#anyway I’m gonna get a snack and just chill for a bit I think
communistkenobi · 2 years
having one of those stressful days where you sit around doing nothing bc you just have to wait for various appointments and phone calls and I can’t go outside because it’s 40 degrees with the humidity and I missed my t shot this week bc I don’t have needles yet bc my insurance hasn’t transferred over so I hadp to order them online. I’m going to eat chocolate
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saetoru · 1 year
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you love that sae gets to play soccer, that he’s happy doing what he does best—that much is true. what you don’t love, however, is when he leaves to play soccer. you watch with sulky pouts and sullen expressions every time as he packs his bags for a game away, huffing as he takes that hoodie you like instead of leaving it for you.
i like that one, you’ll always say bitterly. it’s a different hoodie every time, and you know he knows you say that just to be whiny—but he never says as much, and a small part of you appreciates it.
you like all of them, he always says blankly, and then you sit and mourn that one hoodie you can’t have from him—even as he leaves you the rest of them at your disposal.
this time is no different. sae leaves the first day of winter, the frigid air kissing your skin as you shiver at the front door, standing with a pout on your face as he turns to you.
“see you in three weeks,” he says, an arm looping around you to give you a brief hug. you sniffle—and you feel silly, you feel like you must seem pathetic every time. it’s three weeks not three decades.
but the bed is colder without sae to keep you warm in the harshness of winter nights, and breakfast is lonely without someone to listen to you babble away, and tv is boring when you can’t share snacks and make fun of the poor choices of blandly written main characters.
you’re silly and a bit childish to cry like this every time—but you can’t help it. you’re happy that sae gets to play soccer, you just can’t ever get used when he’s away.
“i’ll miss you,” you croak, “don’t forget about me, okay? i’ll die.”
“so dramatic,” he rolls his eyes, but his voice is soft and his hand rubs those soothing circles into the small of your back, and you think maybe you’re not so annoying if he treats you so softly, so gentle and sweet even if it’s a bit stiff and blunt like him.
it’s cold—it’s dry and the wind is harsh and sae should really get going if he wants to make it to the airport on time, but you’re sniffling into his shoulder. perhaps there are more pressing things to worry about for now.
“are you gonna miss me too?” you ask, poking his shoulder a few times, “you will right? you’ll be so lonely without me right? so super sad?”
“you’re too much,” he grunts, but his grip tightens around you anyway—as if to say, yes. as if to say i’ll miss you every day, and i’ll keep missing you even when i’m back. “it’s three weeks,” he says flatly, “you’ll live.”
“what if i die? would you come back for my funeral even if you’d miss your game? you would right? don’t let them pick a bad picture of me.”
“i’ll pick the ugliest one i can find,” he grumbles, making you slap his shoulder with a gasp.
“i hope you get stuck sitting next to a crying baby on your flight,” you sulk.
“i’m stuck with a crying baby at home too,” he mutters, “what’s the difference?” you can almost feel him smile even if you can’t see it.
sae doesn’t smile too often—that’s what everyone else will say, anyway. you tell them differently though, that he smiles often, that he’s pretty and soft and innocent under the dim lights of your living room or the gentle rays of sun under the morning sheets. and it’s always small, the way his lips stretch—it’s barely noticeable and all too brief. but his muscles move before his brain thinks, and just a quick glance at you is enough to make his eyes soften and his mouth twitch.
itoshi sae leaves you alone at home on the first day of winter, and he realizes he falls in love with you a little more every season. he loves you through the gentle breeze of summer and the vibrant petals of spring, he sees pieces of you in the warm hues of autumn everywhere he goes—and when winter comes and the harsh chill settles under his bones, he realizes it’s your body he wants against his to ease the ache of the brittle cold.
“you’re rude.”
“i gotta go,” is all he says. “i’ll see you in three weeks?”
and he always does that—always asks if he’ll see you like he has to make sure you’ll be here, waiting with warm arms and a soft smile and those kind eyes of yours that he doesn’t deserve but can’t possibly forget.
“yeah,” you mumble softly, “yeah. see you in three weeks sae. be safe,” you mumble against his shoulder.
this is the hard part.
if you had to pick, the hardest part is where you let go—the part where your body screams for the heated press of his as it pulls away. it’s always easier for sae than it is for you, always simpler for him to reason it’s only three weeks and walk away. because he’ll come back—he always does, and you don’t think he’ll ever stop. but it’s the hardest part anyway, and you hate it. and you wish, selfishly deep down, that it’d be just a bit hard for him too.
“i’ll see you in three weeks,” he repeats again, as if to reassure you.
but this time, he still doesn’t let go. he doesn’t make a move to leave like usual. then it hits you all at once—you realize maybe it’s not just you he says it for, that maybe sae, under his blank stare and blunt words, doesn’t think it’s any easier than you do when he walks away.
so you nod slowly, “three weeks. shouldn’t be too bad,” you whisper.
“no,” he says quietly, “you’ll live.”
and then his arms squeeze you tighter, and his breath exhales slowly, and he presses a kiss to your forehead that can’t be anything other than stalling—and suddenly, you realize maybe it’s never been as easy for sae as you think it has.
“i’ll live,” you agree softly, “i’ll have to since i can’t let someone get away with picking an ugly picture for my funeral.”
he chuckles at that—it’s a sound he doesn’t really make that often, but somehow, it’s one that bleeds into every moment with you. so you turn your head and kiss his hair, squeeze around his waist and keep him warm outside your door as the cold wind of winter grazes your skin. 
“don’t die,” he says, “i’ll be back.”
“i won’t,” you giggle, “bye, baby. i love you. see you in three weeks.”
“yeah,” he hums. and finally, he pulls away. your body’s gone and so is your warmth, but sae’s not cold—doesn’t think he can be when his heart burns like that in his chest. “love you too,” he mumbles, flicking your forehead before he turns around and walks out the door, “and don’t forget to watch me win.”
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idk i just think sae w a dramatic lover is a dynamic we need — aka me projecting LMAO.
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broadwaybaby123 · 9 months
Sickness - Kit Connor x gn!reader
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Kit Connor x gnreader
Warnings: Vomiting, use of F word, pet names, mention of having long hair
Other: Gender Neutral
I don’t own these photos!
A/n: Hi! So uh, this is my first imagine so if it’s terrible please tell me. If Kit Connor ever expresses that he isn’t comfortable with fanfictions then I will take this down immediately. Feedback is always appreciated, and requests are open. Thanks guys! Love you all xx ❤️ Also, credits to Bellamysdadhumor on Wattpad for writing an imagine called ‘Sick’ in her ‘Kit Connor Imagines’ book. I kind of based this off that.
My eyes jolt open. I look over at my clock and see that it’s 1:17am. My stomach hurts. I feel terrible. I roll over to try calm the feeling but nothing happens. The feeling rises to my throat. Fuck it, I’m going to the bathroom. I rush to the bathroom and open the door, turning the light on. I lift up the seat to the toilet and start to gag. I hate the feeling of vomiting it’s gross and painful. Tears roll down my cheeks as I start to throw up in the toilet.
‘Darling?’ I groan to myself, remembering I didn’t lock the door and my boyfriend, Kit, is going to see me like this. I gag and throw up. Again. I hear the door open ‘Oh baby-’ Kit rushes of to me, carefully lifting my hair back, out of my face. I start to cry more, I feel so guilty for waking him up this early and making him see me like this.
‘Sweetheart, it’s ok. I’m here, it’s ok. You’re just a bit sick. The feeling will pass.’ He starts to rub circles into my back with his hand. The sensation makes me feel better immediately. After a while of not throwing up, Kit stands and puts toothpaste on my electric toothbrush for me, helping me up and giving it to me. I brush and brush, then when the timer goes of, I spit into the sink.
‘Are you feeling better?’ Kit asks me. ‘I’m so, so, sorry’ I say looking down and fiddling with my hands. ‘Baby, why? You did nothing wrong!’ ‘I woke you up thou-’ ‘No. It’s not your fault. Everyone get’s sick sometimes and I would be devastated if I couldn’t help!’ I look down and whisper ‘Sorry’
Kit chuckles and picks me up bridal style, walking me into the bedroom and setting me down on the bed ‘Don’t say that love.’ he says and kisses me on the forehead frowning at how hot it is. ‘Now, I’ll be back in a minute’ ‘Kit!’ I say dragging out the i. ‘You don’t need to baby me! And anyway I’m not sick!’ I try to argue ‘Love you are! Your forehead is burning! Now like I said, I’ll be back in a minute.’ He says putting the fan on before leaving the room.
I lean my head back on the pillows and sigh. How am I sick? I was fine 4 hours ago! And anyway, if I’m sick, then how is Kit not sick. We’ve been hanging out and chilling all day! Suddenly I hear the door open and see some strawberry blonde hair peeking up behind a stack of food and books and dvd’s in his arms. ‘Oh my god Kit! I don’t need all of this!’ ‘You deserve the world.’ he replies and sits everything on the bedside table. I giggle and say ‘Thank you.’ quietly.
He slips into the bed next to me and says, ‘Now, I don’t think you will be able to sleep for a while so we are gonna watch a movie and eat a bunch of snacks’ I roll my eyes and say, ‘Ok your majesty’ he opens is mouth and dramatically gasps. I brush that off and pick up the remote to the tv, passing it to Kit. ‘I don’t really care what we watch. You can pick.’ he just looks at me and says ‘You sure?’ ‘Yeh.’ I reply. ‘Ok then’
He ends up putting on ‘Mean Girls’ because he knows I love it. I look at him and smile. He says, ‘You still love this movie don’t you?’ My mouth opens wide and I say ‘Duh! It’s my favourite! Apart from Heartstopper because your in it but that doesn’t really count as a movie does it?’ He chuckles and goes a little red.
We start watching and I end up falling asleep with my arms wrapped around him and my head on his shoulder. He notices and shuffles so I am laying on top of him with my head on his chest and my arms still around his torso. He wraps his arms around my waist and whispers, ‘Goodnight y/n, I love you.’
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minniesmelody · 2 years
Matching Plaid
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: Gareth Emerson x Fem! Reader
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: surprising Gareth with a red plaid skirt to match his sleeveless vest
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: established relationship, this is pure fluff, hints of sex, this is also extremely short so this is more of a quick imagine than a long one-shot
𝗣𝗼𝘃: first Person- Y/n
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‘You’re fine Y/n, Gareth is gonna love it…right?’ I thought to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror of the girls school bathroom.
I had gotten a red plaid skirt that perfectly matched Gareth’s iconic red vest, basically his signature look. Mentally Praying he is gonna go nuts over it since I had spent my last 25 bucks on this damn skirt.
I haven’t seen him all day, us having different class schedules.
After a few deep breaths I had exited the bathroom and made my way to the cafeteria where lunch was taking place. I usually skipped lunch, the school lunch grossing me out a bit after I found multiple hairs and even a cockroach in my food once. Usually bringing my own snack or stealing some of whatever Gareth or Eddie had.
I quickly spotted the curly headed boy, sitting in our usual spots at the table we basically claimed for us, freaks.
“Not sure, Cunningham wants to do a drug deal in the woods after last period”
I slowly slid in between Gareth and Eddie and took a seat.
“As in Chrissy Cunningham? No way man, I me- oh hey sunshine, but I mean she is like…. goodie two shoes, someone like her wanting we-“ Gareth stopped when his eyes traveled down to my thighs and his lips parting.
He didn’t move or say anything, even when Mike and Dustin came over with their trays and sat down across from us.
“You alright there, Emerson?” Eddie asked before placing a pretzel in his mouth.
He slowly looked up at me.
“Are you wearing a red plaid skirt right now to match with me or have I finally lost it and I’m not seeing things correctly”
I giggled a little at his comment “no Gare, you are seeing correctly”
“Dude it’s just a skirt, chill” Jeff said from beside him.
He quickly whipped his head his direction. “Just a skirt?! J-Jeff look at it, it matches mine, I mean- that isn’t making you’re head spin right now? Guys?” Gareth said asking everyone else at the table.
They all shook their heads ‘no’
“Nah man” Mike said
“I think that’s only happening to you cause that’s you’re girlfriend so-“ Jeff said, taking a skip of his coke afterwards.
