#anyway Tom did the last 1% by himself lol
vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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fucking finally
(screenshot via Frenzy)
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softspiderling · 1 month
i just think it's cute how they only met for 1 day and did one scene together and that was enough to spend holidays for 2 weeks~ with each other. I know Harry didn't expect tom to call that day asking if he really could come lol and now a year later they are back to spain (I wonder if they planned it since last year bc it would be cute af)
Also not to be #that fan but their story reminds me so much of the Supernatural male actors who got married. They did a comic con when they barely knew each other, one of them was going for a tour around europe with his own friends and the other was like "can I join?" and he did. in his own words "it was just so ballsy, pure and awesome how he invited himself" and that's when they started to fall in love. Couldn't help but think how familiar it sounds
their connection was instant!! and not them going on an anniversary trip🤭🤭
anyways, i’ve dabbled in supernatural, who are you talking about??
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generalkenobitrash · 2 months
spoilers for ep6 of hotd s2
i'm completely confused by the writing at this point, but i do like that we're getting more team green representation because they were too cartoonishly evil and not cool last season. i would've wanted corlys to have an outburst over rhaenys' death last episode, rather than simply going to driftmark for baela to convince him. rhaenyra making him hand of the king would have had more importance then, i think. jace is sitting the council at last lol. knowing what will happen to steffon darklyn, i feel kinda bad for him. it was a bit of a stupid decision, especially considering bastards are perhaps a better bet than a kingsguard (a very needed one, at that) whose relation to house targaryen is pretty distant. but i do admire than he genuinely wanted to help his queen and thus kinda sacrificed himself. okay, my wish for daemon to hallucinate viserys has come to pass at last. though viserys says the same stuff as in season 1, but it's much more...soft. i actually prefer this one to the scene in s1. viserys is more vulnerable and it's always a pleasure to see paddy considine. daemon's storyline is a bit slow but i'm glad to see him being driven to the edge of madness. matt smith is a phenomenal actor, so he carries the sometimes boring writing. simon strong is being an icon as always. i love caraxes so the screen time is much appreciated. i just know alys giggles to herself when daemon has his luigi's mansion moments. i do love that she makes him face his faults when he's trying to run. daemon has always wanted the crown, but it's so clear to see that he's not fit for it. he's right that rhaenyra never wanted it, but she rose up to the occasion. she's being a leader. daemon struggles to raise men by threat of fire. alys and mysaria are the most interesting characters to me this season. by saying that in three days the winds will shift, i think alys meant that grover tully will die and oscar will take his place and therefore secure an army for rhaenyra. i am still sad to lose kermit tully. i understand the muppets association but it's legit a cool name 😂. the scene where ser steffon tries to bond with seasmoke was very interesting. it's pretty neat to get more insight into the dragonbonding process. anyways, rip steffon darklyn. you did your best. i do like sylvi (the brothel madam) and dyana, so i'm curious to see what's next for them, though i think sylvi may not appear again. anyways, the smallfolk have my heart. i like that after suffering yet another loss, rhaenyra feels utterly frustrated and desperate. i love love and love rhaenyra and mysaria. i kind of don't like the "the people will be hungry and will need someone to blame", because yes, the keep has more than enough food for themselves, but it was rhaenyra who initiated the blockade. the blame could easily shift to her. with all the dismissing and whatnot, i don't think otto even managed to reach oldtown before he's being summoned back lol. aegon didn't really listen to his council, but atleast he tried, while aemond's being outright mean to his council. tom glynn carney is amazing. no matter what aegon did, i don't think he deserves to be lowkey tortured by aemond. tgc is seriously too charismatic and too good to make me hate aegon. i truly wonder if they'll make rhaena tame sheepstealer. i love my sweet girl sm. the baby dragons are so cute. i'm sorry jeyne arryn is so beautiful i can't focus whenever she's on-screen. i'm lowkey stressed that the battle of the gullet is coming. i love the rather subtle way they're using to show that addam and alyn are bastards. i like alyn in the show. i love that even rhaenyra is sick of daemon. he truly has to get his act together and recognize that it is rhaenyra's claim he should uphold. how did the fisher guy not see the boat before it was right there at the beach? oh well. food for the smallfolk yay. lyman beesbury haunts the narrative. i write as i watch the episode and i'm already at the limit and the episode is not even over 💀
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pxnsneverland · 1 year
Beauty and the Boss | austin!elvis x oc (part 5)
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plot summary: Laura Jean Walker is the daughter to Louisiana’s most powerful mafia boss, but to her, he’s just her jail warden. When she sneaks out to the Louisiana Hayride with her friend she sees Elvis Presley perform and instantly knows something is special about this boy. Especially when he saves her from being assaulted by a townie. She thinks she’s on cloud 9 until she gets kidnapped in the middle of the night by the Memphis Mafia led by Elvis himself. Will Laura Jean try to free herself or will something hold her back from finding her way home?
Part 1 | Part 2  | Part 3 | Part 4
pairings: austin!elvis x oc
word count: 3490
warnings/notes: I finally had time to write a new part! I was literally at the front desk at my job writing this fanfiction today for my whole shift while doing my work lol. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it and I'm hoping I'll be able to post another part before the week is up...fingers crossed :)
Chapter 5
               A month had gone with no news from my father and no money returned to Elvis. I didn't mind too much. Graceland was starting to seem more like home than my real home. Ms. Gladys was treating me like the daughter she never had, even teaching me how to prepare her family's recipes. The Memphis Mafia's other members began to act more like brothers. They were only all business while they were doing business, it turned out. The remainder of the time, they were wild boys running around, tossing footballs, racing in go karts, and generally having a good time. I even got to meet Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis' music manager. I didn't care for him. He reminded me of my father: all smiles on the outside, but sticky and shady on the inside. But Elvis trusted him, so I didn't express my worries. Still, I tried to avoid him as much as possible, especially when I accompanied Elvis to his performances. I spent most of my time with Elvis, and I quickly understood that the only thing monstrous about him was that he was a mafia leader. He was a boy with a golden heart, a profound love for his family and friends, and a passion for music. We'd go for walks around the Graceland grounds or simply relax in his room and listen to music. He would sometimes play me tunes on the grand piano in his living room and I would sing along, which always made him smile. Even though I didn't leave the property without Elvis, I didn't feel as confined as I did with Daddy.
I descended the stairs after hearing Ms. Gladys' voice all the way upstairs. I crept into the living room and saw Elvis slumped on the piano bench, forlorn. I could see he was still upset over his last performance. The Colonel dubbed it "The New Elvis." A family-friendly Elvis in coats and tails. An Elvis who appears to make a fool of himself on live television while singing to a hound dog. I'd heard all the headlines about Elvis's shows being too lude, his music being too rebellious, and how he was corrupting today's youth on the radio and television. That was all nonsense from the tabloids, but the Colonel reasoned that pandering to the skeptics would be simpler than having Elvis ignore them. I wished I could ring that man's neck for removing the brightness from Elvis' eyes.            
Gladys shouted, pacing in the kitchen, “She just went on and on about the damn dog.” Elvis looked like he was barely listening. “And I said, “Neighbors shouldn’t speak like that”. And then she said…”
              I entered the living room and sat on the arm of the sofa close to Elvis's head, which was dangling off the end of the piano bench. I offered him a little grin as he gazed up at me. “The bit with a dog wasn’t that bad, was it?” I was attempting to cheer him up, but even I could see how horrible things really were.
              “It was the most embarrassing performance of my life, darlin’,” Elvis said quietly. He moved down the seat till his head was in my lap and one of his hands was clutching the bottom of my skirt.
Elvis had developed feelings for me, and I knew I had feelings for him. We weren't dating or committed, but we were something, and everyone at Graceland knew it. I ran my fingers through his hair. “Your real fans will still be by your side. Like the ones outside the gate every day.”
              “You mean the ones beggin’ me to go back to my old ways? Sounds more like protestin’ than admiration.”
              Ms. Gladys entered the living room from the kitchen. “She wasn’t the only one who said it. All the neighbors did.” Elvis tensed up beneath my touch. “Those New York people were using you to poke fun at the whole South. Getting a laugh out of putting a hillbilly in a tailcoat and singing to a dog.”
              “Ms. Gladys, ain’t no one thinkin’ we’re hillbillys.,” I remarked, “Especially not Elvis. He ain’t never been ashamed of where he comes from."
              “Exactly, Mama.” Elvis didn't lift his head from my lap, and Ms. Gladys acted as if seeing us cuddled up together, me comforting him, was the most natural thing in the world. “God damn it; besides it was either that or I get canceled. Then that’s it for television. Colonel says I’m runnin’ out of states I’m welcome in. And I don’t need no one lookin’ deeper into anything I’m doin’.” I knew he was referring to the Memphis Mafia, but I had no idea what Ms. Gladys thought he was referring to. “And they don’t pay unless I can perform!” He took his head off my lap. “So, Colonel says I play the charity concert tomorrow night, as the new family style, then everybody calms down and we get back on track. Someone’s gotta think about keepin’ a roof over our heads.”
              Gladys scowled. “Roof over our head? Elvis, we have always managed to keep a roof over our head!” She began to storm away. Elvis followed her, and I wondered if I should intervene in their discourse.
              “Mama, Colonel is my manager. It’s his job and he ain’t never failed us before.”
              “We was doin’ just fine before that man came along!”
              “Colonel has got us all of this!” Elvis extended his arms, indicating the big mansion and many acres.
              “I don’t want all of this! You’re unhappy! I don’t like seein’ you unhappy! Laura Jean doesn’t either!” She yelled this as if it were going to aid her case. Maybe it would, since he returned his flushed gaze to his mother after a brief glance back at me.
              “I am not unhappy!”
              Gladys smacked her palms on the table, causing the cutlery to clatter noisily. She returned her attention to him. “You’re losing yourself, Booby!”
              Elvis shook his head. “Aw, hell, Mama, I---”
              “Satnin knows.”
              She approached Elvis, putting her hands on his arms and leaning in closer. “The way you sing and move, it’s God-given. So, there can’t be nothin’ wrong with it.”
              Elvis appeared to be about to say something, but Billy rushed in, saying, “Hey, EP! EP! Can we close down the movie house and watch Godzilla tonight?!” A swarm of other boys followed him, dashing through the house like madmen, generating an even bigger commotion than the one that was already going on.
              Elvis' face had turned even redder. “Don’t tramp mud in the house, Billy!”
              “But you said we could watch the movie!”
              I watched something erupt in Elvis. He appeared to be the frightening, deadly mafia leader who would have killed that redneck boy if I hadn't stopped him. Billy was shoved out the front door. “Get out! Get out of my goddamn house! Trampin’ mud in my house and doin my damn head in!” He took a few steps before pulling his jacket from the rack. With irritation, he put his palm over his eyes. “Mama, you ain’t never happy. No matter what I do, no matter how much I give you, it ain’t never enough!” Gladys had already taken the half-empty whiskey bottle from the cupboard and had begun to drink the rest. Elvis' gaze was drawn to it for a brief while. “And I wish you would not drink so goddamn much. It’s not good for you!”
He took my hand and drew me outside with him. I scurried behind him, trying to keep up with his big strides. Gladys was calling to him from inside, but he didn't stop or turn back. The boys began shouting to him as well, but it seemed as if they were yelling at walls. He seated me in the passenger seat of his purple convertible before immediately going into the driver's seat, starting the car, and driving away.
“Elvis, where are we goin’?” I inquired but received no response. The radio began playing his music as we approached the gate, where there were still fans outside. He changed stations, but each station seemed to be playing different increments of Hound Dog, taunting him until he finally turned off the radio as the gates opened. Girls grabbed the car in the hopes that he would look at them or stop and talk. His gaze was fixed on the road in front of him. His white knuckles gripped the steering wheel. I heard cameras clicking and people asking who I was and why I was in the car. We soon passed through the crowd and were on the open road, driving into the setting sun in complete silence. I wanted to ask where we were going again, but he hadn't even acknowledged that he had brought me along.
It was night by the time we reached someplace, and the street we were on was filled with lights, people, and music. This was unlike any other street I'd ever seen. There were a lot of black people on the streets, in businesses, and in restaurants. It seemed as though the street itself was giving these folks life, and it was enthralling. The car eventually came to a halt when it approached a curb.
I cast a glance at Elvis. “Where are we?”
He shut off the automobile and leaned back, exhaling a long breath he hadn't taken since Graceland. “Beale Street. I used to spend a lot of time down here. It’s one of my favorite places, one of the places that inspired me.” He finally looked at me with remorse. “I’m sorry I just grabbed you and left. I just…I don’t know what to do. Everybody wants somethin’ different from me. I feel like I can’t make anyone happy.”
I grasped his hand in mine. “You need to make yourself happy, Elvis. That’s all that matters. And anyone who really loves you will be okay with that.”
Elvis kissed the back of my hand with a smile. “You really are a wonder, Laura Jean Walker.” He flung open his door. “Come on, there’s somewhere I wanna take you.” He hopped out and came to my side, opening the door and assisting me in exiting. He held my hand as he proceeded to the sidewalk, which was immediately encircled by a throng of people. While hauling me along, he respectfully greeted and thanked everyone.
Then, a voice from above yelled, “EP!”
Elvis and I both turned to face the voice. A black man stood on a fire escape outside the 'Club Handy' building, waving to Elvis. Elvis's face brightened. “BB! Hey!”
“Get over here!”
Elvis dragged me across the street, the mob behind us. Hands were shaken as we approached the entrance, and I overheard several of the ladies complimenting my clothes and hair. Elvis came to a halt to sign a few autographs. As the performer's entry to Club Handy opened, BB was waiting there with a huge security guy in a suit. “Get him! Get him in here! EP! EP!”
Elvis eventually made his way into the club, dragging me along with him. The shouting fans outside were muted when the security officer locked the door behind us. I wasn't afraid; in fact, I could feel the adrenaline surging through me, making me want to bounce off the walls. I was generally off to the side backstage, watching Elvis' concerts with Gladys and the Colonel. I'd never been so close to the action and the spectators who showered him with affection.
BB and Elvis hugged in the way that only an old friend can. Elvis's previous worry was gone, and the brilliant smile was back on his face, and the light was back in his eyes. “Oh, it’s good to see you, BB.”
“You too, EP. What you doin’ slummin’ it down here again? I would have thought you would have been too busy.”
“Well, I needed to clear my head, and this felt like the right place to do it.” BB's gaze was drawn to me, and he nodded to Elvis for an introduction. “Oh, Laura Jean, this is BB King. BB, this is Laura Jean Walker…my girl.”
I swear I felt my heart cease beating. My girl. I was so excited that I almost missed BB taking my hand and shaking it. Of course, I had no objections to being his girl, but we hadn't discussed it. We hadn't said anything else to anyone. We'd just fallen into these roles with each other as if we didn't have any other choice. I instantly felt the urge for a glass of water. “Um, nice to meet you, Mr. King.”
“BB, please. I’m too young to be called mister anything. So, you been keepin’ EP in line?”
With a tiny giggle, I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t think anybody could keep Elvis in line. He’s too rebellious for his own good.”
Elvis rolled his eyes but wrapped his arm around me and laid his lips to my brow. “Watch yourself, darlin’. You still gotta come back home with me,” he said, making me laugh even more.
BB just nodded. “I’m glad you’re doing well for yourself, EP. Or are you…?”
Elvis released me when he saw BB was ready to get to the bottom of why he had gone to Beale Street in the first place. “It’s my mama. She keeps going on about the “Hound Dog”, and the Colonel’s got me wearin’ tails, and everybody just wants somethin’ different.”
BB rested his hand on Elvis' shoulder. “Hey, listen, man, if you’re sad and you want to be sad, you’re at the right place. If you’re happy and you want to be happy, guess what? You’re at the right place. So just do me a favor…” He fixed Elvis’s jacket. “…let it all hang out. Let it all hang out, EP.”
Elvis chuckled and nodded. “Let it all hang out, baby.”
BB led us into the club, which was packed with people dancing, drinking, and partying as if tomorrow didn't exist. Everyone seemed to be caught up in the music and atmosphere of the club. It was like freedom personified, and I couldn't help but want to join in. On the stage, a black singer was playing the piano and singing into the microphone as if his life depended on it. He had Elvis-style eye makeup and a pompadour on his head.
“Whoo! Man, he’s cuttin’ it,” Elvis yelled to BB over the din of the crowd.
“He’s amazing,” I said as the artist began to move away from his keyboard to dance with the audience.
“Sister Rosetta found this kid in the backwaters of Georgia,” BB explained.
