N decided to make peace with her cowardice and therefore come to terms that she was just destined to lead a boring, dull life. No airplanes (it could crash!), no public-speaking (what would everyone think of her?!), no walking atop the space needle (heights!). Which was fine. It was fine with her.
This epiphany (as it was just her luck) took place a year before Bill entered her life. A daring and fearless character, hell, the man was a regular Nik Wallenda. While she spent her days alone answering phones in a cubicle, he was out pursing his dream in one of the most difficult industries out there. If she ever asked him about it, she knew he’d laugh. He’d clutch his stomach and laugh aloud and say, “Yes how courageous of me to go to forty auditions a week and get none of them”. She wouldn’t reply, but in her head she would think, that is exactly my point.
Her cowardice was even the root of most of their arguments. Even though the majority of their disagreements dealt with silly things like forgetting to buy Bill’s peach smelling soap or printer ink, some, however, were very much real. Those debates could be so loud it rattled the ceiling above them and quaked the floor beneath them.
When Bill got the role of Pennywise the argument they had was earth shattering.
“I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU’RE TELLING ME NOT TO TAKE THIS! I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS FOR MY ENTIRE CAREER!” Bill yelled, he was blue in the face already from screaming and he had stretched to his full height of 6’4. He was still dressed in his plaid yellow pajama pants and an old t-shirt from Y/N’s cousin’s wedding (‘Laura and Tom Forever’ was hardly visible now that he had worn it and washed it countless times). He reached over Y/N’s shoulder and roughly poured coffee into his mug. The hot coffee splashed all over the floor, burning the tips of Y/N’s toes.
“I’M NOT SAYING THAT YOU SHOULDN’T TAKE IT, BILL!” Y/N countered, ignoring the dull pain in her toes. “I’M SAYING THAT MAYBE YOU SHOULD THINK TWICE ABOUT HOW GREAT THIS IS! HOW OFTEN DO YOU THINK WE’LL SEE EACH OTHER ONCE FILMING STARTS HM? ONCE A WEEK? THAT - IS - NOT - GOOD - ENOUGH!” The thing about Y/N (and most cowards for that matter) was that she could never let an argument go. Once she started she was like a ball rolling down a hill. She couldn’t ever walk away for fear of what might happen if she did; would he walk away too?
“I THINK WE’LL WORK IT OUT! HONESTLY YOU’RE JUST BEING SELFISH AS ALWAYS!” Bill screeched back, but as he used his arms to gesture the rest of the coffee in the mug spilt onto the floor. Y/N jumped and retreated but, if she were to be honest, she wasn’t quite sure if it was because of the coffee or because of the vile in Bill’s words. Selfish as always, he had said. Though they had made up eventually, after cleaning the coffee and apologizing to one another profusely, she couldn’t get those words out of the back of her mind. Like a ghost they followed her, when Bill came home for the first time since filming started, Selfish as always, when she met the cast of the Loser’s Club, Selfish as always, when Y/N went to set to see Bill, Selfish as always. Perhaps it was in the nature of the cowards, to be selfish, always fearing the ultimate thing as they watched their own backs.
So Y/N tried to make peace with that development too.
“Hey honey,” Bill murmured as he leant down to peck Y/N’s buttery lips. She had just gotten off the plane, her pillow still hanging around her neck and headphones spilling from her ears, she lugged a heavy carry on bag. “Let me get that for you,” Bill said, still just as quiet as he attempted to grab the handle of the case but Y/N immediately used her right hand to pull it away from his helpful grasp.
“I got it babe,” Y/N replied, rubbing her boyfriend’s shoulder comfortingly with her free hand. He looked at her, eyebrows furrowed, lips apart for only a moment, before shaking it off and telling her all about his day (“I told you about how I was nervous for that scene but Andy said to just…”). Y/N listened carefully, trying to hang onto every word to ask him about later. As Bill spoke on and on and on, Y/N nodded, laughed, smiled at what she hoped were all appropriate times. She dragged her suitcase along the cold floor of the airport, finally reaching the sliding glass entrance doors which revealed a cloudy scene. There were plenty of places she would’ve rather been then cloudy and rainy Vancouver (take for example sunny California), but Bill had wanted her here to experience the full screening of IT with the rest of the cast and crew. Therefore here she was.