“Do you not like it?” I asked, already knowing he did but just something to tease him with a little.
“Like it? Not even love it, more like obsessed than anythi-“
“Okay okay please we get it, she decided to match with her boyfriend, how cute, but please cut it before y’all decide you wanna create a daycare in the middle of the cafeteria” Eddie said “please and thank you, anyways who is ready for the cult of vecna tonight?”
“Right about that, so Lucas has his-“
Quickly zoning out of whatever was being said as Gareth placed a hand on my thigh and shot a wink at me.
Well worth of last bit of money I still had left in allowance, very well worth it.
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𝘼/𝙣 : pls this was so rushed but like I said, I’m trying to push as much fic’s and content as I can, It had popped up in my head and I quickly turned it into a short imagine, hope you enjoyed this really short and shitty…whatever this is- 🐭🎀 x
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20doozers · 3 months
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★Home again★
TW: fluff, surprises, being really lonely, small age gap, gn!reader but can be read as masc or fem, basically just really sweet fluff for you guys, nicknames like “baby” and “sweetheart” etc
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You were in Highschool and Georg was in college, there was a two year age gap but you two had been friends for forever and dating for almost three years at this point
Well recently georg had been away at college across the country so you could barely ever see him, only during FaceTimes or when you two would text eachother. You missed him a lot, he was your whole life, and with everyone of your friends and classmates getting dates to homecoming you just felt lonely all over again,
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You were at home one night just chilling and watching a movie in the living room, your parents were out at a fancy dinner so you were just home alone. You really missed georg, curled up on the couch with a hoodie you could barely smell him on from how often you wore it.
Eventually you heard the doorbell ring, thinking it was just a Jehovah’s Witness or the neighborhood kids playing ding-dong-ditch like they usually did you just ignored it, but then you heard the doorbell again and again. You finally got up to answer it with an annoyed groan, just wanting to relax after all of the chaos at school.
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Yet when you opened the door you found a tired looking Georg with a bouquet of flowers and a bag of what you assumed was just snacks and stuff. You froze, unsure of what to say, you didn’t even care about the flowers or snacks, you just cared about georg. You basically tackled him into a hug, making him stumble a bit and drop the flowers before he scooped you up in a hug.
“Hey.. shhh… it’s okay to cry..” He murmured into your hair, pressing multiple kisses to your head as you buried your face in the crook of his neck and cried from how much you had missed him.
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When you two finally broke from the hug he saw the tears streaming down your face and he quickly cupped your face in his hands, wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
“Shh.. it’s okay.. I’m here now.. I’m here sweetheart..” He gently kissed your forehead, letting go of you to lead you over to the couch and pull you into his lap. You curled up against his chest with small sniffles and hiccups as he held you close.
“I- I missed you..” You hiccuped into his chest, tears still streaming down your face.
“I know you did.. but I’m here now, okay? I’m not leaving again for a long time..” He said softly, pulling you into a gentle kiss to calm you down.
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Once you calmed down Georg pampered you for the rest of the night, a warm bubble bath, clean pajamas, snacks and candy galore, a movie, and most importantly, cuddles. You had curled up in his lap, his arms around you as the two of you cuddled. He was gently rubbing your back, your head burrowed in the crook of his neck and your hands gripping at his hoodie like he’d disappear if you let go.
“Schatz.. just relax.. I’m not gonna disappear.” He reassured as he combed his fingers through your hair which was still damp from the bath.
“I’m sorry.. I just really missed you..” You murmured into the crook of his neck, your grip on him loosening yet still clinging to him like a lifeline.
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“Goodnight baby..” Georg whispered quietly as he kissed the top of your head, your asleep self still cradled against his warm yet oh so familiar body.
“Sweet dreams..” Georg murmured before turning off the bedside lamp, the darkness overtaking the room as he drifted to sleep as well, the two of you sleeping in each others arms, no longer lonely.
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YAY! I finally finished this one, it’s been in my drafts for days since I didn’t really know how to write the ending but I’m pretty happy with it. I’ve been writing more m!reader and gn!reader recently since I’m really bad at writing fem reader. Also excuse any mistakes or bad grammar I’m really tired and a bit burnt out but I’m trying my best. Anyway, love you guys💕
Tags: @jkloserdazai @itsmealaiah @goreishgorinthgoreofshits @madzandmore
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pervertedreams · 1 year
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when eddie is high he’s a bit more clingy than usual, but for the most part he’s the same same just MUCH calmer. as i’ve said he’s more upfront and flirtatious when high, he’s like that anyways he’s just more nonchalant about it in this state. he definitely think clearer when he’s buzzed, a bit more confident and brave than what he typically is. he doesn’t move much or speak much when he’s high, he’s honestly just chilling.. hard.
he definitely it taking a trip to the supermarket before he goes too, knowing all too well how he turns into a monster when he’s got the munchies. and you’re literally looking at the cart full of snacks in shock every time, cause how is he digesting this much at once and no weight gain? and he’s spread out, slump into the couch. one of his long legs draped over the two of yours, arm spread in either side of him as you lazily feed him whatever snack he’s bought. he does get a little frisky when high but for the most part he just wants to relax and eat. sometimes he gets a random energy boost but that’s just the adhd kicking in lmao.
steve on the other hand is kind of a mess when high. when it first kicks in he just has a load of questions, which no one wants to answer. “who even thought of just randomly smoking a leaf? that’s crazy no?” and he’s really looking at you in hopes you’ll reply, but you just shrug your shoulders and that’s enough for him to move on. i believe he’s a little hornball when high, but also super sleepy if that makes sense? like he just wants to fuck then rest literally. he’s nuzzled between your legs, face down on your stomach as he peppers kisses all over it. he’s reaching up to kiss you on your lips, his kiss sloppy and slow. and he’s whining into your skin because he’s so needy, hips lightly humping into the mattress beneath him.. yeah.
argyle is obviously always high, he’s never caught sober EVER. he’s honestly chill too when high, he goes with the flow of everyone else. if steve’s asking 20 questions, he’s gonna answer the best way he can. if eddie is munching down on some shitty nachos, so is he. he also has his moments too, where all he want to do is eat you out. i’m a firm believer they all love eating pussy, but argyle will do it until his jaw is sore. i think he worse than eddie to be honest. his movements are slow, but still sort of calculated, his eyes are rolling in the back of his head before closing them shut peacefully. his hair is tied up in a low bun so it’s easier to grab and push him around the way you want. the smell, the taste, of course he’s pussy drunk esp in this state. mhm
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gaybananabread · 3 months
Ooh Lego Monkie Kid? Don't mind if I do!
Do you have any headcanons for the Stonefruit Trio (MK, Wukong, and Macaque)?
⁠☆⁠—⁠⁠LMK Stonefruit Trio Tkl Headcanons—⁠☆
~Sorry this took me so long to get to! School is finding new ways to kick my ass every day istg- ANYway, it felt good to write for these goobers again! Thank you for requesting!~
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Sunshine boy is definitely a big fan of tickles. Laughing at just a few touches, bonding with his friends, watching them let their walls down for the sake of silly happiness? Yeah, count him in.
He likes both sides, though being tickled does have a special place in his heart. He’s a lee-leaning switch, but not by a whole lot.
He can only say the t-word on special occasions (extreme confidence, other lers/lees in it with him, drunken boldness). 98.71% of the time, he’ll go beet red at the attempt.
When he gets lee moods, everyone around him will know. He can sometimes just ask for help if it’s someone who’s used to his silliness, like Red Son or Mei, but other than that, it’s tacit signals.
He’ll run a hand through his hair a lot (exposing his side in the process), get way more fidgety than normal, speak in a higher pitch, and very nonchalantly stare at his friends’ hands. Not that hard to get the message.
Kicks, flails and squirms when tickled. He really tries not to, but his nerves pretty much go nuts. It’s best to pin him or get him from behind if you don’t want an accidental bloody nose.
Worst spots are his navel and lower back. He absolutely loses it whenever anyone so much as pokes there.
Melt spots are his palms and shoulders. Tickly massages and palm kisses leave him a puddle of giggles.
Really bright and bubbly laughter when you get him going. When it’s light, lots of little squeaks and half-hearted “no!”s
Sickly sweet while also a teasing mother-trucker. If you think that’s confusing, imagine how the lee feels-
The sunshine boy definitely has a fiery side, so watch out
“You’re ticklish here too? Seriously, this is adorable. You’re adorable.”
“Holding it in, huh? I think it’d feel a bit nicer if you let out that laughter. Don’t you?
“So many good spots, so little time… Guess I gotta get to work!”
“Your blush is so pretty! I think I’m gonna paint my nails that color…”
He’s incredibly considerate of boundaries, even if you’re obviously okay with it.
Checks in wherever you seem to be laughing a bit too hard, though you’ve only just got done giggling. It’s smart to set up a safeword so he actually does know when to keep going.
Confident lees will love him. He’s easy to fluster if you can say the t-word enough times, and he nearly dies if someone confidently asks him to tickle them.
An aftercare master. He makes whatever your favorite drink is, gets snacks, makes a cuddle nest and just hangs out with you. If you’re not big on touch, he’s fine to just watch some YouTube videos and chill out.
🍑Sun Wukong☀️
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We can all agree that he’s a straight-up switch. Loves wrecking people, adores being reduced to a giggly puddle of mush.
However, he refuses to admit any of that
He likes the feeling of being vulnerable around his friends, but the thought of saying that is terrifying for him (again, good luck getting him to say that. The great Monkey King allegedly has no fear)
He’s giggling like crazy before you even touch him.
If you even give a small hint of what you’re gonna do, get ready for him to run.
When you do catch him (he will eventually let you), he curls up like a pill bug and rides it out. If you mention his tail wagging, he’ll let out a string of adorably squeaky profanities.
His actual laugh is a lot less obnoxious than his “Monkey King” one. It’s bright and bubbly, full of squeaks and the occasional snort.
His worst spots are his ribs and his lower back, specifically the base of his tail. Good luck keeping him still if you go there.
Melt spots are his ears and hips. His hips are a bit of an obscure spot, but he will dissolve if you trace them.
Once you’re done wrecking him, he becomes a cuddly, sleepy little mess. Be ready to stay with him for at least an hour afterwards.
He’s such a chaos goblin I swear-
Loves the “Tickle Monster” trope. He can and will use his power to make clones of himself and/or shift his appearance for optimum tickle-ability
If he’s the one doing the tickling, he can say the t-word. This is a power he always abuses.
“The Tickle Monster’s gonna getcha, kid! Better run~”
“Oh sorry, couldn’t hear you through all that laughter. Did you say ‘keep going’? Perfect!”
“You know, I could stop, but where’s the fun in that? I think you can agree, can’t ya?”
“Your laugh is so fun! I could listen to it for centuries… But I think I can settle for five more minutes.”
It takes him a bit, but he does try to check in and see when you need a break. It’d be a nice idea to set a safeword or a clear tap-out beforehand, just in case.
He’s actually really good with aftercare. He makes the best lemonade tea, and he’ll attempt to make a good snack. Just watch out for any of his “inventive” cooking/baking methods.
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He acts like he hates it. If you don't know him all that well, he'll seem genuinely done with it.
If you do know him, however, he has tells. The way his tail twitches when the t-word is said, the way just a hint of pink settles on his cheeks, the way his arms just barely clamp to his sides…
Yeah, he's not as slick as he thinks.
Prefers being tickled most of the time, but he isn't afraid to wreck a bitch just because.
He will fight and deny it until the day his immortality runs dry, but he loves it.
Until you actually start, he'll act like he doesn't want it. Kicking, hissing, running, the whole nine.
The minute those wiggling fingers touch down, though? He melts.
All protest disappears, the only thing close being small “no”s through his laughter. His tail will wag adorably (be careful if you mention this).
He could just shadow-travel away, but conveniently “forgot because of the literal torture” he was experiencing or “couldn't focus enough” to do so.
Worst spots are his knees and his back. Him and Wukong share the infamous I-will-die spot at the bases of their tails, though this boy's is significantly worse.
Melt spots are beneath his chin and his ears. It is the cutest thing to just scratch beneath and hear his little purrs while he tries not to giggle.
Puts his villain experience to use
He'll use his shadow travel to sneak up on you/cheat in a chase. Nobody said he had to play fair…
He definitely makes clones to help himself. One to hold your arms up, another to grab your legs, and a few to get the more annoying spots.