“You should get the Colonel to book him on Steve Allen. I bet he would love that.” Elvis laughed at himself. “They would love his moves.” We worked our way through the crowd until we located an empty booth in the corner where we could sit and watch the performance. “Man, he sings the hell out of that song. I would love to record that.”
BB nodded. “If you do, you’ll make a whole lot more money than that kid could ever dream of.”
It was a terrible fact, but it was the reality, nevertheless. Even while Elvis did his share to draw attention to black musicians, there was still a racial barrier that many refused to cross. Yet it didn't mean he'd give up trying. And it was time for me to give it a shot with him. I took his hand in mine and dragged him out of the booth. “Come on, I wanna dance.”
Elvis beamingly grinned. “Really? You don’t feel out of place here?”
“Why would I? You’re with me and it looks like fun.” I took him to the dance floor and began dancing to the music. He was stunned at first, but soon joined me, drawing me closer. The heat of the crowd around us energized us both as we laughed and danced to the song together. I was performing dancing moves I'd only seen on TV, motions that Daddy would describe as obscene. But I'd never had so much fun in my life. I felt liberated, I was myself, and I was with someone who appreciated who I was as much as I did. We also danced with some of the other clubgoers and drank wine purchased for us by several fans.
It was later than I had ever stayed out by the time we were sweaty and tired. We were smoking cigarettes on the fire escape with BB. BB flung his ashes over the gate's side. “That’s a nice ride you rode up in tonight.”
Elvis shook his head. “It ain’t like your ol’ BB King bus.”
BB laughed. “Big Red. Yeah, well, I can go where I want, play what I want and if they don’t like it, I can go somewhere else.”
“Sounds like a dream,” I said.
“It is. You’ve got to be in control.”
“Yeah, well, it ain’t easy when you got someone hell bent on controlling you. My Daddy barely let me leave the house.”
“Is that why you moved in with EP over here? Childhood rebellion?”
My hands were on my hips. “No, that ain’t the reason. And I’m not a child. I think I more than proved that by bein’ here tonight.”
BB chuckled as I playfully struck Elvis on the arm. “She’s got fire in her, EP. You chose a good one, one that can probably keep up with you.”
Elvis bit his lower lip. “Yeah, well, she just kind of fell into my lap. But I’m glad she did.”
My face became heated from the blush that had appeared on my cheeks. I was pleased I had as well, regardless of the circumstances that had brought us together. In some ways, I suppose I didn't want Daddy to satisfy Elvis's demands. Would I be forced to leave if he did? Would Daddy make Elvis do it? I didn't want to leave. I was content with where I was and who I was with for the first time in a long time. The prospect of returning to Daddy's prison made me nervous.
For a little while, all was quiet before BB declared, “EP, you should have your own label, like me. You don’t do the business; the business will do you.”
Elvis sighed. “Man, I just leave all that to the Colonel.”
“So, it’s his idea? This new Elvis?”
“I don’t get it, man. Cats buy your records because they like what you do, not because you’re dressed up like some butler. You really think those kids want to see Elvis the butler at the Russwood Park gig?”
“BB is right, Elvis.” I felt compelled to speak up. It was really bothering him. “I know you trust the Colonel to do what’s right. But you didn’t sell records because you stood at a microphone in tails and a tie. You sold them because you gave the young generation what they wanted. You gave them music and dance moves and performances that spoke to them, spoke to their freedom.”
“Well, I ain’t wearin’ no tails.” Elvis bowed his head. “I just…gotta lay off the moves, is all.”
“Your moves are you, baby. They’re apart of you as much as the music is.”
“Colonel says if I don’t, they’re gonna put me in jail. And not just for dancin’.”
My breath became stuck in my throat. “They can’t prove you did nothin’. You’re makin’ honest money now. Ain’t nothin’ bought through dirty means at Graceland.”
BB cast a glance between the two of us. “She knows?”
Elvis nodded. “She knows everythin’. And, Laura Jean, it ain���t just about things I’ve bought. The Memphis Mafia deals in much more than shady money, you know that. Daddy got sloppy once and they threw him in jail for it. If I make the same mistake, everyone I care about looses everything and I get sent packin’.”
“Come on, man. They’re not gonna put you in jail. They might put me in jail for walking across the street, but you? You’re a white boy and a famous one at that. You’re more than the mafia now, EP. Too many people are making too much money off you to put you in jail.”
Elvis was paying close attention, and I could see his mind working. “You think so?”
“I know so. Colonel’s a smart man. There’s gotta be another reason.”
Elvis looked at me for reassurance. “My feelings about the Colonel don’t matter, even I agree with BB. You gotta listen to yourself. Don’t let nobody tell you what’s best for you. Only you know what’s best for you and I’ll be there too. No matter what.”
Elvis pulled me up onto his lap. “Well, then, darlin’, I think it’s time for a change.”
Stay tuned for part 6!! Click HERE to view!
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cakebatteronabrickwall · 11 months
this is random and very late, but ngl i still feel like s4 was such a good roman season like right until the finale, his ending and kendall and shiv’s were unsatisfactory in different ways, as in, no one won (obviously) but roman’s conclusion in comparison feels a bit? less impactful? i felt like there had been a build up to something bigger (character-wise, not like an in-universe win) and then ? and i dont think it was just me bc throughout the release i saw this expressed a lot, by casual viewers as well
and sure one can say “he’s just not as important” and leave it at that, but i never felt that to be the case, and still dont but then jesse’s vision on the character only made it all more confusing lol
Don't worry, it's not random! But I hope, by asking me, you know you're in for a worryingly long answer.
First of all, Jesse Armstrong's vision and interpretation are his own and I don't think it matters very much in the grand scheme of things. I'm not saying this in a resentful way (really not!), but he seems to see these characters through the lense of season 1 and, I would argue, there is a very significant shift in the second half of the first season in how they are written and the path they are intended to go down. Problem is, Armstrong is the only one they kept asking after the last episode aired, and I can't fault him for a) being stuck with the original read of the characters and b) having comperatively less complex views on Shiv and Roman, because it kinda makes sense to me that he would have more to say on Ken. For example, Georgia Pritchett has talked about queerness in these character before, I don't think I've ever heard anyone else mention that. And so on. Essentially, there are other writers and actors who made the characters who they are, more so than him.
With that out of the way--yes. I do agree that season 4 gave Roman (and Shiv) so much more to do, all in all a great season for everyone not named Kendall Roy, lol. For Roman especially, I think it did what had been an ongoing theme since season 2; which is to really break him down and disassemble him as a character. I think it's really interesting to look at Roman's overarching arc in the show which, to me, is about sort of finding back to his actual personhood. He is told he isn't real (and fair enough, a lot of him is a performance act), he is told his past and memories aren't real or not important, and so on.
Season 4 is the first time the disjointment of Roman is made much clearer to even more casual viewers and I think, once you see it, you can't really unsee it. You want there to be resolution. And I understand that it might be disappointing to not fully get it, but I do think it's there. Here is the thing- If you accept "finding back to his actual personhood" as Roman's series arc (and you do not have to), then how does it conclude? At the funeral, right? We, as observers, have understood that it was never about the firm for him, but his father. His father is gone, and while he holds onto him in form of the firm, he finally comes to this breaking point of letting grief in.
Like, everyone saw him break down, there is no going back. More importantly, he doesn't really seem to want to go back. The final episode for Roman plays a little like a mixture of epilogue/prologue, if that makes sense? Epilogue: the end of an era (waystar), a shift in the sibling relationship (maybe not for long though). Prologue: someone who has genuinely begun the grieving process, finally in a position to let go, who knows what lies ahead.
The last episode isn't really an ending anyways, it's just where we leave the characters be. Do I think Shiv and Roman could have carried another season? Yeah, honestly. Shiv, because there is a lot of narrative plot possibilities (and hey, I do so want Shiv and Tom to reenact The Great), and Roman because he would have found himself in a completely new position. I'm tempted to say a sort of progress/healing moment would be inevitable in the future. But maybe that's the problem; Succession isn't the kind of show to portray that. They would have found a way, surely, but it would have been a very different direction.
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gregoftom · 1 year
I love Greg, but if I was Tom I would have teared the bitch to pieces with my teeth if I saw him having a ball of a time with the fascists, after having agreed to go to prison for him. He did the same thing with boar on the floor and the proposal of a business open relationship afterwards. Which in retrospect is very fucking crazy. Dude had to stand in an empty pool and got pissed on, but still didn't talk because of a little 'pls 🥺' only for Greg to break-up and blackmail him. Love them, fr.
JASJAKSJAKJSAS yeah i'll be honest that hurt me too.
it's kind of crazy the way that greg reacted then compared to now and you make a good point - twice tom makes these big proposals of love and twice it's kind of thrown back in his face. this is something he's used to so it makes sense that he goes off and pelts bottles at greg. you can kind of understand tom, LOL.
but he keeps pursuing him! like a lovesick little bitch! it's so..... A. there are probably multiple reasons why greg reacts the way he does to tom at the start; 1. he thinks that's the way this world works having observed the family acting that way [tom even praises him for the blackmail, in the end greg is mostly satisfied with being treated better and respected and being given a sense of belonging. tom knows just how to seduce him right back in] 2. he's not sure, like i was when i first watched boar on the floor, just how long these kinds of gestures could and would last so he doesn't take it quite so seriously hence trying to leave after [also up to that point tom had been uh. pretty mean to him!! and he gravitates towards niceness, it's only then i guess that he managed to pluck up the courage to ask to leave bc tom had this sudden burst of kindness and greg felt like he could leave without getting Killed lol.] 3. he's just being selfish - he takes these gestures and runs with them, esp the getting out of jail free card. he's like, oh thanks! then thoughtlessly celebrates his freedom with a bunch of. dudes. anyway.
BUT THEN LATE S3-4?????!?! WTF HAPPENED HASKJASAS this bitch was like minnesotan dick got me acting unwise. "prove it" shut the hell up slut!!! tom can't even react properly cuz he's like HUH?????? i thought you didn't even like me back!!!!! and it's just so fucking fun bc it pairs up very nicely with how much tom acts like a schoolboy around greg. these mfs be acting like high school idiots and it's so entertaining. it's like i said somewhere else on a post; one of them will take steps forward while the other steps back. the nero sporus scene was greg's "oh!" moment, i think. that was the moment he was like, oh wait, this is for real? bc ever since then he's been glued to tom's side and in the latest s4 episodes been singing his song like hey hi i'm greg of tom, i'm tom's mistress, how is everybody, hi mr president did you know i love that country boy. also i am here. like he mentioned himself second!! not exactly a huge thing like botf, but it's still a gesture! just a shame tom wasn't there to see it; maybe it'll be addressed in some way in the finale or he'll bear witness to greg doing the same thing for him in kind and we'll either get a break up as a response [touche greg] or... not?? which!!!!! A but i'm kind of expecting something within the former range. but i don't think it'll be an easy decision for tom and tbh, i'll take that. it at least means greg is important to him.
something happened between s3 and 4; they became friends, the trust grew, they must have spent a lot of time together. the disgusting brothers [which atp could just be them fucking each other and calling it disgusting bc they're fucking dumb and internally homophobic] bullshit, which sounds like something some idiot frat bros would come up with. "DIGUSTIBUS" GREG U WANNA FUCK THAT SENIOR CITIZEN SO BAD IT MAKES U LOOK STUPID. like. we had tom acting like that, now it's greg's turn. the scales tipped the other way and now tom is like. whadda hell... he likes it for sure we can see it here and there. but he's taking the step back now. i just think that's interesting!
ANYWAY SORRY I MADE THIS INTO A HUGE POST LOL but the point is. i also love them fr and tom should've [redacted] whenever greg was a little unappreciative asshole.
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dracomort · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @duplicitywrites and @cindle-writes!
Tagging @laeveteinn and @kazuza-art
1. Post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular),
2. your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year,
3. your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year,
4. your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
5. and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
5 works
So, um, I don't actually have five fics written in 2022 up on my AO3 at the moment. I did finish a fic in the last 2 weeks of 2021 though so I'll just chuck it in.
Bluebeard (34,850 words) | Complete
Secrets, old and new, threaten to shake the very foundations of Draco's fragile new life in the 1940s.
This was the sequel to the Travelling Cabinet which I told every commenter I wasn't going to write and then went ahead and wrote anyway. Very much in reference to the Bluebeard fairytale, only instead of dead wives it's dead... everyone else 🤣
Definitely was a bit of a challenge—in relationship conflict, morality and emotional complexity. I rewrote the last 10k... many times. It also kinda has a plot 😲
Blood (8,216 words) | Complete
Outside, the world burns. But Draco isn’t watching.
Dipped my toes into heavier angst with this fic as all my previous works are predominately light-hearted, even if they have serious elements. I intended it to be Dracomort but it ended up gen to preslash at most because anything else didn't feel right.
Alley Cat (31,707 words) | WIP
In which Draco attends Hogwarts with Tom Riddle and inadvertently saves the world.
This is my current WIP, a Draco & Tom same age AU. Fun fact: this actually started as a fem!Tom fic lol, but it felt like too many twists away from canon to serve any particular point, so I figured it had to either be Abraxas/Fem!Tom or Draco/Tom generation mash.
A Generous Minute (6,975 words) | Complete
Abraxas Malfoy is in love with himself. Tom Riddle is planning a murder. Possibly ten.
Or: when one walking red flag meets another
My one fic without Draco (so far). Named for Abraxas's impressive bedroom performance, of course. Had a lot of fun writing Brax here in all of his oblivious, unredeemed narcissism. Probably would've killed him off if that wouldn't have consequently led to erasing Draco's future existence.
Edible Horcruxes (2,913 words) | Complete
Poor decisions from meddlesome grandfathers leave Lord Voldemort acting as nanny for Draco Malfoy, a cherubic baby with a taste for dark artefacts.
Technically published in 2021 but who's counting? Another gen baby-focused fic entirely written because I wanted to write baby Draco chewing on the Locket Horcrux.
Hmmm honestly, I can't promise to actually release any of my WIPs. However, these are the most recent projects I've been working on:
Secret Garden AU | Tom Riddle & Draco Malfoy
Tom as Mary and Draco as Colin (except they aren't cousins).
Vampire AU | Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Harry is a seventeen-year-old vampire pretending to be seven-hundred. Draco is a would-be victim who thinks his blood is too expensive to be spilt.
The Travelling Cabinet III | Tom Riddle/Draco Malfoy
Tom and Draco go on a camping trip in Albania. Septimus and Cedrella tag along. Not especially plot heavy. Inspired by a commenter on Bluebeard.
Pinocchio | Voldemort/Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle/Draco Malfoy
Set in the early 2000s in a Britain that has been conquered by Voldemort. Features Horcrux!Tom, Death Eater!Draco and a Voldemort who has gone missing without a trace.
I WISH I could write this fic but it just does not want to be written lol. POV issues, for the most part, as well as it being heavier on plot than I typically write. I might get stuck into it in the new year before my grad job starts but I'll probably be writing Alley Cat or the TTC sequel then.
3 Improvements
Writing emotions - when I wrote the last chapter of Bluebeard I realised that I was tackling several emotions that I'd never written before. When left to my own devices I tend to write detached or callous POVs, which is helpful in certain cases (Tom's POV in The Travelling Cabinet or Draco's in Blood) but not in this one.
Completing work - I've been putting a concentrated effort into finishing my work, something I've struggled with in the past. Am easily distracted by shiny new plot bunnies 🐰
Writing consistently - needs no elaboration.
2 Resolutions
Cure my white room syndrome - I tend to be a very economical writer and while I don't see myself ever changing that much, I should like to put more effort into scenery description going forward
Write Drarry - given the amount of this ship that I've read over the past few years, you'd think I'd manage to write for it but that has not been the case lol
1 Favourite Line
"Even if he understood on an intellectual level that the war was over, it continued in a dark, secret place buried deep within him." (Bluebeard, Chapter 3)
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impala-dreamer · 2 years
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺 (you don't have to do this, feel free to ignore it 😘)
oh boy... strap in, folks - much like @kittenofdoomage did, I'm going to try and not stick to SPN here (I think we all know where I stand with those boys anyway- so- ahem-)
In no particular order....
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1- The Brat Prince, Himself- The one and only Vampire Lestat, and yes, I'm using Tom Cruise bc I haven't seen the new show yet, but of literary media- Lestat deLioncourt shall always and forever be my number one. He has been with me since I was 12 years old and shall never leave ever for any reason. the end.