Once they reached Bill’s car, Bill, helpful bugger that he was, took Y/N’s suitcase, opened the car door for her, and buckled her seatbelt. Selfish as al-. She stopped herself from thinking the rest, breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out. She had been concentrating so much so on her breathing that, before she could realize it, she was sitting in front of a big blank movie screen in a small, freezing theater. She could slightly remember going to bed the night before, being pulled by the waist into Bill’s long and strong arms. She could slightly remember getting dressed this morning, being prepped on what she could and could not reveal to the public about the movie (like she’d be able to talk to any sort of media).
As the introduction music played and the screen blinked to life, Bill wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him like he had done last night. He looked at her, smile wider than Y/N had ever seen before and whispered in her ear (as to not to disturb anyone else in the theater), “Are you excited?” Y/N quickly nodded back, smiling just as wide (but not nearly as genuine), before motioning for him to hush.
As the movie rolled on, the happiness from the cast and crew was palpable, which was ironic considering the dark subject of the film. Bill kept on leaning in to whisper things in her ear and nudge her to let her know to pay attention at certain bits. Y/N was so proud of him. It was truly beautiful to know how talented the person one loves is, but as the scenes played on she couldn’t help herself but tear a bit. She was not necessarily afraid of the movie. Pennywise, for all intents and purposes was her boyfriend, she had seen him in and out of costume a number of times. Regardless, by the time Bill was on screen climbing out from a refrigerator, Y/N couldn’t help but silently sob. Wet, full, heavy tears rolled down her cheeks and pooled into her lap. Selfish as always, Y/N remembered as she rubbed her nose with the back of her sweater, creating a pitiful sniffle that alerted Bill to look at her.
“Y/N, ar-are you crying?” Bill asked, reaching up to touch her cheek with pads of his fingertips. She looked away from him, causing his arm to fall from her face. “Y/N?” He repeated, and she could feel his looming figure ghost over her shoulder. She took a shaky breath in, letting it rattle her rib cage, before grabbing her coat and leaving the small cinema entirely. She pushed her way out of the double doors, and covered her face with her hands, as tears after tears pour from her ducts.
“Y/N! Y/N WHAT THE HELL!” She could hear her boyfriend shout from in the theater, but she ignored it. She simply leant against the wall and sank. Sank to the floor.
“Y/N WHAT - WHAT - oh.” He stopped as he saw her state. Sunken. “What happened? What - is- is it movie?” He didn’t crouch on his knees to comfort her like she had expected him to, rather he just stood aloof.
She wiped tears from her soft cheek and laughed sardonically. “No n-.”
“Then what is it? Why are you -?” Bill asked, Y/N could sense the strain and panic rising in his voice. He waited for a few moments shuffling back and forth on his heels awkwardly as he awaited a response.
“BECAUSE!” She finally yelled, cutting the tension, causing more wet hot drops to squeeze out. “I’m TRYING NOT to be ‘selfish as always’ and I’m TRYING to brave, because I can see how much you love this but - but..” She trailed off, to have the things she have been thinking about over the course of the last year finally vocalize was a relief but she couldn’t help but to stop once she saw Bill crestfallen.
“But what?” Bill whimpered so quietly Y/N wasn’t sure she had actually heard it.
“But I can’t.” She said, pushing herself off the wall and standing up. Tears still streamed down her face and she could tell that her eyes were red and puffy, but she got up anyhow and left.
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kawai-kettu · 6 years
We need to talk about TDC
Randomely as per two viewings (spoilers! duh!) :
About the movie in general
- if someone has been analyzing this movie frame by frame and has been giving sense to every shot, feel free to tell me! I’d love to read this kind of analysis!! I’ve tried to, but I failed, I’m sooo bad at this ç___ç But I’m sure there’s a lot to say. A French critic, Durendal, pointed out, for exemple, the way the scenery shows Newt’s changing, when he’s sitting alone on a roof, with two buildings shaped very differently, separated by a void, and Newt being on the edge of one. It’s clever and subtle and I’m sad not to be able to pick up on this on my own.
- I reaaaally tried to analyse the way Wes Ball uses music and sound effects as a character, and I did started to notice how music gives way to important sound effects. For example at the very beginning, with this heartbeat like rhythm, symbolizing the way this whole operation has been very precisely timed, and it’s a matter of seconds separating success from failure. I also adore the whole music during Brenda’s running and aftermath of Newt’s death, with absolutely no dialogues, the music and acting being enough to convey what the characters are feeling. I also loved how there’s so few dialogues at the end, which fits how broken one would feel in Thomas place. From my experience, in this kind of moments, there’s nothing to say, really.
- I'm a fan of Star Wars, so I'm used to baddies aiming like stormtroopers (i.e. very badly) but still, I would have wanted some of them to shoot some of the good guys and succeed, iwounding them or killing them.