Teasing in a playful-yet-asshole sorta way. If you're feeling shitty, he'll be such a sweetheart, but he's a shit 80% of the time.
“Wow, ticklish here too? You're just a walking tickle-spot at this point.”
“You think this is bad? Just wait till I call in the cavalry~”
“It must be hard, being this ticklish and all. How have you survived so far? Thought you'd have laughed yourself silly.”
“Just a few little pokes and you're down for the count. Would suck if some of the villains found out…”
“Worst spot, huh? Better buckle up~”
Somehow knows exactly when to stop every time. You don't even have to say anything: he just knows.
Masterful aftercare. He honestly loves cuddling with his lee afterwards, so you're getting some unless you specifically tell him no. He'll send a shadow clone to go get you a drink and some snacks if you want. Peaceful music listening and most likely a nap (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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avatar-saiki · 1 year
Mammon the Scissor Devil
Mammon/Reader, 6.4k words
CW: mild blood
**Inspired by the Devilgram: The Barber of Horroville**
Basic summary of the card is you stay up late watching a horror movie and have nightmares imagining each other as the villain. I re-wrote most of it with one small tweak:
Mammon dreams he's the scissor devil instead 'cause I want him to scissor me~
“Oh! We should grab some of these, and obviously Super Spicy Newt Chips are a must.”
Mammon turned to you and dropped the snacks in the basket on your arm, then the drink aisle caught his eye. “Hmm… we should get some Ultra D too, it’ll help us stay awake.”
“Sure thing,” you said, following after him and tossing a few other items along the way. “What’s all this for?” you asked, tone light until you nudged him. “Got a big study session planned or something?”
“What?” He scoffed and grabbed a few cans, adding them to the basket. “‘Course not, studying’s lame. What I do have planned is even better.” He smirked when you adjusted the basket, the weight of all the snacks making it a bit heavy for you to carry. 
No worries, human. The Great Mammon’ll help you out~
He took it from you before you could even ask. “Solomon and I decided to do a so-called test of courage, ya see. We’re gonna film ourselves watchin’ a horror movie, and whoever looks less scared wins.”
You stared at him blankly, “You’re… doing a test of courage?”
“Well yeah, it didn’t sound so hard,” he said, looping the basket on his arm, “besides, I’m super chill with horror movies, y’know.”
“Since when?” you asked. 
“Since… always?”
The skepticism in your voice was palpable while you followed after him. “You didn’t like… bet money or anything did you?”
He laughed, “What? You worried I’m gonna clean the sorcerer out?”
“No, I’m worried he’s going to walk away with more than you realize.”
He rolled his eyes, “It’ll be fine, it’s just some dumb movie anyway and besides you’ll be there with me.”
“Oh is that so?” you laughed a little, “So you need me to protect you, is that it?”
“What?!” he turned on his heel only to catch you laughing again. “No. I need you to record for me. Why do you keep actin’ like… oh.” He put a hand on his hip, smirking down at you. “Don’t tell me you’re a scaredy-cat~”
You snorted, “Oh that’s rich coming from you.”
He scoffed and turned to walk away. “If you keep that up I might not share the prize.”
“Oh yeah? It must not be all that great if you’d consider sharing it anyway~”
He scowled over his shoulder. “If this is the thanks I’m gonna get, I might just go tell Solomon I don’t need any help with y—”
He clapped a hand over his mouth.
Almost slipped up there.
“Hm?” you hummed, leaning into him with a mischievous smile. “What was that?”
“N-Nothing,” he said, “Let’s go get some hell popcorn too while we’re at it.”
“Oo yeah! Can’t have a movie night without popcorn!” You cheered, taking the lead to find the most favored of movie snacks. Once the basket was full of treats, the two of you went up to the counter to pay.
He set the basket down and glanced at you with a coy grin. “You uh… got your wallet right?”
Your eyes narrowed slightly, “Yeah… why?”
He waited for the cashier to begin ringing the items up and feigned a sigh. “I mighta forgot mine. Would you mind paying?”
You rolled your eyes, clearly not buying it and he chuckled. C’mon now, why else would he have invited you on this shopping trip with him? 
“C’mon, please?” he asked, clapping his hands together and leaning into you with a playful nudge. “After all, we can’t really have a movie night without snacks, right?”
Your cheeks puffed until you blew out the sigh. “Seems awfully convenient for you to just forget it.”
“I think you mean inconvenient,” he teased, unable to resist glancing at the screen with the totals increasing and feeling… antsy. It wasn’t a lot, but it was a lot more than zero.
Way too much.
The cashier finished ringing up the items and looked between the two of you expectantly. “If you’re not going to pay you’d better tell me now before I waste time bagging everything.”
You looked up at him and he smirked, turning out his pockets to show he did in fact forget his wallet. Annoyed, you took out your wallet and swiped your card. “You owe me.”
He shivered ever so slightly at the delight of money being spent on his behalf. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll pay you back, you know I will. Eventually.”
You rolled your eyes and picked up a few of the lighter bags. “Don’t push it.”
He grinned and grabbed the rest, following you out of the market. “Aw c’mon, you know I could always swing it the other way.”
“Swing what which way?”
“Oh, just that y’know with our pact and all I’ve implicitly trusted you with my powers, so…” He turned on his heel, walking backwards while grinning down at you, your expression a delightful mix of frustration and adoration.
While looking at him.
“…it’s only right you take care of me~”
You snorted almost immediately and shook your head, picking up the pace to walk passed him. “You just wanted Goldie back, there was no trust involved.”
“Hey! That—” Well, it was true. Kinda. 
He jogged a bit to catch up to you, matching your pace. “Always gotta be such a stickler for the details, don’t ya?”
It was your turn to nudge him with a smirk. “Kind of have to be, don’t I? Otherwise you all would’ve eaten me head to toe ages ago~”
“A-Ah…” For once, he was grateful for the eternal night and the coolness of the Devildom’s air. “I was… mostly kidding about that.”
“Mostly, huh?” you mused, “So some part of you was serious?”
“Well yeah, but not like… I mean…” He trailed off and glanced around at the demons of all Vices milling about the streets. Even with your pacts, whenever you were around it was obvious the enticement of your soul was enough to give them pause. To make them linger. The temptation always on the edge of impulse, the ache to fill the void with—
“We uh, we should head home quick,” he said, placing a hand on the small of your back, “some demons are lookin’ at you a bit too much.”
“Aw~” you laughed while he leaned back and locked eyes with one such demon, wordlessly warning them to keep their distance. “Someone’s jealous.”
As much as he would’ve liked to believe you could walk around the Devildom on your own…
You really had no idea.
Once home he could breathe a little easier. The plan was to set up his room and camp out until the test of courage was done, but Beelzebub caught scent of new snacks entering the building and was quick to whisk you away. Annoying, he’d underestimated the glutton’s nose, but it worked out well enough. While you prepared an offering of hell popcorn and Ultra D, he had time to clean up his room (mostly) and get the projector ready. After kicking a few stray clothes under his bed, he looked over at the setup in the center of the room, trying to decide what would work better. He could move the chairs and treat it like a theater, or he could move the couch…
Moving the couch meant you might sit closer.
Couch it is.
First he shoved the chairs to the side, but then it looked a little too obvious what he wanted, so he pushed them back. Then he moved the table forward a bit and dragged the couch around, lining it up with the screen and checking the angle from behind.
Yeah, it was looking pretty good.
He set the snacks out on the table and added a frigid stone for the drinks, activating it with a quick curse to keep them cold. Might have to remind you not to touch it or you’d turn into a human popsicle.
Not bad, not bad.
Now he just needed to make sure no one interrupted his da- movie night with you.
He walked over to the door, drawing invisible runes on its surface while murmuring in the infernal tongue, dissuading all who might enter save for the human he fav—
“Sorry I’m late!”
The door swung open, nearly smacking him in the face and stopping him mid-incantation.
“H-Hey! Don’t ya know how to knock?!” 
You blinked, looking up at him a little confused. “Oh, did I interrupt something?”
“No,” he said, stepping aside to let you in and shutting the door again, staring at the runes only he could track. “I was just… uh… practicing.”
“Practicing…” you echoed, gazing up at him long enough for him to wonder if you’d caught on. You stepped closer and touched his forehead, your closeness making his heart skip a beat.
“Wh-What’re you—”
“So first you’re not afraid of scary movies, and now you’re practicing magic…” You tilted your head, palm soft and warm. “Mammon, are you feeling okay?”
“Am I…?” He scoffed and swatted your hand away, much to your amusement. “I’m fine. Why don’t you go sit down and lemme finish?”
“Okay, okay~” you teased, sauntering around him and leaving him to it. Just as he’d started again, you spoke up. “Though, you are a bit of a hypocrite.”
“What?! Since when?” He was pretty sure he’d kept his story straight with you, it wasn’t like he had anything to hide. If anything, he was too honest with you sometimes.
You laughed and cracked open an Ultra D, “Mister ‘don’t-ya-know-how-to-knock’ over here asking since when? C’mon dude,” you paused to take a gulp, “you barge into my room all the time.”
“O-Oh…” he sighed with relief and muttered the last few syllables of the curse before turning to join you. “Well, that’s kinda different anyway.”
“Yeah?” You lounged back and grinned at him. “I’d love to hear how.”
Fuck, he really did love that smile.
“Well, as you know you and I have a pact,” he said, walking around the couch and picking up a piece of popcorn. “Being the Avatar of Greed, naturally that means what’s yours is mine.”
“That is not what that means,” you laughed.
He smiled and plopped down next to you. “How would you know? I’m your first.”
You rolled your eyes. “Well, wouldn’t that mean all my stuff belongs to Levi, Asmo, Satan, Lucifer, and Beel too?”
A wave of tension rolled up his back and he forced out a laugh, trying to keep it calm.
“N-No, just me.”
“Mm… that sounds like…” You leaned closer, reaching across him to grab the remote while he naturally leaned back, swallowing the thick feeling in his throat. “Awfully greedy~”
He breathed out once you sat up, “Well… Yeah, that’s kinda who I am.”
“True,” you mused, clicking play while he snapped his fingers to dispel a few glowing crystals and dimming the lights. “I guess I can’t hold it against you too much then, but,” you waggled the remote at him, “don’t forget you can only claim what I give, capiche?”
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah, I know.” It wasn’t like he wanted to steal from you anyway. You either had nothing or the risk was higher than any payout he’d gain. 
Even when he found out you had a few fan clubs, the thought of some weirdo owning a piece of your clothing or lock of hair after shelling out the amount he’d charge…
He shivered again and you chuckled, “Getting spooked by the title screen already?”
“Sh-shaddup! How many times do I gotta tell ya I don’t get scared?”
You laughed, “However many times until it’s actually the truth?”
He scowled and reached over to steal a handful of hell popcorn, delighting in your dismay as the movie played. The scenes were a little cheesy at first, and he tried to make a few jokes to loosen you up and make sure you wouldn’t be too scared, but then you started teasing him again and acting like he’d be the one who’d get scared.
As if.
He’d show you and Solomon just how wrong you were~
Just as he reached for a can of Ultra D, the scissor devil revealed themselves and lunged at the camera. He yelped, dropping the can much to your amusement, but he wasn’t scared. That didn’t count!
It was a jump scare!
Quit laughing!
When your teasing finally relented and it was agreed that a cheap jump scare didn’t count, the movie restarted with you holding the D.D.D. and dutifully recording his reactions. This time he knew what to be ready for, and had a better idea how the movie was going to play out. No cheap tricks were going to mess this up for him.
So the second one was totally a jump scare too.
And the third.
By the fourth it was getting late, and even with all the sugary snacks and Ultra Ds, you were starting to nod off. Poor human~ You put up such a good fight, but he could see your eyelids were getting heavy and your head would dip every now and then. Must be hard staying up late, huh?
“Here,” he plucked the D.D.D. from your hands and propped it up on the table, making sure he was enough in frame for it to catch his reactions. “There, now you don’t gotta hold it.”
“Thanks,” you yawned softly, “Why didn’t we think of that earlier?”
He chuckled and settled back into the couch. “Eh, we got it now so who cares?”