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2 - Jack Shepard from LOST. Now, I know what you're thinking- he kinda sucks, and yes, yes he does. but honestly, beside Hugo- they ALL kinda suck. And since the pilot, I have always felt very connected to Jack and his struggles with life and death and good and bad. He's just my main guy, OK? Get off my back about it and help me move this giant wheel thingy...
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3- Rory Williams, The Last Centurion, and Greatest Companion- Doctor Who. He just... He is me in any and all magical/epic/adventure situations and I can't get around that. And he's adorable and so loving and just the utter best.
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4- Roger Sterling - Mad Men. One of the greatest sonsofbitches ever. He drinks like I do (martinis), he's cool and sexy like I am. He's sophisticated and tired. Just like me. lol
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5- Ryan O'Reilly - OZ. Just watching this for the first time but I am 1000000% in and He is just so incredible. I can't even explain it but I'm hanging onto the hope that he makes it out alive. lol
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6- Shawn - The Good Place. Really, it's everyone from TGP and I can't really choose, but I just adore Marc Evan Jackson, so I went with him. lol
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7- Quentin Coldwater - The Magicians. He just... We are the same person, and if you watch the show, you'll understand me and what I mean. He is my heart.
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8- Link Neal - GMM - Look, I just think he's sexy and kind of an asshole and I dig that accent.
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9- Jerry - The Walking Dead. WHAT? Beka! You're Team Rick! You love Negan! What about Daryl? OK- Listen up folks, of anyone on that show- I would only ever trust Jerry. Also anytime he was in peril, I would literally scream at the tv "you better not hurt my baby!!!" so... there ya go.
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10- Paul Hollywood - GBBS. Idk if he counts, but he does. And I don't think I really need to explain myself.
damn, that was hard. I really wanted to smush a jensen in there a few times, but I behaved. lol
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sunder-soul · 4 years
PROMPT 1: Hellooooooo! First off ur writing goes off, second off listen to this idea that i truly think u can bring to life... reader n tom r in a relationship and someone tried to slip tom to love potion but ofc he doesn't fall for it and his gf is like ??? and then they rub their relationship in her face LOL. anyways no worried just thought this would slap! Admire u n ur work!!
PROMPT 2: hey i love your the last of your rules series and everything else you’ve written. i’m not very creative so idk what exactly i’m looking for plot wise i just trust you since everything you’ve written is good but i was wondering if maybe you could write a tom x ravenclaw reader please. the ravenclaw reader tends to be more emotionally reserved and isn’t big on physical affection and maybe tom finds that interesting in a way? idk this idea might suck but felt like asking anyways...
Decided to combine these two because I could see them working really well together… :D
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
Summary: After somebody tries to slip Tom a love potion to break up him and Ravenclaw Reader’s relationship, they get a little bit theatrical in response...
Wordcount: 1.8k
Content warning: none.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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“Good morning,” says Tom evenly, lifting a wide-brimmed cup to his lips and taking an even sip as he looks at you.
“Is it?” you say dryly, sitting down opposite him at the Slytherin table and pulling out the new Magical Theory textbook. “Have you looked over this yet?”
“I have,” Tom replies with a very small smile. “Not to your liking?”
“Sophus writes like it’s still the seventeenth century,” you say with a shake of your head, “which isn’t surprising considering I don’t think he included a single reference from the last two hundred years… I mean honestly –” you wave at the title on the front of the book, “– ‘Corpus Magikus?’ Even the title makes it sound ancient.”
“Did you have any criticisms about the actual content per chance?” Tom asks as he lifts his tea again – though it doesn’t quite hide the amused smile on his lips. “Or did you not manage to get past the articulation?”
You give him a look. “The articulation is just as important as the content.”
“I completely disagree,” he replies easily, his cup clinking as he rests it back on its saucer, “regardless of how it is written, his points are extremely sophisticated.”
“I’m not talking about the quality of his points, I’m talking about how well he makes them accessible,” you say at once, picking up a piece of toast and buttering it lightly, “he can have the best criticisms of Magical Theory in the world and no one will care if they can’t understand what he’s saying.”
Tom arches a brow and leans forward on the table, resting on his forearms. “You’re placing the responsibility of understanding an argument on the person presenting it, and not the person receiving it,” he says fluidly, “personally when I find something difficult to understand, I take it as an indicator that I need to return to the topic after better preparing myself.”
“That works fine as an individualistic perspective,” you reply at once, leaning forward to match him, “but a book isn’t written for an individual, is it? It’s written for an audience. A book like this is measured by how wide an audience it can reach, meaning the responsibility is half on him to write accessibly, and half on the audience to go away and fill the holes in our own understanding. That’s when information is dispersed most effectively.”
“Your priority is the dispersion of information as a whole and not the expansion of your personal field of knowledge, and that is the crux of our differing opinion,” Tom says, sitting up straighter and tilting his head calmly.
“I am very aware,” you say dryly, “but you shouldn’t dismiss the importance of charisma when it comes to spreading information. After all, academics aren’t exactly known to be the most charismatic people most of the time, so you end up with intelligent, useful tomes that are utterly incomprehensible to most people –” you nod at the text again, “whilst compelling idiotic drivel is widely consumed.”
The Daily Prophet lands with a thump on your breakfast plate as the delivery owl swoops away with a mournful hoot, and you share a pointed, very wry look with Tom.
Tom breathes a little laugh and laces his fingers around his cup. “So you’re not looking forward to Magical Theory, then.”
“I am,” you amend, frowning, “I just hope the class follows more like Waffling’s work than this.”
“Of course you like Waffling,” Tom smirks, lifting his cup, “he effectively writes in verse –”
Tom suddenly freezes, his brow furrowing lightly. You raise a brow at his sudden reaction. “What?”
He looks down at his tea, still frowning.
“Tom?” you prompt, bemused.
“Someone has attempted to drug me,” he says in complete seriousness, looking up at you.
You stare back, bewildered. “Is… is this more Tom humour?” you ask after a moment, “you seriously need more practice at making jokes, Tom, you really are terrible at it –”
“I’m not joking,” Tom interrupts crisply.
Your scrutiny drops to the cup in his hand. “How can you tell?”
“My tea smells like you.”
Your brows raise. “Excuse me?”
“My tea,” he repeats evenly, his dark eyes coming alight with a flicker of amusement as he leans closer, his cup still in one hand, “rather suddenly smells like you. I can only assume someone has managed to slip Amortentia into my cup sometime during this conversation.”
You blink at him. “Oh,” you say simply.
Tom’s lips curve into a more defined smirk at your expression.
“Well who’s trying to drug you then?” you ask quickly, looking away.
“An excellent question,” he says silkily, eyes still on you. “Their motive is hardly a mystery, so that should narrow it down.”
You roll your eyes and level him with a flat look. “Nothing could narrow it down less, Tom,” you drawl, “half the school is in love with you, and the other half is in denial about being in love with you.”
Tom arches a brow and looks very pleased with himself. “Should I drink it and we can find out?” he asks in amusement, lifting the cup.
You huff a laugh and take a bite of your toast. “Go on then, but don’t expect any sympathy from me when you’re pouring your heart out to some random stranger in front of the whole school a minute from now.”
His hand freezes with the rim of his cup an inch from his mouth, amusement faltering.
“That’s what I thought,” you smirk. “If you want to play it that way you’re going to have to be smarter than that.”
“Oh?” he asks, dark eyes narrowing. “And what would you suggest?”
“If someone drugged you during this conversation then they’re probably watching for your reaction,” you say casually around bites of your toast, “so just look out for someone who’s waiting for you to dramatically break up with me.”
“According to you, that would be the entire school,” Tom mutters, looking significantly more disgruntled than before.
A grin slowly builds on your face. “That was nearly a real joke, Tom,” you say ironically, “Merlin you’ve come so far…”
He shoots you a flat glare and you snicker. “Alright, sorry, I’ll stop – look, if I storm out of here looking upset and you act all conflicted and brooding for the rest of the day, whoever it was will probably try to come talk to you.”
“How theatrical,” Tom deadpans.
You shrug. “Do you want to know who drugged you or not?”
His eyes remain on yours for a moment, and then he lifts the tea to his lips. You watch him pretend to drink, your eyes lingering on the tea glistening on his lips as he lowers the cup.
“Don’t lick your lips,” you say quietly, not quite able to look away.
Tom’s other hand shifts slightly where it’s resting on the table between you, and the tea vanishes both from his lips and the cup. You give him another dry look. “Show off,” you accuse, smiling, “wandless and non-verbal, huh?”
“If you ask nicely, I’ll teach you how to do it,” he smirks.
You huff a laugh and slide Corpus Magikus back into your bag. “I should make my dramatic exit soon,” you say casually, finishing your toast and looking around the hall absently. “Perhaps we should have a fight first.”
“That would make it more convincing, yes,” he says delicately, still looking amused.
“What shall we fight about?"
Tom’s expression immediately cools and he leans in so close that you can see the patterns in his dark irises. “The content doesn’t matter,” he says smoothly, a glimmer in his eyes despite his utterly blank expression, “rather, the articulation.”
You hold his gaze for a second, fighting the urge to smile. You force yourself to stand suddenly, as if he’s said something of great offence. “I’ve never seen you so quickly converted to my opinion, Tom,” you say icily, leaning down to him over the table and hoping it looks like you’re angry.
“You made your argument very convincingly,” Tom says immediately, lifting his chin coolly.
“Actively demonstrating my point, I suppose,” you snap, standing straight. “I’m going to storm out now.”
“I’ll see you in class,” he says dismissively, pouring himself more tea.
You turn on your heel and leave, ignoring the curious eyes following you on your way out and not letting the smile break on your face until you’re well outside the Hall. Now all you have to do is wait.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
“Amelia Staghart,” Tom says in your ear before swiftly sitting down next to you in Potions that afternoon.
You raise a brow at him, watching as he arranges his Potions kit on the desk – Staghart is sitting a few desks behind you at that very moment and can most definitely see the both of you. “Are we no longer having a fight?”
“I grew tired of that pretence rather quickly,” Tom says curtly.
You smirk. “Did she talk to you?”
“Yes.” He looks decidedly irritated.
“A lot, huh.”
He shoots you a glare and you bite back another smile. “Are you going to report her then?” you ask, writing the date out on your parchment.
“No,” Tom says softly. You glance up curiously at his tone and find his dark eyes watching you write, before they flick up to yours. “I can think of a more pertinent retribution for her to endure,” he finishes quietly, not looking away.
“Retribution?” you echo, arching a brow with a slight smile. “And you accuse me of being theatrical.”
But Tom only leans closer and – to general astonishment – places a very gentle kiss on your cheek. His lips linger soft and warm on your skin for a moment as you’re frozen in place, staring at him as he slowly draws away an inch. His eyes roam your face as you blink in surprise, his lips curving into another humorous smile at your expression when there’s a sudden SMASH from behind you.
The entire class turns from where they’ve been staring wide-eyed at Tom’s display of affection to see Staghart’s inkwell knocked asunder on her desk, spreading black ink across the wood and dripping down to the floor, her eyes wide and her expression thunderstruck as she stares at you.
“Clean that up at once, Staghart!” Slughorn says disapprovingly as he strides into the room. “I certainly hope your clumsiness does not extend through today’s lesson – we’re brewing poisons today, class!”
Staghart goes red as the rest of the students titter and chatter, furiously glaring at the pool of ink dripping into her lap. 
You glance at Tom and share a silent look of amusement before the two of you simultaneously turn back to your notes, still smirking.
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mandareeboo · 4 years
SU Music Rankings
Bc I can and I wanna start some Disk Horse rip. These are all in order of preference, with explanations, etc. It’s a long bitch. That said, I’m not counting little short jingles or small joke songs like Little Butler. This is the meat and potatoes of SU music- just under 30 songs. I might do the rest if people like my takes lol.
I scored it mostly on three bases- how dear it was to my heart, how much/often I relisten to it, and also what it means to the plot. That said, little fun songs don’t automatically go farther down than big, plot-heavy songs either! It’s a strange little balance.
Special Note: I don’t dislike any of this music! I love SU and that includes its bumps and glitches. I just pick favorite children lol.
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1.) Change
Was there ever a more Steven moment than when he wiped the blood off his face and kissed it into sparkles? I think not. 
If “Be Wherever You Are” is an ode to young Steven, then this is teen Steven’s. Talking about change, and how much and how little it can do. How he holds his arms up for Spinel to hug him, so trusting. How he seems able to just. Break into soft tears at will, and not to be manipulative- it’s just his kind nature. The warmth in his voice. Fuck yesssss.
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2.) Change Your Mind
This song is only fifty five seconds and it’s EVERYTHING to me. It really felt like someone was speaking the words I’d always held deep inside of me, unsure of how to say. It feels like a goodbye to someone who never really loved me. 
As much as I enjoyed Future, if this was the finale of SU, I would’ve been perfectly okay with that.
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3.) Drift Away
This song gave me legitimate shivers the first time I heard it, and it still haunts me to this day. Spinel stayed, and waited, and all she got was a transmission thousands of years later. Fuck.
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4.) Here We Are In The Future
THE MOVIE IS SU AS ITS BEST AND I WON’T BE SWAYED ON IT. Steven being a teen who loves his weird family but is growing just a bit sarcastic to their drama. The adorable love he and Connie share. His slow realization that he will always be working, always have things to do, is both somber and real. The Crystal Gems won’t be safe with one epic battle. They’ll be safe with years of hard work and love. HIS LITTLE HANDSHAKE WITH AMETHYST.
This is a helluva bop and a great way to summarize the main character’s backstories.
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5.) Let’s Only Think About Love
Did ya’ll know that Zach Callison killed his throat with that last note? He gave his all for this performance in a vocal range he no longer comfortably do and by god did it SHINE. The FLAIR. The FORESHADOWING. All of the Gems all being awkward about Rose and Steven trying to bring them to the present. Peridot having a mini-existential crisis in a cute yellow dress. I love Zach Callison’s normal singing voice but man is that a fucking bop. Nothing will ever beat it.
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6.) Here Comes A Thought
This bad boy helped me out a LOT with some mental issues I was dealing with in high school. I was unmedicated, unsupervised, and full of anxiety. I’d have break downs when I tried to speak about certain things. I couldn’t function. This song inspired me. It helped me feel okay with my intrusive thoughts.
And the episode! -chef’s kiss-. Once again bringing up the morally gray area of training child soldiers. Connie expanding her social group. Steven’s trauma hauling ass in that second half. The ANIMATION. Stevonnie’s gorgeous singing voice. GOD yes.
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7.) It’s Over Isn’t It?
Just barely squeaking above Stronger Than You, this ballad is everything gorgeous. The whole episode is. I think Mr. Greg stands in the top five of my episodes for the entire show. It even got nominated!
There’s just so much about this song that I love. The gentle melancholy of Pearl’s voice. How the crew had to redo the shots for this bit bc Deedee went so fucking hard. The hard cuts between Pearl, remembering the love of her life, and Steven, who has begun to feel like he took her away. I’d recommend this song to anyone, regardless of what they do or don’t know about SU, simply bc it tugs so many heartstrings of love, loss, and responsibility.
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8.) Stronger Than You
Did you realize this episode aired SEVEN years ago? This bitch was what got me into SU! Hearing about Ruby and Sapphire made my little gay heart so happy inside, and then getting a whole song confirming that they were a couple, that their love powered the strongest Gem on the team? Aaaaaaaaa
To this DAY I get excited when I hear Estelle start singing. This song is timeless. This song will live in media history. God I fucking love this song.
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9.) Other Friends
I’m not the biggest musical person, so I hadn’t heard of Sarah Stiles before her casting as Spinel, but JESUS CHRIST the lady went hard. She went SO fucking hard. Sarah Stiles started on 100 and somehow just kept CLIMBING. You can just hear the sheer manic energy building in her voice, the anger and resentment. 10/10 Sarah Stiles is a queen.
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10.) Independent Together
This made the list entirely bc the crew was like “you’re gonna get a himbo ass Steven-Greg fusion singing with Opal while Garnet flies across the moon on Lion while floating” and I am forever thankful to them for it
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11.) Who We Are
Bismuth deserved more songs. ‘Nuff said.
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12.) Peace and Love (On the Planet Earth)
It Could’ve been Great is EASILY one of my favorite s2 episodes. I love the entire concept of this song. Of Steven making music to reflect how much Earth means to him and his family. Of him teaching Peridot some self-care. Also Peridot’s singing voice is really cute and squeaky. 
I know it’s silly, but I would’ve really enjoyed a flip around of this in Future! Like Peridot reminding Steven how much he loves music, that he needs to take time to relax for himself, maybe with a new verse or just a remix of the original song!