- I don’t like either when writers are clumsily messing with the viewer. Like…. don’t make it sound like Jorge is fleeing when you’ve made it clear that he wouldn’t go anywhere without Brenda. It makes his “magical” return look like a Deus Ex ; furthermore, it would have been far more emotionnaly touching, for me, to see Brenda doubt and fear when he doesn’t show up straight away, and then to see him come rescue them just in time, looking tense then madly overjoyed at having reached them on time… (and it would have made being too late for Newt even more cruel.)
- On the opposite, I love clever writing. For example regarding Newt. You see two different meetings during TDC. In the first one, Newt stays silent, grave and composed, he observes and evaluates, doubting but calculating their chances, almost refusing to hastily voice his opinion. In the second one, we have him suddenly exploding, letting his jealousy take the best of him and impulsively provoking Thomas, even yelling ; everyone's reaction makes it clear this is OOC for him and very very strange. But we're not told that. We're shown that. And it's awesome.
- so I read about the filming of the first scene in between my two viewings, and I must say 1° I still haven't identified the moment in which Dylan got hurt (which they kept, apparently??)  2° it's really well done, I only picked up on details betraying that this was special effects after having read how it had been shot, really.
- I loved the way they used the color of the light to symbolise both sides. Each time we're shown the Gladers, either it's daylight or the characters are surrounded in yellow-gold-orange light, warm tones that often comes from natural sources like fire or candles. Each time we're in WCKD's side, either we're in darkness or the light is blue and cold, coming from artificial sources, neons or other modern technologies. The scenes in Ava's office are amazing, in this respect. In one, you've got Teresa standing in this dark room, staring at the outside sky, her skin warmed by the rich colors of sunset, and it seemed to symbolize her missing Thomas and the Gladers as a whole. In another, you have Ava, defeated, looking at this city full of blue light, drinking alone with none of her previous stiff and composed attitude, like she's contemplating the things she struggled for and knows she's about to lose. For another example, see the beginning, during the Right Arm meeting, interrupted by WCKD's bergs and Jorge turning off lights to hide the camp in darkness, showing how close WCKD is getting.... But also, when Thomas is taking his leave, Newt and Fry appearing successively, each revealed by a light being turned on. But seriously, this use of light and colors is consistent throughout the movie so there are many examples of that.
- at the very end, there's a shift, slightly, as the Last City Falls. The blue lights are turned off, destroyed, while the warm, orange tones overpower them, explode, winning but also litteraly getting out of control, destroying the world. At this point, with Lawrence bathed in red light, I wondered if red was also the color of the Flare, in this symbolic reading of the lights/colors (….after all, Newt had been sporting orange then red in his outfits, right?).
- After this, the scene with Janson having captured Thomas seemed to be in a whiter light : something different, still cold and unatural, but devoid of the ideals that WCKD had symbolised, but also carrying the idea of a rebirth, too, of a new order that Janson depicts aloud, and the white light in this respect seems fitting, like there's a whole new page about to be written. But then, it goes to hell annd they end up in the laboratory, where we still find the blue-darkness VS red lights, which seemed to me like the symbol of the last of WCKD's dream standing, symbolizing, I think, Teresa still fighting for what she thinks is good.  …....I need to rewatch it on DVD to make sure this theory is correct XD
- I liked that they didn't sexualize the girls (or the boys). Everyone looks roughed up, not necessarily at their advantage. If I'm not mistaken, Brenda doesn't have a bra, for example (…..she doesn't, right?). It looked like it, anyway, and it would make sense, given the circumstances and all, but still, so many franchises sexualize the female characters, like.... armors with boobs, for example. It was refreshing to see them dressed so functionnal and normal. Actually, only Ava and Teresa looked like they were wearing bras and make up, as well as nice clothes, which also made sense.  (…....not that I.... …....give thoughts to this during movies. Right. *coughs, looking away* )
- first time I saw it, I was in a big cinema room, in the middle of the afternoon, and the room was awesome, very qualitative. The audience was very quiet given that the room was ¼ full, and I loved it, because I focused on the emotion far more easily when I'm not in a crowded cinema. The second time I watched it, I was in a smaller room, 150 seats, 60% full, with mainly fans being gathered, I think. And.... okay the audience responded far more audibly this time, and after some time, I decided to write down the crowd's loudest reactions, which were to the following scenes : Newt going at Thomas in jealousy (okay, I was with fangirls XD), Gally interrogating Teresa, the elevator scene with Janson, giving Janson the finger v.2, Minho's disbelief at Gally being alive, the bus fall, “Nobody's perfect” …. …..and people crying-chucklingbecausetheyrecrying at the end.