He almost would’ve suggested you could lay in his bed, but the movie was almost over anyway. Just a little longer and he could take you there or walk you back, but… he hoped you wanted to stay tonight. This time around he’d made it nearly to the end of the movie, the climatic arc about to hit its peak. All he had to do was just make it to the credits and—
He yelped, the sudden weight on his shoulder nearly making him jump out of his skin, but when he looked over to see you… having fallen asleep…
Resting on his arm…
Breathing so peacefully…
His human…
He leaned in to kiss your forehead, freezing when the lights flickered.
He glanced at himself recorded on the screen.
“Dammit,” he muttered, leaning over to pick it up. “Now I can’t sent that one either.”
He stopped the recording and played it back, watching the moment you fell on his arm and he almost…
He sighed and turned off the movie, tossing the D.D.D. on the table with a clatter, rousing you briefly.
“Mm…” You hummed, sitting up sleepily with eyes still closed. “Mm… Mamm…?”
“C’mon,” he murmured and stood up, leaning over to pick you up. “Let’s get you to bed.”
“Mm…” You yawned and nuzzled into his neck with a sigh, making his whole body tingle.
“D… Don’t do that,” he whispered, carrying you over to his bed. At least you’d been smart enough to change into comfy clothes before, he should’ve thought of that. Although, it would’ve been fun changing you too, especially if you hadn’t brought anything and had to borrow one of his—
He dropped you on the bed a bit too abruptly, sucking in a breath to suppress a small curse. You bounced, but didn’t seem too disturbed to do more than scrunch up your face and roll over. 
That was close.
“I can’t start thinkin’ like that,” he whispered to himself, stealing a glance at your silhouette while he changed in the dark, the shame only sitting heavier in his chest the longer the thought lingered.
Not now.
Not again.
Not ever.
It wasn’t right… wasn’t something you could ever understand… wasn’t something he could ever even ask you to try… because you would, of course you would.
He crawled into bed beside you… beside… his human… and laid down on his side to watch you, so peaceful and content.
Like you felt safe.
He reached out, but pulled back and kept himself on his side.
Humans were always so soft…
“Mm…Mammon…” you sighed softly in your sleep, invoking his name in such a way how could he not want to keep you?
Humans were always so fragile…
He scooted closer and reached out to wrap his arm around you, tucking you into his chest, his heart beating loud and strong.
“I’m your first,” he whispered.
“I’ll always keep you safe…”
The city was quiet at this time of night, the moon high and shining bright in the sky. Most had already made it home by now, save for a few of the unlucky ones working late or partiers drifting from one bar to the next. But if he had it right, a certain someone would be leaving work any minute now.
So he had to make it look good.
He let out a frustrated sigh and paced back and forth under the streetlight, acting distressed. Acting lost. 
“Ugh… my boss is gonna kill me. What am I supposed to do now?” he muttered under his breath, but not-so-quietly curious ears wouldn’t hear. Here’s hoping the footsteps he’d heard belonged to his target.
Can’t look too eager.
He sighed again and leaned against the streetlight, reaching up to run his fingers through his hair. “Dammit. This sucks.”
He straightened up, then stopped. Can’t turn around too quick, but that voice was definitely the one he was waiting for.
“Um… sorry, but are you…?”
He turned around, having every intention of playing it cool but once he saw you standing there with a concerned look on your face he nearly blew his cover. Even tired after a long day’s work with hair disheveled and eyes heavy you looked perfect.
“Sorry,” you said again, taking a half step back. “I didn’t mean to intrude but… you’re… you’re okay, right?”
You were such a pretty little thing that lived in his mind ever since he’d first seen you walking by the salon. Part of him had hoped you’d stop by some day, he’d even lingered at the door to accept walk-ins, but you were always coming to or from work and never seemed to have the time.
“Yeah… I’m alright, just… dealing with a lot at work,” he said with a sigh, placing a hand on his hip. “You know how that goes.”
“Ah… yeah, or… maybe? What do you…?” Your eyes widened in recognition, “Wait… aren’t you Mammon? That new hairdresser people have been raving about?”
“People talk about me already?” That threw him off a little, but he reached up to hide the smirk, hoping the gesture made it look more… uncertain while he averted his gaze. “Wow, I didn’t know that but uh, I dunno if I’m worth all that yet.”
“From what I’ve heard, you’ll be the talk of the city in no time,” you said, giving him an encouraging smile.
He laughed, then feigned a sad sigh. “Man, I hope so. Lately my boss has been gettin’ on my case about ‘keeping up with the latest trends but none of my clients wanna do anything different.” He shook his head and shrugged, “I dunno what I’m supposed to do, but he said he might let me go if he doesn’t think I can keep up.”
“What? That’s insane! From what I’ve heard you always give great service,” you said, your indignation on his behalf making him feel… even more right in choosing you.
“Yeah…” He sidestepped a little closer with a shrug, “And I mean, it’s not like I can control what the people will pay for, right? If they don’t want whatever’s trending, who cares?”
“Ah… yeah,” you said, standing up a little straighter and giving him a sheepish smile. “To be fair, I don’t really pay much attention either. Haircuts are too expensive anyway, A-Ah—” Your face looked adorable when you blushed. “No, no offense of course.”
He grinned, taking the opportunity to walk around you as if to appraise you for the first time. “None taken, I get it. Times can be tough.”
“No kidding,” you said with a sigh, looking like you might want to say more, but instead you shook your head and gave him a smile. “Well anyway, I wish you luck! Hopefully your boss’ll lighten up or you’ll get some new clients willing to be a little more experimental soon.”
You lifted a hand to wave, then turned to head toward the bus stop. This part was risky, and if he messed it up he’d have to wait at least a week before he could try again.
And he really didn’t want that.
He waited for you to walk a way the first few steps and then—
—acted like the thought just occurred to him.
When you turned to look at him, he made a show of pulling his hand back and rubbing his neck with a sheepish grin. 
“So… ah… I was thinking… would you do me a favor?”
“A favor?” You raised a brow, stopping but still turned away from him. “Sorry, I can’t. I have to get home, got the opening shift tomorrow.”
He wet his lips to calm his nerves, doing his best to keep his tone light and friendly. “At least hear me out first, I mean, seein’ as how I’m a little outta luck with who sits in my chair and all…” he shoved his hands in his pockets, spreading his jacket open in a nondescript way to show he had nothing to hide. “Whaddya say to bein’ a model for me? Just so I can try something new out?”
“You want me to…” your eyes widened and you shook your head quickly. “O-Oh no! No I couldn’t- your rates- the time- I-I really should be getting back home—”
Watching you walk away was making him feel on edge. He needed to get you to the salon now.
“C’mon, please?” He shifted his weight to one leg. “Just think about it, I could give ya a whole new look free of charge.”
“Oh no I definitely can’t accept that,” you insisted, “I don’t even have the time to schedule something even if I wanted to.”
He pursed his lips a bit and looked toward the salon, “Well, I was thinkin’ of doing it now. My boss ain’t around after hours.”
“Wh-now?” Your question drew his eyes to you again, your hesitation leading you to back away a few more steps. “No, thank you, but no. I don’t think I could…”
He hummed and took the opportunity to meet you with a few sweeping strides, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and leaning into you. He was attractive, there was no denying that. A pretty face was always easy to trust~
“I promise I won’t do anything too… risqué,” he said, letting the words roll off his tongue as his eyes flit over your figure. “Not unless you ask me to~”
As expected, your face began to grow flush.
“But I think I got a pretty good idea what your style is.”
“Really? You’re serious?”
His grip tensed, the curiosity in your voice making his heart skip.
Not yet.
“It’s so late though…”
“It won’t take more than an hour tops,” he said, flashing you a grin. “You can even time me if you want.”
You hesitated again, glancing around the street at a few idle passersby. That was fine. He let you go and put his hands in his pockets, walking toward the salon. After all, even if you said no he still had to lock up, right? Besides he was here to entice, not coerce. It was no fun any other way.
Maintaining calm was the only way he’d get what he wanted without drawing a crowd, but it didn’t change the fact that he just wanted to pick you up and carry you there himself.
He had to be patient.
Even if it meant he might have to find a new target.
He’d nearly resigned himself to that disappointment when you cleared your throat.
“You know what? Screw it, I could use a new look.”
“Hell yeah,” he glanced at you and nodded for you to follow. “C’mon, let’s get started.”
It took everything in him to not look back again, wanting to ensure you followed along of your own accord. He was just a hairdresser looking for some practice, nothing more. Would be little put out if you bailed, but easily forgotten and replaced with someone else. No biggie. When he let you inside, he lingered at the door and ever so quietly turned the lock.
“So, do you want to try and keep it closer to what you have now, or try something new?” he asked, walking over to the sinks and gesturing for you to sit.
“Mm…” You reached up to touch your hair. “Well… the cut doesn’t matter too much, but let’s not go too crazy on the dye or my overbearing boss’ll lose it.”
He laughed as you sat down in the chair and leaned it back, starting the water. “Got it. We’ll do something fun but workable, how’s that sound?”
“Could it be something that doesn’t take a whole lot to style too?” 
He smirked, running the water over your hair and picking up the shampoo. “Now someone’s getting awful picky over a free haircut.”
You blushed again and he winked, lathering up your hair. When you started to relax, he rinsed and subtly reached into his pocket with one hand to flip the switch that lowered the shutters over the glass panes in the front of the store, locking you both inside. Then he sat you up and grabbed a towel.
“Here, lemme dry you off a bit,” he said, draping it over your head and ruffling your hair around.
“Hey-wait doesn’t this make it all frizzy?”
“Sure, but you can put product in it to fix that,” he said with a shrug, then left the towel on your head while he went to retrieve his scissors. In a perfect world you’d already be nice and pretty for this, but he’d wasted so much time convincing you to join him he’d have to adjust the order of his process a bit.
He picked up his favorite pair kept hidden under his workstation, polished and sharp with blades as long as his forearm. He lifted them up and opened them, smiling when steel glinted in the light.
“Rude,” You teased, tugging the towel off your head. “Not even going to finish before you…”
“Mm?” He turned, closing the scissors and resting the blades on his palm. “Oh yeah,” he chuckled, “Well, this is a free cut, you can’t expect the full treatment now can ya?”
You laughed nervously and stood up, eyeing the scissors. “I… guess not.” 
It was obvious you wanted to ask, but weren’t sure how so he offered you an explanation. 
“These are my favorite scissors,” he said, holding the blades while touching the cool metal to his cheek. “They’re so sharp~ can cut through just about anything I wish.”
“They seem a little big for hair,” you mused.
He glanced at you through the corner of his eye. “They’re perfect for what I need.”
“You must have a lot of skill then,” you said, still trying to keep it light but your voice was starting to waver. “Do you… always cut hair with those?”
He shook his head, walking closer. “No, only special clients get to see these in action.”
“I uh, might not want something too drastic after all,” you admitted, “Do you think we could keep it simple? N-Not—” You held up your hands when he glanced at you. “Not that I don’t think you wouldn’t do a good job, just… just ah…”
He ran two fingers along the flat edge of the blades. “You don’t trust me?”
Was it wrong to enjoy how they reflected in your eyes? 
“Well ah, I mean…” 
“I assure you…” He opened them a touch, gazing at your face between the blades. “I won’t do any more than take a little off the top~”
Your smile wavered, eyes more focused on the scissors now than his face. “Maybe… maybe another time. I really should be heading back home. The buses only run so late.” You turned to leave and froze when you noticed the shutters. “Hey, wait…”
“Ah, yeah,” he smirked, lowering the scissors and patting his pocket. “Doors are locked, I’m afraid, and I got the key.”
You glanced back at him and tried to smile. “You’re… you’re not serious, are you?”
He chuckled darkly, “Can’t let a client leave unsatisfied.”
You backed against the door and reached behind your back. “Can you call me a client if I’m not paying?”
He tilted his head, then chuckled again. “Fair point, I guess I can’t.”
“G-Great,” You pulled out your phone and held up your other hand. “So if you’ll just open the shutters and let me go, I’ll—”
He threw a smaller pair of scissors from his belt, piercing through your phone and eliciting a startled gasp from your throat. “Careful,” he said, striding closer. “If I hit the battery that thing’ll go up in flames any minute now.”