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13.) Something Entirely New
I watched this episode as it aired, and I legitimately almost cried. I love Charlyne Yi’s voice so much ya’ll- her raspy, not perfect singing voice against Sapphire’s deep soothing lull is great.
And to have Ruby and Sapphire’s meeting be the way it was- for Ruby to bemoan Sapphire losing Homeworld, to being stuck with a single Ruby, while Sapphire is a noble who has always been taught everyone in her “caste” is vitally important (and has, in her own mind, taken that to mean every Gem, as she should) and how they come together and make each other happy. Good shit good shit.
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14.) I’m Just a Comet
The fact that Greg’s music career never really blasted off pisses me off to this day bc Tom Scharpling’s voice is fucking BUTTER. Also the song really feels like a jab at his parents now that we know the kind of dynamic he had growing up. “This life in the stars if all I’ve ever known” is definitely him wiping away their existence after reminding them (and himself) the things they used to say about him.
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15.) Do It For Her
This episode. This fucking episode. This episode got me permanently hooked on SU. I’d just binged season 1 and was kinda meh about it overall after the bop of Stronger Than You. “Oh,” I thought to myself, foolishly, “I’ll probably just casually watch this from time to time.”
Like three days later Sworn to the Sword aired and that was it. I was hooked! Pearl’s gentle training song turning darker and darker, Connie’s accompaniment from nervous to determined to fully into such a toxic mindset. The fact that SU had the BALLS to discuss the repercussions of training child soldiers, now and later. This episode was everything to me, STILL is everything to me.
Six years and well over 100 fanfics written later, I think it’s safe to say this show swallowed me whole and never let go.
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16.) System/Boot.pearl_final(3)
I debated putting this on the list because it’s not anything crazy important, just a way to show things are Wrong, but I had to do it entirely bc Pearl is so damn SALTY.
Like telling us about the Gems makes sense, she felt like she was given a duty, but she went so damn petty. WHY is that Ruby alone. Gross. This Amethyst is a trash dump. Wtf are you people.
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17.) Full Disclosure
This episode really feels like a turning point for SU. Before, the show had its dark moments- but now we’re in the thick of it, and it’s not going away. Full Disclosure felt like an rebuff to the idea of returning to any normal we’d established in season 1. Gems are actually a giant species now. Gems tried to kill us now. There’s this Yellow Diamond bitch who got namedropped. Something about a Cluster. 
The song itself is BALLER, with its ingenious use of Steven’s ringtone and photos as he tries to decide whether to clue in Connie on all this nonsense. Meanwhile we, the audience, already know damn well Connie about to yeet some common sense into him.
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18.) What’s the Use of Feeling Blue?
I’mma admit it- I’m a Yellow Diamond stan. I’ve always loved her- her anger, her poise, her hardworking nature. I actively argued against the “Yellow Shattered Pink” theories back in the day. But, man, when this arc leaked? I got so overexcited I was too jittery to watch it for like two days. It’s easily my favorite arc of the series. The sheer alien nature of the zoo, the Famethyst, and absolutely Patti Lupone’s beautiful ballad. Goddamn. Yellow singing to Blue to try and help her regain her old status, the warble in her voice as she reminds Blue she misses Pink too, the movement of the bubbles as she talks about attack. It gives me shivers to this day. FUCK.
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19.) Tower of Mistakes
This is, fun fact, that only SU song I have completely memorized. The story itself is kinda funny! See, we lost internet at my house for a solid 5 to 6 months when these episodes aired, so I only got a very brief window to view them all. But this was the first Amethyst song in a long while, and I didn’t want to forget it! So I keep replaying it in my head for ages. And that’s still definitely a thing.
Anyway will never not be sad that this entire song was about making it up to Garnet for Amethyst’s perceived slights with Sugilite (which was a two-way road), only for Garnet to pressure her into fusion later when pissed and never discuss it again bc Garnet probably never thought twice about it and Amethyst has the emotional openness of a clam that’s just been told its ugly. Helluva way to make someone feel like shit, G. Helluva way to bottle that shit, Ames.
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20.) On the Run
I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: Amethyst! Needed! More! Songs! 
The dichotomy between Steven’s play and Amethyst’s honest desire to run away from home is so well-done, especially when you consider a lot of Steven and Amethyst’s actions are playing together. The song is also near and dear to me simply bc it’s my favorite Amethyst episode to exist (well, maybe second to What’s Your Problem, but not by much). Moments like these are all the proof I need that they were right to fuse first.
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21.) Be Wherever You Are
This tune really just feels like an ode to who Steven was as a kid. Trapped on an island with no way home, and he’s just happy to be with his friends. The stars are beautiful and not oppressive. Also that one animatic with Lars and the Off Colors playing in the Homeworld Kindergarten to this music was iconic and made this song get stuck in my head for a solid month.
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22.) Familiar
I ADORE how the crew use bright neon colors to show how alien Homeworld can be. And Steven recognizing that the Diamonds treat him how the CGs used to, and how prepared he is to “fix” a broken family. It’s a soft, gentle tune about melancholy. Also the Pebbles are beautiful.
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23.) Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart
Such a cute little love ballad, but every time I listen to it now I just imagine the heart attack Rose must’ve had at the line “And if we look out of place/Well, baby, that's okay/I'll drive us into outer space.” like there’s a Vietnam war flashback if I ever heard one
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24.) What Can I Do?
I’m kind of neutral on this one? Rose and Greg both have great voices, but the song itself lacks many lyrics. I think it was definitely a good way to show Rose’s flaws in thinking.
Also, I’m shocked they managed cram that much vaguely sexual innuendo into two minutes, followed by how Not Hetereo that dance between Rose and Pearl was, and not get their asses chewed by it. You go guys.
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25.) Cookie Cat
I love a lot of the vibes this song has. The lyrics are so damn prophetic, but they also sound like the kind of weird 90s commercials I grew up on. It’s been like two decades since I saw the Shirley Temple commercial but I’ll be damned if I don’t remember “Animals crackers in my soup! Monkey and rabbits loop-de-loop.”
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26.) Giant Woman
I am. NOT the biggest fan of Steven’s original singing voice. I feel bad saying that, since it was just Zach Callison as a kid, but he never jived well with me for some reason. So I wouldn’t listen to this on the fly. 
The song itself is still really good though, with all sorts of fun animation of Amethyst and Pearl being bitchy to each other. It’s a bit sad in hindsight to see tiny Steven trying to get his moms to get along. Ahh, season 1.
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27.) Strong in the Real Way
This song has SUCH a strong start. Pearl reflecting on Sugilite’s problems, but the show making sure to show us that Pearl’s lack of enthusiasm towards her also lends itself to jealousy as well as just general malaise. How much she cares about Steven, and wants him to grow up strong. 
And then Steven just kinda. Ruins it? I appreciate his enthusiasm for tryna bulk up but to take what was starting as such a rich, personal song and broadcasting it to random strangers just makes me a bit sad. Almost a bit angry on her behalf?
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28.) That Distant Shore
I KNOW this is gonna create some discourse, but I’m just not the biggest Lapis stan. I love her voice. I love the visuals of the song. And I get why she felt afraid and needed to flee.
But Lapis never got to take responsibility for her own actions. And, in the end, the song feels hollow to me- because we all know she’ll never talk to anyone about it, know she’ll burst back in and destroy the barn, and no one will ever question it. I like Lapis a lot, but I feel like her arc never was fully finished. She never got help. She never learned to feel safe.
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29.) Dear Old Dad
I’ve yet to meet a single human being who likes this episode tbh. There’s some great discussion about what kind of parent Greg is from it, and what kind of dynamic he has with the Gems that he felt he had to fake an injury to hang out with his son. Honestly the first half was fine and dandy. It’s just that then they Greg just went out of his way to drag Steven away from missions and such. It never jived well with his character before or after.
Also, is it just me, or does Zach himself sound like he hates the song as he sings it? There’s no passion or heart in his voice. It sounds like they told him to read off cue cards and he did. Tom Scharpling’s best attempts didn’t save this one for being a skipper. But the episode, unfortunately, isn’t, so it gets a spot on here.
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cuddlecave · 3 years
is xiphoid
first: you *are* good
next: alright thingrey au
how bout an alternate 'the team finds out the shapeshifter is still alive, whoops!' but in an utterly disastrous way
it's been a while since antarctica! a long while, and gord and benr *meant* to tell the team about them ages ago, when benr became human shaped again, but there just never seemed to be a good time? and really, whats one more day, week, month...
anyway the team is utterly oblivious of benr, but being aware of gord, means that's they've noticed he's not been spending as much time with them! been spending, like, a lot of time at home, actually--or away from town. sometimes even avoiding them! they're worried, bc really, this is not the way to deal with trauma, gord! you don't pull away from your friends, you get help! just bc you can't see a therapist doesn't mean you shouldn't try to process it!
anyway, gords generally cagey about where he is, but on a rare team night where he had come to hang over...they very much on purpose get him drunk. now, drunk gord is still pretty fucking cagey (he loves his boyf and would never endanger him if possible), which is a shame, but tom is able to ask a question casually enough that gord doesn't think about it...and ends up telling them he goes out to the [insert desert area here] sometimes. when pressed on why he goes, he seems to realize he made a mistake, and bolts, cutting the night short.
now, credit to gord, him and benr don't go back to that particular desert area after that. but the team are damn smart, and figure that just bc he's not at that area anymore, doesn't mean he's not in *any* desert area anymore.
takes some trial and error--figuring out when gord seems to be out (he never answers his phone when he's out, his car is not at home), and then checking a desert area (didn't get anything but desert the first few times). but eventually...they find his car.
things paint...a worrying picture. there's camping/chilling gear in the car (chairs and a shitty tent, left from when gord tried camping several years ago and never bothered to remove from his car) but they're not set up and gords not there? the doors arent locked and the keys are in ignition? (gord doesn't want to drop his keys running from benr, he did that once and it sucked. also why he doesn't bring his phone! but he's out like 55 miles from the nearest town, who's gonna steal his car?) there's torn up foliage around, as if something big came through (benr may give gord a head start, but he still likes to be big enough to a) chase well, and b) nom gord after), and most worryingly--a set of human footprints in the sand, clearly running based on stride. and some strange larger footprint *next to them*.
their friend was ambushed by something big, and is going to get got. (this is not entirely untrue. not ambushed, but definitely going to get got, lol.) they set off quickly following the footprints.
meanwhile-gord and benr are having a *great* time! the exercise feels nice for both of them, it's a cloudy day so it's shady, they're gonna order pizza and play playstation after this--its gonna be a wonderful day. it already is!
gord, at this point, is beginning to tire out. benr is getting closer. he pushes himself a bit farther, to stretch out the chase just a touch longer, and makes a sharp turn around a rock formation, causing benr to briefly crash into it, giving him a few more steps. but he's tired, and well, benr has better stamina--and agility. benr bounds over the rock formation and uses it's height to gain just a bit of an extra boost, and tackle-hugs gord. they nearly crash into some sharp shrubs, but they're fine.
gord turns and looks up at benr and grins, and benr leans down to him, and gives him a long kiss. gord hums in contentment and relaxes. he's gonna get to doze, now, before driving. naptime, hell yeah.
benr picks him up to swallow him and he just remains basically limp, exhausted, letting benr manhandle him, gently maneuvering him into his jaws. he's swallowed with little fanfare, and happily settles in his tum, almost immediately starting to doze as benr starts to walk.
then he hears screaming, and benr sharply moves, and suddenly he's wide awake.
the team follow the tracks. it's a long walk, even moving at speed--gord must have really been booking it, which means hopefully he's still safe, got away some how. surely nothing would chase him for too long, when he was outrunning it this well. the trail goes on and on and on--its looking less like this thing gave up. and gords footsteps are shorter, he's not managing a hard run anymore. they're coming up on a rock formation--its still several hundred feet away. close enough to see a figure that can only be gord run from behind it, but far, far to far away to do anything about what happens next.
they see him turn sharply, and something big hits the rocks, clearly taken off guard. he makes it a few steps. and the team look on in absolute horror as what can only be the shapeshifter jumps off the top of the rocks, and tackles gord to the ground. they're partially obscured by the desert plants, but it's enough to see, even at this distance, the rippling body parts of the creature, pinning gord down.
the thing leans its head down toward gord, and they can't see what's happening with the plants and distance. and then.
it picks a completely unmoving gord up, and swallows him whole.
oh, god. it snapped his neck. it ate him. it's going to try to finish what it started in antarctica oh fuck does anyone have a flamethrower?!
a seeing it stand and start to leisurely walk in the direction they came from, they're finally broken from they're spell of silence and horror. somebody starts screaming angrily, and bubby has a lighter and big spray, making a makeshift flamethrower--and they run towards it in vengeance.
it notices them and sharply turns, booking it in the opposite direction.
continued under the read more!
(cont) oh fuck, thinks benr. this is not good. Not Good at all. gord frantically asks what's going on?! and goes cold when benr says 'ur friends saw us. and buby has fire.' the good thing is, benr is bigger and faster than humans. the bad thing is that he's been running all morning and now has over 200 pounds of boyf swaying in him, even if he's holding gord as tight as possible so he's not getting thrown everywhere. he's not gonna last long, and there's nowhere to hide. gord is furiously thinking. but he's also exhausted, and panicking. the thoughts in his brain are sticky like drying glue when he tries do something with them, and he can feel benr slowing. it's not by much, but his alien bf getting hurt *at all* is unacceptable, so. he decides to stop thinking and start doing. he tells benr to 'stop and let me out! as fast as you can!' and benr skids to a stop and turns half facing the approaching team, and splits his abdomen open and gord comes tumbling out into the light, getting immediately covered in dust and mud sticking to the saliva covering him. it's kinda gross, but at the moment it's not even registering, bc in those moments buby has nearly caught up. gord stands, pushes benr behind him, who let's himself be pushed purely out of surprise, and holds his hands out. 'its me! I'm fine it's ok it's me, please I can explain, just turn off the fire! it's ok!' but the thing is, as far as they're concerned...'you fucking imposter we saw gord die! get a better lie!' and buby is still running full tilt at them. gord has enough time to think, *aw fuck, this is gonna hurt*, before buby lights his makeshift flamethrower and gord is suddenly extremely hot, in pain, and knocked on his back. he can see the sky for a quick moment, before what can only be benr is standing over him, protecting him from further fire. a few limbs quickly use the dirt to put out the couple embers on his shirt (well, what's left of his shirt...) buby jerks back at the large being leaping in his direction, but it stops as it stands over the gord-imposter. which... is not moving. or writhing like the shapeshifter, or trying to split off from the damaged part. it's just...lying there. shallowly breathing as if in shock. buby gets a bit of a sinking feeling. - I got tired after writing this but basically benr tries to angle around enough to protect gord and also use teal green on him from another mouth. the team quickly figure out something is fucky, and that gord...might not be a Thing?? gord is in zero shape to have a real conversation--burns are serious business, and he basically passes out during teal-green. so why was the creature... protecting gord?? especially if it ate him?!?! there's an uneasy (extremely uneasy) truce, and benr carries gord back to the car, flamethrower pointed at them the whole way. they leave gords car and take them both back to toms place, in the car they drove in. it is supremely awkward. especially when gord wakes up for half a minute, kisses benr, and passes out again. not sure how it would go from there,, .... didn't mean to accidentally write a minific but here we are!! I really like the 'extreme misunderstanding vore' trope, lol.
ohhhh man this is like an angsty version of a regular not-a-game au idea i've thought up before o: thinking about what would happen next... the whole car ride home, benb was hitting gord with more healing (tho he gave the guys ample warning first about what he was doing so they wouldn't think he was attacking or something), and thanks to that, gord's burns are healed up to the point where he doesn't need hospitalization, just some burn cream and good rest to finish it off. (and a hair cut. benb is very sad that he couldn't repair gord's burned hair and beard. when gord's awake again he's just "Dude it'll grow back, don't worry." "i knooowwww but it still sucks. your hair was SO pretty. and you look like a sixteen-year-old without facial hair. kinda weird. babyfaceman." "WOW shut up."). when gord's awake and aware enough again, they all have a sit down and get an explanation from him and benb. benb goes on to basically give a summary of his whole backstory; explain what exactly he his and how he got to earth, and what he was trying to do both at the b'mesa base and that first norwegian base he first thawed out in. when he gets to the part about why he never wanted to hurt the sciteam, that does a pretty good job of warming them up to him. "the thing about that frzn guy is he was a total asshole. HUGE douche canoe. and i was like 'maaaan i don't wanna be this guy, he suuuuucks', but then i noticed that he'd hardly ever interacted with anybody else there. new guy on the base. nobody knew him, or knew what he was like. so i figured i could get away with acting like myself instead of him, and nobody would notice. i've never been able to just be me around other people, only when alone. i didn't really... know how it was gonna turn out. but you guys ended up liking me! you invited me to come hang out on breaks, and play video games, and watch movies, and talk about soda and photography and it was fun and nice and good! you were nice to my dog body, too. giving me a name and everything... you're all great cools. i got attached to you guys. like, super attached. didn't wanna hurt you, ever. 's the reason i never touched the sled dogs, too- i knew tommy would be sad if something happened to the dogs, and i didn't wanna make him sad." (bubs probably acts like he's not touched by that, but he is :B and also, like i've said in a post on my main, bubs feels some sympathy towards benb after hearing about his origins as an unethical science experiment. bubs wasn't grown in a lab in this au, but he was still subjected to some painful "knowledge tubes" experiments due to his contract with b'mesa. so he still knows that feel, bro. unwilling lab rat solidarity.) benb apologizes for everything in antarctica, and bubs apologizes for torching gord, but then the team asks what the fuck? happened in the desert?? and gord explains the "one-sided tag" game they do to help benb burn up energy, and that benb was just carrying gord to let him rest from the run on the way back to the car. ("Carrying you in his stomach, though?" "nah i don't put him where food goes. it's the uhhhh *lip smack* nap organ. custom made for sleeping in. bedry time.") (they also at one point explain "also we're dating" to which gord gets accused of being a monsterfucker ha ha. and then benb's like "ew no i'm ace" and harold goes on about how beautiful interracial young love is.)
