#anyway Jon will prolly be a cat
sparky-is-spiders · 1 year
Contemplated what species everyone should be for my furry TMA au and. Listen. Listen. It us taking every ounce of strength in my body not to make Sasha a Protogen. It would raise so many questions that I wouldn’t know how to answer okay? So jarring. Normal furries who live in a modern world (with a slightly retro aesthetic possibly) and then there’s the fucking cyborg there for no reason. And I could just say fuck it. I could. But I can’t justify that to myself. I don’t have the willpower. The question would always be nagging and scratching and humming somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind: Fuck is this sci-fi cyborg shit doing here? And no amount of toaster joy would drown it out completely. But dammit this is one of the toughest battles I have ever faced and the more I think about it the more I start to lose the fight.
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murdleandmarot · 3 months
I dunno why it's taken me this long to clock all the npmd mentions you've done that weren't even subtle girl(gender neutral) it's been weeks and it just did not enter my brain until now
Do you have a Favourite lord in black and/or a Favourite nerd? (Mine are tinky and grace <3<3)
So I first saw this very early in the morning, and I very much misread it as you realizing that I was a girl (gender neutral), which I do think is very very funny anshdhdjf
I am also chuckling at the idea of me very obviously saying ‘Gee I sure do love Starkid’ and you just standing there like 🤔
Hi hello!!!! I do indeed love Starkid, and while npmd isn’t my faaaaaavorite of the hachetfield trilogy, (that honor goes to Black Friday, ily Black Friday), I do love the music and the characters, it’s definitely the most well produced in terms of its music. Very very cool
Ooooo the lord in black question is very difficult…..appearance-wise I’m gonna have to say Nibbly or Blinky. I really like eye motifs and eye imagery, so it’s a natural match.
As for Nibbly, he’s my favorite token™️ lord in black, for the costume and the aesthetic. Love him.
As for overall favorite, I’d have to go with Wiggly, surprisingly. This definitely has to do with my love of Black Friday, but he’s still my favorite overall villain from the trilogy, Jon Matteson’s voice acting is absolutely stellar, and his plush design is so so cool. I made little felt pins of the lord in blacks for Christmas for my friends, and wiggly actually turned out my favorite, he looked so cool. Maybe someday I’ll post some pictures of them lol.
GRACE CHASITY 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
She’s SO fucking me fr, that’s just how I am, I love her from the depths of my heart, she’s utterly unhinged <333333
I hope to god that someday I can play her in a show, I’d do SO well. Alto Queens unite!!!!!
Angela’s line read of ‘so you do know the Bible’ has me under lock and KEY, she’s SO mental
As an asexual I’d marry her ily Grace Chasity you will forEVER be famous. Dirty Girl is iconic 😌😌
I’m not really active in the Starkid fandom bc cats obv, but also they scare me like a lot. And don’t seem that friendly 😰 one of them blocked me for my opinion on Ted that I apologized for later, and I agonized over it for a week before realizing that it literally wasn’t my fault lmaooo.
Also I do have some opinions that prolly wouldn’t go over well in there, (I had a lot of feelings about workin’ boys lol)
That being said, going through the tags on the Twisted vs Cats poll is my favorite pastime. It’s so fucking funny to me. The girls are fightinngggggg
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inklingofadream · 4 years
I had a Thought regarding beneath the stains of time: In the present day, Elias has gotten some prime blackmail material on Daisy. He could just say that he knows about Jonathan Sims and well. Also, that scene in ep 82 where Elias gives her her own statement, imagine how much it'd wreck her if he gave her Jon's statement from like the months after his kidnapping. Like yes, she knows that he's hurt, but well. (also given that I don't think Elias'd be able to read daisy's mind.) many thoughts
Oh, and I'm also thinking about jon's eventual escape attempt and how he's bound to have more questions for Daisy- she can claim that she knows about mr Spider because the supernatural leaves its marks, but that won't explain why she's so fixated on keeping Jon safe- its not like she has kidnapped other kids. So he's bound to ask what makes him special and i don't see how she can explain it without telling about time travel. Anyways, many thoughts, head full, love the fic, good day! 
was eventual the wrong word? i think it was. i used it to mean it would be coming. and yes I'm not giving you any structure to these messages. the one with the thoughts about elias was written first, the one with the daisy thougts next, then this. And I think Jon's bound to figure out that he's special to her and that theres more to it. because she's knowledgable about this, so she prolly has experience, but he doesn't see anyone else. Anyway, love the fic, am exited to see where its going
lakdshga Jon is gonna take a while to think to ask why him, and by the time he does he’s gonna get an answer like “ur my brother n i love you :D” and be left like “ok but i wasn’t then??? why is every conversation with you like this.” (jon’s teen years make a lot more sense when he finds out about the time travel, mind reading seemed like it didn’t really fit with the other supernatural stuff he knows Daisy has going on but how else did she randomly know his name/favorite foods/etc etc without asking?)
And elias and daisy have a total i-know-you-know-i-know-etc thing going on, where he doesn’t know the time travel stuff but he does know about the kidnapping and the hunt and daisy being Not Pleased about Jon working at the Institute or becoming the Archivist but, through a series of coincidences and bad luck, unable to prevent it. Letting the Jon Sims cat out of the bag is prolly p low on his blackmail list though, bc by the time he’s at the Institute Jon is also invested in keeping that secret, and constantly afraid of it coming out- he’s like a constant snack buffet for any nearby Eye avatars
also since elias can’t properly read Daisy’s mind he does not know that she’s been siphoning funds from peter’s bank account. and he’s not gonna know unless she tells him, bc you can’t convince me either of those men has ever actually gone through their bank statement item by item
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