“Wh-wha—” The phone clattered to the floor and you sidled passed him, running further into the salon. He let you go, it wasn’t like you’d get very far anyway. Instead, he knelt down and nudged the phone with his scissors.
“Nice, I didn’t hit it. That coulda been annoying.”
A door slammed followed by the clicking of a lock and he chuckled to himself. 
“Whaddya think you’re gonna do?” He asked, standing up and twirling the scissors around a finger. “Locking yourself in the bathroom’s not gonna get you very far.”
“Sh-Shut up! Quit being such a creep and just let me go home. I won’t even tell anyone if you just stop already!”
“Oh you won’t huh? How generous of you~” he purred, stopping at the door and checking the handle. Of course it was locked, but your breathing still stilted beyond the door. He smirked again. “C’mon, just open up would ya? You’re being rude.”
“And you’re being a—”
He rolled his eyes and held the scissors in one fist, stabbing through the wood. You screamed and he slashed again, splintering the door enough to punch through and unlock the door through the hole.
“A-Are you crazy?!” you balked, stumbling back against the counter and staring up at him in terror. “S-Seriously, Mammon stop!”
He laughed and wiped the dust of on his pants, then kicked the door shut behind him. “I told ya they’re sharp enough to cut through anything, didn’t I?”
You said nothing, eyes wide and chest heaving in short breaths. As he walked closer you stumbled back, trying to climb up on the counter and falling back into the sink. “S-Stay back!”
He grinned and reached out to grab your chin, leaning in so close he could see himself reflected in your terrified eyes. “I like this look on your face~ Are you scared?”
You shivered, lips parted but no sound came out.
He leaned in closer, brushing his cheek against yours to whisper in your ear. “That only turns me on more~ but don’t worry,” he lifted the scissors and spread the blades with a sharp hiss of metal, “Just hold still. I’ll be quick.”
“You’ll look so pretty~” He touched steel to your neck, taunting the skin with its razored edge. “I’ll take good care of you.”
Another shiver pricked your skin, blood beading and staining the blade. So crimson and red, vivid against the metal he’d polished so pristine the night before.
He leaned down to lick it clean, chuckling in his throat at the soft whimper in yours.
“Now,” he moved back to gaze into your eyes one last time. “How about you gimme a smile—”
Mammon scrambled, shocked awake by a sharp smack to his lower jaw, and fell out of bed with another thunk, the sheets and blankets all tangled around his legs.
“Ow…” He blinked dizzily, dragging himself up and rubbing his head while looking around. What the hell hit him? Where was he?
That was your voice.
“Mammon, are you okay?”
“Ugh…” He dragged himself up on the bed and blinked, eyes adjusting to the dark. You were sitting up stalk-straight on the bed with your corner of the blanket hugged to your chest, eyes wide and brows furrowed in worry.
Soul alight under your skin, illuminating your expression in a way he probably shouldn’t be able to see in the dark like this.
At least.
If he had been a human too.
“Y… yeah… something hit me,” he muttered, pulling himself up. “Or I… think?” He sat down on the bed and rubbed his jaw. It sure felt like something hit him. Unless he smacked his chin when he fell? “Maybe I dreamed it?”
You were quieter than usual though.
He looked over, “Did something happen?”
That warm golden glow began to dance under your skin, focusing around your face and chest.
“I uh… might’ve been more spooked by the movie than I expected….”
“Oh that makes sense,” he started to say, then, “hey, wait.” He smirked at you and leaned over to nudge your arm. “Does that mean I was right? You are a scaredy-cat~”
“Oh shut up!” You said, smacking him with a pillow, light rushing up to illuminate your expression even as you bowed your head instinctively to hide it. “It’s your fault! You made me watch it four times because you kept screaming!”
“I-I did not scream!” He said, grabbing his own pillow to give you a whack. Oops. You squeaked in surprise and toppled over.
He forgot.
Oh shit—
He couldn’t move fast enough to avoid the fluffy projectile aimed at his face, but even if he could nothing would’ve prepared him for the tackle that followed.
“Got you!” you cheered, latching your body around his middle and using everything you could to keep him down.
The pillow was a little suffocating, but he couldn’t help laughing into it.
“You play dirty,” he said, his words muffled and hot against his face.
“I’m dating a demon,” you said, hugging tighter around him and wiggling your fingers. “I have to for my own survival.”
Were you—
 “H-Hey!” He squirmed, throwing off the pillow and grabbing your arms. “D-Don’t—”
You grinned wickedly and latched on tighter, practically daring him to pull you off.
“Th-That’s not fair!”
He bucked involuntarily and that wicked gleam glinted brighter.
Evil little fingers wriggled up and down his sides, seeking his weak spots and focusing whenever they found one.
“Th-That tih-”
“I know.”
He jerked and you eased up just enough to let him relax.
Then once he’d caught his breath you started up again—
“H-Hey!” He bucked and squirmed, but- but he couldn’t just—
He sat up immediately, face warm and chest tight.
Time… always seemed to slow in these moments… 
Moments when he got to see…
Moments alone, when you truly let your guard down.
Moments… where he could see… just how bright you could be….
“I knew it,” you whispered, making him stop a breath away from your lips.
“Kn… knew what?”
His answer came in the form of a kiss, touch warm on his cheek, caress so gentle and fond…
“You were the hairdresser in my dream,” you admitted, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. “I… might’ve felt a little scared.”
He tensed, “Oh yeah?”
Your arms stopped him from pulling back.
“I… might’ve dreamt something similar.”
You smiled a little, hugging him closer.
“I figured.”
He felt he should tense, but your embrace was so warm…
“You’re not… still scared, are you?”
“Not really. You?”
So easy was your answer…
You ran your hands down to his chest.
“… No, but I don’t scare easy,” he said, smirking when you rolled your eyes. “Besides, even with scissor hands you’re not that scary~”
“Oh~? Is that so?” You reached down again and he sat up straight.
“H-Hey no! None of that!”
You laughed and held your hands up, wiggling your fingers and looking up at him with a coy smile.
“I ain’t scared!”
“You sure?” You reached up to hug around his neck, lifting yourself up to kiss his cheek.
But he turned and caught your lips instead, nipping ever so lightly to tempt you to stay.
“Greedy~” you whispered.
He slid his arm under your back and rolled over, taking you with him. Your delight made it worth it, and he felt better with your weight on his chest.
“You think you know me pretty well, huh?”
You propped yourself up on your hand, drawing idle circles with a small smile. “Well enough to have a guess you were the hairdresser, not me.”
He tensed. “H-How did you know that?”
Your eyes softened and you leaned in to kiss his cheek.
“Mm… it was just a guess…” 
His heart skipped a beat, and when you sat up again he said, “You really gotta be careful with that.”
“Why?” You smirked and reached to tap his nose. “You’re more scared of yourself than me~”
“Ah ha…” He glanced away, “well let’s not get ahead of ourselves now.”
You laid down on his chest, loosely hugging your arms around his neck.
“Sorry I smacked you in the face.”
“It’s okay.”
“Thanks for letting me sleep here tonight.”
“Sure thing.”
You quieted, and his heart felt like it finally started beating again.
“…I’m… glad it was you I woke up next to…”
And there it goes again.
He laughed it off and turned his head away. 
“You knocked me off the bed.”
“I said I was sorry!”
“Mm~ I dunno, I might have to prepare better for next time. Can’t have you flailin’ around and smacking me in the middle of the night.”
“Oh shut up! You’re the one who kept failing your little test of courage.”
Dammit. You had a point.
He sighed and rested an arm across your back
“Yeah, alright. Next time we’ll watch some comedy after before we go to bed.”
“If I can stay awake long enough~”
He blushed, “I don’t think I like what you’re implying.”
You chuckled softly, stroking his neck. “Nothing at all~ you don’t get scared by movies.”
His neck…
Where he’d seen such vivid red.
“Y… yeah…” he murmured, his arm feeling… heavier now.
“You know me so well.”
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jgracie · 3 days
BACKK TO REQUEST A “to all the boys i’ve loved before” !! 🫶(THANK U FOR TAKING UR TIME TO READ THIS OMG IM SO SO SORRY ITS SO LONG.) i would like a male pjo character plss 😓
ok first of all SORRY IF THIS IS RLLY BAD idk how to properly put it into words how i am so im trying yall (even tho its a lot omg..)
so for looks, i LOVE to dye my hair so much its actually a problem (i fried off my hair two years ago because i dyed i went from red hair to PLATINUM BLONDE in two days😭😭 my mistake) BUT ANYWAY. i wear glasses, and I currently have black hair up to my shoulders but i dont wear them often because they dont unfortunately match my outfits and then also bc i forget😓. ALSO here is an idea of what i actually wear !! its always smth comfy bc i move around A LOT so always very comfy unless im like, going to a party (which i love going to sm) i’ll usually wear smth more showy and tight bc i js love to 😚😚 but the pics r what i usually wear on a daily basis
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i’m a hufflepuff and my type of thingy is ENFP-T. i’m also a MAJOR pushover i literally need to fix that asap, and i LOVEEE to love maybe thats also a problem too but i can def be a smartass or like crazy sarcastic when i wanna but like only if the person can handle it bc im not trynna make ppl be upset bc i know im also crazy sensitive so i get it frfr😭 SPEAKING OFF SMTH ELSE THO i’m a MAJOR yapper (I’M SO SOSRRY THIS IS SO LONG ALSO?? WTF) and i have trouble speaking about how I AM but not about me in general bc i can yap abt my childhood forever😭 im also def NOT smart like STREET SMART?? YUPP but book smart? i’ll probably die if u asked me to write a whole essay on a book BC I ALSO JS CANNOT FOCUSS i literally cant at all. MY INTERESTS(not rlly i dont hsve a lot to work w here) i love playing guitar, snacking on stuff almost 24/7, cooking/baking, and to watch ppl do stuff but not in a creepy way trustt😭 its js interesting sometimes. I ALSO LOVEE TO SWIM THO AND SURF (havent done it in years but its ok). for my love languages its ALMOST all bc i only have trouble with receiving gifts cause its SO weird to me BUT I LOVEE TO GIVE GIFTS, PHYSICAL AFFECTION, ACTS OF SERVICE (i hate when ppl do it for me its so uncomfy sometimes depending on what it is ALSO i have straight up trauma from it so im like?? I RATHER NOT??😭 ((it sounds so weird ik lets not question it folks))) i also LOVEE quality time sm and def words of affirmation!! its only bc i have so much to give and do bc i have so much time on my hands but its soo weird depending on what it is when its with me (given). i can speak multiple languages!! my first language is spanish and english and a bit of french (i fcuking hate it) i’m also not a dog person!! i’m rlly scared of dogs, heights, the dark, small spaces, and the literal ocean😭 (i went to go see whales one time and got scared i was gonna fall off the boat and a shark would eat me, trauma yall😭). ALSO i get RLLLLYYYY irritated easy its my worst quality istg. i’m also crazy brave and loud when i get especially rlly comfy w people!! but i also love to tease and be just as chill but also impulsive?? idk how to explain it. ALSO i dont have a specific aesthetic bc it changed SOO CONSISTENTLY I HATE IT SM lile girl js stick w fav color. I ALSO FUCKING LOVE TO TRAVEL AND TAKE PHOTOSS i’m constantly on the road and taking pics its my fav thing ever!’ i’m a coffee person but it makes me lightheaded and make me feelblike what i’m sure steroids are like on people but i js cant drink tea, i like lemonade more if anything. OKOK I THINK THATS IT?? IMA STOP IT HERE FOR UR SAKE LMAO. IM SO SORRY THIS IS HELLA LONG I GOT OFF TRACK SO MANY TIMES..