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 8.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 3.7k
A/N: I really loved this chapter, Tom and his feelings are making me weak af😫, can’t wait for him to finally say something. I’m also so happy that you all love this series because the drama is coming lol. I would appreciate it if you leave a comment, reblog or send a feedback if you liked this part!❤️
My tag list is open for this series!
Warnings: kinda angsty, swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of smut
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7.
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“Look who is the centre of the world today.” Anna said lowly as her eyes were glued on the large group of people in front of us.
It was Tom of course with his fellow frat boys. Not just girls but boys were around them as well, laughing at what he was talking.
Probably something unimportant as always.
“I’m sorry but these girls are blind and naïve. Ten girls drooling over a frat boy. Poor girls don’t know how he rolls, or they do but talking around that they slept with the hottest guy in college is totally worth it for them.” She continued rambling to both you and Mel.
Yeah poor girls.
“I find it kinda boring. Doesn’t he get tired of them? I mean I get it he likes the attention but isn’t it a bit too much sometimes?” Mel joined the conversation, you on the other side remained quiet.
You didn’t want to say a thing, you fell under the spell just like the other girls did.
However you saw someone else behind Tom’s façade. No one could tell you that he enjoyed just the sex, and that he didn’t crave a warm touch and love from a partner.
That was bullshit and you knew it.
He opened up to you, spilled the truth and you understood the fear that was eating him, but what you didn’t understand is why he closed his heart for everyone.
It wasn’t okay, he needed to see how love wasn’t as daunting and terrifying as he thought.
You were sure that he isn’t that guy that he and others claimed to be.
“Y/N?” A muffled voice brought you back to reality, making you turn your head immediately.
“You zoned out. I honestly need to tell Harrison that he was so incredible that he got you all disorganized.” She giggled alongside with Mel.
“Yeah..Yes sorry I was just thinking about the date and all that.” You murmured, feeling Tom’s eyes fixed on yours.
It was a common thing, he would stare at every girl, give a little wink while his mouth curved into a smile.
He had the most beguiling brown eyes that left every single girl wanting more.
Somehow this stare felt a little warmer, like he wanted to show something.
“Oh he is coming here.” Anna whispered.
Tom excused himself, making his way to his three friends.
“Good morning ladies.” He crunched, giving a small smile.
“Tom.” Anna greeted, still a bit disappointed in her friend but she couldn’t stay fake angry at him forever.
“Not happy to see me Ann? C’mon.” He stood up engaging her in a hug.
“I’m sorry for my behaviour, you know how I can get stupid when I have a few beers too much.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t that angry just wanted to hear the word sorry from you love.” She answered.
“Gosh you’re so hard to handle. Anyways as you know, or don’t never mind, our frat is throwing a party on Friday.”
“Wow a party? Again? How’s that possible?” Amelia added sarcastically, laughing during it.
“So hilarious Mel, no really I just wanted to let you know about that.” His eyes shifted to your figure, trying his best not to stare too long.
“Don’t worry for us Tom we always come, but our miss ‘my head is in the clouds because a certain boy is on my mind’ is not a fan of that.” The smile never left Anna’s face as she turned towards you waiting for an answer.
“I don’t know..” You began, feeling unsure about a party where you would probably just find yourself looking for Tom and with who he was there or for Harrison.
“Your boyfriend will be there as well sweetheart.” Tom stated with his gravelly voice, like something was bothering him.
“He is not my boyfriend.” You answered, just like you did the previous night.
You all went silent for a second after that, but it felt like an eternity for you. His eyes were focused on your tired ones. The ones he loved to see when your walls would tighten around him while the orgasm washed over you and the ones that were always shut when you laughed at something.
Tom wanted you there, he wanted to see you on that stupid party.
Even if it meant that he needed to persuade Harrison to bring you with him.
The feeling of your body close to his, your soft lips pressing against his made him feel dizzy, he wanted you by his side forever.
Tom never thought about anyone in that way. Sure he enjoyed a second, hell sometimes even a third time sex with the same girl, but never did a feeling made an appearance like this while he was with them. There wasn’t something that made him want to come back to the girls and crave more out of it.
With you it was different and he knew it. The feeling was new and it scared him, so he tried to tell himself that it’s because you two were best friends not strangers and that was the reason why he was like that.
“By the end of the night you will be his Y/N I assure you.” Anna’s sweet voice made you break the eye contact with him.
“Who says I’m going?” You crossed your arms over your chest, looking at them.
“We will come Tom.” She confirmed, knowing you will eventually give up when you hear that Harrison was going too.
“Good, can’t wait to see you.” Tom responded, giving you a one last glance before going back to his friends.
“I’m not wearing this.” You argued as you looked yourself in the mirror.
The black cliché dress hugged your body perfectly you couldn’t deny that, it was just not your cup of tea.
“Please Y/N just this time! I really like it, it suits you, look at you you’re gorgeous!” Amelia practically begged, wanting to doll you up for tonight.
Of course you accepted to go. Harrison asked you if he would see you there, and you didn’t want to say no. You missed him. Ever since that night, he didn’t leave your head. It was something about the touch and how he was gentle with you, always making sure he didn’t overstep something. A big difference between Tom and him.
“Harrison will be having the hots for you, listen to us.” Anna joined her, waiting for your approval.
“Fine.” You shrugged, the screeching filling the room.
“Are you nervous for tonight? You know a relationship after a while.”
“Kind of Ann, Harrison is the most tender-hearted guy I ever met. I don’t know how he was single until now, he just screams ‘I’m the most caring boyfriend’.”
“Harrison was a bit disappointed after his last relationship, he thought that he didn’t give enough but it wasn’t his fault he was so in love with a girl that just didn’t put him first.”
Is she talking about the same girl Tom mentioned?
“What happened?” You asked, hoping she will give you some informations.
“I think it’s Harrison’s duty to tell you that. Don’t sweat it, she is in the past, look at him now! He is over the moon ever since he met you. I would gladly have someone like him in my life, don’t stress much he adores you.”
Every girl would love to have someone like him undoubtably.
Harrison made you enjoy the blissful time you had together, always showing you how a beauteous girl you really were, especially to him.
That is the only thing that mattered.
“This is why I don’t go to events like this.” You uttered monotonously, eyeing the dim house that was a mess already.
Usually when you attended parties like this your mind and eyes would be focused on Tom that would chat and flirt with various girls around, making you look so miserable and disconsolate that it was actually tragical.
Tonight it was just Harrison that made you actually exhilarated.
You’re eyes were roaming through the crowd, searching for the familiar blue eyes.
You were so engaged in the search, that you didn’t feel or see Tom who was a few steps away from you, staring at your figure.
He already found the petite blonde from the previous party here, sharing a few innocent kisses with her.
However she became bland, dull right when you stepped inside the house.
Tom never saw you like this. It wasn’t your style, you would say always to him how that kind of dresses were lacking originality. Guess everyone changes their mind.
He wasn’t drunk, but you sure made him feel intoxicated and that terrified him. You were just so beautiful, genuinely beautiful.
“Don’t be so afraid to let love into your heart, you’re a lovely person Tom.” The words haunted him as well as your sweet voice from that evening. He would lie if he said he didn’t consider that. Especially after the kiss you shared that made his stomach turn upside down.
You were still standing there, playing with the edges of your tight black dress that was wrapped around your figure perfectly.
At that moment he was pushing himself to go where you were standing, the girl he was with was talking to her friends so she wouldn’t even notice that he was gone for a minute.
Who would have thought that a ladies man like him would struggle to go talk to a girl.
He took a deep breath, starting to walk towards you, however he froze immediately seeing Harrison wrapping his hands around your waist.
Tom’s jaw was clenching, eyes still on his two best friends that looked so content.
“Fuck this.” He muttered, turning around to go look for his friends.
You on the other hand were shaking.
Harrison was feeling anxious as well. He became even more nervous when he saw you.
His instant thought was how winsome you looked and how much he was lucky that a girl like you was interested in him.
The broad smile was pure, real and he didn’t want to hide it.
“Love, you look astonishing tonight.” He whispered in your ear, giggles escaping past your lips.
“Oh please, you’re stealing all the looks tonight for sure.” You placed one hand on his chest, loving how talking wasn’t making you feel uneasy like the first time.
“Stealing them now only because a stunning lady is by my side.”
“But I kinda don’t want others to stare.” He added, cupping your cheeks carefully kissing you, not wanting to wait a second anymore.
God he was dreaming about your pinkish lips that tasted like cherry. It was driving him crazy how a girl could made him feel like this.
The butterflies erupted in his stomach during the kiss, just the thought that he will ask you tonight to be his got him all thrilled.
“If you keep smiling like that I won’t be able to restrain myself. Gosh you have the most softest lips.” He stated, rubbing small circles on your cheek.
“Who says you should restrain yourself?” You asked, smirking at him.
He let out a bashful chuckle, going in for another kiss but he was forestalled by you. Harrison could see how relaxed you were in his hands, softly moving your lips in a perfect rhythm.
“A drink my lady?” He spoke, stroking your hip.
“So did he ask you?”
It was just you girls now. Harry, Harrison and Tom were on the other side of the garden, to engaged in a silly game.
“No.” You spitted, eyes glued on his body and Tom’s as well.
They weren’t alone, girls were practically jumping on them.
“If you keep staring at him like that you’re eyes will fall out.” Amelia laughed, looking at your face that didn’t show any emotion.
“Good, because I don’t want to look at that.”
Harrison was clearly not interested in that brunette that was trying her best to seduce him, you saw it, but the sight was still bothering you.
“Look, he is clearly giving her signals that he is not fascinated by her.” Anna pointed at the table they were standing next to.
“And then look at our Tom. He is eye fucking that girl right there in front of everybody. They are definitely two different worlds I don’t know how these two are best friends, but you sure don’t need to worry about Harrison babe.”
That was true. She had her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. It was obvious they are going home together tonight.
It was the same girl you saw him with at Harry’s house. Looks like he got the message about settling down.
Is he then going to realize that this between you won’t function?
Too much unanswered questions.
“Having fun without us?” The sound of chairs moving made you look up from your boring drink.
“Looks like you had fun without us.” Mel said, tapping Tom’s back.
“Hey.” Harrison whispered, running his thumb up and down your shoulder.
“Hey.” Your voice flat, mouth set in a hard line when you saw the blonde approaching your table.
“Here you go Tom.” She gave the drink to him, her honeyed voice filling your ears.
“Thanks a lot love. This is Gracie, Gracie these are my friends.” Tom introduced her to the group, bringing her closer to his body.
She looked gorgeous, she was probably a good girl as well. It was just the jealousy that made you think otherwise.
You glanced into their direction every minute, hoping Tom’s eyes would already be looking at you. However he was too focused on his girl.
You tried to stop thinking about him because you knew you didn’t even cross his mind.
“You look incredible Y/N, I know I already told you but I thought you needed to hear it once more.” Harrison spoke lowly in you ear, the hot breath tickling your skin making you chuckle.
“You two are making my heart swell with happiness honestly.” Anna grabbed the attention from everyone. Their eyes fixed on you two cuddling.
“Man..Harrison couldn’t keep his mouth shut after his date, believe me Y/N you were in my dreams that night because he was talking non-stop about you.” Harry added, making the whole group laugh at how Harrison was smitten.
“Fuck off mate, it’s not my fault that she is the most amazing and loving person I’ve met.” Harrison replied, wanting to show absolutely every person how much he liked you.
You just hid your face in his chest from the stares and whistles that came after Harrison’s words. They were all smiling, Gracie as well, happy to see you two in love.
However Tom was battling with the pang of jealousy that he felt towards the couple.
Tom was trying to stop looking at you the whole night, shit he even grabbed Gracie to keep him company just so he could try erase the picture of you kissing him and moaning underneath him.
Why did he have such strong emotions for you? There was no way he was feeling something more. You were really good friends and the sex was just a bonus.
Was he wrong? Did he just deny that because he didn’t want to start anything more than sex? Or because he didn’t want to hurt Harrison?
“I’m sorry I need to go to the bathroom.” You excused yourself.
This was Tom’s chance to go see you.
Thank God everyone else was standing up from the table at that moment, so he could made something up and not look suspicious.
“Want a drink? I’m gonna need a refill.” He asked Gracie, praying that she won’t offer to go with him.
“Sure, the usual.” She answered, placing a kiss near the corner of his mouth.
Tom just rushed inside, hoping there wasn’t a lot of people upstairs.
You were stepping outside the bathroom at that moment, Tom catching you completely off guard.
“Fucking hell, you scared me.” You screeched, catching your breath.
“Calm down love, it’s just me.” He trapped you, your back was pressed against the wall and his body was close to yours.
“What do you need.” It wasn’t a question because you could assume what he wanted.
“Just wanted to talk. Was trying to come to you the whole night but looks like Osterfield didn’t give me a single chance.” He gave you a lopsided grin, eyes travelling from your breasts to your lips that looked so kissable at that moment.
“God Y/N why are you messing with mind like this?” He thought to himself.
“He didn’t stop you from doing anything. You just had a great time with Gracie, that’s why you probably didn’t have the time or chance to come and talk to me.” You responded in a gravelly tone.
“What’s the matter love? This is not about Gracie now.” He lifted his hand to your face to stroke your flushed cheek gently, but you were not buying it, removing his hand instantly.
You craved the feeling of his lips and hands around your body, but you were just so distracted by the image of him and her that you refused to do something.
“And it’s not about Harrison either.”
You were both jealous, but to stubborn to say it.
After all you two were nothing, so the term jealousy would sound ridiculous since you agreed that you both could have someone during this deal.
“Yeah? Well you were so into him the whole night, sharing kisses, innocent touches and all that sweet shit that you couldn’t even say hi to me.” He raised his voice, not ready for a fight that was absolutely unnecessary.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now Tom? What should I do? Leave my date and go looking for you? Do you hear yourself now? I like him and he likes me of course I will enjoy my time with him! Why are you all of a sudden so bitter about it?” You were fuming.
It was so confusing, why is he so angry about it now?
“And if I’m correct you shared a good amount of kisses as well, hell you almost fucked her in front of everybody. You’re being stupid right now.”
“You’re so hot when you’re jealous.” He murmured, not giving you a chance to say anything.
Tom pinned you back against the wall smashing his lips to yours. You didn’t push him, fuck you wanted him how could you?
It was a rough and steamy make out, his hands were squeezing your sides during it, and yours were lost in his hair.
A shallow groan escaped from your mouth, making Tom dip his tongue past your lips.
The adrenaline was running through your body, you two were in front of the bathroom anyone could pass by and see you.
“Fuck, T-Tom we need to stop someone could come.” You broke the kiss, breathing heavily.
“Fuck this stupid party I want you.” He responded, trying to kiss you again.
“Tom seriously, we need to go back before someone suspects something.”
“Not fair sweetheart..I just want to have my time with you. Like others.” Tom was feeling like a child when a toy would be taken away from them.