- I love the gorgeous scenery we always get in Maze Runner. Even if I'll always prefer the Glade, I loved the deserted harbour, the plains, as well as the abandonned check point and the suburbs of the Last City. At first, I felt like the Last City was too ordinary, too close to our current reality... …..but it actually not only makes sense (okay, it's in the future, but they've spent their resources on something other than architectural trends), but this city  also works great in its opposition to the Right Arm's and Rebels' worlds.
- I loved the design of Ava's office, and especially the design of the Maze on the wall, like.... it was their core experiment, and having it on the whole is a reminder of how much they've worked, but also of how terrible they've acted. It’s like no matter how much the audience will sympathize with Ava, we’re silently told “don’t forget this is the woman who built this Maze and put all this kids to die there”…...plus, depending on the light, it looks very differently, and in a way, it can symbolize how you can see WCKD's actions very differently depending on your values and points of view
- I absolutely loved the little throwbacks to the first movies. It's done very cleverly, not explained but clear enough if you've seen the movies and loved them. I love that in a movie, that we're not babysat, like we currently are in Marvel or Star Wars movies. We have brains, thank you very much, and Maze Runner, thankfully, seems to remember that. Anyway, so.... in no particular order, I loved “Hey Greenie” (*melts*), “We're a long way from the Glade” (*sobs*), “I've known you longer than you can remember” (which made me snicker but was crual and a subtle jab trying to push Thomas into making a mistake, it was brilliant from Janson), “You should have run” (aha XD)... But it's also done in more subtle ways. For the third time, Thomas sees a maternal figure getting shot (Ava twice, Mary once..... made me wonder if we were supposed to see his real mother getting shot in the first movie). For the third time, he wakes up to Teresa being next to him while he was passed out. And for the third time, Thomas and Newt share a moment by a fire, with Newt reassuring Thomas (*gross sobbing*).
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Kuromahi 4 or 10 or both u know only if u want to
No worries, hun! I’ll answer each one xD
1. The umbrella, when it rains - Mahiru. Kuro complains it’s too much work. They’re going to get wet anyway, why bother?2. The popcorn at the cinema - Mahiru, because he would like to have some during the actual movie. “What do you mean there’s no more popcorn left?” “We’re out.” “That was the biggest size they had!” “… we’re still out.”3. The baby, when it cries - I think the baby would find Kuro’s laidback, but instinctively protective nature a comfort, to be honest? Cue Mahiru, after hearing their child start to cry, “Go see what’s wrong. I’ll be there soon.” So, er, for this one … tag-teaming? The both of them working together for the sake of their little one is A+ in my book.4. The ice cream cone, when they share - Mahiru, who regrets getting a cone in the first place. His hands a mess, he doesn’t expect Kuro to take him by the wrist and clean him up. Idk, man, Kuro doesn’t seem to have any qualms about invading personal space.5. The remote, when they sit down to watch a movie - Kuro. He probably dives for it as soon as they get home. In cat form, too, so Mahiru can’t retaliate. 6. The basket, when they go shopping - Mahiru. I mean, come on. In that official art, he’s pushing Kuro around in a cart. He definitely would be the one in charge of that operation. While everyone else tries to sneak in snacks left and right (especially Kuro, the #1 offender, who also happens to get away with it a lot more. How odd. ;D)7. The door, on dates - Mahiru. He doesn’t have all day to wait for Kuro to do that, now does he. 8. The other’s hand, most often - Kuro being proactive about something like this, something simple (lol), I can see happening. He doesn’t seem to think twice about draping himself over Mahiru, let alone give a damn about boundaries in the realm of touching, so yeah. Kuro reaching for Mahiru’s hand when they’re sitting together. When they’re half asleep with their futons pressed up beside one another. When it’s cold outside and one of them forgets their gloves, dragging the other’s hand into the folds of their coat pocket. Give me all the cute hand holding. All of it. 9. Their breath, upon seeing the other on their wedding day - Kuro. Mahiru’s sunshine smile is kinda blinding, okay?? Who wouldn’t get caught up in that infectious smile on a day already full of excitement?10. The camera, when they take pictures together - Mahiru. Again, Kuro doesn’t see the point in holding it. “I see you every day. What do you mean you want to remember this forever? I couldn’t forget you, even if I tried.” … whoops, did some pain slip into that one. I was trying so hard to keep these light-hearted. ;;
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