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HELP this is incredibly long but its ok girl i loved reading every second of it anya lore fr 🙏🏼 anyway as i was reading i couldn't help but notice the differences between you and mr grace...
youre an extrovert, he's an introvert. you're a yapper, people consider themselves lucky if they get a sentence out of him, youre impulsive, his fatal flaw is literally the fact that he overthinks every option he has 😭
i think this causes a bit of tension between the two of you at first but at some point you have a little moment together and realise you can learn a lot from each other!!! you also realise you have some things in common such as your love for travel 😊
LOVES the way you're so effortlessly beautiful wearing the comfiest clothes.... also does not care how much skin you show because he can fight but also hes a good man and knows he has no right policing your style 🫡
you pull him out of his comfort zone with your parties and impulsiveness and he helps you get over your fear of dogs and heights <3
also will support you through every aesthetic change!!! he thinks they all suit you so well because ur perfect but will tell you which ones he liked more if you ask
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buggxd · 2 years
୨⎯!!Moviez !! rory keaner x GN!reader⎯୧
⋆ ★ This is a fluff and there is no specific pronouns I’m using for the reader !! Anyways this is probs gonna suck but it’s whatever TW? Very brief/subtle mention of gore death :) FEEDBACK IS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED PLS TELL ME IF THIS IS ALRIGHT AND WHAT I CAN IMPROVE ON!!
⋆ ★ Summary!!: The whole gang (friend group ethan, benny, erica, sarah and you meet up at rorys house when his mom works a night shift at her job so you all watch movies an chill :) AND your in grade 11 so the reader and everyone else is 16!!exept for erica and sarah.
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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ You were in your 8th period class the last of the day and you were so exited for the bell to ring, Time was going by painfully slow but while the history teacher was going on and on about a topic nobody in the class was interested in, all you were able to think about was your plans you had made almost 2 weeks in advanced to go to your blond and bubbly friend rory keaners house to watch a ton of movies along with the others in your friend group you were too busy thinking of what movies youll watch and the buttery popcorn and chips and candy youd be shoving into your mouth later that you were too distracted and lost in your own thoughts that the loud sound of the bell ringing had caught you off gaurd and made you jump causing you produce a little yelp that made the teacher glance at you as you simply just smiled akwardly then quickly grabbing your bag and zooming out the classrom and bursting through the two big doors that led you outside you looked around for a sec and soon after spotted the blond haired boy talking with benny an ethan he was facing your way while Ethan an Benny had their backs towards you you started walking up the the trio Rory saw you and smiled and waved you did the same and sped walked to them you greeted everyone as usual and waited a bit until you asked about Sarah and Erica the boys said that the two girls would show up later the four of you just talked until you had remembered you needed to get a few things from your house so you waved at them and took of walking home your house wasn’t very far from the school you lived down the street from Rory’s house so you were able to get there pretty fast. After you packed a crossbody bag with an extra outfit socks, perfume, and a charger you changed out of your school clothes and put on (whatever u want?) and slipped on your black and white converse and walked out the house making sure to lock the door your parents/guardian were working the Night Shift so you had the place to yourself most nights, the sun was still up but it was gonna set soon once you made it Rory’s place you knocked and Rory answered the door and hugged you and basically dragged you inside you were used to him greeting you like this he just gets so happy when he sees you or any of his closest friend’s. After entering the house you were greeted by Erica and Sarah sitting on the sofa while benny was in the kitchen probably getting snacks and Ethan was in the bathroom you went to the kitchen along with Rory and started to get 3 big bowls to fill with candy, chips and popcorn and you also got out the 3 2liters of soda (whatever soda u like idc) the three of you brought the bowls and drinks to the living room and placed them on the coffee table along with cups. After you all settled and Ethan came back from the bathroom Rory layer out a couple dvd’s half being sucky comedy movies, low budget teen dramas, superhero movies or horror, Sarah wanted to watch one of the comedy movies along with Ethan Benny wanted to watch a superhero movie but you and Erica wanted to watch a horror movie. you all were bickering about what movie you were gonna watch until Sarah spoke up “HEYY” she raised her voice to get everyone attention “why don’t we vote?!” You all looked at each other and nodded in agreement “okay who wants to watch the comedy movie?” Erica asked in an already annoyed voice Sarah and Ethan slightly raised their hands “and what about the superhero movies” Erica spoke again as Benny raised his hand only to be the only one who wanted to watch the movie he slowly put his hand down and stayed quiet “and last but not least.. HORROR!!” Erica emphasized on the word ‘horror’ You and Erica raised your hand as high as the two of you could and then you looked at Rory and mouthed the words ‘please’ with a smile he was hesitant because horror wasn’t his favorite but how could he say no to you?, he raised his hand as well.
After Rory pushed play he took a seat next to you on the floor Ethan Benny and Sarah were on the couch while Rory you and Erica were on the floor with pillows and blankets the whole house was dark because Erica thought it would make it scarier and you agreed the two of you were watching intently while Rory was later back leaning on the couch hands behind his head trying to act tough while Ethan and Benny were hiding under their blankets, Some time had went by and there was a semi gory scene you and Erica were so exited to see the slasher of the movie prey on its victims while on the other hand your friends were scared shitless even though they knew it wasn’t real, one of the side characters got caught and killed and you heard Benny Ethan and Sarah yelp and then you felt Rory grab onto your arm and you glanced over to see him looking intently at the screen you leaned towards him and semi hugged him to try and comfort him and he held you the same way and every time a jumpscare or slightly gory scene came on he would hold onto you tighter after the movie ended you looked to where Erica was and she had fallen asleep you looked back to see Ethan asleep sitting up with his neck leaning on the arm rest of the sofa while Benny payed on his shoulder and Sarah fell asleep sideways on the couch with her lags tossed on the boys you then glanced at Rory who had also fallen asleep you glanced at his Rosie pink lips and messy hair and thought he looked cute so you took a couple pics of you and him after you gave him a peck on the cheek and cuddled into his side and drifted into a deep sleep.
。・:*˚:✧。。・:*˚:✧。。・:*˚:✧。。・:*˚:✧。。・:*˚:✧。。・:*˚:✧。。 I HOPE THIS IS ALRIGHT!! Again I wrote this while half asleep;; and it’s longer than I expected im also probs gonna remake this just a little bit different but um yeah I hope whoever read this kind of likes it!! :D
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multifanlol · 1 year
Hello! Love the recent Marcy xShy reader post you did think you do a part 2 of what happens when all 4 meet up again maybe have Sasha and the reader get into a argument and Marcy goes to comfort them afterwards
Sure! And thankkss I honestly hoped someone would request for a part two sooo-
Sasha may be seen OOC but i need to remind y’all this is her BEFORE her development Sasha b4 that was a bit much 😭 (still love her tho 🫶)
Marcy Wu x Fem! Shy! Reader (pt 2)
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Ever since that “incident” you honestly thought things were gonna be awkward
I mean okay, sure they were a little awkward but that was because it was an awkward nerd and another nerd who can’t keep a full conversation going
Other then that things were pretty chill although you couldn’t lie you still felt extremely guilty
I mean, sure you and Marcy didn’t kiss or anything like that but you still knew Sasha ever since you were kids even if she DID turn into maybe a psycho trying to kill one of Anne’s frog friends(?) (readers pov) you still cared about her in some way-
Recently you’ve gotten the other stones to open the calamity box and now you just had to do the last one
Which happened to be Sasha
And “Grime” or whatever according to Anne tried to kill “Hop Pop” (y/n doesn’t know the names okay 😭)
To say the least tension was in the air
With the planters and Grime and you Anne, Marcy and Sasha
It’s not like you hated her you were tense over having to end things with her, Marcy was tense due to guilt, Anne was tense due to well everything that happened
Now you took a breath in while walking out of the cave and walked over to Sasha
“That was surprisingly brave of you” you thought to yourself
“Hey Sasha…”
The blonde turned around to the h/c girl while she was talking to Grime
Grime seemed to get the message then clears his throat awkwardly
“I am not being involved in this, you can go and chat I’ll just be…..over there”
We watched him awkwardly walk away
“Sooo, Grime seems……interesting”
“Yea, Grimesy isn’t so bad once you get to know him…”
There was the awkwardnesss
You clear your throat again
“So, Sasha ever since we’ve been apart I’ve had time to…”
You notice Sasha yawning then she notices you staring
“Oh, I’m listening relax! It’s not like what your saying is gonna be a big deal anyway”
You take a short breath and stare at her
“it’s now or never” you thought
“Listen Sasha I’ve been thinking a lot and i believe that we should-“
“Hey, when you look at this cave when you look on the side, it kinda looks like a face”
“Sasha, i mean-“
“Our English class teacher back in 2nd grade!”
She laughs at it then notices you looking annoyed
“Why are you so upset-oh! don’t tell me Anne told you about it i mean, of course she did, listen n/n what happened was a misunderstanding and me and Anne made up so if your so mad about it-“
“It’s not about that Sasha-I’m sorry I-look, me and you are over-“
“I’m sorry, i hope you won’t hate me for it forever but i just can’t deal with this anymore-“
“Your…..your breaking up with me?! Why?!”
“It’s not you-i mean maybe it is you-or us both! I just-“
“After all the times i stuck up for you whenever they’d question why i went out with you, all those stuff I’d let you get, YOUR dumping me?!”
You honestly felt terrible but getting it over with now seems best….maybe
“Listen Sasha, you weren’t a horrible girlfriend i just don’t have strong feelings for you-“
“Don’t have strong feelings for me?! Why didn’t you tell me this before we landed in Amphibia?!”
“I wasn’t sure of it then! Maybe i didn’t tell you this often but i kinda thought you were a control freak!”
“I let you buy whatever you wanted!”
“YOU bought them for me, and when I’d try to ask something you’d completely dismiss my opinion!!”
You noticed Sasha seemed somewhat stunned by your courage but that quickly covered with rage
“Well what about the times we went to the movies i payed for everything!”
“YOU payed for the tickets i had to pay for the snacks and seats!!!”
The argument only just got longer you honestly didn’t wanna do this but honestly…..you had a lot of rage trapped inside you for years
“Okay maybe after all of that stuff, WHY did you actually dump me?”
“I’m not stupid y/n, there’s something your not telling me”
Ugh you knew Sasha could tell through lies as well as seeing through a telescope (bad comparison but honestly idc)
“Well, maybe it’s because i just don’t have feelings for you, ever thought of that?”
“I know that’s not it!”
“….Fine your not gonna tell me then, cool, maybe you were cheating on me and want an excuse while making it not be cheating? You were using me?! You-“
“I like someone else!”
“Well i…liked you at some point but i became more aware of these feelings later on…..and i wanna end things with you to attempt to not hurt you but, i guess i already did”
“I knew it….”
“I guess you wanna dump me for someone who might not even like you? Cool, maybe I’ll let you with open arms if you don’t come back too pathetic when they reject you”
And just like that she walked off
Ouch, it did sting though, it honestly hurt but you can’t expect much good from Sasha Waybright
It did hurt a lot though thinking about all of it, I’m not crying…..why are there tears rolling down my eyes
You noticed Sasha back talking to Grime and she looked at you for maybe a mil second then completely turned her head
It’s like she’s refused to even look at you
You were too caught up in your sadness to realise a certain bluettte noticed your sad frown
“Soo, do you wanna talk about it-“
You jump due to being caught up in your head you didn’t notice Marcy approaching you which resulted in her lightly giggling
“Oh! Sorry that was mean! Sorry for scaring you….heh”
“Soo….do you wanna…..or-it’s okay really!-“
You turn your head around to see if it’s close to anyone hearing
“I’ll….tell you back here…”
You walk a bit behind the others so it’s not close to anyone except you and Marcy hearing and tell her everything
“And so then…..”
“And then?”
“I revealed i liked someone and well, I’m a horrible person….i think i hurt her…..”
“Ouch that sounds awful! For you-or her! Or well both?”
You knew Marcy had trouble deciding which “side” she should “be on” you honestly felt bad and felt she didn’t need to choose
“Um well i don’t think Sasha thinks your a horrible person maybe she was just a little mad-“
“No, i know what i did to her was wrong, i hurt her and she has every right to be upset with me but, the other stuff i just don’t want to make things awkward for you, and Anne, and stuck in Amphibia for crying out loud!”
You stop when Marcy hugs you
“You looked like you needed it-“
“No! It’s fine….i like it…”
This time it was……peaceful silence
“Sooo, when we head back wanna go eat that cake i was telling you about?”
“For the last time, I’m not eating something that may or may not have flies in them”
“Oh come onnnn!”
It was peaceful
I’m bad with names 😭
Andddd now that’s done with i hope you liked it-i didn’t really have much ideas for it so day by day I’ve just been doing little bits it is low-key short tho-overall i hope you liked ittt! Have a good day/night bye y’all!