“Tomorrow, movie night? I’m free the whole day.” You suggested, biting your lip when he pressed a sloppy kiss to your neck.
“Sounds perfect beautiful.”
“G-good, now I need to go find Harrison before he thinks something happened.” You uttered, marching towards the stairs.
Fuck Harrison, fuck Gracie, fuck everyone.
He raked his fingers through his hair, thinking about Harrison.
Tom and him were best mates and he wanted him to be happy, he really did. But he turned out as a shit friend possibly getting attached to his friend’s soon to be girlfriend.
You were walking through the crowd, hoping someone from your group would eventually show up. Your legs were hurting, you were still in shock from the make out and Tom’s words were echoing in your ears.
Were you really that obvious? Did Harrison suspect a thing about your jealousy towards Tom and Gracie?
A large pair of hands stopped you in your tracks. The well known warmth made you relax, turning your face to the person.
“Looking for someone?” He asked, placing his palm on your lower back.
“Ah no one special really, just a very handsome guy that I daydreamed about ever since we went out.” You continued the act, making you both grin.
“Oh really? Would you maybe want to go to my place and tell me more about him? He wouldn’t mind don’t worry.”
“Why not?” You accepted it, heart skipping a beat when you thought about possibly becoming his girlfriend.
This was so tough.
Tom then Harrison. Both of them made your mind go crazy, both of them were incredibly hot. But they were so different.
Anna was right, they were two different worlds. Tom had that reputation, he loved to see girls around him all the time. However there was something that made your body always go mad when he was near you. Also not to mention your long crush that you couldn’t throw away, that made it even more difficult.
On the other side there was Harrison, a soft-hearted and warm person that was totally your type. There was nothing wrong, you wanted to be with him so bad, there was a spark between you without a doubt.
You knew that he was the one you should go for. You knew it because he would make you forget everything and everyone when you were with him.
Even Tom.
He showed you how much he liked you and how much he wanted you, maybe it’s about time to show him that you wanted him as well.
Maybe the feelings and the crush on Tom should be forgotten just like the deal until he doesn’t make up his mind and shows what he really needed.
Tag List
@averyfosterthoughts @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @timey-wimey-lovi @rachaeldonnaspiteri1 @peterparker-rickybowen-mybabies @sweetestscape @quacksonhq @stuckyyrogers @kaylinfayezink @tomhollandthing @stardustom @hannahholland1811 @yoinkyourheart @magicwithaknife @thurstyforholland @quaksonhehe @fanficscuziranout @runway-to-my-aid @definitely-not-black-cat @got-to-get-away @littlebookbengal @primadonnasdream @readheadwriter @ifntelyinspirit @juliebean247 @hes-amarillo @danicarosaline @lukesbabylon @lulueliott24 @tomshufflepuff @sandtopearl @peteysbaby @lukeys-giggle @supernaturalwriter24 @synonymforlame @goodnight-n-dayglow @theoretical-theo
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thewollfgang · 4 years
Knowing which tropes you like/dislike and what you wrote you want in the tags of your last ask for this fifth season I’m SO curious to know your thoughts on the eps!! As I already said, I’d LOVE to hear your opinion on it. But anyways, I hope you like it as much as I did lol ✌🏼
i just got done watching Eps 1 and 2 and here are my thoughts so far
Oh my god it’s so good
I am absolutely enraptured with King of Hell Lucifer and exploring Mr. Said-Out-Bitch’s hell loop. You really get to see Lucifer’s grown understanding of humanity and himself. Also the demons are oddly sweet. I enjoyed the back and forth on the case between Chloe and Lucifer, it still felt like they were a team, even separated. 
(also somehow i forgot how pretty Tom is as Lucifer. I was happy to be reminded)
How delightfully awful he is! I do think the first ep would have had better impact if the trailer hadn’t overplayed the twist. Imagine if we HADN’T known about Michael??? Gosh. His mimicry of Lucifer’s voice was creepy af well done. Also “What do you most fear?” oh SHIT i got CHILLS. because of course it’s fear. Of course it is. the opposite of desire, the hinderance of it. How could Michael have been anything else?
(Interesting that his twin, Lucifer, who runs Hell - a realm built on fear, and yet it’s Michael who holds that power)
Obsessed with how his bad arm/shoulder alters his silhouette. Bravo to Tom on making these characters so different, love the physicality of it. I waffle on Michael right now because I can see little moments of him that I like, which then get SWIFTLY erased by the absolute sheer dickery of the man. (also fuck him for what he said to Linda). I’m pending. 
Chloe playing Michael and then shooting him was sooooo satisfying 10/10. She’s a little meaner this season, but so far, I’m into it. She’s not perfect and it’s kinda nice to see her be a little vindictive. Also she looks hot as fuck and i am endlessly distracted by her soft hair and her legs and when she drives fast. I’m shallow sometimes.  
After so many episodes of Lucifer projecting onto cases, I’m enjoying Chloe falling into that. It’s delightful to watch. 
THE MUSIC??? I’m gonna look up every track on this season because so far it’s fucking brilliant, 
Things I’m Not Sold On:
Lucifer’s off hand remark about killing Mr. SOB for 750k. Lucifer doesn’t care about money and he doesn’t kill people. Seems weird. (He’ll def displace your balls for impersonating him though. Doesn’t bode well for mikey) 
Since WHEN does Ella date dirtbags/bad boys? On screen she has one pity fling with Dan and....that’s it. Or I guess you could count the awkward shoehorned attraction to Pierce, but yeah, Not really On Board for this one.
Maze constantly switching allegiances to side with the bad guy. Literally every season she does this and YEAH she changed her mind again but idk man. feels bad. Maze deserves better than to have her growth constantly ignored / for the character to backslide over and over. 
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petersasteria · 4 years
Someday We’ll Know - Haz Osterfield
Pairing: Haz x Singer!Reader
Part 1:  Still Into You || Haz Osterfield Masterlist
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Hurt. When love is present, hurt would be just around the corner; lurking around to find the perfect time to strike. It's the storm after the calm. No one ever talks about what we should do after we get hurt. You see, hurt is inevitable. No one knows when or how we'll get hurt, but it's inevitable and it just happens. Everyone wishes they could have known beforehand, so that they could be prepared. Well, no one's ever prepared.
Love is a battlefield; it's war. Love is a war and we are love's soldiers. Before we go into war, we tell ourselves what we should and what we should not do. But when we're at war itself, we lose all control and we're clueless. We tell ourselves to prepare, but when it's actually happening, we forget all the things we prepared for; we forget why we prepared in the first place.
Maybe that's why we get hurt. We forget to secure ourselves. Unlike love, hurt only has a few questions. They say love is the most complicated thing, but let's not forget that hurt is complicated too. Sometimes, we hurt first before we love. An example of this would be if you get hurt that your friend started dating. Only to realize that you were hurt, because you actually love them and it was kind of late to realize it.
Is hurt a good thing? Or is hurt a bad thing? Are pain and hurt one and the same? Why do we get hurt? Do we hurt when we hurt other people? Is hurt a form of love?
There are a lot more questions. Like love, answers about hurt may vary depending on who you ask. Everyone's hurt levels are different and everyone hurts differently.
Hurt is both a good thing and a bad thing. It feels bad, but because it feels bad, it becomes a good thing. You're probably asking, 'how come it becomes a good thing?'. It becomes a good thing, because now, you're fully aware that whatever environment you're in is bad. It's a warning.
Hurt is a form of warning before a heartbreak. The moment you feel hurt, spare yourself from heartbreak and just leave. Or you could fix it with love. But not all problems should be solved with love. See? It's complicated. There are so many should's and shouldn't's.
Love and hurt get along, because they're both complicated. And because they're both complicated and they get along, it's the perfect concoction for what makes us human. Loving is not wrong. Hurting is not wrong, either. Love and hurt makes us wiser and stronger that's why it's the perfect concoction for making us human.
Like love, hurt is inevitable. They go together, after all. If they go together, was love supposed to hurt? Was love all about hurting? Was it possible to love someone who hurt you? Was it possible to hurt someone you love? If all the answers are 'yes', then we've finally answered one question about love. We partly figured out what love is. Last time, we learned that:
Love is complicated. Some people say that love wasn't supposed to hurt. If we get hurt, it wasn't love.
If love was all about hurting, let's debunk that and answer the questions instead.
Was it possible to love someone who hurt you? Yes, because at some point in life, we loved them with our whole being before they hurt us.
Was it possible to hurt someone you love? Absolutely. Whether you intended it or not, it's still possible to hurt someone you love.
It's been two years since Y/N and Harrison broke up. The two twenty-five year olds would have been dating for twelve years. They would've been engaged. Harrison had a ring prepared, after all. He bought it after Y/N's visit all those years ago. He didn't propose because he wanted to wait.
Waiting. True love waits until you regret not shooting your shot in the first place. If Harrison knew that they'd break up years later, he would have proposed then and there. If he did that, Y/N would've said yes and they would've been happily married. They would've started a family.
But if he did that, Y/N wouldn't have been a singer. He knew that she'd decide to settle with him rather than focus on a singing career. He didn't want that. So he guessed that he made the right decision to not propose.
Both Harrison and Y/N didn't know what to do. They've literally been in a committed and serious relationship for ten years and now they didn't know what it was like to be single. The last time they were both single was when they were twelve and they couldn't exactly do what their single twelve year old selves did.
As each day passed by, both of them were unknowingly thinking of each other. Y/N would write songs about him, she'd record it, but she'd never release it. It would remain in her vault of songs dedicated for Harrison. She was updated with everything he was doing and Harrison was updated about her too. The fans were hurt that their power couple wasn't together anymore. But from time to time, they'd fit the other on the other's post.
Like when Y/N posted a picture of her reflection on the glass window. It was just a simple picture and the caption was: baby, not a day goes by that i'm not into you.
The fans freaked out and saw. They knew it was for Harrison. They shamelessly mentioned him in their comments and Harrison saw it. He would've seen it anyway without all the mentions. He asked himself why she'd put a lyric from their theme song as a caption. He wanted to ask her the same thing, but he knew that Y/N would answer, "why not?"
Harrison didn't know why she did that. Y/N didn't know either. Maybe, subconsciously, she knew that Harrison would see her post and maybe her subconscious was sending a message to Harrison that she was still in love with him and that she still thought of him as the love of her life and that she thought of him in general. If that were the case, Harrison felt it too. Because he, too, posted a picture with the caption: some things just, some things just makes sense and one of those is you and I.
The fans noticed and they practically begged for them to get back together. Y/N saw the picture and she finally did something she's never done in two years: she liked the picture. Again, the fans saw and they freaked out. In return, Harrison liked her picture too.
Rumors started circulating as fans speculated that they're getting back together soon. They prayed and hoped that they would.
Harrison's mother knew that everything will turn out in the end. She said that when he was twenty; when he broke down, because he was miles away from Y/N. She also said that when he called her to tell her that he and Y/N called it quits. She said it again when the rumors started. She was a wise woman. In fact, all mothers are wise women.
Y/N and Harrison thought differently about the break up. Y/N thought that maybe they actually weren't meant to be; they weren't soulmates. Harrison thought that they were meant for each other, no matter what. He thought of that thanks to his mother.
Y/N was utterly confused.
Does love always play like that? After being with someone for years, it suddenly wasn't meant? What the fuck was that? All those years were wasted. After being together with someone for a long time, it suddenly didn't work out? That's bullshit, but it happens. It unfortunately and sadly happens. Sometimes, we were just destined to meet someone. Just because we were destined to meet someone, doesn't mean that we were meant to be with that person. Someday, we'll all know an answer as to why that happens. But for now, we'll just have to accept that, that's life and that's love.
Y/N decided it would be nice to do an Instagram live stream at home, because she had a day off. She thought it would be nice to just have a chill day and maybe do some karaoke. Her tv had a YouTube feature anyway; she could search up some instrumentals of songs she wanted to sing.
An hour into her live stream, Harrison decided to watch. He didn't want people to cause a stir if he used his account, so he asked Tom if they could watch on his phone instead. Tom agreed with no hesitation. The fans saw that Tom was watching and pointed out that if Tom was there, Harrison was there somewhere. Y/N didn't notice it, because she just kept singing and randomly dancing.
It was entertaining.
After singing and dancing to "We're All In This Together", she decided to take a breather and talk to some fans. She saw that Tom left a comment here and there and she smiled and said, "Hi Tom! I hope I see you soon."
Tom smiled and commented, "See you soon!"
The fans went wild.
"Soon?? Are haz and y/n back together??"
"is she dating tom? sksks"
"lol no she isn't dating tom wtf tom wouldn't do that to harrison"
"lowkey kinda ship"
"haz and y/n are endgame PERIODT"
She chose to ignore the comments, because she didn't want to stir something up especially when they were all not true.
"This next song is called 'Someday We'll Know' and it's one of my favorite songs at the moment." She smiled and she played the song.
Ninety miles outside Chicago
Can't stop driving, I don't know why
So many questions, I need an answer
Two years later you're still on my mind
Upon hearing that line, Tom nudged Harrison and smiled at him. It was Tom's subtle way of telling him that Y/N dedicated that song for him. Tom knew that and he felt that. In some way, he felt that Y/N knew that Harrison was watching with him.
And Tom was right.
Y/N knew that Harrison was watching that's why she chose that song. If she were to sing 'Still Into You', it would be obvious. So, she did a smart move and picked the song she thought was perfect for them at the moment. Y/N didn't give Harrison closure. After all, she was the reason for the break up as much as she hated to admit it. This was Y/N's way of expressing her hurt and pain and heartbreak and sadness. Y/N thought that if she and Harrison were really meant for each other, he would feel how sorry she was.
And he did feel it. He just didn't know how to express it. He was still hurt, though. He was scared too. He was scared to be with her again. He was scared to love her too much again. He feared that if he loved her too much again, history would repeat itself and they'd let go of each other once more. Harrison was too fragile go to through that again.
Letting go. Two words that are easy to say, but hard to do. Part of letting go is moving on. The first step is to let go, because we can't move on if we're still holding on to the past. The past will always be our past as much as we hate it. But if we learn to let go of all of our past woes, we would be able to move on and live free from the past that used to cage us.
Letting go is a part of love. You see, love is a journey. It's like a life within a life. Notice how our love lives are different from our normal lives. When we're with the person we love, everything feels like a scene from a movie. But when we aren't with them, everything's so mundane.
Y/N loved Harrison enough to let him go. That was part of the journey. After all, we all have to let go at some point, right?
But Y/N was responsible for hurting Harrison. How come she had to let him go and not the other way around? Just because Harrison got hurt, doesn't mean that he's the one who should let go. Y/N had a reason: she let go of him, because she didn't want to hurt him anymore. She set him free and sometimes that's how you can show your love for someone.
Neither of them wanted it to happen, but they knew one of them had to do something. Y/N settled on letting him go instead, because he would be free from hurt.
"I'll ask Tom to get my stuff. You should stay here."
"But we bought it together after I graduated." Y/N frowned.
"Yeah, but your studio is here and if you moved out, it'll be hard to move those too. I'll stay with Tom, it's alright." Harrison gave her a small smile before leaving.
Even when they said goodbye, Harrison still cared. He never really stopped.
Caring is another form of love. When someone once had meaning in your life, you still end up caring for them. It's just the way it is. However, that only happens when you truly loved them, though. It only happens when it only ended on good terms.
"Mate, you still care about her, don't you?" Tom asked one night. Harrison glanced at him before looking back at his hands, "I never said I stopped caring. I still do."
"So, you still love her?" Tom added.
"I never stopped loving her either." Harrison replied.
"I don't get it." Tom said. "I know both of you still love and care for each other. So why aren't you together?"
"Love is complicated, Tom. I want to get back together, but I'm not sure if I should; I'm not sure if she wants to. I want to get back together, but I'm scared to get hurt again. Is that okay for me to feel that way?" Harrison looked at his best friend in worry.
Tom gave him a small smile and nodded, "That's totally valid."
Love is scary. Love is scary, because we don't know what will happen if we fall in love. Falling in love is a leap of faith. If you trust the person you love to catch you, falling for that person would be easy. If you don't, immediately let go and work on yourself first. Don't have second thoughts asking yourself if loving this person is right, because love shouldn't have second thoughts. Love should be built with trust.
Jasmine trusted Aladdin from the first time they met when they were running away from the palace guards. Before they went on a carpet ride Aladdin, or Prince Ali, asked her if she trusted him. She hesitantly said yes. She could've said no, but she didn't. But maybe she said yes, because Prince Ali was familiar to her. Sure, she was hesitant, but she still said yes. She had a feeling that Aladdin and Prince Ali were one and the same and she was right. That's why it worked out in the end. Jasmine and Aladdin were each other's soulmate.