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himbeaux-on-ice · 2 years
the insane thing(s) that happened to me yesterday
god uh where to begin uhhhh right. okay. so.
I have lived in Nova Scotia, within an hour of Halifax, my entire life. and of the four(?) Stanley Cup parades that have occurred in the city within that time, due to a variety of circumstances I've never gotten to attend a damn one. I've never so much as laid eyes on the damn thing in person. this has vexed me mildly for years
originally, I lamented that Nate had scheduled his parade on a deeply inconvenient day for me personally, but then schedules changed and it turns out there was actually a good chance I would, potentially, be free at the time of the parade, albeit stuck on the wrong side of the harbour. sure enough, my boss was an absolute g and let us all leave when we ran out of things to do in the morning, so I immediately beelined it across the harbour via transit (including a VERY crowded ferry) just in time to meet my roommate at the library and watch Nate’s parade go by from the air-conditioned third floor window, because my roommate is a genius.
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there he is all tiny and holding the thing! wow! and also saw Cogs and Landy in their horse-drawn cart lol. alright well that took two seconds, bucket list item complete, time to go I guess!
I then split off from roommate, who wants to save money by making lunch at home, and head further downtown to get a burger and a vodka soda from Five Guys. then I wander over to Grand Parade to catch the end of Nate’s little speech, and yet another distant glimpse of the man and his Cup!
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again, emphasis on distant.
alright well that’s done, now time to go find a spot to eat my burger and finish this drink. on impulse, I decide to wander slowly down to the waterfront to my favourite snack shack to get a slushie and try to find a seat by the water. it’s eight million degrees out so everyone on earth has the same idea and the line is super duper long and the area is incredibly crowded. but whatever, I have no place better to be today. I'll wait.
while I’m standing in line is when I start to notice the people moving through the crowd carrying columns of burgundy, blue and white balloons.
at first I think that they must have swiped them from the festivities on Grand Parade, which is an amusing thought. but then I realize they’re taking them into the staff entrance at the back of a large boardwalk patio restaurant, the Salt Box Beer Garden. watching them, I also start to notice that an entire half of the restaurant has been tarped off, is visibly empty of patrons (during a very busy boardwalk lunch hour on a beautiful Saturday afternoon), and has a small portable washroom trailer like the kind you can rent for nice weddings set up inside the cordon. as I watch, I can see employees moving the balloon towers around and hanging up some Avalanche jerseys around the patio, and doing wild things like polishing the handrails and going after cobwebs in corners nobody will ever look in with a broom. the kind of stuff you do when you have important guests coming over.
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slushie in hand, I am now intrigued, and beginning to suspect what this is - the Beer Garden must be rented out for whatever post-parade party is gonna be held once Nate and the Cup are done touring the city later today. it's mid-afternoon, absolutely lovely down here by the water, and I have no obligations, so I set up at a picnic table with a decent view, pour the rest of the vodka soda into my slushie, dig into the burger, and amuse myself with observing the goings-on and relaying what I'm seeing to a few friends. this is an area of town that I often hang around in on warm days anyway, so even if I sit here all day and see nothing, that's by no means a waste of an afternoon. maybe if I stick around long enough, I can get a little closer glimpse of some of the NHLers over the tarp, or of the Cup! perhaps even the so-far-elusive Sid the Kid...
several very chill boardwalk hours later, it's a bit after five, the band has started up inside, and the security guys who showed up a while ago have begun letting people who show up and say the right things in through a gate to the left of those trash cans. I've gone through a second slushie, had my picnic table stolen by a family of tourists while I was sitting at it (leading me to move down onto the steps in front of it, which are closer to the gate and comfier anyway), and had a very relaxing afternoon. I'm clearly not the only person who has caught on and started hanging around, either, as by now there are a lot of other people standing about on the steps. my portable battery pack has finally died and I'm starting to do the math on how much longer I can stick around before I have to leave.
then, while fiddling with my phone, I hear a kid on the steps to my left shriek "OH MY GOD IT'S HIM!!" as the crowd breaks into excited murmurs.
I look up, then look down the boardwalk to my right.
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reader, if I'd stood up and taken four steps forward, I could've touched the damn thing.
(and then presumably been tackled by that large bearded man, who seemed to be some kind of security)
Nate raised the Cup for the little gathered crowd as we whooped, and then took it into the already-started party to the sound of delighted welcoming cheers. those of us on the boardwalk mostly stood around murmuring to each other, like, "wow, did that really just happen?" and then we all sorta dispersed our separate ways. I went to buy a Beavertail pastry and find a power outlet, and then departed into the warm summer night.
and to think, a week ago, I hadn't even expected to make it to the damn parade!! I'll never resist the urge to go buy a slushie again
(the second insane thing that happened to me actually deserves its own post, but let's just say I also had a little cryptid sighting...)
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lostghost0o0 · 9 months
What do you think the Shepards do at a Latino party
OH WOW!! :D Thank you, I’m actually so happy that someone asked me something lol! But I’m gonna be honest, with the limited info we have about the Shepards it’s kinda hard for me to come up with stuff. So, sorry if their not as satisfactory as the last ones… :/ ANYWAYS-
Tim -
I feel like when Tim isn’t trying to kill somebody he’s actually pretty chill
he’ll kind just be standing around and listening to other people’s conversations
he’ll join in sometimes
similar to Dallas, he would probably become buddies with the cholo cousin
they’d relate with each other’s experiences
similar to Darry, he’s actually quite responsible
he’d definitely have a soft spot for the little kids
when the ice cream man comes around you can just see him walk up to the truck, wallet in hand and a whole bunch of kids following him
whenever the kids are around him, the adults would refer to them as his kids; “Ahí va el, con sus hijos.”
he’ll pretend not to like the kids and yell and scold them, but he’ll do it with a small smirk
when getting food, he’ll ask if the salsa is spicy lol
“Hey, is this thing spicy?”; “Nah. No pica.”
that was a fucking lie
Tim’s face turned red and he started to cough, he put a whole bunch of salsa on his food 😭
the tios just laughed at him and pat his back
Tim would also sit with the adults and listen to their stories of their childhood/ life in Mexico
their ghost stories are the only ones that freak him out
literally all the kids including Curly and Angela are asleep but Tim is still taking with the adults. It’s 3AM
Angela -
the tias don’t really like her, some might talk bad about her behind her back
they’d say stuff like; “Ella se cree mucho.” which basically means that she’s conceited or thinks she’s better than everyone else
canonically, she is very pretty, so the primos would all probably be asking for her number
the primas think she’s a bit of a toxica, but they still like her and think she’s pretty
they teach her how to dance and she learns pretty fast
she’d ask all the primos to dance huapango with her and of course they would
she tried to get Pony to dance with her and he would always refuse so she just gave up
she drank a whole shit ton of jamaica thinking it was wine, but it’s just juice
she still liked it though
she finds little kids annoying and she tries to stay as far away from them as possible, but they bug her just to spite her
she WANTED to talk with the primos in that one room, but as soon as she saw Cherry with them she rolled her eyes and walked away
she ended up talking with that one shy prima who was sitting alone at the party and they actually really got along
they sneak off to the corner store to get snacks and get some fresh air (I’ve also done this with my primos)
but they get caught and the adults scold them
they ended up staying in the prima’s room all night doing each other’s makeup
they would talk shit about boys and Angela would actually be the one to spill the chismé
Curly -
first thing he does is pick on the kids
he scares them and chases them around causing some kids to cry
he stops when a tia takes out a thick ass belt and threatens to whoop his ass
he pretended that he wasn’t scared of her but in reality he found her intimidating
he would also sneak off to the corner store, but with a group of a bunch of primos and the “fun Tio”
Everything was fine till Curly got caught trying to steal beer
he’d probably start a fight with the slick back primo and one of the Tios would have to break it up
the kids ended up ganging up on him and dragging him with them to sell bracelets around the neighborhood( has happened to one of my primos)
he actually really helped with the sales
when playing loteria, he would cheat and when nobody was looking he would steal some quarters from the cazito
everyone was invited to the next party except for Curly 💀
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night-triumphantt · 1 year
oh these are so many LOL but yk what, we were gonna answer all of these anyways so. obligatory otp caledith questions 13, 14, 15, 30, 47, 54, 57. or others you like more idk 🤭
13. Who’s the bigger tease?
Edith, 200%, Cal might learn overtime a little bit but it’s def Edith and not in small part bc Cals (v blushy) reactions are great
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
They’re both p good at expressing themselves through actions. Cal gives Edith room and trust to make her own choices & she pushes back on his own self depreciating ways and I think, pushes him to ask for what he wants when he isn’t really likely to do that on his own (he grows a lot when they’re actually together loll). As for how they clash (as tho I didn’t go dm u ab this one; its ok, the ppl should know💀) the way they deal w negative emotions aka. cal repressing them and just deciding to deal, vs edith who responds w anger/becomes explosive. I initially took this as things that would cause arguments but, cal is v chill and edith is too soft for him to be upset.
15. Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
Hmmmm I’m not sure it’s an always when they leave, I think In some universes it’d be more consistently than others depending on the high stakes situations they’re in yk. Cal says I love you mostly through actions and his behavior so if you count that than every 'be safe' or hug goodbye is 200% an 'i love you'
16. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
I feel like if he was told ‘pick out an outfit for Edith’ he’d take into account what she likes, that being practicality and also dark colors. THAT SAID, hed put her in his clothes (this doodle is why it took me so fuckin long to answer bc, it needed to be done and I fought clip studio paint to do it FSDFSDF)
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I have no idea what edith would pick for him, so I'll leave that for u ross fdsfsdfd
47. Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship?
I,,, I don’t think so?? Even tho they’re both convinced they’re gonna ruin it somehow (I Edith bc of her own view of herself and thinking she ruins everything and Cal bc he believes it’s too good to be true and it’s going to end when she finds out he’s a monster fhskdjsk)
54. Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
I feel like Edith is more likely to fall asleep somewhere that’s not their bed (bc she doesn’t sleep), in which case, Cal would. That or he would like, gently lay a blanket on her so shes not bothered fdfsdf.
57. Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
Cal does the cooking so I feel like he is more focused on what they actually need to get and Edith can put whatever random energy drinks/snacks she wants outside that 💀
ALSO ross u can retcon/add whatever u want
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asktherejectsau · 2 years
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🍊🎱 Exclusive interview with co-producer and songwriter of The Rejects, and former Gorillaz lead singer — Stuart “2-D” Pot 🎱🍊
Interviewer: Hi, 2-D. How‘ve you been holding up?
2-D: Mmm, alright now I think.
I: Oh, did something happen earlier?
2-D: Yeah, I was feeling a little peeved today since I spilled some raspberry tea on my good pair of pants this morning. They were pretty fancy too. Wish you could’ve seen ’em. They had these little hearts and stuff on ’em and they were really cute.
I: Oh. Well, uh, I’m sorry that happened—
2-D: I managed to throw ’em in the wash today. Hopefully, it’ll come out. But then I remembered my second best pair of pants, so I’m feeling pretty swell now. Plus I got some new tea to replace the one that was in my last cup. [sips from new coffee cup and sighs happily] This one’s jasmine tea. It’s really good. You wanna try some?
I: I-I’m good, thank you. Anyway, shall we—?
2-D: Oh, almost forgot. These are my new baggy flannel pants. I got ’em from a thrift store out in Holland one time and—
I: [clears throat]
2-D: O-Oh, right. The interview. [hums awkwardly while twiddling his thumbs] Sorry, I haven’t done one of these in a while.
I: It’s okay. We just need to get a move on. So, 2-D, aside from today, how have things been? You’ve been awfully quiet over the past few months since your departure from Gorillaz.
2-D: Yeah… I’ve been trying to avoid talking on social media for a while since I’ve left. Although, I dunno if I’d call it leaving but more, like, taking a break. I’ve just been trying to find out who I really am, yeah? I realized through working on The Now Now that I want to do something more than just Gorillaz my whole life. I wanna grow and change and develop something for myself. Like the potato that’s currently sprouting on my windowsill at the moment. His name is George. Him aside, I feel like I’ve been stuck in one place for while. Just stagnant, unmoving. That’s why I stopped using social media all together and so far it’s been such a weight off my mind. Same thing with Gorillaz. It’s not that I’m unhappy from all my time with Gorillaz, their like… my blood, ya know? My family. But… I dunno. It’s… [fidgets in seat] It’s like when you eat the same meal everyday for a few months and then you start thinking, “This isn’t really working for me like it used to. It still tastes good but now I want something different.” I think me being with The Rejects is what’s gonna help me find, err… well… “me” right now. I’m not gonna be gone from Gorillaz forever but I just need something different, keep things fresh.
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(Picture of 2-D with Gorillaz in late 2018)
I: Hmm… I see. Speaking of your former bandmates, do you still keep in touch with them even with your hiatus?
2-D: Oh yeah, loads. I try to talk with ‘em every chance I get. Just last week, Noodle and I FaceTimed each other and she showed me Katsu patting Russel’s stomach with her paws, like she was making a loaf of bread off of him for ten minutes while he laid asleep on the couch. It was amusing for the first five minutes, then it became a betting match to see how long she’d do that before he woke up.
I: What about Murdoc? Any updates from him?
2-D: [taps his coffee cup uncomfortably] He’s fine, p-probably… Um, what’s the next question?
I: Oh, sorry. Err… How did you first meet the Rejects?
2-D: Well, I already knew most of them from the get go. That being Ace and Cyb — I mean, Cynthia. Still gotta get used to that… Uh, the only person I hadn’t met before was Lenny. All I can really say about him is that he’s a really chill guy. Very sociable and surprisingly, a lot younger than I was expecting. He like Phil Collins and the Blue Men Group into one, he’s pretty great. As for how we all came together, it wasn’t too long after I began my hiatus actually. I think it was like, I dunno, two weeks after I took off? I stayed at a Marriott in LA for a bit and one day I came into this gas station to grab a couple snacks for the ride out to Ottawa ‘til I heard somebody shout out my name. I got kinda scared at first ‘cause, well, [runs a hand through his hair] the reason why I got this shaved cut was so I couldn’t be recognized as easily. Besides, last time I visited LA, I blended in pretty well. Well as long as you looked at me from behind, that is. [humming laughter] But then I saw it was Ace calling out for me. I was so stoked to see him again. We talked for a bit, hung out at his place, had a few drinks, I tried weed brownies for the first time and uh… I ended up spending the night with him. Then I found out that Cynthia was his roommate after she hit me head with one of her cables to wake me up from the floor. I was quite surprised to see her, I mean, by what Murdoc told me, I thought she was gone. Like poof! Gone like my socks in the dryer. But, y’know… I was happy to see her. Really, I was. That might sound weird to you, and… I-I’m assuming you already know what happened to me on that beach. [laughs awkwardly] But I was real worried ‘bout what could’ve happened to her. I know she wasn’t like the original Noods and she went kind of coocoo after getting that bullet through the head, but I don’t think what happened to me was her fault. I think we’re both victims really and it wouldn’t have been right for me to hold any ill will towards now her when… i-it wasn’t her choice to do the things she did. At least, I don’t think it was. But, um, anyway… I ended up crashing at Ace’s place for longer than I would’ve liked but after a bit, me and Cynthia reconciled, she introduced me to her band and the new stuff she was working on and from there I’ve been hooked.
I: Wow, that’s… oddly very touching. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us.
2-D: Um yeah. I dunno what I did but, no problem?
I: That being said, when talking about self-discovery, I also I hear you talking about Ace a lot. Some fans are wondering, are the two of you perhaps “involved?”
2-D: What do you mean?
I: Are you dating?
2-D: Oh! Y-Yeah, you can say that… [giggles]
I: Oh wow! Good for you. How long have you guys been together?
2-D: I’d say… four? I: Four what? 2-D: Yes. I: No, uh… have you two been together for four days? Months? 2-D: No, I’d say we’ve been dating for five months now.
I: I… Okay, how or when did you both decide to—?
2-D: It was a bit spontaneous. Well, kind of… [hums softly] See, we really hit it off when he joined Gorillaz back in 2018 but I was still figuring myself out back then so I waited until I was sure and now… uh, we decided that now it was probably the right time. [chuckles] It’s funny, yeah? I’ve never felt so happy before. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever fallen this hard for someone in a really long time. Well, except for that one lady that turned out to be a coat rack, but I think I just really needed new contacts. I used to be so scared of what would happen to me once I came out but y’know, I’m glad that I get to live in a time where people can feel free to love who they want without fear. Only determination to love and be themselves with their whole chest. There’s still a whole lot of work to do but I say it’s better for everyone if we keep moving forward. Going backwards doesn’t help anyone improve. Anyway, I also got to say, it’s very refreshing to have someone that truly loves and respects you for the way you are; all flaws included, no strings attached… [sighs] I think it’s safe to say I’m in complete bliss.
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(Picture of 2-D and Ace in Little Tokyo, Townsville)
I: How would you describe Ace as a partner?
2-D: Umm… not much has changed between us since we’ve started dating actually. He’s a bit more clingy than he used to be, but I mean that in a good way. Anytime I’m sitting down doing something, he’ll wrap his arms around me and ask what I’m doing, or he’ll give me a peck on the head whenever he brings me a cup of tea… He’s a teddy bear, really. Very physically affectionate, always gentle with his movements, and has surprisingly soft, supple hands. Oh, oh! [moves in his seat excitedly] I found out he likes doing this thing whenever we’re out in public. Recently we’ve been doing these little play fights. Usually he’ll make this little karate chop motion against my neck or my arms, and then I push it away and soon we’ll start this war with our arms, hands, and sometimes feet just blocking each other’s moves while making our own sound effects like it’s our own kind of action movie. That happened one time while we were ordering food at the plaza last week and this time I won by grabbing his wrists and pulling him towards me so I could kiss his forehead and oh my god, he was such a mess! [laughs] H-He wouldn’t even look at me without acting like he was gonna melt. [snorts] Ugh, you should’ve seen him! It was so adorable. Almost acted like a toddler, all giggly and following me about whenever I moved. He practically clung onto me the entire night afterwards.
I: Ah, the honeymoon phase… Well, we could go on about your relationship with Ace but we need to get back on track. Tell us, what’s it like not being the lead vocalist for once?
2-D: Again, pretty refreshing. I get to work more on my skills as a producer and making music that I’m proud of. I feel like a little kid playing keyboards with my dad again with all this new equipment we’ve got now. Been working on some pretty banger stuff with the band so far and I can’t wait for people to hear it some time soon.
I: What are you most excited for people to listen to?
2-D: Well we are coming out with an EP at some point this year but before that comes out, we did put out a single. It’s one of the first songs I worked on with the Rejects and it’s called “LOVEBUG!!” It’s definitely more of an experimental track, especially compared to both me and the band’s past work, but I loved messing around with all of the soft synths and 808s in this one. Lenny absolutely crushed it with the drums and I think it suits Cynthia’s voice really well! Although, the more I think about it, I sometimes think she sounds a lot like someone else I’ve heard lately. Well, either way, I just hope people end up liking the song just as much as I did making it. [hums happily]
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(LOVEBUG!! Promo Cover)
I: Good to know. How would you describe your experience working with the Rejects so far?
2-D: Quite tame. We all tend to be quite amicable with one another and we don’t fight as much compared to when I would record back at Kong. We really let our ideas bounce off each other like ping pong balls and when one of us comes up with a good line or segment, we all get excited. I haven’t felt like that before. That’s not to say I didn’t have that same feeling with Gorillaz before I took a break but the energy between us and the energy I get when working with the Rejects isn’t really up for comparison, y’know what I mean? Gorillaz is, uh… more of a family dynamic. A chaotic one but a found family, right? Whereas with the Rejects, we don’t see each other as collaborators but as a group of friends and I think that’s a neat little thing we made for ourselves. When dealing with the high that comes from being famous, everything around you just happens all at once and soon you forget what it’s like to breathe. I’ve been stuck in that world for 22 years, but after taking this break and later joining the Rejects, I’ve learned how to appreciate the little things again and I’m excited to see what life has to offer me.
I: How would you describe your current bandmates?
2-D: Cynthia is quite the natural born leader and she seems to really know her stuff. She can be a bit stubborn at times whenever we start composing things but she hasn’t done anything too extreme. I think that just shows more of her fiery personality. Not too surprising, given who made her but already I can tell you, she’s much better than that old sod. At least she actually treats me like a person and doesn’t try to… S-Sorry, I’m going too off topic, aren’t I? [clears throat] Um… Where was I again? Ah, right. Bandmates, yeah... Cynthia, to me is, uh, very determined and always willing to tackle a lots of ideas at once. She’s a perfectionist for sure but sometimes, I worry about her short circuiting with how much time she spends writing one song. You already know how I feel about Ace but Lenny on the other hand is quite the interesting guy. Reminds me of Russel in some ways but I wish I could understand him more. I don’t know sign language so we just write and text stuff to one another. Apparently he likes painting and sculpting things out of clay so one time I tried to make him something but I think I ended up making a creature that looks like it wants to die but Lenny still keeps it on his shelf so I guess it’s not too bad.
I: Alright, I think that’s all the time we have for today. Do you have anything else to say before we go?
2-D: Um, yeah, uh… do you know where the nearest toilet is? I’ve been holding it in since I got here.
I: I… [sighs] It should be on the 2nd floor to your right.
2-D: Cool, thanks. [gets up to leave before nearly tripping over his untied shoelaces]
I: Your shoes are untied.
2-D: [in the distance] I don’t know how to tie them!
I: Err… Well, stay tuned until next time where we interview the Rejects’ bassist, Ace D. Copular and talk about his journey from reality TV actor to aspiring musician.
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summerdazed · 1 year
Trigun characters and what horse I think they would have
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Sooo I haven’t finished stampede yet nor have I watched the og anime or read they manga so some of these are based off vibes alone. I’ll come back later and see what I think after I do finish lol. Trigun just give me such old western movie vibes that I have to do this
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Vash the Stampede
- If any of y’all have seen the Lone Ranger I think Vash would have a horse exactly like that
- Snow white, kinda tall, but irritatingly smart and kinda maybe dislikes him a bit
- However the horse will always show up at the right moment to rescue him cause it’s attached and it’s hard to be a horse without a rider lmao cause after all who will pay for snacks
- Highkey worried the horse would go colic or something else will happen cause it’s probably addicted to donuts too
Nicolas D. Wolfwood
- I feel like he would have a pretty bay horse
- And one that’s very charming an lovely one at that
- That’s how they got him lmao he fell for their cute face and now he’s stuck with them but it’s okay because he would love his horse
- The horse would hate carrying around that heavy ass cross though
Meryl Stryfe
- She’d have a big ass horse. Like so fucking tall I swear
- It would be so fat too because she’d baby and pamper it a lot
- Lowkey feel like she’d have a buckskin
- Anyway her horse would be very spoiled
Roberto De Niro
- He’d have a mule. Idk why but he just gives me mule vibes
- It’s bad as fuck and causes trouble
- Lowkey I feel like it would get into things too
- The mule had definitely kicked a bad guy too
Millions Knives
- The horse picked him, he did not pick the horse
- He seems like the type to want a white horse but when he sees it’s coat turns a brown in the winter he’s slightly confused and disappointed
- He’s horse would be a little dumb I’m sorry but he’s attached to it so it’s okay
- Would spoil it in a round about way
- Also I feel like it’s on the shorter side too
Milly Thompson
- Another one with a spoiled horse
- She takes such good care of it
- Lowkey feel like the horse would be tall as well
- Maybe paint vibes idk but i could see here with a patterned horse
- I feel like she and her horse would be the bestest of friends idk
Legato Bluesummers
- Giving me black horse vibes
- I know nothing about this man but his hair stood out to me so we’re gonna say his horse has long hair that’s always styled
- I feel like is horse would also be very chill
Livio the Double Fang
- Now this man looks like a cowboy
- He definitely has a sorrel horse I don’t make the rules
- Lowkey I feel like the horse would be a little hotheaded sorry
- And a troublemaker but Livio loves it so it’s all good
Midvalley the Hornfreak
- What kinda name first of all
- Chocolate brown horse with white socks and a white face vibe
- Like all white i can’t remember what that making is call sorry
- Lowkey he looks obsessed with that instrument so maybe his horse is called reed idk
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