What comes in your mind when you hear or see the word 'soulmate'?
People are divided into two when it comes to soulmates. People who believe in them and people who don't. Like hurt and love, most people have different answers regarding the question on whether they believe in soulmates and if soulmates are real.
Some people don't believe in soulmates. They believe that if a person was compatible with another person, those are because of their goals and personalities.
According to some people who said that soulmates are people who were meant to be with us. Some people also say that soulmates aren't necessarily people who we're romantically involved with, because soulmates can be friends.
From those, we can conclude that soulmates are people who we're meant to be with. Soulmates are people who are perfect for us. If so, how can we know if a person is our soulmate? Well, that's the thing. You'll just know. If you're still confused, you probably haven't found yours. It'll only make sense when you have a soulmate. One cannot simply explain on how to know if a person was written in the stars for you, because you'll know. It's a feeling and it's hard to explain.
Soulmates usually come after the storm. That's based from observation. No one talks about it, though. They only mention the calm before the storm, but they don't mention the storm itself and what comes after it. You see, after the storm, there's the sun. Calm is the love that makes us live in pure bliss and content, the storm is the hurt that unknowingly strikes and the impact of it is the inevitable heartbreak, and the sun is the peace that comes and swoops in to save us from the ruins of heartbreak's impact. That's what a soulmate is. Because after all the mistakes we've made and after everything we've been through, the sun will always be there to shine at the end of it.
One of Y/N's friends threw a party and Y/N took a day off just to go. It was her friend's birthday, after all. She wouldn't miss it for the world. What she didn't know was that Harrison would be there. Harrison didn't know Y/N was coming either. So it came as a surprise to them when they saw each other at the party.
"Fancy seeing you here." Y/N said with a smile.
"Likewise." Harrison smiled back.
"So, um how've you been?" Y/N asked. "It's been two years."
"I'm, I'm good. You?"
"Same here."
Silence fell upon them. It felt like they were thirteen again when they met up at the mall for their first date. Y/N chuckled at the thought and Harrison did the same. They looked at each other and asked at the same time, "Did you think about our first date at the mall?"
Harrison laughed, "Oh god, you did!"
"How could I not? We were so awkward!" Y/N laughed.
Once both of them calmed down, Harrison gave her a smile, "This feels nice. I really missed you."
"I really missed you too." Y/N said lovingly. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened two years ago. I was really busy and-"
"Don't worry about it, Y/N."
"I just want to say so-"
"I said don't worry about it." Harrison pushed.
"Why? I hurt you. I hurt the person I love and I want to apologize for it." Y/N frowned. Harrison held both of her hands and said, "You shouldn't worry about it, because I forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago. I forgave you before I left the house."
It now makes sense on why we care about who hurt us. We only care about them if we forgive them. If caring is another form of love, forgiveness is the same thing. An example of this would be Eliza forgiving Alexander Hamilton. But if we love the person who hurt us greatly, sometimes, we still care about them during the in between.
From that moment, Y/N and Harrison knew that they'd be okay. This moment was their sun. Harrison's mother was right once more.
Someday we'll know
Why Samson loved Delilah
One day I'll go
Dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know
That I was the one for you
The song played loudly through the speakers. Harrison and Y/N lightly chuckled. He asked, "Is this our new song?"
"I guess so, but not quite. It's complicated." Y/N replied.
"Then let's not complicate ourselves." Harrison smiled sweetly. "I love you and I haven't stopped. I'd love for us to be together again, if you'll allow it?"
"Haz, of course I want to be with you again." Y/N smiled.
Just like that, they were together again. They trusted each other enough to try again and they loved each other enough to fall back into love.
What is love? Love is a lot of things. Love is complicated. Love is nothing without trust. Love is the calm before the storm. Love is a soothing and cool feeling. Love is about balance; the give and takes. Love has a shit ton of meanings and a shit ton of perceptions. Love is real. Love is fickle. Love is everywhere.
There are no rules in love, because no one wrote such rules. We love who we want to love. We love when we want to love. Love knows no limits or boundaries. Love is different, because we write our own love stories, we create our own love stories, we have our own love stories, and we are our own love stories.  Love is a journey that everyone takes whether we like it or not. We keep loving despite knowing the storm will come, because love is natural.
Love is not rehearsed.
Love is a battlefield; it's war. Love is scary. Love is beautifully terrifying.
Is hurt a good thing? Yes.
Is hurt a bad thing? Yes.
Are pain and hurt one and the same? No. Hurt is a feeling when we're in pain.
Does love always play like that? After being with someone for years, it suddenly wasn't meant? Yes, because no one ever said that love was fair.
Love is a leap of faith.
Love is forgiveness.
The calm can happen for years. The storm can come multiple times. But the sun; the sun can only come once. We may never know what stage we're in right now. We can be at the state of calmness or we could be in the middle of a storm, but one day all the skies, our woes, will clear up and the sun will come to save us.
"There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Sorry if it’s shit lmao
𝐇𝐀𝐙 𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland @silencetheslaves @peachmaybnx @imeanlifesabitshit @joyleenl @marshxx​ @hjoficrecs
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @petersholland @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐳 𝐎𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟
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tomspancakes · 4 years
This Way: Part 5
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*not my gif*
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress! reader
Word Count: 4557
Warnings: Dickhole Tom
Summary: Uncharted filming is postponed and Tom comes back home.
A/N: Please lmk if you’re enjoying this series or have any constructive criticism for my writing! Don’t hesitate to ask to be a part of the taglist (if i can even make it work lol) Enjoy part 5, loves :)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
“What the fuck. She’s actually crazy! We have to do something about this. I mean she’s literally blackmailing Tom into staying with her!” Harry said loudly.
“Shhh, I don’t want the other boys to hear.” You said trying to quiet him down, “I know it’s crazy, but Tom and I said we’d figure out a way for her to stay quiet or something I don’t know. But the only thing we can do right now is let him stay with her.”
“No, Harry, if you do anything she’ll expose Tom and I. E-even though we’re broken up I’m not ready for people to go digging into my past life. We’ll figure something out I promise.” He nodded understanding how much you cared about your privacy.
“Hey Harry and y/n. You guys down to-” Haz came into the living room and saw your puffy eyes and bruises forming on your left arm where Allana grabbed you. It was still a mystery that she was able to bruise you, “Oh what the hell happened, are you ok y/n?” He said very concerned and picked up your arm to examine it.
“I’m ok,” You laughed, “Just a little accident when we were coming into the house.” You said trying to not mention Allana.
“Oh it was definitely far from an accident. Allana came looking for Tom and she was-”
“Harrison! We have to go outside! Allana is going psycho on y/n and Harry!” Tuwaine came running down the stairs to show Haz the security footage, “Oh, oops… I thought this was going on now…” You all laughed.
“Anyway, Allana is way crazier than we thought, guys. She was trying to accuse y/n of trying to take Tom, calling her a ‘stupid whore’ and such. Well you can see it in the security footage. We can’t let her near y/n if she comes back.” Harry said and the boys nodded crossing their arms like they were your body guards and your heart melted.
“Aw you guys are gonna make me cry, love you guys,” They smiled at you, “but I can take care of myself. She’s just being a jealous girlfriend.”
“Uh no. more like a fucking psychopath.” Harrison said sassily and the boys agreed.
“Ok whatever she is, it doesn’t matter. You guys also can’t tell Tom what happened. We all know he’d come back in a heartbeat if he finds out.” The boys looked at you with a face like, ‘what the fuck?’. 
“He left to have some time for himself so we’ll give it to him. Plus he’s gonna start filming in a few days so we can’t distract him from his work.” The boys agreed because you made a valid point.
“As soon as he gets here though I’m gonna tell him to break it off with her.” Harrison said sternly and you got a little nervous about that.
-*One week before lockdown*-
It’s been a few days since Tom had left. Tom tried to reach out to you a few times, but you wouldn’t budge.
You were beginning to get nervous hearing about the restrictions of travel to the US and your manager, Stacy, called.
“Hey y/n how’s it going?”
“Well, I’m sad filming was cut short, but I guess I could use a break. I’m trying to find a plane ticket home, but they’re so hard to find since everyone is trying to go back to the states now.” You said nervously.
“Yeah, y/n, here’s the thing. I don’t think you should come back home.”
“What? B-but what about my family?” Your manager sighed.
“Look, you were gonna be gone from home for a few months already, if you stayed it’d be like the same thing. And who knows? You may even start filming in 2 weeks like they said. Plus it���s really not safe to travel at this time. I don’t want you to get sick and I’m sure you don’t want to get anyone in your family sick.” Stacy was making really good points, you sighed and nodded, “I’m sorry, y/n, just try to come to terms with it.” 
“Ok will do, Stacy. I’ll talk to you later.” She gave you an apologetic smile and hung up. You were upset, but at least you wouldn’t be alone right? Quarantining with 4 other boys was going to get real interesting… especially when one of them is your ex.
“Everything alright, Y/n?” Harry sat next to you on the couch. You shook your head and rested it on his shoulder. 
“I can’t go back to my family because of the virus.” He looked at you apologetically and rubbed your back.
“It’s gonna be ok you have me, Harrison, Tuwaine, and Tom will probably be home soon.” You nodded and felt a sense of comfort knowing Tom would be back soon.
- In Berlin, Germany-
Tom got a text from the producers for the entire crew to meet in the hotel lobby. Tom already had an idea of what was about to happen. As soon as everyone got there the director, Ruben Fleischer spoke. 
“Thanks for coming down everyone, I assume you already know what this announcement is about. We’re going to have to postpone all production of Uncharted until it is safe to return. I suggest that you make your way home soon since travelling restrictions are getting worse.” As soon as he finished talking Tom got a text from his assistant, Ben, saying that he already booked Tom a plane ticket last night because he heard the news beforehand somehow. 
Tom was sad that he’d have to leave doing what he loves most, but he was excited to go back home and see you and the boys. He thought of this as a nice little break, then he remembered he had to deal with Allana and he sighed.
He sent a text to a groupchat called, “y/n and divs,” (which consisted of everyone in the house) saying he’d be going back home now.
- Heathrow Airport - 
Tom tiredly tried to hail a cab until a familiar car pulled up in front of him. 
“Hey, Tommy.” Tom's eyes widened. How the hell did she know he was coming back? “Hop in, baby.” He gulped and walked into the passenger seat.
“How’d you know I was coming back?” Tom asked, a little freaked out.
“I had Ben update me since you weren’t responding to any of my texts or calls for three fucking days! Which we really need to have a chat about.” She said getting mad, then she breathed out trying to calm down and cleared her throat, “I’m just worried about you, Tommy.” She smiled at Tom and kept driving.
“Sorry I was really busy with work and they needed me to come to set early.” He lied, hiding the fact that he was trying to get away from her. He texted the, “y/n and divs,” group chat,
Tom: Hey, just landed. Allana picked me up. She's taking me back to her flat, I’ll try to be home before 8
Harrison: Oh shit good luck lol
Tom looked confused at the text. Did Harrison know something?
Tom’s heart sped up when he saw that you texted, but in a private chat. 
Y/n: Make good decisions… Be safe please x
It’s the only thing you’ve said to him in a few days. He knew you’d come around eventually and your concern for his safety made him smile. ‘Wait, why is everyone texting me like embarking on a dangerous adventure?’ He thought.
“Who’re the texts from?” Allana asked. 
“Oh uh nobody.” Tom quickly deleted his messages with you just in case Allana would see.
“Bull shit.” She said sternly and snatched Tom’s phone, “Ugh why does Harrison hate me so much?”
“Allana what the fuck you’re driving! What the hell is going on? You’ve been really cr- uh different since the dinner.” Her mood went from mad to sad in 0.0002 seconds as she pulled over. She sighed and said innocently,
“I-I’m sorry, Tommy. I-I guess I’ve just been so insecure ever since y/n showed up and I don’t want to lose you because you're such a great guy. And it really hurt that you left without telling me because it was our 5 month anniversary.” Tom’s eyes widened because he forgot about that and began to feel bad and sighed.
“Allana, why didn’t you just tell me that? You have no need to worry either, Y/n and I aren’t getting back together.” Tom hurt himself when he said that. He wished he could get back with you, but you just wanted to be friends. Allana perked up right away and leant over the console to give him a long kiss, but Tom cut it short, still not able to trust her. She cleared her throat and began to drive again.
“I’m going to use the loo really quick, then we can go pick up some dinner.” Allana said. Tom nodded and decided to check his security cams since he hasn’t in a while. He casually scrolled through the usual footage of the mail men and people coming into/ leaving the house, that is until he saw a video of Allana going to sit on the porch and noticed it was from the day he left. His blood began to boil when he saw Allana yank you back and say all those mean things to you. 
The driver door swung open, “Ok, ready to-”
“Allana what the fucking hell is this?” Tom hissed and showed Allana the footage. Her eyes went wide, 
“First off you left me without any warning. I’m your girlfriend, Tom! Second you didn’t answer any of my texts or calls on our 5 month anniversary. Third it really seems like you weren’t trying to stay away from y/n, don’t even think for a second I didn’t see what Tuwaine posted.” Tom looked at her confused, she groaned and pulled up the picture of you laying across all the boys. “Care to explain? Because I’m very close to exposing your little secret.” She said darkly.
“Allana, jeez that was before you started this insane ‘deal’ of yours. I swear.” 
“Hm, you got lucky this time Tom.” She snarled. Tom was getting fed up,
“That’s it. You called y/n really rude things and would have hurt her. I can’t do this anymore you’re insa-”
“Ohp stop right there, Tommy, if you’re trying to break up with me right now remember that the ball is in my court.” Tom furrowed his brows in anger, “If you do I’ll make the story worse. I’ll go straight to TMZ and along with your past relationship I’ll tell them that you and y/n were fucking behind my back. I’ll make sure to ruin both of your careers.” Tom stayed silent. 
“Oh, Tommy, don’t look so sad.” She said in a baby voice.
“I need to go. I can’t be around you right now.” Tom got out of the car and retrieved his luggage. She yelled behind him,
“Don’t forget about what I can do, Tom. I want you back at my flat tomorrow.” 
Tom walked to his friend Connor’s house which was only two blocks away and knocked on the front door.
“Hold on I’m coming!” The door swung open, “Tom? Mate, it’s been so long you ok?” They bro hugged before Connor let him in.
“No actually, I uh came here for some info…” Connor raised his brow, “about Allana.”
“Oh shit, Tom. I told you you should’ve left her as soon as possible.”
“Yeah I know. I-I don’t know why I didn’t listen to anyone. I guess I just wanted to be with someone.” He sighed and his mind went to you as he plopped down on the couch.
Connor patted his back and sat next to him, “It’s ok you’re not the first guy to have troubles with Allana. Well, what’d you want to know?”
“Every single detail of her last relationship.” Tom said sternly.
“Thanks for giving me a ride home and for telling me everything, mate. I owe you.” Tom said, giving Connor a bro hug over the console.
“Don’t even worry about it. You already got yourself in quite a pickle.” Tom laughed tiredly and turned to walk to the house. 
“Hey guys I’m home.” Tom said in a very unenthusiastic way. Nobody came to greet him or anything, he heard voices upstairs and decided to check it out.
“Bro, that’s sick! Do it again.” Harrison said amused. 
“Haha alright I will, give me a second. Y/n, are you recording now?” This time it's a familiar American voice that’s coming through the phone. Tom walked into your room to see all the boys huddled behind you at your desk. He knocked on the door frame and everyone turned around. 
“Aye look who’s back. It’s Tom!” Tuwaine cheered. Your heart skipped a beat with excitement.
“Oh, wait a sec not yet.” You said as all the boys went to greet Tom. You sat there afraid that Allana might be watching the instagram live.
“What’s going on here?” Tom asked, coming to look at your phone. He saw you were on an instagram live with Gavin Leatherwood. His heart dropped and his body began to heat up with jealousy. 
“Hey, Tom! Long time no see. I was about to do a double front flip. Did you just get back from filming?” Gavin asked nicely. Tom had a straight face the entire time. You could sense Tom was not happy and you watched him closely afraid he’d do something bad.
“Yep. Filming got cancelled for me.” He said seriously and stood straight up to walk away without letting Gavin respond. ‘Well that went better than expected.’ You thought. The boys looked at him apologetically, but went back behind you to watch Gavin flip.
“Uh, Gavin, why don’t you do that flip and that’ll be the last thing because we gotta go.”
He nodded and did the flip, sticking the landing perfectly. The boys cheered and everyone in the comments went crazy. 
“Nice, mate, you’re so good at that!” Harry said, clapping still. Gavin laughed,
“Thanks it took a lot of time for me to get that down. Alright you all gotta go now?” You nodded, 
“Yeah sorry, it’s around dinner time here now.” You said.
“No worries! It’s breakfast time for me anyway. Text me and send me the video.” You nodded and both said your goodbyes to everyone watching the live.
“Man that was dope. Y/n, you have to get him to hang out with us when this is all over.” Haz pleaded before speaking with Tuwaine. You giggled and nodded in agreement.
“Y/n, I don’t think Tom was very happy about that.” Harry said sticking with you as Haz and Tuwaine walked ahead.
“Yeah no shit, he had a straight face the whole time. Should I talk to him?” Harry shrugged.
“Maybe? I mean it seems like he’s already had a really rough day.” 
“Yeah I just don’t want to make his day worse-” Harry cut you off pointing at Tom sitting at the dinner table. He was drinking a beer and had an empty shot glass next to him,
“Looks like you should talk to him, hear him out or something. I’ll help Haz and Tuwaine cook dinner.” Harry sighed and walked to the other boys.
You nodded and made your way over to Tom rubbing his shoulder before sitting down, “Not even 20 minutes here and you’re already trying to get drunk?” You joked and he scoffed. Oof. “Wanna talk about anything?” You looked at him concerned. 
“Hm yeah I do. I’ve got a lot to talk about actually, but seems like you’d much rather drool over Mr. Leatherwood instead of listen to poor old Tom.” You sighed and gave him a sad look. 
“Tom, Gavin just joined my instagram live because he was bored. We were just entertaining other people.” You didn’t want to say anything more because you were worried Tom would only get more upset. 
“That’s fucking bull shit.” He hissed taking another swig of beer, “He was literally just trying to impress you with his stupid flip, which isn’t even that impressive. You know I could do that too, y/n. He’s not special.” His jealousy was beginning to show. You smiled a bit at him and nodded, 
“I’m sure you can do that and more, but he’s just my friend and he knows that’s all he is to me.”
“Does he really? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better? Who decided to break up first in the relationship?” His voice was raising a bit and Harrison and Tuwaine kept looking your way. 
“Maybe we should take this conversation to the liv-” You said already standing up. But Tom lightly pulled your waist back down to the chair.
“No we’re going to talk about this here and now. Who decided to break up first?” 
“L-like I said, it was mutual.” You said softly
“No that’s bull. I can tell you’re lying.” You shut your eyes stressed and sighed,
“Ok, I was the one that suggested it.” Tom sat back looking satisfied taking a sip of his beer.
“Ya, that’s what I thought. You don’t like staying tied down. Did you also tell him you still wanted to be friends so that you could fuck him when you’re feeling lonely?” You stared at Tom in disbelief.
“What the hell, Tom?” He snickered darkly and shook his head.
“Oh my god, you’re not even fucking denying it. You probably go around telling guys that you’d be their friend instead of straight out rejecting them so you can fuck around with their feelings and have some sex when you feel like it.” Your vision began to get blurry with every word Tom said, but you refused to cry.
“You of all people should know damn well that I’m nothing like that, Tom.” You spat
“Do I really though, y/n?” Tom said, his voice booming. The other boys all turned to you two now. “You couldn’t even tell me the truth about you and Gavin and then I see the shit Allana did to you a few days ago? Well actually none of you fuckers bothered to tell me about it.” He said turning around and pointing at the other boys. “Damn it this is my house as well!” You stared at him with apologetic eyes.
“Hey, Tom. We didn’t tell you what went down because you said needed to leave for space and we gave it to you. Don’t blame y/n for anything.” Harry said standing up for you now. Tom scoffed.
He turned back around and looked at you straight in the eyes, “What, are you getting into my friends’ minds now? I left for you, y/n. I left so that I could fix shit and all for what? Fucking lies. That’s all I get in return,  and you never even communicated back to me. You were probably being petty because I left. Which again was for you damn it!” He was beginning to turn red and getting angrier by the second. Nobody was prepared for what he was about to say next.
“You know what? You’re a manipulative snake and get everyone wrapped around your little fucking finger so that they can do your work for you. You never probably even thought about how I felt about this situation or how I felt when you wanted to hide our relationship.” Tears rushed down your face now, “And you know what? I’ve fallen under your spell, but I can’t do it anymore, I’m done with your shi-” 
“Tom! You fucking dickhead. You don’t even know half the shit y/n has been through after you broke up. You can’t blame her for anything when she reached out to you and you couldn’t even work up the damn courage to simply reply.” Harry walked over to you and pulled you up as he glared at his brother. “Let’s go y/n. I’ll have the boys bring us food later and we can start a movie marathon now.” He comforted you as you walked away from Tom. 
“See, Harry? You’re falling for her shit too!” Tom said and Harry flipped him off. That made your heart break even more.
“Fuck!” Tom yelled and slammed his hands on the table. Haz and Tuwaine walked over to him and sat him down. All the words Tom said to you replayed in his mind and he immediately regretted saying them. 
“I fucked up didn’t I?” He asked his friends with his head in his hands.
“Majorly.” Tuwaine said.
“That was really harsh, mate.” Harrison said, “Why didn’t you tell us what was going on? You never even told us how you felt after you guys broke up. You kept saying you were fine when we tried to reach out.”
Tom sighed, “That’s because I’ve never felt that much pain before. I didn’t even know it, but I’ve been numb the whole time she was gone. I-I think I stayed with Allana because she distracted me from my heartache, and look how that’s going for me now.” He looked up at his two friends with tears in his eyes.
“W-well mate I mean anyone who was born yesterday could even see that Allana was just there to keep you busy…” Harrison said and Tuwaine slapped his neck while Tom groaned.
“God, Harrison, you’re shit at this. Tom, don’t pay attention to him. The only way you can fix this is by confronting the pain, not ignoring it. No matter how painful the feelings and memories are you need to bring them out and come to terms with it.” Harrison nodded.
“Yeah, you’re not the only one who’s felt pain before. You know I’ve been numb after a bad breakup before, and you were there to help me heal. It’s gonna be difficult to get over it trust me on that, but you have us here and your family to help you. Now if you don’t mind, why don’t you tell us what you’ve felt the past 6 months so we can help now.” Tom cried more and hugged Harrison and Tuwaine. 
“I feel very vulnerable right now, but thanks, you guys are the best.” They smiled and sat across from Tom to listen to his troubles.
“It’s ok to feel vulnerable sometimes.” Tuwaine said.
“Wow, I feel like shit, but also a little free.” Tom said sniffling, his eyes were beyond puffy, and they were hurting a bit. Both Haz and Tuwaine cried a bit as well.
“Yeah that was pretty heavy, but I know you’ll get through it, mate. You’re strong.” Tuwaine said with a smile and Harrison agreed,
“I think you should talk to y/n about this though. She needs to know what you’ve been feeling. Oh and of course apologize for what you said to her.” said Harrison. 
Tom nodded and asked, “Do you think y/n will ever forgive me?” 
“From what I know I think she’ll come around eventually, but you know her the best, mate.” Tom agreed and hoped to a high power that you’d forgive him even if it takes weeks. Tom was determined to win your trust and friendship back.
“Here take this food up to her and Harry as well.” Haz said, handing Tom two plates.
Tom lightly kicked your door because his hands were full. Harry swung the door open and clenched his jaw a bit when he saw Tom, but his expression softened when he saw how puffy and red Tom’s eyes were. 
“Well you look like shit.” Harry joked, making Tom smile a bit.
“I feel like it too.” Tom said softly. 
“Is that for us?” Harry asked looking at the two plates in his hands.
“Y-yeah,” Tom handed Harry the plates, “I wanted to apologize to you for being a dickhead, I get now why you guys didn’t tell me what happened.”
“We’re a bit at fault too, we should’ve thought about how you’d feel.” Tom nodded in agreement, “But you shouldn’t be apologizing to just me. You really hurt y/n’s feelings.” 
“Yeah I know. I need to talk to her now.” Tom said sternly. Harry peaked back into your room and said,
“Sorry she doesn’t want to talk right now.” 
“Y/n? Please let me explain everything. I-I didn’t mean what I said to you down there.” Your heart began to beat faster. The door was opened wider and you saw Tom’s tired and sad face, your heart ached, “Please, y/n, I-I need you.” You wanted to give in, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to and you shook your head.
“Tom, I’m sorry. I’m not ready to talk yet. P-please leave.” You said as tears rolled down your cheeks again, his heart dropped.
“W-well then, I’ll wait out here until you’re ready to talk.” You watched as he began to cry again and sit against the wall across from your door. Harry gave his brother an apologetic look before coming back into your room and shutting the door. He set the plates on your desk and gave you a long hug. You sobbed even more.
“H-Harry, I’m hurting.” 
“Shhh, I know. I can tell Tom is hurting right now too.” He rubbed your back.
“I-I think I should leave.” You said and Harry detached from you. 
“What? No you can’t do that, y/n. It’s not safe to leave the country a-and Stacy said you can’t remember?”
“No, I mean leave this house. I know it’s gonna be hard to find a place, but I’ve only caused problems and I don’t want to cause anymore conflict.” You looked at Harry sadly.
“I’m not gonna force you to stay, but running from your problems doesn’t solve anything. Remember when you told Tom that?” You nodded your head sadly. He was right, but you felt like a mess and you didn’t want the boys to have to clean you up.
- Hour and a half later -
“Love, I’m going to go to bed now. I can stay and sleep on the floor if you want.” Harry said.
“No no. It’s ok I’m feeling a lot better now. Thanks for making me feel better with Harry Potter.” You smiled at him, your eyes hurt a bit.
“No problem, love. Don’t hesitate to come to me if you need anything later tonight.” You nodded and he kissed your forehead walking away with the two empty plates. When he opened the door your heart melted seeing a sleeping Tom with an empty plate next to him. 
Harry looked back at you and chuckled, “He really did wait. You want to talk to him?” You thought for a bit before sighing and nodding your head. Harry nudged Tom with his foot and he stirred awake. Tom looked surprised at you before getting up. He thanked Harry for taking his plate and walked into your room. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry-”
“Tom, before you say more, I’m going to move out.” Tom’s heart broke. He couldn’t let you leave again, not after everything he told Haz and Tuwaine.
Tag list <3 :  @averyfosterthoughts @thollandx @mrsjeffwittek @panicattheeverywherekid @racewife2004 @greatpizzascissorstaco @witchything @wheelertozier @runway-to-my-aid @rafficorn @jessirosebud @peterspideyy  @superstarchick @jackiehollanderr @astridcommings @mineymak712 @hollands-osterfield @inhumanwithpowers @aduky​ @thevelvetseries​ @twelfthnightorwhatyouwill1998​
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hufflepuffhollander · 4 years
Hi, can you do 1,2,15, and 18?
I sure can! finding a common thread through all of these prompts was a real artistic challenge lol
tom x costar!reader | contains language and a lil razzle dazzle of fluff | word count: 1.1k oops | enjoy!
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1. “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
2. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
15. “I’ve never felt this way before….and it scares the shit out of me.”
18. “Wait a second, are you jealous?” 
At the cast party for your latest movie, you weave through the groupings of socialites to find Tom, but it proves to be a challenge.
“Mr. Holland! Over here! How would you describe your relationship with your costar y/n after being on set with them filming for almost a year?” a reporter tries to shout over the roar of conversation at your coworker-turned-best friend.
“Shit, you’d think these guys would take one night off,” Tom says, feigning surprise that a cast party of this scale would draw the attention of the tabloids and their spies. His best friend Harrison laughs but doesn’t let Tom avoid the question.
“Yeah, mate, how would you define the relationship?” He raises his eyebrows suggestively, and Tom looks both ways as if crossing a busy street to make sure you’re out of earshot. But you aren’t. Just now coming up on the pair, you hear his friend’s question and quickly take cover, pretending to order a cocktail so you can violate their privacy and listen in. 
“Honestly, man, I don’t know. I’m afraid to do anything to fuck up what we have. But god, I’m, like, obsessed with her...” Harrison puts his arm on his friends shoulder.
“Well it’s clear as fuckin’ day you both have some unresolved feelings for each other that maybe you need to stop avoiding,” he says, trying to be supportive, but it just makes Tom nervous.
“But I can never bring it up. When I try to, and she looks at me, I just...my brain gets fuzzy,” he says, forgetting that others may be able to hear his close-to-home sentiments. “I’ve just never felt this way before…and it scares the shit out of me. Plus, all the papers say she’s an item with some guy back in her hometown,” he fails to hide his frown.
Someone trying to get by pushes you into view, blowing your cover. Tom sees you and his face instantly softens. “What’s up, boys? You look lost in thought,” you join the group and try to hide your very recent eavesdrop.
“Nah, just talking about all the celebs who didn’t bring a plus one,” Harrison starts. “Speaking of which, y/n, where’s yours?” Tom shoots daggers at his friend for bringing up such an obvious segue into talking about your relationship status. 
“Uh, who would I have brought?” you looked at Tom expectantly, trying to figure out why he hadn’t asked you to go with him when you’d joked about it for months. “It would confuse the shit out of all the press,” Tom would laugh. “Imagine what they’d say if they found out we went together.” He acted like he was kidding, but his acting isn’t as good off script as you’d think.
“Well, what about that guy from back home we’ve heard about?” Harrison continues to pry, and Tom, out of pure nerve, joins in. “Yeah, he’s a townie nobody, the press would eat him up...”
“We’re not even a- wait, why would you two even care?” you see Tom avert his gaze. “Oh my god, wait a second, are you jealous?” you look at Tom, one eyebrow cocked up, smirk forming on your lips. He laughs nervously, trying to deflect the attention away from his increasingly hot cheeks. 
“Me? Of that guy? Never,” he laughs again, eliciting an eye roll from you. “Whatever you say, hun,” you respond, leaving to mingle. Tom turns to his friend and socks him in the arm.
“Ouch, fuck!” he exclaims, rubbing his shoulder in pain. “Where’d you learn to throw a punch like that, huh?”
“What the hell, Harrison? I told you we’re still figuring it all out,” he says, head clouded with the vision of you walking away.
“I’m doing you a favor. You need to tell her how you feel and stop being such a schoolgirl about it,” he says, leaving Tom in the dust to go get another drink.
the next morning
You go for a run early, trying to work out the tangle of thoughts in your head about Tom, analyzing and over-analyzing what his every word could possibly mean. Absentmindedly, you run off your regular route over to his apartment, only realizing how your subconscious has betrayed you once you’ve reached his door. You couldn’t take this any longer.
you: hey pal, I’m outside, open up.
The door swings open and Tom appears in the doorway, genuinely happy to see you. “OMG, you’re sweaty,” he exclaims, sizing you up from your workout. He tries to distract himself from how your yoga pants perfectly accentuate your curves, how the sunlight behind you makes you look like a glowing angel...
“Shut it, I ran out of water.” lie. “Can I come in?”
 You plop down at his kitchen bartop, nerves building up in your chest. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?” you ask, and Tom comes to stand at the counter to face you. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you seemed to take quite an interest in my personal life,” you say, prodding him to start confessing. But no such luck. 
“Just making conversation,” he says. He’s building up the courage to just pour out his feelings for you, but the words feel trapped on his tongue. You’re tired and impatient, and you let your endorphins guide you through your next slippery slope. “Hey, those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” 
“What are you on about?” suddenly catching the hint that you heard his conversation with Harrison the night before. 
“Tom, we can’t keep this charade up forever,” you start. “What...what are we doing here?” you look down, desperately trying to hide that your whole world lies on his answer.
He curses under his breath. “I just never stop thinking about you,” he looks down at his hands like there’s something interesting to see. “...but I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.” You make your move and boost yourself to sit on the counter, moving him to center himself between your knees. His eyes are wide, confused and full of anticipation. You take a deep breath, and place your hands around his neck.
“I’ve been waiting so long to hear that,” you say, finally able to look him in the eyes. You can feel his whole body relax under your touch. “Because I’m pretty sure you are, too.” you fixate on his growing smile.
He pulls you closer, letting his hands rest on your waist. “I’d kiss you if you weren’t so sweaty right now,” he chuckles, and you pull away so he can see your eye roll.
“Well, I’m giving you three seconds to do it anyway.” Tom takes his chance and places the sweetest kiss on your lips, a whole year of waiting for this moment making it taste that much sweeter.
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